Tіstechka with sauerkraut on a frying pan. Tіstechka with sauerkraut. Stuffing for pie from sauerkraut with egg

Tіstechka with sauerkraut - zavzhd garna idea! Tse obov'yazkovo is tasty, sieve is even more fragrant. You will try them more than once and you will not be able to live without them anymore!

Lubricated patties with sauerkraut


  • zukor 15 gr
  • roslinna oliya 0.3 l
  • borosna 300 gr
  • Vershkov oil 15 gr
  • milk 0.2 l
  • sіl 2 trisk
  • dry yeast 10 gr
  • sauerkraut 0.5 kg
  • water 100 ml

The lightest and finish the Swedish version, matched with others.

Yak cook smeared patties with sauerkraut:

Warm up the milk, pour yogo into a bowl.

Vsipati drіzhdzhi, tsukor that strength, give them a break.

The oil is poured and dissolved in a saucepan or a micro-furnace oven.

Give it a chance to cool down to room temperature.

Pour in yoga until the ingredients are mixed, mix.

After that add | add | flour|boroshno| for the help of a sieve and zamіsiti tito.

Embrace yogo, download into the sack and tidy up the bowl.

Snatch and give pіdrosti at the heat for two years.

Try the cabbage, it’s already sour, put it in a drushlyak or a large sieve and rinse it under cold water.

Shchob won't help, її it is necessary to extinguish in a frying pan with water.

After twenty minutes, anger me on the sieve again and give the stacks of radini.

Quietly remember, rock in a thin colo.

Wipe the mugs of medium rosemary and put a spoonful of stuffing on the skin of them.

Pinch the edges and let the pies infuse in the warmth of the troch.

For an hour, fry the leftover oli in a deep frying pan or a stewpan.

Make pirіzhki and smear until ruddy.

After that, shumіgati shumіvkoy on dry servets.

Porada: you can vicorist fresh yeast, ale їх need two more.

Drіzhdzhovі pirіzhki with sauerkraut in the oven

Like pies in olive oil, you need a lot of calories, try to cook qi. The stench will go into the ovens, then, they will not be so rich in olії.


  • water 50 ml
  • oliya 280 ml
  • kefir 250 ml
  • Zhovtok 1 pc.
  • sіl 2 trisk
  • fresh drizhdzhi 15 gr
  • zukor 5 gr
  • milk 50 ml
  • vershkov butter 100 gr
  • borosno 0.5 kg
  • sauerkraut 500 gr
  • cibula 1 head

Yak cook drizhzhov's patties with sauerkraut in the oven:

To prepare a dough, you need only a little bit of kefir.

The water can also be heated to the same temperature and filled with water.

Detailed drіzhdzhі, vsipati їх i dates rozchinitsya povnistyu.

Enter tsukor іz sіllu ta mix.

Dati stand close to fifteen hwilin.

If mine hour introduce kefir, soft oil and zadnati everything.

Place in a warm place for two years, it has grown.

For the whole hour, wash the cabbage, as if it were necessary.

Dati їy stack in a drushlyak and then pokrishite її.

Cleanse the cibula, wash it and purify it.

Heat up some olive oil in a frying pan, add cibula and obov'yazkovo cabbage.

Prepare them, help me, until the steaming of the homeland.

After taking the filling from the fire, cool it down to room temperature.

Quiet, which has grown, embrace and turn it into a layer.

Wipe out of the new mug and fill it with stuffing, pinch.

Viklasti on a sheet, ukriti paper.

Give a little time to stand, shobi rose.

Send some milk from the zhovtkom.

Make pies for an additional penzlik and put them in the oven to a golden color.

Porada: so that the pirіzhki were light, in the middle you can add a little bit of fat.

With sauerkraut and boiled egg

Tsej variant viyde sitnіshim, lower in front, to that in the beginning there will be more living components.

Eggs and cabbage - tse vіdminne poednannya.


