Jubilant shell with a chicken egg and condensed milk. You can eat eggs with gastritis: boiled, smeared with cheese. Jubilant slut with orphaned eggs

Dotrimannya diet - a guarantee of success in the treatment of severe, and chronic gastritis. Whether it be a product, consumed by a jubilant diet, it can provoke dyspeptic discord. It’s not for nothing that doctors add a layer of respect for the folding of an individual diet in case of advanced gastritis low acidity: the same product, for example, sour cabbage, with hypoacid gastritis, it becomes better, and with hyperacid gastritis, it becomes worse.

Deyakі products can be considered universal, even if the stench fits well with all gastritis exuberant diets. So, eggs with gastritis are stuck not just like a black product in the diet, but also in judicious purposes. About them and timetsya far from the article.

About melancholy to the product

Chicken and quail eggs are widely consumed in jubilant diets in case of illness of the SKT. The stench may have a high index of food value and it will be easy to conquer. The value of any protein is determined by the similarity of its amino acid structure with amino acid structures in the human body.

Even in the middle of the last century, there were thoughts that healthy eggs are a protein product of the highest value: about 100 units (milk protein - 77 units, soybeans - 74). Until recently, until the special diet was introduced - gray-wool protein isolate (it is used as an additive to a delicious meal, as well as a meal for athletes, it has about 150 units of value), the eggs themselves were considered the most important protein product.

Like an orphan, it looks like a cooked one (cooked uncooked or cool, cooked like an omelette for a couple), eggs - the most amino acids (among them the irreplaceable ones), vitamins B, A, D, E and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium , phosphorus.

After regular implantation:

  • zmіtsnyuєtsya іmunny zahist organism;
  • erosive and inflamed cases of the mucus membrane of the sluice (zavdyaki enveloping authorities);
  • zavdyaki natural antiseptic - lizitsinu, which is clear in eggs, pathogenic flora, including provoking gastritis, Helicobacter bacterium;
  • normalization of the robot nervous system that ignoring stress (an indirect factor in the development of gastritis).

Cooking methods and options

For the first few days, with acute gastritis, the patient is unlikely to want to implant eggs. At the same time, youmu was punished with a rіdka neutral їzha (otherwise zovsіm likuvalne famine) and bed rest.

On the 3rd day before the diet, hedgehog in a rare appearance is introduced. At the same time, the patient can eat egg white, milk mixes.

On the 5th-6th day of ailments, eggs can be hardened at once with rare cereals and wheat crackers.

If zagostrennya goes to the background, the diet is morbid. In most cases, gastritis diets are allowed to be eaten with boiled eggs: uncooked or cool (cool eggs can be eaten less during the period of remission), as well as steamed (steamed eggs or scrambled eggs with milk or water).

With gastritis, you can also implant Syrian eggs: zavdyaki to your authorities, which they wrap, the stench softly injects into the empty mucus of the sluice, spryyayuchi її zagoennyu.

Since it is fat and oily, it is unpleasant for gastritis, it is not possible to grease an egg or an omelet on an olive. Egg zhovtok serve as a miracle dressing - an alternative to mayonnaise and fatty sauces. Yogo can be added in soup or porridge (before it is better to boil the egg uncoolly).

Lasuni in the period of remіsії can pamper themselves with meringues (among the people "meringue") - a dessert with egg whites, beaten and baked with zucr, as well as white snow.

Ill people with gastritis, so it’s self-evident and healthy, it’s your responsibility to take the eggs. So, for a day, 2 chicken eggs or 6-7 quail eggs are enough.

Lіkuvannya falling ill for help

In case of gastritis, provoked by chemical speeches, we must rush outside the sluice with a thin probe. Robity is possible with pure water, or with a special method: milk is warm, mixed with white and oil. The protein in tandem with milk is wrapped around the tube, which sprays the soft cleansing of the mucus membrane from chemical derivatives.

