Replace milk products. Dairy products: the meanness of that Skoda, what can you replace and what can you do about them? Allergy to milk. Why work and get used to this vipadka

Chi deyno cow's milk so badly and is it necessary for us? For tradition, we believe in the price. Nutrition calls out a lot of superechok, prote daedals more than fahivtsiv biologists and nutritionists shirk to the idea that milk is not only not needed, but not in a way that is not appropriate for a grown-up organism. I scho alternative, more milk - richly healthy replacement of cow's milk. Milk from growing products avenges a lot of lively speeches, is easy to conquer and, on the face of a cow, does not cause negative reactions in the body, can take a relish that is not girish for the milk of a creature's journey.

So drink chi don't drink milk?

The main reasons to replace cow's milk

Cow's milk is important to win

In older people, the lactase enzyme may not be vibrated, which breaks down the milk zuccor - lactose, and does not have the enzyme, which breaks down casein - the main milk protein. Wine similar to gluten (gluten), which is found in cereals, is the most important protein for humans.

Pasteurization of milk, which protects us from pathogenic bacteria, at the same time creates a friendly microflora and ruinous enzymes, which help the milk to help overdo it. That is why pasteurized milk does not turn sour to brown bacteria, but psuet. You can't drink sour milk from store-bought milk.

Milk will become completely obsolete, which can cause bloating, cramps, and diarrhea.

Milk gives blood to a swede

The glycemic index of milk is high for lactose, and it quickly raises the blood sugar level, especially when you drink it. At a pіdpіd pіdnіmaєtsya rivenі іnsulinu. Tsukrovo-insulin "goydalki" are unfriendly to pour into the exchange of speeches, especially among new people.

Milk allergizes the body

regardless of the tolerance of dairy.

Hormones and antibiotics

Great horned thinness takes hormonal supplements to increase milk production and antibiotics for prevention and treatment of illness. Qi preparations and drink milk, yak mi p'emo. Chi need to talk about їhnyu unfriendly dіyu?

Milk acidifies the internal environment of the body

There is little to say about qiu diyu of milk. Oxidation stimulates and supports the overshoot of ignition processes and chronic illnesses, the growth of evil cells.

Roslinne milk, navpaki, may be anti-powerful.

Milk and calcium

Chi є cow'yache milk is the best dzherel calcium for a person? Why do we take calcium deficiency, why not drink milk? No, we can't take it! Yakraz out of the blue, milk sprinkles with calcium.

The normal blood pH value is between 7.35-7.45. With the introduction of milk, the pH changes to an acidic, lesser side. Organism virіvnyuє pokaznik, neutralizing acidity for the help of puddle mineral speeches, instead of calcium, which is taken for our bone tissue.

In addition, during pasteurization and boiling of milk, calcium passes into an inorganic form, as it cannot be acquired. Such calcium is accumulated in the organism, giving salts.

Korisn_ dzherela calcium

Since milk doesn't give us calcium, should we take the stars out of it?

One of the best growing plants is calcium, sesame seeds, almonds and other peas, leafy greens, especially dark green, laminaria, kvassola. In our country, poppy and sesame are found in sprats more calcium, lower in milk. Roslinnі dzherela calcium, on vіdmіnu vіd milk, viluzhuyut vnutrіshnє sredovіs organіzma, not vivayut calcium from the bones and vengeance rich brown nutrients.

Rich in calcium in the settlement.

Knowing these facts, think about the place of milk in our menu. If you are not ready to use dairy products, rather than living around them, but if you can drink in small quantities, natural strength, not boiled milk, but sour milk from new. It was clear, it is necessary for the mother to be convinced that milk comes from pure creatures. Such milk can be fermented, which makes it easier to digest it, and milk zucor into sour milk is already processed by lactic acid bacteria.

How to replace cow's milk? 8 brown recipes for rose milk

How do you see growing milk? Tse nasampered gorіkhove, rice, vivsyan. The recipes for their preparation are simple. Home grown milk is corny and tasty replacement of cow's milk.

How to prepare roslin milk?

Peas, rice and white plastics should be soaked in front of the soil. Don't just kill them with softness, but wake them up: they activate enzymes, which make it easier to overdo it, increase the amount of vitamins and change instead of phytates - natural preservatives of roslin, and make it easier for people to master mineral speech.

The peas need not be lubricated and soaked in salty water.

Rice and white plastics for milk are soaked in a sour medium. For whom water is not enough lemon juice, or a tablespoon of whole-grain boroshn (wheat, or wheat). For whole milk, plastics of trival preparation are taken.

