Tіstechka from living drіzhdzhіv. Dry dough for lubrication and biscuit pies

Today, I want to show you how the brewery prepares dough for greasing and biscuits. Lubricated pies come out like that, about yaks to say "to sink at the mouth", especially while the stench is warm. Well, the liver, well, well, it also comes out more savory. From the finished dough, prepare the most delicious smeared patties with potatoes and qibulei.

When preparing the dough, I vikoristala fresh pressed yeast. From them, in my opinion, the pies look especially delicious. Usі іngredієnti resolutely rang on the kitchen electronic teresas, wanting to sound shy at the eye. So, as you show the proportions, you can have such wonderful cakes.

What do we need for the test: (for 20 cakes)

1 bottle of milk (250 ml) 3.2% fat

25 g of pressed dried fruits (1/4 of a 100-gram pack), or a dry bag

1/4 bottle of olive oil

1 st. l. tsukru (if the filling is licorice, then you need 4 tbsp. tsukru)

1 tsp without salt

1/4 bottle of warm water to spread yeast

For filling:

500 g potatoes

2 medium cibulins

30-35 g of butter | oil | (smooth the cibula)

strength for taste


On the back of the head, right with the hand, we trim the drizzle. It's easy to scream.

We add 1 tbsp. l. zucru, 1 tsp that quarter of a bottle of warm water is boroshn. Let's move on. As if the little breasts are overwhelmed, do not worry - if the yeast rises, it will rise up.

Nevicoristan drіzhdzhі can be safely frozen, scorched with plіvkoy. When frozen, they do not waste their powers.

Let's say drizzle on whilina at 10, let's get up. Let's start making dough. At the great bowl for mixing the dough, beat with a wine-glass egg and 1 tsp. salt. Let's add a glass of milk and a quarter of a bottle of dewy olives. Let's move on. Milk is better than trohi pіdіgrіti.

In the meantime, the drіzhdzhі were lifted with a pisnoy hat.

We add them to the egg-milk sumishi and carefully mix it with a spoon.

Sounds borosno, ask yoga and step by step, in 3-4, take it, add it to the dough. We take care of the ear with a spoon, and then with our hand. Dolonka can be periodically smeared with olive oil, it will be less sticky to the dough. Mіsity needs to finish it for a long time, until you become absolutely homogeneous. Dobre vimishane tіsto zovsіm not sticky to the hands.

The dough is lightly sticky with flour | boroshnoy |, we curl the cup with a clean towel or a krishko and put it in a warm place. I put it on a stool until the battery is warm. Like a cold battery (inlet), I pour some warm water into the basin and put a cup of dough there. Ale started seeming, so you need to come in, as if you were victorious with dry drizzle, it’s just that it’s swishing better. And as drіzhdzhі svіzhі, it’s tito pіdіyde at be-yakim vipadka to finish the shvidko.

Otzhe, about a year ago, or a troch less, Bachimo such a picture:

Now it is necessary to hug and give to you anew. We crush it with our hands, we can go about otak:

Let's put it anew, and we'll prepare the stuffing ourselves for the time being. Potatoes are clean and put to boil. Salim naprikintsі varіnnya. Cibulya is cut into small cubes and lubricated in a pinch of oil until golden color.

From potatoes that were boiled, robimo puree, vicorist part of the vіvara, in which it was cooked. It’s necessary, dosolyuemo to the taste. Dodaemo in puree mashed tsibula zі frying pans at once with olive oil and mix it well.

While the stuffing was being prepared, it was crispy.

I work on the surface of the good smeared with olive oil and laid on it, ready to go.

Divide the dough into 20 approximately equal parts of the visible bag.

We give the test a few drops until the bags look something like this:

The skin of the bag with fingertips is gently crushed into a shortbread and put 2 tsp. fillings.

Here it was necessary to take a picture of the ready-made pie, but I just got excited and didn’t take a picture. I’ll show him a photo of the previous recipe, even if I still make pirіzhki, however.

We take the seam and put the patty on the oiled surface with a seam to the bottom. As long as the last cake is baked, the first one will go ahead and you can smear it. I sound like I’m curving pirіzhki with plіvkoy, then the stench will come better, but you can not work it.

