Chi fork flat feet in children. Chi can vilіkuvati flatfoot in children at home minds. The exaltation of flatness in children at home minds: folk methods

For a child flatness, deformation of the cystic stalk of the foot is characteristic. Tsya congenital chi nabuta pathology is kindly given to likuvanny, but at the same time you are sent to the orthopedist. Due to the presence of the medical vtruchannya, the flatness of the building is slowly progressing, negatively plunging onto the ridge and walking the child.

In a child, you can get degenerative changes for the help of wearing orthopedic attachments and a variety of physiotherapy procedures. Only in a few vipades is shown surgical operation. Before that, as a way of examining flat feet in children, a diagnosis of small patients is carried out for the installation of a stage of low bone and cartilage tissues.

Why does likuvannya begin

With the manifestation of flatness, be it any stage of orthopedics, it is not right to proceed to likuvannya. On the right, in the fact that a lot of cartilaginous tissues at the feet are worn in direct fallow in the form of a child. Hourly provіvіvі korrektіyu suglobіv i stok, batki can not turbuvati nadalі put it right ditini.

Children of orthopedists practice complex pidkhіd up to the exaltation of flatness, vicorist and various methods, which allow achieving the following results:

  • put the excess pressure on the feet;
  • move the muscle of the ligaments and the tendon;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • revise the correct position of the stop for an hour of walking;
  • to correct the deformities of the feet, which are already vinicli.

For carrying out a shvidky and effective examination, it is necessary to carry out a retal diagnosis of the disease. Therapy of pathology of the 1st stage of the 2nd stage does not mean special difficulties in orthopedists. Start practicing wearing hand-held orthopedic attachments, which will immediately shorten the course and reverse the development of distant degenerative changes. For the correct molding of cartilage and brushes, it is recommended to regularly apply them to massage rollers, kilimkiv, and balls. The unique coloring of the bright colors and the unseen structure add to the little ones, so it’s busy to bring satisfaction to both children and fathers.

Flat feet of the 3rd stage are characterized by pronounced deformity of the feet. Tse begin to move on the move and put the children, the situation is reduced її rukhova activity. Often, when diagnosing children, orthopedists reveal concomitant pathologies:

  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • arthrosis of the interdigital phalanges.

But in such serious situations, doctors are trying to get away with operational intervention. You can correct the situation with the help of orthopedic surgery, sessions of classical and acupressure massage, physiotherapy procedures.

The complex approach to the treatment of flatness is not only affected by the congestion of preparations and physiotherapeutic procedures. Speed ​​up the dressing and make the development more comfortable to help you to the next generation of orthopedists:

  • the fathers are guilty of guilt, so that the child drank a sufficient amount of clean non-gas water for a long day. The regeneration of bone tissues is increasing in the winter camp, in which sacs are accumulating. Normalization of water-electrolyte balance to speed up the process of metabolism in suglobs;
  • it is necessary to include in the diet of a baby and a baby food products made from great salt, fat, and spices. The stench reduces the functional activity of the blood vessels, which becomes the cause of the deficiency of living and biological speeches in the bone tissue;
  • it is necessary to replace the child's mouth on the orthopedic. For the presence of such opportu- nity , when buying, one should take advantage of shoes or lace-up shoes on a small selection with thick backs, and a soft top;
  • doctors recommend boosting the immunity of children and replenishing the stock of biologically active speeches for additional course intake of vitamins and microelements. With flatness of goodness, they have proven themselves to be complex care with a balanced warehouse - Alfavit, Centrum, Supradin, Vitrum for children. Magnesium, calcium and vitamins of group B are to blame for chewing tablets or licorice syrups. Magnesium, calcium and vitamins of group B are to blame.

For the treatment of flatness in children, orthopedists recommend part of walking barefoot

Massage procedures

With flat feet, the shape of the foot changes, which is reflected in the functioning of the later transverse crypt. The foot is made up of rich bones and cartilage, which join together for help. Therefore, the massage of children should be started by a specialist, who can begin a therapeutic infusion on all the bony structures of the foot. After 12-15 sessions it is possible to carry out liquor procedures at home minds.

Massage manipulations may be regular, shards due to the fall of clothes. Under the hour of the session, obov'yazkovo zastosovuetsya such m'yazi:

  • vіdpovidalnі for the process of death and death;
  • to take the fate of the zvedennі little fingers and great fingers;
  • help raise and spread your fingers.

During the massage, one should energetically grind and rub the delyanki, on some kind of dressing and m'yazi, and then carry out stroking. If the manual procedure is carried out correctly, the child is not to blame for uncomfortable feelings. At the process of massage, gomilkovostop and soles are started. The fakhivtsy do not intervene with the legs of the little ones, energetically kneading the back of that seat.

Vilikuvati be-yaku flat-footedness is possible for the help of various outbuildings. Children of orthopedists strongly recommend fathers to give a massage kilimok. For the glimpse of flatness, it is best to use plastic, gum or rubber. The best option would be to buy a combined kilimka, which imitates different natural surfaces, for example, large, medium and fine sea pebbles.

Regular walks allow such massage sessions to speed up the dressing. What can you do after a month of systematic work:

  • the child begins to put the foot correctly;
  • the setting of the little one is littered.

Krim kilimka varto buy soft massage balls. Such outbuildings are equipped with bulges of a different house. Migrating the ball, the child must coordinate the movement, take care of the balance in an unstable vertical position. At the foot, the blood flow improves, the tonus of the tongue rises, the toes on the feet become permanently stiff.

Masazhny kilimok is more appropriate for a child, and vikoristovuetsya not only for the exaltation of flatness, but also for prevention

Pharmacological preparations

Many fathers ask questions about those who can treat flat feet in children without using medication. As a rule, pharmacological preparations are only used when there are already existing complications, the symptoms of which are manifested by pain and swelling. To improve the self-esteem of children, orthopedists prescribe syrups or suspensions with anti-inflammatory and analgesic powers:

  • Nurofen,
  • panadol,
  • Eferalgan.