Water after soaking cannot be vicorated to make milk! Won to avenge enzyme inhibitors and antinutrients. After soaking next good wash the product.

Roslin's milk is scrambled both in a stationary and in a boring blender. Yogo can be drunk just like that, whisked for smoothies and vipіchki, preparing various herbs and sauces, adding to tea and cavi.

Do not sour milk with zukr, make it brown. Win to destroy the conquest of which barley product. If you drink milk just like that, add 2-3 soaked dates for malting, or a little honey, maple syrup. As if the smooth milk works on the milkweed, then the pidsolodzhuvach is not required.

For bajannyam, you can add some salt to the blender. It is better to take sea strength: won, we will surround the great salt, revenge other minerals.

Gorіkhove milk is stored in the cold zone of the refrigerator in the cabinet closed bank 3-4 days. Rice and vivsyan - until tomorrow. Roslin's milk can be frozen in molds and vicorated as needed.

Pea cake, which is left over, kindly add it to the smoothie, vipіchka, work it out.

We do not see soy milk here. Most soy at the same time is a genetically modified product. Soybeans have the strongest protease inhibitors - speech, which shifts the activation of enzymes in the middle of it, obviously, to be mastered.

1. Almond milk

The price is the best and the most delicious is the replacement of cow's milk. One of the best rare bases for . Migdalny mountain is lively and rich in calcium.

1 bottle of algae peas remember and soak for nothing.

Promit, beat in blenders s | iz | 3-4 bottles of water at a maximum dryness of 1.5-2 quills.

For malting, you can add 2-4 dates, soaked in advance. Dates are enriched with drinking cellular tissue and micronutrients.

Strain through gauze and squeeze.

Store in a closed container in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

2. Coconut milk

Coconut milk is fatter and caloric, lower migdalne, rich in freshness, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, amino acids. Coconut fats are the same as growing fats, which will be conquered once again by the body as a source of energy. The stench does not threaten the big ones at the vase. This is a miracle base for smoothies. After a smoothie on coconut milk, you don’t want to eat for a long time.

Coconut milk is easy to prepare, and for brewing it comes out pureed with great milk. About 1 liter of milk comes out of one coconut.

3. Rice milk

An ideal option for those who are sensitive to cow's milk and hot. Rice milk has less protein, lower in pea milk, ale has vitamins of group B, calcium, manganese, selenium. Rice milk is easy to digest.

It is best to take unpolished rice: it has more cellular tissue and microelements. Ale can be cooked and zі zvichaynogo.

Recipe for rice milk that maximizes its density:

  • 1/2 bottle of rice
  • 4 vials of water

Soak the rice overnight.

After soaking, wash it well, put it in a saucepan and fill it with two flasks of water. Pidsoliti for the bajans. Bring to a boil and cook on a regular fire until ready. Cool down.

Fill the blender bowl with rice with excess water up to half the working volume. Pour into the bowl the same amount of water for obsyagy. Beat to a uniform sum of 1-2 quills. Strain through a virva with gauze, assisting with a spoon or a hand, or through a sieve.

Masa, which is lost, can be victorious at the vipіchtsі.

To prepare chocolate rice milk, put 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder is just about beaten up.

Store in the refrigerator at the closed container until tomorrow.

Rice milk can be used to cook porridge, sauces, desserts, vicory for brewing. It will stop at the child's eating.

4. Vivsyan milk

It's easy to prepare a cheap option for replacing cow's milk. Vivsyan groats - one of the groats, which can avenge the valuable protein globulin, which may be a warehouse, like a animal protein. Oats do not take revenge on gluten.

  • 1 flask
  • 3 vials of water

Soak the plastics by the water for 6-8 years.

Anger the water, make the plastics good.

Beat in a blender for about 2 quills. The concentration of milk is regulated by the quantity of water.

Strain through a sieve, assisted by a spoon or squeeze through gauze.

For bazhannyam, add honey, add cinnamon, or vanilla.

Keep at the closed bag in the refrigerator until tomorrow.

5. Milk from garmelon

How often do you see garbuzov today? They have a lot of complete protein, which includes all the essential amino acids, - more, lower in other more common or peas. Nasinnya harbuza is a criterion of microelements. The stench is rich in salt, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B, E, which are necessary for people. garniy way include the whole valuable product before the diet.

  • Garbuzov nasinnya 1 bottle
  • Water 3 bottles
  • Dribka salt

Soak today for 8 years. Add some salt and lemon juice to the water, or apple otstu.

Anger the water, kindly promit.