Also, gastritis can be treated for help by living the orphans in front of the hedgehog. Robiti can be done in two ways:

  • One spoonful of olive oil or refined olive oil should be eaten with egg white, put in the refrigerator. Sumіsh needs to be drunk on a tablespoon about a year or two before tomorrow. Sumish is taken no more than 2 deb. Regularly repeating the intake, you can relieve gastritis, avoid possible complications and reduce pain;
  • One syrah egg (you can vicorate and chicken and quail) is drunk a year before dinner, no more than 2 times a day for 1-2 months. Such a procedure is necessary in obov'yazkovom order pogodzhuvat s doctor.

Under the hour of such an “egg” exaltation, gastritis cannot be eaten by a gostroy, oiled, rough hedgehog. It is necessary to include all possible food, mechanical and chemical components of the mucous membrane of the mucus membrane, as well as fast food, soft drinks, malts on a trans-fat basis, alcohol, gaseous drinks.

That's right, balanced eating, divided into even small portions (living with gastritis is necessary no less than 5-6 times a day) drink the most obvious dressing of the patient as it is, as well as medication.

Do not forget about the banal rules of caution. Before implantation of eggs (especially chicken) obov'yazkovo needs to be miti.

How can you say that you can drink orphan eggs, only if the stench is turned over to the presence of salmonella? Since there is no such possibility, you will be satisfied with such visits:

  • When buying, it is necessary to choose the number of eggs, without chips and cracks (why do you say that stinks can be fresh as well?);
  • Before living in them (especially chickens) obov'yazkovo is necessary to miti;
  • Dodatkovy zabіzhny zasіb in the fight against salmonella - boiled egg.

Useful sprat ways to check eggs for freshness:

  • Lower it by the water: it’s not fresh in the eye of the day, it’s fresher to get drunk on the day;
  • Lightly shake the white of the ear and listen to what happens in a new year: the fresh egg doesn’t have a good turn, as if it’s good to be well - it’s better for everything, it’s already rotten;
  • On the eggs in the store, the date is set (for marking purposes: D - a dietary product, which is necessary for a long period of 3 dates, as it is indicated on a new one, C - tables, it is necessary to live a long month).

If you systematically ignore the diet and the rules of eating, with great ease, gastritis will be reborn into a slut - sickness, on which aphids often quietly and unremarkably develop cancer.

Even more often, patients from the inflamed mucous membrane of the shell of the mucus squawk the nutritional organization of the wet eating. Chi you can eat eggs with gastritis - cackle bagats, shards of this product - an important storage diet of the skin people.

Implantation of the egg in case of ailment of the sluice can be wounded. This product can better support the tube and help it to get out of the flare-ups. Also a miracle product is quail eggs for gastritis. This product is even softer, its structure is not suitable for changing the tube.


Syrian eggs with gastritis are darker. They live not only for healing, but also for the prevention of diseases of the intestinal tract.

About the melancholy of the Syrians has been known for a long time. Thus, our forefathers vicorated the product for the preparation of various herbs, as well as for the fight against impersonal illness, purification of the body. Today you already know why this product is so corny. At the warehouse of these eggs, there is a whole complex of microelements and vitamins:

  1. Eggs not fermented thermally rich in various vitamins.
  2. The micro-element of macro-elements, as a way to protect the product, is uniquely different - copper, calcium, magnesium, fluorine and richly other.
  3. The product of bags on a white floor.
  4. In this product, it is low in brown amino acids, which contribute to the normal development and proper functioning of the body.
  5. Product revenge and antioxidants, yakі priyat priyat pіdvishennya pratsezdatnostі lyudiny, and also zmіtsnjut organіznjut and improve yogіsnі power.

Important: For inclusion in the menu of vicorist, only fresh eggs of chickens and quails are required.

Siri eggs are rich for any pathogenic etching processes. Zavdyaki its unique structure, the stench envelops the fragile mucus membranes and allows them to become significantly stronger.

