Zbitki navkolishny middle-class people. Vykhlopnі gazi avtomobіlіv: warehouse, shkoda navkolishnym sredovischu that nebezpeka zdorov'yu people. How to defend dovkіlla independently


SKODA NAVKOLISHNYOM MEDIUM ECOLOGICAL negative changes in the navkolyshny medium, causing anthropogenic activity as a result of influx on it, zabrudnennya navkolishnyy medium. drawing natural resources, the destruction of ecosystems that create a real threat to the health of the people, the growth and the creaturely world

Ecological vocabulary, 2001


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As a result of the robotic engine internal fire, As a modern car's leather equipment, the combustion of hydrocarbonate fires is observed, and a great number of various chemical pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. Beginning in the middle of the 60s of the last century, the vikid of exhaust gases became the praise of rich people. From this moment, the struggle of the people for the maximum possible speed of the wikis starts.

Problem related to the greenhouse effect

Climate change on the global level is one of the most important features of the XXI century. It is rich in why the change in the minds of the diyalnistyu of people, zocrema, the remaining decades have significantly increased the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The main source of Wikipedia is the exhaust gases of automobiles, 30% of which are greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases are used by natural minds and call to regulate the temperature of our black planet, to protect a slight increase in their quantity in the atmosphere can lead to serious global consequences.

The safest greenhouse gas is CO 2 or carbon dioxide. About 80% of all wikis fall on this part of the world, most of them are due to spitting fires in car engines. Carbon dioxide is depleted for three hours in the atmosphere in an active station, which leads to insecurity.

The car is the main zabrudnyuvach of the atmosphere

One of the main sources of carbon dioxide is motor vehicle traffic. Cream CO 2 stinks emit into the atmosphere fumes CO, excess carbohydrates, nitrogen oxides, semi-sulfite and lead, as well as solid particles. All the health problems in the majestic cities are consumed by the wind, leading to a global rise in temperature and the appearance of serious ailments in people, like in great places.

In addition, different cars give out exhaust gas from a different warehouse, everything is deposited according to the type of fire, which wins, for example, gasoline or diesel fuel. So, when gasoline is burned, a bunch of chemical spores are formed, which are formed in the main gas, nitrogen oxides, and lead in carbohydrates. The fluffs of diesel engines sweep away soot that I can make up to death, do not burn in carbohydrates, nitrogen oxide and anhydrous anhydrous.

In this rank, the Skoda of exhaust gases is undoubted for dovkіllya. In this hour, work is being done to change the number of wikis for leather cars, as well as replacing gasoline with alternative and environmentally friendly energy sources, for example, sleepy or wind energy. Great respect is attached to the water fire, the result of burning such a great water vapor.

Influx of Wikimedia on healthy people

Skoda, yaku zavdat vykhlopnі gas and healthy people, maybe even more serious.

We are in front of a not safe chadny gas, which calls out the waste of information and brings death, as if its concentration in the atmosphere has been increased. Crimean shkіdlіvі oksіdі sіrki і z'єdnannya lead, yakі hіlіtayut vіlіtаyut іn the great number z exhaust pipe а car. Sirka and lead in their strong poisonous action and can be left in the body during a trivaly hour.

Carbohydrate particles of soot, which are also consumed in the atmosphere due to the partial combustion of fire near the engine, buildings severe illness dichal system, including the development of evil puffs

Postiyna that trial of exhaust gases on the body leads to a weakened immunity of a person, bronchitis. Skoda inflicted on blood-bearing vessels that nervous system.

Exhaust gases for cars

In the given hour, in all countries of the world, cars will pass obov'yazkovo re-verification for compliance with the established environmental standards. Most of the fluctuations are called such fluff gases, Skoda ecology, in any case, the maximum:

  • carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gas;
  • different excesses in carbohydrates.

However, the current standards of the world's widest regions also depend on how much nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere, and to the system to control the process of evaporation of the firing tank.

Carbon dioxide (CO)

With the help of zabrudnyuvachіv navkolishny middle of the most safe - carbon dioxide, shards of wine do not have any color or smell. The speed for the health of the exhaust gas of cars is significant, for example, its concentration in the total of 0.5% of the total impact on people in the loss of evidence and a long way to death with a stretch of 10-15 minutes, and such a concentration, like 0.04%, lead to the death of the head I hurt.

This product of the robotic engine of internal combustion is satisfied with a great number of people, if the gasoline sum is rich in carbohydrates and acidity. At this moment, the burning of the fire is not fresh, and it is settled CO. The problem can be overcome by the way of the correct adjustment of the carburetor, by replacing or by cleaning the bred inverted filter, by adjusting the valves, which will blow up the combustible sum, and by other worlds.

There is a large amount of CO in the exhaust gases from the process of warming up the car, the shards of the engine are cold and often burn the gasoline sum. Therefore, after warming up the car, it should be taken in the premises, which is good to ventilate, or in the open air.