Zovnishnі likarski zasobi dotsіlno vikoristovuvat less for strong ill-witted. Lіkar pіdbere preparatіnі іndivіduаlno іndivіduly іn іndivіdіduly іn thе dermal small patient, vrakhovyuchi yоgo vаgu аnd vіk, аnd also stupіnі diagnostirovanіkh shkodzhenі stoі. With serious deformities of the feet, blood circulation can be disrupted. This is the cause of swelling and a decrease in the functional activity of veins and capillaries.

For the treatment of blood-bearing vessels, bleeding of the cystic and cartilaginous tissues, orthopedists prescribe gels and ointments:

  • troxerutin,
  • Troxevasin,
  • Іndovazin,
  • Lyoton,
  • Heparin.

All these pharmacological preparations can be subjected to centuries of cold, so they cannot be victorious in the treatment of flatness in children without the permission of a doctor.

A common cause of deformity of the feet is rickets, provoking a deficiency of vitamin D, which is the culprit in the body of a child. When pathology is detected, the therapeutic regimen includes not only daily biological speech, but also preparations that increase immunity. If a baby is diagnosed with a paralytic foot, then it is necessary to take muscle relaxants to relax the ulcerative spasm. Antibiotic therapy is carried out only for the development in the foot of the ignition process, complicated by bacterial infection.

Likuvalna physical culture

Occupation with jubilant physical culture and gymnastics in home minds allow you to significantly increase the sound apparatus for ensuring optimal support of both feet. After the course of the right at the feet, the blood circulation improves, the lymphostrum increases. Progressive normalization of the vibration of the middle of the earth. The child begins to crumble freely, not visibly stingy. To improve blood flow in cartilage and bone tissue, biologically active and life-sustaining speech should be used, ensuring their regeneration.

To reduce the virulence of ailing sights and the ignition process, walks barefoot on the shore of the water-bear - to the dribbling chimneys and the river piska will help the ignition process. The fathers follow the desire of the child, praise, show their butt the correctness of the vikonnanny is right. The most effective activity, which is carried out in a game form, together with mom and dad.

  • more povіlne zginannya palchikіv z advancing razginannyam;
  • smooth circles with the feet against the back, and then behind the year's arrow;
  • moving the feet of the sticks of chi of the massage ball;
  • suffocation of the feet in small objects with a sample of their foot above the surface;
  • handwriting under the scarpets and p'yat over the statue.

For the study of flatness in children, specialists have developed the right cicatrices

To excite flat feet in children and small children, regular walking on scarpets, heels, and the inner surface of the feet helps. At the standing position, you need to sit down, trying not to tear your feet into the legs. Mustaches are carried out barefoot, yak trivality can be overwhelmed by 15-20 whilins. As the fathers remembered that the little one, having entered the right to deliver discomfort to you, it is necessary to interrupt the work until the evening. One of the most important minds of the effectiveness of jubilant physical culture is the presence of superfluous vanity.

Orthopedic attachments

When diagnosing a child with 1 or 2 degrees of flatness, the orthopedist recommends a permanent wear, which is to be amortized. You can come to the specialty stores, presenting you with a letter of recognition from the doctor. The third step of the flatness of the vmagaє vykoristannya orthopedic poduttya, prepared for zamovlennya. You should wear it not only on the streets, but also in your home minds, wearing barefoot shoes when you walk.

Orthopedic attachments are necessary for the foot:

  • footsteps of the crypts of the feet in the anatomical position;
  • normalization of blood flow in subcutaneous cystic and cartilaginous structures;
  • change of focus when walking on driftwood, which has not yet formed sufficiently;
  • increase in stability in the vertical position;
  • improvement of the infamous self-feeling.

As an orthopedic vzuttya, you can use vikoristane and for the prevention of flatness, then linings, arch supports and interdigital tabs are only used for yoga. Independently in view of the presence of the stench, they are prepared for the relief of changing the little ones and the steps, stepwise molding of the correct clenching of the feet. Wearing clothes and vozutya obov'yazkovo can be worn out from the usual activities of jubilant gymnastics and courses of massage.

At the level of flatness of the 1st and 2nd steps, children's orthopedic linings are fixed

Physiotherapy procedures

One of effective methods The exaltation of flatness in a child at home is a scabbard bath. The stench helps to increase blood circulation in the feet, to reduce swelling and inflammation, to reduce discomfort. The best hour for a relaxing procedure is evening, 1-2 years before bedtime. Water may be less than room temperature.

Before it, you can add sea strength, yalic extract, two or three essential oils such medicinal herbs:

  • yalivtsyu,
  • melisi,
  • pine,
  • thyme.

In the treatment of flatness in children of the older age and older children, contrast sheath baths are required. On the back of a child, I bury my feet in hot water, and for a sprat of whilin I lower it in a cold one. Such a procedure does not only reduce the ligaments of the tendon, but increases the resistance of the body to viral and bacterial infections. In outpatient minds for children with deformities of the feet, electrophoresis is indicated. The essence of physiotherapeutic manipulation is based on weak electrical impulses for the delivery of liquor to the bone tissue. Call for the hour of the procedure, the selection of calcium salts, chondroprotectors, anesthetics, antispasmodics.

The cream of electrophoresis, the flat-footedness of the child is helped by such manipulations:

  • reflexology,
  • hirudotherapy,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • shock and hvilov therapy.

The selection of the procedure is carried out by the child's doctor, who is the guardian of the age of the child and the stages of diagnosing the ears.

Vin also indicates the trivality of physiotherapy and the number of sessions necessary for the jubilation. To prevent deformities of the feet, doctors recommend fathers of children who are slender to the development of flatness, want them to swim. This sport is similar to the whole musculoskeletal apparatus, and especially to the feet. Put on the deformity of the feet, which has already spread out, to help you climb the rope and practice with gymnastic gatherings.