Pour on a frying pan roslinna oliya with a ball of 4-5 mm, good rozіvaєmo and shvidko vykladaemo pirіki.

Respectfully stezhimo for pirіzhki, oskіlki lubricate the stink of the arc, here it's a smut - turn it over at once. It’s too hard to work for the help of two saws.

If another bik is ready, we put pirіzhki on the barrel, so that the stench will be smeared on the side.

I may once again turn over to another beak.

From i all! The test is ready and, like a bachite, there is nothing folding. Maybe, you can say that I should report on the preparation process. But far from everyone is able to behave with dough, even more so than pekti savory pies. And if my recipe is to help someone make friends with the yeast dough for lubrication and cookies, I will be just happy.

For biscuits pirozhkіv work all the same, only put not on a frying pan, but on a sheet, lined with parchment, and smear the beast with an egg bag. Marvel at the details.

It’s just miraculously suitable for the preparation of belyashiv.

I say goodbye to you today. Let's have a good day and a wonderful mood. Get ready for happiness!

For sipping cakes, most often vicorist is dried or else, like yogo is called in a different way, sour. It’s easy to get ready to finish your wine, but keep your secrets. In order for the wine to taste like food, savory and fragrant, obov'yazkovo traced the secrets of the nobility. Oh, here's the recipe for you. yeast test for cakes. I will give you a few options for their specialties: for gospodarok-pochatkіvtsіv, for additional cookery and for linivits.

Recipe for pirіzhkіv №1 - for pochatkіvtsіv

As soon as you learn the basics of the culinary arts, you will learn more about it, more often than not with a more simple type of yeast dough - bezparnogo.

  1. On the skin of a kilogram taken for the preparation of pasta borosna, 40-50 g bakery fresh yeast, 400 ml of milk or 200 ml of milk, 200 ml of water, 2-3 chicken eggs, 1-2 tablespoons cukrovy squeak that inch of butter, half a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Drijdzhi is bred in tepid milk (25-30ºС). It’s more important, even more alive. Colder milk will increase your diyalnist - it’s quiet viyde zhorstky, indescribable; hotter - killer.
  3. Boroshno before zamіsom testa obov'yazkovo prosієmo, more often 2-3 times. This is the obov'yazkovy point of the recipe, so that if you need two things, you can do it: you can see the breasts and it's very good to repeat.
  4. We pour warm milk with yeast into the pan, put strength, zukor, eggs, and everything is good in the doti, the docks do not settle down to the same mass.
  5. The time has come to sipat borosno. After that, for a long time, and relatively, we feel cold until the moment when it stops sticking to your hands.
  6. We add to the melted olive, the trochs to the beast are powdered with boar-thickness and put in a warm place. Everything, now for the second or two years you can forget about the test.
  7. Write quietly, what happened, we crush, we give it a go and we crush it again. Check the third pidyom. The axle is now ready.

Recipe number 2 - for additional information

Safely, the dough was cheering for you, let's move on to the folded appearance of the yeast dough - sourdough. With this method, the sponge is prepared in front (this is how the dough-sourdough is sometimes called). To know the proportions of products, look at the recipe for yeast dough for pie No. 1.

  1. Pіdіgієmo nebhіdne for the test milk (all), razchinyаєmo in new drіzhdzhі that vsipaєmo only half of the portion is borosna. Everything is relatively rozbovtuёmo and put for a year in a warm place.
  2. Opara went down. She added boar, what was left out, strength, zucor, oil, we’ve got it, but everything was given in sonic order.

for pirіzhkіv №3 - for linen

The most important operation in the preparation of the test is the whole process of vimishuvannya. Ledachkam is just happy: bring a loaf of bread and entrust this clap їy. If there is a “Tisto” function for bread, you only need to sing in the same order as many ingredients you need, press the button and bud. Pair practical pleasures h special certificate:

  1. It’s better to vicorate not dry, but fresh yeast. Quietly see more than the bottom and write.
  2. If you are sure to come, the baker will give a signal about those who can win, do not hurry to win. Reactivate the "Tisto" operation again. Spend another year, but take an over-the-top savory whiskey.

