Until such a school, the iPhone retailers give children. Why do Silicon Valley supporters send their children to school without computers? The book is the best rose

The technical director of eBay sent his children to school without computers. The same was done by the supporters of those other giants of Silicon Valley: Google, Apple, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard.

This school has a rather simple old-fashioned look - boards with colored cradles, police books with encyclopedias, wooden parties with zoshitami and olives. For learning in vicory making zvichni, not related to new technologies, tools: pens, olives, sewing needles, and sometimes to wind clay and other. І of your own computer. Happy screen. Їx vikoristannya is fenced in from the classes, she does not want to be at home.

The past second, in the 5th grade, children knitted on wooden knitting needles small stitches on the outside, reinforcing the beginnings of knitting, taken away from the younger classes. This kind of activity, like a school, helps to develop the building, develop the structure of the task, structure information, improve, and also develop coordination.

At the 3rd grade, the teacher corrected the plurals, asking them to be swedish, like bliskavki. Vaughn asked, skіlki bude chotiri hit five, and the stinks all at once shouted "20" and vibrated with their fingers, calling out the number on the doshtsi. Povna room of living calculators.

Students of the 2nd class, standing at the stake, repeated the verses after the teacher, at the same time playing with a little bear, filling the kvass. Meta tsієї right - synchronize the body and the brain.

And at that hour, if schools all over the world hurry to equip their classrooms with computers, and a lot of politicians say that it’s just bad not to work.

Tsіkavo, that the opposite point of the dawn has widened in the very epicenter of the high-tech economy, de deyakі fathers and educators give insight: the school and the computer are incomprehensible.

Apprenticeships are trained without IT-technologies upevneni, scho computer prinіchuyut more creative mind, fragility, human mutual respect. Such fathers care that if it is necessary to know your children remaining technologies They will always have for whom the necessary skills and the necessary abilities at home.

According to Enn Flynn, Director of Lighting Technologies for the National School of Education, computers are needed. “While schools allow access to new technologies and can afford them, or if they don’t win, the stench will allow our children to eat what the stench can be good,” Flyn said.

Paul Thomas, lecturer and professor at Furman University, who has written 12 books on learning methods establish state, do not fit in with her, stverdzhuyuchi, scho for the lighting process is more beautiful, like a computer using a vikoristovuyut albeit less. “Svіta - tse, first for everything, human experience, zdobuttya dosvіdu, - like Paul Thomas. “Technology only helps, if you need literacy, smarten up and build critical thinking.”

If hoarders are equipped with computers, they declare that computer literacy is necessary, in order to withstand the wickedness of the present, fathers, how to respect that computers are not needed, they wonder: now hurry up, is it so easy to master? “It's easy. It’s about the same, like learning how to brush your teeth, - like Mr. Eagle, Silicon Valley spokesperson. - Google has such similar places with the world's robimo technologies, the floorings are stupidly simple, it is possible to do so. I don’t give reasons, because you won’t be able to master them through like a child if you become an older one.

The scientists themselves do not care about being deprived of high technologies. The stinks sometimes marvel at films, play at computer games. Children seem to be enchanted, if they care for their fathers and relatives, entangled in various outbuildings.

Orad Kamkar, 11 years old, rozpoviv, who recently traveled with a guest to his cousins ​​and sisters and leaning on his sharp five osib, like playing with his gadgets, not savagely on the one and only one of the same respect. Youmu had a chance to shake the skin of them by the hand with the words: "Hey, lads, I'm here!"

Fin Heilig, 10 years old, the father of some kind of Google worker, it seems that you need to learn more about olives and handles more, lower with a computer, so that you can help your progress in development through the years. “After a few years, I’ll be able to reveal my first thoughts and plead, as I used to write badly. And with a computer, it’s impossible, there are the same letters, - even Fin. – In addition, if you can write on paper, then you can write like water runs on the computer or turn on the electricity.

With computers, I think, everything has been understood, and now from the drive of fashionable gadgets.

Psychologists have revealed a new kind of psychological addiction - gadget addiction. A gadget is an electronic toy for grown-ups: a mobile phone, a CD player, a portable computer. It appears that the prettiness to these devices is turning into sickness. People buy new gadgets without any reasonable excuses, and busy themselves with them, making obtrusive sounds. In Europe, millions of people are already suffering from this disease, and with the development of gadget-addiction technologies, it can become such an unsafe epidemic, like Internet addiction and gambling.

