Tulchinsk єparkhіya Іllіntsi Rіzdva Bogoroditsі church. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Tulchin. A short sketch of history

Creation date: October 4, 1994

Krajina: Ukraine

Location: tulch і n, administrative center of Tulchinsky district of Vinnitsa region, Ukraine

Addresses: Ukraine, 23600, Vinnitsa region, m. Tulchin, st. Leontovich, 41.

Telephone-fax office: (4335) 2–18–04

Єparhialna shomіsyachna dvomovna newspaper "Orthodox svіvrozmovnik", editor Archpriest Vasil Kovach.

Assistant to the editor of the eparchial newspaper "Pravoslavniy svіvrozmovnik"- senior subdeacon Sergiy Zinkevich.


Ruling Diocesan Bishop: His Eminence Jonathan (Yeleckih), Metropolitan Tulch і nsky ta br a clavsky

Vicar Bishop- His Eminence Sergiy (Anіtsoy), Bishop of Ladizhinskiy, who looks to the right of the Tulchinsk єparkhії, the secretary of the Єparhial ї for the sake of the settlement) http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5168016.html

Assistant Secretary of the Tulchin Eparchy Archpriest Vasyl Kovach

Head of the diocesan office- Archpriest Oleksandr Palisyuk

Assistant to the diocesan bishop- ієromonakh Ієronіm (Tooth)

Economy of the Tulchinsk єparkhії - Protodeacon Sergiy Gradilenko

Assistant manager of the office of the Tulchinsk eparchy - senior subdeacon Sergiy Zinkevich


Headlines about the diocese

Creation date: October 4, 1994

Krajina: Ukraine

Location: tulch і n, administrative center of the Tulchinsky district, similar part of the Vinnitsa region, Ukraine.

Cathedral place- Tulch і m, population - 10 ths. osib

So-cathedral city- Br a clav, population - 4 ths. osib

Cathedral Church- Christ-Rizdvyany Cathedral, m.Tulch і n, rector - Bishop Sergiy (Anitsoi), vicar of the Tulchinsk eparchy



Territorially (the camp for 2019) divided the Tulchinsk eparchy into 15 church districts (deanery), recognized by the ruling archpriest as administrators-priests (deanery).

Among the diocesan church districts: Tulchinsk (Miska), Bratslavskoe (Miska), Bershad Deanery, Gaisinsk, Illinetsk, Ladizhynsk, Lipovetsk, Nemirivsk, Orativsk, Pogrebishchensk, Teplitsk, Trostyanetsk, Tulchinsk and Tulchinsk (district).

The management of the Tulchinsk eparchy is the canonical eparchial hierarch, appointments by the Holy Synod of the UOC, for the advent of the new ієrarchіchnoї lordship of the holy Apostles without a hitch, or in the same day with the diocesan council, as the clergy of the dioceses are formed.

The eparchy has the eparchial Church Court.

Fold the diocesan court for the sake of that diocesan court to perform periodic rotation.

When forming warehouses for the sake of that church court, the diocesan bishops may have the right to "veto" (nomination of candidates).


(main warehouse with a camp for 2019 rіk)

  1. Metropolitan Yonatan (Yeleckih) - head, ruling bishop of the Tulchinsk єparkhії.
  2. Bishop of Ladizhinsky Sergiy (Anіtsoyu), vicar of the Tulchinsk єparkhії, cheruyuschey on the right of the Tulchinsk єparkhії, secretary of the Єparkhial ї for the sake of.
  3. Archpriest Roman Rudakov, Dean of Tulchin.
  4. Archpriest Vasyl Goncharuk, Dean of the Nemirovsky Church District.
  5. Archpriest Oleksandr Palisyuk, head of the office of the Tulchin diocesan administration.
  6. Archpriest Vasyl Kovach, other secretary of the Tulchinsk eparchy.

Note. From the blessing of the ruling bishop of all deaneries of the diocesan church districts, the clergymen of the diocesan churches (right-wing, youth, pilgrimage and so on.) extensions warehouse for the sake of the parish (with the right to vote).


