Show paganism in our days. Today's paganism What does it mean to be a pagan in today's world

Today's neo-paganism, and zokrema rіdnovіrstvo, at first glance, is just one of stupid and ridiculous pardons. Talk about Perun, "Russian gods", "" that "pre-Christian Orthodoxy" from a serious special shout out to pinch yourself ... but whoever to speak. It would be better if you could see, like reading garnih books to go in the past, and the TV will change us to the one who is not able to? For such a person I will be right, it is easy to waste your mind.

Ale, not everything is so unpretentious. Zahid did not see pennies for the project “Neo-paganism in Russia” just to make us laugh. To destroy the strategic enemy, the project is ruinous for Russia and the Russians.

What is there to stand behind modern paganism, rіdnovіrstvo? If they are similar to those other people, if they take these things seriously, let's take a look at them all.

Announcement of a colossal heathen

Look, I first knew about the word "pagan". I thought my hand led me to the idea that in order to become strong, successful and overcome all nationalities, I am guilty of becoming a pagan! And what is it like to become a pagan? Tse in Persh Cherga christianity on a skin point, even if only zavdyaks of you proud Russians have become a tim roz'dnanny biosmіtty, yakim є at once. Buy T-shirts and hoodies with kolovrats, buy your own amulet with a swastika symbol for 3000 rubles. save, buy a "Russian shirt" embroidered with a swastika symbol. I don't care what the veterans are fighting there. We are less likely to be chirped by the distant ancestors, who lived before the Baptism of Russia. And tsі, ancestral and great-grandmothers - zombified communist chi orthodox s promitimi mіzkami - stench for the pagan is not authority.
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It is important to be Russian

"Neo-pagans", as if they swear in love to the Russian people, they really hate the people. Not from the folk bilins and not from the kolisks the stench of their paths to the pagan pits began, but from the Masonic-occult waste paper (Blavatsky, Steiner, Roerichiv toshcho). Yakby stinks loved the Russian people and were vikhovanі on yoga rehearsals, then stinks would love Orthodoxy. And stink, chi bachite, encourage the peoples to trust. Movlyav, having healed the people of the "Vіru Dіdіv" and a thousand fates, it's not exactly that.
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Anti-Christian mythology of neo-pagans

In practice, in all neo-pagan sects, that group of faiths does not seem to have a special originality and obov'yazkovo retaliate against the standard set of positions, like nibito to bring the negativity of Orthodoxy and Christianity in a flash. Ale tsi firmness can change a person’s unknown. Dotsіlno rasіbrati kіlka main direct attacks on Orthodoxy. Moreover, in order to dismiss the claims to the author, it is possible to cite the thought of authoritative fahivtsiv.
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Neo-pagans. We put flecks over i

It is more correct to call pagans “neo-pagans” - as their religionists and ethnographers call and call. Neo-pagans in the light of historical pagans will consider the fact of RECONSTRUCTION of mythologems and rituals, philosophical and mystical manifestations, power of their traditional "ethnic" religions (before speech, Russian word"pagans" resemble the Old Slavonic "mova" - "people", "tribe" and є tracing paper of the New Testament "ethnikoi" - "tribal", "folk").
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Russia and new paganism

The book of the Tomsk author I.V. prompted me to start working on this topic. It is called “Old Egypt and Russia: nourishment of history, mythology and philosophies”. The official history is falsified and forced to be reviewed. This is the main thesis of I.V. Tashkinov. You know that Egyptian culture is the same culture of words. The Egyptian civilization, known to us by school mentors, was created by our pagan ancestors.
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Magi from the Lubyanka (about the rebirth of paganism in Russia)

In the late afternoon, people appeared near the native city (we are young), they call themselves “rednovirs”, they declare that they are following the “cult of the ancient Slavic gods”, and that they are adepts like “magicians”, yaki, nibito, “ volodiyut sacral knowledge "- the other in the same soul. On the back it was funny, at the same time - no more ...
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Neo-pagan tendencies in the society

The phenomenon of suspense-political activity of contemporary Russian neo-paganism, the pursuit of neo-pagan and anti-Christian themes community activity merit for the greatest respect. Until recently, similar manifestations could not be seen otherwise, as marginal, as if they could only chirp around fakhivtsiv. Today, however, we are guilty of saying that the rise of these tendencies, while still relatively small, could pose a serious threat to the spiritual health of the nation, international and inter-confessional stability, young people ...
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Paganism and neo-paganism

In Russia, the formation of a single statehood step by step formed the Russian nationalism, and the Christ's Faith became the foundation of the mitzvot, which sporadzhuvavsya the entire life of the Russian civilization. The modern neo-pagans of Russia are trying to promote the cult system of “Russian paganism”. Zrobiti tse is simply impossible. Strictly singing pantheon of the gods, the system of virtuosity never existed, just as the Russian people did not exist in our modern mind. Us pagan peoples widely and postiyno posited one in one ceremonies, cults, vіruvannya. Just like the ladies of the Balzacian age, which they share, they exchange recipes for “elexirs of life”, addresses of the gates and phone numbers for “tsiliuvachiv”.
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Russian and Ukrainian neopaganism

As a rule, language groups are organized according to national and territorial signs. There is no single core. Hulks are autonomous, even if they enter the warehouse of national associations. In Russia, such associations are established "Union of Venedov", "Velesovo Kolo" and "Union of Slavic Communities". In Ukraine, linguistic paganism is represented by "RUNVera" and the United Nations of Ukraine and the Diaspora, known as "Ukrainian Pagans". The "Union of Slavic communities" and "Ukrainian Pagans" are the founders of the All-World Congress of Pagan Religions, founded in 1998.
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What to think about the “Veles Book”

"Veles book" - what is it? Is this a unique historical memo written by Novgorod priests in the 9th century? Why do you want to dosit primitive falsification, made richly piznishe? Vrahovyuchi, that this TV is seen in hundreds of thousands of copies, and work actively try to promote it at the beginning of the program for the middle and higher education in our country, but the food never ceases to be relevant. Why is it so? Adzhe is not used for the purpose of teaching the correctness of the Book of Veles. The stench has long been brought to the conclusion that the Book of Veles is a fake, written in the middle of the 20th century.
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"The Book of Veles" (history of one falsification). part 1