  • zukor 5 gr
  • borosno 0.4 kg
  • dry yeast 10 gr
  • milk 100 ml
  • cibula 2 heads
  • spices for taste
  • vershkov butter 100 gr
  • eggs 5 pcs.
  • sauerkraut 0.4 kg
  • Zhovki 3 pcs.
  • oliya 200 ml
  • water 0.1 l

How to cook pies with sauerkraut and boiled eggs:

Warm up the water a little, mix it with drizzles to homogeneity.

Half of the visipati flour in a bowl, ale obov'yazkovo through a sieve.

All ts'ednati and dates to stand for the second time.

If masa is viroste vdvіchі, introduce zhovtki, salt everything and add tsukor.

Warm up the milk and pour in yoga there.

M'yaku oliyu zmishati іz surplus borosna and trutit to the other ingredients.

Zamіsiti m'yaké and spring softly, place in warmth and give a constant repeat of the year.

For the whole hour, prepare the filling and boil the eggs for that chotiri until fully cooked.

Cool, clean and convert to krychta.

Cabbage v_dzhati and for the need to ask, give the drain.

Clean the cibula and chop finely.

At the frying pan, warm up a small amount of olive oil, boil the cibula and cabbage.

Extinguish pomishyuchi whilin ten.

Nasamkinets vsipati eggs and mix everything thoroughly.

Quietly remember that rozkotiti in the reservoir.

Wipe the mugs, place on the skin of them trochs of the filling.

Fold the shortbreads navpil, pinch the edges and put the patties on the sheet.

Grease them with an egg that is left out, let the trochs brew.

Take the pirіzhki to the oven and bake 20 quills at 180 degrees.

Porada: you can touch the surface of the pie with a small amount of sesame.

Cooking from leaf dough

Mabut, one of the best options for homemade pies. Troch more, lower for a year, everything will be ready. It's savory, succulent and crazy crunchy!


  • spices for taste
  • sauerkraut 0.5 kg
  • water 1.5 l
  • Leaflet Tisto 550 gr
  • oliya 30 ml
  • cibula 1 head How to cook pies from leaf dough:

Pour water into a bowl and pick up the cabbage.

Take it to the stove and let it boil, cook for one year.

After that, get angry at the drushlyak, give it a drain and cool down.

Clean the cibula and clean it, chop it finely with a knife.

In a frying pan, heat up the trochs of olives, boil the cibula.

Extinguish yoga, stir it up, to softness.

Introduce cabbage, mix everything and bring it to relish.

Quite far away, it’s been thawed out.

Viklasti yogo on the surface, sprinkled with flour | boroshnoy |

Cut into squares of one size.

Place a spoonful of stuffing on the skin of them and fold the edges so that the rolls come out.

Viklasti future pirіzhki on the sheet.

Take it to the oven for 20-25 quills at 210 degrees.

Porada: so that the pirіzhki tasted like food, you can vikoristovuvaty leafy yeast dough.

Swedish recipe without yeast

In front of you Swedish recipe homemade pies with sauerkraut. Usogo forty hvilin - and you can pour tea and enjoy the rose with relatives.


  • vershkov butter 10 gr
  • soda 2 triski
  • sauerkraut 450 gr
  • milk 0.5 l
  • sіl 2 trisk
  • oliya 260 ml
  • zukor 5 gr
  • borosno 940 gr

How to cook pies without yeast?

Wash the cabbage under running water, give it a drain.

Let's cut it with thin threads, let's see.

Pour milk into a container, add strength, zucor and soda.

Everything is thoroughly mixed up and added to the soft oil.

Partially introduce flour | borosno | and zamіsiti m'yake, odnodne tіsto.

Zavazhat doti, the docks won't come out more often.

Spread on the working surface, embrace it and add it to the same parts.

Download bags from them, then roll them into shortbreads.

In the middle of the skin, place the trochs of the filling.

Creak the edges and let the troch stand. For an hour, fry the olive.

Weaklasti in new pirіzhki and smear until ready from the sides.

Porada: the components are more diverse in milk, it can be improved.

