Oleg Yakovlev has children. Oleg Yakovlev: The Curse of the Third “Ivanushki. Rest of the news from the "Technologies" section

Oleg Yakovlєv pishov іz zhittya naprikіntsi chervni roku. Vin died at the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics without coming to you. Through the zanedbane, that complicated, bilaterally inflamed legendary artist, who at that time could not breathe independently, having been connected to the apparatus of piecework, the doctors fought for this life, ale marno.

Oleksandra Kutsevol, a group of people from the community, Oleksandra Kutsevol, spoke about the death of a talented singer, a huge soloist in the band Ivanushki International.

Colleagues, you know, friends of that close collaborator - many of them did not guess about those that Oleg would be ill in the last hour - he was not sorry for the problems, he lied to them, he himself could not help him with joy.

Practically nobody, krіm yogo close otochennya, not podozryuvav about those who become healthy Yakovlev stole the flooring. The dancers of the party, who were at the last concerts, marked the artist’s sickness and glare, but they kept their part of the show until the end and didn’t remind people at the selfie and autographs of the song. To that, talk about yoga ailment, they sniffed it hard - no one thought it was serious. Only on 28 chervnya ZMI stunned everyone with the news about the term hospitalization of the vikonavtsy, and in the meantime - about the yogo raptovy vіdkhіd z life. The artist had a strange 48 years.

“Vin died in intensive care. In the evening, we drove until noon, and vranci, about the 7th wound, they telephoned me from the dispensary. Doctors told what the legends inspired. Until the exact cause of death, the stench is not named. Maybe the heart was broken. Obov'yazkovo organizes farewell to Oleg for yoga friends and shanuvalnikov. So far, nothing is clear to me, ”Olexandra Kutsevol reminded ZMI of that day.

Pіznіshe kohana spіvaka explained that Oleg had been suffering from a cough for a long time, which he did not want to pass. Ale, on the way to the doctor, the artist looked up, roaring. what can you do yourself. Oleg believes in those who do not have anything serious in the yogi who is ill - a great cough. And then it became raptly complicated and already needed hospitalization. It was also said that the artist had cirrhosis of the liver, which also took the weakened health of Oleg Yakovlev. Zgіdno with visnovki medics, Oleg died in the wake of legenіv.

Relatives, close and friends of the artist could not say goodbye to him: spivak rest days svogo zhittya buv unpretentious. For some people, the news about hospitalization, that death of Yakovlev was a callous failure. All that was lost to them, who especially knew Oleg, were the words of farewell in social measures and the ceremony of farewell to the funeral of the artist, which was 1 lime on the Troykurivsky Tsvintar. Oleg Yakovlev was cremated, an urn with yoga ashes was buried in a bin.

“Olezhka is gone today about the somіy wound. I called from Sashkom, she told me. I stared at him when I got up again the second month ago, I was already warm. Mi talkin yogo new song that clip. The news about those who were lying at the resuscitation close to the day was a real shock for me. Mi mali 15 years sleepy life on the road. A member of this family has died. Our great creative family,” said Kirilo Andreev, another member of the Ivanushki International group.

In the past, Andriy Grigor'ev-Apollonov, after deleting the post of his speech to social measures. “Oleg Yakovlev has died. My Yasha ... Our "little" Olezhka ... Fly, snow, your voice and songs in our hearts forever, ”wrote Yakovlev’s colleague.

Deyakі close and friends of Oleg vvazhayut that the reason for the deterioration of health was the artist's bad sounds. Yakovlev smoked for 20 years, and for the rest of the hour he was more and more often going to the doctors.

09 september 2017

The interviewer's friend handed over to the journalists a piece of paper with an unpublished interview, in which the artist spoke about the special life.

photo: Boris Kudryavov "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Oleg, having vvazhav for better to take his own special life, to him about his loved ones, we know nothing about him: he is an orphan, he does not have children, and he has not lost his relatives. It is unknown who takes away the decline of the artist, the shards of Kutsevol wines have not officially registered the stosunki. Yogo's friend journalist Veronica Streltsova recently gave dictaphone recordings to journalists, on which an interview with the artist was recorded. Yoga has not been published before.

Veronica chula, that Oleg did not want to have children, but as if he knew to his friends that St. Petersburg had a new growth of a child with a woman. Vaughn energized the artist, which was true and confirmed. “So, є, ale tse mi are not discussed,” said the spokesman. Later, as in the light of the child Yakovlev, I will become the head of the fall. For the mind, scho the mother of the little one will tell the tales about the new one.

