Mother of God with closed eyes. The phenomenon of the appearance of the Virgin (6 photos). On the roads of war

The village of Shevchenkove is small, near the Litinsky district, not only in Vinnitsa, but outside the borders of the region. With its glory, the village is like a miraculous image Holy Mother of God, which is named after the old name of the village "Zinovinsky".

Writings in the 17th century, whose image has become famous for healing from various ailments since ancient times.

Particularly memorable is the miracle of the healing of the young man Danilo, who was born in 1828. Vranci on new river the five-year-old boy raptov smashed the paralysis. Following the prayers of Yogo Father, Priest of the Mistic Church, Archpriest Kostyantyn Strelbitsky, before the miraculous rite, the boy took off the miraculous healing. After whom Father Danila proclaimed to the Mother of God, that the future life of the yogi son will be devoted to the service of the Lord.

A lot of fates have passed. In the hierarchical rank, Bishop Modest (such a blacker name he took off Danilo) having arrived to the native village and to the sign of the tribute to the image, through which wine he removed the aid of the Queen of Heaven, having created a majestic cathedral - an exact copy cathedral near Zhytomyr, and also ordered to write an image of the miraculous Zinovinsky icon.

At the 30th anniversary of the twentieth century, the cathedral was built. Having left the archbishop's budinok, some kind of power won over to its judgment. The share of icons of trivaly hours was lost at home, until one mіstseva sack did not tell people that with a stretch of rich fates she took away from her booth. The miracle, presented by the Mother of God, brought the icon to the holy temple, which at that time was in the small, tiled house of a large strongman's hut. The marvel of the flooring was obvious, that the fame of the new mitt spread through the various patches of Ukraine.

The special features of the Zinovinsky image are those who have closed their eyes on the New May. This was done on a copy written with the blessing of Bishop Modest.

But in 2003, it was a marvel - on the original, the icons of the eye of the Mother of God were broken, on the copy, the stench and the doss were overwritten. (Maybe you will also know about another wonder of the world - a cross that bleeds).

From that hour, following the words of the rector of the church church, priest Volodymyr Kishchuk, a lot of people took away healing from various ailments, cancer cures, about which the records of the pilgrims themselves at a special book were taken. With the blessing of the Metropolitan of Vinnitsa and Mohyliv-Podilsky Macarius in 2006, the vice priest of the Vinnytsia eparchy, and at the same time the vikladach of the Kiev Theological Academy, priest Oleg Kozhushny, wrote an akathist to the Mother of God of Zinovinskaya. We will read the next day of the Divine Liturgy and the week at noon from mid to Thursday.

Moreover, people from the farthest corners of Ukraine come to the night services to partake in the all-night chuvanni and at once with the physical practice to bring to the Mother of God their prayer prayers at once with the words of the akathist: "Rejoice, Our Lady of Spirituality!"

Meshkants of the Ukrainian village of Shevchenka cannot even dream of going to the Louvre. What is there to guess about laughter and look at Moni Lizi, if you stink your riddle - the icon of Our Lady of Zinovinsk. Chotirista rocky in that unknown genius having depicted її іz with flattened eyes, and yet in our century yogo creation sank like a dream - the eyes of the Virgin Mary were flattened ... And the skin, at whom there is now to marvel, - zlіuєtsya.

The MK reporter, having visited the place of pilgrimage near the Vinnytsia region, also stared at the Ukrainian shrine.

The protection of the miraculous icon and the її copy of father Volodymyr became a witness that, as on the original, the eyes of the Mother of God of Zinovin were flattened. Photo: Maria Chernitsina.

The stench is similar, like two sisters: Zinovynska Bogomatir and a copy written off from her to hang at the temple of the Assumption of the Head of John the Baptist in the village of Shevchenko, Vinnytsia region. Only the Mother of God peacefully slumbers, squeezing to her breasts the Nemesis of Jesus, the friend of the niby sumu, having made the steps.

The axis is out, miraculous, Zinovynska our Bogomatir ... - Father Volodymyr reverently signifies the "tasting" of the shrine with a kiss.

I try to show the traces of the current "additional treatment", but the eyes of the icon on the mist - there, de buli from the very cob. Marvel at Diva, sighing languidly.

You don’t think that she sharply cracked her chin, – the abbot asked my doubts, – the steps of the Divine Mary were lifted by a fraction of a millimeter with a stretch of two rocks, at home it would be impossible to do so…

All-seeing eye

In the village of Shevchenko, the people are completely healthy, they are quiet, who can’t, can’t even - they have a whole spiritual life. Grandmother's deputy is invited to join the church choir, children watch a week-long school. And on such a life, there is a vagomic argument - it became a miracle under the very side. People are afraid: the Mother of God succumbs to everything, you won’t get spoiled by her.

At the beginning of the 17th century, our village was called Zinovintsi, even though there was a great cathedral, near which they placed a new icon of the Mother of God, Father Volodymyr told the story of the holy place. - And the miracles started as soon as the image was written… They thought that they forgot to put out the candles, but if they went to the church, they argued that the candle should look like an icon in the middle.

Showing in such a rite the divine presence, to the point of striking the people with their ailments, the people of Zinovynska Bogomatir healed the parathians without wonder.

A bit of wonder has spread throughout Russia and Ukraine, - the rector continues. - And a copy of the icon was sealed in the 19th century by the arch-keeper Mykola for those who the Virgin Mary forged his newly born son: I could not be more paralyzed, the priest put the little one up to the image - and I came to life, and then I got to my feet.

For now, a copy of the Zinovinsky icon of the Mother of God grieve, flattening your eyes. Photo: Maria Belova.