The Episcopal Rada - an additional situational body under the diocesan bishop - was founded at the turn of the year 2016 by the order of His Grace Jonathan, Archbishop (Ninі Metropolitan) of Tulchinsky and Bratslavsky.

For the sake of the Bishop's warehouse, the vicar archbishop of the Tulchinsk eparchy enters - behind the settlement.

The bishop's warehouse for the sake of being formed by the ruling archpriests of the diocesan clergy, as a positive sign of liturgical, charitable, missionary, administrative and government activities.


(standard for 2018 rіk)

  1. Archpriest Roman Rudakov, Head, Dean of Metropolitan Tulchin.
  2. Archpriest Vasyl Goncharuk - Secretary, Deanery of the Nemirovsky Church District.
  3. Archpriest Sergiy Poyarkin, rector of the Holy Intercession Church in the village of Suvorivsk, Tulchinsky church district.


1) Holy Dormition human monastery, Tishkivska sloboda, Gaisinska deanery. Rector - Igumen Amfilokhiy (Vasilevsky).

2) Women's monastery in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael (Arkhangelo-Mikhailivsky) near the district center of Checheln і Rector - Abbess Seraphim (Smaglo).


Archpriest ROMAN RUDAKIV, deanery of the church at Tulchyn, Tulchyn diocese of the UOC



As you can see, since the Christianization of Russia until the half of the 15th century, Podillya and Galicia were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan of Kiev, who was appointed to the posts of archpriests (deanery) for the church by all the clergy. In the other half of the XV century. Churches and monasteries of Galicia and Podillya Svіtskaya vlad ordered the monastics of the Lvіvsk mischief, and for King Sigizmund I (to the aid of the Orthodox nobility, the clergy and fraternities), the clergy of the clergy was again transferred to the administration of the Kiev Metropolis. Location Br a Claw became the administrative center of the one-named voivodeship.

From 1498, Bratslav was subjected to gradual desertions from the Crimean Tatars, who attacked at the order of the Turkish sultans, who fought in Poland. These raids were so frequent and so devastating that in 1598 all the orders and courts established the voivodships were transferred to a safe small town. - Vinnitsa.

After the formation of the political union of Lithuania and Poland and the establishment of a single power - the Commonwealth, the attack of the gentry of the Roman Church on the Orthodox Belarus and Ukraine began, the Brest Church Union with Rome became the legacy of which. Years later, the merciless economic exploitation of the kripaks by the Polish feudal lords took an active part, and the top of the Jewish Kahal took an active part, which rented their great lands in Ukraine.

The succumbence of economic oppression and collapsible interethnic-religious protirich gave rise to a baked Viysk resistance - Khmelnytskyi region, and led to a political underworld of Polish territories between the trio of suidnіmi іmperiyami (Austria, Nodmechchyna, Russian history).

The Polish Order introduced the Unia of Obov'yazkovy for all Orthodox followers on the territory of the Commonwealth, and the Orthodox faith was put under the law.

The clergy, as if they had accepted the union, were regarded as having rights with priests and corroborated the Lvov Uniate bishops, and the Orthodox, who stumbled, - to the Kiev metropolitans and often to the Pereyaslav bishops.

On the podіlli, uninvited on the UNIATS-Catholic VISK, 562 Orthodox Church flocked: the Protopopi-Matzlavko-70, Nemiribskiy-56, Rashkkiykiy-52, Krasnyansky-40, Bravyvskiyskiy-55, Vinniki-55. , in Yampilskaya - 55.

In 1770, the Orthodox Podilsky and Bratslav voivodships ventured to secretly send Archpriest John Bazilevich of Chervonnya to St. Petersburg with information about the persecution. In 1773, the Uniate Metropolitan of Lviv Leo Sheptytsky sent Bishop Maximilian Rilo of Kholmsk near Volynsk and Podilsk voivodeships, who, for the help of the Polish military teams, became the power to hoard the Orthodox Church for the planting of the Unius. Nezabar for the decisions of the Warsaw Catholic Congress on April 4, 1776, the Orthodox population of the Right-Bank Ukraine was covered with a special tribute - a charitable, which is made up of pennies and natural parts.