Flat feet in children from 7 to 13 years of age is unacceptable, but the pathology is widened, which affects the lower endings. On її aphids, the life of the brushes of the foot changes: the sepulchral torso and the mechanics of walking are destroyed. In schoolchildren, later / transverse flat feet are manifested by ailment in the legs in Russia or in statics, accompanied by a swirling stomp, swollen and difficult walking.

The diagnosis of the doctor should be based on the results of the examination in the minds of the clinic, podometriya, X-ray and plantography. For the effective treatment of children aged 8-10 years old, in the case of flat feet, massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy procedures, and orthoses are applied.

Symptoms of pathology

With congenital damage in children, only one foot is deformed, and under the influx of static pressures, the situation becomes stronger. In children aged 8 years and older, flat feet are congenitally accompanied by a swollen stomp, and from a swollen pathology, there are some pains in the feet, which aggravate when standing on the feet. Until the end of the day, there is also a slight swelling.

Flat feet in children aged 8-9 years and older are classified as three steps, as doctors are used to correct the revealed deformity:

  • At stage 1, in children up to 12-13 years old, the height of the crypt varies between 25-35 mm, and the deformation on the side may be unremarkable.
  • At the 2nd stage in children, the height of the crypt is 17 to 25 mm, and the flattening becomes a memorable, unbroken eye. The child, when he feels pain, that they feel pain, in his feet and homilk, and walking becomes more difficult.
  • With flatness of the 3rd stage in children at the age of 8-13, the prognosis is not good. The pathology is characterized by a marked deformity of the feet and a short height of the crypt up to 17 mm. Strong pains are blamed in the lower part of the back and legs, and walking in the groin becomes uncomfortable.

How to diagnose damage?

Be it an orthopedist of rozpovіst, how to vilіkuvati flat-footedness of a child 8 rokiv and more, but a little more diagnostics is needed. Її start from a clinical look, directed at the manifestation of changes in the growth of the feet, damage to the crypts and features of the erasing of the nose during the process of wearing.

Among the advanced methods of stationary diagnostics of flatness in children, plantography and subometry are seen, and radiological obstezhennia in two projections may also be needed.

How do schoolchildren fight from flat feet?

The exaltation of flatness in children is close to 10 years old, both stationary and home. In the first case, a surgical operation is performed, but if it happens rarely, then in a young person the pathology can be saved conservatively. With severe pain, swelling and even orthopedists prescribe pharmaceutical preparations, you can do without them.

Clean up flat feet in children up to 13 years old, in singing depressions, help baths with sea sill (there is a need for cob stages of ailment). For this preparation, it is necessary to add a couple of tablespoons of salt to the warm water in a basin. You can work contrasting baths, soak a couple of quills in warm water, and then rinse with cold water.

You can change flat feet in 10 years at the first stages of pathology for additional massage, but you need to trust it to specially qualified professionals. Massage stimulates blood circulation and tones m'yazovі tissues.

Dodatkovo orthopedists recommend wearing for correction of the foot of the foot in children of 8-9 years of age and older. In the diet of a child, add more syrup and low-fat ribi, so that the body has the necessary changes in the cystic system of speech.

Bad results give children close to 10 years. Їx zazvychay vykonuyut at the complex with other procedures at home minds.

The human foot has two crypts: the late one (the inner edge of the foot expands) and the transverse one (perebuy between the bases of the first and fifth toes of the foot). Such a bud's foot is necessary for easy "spring" walking, as it does not allow recumbent ridges, in the first line of the ridge and the great swamps of the lower ridges (column and pelvis), to increase the impact of stress.

flat feet- this is a deformation of the foot, if the vines are lowered in height and squeezing. Such a deformation is fixed, tobto. if there is vinyl, then it is no longer possible to correct the crypt to normal height.

The lowering of the height of the later crypt is called the later flat-foot, the transverse one is called the transverse flat-foot, the lowering of both crypts is called combined or the later-transverse flat-foot. In older children up to school age more often there is a later and later-transverse flat feet. In small children (for children, approximately 1 to 5-6 years of age), they often have a flat-valgus setting of the feet - inverted lowering of the height of the crypts of the feet - and a valgus setting of homilk-foot soles (tobto їkh nahil in the middle or X-shaped). This deformity is due to the weakness of the m'yaziv and the ligaments, which support the feet and the homolytic feet. Vaughn is often blamed in children with dysplastic syndrome (destruction of the development of healthy tissue, which enters the warehouse of the ligaments, which manifests itself as increased friability in the loam), superficial vag (dangerous children, as a rule, low rot and may have weakly developed m'yazi, including and in the feet), as well as in children, as early as possible to get up early to support walking (from 9 months). That is why your child gets up and supports already at 8-9 months and is ready to grow the first independent steps, it is necessary to show the little one to an orthopedist. The doctor will help you correctly pick it up right away in the fall, considering how a child puts feet and chi є in a new orthopedic problem, otherwise it only comes up. In addition, fahіvets argued to explain to the fathers the need to wear a child inside.

It’s important for babies to weigh up to 1 year more than 12 kg, otherwise you remember that with the first crumbs, the children’s feet lie in the middle, which is also a reason for going to the orthopedist. In more older children, you can also remember the important move (the child importantly rearranges her legs, not high up on the surface), unevenly trampling her nose (the heel is more worn out from the inside). Malyuk can scurry on white at litkovy m'yazah and feet after physical adventure (big, ruhlivі іgri) or inspire casual walking with a stretch of 15–20 strands. The cry of the cup asks for hands, the will of little-handled play or a walk in the stroller. Overexposure of more symptoms is also to blame for alerting fathers and showing them to an orthopedist.

