How to prepare cabbage z | iz | pork meat. Braised cabbage with meat. A safe warehouse of products, which can be harvested in a fallow way from a komori

Braised cabbage for the evening - what can be better? And if it’s more with pork, then such a grass can be filed for obid. High-calorie, savory and korisno - the axis of the main culinary creation. Well, how to properly extinguish cabbage with pork, read below in the article.

What is needed for cooking stewed cabbage with pork?

Extinguishing cabbage is easy. The process is simple; - Core and necessary product for human body. It's easy to eat vegetables, meat, potatoes. This recipe is suitable for lovers of juice, arable grasses.

For the rahunok of the presence of meat in this recipe, the grass can be served not only with a side dish, but also okremo. No one in the household can take supplements. The lower smell will spread all over the booth. Mustache for the sake of such a parting.

Required ingredients for cooking:

  • 400 g cabbage;
  • 200 g pork;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce;
  • 100 ml rosemary with tomatoes;
  • carrot root;
  • for the taste of salt and spices;
  • 2-5 bay leaves.

From now on, let's get down to the process of extinguishing our brown products!

Cooking stewed cabbage with pork correctly - a good recipe for cooking with a photo

  • M'yaso sled vibirati for tsієї stravi lean. Good besides and narrated by small shmatochki.

  • At the frying pan, there were trochs of sonyashnikova olії. Let's cover some pork pieces on the new one.

  • If you love the cibula, then add the yogo itself to the pan until the meat. Clean one head and brush 5 strands of pork at a time. Well, I don’t really love this miracle sheep, I also look at it.
  • Cabbage is shredded into strips. Rosemary shmatochkiv is not guilty of buti drіbnim, otherwise the leaves can boil and turn into porridge.

  • We clean the fresh carrots and soak them on the great third.

  • Before the ruddy meat, we prepared vegetables - cabbage and carrots.

  • Lightly salt them, add spices. Close the lid and quench 10 quills.

  • In the okremіy єmnostі zmіshaєmo rozsil that tomato sauce. If you don’t have rosemary, then you can add just pasta with tomatoes to cabbage, or add trochs of sauerkraut, it will be tasty.

  • Put bay leaves in a frying pan with the main ingredients.

  • Salle all the ingredients prepared by the sum. Good peremіshaєmo everything. We cook cabbage with pork for 10 more quills on a dead fire.

Strava is ready! Wiishlo Shvidko is delicious! You can eat stewed cabbage with meat. Savory!

Inject, if you are small, the cabbage was too rich. And the axis of the meat is not enough. There was no yogo maizha at the kramnitsa. And if yogo was still put on the counter, then the brushes were more important. Later, if I was lucky to get better in the store, I recognized the stars are taken from brushes and where the meat goes. On the market, the meat was very bulo, but I’m still not for everyone, it’s expensive. I repeat, the cabbage was too rich and that they cooked it more often. Sometimes with “such”, if not with meat. Axis of meat I needed more! I think it suits you. Don’t worry that my grandmother cooked herself the way she cooked for me. Ale, why am I sure of singing, that we have everything weide, aje mi gotuvatimemo with love.

Warehouses: cabbage, bell pepper, carrot, cibulya ripchasta, tomato, lemon, pork, oliya, sil, melena sumish pepper.

The best thing to do is prepare ahead of time, so that we don’t go to the kitchen, from the stove to the refrigerator, and from the refrigerator to the sink. Vegetables are good to eat and dry with a servlet.

M'yaso is called wives, centimeters by five comrades and centimeters by five dozhina. Maizhe yak to the core.

With peppers, we can do the same. We’ll cut them on the back of the head, and then we’ll kill them with pivkiltsy.

Let's cut the tomatoes in pieces. Not small, but just like that.

With carrots, then everything was simple. Natrimo її on the great third. We are not ready to swim.

We put a brazier on the stove and warm it up. Fire on the side. Strongly rozіvaєmo olіyu and carefully, so as not to burn, we lower the meat into the brazier with a slotted spoon. Vono yak zaskvarchit, and mi yogo is mixed. Literally on the eyes, shmatochki blush. Let's put them on a plate and put them aside for the time being.