Important: Є th contraindication to likuvannya by this method and to the introduction of this product in the orphan's eyes. Such an exchange can be taken by people with pancreatitis. We are ill because of this illness, we can implant eggs less at the sight of a steam omelet.

Do not varto save a Syrian product in large quantities. You can have 2-4 singles for doba. What will be sufficient for the application of prophylactic and therapeutic infusions on the tube. And the axis of adjustment of the product in the quantity of 7 and more than one on the extraction can support the work of the slugs.

What's the color of the boiled look?

Boiled eggs are not less brown, lower sir. The stench also perebuvayut at the list of permitted products for gastritis. Їх dotsilno vikoristovuvaty at the look of a steam omelette or uncooked jam. And the axis utrimatisya varto vіd yaєts, zvarenih cool, smeared that at the sight of an omelette cooked in a frying pan.

Also, when grafting on a boiled look, it is necessary to add some basic rules and turn them off:

  • hurry up for the hour of rezhovuvannya їzhi;
  • transfer;
  • spozhivannya іlki yаєts protyazh dobi that more;
  • snacks on the go.

Important: Before you get used to it, varto change into the fact that the stench has passed the test for salmonellosis. This illness can greatly damage healthy people and bring them to death.


Quail eggs, when the shell is on fire, give off rich brown powers. The stench is easily acquired by the body and is absolutely safe for living. The product is hypoallergenic, therefore, it is necessary to actively administer it to the first complementary foods for children and give it to non-mothers.

For the shape of the eggs of the quails, it is significant to change the showings of chickens. They may have more potassium intake, and may have 3 times more vitamins of group B. You can also see among the positive powers of quail eggs:

  1. Improvement of immunity.
  2. Normalization of robotic etching.
  3. Polypshenya functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  4. Die yak prevention of breast cancer.
  5. Accept or compose the processes of old.
  6. It’s not cool to eat a siri that is not cool - to swell the expansion of pathogenic microflora.

How to rejoice?

Іsnuє dekіlka folk methods fight gastritis with help. Irrespective of those, that these prescriptions are brought to the classic ones, gastroenterologists often please them. The most expanded and next recipes:

  1. The product can be drunk up to 1 year before the day. Enough 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs. Danish method of not recommending those who are ill for pancreatitis.
  2. 1 tablespoon olive oil llyanoy olії zmіshuyut іz 1 bіlkom. I'm ready to put the sum by the refrigerator and drink 1 spoon a year before going to bed. Ready masa can be stored in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

The constant stagnation of these methods allows you to forget about the parts of that unreasonable acute gastritis and virazkovu ailment. Golovne not zlovzhivat kіlkіstyu eggs that are accepted today, and procedures with them.

Eggs in the orphan look richly curvy, lower in any other way: Syrian zhovtok є zherelom vіtaminu biotin; protein, being an active participant in puddle processes in the human body, helps fight inflammation.

Zavdyaki tsim yakosam syri kuryachі and quail eggs can be zastosovuvaty as a likuvalny zasib in case of various illnesses, including gastritis.


Syrian eggs are a product that can be high Kharchov's value, Know your wide zastosuvannya like a dietary, so in a likuval-prophylactic meal.

About їhnі korisnі power vіdomo z davnіh-davlen: protyag rich century people vikoristovuvali syri eggs not only for the preparation of such grasses, like a biscuit, scrambled eggs or zrazi, but also for the fight against various ailments, and also cleaned for the body.

Effectively enjoying this product is equipped with a unique warehouse, which has an inconsistent character and is found in the form of birds, the type of food quality, the freshness and mindfulness of the harvest. Syrian eggs to revenge:

  • micronutrients (calcium, zinc, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, sodium, fluorine, copper);
  • vitamins E, D, A, F, B2, B1, K, PP;
  • proteins (tyrosine, lysocin, threonine, glycine, histidine);
  • amino acids necessary for the development and normal functioning of the body;
  • antioxidants, which help to improve their functions and promote efficiency.

For inclusion in the diet, like a dietary meal, and jubilant, only fresh quails and chicken eggs.