The Meshkants of the village of Bagato Rokiv passed from mouth to mouth the legends about the Mother of God of Zinovinsky until the revolution broke out: the Bolsheviks at the Church of the Assumption of the Head of John the Baptist ruled the Kolgosp, and the cathedral was destroyed, throwing all the icons on the memorial.

So the Meshkants sat down at night, rejoicing at their lives, sorted out the images according to their houses, like a priest. - And the maiden Yevdokia seemed to be the most visible, as she cleaned up the insults of the Zinovinsky Mother of God - the original, and a copy. Vіsіmdjazy rokіv won't save on the mezzanine offended shrines. people for rock radianska vlady already forgetting about the miracles that their ancestors did. The judges didn’t know what kind of belongings they had in Evdokiya’s hut. She didn’t live in darma, and she didn’t let guests at the booths at all. I seldom opened a mystery before her death, as if she saved all her life. And then, maybe, I wouldn’t have dared, yakby її The Mother of God herself didn’t zdivuvala.

On the eve of the All-Ukrainian horseradish walk in 2004, the Virgin Mary on the image began to marvel at Evdokia with a commemorative squint. In her own way, the old lady of the Mother of God realized the same way, and already on her deathbed she turned to her own house - to the church.

On the original, the eyes were squashed and the bead of the world rolled. Photo: Maria Belova.

"The Mother of God comforted me, and I became a guardian"

Near the village of Shevchenka, young priest Volodymyr Kishchuk literally rose up. If you want to do it, it was given to you that the gift of wine in the wilderness is sitting in a cassock.

If I was from Ivano-Frankivsk, the great city, they sent me to the village, I said, - even wine. - Here it was necessary to have a church after the Kolgospa, but in me there is a child’s illness, with a defect of the heart. Doctors said that Seraphim did not live to see three fates, if he could not lead a normal way of life, even if a new child had a sprinkling of heart attacks. And what about medicine here, near the Vinnitsa region?

Father Volodymyr turned to his confessor for a lifetime of scares, and then said the prophetic words: “Everything will change if the Mother of God is given to you.”

And a few days later, an old grandmother appeared at the door of the church: “There Evdokia is dying, calling you to the body ...” . vikonuyuchi will vmirayuchoї - and little did not fall zі drabini.

I immediately brought the offense of the icon to the church, setting the bell on vvtar, starting to pray, - like Father Volodymyr. - And then we need to know: you need to bring Seraphim and put yoga to the icon. Tієї, scho z vіdkritimi zіnitsami... Only a few times I repeated the sacrament... I camp of Seraphim blushed. At the same time, Imu 8 years, I go to school, I learn to be equal with children, even though the doctors didn’t denounce my sins. The Mother of God rightly inspired me: so I became the guardian of the miraculous icon.

Evdokiya told the holy father in a sympathy that the Virgin Mary had not "looked" at the light of day - she had slept earlier. After a few months, the rector of the temple remembered that the opening of the eyes of the icon had become wider… I included її in the results to their register of official religious miracles.

The parishioners told me that it was the hour of the liturgy of the Theotokos and they were the same as the mother of the eye - like a blink, - even the rector. - I’m worried: people will point at her, but I won’t dare to open my own eyes - I’ll try to change it, it’s true, I’ll see that I’m doubting the Mother of God that I believe my own. I want to sometimes pray before the icon and rapt, I remember that the lips of the Virgin Mary are crooked with an ice ruddy blush. Come out, let me know!

Ryatuy Bogomatir is no less than parathians - and take care of herself. Nadivuvala, perhaps, allow the pastor to take the icon for one hour to our church, and at that hour the church near the village of Shevchenko was burned by sectarians. Mabut, if you wanted to destroy the ancient shrine, you’d read those thoughts in advance.

Pilgrims flock to the Temple of the Usichenny Head of John the Baptist. Photo: Maria Belova.

Get out the militia, get up on the lick!

Zinovynska Bogomatir, as it seems in Ukraine, marveled at her parishioners: who to ask, so that the boss becomes kinder to the new, who wants to earn a penny ... But come in faith and with the right bead.

Medical cancer does not rise, but we had a lot of fluctuations, if the plumpness arose after the maternity before the Virgin Mary, - radiant father Volodymyr Kishchuk. - One woman could not wind her hand with her hand - she could not dress up, not brush her hair ... And as if she made a pilgrimage - immediately the puff broke through, the viishov was rotten and everything started to burn. Another woman asked for the man: the doctors had already brought the death penalty ... The Parafiyan prayed to the Mother of God, and after the return, she once again commemorated the man's redemption. They crushed the sign - and the puff rose up! Navit, trapleyaetsya, hematomas in the brain of victims of car accidents appear.

Another pilgrimage through the whole region, at some point, had to bow down to the Mother of God in the militia - the injury of the ridge made it impossible to rely on God.

On the way back, the woman simply zabula her militia in the bus, and if she knew that she was going without a pidpir, she fell to the ground with a chomp - she sang to the Lord, and then, before us, she visited the church again, Zinovinsky icon was beaten with a chomp, - it’s like a priest. - Then I took up sports - on the licks of the fox big.

Asking the Divine Mary for that motherly happiness is not easy for everyone. For example, one midwife could only care for others, but she respected herself childless through the problems of the woman's part.

Ale, after prayer, everything came together well! - continues the priest. - Another girl came before us to baptize other people's children, but God did not give the axis of her own to them for a long time. So, having learned about the miraculous icon, she stood before the eyes of the Mother of God ... I was immediately amazed. At sensi - for two tizhni.

And some ailing children were taken over by the Zinovinsky icon - if you want to go back, get married.

For the miracle of healing, the paraffians bring gifts to the Mother of God. Photo: Maria Belova.