Pochekaєmo while the olіya will not grow again and we will smear the cibula again. Pomіshuyuchi yogo іnodi, schob not pіdgorіv.

As soon as the cibula grows older, it’s right to put carrots in the brazier. We mix and continue brushing the sprats of quills, not forgetting to mix. Nothing is to blame for the burn.

I smelled the smell lubricated carrots? Hi? Pochekaєmo more khvilinu. That's it, the hour has come to put Bulgarian pepper. Salt. Half a tablespoon will suffice. Mix and add a teaspoon of zucru. Robimo fire is a little higher than the middle one and smeared even more thin. Do you remember that nothing is to blame?

Let's add tomato to our vegetable fryer… That's right! We mix and check until the tomatoes are released.

The axis is like a stink to let your "tomato" sik at our brazier, add two grams of dill or meat broth. And it’s right to smear the meat to bathe with whom you eat. The fire was half as bad as the average, so that the "bulbs" appeared step by step and were busy with cabbage.

Cabbage is cut into strips. Whatever suits you best with squares, you can hit with squares. On swidkіst shooting and on smakovі yakostі tse n_yak not vpline. You can squeeze the trochs of the cut cabbage with your hands, so that it takes less than a month. Only without fanaticism.

Put the cabbage into the brazier. We don't change it! Dodamo more grams of one hundred and fifty broth, or dip and fill the brazier with a krishko. Fire, more than a little for a little.

For five years, we take a cap. Carefully, schob not obektisya couple. Cabbage is guilty of changing in volume, becoming rich in softness and changing the color in soft tone.

Salimo, about a tablespoon, pepper according to special references and subtract half a lemon. Peremіshuєmo that nakrivaєmo krishkoy. We continue to put out the whole year on a fair fire.

The cabbage is ready, you can eat it after sipping greens and dipping in sour cream. And you can do it without "nobody". And so and so it will be more delicious.

  • 1-1.5 kg fresh cabbage
  • 300-400 g pork
  • 2 cybuli heads
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • greens (krip, parsley...)

Before the end of the preparation, the bay leaf is wiped out, we add fresh greens. Stewed cabbage with pork is ready.

In order to make the cabbage less sour, you can combine cabbage by taking a part of fresh cabbage and a part of sauerkraut.

Stewed cabbage with pork

Like only hanging on the shelves of shops, there are fresh cabbages - I'm here like here. Obviously, at this moment - it’s not the most beautiful vegetable, don’t forget to collect the great number of nitrates, but you also want something fresh and green. Today, I’m proposing to you to cook stewed cabbage with meat, a practical classic version of the recipe, which, in my opinion, is the most delicious :)

I really love the cabbage kachan, but here I її vikin, the shards of nitrates are already rich. Greenhouse, early cabbage from them (nitrativ) is just a champion. To that, the best crocodile in the preparation of the strain will be. soaking cabbage in cold water.

I cut її into 2 parts, I cut it and I throw out the kachan, I pour it with cold water, until I get the lubrication (a tse hvilin 15), let it lie down, I want to partly nitrate in the water.

I have more canned tomatoes in a wet juice jar 400 grams. I gave exactly half. And, of course, you can pick up fresh tomatoes, especially in the season and the stink of meaty steak.

Never replace tomato paste with ketchup. Ketchup (as it is, like mayonnaise) is a cold sauce, which is not bazhano lubricate, soar, cook, to add heat. Vinyatok - you prepared yoga yourself.

Water, obviously, can be replaced with broth, otherwise don’t add it, shards of cabbage, for an idea, give me a little bit of radiny. I especially love ale, if it’s rich in sauce, I’ll add a little more to it.

Hot hour of preparation - 0 years 45 hvilin

Active cooking hour - 0 a.m. 25 hvilin

Vartist - middle vartist

Calorie per 100 gr - 159 kcal

Number of servings - 6 servings

How to cook cabbage with meat?

White cabbage - 750 g fresh, young.

Pig neck - 750 g

Cibulya ripchasta - 240 g

Tomati with wet juice - 200 g

Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.

Pepper - 4 pcs.

Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Black pepper - for relish

Oliya - 4 tablespoons for lubrication.

Parsley - 1 sprig (-i) for decoration. for the bajans.

Sumish peppers - to the relish for serving.