Siri chicken eggs can be beaten with ailments of the mucosal-intestinal tract, and itself - with inflamed various yogo organs. Zavdyaki svoїy strukturі, tsey product envelops the lesions of the mucus wall and changes inflamed. The only obvious contraindication in one's own is pancreatitis. In case of zapalenny pіdshlunkovoї zlozi optimal variant of this product would be a steam omelet.

Sirimi eggs can be used to celebrate:

  • rotten;
  • opikiv;
  • cough.

Bird eggs are one of the most found and accessible sources of amino acids and protein: the rest serve as a budding material, clitin, and the basis of mystical m'yazyv, and their stock of amino acids is one of the most balanced. Therefore, this product is also valued by the middle of the dry growths, or by the m'yazi. Like a protein, which is sold by looking at food supplements, milking is expensive and may be in order side effects, then protein in bird eggs is easily acquired and does not avenge shkidlivyh houses. For the growth of m'yazіv syri eggs, you can drink early in the evening. The protein necessary for pre-cooking is found in three chicken or five to seven quail eggs. People who go in for sports eat dozens of boiled eggs or make an omelet from them.

In cosmetology, this unique product is an indispensable component: in combination with peroxide, water of yogo can be mixed for oily skin with glycerin and honey - for dry.

Quail eggs

The stench of the power of quail eggs is in the old days: the stench is haunted in the recipes of ancient Chinese medicine, and in the Egyptian papyri.

Japanese studies after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshimi and Nagasaki, jokingly making sure that the effective removal of radionuclides from the human body, revealed the necessary quality in itself in this product. KRIM TO, Z'yasoval, perepelini eggs positively, to the potassium at Cholovіkіv, the roses of the rosette of the health, and the pydstava gave the Union of Japanese to the rank of one of the bonds, especially representatives of a strong state. .

The Japanese didsvіd succesfully zastosovuvavsya and Radyansk physicians after the accident at the Chornobyl NPP while folding the menu of children who were taken from the zone of the tragedy.

Due to the high temperature of the body, which is as high as 42ºС, quails are resistant to various infections and do not get sick with salmonellosis. Tse gives the opportunity to actively put quail eggs in the child's eating. This product does not cause allergic reactions, does not cause diathesis, which allows you to induce eggs.

  • zaliza - 4.5 times;
  • potassium - 5 times;
  • vitamins of group B - 2.5.

The shell, which fights for the stock of teeth and bones of humans, is composed of 90% of easily acquired calcium carbonate and 27 microelements necessary for the body, including midi, zinc, sulfur, fluorine, silicon. In addition, it gives majestic melancholy, stimulating the hematopoietic function of the cystic brain.

Vcheni z Bulgaria z'yasuvali, scho quail eggs for the effectiveness of human potency overturn the viagry. The reason for this is in the high content of brown microelements, minerals and vitamins B2, B1 and A.

Protein is an organic group of amino acids, which can be found in one lancet. I itself protein, wine protein, to become the basis of any kind of m'azovoy tissue. Without this sufficient quantity, it is impossible to take away the necessary results from seeing an increase in forceful displays and a quick increase in bone masses. Necessary human skin protein can be taken from food, so that the optimal set of amino acids for the body: meat creatures, birds, ribs, dairy products. Ale starkly behind the shortest amino acid profile of a quail egg.

Tyrosine, which is included in the warehouse of this product, allows you to beat it with the production of expensive shampoos and creams of leading brands in the European cosmetic industry.
Quail eggs, being a concentrated biological set of vital human speeches necessary for the body, are healthy ampoules.

Whole product:

  • normalization of activity of the nervous, herbal and cardiovascular systems;
  • boosting immunity;
  • fight against respiratory diseases;
  • є prophylactic treatment of mastopathy and breast cancer;
  • gives a positive effect on gastritis, mucosal disease, malnutrition, hypertonic disease, circulatory diabetes, bronchial asthma;
  • upovіlnyuє or povnіstyu pripinyaє the process of falling hair and ruynuvannya teeth.