Carbohydrate and organic olis

In carbohydrates, they do not burn out in the engine, as well as organic oils, which were evaporated, as speeches, as they signify the main failure of exhaust gases in cars for the intoxicated medium. Yourself on your own chemistries do not become unsafe, prote, sucking into the atmosphere, stinks enter into a reaction with smaller speeches under the sleepy changes, and remove from the floor, call sharply in the eyes, make it difficult to breath. In addition, carbohydrates are the main reason I can in great places.

The decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in the exhaust gases is reached by adjusting the carburetor so that the wines are prepared and not bad, and not a lot of sums, as well as by constant control of the pressure of the compression rings in the cylinders of the engine and the regulation of the spark plugs. Outside the spalyuvannya in carbohydrates to produce up to carbon dioxide and steam water, yakі є neshkіdlivimi rechovina yak for ecology, and і for people.

Oxide nitrogen

Close to 78% of atmospheric air is made up of nitrogen. Vіn є dosit with an inert gas, but at temperatures more than 1300 ° C, the nitrogen splits into oxide atoms and reacts with sour, satisfying a different type of oxide.

The speed of exhaust gases for healthy people is also related to these oxides. Zokrema, the dyhal system suffers the most. At high concentrations, this trivalent nitrogen oxide can cause headaches and hostile bronchitis. Shkіdlivі oksi for navkolishny middle. After drinking into the atmosphere, the stink could destroy the ozone ball.

To reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, a special gas recirculation system should be installed in cars, the principle of operation is to lower the temperature of the engine below the threshold for the release of these oxides.

Viparovuvannya paliva

Simply steaming a pan from a tank can become one of the most serious holes in the nasty middle ground. At the link between them, the rest of the kilka has been preparing special tanks for ten years, the design of which has been called upon to solve this problem.

The tank from the fire is also guilty of "dihati". For this, a special system has been invented, which means that the empty tank itself is connected behind the auxiliary hoses from the reservoir, which fills the active cylinders. Tse vugіllya zdatne poglinat pari paliva, scho blame, if the car's engine is not working. As soon as the engine is started, it will open in the open, and the engine will need to be put on the corners of the bet for their spitting.

For praceszdatnistyu all systems from the tank and hoses need to be constantly stitched, the shards in them can be blamed for winding the steam of the palm, yak zabrudnyuvatimut dovkillya.

The solution to the problem of Wikidisplay in great places

Dozens of thousands of factories are surrounded by great modern places, millions of people live and hundreds of thousands of cars drive in the streets. All the same zabrudnyuє atmosphere, which has become the main problem of the XXI century. For її vyshennya mіska vlad to introduce low administrative and zahodіv.

So, in 2003, a protocol was adopted in London against traffic pollution in the middle of nowhere. According to this protocol, if you travel through the central districts of the city, an additional fee of 10 pounds sterling will be charged. In 2008, the government of London approved a new law, which became more effective in regulating the movement of private transport, buses and special autos in the central part of the city, setting an upper swedish threshold for them. Qi come brought to the speed of 12%.

Starting from the 2000s, similarly, come in and get used to rich places-millionaires. Among them are:

  • Tokyo;
  • Berlin;
  • Athens;
  • Madrid;
  • Paris;
  • Stockholm;
  • Brussels and others.

Direct effect of the law against confusion

The fight against the exhaust gases of cars cannot be forgiven for those who clearly demonstrate the example of two of the most important places on the planet: Mexico City and Beijing.

Since 1989, in the capital of Mexico, there is a law, which is why it is necessary to protect your car from the appointed days of the month. At the same time, this law, having become positive, brought positive results and the gas supply was shortened, after a certain hour, the inhabitants began to buy other cars, and why the stench began to drive today on special transport, replacing one car with another day. Such a situation worsened the strongest camp of the Mist atmosphere.

The situation is similar in the capital of China. For the sake of 2015, close to 80% of Beijing residents have their own cars, which allow them to move daily on them. In addition, in this metropolis there is a great number of violations of the law against confusion.

The problem of defining the understanding of ecological shkodi, manifested by yoga characteristic rice and specific features may be of infinite social and legal significance. Її the social side is maddened by the critical camp of dovkіll. It does not mean the summation of the fact that in the rest of the hour the source of the change in the social sparseness of the zazikhana on the supple ecological blue, the character of the shkodi, which zavdaetsya їm, became more complex, became more complex. In some cases, the actual present of negative naslіdkіv can mіsce mіsce pіslya dosit іn trіvalny hour i on zovsіm іnshіy teritoryії, sо to tell about yogo transcordonna nature.

At once about those theoretically environmental rights, the understanding of environmental scoundrels is given unrealistically little respect.