The defenders of the old-fashioned approach to the text, which it is customary to call “The Book of Veles” (given by VK), always repeat the “Word about the departure of Igor” (given the “Word”). Vono and zrozumilo VK strove itself to improve the authority of the "Lay" and launched it into circulation, knowing the share of the "Lay", and itself - not acknowledging the citation of the reminder that the death of pershonos_ya in the bitter bitter war. It seems - “Well, because the signs with the text of the VK were not saved, the original of the “Words”, even the sign.” Such a match is not correct, based on offensive arguments.
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"The Book of Veles" (history of one falsification). part 2

I’m not good with Dr. Tvorogov for someone who “has a head shift (prove the ancient adventure of the Book of Veles” - S.A.) and doesn’t write the Book of Veles pasazhi), and we are in front of її mov. Thank you so much, that I added bi її fahіvets equal to Tvorogov. I also had a chance to rewrite light history?
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"The Book of Veles" (history of one falsification). part 3

I am not a linguist, and singly, I do not respect the blasphemy of the destruction of the “Words about the departure of Igor” from the “Book of Veles”. Moreover, in my opinion, VK is not spared artistic equal. Here I am not fit for more philologists. The text of the VK spellings is wide, sometimes it’s biased. It is obvious that the author (who is the author?) loves the history of his people and writes a fake, he wants to, so that everything was true. There are a few phrases in the “Velesovіy knizі” in the distance – we’ll stop, we’ll change our minds, we’ll have a religious warehouse. The original and the idea itself is to place the text on a small number of different plates, to see the tricks of phrases. This principle, having given the robot a wealth of generations of chanuvalniks in VK, stench may be able to compose the text in a different way, compare about those, which fragment was earlier, which was later ...
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“Strike of the Russian gods” - reading for fools

Behind Istarkhov (it’s not forgotten that he’s still a “patriot”) everyone should be like the All-World in that terrible wine-growing - religious religions founded on Old Testament- Judaism and Christianity (you don’t attack Islam, who you yourself honestly know, that you can’t figure out Muslims - stink is not scoops that Europeans, you can give for your Mohammed by hats), as well as freemasonry, vtim, tezh Jewish winemaking. To prove guilt, to direct the reader, who is not well-versed in the theological understanding of the Radianian Chitachev, with the Holy Letter, calling to bring the unacceptability of Christianity.

What is it? How does it feel today in Belarus? For more readers, you will be unstoppable, but the pagans will understand and today. One of them was interviewed. His name is Maxim, the tongue of the name is Vezemar, live near Minsk.

Hello, Maxime.

Good health.

Paganism - tse faith, religion, what else?

Paganism for me is the living force of nature, the link with the family tree, ancestors, the forces of the earth. This is the fall of the blood to the spirit, the wordy soul, that ancient ancestral image, which inspires the soul of hundreds of generations of ancestors and ancestors.

How long ago did you come to what, and what stuck on you?

The first experiences associated with paganism, one might say, were in childhood. Even as a child, having zv'yazok, she pulled up to the fox, yogo magic that beauty. Our village, that ancestral land was known to the Gomel Polissya. This region is simply enchantingly beautiful. Vidchuvayuchi, that the fox is alive, I roamed the child from her, bringing gifts, frequenting fox perfumes. At once I will understand that I could see the right pagan light, the light of natural forces, permeated with the spirit of enchantment and such ancient charms. We sweat, through a lot of rocks, having learned from different directions of modern vocabulary, conducting rituals that is holy, weaving that very folk tradition, I understand that the right spirit of pagan fire is attached to itself in nature, in its living power and power.

Three times later, even at school, there was an hour of lessons in history, it was just a little bit about those that our ancestors believed. There was little information, so I had to gossip and spit on my own. The soul looked at the pagan images, the names of the gods, the ancient symbols ... All of it stuck in my path and spiritual development, at the borders of the tribal tradition that life.

How did your relatives, friends, and how did you set up at once?

Relatives, in principle, always calmly and normally were put up to my path. Nobody did a pereshkod. Today, deyakі z them more comprehended to understand the vocabulary of our old faith. And the friends were always from my stake, and, wisely, they looked at the faith and the light-gazer.

Are you performing the ceremony? What do you do at your free time?

I will perform the rites. One chi for those of the same mind - the word "Spadshchina". In our ritual practice, we try to keep up with the folk and natural calendar and traditions. The calendar of the main words of the Jansk saints can be looked over on my website, at the spread of the calendar. Folk calendar of foundations on saints, which were saved from the words, from the so-called period of "dvorstvo".

The natural calendar is based on natural dates and cycles.

Almost all of my time I've been going to the "Spadshchina" and the low projects, as if they were out there. The stench takes up a lot of time that strength, practically without depriving the ability to do something else.

Peruniv day


spring day

On your website, you post photos, videos, your thoughts, and give advice. Do you show that you are organizing yourself? is a special author's website. For activity as a kerіvnik, the “Spadshchina” association, as if it is engaged in cultivating and reviving our old faith. "Spadshchina" to conduct rites that is holy, thematically justrichi and come in, is engaged in the promotion and cultivation of the words of the Yang tradition and culture, the popularization of the words of the Yang values ​​and a wide educational work. I work like a warehouse, and independently.

Zustrich on the theme of Osinnє rіvnodnya

Virity and know your different speeches?

Faith for me is the sight of the divine in the soul. Knowing - ce rozuminnya, as it is powerful and what it is is divine. I put myself up to quiet people, like pragmatic nobles and understanding everything that happens under the hour of the rite, like those who have other strengths. It is not enough for me just to come to the holy and create like a ritual and ceremonial ceremony. It is necessary to clearly understand, bachiti, discern the stream of strength, the presence of perfumes of the mind, to understand, how to see that other process, from which wines are exploding and to what you will bring. I will pragnu to the full understanding of everything that happens at the holy hour of the rite of that accompanying element.

