Gorbachev's domestic policy briefly. Zovnishnya politika m.s. Gorbachev. The main directives of Gorbachev's activity

Exploring a lesson on a topic

Domestic policy of M.S. Gorbachev". Grade 9

Qile:illumination - Get to know the main principles of domestic policy, the special features of M.S. Gorbachev;

developing - To characterize historical facts, to correct the internal political course of the rulers of Russia of the XX century with the politics of M.S.

Gorbachov, to characterize the activity of political peculiarities, signifying their contribution to the development of the history of a given period; know the basics historical evidence, which are due for hours of rest, political children;

vikhovna- to formulate a statement about the folding and the importance of historical processes that occur during the hours of M.S. Gorbachev.

Ownership: map "Political map of the world", "SRSR in the XX century", portraits of the rulers of the XX century, distribution material "Political special hours of M.S. Gorbachev".

Understand that term for the lesson: derzhpriynyattya, inflation, privatization, perebudova, farmer.

Type of lesson: combinations.

Hid lesson.

    Organizational moment (studying; explanation of the goals and task of the lesson). (5 min)

    Revising housekeeper(learn how to beat the test task,(Supplement 1) and then, together with the teacher, the quality of the victorious work is re-evaluated and an assessment is made). (7 hv)

    Vivchennya and reinforced by new themes. (25 min.).

1. "Rulers of the XX century" (learn to chronologically order the portraits of the rulers of Russia of the XX century on the doshtsa and win the task).(Supplement 2.3) .

- “Father, I guessed once again the names of those important names of the twentieth century” - the words of the reader.

2. “The country after the death of L.I. Brezhnev” (reader's testimony about the main rise and fall of the rulers of Russia after 1982).

3. "Politics and economy of the country after the death of L.I. Brezhnev" (learn how to take cards from tasks to nutrition No. 2 topics).(Appendix 4).

    After re-checking the task for the cards, the reader is re-reading the passages about the politics of M.S. Gorbachov(Appendix 5), far ahead of learning about respect for listening and revealing the important situation in politics and the economy of the hour.

    Learn to speak out in the upcoming positions: perebudova, perebudovny zastіy, democrat, Bіlovezka Pushcha, taloni, quick.

4. "Main principles of domestic policy" (reader's comments about important historical facts, which are found near the country).

5. “The internal policy of M.S. Gorbachov” (learning how to beat the head of the historical dictation).(Appendix 6).

Podії, like and istorichnі yavishcha can't win and develop without the activity of specialness, - the reader explains. So let's make it clear who is alive and working under the reign of MS Gorbachev?

6. “Individuals at the edge of the country” (a view from the help of supplementary food, at the same time as a teacher of portraits).(Supplement 7.8).

IV. Reflection.

The teacher opens the large folder under the name "Menu".

Let me know what you, lads, took to the Perebudova restaurant. Stravi mortgage - the main subdivision of the period of the hour. Yaku b vi Strava zamovili, once again come here? Yaka Strava did not suit you? Why? Which dish called out to you the most interesting?

V. Homework.

    Information about Gorbachev;

    Characteristics of the internal policy of M. Gorbachov;

    The card clerk.(Appendix 9).

addendum 1.

    Is the rule of which emperor is characterized by a policy of “accused socialism”?

    Stalin I.V.

    Khrushchov N.S.


    Who carried out the collectivization and industrialization in the country?

    Stalin I.V.

    Khrushchov N.S.


    Who among them came to power in the aftermath of the coup d'état?

    Stalin I.V.

    Khrushchov N.S.

    Brezhnev L.I.

    Who was the first to run the “General Secretary of the Party” camp?

    Lenin V.I

    Stalin I.V.

    Brezhnev L.I.

    For whom are the rulers called "the apogee of Stalinism"?

    Lenin V.I

    Stalin I.V.

    Brezhnev L.I.

Keys to the test:

1c; 2a; 3c; 4b; 5c;

Criteria for assessing knowledge of the test:

5 points - "5";

4 bali - "4";

3 bali - "3";

2 bali - "2".

Addendum 2.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Addendum 3.

Meals are well illustrated.

    Under some serial number is a portrait of Stalin IV? (Number 3).

    Who among them is right before all? (Mikola Romanov, No. 5).

    Who among them is the ruler of the fourth? (Khrushchov N., No. 2).

    Who rules the others after Mikoli? (Lenin V.I, No. 4).

Addendum 4.

Card number 1.

Yakі come in after proponuvav spend Andropov schodo inducing fret in the state?

Card #2 .

What camp of the economy after the death of Leonid Brezhnev? Cause crisis and stagnation.

Card number 3.

What are the reasons for the political establishment of Russia, what did you try?

Card number 4.

Why did the economic reform fail to produce positive results?

addendum 5.

Parts about the politics of Gorbachov M.S.

1. At the end of the crying zhebrak.
Served with a thousand rubles.
Throwing a thousand on the sand.
Ask for a piece of bread

2. We don’t drink the burner,
Meat mi not їmo.
We turn on the TV
I hear advertisements.

3. Why are cows
Don't give us milk? -
“So im talking about perebudova
They don’t sing tales at the khlіvі.

4. Skilki sche trivatime
Perebudovny zastіy?
Pennies pour, like water,
Hamanets is always empty.

5. My mile is a democrat,
On harmonica grє: -
Mi vilni, brother,
Oh that democracy!

6. CIA and FBI
Nina is unemployed.
No more SRSR -
Nope for Kim!

7. The presidents sat
At Bіlovezky Pushcha.
I wondered about the future
In the thick of the cave.

8. Perebudova taught
Boil moonshine:
Z pivpuda - vіsіm lіtrіv,
All - to the point - burn.

9. Now we can’t drink the burner, we can’t drink the Sahara.
Teeth clean and whole, Gorbachev is heard.

10. Oh, yak shvidko, oh yak shvidko
Ripe grapes.
I loved communist
And now vin is a democrat!

11. By coupons - bread and cute,
Without coupons - nothing.
Without coupons, ninth enough
Only on vuha lokshina!

12. About somіy wound spіvaє pіven,
About the eighth Pugachov.
Shop close up to two,
Gorbachev has the key.

13. By coupons - girku,
On coupons - licorice.
What did you get
Head from a patch?

14. Oh, how well we live
We are at the beginning of the month.
And taloni will end -
I want to rise.

15. An important factor
Ale did not see the reactor.
I now our peaceful atom
Usya Europe kriє matyuk.

addendum 6.

"Internal policy of M.S. Gorbachov".

Historical dictation.

1. New title for constitutional reform. (President of the SRSR).

2. The principle of development. (Principle of publicity).

3. Rick of the disaster at the Chornobyl NPP. (1986 p).

4. Transfer of objects to private authority. (Privatization).

5. Come in, what started the anti-alcohol policy. (Vine cutting).

Addendum 7.

"Individuals at the edge of the country". Portraits of clocks by M. Gorbachov.

Mykola Ivanovich Rizhkov (R. , , , , ) - radyansky sovereign and party fiyach. Most of the government hugging the tenant (1985-1991). Member h on . MP (1974-89 pp.)

. From 1950 to 1975, he worked at the engineering and technical settlements at the Ural plant of an important machine building named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (PO " ”): in 1955-1959 rr. shop manager, b.1959-1965 head technologist for the production, in 1965-1970 rr. head engineer, in 1970-1971 pp. director, at 1971-1975 pp. general director. In 1975-1979 pp. First Intercessor of the Minister of Importance and Transport Engineering of the SRSR . In 1979-1982. first protector of the head . In 1995, the fate of being elected as a deputy another call for Bіlgorod single-mandate electoral constituency No. 62 in the bloc "Vlada to the people". At the Duma, having stunned the deputy group . Head of the Vikonkom People's Patriotic Union of Russia (NPSR).

In 1999, in the year 1999, in the third constituency, the deputy of the Sovereign Duma was elected. In spring 2003, the date of appointment as a representative of the administration of the Bilgorod region RF.

    Valentin Sergiyovich Pavlov ( , M. , - , M. ) - (single, like having embraced the plantation with such a name) on , from 18 to 21 september 1991 rock member .. 1958-59 rr. - Inspector of State Revenues of the Financial Department of the Kalinin District District Committee of Moscow;

    born 1959-66 - Economist, Senior Economist, Intercessor of the Head of the Viddilu, Intercessor of the Head of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Finance of the RRFSR;

    1966-68 pp. - Intercessor of the Head of the Department of Finance of Important Industry of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR;

    born 1968-79 - Intercessor of the head of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR;

    born 1979-86 - head of the department of finance, co-working and pricing of the State Plan of the SRSR, in 1981-86 a member of the Collegium of the State Plan of the SRSR;

    1986 - First intercessor of the Minister of Finance of the USSR;

    born 1986-89 - the head of the Sovereign Committee of the SRSR for prices.

    1989-91 pp. - Minister of Finance of the USSR. Lieutenant of the quartermaster service to the reserve. September 14, 1991 ( ), for the sake of the Verkhovna Rada, recognizing Pavlov Yogo as a successor as a compromise candidate, an apprentice of the market economy within the framework of the socialist election. With whom renames to the Cabinet of Ministers of the SRSR, and the Head of Radi Ministers of the SRSR - to the Prime Minister of the SRSR .

Boris Karlovich Pugo ( Boriss Pugo ; , - , ) - radyansky party and sovereign fiend, first secretary of the Central Committee ( - ), head ( - ), ( - ). Member (1986-1990), member candidate (spring - Lipen 1990). MP 11th jubilee (1984-1989) from the Latvian RSR , . 3 18 to 21 september 1991 rock - member .

Kryuchkov Volodymyr Oleksandrovych (born February 29, 1924), party member since 1944, member of the Central Committee since 1986, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee since September 20, 1989. Born near Volgograd. Russian. In 1949 graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Legal Institute, in 1954. - I am looking for a diplomatic school of the MZS SRSR. Labor activity rose in 1941. robot worker. Z 1943 p. on the Komsomol robot. Z 1946 at the prosecutor's office. In 1954-1959 rr. on diplomatic work in the MZS SRSR and the embassy of the SRSR in Hungary. U 1959-1967 pp. in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPRS: referent, head. sector, assistant to the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Z 1967 at the Committee of State Security of the USSR, from 1978. stop heads from 1988 trans. Committee, one hour from 1990. member of the Presidential Radi of the SRSR. Army General (1988). Deputy of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR 11 calls. In 1991, at the time of the scythes, they were arrested and changed at the vyaznitsa "Matroska Silence". They gave amnesties. Having retired. He died on the 25th leaf fall of 2007 near Moscow on the 84th life cycle.

Gennady Ivanovich Yanaev ( , - ) - radyansky party and sovereign fiend, Vice-President of the SRSR ( - ), member , (1990-91 pp.). Pid hour buv v.o. the President of the USSR and the actual kerіvnik .

President of the SRSR

Dmitro Timofiovich Yazov (adv. , village Yazov ) - і . Remaining (after the date of the assignment) and the only one alive ( ). Before ( - ). participant . Member (September 18-21, 1991). From 2000 to 2010, I became a member of the Committee in memory of Marshal Radyansky to the Union of G.K. Zhukov, and at the same time an active member of the presidium of this Committee.Member of key bodies of low community organizations (including the Forum "Community Knowledge"and in.). Consultant to the Head of the Viysk Memorial Center evil forces Russia.

Andriy Dmitrovich Sakharov ( , - , ibid) - , academician , one of the creators of the first Radianskaya . Zgodom - a huge gamer, і ; , author of the draft constitution for the Union of Radyansk Republics of Europe and Asia Laureate . For its pravozakhisnu diyalnіst was spared all radyansk cities, awards that hanging from the retinue from Moscow. In the cinema under pressure having allowed Sakharov to turn around from the message to Moscow, which was regarded by the world as an important moment in the fight against dissent among the SRSR.

Anatoly Ivanovich Luk'yanov (R. , M. ) - a radian party and sovereign fiend, a Russian politician. The remaining head of the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR (birch 1990 - spring 1991), an associate of the first and last president of the SRSR Mikhail Gorbachev, then his opponent. From the sickle 1991 to the chest 1992 to the rock, having changed under the guard at the right , ringing in the spirit of the method of burying the vlady that in the relocated vlady

Kvіten - At the kvіtnevy Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev hung out the "early".

May 7 - Decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of the SRSR about the return of alcoholism and alcoholism - the beginning of Gorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign.

Mikhailo Gorbachev


February 25 - 6 birch - XXVII z'izd CPRS changes the party program, voting for a course towards "complete socialism" (and not towards "promoting communism", as before); planning until 2000 to bring up the economic potential of the SRSR and to secure the skin of the sim's apartment for chi houses (program "Zhytlo-2000"). The Brezhnev period of names here is the "epoch of stagnation." Gorbachev's call to the development of "glasnost".

April 8 - Gorbachev's visit to the VAZ near Togliatti. Here it is louder and louder to go out about the need for a “rehabilitation” of socialism.

26 April - Chornobyl disaster . Irrespective of her, in the places where they recognized the influx of radiation, on the 1st of January, rich crowds of the first grass demonstrations are held.

Chest - Rotation A. Sakharova from the Gorky settlement to Moscow.

17-18 pm - Nationalistic praise of Kazakh youth, more importantly Russian, for the national warehouse of Alma-Ata ("Zheltoksan").


Sіchen - Plenum of the Central Committee "from personnel nutrition". Gorbachev declares about the need for "alternative" elections (from a number of candidates) for party and radian plantations.

September 13 - Decree of the Council of Ministers allows the creation of joint radyansko-zakordonnyh undertakings.

Lyuty - Decree the Council of Ministers to allow the creation of cooperatives for the provision of services to the population and the production of comrades of the people's welfare.

May 6 - The first unauthorized demonstration of an uncommon and non-communist organization (the "Memory" partnership) near Moscow.

11 chernya - Decree of the Central Committee and Council of Ministers of the SRSR "On the transfer of undertakings and organizations of the galleys of the people's dominion to the latest state transparency and self-financing."

30 chernya - Adoption of the law "On the sovereign enterprise (unification)" (gaining rank on September 1, 1988). (Products that were developed by the enterprises after the state decree, can now be sold at free prices. The number of ministries and departments has been shortened. The labor collectives of enterprises are given the right to choose directors and regulate wages.)

September 23 - Rallies in Tallinn, Rizi and Vilnius at the river of the Molotov Pact - Ribbentrop.

21 Zhovtnya - Wystup B. Yeltsin at the plenum of the Central Committee with criticism of "more tempo of re-budding" and "the cult of Gorbachev, which is being born."

11th leaf fall - Yeltsin was taken from the seat of the first secretary of the Moscow City Communist Party of Russia (on February 18, 1988, he was removed from the Politburo).


Lyuty - The session of people's deputies in the Nagirno-Karabakh joint-stock partnership is being held from the sidelines for the removal of the region from the warehouse of Azerbaijan and the arrival to Vrmeniї. (On the 22nd of February - a skirmish between the Armenians and the Azerbaijanis near Askeran because of the death of two osibs. On the 26th of February - a million rally near Yerevan. On the 27-29th of February - the Armenian pogrom near Sumgaiti.)

1 birch - Decree of the Politburo, which allows the Komsomol bodies to establish commercial organizations.

April 5 - Official statement by Nina Andreeva: article by A. Yakovlev “Principles of Perestroika, Revolutionary Thought That Diy” by Pravda. The Statue of Andreeva is called here "a manifesto of anti-perpetual forces."

5-18 chervnya - All-Union urochist come in, in honor of the 1000th birthday of Russia.

28 chernya - 1 lipnya - ХІХ party conference of the CPRS. Before the end, Gorbachev will prolong the decision to blame the upcoming session of the Supreme Council for the sake of the plan for constitutional reform from the foundation of a new supreme sovereign body - the Congress of People's Deputies. (At the same conference in the house of animal Є. Ligachova to Yeltsin: “Boris, you are wrong!”)

