Dart-free pies in the oven. Yeast-free dough for greasing pastries

Ready to be ideal dough for greasing pies without yeast.

The stuffing for such pirіzhkіv can be beaten to your liking. I have a recipe for representations of a variant of licorice filling.

Kefir serves as the basis of yeast-free dough for lubricating pirozhkіv, and added to the new grub soda to make it porous and soft. Get ready to finish it crispy and completely simple. It is enough to know a few important moments in the process of preparing such a thing, and your wishes will forever be miraculous!

To prepare yeast-free dough for lubrication of pastries, we need:

  • kefir - 0.5 l
  • borosno - close to 3 bottles (200 ml)
  • kharcheva soda - 1 tsp without weights
  • sil - 0.5-2 tsp. (reserve type of filling)
  • tsukor - 1 tbsp. l. (For licorice dough)
  • egg - 1 pc.

Who has a master class pokrokovimi photo shows the preparation of smeared pirіzhkіv with filling from fig jam.

For the filling you need:

  • fig jam - 250 ml
  • small lemon - 1 piece

Yeast-free dough for smearing pirіzhkіv - a good recipe

In order for the pastry on kefir for lubrication of pastries to be good, it is necessary to add respect for the quality of the products that are beaten.

  1. Kefir can still be fresh, not peroxide - otherwise it’s just ready-to-eat pirozhkі vіdpovіdno sour.
  2. Boroshno may buti pros_yane before adding to the tito. Under the hour of prosіyuvannya on the bottom of the sieve, it is not guilty to lose breasts - it’s not worth talking about the increased moisture content, which can negatively affect the quality of the test.
  3. So borosno not guilty buti prostrochenim.

For the cob, it is necessary to pour kefir into a large bowl and mix with grub soda, sill and zukr.

As the filling for pirіzhkіv is not licorice, in this case it takes only 2 tsp. salt. Yakshcho well licorice filling - 0.5 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. l. tsukru.

Kefir with whom to spin and increase in obsyaz, shards of acid begin to quench soda.

Lightly beat the egg with a fork.

Add|Add| beat eggs in kefir and mix.

Step by step sip in kefir borosno, what you ask.

When it’s tight, it can stick to your hands, that filthy trim shape. If more flour is added, lower lie down, then the dough is ready to be smeared with pirіzhkіv in the form of shіlnim and hard.

It is necessary to mold the pirіzhki in front by smearing the hands and working on the surface of the oil to prevent the sticking of dough. It’s possible, when you’re lucky, to sip on a crisply boroshy afternoon, but at such a time you often have to change the oil for lubrication, splintered shards, which you drank in the new surface pirіzhkіv, psuvatime їx relish and zvnіshnіy look.

Having experimented on a couple of three first buttered patties, you will find the ideal proportions for preparing yeast-free dough for lubricated pie.

Ready to smear pie with stuffing

Make the figs thicker by themselves, pour the sprat into the syrup at the new one. Zayva homeland it is necessary to anger, having put the jam on a sieve, the shards of falling syrup on the dough can soak it and the edges of the pie cannot be eaten.

We form pies. Put a piece of rolled dough on the oiled surface. Yogo is not the best, but flatten with your hands, pressing the rounded shape of the zavtovka with your fingers about 1 cm. Viklasti in the center of the troch of the filling.

Pinch the edges of the pie.

Ready pirіzhki on yeast-free dough and smear in rosіrіtomu. growing olive on a small fire. The pastry is smeared on the side of the seam. Olії need such a quantity that it reached the middle of the sides of the pie. As the oil becomes less in the process of oiling, it is necessary to add it, warming it up well.

The pies are already savory as soon as they are smeared, looking hot. However, they reached smeared patties you can play in micro-furnace without wasting your relish. Pirishki z licorice filling good one in the chilled version.


To prepare pirіzhkіv іz somgou you need:

For yeast-free dough:

1 bottle of kefir;

1/3 teaspoon of grub soda;

3 bottles of borosna;

3 art. l. dewy olії;
strength for relish;
1 egg (for brushing);
20 g of butter | oil | (for blurring).