In 1771 and 1773, the fates of the new Orthodox Podillya were born to St. Petersburg to protect their faith. Only in 1786, under the pressure of Empress Katherine II, an Orthodox diocese was established for the Orthodox population of the Polish Right-Bank Ukraine.

The right-bank part of Ukraine until 1793 was part of the warehouse of the Catholic Commonwealth and divided into 4 voivodships - Kiev (without Kiev, a kind of Russian order), Volinsk, Podilsk and Bratslav.

After the 2nd division of Poland by the First Decree of Empress Catherine the Great on April 13, 1793, the Izyaslav and Bratslav provinces were established on the Right Bank of Ukraine, as well as the border zone with the Austro-Ugric region Kam'yanets region was founded.

Nezabar on the territory of Minsk (Belarus), Izyaslav and Bratslav provinces, a single Orthodox diocese was founded. On May 15, 1793, a bishop was appointed to the same day. He became an archpastor from Kiev Metropolis named after Viktor, who was among the grass 1794. having turned to all the unities of the great land, with a call to turn to the faith of the fathers. The letter ended with the words: “The persecution has come. Go to the arms of the Church, your Mother, and do not let yourself enjoy the silence of conscience, and do not go along the path of truth, which leads you to grace ... ".

The pastor's cry, having answered a hot note, and already in the fierce fate of 1795, Archbishop Viktor, with joy, announced to the Holy Synod that "1700 churches from 1032 fate priests and million laity adopted to the embrace of the Orthodox Church. In one Bratslav province turned to Orthodoxy 1442 Orthodox churches.

For the success of the Orthodox mission, Empress Katherine II saw the Name Decree: “For the shortest management of spiritual rights ... fall asleep at the first hour of one miscevogo hierarch, ... pіd 'call (title)Bratslavsky and Podilsky giving you a place (honour) under the Archpriest of Novgorod-Siversky". Outside the Choice of Laws Russian Empire, 1795 p.

The First Bishop of Bratslav and Podilsky appointed the archimandrite of the Moscow stavropegic Donskoy monastery Ioanikiy (Polonny) to be a buti.

Born in 1742 to rock in Volin near the town of Polonny, that was the name of Yogo Polonny. May 13, 1795 Archimandrite Joannikiy was hanged on the Bishop of Bratslav and Podilsky with rebuvannyam at Kam'yantsi Podilsky. (Vladika Ioaniky worked at the department for 24 years and died on February 7, 1819 at 78 years of life. Buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kam'yanets-Podilsky).

In 1795 p. The Bratslav-Podilsk eparchy was divided into regions: 1) Bratslavsky, 2) Tulchinsky, 3) P'yatigorsky, 4) Lipovetsky, 5) Vinnitsky, 6) Khmelnytsky, 7) Makhnivsky, 8) Skvirsky, 9) Lithuanian Mogilivsky, 11) , 12) Bershadsky, 13) Gaisinsky, 14) Kam'yanetsky, 15) Ushytsky, 16) Proskurivsky, 17) Zinkovetsky, 18) Grudetsky, 19) Starokostyantinivsky, 20) Bazilevsky, 2

For example, in the eighteenth century in the Bratslav-Podilsky eparchy there were two cathedral and 2048 parish churches, in which 1865 priests, 1903 deacons and palamars served. There were also 69 supernumerary priests, 68 supernumerary deacons and palamars, 319 seminarians.

In 1797, part of the povitiv was transferred to the Kiev and Volyn provinces, and from the Voznesensk eparchy, the Baltic and Olga were transferred about Polish.

In 1799, a synodal decree punished the places of Dubno, Kremenets and Starokostyantiniv, the number I at the Bratslav eparchy, were brought to the eparchy of Zhytomyr. For the first time, the Bratslav diocese was changed at its warehouse and is now called the diocese of Podilskoy. Bishop's title becoming "Podilsky and Bratslavsky».