11th of spring – 300,000 “Song of Estonia” rally near Tallinn calling for independence of Estonia.

30 Veresnya - At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the largest of Stalin's hours "purge" of the Politburo will be held.

July 1 - We will cover the head of the Gorbachev party with the address of the head of the state - the Head of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR (deputy of the abducted) O. Gromiko).

16 leaf fall - Voting "sovereignty" (supremacy of the laws of the USSR over the laws of the SRSR) one of the allied republics - Estonia. (The first such example. Let's do it yourself Lithuania in the grass 1989, Latvia in the lime 1989, Azerbaijan in the spring 1989, Georgia in the grass 1990, Russia, Uzbekistan and Moldova in the red 1990, Ukraine and Belarus in the lime 1990, Tajikistan in the sickle 1990, Kazakhstan in Zhovtni 1990, Kyrgyzstan in infants 1990.)

1st day - Adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the law "On the election of people's deputies of the SRSR", which changes the Constitution of the SRSR of 1977. (Two-thirds of people's deputies can turn to the population, a third - to "communal organizations." The forthcoming Congress of People's Deputies in May elected a new Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR.)

Leaf fall - chest - Massive pogroms in Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani near Virmenia.


Berezen - The first elections to the Z'yzd of people's deputies of the SRSR.

18th Birch - 30,000th meeting of the Abkhaz people in the village of Likhni for the first time Abkhazia was brought to the warehouse of Georgia and restored to the status of a union republic.

Night on April 9 - Rozgin rally near Tbilisi, elected to protest against the Abkhaz podium.

May 25 - 9 chernya - First Z'izd of people's deputies of the SRSR. Obrannya Gorbachev Head of the Supreme for the Sake of the SRSR. Creation at the z'їzdі "Mіzhregіonal'noї grupi" under the fumes of the fight for democracy. A. Sakharov's booing to the big air.

Grass - cherv - Battles between Uzbeks and Meskhetian Turks near the Fergana region.

Summer - Shakhtar strikes stun most of the coal areas in the country.

April 11 – The “Union for the sake of labor collectives” was created in Tiraspol to prevent the praise of the law on the official status of Moldova, but only the Moldavian movie – the beginning of the Transnistrian conflict.

Serpen - The magazine "Noviy Svit" publishes the publication "The Gulag Archipelago" A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

November 29 - The Verkhovna Rada of the RRFSR adopts amendments to the Constitution of Russia, which will establish the Republican Z'izd of People's Deputies (900 deputies in territorial districts in proportion to the population and 168 in other regions and national institutions).

10 leaf fall - Pivdenno-Ossetian Autonomous Region will vote for itself an autonomous republic at the warehouse of Georgia.

12-24 chest - ІІ-th Congress of People's Deputies of the SRSR. The democratic minority urged on the new clause of Article 6 of the Constitution of the SRSR about "the key directive role of the CPRS" in the state.


September 13-20 - Virmensky pogrom near Baku. The introduction of shodo yogo prinennya at the places of the army units (“Black Sichen”).

Lyuty - Mass rallies near Moscow, in addition to the statute of the 6th constitution.

March 11 - Lithuania will vote its exit from the SRSR. (The first such example. On 4 and 8 January 1990, they themselves roar Latvia and Estonia, 9 April 1991 - Georgia. The other republics, the Crimea of ​​Belarus, come from the SRSR after the Serpnevy Putsch.)

15 birch - ІІІ-th Z'їzd People's Deputies of the SRSR voted the 6th article of the constitution and elected Gorbachev the President of the SRSR. (Gorbachev takes the post of the General Secretary of the CPRS. A. Luk'yanov is the head of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR.)

Berezen - Election of People's Deputies of the Union Republics of the SRSR.

April 3 - Law "On the procedure for the delivery of food, connected with the exit of the Union Republic from the warehouse of the SRSR." In view of the holding of the republic before the exit of the referendum - and the transitional period until the examination of all the contested meals.

May 24 - Speaker of the head of the order, M. Rizhkova, at the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR, to add opinion on the concept of transition to regulation market economy, zokrema about the future price reform. Hearing this promo on TV, people immediately rush to the shops, picking up products from the counters.

30 April - Declaration on the sovereign sovereignty of Tatarstan (the first such butt from the side of not a union, but even an autonomous republic?).

Spring 18 - at " Komsomolskiy Pravda” and “Literaturniy gazeti” was entrusted with the article A.I. Solzhenitsyn “How can we control Russia? » You see the imminent collapse of communism and propagate the paths of a remote development of the country.

9 Zhovtnya - Praise for the law "On community associations”, What gives the right to create political parties.

Zhovten - The Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR adopts "The main direct stabilization of the people's state and the beginning of the market economy."

7th leaf fall - Zamakh A. Shmonov on Gorbachov street for an hour of demonstration in honor of the riverwoman of the Zhovtnevoy revolution.

Gruden - IV Third Party of People's Deputies of the SRSR recognizes the referendum on saving the SRSR as a "renewed federation of equal sovereign republics." The introduction of the post of vice-president of the SRSR (G. Yanaeva was chosen by him). December 20 - a statement to the letter of E. Shevardnadze about the "permanent dictatorship" and the release of yoga from the prison of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

26th day - Replacement of the big Council of Ministers (subordinated by the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR) by the Cabinet of Ministers (appointed by the presidents of the SRSR).

Gorbachev bіla Stіni I cry in Єrusalimі, 1992


September 22 - "Pavlov's penny reform": redemption of 50 and 100-ruble bills from replacing them with more new ones, but not more than 1000 rubles per person and more than a stretch three days(September 23-25). The fence is charged from bank accounts over 500 rubles per month per person. 14 billion rubles were forfeited for the help of the reforms.

March 17 - Referendum "on saving the SRSR as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics." (Having given a double-valued result: from one side, over three quarters of the participants hung for saving the SRSR in a new look, ale, s іnshoy, in the lower republics, those same votes were voted on supplementary food about their sovereignty - and more of it was pіdtrimalo. Six union republics: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Virmeniya, Georgia, Moldova – voted in a referendum.

April 23 - The first meeting of representatives of the nine Soviet republics at Novo-Ogaryovo on the reform of the SRSR. Cob rozrobki project to the Union of Sovereign Powers (SSS).

12 chernya - Yeltsin is declared president of the RRFSR. (Most of the inhabitants of Russia voted in a referendum on February 17, 1991 for the establishment of the post of republican president.)

Spring 5 - Law of the SRSR "On the organs of state power and management of the Split of the RSR in the transitional period." Created on the basis of Sovereign for the sake of the SRSR at the warehouse of the President of the SRSR and the greater gardening estates of the ten union republics. At their first meeting, on the 6th of spring, they recognized the independence of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Zhovten - On the basis of the law of September 5, 1991, a new Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR is created from deputies in the 7 union republics and posterigachiv in the 3 union republics. (Kolishnіy VS pinned the meeting on 31 April 1991.)

Leaf fall - Gorbachev to emerge from the KPRS, fenced in by Yeltsinim.

14 leaf fall - Kerіvniki of seven of the twelve union republics (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) and the President of the SRSR Mikhailo Gorbachov declare about us on 9 December to lay down an agreement on the creation of RSD.

1 March - Choose a president and a referendum in Ukraine, at the same time for independence, over 90% of the voters are elected.

On the 5th day of the month - meeting between Yeltsin and Gorbachov to discuss the prospects for RSD in connection with the votes on the independence of Ukraine. Yeltsin's statement about those who "without Ukraine, the union agreement will waste any sense."

8 chest - Bіlovezskiy agreement about the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the SND from three powers: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

December 21 - Alma-Ata declaration on the admission to the SND of seven more republics. Decree For the sake of the heads of powers of the SND about the dovіchnі pіlgi Gorbachov at the razі її vіdstavki.

December 25 - Gorbachev announces his volunteer appointment to the President of the SRSR. The next day, goloshuetsya about pinning the foundation of the SRSR.

Internal policy: After the death of L.I. Brezhnev at the party choir state apparatus becoming General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Yu. V. Andropov. Replacing yoga with a fierce 1984 K. U. Chernenko. After the death of K. U. Chernenko, near the birch, 1985, general secretary The Central Committee of the CPRS became M. S. Gorbachev. From the activity of the new General Secretary, the period of the life of the country, which took away the name "perebudova", was held. The main task was the collapse of the system of "state socialism". Fragmentation in 1987 the reform project was passed: 1) expansion of state independence of enterprises; 2) to revive the private sector of the economy; 3) act in the form of an outright trade monopoly; 4) shortness of the number of administrative instances; radgospiv, agrokombinativ, rent cooperatives and farmer states. Decree 1990 "On the concept of transition to a regulated market economy." "500 days", which conveyed decentralization and privatization of the sovereign sector of the economy. The policy of glasnost, as previously announced at the XXVI z'їzdі CPRS in the fierce 1986, passed: 1) facilitating censorship of the secrets of mass information; ;3) mass rehabilitation of the victims of political repressions, including the largest children radianska vlady In the 1920-1930s in the country, the shortest term was vynikli ZMI, Vilni in ideological attitudes. The political sphere took the course of creating a permanent parliament and a socialist legal power. In 1989 elections of people's deputies of the SRSR were held, and the constellation of people's deputies was created. Parties are formed along the following lines: 1) liberal-democratic; 2) communist party. The CPRS itself clearly showed three trends: 1) social-democratic; 2) centrist;

Zovnishnya politics: Large-scale changes in the internal life of one of the great powers had little legacy for the whole world. Changes in the SRSR appeared to be close to those sensible peoples of the world's spirituality, as they took away the light of hope on the finalization of peace on Earth, the expansion of democracy and freedom. Changes began at the borders of the large socialist camp. In this rank, the Radian Union called for profound changes in all the situation in the world.

Changes in the current policy of the SRSR:

1) the process of democratization in the middle of the country zmusiv to look over pіdkhіd to the rights of the people; the new adoption of the world as a single mutually independent whole destroyed the food for the integration of the country in the world's state system;

2) pluralism of thoughts and visionary conception of the opposition of two systems of light calling to deideologization of international sovereignty. "New Mislennia":

1) September 15, 1986 Radiansky Union hanging a plan for the freedom of the people in the nuclear war until 2000;

2) XXVII Z'їzd CPRS, having analyzed the prospects for the development of light, emerging from the concept of a super-friendly, ale mutually related, in fact, a whole world. Vіdmovlyayuchis vіd block ї confrontation, z'їzd unambiguously hung peacefully spіvіsnuvannya, but as a specific form of class struggle, more like a greater, universal principle of interstate freedoms;

3) the program of creating a global system of international security was universally primed, which is based on the fact that security can be less than vulgar and can only be reached by political means. This program was addressed to the whole world, orders, parties, public organizations and revolutions, as if they were rightly turbulent by the shares of the world on Earth;

4) in babies born in 1988, speaking in the Organization of the United Nations, M.S. Gorbachev, with a roaring look, presented the philosophy of a new political thought, adequate to the current historical epic. It was found out that the life of the world's spivtovaristvo - in rich variability of development, yogo richness: national, spiritual, social, political, geographic, cultural. And to that, the skin country can be free to choose the path to progress;

5) the need for action wet rose for the rahunok of other lands and peoples, as well as balancing the balance of their interests, for the sake of the global people's consensus in Russia to a new political order in the world;

6) with less sleepy forces of the world's sleepiness, one can overcome hunger, evil, mass epidemics, drug addiction, international terrorism, and save an ecological catastrophe.

The significance of this bag of "new thought" in the old politics of the SRSR: 1) the new old politics hung the Radyansky Union on the forefront of life of a carefree and civilized worldly order; 2) having collapsed the “image of the enemy”, all sorts of deceptions appeared under the rosemaries of the Radyansk Union as an “evil empire”; 3) there was a “cold war”, there was an unsafe world war conflict; until February 15, 1989 radian wars were brought from Afghanistan, the blues from China were step by step normalized; 4) the positions between the Soviet Socialist Republic, the USA and Western European lands began to appear close to the great international problems and, in particular, from various aspects of the conflict, at the approaches to regional conflicts and the way to the solution of global problems; 5) crushed the first great roki with a path of practical rozzroblennya (Ugoda 1987 about the destruction of medium-range missiles); 6) dialogue, talks become a more important form of international vodnosin.

The collapse of the SRSR: Before 1990 idea perebudovi vycherpala itself. The Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR adopted the praise "On the concept of transition to a regulated market economy", then issued a decree "Basic direct stabilization of the people's state and the transition to a market economy." There was a transfer of state power, the foundation of joint-stock partnerships, the development of private business. The idea of ​​reforming socialism was buried.

In 1991 the 6th article of the Constitution of the SRSR about the key role of the CPRS was passed.

The process of forming new parties, more important than the anti-communist shtibu, has begun. The crisis, which shoveled the CPRS in 1989-1990, that weakened її inflow allowed the communist parties of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to be cremated.

3 spring 1990 try the process of wielding the power of the center over the regions and the allied republics.

Gorbachov's administration, as a fact, accepts changes that they have made, and it is no longer enough for legislators to fix their factual failures. By the birch 1990 the third convoy of people's deputies of the SRSR was born, for which MS Gorbachov was elected president of the SRSR.

Gorbachev destroyed the petition before the cores of the republics about the need to lay down a new Union Treaty. At the birch, 1991 Bulo held a referendum on the savings of the SRSR, on which 76% of the population hung for yoga savings. April 1991 At Novo-Ogaryovі there were talks between the President of the SRSR and the heads of the Union Republics. However, out of 15 republics, only 9 took their fate, and maybe all of them voted for Gorbachev's initiative to save a rich-national state on the basis of a federation of subjects.

Until sickle 1991. Zavdyaks to Gorbachov's zavdyaks were far from preparing a draft treaty on the establishment of the Union of Sovereign Powers. The SSD was presented as a confederation with a circumscribed presidential power. Tse bula last try to save the SRSR at least I can see.

The prospect of losing power to the republics did not dominate rich functionaries.

September 19, 1991 a group of high-ranking residents (Vice-President of the SRSR G.Yanaev, Prime Minister V.Pavlov, Minister of Defense D.Yazov), having succumbed to Gorbachov's resignation, fell asleep the State Committee of the Supervisory Camp (GKChP). In Moscow, the war was introduced. However, the putschists were given a warning, protest rallies were held, and barricades were set up for the sake of the RRFSR.

The President of the RRFSR BN Yeltsin and his team characterized the DKChP as an anti-constitutional coup, as an indication that the legal force of the RRFSR could be. Yeltsin pidtrimala sklikana 21 Serpny Nadzvichayna session of the Supreme for the sake of the republic.

The putschists did not take away the support from the side of the low military commanders of those military districts. Members of the State Emergency Committee were arrested for ringing in the wake of a sovereign coup. Gorbachev turned back to Moscow.

At the fall of the leaves 1991 Yeltsin signed a decree on the regulation of the activities of the CPRS of the RRFSR.

Tsі podії hastened the process of disintegration of the SRSR. At the serpnі z yogo warehouse, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia appeared. Gorbachev zmusheniya buv legislator to recognize the decision of the Baltic republics.

At Veresni, the 5th post-Church party of people's deputies praised the decision about attaching their renewals and self-dissolution.

December 8, 1991 near Bіlovezkiy Pushcha, the leaders of the three words of the republics - Russia (B.N.Yeltsin), Ukraine (L.M.Kravchuk) and Belarus (S.S.Shushkevich) announced that they were attached to the agreement on the establishment of the SRSR.

With these powers, the proposition of the creation of the Commonwealth of the Independent Powers - SND was broken. In the other half of the chest, up to three Slavic republics were joined by other union republics, the Crimean Baltic republics and Georgia.