They brought children with paralysis, applied them to the image, and with leukemia, and with cerebral palsy - then the rich fathers turned around, dyakuly icons, otzhe, helped, - like a priest. - It is not for nothing that there were golden crosses, heels and lancets to hang - people bestow whoever they can.

It is important that the icon of Zinovinsky opens our spiritual eyes.

Bіsnіv before us at the temple often lead, but the most terrible, - Father Volodymyr knows. - Like a man who has brought his squad. It looks like a sizable woman in Khustintsy with sackcloth, and as if she had become an icon, she would start to growl, as if shouting in a human bass: “Don’t lead me to her! Out to shoot me!” - and the man її directly applies the guise to the icon ... And it’s clear that he’s torturing the woman, don’t want to go ... Zinovinsky is clearly a holy spirit present. It was like a blue-haired boy was applied to her - so vin shouting in a savage voice: “I can’t marvel - get out! Get out of me!” In my youth, I didn’t go much from the temple, if I sang like that. Ale, the elders took me in, beat me with a firm spirit ... Nini didn’t get that far.

And on the rest of the Great Day, the church service was beaten by the Zinovinsky icon, but the bird choir, which rose on the branches of the trees in front of the temple, hardly missed. The wings sang in such a way that people forgot about the service. Then the birds rose at once in the wind and rose from the eyes, and the faith in miracles in the paraffian was lost.


How did they celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, її co-workers - people, like small happy bachiti Її, speak with Her, be witnesses of її life of that work?

The axis of information about Her can be gleaned from the leaves of St. Ignatius the God-bearer - the saint of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd century: Rozpovіdat, scho Vaughn in persecution and bіdah bіdah bula cheerfully; at the needs, that zlidnyah did not get embarrassed; she did not get angry at the imagining ones, but instead she was kind to them. Bula was lagid with kindness, merciful to the poor and always helped them - as much as she could. She was a mentor in piety, in every good deed. Vaughn especially loved the humble, for the Bula herself was the humble one.

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, who specially came from Athens to pray to God, wrote about the blessing of the Mother of God to his reader, the Apostle Paul: None of the people can scare with their mind those that I am bachiv. I confess before God: if I am John, shining among the apostles, like the sun in heaven, being ghosts in the face of the Blessed Virgin, I have experienced invisibly almost. In front of me shone like a divine light. It illumined my spirit. I saw the plows of the invisible aromas and the bosoms of such suffocation that neither my German body, nor my spirit could bear these banners and the ears of eternal bliss that Heavenly glory. In the sight of її grace, my heart was weak, my spirit was stunned. Yakby in me was not in your memory, set me up, I respected the bi її ist true God. It is not possible for me to manifest greater bliss, lower than those that I am aware of.”

From century to century, the Transmission of the Church keeps the memory of Toya, Yaka became the Mother of God, more, as John of Damascus writes, “God's Word itself, before the centuries, after an hour, the Old Man of the people, without a bud and forever with the Father and the Spirit, in rest days for our salvation, she settled in the womb of the Holy Devi and in her without a change she was born and was born.

In the 4th century, St. Ambrose of Mediolansky, at his practice “About Nezayman”, speaks about those who had gone before that hour as Christians, who lived earlier: not a bagatomovna, a lover of reading, pracovita, sensible in language, shunning not a person, but God Judge His thoughts. The rule was not to impersonate anyone, we must be kind, to shake the elders, not to tease the equals, to unify the braggarts, to be reasonable, to love honesty. Hiba won’t want to be virazed, if it were necessary, she formed a father, or she was in bad weather with her relatives, pissed in front of a modest person, laughed at the weak, shrugged off at the impossible?

The people, who without a doubt stoked God Matir, confessed to St. Ignaty the God-bearer that for її holiness in the name of the Holy Mother of God "they angelic nature with the human." Those who read about the Theotokos in the works of St. Ambrose intersect with them: “She didn’t have anything sharp in her eyes, nothing unusual in her words, nothing obscene in her actions: her movements are modest, her movements are quiet, her voice is even; so її looked at the soul, the isolation of purity.

“Verily, we are not only immaculate and pure bodily beauty in the Blessed Virgin, but especially the perfection of our souls,” St. Gregory of Neocaesarius said in the words of the Annunciation.

We saved the stories about those, like the Most Holy Theotokos looked at the calls, - the author of “Church History” Nikifor Callistus, who is alive in the XIV century, spoke early at an early hour. For these weddings, the Virgin Mary was of medium height, or maybe a troch of hair, “her hair is golden, her eyes are lively, her eyebrows are arched, dark, nis straight, lowering, destroying fluff, appearance is not round and not sharpened, scarlet troch, hands are lowered those fingers are long. Vaughn was satisfied with the natural color of the robe, rozpovida the church writer, pointing at the butt of the head cover of the її, which was saved in the church.

The Blessed Virgin, who continued wine, was absolutely unartistic, simple, did not think about Herself, and, far from delicacy, rejoiced in complete humility. In all її deeds, a special grace appeared. The Queen of Heaven, the Mother of God "in the midst took a modest grace, did not laugh, did not become overwhelmed, did not become especially angry"

Such was the Holy Virgin Mary and the same, if she baptized the Archangel of God Gabriel, who said to him: “Rejoice, Blessed One! Lord from Thee; blessed are you among women” (Luke 1:28).

Єrusalem Patrigarhat, Virniye Hunts Saint Orthodox, INFORMEMOVAVAVIV HIS OFITICH SITE, and TO ISHIKH, HTO COMPARITE INTINA, VON INILYNA "IT ISTINA, ISTONITY OF YOU the posture of the Most Holy Church of the Resurrection “does not open and flatten the eyes”, as if the deacons are firm. Possibly, the city of light and darkness create such a sight.