All the same, the new one lost his relatives. His friend spivak rozpoviv, scho bv piznoy child. Yogo mother of the reader is small a short novel with Viyskovich, which is Oleg's father. The stench didn’t come from the slave, and the woman drove the lad out of the blue, chasing him in a new image, and gave her father’s father’s son, yoga grandfather Zhamsaraevich. Rozmov Yakovlev guessed that he had two sisters, Tetyana's niece and two onuk's nephews Mark and Igor. The artist's mother died in 1996, and the father was by no means a bachelor. One of my sisters died due to a serious illness, a little bit of fate, remembering the sight.

The hit of 1998 was the song "Poplar Down". Її vikonav young musical group "Ivanushki International". I would like to pay special respect to the Khilniks, who called for the new soloist Oleg Yakovlev. Yogo's biography unexpectedly ended in 2017. With the details of life, creativity and death of the artist, we can recognize it from this article.

For chotiri rocky "free swimming" Yakovlev recorded 14 songs and took 6 video clips. Particularly successful were the compositions “6 on top”, “Dance close ochima”and“ Novorichna ”. The tracks "Jinsey" and "Don't Cry" became the last ones.


The soloist of "Ivanushki" Oleg Yakovlev will not forget about the actor's right during the period of active musical career. Vіn znyavsya in three films. The paintings "One Hundred Days Before the Order" and "First Shvidky" (new film) played episodic roles. At the "Days of elections" Yakovlev together with other "Ivanushki" sang the song "Teacher". True, the film collectives were renamed according to the principle of greed, calling it “Ivan ta Vushka” in a sonorous way.

Life Specialist

The soloists of the popular group were always taken in the oblogue of the natovpi prihilnitsa. Yakovlev is not a badass. Yogo exotic sonority, artistry and pure vocals, no matter what comes from the heart, turned the respect of millions. Oleg Yakovlev's proté special officer of life was empowered. The musician Oleksandra Kutsevol, a journalist, was the lover of the musician for a long time. With her, the artist, having met in St. Petersburg, is alive with the civilized world. Oleksandra started at the faculty of journalism for an hour of acquaintance. For the sake of a crazy won, she left her career and became a yoga producer. For the recognition of the artist, only with Oleksandra, feeling himself happy in a right way.

The couple had no children. Yakovlev's two nephews (Garyk and Mark) and his niece Tetyana (like an older sister) lost Natomista.


In parallel with the early work of Yakovlev, he has an active sports life. From a young age, I took up track and field athletics and became a candidate for the master of sports. Ale, through sharp changes in the career, a large tour schedule, a concert artist, leaving the sport.

There is one more fact in the biography of Oleg Yakovlev. Vin was a virtuoso billiard player, once successfully taking part in the tournament.

Sickness and death

On the eve of 2017, ZMI has expanded information about the hospitalization of Yakovlev. Having entered one of the Moscow clinics before hard become. For the results of the compression, the artist was transferred to resuscitation. The diagnosis sounded vague: bilateral pneumonia. Fakhіvtsі lived all the necessary entrances, connected the musician to the piece ventilation apparatus legen. Ale on the offensive wound of all, the newness was stale. Before coming to you, on the 48th anniversary of his life, the ex-soloist of "Ivanushki", Yakovlev Oleg Zhamsaraevich, died. The cause of death was a heartbeat.

The ceremony of farewell to the musician took place on the 1st lime at the Troykurivsky house Necropolis. Tіlo yogo was creamy. The official funeral of Oleg Yakovlev was held only on the 40th day. The artist's relatives and close people were present at the ceremony.

Yakovlev's friends insist that alcohol was to blame for his death. After the exit from "Ivanushki" the musician has spent too much popularity. І solo kar'єra did not appear so far away and karkolomnoy, like a wine ochіkuva. All often know Yakovlev's drink. If you want to have an early hour of concerts and tours without wasting your time, you can enjoy champagne and cognac. And with a weak liver, it is categorically impossible to get used to the mitznas of drinking Yakovlev.

At the thought of friends, alcohol itself, and not the bazhannya zbuduvat solo career and conflicts with colleagues, becoming the cause of his exit from "Ivanushki". Relatives do not comment on the situation. Ale fahіvtsі vpevneni, scho pneumonia was less than a legacy of cirrhosis of the liver, which develops more than one rіk. Same vin becoming right cause death of Oleg Yakovlev. The musician tried to fix the alcohol intake. Ale didn’t blink.