On the 21st of December in Alma-Ata, the parties recognized the inviolability of the cordons and guaranteed the vikonanniya of the international goiter of the SRSR.

cause the collapse of the SRSR:

  • the crisis, provoked by the planned nature of the economy, which led to a shortage of rich goods of the people's welfare;
  • far away, richly in what ill-conceived, reforms, yakі brought to a sharp deterioration in life;
  • mass dissatisfaction of the population with interruptions in the supply of food products;
  • given a greater difference in living conditions between the citizens of the Soviet Socialist Republic and the citizens of the capitalist camp;
  • zagostrennya national protirich;
  • weakening of the central government;
  • the authoritarian nature of the Ryansk Suspіlstvo, the zocrema zhorstka censorship, the fence of the church is too thin.

main findings of the collapse of the SRSR:

Rizke skorochennya vyrobnitstva in the former lands of the large SRSR and the drop in the life of the population;

The territory of Russia has shrunk by a quarter;

Access to seaports has been improved anew;

The population of Russia has changed - almost half;

The blame for the numerous national conflicts and the appearance of territorial claims between the many republics of the SRSR;

Globalization began - step by step they recruited the head of the process, they turned the world into a single political, informational, economic system;

The world became unipolar, and the United States were deprived of a single superpower.

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GORBACHOV Mikhailo Sergiyovich (born 2.3.1931, the village of Privilne, Pivnichno-Kavkazsky Krai), radian sovereign and party fiend, Russian hromada diyach; general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (1985–91), president of the SRSR (1990–91). From a rural homeland. U Veliko Vitchiznyanu war all at once from the mother (having fought at the front), leaning against the German occupation. Since 1944, he was a schoolboy at once from his father, demobilized after being injured, working on combines. For the success of the chosen one, I give birth to awards with the Order of the Red Prapor of Labor (1948).

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University (1955) and in absentia from the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute (1967).

Since 1952 member of the CPRS (candidate since 1950). From 1955 on the Komsomol work: secretary of the Stavropol city (1956-1958), 2nd and 1st secretary of the Stavropol regional committee (1958-61) of the VLKSM committees. From 1962 on a party job: 1st secretary of the Stavropol city committee (1966-68), 2nd (1968-70) and 1st (1970-1978) secretary of the Stavropol regional committee of the CPRS. Member of the Central Committee of the CPRS (since 1971), secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS (since 1978), member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPRS (since 1980, candidate from 1979). At the Central Committee, having supervised the agricultural state of the country and the production of food products, all of a sudden becoming involved in a lot of other directives of the activities of the Central Committee. Together with M.I. Rizhkovim and E. K. Ligachovim, who went up to the group, as she analyzed the real camp in the countryside, a diyshov visnovka about a serious crisis Radian economy that control system.


In 1985, at the birch plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (re-elections in 1990 at the 28th star of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union). Yogo came to rule the country, standing on the aphids of the Afghan conflict of 1979-89, so trivav, roaring in Western Europe [at the link with the installation in the European part of the SRSR of medium-range missiles - RSD-10 ("SS-20") "Pershing-2" missiles, which took them to the most important strategic objects of the SRSR, making 5 minutes. Tse, and also try the United States to implement a program of strategic defense initiatives (SOI), as it posed a threat to the security of the SRSR, there was no need to build up disarmament, especially nuclear ones, sharply worsened the global situation until the mid-1980s.

Spochaka Gorbachov, Yak I.V. Andropov, Bachiv Vikhid for the Country of Crisis in the Vythnni Procedure for the Vobritnitvі, Zmiznni Party Dischapleny, at the bosomanistry product, the technologist Moderniytiy, the Machine-Trinoi, the method of Pydidetrim. increase in national income. In order to provide a real base for his program, Gorbachev developed new technologies and goods for the national currency, 80% of which was spent on the sale of syrovin and energy resources. Tsya program took away the name "acceleration of scientific and technical progress." However, after the intensification in 1985-86 by the United States and its allies of the technological blockade of the SRSR and a sharp decrease in prices for naphtha and metal from sickle 1985 - April 1986, it became clear that the "faster" program had no prospects. The situation with the state budget was aggravated in 1985 by the fate of the city. Until then, Gorbachev was stuck with serious problems, shouting out to the unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory riches of the old clerks of the Party, the sovereign and the state apparatus that hung behind L.I. Brezhnev, using stereotyped, ineffective methods of managing people and the economy. Gorbachev, having initiated a “personnel revolution”: even before the end of 1985, a third of the members of the Republic of Moldova were replaced. Pragnuchi enlist a huge support, in 1985-86 you traveled a lot through the country, roaming the door with people.

For Gorbachev and the kerіvniki, who hung in the middle of the 1980s, it became more and more clear that the causes of the emergence of the edge and the crisis were of a systemic nature: the economic model of a supra-centralized planned economy turned out to be exhausted. On the 27th star of the KPRS (lutium - birch 1986), Gorbachev, having come low in public, behind them the name "perebudova" stuck. In the sphere of the national economy, the possibility of stoking the elements of self-regulation was shown; overnight, a new, private way of life was allowed to appear.

20 ministries and 70 largest state enterprises denied the right to establish direct links with foreign partners and create joint enterprises. Were allowed "Individual labor activity", the organization of cooperatives in the collection and processing of secondary syrovin (they grew up with great firms over the years). In the political and ideological sphere, Gorbachev spoke out on the basis of dogmatism and conservatism and initiated the policy of publicity (in fact, ideological reform). Since 1986, the freedom of speech has significantly expanded, to each other, to discuss it with guests. daily life, old and recent historical past. It became possible to form informal community organizations and unite. Zvіlnyalas vіd opіki sovereign bodies religious life in the country. Another thought has ceased to be vvazhatisya malice. Readers have access to dozens of works of classic Russian literature, which were kept in “special stores” (among them, the works of I. A. Bunin, V. G. Korolenko, M. Gorky, B. L. Pasternak, etc.) literature. New films appeared on the screen, devoted to topical problems, and the pictures turned to look at, like rocks from censored mirrors, lay on the police. The period of renewal was experienced by the theater and television broadcasting. The archives began to open up, the practical representatives of the country's philosophical and historical thoughts were treated, wide access to any earlier closed. p align="justify"> The cultural contacts of the SRSR with other countries have significantly expanded. The procedure for getting in and out of the SRSR was basically simplified. The rethinking of the history of the USSR has become an important part of the democratic process. From Gorbachev's initiatives in sichni 1988, under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions was established (until the middle of 1989, about 1 million people were rehabilitated). 140 dissidents were also amnestied. Academician A. D. Sakharov.

The new socio-political situation in the country has entered into a state of super-crisis with primordial bases at the witnesses and behavior of representatives of the party and state nomenklatura, as it has gone over to an attached support for reforms, as if sometimes they have become the nature of sabotage. Gorbachev intensified the process of renewing the staff of the party: at the beginning of 1987, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was renewed by 70%, the Central Committee - by 40%, the warehouse of the secretaries of the city committees and district committees - by 70%, regional committees - by 60%.

Vletku 1987 (at the red plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Gorbachev formulated the main ambush of economic reform, the essence of which lay in the translation of all state enterprises on self-sufficiency and self-financing, expansion of their independence. In industrialism, the plan was introduced to the state's zamovlennya for a part of the broken products and which transferred the independent implementation of a part of the business, which was lost. Usі pripriєmstva took away the great freedom from the distribution of profits, the right to enter the foreign market, to establish cohesion with foreign partners. The labor collectives were given the right to collect their own enterprises from the elections (for the sake of undertakings), directors, take over their enterprises in the state. In addition, the development of the private sector was transferred from the sphere of services to the rural state. Kolgospniks took away the opportunity to develop collective and family life, to take land from a long-term (up to 50 years) lease, to independently sell their products for free prices. In such a manner, the economic reform, according to Gorbachev's idea, is small in terms of podolat vodchuzhennya people in the result of її pratsі і vіd vlady.

The economic reform has few ambiguous results. A wealthy economy began to take shape in the country, in a similar order with the sovereign sector, having arisen and quickly gaining rank in the private sector, which was established not only in the sphere of services, but also in the banking sector. Until the end of 1987, there were 13.9 thousand cooperatives, in 1988 there were 77.5 thousand, in 1990 - 245 thousand; until 1990, the total amount of realized products of cooperatives was 67.3 billion rubles, or 6.7% of GNP; in spring 1991, 7 million people, or 5% of the active population, were employed by the cooperative sector. In the year 1989, 5 specialized banks (marveled at the statistics of Banks in Russia), created during the reform of banking activities (carried out in early 1987) and established order with the State Bank of the SRSR. At first, a number of commercial and cooperative banks were formed (at the beginning of 1990, 224 commercial banks were registered with the SRSR), and other market structures were blamed: stock exchanges, all the middle organizations.

However, irrespective of the price, the deep economic processes also began in the sphere of the sovereign economy. Керівники державних підприємств, які тепер прямо залежали від трудових колективів, підвищували зарплату за рахунок скорочення виробничих інвестицій та коштів на НДДКР, що виникли при підприємствах кооперативи не тільки дали простір для діяльності ініціативних, господарських людей, а й послужили прикриттям для перекачування безготівкових коштів у готівку . at once zbіshuvalo over the market occupied a penny mass, not provided with goods. The trade has a deficit for a number of items of the first need, the increase in prices and inflation has begun. In the agrarian sector, the reform did not give any results: the process of “resettlement of the villagers”, like Gorbachov, was far away for a rich decade of radiant history.

In the same period, the weakening of the totalitarian system, and at the same time with it, the power of the allied Kerrivnitstvo, hosted the mizhetnіchni protirichcha, which attacked their roots in the past, and also caught the manifestation of the national-powerful ambitions of the political elites. In the wake of 1987, the fate of Georgia began to roar with nationalistic strife. In the fierce 1988, after the prohanna of the regional Radiation of the Nagir-Karabagh Autonomous District, the transition to the AP of the Azerbaijan RSR and the AP of the Virmenian RSR, about the transfer of the region from the warehouse to Azerbaijan to the warehouse of Birmenia, the first bloody intermittent conflicts took place in Karabakh.

It was important to reform the political system. In 1988, for the first time, the rozbіzhnosti in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Central Committee showed up differently. Prote Gorbachev having continued the reform. The 19th All-Union Conference of the CPRS (June 28 - July 1, 1988) was a stage-by-stage character and the development was small. For the first time in the history of the Radyanskoe suspіlstva Gorbachev, having proponed, come in to the real subdivision of the functions of the party and state power. For the inclusion of the community, the process of adopting a decision was transferred to the creation of new state institutions: Z'izdu of people's deputies of the SRSR, the election for which guilt will be held on an alternative basis, and on a formal basis post-yny bases parliament. For the implementation of the reform, the post-Church session of the AP SRSR on 1.10.1988 confirmed Gorbachov's planting of the head of the Presidium of the AP SRSR. At the birch - grass 1989 the first in the krai nі vіlnі the election of people's deputies, for pіdbags like 30 secretaries of the provincial committees and the great city committees of the party recognized the blows.

On the 1st Three People's Deputies the majority of votes 25.5.1989 Gorbachev greeted the head of the AP of the SRSR. At that time, Gorbachev's centrist position was already visibly swindled by social-democratic manifestations. Vіn appointed a sense of political reform as the transfer of all power to the Rada of People's Deputies. The Inter-Regional Deputies' Group was formed on the basis of the organizational structure, and as a matter of fact, the low power began to advocate a liberal alternative to Gorbachev's reformist course. With the growing liberal opposition (“democrats” in the political lexicon of that hour), Gorbachev’s policy, which was heading towards the stepping stone of reforming the country, began to receive harsh criticism from two sides: the “conservatives” The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was supported by A. N. Yakovlev, - in the galvanization of radical changes (the protracted estimates passed into journalism, often taken up in modern historiography and public opinion).

The new internal policy, the significant world wised up by the camp of the SRSR world, showed new approaches on the right. The activity of Gorbachov played a vital role in the instrumental race of nuclear fires, which led to the confrontation with the decline of the entire international situation. In 1987, between the USSR and the USA, a Treaty was signed on the mutual liquidation of medium and short-range missiles (INF). Farther away from whom directly culminated in the signing of Moscow on July 31, 1991, to the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the speeding up and exchange of strategic offensive defenses (SNO-1). The zavdyaks of Gorbachov's politics to a normal course have changed the radiant-Chinese blues. The great positive resonance in the country behind the cordon called out Gorbachev's decision about the 1989 rotation radyansky viysk from Afghanistan. Significantly brightened the blue of the SRSR from the FRN, Great Britain and other Western European lands, rich lands of Asia and Latin America. In the same European lands, Gorbachev was inspired by the policy of exchange for the sovereignty of his country, which was carried out after the end of the 2nd World War. Gorbachev's position brought about the democratization of the regimes in the lands of Northern Europe, as well as the unification of Germany in the early 1990s. Uzgogodeni Gorbachovm I Chancellor FRN G. Kolm 6-ribs Termin Vievnnya Radyanski Zi Khikhnechini (Zgodo speeds by Rosiysky Uryak up to 5 Rockyv) The democratization of the regimes in Northern Europe, like the 1980s, led to the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact Organization, drawn up on 1.7. Tse became the cob of the cob of the split of Europe. 1990 Rock Gorbachev was awarded a bula Nobel Prize world, but at its own country level, especially European, politics often met with sharp criticism.

At the Radyansk Union, the result of Gorbachov's re-budding was a change political regime: 1990 the power of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union passed to the Z'izd of People's Deputies of the SRSR - the first in the history of the parliament elected on an alternative basis on free democratic elections. Buli reconstructed the main organs of state power, Gorbachev was elected president of the SRSR.

The systemic transformation made the situation worse. The destruction of the camps in the calm market, as well as the aggravation of the international wars (blood-shedding grounds near Baku, Tbilisi and Vilnius) were brought to the weakening of Gorbachev's hromada pidtrimka. At that very hour, the liberal opposition was brewing around B.M. In front of his opponents, Gorbachev, not allowing the enemy the opportunity to take part in political life, and without a barrage of wines, becoming his leading superman in the struggle for power. Vodnochas zhorstka unitarnist sovereign arrangement The SRSR ceased to rule and mіstsevі eliti, yakі began to spire on various national movements. The central process became especially strong after the fact that on June 12, 1990 the Z'zd of People's Deputies of the RRFSR adopted the Declaration on the sovereign sovereignty of the RRFSR, initiating the "parade of sovereignties" of those other republics - both allied and autonomous. Trying to save the integrity of the country, Gorbachev took the initiative to hold the first referendum in the history of the SRSR. On the new (17.3.1991) 76% were quiet, who, having voted (in Russia - 71.3%), hung out for saving the renewed Union. On 20.8.1991, the procedure for signing a new Treaty on the Union of Sovereign Republics was recognized by the cores of the republics, which transferred a significant expansion of the renewal of the republics within the framework of the allied power. However, this whole process was marked by the sickening crisis of 1991, which vibrated, calling out a number of features from Gorbachev's sharpening. The DPP coup failed. On August 23, 1991, after B. N. Yeltsin, he confirmed the activity of the CPRS of the RRFSR.

Gorbachev, turning to Moscow from Foros, de vin buv isolation by the putschists, on August 24, 1991, having voted about the release of the general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and turned back to the Central Committee with a cry about self-dissolution. But the defeat of the putschists did not overcome Gorbachev. Forces took the mountain from the RRFSR, B. N. Eltsinim; other allied republics declared their independence during the putsch. Prote Gorbachov, having announced the process of negotiations on the signing of a new Union Treaty, ale and yogo was announced: the presidents of the RRFSR, Ukraine, and the head of the AP BRSR on the 8th day of the month signed Bilovezki, please, 1991, to the fate of the dissolution of the SRSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Gorbachev tried more and more unsuccessful attempts to save the collapse of the state. 12/25/1991 vin declaring about the assignment of his activity in the plantation of the president of the SRSR.

