List of organs of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation. Federal bodies of the sovereign power of Russia - features, description of the history. Organization of justice in the Russian Federation

Vikonavcha vlada zdіysnuє state administration. Organi vykonavchoї vlady may have significant legal independence by appointment to the legislator and the court of state power. The stench is not under the control of representative authorities. Organizations of vikonavchos, zokrema, order of the Russian Federation, endowed with the right of legislators to initiate, and to inspire state-sovereign innovations from the appearance of legal acts and control over vikonannya.

Organi vykonavchoї vlady can buti federal and vikonavchou dominion of subjects of the Russian Federation Keywords: republics, territories, regions, federal districts (Moscow, St. Petersburg), autonomous regions and autonomous districts.

Fallow due to the nature of competence to differ Organi zagalnoy, galuzevoj, intergaluzevoj competence.

Organs of global competence- Orders, administrations of subjects of the Russian Federation. The stench is building up the security of the greater number of management galuses, ensuring the economic, social and cultural development of the suburban area.

Organization of Galuze's Competence zdіysnyuyut kerіvnitstvo pіdorderovanіm them galuzy (for example, the Ministry of Health Protection, the Committee Russian Federation from metallurgy and in.).

Organization of intergaluze competence vykonuyut spetsіalnі її, zagalnі vsіm galuzi i spheres adminіnnya (for example, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and others.).

According to the order of presentation of the first meals, it is necessary to separate collegiate and disposable organs. The collegiate bodies represent an organized group of osibs, as they accept decisions by a greater number of votes (for example, councils, a lot of state committees and others.).

The sole authorities take decisions on nutrition, which are included in their competence, in the particulars of their ceramics (for example, ministries, administrations of territories, regions, etc.).

The federal bodies of victors were appointed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10 September 1994. "About the structure of federal bodies of vikonavchoi power": order of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, state committees of the Russian Federation, committees of the Russian Federation, Head Department of Defense of the Russian Federation, federal services, Department of the Tax Police of the Russian Federation, Agency for Communications and Information, Federal Review of Russia.

Order of the Russian Federation

Order of the Russian Federation zdіysnyuє vikonavchu vlad in the Russian Federation. The Order of the Russian Federation is formed from the head of the Order of the Russian Federation, intercessors and federal ministers. The head of the order of the Russian Federation is appointed by the president for the sake of the Sovereign Duma.

The head of the order of the Russian Federation is proposing to the president the structure of federal bodies of vikonavchos, candidates for the appointment of their intercessors and federal ministers. Vіn vіdpovіdno up to, federal laws and decrees of the president designate the main directives for the activities of the order of the Russian Federation and organize the work. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes a new order of the Russian Federation, such as:

  • rozroblyaet she submits to the State Duma the federal budget;
  • ensuring the conduct of the Russian Federation's single state policy in the sphere of culture, science, education, health protection, social security, ecology;
  • cheruє federal power;
  • live in order to secure the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of the people, to protect the power and order of the community, to fight against evil.

The order of the Russian Federation has seen a decree that order.

Federal ministries, state committees and federal departments (committees, services, agencies, departments) are brought to the attention of the central bodies of the federal government. The stench is at the borders of its competence throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation under the ceramics order of the Russian Federation. Regulations about them are approved by the President of the Russian Federation or by order of the Russian Federation (for example, the Regulations on the federal guard and pronouncements of Russia were approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on February 18, 1993 No. 234, Regulations on the Ministry of Justice 1 of the Russian Federation - Rada of the Ministers of the Russian Federation on 4 leaf fall 1993 No. ). The ministers and heads of the state committees of the Russian Federation are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation and for the settlement they enter the warehouse of the order of the Russian Federation. Valid until Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 1994. No. 66 "About the structure of federal bodies of vikonavchoi power" of federal ministries and state committees to maintain an equal legal status.

Officials of federal departments do not enter, sound, to the warehouse of the order of the Russian Federation. The departments do not enter the warehouse of ministries and independent bodies. The stench is under the protection of the order of the Russian Federation.

Acting bodies of the federal government will send power to the President of the Russian Federation, we will consolidate this Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws: the Ministry of Defense, Internal Affairs, the Service of Foreign Intelligence, the Federal Security Service and others.

Organization of vikonavchos of subjects of the Russian Federation can be subdivided into organizational, Galuze and international competencies. There is no permanently established unification in these forms, the names of the bodies of the vikonavchos of the subjects of the Russian Federation are being established, sound, with the improvement of historical and national traditions beyond the cordon. The system and forms of bodies of the vikonavcho republics are established by the constitutions, and the territories, regions, autonomous offices - by the statutes.

Organs of global competence- ce Radi ministries (order) of the republics at the warehouse of the Russian Federation, administrative territories, regions, autonomous offices.

Bodies of the Galuze and intergaluze competences of the republics and ministries, state committees, committees, head offices and others.

In the regions, territories, autonomous governments, the head offices (administrations, committees, councils, departments) come into play.

Official bodies of the structures of state power in Russia: the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Organi Vikonavchoi Authorities, the Federal Elections of the Russian Federation, the Sudova Vlad of the Russian Federation, the Rada of Security of the Russian Federation, the Central Viborcha Commission of the Russian Federation, the Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Protection of Human Rights in the Russian Federation. On the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the bodies of the victors and the legislators of the power of the subjects of Russia are founded.

The President of the Russian Federation is ruled for six years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a wild equal and direct voting right with a taem vote. A citizen of the Russian Federation not younger than 35 years old, who has permanently lived in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years, can be elected President of the Russian Federation. One and the same person cannot hug the President of the Russian Federation more than two terms sleep. The procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation is determined by federal law.

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of the state.

The President of the Russian Federation is the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of people and citizens. Vіn vzhivaє zahodіv shkodo protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, її nezalezhnosti and sovereignty lіlіsnostі, zabezpechau uzgodzhené uzgodzhené and interoperability of organsіv sovereignty. The President of the Russian Federation appoints the main directives of the internal foreign policy powers. Vin represents the Russian Federation in the middle of the country and in the international regions [ibid., art. 80].

Main features of the President:

  • a) appoint for the sake of the Sovereign Duma the Head of the Order of the Russian Federation;
  • b) have the right to vote at the meetings of the Order of the Russian Federation;
  • c) accept a decision on the appointment of the Order of the Russian Federation;
  • p) present to the Sovereign Duma a candidate for the nomination of Golov for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; put before the Sovereign Duma a petition about calling Golovi for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • bud) on the proposition of the Head of the Office of the Russian Federation appoints a settlement and appoints the patrons of the Head of the Office of the Russian Federation, federal ministers;
  • f) present for the sake of the Federation of candidates for the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; appoint judges of other federal courts;

f1) present for the sake of the Federation a nominee for the appointment of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and intercessors for the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; to submit proposals for the sake of the Federation about the incarceration of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and intercessors of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; assign to the settlement and arrest of the prosecutors of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as other prosecutors, the Crimean prosecutors of the city, districts and the prosecutors assigned to them;

f2) appoint such authorized representatives of the Russian Federation to the Radiation of the Federation;

  • g) form that special Rada of Security of the Russian Federation, the status of which is determined by federal law;
  • h) confirm the military doctrine of the Russian Federation;
  • i) the form of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • j) appoint the most important representatives of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • k) assign that higher command of the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • l) appoints such consultations with the senior committees and the commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation in foreign powers and international organizations.

President - Supreme Chief Commander With evil forces.

The President is giving food to the population of the Russian Federation, rewarding with sovereign cities, granting pardon.

In addition, for the sake of the Constitution, the President also wins over other upgrades and functions. Due to its nature, the character of the stink is mainly vikonavcho-rozoradchimi ponovazhennia and functions.