Syrian eggs are a miraculous remedy for the treatment of various ailments of the slut, including gastritis, which is delusional unique powers. Whole product:

  • may ideally envelop the day;
  • may have in its warehouse components that improve the immune status of the organism and speed up the process of repairing the damaged inflamed mucous membrane of the slough;
  • reshuffle development of pathogenic flora;
  • to take revenge on the protein with lysicine, which, being a natural antiseptic, inhibits the reproduction of Helicobacter;
  • as soon as possible the destruction of pathological defects in the mucosal membrane of the mucus membrane and the presence of essential amino acids;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system, thereby increasing the tension and stress, as one of the factors in the development of illness.

The exaltation of gastritis does not convey the obviousness of the principles of the spirits at the warehouse of the eggs of various swine birds - during the treatment of the inflamed mucous membrane of the slough, it is possible to stagnate like chicken, so quail eggs, shards of stench may have an absolutely identical effect.

Rejoicing with quail eggs, transferring one of them a year before the day, for children of preschool age, you can drink no more than two pieces per doba. The therapeutic course, which should be 3 months, can be repeated with a break for three months.

Before the start of treatment of gastritis with chicken eggs, it is necessary to perekonatisya in their capacity and presence of salmonellosis. Likuvannya can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. A tablespoon of refined lyano or olive oil is minced with the white of one egg and beaten into uniform mass. Save in the refrigerator for no more than two days and take one tablespoon a year before.
  2. Vipivate your heart for a year before їzhi, one egg each. For women, women during lactation and children, such a quantity of this product is not recommended.

Treat gastritis in the ways of 2 types.

Eggs are an all-inclusive product that is victorious for eating for thousands of years. Until there was a fire, їх їli sirimi. Having learned how to make fire, people began to cook and lubricate it. І this year's favorite stravi bagatioh - poached, egg and omelet.

Syrian chickens and quail eggs also continue to be widely everyday life skin people. Ce and protein, necessary for athletes, as they are engaged in bodybuilding; and mogul-mogul, which assists in soothing the bonds of spivakiv; that component for masks, scho to paint the mill shkіri and hair; that unique zasib that allows you to spend effective exuberance ignition process of the organs of the herbal tract

Corisne video about implantation of eggs with gastritis

Chicken egg is one of the most widely used food products. Yogo vikoristovuyut as independent stravi or add to the warehouse of others. Eggs for sale - the cost and the Skoda product are discussed in the future. The stench is making a great list of brown authorities, zavdyaki to a unique warehouse, but also a counter-indication for taman eggs. On the support of this, the skin itself, it is necessary to implant the egg in the future.

Warehouse of chicken eggs

Eggs for the heart of Skoda chi koriste n_hto can’t say for sure, even though the protein and the zhovtok the product may have a different warehouse. If you look at chicken eggs as a whole, then the stench will please you with a great number of brown microelements, mineral speeches, and smut, vitamin groups A, B, D, E. But, nevertheless, nutritionists say the first thing is the yellow, which may be in the warehouse more in D, E , K, PP and group B.

It's not a secret for anyone that in chicken eggs there is a rich amount of calcium, the passage through the biological protein of this microelement is badly acquired by the body. To saturate the body with the necessary extra amount of protein, you need only 1 egg. So fakhivtsy say to the question “why do you need a lie to drink orphaned eggs?”.

Saturate the body with brown words and vitamins, you can live in other products, but at the same time, the egg is more likely to grow and misbehave in a swedish acquired product, more demanded. All the colors of speech in the eggs are kept in a balanced diet and there is no need to extract food from various products in order to properly saturate the body.

Eggs have a large number of amino acids - leucine, methionine. The first one can be trimmed with meat, ribeye, and the other axis is sharpened more richly. For the same reason, chicken eggs are considered the most brown product.