Formation of flat feet in children

Molding of the crypts of the feet is mainly carried out up to 7 years, so in the preschool age it is necessary to give special attention to the correction of that lowering of the crypts. The diagnosis of "flat feet" is made at 4-5 years of age. If you don’t take care of the lowered crypts of the feet, flat feet will progress and it’s impossible to correct it.

As long as the child is small, the flat feet do not cause a strong anxiety, but to ignore the problem, because of the increase in body mass, we accept the progression of the squeezing of the crypts for the rachnok, the growth of the tension on the foot, the further decrease in the spring function (shch, depreciation) of the foot Tse, in his line, to cause until the appearance of persistent pain in the homilk and feet after a slight physical pressure, by the court of the lithic m'yazah, and also to the pain in the cross, knee and pelvic loam. Pain is due to the fact that when flatness shifts the center of gravity of the body, it reappears under the m'azovy stress and, as a result, the overvoltage of the m'yaziv, if it does not bear such stress at the norm. On the other side, a decrease in the spring function of the foot with a flat foot, greater impact stress on the viscerostomy showed that it is also the cause of pain. Shock stress is used to reduce the damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the humus and cause deformities, deflation of friability and the appearance of persistent pain in the knees, pelvic humps, across.

In order to immediately commemorate the pathology and, at an early stage, the development of illness, it is necessary to regularly show the child to an orthopedist. Іsnuyut ranks of decreed terms (to obov'yazkovі, zakrіplenі legislator), if the baby is shown to the orthopedist. One of these key terms is 1 river. As a rule, in the 1st birthday the child starts to walk independently, she forms a stereotype of walking.

In this case, it is already possible to suspect the pathology of the formation of crypts of the feet, it is necessary for an orthopedist to do so. A look at the child by an orthopedist is necessary 1 time per day.

Diagnosis of flatness in children

At the reception, the orthopedist looked at the child, assessed the move - whether it was correct to put the feet on the little one, whether the front ones were not wrapped in the middle of the name, and whether the feet were not in the middle.

You can evaluate the problems with your feet with additional plantoscopy. A plantoscope with a special low table with a transparent stylus and a mirror, we put it under the hood. To put a child on a glass with a stylnitsa and for the reflection at the mirror, evaluate the height of the tombs of the feet. As such a style of closing with a computer, for additional special programs, there is an insurance for all stops, the steps for strengthening the crypts are reduced. This is called computer plantography, it allows you to accurately determine the flatness of the feet and victorious when preparing individual orthopedic linings. The most efficient choice of these methods from the 3rd century child, if there is a fat pad. Vaughn is ripped under the late crypts of the feet, raising the crypt and viconuing the role of the physiological "support" for crying, if you start walking. During the follow-up, the fat pad creates the illusion of the lateness of the late and transverse cleft of the foot.

In the simplest way, the designation of the level of flatness is ink plantography. In spite of the pardons of the rich fathers, do not smear the feet of the child with ink, the feet are left clean. The ink is applied to the ball of plantograph material. The matter of the beast is protected by a cellophane bath, which protects the little one's feet. Axis on it and put a child for otrimannya vіdbitkіv stop. The legs are folded on a large paper, “follow” are creased (one line from the middle of the five to the third interdigital space, the other is drawn along the dotichny to the inner edge of the wedge of the five and the first finger). Let's keep vimiryuєtsya between them lines in the area of ​​late crypting and spіvvіdshennya between them and vіdbitkom stop and follow special standards, yakі lie in vіku vіku, otsіnuєtsya stupіn plostopostі. By this method, they are also peeled, starting from the 3rd century, if the fat pad of the foot is known.

How does flat feet develop in children?

Causes of blame for flatness are different. Naivazhchim is born with flat feet. It is associated with important anomalies in the development of the cysts of the foot and the homilk-foot nodule, which leads to destruction of the mutual anatomical structures. The most important forms of such flatness appear at the beginning of the new people, the lighter ones - up to 4–5 years. A child with congenital flat-footedness begins to walk, and his moves are strongly perturbed in the normal way, there may be a cull, vivertati stop; under an hour of rotten igor, it’s fast to turn on, practically it can’t be big.

All other types of flatness lie down to the category of adjoining and are subdivided into:

statically (it develops with a trivial static tension, especially in children with supra-mundane vaga and weakly developed muscles). Such flat feet are often a result of a non-pleasant flat-valgus installation of the feet and vinika as a result of a greater trival, lower with a flat-valgus installation of the feet, an injection of factors on the feet;
паралітичне (буває результатом неврологічного захворювання з ураженням нервів гомілок або стоп, може виникати внаслідок травми, що супроводжується пошкодженням нервів стопи, а також після перенесеного поліомієліту – вірусного ураження спинного мозку, що призводить до паралічів. Враховуючи повсюдну вакцинацію від поліомієліту, дане захворювання зустрічається вкрай most importantly in children, for some reason the vaccination was not carried out or the vaccination schedule was not completed);
rachitic (є lately transferred rickets - ill, incapacitated by lack of vitamin D in the body of a child). With rickets, the slurry apparatus suffers: the veins become more friable, as well as the brushes, which take a little calcium, due to which their minerality decreases, but the growth of elasticity (the brushes become “soft”);
post-traumatic (caused by fractures of the cysts of the foot or of the homilk-stop joint due to anatomical fractures).

In children, post-rachitic, static flat feet and flat-valgus planting of the feet are most common.

The treatment of flatness in children

Severe forms of congenital flatness are rejoicing over an operational path. Type of operation to deposit in the presence of those anomalies, such as in children. The operation is carried out on the brushes (the brushes split and turn) and on the tendons (the tendons are subjugated and transferred to other brushes). Light forms of congenital flatness rejoice at the overlays of plaster casts, individually prepared orthopedic bruises, a complex of physiotherapy, and liquor gymnastics.