Verna Orthodox tradition affirms that the Image of the Most Modest Ever-Blessed Mother of God protects us and helps us.


The Church of the Holy Sepulcher - in the bots of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women before restoration there was the Miraculous Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Sorrowful”. On the icon, only the upper part of the face of the Mother of God was saved. The appearance of the Mother of God was remembered for the last time. Eyes lowered and attached under eyelids. For a thriving hour, the icon was seldom seen, only a few Arab-Christians came here and lit candles. A lot of miracles looked like an icon, but once the face of the Mother of God suffered in one evil person, as if in a blow of her anger she rinsed the icon with a knife. Why is the image of the Mother of God buv premises for the gates. The fertile podia became the icon of 1986 for the day before Great Day. One policeman, a Muslim Arab, robbed the grandiose detour of the majestic temple. Having looked at the wines and at the same side vіvtar, after which the hopping came to the Greek Church of the Resurrection until the vvtar, at which hour the service was held. The police officer was forced to explain to the priests that everything looked like the image of the Mother of God, and the icon itself looked like it was alive, crushing its eyes and crying. The priests came there and sang that it was true that the Face of the Mother of God had appeared on the icon. From that hour, someone is rich, who opens his eyes, and the deakies cry. Indeed, the face of the icon has changed. On the coming day, Patriarch Diodorus of Rusalim and all Palestine served the image of a prayer service. A lot of Orthodox people came to the icon and fed the blessing on their food, and it’s important that if you flatten the eyes of the Mother of God, then you’ll take the blessing ... Moreover, the Miraculous image was rebuffed for the gates. The pilgrims took a closer look at the icon and pushed candles behind the gates. 1st Axis, 2006 The fate of Great Friday on the 11th anniversary of the wound here became hotter. Vіn buv nastіlki strong, scho called a special fire car, but the icon of the Mother of God Sorrowful vzіla. Nevdovzі її cleaned up for restoration.

Icon of the Sorrowful Mother of God after restoration

After the restoration, the image of the Mother of God was placed to the Reliquary, a room with rich relics of the holy saints of God. At the entrance, the lion hand on the wall restored the miraculous image of the Sorrowful Mother of God. Only the upper part of the image was saved - the face of the Most Holy Theotokos. Eyes lowered and attached under eyelids. Now pilgrims visiting the Reliquary can restore the guise of the Mother of God, sing for a while and pray a short prayer: “O Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, blessed are You in the squads and blessed is the fruit of our souls.”


Know the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, I visited the miraculous icon of the Mother of God on behalf of Sorrowful. The icon is located in the chapel of Kam'yanih uz at a place specially created for her behind a frequent mesh netting. The image of poshkodzheniya: apparently the upper part was lost. They said that for the deacons of the Mother of God, the eyes are flattened. Skіlki I'm not surprised at the narrowly closed windows, the diva was gone - the thin sickle-shaped lines of the wind did not flinch.

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Orthodoxy has a large number of icons different types. Є middle of them and zvichnі, rіdkіsnі і navіt non-vizual images. Itself up to such faces one can bring the “All-seeing Eye”. This divine image gives people a manifestation of the Christian Svetobudova through a symbolic manifestation.

The main feature of the icon of the All-seeing Eye of God is the presence of special prayers and akathist prayers, spodіvan, with which they believe they can turn to that other image. Aje tse is not surprising, God is omnipotent. And it is important for that very fact that the prayer came out of the very heart.

Above, this divine image was born in the Volodymyr lands. Vіn buv spellings by maisters. Tse is simple, but even more so, the composition is garna. characteristic of riceїї - a great number of symbols that make up the harmonious composition.

New and new ideals are constantly coming to replace tired values. That very same sacred image begins to know deep and especially cloudy.

  1. The meaning of the icon of the All-Seeing Eye is interpreted in the interpretation of symbols in the Christian way, to help people not to get lost on the way and to spread the light and goodness by stretching the rich century.
  2. For their own iconographic type, they bring their faces to the most complicated ones. It is made up of a rich variety of ancient symbols, which seem to create its own deep and special zmist, and at the same time, the stench gives us a complete picture of the main idea of ​​our butt.
  3. At the center there is an image of Christ the Savior, which is to descend blessings on the suffering. Whose image is known in the hour, like a walk like a change, symbolizing the grace of light, like walking like a Christ in the world.
  4. Dali go to another colo, as it is larger in diameter. The new one has human appearances. Everything characterizes the vision of the world of people in that greater sphere. The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis image is expressed in such words: “Magnify my soul to the Lord and gladden my spirit about God my Savior.”
  5. In the middle of the third stake is depicted the Mother of God. She stretches out her hands to the prayer of the heart. Its meaning is the intercession of human souls. Whenever such an inscription flaunts: “Vugilla Isaї, having shown the sun from the Virgin’s womb, which shone in the mind and gave enlightenment, let us go astray.”
  6. The final quarter is respected by the most headless. The main yoga element is the image of the Lord God, which blesses the people. The wine of the images on the ashes of a clear dawn sky is the Kingdom of Heaven, in a way to consume less of you, who righteously passed your earthly path. Vіn otocheniya seraphim.

That appearance helps to understand the essence of the Christian light - Jesus Christ is the center of truth and light, the Intercessor of the human race is the Mother of God, and the Lord God is the Creator of all soils.

Why does the icon of the All-seeing Eye help?