Sour cream - for relish for serving.

Meat cut into cubes. Rozmir - for bazhannyam, ale, zvichayno, it will be handy like a small piece, so be it, for one bite. Salt, pepper and stir.

Small entrance. Meat of a pig's neck, singsongly, the most delicious meat, the same yogo and raja brother. For proponing, the hour of wine is entirely to be prepared. If you doubt and want to extinguish more, then burn it more quickly in a frying pan in such a rite - after that, as you grease it, cover it with a lid, a frying pan, increase the minimum fire and extinguish the meat practically to the bagan m'yakost.

Heat the frying pan, add a couple of spoons of olive oil on the great fire, grease our meat from the sides.

Clean the cibula and cut it with quarter-kiltsami chi cubes.

Transfer the meat from the frying pan to a saucepan, in which everything is quenched. I have a pressure cooker. At qiu, add a couple of spoons of olive oil to the frying pan and grease the qibul until a light golden color. Add zukor.

While the cibula is being smeared, clean and rub the carrot on the third. Yakshcho you have є bajannya to cut її into a cube - be kind, rіzhte. Give another spoonful of olive oil to a friend and smear all the whilin all at once.

Add tomato paste to the pan, trimmed tomatoes at once with juice (pivbanks) or, as you cook fresh tomatoes - cut them into a small cube (in my opinion, taking fresh tomatoes from the skins is not necessary here). Mix it up and obsmazhuvat shche khvilina. Vimknuti and add the grease to the meat.

It is indicated in the ingredients of cabbage vaga - whole cilium head.

As I already said on the cob, the first crock of the buv is to pour cold water over the cabbage and leave it to lie down in the mist of the whilin 15. The time has come, it’s far away, the sprat is stricken, so that all the water flows out and don’t cut.

Add cabbage to our vegetables and cibules. Then go the water or the broth and put out the whilin on a small fire 15. Oskilki cabbage is fresh, lower, then it’s ready to be cooked more quickly. For an hour, you will settle down already. Then add strength, winter pepper, cumin, bay leaf and mix everything well.

The axis at once is already ready to bean cabbage softness. Possibly, it will be 5 khvilin (if you want, the cabbage is crunchy), or maybe 15 - try it and see for yourself. That kind of cabbage itself is a troch to lie down. If the cabbage is already winter, then the hour needs more money, I would say, hvilin 30, no less.

From i all. Strava to come out with rich relish, sitna is savory. It’s too much for someone to add sour cream for an hour, but I’m especially against it, I’m a lover of sour cream, but I don’t put my will on grass, I love to eat with black bread. Cholovik obov'yazkovo to add sour cream, so what is there for the bazhanny.

I serve, having added a sum of five peppers. Sour cream - okay, you can, for example, decorate with parsley. One of the ideas for serving is with a fresh cabbage leaf.

Have a great appetite!

Stewed cabbage with pork

Stewed cabbage with pork is prepared in rich countries as a daily dish. In Belarus, we don’t have such a motherland, they don’t prepare all the grass. The recipe for stewed cabbage with meat I got from my mother. Vaughn always said that cabbage with meat is even more tasty, even if there is enough fat in it, otherwise it’s “empty”, then you need cabbage, you need meat.

  • 1-1.5 kg fresh cabbage
  • 300-400 g pork
  • 200 g fat chi 2 tbsp. spoons of pork fat
  • 2 cybuli heads
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 2 tomatoes or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce
  • 1 st. spoon borosna (for bazhannya)
  • spices for vegetables or black pepper
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • greens (krip, parsley...)

Cabbage stewed with pork and vegetables

We wash the cabbage, shaky, put it in a saucepan, add 100 g of water and put it on the fire. Gasimo її hvilin 15, cabbage maє osisti.

Meat is washed, narrated on small shmatochki, like on goulash and smeared with pork fat until ruddy. I often replace vicorist fat with fresh lard. Dobre, yakscho out of the blue. Like vicorist lard, I cut yogo on fried shreds, I smear yogo on the cob, and then I add pork shreds.

The cibula is clean, washed, finely trimmed and lightly smeared with pork fat.

Carrots, clean, wash, three on the great third, or cut into straws, add to the qibuli and smeared to readiness, 2-3 hvilin.