Since 1992, Gorbachev has been president of the International Fund for Social, Economic and Political Studies (the so-called Gorbachev Fund). Займається дослідженням історії перебудови та розробкою ідей, покладених у її основу, реалізує гуманітарні проекти, допомагає міжнародній асоціації «Гематологи світу — дітям», бере участь у здійсненні програми «Дитячі лейкози в Росії», будівництві та оснащенні Центру дитячої гематології та трансплантології імені Р. BUT. M. Gorbachova. Since 1993, Gorbachev has been honored by the International Unruly Ecological Organization "Green Cross". One of the initiators of the creation of the Forum of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates (1999), the Forum of Light Politics (2003).

Awarded with 3 orders of Lenin and more than 300 foreign cities and prizes.

Cit.: Perebudova is a new thought for our country and for the whole world. M., 1987; Selected movies and articles. M., 1987-1990. T. 1-7; About the main directions for the stabilization of the people's state and the transition to a market economy. M., 1990; Through the richness of the economy - to the efficiency of the economy. M., 1990; Nobel Lecture, June 5, 1991, Oslo; M., 1991; Serpneviy putsch: Causes of that naslіdki. M., 1991; Breast 91: My position. M., 1992; Rocky important decisions. M., 1993; Life and reform. M., 1995; Think about the past and future. M., 1998; Yak tse bulo: Association of Nimechchini. M., 1999; Understand perebudovu: Why is it important at once. M., 2006.

Lit .: Pechenev V. A. M. S. Gorbachov: to the heights of power. M., 1991; Gorbachev - Yeltsin: 1500 days of political resistance. M., 1992; Rizhkov N.I. Perebudova: History of health. M., 1992; Chernyaev M.S. Six fates from Gorbachev. M., 1993; Grachov A. S. Dali without me ...: President's Exit. M., 1994; Medvedev U.A. At the team of Gorbachov: A look in the middle. M., 1994; Shakhnazarov G.Kh. The price of freedom: Reformation of Gorbachev by the eye of the assistant. M., 1994; The Union could be saved: Documents and facts about the policy of M. S. Gorbachev on reforming and saving the wealthy state power. M., 1995; Metlock D. F. Reagan and Gorbachev: how the cold war ended ... and everyone played. M., 2005; Piyashev N. F. M. S. Gorbachev ... who is guilty? M., 1995; At the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union... For the notes of A. Chernyaev, V. Medvedev, G. Shakhnazarov (1985-1991). M., 2006.

Domestic policy

Historical litopis » M.S. Gorbachev in the role of Secretary General

The entire domestic policy of Gorbachev was adopted by the spirit of perestroika and glasnost. Since the beginning of the century, the term "perebudova" was used in the quarter of 1986, as a half-heartedly, it was less like a "perebudova" of the economy. Later, especially after the 19th All-Union Party Conference was held, the word "perebudova" expanded and began to mean the entire era of changes.

The first steps of Gorbachov after the warnings were most importantly repeating Andropov's calls. Nasampered vin kasuvav "cult" of his plant. In the eyes of TV viewers 1986 Gorbachev rudely cut off one speaker: "Less Sergiyovich!"

In the mass information departments, they started talking again about "putting things in tune" in the country. In the spring of 1985 wiyshov decree about the fight against drinking. At the same time, the sales of wine and bitter grapes were short-lived, thousands of hectares of vineyards were harvested from Crimea and Transcaucasia. Tse brought to the growth of cherg at wine shops and promotion of moonshine more low at five times.

With a new force, the fight against swindle was revived, especially in Uzbekistan. In 1986 they arrested, and later condemned Brezhnev's son-in-law Yury Churbanov for twelve years.

On the cob 1987 The Central Committee, having carried out the deeds of the elements of democracy and virobnitstva that among the party apparatus: there were alternative elections for party secretaries, sometimes voting was replaced by the taєmnim, a system of electing kerіvnikіv pridpriyemstv and setting was introduced. All these innovations in the political system were discussed by the XIX All-Union Party Conference, which was discussed in 1988. Її the decision was made on the basis of "socialistic values" with the political doctrine of liberalism - after voting the course towards the creation of a "socialist legal power", it was planned to carry out a share of power for distribution. parliamentarism." For whom a new and greater body of power was created - the congress of people's deputies, and the Verkhovna Rada called for the creation of a constantly vigorous "parliament".

The legislature has recognized and chosen the choice: the elections were carried out on an alternative basis, the work of the two-part, one-third of the deputy corps was formed in the form of public organizations.

The main idea of ​​the conference was the transfer of a part of the ruling powers to the party order, so that the power of the radyansk organs of power would be strengthened for the preservation of the party’s influence in them.

Unexpectedly, the initiative to carry out more intensive reforms passed to the 1st party of people's deputies, and the proposition of the concept of carrying out political reforms was later changed and supplemented. III star of people's deputies who sat by the birch 1990 vvazhav for dotsіlne to introduce the post of President of the SRSR, the same was imposed on the 6th statute of the Constitution, as it closed the monopoly of the communist party on power, it allowed the formation of rich party membership.

Also, under the hour of the policy of rebudding, the sovereign peer reevaluated the current moments in the history of the state, especially the condemnation of the cult of the person of Stalin.

Ale, at the same hour, began step by step to appear and be dissatisfied with the policy of rest. Nina Andreeva, a Leningrad reader, hung this position at her editorial page of the newspaper "Radyanska Rosiya".

Overnight, with the reforms carried out in the country, in niy viniklo, it was already given a long time ago, national nutrition, as if waving in a crooked conflict: in the Baltic states and Nagir Karabakh.

Order of political reforms carried out and economic reforms. Scientific and technical progress, technical re-engineering of machine-building and activation of the "human factor" were recognized as the main direct socio-economic development of the country. More often than not, the main focus was on the enthusiasm of the working people, but on the "naked" enthusiasm nothing will happen, so in 1987 an economic reform was carried out. Won Polel at the Sobe: Rodshirenna of self -nastrimism on the ambushes of the Mr. Rozrakhunku і Samofinannan, postpovo Vidrodzhennya of the Private Sector of Ekononiki, VID Monopoli Torgovy, Glibshas of the Remes, Skorochennya of the Number of the Number of Galuzeri But all the reforms, behind some vindication, did not lead to a bad result. At the same time, with the development of the private sector of the economy, state-owned enterprises, which stumbled upon absolutely new ways of working, were not able to live in the minds of the market, which would be popular.

Update: Mikhailo Sergiyovich Gorbachov

Biographical note. 2

For administrative work. 3

Stavropillya 3

Perebudova is that quick. four

Principles of internal and external policy 4

Causes of failure 5

Zahidni politics and vcheni about Gorbachev. 5

The merits of M. S. Gorbachev. 6

Participants of reforms about Gorbachev's policy. 7

Visnovok. eight

Biographical note

Mikhailo Sergiyovich Gorbachov is one of the most popular Russian politicians in the last decades of the XX century. and one of the largest super-smart figures in the eyes of a suspіlnoї thought in the middle of the country. Yogo is called the great reformer, and the burial ground of the Radyansk Union.

Mikhailo Sergiyovich was born on the 2nd birch, 1931. at the village family near the village of Privilne on Stavropill.

In 1948 together with my father, I worked on combines and for success in the selection I gave birth, having otrimav the Order of the Red Prapor of Labor. Have 1950 r. Gorbachev finished school with a silver medal and joined the Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. Pіznіshe vіn zіznavavsya: “What is jurisprudence and law, I express myself to do it vaguely. But the station of the judge of the prosecutor impressed me.

At Moscow, Mikhailo leaned forward. Through a rich rock_v_n guessing:

“Zistavte: the village of Privilne and ... Moscow. The price is too great and the break is too great ... Everything was ahead for me: Chervona Square, the Kremlin, Great theater- the first opera, the first ballet, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Imaginative Mysticism ... the first boat trip around Moscow, the excursion around the Moscow Region, the first Zhovtneva demonstration ... I just can’t seem to find something new.” The young provincial greedily yearned for knowledge, for culture.

Gorbachev is alive with a schoolgirl, he led the way to kintsy z kintsy, wanting to take a promotional scholarship for teaching and Komsomol work at his own time. Have 1952 r. Gorbachev became a member of the party.

As if at the club of wines, I got to know Raisa Titarenko, a student of scientific communism at the Faculty of Philosophy. Veresni 1953. the stench scrambled, and the 7th leaf fall played the Komsomol party.

Gorbachev graduated from MDU in 1955. And, as a secretary of the Komsomol organization of the faculty, he was transferred to the Prosecutor's Office of the SRSR. However, the very same order, having adopted a closed decision, yak hindered hiring graduates of legal universities for a job in the central body of the court and the prosecutor's office. Khrushchev and his comrades-in-arms respected the reasons for the repressions of the 1930s. there was a dominance of young ill-founded prosecutors and judges, who were ready to win over whether they were statements of kerivnitstv. So Gorbachev, who had two children who suffered reprisals, unwillingly became a victim of the struggle against the legacy of the cult of specialism.

On administrative robots


Vіn turned to Stavropill i, vyrivshivshi not zv'yazuvatisya with the prosecutor's office, vlastuvavsya at the edge of the Komsomol on the planting of the intercessor of the head of the agitation and propaganda. Komsomolsk, and then the party career of Mikhail Sergiyovich developed even more successfully. In 1961 vin appointments as the first secretary of the regional Komsomol committee, offensive fate to switch to party work, and in 1966. obіymaє tenure of the first secretary of the Stavropol Moscow CPRS. At the same time, I graduated in absentia from the medical school of the agricultural subdarsky institute, a diploma of fakhivtsya-agrarians buv corisny for passing in the rural subdarsky of Stavropill. April 10, 1970 Mikhailo Sergiyovich Gorbachov, having become the first secretary of the Stavropol Territorial Committee of the CPRS, Anatoly Korobeinikov, who knew Gorbachov from his work, said: “Even on Stavropol, I spoke to me, reinforcing my practicality: not only with your head, but with your ass repunch”, Gorbachev and his closest assistants zmushuva to work in the same regime. Ale "poganyav" vіn only quiet, hto vіz tsey vіz, with the other you didn't bother if it was. Already at that hour, the main shortcoming of the future reformer appeared: a bright day and night, often it was not possible to achieve it in a moment, so that they summed up the order and put into life large-scale thoughts.

In leaf fall 1978 m. Gorbachev enters the landing of the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS. For whom the recognized played the role of recommendation of the closest associates of L.I. Brezhnev - K.U. Chernenko, M.A. Suslova and Yu.V. Andropov. For two years, Mikhailo Sergiyovich appeared as the youngest member of the Politburo. Vіn spodіvsya at the near future position of the first special in the party and state. What could not be changed by those who Gorbachev took, in fact, a “penal post” - a secretary, who stands for the state power, the most disadvantaged sector of the Russian economy. After the death of Brezhnev, the wines are still overflowing in this modest plantation. But then Andropov said to you: “You know what, Mikhailo, don’t surround your shoes with the agricultural sector. Try to understand everything and do it right ... Vzagali, diy so, like a yakby you had a chance at some moment to take all the evidence on yourself. If Andropov died and Chernenko came to rule for the same non-trivial term, Gorbachev became another person in the party and hired the “decreasing” of the old general secretary.

Perebudova is kind

The death of Chernenko paved the way for Gorbachev to power. March 11, 1985 plenum of the Central Committee making Yogo General Secretary of the Central Committee of the party. At the upcoming, recent plenum, Mikhailo Sergiyovich, having voted a course for a rehabilitated and accelerated development of the country. The terms themselves, which appeared under Andropov, did not suddenly become wider, but only after the z'izdu of the CPRS, which passed through the fierce 1986, XXVII. M. Gorbachov called glasnost one of the minds of the success of the transformation. The freedom of speech was not yet complete, but, accept, the ability to talk about the lack of supremacy in the press, the truth, without sticking around members of the Politburo and the foundations of the Radianian harmony. Prote already in sichni 1987. Gorbachev, stating: "It is not the fault of the Radianian society that there are zones closed for criticism."

Principles of internal and external policy

A clear reform plan is the new general secretary of the government. Gorbachev lost only a few memories of Khrushchev's "Vidliga". And, moreover, bula faith, that the calls of the kerivniks, like the kerivniks are honest, and the calls are correct, within the framework of the current party-powerful system, they can grow ordinary vikonavtsiv and change life to a better place. “The time has come for energetic and churned children”; "it is necessary to breathe, breathe and once again breathe"; “Think about everything, think about everything, don’t panic and act constructively to everyone and the skin,” Gorbachev called out with a stretch of six years of his rule.

Mikhailo Sergiyovich was convinced that, being the leader of the socialist country, you can win the honor of the world, based not on fear, but on the strength of a reasonable policy, for the leadership of the totalitarian past. Vіn believe that we can overcome new political ideas, - recognition of the priority of primordial human values ​​over class and national ones, the need to unite all peoples and powers for a joint resolution of global problems that confront humanity.

Mikheilo Sergiyovich sang the merry-go-round under the slogan "More democracy, more socialism." Proteo rozuminnya socialism in a new step-by-step was changed. More in April 1985 Gorbachev, speaking at the Polit-Bureau: "... it's not a secret, if Khrushchev brought criticism of Stalin to the level of neimovirnyh razmiriv, then it was only shkodi, if we can't pick up the shards in such a songful world." Alya soon had a chance to pick up new "shards", the shards of publicity led to such a whiff of anti-Stalinist criticism, as I never dreamed of in the rocks of the "Vidliga".

Causes of failure

On the vіdmіnu vіd course on glasnії, if you want to ease the order, and if you want to actually censor censorship, other initiatives (for example, a hard anti-alcohol campaign) were the administrative primus with propaganda. For example, after becoming President, Gorbachev tried to spy not on the party apparatus, like his opponents, but on the order of the team of assistants. Gorbachev succumbed more to the social-democratic model. Academician S. S. Sha-talin stverdzhuvav, scho yoma far away to transform the Secretary General into a broken menshovik. However, Gorbachev was acting in the face of communist dogmas too much, only under the influence of growing anti-communist sentiments among the sspilstvo. Navіt at the move of the sickle coup 1991 Mikhailo Sergiyovich, having saved his power more, turning to Foros (the sovereign dacha in Crimea), declaring that he would believe in socialist values ​​and on the basis of the reformed Communist Party, he would fight for them ... Obviously, to change his mind and not think Bagato why Mikhailo Sergiyovich, having become a great party secretary, called not only for privileges, but also for power, so as not to lie in the will of the people.

Zahidni politics and vcheni about Gorbachev

One of Gorbachev's most important hiding places at the Sunset of Old Rocks was abandoned by the famous "lady's well" - British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Assessing the first Radianian President as a politician, she said: “Gorbachev is a far-sighted person. Rishucha person. Lyudina, as a mind, what if you want to do great work, you don’t need to be afraid to make your own many enemies ... Win giving your people democracy, freedom of speech, great freedom to talk. Vіn gave the opportunity to Skhіdnіy Evropi to drink with his way. Vіn dissolving the Warsaw Treaty ... From the very beginning we are easily known spilnu mova". However, not all political ideas of Mikhail Gorbachev impressed Thatcher. Vaughn insisted: “From the roses of Gorbachev, I know that, first of all, I wanted to save the Radian Union at the lower cordons. Vin hotiv save that very territory. I immediately said to you: "Ale Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova do not lie before the Radian Union." Vin so did not wait for my point of dawn.

