How to write down a telephone Rozmov. Recording phone calls Recording phone calls on a computer with your own hands

The purpose of the assignment is to organize automatic recording of an audio signal from a telephone line and convert it to mp3 format for the possibility of later listening to it. Recording the encoding in mp3 format is done by the computer from the installed software.

The hardware part, implemented on the company's PIC16F84 microcontroller, monitors the status of the telephone line, sees the audio signal, sends a signal (status of the telephone line) that controls the computer via USB port (RS232-USB).

I will add a diagram showing a little one.

Software installed on the computer, removing the status of the telephone line, carrying out the process of recording an analog signal (converting to WAV format) and after completing the recording, converting the data to mp3 format (for encoding mp3, a library is used). The program keeps a record of the date, hour, and end of the record, which is also displayed in the names of the created files.

Vikno software for recording phone calls

Scheme I will start the telephone line to conduct a voltage change on the telephone line, the value of which, if the telephone is not removed, becomes more than 15 V (approximately 50 V). If the koristuvach picks up the phone, the voltage drops below 15 V. This moment and victorious for the display of the telephone line.

To see the audio signal, a transformer is used, which is rozvyazuє, like the old modem. And also two diodes 1N4148 for switching the output voltage of the transformer up to 0.6, a capacitor and a resistor.

The microcontroller checks the status of the telephone line of the skin 0.2 with the help of the above-described node for monitoring the line. If the optocoupler is "closed" greater than 0.15, it means that the line is victorious and the microcontroller sends the command "R" (Rec - Record) to the running add-on on the computer. In another turn, the “S” command (Stop - Stop) is used. Vіdpovіdno to commands dіє dodatok on the PC. The microcontroller has changed the serial protocol of command transfer, the module on the microcircuit PL-2303 is responsible for converting the serial protocol to USB. Obviously, it would be possible to hack the V-USB library, the task would be much simpler, and it would be possible to hack only one AVR controller, instead of PIC16F84 and PL-2303, it would be possible to hack.

List of whistleblower components

I'll build an ethereal sight

  • Easier to install the program. AudioSpy or SpyRecord and for the help of TWO capacitors, TWO resistors and TWO stabilitrons are connected to the audio input of the computer.
  • llllll is good and it’s even simpler, I have a program, but I’ve been trying to help the modem, and now I need to connect the PIC to the computer, so everything is in the computer?
  • The defender of such extensions needs to be given respect, however, the author of the varistor has shown it as an option. llllll, do you have two stabilitrons for zakhistu? Is there no need to re-galvanize? sirak, Your option is zatsіkav, what can you report? I’ve been drinking from everyone with a practical method, before I’m baiduzhi buv before the food, the interest was manifested only at once. I googled, but I didn’t know anything on topics.
  • The telephone line is connected through separate capacitors (one per skin wire. They gave a voltage dilator and two zener diodes connected in series (protection).
  • llllll , the scheme with denominations should be sorted out, then I figured it out, like I did it. Only a variant with a trance, without a new galvanic connection, you won’t get through, repair the computer after I’m afraid of no trouble. The first time the "left" voltage hits the telephone line.
  • tse bula program without any electronic attachments, for the help of the modem connected to the phone line and record the phone, I joke about this program and put it here, I remember that I downloaded the program from the site
  • axis i program Modem Spy v3.6.1 A program for recording telephone lines. You can automatically record all input phone calls - the date, hour, call itself, as well as assign and fix the phone number (it's true, only the default standard for assigning a CID number is supported). It is possible to record in manual mode, and not only phone calls, but quiet, which is carried out at the reception (from a microphone connected to a sound card). Recording can be recorded in WAV, MP3 and other. audio formats, recordings that have been played, can be listened to both through a sound card and through a telephone. In addition, it is allowed to record external calls, as well as to manage broken records of roses by electronic mail. One more cіkava detail - it is permissible to work the signs with the drive of that chi іnshoy record. Unique Capabilities * Automatic recording of all phone calls * Recording from the microphone in voice recorder mode * Playback of recordings from the phone line or through the sound card * Automatic gain control (AGC) * Powerful recording by electronic mail for the help of one click. * Allocation of the subscriber number (for other modems) and logging of the call log * Friendly program interface allows the operation of the call notes. * Neobov'yazkove notification of the spymaster about the record of the roaming. It is necessary in some countries. * There is also a Super Spy mode for invisible recording of calls. * You can also convert your recordings to any voice format - MP3, WAV, etc. * Rozmir program total 300 kb.

ICON TR1 telephone registrar is a fully autonomous device for recording telephone conversations on a 2-wire analog line.

Attachment does not care:

  • connection to computer- Calls are recorded on a microSD card
  • hello life- attach to live on a telephone line

The package includes a microSDHC card 16Gb, which allows you to record telephone calls and common trivality up to 1100 years. Koristuvach can insert a card with a larger capacity - add a microSDHC card with a capacity of up to 32Gb (2200 year of record).