On the need for a ruined theoretical understanding to understand the “environmental rights” and “environmental Skoda” on the cob of the 80s of the 80s, the respect was widely respected by the opinions of S.B. Baisaliv. Kazakhstani legal literature has a lot of evidence of problems of juridical viability for environmental law violations, and some aspects of environmental violations have been observed in some of them. At the same time, there is no understanding of the ecological shoddy about those who have a single ignominious purpose until our time.

A look at the understanding of shkodi, behind the violations of environmental legislation, but from the understanding of the object of legal violation of the law, the shards of the ignoble one, the object of the law violation - the very ones who are blamed for the violation of the illegal act.

In legal literature, it is rightly argued that there are no certain legal violations, any legal violation of the head of shkodi, shards of encroachment appear to be suspіlnі vіdnosini.

For whom, it is necessary to briefly look at the positions of the understanding of how the object of environmental lawfulness is understood.

In some cases, under the object of environmental lawfulness, material and non-material benefits are considered, and natural objects themselves are complex, as well as the middle ground in general, which are protected by law in the form of zabrudnennia, and the ruin of mother's health, and people are also , the camp of yakikh to lie in the rank of the navkolishny middle ground. the middle, but the water remains the rest, in others - nature conservation interest. Based on firm grounds for non-recognition of legally significant social signs and regulations of their legal norms, deeds of law are included in the warehouse of the elements of the object of law enforcement of the norms of environmental protection and natural resource legislation and regulation by them of the regulation of legal norms.

The ascertainment of these positions allows the growth of visnovy in those who have a single reasonable category of legal category in the science of environmental law.

The most rational position of these scientists, as they formulate an understanding of the object of environmental law enforcement as a collapsible whole complex of suspіlny vіdnosin of ecological character.

Think economically and socially and politically, what has changed, think about the need to expand this understanding by including it in a way to new sustainable resources, which add up to the protection of subjective environmental rights (including speech rights to natural resources).

Таким чином, об'єктом екологічного правопорушення є сукупність регульованих і охоронюваних нормами суспільних відносин щодо навколишнього середовища в цілому та її окремих компонентів, що включає відносини власності та інших речових прав на природні ресурси, управлінські відносини у сфері природокористування, відносини з охорони навколишнього середовища від shkіdlivih vplivіv, and also vodnosiny schodo zahistu subjective environmental rights and legitimate interests of the people and the bulk.

Fakhivtsi at the sphere of Ekologa right to bend, Shkoda Skoda by Ekologiyni pіd an hour of the fabrication of Ekologa-laws by the norms of the Diane, call, the gateway for Tynosyn, at the Zvyaski viniki Viniki Vyznoye,

The subject of suspіlnyh vіdnosin is recognized as those chi іnshe vysche, z the drive of some kind of viniklo given stavlennya that zdіysnyuєtsya pіznavalna that practical activity of yоgo subjects. It is obvious that in the structure of an environmentally friendly application, the object is the material, so as the middle part, and the first component, the material shell is born.

Vidminnist between the subject and the object of environmental law enforcement in that "not objects of material light by the power of forces, but objects (speech) as elements of the suspension of water are protected by law, and encroachment on them is an encroachment on the suspension of water, tied to them."

Later, natural objects and now the medium stand out like material objects, otherwise seeming, objective noses, in which there are manifested the same side of the power of ecological legal rights.

A number of natural objects - potential objects of environmental torts, which are taken for legal protection, are assigned to article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the protection of dovkіllya". How can they act like this: atmospheric wind, water, soil, nadra, creaturely and growing light, and create a climate in that vzaєmodії.

Natural objects, being warehouse dovkіllya, are characterized by such necessary signs: 1) natural adventures; 2) interoperability with environmental systems.

It should be taken into account that the initial significance may be another of the signified signs, the traces of the introduction of illegal behavior to ecological ones are necessary, so that at the moment of the first construction the subject of the anti-lawful activity has changed at the station of natural interrelationship with the toxic medium.

It is necessary to show spontaneity to understand "Skoda, zapodiyana ekologichesmi pravupovlennyami" and "environmental Skoda".

In the first place, whether it be an encroachment on the protection of the right suspile of the blue means we are in front of the head of the shkodi law and order like this. Henceforth, the introduction of environmental law enforcement in all areas is responsible for the ecological legal order as a whole, which is understood as a state of order, organization of suspended waters, which are regulated by environmental and legal norms. At the same time, in several ways, the violation of legal norms is accompanied by the violation of subjective rights, as well as the application of the actual subject of law violation - the main and non-main goods.

Therefore, in the legal literature, two types of shkoda are seen - socially-legal and factual, with which respect is given to the possibility of blaming shkodhi in the social-legal sense in quiet situations, if shkoda (destruction of subjective rights, application of the main quality of non-main good) is actual.