Otzhe, it's ready! The time has come for yoga to roll and drink pirіzhki.

Dried pie recipe

Smazhitimemo licorice pie with yeast dough stuffed with apples.

  1. Let's prepare the filling. For whom we will clean three licorice apples, use them on the great third, we will soak the zucru with a spoon, we will mix it and put it on a sieve, so that a stack of zayvi sik. For the whole hour, we will sort out the test.
  2. We put our dough on the table, sticking it with flour, dividing it into small pieces, we give it the shape of a bag and we get it, if the stench gets bigger in the room.
  3. Rozkochuєmo rocking a leather bag in a cake with a torso of piv centimeter.
  4. We put the stuffing in the middle of the shortbread and pinch the edges, giving the shape of the pie. Remember: pirіzhki may be small, but when smeared with yeast, they will thicken up in a bowl.
  5. After that, the patties are ready, with a seam down, put on a steel sheet of 15 for pidyoma. The axis can now be lubricated in boiling olive oil. In the case of frying them, put the oil on the back of the head with the seam down.

The original vipіchka will please the skin, even though not everyone is able to grow up like that, so that it would be a real varta. Take it so quietly and varto to know various secrets, so that you can keep up with him.

Today, we can look at the difference, apply the preparation of yeast dough, so that on your table there will always be savory and pies that have sunk in your mouth.

Dry yeast dough with dry yeast on milk

In order to make it easy for us, it is necessary to prepare hand tools and utensils. Already after all the crushed, you can proceed to mixing the yeast dough with dry yeast on milk.

You need a large basin, a plastic baguette, a steel, a towel, and a miraculous mood, so be it as it is, as if it seems alive and watching your master.


Boroshno, bagan vischogo katunka 1.5 kg;

milk, eggplant fat 0.5 liters;

Egg 2 pcs.;

Water 100ml;

A pack of dry drizzles (saf-moment, more like it);

Dribka salt;

Zukor 1 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking recipe:

The milk should be warmed up in advance until it becomes warm, then we pour it into the dishes, diluted with water. Zadalegіd it is necessary to melt the olіya, it is possible to work for help micro-furnace. Vsipayemo reshtu іngredієntіv i relno razmіshuєmo. Now it’s time to add more bobbly, on the back of the cob you can vicorate a spatula for mixing, then if it becomes thick and sticky, it’s better to mix it with your hands.

The more dovshee and better you promisiti tіsto, the more shvidshe vono pіdіyde. It is necessary to vimish so much until I become such, until it is smooth and equal. We sweat at the same basin, in which we mixed the dough, we wilted our oil and put our dough. Nakriemo yoga and forget it for a few years. Through the skin pіvgodini yogo needs pіdbivati. After that, as soon as you start to wake up, you can proceed to the brewing.

So it is good to zastosovuvat and for the preparation of steam pirіzhkіv. With the right stuffing, you have a perfect masterpiece from yeast dough. Prepare minced meat 0.5 kg, 300 g of cibula, add salt pepper for relish, trochs of topsoil in the filling to crush their juices. Stick with a shape similar to pirіzhki, put it in a pressure cooker and after 40 quills, you will be able to infuriate the whole homeland with a wonderful evening.

Dry yeast dough for cakes made with dry yeast on water

In order to prepare dough on water, you need three less ingredients, our grandmothers made this recipe, including the best of it. Father, what do we need, to prepare a dry dough for pies from dry yeast on water?


Boroshno 1.5 kg;

Water 0.5 l;

Chicken egg 2 pcs.;

Margarine 100 gr.;

Oliya 2 tbsp. spoons;

Drіzhdzhi dry 1 package;

Zukor 1 tbsp. l.;

Strength, 5 tsp.

Cooking recipe:

The water is also heated up ahead, dryly, it will require room temperature for a shorter drink. We drown margarine in front, you can roast it like in a frying pan, or in a micro-furnace. Breaking eggs, visipaemo products, everything is thoroughly mixed. Let's start sipati borosno and vmishuєmo dosit softly.