It all started in the fall of 2003 due to an outstanding marketing record, as a specialist of Benchmark Research Ltd. conducted for the largest collection of digital information carriers - the Japanese corporation TDK. The main method of experimentation was information, some Europeans choose to buy a DVD-player, but the results went far beyond the scope of the set task.

The fact that the decision about the purchase of portable electronic devices in Europeans is not taken lightly from the need for the functionality of the new device, but on the basis of “a bit” that “modi”, the bazhanna to boast in front of the familiar Jean “game” - Paul Eku, marketing manager for the European distribution of the Japanese corporation (TDK Recording Media Europe). - For the sake of buying a new gadget, women can pay for cosmetics, and people - for travel packages. It is marvelous that people interfere with the Borg for the sake of buying not only necessary, but fashionable electronic accessories.

Obviously, before the work, it was necessary to learn psychologists, as if they were adopting the unreasonable behavior of a “reasonable person”.

In the past, the fate of the Meshkans of six European countries (France, Spain, Poland, Nimechchina, Italy and Great Britain) took the fate of 18 to 45 years. The average European skin has five favorite special accessories: 93% actively use a stylish phone, 73% a laptop, 60% a DVD player. The purchase of a third of Europeans is planned - a digital video camera.

Mayzha, half of the inhabitants of Europe said they could not live without their mobile phone, and 42% without a laptop. Close to 10% of the children were aware that they had few obvious signs of psychological dependence.

— In order to change the background of such a fallow, it is enough to marvel at the behavior of students at lectures, — Dmitro Smirnov, professor, doctor of psychological sciences, recounts. - At half of the hand under the desk, there are convulsive movements. Tse stink SMS to send. Everyday threats and come in disciplinary infusion of success can not be. The purpose of these ses- sions is not to communicate with friends, not to receive new information, but the process of communication itself. At the same time, the fashion for mobile phones with a camera came, after which the “sickness” is new - the overpowering of pictures. The nature of the "ailment" is the same, as in any case of fallow.

– Elements of addictive behavior in the presence of a human being (alcohol addiction, gambling), but the problem of pathological stagnation begins only if the exercise in the entrance to reality begins to dominate the community, becomes the central idea, a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist – Instead of solving the problem “here and at once”, a person chooses an addictive realization, reaching a comfortable psychological state for himself at once, putting problems for later. Tsey sight can be used in different ways.

That number has a mother's new electronic toy. The most impulsive supporters of new gadgets live near Great Britain. Tretina sacks of foggy Albion are bought not for those who need the right stench, but on the basis of a bit of fashion on technical innovations. The Italians are suffering least of the new mania. Less than 4% of them are unwilling to buy new style telephones and small computers. And the best lads live near Poland - 19% of Poles told the former Benchmark Researchers that they feel angry if they cannot afford to buy a technical novelty (the average figure for "broke purchases" in Europe is 10%).

In Izvestia, let me remind you that the Russians are not far from the brotherly Slavic people. It is possible to create such a pattern, having seen the results of testing the meshchans in six great Russian cities, like the experts of the Laboratory of Social Technologies conducted on Izvestia's research.

It appeared that in Russia people are "ill" in front of the mobile phone. 85% of young residents of Russian cities aged 18 to 35 years old said that they could not live without a stylnikov. Half of the children are psychologically buried in portable musical outbuildings - CD or MP3 players. Among other favorite gadgets are digital cameras, small computers and portable DVD players and digital voice recorders.

And what can and, smut, what do you need to fight against the gadget-deposit? “It’s essential, it’s necessary,” Dmitro Smirnov says. — Be it as an attempt to overcome the real problems, lead a person out of society and work for his life. Moreover, as in a figurative, so in a literal sense. You need to control yourself."

As a confirmation of scientific facts, calling out the interest in information, as if ignoring The New York Times journalist Nick Bilton. Under the hour of one of his interviews with Steve Jobs, he put his question: why do children love iPad. “The stinks don’t piss on him. We interchange the hour, which children spend on new technologies," - the voice of the toy.

The journalist is quick to respond to his supply to the bare-chested Movchans. For some reason, it was given to you that Jobs' booths were filled with gigantic touch screens, and iPads of that one were handing out to the guests a replacement for zukerok. Ale, everything turned out to be wrong.