You must know that the Lord is Almighty. It is possible to turn up to the new one with prayer for any kind of baptism and wickedness. Tse mozhe be spiritually enlightened, to help with any initiatives, happiness, health, the foundation of conflicts and the fortunes, blessing on the creation of important rights. The main thing at this right is a prayer, like to resemble a wide heart.

Shards for this image were not installed in special akathist prayers, victorious traditional prayers to the Lord God, the Mother of God the Savior. The axis of action is from them.

Prayer of the Mother of God

“Blessed is my Lady Mother of God, with Your holy and all-powerful blessings vіdzheni vіd me, humble and accursed servant(s) of your (їy), summarily, forgetful, incomprehensible, non-baldness, and all the filth, cunning and dashing thought in the sight of my stern heart and in the gloomy my mind; put out the half-moon of my addictions, for I am godly and wretched. І vyzvoli me in the presence of riches and fiercely spogadіv і spriynyattіv, і in the wake of the evil actions of the evil freedom of me. Blessed be the sight of our birth, and be glorified more than Your name for ever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Jesus Christ

“Much merciful and all-merciful my God, Lord Jesus Christ, richly for the sake of love zіyshov and indulged, for hai you will save us. I now, Savior, save me for grace, I bless Thee; for you have seen me save me, for there is no grace, and a gift, but a greater borg. Їy, rich in bounty and invisible in mercy! For believe in Me, you say, about my Christ, you will be alive and not indulge in death forever. If the faith is in You, vouchsafed, I believe, save me, for my God is Thee and the Creator. Vera and the deputy did not let me call, my God, for you did not know what was done, that you should not tell me the truth. That one, my faith, don’t let it weigh on us, that don’t speak, that don’t try to correct me, that don’t show me a partaker of the glory of Your eternal. Let not Satan steal me, and boast, Word, that you have stolen me in the sight of Your hand that is fenced; But what I want, save me, what I don’t want, my Christ Savior, far away soon, soon you will perish: Thou art my God in the form of my mother’s womb. Vouchsafe me, O Lord, to love Thee, for You love others of that same sin; And yet, it’s tedious to help Toby without lazy nights, like on the thresholds of the first satan, the lucky one. I will honor You, the Lord and God, my Jesus Christ, all the days of my belly, every day and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

What the All-Seeing Eye Icon Protects

Often this image is victorious in the rituals of white magic, the shards can even have great power. This appearance is not particularly popular and not all temples have yoga in their collections.

Brothers and sisters with Christ. Need your help. Created a new Orthodox channel at Yandex Zeni: Holy Orthodox and there are still few prepayers (20 osib). For Shvidky, the rozvitku that report of the Orthodox vechennya greater number people, please go to prepay channel. It's just a corny Orthodox information. Angela Protection to you!

What kind of protection:

  • Take away the negative infusion;
  • Vaughn helps to reveal the attachment of a person's well-being;
  • To create a diva out of the blue, to create problems out of sight, to protect from blindness.

Ale are placed before her with a singing guardianship.

Where to hang the icon of the All-Seeing Eye?

Tse disguise can be hung in a booth there, de vin will be seen. The very same vin nadavatim its effect - the presence of the Lord God that yogo knowledge about everything.

Shanuvalniks of this divine image are hardening, as if marveling at the new one for a long time, blaming the effect of the dome, which changes the power and reveals the spiritual world.

As if marveling at the image with equal illumination and calm mind, then by chance you see the wrapping of the spheres. Such an injection into your image can make you feel good about all the elements.

Golovnym at the vіrі zavzhdi bulo, є i will be - pure and prayer, scho go out of the heart. It is necessary to remember and about those who need not only ask, but speak!

Take care of you Lord!

For this video, you can see different variations of the image of the “All-Seeing Eye” icon:

Why are there so many icons of the Mother of God

One yunak becoming a witness Orthodox church and after sleeping dad:
— Why are there so many different icons of the Mother of God in the church, dissimilar one to one? Adzhe Mother of God alone, and Її ikons are rich and all different. Hiba tse mozhe buti?
Sodі batko brought an old, already decently worn family photo album, and at the same time soiled it from the blue torn of the cardboard side. Vіn showing on the flickering and shattered photographs and feeding the son, who the images are on them:
- Here is mom, їй three rocks, the axis can be seen by date.
- What about?
- Tse won at the first class. The axis is written: "Secondary school No. 2."
- And from?
- Here she is at the graduation party.
The father, having missed the kіlka arkushіv from the photographs of the student's doby, then came the spring tі, de skinny girl - already a young mother with a child. The axis has already changed, the woman has grown up ... The axis is already with gray in the dark and dense coachmen.
“Well, and here my mother is visiting Aunt Liza at Vladivostok ... But after the operation ... after the last fate ...
- Bachish, sinku, - saying the father, - mother in all photographs is different and at the same hour it’s not clear, but out. So with the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos. There is only one Mother of God, but Vaughn showed herself, I will help people at different times in different places. The first skin її the appearance was seen by different people in icons. And from the quiet icons, praised to the point of shanuvanya by the Church, copies were made, lists were already made by other people. Kozhen icon painter created his own style of writing. It was often appreciated that the Holy Spirit, revealing His grace on absolutely imperceptible icons, worked miracles in them. In one book by Yevgen Poselyanin, for example, the XIX century, over 600 miraculous icons of the Mother of God are described. But yakbi people fixed their skin showing the holy help of the Queen of Heaven in our life, then there would be an indefinite number of such “photographs”. I axis why. In the works of the holy fathers, we repeatedly hear a riddle about those that the righteous, who managed to ascend in the heavenly cloisters, did not know the Queen of Heaven herself there. “Where is the Bogomatir?”, the stench fed, and invariably came the reply: “There is nothing here. Get rid of the lands of sinners.