Under the Presidency of Russia, the following bodies are working: Rada of Security - is engaged in analysis and strategic planning for the entire complex of food security, as well as preparation of draft resolutions of the President in various areas; The Derzhavna Rada, the main task of the implementation of the renewal of the President of the Russian Federation for the provision of the well-being of the functioning of the state authorities; It is possible to discuss especially state-wide significance of problems that are mutually agreed upon between the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, the most important nutrition of state life and the recognition of the foundations of federalism, the introduction of the necessary propositions to the President of the Russian Federation, as well as other reasons for such commissions.

The President of the Skin Federal District has his most important representative.

The order of Russia is formed from the Head of the Order, the intercessors of the Head of the Order and the Federal Ministers.

Feature: in Russia, the Federal Assembly does not form an order, less control, form an order Head of the Order, recognition by the President.

Order of the Russian Federation:

a) spreading and submitting the federal budget to the State Duma and ensuring its implementation; represent the State Duma about the federal budget; presenting to the Sovereign Duma the public opinion about the results of their activity, the zocrema z nutrition, set by the Sovereign Duma;

b-c) ensuring the conduct of the RF unified financial, credit and financial policy, state policy in the sphere of culture, science, education, health protection, social security, ecology;

  • p) the establishment of the federal government;
  • e) zdіysnyuє come in for the security of the defense of the country, state security, the implementation of the foreign policy of Ukraine of the Russian Federation;
  • f) come in to secure the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of the people, to protect the power and order of the community, to fight against malice;
  • g) other updates.

The Order of the Russian Federation has issued decrees and orders, ensuring their vikonannya.

Постанови Уряду РФ, крім постанов, містять відомості, що становлять державну таємницю, чи відомості конфіденційного характеру, підлягають офіційному опублікуванню пізніше п'ятнадцяти днів із дня їх прийняття, а за необхідності негайного широкого їх оприлюднення доводяться до загального відомості через засоби інформації невідкладно

With the renewal of their federal ministries under the Order of the Russian Federation, and for the power, which was approved by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, until the renewal of the President of the Russian Federation, and the President of the Russian Federation [ibid, Art. 26].

Normative legal acts also fix that control and visualization of the order.

To ensure the activities of the Apparatus Order, the Federal Ministries, subordinate agencies, services, look, the Federal Services and Agencies, coordination and doradchі bodies. They play the role of the main instruments of sovereign activity in other spheres of sovereign life, take part in the development of sovereign decisions, in the development of legislation, in the normative rule-making, in the core of numerical sovereign organizations, scho at their order, manage entrusted їm galleys throughout the territory of the state, you see the legal acts.

In addition, in the Russian Federation on the territory of її republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts, at places of federal significance state institutions- the most important representatives of the central (federal) vikonavcho-ordering bodies of the state power, establishing a single centralized system from them at once. For example, territorial bodies of Rosreestru, regional administration of the FNP of Russia, etc.

The Federal Assembly - the Parliament of the Russian Federation - is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Federal Assembly and two chambers - For the sake of the Federation and the Sovereign Duma.

The Rada of the Federation includes: two representatives of the skin subject of the Russian Federation - one each of the legislator (representative) and the representative bodies of the sovereign power; representatives of the Russian Federation, who are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, the number of which should be no more than ten hundred, depending on the number of members of the Federation for the sake of the Federation - representatives of the legislators (representative) and supreme bodies of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Derzhavna Duma consists of 450 deputies. The Derzhavna Duma is used in terms of five years.

Deputies of the Sovereign Duma are being robbed by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a wild equal and direct right to vote in secret voting. The fate of a citizen of the Russian Federation in elections is free and voluntary. 225 deputies of the State Duma are elected for single-mandate electoral districts (one district - one deputy), 225 deputies of the State Duma are selected for the federal electoral district in proportion to the number of votes of the electors, cast for the federal lists of candidates [ibid., art. 3].

The Rada of the Federation and the Derzhavna Duma approve committees and commissions to conduct their own parliamentary hearings.

The skin of the chambers accepts its own regulations and changes the nutrition of the internal order of its activities.

p align="justify"> To exercise control over the federal budget, the Rada of the Federation and the Sovereign Duma approve the medical chamber, the warehouse and the procedure for its activities are prescribed by federal law.

For the sake of the Federation lie down: zatverdzhennya zmіni between mizh subjects of the Russian Federation; approval of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the provision of the military chi of the supra-classical camp; virishennya nutritiousness vikoristannya Armored Forces of the Russian Federation posture of the territory of the Russian Federation; the decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the recognition of the election of the President of the Russian Federation; recognition of the courtship of the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; appointed to the landing, and from the office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the intercessors of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the intercessor of the Head of the Rakhunkov Chamber and half of the warehouse of the auditors.

Before the ruling of the State Duma, one can see: grant the President of the Russian Federation the recognition of Golovya to the Order of the Russian Federation; virishennya pitanya about dovira Uryad of the Russian Federation; hearing of public opinions of the Council of the Russian Federation about the results of their activity, zocrema z nutrition, set by the Sovereign Duma; assigned to the planting and zvilnennya from planting Golovi to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; Head of the Rakhunkovo ​​Chamber and half of the warehouse її auditors; upovnovazhennogo s human rights; amnesty; vysuvannya call against the President of the Russian Federation for svіlnennya yogo plant.

The main meta to parliament is lawmaking. Legislative amendments Parliament zdіysnyuє vіdpovіdno before the procedure, transferred by the Constitution. Here I’ll add more, whether it’s bills that are tied to vidatkami from the federal budget, you can make more for the obviousness of the visnovka of the Uryad of the Russian Federation. First of all, the law will pass through the State Duma, then - through the Rada of the Federation. The law may be adopted by the Rada of the Federation “for absolution”, as if for fourteen days without being reviewed by the Rada of the Federation [Art. 105, n. 4]. Draft laws on food, related to federal budget laws and regulations of the economy, as well as food to international money, incl. food to the world, make it obligatory to review in the Radiation of the Federation [Art. 106].

До судових органів сучасної Росії належать суди, які здійснюють від імені держави судову владу шляхом відправлення правосуддя - розгляду та вирішення в установленому законом порядку цивільних та кримінальних справ, справ про адміністративні правопорушення, економічні або інші суперечки та конфлікти, пов'язані з дійсним або передбачуваним violation of the rule of law.

Justice until zdіysnyuєtsya only by the court in view of the constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal judiciary. Creation of supervising courts is not allowed. The court, having set an hour to look at the inconsistency of the act of a sovereign official to the law, accepts the decision in accordance with the law. In this paragraph, there are less judges of the federal level.

Constitutional Court The Russian Federation is the judiciary body of constitutional control, independently and independently zdiisnyu zdiisnyu judiciary power in view of the constitutional judiciary.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial body in civil rights, arbitrating economic disputes, criminal, administrative and other inquiries, judicial courts, rulings in court cases up to federal constitutional law zdіysnyuє in transferring the procedural forms of procedural forms of the court for the activities of these courts and giving roses'clarification of the nutrition of the ship's practice.

The Supreme Court of the Republic, the Regional Court, the Court of the Federal District, the Court of the Autonomous Region, the Court of the Autonomous District, the Federal Courts of the Supreme Jurisdiction, which operate at the borders of the territory of the federal subject of the Russian Federation, and without intermediary judicial instances of hundred of district judges, the territory of a major subject of the Russian Federation.

Regional judges and relatives before them are considered right as a court of the first, appellate, cassation instances, for new or innovative circumstances, and also zdiisnyuyut іnshi povnovazhennia apparently to federal laws.

Military judges shall exercise judicial authority with the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, other military, military formations and bodies, in which the military service has been transferred by federal law.