Measles eggs

Zavdyaki rich in vitamins warehouse, this product helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism processes, eliminate toxins and free radicals, and is important for effective prevention of more diseases. Vitamins of the E group are beneficially injected into the heart-vascular system, so the crust of an orphan egg is more beneficial in reducing the risk of stroke, clearing the arteries.

Amino acids of chicken eggs protect the organism from the dead of cancerous puffs. Women, yakі vzhivayut boiled eggs on snіdanok, ahead of showing cancer of the lactiferous. Also, the product improves the activity of the brain, memory, sap, changes in bones, dental tissues.

Wanting an egg and having impersonal positive powers, it is impossible to use it as a panacea for ailments and to live yoga without control.

Skoda, contraindication

Eggs on the snіdanok melancholy and Skoda stravi - are discussed long-term fates by nutritionists. Fakhіvtsі dіyshli vysnovku, scho after thermal processing of eggs vypryat crooks of authority, ale vikoristannya dewy olive spriyaє vidіlennyu nedіlennu zdorov'ya carcinogenіv.

A frequent topic is also the discussion of what you can drink syria eggs on the spot - the mischievousness of that Skoda product is wised up by your individual body. As there is no counter-indication for doctors, it is necessary to implant a sire egg only on a hungry slug. If a person feels hunger, enzymes are seen in the shell, which break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. If you put an egg on a new shell, the body cannot digest all the odors of the product, and the stench will not be absorbed.

Syrian eggs carry in their own hands the deeds of unsafe power, and themselves:

  • risk of salmonellosis infection;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • increased allergic reaction.

The smallest crack on the scale is the opening of the door for the penetration of bacteria. At thermal processing all bacteria die, but if eggs are taken for weight loss, they can be the cause of infection, leading to other ailments.

When is it better to eat eggs in the early evening? Eggs are more likely to live on a hungry slug, it will help to saturate the body with the necessary speeches, as if they are over-poisoned during the day. In the evening, the product will appear shkidlivim, even if the body is getting ready to repair, and the eggs are more likely to work on the work of the slug. So too bad eggs for those who stink to increase the level of cholesterol, the body is saturated with non-essential nitrates, antibiotics, like chickens were implanted.

A nutritionist can tell you how much you can eat now, but you can live the product better, the person will die herself. Children from 3 years of age are recommended to have only 2 eggs per day, for mature people, the number of eggs is 5 pieces. It is necessary to seriously mention everything for and against, even more negative qualities that are harmful to the wrong preparation of the product.

Treating gastritis with chicken eggs

A simple egg for a nasty heart with gastritis is a miraculous way to overcome the disease. For the cob, it is necessary to choose an exceptionally fresh product, even if private farmers' eggs will be environmentally friendly. In the case of gastritis, chicken and quail eggs can be beaten.


  • 1 st. l. olії nasіnnya lyon;
  • 1 white of a chicken egg.


  1. Place the protein from the olive in the container.
  2. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is achieved.
  3. Survive 1 tbsp. l. for pіvgodini to їdi.
  4. The term of safety is not guilty of revisiting 1 day in a dark, cold place.
  5. The course of likuvannya becomes two tyzhn.

Lose weight for help

Zhovtki for weight loss may have positive feedback. The special features of the product are those that can be simply cooked, and for weight loss, you can beat the cheese, boil it and bake lubricated eggs. Two zhovtki for weight loss will be as effective as possible when oiled, as a way to beat the oil, to top the top. Tse to give a visually trivial effect to the sieve. It is not recommended to eat eggs with bread and drink licorice kava, otherwise you won’t be afraid of zavoi vaga.

So 2 zhovki for weight loss turned out to be as corny as possible, after consulting a nutritionist and establishing a correct, balanced healthy diet.

Dietary omelet for snacks


  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • a drop of salt;
  • greens to taste;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.


  1. Heat up the frying pan.
  2. Smear with oil.
  3. Mix milk with proteins to a homogeneous mass.
  4. Add strength | salt |, greens.
  5. Willy sumish in the pan.
  6. Prepare 7 chills|minutes| on a weak fire under a closed lid.
  7. For bajannya, you can add fresh vegetables and fruits to an omelet.