It is not for nothing that we call the Queen of Heaven “Soon to Hear”, “The Marriage of Sinners”, “The Joy of All the Sorrowful”, “The Constriction of the Dead”, “Dear”, “Virada or Comfort”, “Cilitelka”, “Odigitriya” (“Traveler”).

How did the shanuvanya of the Mother of God begin?

Six hundred years before the Feast of Christ, the “Old Testament Evangelist” Isaia thus prophesied to God’s deceived people: The Lord Himself will give you a banner: behold, the Virgin in the womb will receive and give birth to Sin, and call him Yoma: Emmanuel (Is. 7.1) .
Emmanuel means God is with us. I point directly to the mystery of the two natures of the God-man of Jesus Christ.

However, after that, as the prophecy came about, not only the Pharisees and Sadducees, who had long since consumed the Spirit of God and worshiped the letter of the law, did not believe it, but the deacons of the Christians were inspired to worship the Virgin Mary the Theotokos. Vinikla navit sect under the wire of the heretic Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople. It was necessary to build a sprat, first at 431 roci in Ephesus, at the temple, ordained in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos, passed the III Ecumenical Council. Vіn having condemned the nonsense of Nestoria and having affirmed the dogma about the name of the Divine Mary Mother of God. The Church, through the words of St. Cyril of Alexandria, prophesied for all eternity: “Whoever does not confess that Emmanuil is the true God, and to that the Holy Virgin is the Mother of God, for Von bodily gave birth to the Word of God, which became a body, let him be anathema.”

The Holy Fathers affirm that the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Bogolyudina, Who is the true God. It has been confirmed to call the Virgin Mary herself “Theotokos”, but not in the sense that Vaughn gave birth to God, who is the Creator and Savior of Mary herself. But in the fact that, on the cob, in the people's view, all the fullness of the Divine is laid. Nyomu has all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2.9), - write the Apostle Paul.

“Truly, what is impossible with people is possible with God,” write St. Simeon the New Theologian. “Just as from Adam’s ribs, God created a woman without a reason, so from Adam’s daughter — Everlasting and Mother of God Mary — having posited the unoccupied flesh without a reason and groaning with her, becoming a Lyudina, similar to the primordial Adam.”

You must see individual Orthodox piety take the cob of piety in liturgical piety. The most clearly and completely formulated theological vchennya and ecclesiastical chanting of the Mother of God in liturgical texts. The stench of the new world is manifested by our Orthodox faith, God's veneration and veneration of the Mother of God by the people of God.

The Enthronement of the Theotokos was celebrated at the Divine Liturgy, at the clergy of Vechirn, Matins, Godin, at the endowment, weekly, river stakes of worship. The Mother of God, moreover, is dedicated to the skin Wednesday of Monday.

The church shanuvannya of the Mother of God is confirmed by the dogma about її dreaming, which is the consecration of the Holy Gospel by the apostles Matthew and Luke and the introduction to the Symbol of Viri, confirmed by the 325th anniversary of the Nicene I Ecumenical Council. At the third member, the Symbol of Viri, together with the dogmas about the influx of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are told: “For the sake of the people and our sake, for the salvation of us, who rose from heaven and entered into the sight of the Holy Spirit and Mary Devi, and fell in love.” In this part we say that Christ, as a Friend of the Disguise of the Most Holy Trinity, is all-pervading, and to that start up in heaven on earth, but on earth Vin was previously invisible, bodyless; since Christ’s instillation, accepting human nature by him, gave way to the Holy Spirit, so the Blessed Virgin Mary, as she was the Virgin before conception, so in the conception and after the people of the God-unloved was lost to the Virgin.

How can I say about it St. Gregory of Nisky, brother of one of the three all-luminous readers of Basil the Great: Ale yak Sin was given to us without a father (earthly), so a child is born without a carnal conception. The diva didn’t know how, by what rank at tili Її a godly body was formed, so the people didn’t know. For the predictions of the prophecy, without ailments, she had a nation: "The first time came the pain of Її, it was allowed by Sin" ”.

To celebrate one’s future chance at the holy Gospel and the Virgin Mary herself — the hour of seeing cousin Elizabeth, mother of the prophet John the Baptist. Elisaveta, after cheering the Virgin Mary, was filled with the Holy Spirit with a rapt, the grace of Whom she saw and did not think, whom she carried in her womb for a month, and yelled: I have a sign for me, that the Mother of the Lord has come before me? (Luke 1:43).

The Virgin Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit is healed about God, My Savior, who, looking at the reproach of His Servants, for now all the canopies will be pleasing to me; that having made Me the great Mighty, and holy is Yogo (Lk. 1, 46-49).

The Mother of God herself reveals in these words the reason for such a strong shanuvannya Її middle of "all slopes". Humility and love for God have become the basis of this greatness, as the Lord has created. For sweat and Sam Vin, groaning at the flesh in the form of a humble, will teach us to save us, who have fallen: Learn from Me; for I am a lagid and humble in heart (Mt. 11:29).

“All is the chamber of the Spirit, all is the blessing of God”
Reverend John Damascus.

Following the words of St. John of Damascus, "the name of the Mother of God is to take revenge on her for the whole history of divine home life in the world."

“I’ve been blessed with all the saints,” writing St. Ignaty (Brianchaninov), “for these reasons that I became the Mother of the God-Man, so for these reasons, Vaughn was the most important, most important hearer and vikonovice of the Holy Communion. As having replaced the Lord Adam with Himself, so having replaced Vіn Єva the Mother of God. Eva, created by a virgin, crossed the commandment of God and could not take in herself the holy sight of treasures ... The Mother of God, being conceived and born into the sin of the forefathers, prepared for herself a rich and God-pleasing life until God's judge.