The grave of Oleg Yakovlev is located on the Troykurivsky Tsvintar, on the 15th dilyantsi, under the number 664.

  • The mother of Oleg Yakovlev was a Buddhist, the father of the Uzbek nationality was a Muslim. The artist did not accept his own side, but chose the Orthodox faith.
  • To live in dear Moscow, Yakovlev was in power as a doorkeeper. Pіznіshe yoga was taken on the radio from a recording of an advertisement.
  • 2001 starred in Alla Pugachova's music video "The River Tram" at once with Renata Litvinova.
  • 2003 rock in the group "Ivanushki International" became a serious turning point. The buv team is on the borderline. Producer Igor Matvienko, having selected the participants, navit after such a result. However, after some thoughtful thoughts, the artists raised their wages, and the group continued their creativity.
  • Zgidno with sensitivity, injecting the hromadyan squad Oleksandri Kutsevol pidshtovkhnuv Oleg Yakovlev from "Ivanushki International" and rozpochati solo career. Because of this, the artist had a great conflict with the participants in the project - Kiril Andreevim and Andriym Grigor'evim-Apollonov.
  • For unverified information, from Yakovlev pіvnіchnіy capitalє syn. I don't know the exact age of the boy.

  • Bagato who wondered why the ashes of the artist were buried less than 40 days later. At the same time, the squad of Yakovlev was actually fed up. It appeared that the relatives wanted to commemorate the musician at the Vagankivsky Tsvintar. That one square meter of land was allowed to be checked until the rest of the day by the administration for the ceremony. Prote tsgogo rіdnі muzyki not chekalis. Therefore, the grave of Oleg Yakovlev is located on the Troykurivsky Tsvintary. And the date of the funeral ceremony was not announced until the end.
  • Ex-colleague in the group "Ivanushki", Kirilo Andriev, did not come to the funeral of Oleg Yakovlev. Andriy Grigor'ev-Apollonov and Igor Matvienko - a man who gave respect to the young artist and made him famous.

One of the cult groups of the mid-90s, becoming the team "Ivanushki International". And what was the name of the rozpach of their chanuvals, if in 1998 the tragic death of the twenty-eight-worldly Igor Sorin became fatal. The official version about the fall from the top of the highway is rich, but the clarity in the surroundings of the death of the soloist of the famous group has not improved in two decades. The excitement for the first time was not overwhelmed by the situation, that at the time of the tragedy Igor had already defeated the career of the soloist, and Oleg Yakovlev had occupied the same place with "Ivanushki" for that hour.

Glyadachi did not immediately take the new vikonavtsya that yogo's own soundness, but somehow it was possible for him to reach recognition. Oleg Proyshov, with a great path of rich vocalists, after finishing his long-term performance at the warehouse of "Ivanushki International", starting to write his own compositions, releasing a solo album. And what a shock, not only for viewers, but also for colleagues in show business, was the news about the rapt hospitalization of the patient, about those who are undergoing intensive therapy, and about yo rapt’s death. The people of the art are shy to the point of being zaboboniv, and many of them sing the thought that the place of the third victor of the group "Ivanushki" is cursed, and Andriy Grigor'ev-Apollonov and Kiril Andreev are more likely to perform in a duet.

The biography of Oleg Yakovlev has an unimaginable place for the people. When born to the Mongolian city of Choibalsan, for the whole hour (18 leaf fall, 1968) Yogo Batki served in the Viysk part. The stench was not friendly, and Oleg knew about the father only those who were from Uzbekistan and richly older for matir. If the boy was born with this fate, the mother turned from her son and two older daughters to the Buryat industrial village of Selenginsk, where she began to speak Russian language at school. Vaughn didn’t plan to learn music, but Oleg himself signed up to the piano class. Truthfully, through the use of a wet instrument, it was not long enough to train, the boy was eager to see the choir at the Pioneer Palace and the track and field athletics section, zooming up to the level of a candidate at the master of sports.

In the senior classes, the wines dream about the creative profession. However, to enter the Irkutsk Theater School, Oleg was far away for a less prestigious specialty - an actor in a lyalkovo theater. After the release of the wines, having taken off the red diploma and having stormed the theatrical vishi capital. The share of the bula is good enough for Oleg - yoga was accepted to GITIS, and the course teacher, actress Lyudmila Kasatkina, called Yakovlev her best student.