We wash the tomatoes, we take the skin, in front of the cross, on the cross, sprinkled with sprinkles. Tomatoes are finely detailed, add carrots and cibules and stews, or even a couple of quills, or add tomato sauce.

A rich gospodarok when obsmazhuvannі ovochіv add to them 1 tbsp. a spoonful of boroshna, stewed cabbage with pork comes out sutish.

Cabbage in a saucepan we donated, we add meat and vegetables to it, spices for vegetables or black chalking pepper, salt, mix everything well, put a couple of bay leaves for the beast and stew until the cabbage is ready.

Before the end of the preparation, the bay leaf is wiped out, we add fresh greens. Stewed cabbage with pork is ready.

In order for the cabbage to be slightly sour, you can combine the cabbage by taking a part of fresh cabbage and a part sauerkraut.

Stewed cabbage with meat is good served with potatoes and rice.

Get ready to suit you. Savory!

Dumplings with potatoes and cheese

Mushroom cutlets, a simple recipe for savory cutlets

Stewed cabbage with pork

  • white cabbage - 0.5 kg
  • pork - 0.5 kg
  • cibulya ripchasta - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 2 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. / tomato sik- 1/2 bottle
  • zukor - 1 tsp
  • black pepper chalking - tsp
  • strength for taste
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya- 3 tbsp.

1. Cut the pork into small shmatochki, brush it on a rose-grilled. growing olive stretching 10 quills, help.

2. Trim the cibula, grate the carrots on a large grater. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, salt, mash with your hands, shobi bula m'yaksha and let the sik, put it in a bowl and put it on the side.

3. Add the cibula to the meat, continue obsmazhuvannya. If the cibula becomes golden, add carrots, resolutely mix. With a stretch of 5 quills, stew the meat with cibulia and carrots (if necessary, add 1-2 tablespoons of olії).

4. Add cabbage. Mix it up. Extinguish the cabbage with meat for another five hvilin. Salt. Cross for taste.

5. Dissolve the tomato paste in 1/2 bottle of water, add zukor, mix. Vitality at stewed cabbage. Mix it up. Salt the grass for consumption. Extinguish under the krishkoy until the cabbage is soft and, obviously, the pork is ready.

Do you think that there is nothing foldable in the preparation? Having covered yourself with a cap and mascara? So why in one gentleman cabbage is savory, lower and soft, and in others it comes out too watery, burns and crunches on the teeth? Obviously, this one has its own nuances and little culinary tricks. We will tell you about them.

Braised cabbage with meat.

Biggest gospodarok vpevneni, scho go out the most cabbage, stewed with pork. And it’s true, meat with a little fat gives juiciness and it’s good to eat with vegetables. Ale is not less than savory weed grass with yalovichi chi chicken.

Pіdіyde be-yaky vysіvok: scapula, quilt, ribs and so on. Cabbage can be taken fresh or navpil іz sauerkraut. If you don’t like tomato paste, then you can vicorate prunes - scald it with sprinkles and add for 10 quills before the end of cooking at once from a finely chopped clove to the teamaker, it will be delicious!

Hot cooking hour: 60 minutes
Cooking hour: 50 minutes
Exit: 6 servings


  • white cabbage - 1 kg
  • medium fat pork - 400 g
  • large cibula - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • strength, zukor and black pepper - for relish
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • fresh coriander - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook cabbage with pork?

Large photo Small photo

    I cut a piece of pork pulp into a 3x3 cm cube. The cibula was cut into a cube (take a bagato, with the cibula the grass will be savory and juice), the carrot was trimmed on the middle third.

    I grilled a large frying pan (dry, without olive oil) and put pork shreds in it - fat prosharka down. Smear on a strong fire until the zest is removed, so that the skin shmatochok “sealed” the middle meat juices. If pork is fresh, then pour 1-2 tablespoons of sonyashnikova oil into the pan before greasing.

    Until the meat was smeared on the sides of the meat, the cibula and the carrot wailed. Sauteed to the softness of the sprat of quills (do not grease too much, otherwise, when extinguishing the stench, burn). Seasoned with pepper ta silla, you can add your favorite spices for pork. If there is little fat in the pan, then you can add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

    I sipped the chopped cabbage (2-3 triplets), crushed it with my hands, so that it gave a sik. I ruled to the frying pan - you can sip її with hot water, all the same settle down when extinguished.