At the administrative station, roaming at the borders of the Podilsk province, the Podilsko-Bratslav eparchy was abandoned until 1917. Unfortunately, the political chaos that has come, Gromadyanskaya war and the crooked persecution of the Church in revolutionary Russia destroyed the administrative-canonical power of the Podilsky region, which was developing, and therefore it is not yet possible to establish the exact procedure for filling the chair on the basis of the revealed archival data.

Not earlier than 1921, the Tulchin clergy of the Kam'yanets-Podilsk eparchy was established, and in 1922 the clergy was established in 1922 in recognition of the fall of Bishop Photius (Mankovsky) into renovation.

After the end of the VVV, the city of Vinnitsa became the administrative regional center of the similar Podillya. The Bishop of Vinnytsia became the head of Timchas and the western part of Podill with the center near Khmelnytskyi (previously called Proskurov).

Old-time place Kam'yanets Podilsky - the largest diocesan center of the Podilsko-Bratslavsky eparchy, sovereignty included to the warehouse of the Ternopil region of Western Ukraine. Ninі Misto Kam'yanets-Podilskyi is the spiritual and administrative center of the Kamyanets-Podilsky eparchy of the UOC.

In the 90s of the XX century, at the link with the collapse of the ideology of sovereign atheism, at the Vinnitsa eparchy, at the warehouse like a buv and metro Tulchin, the old churches began to spring up and new churches began to spring up. Until the end of 1994, there were 561 of them.

Vrakhovuychitse, the Holy Synod of the UOC on July 4, 1994, praised the decision about the establishment of the Tulchinsk eparchy as a way to see 16 similar deaneries from the Vinnytsia eparchy.

To the warehouse of the newly-created Tulchinskoy єparkhії uvіyshov and the old center of the Podіlsk єparkhії, if the wealthy people of Bratslav (there are 6,000 people living near Tulchin, and 12.5 thousand people living near Tulchin).

In 2014, the Holy Synod of the Vinnytsia and Tulchyn eparchy saw a small number of deaneries, from which the third eparchy was established near the Vinnytsia region - Mohyliv-Podilsk. The Kozyatyn deanery of the Tulchinsk eparchy also moved to the warehouse of the Vinnytsia eparchy.

Before that, three independent eparchies of the UOC were established near the western part of the Podillya - near the Khmelnitsky region. Together, from the Kam'yanets-Podilsky eparchy, all the stinks added up the number 7, which is the historical maximum of the number of Orthodox eparchies in Podillya vzagali.