In such a way, the destruction of the hromadas, which are protected by environmental and legal norms, as a legacy of the illegal behavior reveals the social nature of shkod, the object of environmental law enforcement. At that very hour in the mood, if the uninterrupted negative influx is also the subject of environmental law enforcement, the consequences of such behavior due to their physical nature can have a material character and be expressed in poor or declining objects.

Spiraling on the data of investigation, you can grow whiskers, that not every damage to the legal environmental ones can pull after itself the factual harm to the superfluous middle ground, which manifests itself in the deterioration of the characteristics of the acidic state, or the applied kіlkys.

Vyhodyachi z vikladennogo, you can propagate the onset of the classification of shkodi, how to set up environmental law enforcement:

  • 1) Skoda, zapodiyana environmental law and order zagal (Skoda їх in social and legal significance);
  • 2) Skoda in the actual sense, which manifests itself in the real worsened state of the nautical medium, or the applied yogo kіlkіsnyh characteristics.

Factual Skoda, zapodіyana ekologichіchmi pravushennymi, also heterogeneous for its structure. Деякі порушення екологічного законодавства, такі як незаконний видобуток тварин, птахів, риби, незаконна порубка лісу та інше, не спричиняють негативних екологічних наслідків з точки зору якісного стану навколишнього середовища та збереження екологічної рівноваги, але завдають майнової шкоди державі як власнику природних ресурсів або окремого природокористувача .

Therefore, in order to classify such a child, the next report will take a look at the facts about those who are the most negative in the middle of the world, clearly showing environmental concerns.

Oscilki ekologichna Skoda is seen not just as if it were, including insignificantly, the change in the characteristics of some natural objects, but as a negative change in the nature of the environment as a whole, to those who need to be seriously considered.

The severity of dovkill is characterized by the succession of advancing criteria:

  • 1. According to the biological plan, the criteria for the quality of dovkіllya is such a camp, which is friendly to life and healthy people. To improve the interrelationship and interrelationship of phenomena and processes in nature, people interact with the center of their natural habitation. Surrounded by the elements of nature є uninterrupted dzherel of satisfaction of the natural physiological needs of people - dihannya, indulgence in spragi, eating. Tse means that in the biological aspect for the preservation of the minds of the creation of people, it is possible to confirm such a criterion as cleanliness (nezabrudnenist);
  • 2. In the economic aspect, the quality of the dovkіllya can be secure to the satisfaction of the growing material needs of the world (development of industry, the silskogo state, energy, transport, etc.). To this, the economic indicators of a friendly state of dovkіllya are resource (non-experimental) and productive building of natural resources.
  • 3. In the social aspect, the quality of dovkіllya may be consistent with the aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural needs of people, the shards of the process of interbreeding with nature, people are satisfied with both physiological and material, and spiritual needs. In this aspect, the quality of dovkill may be consistent with such criteria, as a kind of diversity that aesthetic richness.
  • 4. The structural and functional aspect of dovkill may be consistent with such criteria as environmental sustainability (balance of environmental components), conservation of natural environmental links.

In such a rank, showing signs of the quality of dovkіllya є:

  • 1) cleanliness (unpolluted) dovkil;
  • 2) resourcefulness (nevycherpnistost) and productive building of natural resources;
  • 3) species diversity and aesthetic richness;
  • 4) environmental sustainability and conservation of natural environmental impacts.

Why is it prominent, that in the structure of the ecological school, zapodiyanoy to the superfluous middle ground, either the socio-cultural, or the economic, or the biological aspects. You can also have a different day. Appearance of structural and functional damage to natural environmental links, which lead to the loss of environmental sustainability, lie in the balance of economic and (or) biological aspects.

При цьому слід підкреслити, що будь-який з вищезгаданих аспектів екологічної шкоди обов'язково супроводжується негативними матеріальними наслідками для суспільства в цілому або окремого природокористувача, що виявляються у втратах раніше вкладених витрат на відтворення та покращення природних об'єктів, вимушених витрат на його відновлення , non-limiting income. To this, I repeat the thought of A. Khadzhiev, who affirms that the influence of ecological harm will inevitably be accompanied by negative economic consequences. However, even further visnovok about those who are born by nature and economical Skoda cannot help but produce ecologically rich heritage, I can’t support it.

So, for example, in the estimation of shkodi, which calls for illegal trade from the natural habitat of creatures, birds, ribeye, on which the industry is vibrated, environmental criteria are daily. Oskіlki protipravnіstі such dіy polіgaє vіdstunostі vіdpovіdnogo vozdіvі, talk аbоut thаt current negative environmental impacts to this particular type no clue.

Therefore, in quiet situations, if the presence of factual shoddy, which was expressed in the application of the characteristics of natural resources, do not bring to their disposal, or other negative environmental consequences, then we can talk about the fall of the mine's shoddy state, or natural beauty.