    Mixed, pidsmagla 8-10 quills on medium fire. As a result, the cabbage is guilty of obm'yaknuti and osisti, becoming a visionary or receiving an erysipelas.

    Now you can change the fire, cover it with a lid (shilno) and simmer about 30-40 quills. So that nothing burns, do not forget to stir with a spoon or a spatula. It is not necessary to add water. After we crushed the cabbage with our hands, let out a lot of fresh juice. I ordered the hour of preparation approximately, here everything is to be likened to your savory tastes, to love lighter, іnshi, navpaki, to respect for better, so that the troch crunched out. It is rich to fall in different varieties, summer and spring are prepared more quickly, lower winter. Axis scho went through the fire of the year, the vegetables turned limp and changed in general, changed the color more dark.

    Lost the tomato sauce. I rose the pasta near the water (100 ml is enough), you can replace it with freshly mashed tomatoes, if you can. So she added fresh coriander, that sprat of black peppercorns, rubbed at the hub, threw a couple of bay leaves.

    She mixed it and extinguished 8-10 more quills. She took the finished grass from the fire and once cleaned up the bay leaves, so that they didn’t get hot.

    Serve the best in a hot look, okremo or in the company of mashed potatoes, buckwheat or fig. Savory!

Who will cook the stewed cabbage?

Take the dishes of the varto tovstostіnny, then the heating will be equal and trivalid, the wines will be extinguished, and not only lubricated. In a frying pan with a thin aluminum of the water, the steam is steamed, the cabbage is dry and burns from the bottom, as a result, you will see the grass. There is a chavun pan, a swing, a cauldron, a chavun or a ceramic grill pan, a saucepan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. If you don’t have such a dish, then you will be able to smear meat, cibula and carrots in a frying pan, then mix with cabbage and simmer at the big pot (with a common bottom) until ready. Choose a large volume, even if you need a whole bunch of shaky cabbage, small pieces of meat/cowbaska/mushrooms/cereals, as well as carrots and cibula, maybe even more vegetable sauce.

For the preparation of cabbage in the oven, you need a chavun brazier, special ceramic or glassware (zharomitsny). The replacement of the "native" cap can be covered with foil.

  1. Cabbage will be richer tastier, so I’ll put it in a hot olive oil, and then put it out until it’s ready.
  2. Just 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add boroshn troshka, dried in a dry frying pan (1 tbsp. boroshn - per 1 kg of white cabbage), then the sauce will be thicker, and the grass will smell of serpanka.
  3. Try to extinguish cabbage on unrefined olives, you will see how much savory weed will be. Golovna, that Sonyashnikova's oliya was fresh and not bitter.
  4. Add a sour-licorice taste to the vegetables, add 10 quills before the end of cooking trohi tsukru and table otstu, literally 1 teaspoon per skin kilogram of cabbage. Tsej priyom pratsyuє, like sauerkraut zayvo sour - add an estimate, obviously, it’s not necessary, and the axis tsukor balances the taste.
  5. The grass will be even lower, like a spoonful of fat, strong sour cream with tomato sauce.
  6. Rinse the sauerkraut with cold water. Obviously, a part of vitamin C will be ruined, but you don’t sip the grass.
  7. Happy for those who can't stand the smell of boiled cabbage. Place at the cauldron, where the vegetables will be stewed, a large collection of stale wheat bread. You will take in all the smell, and you will have to clean up the loose bread in the kitchen with a noise.

How to cook vegetarians?

Nasamkinets proponu try the recipes for stewed cabbage without meat (to be used for vegetarian and canine eating): with prunes, kvassole and mushrooms. Do not forget to soak the legumes, then cook them until ready and add them to the final stage of quenching. Mushrooms will come, be it, they will be known, and the prunes of the obov'yazkovo will be taken from the smell of sickles, "smoked", spring-soft. Add yoga to the kitchen and enjoy the full-bodied hot grass.

I, nareshti, the biggest secret of stewed cabbage - cook from pleasure, then it will be savory!