Under the hour of carrying out the rites of victorious objects, stars of stench?

Under the hour of the ceremony, I will fill the vicorous ritual with objects that help to carry out the ceremony for another joy. Some of them I added from the masters - bubo, brother, musical instruments. Having created deyakі yourself - image ancestors (churi), symbolism, banners.

What can you do to please people, like only a few, but have begun to turn paganism?

Today you can be sure that people have a growing interest in tribal traditions. This trend is wrong. Turning to its root, turning in the ancestral bosom, where the strength and wisdom of our people are known. Before us, she won't reach folk saints and rituals - Kolyada, Kupalo, Bagach, Komoditsi.

For the quiet, to whom everything is tsіkavo and who wants to know more, I will ask you to visit our website, our websites and information resources, rite that saint!


As a result of the experience, as a result of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 67% of Russian women and 4% of Russians are regularly recruited to serve as chakluns. 6% of the amount of bags for achieving the goal should periodically practice occult rites. In other words, maybe two-thirds of our wives are serving as servants of the "world of darkness", and 6 hundred of our spivgromads themselves are chakluns (the number is chimala, 6% of 146 million people, tse mayzhe 9 million!). Obviously, it is necessary to understand that the rіven "protruding" of tsikh chaklunіv can be minimal, but in spiritual light navіt directing dіy is superbly important. More cicavishe. For the advice of the head cardiologist of Moscow Yuri Buzashvili: "Closely 17 billion dollars will be transported from our country to jubilation across the cordon, that more than 30 billion dollars spent on psychics, chakluns and so on" . Well, obviously, it’s not necessary to be squeamishly put up to these figures, but to make sure that you can do good things for people, as they demand, mi zobov’yazani.

In our hour, people who don’t think about God, at the top, as if it’s necessary (mostly due to inaccuracies), go to the temple, put candles there and try to reconsider the priest in what their family problems are provoking. attached" and "psuvannyam". For some, the simple act of burning candles at the temple is not the center of their religious life. Let me try and rearrange and put out the candles! On the way home, the stench can even get to the point of being a folk healer, which is to “cleanse karma”. Do not do it better with holy water. It is not uncommon in the days when prayers are served in churches for water sanctifiers, to ask the priest for more wine "shrinking more" consecrations. I myself, I know, love to sprinkle on the soul, but to believe in those that “the more, the better” to this particular type inconsistently.

Let's look at the deacons, see the manifestations of paganism in our days.

1. Astrology- A typical pagan manifestation. The ancient people after the fall of the fall, not being able to know the Divine Creator with their glance, began to give special strength to the soulless and unreasonable creatures - the heavenly bodies. In all pagan religions, the worship of the month, the sun and the stars is an indispensable attribute. The people began to realize that their life is not to lie in the sight of the Lord, not in the sight of a righteous life, not in the sight of God's commandments, but in the sight of the stars in heaven. If so, you don’t need to fight with your sins, even for an astrologer, it’s not sins, but only famous rice a person who was born under the infusion of such a light.

2. Vorozhinnya- Try the sample in the future. Seeing God, the people after the fall began to be afraid of everything, and the most terrible thing is not at home. The most unfamiliar is not the home - the future people. The laws of the physical world of the future are not known. Having ceased to trust God, having gone far in the sight of the New One, the person became more contentious. So at the dawn of humanity in the dark and stupid tests of finding out about the unknown future and the fortune-telling appeared. The Christian is guilty of remembering for himself forever - the future is only known to God. Neither people, nor dark forces, do not know the secrets of the future. Let's guess, like the prophet Daniel the king: "The sorcerers, about how the kings ask, cannot tell the tsar, neither the wise men, nor the enchanters, nor the sorcerers, nor the soothsayers. But God is in heaven, who reveals the sorcerers"(Bible, Book of the Prophet Daniel, 2:27) . Sob the Lord saw the future, the need for a truly Christian life. Ale and then, God gives knowledge about the future to his own judgment and for our dearness.

Z. Vira at a dream. At pagan cultures the dream is not a special hour, but a special light, in which a person will tie up with spirits (too well understood). Mental life of a person is not attached and uvі snі. If a person does not live by God and does not have the Yogo Spirit in himself, then he will overcome the power of passions in the greatest life, restless that fuss. In such a state, sometimes a dark force can pour into a person. Those same vіdbuvaєtsya and uvі dream. Here it is easier for my strength to lead the soul, for the fact that the will of the person is weakened, the ability to sleep, the deputy of the great freedom not to sleep, is pidsvіdomist. To that holy father swear rule to slander dreams of a similar meaning, and then more rozpovidat їх іхім, vvazhayuchi podkrovennyami about the future.

Speaking about the mystical beacon of dreams, let's say that the best dream is the product of our vision, there is mostly nothing sweaty in them. "Rich" dream - nothing else, like zbіg z far away. I respect Professor L. L. Vasiliev: “because of the theory of imovirnosti so and can be: a lot of dreams, a lot of dreams, something that can’t be ruled out”.

4. Necrophobia- fear of the dead and those who are tied to them. Anonymous zaboboniv and zaboboniv pov'yazani z funeral. This primary mystical fear has nothing to do with Christian orders until death. The pagan suspіlstva have their own nebіzhchik "helping", someone else's "attacking". At the same time, it was necessary to honor your sky. The sky of the pagans may not have a better life for that world, lower here. Zagalom yazichnitsa setting to death - tse special light. It's a pity, my Christians can't help themselves to riches of the congregation of this "world". Axis deyaki zaboboni, who came to us from the dark past. Hang the mirror, so as not to dance in the mirror the soul of the deceased. To deprive the portrait of the deceased of a cup with a piece of bread, to put a hedgehog on the grave of the deceased (for the snake to grow in that world). All are very pagan zabobons, like nothing sleepy can be done until the Christian setting before death, that statement about sweaty life.

Deyakі zaboboni and zaboboni are characteristic, unfortunately, for believing church people.