Piznishe, pishovshi at the post office and busy: working on spogads, Margaret Thatcher hung about Mikhail Sergiyovich richly zhorstkish. “I was stunned to lay down that Gorbachev was crushed from the same communist test,” she wrote in the book Rocky on Downing Street. - Vіn іn іn іt nіg іn nіg povnіstyu pozbutis zhiznії zhevovovazhennosti serdny radyanskogo aparatnik. Vin smiled, laughed, emotionally gesticulating, modeling his voice, respectfully stalking the argumentation and being a strong opponent... The least Vin was an unacknowledged adversary, if Rozmov reached the heights of high politics... Vin never spoke pre-prepared promos, but peeking at a small notebook with signs ... The new one has his own style. Until the end of the day, I came to a reconciliation, which style is strongly influenced by the style of Marxist preachers. I should have…”

Vіdomy American millionaire George Soros, the founder of the fund for promoting scientific achievements in Russia, characterizing Mikhail Gorbachev in his book “Radyansk system: to the point of openness”: In a different way, it’s possible, and without having brewed all the porridge ... It’s necessary to keep the knot, to stream the development, it’s not possible to transfer all the problems, so you can blame it. It's not amazing. Who would have let it go that way so far to slip through the path of the old regime's downfall.

Merits of M. S. Gorbachov

In the rest of the speech, as President of the Radyansky Union, Mikhailo Sergiyovich, putting himself on the merit that “the state took away freedom, expanded politically and spiritually ...

Free elections, freedom to others, religious freedoms, representative bodies of power, rich party membership have become real. The rights of the people were bouncing in a hanging principle ... The ruch was fucked up to the Bagatopladoye Ekononiki, to be wilted with the illegal form of the plinstick ... Pokynsen with the Cold Vynoya Zupinena Ozbruyen I Bozheli Militarizai, Yaki spun our Ekonomi, sorted out of the Ekonomi.

The old politics of Mikhail Gorbachov, who left the rest of the “flying curtain”, ensured his honor in the world. Have 1990 r. The President of the SRSR was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace for his activity, aimed at the development of international sports.

At the same time, Gorbachev's inconsistency, his ability to know the compromise that the government and conservatives, and radicals, brought to the point that the transformation in the economy of the country did not start. The political regulation of the interethnic protests was not achieved, which resulted in the collapse of the Radian Union. History is unlikely to give evidence for food, chi zmіg bi htos іnshiy on the post of Gorbachov to save the socialist system and the SRSR.

Participants of reforms about Gorbachev's policy

Political scientist Irina Muravyova at the book “Gorbachov - Yeltsin: 1500 days of political resistance” assessed the results of Gorbachev’s rework in the following way: “Father, why have we deprived Gorbachov? From the look of yoga opponents - the state, which broke up, was called the Radyansk Union; non-streaming inflation, zhebrakiv on the streets; millionaires and, as it seems, up to 80% of people are in the middle of life. May we honor the name of Andriy Dmitrievich Sakharov and may we have a clear vision, may the books of Oleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn and the great truth - “Ludina” really can sound proud. Chi so little?

One of Brezhnev's radniks, Chernenko and Gorbachova, Vadim Pechenev, pointed out the dawn. At the book “Gorbachev: to the heights of power,” he wrote: “I think that that endless positive potential for me, which Gorbachev and his politician brought into our lives: publicity, democracy, the principle of the priority of the primordial cob over the class, even without a fatal breakdown economy".

Philosophers M. Do are welcome to Z Pechenev. Gorshkov and L. M. Dobrokhotov at the book “Gorbachov-Yeltsin: 1500 days of political resistance”: “The price paid for by the grant for the taking away of spiritual blessings, appeared unbearably great, but on the other side there was a disintegration of the state, economy, social and national yazkіv, legal svіllya, plus zamіst "cold war" - the middle of a whole bunch of hot conflicts.

Gorbachev's comrades-in-arms were far from always talking about the colossal leader of the SRSR. So the head of Radi Minister M. I. Rizhkov at the book “Ten Rocks of Great Shocks” wrote: “Gorbachev for a date, the character was right for the head of state. Not volodyuchi necessary for him with the agility, not liking to accept the master’s decisions, vvazhivayut for the better to talk about them, willingly listening to the impersonal thoughts, contending and with whom it is easy and willing to accept the residual decision, arranging one’s own “for”. and "against" in hit-spread words. Vіn nіkoli without taking the blame for the pardon of that chi іnshoy decision, hovayuchisya for nіbіto іsnuyuchu kolektіvіnіst, collegіalіnіst yоgo prinyattya... Gorba-chov, pity, had a lot of building and readiness to take on the special responsibility for accepting" .

Party practitioner St. in his own hands, the camp of the party and the country. Vіn zmusheniy buv zdavat one position after another, not knowing that scho to fight not stіlki for their own will, sіlki under the onslaught of the surroundings ... One of the main reasons for the collapse of perebudovi - the first for everything in the looks and character of Gorbachev, in his indolence. nostі, prihilnostі tim in the postulates, yakі were laid in new s young rokіv. In fact, the general secretary of the buv i, having been flooded with the product of his hour, quiet structures, yakі vyrostil i destroyed yoga to the heights of power.


In this rank, as a representative of the state, the subject of the supreme power is guilty of the mother of the law. Whom did the leader of the party, who was in the midst of his own person, the two rulers of the party and the sovereign, M. S. Gorbachov, did not vote publicly for the presidency, signifi- cantly acting in the eyes of B. N. Yeltsin, who was elected president of Russia. As a way of compensating for this shortfall, Gorbachev built up absolute power, seeking new additions. However, he himself did not seek the laws of others, without embarrassing himself. Gorbachov's rule was the beginning of his lesson: to rule in Russia in May is a knowledgeable, wise, fair person, who is also a strong, strong-willed character. Politics is not a word of speech, but the art of intelligent action. Napoleon saying: “The winner is not the one who came up with a battle plan or knows the necessary way out, but the one who took upon himself the responsibility for yogo victory.”

List of victorious literature:

1. "Political science of Russian aphids", Navchalny posibnik, Moscow, Luch, 1993.

2. "Gorbachev-Yeltsin: 1500 days of political resistance", I. Muraviova…

3. Encyclopedia from Russia and її the nearest suсіdіv, Part III, XX century, Ed. M. Aksionova, Moscow, 1999

At the plantation of Secretary General M.S. Gorbachev attached great respect to the state-of-the-art politics of the SRSR. Not vipadkovo yogo authority on Zahodі dosit high and dosi. In the midst of the successes that he has reached in the western politics, next to say, the first for everything, about the destruction of the “free air”, the cold winter and the end of the nuclear defense.

In 1985-1988, Gorbachev made radical changes to the current political course of the USSR. On the XXVII z'їzdі KPRS (lutium - birch 1986 year) the public program for the promotion of a nuclear-free world until the year 2000 was launched. At the same time, it is time for a visit to India, having signed the Delhi Declaration on the principles of non-violent and free nuclear war.

In early 1985, the fate of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the victory over fascism, Gorbachev was stronger for 20 years, having guessed in a positive context the name of Josip Stalin, which called out the roaring applause of the present. At the first (closed) hearing with the creative intelligentsia, saying that it’s not an hour at once to promote the anti-Stalinist campaign:

From the fall of the leaves of 1985 to March 1988, 5 of Gorbachev's buds with US President Ronald Reagan were born, during which time it was possible to please the speed of some kinds of nuclear and savage fires.

For example, pіd hour zustrіchі M.S. Gorbachov and US President Ronald Reagan at the time of the fall of 1985, the parties recognized the need to improve the radio-American relations and to improve the international situation by zagal. Contracts SNO-1,2 have been laid. By application dated September 15, 1986 M.S. Gorbachev hanging low of the great political initiatives:

Povna liquidation of nuclear and chemical weapons until 2000.

Suvoriy control over the protection of nuclear weapons and the destruction of the її on the stages of liquidation.

On the eve of the visit of Mikhail Sergiyovich to India, the Delhi Declaration was signed on the principles of a free nuclear attack and a non-violent world.

On the other side, M.S. Gorbachev deserves the main merit of the end of the war in Afghanistan and the right resurrection of Nimechchini.

1.1.1 The end of the war in Afghanistan

The new construction of the country on the island of Gorbachev saw the full pardon - the introduction of the military to Afghanistan. Gorbachev rozumiv that the war did not give the Radyansk Union anything, the crime of "zinc strings" and light condemnation.

Vlitka born in 1987 it was crushed first, wanting, more importantly, populist crumbs to light. The new pro-Radyansky detachment on the choli with Najibulla, propagating the opposing side of the truce.

Have kvіtni 1988 The SRSR signed at Geneva the favor of the withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan. As early as 15 May, the first Viysk pidrozdili began to overrun the country.

February 15, 1989 Afghanistan was taken over by the rest of the Radian soldiers. This ceremony was held by a yakomoga urochist, having shown, by themselves, that the SRSR does not run out of the country, but rather sees the stars of its own army.

On the 15th of the fierce, ten years of the end of the departure of the Radian troops from Afghanistan are celebrated. That day for the Radyansky Union ended the worst of the war in the history of the war, like nine years, one month and eighteen days. 525 thousand soldiers and officers passed through this war radian army, 90 thousand military servicemen to the state security committee and 5 thousand military servicemen and military servicemen of the MVS. 14,453 soldiers and officers perished in the Afghan war, including 13,833 servicemen of the Ministry of Defense, 572 - KDB and 28 - MVS. The number of sanitary expenses (wounded, shell-shocked, ill) is numbly high - 469685 people. Vtrati vіyskovoy tehnіkі not less vrazhayut: lіtakіv - 118, helicopters - 333, tanks - 147, infantry fighting vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers - 1314, vehicles of various rank - about 13 thousand.

To understand the significance of the vision of the Radian troops from Afghanistan, look ahead. The SRSR had more folded relations with China, which reached military conflicts, pulled together with Iran. The security official sang dodatkovu gostroty through the USA in the region. The New York Times newspaper wrote on 11 March 1971 that "the main point of Nixon's doctrine is to save political and military arrogance until the right of Asia ... waging the war with the hands of others, helping with it ... That Washington continues to help and give help Pakistan." In this rank, until the beginning of the 70s, on the pivden cordons of the country only from Afghanistan, there were like and earlier friendly blue. Ale and in this country were brewing downs, like nevdovzі caused far-reaching beyond the borders of the country of heritage.

On April 17, 1973, there was a military coup in Afghanistan, after which King M. Zahir Shah was thrown off.

A republic was voted in the country, on the basis of which M. Daoud became the prime minister and a member of the royal homeland. It should be noted that the Radian fakhivtsy from Afghanistan did not give due respect. Change the power in us with a typical "shidny episode". Prote for tsim quilted di sing forces like the middle edge, so for її boundaries. In the middle of the krai until 11:00 pm, it was vindictive, and the national-democratic movement and the suspіlno-political transition - the Islamic fundamentalist movement - began to gain momentum.

During this period, the United States significantly expanded its penetration into the country. The American publicist F. Bonosky, in the book "Washington's Secret War against Afghanistan," pointed out that in 1973 the CIA "began to push" the Afghan squad with the method of zmusiti yoga to take anti-radian positions. In the anti-Uriad movement, the headquarters fought for the military section of "Muslim youth". After the opening of the 1973 fate of the militants against the regime of M. Daoud, the participants knew the shelter of Pakistan. At the secret Pakistani encampments, the training of five thousand Afghan fundamentalists was organized, and they became the core of the anti-society forces in the middle of Afghanistan. At the end of 1975, the adherents of G. Hekmatyar, B. Rabban and other Muslim organizations voiced jihad against the “godless regime” of M. Daud. At the bottom of the provinces, the slaughterhouses were stabbed to death. However, they didn’t get far from the rebellion in the whole country. In this way, the thought about those who only last week (1978) revolution in Afghanistan became the cause of the hromada war, not confirmed.

The last military coup of 1978 happened in Kabul, when President M. Daud was shot dead, and power in the country passed into the hands of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan on the side of M. Taraki, showing a complete lack of support for the radian kerivnits. The destruction of the Panuval and Washington. On the smoldering grounds in Iran, the CIA did not attach enough respect to Afghanistan and looked at the coup that was being prepared. On April 30, 1978, Moscow recognized the new regime near Kabul. The recognition was true both for ideological and historical traditions. The Radyansk Union felt like a mother on the pivden cordon of hearing, as if not an ally, then wanting a good suid. Prote the first river of the development of the summer revolution in Afghanistan, showing the vigor of the social base.

A further development of the future in this country has shown that the natives of the revolution did not have a clear program of political and economic transformations, they did not have a little practical evidence of sovereign everyday life. The ambitions of the okremikh kerіvniki no longer sufficed the inter-party fortune teller, and the socialist fading intensified the struggle of the Muslim fundamentalists against the new government. At the birch tree of 1979, the fate of the counter-revolutionary stabbed to death near the province of Herat. More often zbroyni essences in other provinces of the country. Washington at the link with the second Iran praises the decision about the reorientation of the foreign policy in the other region, trying to maximize the primacy of the Afghan forces from the fight against the SRSR. We are getting more help to Pakistan, we are getting closer to China. America is guided by the homeliness of the Nearest Descent and accepts the talks of the Indian Ocean. As soon as they went near Herat (before the speech, then two radyansky hulks were stabbed to death for an hour), the detachment of Afghanistan began to systematically hunt down the shackles until the order of the SRSR about the help of the army. There were about two dozen such prohans from birch to chest 1979. The city of Radyansk ceramics repeatedly looked at the Afghan order and, regardless of the complexity of the situation near and in the middle of the country, always inspired their satisfaction. Tim for an hour became right in Afghanistan without interruption. The evil opposition squeezed its hoop near Kabul, where the struggle between the leaders of the PDPA sharply flared up until midnight.

At the spring of 1979, M. Taraki was driven into the fate of the inter-party chvars. At the yellow-leaf fall of 1979, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union regularly discussed the problems of Afghanistan. Most officials of the KDB and the Ministry of Defense regularly travel between Kabul and Moscow. Nareshti, December 12, 1979 at the office of L.I. Brezhnev is again elected by the Politburo for the information of the head of the KDB Yu.V. Andropov, Minister of Defense D.F. Ustinova and Minister of Foreign Affairs A.A. Loudly accepts a decision about the introduction of a bordered contingent of Radian troops to Afghanistan for "to help and fight against foreign aggression ... and to leave home in the interests of both sides in food security." Today, we can admit that the decision, in the first place, was dictated by the handing over of the imperialist lands to the right of Afghanistan and could create a threat to the security of our industrial borders; in a different way, it is not enough to save the formation of the terrorist regime of H. Amin and protect the Afghan people from genocide; thirdly, it protected those who had previously managed without important domestic and international heritage in other lands (Ugorshchyna, Czechoslovakia). Природно, у політичному рішенні щодо застосування військової сили була опора на міжнародне право - міждержавний договір, укладений між СРСР та Афганістаном 5 грудня 1978 року, де вказувалося, що "в інтересах зміцнення обороноздатності Високих Договірних Сторін вони продовжуватимуть співпрацювати у військовій галузі". I think that there is one aspect in the fateful decision, which, having been taken from the roki, so the titles of leaderism, so that there is no need for the reinstatement of the general secretary, the decision did not need to be discussed. Obviously, the very way of praising such a fatal decision, completely ignoring the thoughts of analysts-professionals, a huge thought, nareshti, radian legislation, can’t vouch for anything, let’s sue. Ale tse mi at once can be so mirkuvat. And then, in 1979, there were quite a few people in our country who could publicly express a different (like the Politburo) position.

In whose plan I will bring two butts. It is certain that the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the SRSR was categorically against the introduction of military forces to Afghanistan. Ale, what happened to that? Army General A. M. Maiorov rose to the occasion: “For the trustees of Ogarkov (Ogarkov N.V. - Marshal of the Radyansk Union, in 1977-1984 the chief of the General Staff) I was aware that if the Politburo had a meeting about the introduction of military Afghanistan, having spoken out loudly against it, declaring: "We certainly oppose all similar Islamism to ourselves, and politically program in the world of the world." Let's get busy with politics, party, Leonid Illich." vіysk vіysk, іnі іnhim іnhim needed to shout, scho vіdbuvaє pardon, bad, s grievous inherited. Then I don’t know my own strength, dare to say about it. Well, I have spoken dozens of times at plenums, party stars. I can’t work myself, maybe, my other thoughts are the same thoughts. It was necessary to tell the truth, so that they would suffer, naturally. Well, what - people died in Afghanistan. Treba Bulo speak, I worship, the vice of the Radyanskiy VISHKA to the Afghanistan - only the people who were found in the grave 1979, who were in the pile of the Kerivnitz, the Tsenni in the bonds, is in the zero. it's important to finish.