Widening recipe for savory stewed cabbage with pork. Braised cabbage with pork - the herb is popular, especially in autumn. And it’s even more intense, which means that it gives a lot of energy, which is so necessary to fight the cold. stewing cabbage is taken with fatty meat, so pork is more suitable for the river. Dodatkovo before cabbage, mashed potatoes are often prepared - this tandem is also wide and pleasant bagatma. Cook with pleasure, a great appetite!

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  4. Stewed cabbage with pork

Ingredients and how to cook

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Cooking hour: 1 year

Pokrokove cooking

Krok 1:

For cooking, take fresh cabbage, good fat pork - cabbage love fat meat, so it is often cooked with fatty meats or birds - with pork, goose, rock. In the capacity of additives, vikoristovyte tsibula, carrot, bay leaf. oliya good luck, because pork is not fat.

Krok 2:

Wash the pork well, dry it, stretch the skin, as if it’s there, cut it with small pieces of medium size, brisket with fat prosharkas is fine to go.

Krok 3:

At the bottom of the pot or cauldron, pour the trochs of olives and place the pork shreds, coat with fast stirring.

Krok 4:

Prepare the vegetables: cut the cibula, carrots and tomatoes with a crisp cube. Instead of tomatoes, you can take a spoonful of tomato paste.

Krok 5:

Harvest fresh cabbage.

Krok 6:

Until the meat is right, to cover the cibula and carrots, mix, coat the troch. Salt, pepper.

Krok 7:

Add shredded cabbage.

Krok 8:

Stir and stew the cabbage under the lid until soft.

Krok 9:

Add | add | sliced ​​tomatoes, if necessary, add|add| little bits of water. Extinguish cabbage with pork until cooked, put a couple of bay leaves in the kіntsi.

Krok 10:

Serve with hot looking fresh greens.

Braised cabbage with pork - what is better for an insult?

If you want to cook a regular supper with cabbage, then you can cook it with meat at the same time classic recipe. Braised cabbage with pork is an appetizing low-calorie herb. Zavdyaki far away from the selected warehouse and the proportions of vegetables, cabbage comes out even more tasty.

Cabbage is stewed with tomato paste, creating a delicious gastronomic duet, brimming with juice and tenderness. For fresh vegetables, you also need a cibula and a carrot. Oskіlki cabbage love fat, vibirayuchi meat, give priority to propositions from streaks from fat. If you have a pisny shmatok, then, when smearing the pulp, add a little bit of lard or some other fat.

When buying white cabbage choose swings of different varieties, with lower-green leaves. The same swings accumulated a maximum of brown microelements. For obsmazhuvannya meat and vegetables take whether refined olive oil. Whisk spices to your taste.


  • fresh cabbage - 500 grams;
  • qibulya - ½ heads;
  • strength is great - for relish;
  • carrot - ¼ root crop;
  • pork pulp - 300 grams;
  • tomato paste 25% - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • black pepper, chalking - for relish;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • oliya roslinna - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook cabbage with pork?

Wash the pork and dry it. Zrіzhte shkіru, vyrіzhte kіstki, cartilage and nіzhte knіzhte small size.

Pick up the top leaves from the cabbage fork and divide into pieces. Cut the cabbage into thin shavings and remember lightly until you see the juice.

Put the frying pan on the stove and heat it up. Pour in the trochs Olii and move the prepared meat. Lubricate with mixing.

Clean the cibulin and carrots and make the necessary quantity. Cut into small cubes and eat with slathered meat. Stir the components and brush with fluff 3-4. Pepper and salt the masa, stew with a low intensity of fire.

Heat up another deep frying pan, pour in a little bit of olive oil and put in the cabbage. Lubricate for an hour of stirring on a medium fire. After wiping the root, add tomato paste and mix.

After 2-3 weeks, come back smeared with meat, cover with a lid and simmer until fully cooked.

Put a bay leaf, for consumption, lightly salt. Serve stewed cabbage with pork, like fresh grass or with a side dish of rice, buckwheat, boiled potatoes.

Pork comes out more savory, as if to extinguish it with vegetables. Pork stewed with cabbage is especially popular. Recipes tsієї stravi raznomanіtnі, їх can be known in the kitchens of different peoples. The gentleman richly writes his unique recipe for such a passion, but it’s not enough to supplement the cookbook with new ones. Even though the main components in these recipes are the same, the result is different through the variety of cooking methods, spices and additive ingredients.