Put some stuff in the blender, pour water, pour salt for the bazhanny. Beat 1-2 quills on high swedishness. In a stationary blender, it is practical to disperse more often, in a boring blender it is less, if you want to beat it more.

Garbuzov's milk can not be processed, especially if it is prepared in an iron blender: this way it will be more valuable. Procіdzhuyut yogo for otrimannya thin consistency for the preparation of certain herbs.

Store in the refrigerator in a closed container for 3-4 days.

6. Milk from native dormouse.

It is possible to produce milk from the wonderful present. The stench is rich in protein and micronutrients. Not taken lubricated for now, hour of soaking - 8 years in salty water. After soaking, do good.

  • 1 vial of fresh
  • 3 vials of water
  • dribka salt

Beat 1.5 quills on high swedishness.

Milk comes out rich, you can not process it, so that you can take the maximum of crust.

Milk from now on is good to eat with dates, cocoa powder, cinnamon. Additives are put into the blender at once with water. If you need soft consistency, strain through gauze, pour into a blender, put the necessary additives and beat.

7. Milk from pure hemp

Milk from the present hemp is rare for this day, wanting to make it livelier, lower the mountain. Nasіnnya hemp, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіd vіd zelenіh chastin i buds roslini, do not avenge psychotropic speeches. Hemp milk is rich in valuable proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, micronutrients, vitamins of group B, amino acids. It's more intense, may be a light prispak.

Today we come as cleansed, so unclean. Cleaned ones are soaked for 2-4 years, uncleaned - for nothing.

2-3 bottles of water are taken for 1 flask of purified nasinnya.

For 1 bottle of uncleaned nasinnya - less - 1-2 bottles of water.

Soak it in a sieve and beat it in a blender with water until it becomes uniform. Uncleaned now, kill more.

Milk from purified nasіnnya is not required. You can, I guess, pass it through a cava filter. From uncleaned - pass through cheesecloth and vijati.

For malting milk, you can add a couple of soaked dates, maple syrup, stevia, vanilla. For chocolate milk, cocoa powder. For bazhannyam - a pinch of salt as a preservative and for a refreshing relish. With additives, beat again at the blender.

Hemp milk is a miracle base for smoothies and frost. For high-quality desserts, more concentrated milk is better.

The top of the unrefined hemp will avenge the price of speech. Yogo can be dried and added to porridge, other herbs. Vіn spryaє bowel cleansing and yoga garnіy robotі. From hemp cake, you can make masks for shkiri disguise, vikoristovuvat yogo like a scrub, pitching in front in kavomoltsi.

Store the milk in the refrigerator in a closed container for 3-4 days.

8. Milk with cashew

Cashews are mixed with water without excess. For this, milk with cashew is the best, the richest is even tastier. Cich peas are rich in salt, magnesium, zinc, midi, manganese, selenium, and amino acids. Milk smoothies with cashew are superbly savory.

The only shortcoming is those that peas in the process of cleaning and drying know the temperature up to 200 degrees.

Chi is not smeared peas soak for 4 years. After soaking, wash it.

To prepare milk for 1 bottle of cashews, take 3-4 bottles of water.

Put the peas in a blender, add half of the water, a pinch of salt for the bajans and beat 1-2 quills, increasing the firmness, until the peas rise again.

At the ready, add water to the milk, which is lacking, regulating the concentration.

As your blender is not able to finely blend peas, strain milk through cheesecloth or a fine strainer.

For licorice milk, put 2-4 soaked dates in the blender, or a little honey, maple syrup, or agave syrup.

Store in closed bottles in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Roslyn milk is becoming popular. It's savory, rich in food and micronutrients. Fresher, crushed with your own hands, it is worthy of you as a replacement for processed milk, which has consumed biological value, from the store.

Gore milk is better than working at home. The purchase of a zavzhdy m_stit additives, and іnоdі і tsukor. Until then, home-made pea milk will cost a lot cheaper for import stores. When you buy a ready-made product, choose without zucru and piece flavors, choose organic.

Sergei Rubanov,

Milk give savtsі, so like cows, goats skinny. It will take revenge on the impersonal speeches of life and sound associated with a low priority for health. However, Rest of the Rocks Many people, having caused the uniqueness of the milk of a creature's journey through increased awareness of potential side effects, including allergies and lactose intolerance, a possible reduction in the risk of certain types of cancer and diabetes, as well as through the ethical turbanism of a disease drive. Krіm tsigo richly hto shortening dairy products in your diet for other reasons, for example, to get rid of hormones and antibiotics, which are often drunk on these products.