Likuvalna physical culture. The main way to treat the flattened feet in children is conservative (that is, without surgery). The whole complex is rich in components, as if rozrahovane for a sprat of rock. The main role of such an exuberant play is the exuberant physical culture, right to beat the day and straighten out the m'yaziv homilok and the muscles of the feet. In full gymnastics, children can be engaged in 2.5-3 years, if the little ones can repeat the simplest right for the grown-ups.

Children need to walk barefoot on scarpets, heels, the outer and inner edges of the feet, with the toes of the feet lift other objects (olives, great gudziks, elements of the child's mosaic), walk on the gymnastic club. At an early age, passive gymnastics is victorious - it is right to viroblyayutsya with the help of a grown-up. So ruhi chirp, show the massage therapist for an hour of holding a prophylactic chi likuvalny massage, and then let the fathers work on their own. Stop the little one from dying at the foot of the foot and the body of the foot, the outer edge of the foot is wounded in the middle.

Before the jubilant physical culture, one should also lie down on the massage kilimka. Vіn maє on its surface of various unevenness (for example, kamintsі, turtles are skinny) and, draping the foot surface of the foot, saturating the m'yaziv. For tsієї f meti vikoristovuyutsya and іnshі massage attachments: balls and rollers with soft spikes on the surface. They roll with their feet, so that they spit out the zmіtsnennuyu m'yaziv stop and homilki. Mom can show the children, how to win the tribute is right.

Massage. Another component of the treatment of flatness is massage. Vіn fight in the fallow land at the level of flatness in courses of 10-15 sessions 2-4 times on the river and may have its own peculiarities. Firstly, not only the feet are massaged, but all the lower limbs as a whole (scallops in the process of walking take the part not only of the feet, but of the homilok, the stegon, the seat). In a different way, the masseuse performs an hour of the procedure to improve the inner group of m'yaziv and weaken the sound. The inner group of m'yaziv homilok takes part in the molding of the late crypt of the foot, lifting it uphill, to that group it is necessary to tone up (or to mitigate). The outer group of m'yazіv homіlok spryає "zalyuvannyu" stop in the middle (tobto її dіyu back vtrіshnіy groupі), to that tsyu group next to stretch (or to relax).

Orthopedic outrageously. Particular respect is given to the supporters and the arch supporters (special linings, which raise the flattening of the foot). Orthopedic vzuttya for the flatness of the flatness is due to the mother with a strong thick backdrop, good fixation of the homolyk-foot swamp, the mother is a small heel (1-1.5 cm). Useredin obov'yazkovy instep support. It is sold with a luxurious supinator in specialized orthopedic salons, or it is prepared individually for a prescription (according to the recognition of an orthopedic doctor).

Orthopedic vzuttya is necessary for any degree of flatness of flat feet or with flat-valgus feet. The wear starts from 3 years (from the moment when the fat pad on the feet of the child appears) and three to 5-6 years, then, as the problem disappears, move on to the sound, supinators are put in the yak.

Vzuttya with the "standard" arch support for children from the first step of flat feet or with an easy step of flat-valgus foot placement. If the child has a different third step of flatness, or flat-valgus deformity of the feet is pronounced, it is recommended to prepare individual supinator pads for the orthopedic protrusion.

Supinators. Luxurious arch supports are prepared individually according to the child's foot and are regularly corrected to the change of feet, which is due to the growth of the baby. As a rule, it is used 1 time for 4-6 months. The arch supports also begin to be worn for 3 years (from the moment when the fat pad is formed) and they are corrosed by them until the full exaltation of the flatness, or by stretching the mustache of life, which means that the problem is eliminated.

The support-support is selected for the size of the feet of the child, fallow in the type of flatness. Such a lining can be recognized for the glimpse of either a late flat posture (lifting a later stalk) or a later-transverse one (lifting a lag and transverse stapling of the feet).

Physiotherapy. In vipades, if the flat feet are strongly pronounced, the course of physiotherapy is stopped. Most often, electrical stimulation (stimulation of the speed of m'yaziv by electrical signals) m'yazіv homіlok and electrophoresis of calcium on the area of ​​the knee and homilk-stop suglobіv. Electromyostimulation zmushuє weakened m'yazi skorochuvatisya, trenuyuchi їх, electrophoresis of calcium zmіtsnyuє zv'yazki, rolyachi їх less stretched. Physiotherapy is prescribed in courses of 10 sessions and is carried out 2 times per day.

Operation. It’s a pity, there are situations, if, unimportantly at all, the flatness is progressing. At this point, they go as far as operational exuberance. The essence of the operation lies in the stone crypts of the foot for additional piece ties, as well as in the special incisions applied to the brushes, for the help of which you can change all the brushes. In children, the operation is performed by viconati at the preschool age, so that the child went to school in an hour already healthy.

The child, who suffers from flat feet, should be shown to the orthopedist on the river.

Prevention of flatness in children

To avoid flatness, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis, starting from the early age - from the moment when the child starts to stand on his feet.

The first thing you need to do is push the little ones from that moment, if you start to get up, you need to get up for support, in order to avoid the wrong setting of the feet. Until vzuttya, the child should be vaccinated step by step, putting on 5-10 quills a day, then standing up on the skin. How did you show the child to an orthopedist and a doctor who does not know everyday problems with his feet, enough to pick up the rosemary, with a flat floor, a high thick back, on laces and with a heel 1-1.5 cm high. one larger size.

The child is not guilty of denunciation of someone else's denunciation. The skin of a person is trampled in its own way, and far from getting it right. That is why the little one, who informs on the spot after his elder brother or sister, because they have problems with their feet, fills all the problems, as the front sack suffers.

Before the methods of prevention of flatness lie down zagartovannya. It seems that children, who are often ill with colds, do not only suffer from immunity, but the symptoms are weakened due to hypodynamia (decreased rukhovo activity). To that, zagartuvannya should be given special respect.