This very position is taken by D.L. Baideldinov, who propagates to look at the economic and ecological Skoda as an independent variety of Skoda, the leader of nature. Vin writes: “Isnuє klassifikatsija podіlu shkodі on ekonomіchnu i ekonomіchnu shkoda prirodі. Economical Skoda starts the main interests of natural resources and follows the material mind. Reinforcement of such a shkody can be carried through to the outrageous grounds of civil and legal viability. Ecological shkoda touches nature itself... Reinvention of ecological shkoda is possible not with a path of penny payments, but by carrying out robots from the renewal of a natural object in nature.

Таким чином, під екологічною шкодою слід розуміти погіршення якісного стану навколишнього середовища, викликане порушенням законодавства про охорону навколишнього середовища, або таке зменшення його кількісних характеристик, яке здатне викликати негативні екологічні наслідки, а також пов'язане з цим будь-яке применшення матеріального і нематеріального the good that is protected by law, including the life of that healthy people.

The appearance of a direct impact on the subconsciousness of shkodi okremim to natural objects is explained by the fact that the negative impact on the okremium component of the most important medium will inevitably appear on the її stanі as a whole. In such a rank, Skoda, as a manager of a natural object, as if showing a shkodi to a superfluous middle core.

Ecological Skoda can clearly express specifics.

In the first place, the negative anthropogenic influence often refers not only to a direct fault, to a specific object of nature, but also to a fault, to a fault, to other objects in relation to it, or to a general medium in general, which is reflected in the effects of environmental influences poshkodzhennogo abo zhishchennogo object with the natural system.

From a natural point of view, whether a piece of change in a new medium is inevitable, it is inevitable to lead to the development of natural lanzug reactions, directing from the neutralization of a vibrated change, or the formation of new natural systems, the illumination of which, with significant changes in the middle, can be characteristic.

In a different way, in general, shkidlivy traces appear at once, they hardly have a potential character.

Thirdly, the essence of the environmental problem is those who can change the significance of the physical liability of the negative anthropogenic impact. To that ecological fault, one can recognize only those negative changes, as they can be manifested and vimiryan in a positive way to the development of scientific and technical abilities at this stage.

Fourthly, environmental damage may have a specific form of manifestation, which will be reported below.

Otzhe, sverdzhuvati, that the main Skoda to the superfluous middle of the head of the wrongful behavior, means super-speech to the deity of speeches. The richness of the opinions is primed to respect that this is the worst critical stan є the result of a mass injection of rightful behavior.

Namely facts

An hour of insult, but there is no one at home, so you sit for a kermo and go to the nearest grocery store.

You walk among the counters, trying to buy. At the result, you choose the trigger and the prepared salad and turn it back home in order to enjoy the meal.

It can be seen that, at first glance, an innocent trip to the store hit Dovkil.

In a first step, the vehicular car sprayed the wikis with carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Electricity in the store is nothing else, as a result of the spitting of the coal, which has destroyed the Appalachian ecosystem.

Lettuce ingredients were grown on the farm and treated with pesticides, so they ate at the water streams, exposing the ribs and water growths (which helps to save more clean).

The chicken was grown on a poultry farm, which is already far away, where a large amount of toxic methane is released into the atmosphere through creatures. Upon delivery of the goods to the store, it was bulo zadіyano richly vidіv transport, leather z yih zavdav svoєї shkodi navkolishny middle.

Navit the most important human actions initiating change in the most important middle ground. How we scorch our houses, lively our electrical engineering, how we work with our smiths and how we eat our foodstuffs - all the same, we hope to be stronger in the middle of the world.

Looking at the suspense level, the problem can be seen that human behavior has significantly affected Dovkil. The temperature of the earth has increased by one degree Fahrenheit since 1975, the number of polar ice caps has shrunk by more than 9% in one decade.

We were in charge of the majestic shkoda of the planet, richer than you, you can show yourself. Budіvnitstvo, іrigatsіya, vidobutok brown copalins signifi- cantly psuє the natural landscape and destroy the interruption of important ecological processes. Aggressive fishing and watering can deplete all stocks of species, migration of people can introduce foreign species in the food lances that have become. Greed leads to catastrophic accidents, and molts to ruinous practices.

10. Community projects

In some cases, the projects of the community's workers really do not work for the benefit of the community. For example, recognized for the extraction of clean energy, rowing projects in China emptied everything, through them in places and places the accumulation of environmentally friendly inputs was drained, which significantly increased the risk of natural disasters.

In 2007, the rotation of China completed the 20th anniversary of the world's largest rowing for a hydroelectric power station under the name "Three Gorges". Under the hour of the implementation of the project, over 1.2 million people had to lose their primary lives, 13 great cities, 140 great cities and 1350 forces were flooded. Hundreds of factories, mines, and industrial centers were also flooded, plus all the main reservoirs were swamped. The project changed the ecosystem of the Yangtze River, transforming the river into a standing pool, and at the same time protecting the natural flora and fauna.