Vzagali, more technologists and venture capitalists from Silicon Valley surround their children at the hour, what a stink they spend on screens - computers, smartphones or tablets. At Sim'ї Jobs, he built a fence on the vikoristannya gadgets at night and at weekends. Similarly, there are other "gurus" in the world of technology.

It's kind of amazing. Zreshtoy, most of the fathers preach a different pidkhid, allowing their children to spend days and nights on the Internet. But, yes, CEOs of IT giants know what other people don't know.

Chris Anderson, the current editor of Wired, is currently the former CEO of 3D Robotics, having run the exchange of various gadgets for his family members. Vіn navit nalashtuvav device in such a rank, schob skin from them the moment of activation is no more than a few years in the extraction.

“My children call me that squad in that we are fascists, as if they were turbulent by technology. It seems like you can’t live like this among your friends in your homeland," - rozpovida vin.

Anderson has five children, they are from 5 to 17 years old, and the skin care is taken from them.

“Because I’m running the trouble of the overworld flooded with the Internet, like nobody else. I’m a bachelor, with some problems I’ve got myself, and I don’t want my children to have these problems, ”explaining wine.

Under the “nezbezpekami” of the Internet, Anderson and the fathers in solidarity with him think about the use of shkidlivy content (pornography, scenes of nuisance from other children) and the fact that even children are often covered with gadgets, then it’s not a problem to become fallow in them.

Somewhere farther away. Alex Kostyantinopl, director of OutCast Agency, it seems that the youngest five-year-old blue has not won the best gadgets for a working day. Two other children, aged 10 to 13 years old, can use tablets and a PC at a booth not more than 30 minutes per day.

Evan Williams, co-founder of Blogger and Twitter, seems like these two blues can be similar. At my booth there are hundreds of paper books, and a skin child can read them skilki forever. And the axis from tablets and smartphones is all the more important - the stench can sting with them no more than a year old for a day.

Studies show that children up to ten years of age are especially succumbing to new technologies and addicted to them like drugs. So what Steve Jobs mav raciyu: doslidniki seem that children cannot be allowed to use tablets for more than 30 minutes per day, and with smartphones for more than two years for doba. For 10-14-year-old children, the choice of PC is allowed, but only for the completion of school tasks.

Strictly ostensibly, the fashion for IT-fences penetrates into American houses more often. Deyakі fathers fence children koristuvatisya social measures for applications (for example, Snapchat). Tse allow them not to be disturbed by the drive of what their children post on the Internet: even thoughtless posting, abandoned in childhood, can harm authors in a grown-up life.

It seems that for a century, for whom it is possible to know the exchange for the use of technology, - 14 years. Wanting Anderson to inspire his 16-year-old children to fence themselves with “screens” near the bedroom. Be-yakimi, including the TV screen. Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter, allows his teenage children to use their gadgets less than their vitals. In the bedroom, the stench of them can not be right.

What are you going to do with your children? Well, Steve Jobs, for example, dine together with children and forever discussing books, history, progress, and politics with them. Ale, in case of any of them, I don’t have the right to move the iPhone with my dad. As a result, children grew up independent on the Internet. Are you ready for such obmezhenie?

The technical director of eBay sent his children to school without computers. So did the spivrobitniks of those other giants of the valley: Google, Apple, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard. Vaughn may even have a simple old-fashioned look - boards with colored cradles, book police with encyclopedias, wooden parties with zoshitami and olives. For learning in vicory making zvichni, not related to new technologies, tools: pens, olives, sewing needles, and sometimes to wind clay and other. І of your own computer. Happy screen. Їx vikoristannya is fenced in from the classes, she does not want to be at home.

Students of the 2nd class, standing at the stake, repeated the verses after the teacher, at the same time playing with a little bear, filling the kvass. Meta tsієї right - synchronize the body and the brain.

The past second, in the 5th grade, children knitted on wooden knitting needles small stitches on the outside, reinforcing the beginnings of knitting, taken away from the younger classes. This kind of activity, like a school, helps to develop the building, develop the structure of the task, structure information, improve, and also develop coordination.

And at that hour, if schools all over the world hurry to equip their classrooms with computers, and a lot of politicians say that it’s just bad not to work. Tsіkavo, that the opposite point of the dawn has widened wide in the very center of the high-tech economy, de deyakі fathers and educators give insight: the school and the computer are not stupid.

Prikhilniki navchannya without IT vpevnenі, scho computer prinіchuyut creativity myslennya, slackness, human stature and respect. So the fathers are aware that if it is necessary to know their children with the rest of the technologies, they will always have the necessary skills and abilities at home for whom they need.