I already guessed that the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense was against the introduction of the military to Afghanistan. The motives of the General Staff were even more conflicting: internal conflicts Afghan cores were guilty of viciously independently; the introduction of the military threatens the fall of authority in the eyes of the radiant people, the people of Afghanistan and that svetovoy hugeness; it’s quite impressive that the presence of radyans’ka military presence in this country provokes the rise of combat actions; weak knowledge of the sounds and traditions of the Afghan people, the peculiarities of Islam, national-ethnic and tribal tribes, to put radyansky soldiers at the camp camp. Literally a few months after the introduction of the Radian military to Afghanistan, the forecast of the General Staff began to turn out to be true. The Afghans themselves spoke about the wrong decision of the Radianian order.

Head military guard in Afghanistan from 1980 to 1981 General of the Army A.M. Mayorov was called by Colonel-General Hussein - the father of B. Karmal - the head of the Afghan state. For confirmation by A.M. Mayorova: "We can overcome everything early," Afghan general vіdpovіv: "No, Afghanistan can't be overcome. You can only buy Afghanistan. well a thought in conversation with A.M. Mayorim was hanged by the commander of the corps of the Afghan army, Colonel Khalil (later on, having embraced the settlement of the first intercessor of the Minister of Defense of Afghanistan) and the minister of the right of nationalities and tribes S. Layok in the order of B. Karmal.

Colonel Khalil, for example, stating: "Vіyska shurava needs to be brought from Afghanistan... There will be no help. Bring on for ten, fifteen and twenty holy Ramadans." In 1980 academician G.A. Arbatov and political observer of the newspaper "Pravda" Yu.A. Zhukov solicited the receptionist from L.I. Brezhnev and made a proposition even though it would be about the private visitation of the fringed contingent of the Radian troops from Afghanistan. Nezabara z'izdu party, 22 birch, on the front of the Kremlin under the head of Yu.V. Andropov, where the Afghan problems were looked at, the military fakhivtsy raised the need for a phased removal of the Radian military from Afghanistan. There was no reaction to this proposition. In the early autumn of 1981, the Politburo praised the proposition of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. A. Gromiko for organizing a diplomatic process, a method of bringing the radian wars out of Afghanistan. Tsya constructive position of Radyansk ceramics was marked by the UN. Naprikintsі 1982 to the fate of the hour of the funeral of L.I. Brezhneva Yu.V. Andropov is the new leader of the party of that power, who was in contact with the President of Pakistan, Zia Ul-Khan.

The Afghan problem was destroyed in the course of the Zustrichi. March 28, 1983 Yu.V. Andropov at the meeting with the Secretary General of the United Nations, after hanging the banquet of a peaceful cherish of Afghan food. However, the efforts of the American administration to take the maximum of political benefits from the Afghan conflict and to involve the GKV in the fighting forces have made it easier for the UN to mediate the mission. After the death of Yu.V. Andropov, in the fierce fate of 1984, the activity of the UN intermediary activity from the unblocking of the Afghan conflict significantly decreased. In parallel with the CIM, the Afghan opposition of the United States began to grow sharply. Moreover, the CIA began to stubbornly push the Mujahideen to raids on the territory of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, and so they tried it. Tim is no less than a step-by-step lowering of the confrontation threshold in the radyansko-american unions in 1985-1986. light shone in the Afghan deaf hut.

In the autumn of 1985, the fate of Moscow M.S. Gorbachev, having told B. Karmal and other Afghan scholars about us to bring the news of the Radian war. Indeed, at the same time in 1986, six combat units appeared in Afghanistan for the resolution of the Radyansk order from Afghanistan: one tank regiment, two motorized rifle regiments and three anti-aircraft guns with a total number of 8.5 thousand firearms. Time for the process of Geneva talks under the auspices of the UN for Afghan food, even in 1982, though with great difficulties, in 1985-1986. And, finally, ending on April 14, 1988, a package of favors was signed by the most important representatives of Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as the SRSR and the USA, as a guarantee of the implementation of the policy on the regulation of the Afghan conflict.

On January 15, 1988, the fate of the tsikh favors rose gradually to the exodus of the Radian military forces from Afghanistan. On the 15th of February 1989, as if it was maddened by Geneva favors, the rest of the Radians were born in Afghanistan with General B.V. Gromov.

1.1.2 Association of Nimechchini

In the spring of 1990, at the Moscow "President Hotel" the ministers of foreign affairs of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain, France, the FRN and the NDR in the presence of the President of the USSR MS Gorbachov signed a Treaty on the residual regulation of Nimechchini. Twenty days later, on July 3, 1990, the date of the meeting of Nimechchini became a fact that happened. At Berlin, the banner of the NDR was lowered, the German Democratic Republic ceased to function.

The originality of the coming of the 12th of May was meant to be deprived of them, which formally "curved" the German food. The international atmosphere was overwhelmed by the beatings of gigantic transformations, which were destined to shake the world at the onset of fate. Fifteen months later, the Radian Union ceased to exist, having split into republics, which they established. Earlier, contact the Organization of the Warsaw Pact and the Rada of Economic Assistance. How many allies behind the Warsaw Pact tell their drift from NATO. Europe has a new spіvvіdnoshennia forces with still obscure and importantly transferring traces.

The famous military history of Europe, a significant world, was formed under the influx of podia, which roared like German food. The blame for the cold war, the split of Europe, the historical opposition of two political blocs - NATO and the Allied Armed Forces with the race for liberation, which accompanied yoga - all the same, so what else, was pov'yazane zі try to reach military regulation in Nіchinіvannya.

Many of the allies in the Other World War did not in any way go into the possibility of approving the decision of Nimechchini, realizing the principle of the regulation scheme, scheduled for 1945 at Potsdam. Over that far rozіyshlis їhnі іnteresi, natto profoundly appeared rіv mіzh Descent and Sunset, over that ambitious - the ambitions of political kerіvnikіv provіdnyh powers.

The evils of the Germans are rightfully recognized as their greatest achievement. They realized the chance that history had given them. Chancellor G. Kohl called the unification of the country a "gift of history". Vіn miraculously rozumіv, scho in іnshіy іstorіchnіy situatsії "gift" moment and not buti. Take it like this 1989 rock middle political elite The FRN has broadened the idea that the union of Nimechchini is on the right of a distant historical perspective. The FRN seriously set about seeing MS Gorbachov at the rozmovі z President of the FRN von Weizsäcker at the 1987 fate in Moscow for the first hour of the visit of the Radyansky kerіvnik to the FRN at the chervni 1989 to the fate, having declared that the food will revive the history. No one, movlyav, can say what will become for 100 years. Von Weizsäcker bov zbentezheny such vіdpovіddu. At that very hour G.D. Genscher to say that he spun off the words of M.S. Vіn mav ration. If you become a fact through the river of resurrection, MS Gorbachev will not hang down the trophy. Nothing could be clear in a moment that history is more often so quickly pratsyuvat, say wine.

Apparently, there are few people in Zakhod in 1989, and more in the Radyansk Union, having taken into account the real rise of Nimechchini in the future. The reach of German unity was seen by Bonn and allies as a strategic task. Not more than that. Shchopravda, E.A. Shevardnadze in his memoirs, which were still in 1991, are considered retrospective, but in 1986, the fate of the day was thought about the imminence of the national unity of the Nazis. However, publicly continuing to announce the official point of view of Radyansk's curiosity about the irreversibility of changes in the German land and the immutability of the foundation of two German powers.

However, a huge movement for democratization, political pluralism and economic liberalization, which broke out in the similar European lands, hoarded and NDR, added there until the autumn of 1989 a rock in the land of hospitality, a vibratory character.

"Perebudovna" whimpering, having spread to the NDR, did soon develop a particularly German directness. Rukh, which began under the fading of "the people - tse mi", already in a short hour gave rise to a new fading - "we are the united people." Zagalnіmetsky motive becoming dominant. Vimoga freedom from the PDR, opening the cordon between the PDR and the FRN has not lost its declarative nature. Hundreds of citizens of the NDR, shrugging off the possibility of visa-free travel to Czechoslovakia, the Ugrian region and other powers, began to take the embassy of the FRN in the tax, implying a trip to Zahid. Certainly, please, between the PDR and these powers, they did not allow them to allow visa-free travel of the people of the PDR to the FRN. The situation flared up.

The FRN detachment zhorstko embossed on Budapest, Prague and Berlin, vimagayuchi allow the departure of foreign tourists to Zakhid. At the same time, money was sent for economic assistance, great credits. On the perfect day of 1989, at the castle of Gimnikh under Bonn, a secret interview of Chancellor G. Kolya was held with the head of the Ugric order, M. Nemeth. Ugorshchina gave a year for the travel of tourists from the PDR to the FRN and without a hitch opened its own cordon, otrimavshi signal from Moscow about those who radianske kerіvnitstvo can not be compared against the viїzd of the people of the PDR to Zahid. Zgodom G. Kohl rozpovist, scho vіn mav on this topic telephone on Rozmov from M.S. Gorbachov, for the glory of such a wine and the growth of visnovok, which the Ugrian people worked for the sake of Moscow. Vіn takozh dіyshov vysnovku, scho all qі podії were "on the cob of the end of the SEPN regime".

Unexpectedly, a detachment of the NDR gave an opportunity to see the bulk of the people, they went to the embassies of the FRN near Praz, at special trains for the mind, that the stench would go straight through the territory of the NDR. Prote in the regulation of the conflict with the "ambassadors" could no longer stream the further worsened political situation in the PDR. Vaughn outgrew the crisis of sovereignty. At Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden and other places, there were not many thousands of demonstrations due to cardinal changes in the country. The NDR was wailing the rally, like other similar European lands, changing regimes, yak appeared to be late and effectively shaking their lands. The encampment and the introduction of E. Honecker did not turn up at the same time in 1989, just after the holy 40th anniversary of the PDR. Present at the urochisty M.S. Gorbachev flooded Berlin with gloomy hostility. A conversation with a NDR ceremonial confirmed the unacceptability of the remaining guest until the recommendation. That hour was wasted. The Radian leader had enough support for important thoughts. Vtim, M.S. Gorbachev hardly let it go, that the hour is not far off, if you post a message about his fate, if you want to, having awakened in a logical language, you could already transfer the inevitability of harsh memories.

The new construction of the NDR on the grounds of E. Krenz stubbornly rubbed the ground under his feet, did not know in this complicated situation effective solutions to the political crisis, which was saved. It was clear that the use of forceful methods was contraindicated and could lead to even more controversy, hanging out in a different situation. From Moscow, it was clearly understood that the stationing of the NDR on the territory of the NDR, the Ryansk troops should be left in the barracks and the NDR's ceramics could not be rented for their support.

G.D. Gensher zgadu rozmovu with Ugric stoneworkers at the hour of zustrichi near Bonn at the sickle of 1989. The stench rose, that on the agenda of the heads of powers - members of the Organization of the Warsaw Pact in Bucharest, they were asked to include provisions about the right of a skin power-member to independently revise nutrition about their social and political devices. Tsya proposition on the back did not know praise, and M.S. Gorbachova was assured of yoga praise. G.D. Genscher zrobiv z thogo vysnovok, scho kerіvnik Radyansk Union firmly stand on the positions of the Spіlnoi declaration of the SRSR - FRN, signed during the yogo visit to Bonn at the chernі 1989, debulo was fixed similarly for the smyst camp. Otzhe, vіn i nadalі pіdtrimuvatime pragnennya powers-members in the Organization of the Warsaw Pact to greater independence. Tse encouraged the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FRN. I wine did not have mercy on his eyes. The organization of the Warsaw Pact was rapidly collapsing to self-dissolution.

Tim soon approached the NDR took a dramatic turn. Permanent demonstrations, hard pressure from the side of the opposition irritated the NDR's speech about the fall of the 9th leaf fall of 1989 about the "revealing" of the Berlin Moor. Control was taken at the cordon crossings, and thousands of residents of Skhidny Berlin were straightened to the western part of the city, and the western stream of the western Berliners was straightened to the east.

The order of the FRN saw that, as a rozpochati real krokiv on the unification of the two German powers, it is necessary to develop sumniv and fight against the camp of their allies, the social and Radian Union. If there were allies, then in Bonn they were convinced that they could win the task. With the Radian Union it was more foldable, unimportant to the mind, that it was folded up to that hour with M.S. Gorbachovim and E.A. Shevardnadze.

Against such an internal political background, which was formed in the SRSR until the beginning of 1990, it was not only to demonstrate strong, but to reconsider that effective old policy. For the sake of saving the high international authority of the Radyansky Union, which zmushuvav partners to call on yoga thought in the case of European and world problems.

At the beginning of discussions about the ways of solving the problem of German unity on the cob of 1990, radianism turned to chancellor G. Kolya with help about the terms of food. Zrozumіlo, the FRN squad looked positively and promptly. Already on September 24, G. Kohl confirmed the readiness to deliver to the SRSR for a light price of 52 thousand. tons of canned meat, 5 thousand. tons of pork, 20 thousand. tons of butter and other foodstuffs, having seen 220 million Germans for subsidizing these deliveries. At the same time, there was not a single military search of the SRSR for food assistance to the FRN and other western lands. Nezabara came new prohannya of this kind, as well as the reversal of new loans. Dopomoga zobov'yazuvala, put kerіvnitstvo SRSR more foldable camp in the negotiations with the FRN.

In the meantime, Moscow has been developing positions, strategies and tactics of future diplomatic contacts from the power of the Nimechchini association. The work went very well, the assessments and thoughts were great. Promoted kerіvnitstvu recommendations ekspertіv often otrimuvali there vlasnu іnterpretatsіyu, and for the implementation nabula even far from the original conceived character.

10 fierce G. Kohl at the escort of G.D. Genscher arrives to Moscow. The chancellor was resolutely getting ready for the price to rise. Ahead of the visit, representatives of the United States, Great Britain and France made statements to support the united policy of Bonn. For the unification of the Nimechchini, new ceramics of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Ugorshchyna, Romania and Bulgaria hung out.

G. Kolya and G.D. Still, Genscher was not overwhelmed by anxiety and restlessness. They knew that at the plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, that it was before their visit that the policy of M.S. Gorbachova and E.A. Shevardnadze was subjected to sharp criticism from the side of rich members of the Central Committee. The inner camp of the SRSR continued to go out of business. If you want and if you can, M.S. Gorbachev, under the pressure of setting aside the actions of the FRN, did not deprive the FRN's core workers of food.

Negotiations in Moscow gathered, for the knowledge of the German participants, richly friendly, lower stench was cleared up. In the forest at the narrow warehouse of M.S. Gorbachev made a statement, like G. Kohl took it like a sensation. The side of the newspaper Pravda, on the coming day, the statement of the Radian leader, the assistant to the chancellor Kh.

What made the German guests so happy? In the TARS notice published by Pravda on February 11, 1990, it was said: M.S. Gorbachev stating - and the chancellor waited for him - that at the same time between the SRSR, the FRN and the NDR there are no differences, so that the food about the unity of the German nation can be virishuvati themselves and the same terms in their minds, at the same time tsyu unity realizovuvatimut”.