Quietly varto vimishuvati until I stand, the docks will not be smooth. Let's pick up yoga varto in a place for the trip. Perevirayayte yogo kozhnі pіvgodini and knead, as if you want to go in. After that, as soon as you wash the kіlka once, you can proceed to the brewing of the pirіzhkіv. Prepare the filling ahead of time and bake delicious pies!

From this you can cook donuts chasnikovі. It is necessary to divide yoga into small bags, and give them a little bit to go. After the vipikannya in the oven and after the attainment, smear with a crushed teapot with silla and pepper. A perfect solution to be the first to suffer.

Drіzhdzhové dough for pirіzhkіv at the oven

Not all of us love pies smeared with olive oil, so many people know that pies are out of the oven. Tse is not fat and less calories. Now let's figure out how to cook dough for them. Drijdzhov's tisto for pirіzhkіv at the clerk's work, it doesn't matter, it looks like it's very quiet.


Borosno variety choose yourself 1.5 kg;

milk 0.5 liters;

Water 100ml;

Chicken egg 3 pcs.;

Margarine 150 gr.;

Dry yeast 1 tsp. or fresh 1 p.;

Oliya roslinna so that the dough does not stick to the hands 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Zukor 1 tbsp. a spoon;

strength 1 teaspoon.

Cooking recipe:

In order to prepare the dough, it is necessary to heat the milk up to a warm temperature. Then, at the preparation of the dishes, we pour milk, water, break eggs, add all the products of melting margarine. Everything is necessary relatively rozmіshati and start sipati borosno.

It is necessary to keep vimish for a long time, only after you become smooth and equal, you can start to respect. Navit on the great undertakings of the machine zamіshuyut drіzhdzhove tіsto close to pіvgodini. Household minds have the same varto yogo good promise. Then we pour the oil into the dishes for the dough and put it there yoga. Oliya is poured in order to give it during the processing of the dough, it does not stick to the hands.

We’ll leave our dough for a couple of years, buvay, it’s less than a troch or more than an hour. All fall as a cost of drіzhdzhiv. If the first one passed the test for twenty hvilin, then after forty you can begin to work on it. Take the stuffing, as you prepared it, proceed to a savory boil.

For pirіzhkіv at the oven, you can vicorate different fillings, often vicorist potatoes, with additional mushrooms. So miraculously for taste will be patties with cabbage. It is possible for lovers of meat pirіzhkіv to prepare minced meat and zmіshati yogo z|іz | stewed cabbage, for the taste of such pies are simply wonderful.

Drijdzhové dough for pirіzhkіv with live yeast on milk

Bagato in the yeast test to lie down as a dry yeast. Dry drizzles are overcooked, but more vvazhayut more beautifully with living drizzles. It is important that the taste of the wine is richer than it is with them. Quietly with such drіzhdzhami, the troubles were better to go, but to go out miraculous. What do we need to prepare yeast dough for pastries with live yeast on milk?


Boroshno 2 kg;

milk 0.5 liters;

Water 150ml;

Chicken egg 2 pcs.;

Oliya vershkove or margarine 100 gr.;

Drіzhdzhi live 50 gr.;

Oliya 1 st. a spoon;

salt 1 teaspoon;

Zukor 1 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking recipe:

So that our dough was warmer and did not lie vantage, the milk was warmed up to room temperature, it could be a little hotter, but the hand endured. Zmіshuєmo all rare products in one dish. Step by step we begin to add flour.

After that, as soon as you become kindly cremated into the dishes, put yoga on the table and continue to stir, the docks will not become equal and smooth. Let's sweat a spoonful of olive oil into a cup, it will be thick, and put yoga there. Curve it and put it in the necessary space for the approach. It’s richly beaten up like a napkin of a polyethylene bear, it’s so easy to walk around, it’s wild in the dishes and it’s taken for a medical hour. Like Bachimo, there is nothing foldable, to prepare yeast dough for pies with live yeast on milk. It’s not enough to eat and your family will be deprived of a satisfied savory resentment.