Paul Thomas, lecturer and professor at the Furman University, who has written 12 books about lighting techniques in state institutions, argues that it is better for the lighting process, that computers are more efficient. “Lighting is for us in front of human experience, for goodness sake, – like Paul Thomas. “Technology is less helpful, if you need literacy, smarten up and build critical thinking.”

If hoarders are equipped with computers, they declare that computer literacy is necessary, in order to resist the wickedness of the present, fathers, how to respect that computers are not needed, they wonder: now hurry up, is it so easy to master? “It's easy. It's about the same, like learning to brush your teeth, - like Mr. Eagle, Silicon Valley spokesman. - At Google, that similar places are miraculously the technology of the flooring is stupidly simple, it is possible. I don’t give reasons, because you won’t be able to master them through like a child if you become an older one.

The scientists themselves do not care about being deprived of high technologies. The stinks sometimes marvel at films, play at computer games. Children seem to be enchanted, if they care for their fathers and relatives, entangled in various outbuildings.

Orad Kamkar, 11 years old, rozpoviv, who recently traveled with a guest to his cousins ​​and sisters and leaning on his sharp five osib, like playing with his gadgets, not savagely on the one and only one of the same respect. Youmu had a chance to shake the skin of them by the hand with the words: "Hey, lads, I'm here!"

Getting kids to computers negatively affects the development of their brain. Reuters photo

In the current world, schools will be quick to equip their classrooms with computers. In our country, there is also the opportunity to learn robots on a computer for children 3-4 years old. Vrazhaє: such a little one - and thumping hard on the keyboard. Children around the world can easily comprehend texts and move their fingers along touch screens, tapping paper and a fountain pen. Ale chi tse so good?

Tetyana Chernigivska, Doctor of Philology and Doctor of Biology Tetyana Chernigivska, has long been aware of the lack of early education to gadgets. Children do not mind, but they stop writing with a pen and spend a lot of time in equal thought. For a child, the development of fine motor skills is superimportant, for that, for fine motor skills, it is the child in the brain that is responsible for the development of the movie. It is necessary to stick out of plasticine, cut with scissors, weave with beads - not to spray the development of the brain.

About the negative effect of the introduction of computers post school compare the results of a study in the field of cognitive neuroscience conducted by Professor Karin James at Bloomington University in the USA.

Children, who had not yet learned to read (they knew letters, but did not dare to put words from them) were divided into two groups: some were taught to write letters on paper, others were taught to write letters on the keyboard. We were given respect for the children's health to remember the letters and at one hour, for the help of computer tomography, they tried to understand, as the age of the brain changes, the children's docks learn the alphabet. Doslіdzhennya point to a direct link between the minds of writing and reading. Before the next day, a computer tomography was performed and the data of the two groups were checked, vimiryuyuchi the level of sourness of the brain.

It turned out that the brain was taught in a different way depending on the fact that the children learned the alphabet for the help of letters from the hands of the handwriting on the keyboard. The activity of the brain of children, as they learned to write with their hands, was similar to the activity of the brain of grown-up people, as they can read and write. What about the children, how they learned to play on the keyboard, the result was different. Vcheni have shown that the brain will establish a link between the process of writing from the hand and building to read.

"The tomography data show that the sheet prepares the reading system, that it will be easier to start the reading process, if the children go to the first stage," Professor James blatantly. The development of fine motor skills, which is necessary for the development of writing skills, can bring greed and in other corners of cognitive development, hardening out.

The deyakі american schools shifted the lessons of calligraphy to the category of neobov'yazykovykh, so yoga is often not taught. Computers and rukuvannya on the keyboard vikoristovuyut practical for all subjects, even as a sheet to go to another plane. On the thought of Professor James, they hurried for nothing to introduce computers into the lighting system. cob classes. It’s up to you, її dolzhennya to put under the sumnіv dotsіlnіst tendenciesії replace the sheet in the hands.

Utіm, the USA has schools, there are no computers. All the schools that give their children to the giants of Silicon Valley: eBay, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard ... The school has an old-fashioned look: boards with colored creed, book police with encyclopedias, wooden parties with zoshita and olives . For learning, they don’t need to use new technologies for tools: pens, olives, sewing needles, sometimes wind clay ... and a computer. Happy screen. Їx vikoristannya is fenced in from the classes, she does not want to be at home.