Eggs on the snidanok - not only savory, but even more colorful. To know all the positive negative side The product can be prepared as much as possible with a quick snack, which will charge the body with energy for the whole day.

About chicken eggs, a lot of unfortunate words have been written, but, as before, they are one of the main products on our table. І tse unvipadkovo. For a long time in Russia, eggs were victorious as for eating, and y yikuvannya was a disease. As it seems, it has been distorted by the hour.

With a strong cough, it is inflamed for the relief of weak legs take a sprat once a day for a dessert spoon of the offensive sum: rozterted two teaspoons at once inches of butter, two or three zhovtkiv, one dessert spoon boroshna chi starch and the spirit of dessert spoons of honey. In addition, everyone knows "mogul-mogul" - rozterty and zbovtany іz tsukrom zhovtok chicken eggs - also zasib to help cough.

In traditional Russian medicine, the hour of exaltation of tuberculosis vikoristovuvsya zasib, which was called calcium tincture or calceum. For yoga preparation, take 10 lemons, 6 fresh eggs, 400 g of linden honey and three quarters of a bottle of cognac. Lemons are used to pour juice over unbroken eggs. The area is covered with gauze, gorged with thick paper and seen in a cold, dry and dark place for 5-8 days until the egg shell is fully opened.

If you need a little bit of honey until I become clear, but not more than 60 degrees, and add yoga to the sum, then pour cognac. I’m ready to pour the tincture from the dance, and take it from the refrigerator. Live її 1 dessert spoon after you go. Ale oskolki kaltseumit psuetsya for 2 days after cooking, rather prepare yoga in small portions.

Sirimi eggs in Russia rejoiced that dysentery. For the first two days of ailments, mav take 12 eggs each day - 2 skin eggs for 2 years. On the third and fourth day - 8 eggs per day, then 2 eggs through the skin for 3 years. On the fifth and third day - 4 eggs each - 2 vrentice and 2 evenings. Eggs of eggplant mother are fresh, the best of the day before.

Thus, we become successful, as if we were drinking infusions of cherries and diets. The tincture is prepared as follows: 100 g of fresh cherry berries are poured into 300 ml of pure wine, 2 days insist on sun and protsidzhuyut. Dose for grown-ups - 1 cup per dose, for children - 1 thimble. Drink tincture of trichi for a day.

With strong teasing, the intestinal duct so called white water, distributing the white of a fresh egg in a glass of cold boiled water. Water can be malted and drunk in small bowls. Such water is a good zasib, which is wrapped around.

Syrian white of a chicken egg can be vicorated for a quick decrease in the acidity of shlunk juice. Syrian protein in this sense is richly active for pharmaceutical purposes and practically does not have side effects. Ledve salting whites are good and like faces in etching disorders.

Chicken eggs are a common food product, richly balanced in rich brown speeches. Chemical warehouse to lay eggs in a singing world in the form of breeds of chickens, in the form of a diet, such a stench is eliminated, and in the form of a fate. For example, vitamin A in an egg laid in an egg is about four times more, lower in an egg laid with a hammer. Cholesterol in the protein of a raw chicken egg is close to 53%, and the protein of a boiled egg is 43%. To make an egg uncool, it’s enough to cook 3.5 quills in boiling salted water, boil 5 quills in an egg “in a little bag” and cool - 10 quills. At one time, more than 10 quills, the egg was not boiled.

It is not uncommon to think that the eggs are better than the Sirim. Prote in the white of a raw egg - antitryptase, like a galmuic splitting in the duodenum of the intestines and of the egg white, and proteins of other products, taken together with it. Zhovtok of an orphan egg can be conquered more, lower boiled eggs.