Phone call recording is available in WAV format. The skin of the rozmov is written to the file being saved. When reloading cards, new ones are overwritten on top of the oldest ones.

TR1 supports AVN in the Russian format and in the CallerID format (FSK/DTMF).

A log file is kept on the map in HTML format, with which it is registered:

  • an hour on the cob that trivality rose
  • exit/entry number
  • sending to a file from a record

Koristuvach can look at the log file and listen to the recordings for the help of any Internet browser.

Koristuvach can record a sound file on the microSD card, which is done at the hour of the input call before starting the recording. Tse mozhe buti privitannya or advance, that Rozmov is recorded. Give respect:TR1 to open this file then, if you hear a hearing aid on the phone, subscribers will be offended by this. As usual, I would like to connect it myself to a call, program an alert, and then transfer the call to a connected phone, recommended models TR1NT and TRX1AN.

Telephone registrar ICON TR1 is not assigned to the assigned recording of telephone conversations.

Telephone registrar ICON TR1 is recommended to be used on multiple telephone lines with one connected telephone. For dial-ups, if two or more parallel telephones are connected to the line, as well as for alternative telephones on internal lines of UVATS, on GSM and VoIP-gateways, etc. Recommended models for modern living ICON TR1NT and ICON TR1NS.


Number of lines 1
Connection At the opening of the telephone line
Types of cards that are supported microSDHC (up to 32Gb)
File format WAV
Recording method 16-bit PCM (18 years of recording on 1Gb card capacity)
A-law (36 years old/1Gb)
ADPCM (70 year recording/1Gb)
Designation of the exit number Pulse and tone dialing
Designation of the entrance number Russian AON
CallerID FSK/DTMF after 1 call (ETSI 300 659-1)
Pre-record signal Voice notification
Tone according to GOST 28384-89
life Type of telephone line
dimensions 66x66x28mm
Contents of delivery Attachment TR1
microSDHC card 16Gb
Cable for connection to tel. lines
I will add my passport

At various dispatching services, in the offices of enterprises, and in some other cases, you may need to record telephone calls. Obviously, at the same time, different digital “recorders” are used, but it is still possessed, as it is necessary to specially bathe. At the same time, for recording telephone calls, it is possible to use a practically obsolete and cassette tape recorder, which is no longer in use, building, if you want to record an audio signal.

How to write down a telephone number

The site shows a diagram of the uzgodzhuvalny add-on, which ensures the automatic recording of telephone calls on a cassette tape recorder. The scheme is connected to a telephone line at any place and can record the number of parallel telephone devices. Recording attachment, as it is said above, is a practical cassette tape recorder. From this circuit, an audio signal should be connected to the new one, as well as the contacts of the relay K1 are included in the opening of the lance of the live engine of the tape recorder's string-pulling mechanism.

As for the scheme of the tape recorder, there is a constant stream of voltage 9V, given scheme you can eat whatever you like. On another occasion, I saw some kind of dzherel strumu springy 912V.
Functioning system in such a way. It is necessary to connect the system to the telephone line, turn on the tape recorder for recording (turn it on, press the "record" or "record" button).

Shards of life of the dvigun of the LPM of the tape recorder will be turned on, the recording will not be taken. When you connect the handset to any of the telephones connected to the circuit line, the contacts of the relay K1 will be switched on and the recording will start. An important moment, like a tape recorder can hitchhike, which does not allow the mechanism of trival hour to rest in an indestructible camp, it is necessary to turn it on or dismantle it.

Now about the robot circuit. If the line is not occupied in it, it is visible high voltage constant (sound more than 40V). The stabilization voltage of the VD7 zener diode is significantly lower (12V), so that the turntable is lowered and through the new resistor R3, a constant voltage should be applied to the base of the transistor VT1, when the transistor VT1 is turned on. When the voltage on the collector VT1 is low, the transistor VT2 closes. The strum does not leak through the relay winding;

When the tube is switched on, the voltage of the line drops to 5-10V, sometimes lower (lay down on the phone). The lower the stabilization voltage of the VD7 zener diode, the strum is attached to it through it. The voltage on the basis of VT1 gradually decreases in the world of discharging the capacitor C2, as a result, the transistor VT1 closes. But at the same time, the transistor VT2 is turned on, so the voltage on this basis is increased. A stream flows through the winding of the relay K1 and its contacts turn on the life of the LPM motor of the tape recorder. The recording starts.

After the termination of the telephone line, the voltage of the line is renewed and the electric motor of the LPM is reactivated. The audio signal for filing the recording path of the tape recorder is formed by the lancet C1R1 VD5VD6. C1 is a separate capacitor, resistor R1 and diodes VD5 and VD6 are used to intermediate the signal. When adjusted opir R5 slid
pіdіbrati such, with which the quality of the record will be optimal.