Arbitration judges until the end of justice with a way of arbitrating economic superechok and considering other rights that apply to their competence.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation to establish a single federal centralized system of bodies of the Prosecutor's Office and organizations and the basis for subordinating lower-ranking prosecutors to the Supreme Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. . The system of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is being put together by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor's offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, prior to them, military and other specialized prosecutor's offices, scientific and educational organizations, editorial offices of other legal persons, as well as the prosecutor's office of the city and districts, other territorial, viysk and other specialized prosecutor's offices [ibid., sec. II Art. 11 p. 1].

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation issues:

keeping an eye on vikonannya laws and dotrimannym rights and freedoms of people and citizens by sovereign bodies, as well as the guardians of commercial and non-commercial organizations; criminal investigation; coordination of activities of law enforcement agencies to fight against evil; violation of certificates of administrative law violation and conduct of administrative investigation. The prosecutors take part in the examination of the right by the courts, arbitration courts (then - judge), protest the decisions that superechat the law, viroki, praised that decision of the courts. The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation takes part in law-making activities, including special expertise.

The prosecutor of the May right to the Teriter, the authorities of the sovereign of Vladi, the Missary Self -Assistan, the control, the Komerziyni Osidovo, the Osidovo of the Materialist, vicenchate, vicenchate, vicenchate, same, rozd. 3 goals 1 st. 22 p.1].

We look at and revise the statements, skarga and other reports about the violation of the law, the rights and freedoms of the people, we explain the suffering of the order of the defense of their rights and freedoms, live by going in to harm the destruction of the rights and freedoms of the people, law, vodshkoduvannyu zavdanih zbitkiv [ibid., sec. 1 st. ten].

The Rakhunkov Chamber is a permanent and supreme body of state sovereign audit (control), supported by Federal Elections. The Rakhunkov Chamber establishes a state-owned audit (control) to uphold the principles of legality, efficiency, objectivity, independence, publicity and publicity [there, Art. four].

The Rakhunkov Chamber is established at the warehouse of the Head of the Rakhunkov Chamber, the intercessor of the Golovya of the Rakhunkov Chamber, the auditorium of the Rakhunkov Chamber, the apparatus of the Rakhunkov Chamber [ibid., head. 2 tbsp. 6].

The Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation is a federal state body, which organizes the preparation and conduct of elections, referendums before, and establishes control over the electoral rights and the right to participate in the referendum of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Central election committee of the Russian Federation post-yny bases that is a legal entity.

The Posada of the Enshrined Rights of the People in the Russian Federation is being created with the method of securing guarantees of the sovereign rights and freedom of the citizens, their dotrimannya and honor by the sovereign authorities, the authorities of the local self-regulation and the townspeople. Upovnovazheny with zdiisnnnі svoїh vnovovazhen nezalezhny and nepіdzvіtny be-yakim sovereign bodies and landlords. The introduction of the regime of the supranational chi military camp throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation does not accept and recognize the activity of Upovnovazhennaya and drudgery obezhennya yogo competence.

Upovnovazheny may have the right to uninterruptedly administer the organs of power and municipal self-regulation, entrepreneurship, establish that organization, military units, community associations; request and accept the necessary documents and materials; take into account the explanations of the landowner's duties and derzhsluzhbovtsiv; carry out re-verifications of the functions of government agencies, organizations of local self-regulation and gardening; be aware of the criminal, civil and administrative rights, including the penalties. Upovnovazheniya koristuetsya by the right of impermissible acceptance by landowners of the authorities, self-regulation, enterprises, established organizations independently of the forms of power, kerivniks community associations, The commanders of that administration of the office of the primus primus [ibid., goal. 3 art. 23].

The mechanism of the Russian state is a system of organs, endowed with sovereign powers and maintaining the functions of the state. In connection with the fact that the Russian Federation is a federal power, this mechanism is formed by federal bodies and bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation. Vіdpovіdno to st. 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, sovereign power in the Russian Federation is established by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the Order of the Russian Federation, the judges of the Russian Federation.

Sovereign power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is established by the bodies of state power established by them. The subjects of the Russian Federation are entitled to independently establish a system of organs of sovereign power, the order of their organization and their activities competence consistent with the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation and overarching principles organization of organs in the structures of sovereign power, established by federal law. At zv'yazku z tsim at the subjects of the Russian Federation, various systems of organization of sovereign power were formed.

Interactions between federal bodies in the structure of the sovereign power of the bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation are subject to jurisdiction, we will fix Art. 71 and 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When the federal body vikonavchoї allowed to create their own territorial bodies and signs of viable townships. The process of its own functions of the federal bodies of the Russian Federation shall have the right to take legally binding decisions on food, which are within the competence of the Russian Federation, and to secure their consideration for auxiliary bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, from the power, bringing them to the ultimate competence of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation take independent decisions, which can inspire super-chit legal acts federal bodies.

Vіdminnіst vіdmіnіst іn subjects vеdnіnnya federal prokuratura organіv і organіv pod'ektіv RF mean one-hour іsnuvannya dvoh yakіsno raznyh mehanіzmіv power. The unity of the mechanism of the Russian state shall be provided with the foundations of a constitutional harmony, which will consolidate the power of the rich-national people of the Russian Federation, the principles of legality, the sub-division of power, democracy, organic communion. subordination that coordination.

The principle of legality ensures the creation of a single political and legal the regime in the activities of the authorities of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation, the use of their activities, the implementation of entries, fixed by regulatory legal acts of federal bodies, on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the improvement of their specifics and interests of the population.

Subsequently fixed and carried out on the principle of sub-rule of power, security of unity organizational basis federal bodies of the state and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The system of strimuvan and opposition, which zastosovuєtsya on the federal level, is insured by the subjects of the Russian Federation, creatively zastosovuєtsya by them in the constitution of the power system of state power. The world has accumulated until the optimal version of the system of streaming and countering on equal subjects of the Russian Federation will be enshrined in a special federal law.

Democratism of the DIYLOSTIM Rosiysko holding the right to the people of the people of the brother, the fate of the control of the right of the holding of the sovereigns of Yak Bezpossyedno, I, through the own representers, Zokrema, be a fate of the sovereign, the fate of the illegitimate be any sovereign bodies.

The principle of subordination and coordination of the components in the system of the mechanism of the Russian state, in support of the sovereign state discipline, subordination along the vertical to the greater bodies and coordination of the activities with the bodies that are of the same type or the other major enterprises. Negatively betrayal of the sides of the Organized Subdiktv Russian Federation to the Central Principle, praginnya to perish the Z-PID PIDPORIKANNE to the center Z Putin, Vidnesenih to the Vedennya federal, the storage of the fuss, social reserves, social reforms, introduce the dimensions to the dimensions.

I support the role of the favorable interplay of all components in the mechanism of the Russian state to play the role of federal agencies. Of particular importance is the role of the President of the Russian Federation as the head of the state, who was called to ensure the safety of all the powers of the government on the federal level, as well as on the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and endowed with special benefits.

President of the Russian Federation

As the head of the state, the President plays a special role in the mechanism of the state. Vіdpovіdno to st. 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation vіn є:

1) the guarantor of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of people and citizens;

2) live when you come to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

3) to ensure the welfare of the authorities of the state power;

4) directly determine the main internal and external policies;

5) representing the Russian Federation in the middle of the country and in the international regions.

All the activity of the President, in no way in any sphere, was not shown, it was directed to the defense of the Constitution, to the security of її unskillful ї ї. Of particular importance is the creation of such a legal regime, given that the organ of the state is welcome, while the townspeople did not violate the Constitution, did not accept superfluous legal acts, and did not violate the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen.