And to come by itself to ask for food, why none of the people, the people of all times, do not hesitate more for the Mother of God. So, for example, we not only can’t, but we don’t know the name of the mother of the holy forefather Abraham, who gave the light offspring of the chosen people of God. So we don’t know anything about the matir of the holy king, that prophet David, from whose family the Virgin Mary herself resembled.
And it is not our fault that those who in the Holy Gospel do not speak of її dіyannya in those moments, if the earthly glory of її Divine Sin shone especially brightly. For her deep humility, as the holy fathers explain, she did not allow the apostles to describe their exploits.

It’s not your fault to be blessed and then, if we read in the holy Gospel about those, like Mother of God and Yogo brothers for the body, not having thought to go to New through the sting of the people, to speak to Him, they asked to tell Yoma that the stench checks on New, and Vіn vіdpovіv: My mother is my brother and brother who hears the word of God and sees it (Lk. 8:21). I who will vikonuvat the will of My Heavenly Father, that is my brother, sister, and mother (Mt. 12, 50).

There is no swearing here, no application of the Mother of God. Bozha Mother of God was one of the people who, from childhood, hovered at the temple of God, always hearing and chanting the word of God. And just as Vaughn carried the Son of God in her arms for the hour of Yogo earthly childhood, so did Vіn, who gave her due glory, having taken his soul into her hands on the cob of her heavenly life. More than that, vikouyuchi the law, giving Him about the shanuvannya of the fathers of children, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, having sent His Most Pure Matir to Sundays on the third day and to those who were brought to Himself in the Kingdom of Heaven, we will clean the body at once with Її.

For the life of the Most Holy Theotokos, it was sown and shanuvannya Її іkon. Up to our time, the image of the Most Pure Image, shattered by the Evangelist Luke, has been sent down. One of the images that belong to the letter of the Evangelist, behind the instructions, is the Volodymyr Icon of the Mother of God, which played a great role in the share of Russia.

Retelling saved us the history of the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Lydian Temple. Vaughn was associated with the preaching of the Gospel by the apostles Peter and Ivan at the Lіdі mist, de stinks woke up the church in the name of the Blessed Divi. Turning to Jerusalem, the apostles asked God Matir to consecrate the temple with His presence.

"Go and rave, I'll be with you there" Vaughn replied.

Arriving to Lida, the stench revealed on one of the inner steps of the temple the image of the Mother of God, invisible and the largest of creations.

When I arrived at the Lіdіysk temple of the Mother of God, as a blessing, having bowed to His image and praying to him, the icon took away the grace-filled power.

Movchannya - the shield of the Mother of God

The earthly path of the Mother of God was a path of familiarity with the blessings of the earth and malt, a path of simplicity and short-lived, voluntary disobedience, as if to be sacrificed to God. With whom, Vauna is small for all the glory, as only a person could be the mother of all the hours of the foundation of mankind. “They gave me power,” write St. Dimitry of Rostov, “who is the strongest and most powerful in the Celestial Empire? .. — I would say: “There is nothing minuscule and strongest on earth and in heaven, the song of our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Most Holy Lady Maria". Vaughn is strong on earth, moreover Vaughn erased the head of an invisible serpent and did not care about hellish strength. Overcome with her, fall down against her. Strong is Vaughn in heaven: for the God of the Almighty and Mitznoy will be sung with prayers, merciful to us. I say, I call with my prayers of God, Whom I tied on the earth with swaddling clothes, for if Vіn, rotting with our sins, I want to strate us ... She stretches out her blessed hands to the New ... so as not to stock sinners with their iniquities " .

Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow calls the life of the Most Holy Theotokos unapplicable for other people, because the sacrament of the Mother of the Lord is unique and unrepeatable, but at once and guards us from thoughts, because the goodness of the Mother of God is not repeated. “The example of the holiness of the Blessed Virgin was given to us by the gospel, not only for our reverence and inspiration, but also for our establishment and succession,” the wise mentor said.

The earthly life of the Mother of God, like the life of the rich Christians of that hour, was full of indelible sorrows and sorrows. And the Blessed Virgin, by stretching out her life, gave glory to our sufferings.
Movchki suffering - the axis of what was on the earth Її permanent share.
Vaughn moaned, if in the cold winter night it was going to give a porch to the Newly Narodzhenny Sin, and if only domestic creatures played their hearts with the Tsar of the Tsar at the Bethlehem den.
Vaughn murmured, if in fear for His Divine Silence beg for Him in faraway Egypt in the presence of a zhortogo Іrod, if she dragged the robbers to the hands.
Vaughn murmured, if Sina groaned in a poor house on a koshti, grabbing old Josip's carpenter's work, which, it is possible, and not forever hung on her family.
Vaughn murmured, if Sin had lost її і pіshov on the great right to preach the word of God to the people.
Vaughn moaned, if Vіn, Її Divine Sin, standing beating with scourges, spitting, at the crown of thorns, under which blood was caked on the beloved choli. If Vin, falling, supported by legionaries, nіs the streets of Jerusalem Holy Cross.
Vaughn murmured, if the sounds of an important hammer filled her ears, hammering the flowers into the body of the Divine Sin.
Movchala, if Vіn, hanging on the Cross, deprived of the beloved teachings, experiencing the torment, scho took away the torment of all people, all the bitterness of our sins and the burden of guilt before God of all the people of all the people of that people.
Vaughn marveled and murmured, be ready to commemorate for Yogo's life, to take care of Your life, to ease Yogo's torment with Your torment ... Podtrimuvana only thought that the suffering of Її Sina is tse great suffering, often talking about yaks Vіn.