  1. Archbishop Ioaniky (Nikiforovich-Polonsky) from April 12, 1795 to February 7, 1819 (died).
  2. Archbishop Anthony (Sokolov) from February 15, 1819 to April 3, 1821 (died on February 29, 1827).
  3. Archbishop Xenophon (Troepolsky) from 3 March 1821 to 24 September 1832 (died 4 January 1834).
  4. Archbishop Kirilo (Platonov-Bogoslovsky) from September 24, 1832 to February 28, 1841 (died), who in 1835 consecrated the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the city of Tulchin - Ninishniy Cathedral).
  5. Archbishop Arseniy (Moscow) from April 5, 1841 to November 6, 1848, after the Metropolitan of Kiev (died April 28, 1878).
  6. Bishop Elpidifor (Benediktiv) from 6 leaf fall 1848 to 29 birch 1851, then archbishop (died on 31 January 1861).
  7. Bishop Yevsevy (Іllіnsky) from 29 Birch, 1851 to 1 Birch, 1858;
  8. Archbishop Irinarkh (Popov) from Birth 17, 1858 to December 20, 1863 (died on Spring 28, 1868).
  9. Archbishop Leonty (Lebedinsky) from March 20, 1863 to July 2, 1874, Metropolitan of Moscow (died on September 1, 1893).
  10. Bishop Theognost (Lebedev) from 7 March 1874 to 2 March 1878, then Archbishop of Novgorod.
  11. Bishop Markel (Popel) from December 9, 1978 to February 6, 1882.
  12. Bishop Victorin (Lubimov) from 6 birch to 21 sick 1882 (died).
  13. Bishop Iustin (Okhotin) from Birch 15, 1882 to Birch 28, 1887, Archbishop of Kherson.
  14. Bishop Donat (Sokoliv-Bobinsky) from 28 February 1887 to 13 March 1890, archbishop.
  15. Bishop Dimitry (Sambikin) from 13 December 1890 to 1 leaf fall 1896.
  16. Bishop Irenaeus - from 2 leaf fall, 1896 to 29 April 1900.
  17. Bishop Christopher (Smirnov) from April 29, 1900 to March 1, 1904.
  18. Bishop Parfeniy (Levitsky) from 1 March 1904 to 15 Spring 1908.
  19. Bishop Seraphim - March 15, 1908 to March 22, 1914. Bishop Mitrofan (Afonsky) from February 22, 1914 to June 1917.
  20. Bishop Pimen (Pegov) from Zhovtnya 1917 on the chest 1919.
  21. Bishop Ambrose - from early 1919 to late 1920.
  22. Bishop Pimen - from lime 1920 to zhovten 1923.
  23. Archbishop Boris - from late 1923 to late 1927.
  24. Bishop Varlaam, who ruled Timchas from September 1927 to September 1929.
  25. Bishop Petro, from September 1929 to April 1931.
  26. Shmch. Oleksandr (Petrovsky) from April 25, 1933 to May 20, 1937.
  27. Shmch. Inokentij (Tikhonov) from 5 April to 29 leaf fall, 1937.
  28. Evlogij (Markovsky) from 5 serpnya 1942 to 1943 rec.
  29. Bishop Maxim (Bachinskiy) from 1944 to 1945.
  30. Archpriest N. M. Salata - 1946, the appointment of the Patriarchal Exarch of Ukraine.
  31. Bishop Yakiv (Zaїka) from February 2, 1947 to November 18, 1948.
  32. Bishop Anatoly from 1948 to 1949.
  33. Bishop Inokentij (Zelnitsky) from September 30, 1949 to December 27, 1951.
  34. Bishop Andriy (Sukhenko) from December 27, 1951 to February 9, 1954, in / in, jp. Chernivetsky
  35. Bishop Andriy (Sukhenko) from February 9, 1954 to July 17, 1955.
  36. Archbishop Simon (Ivanovsky) from July 19, 1955 to September 14, 1961. (Since 1942, the archbishop of Chernigivsky and Nizhinsky. In 1944, the NKVS was arrested and until 1954, he was sent to Siberia in the lіsopovalі).
  37. Archbishop Joasaph (Lelyukhin) from 14 September 1961 to 30 February 1964.
  38. Archbishop Alipiy (Khotovitsky) from 30 February 1964 to 11 leaf fall 1975.
  39. Metropolitan Agafangel (Savin) from 16 leaf fall 1975 to spring 1991. Buv illegally vouchers for the peaceful kolishnim Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko) - for the prevention of the split.
  40. Archbishop Theodosius (Dikun) from spring 1991 to 1992
  41. Metropolitan Agafangel (Savin) - born in 1992 (reviews at the department of decisions of the Bishops' Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church before being transferred to Odessa).
  42. Metropolitan Makariy (Svistun) from 22 March 1992 to 4 October 1994 - Vinnytsia and Bratslav; (from June 4, 1994 to June 4, 2007 - Vinnitsa and Mogiliv-Podilsky).
  43. Metropolitan Simeon (Shchostatsky) from 10.06. 2007 to - Vinnytsia and Mogiliv-Podilsky; (since 5 September 2013 - Vinnytsia and Barsky). On December 17, 2018, the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was buried by the servant of Metropolitan Simeon of Vinnytsia and Barsky for subduing the "autocephalous" split of the OCU.
  44. Archbishop Barsonofy (Joiner). Decisions of the Holy Synod of the UOC dated December 17, 2018 (magazine No. 72) was recognized by His Eminence Vinnitsky and Barsky.