For this reason, the President is given broad reinventions in the selection of candidates for the key state plantations. Part of the wines are assigned independently, the rest part - by the State Duma of the Rada of the Federation on yoga proposition. The Derzhavna Duma grants permission for the appointment of the Head of the Order by the President and, for the proposition of the President, appoints the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the landing of the Head. The President of the Russian Federation also presents for the sake of the Federation the candidacies for the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, and the appointment of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Independently, the President of the Russian Federation makes a decision about the appointment of the Order of the Russian Federation, appoints intercessors to the head of the Order of the Russian Federation, federal ministers, forms the Rada of Security, the Administration of the President, appoints the most important representatives of the President in the subjects of the Federation, the command of the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, the successor powers of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution provides the President of the Russian Federation with other methods of direct influence of state bodies. For greater effective federal legislature, the President of empowering legislators to initiate, tobto. You can submit your bills for the consideration of the Sovereign Duma. You also sign federal laws and have the right to veto that. you can revise the law and straighten it out for a second look, exclaiming the motives for non-signing. The President appoints the choice of the Sovereign Duma and in the cases established by the Constitution can be dissolved before the end of the year.

p align="justify"> Great pressure on the legislature of the Russian Federation, other organs of the sovereign power and the bulk of the country to send a strong message from the President of the Russian Federation about the camp in the country, about the main direct domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, with such faults to go to the federal elections. This is the message to avenge the main problems of the Suspіlstva of that state and the ways of their accomplishment. In this manner, the guardian messengers should coordinate the efforts of all the sovereign bodies on the most important tasks of the sovereignty of that state.

Even more important is the role of the President of the Russian Federation in ensuring efficient work for the Order of the Russian Federation and other bodies vikonavchoi vladi. Thus, the President has the right to vote and vote at the meetings of the Order of the Russian Federation, to pass resolutions and orders to the Order of the Russian Federation against the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. At the time of the differences between the bodies of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation, and to establish between the bodies of the structures of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Federation, the President of the Russian Federation will win the annual procedures. The Constitution does not name specific forms of these procedures, granting the right to appoint them to the President himself for the improvement of specific minds and the essence of the conflict.

The President of vesting the right to award the deeds of the bodies of the victorious authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as a superset of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to federal laws, or to violate the rights and freedoms of the people and the hulk. The action of the assets is attached to the examination by the competent court.

Vidpovidno to the Constitution of the Russian Federation President of the Russian Federation old politics The Russian Federation, the governments in the name of the state, negotiated and signed international treaties, ratified letters, accepted letters and letters of diplomatic representatives who are accredited to the President.

Yak Supreme Golovochnokmandavach Zbroyni, President of the Russian Federation Help with a concept I Plan Budіvnitva, the gap of the Zbroyshales of the Russian Federation, see about the cover of the bulk on VIISKOVA, the plan of the depressed forces, the roseman of the roshtical, the negotiations spіvrobіtnitstvі z nutrition collective security and dispersal.

In times of aggression against the Russian Federation, or an uninterrupted threat of aggression, the President should introduce a military camp on the territory of the Russian Federation or in other regions of the world. The President of the Russian Federation may also have the right to introduce on the entire territory of the Russian Federation, or okremikh mіstsevosti nadzvychayny camp. Just as at the time of the introduction of the military, so the supranational state, the President of the Russian Federation is guilty of negaionously speaking about the Rada of the Federation and the Sovereign Duma, tobto. both chambers of the Federal Order. The rest of the decision about the introduction in the country or the її part of the military or supranational camp is accepted by the Rada of the Federation. At the time of the negative decision, for the sake of the Federation, if the President’s decrees on the introduction of the military rank of the supranational state, the rest may be said or looked over.

The President of the Russian Federation is authorized to exercise and signify part of the food, connected with the implementation of the rights and freedoms of special people - citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and even without community. So, vin vyrishu nurture of the bulk of the Russian Federation and the grant of a political abutment, rewarded by the sovereign cities of the Russian Federation, awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation, and the higher military and special titles. The President also grants pardons, as if criminal punishment is imposed for the trial.

At the process of its own rich sovereign-legal function, the President of the Russian Federation has decreed and ordered, as if obov'yazkovymi for vikonanny on the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The acts adopted by the President have nothing to do with the super-clearness of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

The President of the Russian Federation is fighting for the arbitral equal direct elections and for the taem vote. A citizen of Russia not younger than 35 years old and permanently living in Russia for at least 10 years can be elected President.

Vikonannya renovation by the President begins with the swearing by him of an oath at the presence of members of the Federation, deputies of the State Duma and judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The revival of the President is interchanged with the ending of the term of yogo rebuffing in the suburbs from taking the oath by the newly elected President of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution transfers the possibility of pre-term renewal of the President with three substations:

1) from the initiative of the President himself;

2) in times of persistent incompetence;

3) from the initiatives of the Federal Conquests - at the time they take a decision about the President's decision to plant.

The Constitution only stipulates the procedure for reinstating the President at the time of imprisonment. The mechanism of the President's appointment due to the motives of persistent non-practice behind the camp of health has become unregulated by the Constitution. So far, yoga has not been violated and on the level of decorous legislation.

Vіdpovidno to the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation may buti svіlneniya z plant Rada of the Federation. However, the initiative for whom food may come from the Sovereign Duma. Substituting for the vision is the fact that the President of the state has changed another grave misfortune. The criminal code brings to them espionage, sabotage, shchidnitstvo, war propaganda, exhortations to a violent change of the constitutional order, the removal of swag, the transfer of power, or the relocation of the service for the tightening of the situation.

The procedure for summoning the President from the plantation is carried out in three stages:

The first stage is to start before the Sovereign Duma calls for a call from the President of a serious misfortune. The initiative to adopt such a decision may come from a group of deputies in the Sovereign Duma with a number of at least 1/3
th number. To see what food is served at the meetings of the Sovereign Duma, it is necessary to have the visnovi of a special commission established by the Sovereign Duma itself. Decisions are accepted by a qualified greater, that is. two-thirds voices savage number deputies of the chamber;

On the other side of the stage, the next step is to take the drafts of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation pronounces a visnovo about the presence of the president's actions as a sign of a serious misfortune. The Constitutional Court gives visnovy to the fact that the establishment of the procedure for vysuvannya calling against the President was done;

The third stage of the procedure for the expulsion of the President of the Russian Federation from planting includes the adoption by the Federation Council of a decision on food. The decision is to be blamed based on the consideration of all materials that confirm the correctness of the decision of the Sovereign Duma, the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Food is respected with a positive vote, as for the decision, no less than two-thirds of votes will be voted for by the majority of members for the sake of the Federation. However, this decision can be praised by the stretch of three months after the Sovereign Duma calls against the President. If a decision on the meaning of the term is not accepted, then calls against the President are considered to be dismissed.

Federal elections of the Russian Federation

Federal elections of the Russian Federation - tse representative and legislative body of the country. Vono zdіysnyuє vladu legislator - priymaє federal laws, as well as virіshuє іnshі nutrition, vіdnesenі to the competence of the representative bodies of vlady.

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and two chambers - the State Duma and for the sake of the Federation. The Derzhavna Duma consists of 450 deputies elected to the population, and the Rada of the Federation - 178 members. Each ward has two representatives of the dermal subject of the Russian Federation - the head of the representative and vikonavchogo organizations.

The Rada of the Federation and the Derzhavna Duma sit openly.

Spіlnі sіdannya chambers zgіdno zі st. 100 Constitutions can be held at three vipadkas:

1) hearing the public message of the President of the Russian Federation;

2) hearing the message of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

3) hearing the speeches of the speakers of foreign powers.