It provides the body with essential fat, protein, calcium and vitamin D. It is especially necessary for the body to grow. Ale for grown-up people with macronutrients and micronutrients can be more or less adequately supplied by other products with a balanced diet.


Allergy to cow's milk is the most widespread food problem in children early century which is characterized by the inability of the body to acquire tsukor (lactose) from milk through the presence of the lactase enzyme. For most creatures (including humans), the production of lactase after breastfeeding is added. Children and grown-ups, who continue to drink breast milk of creatures, with which the amount of lactase necessary for the digestion of lactose is not viable, they often experience symptoms of intolerance, such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and discomfort, for which nutrition, cows' milk becomes more relevant .

The incidence of lactose intolerance varies: 15% of people of European descent, 80% of blacks and Hispanics, and up to 100% of Asians. Some people can better tolerate fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, hard varieties of cheese and cheese (), as a rule, they can tolerate lower levels of lactose and more brown bacteria, which support these poisonings. For other people, a small amount of milk in kava can lead to a breakdown in pickling.

How to replace cow's milk: non-dairy alternatives


Soy milk is, in fact, the most popular and one of the first alternatives to cow's milk. It is carried out by way of soaking, crushing and cooking of soybeans, and then foraging the root.


From the best dairy analogues of soybean, the greatest amount of protein can be avenged. Tse rob soyve milk more rich, lower options with a smaller amount of protein. If so, the soviet protein cannot be so very effective in accepting the everyday life of m'yazyv, like a syrowort (through the highest amino acid warehouse and the lower level of the anabolic amino acid leucine), all the same, you can help to satisfy the deacons in the protein. Soyve milk is also a dzherelom potassium.


Debates among the last years pointed out the presence of isoflavones in soy products. Phytoestrogens are associated with the problem of stimulating the reproductive system of creatures and humans. A study at the University of Connecticut showed that people, who had been implanting co-protein for two days, found out that there was a calamity increase equal to testosterone in the blood, while doing strength training, it was similar to those who managed to keep such a small gait of lightness. Krym tsgogo, deyakі brandy add cheap olії in napіy, scho mozhe bring to a reduction of the indigent quantity of non-acidic calories. And the group of oligosaccharides in co-products can be badly etched and lead to side effects, which can avenge the gasomist.


The whole thing, prepared with almonds, which is trimmed with water, and then filtered for the removal of hard speeches. Yogo soft pea flavor can improve the taste of protein shakes (), porridge, soup and vape. Migdalne milk may have less protein, lower cow's milk and soy milk, but more people know more about it, lightly licorice flavor and creamy texture, similar to cow's milk.


Migdalne milk does not avenge high fats and is low in calories.


As the most of other non-dairy drinks, the milk of the milk sings to avenge emulsifiers, such as caraginan, polysaccharides, extracted from sea algae, which are added in the process of brewing for a rich texture. Deyakі doslіdzhennya pokazuyut, scho іngredієnti can be unfavorable. For example, a study conducted by scientists at the University of Georgia showed that building emulsifiers destroy the storehouse of healthy bacteria in the intestines. It is important that this study was carried out on mice, additional data may be taken away from the experiment on humans.


The middle of the new additions to the lines of non-dairy drinks has the closest variety to the top texture. Prepared with cashew cashews, trimmed with water.


Cashew milk is often enriched with a range of vital minerals such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and zinc. Prote is depleted of water, as the body dies well vitamins and minerals, added to non-dairy products, on the contrary, as natural looks like in such a product, like milk.


All versions of pea milk are usually low in calories. Ale low number of calories to talk about those who, in fact, pay for the development of the product. A cup of hot cashews should contain about 800 calories, so if you take a bottle of cashew milk up to 25 calories, the virobniks should be heavily diluted with water. To that, if you eat these products, you can’t count the same equal to the spectrum of natural life-giving speeches, which can be found in the whole peas of ours.

HEMP milk

Viroblyaetsya by way of mixing the hemp with water for the purpose of drinking water with a characteristic earthy-pea taste, which can come to a taste that is far from skin-like. That milk does not have psychoactive ingredients, as can be found in marijuana. Therefore, it is legal for sale in the states, de marijuana is not legalized.


Hemp milk can be a great alternative for those who suffer from allergies to soy, peas and gluten. It is worth avenging a good amount of protein and a low profile of fatty acids (safety of the highest level of omega-3 fatty acids, lower alternative milk liqueurs). Wanting, without a doubt, omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in fatty ribs, such as salmon, more tight, lower rosin dzherela, proteo and options can also be brown, especially for vegetarians. Hemp milk is also a dietary source of salt, as is the case with cow's milk. As far as soy is concerned, hemp is by no means genetically modified.