44. Bishop Inokentii (Shestopol), Tulchinsky and Bratslavsky from 1994 to 1999 rіk.

46. ​​Metropolitan Yonatan (Yeleckih), Tulchinsky and Bratslavsky, from the fall of the leaves of 2006 to rock and fall.

Dzherela and Literature:

1. Paraffia of that church of the Podilsk diocese. For red. Euphemia Setsinsky, born in 1901.

2. Draw the history of the Podilsky eparchy (1795-1995), O.K. Foxy.

3. Podilsky єparkhialny vіdomosti 1876r., 1895r.

4. Podilsk archpastors (1795–1895). V. Yakubovich, P. Vikul., 1895

    Russian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church ... Wikipedia

    These articles do not have a message sent to the dzherela of information. The information may be subject to revision, otherwise it may have been put in doubt and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    Qiu article follow vіkіfіkuvati. Be kind, issue її zgіdno with the rules for the design of articles.

    The stock of the Russian Orthodox Church includes the parishes of direct order in Russia, the Close Abroad, the Americas and Europe, the Chinese and Japanese Autonomous Orthodox Churches, the autonomous Ukrainian, Moldavian, Latvian, Estonian and Russian ... Wikipedia

    Articles have short presentations up-to-date information about the eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). All dioceses are repaid according to the regions of their significance in alphabetical order. The titles of the archivists are born with the names of those who are enchanted by them ... ... Wikipedia

    At the Pomіsny Sobor take the fate of the diocesan archbishops and vicars of the archbishops (crime of those who are calm and quiet, who perebuvaє under the fence). Krim them, each eparchy is elected by one delegate each white clergy, among blacks and laity. Zagalne number… … Wikipedia

    The article presents short, up-to-date information about the eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at the warehouse of the Moscow Patriarchate Div.

    Dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church The article presents short, up-to-date information about the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at the warehouse of the Moscow Patriarchate Div. also the statue of the Eparchy of Ukraine The name of the eparchy The ruling bishop ...

A video recording of a simple slander on a cleric of the canonical Church.

Ієromonakh Ієronіm (Tooth) rightly recognized Greek-Catholic Oksana Libid at the right to become an adoptive nepolyatka, which the fathers sang to be baptized by the Orthodox. Please check with the application published by the press service of the Tulchin eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

20 SICHOUNSIA 2019 ROCO PID TAS TARSENSION OF ROMENTARITH ABOVENSKO TURMAL M. Bershadi Vinnitsyo Oksana Lybіd, requested by Ditini Boti, Knight Matir'yu, to clarify the pantan of the pitannya izhomonakh izhronim, Yakii Zavoduvuvu, Taanyanism, said, Scho Sports Greco-Katolyska. The priest made the girls in the right to become a boy and asked to take the place of the guests. The sacrament of baptism continued, but Oksana Libid began to interrupt the prayers with wiguks, also iromonk Ironim asking you to leave the church. After a certain hour, the girl turned to the escort of her father, a participant in the ATO, as if becoming in a rude form of z'yasovuvaty, to which the yogo donka was "expelled from the temple."

Having consumed the videotape from ZMI, they tried rozdmukhati from the whole history of the “grand scandal”. The Tulchin eparchy of the UOC made a statement to the call.

As they guessed at the press service, according to the old sacro-Orthodox canonical right, baptismal fathers (priymachs) of Orthodox children can only be baptized, believing members of the Orthodox Church. Oskilki Oksana Libid publicly declared that she was a Greek Catholic, a Vidma priest on her fate at the Sacrament, like a baptized mother, a fair mother.

“In such a situation, the priests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church would have blamed it on their own,” the Tulchin eparchy said.