The rivers, which are redirected, also signifi- cantly move the risk of zsuviv uzdovzh berezhiv, like a home for hundreds of thousands of people. According to the forecasts, close to pivmillion of people, as if delaying the bridging of the rivers, planning to relocate until 2020, the shards of sound will not be passed over, with which the ecosystem was allowed to visnazhuvatimetes.

Not long ago, the vcheni po'azali budіvnitstvo rowing with earthworks. The reservoir "Three Gorges" was built at the top of two main lines of breaks, moreover, hundreds of other shipments became from the moment of yogic vіdkrittya. Vecheni allowed that the catastrophic earthquake of 2008 fate in the Chinese province of Sichuan, after which 8,000 people perished, was also caused by the accumulation of water in the rowing area, the loss of low prices for the first time in the center of the cob of mail. The phenomenon of rowing, which provokes earthquakes, tying from the pressure of water, which is created under the reservoir, like, at its core, zbіshuє yak in mountainous rocks and act as a help to yakshuvach line break, yak already and so know under the pressure.

9. Overworld vilov ribi

"By the sea there is a lot of ribi" is no longer a whole lot of reliable statements. The appetite of the people for seafood, having emptied our oceans of the floor, that the experts are afraid for the building of the wealthy, having seen independently their population.

For the tribute of the All-World Federation wildlife, the global catch of ribey exceeds the allowable norm by 2.5 times. Nine hundred great species of ribs - tuna, swordfish, cod, halibut, flounder, marlin - have used up their natural dovkil. According to forecasts, if the situation does not change, then until 2048, stock up on fish.

Varto designate that the main culprit of what you see is access to fishing technologies. Today commercial fishermen's ships are equipped with a fish-beam sonar. Knowing the best place, the fishermen let out great nets, the size of three football fields, so they can take all the fish with a dekilkoh khvilin. In such a manner, at this suits For 10-15 years, the population of ribs can scatter by 80 species.

8. Invasive vision

Lyudina, during the protracted period of the era of planting the world, herself was a rose of all invasive species. Navit unimportantly to those that you may be lucky for, your beloved domestic creature, or you will feel more richly in a new place, the natural balance will really be destroyed. It was brought to light that the flora and fauna are invasive - tse nayruinivnіsha rіch, yak the people were raised for dovkіll.

In the United States, 400 out of 958 species listed up to the Red Book, shards of stench are seen as such that they are in the risk zone through competition with invasive alien species.

The problems of invasive species of the earth are tormented by spineless creatures. For example, in the first half of the 20th century, the Asian mushroom populated over 180 million acres of American chestnut trees. The results have over 10 species, which lie in chestnuts, died.

7. Coal shoe industry

The biggest concern, yaku є vidobutok vugillya, - the change of climate, ale, krіm tsgogo, tsey process is threatening and mіstsevim ecosystems.

Market realities become a serious problem for the Girsky Vugill, especially in the Happy States. Vogillya with a cheap energy source - one megawatt of energy, taken for an additional source of energy, costing 20-30 dollars, for a charge of one megawatt, taken for an additional help of natural gas - 45-60 dollars. Moreover, one quarter of the world's light reserves are located on the territory of the United States.

Two of the largest ruinous forms of coal-booth industry are the whole butt of coal from the tops of the mountain for auxiliary gas. For the first time, the mountaineers can "cut" over 305 meters of the mountain peak in order to reach the coal family. A vidobutok for additional gas is available only if you are closer to the surface of the fire. When all the "inhabitants" are on fire (the trees, be-yakі іnshі іstoti that live with them) are blamed for the removal of valuable minerals.

Skin-like practice creates a great number of exits on its way. Great poshkodzhenі and old fox country women are thrown off at the navkolishni valley. According to estimates, less than in the United States in Western Virginia, over 121,405 hectares of leafy foxes were planted after the appearance of a wugill. Until 2012, it seems to be the fate that the 5180 square kilometers of the Appalachian forest will stop.

Nutrition about those who work with similar "inputs", as before, are left with no vodkritim. Call for a fireworks company to simply throw off unsavory trees, dead wild creatures too thinly. near the adjacent valleys, which, in their own backyard, do not only exist in natural ecosystems, but also flow into the great rivers. Promislov_ v_dhodi z mines znahoyt sobі priulok at the channels of the rivers.

6. Human disasters

Wanting more ways, for the help of such people, you start a shkodi in a superfluous middle tone, develop with a stretch of decades, deacons can walk in one mile, but you’ll die with far-reaching heritage.

In 1989, oil bottling in the Prince Williams bay, Alaska, has a serious record. During the bottling of nearly 11 million gallons of crude oil, as a result of the accident, over 25,000 sea birds, 2,800 sea otters, 300 seals, 250 eagles, nearly 22 killer whales, and also elk yards died. At least two, you see, the Pacific settler and the blue kairi did not expect after the catastrophe.