The school of that computer is insane - such a thought has become widespread in the very center of the high-tech economy. Apprenticeships are trained without IT-technologies upevneni, scho computer prinіchuyut more creative thought, fragility, human mutual respect. Fathers care that if it is necessary to learn children with the remaining technologies, they will always have the necessary skills and abilities at home for whom they need.

Nasamkinets is a joke. Children in nursery swear by the dogs themselves for their own sake, just like a vihovatelka slumped over the phone, not giving them respect. Їy respect that children can grow up. “Don’t get mad,” the vihovatelka exclaimed. “We have less Wi-Fi at the kennel.”

This school has a rather simple old-fashioned look - boards with colored cradles, police books with encyclopedias, wooden parties with zoshitami and olives. For learning in vicory making zvichni, not related to new technologies, tools: pens, olives, sewing needles, and sometimes to wind clay and other. І of your own computer. Happy screen. Їx vikoristannya is fenced in from the classes, she does not want to be at home.

The past second, in the 5th grade, children knitted on wooden knitting needles small stitches on the outside, reinforcing the beginnings of knitting, taken away from the younger classes. This kind of activity, like a school, helps to develop the building, develop the structure of the task, structure information, improve, and also develop coordination.

At the 3rd grade, the teacher corrected the plurals, asking them to be swedish, like bliskavki. Vaughn asked, skіlki bude chotiri hit five, and the stinks all at once shouted "20" and vibrated with their fingers, calling out the number on the doshtsi. Povna room of living calculators.

Students of the 2nd class, standing at the stake, repeated the verses after the teacher, at the same time playing with a little bear, filling the kvass. Meta tsієї right - synchronize the body and the brain.

And at that hour, if schools all over the world hurry to equip their classrooms with computers, and a lot of politicians say that it’s just bad not to work. Tsіkavo, that the opposite point of the dawn has widened in the very epicenter of the high-tech economy, de deyakі fathers and educators give insight: the school and the computer are incomprehensible.

Apprenticeships are trained without IT-technologies upevneni, scho computer prinіchuyut more creative thought, fragility, human mutual respect. So the fathers are aware that if it is necessary to know their children with the rest of the technologies, they will always have the necessary skills and abilities at home for whom they need.

According to Enn Flynn, Director of Lighting Technologies for the National School of Education, computers are needed. “While schools allow access to new technologies and can afford them, or if they don’t win, the stench will allow our children to eat what the stench can be good,” Flyn said.

Paul Thomas, the former teacher of that professor at Furman University, who wrote 12 books about lighting methods in state institutions, does not fit in with her, stubbornly, which is faster for the lighting process, as computers are more powerful. “Lighting is for us in front of human experience, for goodness sake, – like Paul Thomas. “Technology only helps, if you need literacy, smarten up and build critical thinking.”

If hoarders are equipped with computers, they declare that computer literacy is necessary, in order to withstand the wickedness of the present, fathers, how to respect that computers are not needed, they wonder: now hurry up, is it so easy to master? “It's easy. It’s about the same, like learning how to brush your teeth, - like Mr. Eagle, Silicon Valley spokesperson. - Google has such similar places with the world's robimo technologies, the floorings are stupidly simple, it is possible to do so. I don’t give reasons, because you won’t be able to master them through like a child if you become an older one.

The scientists themselves do not care about being deprived of high technologies. The stinks sometimes marvel at films, play at computer games. Children seem to be enchanted, if they care for their fathers and relatives, entangled in various outbuildings.

Orad Kamkar, 11 years old, rozpoviv, who recently traveled with a guest to his cousins ​​and sisters and leaning on his sharp five osib, like playing with his gadgets, not savagely on the one and only one of the same respect. Youmu had a chance to shake the skin of them by the hand with the words: "Hey, lads, I'm here!"

Fin Heilig, 10 years old, the father of some kind of Google worker, it seems that you need to learn more about olives and handles more, lower with a computer, so that you can help your progress in development through the years. “After a few years, I’ll be able to reveal my first thoughts and plead, as I used to write badly. And with a computer, it’s impossible, there are the same letters, - even Fin. – In addition, if you can write on paper, then you can write like water runs on the computer or turn on the electricity.

The technical director of eBay sent his children to school without computers. So the spivrobitniks of those other giants of Silicon Valley - Google, Apple, Yahoo!, Hewlett-Packard.