To gartuvannya vіdnosya contrast foot baths, yaki are vibrated with a stretch of 5–10 strands. For the next day, two containers are taken with such a rose, so that the children's legs are bogged down by the water up to their knees. In one container, water is poured at a temperature of 32-33oC, in the other - 40oC. The legs of the little one are drawn for a few seconds, now cold, then hot water. Also, before the procedures, walking on puffy earth, sand, pebbles, mowed grass, etc. is guaranteed. Such procedures are less likely to be done on the basis of overall health of the child.

Ahead of the appearance of flatness is also bathing by sea water or warm baths with sea sill. Water can massage me, and the sea force tones the m'yazi that judge.

- Change of change of the skeleton of the foot, tied to the flattening of її crypts and causing damage to the mechanics of walking. Flat feet in children are manifested by stiffness, pain in the legs in Russia and static navigation, swelling and deformity of the foot, walking in a snake, walking difficulty. Diagnosis of flatness in children is established on the basis of clinical examination, data of plantography, subometry and radiography of the feet. For the treatment of flatness in children, conservative methods are used (massage, massage gymnastics, physiotherapy, application of plaster casts and orthoses); operational intervention is carried out at extreme peaks.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Flat feet in children is the widest orthopedic pathology in pediatrics, which is manifested by a decrease in the height of the crypts of the feet. Flat feet may be seen in children of the national population (in 3% of children); up to 2 - 4 years old it will be in 24-32% of children, up to 7 years old - in 40%, up to 12 years old - in 50% of children.

The more active molding of the elements of the clenching of the feet in children is observed step by step, with the appearance of that growing emphasis on the legs. The critical moment for the development of flatness is the century-old period from 8 months to 1.5 years, if the child starts to get up and learn to walk. In early childhood, all children have a physiologically flat foot, rimmed with age-old anatomical and functional features: the cartilaginous structure of the brushes, more elastic and stretching ligaments, weak tongues. With the correct development of the increase in strength, the vitality of the m'yaziv of the whole camp in children will independently normalize up to 5-6 years of age. With severe injuries, flat feet develop in children, which leads to a sharp decrease in the shock-absorbing potential of the foot, an increase in stress on other elements of the musculoskeletal apparatus, with knee and stipe folds, deformities of the organs of the ridge, along the inside of the ridge.

Classification of flatness in children

The foot may be late and transverse squeezing, which promotes m'yazi and ligaments, which secures the level of the body, rozpodil and help reduce shock stress for an hour of walking, running and stribkiv, and also increase vitrivity to axial stress. For the anatomical sign in orthopedics, later, transversely, and combined flat feet are distinguished. In children, the late flat feet are often more common due to the narrowing of the late cleft and the lowering of the feet, which sticks to the entire surface of the foot. With transverse flatness in children, the dorsum of the foot changes, and the anterior joint spirals onto the heads of all metatarsal brushes.

Flat feet in children can be congenital and natural. The congenital form zustrіchaєtsya to dosit seldom and pov'yazana z vadami development of cystic structures and m'yazovo-vyazuvalny apparatus of the foot. Nabuta flat feet in children fallow in the form of a walk can be static, traumatic, rachitic, paralytic. The widest static flat feet are most commonly seen in children of school age, with inconsistency between static and dynamic pressures on the foot and tone of the tongue.

Causes of flatness in children

Flat feet in children can develop for various reasons. Boreden flat feet in children are associated with intrauterine underdeveloped cysts, ulcers, ligaments, and tendon of the homoline and feet. Flatfoot in children also develops on aphids of congenital insufficiency of good tissue and can diverge from the appendage chord in the heart, the leg of the chewing michur, short-term and other. In molded flatness in children great value may be a recessionary factor - the presence of pathology in close relatives.

Flat feet in children may be caused by weakness of the m'yazovo-vyazuvalny apparatus of the foot, which does not show great vanity; lesions of the cystic-mucosal system in rickets; incorrectly grown fractures of the bones, metatarsal, calcaneal and talar cysts; paralysis or paresis of the feet and feet (including after poliomyelitis); neurological pathology (encephalopathy).

The blame for static flatness in children is to wear an incorrectly fitted fit (tight, worn, on a tow-lined sole), nadlishkova vaga that fat, trivala without interruption walking or standing. Often flat feet develop in children with flat valgus deformity of the feet.

Symptoms of flatness in children

In most of the born flat feet, children have one foot, as if the goydalka could look like a “press-papa” with a swollen sole and a flattened, navit with a curved, stylized side. The installation of five feet is indicated, a sharp pronation with the introduction of the fingers of the name. With the appearance of a static tendency, flat feet are born and become fixed.

In children of 6-7 river age, flat feet are manifested by a stumble when walking and standing, trampling on the inside edge of the foot and feet. Clinical symptoms of swollen flat feet in children are slight pain in the space of the feet, which worsens after a tribal perebuvannya on the legs; swollen feet over the evening, stiffness when walking.

We see three stages of posterior flatness in children, which follow the stage of foot deformity. At the 1st stage, the height of the crypt of the foot becomes 25-35 mm, the deformation of the foot is visible during the day. At the II stage - the height of the crypt is 25 to 17 mm, the flattening of the foot is visible with an invisible eye; flatfoot in children is manifested by increased pain in the foot, homolytic foot and lithic mucks, and difficulty walking. The shape of the foot is changing - the dove is growing larger, the middle part is expanding, the course is becoming important and ungrabable; in children, shvidka is markedly stubborn. Flat feet of the III stage are characterized by a sharply pronounced deformity of the foot, lowered height of the cleft less than 17 mm, constant pain in the legs and across, headaches, impossibility of walking in the jaw.

Flat feet cause curvature of the toes, the appearance of corns, the formation of a child’s injury (scoliosis) and ailment of the ridge (osteochondrosis, hernia of the intervertebral disks), the development of deforming arthrosis, inflammation of the meniscus, etc.