The press service called it an unbelievable truth, the firmness, nibi Oksana Libid was inspired to become a spy for reading Ukrainian prayers. At the Tulchinskiyi єparkhіїi, they knocked about the Ukrainian Movyannnya, and the same on the ї ї ї ії, but about the book “Tlumachy residents of the divine likiyu saints of the Territe Vasili, the Morovo, the Morovoye, the Morovoye of the Motor.

The press service said that it was obvious video recording simply declare about the improper behavior of the cleric of the canonical Church - at the hour of the incident, the hieromonk Іronim behaved tactfully and strimanoly, which cannot be said about Oksana Lybid, that її father, who figuratively spoke at the address of the priest and promised to “recover” with him.

To the decisions of the ruling bishop, "for men's standing at Pravoslavia" that "high spiritual butt of fidelity to the priestly oath", iromonakh Іronim (Tooth) will be presented to the backyard of the church.

The first Bishop of Tulchinsky was just like that, like in the Slavsk_y єparhії, the holy hierarch is the sufferer - Olympiy I. Vіn hangings on the tsyu єparhіyu 26 spring 1847 r. Ale in 1854 vіn buv arrests at once with Arcadia, the archbishop of Slavs, the Russian military command and departments, de i buv settlements at the Suzdal fort. There he was guilty and rested about the Lord on September 25, 1859, in the same place he was buried.

Another Bishop of Tulchin buv Justin, ordained on May 22, 1861. Bishop Anuphriy of Brail. Too young we were hanging on bishops and, moreover, we had a restless character, which caused our fall: we went to Russia and there we came to unity in 1867.

Third Bishop of Jeremiah, decreed on November 30, 1872 Ale of advancing fate died on 28 limes and consecrations near the Slavsky Monastery.

Fourth buv Bishop Vіssarion, hanging on the 16th day of 1873. Ruled by the Tulchinsk eparchy until the end of 1877. Tsgogo fate, 6 breasts, transfers to the Іzmailsky єparkhіyu zі zvedennyam at the rank of archbishop. Died near m. Izmaili on September 27, 1881

Fifth Bishop of Tulchin buv Olympiy II, hanging on 15 September 1878 In 1883 p. issued by the monastics of the Metropolia with redundancy for him to the Tulchinsk eparchy. Died on September 20, 1899. in Galicia, de i pohovany.

We honor Bishop Macarius, hanging on the tsyu diocese on the 4th chervnya, 1900, at the hour of names and monastic of the metropolis. At the Metropolitan's office, the 10th of Veresnia, 1906, was called.

Somim buv Yoasaf, ordained to the bishopric on May 13, 1907 Ale of advancing fate died at the metropolis on the 15th of spring and was buried there.

Dev'yatim buv Nikodim, appointments 13 Zhovtnya 1919 1 Zhovtnya 1924 signs in the metropolitan.

Tenth Bishop Savvatii Slavsky. Yomu was entrusted to the cheruvati of the Tulchinsk eparchy from 1927.

Eleventh Bishop Inokentii, Kolishniy Kishinev. For example, the black month, 1940 Bessarabia came before Radianskaya Russia. Bishop Inokentii happened to leave Chisinau. Vin settled at the Tulce metro station. The Christians of Tulchin turned away to the new one to accept the Tulchin diocese from their head. At the fore, having revealed the letter of the year, that Bishop Savvaty. Metropolitan Siluyan on behalf of him and entrusted Bishop Inokentii with the curation of the Tulchinsk eparchy.

Obidvі єparhії - Slavska and Tulchinska - a little bit under the Turkish panuvannya, the relics of Dobruja entered the warehouse of the Turkish Empire. The Turkish order mayzhe in the beginning of the foundation of the tsikh єparkhіy vyznav and having established the canonical-legal camp of the Old Believer ієєєrarchії with power. Ale after the Russian-Turkish war 1877 Dobruja reached Rumunia and with such a rank the eparchy opinated already in the borders of the Romanian kingdom. The Romanian order, having recognized all their rights for them, like stench koristuvalis in Turechchina. In such a camp, the stink lingers until our time.

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