Cabbage patties with mushrooms

The next patties with cabbage will be more overgrown through the addition of mushrooms. Crazy delicious. Obov'yazkovo try on dozvіllі.


  • drizhdzhove tisto 1 kg
  • water 0.1 l
  • dry mushrooms 120 gr
  • rubany krip 30 gr
  • egg 1 pc.
  • sauerkraut 0.8 kg
  • qibulya 2 pcs.
  • vershkov butter 40 gr
  • spices for taste

How to cook cabbage pies with mushrooms?

Soak the mushrooms in front, let them brew for two years.

Cabbage promiti and viklasti in a drushlyak, give a drain.

Peel and rinse the cibula, chop into cubes.

Place oil in a frying pan | oil | and release yoga.

Vsipati tsibula, cook її to softness, then add mushrooms.

Extinguish everything at once, with the help of a stretch of ten whilins.

Vynyat tsibula and mushrooms, deprive the olive.

Put the cabbage in there, pour in water and quench forty quills.

Add krip to cabbage at once with mushrooms and tsibuleya, season.

Tіsto embrace, rozkotiti and virіzati mugs.

Viklasti at the center of the skin troch of the filling, edges creak.

Ready pirіzhki put on a sheet, let them brew for fifteen khvilin.

Then put it in the oven for twenty minutes for the average temperature.

Porada: for a bright color, you can add a little licorice paprika to the cabbage flavor.

Pies stuffed with cabbage and minced meat

Without a doubt, this recipe will be as strong as if it were the main herb. The filling of the pie will have rich juice meat, sour cabbage and rich relish!


  • cibula 1 head
  • dry yeast 25 gr
  • minced meat 0.3 kg
  • egg 1 pc.
  • spices for taste
  • Vershkov butter 250 gr
  • borosno 1 kg
  • zukor 5 gr
  • sauerkraut 300 gr
  • milk 0.5 l
  • oliya 250 ml How to cook pirіzhki stuffed with cabbage and minced meat:

Pass a bowl through a sieve.

Add milk to it, and heat it up to a warm state.

Tudi w - m'yake vershkov oil, drіzhdzhі, spices and tsukor.

Everything is thoroughly mixed to homogeneity.

Ready to download it into a bowl, put it in a bowl, chop it up and put it in the refrigerator for the winter.

Clean the cibula and brush it, brush it on olive oil until soft.

Cook minced meat until fresh, add spices and quench all at once until ready.

Let's put the cibula with minced meat into a bowl of ostigati.

Put the cabbage in the frying pan and stew until soft.

Mix cabbage with meat and cool at once.

Tіsto embrace that rozkotiti, virіzati mugs.

Place at the center of the skin on a spoonful of filling.

Grip the edges and give the pies a little bit of piss.

In an hour, fry the deep-fryers and grease at the new pie to a golden color.

Porada: at the filling, you can add a little bit to the teapot for piquancy.

At the place of arrival, it is ready to be crisp, the clothes may be warm, without stretching. Drіzhdzhi love warmly, it is less for such minds to stink actively work.

So that your pies turn out to be as appetizing as possible, savory and beautiful, do not forget to grease them. Tse mozhe buti egg, zhovtok, salty water, oliya chi milk.


Let's prepare the cabbage ahead. Pour in 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, change the fire and cook for about 1 year. Leave everything to your liking, if you like cabbage with a light crunch, if it's more soft. Let's sweat the cabbage for drushlyak. If it's okholone, retelno її vіdzhimaєmo.

The qibulu is grotesquely narrated and can be smeared on olive oil, not forgetting to stir it periodically.

I prepared the stuffing for pirіzhkіv from smoked cowbass with a brightly expressed relish. You can make pirіzhki stuffed with only sauerkraut, and with smoked meats, vipіchka will come out especially savory.

The cowbass is cut into small pieces, and if the cibula becomes a seer, I will straighten the cowbass to it. Prodovzhuєmo lubricate at once, sometimes mixing up to a light golden color of the cybuli. Z'ednuemo with cabbage. Pepper and salt to taste (we did not salt).