It is still too early to estimate the clashes, the leaders of the wild nature after the bottling of oil in the Mexican Zatots, but the scale of the catastrophe is unknown before in American history. Over a period of several days, over 9.5 million liters of oil per day leaked out near the inlet - the largest bottling in American history. For more estimates, the prices for the world of wild creatures are still lower, lower for bottling in 1989 through a smaller number of species. However, regardless of the price, there are no reasonable sums of money for someone who will save up more old fates in bottling.

5. Cars

America has long been respected by the land of automobiles, there is nothing surprising in the fact that one fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States falls on the automobile itself. On the roads of the country, 232 million cars linger, and even a small part of them live on electricity, and the average car uses about 2271 liters of gasoline a lot.

One car releases close to 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from exhaust gases. In order to clean up the windows of your houses, you need 240 trees. In America, cars see about the same amount of carbon dioxide as the backwaters that burn the coal.

In the combustion process, which is in the engine of a car, particles of nitrogen oxides, carbohydrates and sulfur dioxide are vibrated. In a great number of chemical speeches, the robotic dichal system of a person can be vicious, calling out a cough and a venom. Cars also generate carbon monoxide - blast gas, which is produced when the fire is burned, blocking the transport of acid to the brain, heart and other vital organs.

At the same time, the type of naphtha bottle, which is necessary for the creation of the fire, and the oil for the machine, at its own line, also seriously affects the environment. You can see the land-based drilling of waters, but the sea-drilling and further transporting beyond the rocks has created a number of problems, but since 1978, the bottlings of 40 million gallons of oil have been poured all over the world.

4. Nestiyke silske gospodarstvo

In all the ways in which people mischief dovkіllu, there is one blatant tendency: we cannot plan for the future. But nowhere is it easier to catch a cold, lower in our methodology to grow your own food products.

Behind the tribute of the American agency is the protection of the navkolishny middle ground, the right methods of conducting the military state of the state in 70 thousand miles of the river and stream of the country. Drains of chemical speeches, muddy soil, entrances of a creature's journey, all this is consumed in waterways, Some of them have already been over 173,000 miles perebuvayut at the zhalugidny camp. Chemicals are good and pesticides increase nitrogen and replace nitrogen instead of water.

Pesticides, which are vicorous for the protection of agricultural and subdar crops from huts, pose a threat to the survival of certain species of birds in such coma. For example, the number of bjoline colonies on the US silos fell from 4.4 million in 1985 to 2 million in 1997. With the influx of pesticides, the immune system of the body is weaker, so that it can be more fearful in front of the enemy.

The large-scale industrial enterprise of the state government also contributes to the process of global warming. Most important meat products are produced in the world on industrial farms. On a farm, tens of thousands of heads of thinness are kept in small areas with a mean economy of space. In addition, with a decrease in unprocessed inputs of creatures, there are a lot of fluctuating gases, including methane, which, in its own way, is not abianic influencing the process of global warming.

3. Virubuvannya fox

So the hours were founded, since most of the earth on the planet was covered with forests. Today, the foxes are rising before our eyes. For the tribute of the Organization of the United Nations, 32 million acres of forest will be generously destroyed, including 14,800 acres of unoccupied forests, that are lands that were not occupied, or did not suffer from human activity. Seventy hundred creatures and growths of the planet linger among the forests, and, having spent their booths, they themselves become under the threat of dying out like a mind.

The problem is especially acute for tropical forests with a humid climate. Such foxes occupy 7 acres of dry land and cover almost half of all species of the planet. At the lowest rate of felling foxes, vcheni vvazhayut that tropical foxes will be wiped out from the earth in about 100 years.

Virubuvannya lisiv also contributes to global warming. Trees are scorched by greenhouse gases, so fewer trees mean more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. The stench also helps improve the water cycle by turning water vapor into the atmosphere. Without trees, the forest can easily transform into empty deserts, which will lead to even more serious chimneys of light temperature. If the foxes are on fire, the trees will release charcoal into the atmosphere, which will alleviate the acute problems of global warming. Vcheni praised that the trees of the Amazonian forests have cultivated a quantity of greenhouse gases, equivalent to 10 fates of human activity.

Vidnist is one of the main causes of deforestation. Most of the tropical forests are found in the lands of the third world, and politicians there regularly stimulate the economic development of weak regions. In this rank, the lumberjack and the farmers, it is proper, alright, to shy away from their right. Most often, the virubuvannya of the fox is seen through the necessity of the creation of a rural village. The farmer, as a rule, burns trees and growth in order to take away the ashes, so that later you can vicorate as good. This process is called subsistence-fire farming. In addition, there is a risk of erosion of the soil and veins, shards for a sprinkling of rocks of life are boiled out of the soil, and the earth is often not able to support the planting of crops, for the sake of them and the buli of tree cutting.