5. Technophobia- fear of products of technological progress. "Prikhilniki" tsієї techії vvazhayut that computers, ATMs, the Internet just - ce vid evil. Such people are actively spying on the width of all sorts of bits about the close world, are engaged in fighting with bar codes, IPN just.

6. xenophobia- fear of someone else, foreign. Xenophobia, as a rule, combines with nationalism and non-government. The ignorance of church history, the fullness of the Christian tradition, the lack of development of a deep-seated outlook, the excess of the radyansk evidence “lined with a fortress” gave rise to even more popular church xenophobia. Representatives of this neo-pagan technique are constantly “imprisoned” for politics. The stench of anti-Jewish smut, the smut of anti-Americanism, screeching the steps of Jews, Masons and the CIA. Absolutely, in our country, like and be it great power, chimalo internal and external enemies. Ale shift the biblical stories to political villainy, interpret ancient prophecies as an image of today's geopolitical struggle, absolutely ignorant of the true Divine Providences, just divine. Representatives of the current flow love to praise “their own” in everything (want to boast of nothing in such vipads) and bark immeasurably all foreign, often not water-creamy grains in the form of hay and instead of healthy sensible patriotism, to come out like a lubok. Typical pagan image. Pagans have their own gods (ancestral deities), reliance on their ancestors (helping the souls of their dead ancestors, attacking the souls of foreign ancestors) and so on. Christianity has no god of Russians, a god of Chinese, a god of Americans - There is one God, the Creator of the earth and the sky, the God of friends, and enemies, and of all things. The apostle Paul said beautifully: “And now you put everything: anger, fury, anger, slyness, slyness of your mouth; do not tell lies alone to one, having healed the old man with deeds її and drawn into the new one, who is familiar with the image of the Creator of yoga, de nemÔ ne Hellina, ne Judea, ne obrazannya, ne uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, ale everything and in the mouth Christ ". (Bible, Epistle to Colossians 3:8-11). Even to love the adept directly went out like “only in Russia vryatyuyutsya”, “only Russia to stand before the Antichrist” and even more so. In Scripture, the word “Russia” and “Russian” (which does not mean, until the speech, the presence of the Divine Providence about our country) is never forgotten, more about the role of our country in the right private chinese order. Leading the way the saints talk about this topic, forget about sprats and other important speeches. First, in the future, only in the house of God and no one else, the Lord Himself unambiguously says: “No one knows about that day and year, not the angels of heaven, but only My Father is alone”(Gospel in Matthew 24:36). In Ancient Israel, the will of the Lord about the future was told by the prophets, who were also prophets in the first century of Christianity. For an hour, the Holy Cross was accepted by our country, there were no more prophets of the year, as if there were no luck in Russia. There were holy people, as if they were sometimes talking about the lands of Vtchizni, but they stink at will, insanely, they had a special gift of perception, they could still have mercy. Tse does not mean that before the prophecies of the saints, my guilt is placed without respect. Knowingly, with respect, and with a great spirit, these people performed great miracles in their holy lives. But all the same, it is necessary to understand that you feed the Lord God, no one can reliably know the future, for the Lord himself is the Creator of the future, the past, and today. In a different way, it seems that the saints were far from always writing themselves. Sometimes their words, “transmitted from mouth to mouth”, reach us at the created sight (sometimes it’s just a falsification, sometimes wrong interpretation, words, vernacular from the context, “overgrown” with real words and facts with myths). In the way, uninvited for the Tysyakulitty Holy Viri in our Karkani, let's worship your hand on the Cherice, garlic on the waspatan - Yaky Virykh of our Bastard lead the Khristian Ostsіb Zhitty (regularly worship, to be raised, to be raised, read right, etc.)? And when you see yourselves, think about it, who are we to see the Savior at the New Coming?

Obviously, a Christian can and can be a patriot and a sumly hulk. And it’s better for all of us not to talk about those who prepare for us a future day on a global scale, but to bring mischief to your country and your people in your specific working place. Todi and on the scale of the whole country, marvel, and life will become better. And at any given time, it is not necessary to boast of national goodness; Well, I’m writing to tell us about it: “I do not think to say in yourselves: “Our father is Abraham,” for I tell you that God is able to argue children with Abraham from stones.”(Gospel in Matthew 3:9).

Christianity is carried in its head and main meaning - the salvation of people through our Lord Jesus Christ. It cannot be a national-political club, a movement for social justice more than ever. The lands, the people, the current political situation, which is always changing, - everything will pass and be, following the words of the apostle, "new sky, new earth"(Div. Bible, Book "Announcement", 21:1), it will be fundamentally different. Vіchnim and immutable buv, є i will be more than the Lord.

Zaboboniv, the practitioner and zaboboniv of the yazichnitsky shtibu is richer, it is described below in this article. Christian is guilty, but forever sincerely respected to his vchinkiv, thoughts, deeds. Vіn is guilty once and for all to say “nі” to inner paganism, which has crept into thoughts and heart, and entrust his life exclusively to God. for demanding people, my fault.

In our hour, people who don’t think about God, at the top, as if it’s necessary (mostly due to incompatibilities), go to the temple, put candles there and try to reconsider the priest in what their family problems are provoking

I am publishing a new article by the Belarusian philosopher, Baltic identity and musician, leader of the "Krivakrizh" group, Ales Mikus "Notes to the Fifth Gentile".
Who is this heathen? Pagan - the one who prays to the gods. So sound it seems and don’t add anything more. Well, everything is more complicated. Not vrahovyuchi sharpened, such words are similar to a tree, virvana from the earth and comedy rise in the air.
Today's paganism is not the same paganism, as it was in ancient times. I also call not those that were abandoned in our villages until recently, a hundred years ago, before the invasion of the state, the development of the peasants and the penetration into their culture. Modern paganism is known to the suspension and to those who are aware of the suspense, live with it in the same rhythm. Otherwise, you can’t, as the modern pagans are included in the present day, the support of that other support, as if they were growing up, can’t be. Under the current paganism, here they toil in the air, try the pagan rebirth for the rest of the hundred years. This territory is the whole geographic Europe.
Modern paganism is not uniform. Vono conceived on itself the influx of suspense, inspire the influx of light processes, which were seen in the suspense. You can talk about the three ailments of modern paganism. All the stinks were expected to improve the rest of the hundred years. All three were zoomed in, which was observed at the suspension, the suspension of the bridge, and also at the light scale. Tse basic position, like here harden.