The most important direct activity of the Federal Conquests is the approval of the federal budget, prepared by the supreme federal body of the vikonavchos - the Rada of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the budget is reviewed and confirmed in the form of a federal law by the Sovereign Duma, and then it is praised by the Rada of the Federation. In order to exercise control over the federal budget, the Rada of the Federation and the Derzhavna Duma approve the Rakhunkov Chamber, the warehouse and the order of activity, which is determined by federal law.

Skin from the chambers of the Federal Conquests may and deyak, only the power of the new. The most important prerogative of the State Duma is the adoption of federal laws and the approval of the federal budget.

According to the Rules of the Sovereign Duma, the process of adopting a federal law is, as a rule, in three readings. Under the hour of the first reading, the main provisions of the concept and the draft law itself are discussed. Another reading is carried out before a detailed discussion of the draft law, the skin of the statute and the amendments made for the first reading of the draft law. The third reading of the draft law is carried out before voting for or against the draft as a whole. It is not allowed to make any additional amendments or changes to the draft law at this stage of lawmaking.

The federal law is considered to be adopted, as more than half of the majority of deputies of the State Duma voted for the new one. For the adoption of federal constitutional laws, an absolute majority is needed - no less than 2/3 of the votes of deputies.

With the help of the method of ensuring the effective activity of the bodies of the victorious government, the Derzhavna Duma has the right to such activities:

1) The Derzhavna Duma grants the President of the Russian Federation a year to recognize Golovya to the Order of the Russian Federation;

2) The Sovereign Duma to pass a vote of no confidence in the Council, which is either accepted by the President, or left without success. The President can't wait vote distrust the Order, dissolve the Sovereign Duma and recognize new elections;

3) The Sovereign Duma appoints and appoints the Head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Head of the Rakhunkov Chamber and half of the warehouse of auditors, Upovnovazhenogo z human rights;

4) The State Duma is calling out against the President of the Russian Federation with a method of calling yoga from the plant.

The peculiarity of law-making competence for the sake of the Federation lies in the fact that it is not possible to make amendments and additions to federal laws, as they are, and so they are accepted by the Sovereign Duma. Bo tse is the prerogative of the Sovereign Duma. However, the Rada of the Federation has the right to legislator initiatives and can submit its own draft federal law to the Sovereign Duma, as well as a draft law,

scho conveying changes made, adding to the laws praised by the Sovereign Duma.

For the entry into force of the federal law, it is necessary to praise it by the Rada of the Federation, to serve as a serious bar'er on the path of political and filthy thought-out laws adopted by the Sovereign Duma.

The federal law is respected and praised, as more than half of the total number of members of the chamber voted for the new one. The law is also worthy of being praised, as if for a stretch of fourteen days we were not reviewed by the Rada of the Federation. Blame to become especially important federal laws that capture the interests of the subjects of the Russian Federation without intermediary, as they are guilty of obov'yazkovo reviewed by the Rada of the Federation. Tse legitimize the nutrition of the federal budget, federal taxes and fees, financial, currency, credit and tax regulation, penny emissia, ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation, war on the world, the status of the defense of the Federal State of the Russian Federation

In case of approval of the federal law, the Rada of the Federation jointly with the Sovereign Duma can approve an annual commission with the method of compromising a compromise version of the legal regulation. However, the supreme word is still reserved for the Sovereign Duma. Just won't you can change the federal law and make up to a new change, advocated by the Rada of the Federation. However, you can go to another rank - withdraw the federal law without change, having voted for the new 2/3 votes in the majority of deputies of the State Duma.

For the sake of the Federation, it is up to the vinyatkovo's competence to put us before the head of the President's office. On the support of the President, hung by the Sovereign Duma, the calling of the President from a heavy sovereign malice The Council of the Federation accepts the remaining decision on this food. The Council of the Federation also appoints judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. Assigns that zvіlnyaє z plant the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the intercessor Golovi Rakhunkovoy chamber and half of the warehouse її auditorіv.

Significant part of the wine competence For the sake of the Federation, they add food, which without intermediary captures the interests of all or most of the subjects of the Federation. So, this chamber confirms the changes of cordons between the subjects of the Russian Federation for understanding that the subjects of the Federation, which change between them, have given a year to the decision. The Council of the Federation commends the decision of the subjects to accept the s th nutritional act.

The Rada of the Federation confirms the decree of the President on the promotion of the military military service of the military and the strengthening of the power of the military forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. The remnants of the construction of the defense of the state policy were introduced until the resurrection of the President of the Russian Federation;

The Rada of the Federation also appoints the election of the President of the Russian Federation after the completion of the term of re-improvement, as well as in cases of resignation, unemployment in the camp of health, and the renewal of the President of the Russian Federation, or the release of the plant.

Order of the Russian Federation

Order of the Russian Federation ocholyu vikonavchu vlad and ensure effective operation. It is formed from the Head of the Order of the Russian Federation, intercessors of the Head of the Russian Federation and federal ministries. Article 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation sees the main directions of activity of the Rada of the Russian Federation.

1. Order rozroblyaє the federal budget, contribute to the consideration of the Sovereign Duma and ensure the vikonannya. The federal budget is the accumulation of spending and income of the Russian Federation for the river and is the most important instrument of the state's policy. As a body, in charge of budgetary supervision, a group of granting the right to issue draft laws on bills that transfer supplementary bills from the federal budget. Tse, zokrema, draft laws, yak transferring zbіlshennya salary to the practitioners of the state pridpriёm-
tsіy ta ustanov, about changing the financial goiter of the state, claiming taxes or taxes tributary pіlg .

2. The order of the Russian Federation to carry out a single financial, credit and penny policy. The main orientations of the state's activity in this sphere are assigned to the program of the Uryad "Development of reforms and stabilization of the Russian economy". The main
dachas, which are violated by the Order, are being built up to a shortfall in the federal budget deficit, reducing the yogo profitable part, zapobigannya uncontrolled growth of revenues in the budget.

3. An important role is played by the order in the gallery of culture, science, enlightenment, health protection, social security and eco-gії. It will ensure the implementation of a single state policy in all areas of the name of the way of their finance, as well as the introduction of different approaches to the organization and effective activities of the bodies of management of culture, science, education, and medicine. The main tasks of the Order are to be carried out to ensure the security of education, both globally and professionally, to the preservation and development of a global national culture, to stimulate national diversity, to ensure the provision of medical assistance to the population, a distant development scientific potential of the country.

4. The order of zdіysnyuє management of the federal power, until the future, spores, enterprises, to form the basis of the national wealth of the country, the object of defense production, zaliznitsi, soobi zv'yazku and other objects of galleys, which will secure the life of the people's state of the country. The order of virishuy nurturance and liquidation yakі stosuyutsya federal authority undertakings, appointing representatives of the state at undertakings, which are created for the participation of the state and others.

5. Among the main entrances that the RF Squad in the field of defense are equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with armor and military equipment, material supplies, resources and services, assigned to the order of military appearance, organization of control over exports of defense and military service, without technical service members of their family dwelling.

6. The order attaches great respect to the security of legality, the rights and freedoms of the people, the protection of power and the order of the community, the fight against evil.

Significantly, that the change was renewed to the Order of the Russian Federation, the consolidation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, ceasing to be a substitute. Vіdpovіdno to st. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Order of zdіysnyuє and іnshі povnovazhennja, laying on the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Zocrema, it has the right of legislators to initiate, establish tariff bills and other.

The order of the Russian Federation accepts resolutions and orders, as if obov'yazkovymi to vikonanny on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

The head of the Order is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation for the sake of the Sovereign Duma. The Head of the Council of the Russian Federation, after being recognized, presents to the President of the Russian Federation his propositions of the structures of the federal bodies of higher education, tobto. List of central bodies of the federal vykonavchoy, pіdvіdomchikh Uryad of the Russian Federation. The head is also proposing to the President of the Russian Federation the candidacies for the appointment of intercessors of the Golovi to the Order of the Russian Federation and federal ministers. In a similar manner, nominees for the planting of the clerks of other federal bodies of vikonavchos are presented. The President of the Russian Federation accepts the rest of the decision on how to propose all candidates.