Diagnosis of flatness in children

It is problematic to restore flat feet in children up to 5-6 years of age. Diagnosis of deviations in flat feet in children can be made by a child orthopedist at a clinical examination, which allows to reveal a change in the length, width and obligatory collapse of the feet, damage to the crypts, especially the wear of the feet.

Objective methods for evaluating flatness in children of the senior century - plantography - tracing the footprints on paper and podometry - vimir "podometric index" crypting of the foot. To clarify the diagnosis of flatness in children, I will help the results of radiography of the feet from the vanishings, vikonanim in 2 projections.

The treatment of flatness in children

Flat feet in children are progressively ill, and the sooner it is revealed, the results are more effective. The exaltation of congenital flatness is repaired from the first days of a child’s life, which allows you to put in all the components of the foot deformity. In case of congenital flat feet in children, special likuvalny gymnastics, massage of the feet and feet are carried out; put your feet in the correct position for additional bandaging, the application of stage plaster casts, lower orthoses (from 6 months of age). In case of strong manifestation of flatness in children, the operation of talar arthresis is to be performed.

Exaltation of static flatness in children, directed at the improvement of the m'yazovo-vyazuvalny apparatus of the foot, including massage, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. Children of the young age are turned on softly vzuttya (felt boots, gum chobots, Czechs); it is recommended to wear boots with a firm sole and a small heel, which is good for fixing the homolyk feet. In case of flatness in children of the older age, it is shown to wear an orthopedic brace with an instep pad, which lowers the crypt and turns the foot in the correct position.

deformities of the feet, suglobiv that ridge.

Prevention of flatness in children is the wearing of a correctly chosen vzuttya; engaging in physical education, playing sports (basketball, football) and swimming; walking barefoot on uneven ground, sand, pebbles; normalization of calcium-phosphorus metabolism; Body weight control.

Flat feet in children are considered by a wide pathology and are diagnosed more and more often, which can often be explained by a high-light tendency to a low-grade, “computer-television” way of life. With some other factors, it’s possible to become ill, but it’s not safe, and it’s like rejoicing, looking far away.

Flat feet in children - causes

Zavdyaki correctly molded crypts of the feet are vibrated by their main functions in terms of vanishing, facilitating impacts, setting equalization and other. The anterior part expands incrementally, and the heel becomes retracted backward.

Congenital flat-footedness rarely develops, and is associated with various internal uterine anomalies in the development of the fetus, infusion of ionizing vaping, shkidlivymi signs of the vaginal vein. In times of illness, it is not uncommon to show up again after the people and go to bed with other vices. Most of the time, the disease is full, which is formed with the development of a baby due to such reasons:

  • raised the body of the body;
  • insufficient one-man roar activity;
  • often walking barefoot on a flat hard surface;
  • inappropriately vzuttya (purchased on a virist, which was delivered “at the recesses”, maє a flat sole, a little too soft or zhorstka);
  • paralysis of the m'yazovo-zv'yazuvalny apparatus of the foot (as a result of infantile cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis);
  • injuries nig;
  • transfers;
  • recession and in.

Varto nobility, that flat feet in children up to 6-8 years of age is a natural physiological phenomenon. If the child is born, the feet are flat, without obvious crypts, which is explained by the cartilaginous structure of the bone tissues, the weakness of the tissues, the overweight of the fatty tissue on the underside of the surface, as the role of the shock absorber. There is a large number of soft fabrics at the feet of the presence of approximately three times the age, and then step by step changes. At once there is a development of a bell apparatus, for the fire of which one is guarded by the height of the crypt.

So, knowing the natural physiological changes, the feet of the crypt, so the very form of the nig and "ripen" to a maximum of a decimal age. If the development of the child proceeds normally, the correct sealing is formed. Farther, in the future, if there is a stronger growth and large-scale endocrine perebudov in the body, the skeletal-malignant system of children will again become irritable, slender to deformation, growing risky development of flatness.

See flatness in children

The foot has two main crypts - transverse (between the bases of the phalanges) and later (along the inner edge). Z urakhuvannyam tsgogo, flat-footedness, see that they are lying down in the affected crypt, podіlyaєtsya on the cross of that later. Rіdshe zustrіchaєtsya kombinovana form ailments. Krym tsgogo, may miss the diagnosis of "valgus flatfoot", if you are aware of the axis of the kіntsіvki.

Transverse flat feet in children

With this type of pathology, the descent of the transverse cleft is observed, the anterior joint spirals onto the heads of all metatarsal brushes. Such flat-footedness develops with the genetic stubbornness of the little one in the presence of a number of other unfavorable factors. Step by step, due to the gradual expansion of the brushes, the lining of the soles changes, the width increases, the width increases, the ventilation increases thumb called, the middle finger is subject to deformities.

Late flat feet in children

As a result of the “diagnosis of flat feet of the late type”, the child is afraid of flattening of the late cleft of the foot. In the wake of this valley, the feet grow larger, all over the surface sticking out of the foot, step by step, clichon-foot develops. characteristic sign become stronger wear and tear on the inside edge. Homilkovostopnyy suglob at ts_y pathology maloruchlivy.

Valgus flatfoot in children

Often late flat feet, deformity of the foot when it is brought down to the lowering of the middle її part, crying. At to this particular type the rotation of the fingers and the wrist of the five names and the curvature of the axis in the homilk-foot loam (displacement in the middle) are observed. The reason is sometimes the early setting of the baby on the legs, injuries, the wrong choice of the mind.

Flatness steps in children

For diagnosing ailments, zastosovuyut given foot injury. Depending on the intensity of deformation, the fallow is divided into sprat stages of ailment:

  • flat feet 1 step- The height of the crypt is close to the norm, the symptoms are weakly pronounced, the prote posterizes the weakening of the ligaments and the presence of mild pain in the evening hours;
  • flat feet 2nd step- there is a "spreading" of the foot, visually, (including in the area of ​​​​homilkostopu, knee), there is swelling of the feet, changes in the course;
  • flat feet 3 step- Characterized by strong deformity of the feet, toes, children walking more and more painfully, causing pain along all the lower ridges and in the spine, strong swelling.