The main pasta of alternative milk liqueurs is that stinks can be added to added sugars, including rice syrup and cane cane. Adzhe natural milk to fight natural tsukor (lactose). Until then, the virobniks are trying to mask the hour of warming and the specific relish of dairy alternatives. At that hour, as for itself, the best hemp is the best dzherel of rosemary protein, drinking yogo is 75% less, lower than cow's milk.


Take away with a path the water of the filtered coconut water, which is seen from the grated coconut flesh.


Coconut to avenge low brown speeches. Yogo good vikoristovuvatime for vipіchki. The creamy structure is similar to that of cow's milk.


The presence of protein in coconut milk means that it cannot be seen as a protein rich product. Addition of zucru, piece micronutrients, dilutions of the product are major minuses for all dairy alternatives to growing.


It is prepared by mixing boiled rice with water with further additions of brown rice syrup and brown rice starch. Rice milk has a hint of licorice and a smooth texture that makes it a popular alternative to milk for adding to kava, cocktails and desserts.


Rice is considered hypoallergenic, a safe option for those who have food sensitivity to dairy products, peas or soy. Like other non-dairy alternatives, rice milk is often fortified with calcium and vitamin D.


Tim, who cares about the amount of carbohydrates in his diet, should note that rice milk, as a rule, has the most in it. Until then, if it’s a fallow, de viris rice, we can talk about the splendid kіlkost mish’yaku. In the rest of the hour, there was a little reminder about the subterranean waters fertilized with bears for the cultivation of agricultural subdar crops near Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia. Necessary supplementary documents to determine if the references to the mischief can be found in popular brands rice milk, i chi maє tse rizik for health.


The method of preparation is similar to rice milk. Vygotovlyayut іz vіvsyanikh plastіvtsіv аbo vіvsa z adding water.


As well as rich options for rose milk, oats do not avenge cholesterol and lactose, as well as rich in vitamin E, avenge folic acid.


Like rice milk to avenge rich zukra and not to avenge calcium and protein, on the face of cow's milk. Not suitable for people who suffer from allergies to gluten, and also may have a characteristic aroma, which is not skin-friendly.

How can you replace cow's milk: dairy alternatives

A cream of non-dairy alternatives to varto and respect for dairy options. Situations, if cow's milk needs to be replaced by an analogue, are different. For this reason, for some reason, it may be possible to save milk, and also other savants.


Goat milk is 15% more than calcium and vitamin A, D, potassium, midi and manganese, lower cow's milk. Well dzherelo phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Kiz is not stuffed with growth hormones.


Sheep milk is twice as rich in minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B), lower cows. Krіm іnshoy, tse bagate dzherelo Yoda, yak є korisnim for people with problems of the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, sheep's milk has more calories than cow's milk. Wanting to take revenge on the highest rіven of milk fat, in fact, the lower rіven of the most fats, the lower types of milk.


Buffaloes, as a rule, grow without a high level of hormone concentration in the feed. Grass, stables and sino constitute the main part of the diet. 7% in fat is similar to cow's milk, may have a different life-giving profile. Prote buffalo milk is lower in cholesterol, and in protein, calcium, rich in phosphorus, higher, lower in cow's milk. The presence of high levels of immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase to make buffalo milk a special dietary product, blue for health.

Cow'yache lactose-free milk

Lactose-free milk has all the positive characteristics of natural milk, but also contains additional enzymes for lactose pickling. This option can also be considered as an alternative for those who have a single degree of lactose intolerance.

Deputy of Podbags

Roslin milk is technically not milk. On the basis of roslin, an alternative drink is made. Vіn do not take revenge on cholesterol and vіdrіznyaєtsya small amount of fats. But regardless of those that are prepared on the go from the mountains, using those grains, it’s not the fault of the stench to be taken in by the same healthy or natural products, like their dzherela.

That is why it is the result of industrial processing, part of the process of which can become a well-known manipulation of the components. For example, roses can be filled with flowers. The stench is enriched with less strong vitamin D, lower than the one that is found in the milk of creatures, the shards of this variant cannot be used in vegan drinks. In pea milk, there is a risk of vitamin B12 deficiency and little protein, soy cream. If you need to replace cow's milk, looking at alternatives is important. But if you don’t need such a thing, then, as a rule, it’s not worth it. Drinking water is a livelihood equivalent to cow's milk and can no longer be a substitute for a child's meal.