For filling:
200 g lightly salted salmon;
200 g syrah;
150 g of tops (fat content 33%);
a bunch of crop;
strength, bloody pisok- by forceps.

Vititi in a bowl of kefir, add | add | soda, stir. Dati stand for 5-10 hvilin. Tse is important (!).

In small portions, add generously, as you ask, and make it more elastic. Yeast-free dough on kefir it is practically innocent to stick to hands.

Ready dough without yeast for pirozhkiv on kefir vіdklasti for 10-15 quills. Tse is important (!).

Let's start preparing the stuffing for the pies. Up to the top add strength, zukor, beat to "steady peaks".

Add sir through a sieve to the beaten tops, finely cut the krip, mix thoroughly. Sirny cream with crop for stuffing pirіzhkіv ready.

Cut the salmon into thin slices. Bezdrozhzheve dough, what happened, on kefir rozkotity, kukhlem or a form of virіzati "kukhlі", put syrrhium cream, salmon and carefully pinch the edge to give the shape of a pie.

I had 20 pirozhkіv from a somgou of the average size.

Cover the deco with parchment paper, stick with a boar. On a skin pie, sprout a sprat "pricked" with a fork and put it on the deco bed.

Beat the egg with a fork, coat the leather pie and put it in the oven and bake for 30-50 quills. The temperature of boiling is 180-200 degrees. Make hot pies from salmon vershkov oil, cover with a towel. Let the sprat of hvilin stand up, so that the oliya will get into the dust.

Savory! Live from satisfaction!

for sipping in the oven or in a frying pan

Having learned how to cook dough for this recipe, you can savory pies with some kind of filling, even with licorice, even with sieve. Yakscho already vyrishili to pamper loved ones of the household savor the pies, then do not forget to prepare a couple of jars of refreshing compote or fresh milk before them. It’s better to supplement the lower fragrant homemade wine.

The savor of the pies is filled not only with the filling, but also with the taste of the dough. Today you will learn how to cook the bottom that swede dough on kefir, as you can beat the cake not only for pirіzhkіv, but also as the basis for pizza and baked buns.

Culinary recipes with photo

Recipe #1


  • Borosno wheat - 350 gr.;
  • Kefir or sour milk- 200 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • Tsukrovy pіsok - 75 gr.;
  • Soda - 8 gr.;
  • Oliya - 35 ml;
  • Dribka salt.

Cooking process:

In a saucepan, or a deep bowl, there are dry ingredients: borosno, what you ask, tsukor, strength, soda. At dry sum, pour kefir at room temperature, add | add | chicken egg that oliya.

Mix with your hands lower softly. Before the speech, it’s possible to grow on kefir at the bakery.

Cover the gingerbread man with a cup, or with a plіvkoy it will start filling for pirіzhkіv. What hour will be enough for the gluten to swell. A tribal vistoyuvannya, like a test on yeast, is not necessary.

To pay attention to the fact that for working with dough you need an additional amount of borosh for adding a working surface, as it is not indicated in the ingredients.

Recipe #2


  • borosno - 4 equal flasks without weights;
  • oliya sonyashnikova - 150 ml;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • sіl - pinch;
  • tsukor - 1 tbsp. l;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp


Glybok has a wide capacity, pour in pivlitra kefir, insipte tsukrovy pisok, salt, add | add | Sonyashnikova Oliya and mix all the ingredients well.

At the masu, who wiyshla, ask close to three flasks of borosna and mix well.

Mix it up tightly, if necessary, add it vigorously, it’s not guilty to be superciliously twisted, but if it’s rare, it’s not guilty to be. If you see that it is richly borowed, or navpak obmal, adjust the proportions.

It is ready to be thawed on a clean table, with a dry boar and thawed into a layer (0.8 cm). Pomіrno sip a layer of soda, store yoga and respawn. Repeat this manipulation for another two.

Now it is necessary to lightly cover with a kitchen towel for about 20 quills, in an hour it will rise and be ready to go into the oven or a frying pan at the sight of pirіzhkіv or cakes with filling.

It is possible to ask you a recipe for shortbreads on kefir with potatoes and an egg.

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