Why is flat-footedness unsafe?

It is important to remember that pathology does not become a serious threat to the child's body, being, more commonly, a cosmetic defect. Navіt tse flat-footedness, traces of yoga in the future may be even more unacceptable for other systems of the body. The widest folds є:

  • development of dystrophic lesions of the globules;
  • ridge on a hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heel spur;
  • varicose veins;
  • Morton's neuroma.

The listed pathologies develop in case of flatness in children due to the increased pressure on the loam and the ridge in the minds of the nasty shock-absorbing feet. So the legacy is farther away, even to the end of the post-pain in the lower legs and back, on the promotion of the suffering of the life of the little one, the success of the baby is improved.

How to designate flat feet in a child?

Fathers follow the nobility, how to show flat feet in a child, so that they don’t waste a precious hour and in their own time engage in rejoicing. Alert may so show:

  • the weariness of the inner part of the soles of the soles of the heels and the heels, the deformation of the freebie chobit the middle;
  • parts of the baby's skarga for stopping when walking;
  • appearance of calluses, abrasions on the underside of the foot;
  • laryngeal stop in the middle of the hour of walking;
  • swollen nig.

As a home test, you can test the method for abuse of traces. For this, it is necessary to take a clean arkush paper, smearing the soles of the child’s feet with fat cream, olive oil or watercolor farbs, put yogo on the whole sheet. Moreover, the legs are to blame, but the stars, the feet are placed on the same line parallel to one to the other, the back is equal. On crossings in the area between the fifth and metatarsal width of the isthmus, it is normal to establish a maximum third in the upper width. In another case, there is the possibility of pathology. Residual diagnosis is made by an orthopedist and a podologist.

How to exalt flat feet in children?

If flat feet are manifested in children, exaltation is assigned to any person, it is complex to lie down in the form of a stage of injury. For whom we need to carry out diagnostics for additional plantography, podometry, radiography of the foot. Methods for the treatment of flatness in children with directing to the improvement of the m'yazovyh structures of the foot, reduction of blood circulation, correction of the deformity of the foot and homilkostop for the help of a mild physical injection on the ligaments and loam.

Correct with flatness in children

It is recommended to use a set of rights for children, which can be carried out at home. Flat-footedness in children will require regularity when you are happy - only in such a state of mind you can hope for a positive result. So spend the next day, one day a day. Before the complex of exercise therapy in case of flatness in children, it is most often included in the right.

At the position sitting on the chair:

  • zginannya-razginannya fingers;
  • circles with feet behind the year's and the opposite year's arrows;
  • vytyaguvannya skarpetok vіd itself that at zvorotny bіk;
  • pochergové pіdnimannya shkarpetok and p'yat vіd surfіnі pіdlogi;
  • hoarding and moving fingers of small objects (bags, cubes, olives);
  • zakhoplennya that p_dn_mannya mizh foot of a small ball;
  • moving feet back and forth of a gymnastic club, a ball with spikes;

Standing position:

  • podnimannya-lowering on toes;
  • sitting without a winder p'yat vіd pіdlogi;
  • walking on scarpets, heels, ribs of the outer and inner parts of the foot;
  • walking sideways to the left and to the right along the gymnastic club.

You need to practice barefoot, repeating everything 10-12 times. For pre-school children, all physical activities can be carried out in a playful form, demonstrating the correctness of the exercise of rights. Why, children with such a diagnosis should walk sideways along the deck, climb a rope, take up gymnastic gatherings, ride bicycles, swim.

Massage for flat feet in children

Like a child has flat feet, which is robitime for correcting the situation, suggest a doctor. At most vipadkіv likuvalni come in, which are appointed, include professional massage, targeting to improve the m'yazovogo tone, polypshennia exchange processes. Flat-footedness in children for a long time, while looking at massage, is enjoyed by periodic courses of 10-15 sessions, performed by a professional. Zastosovuyuchi razminannya, stroking that rubbing, massaging the foot from five to toes, homilka on the back side.

Orthopedic kilimok-puzzle for children with flat feet

At home minds, using a likuval-prophylactic method for flat feet, walking on a special kilimk, on top of some kind of relief, pebbles of various sizes and grass, covered with small spikes, which are massaged. Such a kilimok is made in the form of a flat surface for children from a backed polymer and a set of squarish square details, as if they are placed at the side of the path, snakes or in the shape of a rectangle. Orthopedic kilimok as a whole building replacement kilimovo cover at the children's room, to ensure regular massage is low.

Similar accessories can be made independently from the carpet, on which they are attached:

  • plank pebbles;
  • chestnuts;
  • old olives;
  • caps made of plastic;
  • gudziki too thin.

Orthopedic pads for children

Flatfoot in children has not been started, jubilation in the home minds, which is carried out with the improvement of the doctor's recommendations, is effectively corrected. One of the most common signs is the wearing of special ones, calling them correctly to spread the pressure on the feet when walking, to correct the deformity and the teeth of their progression. Choice of colors, selected or prepared in an individual order, it is recommended to wear both on the street and at home.

Methods for the prevention of flatness in children

Fathers, that it is respectful to put before the health of your child, the building is ahead of the development of ailments at an early stage. Prevention of flatness in children is based on many inconsistent recommendations:

  1. The child is guilty of regularly walking and walking barefoot on uneven surfaces (fireplaces, grass, dog, massage kilimk).
  2. it is to blame for being properly picked up (a new one, which makes the feet stand still, a good fixation of the foot, with a sole to bend, and a small heel).
  3. Physical urgency is due to regular and dosing (do not worry about too little activity, nor over the top in sports).
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