When choosing options, I’ll give you a drink, not only protect your body’s health, but even those who stink are suitable for your fitness goals. If you don’t live cow’s milk, change your mind that you know well the calcium in other foods in your diet, including green leafy vegetables, tofu, kvassoli and so on. Read the labels and organically fit the product into your diet.

Not so already th just live in to the current world without dairy products. Cow'yache milk is practically given to everything that mi їmo. On the basis of yoga, peppers and other flavors, sauces, smoothies, siri, desserts are not so much loved.

But not all products are safe. Today, more and more people are suffering from intolerance to lactose (milk zucru), as well as allergies to cow's milk protein. The most important thing is to hang out with small children on breastfeeding, Whose mothers, like me, should be brought to the attention of dairy products.

As a way of showing my knowledge of the relationship with mothers that there are similar problems, many who basically accept the share and get help if the child has outgrown the allergy.

Also, how to replace dairy products in case of allergy to cow's milk protein, lactase deficiency and HS? How little did they know about the reason for the good replacement of the splendid milk - rose milk.

I want to tell myself about the new one. I’m turning your respect, that the alternative is the milk itself, not the goat! According to the statistics, if you have a child's reaction to cow's protein, then 90% of you react to a goat! While on the Internet, all articles about alternative dairy products goat milk are described as a safe replacement, but it is far from being the case.

І still mite. It was possible to show the police at the shops milk, which does not take revenge on lactose - Lacto free, No lactose, law lactose and in. So from, with such milk, it is necessary to protect us. If you have lactose intolerance, you may have an allergy to cow's milk protein, which is not the case with a lactose-free analogue. It’s not easy for him to rush to drink yoga in liters, rather, step by step, introduce it as if it were a new drink.

I don’t know how, but I recently found out that homeopathy is milk zucor, which means that lactose itself, to which my child may react. I couldn't understand in any way; I read more than a year, what a milk zukor.

Otzhe, let's turn to the roslin milk.

Іsnuє impersonal species of roslin milk - coconut, almond, soybean, vivsyan, rice, poppy and other.

For its consistency, it looks like a cow's yache, and also, you can successfully stagnate in cooking.

Varto signify that the growth of milk is to be made corisne and revenge the impersonal vitamins and microelements, as good will be conquered by our body. The new one has no animal protein, that the “cow” was given more milk, they didn’t prick with antibiotics and they didn’t understand it.

Ale, I would not want to publicly complain about the mischief of such milk. My task is to help you develop a diet that is more varied and savory, regardless of a dairy-free diet. Like your head meta - healthy image life, you are on the right path.

Can you cook some stravi on the basis of rose milk? - Be it! Be-yakі z quiet, yakі vy zvikli їsti. On the right, in that the consistency of rose milk is similar to that of a cow's milk, which means that it is not suitable for any experiments and primary fears.

I often drink vicarious milk. I add yoga to the dough for the mlints. It’s even more delicious to go out, it’s a good time to buy milk for cow’s milk. Then the difference from the mlins on the water is colossal! Zamіst vershkovy vicorist coconut oil.

Pisochne pechivo. In my version, before the yogo warehouse, enter the trochs of milk and roslinna oliya, the deputy of the top. Not long ago, I was far away from the stove yak at McCaffe on coconut tops.

Omelette. Robimo all the same, who are the first, only the deputy of the greatest, we give milk to you.

Miraculous porridge, smoothies, homemade frosting emerge on coconut and almond milk. Yogo can be added to cava, cocoa can be beaten for cappuccino.

On the basis of milk, you can make yoghurts and sir! So, so, re-read again. You have long dreamed about yogurt, then you can really realize it. You can buy milk-free yogurt from specialized vegan stores on (I’ll omit the price point, if you really want to, you can buy it) or make the starter for rose milk yourself! Follow my blog for updates, I'll soon share the recipe with you!

Where to bring roslinne milk?

Such milk is dispensed at the same time by a lot of different companies. Yogo can be bought from specialized stores, such as Dietika, Jagannat, Shop of Indian spices, Vkusvill that іn, and from the wonderful ones. For example, coconut, soybean, rice and wheat can be bought in Ashan. Ale, varto, bring respect to the warehouse! Purchased milk has a low amount of milk instead of syrovin from some kind of it is prepared, rich in water and presence of third-party additives and flavorings. If you or your child is responsive to zhі, є sens introduce such milk into the diet carefully.

Krym tsyogo, purchased roslin milk has one more istotny nedolіk- Price. So, in Auchan, coconut milk costs 92-140 rubles, rice is about 160 rubles, in Jagannat coconut milk is about 300 rubles. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but the picture got a rough idea.