Initsiativa vіdstavka The Council may be in the presence of the President of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Russian Federation itself or the Sovereign Duma.

The order went to the warehouse at the warehouse. Decisions about the price will be taken at the meetings The order of the greater number of votes at the link with some serious situation in the country: the economic crisis, the lack of responsibility The order to ensure the implementation of federal laws and other.

Decree of the State Duma about the lack of confidence The order is accepted by the majority of votes in the majority of the deputies of the State Duma. The decision is accepted after the hearing of the statement of the Golovi to the Order of the Russian Federation and the discussion of the food about the need and the addition of guilt to the vote of distrust.

With the decision of the State Duma on the lack of confidence in the Order of the Russian Federation, the President can wait and the Order will continue the work. The Derzhavna Duma can reconsider the disapproval of the Order of the Russian Federation. If such an action is to be carried out for three months after the first vote is not approved, then the President is obliged to make a choice: either I will vote about the appointment of the Council, or I will make a decision about the dissolution of the Sovereign Duma.

Decisions about the appointment of the Order of the President of the Russian Federation can be taken from the authority of the initiative, as a rule, if there is a breach between them and the Order of the Russian Federation, an unsatisfactory work of the Order of those other positions.

Supporting votes of disapproval of the Sovereign Duma to the Order of the Russian Federation The Sovereign Duma can accept the initiatives of the Order. As a rule, for such a short time, the Order is violating in cases of some serious feuds with the State Duma on the most important bill, the federal budget, etc. and recognize new choices.

What is the cost of putting in place a new Order of the Russian Federation to continue the work until the formation of a new Order of the Russian Federation.

Organization of justice in the Russian Federation

The Constitution calls the court the only body competent to exercise justice. Under what circumstances, the power of the judiciary is vested in a constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal judiciary. The judiciary system of the Russian Federation is assigned to the named types of judiciary. The constitution calls only the upper rive ship system: Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. Other lines of the system are established by federal laws.

Judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation are appointed by the Rada of the Federation upon the filings of the President of the Russian Federation. Judges of other federal courts are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution establishes three obov'yazkovі vomogi to candidates for the landing of the court: the achievement of the 25th century, the presence of the highest legal education and the experience of working for a legal specialty of at least five years. Prote federal laws may establish and іnshі vymogy before the courts of the courts of the Russian Federation. Zokrema, a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a lawyer with a poor reputation at least 40 years old and with experience working for a legal specialty of at least 15 years old can become a qualified lawyer.

The most important guarantees of justice are the principles fixed by the Constitution:

1) the independence of judges and their subordination to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

2) the immutability of the judges and the special order of application, or the application of re-importance;

3) shortcomings of judges and the possibility of attracting them to the point of compliance with the order, which is determined by federal law.

The last thing carried out on the principle of under the rule of the Constitution of the Russian Federation transfers the creation of real minds to the fact that the court authority, the law and all the courts, were rightly independent of the legislators and vikonavchoi authorities. The Constitution is to work the decisive rock for whom directly, fixing the principle of the immutability of judges. This principle means, in the first place, the necessity of renovating the court as a kind of a term for a few vindictives established by federal law, in a different way, the impossibility of accusing or reimplementing the renewal of the court, otherwise, in the manner prescribed by law, and thirdly, judgment does not pidlyagaє without yoga, you can be transferred to another settlement, or until another trial.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the principle of lack of torsion of judges and the impossibility of hearing them before criminal liability otherwise, as in order, which is determined by federal law.

The most important guarantee of full and independent justice is the constitutional provision on those that finance courts to be carried out only from the federal budget. The official legislation, which determines the order of folding the state budget, transfers the second assignment to court rulings. The provision of courts of foreign jurisdictions with personnel, material and other resources is put on a special support at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

p align="justify"> The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has a special place in the system of bodies of justice, which exercises constitutional control over the defense of the foundations of the constitutional order, the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens, ensuring the rule of law and direct rule of the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the Russian Federation

For vykonannya zavdan the head of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation may come next:

1. Give approval to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of federal laws, normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation, for the sake of the Federation, the State Duma, the Council of the Russian Federation. Analogous drafts The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation gives and schodo normative legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, including the constitutions of the republics, statutes, laws and other normative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which are in the power of the Russian Federation sleepy administration of state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Constitutional Court has the right to also examine the validity of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of treaties that are kept by the bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation with the bodies of the state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and also have not found the validity of international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The Constitutional Court gives its signatures at the request of the President of the Russian Federation, for the sake of the Federation, the Sovereign Duma, one fifth of the members of the For the sake of the Federation or the deputies of the Sovereign Duma, the Council of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, as well as the bodies of sub-laws of the victor 'ktiv RF.

2. Prior to the hearing of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a review of the individual or collective skargs of the citizens on the violation of their constitutional rights and freedoms by the stosuvanation of non-constitutional laws and other regulatory legal acts was made. At the process of looking at the scarga, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is reviewing the constitutionality of the law, which has been fixed, or it has been put in a specific law. The right to appeal to the Constitutional Court may be an association of citizens, judge those other bodies of individuals designated by the constitutional federal law.

3. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation allows superechki about the competence between the federal authorities of the state power of the Russian Federation, between them and the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, between the greater state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation grants the right to denigrate the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Akti tlumachennya є obov'yazkovymi for all organs of state power, townships, communities and their communities.

5. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation takes part in the procedure for summoning the President of the Russian Federation from planting and giving a visnovo about the determination of the established procedure for the prosecution of a state change or other serious mischief.

Laws, other normative legal acts, their amendments, recognized as non-constitutional, exercise ceremoniality in the wake of the judgment of a viable decision by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and international treaties that do not recognize the Constitution of the Russian Federation, do not have to be introduced.

The activities of the federal bodies of higher education are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the federal constitutional law of the Russian Federation "On the Orders of the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 1997, with changes and additions, dated December 31, 1997, other laws, under the laws of the President and the acts of the President.

Vіdpovіdno to st. 110 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I will conquer the power of Russia by establishing the Order of the Russian Federation, as it is clear to Art. 1 of the Law "About the Council" - the most powerful body of the structure of sovereign power, as without intermediary zdiyasnyuyut vikonavcha power, and especially the single system of vikonavchoi power of the Russian Federation. The order of the Russian Federation is a body of general competence, which works on a collegiate basis in various spheres of statehood.

Vіdpovіdno to st. 12 Law Order keruyah by the work of federal bodies vikonavchoї power and control їїх diyalnіst, stench podryadkovuyutsya yoma and vіdpovіdalnі in front of him for vikonannya put zavdan; The order has the right to challenge the acts of the federal bodies of vikonavchoi vlady chi to apprehend the deed of these acts and іn.

However, the most important role of the vikonavchiy government of the federal level is the President, who, being the head of the state and rich in what he takes up the position of, as it were, “over the heads of power”, he can also be the key to renewal in the sphere of vikonavchoi power, including the appointment of the internal affairs and the foreign police powers; acknowledgment, as well as zvіlnennya z plant Golovi Uryada, yoga intercessors and federal ministers; uninterrupted kerіvnitstvu dіyalnіstvu dіyalnistvu federal bodies vykonavchoї, pіdvіdomchih yoma z pitanі, vіdnesenim yоgo competence by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional and federal laws, governmental decrees of those others.