2. Global warming

The average surface temperature of the Earth over the remaining 130 years has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Caps of hats to sink from the menacing swedishness - since 1979, over 20 hundred thousand of light ice arose. The rivulet of the sea rises, provoking them themselves, and signifi- cantly pouring into the catastrophic elemental dash, like the whole world of Daedalus often.

Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect, which means that some of the gases direct some of the warmest heat to the atmosphere. Since 1990, global greenhouse gas emissions have increased by approximately 6 billion tons in the entire world, or by 20 billion tons.

The gas on which the maximum impact on global warming lies is carbon dioxide gas, which accounts for 82 thousand tons of total greenhouse gases in the United States. Dioxide of coal is generated during the burning of copalin, mainly during the robotic automobiles and during the eating of plants and factories in the coals. Five years ago, the global atmospheric concentrations of gases were already 35 hundred tons higher, lower than before the industrial revolution.

Global warming can lead to the development of spontaneous, large-scale shortages of food and water, as well as ruinous legacy for wildlife. For the data of the international group of experts in the changing climate, the rhubarb of the sea can rise to the end of the century by 17.8 - 58.4 cm.

1. Overpopulation

"Overcrowding is like an elephant in the room, about which nobody wants to talk," says Dr. John Guillebaud, professor at the gallery of reproductive health planning at the University College London. in humane ways, planning this will change the number of people, nature will kill for us for additional violence, epidemics and hunger, ”dodaє wine.

For the remaining 40 years, the population of the world grew from 3 to 6.7 billion. 75 million cases (equivalent to the population of Nimechchin) are given on a large scale, or over 200,000 cases per day. According to forecasts, until 2050, the number of people will exceed 9 billion people.

More people means more income, more drinking food, more production of people's goods, more needs for electricity, cars too. In other words, all the factors that contribute to global warming are less likely to succumb.

Farmers and fishermen are becoming more and more ill at ease with already tending ecosystems. The foxes will be removed more and more, the shards of the place will be constantly expanded, and new territories will be needed for agricultural purposes. All who have done will be a list of vidіv, scho vymirayut. In the krains, which are developing rapidly, such as India and China, the increase in energy, as it turns out, to strengthen the wicked coal. The shorter it seems, the more people, the more problems.

Overworld preservation of meat products factory Skoda not only healthy lovers eat well, but superfluous middle. Such a visnovka dіyshli fahіvtsі іnformatsiyno-doslednytskiy center of the Brussels Institute superfluous among. Behind the tributes, the Belgians ... one of the main "blame" of the zabrudnennya water and land resources. Moreover, the cream of virobnicheskikh complexes, too much Wednesday the creatures themselves are wandering, as in the process of pickling they vibrate methane - one of the gases that ...


Looks like a child. The document under the title "Principles of the adoption of risks for the health of children in connection with confusion superfluous among”, Shows the fact that a child’s organism is more sensitive, lower than a grown-up organism, so it’s not only physically ... Nearly a third of all child ailments can be associated with factors superfluous among, podomlyayat vcheni, zarudnennya drive that povіtrya, pesticides, which are consumed by hedgehogs, pigs by the soil, and also ...


Such a visnovka is a British successor Chris Goodall, who constantly promotes the development of myths about superfluous middle. Doslidnik blatantly, that the climate only wins, as people stop taking care of physical rights and spend more than an hour watching TV or hopping around in cars. ... , what a great number physical rights And then we'll see how badly it shows up on global warming. Less їzhi and more їzdi for kerm - safer for superfluous among.


Blyznyukiv vdvіchі more - so stverzhuє group of German ecologists. And why will the zavdyaki become more confused superfluous among promissory inputs. Vcheni reported on the situation with the people in one of the regions of Nimech, near the Rhine valley. Deconstruction of installations and spalling toxic emissions and a path of experience ...


It is possible to cause an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere, as well as an increase in the area of ​​the cut forest, as a fire for cars. Such data were withdrawn in the course of investigations conducted by American scientists Tim Surchinger, Dan Kammen and Jerry Melillo. Previously, it was important that it was biologically neutral in terms of respect to ecology, all the beats were taken care of, as if to set the atmosphere for the hour of picking up the roslin, from which ...


Skoda, the leader of the planet, is estimated at 6.6 trillion.

Convert from penny equivalent Skoda, applications superfluous middle let's say with the help of the industry and the future traces of the future growth of the industry and the earnings of the companies”. How to be appointed to the list of more than 3,000 largest companies in the world "bear the responsibility for a third of the entire smash, the western planet." Dopovіdі UN so bald, scho until 2050 rock Skoda superfluous middle could rise to $28.6 trillion.

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