Quietly defrost at room temperature and cut into slugs 10-12 cm wide.

And then we will cut into squares.

On the leather square we put the stuffing from sauerkraut and kovbasi. We break an egg in a bowl and see a zhovtok from white. The egg is smeared on the edge of the pie, making sure that the egg does not squander it on the line of the eye (as if the egg were to be squandered on the line of the eye, the pie will be nasty "growth" in the oven).

Pressing the protractile edges of the test.

You can press the edges of the dough with the tips of the teeth of the fork, or you can cut it with a zigzag-shaped ring.

Deco sprinkled with water. We put it on a new pie with sauerkraut, smeared with an egg, again, without sticking to the line, we put it in the oven, let it rise up to 210 degrees, 20-25 whilin.

Pies can be filled with a golden color.

Lower pies with a crispy twist and naming savory filling with sauerkraut and cowbass ready. Prepare the raja!


Lubricated liver pies bagatma is loved with cabbage filling. I want a sheepskin with a hundred clothes without fasteners available, whether it be fate or not, I don’t think that the popularity of cabbage pies with cabbage is the very reason for the furnishing of the viklikana. Aje, damn it, it's delicious! M'yaka, trohi sour stuffing to rob the appetizing pavement, it's just impossible to eat it! I categorically do not recommend it to those who protect thin waists!

Nezrivnyanna stuffing for pies from sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a miraculous refill for lubrication and biscuits. Light sourness miraculously fits into the savory tandem with thin crispy dough. I can say that it is one of my favorite options for toppings.

To prepare, you will need to take:

  • 1 bright orange medium size carrot;
  • 1 small cibulin
  • 500-600 g sauerkraut;
  • 3 art. l. olії (no matter what, odorless ale).

Cooking order:

Zіshkribayte carrot skin or carefully cut it with a knife (like a root “old”). Let's sweat with a thin straw, or hurry with a great grater. Pour the olive into the pan. Grill yogo and visipte carrots. While the carrot will be smeared, take care of the cibula, so as not to waste the hour. Ripchasta tsibulka clean. Rinse and chop. You can dribno, more - someone like to love. Let's make a cut to the carrots. Saute a couple more quills. Let the vegetables become golden and pijaristimi, but do not overdo it. The hour has come to guess about the cabbage. Vіdіzhmіt її vіd rossola i vіdpravte on frying pan to carrots with tsibulei. Now, for the future cabbage filling for savory pies, you can give a calm whimper at 7-10, sometimes fleetingly guessing about it, to change it and “forget it” again. If you believe that everything is ready to take a sample. You may want to add spices. If it’s too sour, add zucru. Fresh - add salt.

Pirizhkova stuffing from fresh cabbage with tomato

Fresh by itself white cabbage do not have a pronounced relish and aroma. Ale, for us, the culinary specialists of the home shtibu, only on hand. We bring our cabbage stuffing for rouge pies and pies to a savor with additional fragrant spices and sour-licorice tomato.

Otzhe, what do we need:

  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • small cibulin - 2 pcs.;
  • middle morquin - 2 pcs.
  • tomato paste - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 2 tsp tsukru;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
  • on tongs of red and black ground pepper;
  • 2 bottles of hot water;
  • trochs of dewy olives for slathering cibules with carrots.

Method for preparing the filling:

Shred the cabbage finely. "Old" can be crushed with your hands, so that it becomes softer when extinguished. Clean and wash the carrots and cibulka. Rub carrots or narіzhte (who is like a sound). Trim the qibula with a cube. Coat the vegetables on the rose oil. Add cabbage straw. Kindly mix it up, so that the smearing is evenly spread according to the future beginnings. Add tomato paste, which is diluted in a glass of warm water. Add another bottle of water. Mix it up. Extinguish the stuffing for smearing pie with fresh cabbage and tomato in a frying pan without a lid, stirring occasionally, 12-15 quills. Let's add some spices, strong ta tsukor. Stir and cook until complete evaporation of the root. Tse trivatime sche 7-10 whilin.