Three winds of modern paganism
The first time of modern paganism is the first half of the 20th century, the first hour, specific for the 1920-1930s. Yazichnitsky ruhi, still in their ancestral appearance, were blamed on Skhіdnіy Evropі - more importantly, on the new powers. Tse Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine (Vіdpovidno, "Visuoma" by D. Shidlauskas, "Dієvturі" by E. Brastinsh, "Kolo shanuvalnikov Sventovid" by V. Kolodzey, "Order of the Faces of God Sontsya" by V. Shayan). Belarus didn’t blame anyone, but, one might think, for similar minds, it’s possible, having created bi V. Lastovsky (yogo creativity was similar to the creativity of Lithuanian Vidunas, Ukrainian V. Shayan).
What encouraged these forces, what gave them strength? It is obvious: Western Europe did not have anything similar for the whole hour. Two factors played a role in the fall of the Skhidnoy Europe: the first one is the strengthening of the yoke of the Russian Empire, the other one is a pragnennya, having sprung up, voicing on one’s uniqueness and realizing one’s new self-reliance.
The other was taken by those who, after a century before that, from Western Europe (from Nimechchini) expanded their interest to the “spirit of the people”, the culture of “movchasnoi grandeur” - to folklore, retellings, fairy tales, song. Not at the cost of awakening a peaceful interest in folk culture. Medicine, chemistry, psychology developed overnight. Somewhat of interest to folklore, with just one impulse to the collapse of the wholeness that was still left behind, - a strong mass of mental links that were creaking. Recording, fixation, introduction to living noses and living medium accompanied this activity.
For Poland and Ukraine, Z. Dalenga-Khodokovsky, a native of Logoyshchyna, is such a cultural trailer. For Latvia - the choice of folk songs K. Barons. For Lithuania - the author of the first history of Lithuanian S. Daukantas (he did not write down the folklore of the wines, but rewrote the data from the old Lithuanian and Prussian mythology). Usі voni were widely loved by those who were engaged in, and quiet, from whom they borrowed tsі usnі wealth.
On this basis, vinicles were used to revive paganism in Poland (1921), Lithuania (1926), Latvia (1926), Ukraine (1937). These ruhi were under the sign of the unity of nations - new nations, which were named after the cob of the XX century. Especially ce bulo in Latvia, de y ruh Ege. Brastinsha was the most wealthy, and he called his settlement a kerivnik dievturiv "great leader" (divadonis).
In this way, the leitmotif of the tsієї, the first whilі of the modern paganism bulo, constructing and reconstructing, zmіtsnіst єєєїнії єєїнії natіy, scho nabulіnosti and istorіcheskoi sub'єkїїїї єkїїїї єkї єkї ї єknosti – Polish, Lithuanian. This momentum, as before, is encouraged among the Latvian and Ukrainian emigrants-adulters of modern paganism (Vdpovidno, Divturiv and Runvistiv).
Another whil of modern paganism is a stick of the 1960s-1970s. This hour has one independent view of one in 1972. Ruhi is blamed for the resurrection of the old Scandinavian religion Asatru in Iceland (S. Beinteinson) and Great Britain (unfortunately - also in the USA). In Lithuania, there is a hard student's local knowledge and folklore movement, in 1967. organize the celebration of the Summer Solstice (ruh was strangled in 1973, and the organizer J. Trinkunas took off the "sheep's ticket" for the work). Near Poland V. Kolodzey born in 1965 unsuccessfully trying to register their pagan bulk. In the United States, a Ukrainian immigrant, the founder of RUNVira movement, L. Silenko (V. Shayan’s non-disciplinary student), wrote his book “Maga Vira” in the 1970s.
What served as the motive force for these pagan revolutions during the war hour? Here the arena is more shifted to Zahid, and the recognition of the unity of the new people of the nation did not play a role here. Obviously, the impulse came from the youth protests of the 1960s. 1968 - the most intense student demonstrations of the left shtibu in Paris. At once, it will break the hippie in the USA, and bring the whole counter-culture (literature, music) in the world to blame. The very same was a field, on which parishes of modern paganism of another kind broke through.
The leitmotif of another whim was volition. Chuyna juveniles succumbed to the oppression of the rules of the western "modern" world, clearing the way for "postmodernity", which follows the tsim (just after that, books of a galaxy of French philosophers of postmodernity began to appear one after another). Forces were recruited from the Gathering - politicians from China, esoterics from India. In Icelandic Rus, Asatru is another after S. Beinteinson, a human being, one of the leaders of the Reik'yavik hippies Jormundur Ing Hansen. In Lithuania, in the 1960s, the Partnership of Lithuanian-Indian Friendship was active. (Lithuania seems to have become the united land of the North of Europe, who leaned against the channel of the tendencies of the western world for the whole hour.)
A friend of the sickness of modern paganism meant the transition of zahodny svіtovarstvo (and then of light) to new minds, to a new light-gazer.
Zreshtoy, a third of the wind of today's paganism is the beginning of the 1990s. Tsya hvilya is again connected with global changes - with the emergence of new powers (here it was necessary to revive) on the streets of the majestic radyansk power and the bloc. It is not surprising that the relief of pagan ruins in Europe did not stick out. Natomist stumbled across Northern Europe.
The leitmotif of the third wind is turning. The collapse of the communist empire and its disappearance was thought to be turning to the point of the result - for Russia in the 1910s ( Russian empire), for reshti - 1939 or 1945. The cries of today's pagans about turning to the neglected, downtrodden, cowed, driven from the pidpill fell well in the same channel.
Poland is blamed for the "Ridny Church of Poland" by E. Stefansky and "Ridna Vira" by S. Potshebovsky. In Ukraine - "Association of Ukrainian Rhythms" by G. Lozko (this is how L. Silenko often navigated across the ocean). Lithuania has "Romuva" by J. Trinkunas. In Latvia, the number of communities is low, as if they were independent, so quiet, that they can practice among themselves (most of them at once spivprace within the framework of the “Spivdruzhnosti dієvtourіv Latvia”, like V. Celms). In Russia, the first pagan holy provinces were born in 1989 and 1990. A. Dobrovolsky (Dobroslav). For a long time, there was a line of low pagan and navkolomov communities and rukhіv (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Kaluga).