The system of federal bodies of higher education of the Russian Federation includes: ministries (federal ministries), state committees, federal commissions, federal services, Russian agencies, federal supervision, and management of the rights of the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the nature of the competence of the federal authorities, they are upgraded to galuzev and intergaluzev, according to the specialization of the functions, control, visual bodies, and navit organs, vikonuyut specific functions of the state.

For the spheres of activity of the federal bodies of vikonavchos, you can expand as follows:

a) the sphere of economy and finance - ministries: economy; finance; important economic links and trade; sovereign lane; paliva and energy; silskogo gospodarstva and food; ways of success; transport; holding committees: how to communicate and informatize; for statistics; from antimonopoly policy; from support and development of small business; from living and life policy; zі standardization, metrology and certification; behind the state reserves; Sovereign Mitny Committee; Federal commission for the market of valuable papers and others; departments: Federal service on the right about impossibility and financial recovery; Derzhavna tax service; Derzhgirtechnaglyad and others.

b) social sphere - ministries: practice of social development;

protect your health; state committees: for physical culture and tourism; s nutrition for the development of Pivnochi; departments: Federal Migration Service.

c) the sphere of science, culture and education - ministries: science and technology; culture; global and professional education; government committees: government committees for cinematography, for others, for young people on the right;

Sovereign Supreme Attestation Committee; departments: Federal Service for Television and Radio; Federal archive service.

d) the sphere of nature conservation and protection dovkilla- ministry natural resources; state committees: for the protection of dovkil; from land resources and land management; federal services: for hydrometeorology and monitoring of the environment;

geodesy and cartography; departments: Federal Forest Service.

e) the sphere of security of law, public and state security, defense - ministries: defense; internal references; justice; the ministry of the right of civil defense, the overarching situations and the liquidation of the legacy of natural disasters; departments: Federal Security Service; Federal cordon service; Federal Service of Protection; Call service; Federal service of taxable police and others.

f) the scope of foreign policy and foreign affairs - ministries: foreign affairs; schodo spіvrobіtnitstva with the powers - participants of the SND; significant economic links and trade.

The activity of the low organs is expanded by a sprinkling of spheres. For example, the Sovereign Committee for the development of Pivnoch, calls for the resolution of economic, social and cultural problems of the pivnichnyh territories, the Sovereign Committee of the Crime for the selection of regular payments for the protection of law enforcement functions; The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade continues to function as a function of regulation and supervision of domestic trade, as well as activities of international economic cooperation.

With the help of the security of the narrowed policy of the federal bodies of higher education, which lies within the scope of joint activity of the ministry, the coordination of the work of other federal bodies is clearly up to the structural scheme approved by the Order. So, for example, initial mortgage perebuvayut at the warehouse of wealthy ministries and departments, the proteministry of global and professional education, methodically building with mortgages, rozroblyayet state lighting standards. Abo, for example, there are a lot of instructions and instructions from the Ministry of Health Protection for the medical services of the ministries of defense, the FSB, the MVS and other bodies.

The system (tobto. vidi organizational-legal forms), structure (tobto. concrete translation) of federal bodies of vikonavchos, and to establish the order of creation, reorganization and liquidation are determined by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Depending on the nature of the renewal of the federal body, and the formation of the legal status of the yogo kerivnik, three groups of federal bodies have been transferred to the system:


Sovereign Committees; federal commissions;

Federal services, Russian agencies, federal look.

1) The Ministry is the federal body of vikonavchos, which is to carry out the sovereign policy and management of the established sphere of activity, as well as coordinating the activities established by legislation, the activity of other federal bodies of vikonavchoi power in this sphere.

Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Interior (federal minister), which enters the warehouse of the Order of the Russian Federation; vin is assigned to the planting and is called by the President to put the head of the Council on proposition. The intercessors of the federal ministries are assigned to the settlement and are called from the settlement by the Rada of the Russian Federation, as otherwise established by law (there are vinyats to be given to us in front of the intercessors of the “power” ministries).

In the ministries, and in other federal bodies of the past, pre-organizations - colleges are created. The stench is formed from the core practitioners of the ministry; up to their warehouse can also enter the high, state and hromadsky deyachs, the collegium’s warehouse is confirmed by the Ryad of the Russian Federation.

The federal ministries zdіsnyuyut cerіvnitstvo vіdpovіdnymi federal bodies vykonavchoї on a single-pochatkovіy osnovі: vydayuyut punishment, orders, and other documents of normative and іndivіdualny character. In addition, zgіdno zі Art. 26 of the law "About the Order" the renewal of the federal ministers is involved in the participation with the right of the highest vote at the meetings of the Council of the Russian Federation, at the preparation of the resolution of the rose

Order of the Russian Federation order for ensuring the security of their vikonannya, at the variant of the implementation of the policy of the RF order. At its own function of the ministry, the President of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Russian Federation are informed, and for the supply of law enforcement, they are also given to law enforcement and control bodies.

Legally, the All -Minces of the RIVNI I cannot be forgotten in the admirable SPIVPID RED, one can do your robot, it is a lot of programs about the virishenni, they demand a mutual time for the Virgins of the structures, the vicentances of the structures, and the entrance is left -handed. wickedness then.

2) The Sovereign Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal Commission of Russia - the federal bodies of vikonavchos, to establish collegial foundations for international coordination of food, valid until the next court date, and to establish functional regulation in the sphere of activity. Ocholuє derzhkomitet and the federal commission of the Russian Federation

3) The Federal Service of Russia, the Russian agency, the federal watchdog of Russia - the federal authorities of vikonavcho, zdiisnyuyut special (vikonavchi, control, permitting, regulating and other) functions in the established areas of administration. The Federal Service of Russia is especially kerivnik (director); Russian Agency - General Director; federal sight - chief. The heads of the federal bodies of vikonavchos are appointed and authorized from planting by the Order of the Russian Federation, the Crimean heads of the bodies, submitted to the President of the Russian Federation. До федеральних органів виконавчої влади, які згідно з Конституцією РФ і федеральним законодавством безпосередньо підпорядковані Президенту РФ, належать органи, що забезпечують державну та громадську безпеку та боротьбу зі злочинністю, суверенітет та територіальну цілісність держави, недоторканність її кордонів, видобуток розвідувальної інформації, органи, що zdіysnyuyut zvnіshnіst z іnozemnimimi powers too. These graves are assigned to the planting and are sent to plant in the order that they are especially restored.

More on topic 26.1. Federal bodies of vicons:

  1. § 5. The system and structure of the federal bodies of vikonavchos vlady
  2. § 6
  3. 1. Submission to the President of the Russian Federation of propositions about the structure of the federal bodies of the Vikonavcho.

Federal bodies of power - bodies of power, yakі zdіysnyuyut vladnі povnovazhennia on the federal level.

The constitutional system of federal bodies of the structure of state power is horizontally approved by: a) the Federal Assembly - the parliament of the Russian Federation - the representative and legislative body of the structure of state power; b) the President, the Council and other bodies of the Russian Federation and c) federal judges (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the system arbitration courts Russia and the system of courts of global jurisdiction, the world's courts of the world, as it were brought before the courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation),

Legislative power is represented by the greatest legislative body: the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the State Duma and for the sake of the Federation. Vladni povnovazhennia zdіysnyuє way to adopt laws, obov'yazkovih all on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Vikonavcha vlada in the Russian Federation is represented by a system of federal bodies vikonavcho. Vladni povnovazhennya zdіysnyuyut a way to adopt decisions, decree and other legal normative acts. The Crimea, appointed by the Constitution of the Council of the Russian Federation, is destined for other federal bodies of vikonavchos - federal ministries, federal services, federal agencies, and navit їх teritorial bodies. The system of federal law enforcement bodies, without intermediary subordination to the Order of the Russian Federation, is confirmed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of the state, the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and ensures the smooth functioning and interaction of state authorities. In the system of federal bodies, it was set first and not in the middle before the next from the main authorities.