Boiled eggs, as a rule of thumb, as a raw egg, less admixture of excess accumulation and blockage in the blood of free cholesterol. Albeit from the other side, Syrian egg white reduces the acidity of the shlonkovogo instead of being effective, lower indications for the use of pharmaceutical drugs, for example, tablets of vikasol, phospholugel. To that a white of an orphaned good-sour egg is sometimes bestowed upon those who are turbulent by stoves, bil. Syrian zhovtok is brought to active spondylitis of the zhovchovidlennya, moreover, sometimes the veins of the flooring are strong, which calls for a spasm of the ventral duct of the zhovchny michur.

Siri eggs will be conquered for a year-and-a-half-year, and boiled eggs are cool for a couple of years, that brownness of orphan in a thermally processed product is obvious. And Skoda is not safe to be infected with salmonellosis, moreover, the concentration of salmonella in the infected egg is the same thing, which is more likely to be saved. Before speech, for information - in quail eggs there is no salmonella.

Celebration with Sirimi eggs

The celebration of orphaned eggs from long ago is stagnant in medicine.

Through a great amount of vitamins, minerals and other necessary speeches, eggs can help with a lot of ailments.

Especially painted on the lure of the ailment of the orphan eggs.

Sira egg does good help with opikakh. For this egg, I will lay it, or the white of an orphan egg is beaten and smeared in sprat balls on an opik. With this skin ball, give the trochs to dry. Siri squirrels can be beaten with an even kіlkіst of sea buckthorn, olive or, on the extreme edge, be it like a dewy olії and smite the singed mass.

Schob purulent prich chi furuncle cracked, prepare a shortbread with 2 simple zhovtkiv, mixed with 20 g of honey, 3 g of salt and boroshna. Put the shortbread before the month that you are getting ready. Tse speed up breaking through the abscess and cleansing the wound.

I wish you well cough, nudota or non-etched slunk, then you can help the "mogul-mogul" from fresh zhovtkiv, beaten from tsukr to a double scaling. It is best to take such a sum of nasty hearts with black bread. At the eggnog you can add a spoonful of cognac.

At congested virazka and the appearance of shlunkovy bleeding in the empty heart, not earlier than the second year before the next, drink two or three white eggs on that evening. Jubilation with orphan eggs lasts 7 days.

Zmіshavshi zhovtki two or more eggs with 5 g of green tea, powdered, you can prepare Japanese tea in this way. Vzhivat such tea is necessary once for production. Jubilation with orphan eggs that helps with tea clear the sudini and lower the vice.

For restoration of immunity to help likuvannya with orphaned quail eggs. It is necessary to drink 3 eggs in the evening for 40 days.

For high temperature reduction next zmishati five or five quail eggs with 100 g of burner and a tablespoon of zucru and drink it on the ground. For such a delight with sirimi quail eggs, the temperature will return to normal even before the wound.

For jubilation asthma and allergies next sir quail egg with honey and take it 3 years before. A lot of quail eggs at the rejoicing: one month and two in the evening. Term for jubilation with orphan eggs: 40 days, break for two days, 40 days.

Jubilation with orphan eggs at the sight of the pitta їх to the vain heart helps in flatulence, stove and angina.

Sumish of gray protein and bottles of cold boiled water help with larynx opiku and disruption.

At uterine bleeding you need 6 fresh whites from 15 g lemon juice, take it in stride.

At bronchitis three syrups 15 g of honey, 10 g of boroshn, a tablespoon of radish juice, drink a teaspoonful of tea a day.

At human infertility so dopomozhe likuvannya with orphaned eggs. For 20 minutes before їdi 3 times a day, take an internal sum of 3 simple zhovtkіv, 3 lemons, flasks of honey and flasks of cognac.

At carry you can mix a white of a raw egg with 3-4 drops of iodine and take it in the middle.

For pain in the brushes on the legs it is necessary to collect the amount of salts from hot water and a pack of salt. If we become warm, anoint the brushes and wipe dry with a towel. Apply a bandage from sumishshyu z otstu, an orphan egg and turpentine. Wrap with parchment paper and put on a scarf. Leave to the wound.

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