Fragrant cabbage stuffing for pirozhkіv (savory recipe with mushrooms)

Mushrooms are not only miraculously eaten with cabbage, but they give the beginnings of a delicate aroma and taste. That pirіzhki will look great, be singing.

Tell me about the presence of such ingredients:

350 g fresh white cabbage;

champignon mushrooms - 250 g;

leek cibula - 1 stalk;

roslinna oliya refined - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.;

chasnik - 1 clove;

black pepper - pinch;

strength for relish.

How to prepare:

Cleanse the queen of our grass from the top leaves, remember. Call thin husbands. It is right to smear in a frying pan with half of the assigned amount of olive oil. As long as the cabbage sticks are smeared to softness, you will start to wonder about the other ingredients of the filling. Ale, don't forget to mix it up, it didn't go wrong. Mushrooms should be cleaned from swimming pools, or just rinse. Let's make big cubes. The white part of the cibul-leek is narrated with thin pivkiltsy. When the vegetable is ready, transfer the yogo to a bowl. And wispy the mushrooms in a dry frying pan without olives, put on a medium fire. Dock, the docks of mushrooms are evaporating the whole country. Then pour oil into the pan, which is gone. Visipte narizana tsibulyu and smear everything to a golden color. Wisip the cabbage into the pan until cooked. Salt, pepper and pass through the fresh water. It was only left to mix it up, to extinguish the whiff-friend, to cool it down. Well, of course, don't forget to try the pirozhkiv before the tasting. Adzhe under-salted and not enough spices at the beginning are so critical, like over-salting. Usyogo can be in the world.

And also savory pies with cabbage and eggs. Pokrokovy recipe to marvel at the preparation of the filling.

The axis of such different varieties can be cabbage fillings for lubrication and cookies, pies and pies. Choose, cook, enjoy!

Well, who doesn't love homemade pies? Navit tі, hto їх not їst - to love! Children have all the pies prepared by grandmothers and mothers, and it was delicious and quiet for us. Variants of dough and fillings are meaningless, let's cook today more savory greased patties with sauerkraut in a frying pan.

Just you can take your love, and I'm zakokhana in the past on kefir. It is easy to get ready quickly, from available products. Pirіzhki from new look like food and even savory. For the filling, we take sauerkraut, cibula and carrots.

We will cut the cibula dryly, we will grate the carrots. On a small amount of dewy olives, we save vegetables. I always add a teaspoonful of butter for relish.

We try sauerkraut, as if it is sour - we can see it in the water and see it. You can just add sautéed vegetables to the cabbage, but I’ll put out the trochs for better cabbage. We add cabbage and vegetables to the frying pan, add a little water and simmer under the lid on a medium fire for about 10 quills, until the radish boils. I recommend giving 1 year. tsukru, the taste of the filling will be harmonious.

The dough is divided into shmatochki approximately 40g each. On the back I form bags, and after that - a pink rocking chair, 4-5 mm curtains come out.

We add about 1 tbsp of stuffing for the dough, so don’t put it on the edges, otherwise pinch the pirіki will be foldable.

We form patties, turn them over with a seam down.

In a frying pan, pour olive oil (yogo can be done with a bagato, so that the rhubarb reaches the middle of the pie). Lubricate pirіzhki from two sides on the middle fire. The first axis of greased patties with sauerkraut is ready! Nainіzhnіshi, naismachnishi, m'yaki - just relish! We love to add tops of butter to the pie, we don’t want to rob the filling, whether it’s more delicious. We take a bite, add oil with a spoon - it’s over there, it’s so tasty!

Savory! With milk, with licorice tea - it's delicious! The filling comes out so savory, harmonious, with a little licorice! I do recommend!