Pirіzhki from such a dough look even more savory. If you don’t want to mess around with the stuffing, it looks like beautiful donuts. For whom, wrap it around the table with small bags, at the skin of them open with a finger. Let's sweat the stench to lie down and go to the table. Then lower the leather in a large amount into hot olive oil and bake, turning it over on both sides. After that, you can sip on the sucrose powder and proceed to tea.

Drіzhdzhové dough for pirіzhkіv on kefіrі recipe

The dough on the basis of kefir has its own unique taste. It’s rich who will win yoga at the best pies and great pies. Come out so quickly, like in the milk, and to the relish I can mean a difference. Razbero products for preparation of yeast dough for kefir patties.


Borosno bagan vischogo gatunka 2 kg;

Egg 2pcs;

Kefir, choose the fat content yourself 0.5 liters;

Water 100ml;

Drijdzhi dry 1p. chi live 50 gr.;

Zukor 1 tbsp. a spoon;

strength 1 teaspoon;

Oliya 1 st. spoons.

Cooking recipe:

So, as it is necessary to make it warm with a warm home, kefir is necessary in front of the distance from the refrigerator. It is impossible to heat yoga, for which we heat water. Oliya chi margarine needs to be melted until I become soft. Fight for the help of a micro-furnace oven, enough to put yogo on the rack and your product is ready.

Having prepared dishes for mixing, we put our products before the new one. Dali dodaemo borosno. We begin to mix it up to ready elasticity. Deyakі unnecessarily put it in the refrigerator, so you will become crying when lubricated.

After that, like a tightly mixed, varto cover it with a kitchen towel or cellophane and clean it up in a warm place for the baby. Kіlka raz_v yogo obminati. Only after such an obimannya, it’s good to play.

Then, far away, I prepared the stuffing and proceed without delay until the pie is boiled. From such a dough, you can make pies with various fillings. If you want licorice cakes, then add a little more zukra to the dough, but don’t overdo it, otherwise the stench will burn on the pans.

Liquorice fillings are more richly vikoristovuvaty, you can cook beetroot, carrots, and twist them from far away with dried fruits. Let's add some tsukru and spices of pirіzhki. Such sweets are suitable for children.

Dry dough for pies without eggs

Is it necessary to rise up before the test to add eggs? Basically, the stench roams softly healthy and fragile, but you can not know under the hand of them. Nothing terrible will happen, if you put it quietly, without vicarious eggs. Most of the state gifts are not vicorated when mixed with yeast dough. If you put dough on bread, there is no talk about eggs, and you will come out savory and savory. What products are needed to prepare yeast dough for pie without eggs?


Boroshno 2 kg;

Milk, milkweed and kefir 0.5 liters;

Water 100ml;

Margarine abo Vershkov oil 100 gr.;

strength 1 teaspoon;

Zukor 1 tbsp. a spoon;

Drіzhdzhi live 50 gr.;

Roslinna Oliya 1 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking recipe:

Just like all the products are prepared, it is necessary to change the process of mixing the dough. Rare products are heated, but not vikoristovuemo kefir, oliyu chi margarine is melted. We visipaemoly in єmnіst pіd tіsto tsukor, sil, drіzhdzhі, wilivaemo milk abo sirovatka, and water step by step we add bobo. We will replace our dough.

After that, as if it becomes smooth and even, you can stop yoga. We take yoga from a warm place so that it can come out of the sprat. After a long time, it is necessary to proceed to the brewing of pies.

For pies with such a dough, you can vicorate different fillings; Often I smear cabbage and potatoes for such pies.

Just as you wished to pamper your homeland with whites, then it’s just the same way for their specialty. Tilki varto start yogo trohi m'yakshe. Prepare the minced meat for the filling by adding a large amount of cibula and proceed to the boil.

Be-yaka vipіchka that tіsto can be prepared with the soul. Even our grandmothers respected that if the master is not in the soul, then this is no way out. Now buy yoga at the store, if you can cook different kinds of dough in your home minds. Don’t take a lot of time, but then I’ll give you a lesson in cooking, and you can please all this beautiful and savory vipіchkoy. If you are a gentleman, you can take your recipe on note, so that you can make everyone happy with your miraculous vipichka.

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