Relay K1 old relay v_d remote care vіtchiznyanyh TV. You can replace it with any other relay with a 12V winding with a support not lower than 200 Om. Stabilitron VD7 whether it is a stabilitron of low tension on the stabilization voltage is not lower than 12V and not more than 35V. Other details can be replaced by any available analogues.

Who cares about food - why do you need special attachments, how to record mobile phones from fixed phones? It is necessary to ensure the security of the confidentiality of various information. For some offices and different companies, all the necessary attachments, which can easily be blamed for turns of various information, are not guilty of being widened in any way, for any minds.

To that, a lot of firms, with the help of safety, install a special attachment to a record of telephone calls, and this record can be victorious as evidence from the court, or for the call of a person, as if a pardon was allowed. Earlier, if there were no such additions, you can use a personal computer, which may be a Dial-Up modem. By connecting a telephone cable to the modem and installing special software on the computer, you can switch telephone lines in one line, listen to everything that is said on the phone or make a record, including setting up the program so that it includes records one, in another country.

But at the same time, at the present moment, if the technological industry is on the rise, then special attachments can be used on the market, which will automatically change the phone lines and save it on the computer. There is no more need to buy anonymous modems for a number of telephone lines - now there are special boxes for a port port, which you will ask the manager.

If you are interested in these extensions, then you can buy them from special stores, where special extensions are sold, which will ensure confidentiality, security and security of various information. Buying these attachments, you can at some point grow recording of telephone conversations. For firms it is even more necessary to have such a possession, as to allow recording and listening to various telephone calls and the recognition of wine in a round of confidential information.

Vtіm, the skin can be quickened, we will attach it to the ruling court. Some people buy these models in order to simply write down the information in digital form, so that you can listen to and mute all the information. Prices for such extensions vary depending on several thousand carbovents and more, fallow, depending on the number of input telephone ports.

This attachment will automatically turn on the tape recorder for recording voice and voice when the handset is hung up. Under the hour of operation of the set-top box, the tape recorder is guilty of buti post-yno notes on the record. Vmikannya that vimikannya vіdbuvaetsya way switching lantsyug livelihood. The attachment diagram is shown in fig. one.

The voltage of the telephone line is added to Dilnik on resistors R1 and R2. If the tube is lying on the valve, the voltage in the line is close to 60, the output of the element DD1.1 is low, the capacitor C1 discharges, the output DD1.3 is also low, the transistor VT1 is closed, the relay K1 is energized, the tape recorder is turned off. When the tube is removed, the voltage of the line drops to 5 ... 12 U, at the output DD1.1 - a high level, the capacitor C1 starts charging through the resistor R3.

When the capacitor reaches the threshold level, the elements DD1.2 and DD1.3 change on the length, the result on the output DD1.3 shows a high level. Transistor VT1 turns on, relay K1 spratsovuє. Through the contacts that are muting, the relay is fed to the tape recorder. The voltage of the sound frequency from the line is fed through the lance C3, C4, VD4, VD5, C5 line input of the tape recorder.

Rice. 1 Schematic diagram of a set-top box for automatic recording of telephone calls

After the completion of the call, as soon as the tube is put on the line, the voltage in the line grows up to 60 V. The output of the DD1.1 element is low.

Capacitor C1 starts to discharge through resistor R3 and element DD1.1. As soon as the voltage on the capacitor reaches the threshold level, the elements DD1.2 and DD1.3 change their mill to the length one. Transistor VT1 closes, the contacts of relay K1 open and turn on the sound of the tape recorder. Oskіlki postіyna hour lancer R3C1 is significantly greater for the period of directing a series of "dialling" impulses when picking up the handset and dialing the number, the tape recorder becomes silent. However, if you pick up the phone and do not dial the number for another hour, the capacitor C1 will be charged and the tape recorder will turn off.

The change of the signal to the frequency (80...120, 25 Hz) will also not change the elements of DD1.2 and DD1.3. Diode VD2 connects the voltage at the input of element DD1.1. Opir condensers C3, C4 at a frequency of 25 Hz over 60 kw of skin, so the stench does not shunt the cyclonic signal. Diodes VD4, VD5 interleave the voltage at the input of the tape recorder at a level of 0.6 ... 0.7 U.
Chip K561LA7 replaces K561LE5, as well as on similar series K176 and K564. Diodne folding KTS407 can be replaced with diodes with a permissible return voltage of over 200 V. Transistor VT1 - structures n-p-p with the allowable pressure of the collector rosette less than 150 MW. Relay K1 - for spratsovuvannya 5 ... 7, for example REM 10 (passport RS4.524.302 or 031-04-02), REM15 (passport RS4.591.003).

The adjustment will be made up to the selection of R1 and R2 for the safe handling of the DD1.1 element when the tube is removed. Opir resistor R1 is not guilty but less than 330 kOhm.

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