Matuses in Russia are swayed one to one: "My 2nd rock itself is in my tablet." Another second to repeat: “And I created my own 7 rock channel on YouTube.” And all collectively rush to the most computerized schools, seeming: “Oh, it’s now time to learn to write with a pen in writing, it’s so unfortunate”, “Oh, why should children be afraid of reading it - a century has passed, rather computer presentations should have been more robust.” And, in fact, to fool yourself.

Abetka in law

Reasonable people, while deciding the world more and more sit on the Internet-head and step by step - everything for the sake of progress - support their children on it, choose the “vіdstal” itself, it would be better to start.

At the same time, among the high school students in Silicon Valley in a special fashion, a school under the name of Waldorf of the Peninsula. Її wake-up calls and not at dawn the foundation of the Successful States of America. Classy in the middle may have the most old-fashioned look: zvichayny, like for the Radyansky hours, boards with colored cradles, book police, filled with various literature, wooden parties, everyday tablets for deputy assistants and zoshity. For learning in vicory voicing, not related to new technologies, tools: pens, olіvtsі, penzlі, farbi, paper abbets and other handicraftsmen. І any gadget. Їx vikoristannya is fenced in from the classes, she does not want to be at home.

10-15 years later, the greatest computer geniuses reached such an approach to the education of children. Three children Head of Microsoft Bill Gates - Jennifer Katarin, Rory John and Phoebe Adel- Up to 14 years of age, the rights of the mother of smartphones were spared. Ale and after the purchase of gadgets for children, after reaching them this age, naybagatsha from the world of people zhorstko limited the hour of the mobile phone call. After explaining to Vin that shkodi would be afraid, he could be in charge of their healthy electronic equipment.

The book is the best rose

Apple CEO Steve Jobs also zhorstko protecting their chotiroh children from the overworld entrapment of technological outbuildings, the iPad. Vіn vvіv for children to fence the gadgets at night and at weekends. In addition, mobile phones were a pose by law, if the evening of the family was going to the supper. Fortunately for Yogo, three daughters and a son, Stiv buv paved the cіkavim svіvrozmovnik, so the stench didn’t take this fence as a relief, but enjoyed the new splurges.

The butt of Gates and Jobs is inherited by a lot of tech companies. So, Vice Director of 3D Robotics Chris Anderson vvіv batkivsky control and limiting the hour on all electronic attachments at the booth. Vіn on your butt changed, to what extent it is necessary to create close cooperation with electronic devices. In Anderson's opinion, the lack of new technologies is related to the sloppy content and staleness of electronic novelties that appear.

Other leaders of the IT revolution acted as "stranglers" of freedoms. For example, Twitter founder Evan Williams allowing children to use their tablet and smartphone for more than a year. If you tried to hold a protest action, your father said: “There are hundreds of paper books at home. If you want to grow up - read skilki to you forever!

Prince without gadgets

Not long ago before the school pishov fell to the English throne 4-fold Prince George. You can learn from the prestigious Thomas's Battersea Preparatory Private School on the edge of London. ZMI with great respect put themselves on the menu at the school distances: moving, the deputy of hamburgers there they serve quails and passion fruit, but few have achieved respect, that it belongs to the most prestigious schools of Great Britain, in which, without exception, a fence has been introduced on the selection of computer gadgets, IT is inspired by the fact that computers respect creativity, sluggishness, human mutual respect. pioneering educator Paul Thomas.“Technology is less helpful, if you need literacy, smarten up and build critical thinking.” Turning back to school, where do the children of IT geniuses go: they themselves stink and unfashionable themselves, they don’t care. More than that, dehto scoff about the mental and physical health of their own not in the world of computerized fathers: how can one lie down with a gadget like that!

Prince George's 4-fold decline to the English throne was given to school, de fenced gadgets. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Dumka expert

Our fathers boasted no less, if we read books avidly, respected such a hoarding of the overworld, - upevnena. psychologist Anna Maslova. - Do not be such an uncompromising opponent of the Internet. Well, there would be no Internet, the stench would kill the hour in a different way - they would hit the courtyards. No one knows what is worse. It is not possible to use the fence as a single panacea for the fight against the Internet fallow. Require persh for all shukati internal causes emergence of Internet-deposit. Possibly, її viklikaє marriage splkuvannya z odnoletkami svіtі. Or maybe, you don’t know your wine, how to get through to you - father. Todi child joking rozuminnya, podtrimki that svallennya in the Internet-spilnotah.

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