In 1987, Yakovlev was accepted into the corpse of the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Regardless of those who are responsible for the rich performances, including "Cossacks", "Lev Gurichi Sinichkini", "Twelfth Nights", the salary of the young actor was small. Crimea traditional pіdrobіtkіv advertising and on the radio, Oleg had a chance to work as a doorman. In 1990, the role of wine appeared on the screen in a small episode of the film "One Hundred Days Before the Order", as it became one of the first critical understanding of army everyday life.

Oleg tried to perform as a vocalist. In 1997, Roci Vin Navit took part in the recording of the video clip "Ivanushki" from the popular composition "Lyalka". Recently Oleg felt a voice on the television broadcast that "Ivanushki International" needed the third vocalist, Igor Sorin's deputy. Oleg recorded on a cassette a piece of compositions, including such a hit, like "Bila Shipshina", which sent them to the address of the group's production center. Nezabar yogo was taken to the warehouse of the trio. To whom they received not only a vocal tribute, but also a small growth of the young singer (170 cm), which robbed him of a substitution for the miniature Sorin.

Truth be told, Oleg’s forelocks and eyes did little to tell the guise of his successor, before that, on the dark hair of the new soloist, they were making meliruvannya for good. The dancers of the group did not quite agree with the originality of Oleg's image, and he had a chance to work hard to earn the glare of the eyes. However, after the recording of "Poplar fluff", which had been planted first in the charts, Yakovlev's dance began to row. The album "About Tse I Shout All Night" became even more successful - the third for the group and debut for Oleg, followed by the collections "Pochekay me" (2000), "Oleg, Andriy, Kirilo" (2002). Hits were the songs "Sniguri", "Hopelessness-dot-ru", "Droplets of light" and a lot of others.

In 2002 the band "Ivanushki" were requested to take part in the concert of V'yacheslav Dobrinin, which took place on the stage of the Kremlin Palace. They were followed by concerts in honor of the International Youth sports games(complex "Olympiyskiy") and the celebration of the Day of Sovereignty (Vasilyevsky Uzvіz).

Best days

In 2005, the Viishovs had one more album by the band - "10 Rocks at the All-Swit", where such hits were released, such as "Buzku Bouquet", "I Love", "Kvitok at the Cinema". Prote critics rightly argued that it was not varto to put together a jubilee album on the basis of recovery. It was obvious that the popularity of the group was on the decline. Producer Igor Matvienko, urging the partners to work on time, and creating a business structure for them to compensate for material losses. Prote period I will stagnate for a short time. In 2007, the band performed at a gala concert dedicated to making Sochi the capital of the new Olympiad, they were often asked for on various television shows.

Tim hour Oleg more and more often thinking about the sound of "Ivanushki". In 2006, the roles of wines appeared in the episode of the film "The First Shvidky", in 2007, the roles at the warehouse "Ivanushki" appeared together with the other leading victors in "Dni vyboriv". Yakovlev, having become to write his own songs, Igor Matvienko did not stop talking against them. A little bit, the very thing led to conflicts among the vikonavtsiv. They also talked about Yakovlev's strength in alcoholism. Yak bi was not there, in 2012 he declared that he was the only one to speak. A great role in the praised decision is attributed to the heroic team of Oleksandriya Kutsevol, a journalist, who became the producer of Oleg and strongly supported yoga in the decision to perform solo.

"Dance close your eyes", Yakovlev's debut video, koristuvavsya great success. Behind him was the release of the album "TVA", a few compositions of which became the basis of video clips. 2017 rock Oleg presenting the song "Jeansy". Spivak richly pratsyuvav, and no colleagues, no friends did not mention anything special in the yoga camp, Yakovl's shards were born thin and with a pale skin. To that, the emergency hospitalization for the sake of worms has become a new inconvenience for everyone. Doctors diagnosed a bilateral infusion of the leg, Yakovlev was connected to a piece of breathing apparatus. Oleksandra was trimmed by her husband, and she was on the high qualifications of doctors, but on 29 the cherub was gone. Behind the words of relatives, pneumonia spread on the aphids of the ailment of the liver, with some kind of sleep, I didn’t turn back to the doctors.

Oleg was born, if yoga fathers were at the tribal revival near the small Mongolian town of Choibalsan. There I passed the first river of life, and then I turned back to Angarsk. Zris and having finished school, the boy is already in Irkutsk.