Sensing my statement, the chancellor did not hesitate for a moment, even the Germans actually took carte blanche and complete freedom of hands in internal negotiations. A check for the German guest and another welcome surprise. Kolya G. Kohl, speaking about the military status of the united Nimechchini, M.S. Gorbachev is very gnuchko. In understanding, for Kolya neutrality is so unacceptable, as for others. Neutrality to put between, as if to belittle the German people. M.S. Gorbachev does not know what will be the status of the unified Nimechchini, he will have to think more about it and "program" different possibilities. Chancellor's assistant H. Telchik wrote to his student: "One more sensation: M.S. Gorbachev does not commit himself to residual decisions; if you drink every day, you should not threaten me. What a joke!".

Besida gave one more result - M.S. Gorbachev praised the proposition introduced earlier by J. Baker about holding negotiations on the most important aspects of German unity in the "2 +4" format. Vіn pogodivsya with the chancellor, scho qі pitanya may virіshuvatsya chotirma powers jointly with FRN and NDR.

The next day, on the 12th of February, the first conference of the ministers of foreign rights of the NATO powers and the Warsaw Treaty Organization was held in Ottawa. Vaughn was attributed to the problem of the "clear sky", to the arrivals of how to get it right at the Viysk galuzi. Prote in history won out for some other reason. G.D. Genscher, having put himself on the agenda at this conference, sought formal agreement on the beginning of negotiations in the "2 + 4" format. J. Baker actively encouraged yoga. The ministers of foreign affairs of Great Britain and France did not quarrel. E.A. Shevardnadze was not prepared to such a speedy pace of negotiations, but rather gave permission for the publication of a joint statement by six ministers about the beginning of negotiations to discuss "outer aspects of the reach of the German state, including food for the security of the state."

Increasingly becoming more and more aware of the time pressure, which the participants in the negotiations set for themselves, giving in to the easy-going aspirations of the FRN order to complete them before the autumn of 1990. On the 31st day, the signing of the Agreement on the merger of the FRN and the NDR was recognized, on the 12th of September - the Agreement on the residual regulation of the city of Nimechchini, on the 3rd day of the day it was recognized as a tract of cleanliness near Berlin from the day of the association of Nimechchini, on the 20th leaf fall - for 2 breasts - choose to the Bundestag FRN. Chancellor G. Kohl, having forgotten that, the elections were already held in the unification of Nimechchyna. This would give you unparalleled superiority over social democratic competitors.

The situation is escalating from day to day. At the participants in the negotiations, they pressed the vins of the obov'yazok obov'yazkovo to finish the work to the set term. Uzgodzhuvati in the minds of an agreement formula meant to risk imminent errors, the appearance of fuzzy, approximate texts. Adzhe were left with more than a few key provisions of the bag document "shitki".

On the evening of 14 pm, Chancellor of the FRN G. Kohl and Minister of Foreign Affairs G.D. arrived in Moscow. Genscher and finance T. Weigel with the accompanying delegation of German experts. The next day in the mansion of the MZS SRSR on the street. Oleksiy Tolstoy (Ninі Spiridonіvka) began negotiations, as if they were putting all the specks in the food about the status of the united Nіmechchini and її Vіdnosini with the Radyansk Union. M.S. Gorbachov and G. Kohl in the presence of only assistants and translators. Vaughn, as if, by all means, and the whole trip, was reportedly described in the words of the chancellor, yogi assistant H. Telchik and other German participants. A German selection of documents published the record of the move itself.

The quintessence of the conversation was actually the year of the Radianian president about those that the FRN after the union was left out of NATO. The formula propagated by him was that for a transitional period, while the territory of the PDR is not included in the sphere of NATO, until the German land is occupied by radian troops.

The first part of the President's statement was inspired by G. Kolya. Vіn spriynyav feel like "break through". A part of the other part called out in a new alertness. Winning at the words of the svіvrozmovnik is a sign of the fact that the united Nіmechchina is still not going to gain full sovereignty, but in the course of the upcoming negotiations about the minds of the radian troops of the SRSR, you can save in your hands the ability to press and feed on the membership of Nіmechchini in NATO. The Chancellor wanted to be clearer and more obligingly asked M.S. Gorbachev. Vіdpovіd vin otrimav less indirect. The President said that he was in charge of a successful flight to the Caucasus. At the gіrsky povіtrі rich, movlyav, squint clearer.

Mr. Kolya was not satisfied with such an unimaginable prospect. Vіn prodovzhuvav napolyagati and declaring that it is less likely to fly on a pіvday in that case, as a result of the rozms of Nіmechchina takes away the sovereignty. The guest's arrogance mingled with unceremoniousness and clearly overwhelmed the president. I didn’t even give a straight line, but instead urged me to fly to the Caucasus. Mr. Kolya became aware that the year would be taken away. On the same day, offending delegations flew to Stavropol.

V.M. Falin, who hugged the station of the head of the international official of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, said that at night ahead of the arrival of R. Kolya, he phoned M.S. Gorbachev and Vyklav Yomu his future talks, especially pressing on those that the President did not allow for the inclusion of the union of Germany to NATO. M.S. Gorbachev vіdpovіv, scho zamagatimetsya zrobity, scho you can, but, on the other hand, "the train is already gone."

Visnannya President talk a lot about what. At the time of the announcement in Archiz, the result of the negotiations was in fact no doubt in advance. The internal situation in the Soviet Socialist Republic, the camp in the NDR and the other powers of Northern Europe, the harsh pressure from the side of the foreign partners left the Radianska sovereign stonework in the region with a set of koshtiv and options. Adopting the rules of the gri, which are dictated by the policy of the "new idea", acting in the light of the most difficult times, the buildings and the least aggravated situation and criticism of their address beyond the cordon, the SRSR workers sounded more loudly the political corridor of their actions. Potik podіy nіs їх mustache with more swidkіst, and in them there were less chances, and perhaps, the bazhannya vibratisya z new. By December 1991, the ensign of the Radyansky Union was lowered at the Kremlin, and M.S. Gorbachev, claiming to be the president of the still mighty power, was left with a second fate. However, on all the events of the greater curvature of the country, already lying on the other hand, it seems that there are feelings and instilling prejudice.

Prote in Arkhizі z low nutrition negotiated trivali dosit strained. M.S. Gorbachev made a residual and clear confirmation of the important position of the SRSR in the future regulation. Zocrema, it was about those that foreign military NATO will not deploy on the territory of the vast NDR, and there will not be deployed nuclear weapons and delivery capabilities. The chancellor waited a while іz tsim. The President, having attacked the short-term numerical strength of the Bundeswehr and taking away G. Kohl's year, "stele" from 370 yew. osіb (in the event of significant events, the chancellor was categorically reprimanded). Ring of the Chancellor, the Ninmechni is not at one time to pay Vitrati to the reassignment of the zakhayny serepy (ZGV) on the Nimeskiy Teritori (Shc Rera, last Chotirokh, and not P'yati Rocky, NIZH TAKED) military servicemen of the Western Group of Forces.

All the same, it’s not enough to spend a year on the membership of the united Germany in NATO and on the placement of parts of the Bundeswehr that are not integrated to NATO in the NDR without intermediary after the union.

Zustrich in Arkhizi practically opened the way until the completion of the negotiations of the “Shistka”. So there and bula was taken everywhere. Particularly intense results of the sound called out at the political stakes of Nymechchini, turning the hope on the joint of the border into a firm allegiance.

On the next day, on the 17th lime, at Paris, the third zustrich of the ministers of foreign affairs "shistki" was heard. E.A. Shevardnadze and G.D. Genscher arrived at the French capital directly from Mineralnye Vody under hostile negotiations, which only ended. Reached in the Arkhiz of homeliness marked the break of the parizkoy zustrіch. Spechatisya actually Bulo vzhe mute about scho. The work on the sub-bag document "shistka" quickly collapsed to completion. The German participants decided to reconsider that everything will end in lines, before 3 days, and the set goals will be reached. At Paris, it was a little later and a notice about the signing of the German-Polish agreement on the cordon, which was no longer valid, which is guilty on a bilateral basis of the provision on the residual nature of the German cordon, which was "short" for the Treaty on the residual regulation of the city of Nimechchini. For this meeting, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs K. Skubishevsky was requested.

Shvidky act at the negotiations E.A. Shevardnadze was motivated by the fact that significant progress has been made within the framework of the NBSU, as well as in the process of transformation of the Allied Forces and NATO. Tsey visnovok was more correct for the Organization of the Warsaw Pact, the participants of which practically already stood on the threshold of self-dissolution, which in fact became the finale of the "transformation". As far as NATO, then after the declaration about us, voted in London, concretely, they began to express their opinion directly. NATO not only saved all the main characteristics of the military-political bloc, but also "transformed" for the sake of recruiting new members and pushing its sphere into the crossroads of Europe. In 1990, the fate of the possibility of such an expansion of NATO did not dare to push. Moreover, there were warnings that NATO structures cannot be put between the FRN and the PDR. Zagalom through a sprat of rokiv about qi zapevnennya was forgotten.

The results of the "sixty" negotiations allowed confirming the date of their completion and signing of the Agreement on the residual regulation - 12 April near Moscow. On the level of the experts, there was a residual revision of the text of the contract. At the same time, preparations were made for the Radian-Nimets Treaty on goodwill, partnership and reconciliation, as it was agreed to parafuvat the same day - April 12, and also please the SRSR and the FRN about the transitional days, come in and the Treaty on the transfer and removal of the Radianian Viysks. The history of these negotiations is full of hospitable, dramatic moments, but it is also an independent topic.

The agreement on the residual regulation of the super-train went to the end of the day. Until the middle of the sickle, the German side was "thrown" into the negotiation process about the recognition of the rights and the validity of the two powers already from the moment of the actual unification of the Nimechchini. On the right, in the fact that the rights are assigned, that responsibility for the Treaty on Residual Regulatory Guilt will be drawn up for itself with ratification and recruitment of rank. At Bonnie, however, they didn’t want to, when the Nimechchina was closed for a short time until the date of the ceremoniality of the contract, it was deprived of under control.

16-17 sickle G.D. Genscher in the course of the negotiations with Moscow met with these favors. The Radyansk minister gave in to G.D. Genscher and in a different diet. Vіn having accepted the proposed scheme for formalizing the goitre of the FRN as quickly as possible to the Bundeswehr, as if she told that the declaration would be crushed at the negotiations with Vіdnі, and not on the basis of "shitki". Kerіvnitstvo FRN did not want to work tse goiter, part of the residual peaceful regulation, volіyuchi "inscribe" yogo in the wild for the sake of the rapidity of the evil forces that ozbroєn in Europe.

Moscow once again had such a look at food, which was judged on long-term fates after the rise of becoming a serious underdog in the waters between the FRN order and the decline of latifundists and numerous Nazis, which improved moisture in the years4-19.19. From the Radian side, the position was confirmed; G.D. Genscher did not argue against the contrary, wanting to rely on the need to deprive the German courts of the ability to compensate for the power of individuals, as they themselves had spent її in the wake of Nazi re-research. It was said about the objects, that after the confiscation of the victims, they were transferred to the Nazis, and then they were examined on the basis of the Potsdam site.

G.D. Genscher spoke out and opposed the inclusion of this power without intermediary to the text of the Treaty on Residual Regulation. All the same, the German minister had a chance to wait for them, so that before the agreement, they would add sheets to the address of the ministers of foreign rights of the four powers, which would confirm the irreversibility of the arrivals, lived in 1945-1949.

No provision was made for compensation to the Radyansk hulks, who stole to Nimechchina during the period of Timchas occupation of a part of the Radyansk territory, as well as to the death camps. G.D. Gensher buv against the inclusion of this power supply to Negotiate about the residual regulation, and E.A. Shevardnadze did not show impertinence, but waited for him to grow up with the subject of regulated regulation. The coming negotiations were held up for a long time, and less than 1992, the power was broken, although the amount of compensation was minimal, not reflecting the severity of moral and physical suffering, as a part of the Radyansk hromadas fell from fascist captivity.

On the 11th of spring 1990 the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USA, Great Britain, France and the two German powers arrived in Moscow. The next day, the work of the conference "2 + 4" was completed and the signing of the agreement until the current hour of the Agreement on the residual regulation of the city of Nimechchini.

The days, which were blown by these zustrichs, were, perhaps, the best in Radian-German diplomatic contacts. In the margins, there were reports about the financing of the war and their transfer to the Nimechchyna, about the share of that kind of non-violence and the other lane of the ZGV. The Radyansk side, pіdrakhuvavshi their consumption, called the amount of 35-36 billion German marks. The FRN squad is ready to see 8 billion marks. The talks were filled with an hour of dramatic character, and among those, M.S. was especially involved. Gorbachev and G. Kohl. In view of the unsafe outlook of the remaining round of negotiations "2 + 4", the FRN squad of disturbances will reconsider their propositions for a large increase in payments. Literally in advance of the Moscow crisis, the financing of the FRN budget was sufficiently reduced. G. Kohl confirmed the readiness to see 3 billion marks for the re-training of Radiansk servicemen, 1 billion marks for the payment of transport fees, 8.5 billion marks for the construction of apartments for military service workers of the Western Group of Forces, 200 million marks for the re-training of military service workers. In addition, we saw a 3-billion-free loan. The nutrition of the vartosta lane of the Western Group of Forces has become inviolable.

Opratsyuvannya financial nutrition, like all negotiations "2 + 4", was in the situation of severe time pressure created by the FRN, which, consciously, did not accept the significance of the optimal solutions. The hostility was lost, that in the position of the FRN, reserves were saved, which could be opened in case of overbearing arrogance and overzealousness from the Radian side. However, Moscow hastened, they did not want to sign the agreement, because it would be better for the second line to aggravate the internal discussion and to comment on the opposition to the development of documents regarding the ob'ednannya Nimechchini and the execution of the territory of the Ryansk military.

Even after that, as the participants of the congress gathered in Moscow, on the evening of 11 April at the negotiations of the end of the "mini-crisis". The English delegation demanded that changes be made to the text of Article 5 of the treaty, which would allow, after the departure of the Radian troops, to redeploy the military contingents of other NATO powers to the territory of the vast NDR for carrying out maneuvers. The zahіdnі partners vyrishili, mabut, "under the guise" virvati the rest of the deed from the Radyansky Union, clearly having crossed the limits of political propriety. The Radyansk side opposed, the shards of new propositions, in fact, boosted the dominance that had been reached in Arkhiz.

Functions of an intermediary in the regulation of a guilty diplomatic incident by taking the fault of G.D. Genscher, steal the storms with possible negative implications of the British initiative. For the order of the FRN, the sight of the planned schedule for the completion of the negotiations was unacceptable, and the German minister took up the power of power. PID Hour of Nichniye Zustykhi Naraji Naraji USA, Great Britain, FRN TA BULO PID PROCEDENT PROTOCULE PROCESS, ZGITEN WITH PANICHA, SHOS TIMCHASOVASEVA, transmitted to the “ROZUMNE” .

Diplomatic contacts were carried out on March 12, which for two years hung up the cob of corn "shistka". After the singing of the gangs, the radian’s curation nevertheless gave the opportunity to propagate the text of the protocol record, and the ministers of foreign rights of the six powers, nareshti, put their signatures on the document, which was the remainder between the other world’s wars.

The history of the negotiations about the unification of Nimechchini did not end. Mala buti ratification of the signed agreement. How and if it was clear, it turned out to be far from a routine procedure. At the Verkhovna Rada of the SRSR, a significant part of the deputies was lashed against ratification. The order had a chance to report great zusils, so that the deputies could be reconsidered from the need for ratification. Only before January 1991, the procedure for the approval of the treaty by Parliament was completed.

1.2 Domestic policy

The entire domestic policy of Gorbachev was adopted by the spirit of perestroika and glasnost. Since the beginning of the century, the term "perebudova" was used in the quarter of 1986, as a half-heartedly, it was less like a "perebudova" of the economy. Later, especially after the 19th All-Union Party Conference was held, the word "perebudova" expanded and began to mean the entire era of changes.