It’s clear that the link from the “other evil” (1960s) among the similar European leaders of the “third evil” is no less pronounced by J. Trinkunas, and also by A. Dobrovolsky. Having taken part in the anti-Radian Rus dissidents, in 1967. Dobrovolsky gives them evidence in court, and in 1969. sells family icons and buys a collection of anonymous books on esotericism and occultism.
In my line, the decline of the pagan "first wind" is especially pronounced among the Polish pagans. To the warehouse of the "Ridny Church of Poland" uwіyshov Є. Gavrikh, official successor of V. Kolodzey. Another Polish organization - "Ridna Vira" - can boast of being a member of its lavas A. Vatsik (from the Wroclaw community "Ridna Vira" and Viyshla), who in the 1930s was the closest associate of the Polish Naukolomov philosopher J. Stahniuk.
Vidminnosti of modern and traditional paganism
Having christened the three varieties of contemporary paganism, it is significant that the main identity of traditional paganism.
The smutty peculiarity of modern paganism - on the cob it was bulo (і є) "to open the system". І tsya system skhilna to vplivіv zzovnі. Such paganism spalahuy and extinguished not by its own laws of the development, but it is true to change that breeze in the soul. And suspenstvo includes impersonal other warehouses, including light-seeing and religious lands.
You can also respect that, just as the beginning, such paganism entered the system of national supremacy and it was necessary for the future, then the onset of the current stage of paganism (other that third of the wind) already enters the system of svіtoї spіlnosti and vіdobrazhayut tsії. (The collapse of the Radian empire here is not a regional phenomenon, but a lanka in the middle of light processes).
What was traditional paganism like? Let's just say that in the root it was not different - but in its own inner essence. Ритуали відрізнялися небагатьом, небагатьом також відрізнялося розуміння природних елементів, спілкування зі священним відрізнялося небагатьом, і форми прохань, і бажані відповіді, і результати, і нелогічні магічні прийоми впливу, і механіка відправлення і прийняття послань від нелюдських істот і стихій. Everything that became the inner essence was little disturbed. Everything that was in the middle is packed into a solid shell.
Ale rіch in that, scho pіd іd іsnuvannya moreover, traditional pagan cordon tsієї tsіlіsnostі more or less escaping from between the very suspіlnoї "system". It was worth navigating 100 more roki that, and podkudi navit poznishe. Nothing broke through the husk, and it was possible to tear it through (owner’s blues, government innovations, religious changes), the core was forever abandoned, as if pidminalo qi intrusion pid itself. The whole core transformed novelties into those forms, which allowed them to use the wholeness and nadal.
What is Bulo for the core? Vono rantuvalosya on the "right rhythm". It creaked without a trace of threads-links, that it is possible to go to the clay in the clay, but they appear here and at once. Tse buli native stosunki, tse buli friendly blue- yakі, in their own court, were grounded on their relatives, and on friendly relatives. Tse buv gospodarsky way of life, creaking and by the power of transmission from the ancestors-relatives (vertically creaked), and by the power of the zvichka, which go down in buttovy vіdnosins (horizontally creaked). Tse buli taboo sіm'ї, taboo family, taboo village - like "sank to the bottom" svіdomostі, but the stars sing rich diy and stosunkіv.
And what is the most important - it was even easier (and important) to get out of such a whole system. All the members of such a micro-suspension were in their own places, all victorious in their function (not only in the state's plan, but also in the mental landscape - whether or not the household needs its own life, its richness, its chaklun, its good-natured gentleman, its skinny) .). Vikonuyuchi its function and do not be able to "re-advantage", skin embarrassment to cope with it, scho mav in steadfast ovnіshnіh minds: angry, reconciled, shukati, uzgodzhuvati, buti in contrasts (ale vitrimuvati resistance, not vistribuvati), tobto. sublimate the natural order in the middle of such micro-suspension.
It doesn't matter if you remember how the reality is described as being seen in the masses of today's paganism. You can come to the present-day pagans, you can get out of them, it has become a devil's identification, as if changing to the ruling court. Who knows those who want to know, but having become enamored of something, you can go with a calm soul.
Already starting from the first pagan wind, from the first stage of the “post-traditional” paganism, the pagan rush is already whole (to build a bulk of paganism, more like a rush). Above those, there, people climbed mentally to kill close ones - and they climbed, they were attracted to their very soul. The Suspіlstvo needed to recognize its unity - the social group of the pagans fought hard. But the supremacy needed to vote on the turned many blessed orders - and the social group of the pagans fought hard. (Obviously, its own differentiation is also found in the pagan communities, like in the skin collective, but still a manifestation for any collective.)
To try and try modern pagans to “stick” to the excesses of traditional paganism, ottozhnitsya with them, neither ignoring too much suspіlstvo, є it is not enough to ferment the consumption of the suspіlstvo in the root.
In this rank, the main thing is the recognition of traditional paganism in the form of modern paganism. Vono is on the scale "cilisnist - nesilisnist". Traditional paganism itself was the framework of the suspense (one might say, the suspension was paganism), but the modern paganism is an element in the framework of the modern suspension.
Speaking about modern paganism, about paganism on the cob of the 2010s, it is necessary, first, to clearly revise yoga in the form of traditional paganism (paganism, so to speak, “first”), and in a different way, mothers on uvazit have three faiths in new , behind the stages of the development of the XX century: 1920-30s, 1960-1970s, 1990s.
If earlier than traditional paganism could be called “pagan integrity”, then the next form of modern paganism - “pagan unity”, “paganism” and “paganism turn”.
It is obvious that at different stages of modern paganism, different people became different people - mentally different, and the other main leitmotif close to them.
Pagan unity, 1920-30s: experiencing unity with your own nation.
Pagan volition, 1960-70s: let go of the old fetters that squeezed the spirit, and for the sake of new freedom.
Turning paganism, 1990s: turning back to what was left behind, what was forgotten and left out.