About Shostіy Vіn especially choosing your own occupation to the soul and entering the music school without the help of fathers. Putting my mother, a reader of Russian literature and literature, before the fact of becoming vimagati piano. Buying a bulky tool from a small apartment, the fathers didn’t go bankrupt.

As Oleg himself gave interviews to his interviews, he was easily given the humanities disciplines and even gravitated towards music. Vіn zmalku mriyav become a partner or become a pianist. Aleishov on the stage is called by another way.

After a graduation student, having entered the Irkutsk Theater School, on the specialty "Actor of the Lyalkov Theater", Oleg always wanted to be on the stage, in front of the eyes, in front of the lookers. And hovatisya behind the screen - not Yogo Konik. At the jokes of being expelled, a young man has conquered the capital.


For the first time, I joined the GITIS, to the master of Lyudmila Kasatkina. Yakovlev's indecent inclinations, that boy was quickly looked at in the theatrical world. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself recognized the talent of the young man and called yoga to his theater.

Like all young artists, Yakovlev introduced — first of all, having mastered the romantic profession of a metropolitan doorman, then powering on the radio, starring in music videos and, of course, engraving at the theater.

Tim for an hour trivav 1997 rec. Famous throughout the country, the team "Ivanushki International" sang one of the soloists - Igor Sorin. Vіn vyrіshiv to take up a solo career and no longer take part in new projects.

Castings began to fill the vacancy. Oleg took part in one of them. Knowing that you don’t want to follow the type, the producers joked “small and light”, and Yakovlev, in the nature of a brunette, is not so low after all – 1.72.

In one of his interviews, the artist knew that he was even more excited, if you yourself were prompted to take part in one of the clips of "Ivanushki" - from "Lyaltsi". To get into the image of Oleg, it was necessary to transform into a blond, who wins and robs. On the long run, all the robots with the boy band were inspired by their natural hair color.


Officially, to the warehouse of the team of wines, it was less than a year, if the tragedy with Igor Sorinim was already traged. So much so that the public accepted the newcomer coldly, but Oleg put himself in a wise way.

The artist was amazed: “Ivanushki” is shown so little on TV, but they remember and love in the whole country, in the skin area they still check and love more. In a year and a new year, its own coupa of chanuvals appeared.

Yakovlev would have been better suited to work at the warehouse of such a strange team. Vіn talking about the importance of the fact that you know right friends, if you can help, cover up, if you are ill and you can’t work on your full strength, listen.

Prote young man, working on a vocal project, without wasting his acting power. It seems that in 2010, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, having called to return to the theater, started his Moscow career. Ale Oleg is no longer bachiv himself in his own role.


Drink at the swimming pool wines since 2012. Taking a timeout, do your own thing. Before the idea of ​​yoga, the kohana girl, Sasha Kutsevol, - that very sexy brunette in red cloth, who starred in yoga's first solo video, was inspired.

Vіn rozpovіdav, scho pochatku hotіv predstavvat yourself like a new project and become for him the main hero of the clip. And then we thought that yoga is beautiful and sociable Sasha can make the product more popular.

I went right. Song spent to rotate radio stations, viyshov klip, changing image. Now he has become a brunette and has passed the year to become such a “Takeshi Kitano” - the most stylish Asian in the Russian show business (Oleg’s mother is a Buryat, that is an Uzbek).

Saying goodbye to "Ivanushki", after 17 years of creative work, I managed to catch up with Kiril Turichenko, replacing yoga with the team. Oleg rozpovіv in an interview that the grouping of the team is the merit of the similarity of the characters and the energy of the soloists. Vіn schiro spodіvsya, scho Kirilo can easily get to the team.

Oleg Yakovlev signed an official working contract with Ivanushki in 2013.

That very girl from the clip was a fan of Yakovlev from 11 years. Ale got to know her idol for less than ten. The girl won the sympathy of the artist, she inhaled yoga for a new creative breakthrough. Todі, 2013, recording solo compositions, vіn bv very happy.

Oleksandra became not only a muse, but also the director of the concert. Vaughn took care of all administrative matters and it turned out well. The stench spent the whole hour at once, they learned to know one and one of the fathers.

Oleg vіdverta: "I love Sashkov's fathers!". Visiting relatives of Kokhanoi stench was not often, prote zavzhdti turned around with a bear of homemade dumplings. At the hvilini discord, Oleg called the fathers of Kokhanoi and snarled at Sashka її tatov: “Your daughter didn’t make me borscht! There you go, but you don’t want to!”. After such hot windings, the couple quickly reconciled.

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