Great is the meaning of tsikh khvilin in the life of the people.

The soullessness of the soul has a new feat - the feat of a row of people, all of them saved from fatigue, as if they would demand help and mercy. Її “Cherubic service” to the Divine Sin – and “Cherubic” literally means “too much of the mind” – was filled with new services, without any help, for the sake of Divine love – to the entire human race...

From that hour on, the Mother of God of the commandment of the Divine Sin is sacredly victorious, unceasingly and with great diligence, perebuvaya in the practice of saving our souls.

Following the church order, the Virgin Mary humbly prayed for Saul, the future apostle Paul, if he persecuted Christians and took the fate of their strata.

Enthronement of the Mother of God in Russia

On the back in the writings of the holy fathers, we write more than two shares of the Mother of God: I believe that holy Mount Athos. Prote already soon after the praise of Orthodoxy in Russia, the camp changed.

With great reverence and trepidation, our ancestors allowed themselves to boldly raise up to the blessings of the Most Holy Theotokos and the third - the Russian land, our Russia, the light of the faith of Christ in the yak penetrated in the 1st century at the same time with the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, which put the Cross on the Kiev mountains.

As soon as the holy apostle fell asleep in the Christian community and fell asleep in the temple near Chersonese, Russia passed a rich path through the fragmentation of the pagan tribes to the Orthodox state with the capital Moscow - the third Rome.

Accepting Orthodoxy from the holy Baptism, the Russian people have gained and fully manifested their historical identity with Christ. By stretching out to stand our people by being themselves and poninі the united Church of Christ, the body of Christ. Everlasting Mary, as the Mother of the Most Pure Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Mother of the Church as the Body of Christ. This means that the Church of Christ will inevitably be remembered by the Mother of God, in the image of serving His Sin Christ.

By the Russian people, it was completely understood and adopted by the Russian people. Yogo's spiritual image clearly expresses "Mother of God's character" and was designated by the successors of Russian holiness.

The Mother of God Spirit of the I character of the Russian soul was formed nasamed the PDs of Chernettvoy, Yak had come down to the vinikenes of the famous Kiyvo-Pecheri Monastier, who was in the eight of the XI Plain of the Antoniye, who was in the becomes. in the Lavra there is a statute of the Studite clergy (the statute of the Monk Theodore the Studite, written for the Studite monastery, reports describing the bindings from the monastic settlements by ear — ed.).

The appearance of St. Anthony of the Caves near Kiev was not vipadkovo. The ascetic spent a long time on the holy Mount Athos, until the abbot of the monastery was ordered to see God, so that Antony would be allowed to go to Russia. І axis, as if advocating the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon, “Anthony ... came to Kiev ... and climbed the hump and fell in love with the place, praying to God with tears, saying: “Lord, let the blessing of the Holy Athos Mountains be on the mission” ... and they fell there, diligently digging the great oven with their hands ... Then come to St. Anthony in the oven and St. Theodosius ... and the other.

And now all the people of Russia have perebuvav under the prayer cover of the Most Holy Theotokos, by the prayers of their holy ascetics, turning the land of Ruska into the Third fall of the Mother of God.

What a Bula of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Church dbaily takes care of telling about the earthly image of the Most Holy Theotokos, in which the contemporaries gave respect to the likeness of the Mother of that Divine Sin.

“Vona was of average height, otherwise, as it seems to others, she was of average size. Her hair was golden, her eyes were lively, her eyebrows were arched, dark, not straight, drooping, ruining the plumage, her appearance was not round and not sharpened, the scarlet trochs were lowered, her hands and fingers were long. (In one of the contemplatives about the Mother of God, it was said that she had light-brown eyes, the colors of a mature tyutyun - ed.). At rosemary, Vaughn took a modest grace, did not laugh, did not become overwhelmed, did not become especially angry. Totally unsightly, simple, Vaughn didn’t think about herself, and, far from delicacy, she was full of humility. Vaughn was satisfied with the natural color of the robe, now to bring the sacred head cover to the її. In short, seeming, in all її children, special grace manifested itself ”(Nikifor Callist,“ Church History ”).

“Vona was a Diva not only in her body, but in her soul: humble in heart, both in words, reasonable, not rich in words, a lover of reading ... practical, sensible in language, shunning not a person, but God Judge His thoughts. The rule of Її bulo - do not impersonate anyone, we must be kind, shun the elders, do not tease the equal, unify the boastful, be reasonable, love honesty. Hiba won’t want to be virazed, if it were necessary, she formed a father, or she was in bad weather with her relatives, pissed in front of a modest person, laughed at the weak, shrugged off at the impossible? She had nothing stern in her look, nothing unusual in her words, nothing obscene in her actions: her body was modest, her steps were quiet, her voice was equal; henceforth, looking її bv vіrazhennyam souls, separating purity ”(St. Ambrose of Mediolansky).

For the life of the Mother of God, Dionysius the Areopagite, who specially came from Athens to Jerusalem, to help the Mother of God, writing to his teacher, the Apostle Paul:

“I witness by God that, the cream of God Himself, there is nothing in the All-World, the floor of the divine power and grace. In the sight of її grace, my heart was weak, my spirit was stunned. Yakby in me was not in your memory, set me up, I respected the bi її ist true God. It is not possible for me to manifest greater bliss, lower than those that I am aware of.”

The Mother of God on the third day after His blessed Dormition resurrected and still lives in Heaven in body and soul. She doesn’t just live in Heaven, she reigns in Heaven... The Holy Church, roaming its way to all the greatest saints of God, to all the Angels and Archangels, they say: “Pray to God for us.” One Mother of God won't ask: "Keep us" and "Have mercy"!

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