In the hour of the rest of the wind, twenty years have passed. The price is not so small - but the stiles gave a friend a whimper in the third place. Modern paganism is disorientated and, without a glimpse of rejuvenation, is more tolerant to isolation. Do not bachachi their own fallow in the trends of the current world, do not bachachi their inclusiveness before the yogo processes, they began to ottozhnyuvat themselves with traditional paganism.
Tse to bring to a dream about turning all the old culture and replacing it with the culture of the present, about turning the hierarchy, on the basis of becoming new zherts, about creating a new state education for the type of pagan empire too thin. It is better for everything, such thoughts are fundamentally diverged from the most necessary action to inspire in the її futurological world.
Today's paganism today is bagatosharov. Trisharovo, prinaimnі, and tsі three balls in three stages, like it’s gone. You can also say that there is no one thing that can be done in modern paganism, but the leitmotifs of different versions are intertwined and zishtovhuyutsya. In the wake of which is more problematic association different parts in the middle of today's paganism (it is fair to wind up for paganism in one okremoly taken country), and it itself looks like a klaptovy.
Who doesn’t hang out a little bit a day, a little bit of a shoulder and a vein of yoga. Whoever feels suffocated and longs for freedom - here it’s almost as if one’s shoulders are squeezing. If you want to do a little bit of zanedbanosity and (godly) abandonment - and for a new exercise, you will be unreasonable in the frame, and a little bit of your shoulder - you will be quicker. At her cherga, the one who shuffles a little of her shoulder, vvazhatima the right to freedom - "under the hood" under order, and the savagery to the repressed and shkoda - retrograde and weakness.
Ways of modern paganism
What is a possible development of contemporary paganism? Two paths are visible.
The first - at the world trapleyaetsya as if transforming podia, and paganism connects to the new, awakening one of its senses in a new channel. And yet such a podia can be a transition to something new, new formations, and also carry a wave of sound. Tobto, as if marveling at all three forward slopes, tse may be broken for the sake of integrity and appearance from her dribnish loneliness. І tse vіdbuvatimetsya on the territory of Europe.
Why has Europe lost its call for something that hasn't been called yet? It is important to tell the truth, so as not to ward off the demonic manifestations in the hundred years and bodily transformations. The same local phenomenon of “changing the constitutional order” in the okremo capture of the Republic of Belarus. Ale, the need to repeat, the whole local manifestation. I want to be true and “remaining tsіlіst” (with the most possible historical visnovki, sho squeal), the remaining tsіlіst of Europe.
Another way, having passed the business in a different direction. It’s not a break of integrity, like in all three types of modern paganism, but the preservation of integrity. Only the language is no longer about the integrity of the collective type - for such a remaining number of sources of information flows today is already more common. There is more to be said about saving the integrity of a specific human being, a certain individual. Health as mental, and, let's say, spiritual.
Preservation of individual integrity, transferring the friendliness of one-minded people and inspiring to strengthen the effect of one’s own. But the head accent is also transferred from the strength of the team to the improvement of the internal integrity.
What is becoming more and more relevant - about talking about more and more actively penetrating the mind, so in the body (stop only at the cob stages). Mas-cultural expanse of overlapping impersonal informational, figurative, auditory impulses, and without interruption of penetration into the psyche of the Veda to the aggravation of mental health. The psyche is healthy, like a person's mind, what you see and see. And even if you don’t understand - the psyche becomes a passable courtyard, when the wind walks and the skin is crossed to rob, whatever you want.
Tsіlіst - tse closeness, not tightness in the light. Nasampered, tse presence to the center, axis. The very same thing for all hours was the sum of traditional pagan rituals. Poednannya chotirokh elements - fire, stone, water, wood - at the hour of the ritual I create and all of the people (spiritual, what I will reshtu), and the strength. The creation of the wasp as a result of the ritual, the whole zayvu multiplicity - all informational noise, noise. Usі zayvі іpulsi zzovnі simply do not penetrate through the bar'єr of the spiritual type, which is to blame, if it's created and the spiritual whole.
Light reach their cordons (now "light" and є light, without that, "beyond the boundary", beyond the cordon, far away). The new one himself has not lost its true goals through overpopulation with people, namirs, deities. (To instill cosmic enthusiasm, step by step, "angry" ten years ago - the reasons could be similar to those Lem wrote about in "Solaris"; as much as possible, the race for survival was untwisted through the whole cebula.)
At this hour, people, it seems, don’t have anything more, like being like that, like light (and this is a deeply pagan installation). Tse means save your cordoni. And draw the strength of that, as if we live by ourselves, I will become - saving our cordons, feeling the obviousness and tension of our cordons.
Given the fact that it is possible for the daytime to change the very same and be the best of modern paganism - the fourth after the rahunka from the ear of the XX century, and the fifth - as a way to improve the traditional paganism, as we have spent.
Unity, change and turn - everything is already implemented, or actively implemented in the world, which unites itself, in which the daedals and other specializations are called social groups and phenomena, and the daedals are more forgotten and super-smart nuances of the past turn around.
Here we go, we are again sticking to the actuality of pagan integrity. Only now in the new format - in the format of the most important integrity of the possible systemic, human integrity. Svіt nibi podribnivsya i podribnіv. Changed to rozmіrіv human body.
It is not necessary to think what is unknown to traditional thought. In mythology, there are voloti-veletni, as if they lived earlier, and then they sang from the light. Vіdomi y phrases in kshtalt “Are there people behind the light? E, only little bits.” The whole traditional mythology. We live in it now.
Ales Mikus