At the sight of a cow's, growing milk, you can grow it at home yourself. The difference in price is a matter of fact. For example, one coconut cost about 50 rubles. For some reason, at home, you can grow more than 500 ml of milk, coconut flakes, tops and coconut water.

Follow the blog updates, I will share all the recipes with you soon! Let's live juicy, without regard for obezhennya!

To save the milk of all the small ones, and to make it hypoallergenic, so as not to take revenge on lactose and not to show the self-confidence of cows and other "dairy" animals, to change the essence of yoga again. Turn the product of the creature into a growing one. So, will you already call for another drink, but who said, what will be vile defilement? In the whole world, thousands of thousands of people drink milk from the sky.

Soyve milk

Today is not milk, obviously, but drink from soy beans. They soak, trim, heat, then pass through the filter. Cheap, affordable and the most popular substitute for traditional milk. Smak, zvichayno, specific, prote life of power is already similar. Squirrel, though dewy, and saliva - more, lower in cows, less fat, cholesterol and lactose are not known. Z nedolіkіv - little calcium and vitamins of group B, especially B12.

Soybeer milk is sold in packets or as a powder, often enriched with vitamins and minerals. Є "advanced options" - with chocolate, vanilla, syrups and spices. It takes 1 day for glassy dances, 2 days for plastic ones. Choose packages with the inscription "no revenge on GMOs."

Would you like to drink? Recommended for allergies, lactose intolerance and chronic deficiency anemia. In addition, in combination with phytoestrogens, they reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, so the product can be similar in case of problems with the heart and vessels. If you choose, then boldly replace milk with traditional recipes. Let me know mashed potatoes, want a sauce for pasta. Ready to succumb to the hateful pea relish.

rice milk

The milk from cereals also flourishes with success. Oats, rye, wheat - why not shy away. The most popular version of grain milk is rice, which is traditionally drunk in Asian countries, ahead of China and Japan.

Rice milk is made from brown rice, more like from white, refined rice. Delicious relish, licorice - natural malt is involved in the fermentation process, if the carbohydrates break down in the zukri.

Rice milk is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins of group B and є kіlka klіtkovini. It is non-greasy, hypoallergenic with good milk substitutes. Є th minus - lack of proteins and calcium. Would you like to drink? The Chinese and the Japanese drink rice milk by the thousand, as is tradition. Europeans drink yoga because of the cuckoo, in the midst of an interest in oriental cuisine, plus some reactions to cow's milk. This drink for the rahunok instead of cellular tissue and carbohydrates is good and improves the etching. Yogo is drunk as if by itself, so add it to the dessert.

Milk: pro ta proti

Vіdmіnne dzherelo squirrel.

  • Retrieve calcium, essential bone mineral. Calcium from milk is well acquired, to that which comes in sets with vitamin D and lactose.
  • Milk has magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12.
  • It is a product of a creature's journey and, vіdpovіdno, to avenge cholesterol and fats.

Often causes allergies.

  • In rich mature people, the enzymes necessary for the assimilation of milk lactose are not viroblyayutsya. Lactose intolerance causes problems with poisoning.
  • You can take revenge on antibiotics and hormones, which exulted the cows.

Migdalne milk

Another dzherelo milk rivers - peas: hairs, peanuts, cashews and, obviously, almonds. Hot principle the same - podrіbniti, pour water, let it brew, prociditi. Migdal milk was especially popular in the Middle Ages. In a way, it is the main product for those who post, in a different way, it was saved more than cow's.

The main feature of almond milk is that it has a lot of protein and calcium. From whom I’ll look out, mayzhe like a cow’yache! More in the new one - magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, B6. Would you like to drink? The combination of magnesium + calcium + vitamin B6 is the ideal formula for cleaning brushes. A bottle of almond milk covers a third of the extra human consumption of calcium. Vitamins A and E protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, moreover, they contain antioxidants, which rejuvenate the body with a glow. Potassium is needed, so that the heart beat evenly and the nerves were not empty.

Smoothies, cocktails, desserts, soups are prepared on the basis of almond milk. True, often the recipe is based on whiskey oiled almonds. So it’s out, obviously, tastier, scarlet, unfortunately, less. Siroidi, maybe, I'm trying to make a walkie-talkie.

coconut milk

In the middle of the skin of coconut peas, the motherland splashes - but not milk, but coconut water. Delicious, vitaminous, useful for cooking in cooking and giving a refreshing effect to the bakery. Coconut milk is prepared from the pulp of coconut - її trim, for example, rub on the grate, shake it out with water, and then shake it up. Consistency to lie in proportions - less water, then thicker drink. Thicker vicory for preparing sauces and desserts, rarely for soups.