Cooking features

You can put out the pork sauerkraut or fresh, red or white - for the skin version - your own non-repetitive recipe. Ale, regardless of the identity, the basic principles of cooking savory pork with cabbage are approximately the same.

  • The main secret of the savory herb is the quality of the whiskey for the preparation of products. The main ingredient of the herb, which is the binding material for this, is pork. Choose in order to extinguish, better young meat, some fat white color. Juicy meat comes out, as if it wasn’t frozen. To that, it’s necessary to take pork for a cold guy for simmering with cabbage. As if the frozen meat is vikorated, it is necessary to give it to you step by step, otherwise in the finished dish it will be dry and not tasty.
  • Pork, stewed with cabbage, comes out savory, as if the meat was fat. Robiti tsyu stravu is possible from the ribs.
  • Fresh cabbage, as if it is victorious for preparing the grass, it is necessary to swipe it from the top leaf, as if it sounds like we will attach it, and shake it with a thin straw. The optimal width is 2-3 mm. Such cabbage preserves crispness and will look appetizing.
  • Sauerkraut, as if it is sour, needs to be soaked. Even salted cabbage should be washed. Let's sweat the cabbage, so that the vologer's dream came out of it. Only a little bit of the next won is ready before you cook with it delicious grass with pork.

Do not overdo it with vegetables. Remember that you are cooking stewed pork with cabbage, but not the other way around.

Pork stewed with cabbage and tomato sauce

  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage - 0.75 kg;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • qibulya - 100 g;
  • hourglass - 3 cloves;
  • tomato paste (abo sauce) - 50-75 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • roslinna oliya - skils are needed;
  • strong, black chalking pepper - to relish.
  • Wash the pork, soak it in salty water, clean it from the veins and spit, dry it with a kitchen towel and cut it into pieces, like for goulash.
  • Clean the watchmaker and cut with a knife for pieces of shmatochki.
  • Peel the cibulina in the form of shells and cut it with thin pivkiltsy or quarters of the kіlets.
  • Wash the cabbage, shake it from the top leaf, shake it.
  • Clean the carrot and wash it. Grate on the top for Korean salads, or on the spicy one, but not too dry.
  • Pour olive oil into the frying pan and burn it.
  • Put the pork and coat it on a strong fire until a thin crust is cooked.
  • Change the fire to medium, put a cibula and an hourglass near the pan until the meat. Spread them all at once with meat, mixing, 10 more quills.
  • Add carrots, stir, brush 5 more quills.
  • Transfer the pork to the cauldron to a thick-walled casserole. If you allow the expansion of the pan, then you don’t need to transfer the meat from it anywhere.
  • Add cabbage. Stir її zі greased pork.
  • Put the beast tomato paste, spices, strength. Pour in some water.
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid and put it on the fire. Vin is not guilty of being over-intensive.
  • Stew the grass, periodically stirring, until the cabbage becomes soft. If the water is evaporated earlier, it is necessary to add it. It’s not necessary to pour in a lot of water, otherwise you won’t be able to boil it all at once and digest the cabbage, it will become soft and shapeless.

Cooked according to this recipe, cabbage can be taken, trochs of sour relish, which harmonizes well with pork. When the dish is ready, it is accepted without a side dish, but for the bazhanya you can add rice and potatoes.