If the patties with sauerkraut turned out to be savory, it is important to cook the dough correctly. Most often for which victorious the drіzhdzhova base is broken down according to classic recipe. Ale, not a skin gentleman, is ready to check the bill of years, while the warehouse is pidide. Hovered on this rubric different options shvidkogo yeast test, as well as the method of preparing pastries on a fresh, yeast-free and leaf base.

The simplest way to prepare dough for pies, greased in a frying pan is to mix a yeast-free base. You can work on water, milk, kefir, syrup and mayonnaise. Let's look at the remaining option.

For cooking you need:

  • 200 g mayonnaise sauce;
  • 400 ml water;
  • egg;
  • 45 ml of animal fat;
  • 35 g zucru;
  • strength;
  • 12-15 g soda;
  • 800-900 g boroshn.
  • sauerkraut;
  • sprat cibulin;
  • chalking pepper;
  • sil.

Preparation method:

  1. Smear the sauerkraut from the trimmed cibulia in a frying pan, adding spices, and then put it into a drushlyak, so that the filling will cool down.
  2. Beat an egg in a deep bowl, add mayonnaise sauce and butter, mix until smooth.
  3. Dilute the masa with water, collect strength, zukor and soda.
  4. In small portions, bring to the warehouse borosno and vimіsiti m'yaké tіsto.
  5. Cover the base with cloth, leave it for a quarter of a year, and then work it out, mold the pies and grease them with dog fat.

If we want to mix it up with the bottom one, it is necessary to choose mayonnaise of normal fat content, at least 60%. "Light" options of sauces for which are unsuitable.

Z dodavannyam at the filling egg

You can make miracle cakes from swedish yeast dough. In this season, you don’t need a check, while you sum it up, you’ll be ready before it’s done, after 5 minutes after mixing. Another advantage lies in the fact that for such a test you don’t need eggs, but yoga can work like on milk, so on water.

Need the following ingredients:

  • 280 ml of chi water milk;
  • 650-700 g borosh;
  • trohi tsukru;
  • strength;
  • 35 ml refined fat;
  • 35 g of powdered yeast.
  • sauerkraut;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • Green cibula;
  • spice it up.

Preparation method:

  1. Prepare the stuffing from smoky sauerkraut, cooked eggs and sliced ​​fir from green cibula, season the sill with spices.
  2. Mix half of the borow with butter, zucr and sill and pour 150-180 ml of milk, it boils, or water.
  3. Carefully mix the masa so that all the breasts rise, introduce yeast and milk or water, which is left out.
  4. In parts, it’s borough, what’s left, we’ll lose the mass, then we’ll turn it into small bags and leave it for 5 quills.
  5. Rock the breasts with a rocking chair, put the filling and drink portions.

Patties with sauerkraut and eggs, prepared from such a dough, can be baked in an oven or lubricated in a frying pan.

Vipіchka from yeast dough

Practically in all recipes for the preparation of yeast dough, it is indicated that after mixing yoga, it is necessary to keep it warm. Ale is a variant of the pie base, which is the necessary cold.

For cooking you need:

  • 750-800 ml of water;
  • a bag of powdered yeasts;
  • 55 g zucru;
  • troch salt;
  • 70 ml fat;
  • borosno (skіlki vimagatimé tіsto).
  • sauerkraut;
  • sprat cibulin;
  • carrot;
  • Bulgarian peppers;
  • spice it up.

Sequence of preparation:

  1. Lubricate sauerkraut with tsibuleya, carrots and bell peppers in a frying pan, salt, season, and then put into drushlyak.
  2. At pіdіgrіtu water sip tsukor, sil, drіzhdzhi that 80-90 g borosna, mix it up and leave it for 10-12 quills.
  3. Zm_shati dough s | iz | a dewy olive tree, and then we’ll wince quietly, step by step, hoarsely. The basis of the average strength.
  4. Download it into a bag, cover it with a servlet and tidy up the middle police of the refrigerator.
  5. After 60-80 quills, complete the base and make the patties.

Porada. Oskilki to take revenge on a little dewy olive, rather bake pies in the oven, because if you grease it in a frying pan, the grass will be fat.