The first steps of Gorbachov after the warnings were most importantly repeating Andropov's calls. Nasampered, having said the "cult" of your plant. In the eyes of TV viewers 1986 Gorbachev rudely cut off one speaker: "Less Sergiyovich!"

In the mass information departments, they started talking again about "putting things in tune" in the country. In the spring of 1985 wiyshov decree about the fight against drinking. At the same time, the sales of wine and bitter grapes were short-lived, thousands of hectares of vineyards were harvested from Crimea and Transcaucasia. Tse brought to the growth of cherg at wine shops and promotion of moonshine more low at five times.

With a new force, the fight against swindle was revived, especially in Uzbekistan. In 1986 they arrested, and later condemned Brezhnev's son-in-law Yury Churbanov for twelve years.

On the cob 1987 The Central Committee, having carried out the deeds of the elements of democracy and virobnitstva that among the party apparatus: there were alternative elections for party secretaries, sometimes voting was replaced by the taєmnim, a system of electing kerіvnikіv pridpriyemstv and setting was introduced. All these innovations in the political system were discussed by the XIX All-Union Party Conference, which was discussed in 1988. Її decisions were made on the basis of "socialistic values" with the political doctrine of liberalism - after the votes were made on the course towards the creation of a "socialist legal power", it was planned to hold a subdivision of power for the development of parliamentarism. The Rada was proponated by the constantly growing "parliament".

The legislature has recognized and chosen the choice: the elections were carried out on an alternative basis, the work of the two-part, one-third of the deputy corps was formed in the form of public organizations.

The main idea of ​​the conference was the transfer of a part of the ruling powers to the party order, so that the power of the radyansk organs of power would be strengthened for the preservation of the party’s influence in them.

Unexpectedly, the initiative to carry out more intensive reforms passed to the 1st party of people's deputies, and the proposition of the concept of carrying out political reforms was later changed and supplemented. III star of people's deputies who sat by the birch 1990 vvazhav for dotsіlne to introduce the post of President of the SRSR, the same was imposed on the 6th statute of the Constitution, as it closed the monopoly of the communist party on power, it allowed the formation of rich party membership.

Also, under the hour of the policy of rebudding, the sovereign equal reassessment of the current moments in the history of the state, especially the condemnation of the cult of special Stalin.

Ale, at the same hour, began step by step to appear and be dissatisfied with the policy of rest. Nina Andreeva, a Leningrad reader, hung this position at her editorial page of the newspaper "Radyanska Rosiya".

Overnight, with the reforms carried out in the country, in niy viniklo, it was already given a long time ago, national nutrition, as if waving in a crooked conflict: in the Baltic states and Nagir Karabakh.

Order of political reforms carried out and economic reforms. Scientific and technical progress, technical re-engineering of machine-building and activation of the "human factor" were recognized as the main direct socio-economic development of the country. More often than not, the main focus was on the enthusiasm of the working people, but on the "naked" enthusiasm nothing will happen, so in 1987 an economic reform was carried out. Won Polel at the Sobe: Rodshirenna of self -nastrimism on the ambushes of the Mr. Rozrakhunku і Samofinannan, postpovo Vidrodzhennya of the Private Sector of Ekononiki, VID Monopoli Torgovy, Glibshas of the Remes, Skorochennya of the Number of the Number of Galuzeri But all the reforms, behind some vindication, did not lead to a bad result. At the same time, with the development of the private sector of the economy, state-owned enterprises, which stumbled upon absolutely new ways of working, were not able to live in the minds of the market, which would be popular. The reasons for the failure of the reform as a comprehensive political and economic reform

The political behavior of M.S. Gorbachov singsongly can be like a universal formula. Even if a person invades different spheres of life, but is unsuccessful, then here, for specific reasons for failures, it can be like a fundamental vice, turning good into evil.

Good intentions M.S. Gorbachov, no one, perhaps, doubts, remember those who today portray the president as an approaching politician and an intriguer, rather than as a candidate for a dictator.

Guess why M.S. Gorbachev had to start over. The country was captivated by the tails of worldly political socio-economic, scientific and technical processes, transforming step by step great power into a third-rate power, which can be won over by its nuclear missile potential. It was clear that it would be very important to lead the country out of stagnation.

One of the most popular Russian politicians at the end of the last decades of the twentieth century is Mikhailo Sergiyovich Gorbachev. The fates of the rule of yoga have already changed our country, as well as the situation in the world. This is one of the most listed articles, at the thought of enormity. Perebudov Gorbachov's remarks are ambiguously placed to our country. Whose politician is called the burial ground of the Radyansk Union, and the great reformer.

Biography of Gorbachev

The history of Gorbachev begins in 1931, 2nd Birch. The same was born Mikhailo Sergiyovich. I came to the world near Stavropill, near the village of Privilne. Born and virus among the peasant family. In 1948, having worked together with my father on a combine, I gave birth to the Order of the Red Ensign of Labor for the success of the chosen ones. Gorbachev graduated from school with a silver medal in 1950. After joining the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. Gorbachev was aware of the year, what to do, vaguely demonstrating himself, what is law and jurisprudence. Prote youmu was impressed by the camp of the prosecutor chi suddi.

Gorbachov is alive at the university student's life, having received at his own time a scholarship for Komsomol work and education, and for the last time he made kintsy z kintsy. Vin became a member of the party in 1952.

Like at the club Gorbachov Mikhailo Sergiyovich got to know Raisa Titarenko, a student of the Faculty of Philosophy. The stench became friends in 1953, at the faith. MDU Mikhailo Sergiyovich finished in 1955 roci and bu v_dpravleniya to work before the Prosecutor's Office of the SRSR іz rozpodіlu. However, the very same order, having praised the decision, for which it was necessary to hire graduates from legal offices to the central prosecutor's offices and court authorities. Khrushchev, and his comrades-in-arms, considered that the reasons for the repressions that led to the 1930s, were the cause of the lack of information of young judges and prosecutors of the bodies, who were ready to respond to any kind of curiosity. So Mikhailo Sergiyovich, under some kind of repression, two children suffered, becoming a victim of the struggle against the cult of specialness and heritage.

On administrative robots

Gorbachev turned to Stavropol and decided not to call the prosecutor's office anymore. Vіn vlastuvavsya in vіddіl agitation and propaganda in the regional committee of the Komsomol - becoming the intercessor of the leader of the vіddіl. Komsomolsk, and as a result, the party career of Mikhail Sergiyovich developed even more successfully. Political activity Gorbachova brought her fruits. Yogo Bulo was recognized in 1961 as First Secretary of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. Gorbachev, already advancing fate, began to work in the party, and then, in 1966, became the first secretary of the Stavropol Moscow Party.

This is how the career of this politician developed step by step. Already then, the head of the short-lived future reformer appeared: Mikhailo Sergiyovich, who called for self-appointment, could not succeed in order to have his orders summed up. Tsya characterization of Gorbachov, like deyakі vvazhayut, and led to the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic.


Gorbachev at the Fall of the Leaves In 1978, he became secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The recommendations of the closest associates of L.I. Brezhnev - Andropov, Suslov and Chernenko. Mikhailo Sergiyovich after 2 years becomes the youngest of the current members of the Politburo. I want to win the nearest future position as the first special in the state and in the party. Those who Gorbachev, in fact, having seized the “penalty post” - the secretary, who stands for the strong state, could not go overboard. And this sector of the Radian economy is the most unfavorable one. Mikhailo Sergiyovich is still overwhelmed after the death of Brezhnev in this settlement. Ale Andropov, even for the sake of it, to delve into the mustache, so that we are preparing to take on all the evidence. If Andropov died and came to power on the non-trivial term Chernenko, Mikhailo Sergiyovich became another person in the party, as well as the most important "degenerate" of the general secretary.

At the political stakes Zakhod, Gorbachev's popularity was first brought to him by 1983, and at the grassroots a visit to Canada. Vіrushiv virushiv tudi for the day with special permission from Andropov, who was also General Secretary. P'єr Trudeau, prime minister of the country, having become the first great leader of Zakhod, who especially accepted Gorbachev and was put up with sympathy. Having worked with the other politicians of Canada, Gorbachev gave his country a reputation as an energetic and ambitious political fiend, which contrasted sharply with his summer colleagues from the Politburo. Vіn having shown a significant interest in methods of managing the economy and moral values ​​of Zakhod, including democracy.

Perebudova Gorbachova

Chernenko's death paved the way for Vlad Gorbachev. The Plenum of the Central Committee on 11 February 1985 made Gorbachev General Secretary. Mikhailo Sergiyovich for the future at the last plenum, having voted a course for the accelerated development of the country and rozbudov. These terms, which appeared after Andropov, did not seem to be wide in breadth. Tse became less after the XXVII z'zd of the CPRS, which happened at the fierce 1986 fate. Gorbachev, calling glasnost one of the main minds for the success of future reforms. One could not yet call Gorbachev's hour complete freedom of speech. But you can still talk in the press about the shortcomings of the suspense, not sticking around, honestly, the foundations of the radyansky mode and members of the Politburo. Prote already in 1987, at the same time, Gorbachev Mikhailo Sergiyovich, stating that the courts were not guilty of buti closed for criticism of the zones.

Principles of foreign and domestic policy

The new general secretary of a clear reform plan is not Mav. The memory of Khrushchov's "leading league" was lost to Gorbachev. In addition, if you believe in those who shout out to the kerivniks, if they stink honestly, and the calls themselves are correct, they can work within the framework of the party-powerful system, which happened at that hour, until the cross-country vikonavtsiv, and by the same token change for better life. For Tshomu, Gorbachev's reconciliations are sacred. The fates of the rule of yogo were marked by the fact that we were holding out for 6 years, talking about the need for harvesting and energy deeds, about those that are structurally necessary for all children and the skin.

Winning that, being the leader of a socialist power, you can win the authority of the world, foundations not on fear, but on our own in front of a sensible policy, without needing to be true to the totalitarian past of the country. Gorbachev, whose fate is often called "perebudovaya", believing that new political ideas can overcome. It is up to the new responsibility to recognize the priority over the national and class values ​​of the deep human beings, the need to unite the powers and the peoples for the joint solution of problems that face the people.

Publicity policy

During the reign of Gorbachev in our country, a massive democratization began. The political scrutiny stumbled. The rot of censorship has weakened. Three bells and whistles turned around a lot of people: Marchenko, Sakharov and others. The policy of glasnost, conceived by Radyansk ceramics, has changed the spiritual life of the population of the region. Shows interest in television, radio, and others. In 1986, more than 14 million new readers came from magazines and newspapers. All the same, insanely, these are the pluses of Gorbachev, how to carry out policies.

Gaslo Mikhail Sergiyovich, having carried out all the reforms, was like this: "More democracy, more socialism." However, the understanding of socialism changed step by step. Back in 1985, at the quarter, Gorbachev said at the Politburo that if Khrushchev had criticized the Stalinist deeds to the point of naming it, then it was only the great shkodi of the country. Unexpectedly, glasnost called forth even greater praise of anti-Stalinist criticism, such as the fates of the league never dreamed of.

Anti-alcohol reform

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200breforms will be done positively. Gorbachev wanted to change the amount of alcohol that lives in the country per capita, as well as to fight against drinking. Prote campaign in the wake of this radical action led to inconsistent results. The very reform that was far away from the monopoly of the state was carried out to the point where the main part of the income from this sphere went to the shadow sector. A few start-up capitals from 90-year-olds were beaten on "p'yanikh" pennies by privates. Shvidko emptied the treasury. As a result of the reforms, a lot of valuable vineyards were cultivated, which led to the emergence in some republics (Zokrema, in Georgia), and entire sectors of industry. The anti-alcohol reform also stole the rise of home-brewing, substance abuse and drug addiction, and the budget got a lot of money.

Gorbachov's reforms in the old politics

At the fall of the leaves in 1985, Gorbachov met with President Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States. On this day, both parties recognized the need to improve bilateral waterways, as well as to improve the health of the entire international situation. The new policy of Gorbachov led to the fact that the SNO agreement was laid down. Mykhailo Sergiyovich declared on 01/15/1986 the fate of hanging low great initiatives dedicated to nourishing the modern politics of Ukraine. A small but held povna liquidation until 2000 to the fate of chemical and nuclear weapons, suvory control was carried out with reduced safety. All these are the most important reforms of Gorbachev.

Causes of failure

On the vіdmіnu vіd sprjamovanogo glasnіst course, if it was enough to loosen the order, and then actually say censorship, іnshi yogo instigation (for example, a full anti-alcohol campaign) was poєdnannyam іz propaganda of the administrative primus. Gorbachev, the fates of his rule were indicative of the growing will in all spheres, for example, the government, having become president, having broken spirals, on the authority of his opponents, not on the party apparatus, but on the team of assistants to that order. Vіn shilyavsya dedaly more to the social-democratic model. S. S. Shatalin, saying that it was far off for you to turn on the perverted menshovik of the general secretary. Ale Mikhailo Sergiyovich should be fully influenced by the dogmas of communism, but only by growing up in support of anti-communist sentiments. Gorbachev navitt at the beginning of the 1991 fate (the sickle putsch) having lost control of power and, turning from Foros (Crimea), the state dacha was known in the new one, declaring that to believe in the value of socialism and fight for them, the communist party was very reformed. It is obvious that vin could not get over himself. Mikhailo Sergiyovich is rich in why he became a party secretary, which sound is not only up to privileges, but also to power, so as not to lie in the hands of the people's will.

Merits of M. S. Gorbachov

Mikhailo Sergiyovich, in his remaining part in the role of the president of the country, putting himself in the merit of those that the population of the state took away freedom, spiritually it politically expanded. Freedom to others, freedom of choice, rich party membership, representative bodies of power, and religious freedom have become real. The most important principle was the recognition of human rights. Having begun to move to a new wealthy economy, the equality of forms of authority was solidified. Gorbachev left the war with a cold war. Under the hour of the yogic rule, the militarization of the country started up, and the race was broken, which increased the economy, morality, and sustained svіdomist.

The old politics of Gorbachov, which liquified the residual "freeze", secured Mikhail Sergiyovich the honor of the whole world. The President of the SRSR in 1990 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for directing the development of international cooperation between the countries.

At the same time, the dean’s intransigence of Mikhail Sergiyovich, his hope to know a compromise, which, having ruled both radicals and conservatives, was brought to such a point that the transformation in the economy of the state did not begin. The political regulation of the protirich, the international vorozhnechi, as it destroyed the country as a result, was not achieved. Chi іstorіya zdatna dat vіdpovіd nіdpovіd nіdpovіd nіdnіdnya pro tіv zmіg bi on mіstsі Gorbachov htosі іnshy sberegti SRSRі sotsіalіstichnu system.


The subject of supreme power, as the ruler of a state, is guilty of the mother with all the rights. M. S. Gorbachev, the leader of the party, who stood in the middle of his own sovereignty and party power, without being publicly condemned to the tenant, in whose opinion he acted in the eyes of the enormity of B. Yeltsin. Remaining and becoming, zreshtoyu, the President of Russia (1991). Gorbachev, niby compensating for the short time of his reign, having increased his power, trying to achieve new things. However, the vins of the laws did not wait and did not humiliate other zealots. Therefore, the characterization of Gorbachev's pavement is ambiguous. Politics is the art of intelligent action.

In the midst of a rich ringing, presented to Gorbachev, perhaps, the most important was the ringing of their indolence. However, in order to establish a significant scale of the breakthrough he created, and a short term for rebuking under the authority, you can compare with it. The epoch of Gorbachov was marked by the victories in Afghanistan, the first major free elections in the history of Russia, which eliminated until the new monopoly on the power of the party. As a result of Gorbachev's reforms, the world changed dramatically. Vin will not become any more. Not looming the political will of that masculinity, it is impossible to grow up like that. Before Gorbachev, one can rank differently, but, madly, one of the greatest articles of modern history.

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