Pork stewed with cabbage and sour cream

  • pig virizka - 0.3–0.35 kg;
  • white cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • qibulya - 100 g;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • sum of dried vegetables and greens - 5 g;
  • roslinna oliya - 100 ml;
  • sour cream - 50 g;
  • strength and chalking pepper - for relish.
  • Wash the cabbage. Remove the top zipped leaves. Cut the cabbage into thin strips, put in a saucepan.
  • Pour in the pіvsklyanki vodi, pіdsolіt. Put on a quiet fire and put out 15 quills after boiling. Ovochevy vіdvar angry.
  • Clean the cibula and cut it with pivkiltsy, smearing it with thin yakomoga.
  • On the great third, grate the peeled carrots in front.
  • In a deep frying pan, roast half of the olive oil indicated in the recipe. Put a carrot and a carrot at the new one, brush it with 10 strands.
  • Transfer the cabbage to the frying pan with tsibuleya and carrots from cabbage. Mix it up. Lubricate all at once on a weak fire 10 quills.
  • Wash the pig's brisket, dry it and cut it into small cubes or straws like for beef stroganoff.
  • Brush the pork in an okremіy frying pan.
  • If the pork is covered with an appetizing flavor, put it in a frying pan with cabbage. Posipte a sum of dried vegetables and herbs, pepper for the bazhannya, salt the beans.
  • Add sour cream, mix and simmer on a weak fire under the lid for another 10-15 quills. Every now and then lift the lid and stir the dish so that it does not burn.

The garnish is not necessary to the point of strain, but it’s good to eat with mashed potatoes, so it’s not uncommon to serve it together with it.

Pork ribs, stewed with cabbage

  • pork ribs - 0.7 kg;
  • white cabbage - 0.7 kg;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • qibulya - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • paprika licorice - 5 g;
  • black chalking pepper - 5 g;
  • strength for relish;
  • provence herbs - 10 g;
  • roslinna oliya - 50 ml;
  • red dry wine (not obov'yazkovo) - 50 ml.
  • Wash a piece of pork, dry it with a towel and cut it on the ribs. Salt them and finely sip with black pepper.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and brush it on the new rib on both sides until the crust is cooked. It is necessary to work for intense fire.
  • Transfer the ribs to a cauldron or a saucepan with thick walls.
  • In a frying pan, where the ribs are oiled, put the cibula cut into small cubes and grated carrots on the great third. Fire change. Coat the vegetables on a weak fire for 10 hvilin|minutes|.
  • Posipte slathered cibula and carrots with herbs of Provence or another sum of spicy herbs for your taste. Add paprika and tomato paste. Mix it up. Extinguish everything at once on a quiet fire 10 hvilin.
  • Transfer the tomato-vegetable sumish from the pan by the cauldron, twisting the meat.
  • Wash the cabbage, cremating it in front of the head of the head withered the upper leaves. Draw with handy shmatkuvannya shmatkuvannya. Cut with a thin straw, not longer than a long time.
  • Put cabbage in a cauldron with meat and other vegetables.
  • Stir in a cauldron, salt, pour in the trochs of dry wine and sour cabbage into the vіdvar (you can pour in the cabbage vіdvar).
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid and put it on the stove. On a fire of low intensity, extinguish the fire until it is ready, periodically її mixing and stepping after it, so that the water does not boil. The hour of preparation at this stage is warehousing 30-40 quills.
  • Wipe the fire and fill the grass under the roof for another 15 khvilin.

For this recipe, you can cook pork ribs and sauerkraut. It’s not necessary for this person to take cabbage for a long time, we’ll also take wine. The replacement of wine that cabbage vіdvara can win pure water.

Pork, stewed s | iz | red cabbage

  • pig virizka - 0.5 kg;
  • red cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • green apple - 0.2 kg;
  • crane (fresh chi frozen) - 50 g;
  • kmin - 2-3 g;
  • seasoning from sillu for pork is ready - 20 g;
  • roslinna oliya - you need skilki.
  • Prepare the cabbage and shake it dry.
  • Rinse the virizka and cut it with small pieces.
  • From the apple, remove the core, cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • In a deep frying pan, heat oil | oil | and put cabbage in it. Extinguish її on a weak fire 15 quills.
  • Add an apple and a crane to the cabbage, mix, continue to quench 5 more chills.
  • In another frying pan, brush the meat with seasonings.
  • After 5 quills, pour in the flask, bring it to the meat, cover the pan with a lid and put out another 15 quills.
  • Put the cabbage in the form for baking, put the pork to the beast and sip the cumin.
  • Cover with foil and put the oven on fire until 200 degrees.
  • Take away the foil, turn off the oven, leaving the pork with cabbage for another 10 strands.

Serve the most beautiful grass with a salad fresh tomatoes, yakі podkreslyat yogo unique relish.

Pork stewed with cabbage - succulent and savory grass, yak can be served without garnish and sauce. Until then, preparing yoga is already not easy.

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