Like a state, in the Russian Federation, establish bodies of sovereign power, like not being included in the city of three lords - a lawmaker, a judge and a court. At that very hour, these organs are created that comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. Behind their status as independent bodies of state power. Prior to such bodies, the following federal bodies of the structure of sovereign power should be placed:

1. Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The whole federal centralized system of bodies, zdiisnyuyut in the name of the Russian Federation, overseeing the laws of the rest of the territory. The prosecutor's office is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation at Art. 129, which is known in the goal. 7 "Sudova Vlad". However, the tse її roztashuvannya in the Constitution is sooner than given to the traditional approach, which, having looked at the prosecutor's office at the link with the activity of judicial bodies. Ale, the prosecutor's office is not a judicial body, but one of the main її functions - to look after the rights and freedoms of people, for the violation of laws and regulations. - without intermediary not tied to the duties of the ship's authority. The prosecutor's office, before that, takes part in law-making activities, coordinating the activities of law enforcement agencies to fight malice and criminal re-investigation, as well as low other functions.

The prosecutor's office is responsible for the foundations of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" on the 17th leaf fall of 1995, which, zokrema, fenced in, be someone in the prosecutor's office. The Attorney General of the Russian Federation is assigned to the settlement and is called from the settlement to the Council of the Federation of Federal Contests of the Russian Federation for the gifts of the President of the Russian Federation. Financing and material and technical security of the bodies and institutions of the prosecutor's office are charged for the federal budget. The prosecutor's office may be entrusted with more functions that are not transferred by federal laws. The Attorney General publicly presents to the chambers of the Federal Assembly an update on the state of legality and the rule of law in the Russian Federation and on the vikonan work.

2. Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is assigned by the Constitution federal law"About the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" dated April 26, 1995. (with changes and additions). The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Parts 1 and 2 of Article 75) establishes that a penny is issued exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Its main function is to protect and secure the stability of the ruble, and its function is independent of other organs of state power. The Bank of Russia is subordinated to the Rada of the Russian Federation, if it wants to work out of it in cooperation. Vіn pіdzvіtniy Sovereign Duma, yak appoint a tenure and svіlnyaє z plant for the gifts of the President of the Russian Federation Golovi Bank, and call members for the sake of directors. The bank represents the Sovereign Duma at the sight of the rіchny zvіt, and navіt audit visnovok.

At that very hour, the Law says that at the borders of its own, the Bank of Russia is independent of its activities. Federal bodies and structures of state power, bodies of structures of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of self-regulation do not have the right to intercede with the Bank for legislature fixing functions and renewal. Normative acts of the Bank of Russia are obligatory for federal state authorities, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-regulation, all legal and physical systems.

Usі tsі norms create a unique status for the Bank of Russia. The bank is created and in the same forms is controlled by the Sovereign Duma, but, madly, it does not lie up to the bodies of the legislator. Vіn is also not the body of the vikonavchoi. This is an autonomous body of the structure of sovereign power, which, within its own competence, cannot lie under either the President of the Russian Federation, or the Federal Elections, or the Order of the Russian Federation.

Only the Federal Law can make changes to the status of the Bank, which, zokrema, was broken up by the Federal Law of 20 March 1996, which established the terms of filing to the Sovereign Duma to the project of the main directives of the single sovereign penny-credit policy on the offensive of those direct obviously not more than 1 day and 2 babies).

3. The Rakhunkov Chamber of the Russian Federation is a permanent body of state financial control, approved by the Federal Elections of the Russian Federation and approved by you. Vіdpovidno to the Federal law "On the medical chamber of the Russian Federation" dated 11 September 1995, at the borders of their heads. The Rakhunkov Chamber has organizational and functional independence. This body, before the Constitution of the Russian Federation, exercises control over the revenue and other items of the federal budget and the budget of the federal budgetary funds, determines the effectiveness and dotsilnist vitrats of sovereign funds and federal power and іn. The Derzhavna Duma appoints the head of the Rakhunkovo ​​Chamber and half of the auditors, and the Rada of the Federation appoints the intercessor of the Head of the other half of the auditors. The functions of the Rakhunkov Chamber should be given wide, but the organ of the structure of the state power has no right to review the necessary information, audits and revisions. Її attributions may have an obov'yazkovy character.

The Rakhunkov Chamber regularly presents to the Radiation of the Federation and the State Duma information about the progress of the federal budget and the results of control visits that are being carried out. It is in cooperation with the control bodies of the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, without being, by its very nature, a legislator's body.

It should be noted that between the interrelations of the Rakhunkov Chamber with the bodies of the Vikonavcho and the court authorities have so far been revealed without sufficient clarity. Through the kolіzії of the federal laws themselves, the revival of the Rakhunkov Chamber is included in super-independence with the independent status of the Council of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation, which are based on the principle of subordination of power. Financial control and revisions from the side of the Rakhunkov Chamber are not unfailingly accepted by these bodies as a violation of their independence and impermissible, for the sake of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the control of the legislature over its internal activities. As a result of this record, a low number of incidents prompted the Sovereign Duma to protest against the ignorance by the RF Council of Visnovki and the recommendation of the Rakhunkov Chamber for the results of revisions and revisions. However, there is still no real mechanism for ensuring these developments and recommendations.

4. The Central Electoral Committee of the Commission for the Permanent Vidpovidno until the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of the Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated December 6, 1994. This body controls the conduct of election commissions for the election of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the Sovereign Duma of the Federal Elections of the Russian Federation, as well as the conduct of referendums of the Russian Federation.

The Central Electoral Commission consists of 15 members appointed by the Sovereign Duma, the Rada of the Federation and the President of the Russian Federation (5 members each from each of these bodies). Instructions and explanations that are seen by the commission, obov'yazkovі for all election commissions in the Russian Federation, and in fact have a normative character, regulating practically all areas of preparation and conduct of elections.

The special status of the Central Electoral Commission is also manifested in the new capacity of control and the status of a state authority.

5. Appreciation of human rights. This organ of the structure of the sovereign power was transferred to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as it is established that the Sovereign Duma is appointed by the Entrusted with the Rights of the People. The rights of that zavdannya tsієї posadovoї individuals are determined by the Federal Constitutional Law, dated February 26, 1997. The encouragement of exclamations to secure the guarantee of the sovereign zahist of the rights and freedoms of the people, why you cry out that, with the functions of the wines, he is guilty of being left behind by independent and irresponsible sovereign bodies and landlords.

6. Academy of Sciences. Vіdpovіdno to the Federal law "On science and sovereign scientific and technical policy" dated 23 September 1996. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Architecture and Life Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences) may have a state status, be supported by federal budgetary authorities.

The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Galuzev Academy of Sciences include scientific organizations and other establishments of science services in the social sphere.

The structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Galuzev Academies of Sciences, the order of activity and financing is quiet, which is included in their warehouse scientific organizations the spheres of scientific service are determined by them independently. The work of the academy is to elect the presidents and the presidents, the academies are created, reorganized and deal with the taxes of the Order of the Russian Federation by the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation. At that very hour, the stench is recognized by self-made organizations, like the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and state statutes. Academies to submit to the President of the Russian Federation and the Order of the Russian Federation information about the conduct of scientific studies and their results.

Behind the academies, scho mayut sovereign status, not mayut anything with a large number of other academies, which are different types of community associations.

Later, the Constitutional system of federal bodies of the structure of sovereign power is horizontally approved by: a) Federal Assembly - the parliament of the Russian Federation - the representative and legislative body of the structure of sovereign power; b) the President, the Order and other bodies of law and order of the Russian Federation and c) federal judges (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the system of arbitration courts of Russia and the system of courts of foreign jurisdiction, the crime of magistrates as to lie before the courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation),

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