Would you like to drink? Coconut milk to add calories - up to 17% fat content, rich in vitamins B group. Yogo can be drunk with problems from the drain - recent studies have shown that coconuts give a weak antibacterial effect.

... heeba is not a bird

Vzagali milk do not marry hіba scho stools. From hemp, for example, a miracle drink comes out. Do not take narcotic drugs, but in the world of Omega-3 and Omega-6 non-essential acids, micronutrients for magnesium, 10 essential amino acids, moreover, proteins from cannabis will gain more quickly, lower soviet. Milk with sesame - miraculously dzherelo calcium. Poppy milk has even more calcium. Harbuzov's present is easily transformed into a life-giving substance, which protects the body with saliva, calcium, zinc and magnesium, which is even beneficially signified on the building of intelligence and does not bring sickness to the spread of the influenza epidemic. Vegetarian milk - from plastics, and more often than whole unrefined grains of grapes - dzherelo tsnnykh grub fibers, which induce bad cholesterol from the body.

Let's forgive the blatant principle of preparing rosemary milk. Wash the peas for the day, soak them for a few years, trim and mix with water in a blender in proportion 1: 3. You can add in a drink of cicava: spices, fruits, salty juices, syrups, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, erysipelas - in a word, everything that confirms your statements about the beautiful.

Get your own soy cow
Previously, soybean milk was harvested long and manually - the beans needed to be ground, borosno - to cook and filter ... The unit is similar to a kettle, its main functions are to adjust and heat. For the preparation of a liter of milk, 100 g of soybeans are required. An hour - 20 khvilin. In the countries, it is traditionally traditional to win soy milk in culinary arts, we are in front of China, soy cows are practically in the skin booth. Deyakі models can vikoristovuvat for the preparation of pea and rice milk.

2 limes 2009, 00:01

In breast milk, all life is necessary for babies. Alas, it’s a pity that sometimes there are health problems that the daily supply of milk does not allow a woman to breastfeed a child. The only option, which is left over, is the whole piece. For clarification, the correspondent of the "site" turned to the doctor of medical sciences, a leading fahivtsya of child eating, Professor Igor Kon.

“It is impossible to replace woman's milk - this power is unique, - like a professor. “To the very main tasks of piece-by-piece production, it is as close as possible to eat food to the standard - women's milk.”

For the old hours, like a child, a mother was spared, but for some reason, she could not fit her breasts, in the mouth of you, they put a platter with the most magnificent cow's (otherwise, in extreme vipadka, goat's) milk. I don’t care about those who always respected the milk of thinness for natural that healthy hedgehog, Vіdsotok child mortаtі buv duzhe high.

The assortment of children's dairy cuisines in our time is often mixed with milk, kefir and syrup. These products can be even more appropriate for children in the same fate, but stinks in no way correspond to the physiological characteristics of children of the first fate of life, the shards of rich organs in this country do not yet function on the outside of the world. Therefore, doctors do not recommend including dairy products before the diet until 6-8 months. Until this age, you can give children special bags - "replacers" of breast milk.

Piece sums for children are subdivided into dry and dry, fresh and sour milk. However, the main subdivided them into two groups after the step of approaching the warehouse of natural woman's milk - adapting and often adapting.

In adaptable sumishahs, the amount of protein is reduced, too much of it (for example, in cows' milk) unacceptably adds to the exchange of speeches of speechlessness, as well as the function of the yogic herbal tract and nirok. With whom milk fat I will repeat or often replace the sum growing olives. The majority of substitutes for women's milk have a place and, as may be, a number of authorities that are important for the physiological development are not. For example, it helps to soak up calcium, stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria, normalize the state of the small intestine.

As a rule, such sumish mistat and necessary for health and development of children's organisms of microelements, nasampere, salt, zinc, midi, iodine, fluorine, water and fat-degrading vitamins.

To the stock of summies, dextrinmaltose is also often included, as it gets better, lower lactose, due to which, obviously, hunger is blamed for worse. Tse allow children to be born more, and the stench is calmer to be celebrated between years. Sometimes dextrinmaltose is replaced by various types of molasses, glucose and corn syrups, malt extract.

Frequently adapted milk sums in the warehouse are less likely to predict women's milk - they have the same components, like demineralized milk serum, the combination of fatty acids is not fully balanced, lactose is often replaced with sucrose and starch.

Truthfully, the stench may be lower than the art and can be recommended to those who are not ready to rock, especially in the foldable social and economic minds. Before them, for example, one can see a lot of sums, which are released by the craftsmanship.

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