Liver pie with sauerkraut in the oven

Shchob spekti povіtryanі pirіzhki priіzhki vіdukhtі, varto skoristatisіtsіm recipe custard dough on yeast.

For cooking you need:

  • 270 ml of milk;
  • 270 ml water;
  • egg;
  • 45-55 g of dried dried fruits;
  • 900 g boroshen;
  • 55-60 ml of rosewood;
  • trohi tsukru and salt.
  • sauerkraut;
  • carrot;
  • watchmaker;
  • Green cibula;
  • strength and spices.

Order dіy:

  1. Lubricate the filling for pirіzhkіv from sauerkraut, grated carrots and crushed teapot, cool, add green cibula and spices.
  2. Mix up the milk with sill, zukr, olive oil and yeast, sip the sprat, pinch of the borosna and mix it.
  3. Boil the water, add to the boil, re-mix and add a few more boars.
  4. If you sum up a little bit of oholone, introduce the egg, and then start to mix it up, step by step, hoarsely.
  5. Give the foundation to stand no more than 10-12 quills, make it a good portion.

So that the liver pies in the oven turned out to be savory with that rum'yan, they need to be smeared with beaten egg.

The best recipe for cooking

At the day of fasting, you can cook savory pies on the written test, without eggs and dairy products.

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 ml water;
  • 480 g boroshn;
  • 15 ml fat;
  • 15-18 g soda;
  • sіl ta tsukor.
  • sauerkraut;
  • spice it up.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the stuffing from sauerkraut and cibules, salt, season and cool.
  2. Add strength, zukor, soda to the water, drain, until the sipuchi components are separated, and then add oliya.
  3. Nasipati in the homeland troch borosna, rub the breasts with a spoon.
  4. Let it be quiet, step by step, hoarsely, what is left out, let it stand for a quarter of a year, and then drink pies and bake in the oven or grease in a frying pan.

Porada. Just in front of them, how to place the deco in the oven, do not smear it with an egg yolk, the pirіki look like it’s not necessary to look at. In this case, an oliya is additional, yak can be applied in a small amount to a ready-made wine.

How to grow from leaf dough

Bagato gospodarok vvazhayut for the best not to engage in cooking leaf test independently, but buy ready-made nap_vfabrikat. You can build a simple warehouse without spending a lot of time and effort.

For robots you need:

  • a pack of butter;
  • 160-180 ml of water;
  • 480-550 g borosh;
  • sil.
  • sauerkraut;
  • spice it up.

Preparation method:

  1. Lubricate sauerkraut with tsibulei, season, cool.
  2. Pour 3/4 part of the borosh with cold water, add | add | sіl|salt| and mix, poke | docks | the warehouse will not become the same.
  3. Rozkotity thinly with a layer of tovshchina not more than 3 mm and squeezing into the center of the finely cut top oil.
  4. Form a bag out of the dough, re-spread and repeat the manipulations until the base becomes homogeneous, and then place it in the cold for a quarter of a year.
  5. Obrobit it on square shmatochki, put it on the top, shape the envelopes and put them in the oven.

So that the pirіzhki turned out beautiful, a quarter of a year before, like a ready-made weed, they need to be smeared with a chewing gum and stick to the sesame seeds.

Secrets of the ideal VIP

While busying yourself with the preparation of pirozhkiv, it is necessary to give a sprat of nuances, so that the vipichka is savory:

  • before cooking viymati products from the refrigerator ahead of time, so that the stench was at the same temperature;
  • always ask borosno;
  • as the pirіzhki are prepared from the yeast basis, it is guilty of going far from stretching out (the lord of the song is so rich, that one is so “afraid” of making loud sounds);
  • spitting out the yeast dough in the oven, carefully opening and closing the doors so that it doesn’t fall out;
  • when preparing vicorist from the leaf base, only rozm'yakshene is prepared, but at the same time, butter is not melted;
  • zamіshuvat іsto for biscuits pirіzhkіv schіlnіshim, nizh for smazhenih.
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