At the same time, beat our country, may be overwhelmed by all її subjects, it is possible to hustle the masses of that group, to follow today, what, as they call it, neo-paganism. Others, as a rule, often get used to a negative context, and for those reasons of their own, even if not all the faith that promises you to be calm.

Zgіtnoye by the Doslidnitsy robots, the rod of the izhriya of the Council, the words of the words Yazychnitsa was alternatingly, the 70s ib on the earnings of the 80s was Rockyv, and also on the elaborate of the Bagato Bagato Organized, There is no sensation to recount the fact that in tyroki, through a light-gazing crisis, not only in Russia, but in the whole world, the whiff of new religious navchans, zokrema and neo-paganism arose in Russia. The axis of only all these masses and their other forms did not have little to do with the cults of our ancestors, their glances and sounds.

Today is paganism and neopaganism, and at this hour we are encouraged to draw between these understandings of rice, which we share, - these are absolutely different speeches. Not for nothing until the rest of the bula was added, not ours, someone else's, the prefix "neo". Neo-paganism among all of its own diversity - all the suspense-political organizations, secular communities and more sects. We have our own domineering policy and statutes, which are why they choose to name “Modern Paganism” in Russia.

Characteristics of neo-paganism.

The characteristic features of neo-paganism are characteristic of those who have a cult of specialness in these organizations, otherwise it seems that the leader of the rush is put on a slab more than their piddanih. There may, at least, two reasons: firstly, as if the organization was given to a more politically corrupt, in a different way, in that case, as if the organization was a sect. The motives of such decisions, singsongly, do not varto explain. In modern paganism, there is nothing and there can be no place for the cult of specialness, as false evangelists propagate.

Such a camp is right to actively victorious with various extremist revolutions, such as to spread faith in Russia in the middle, adzh, zgіdno z їkhnіmi gasls, the Russian world as such is not known. Recruitment of recruits is being built up through different centers of their organizations, where a little pagan ideology is being attached to them, but in fact, anti-state warfare is being planted. Propaganda is conducted more actively, even more so, seminars and lectures, supported by a cycle of literary publications. For example, the book "Blow of the Russian Gods" was written by deakim V. Istarkhovim.

There are a lot of books, as well as regular publications, like the newspaper Slov'yanin. On the sides of these creations, hatred is actively planted to the point of all types of statutes of neo-paganism. This should smoothly lead us to another characteristic of neo-paganism - Protistavlennia.

Zgidno with the principles of the laws of neo-paganism, Orthodoxy is an absolute evil, as if it is necessary to abide, victorious for whom, be it, to inspire radical methods. There is no place for a similar kind of mirkuvan in the right word of the Yan language. Adzhe, as if it were another religion, it is by no means comparable to other religious movements. Chi is not opposed to Christian Buddhism? H, even if there are leaks, if they go in parallel, one alone, and they don’t overlap, and, even more so, they don’t shy away from their successors to underestimate the idea and the other’s faith. We want to support the exploitation of religious leaders for political and mercantile purposes.

Zakrema is called to radicalism by such sights, like the “Russian partisan” and the “Tsar’s guardsman”. Pretending to the faith of our ancestors, similar organizations wrap up the rituals of our fathers in a wave of greed, pragnuchi to see the bajans for the day. In qiyyan there is nothing to sleep with paganism to the current world, and to understand in the new, first, what is necessary to understand.

Krіm has already pointed out the characteristics, which inspire the truth in the real world, and also guess, that, on the political surrogate of the world, modern paganism is not a religion of permissiveness, but on the other hand, people should put their shoulders on their shoulders. Vidpovіdalnіst for yourself, that of your vchinki, for look at that judgment, for the birth of your children, that future, for the memory of your ancestors, insanely, for the future of native lands.

Paganism in Russia can be established even without additional organizations, communities and political associations, yak, pretending to be people's beliefs, to try to achieve their own mercenary goals.

For the very same reason, it calls out the style of superechok and debates, even if people who don’t know how to correct the word “Janian” in the form of parostkiv of neo-paganism, they take everything for a single cob. For this very reason, in Russia it is quite often possible to fool people, as if they were categorically lashed against the words of the Jansk saints, traditions and rituals. The very furnishing and you can vvazhat the main problem modern paganism in Russia, which does not allow the cult of our ancestors to completely turn around again in the native land, near the skin of the donkey.

About the ruinous injection of neo-paganism

Political warfare is not more terrible than you can carry in yourself the snake of neo-paganism, which is richly warmed on your breasts for ignorance. Political agitation, extinguished, gather - all day long show commercial greed, a richly terrifying attempt to stupefy and defame the human soul.

With the butt of this, zokrem, O. Dugin, it is easy and simple to spread the words about the word'yansk culture and rituals of writing the texts of Aleister Crowley, the most famous chaklun of the 20th century, the chaklun and occultist.

It is true that the community is low, so that they do not try to gain respect for themselves, but rather actively recruit new parishioners from their own. The expansion of similar denigrated knowledge, the basis of which was laid down by our words, the Janskian bases, the formation of an ideological sect, meta as if to pick up your listeners, and involuntarily their mind and will. The order of words is yansky paganism, the main principle of which is a pure and free soul, as if we live in harmony with us, we live in harmony with nature, which is the most terrible evil. Therefore, you can boldly grow whiskers, since far from all those cultures of our ancestors that call themselves paganism.

Similar tendencies may be extremely critical for today's modern paganism, which is based on the remembrance of ancestors, their curls and pіdvalin. People, yakі pіd vpliv neyazychnitskih organіzatsіy, mayut khibnі stavlennja to the nature of words'yanskoї ї vіri. Radicality, categoricalness and opposition to occultism, like a given weather, desecrate the faith of words and lash out against people who are unfamiliar with their nutrition.

Remember that the main principles of today's paganism in Russia are love to everything that exists, shanuvannya batkiv and їhnіh zavіtіv, turbota about children. The words of the Yan culture a priori have no room for hatred and repetitiveness, but there are more calls to radical action. The culture of neo-paganism originated in our country only in the last century, just like the words of the yansk paganism, already indestructible for thousands of years.

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