The complex is right for the abdomen and sides. Effectively have the right to tidy up, that side lives in the minds of the home. Physical right for slimming belly and sides for women

Losing weight for rich people is a more complicated task, as it will require colossal vitrates for an hour of that great willpower. However, for everyone who is thinner, it is most difficult to become thinner in the abdomen. If a person successfully lowers his weight, the fat will not go anywhere, just not from the sides. It’s right to look, as if to help clean up the lives of the minds of the home.

Chi can you quickly in your home minds tidy up the zayva vaga from the stomach and sides?

It’s good for someone to lose weight at home - it’s not necessary to get an impersonal fahivtsiv: a nutritionist, a trainer, a massage therapist; buy expensive food courses and plan training.

In fact, as the problem is not in being ill, you can get into weight loss on your own, less reporting singing zusil and vicorist knowledge, like you are today ladies.

For effective slimming at home, for shaping a narrow waist and a flat stomach best option there will be more aerobic and anaerobic training, so you need to exercise strength and cardio training. In addition, 1-2 times a day may be sensible to pump the stomach muck.

In this rank, training in the minds of the home with a method of losing weight can look something like this:

  • 2 times a day cardio training
  • 2 times a day strength training
  • 1-2 times a day pumping the press (okremo or in the complex like strength training, so cardio)

And if you yourself have the right to enter into these types of training, and how to beat them, we will reportly describe them further.

Effective complex of gymnastic rights for slimming the abdomen and sides

Let's start with the training of the press. Right for pumping the stomach ulcers, it’s even richer. Deyakі vvazhayut, scho one is right to be effective for others, but to tell the truth, navit zvichnі and have long known the right to give a good result, so that they work regularly and dotrimuvatisya correct technique.

Twisting (photo)

Twisting on the press is right, knowing childishness, but sound all її robbed for swidkіst, without thinking about those, naskіlki correctly won out.

Twisting can be done with straight legs, or with raised ones, with which you can either put it on your head, for example, a bench, or trim it on the outside. The rest option will be more convenient. Such a right to go like for women, so for people.

Technique right:

  1. We lie on the back.
  2. Hands can be trimmed behind the head, on the chests, tie them off the bridle to the body. As a newcomer, you can pull your hands up to the hull and troch trim for the quilt - the simplest option. If you cross your arms on your chest, then you will become folded in the right. And if you want to make it as easy as possible for the right, then put your hands behind your head.
  3. The legs are either put on the ground bent in the knees, or it is taken to the height, or it is trimmed in the air.
  4. Across it is pressed to the point.
  5. Robimo deep in the breath and visibly begin to twist, pulling the shoulder blades into the folds.
  6. Inhale we go back and relax.

Repeat 20-25 times. 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Video: Twisting the body on the press

Under the body lying on the back (for women and people)

Under the corpus - tse vіdmіnna is right for the development of that zmіtsnennya direct m'yazіv press.

Technique right:

  1. We lie on the back.
  2. The legs are bent in knees and placed shoulder-width apart. Stop for an hour, you have the right not to need to take a breath (it often happens, the shards of the leg serve as an opponent and try to help you get up), you can fix them right away: kick the sofa, ask someone to take it, etc.
  3. Hands are wound up behind the head or crossed on the chests. As if you are a novice, you can pull your hands behind your head, and lead the way ahead.
  4. To give respect: it is not necessary to put pressure on one's head with one's hands.
  5. The back is strongly pressed to the surface. Minimize natural deflection across.
  6. To grow a deep breath and to see with a round back lift the body.
  7. At the top point of the slide, see as much as possible, strain the press and stretch for 2-3 seconds.
  8. When we breathe in, we drop down and relax.

It is necessary to repeat 15-20 times, 3-4 times will be enough.

Zvichayno, m'yazi press quickly adapts to any kind of adventurousness, and it is right to win over the others, or periodically replace it.

Pіdyom nіg lying down (come to warm up)

For example, twisting either under the body can be twisted with the underside of the body lying down. Qia to the right allows you to pump up the lower part of the straight abdominal mass.

Technique right:

  1. We lie on the back. The legs are twisted. Hands vzdovzh corps.
  2. When pіdёmі nіg duzhe often navantazhennya on yourself is forced to take a back, so that you can minimize the appearance, put your hands on the bed and trim them there for the hour of everything right.
  3. Robimo deep in the breath and see the legs in the air.
  4. Raise the legs to the perpendicular of the statute, utrimuemo tse position of a few seconds and start properly, indulge in the stomach, lower the legs.
  5. At the lower point of the bag, do not stick on the surface, so that the adventage would be constant.

For a beginner, such a method can be done with folding, so it can be sensible to learn more about it. We can see that one leg is raised to the apex of 45-60 degrees, it is trimmed and lowered properly. If the first leg poked under the logs, you can lift it to a friend.

Do not stray qiu rightly with the twists and turns. When pidyomі nіg, as described above, we finish right perpendicular to the position of nіg to the sublog. At the back twists at the upper point, it is necessary to twist the sides of the legs and twist the lower part of the body on itself. Tse looking like this:

Right "knives"

Tsya has the right to be like a deak to the front, and she knows it melodiously rich.

Technique right:

  1. We lie on the back.
  2. Legs are twisted, hands lie on the brace of the body.
  3. At this point of view, you can put your hands on the bottom of the chair, so that you can take the lock of the tension across.
  4. Raise your legs to a level of 45-60 degrees and begin to create horizontal cross-legs.
  5. We repeat the same number of times and lower our feet on the ground. Let's relax. After what we repeat.

It is necessary to repeat such approaches 4-5 times, for the skin one 15-20 times.

Qiu can rightly be beaten at a great amplitude, not just crossing the legs, but widely spreading their kills, then zvodyachi and the next crossing.

Another option is right - not horizontal crossings, but vertical swings.

There are two variants of this right according to the field of m'yazyv, which are being tested: straight and slanting m'yazi press. And also a few options from different folding.

Technique right:

Number of repetitions from 15 to 25, 3-4 will be sufficient.

Video: An easy version of the oblique twisting "knock-lib"

Video: Folding variant of oblique twists "knock-lib"

Plank - classic and wicked

To the right of the bar, zgіdno z doslіdzhennym, enter up to ten right on the press Moreover, for the slanting m'yazyv of the stomach, it won't show itself the most effective.

Plank options faceless. Let's look at two classics - the same classical plank and bіchna. Offenses can be corrected in dynamics. For example, pull your legs up to your chest, lift your arm, leg, stribati thinly.

The plank can be adjusted in three ways from the simplest to the most complicated:

Technique right:

  1. We lie on the living. Tse vihіdna position, for which it is necessary to become a plank position. Ale, even though it’s important to you, you can stand in a plank position from a manual position.
  2. Legs lie straight.
  3. We put our feet on the scarpets. The closer one to one to stand feet, the more folding to the right.
  4. Spiraling either on the elbow or on the shoulder.
  5. Robimo vdikh and s vidihom vіdzhimaєmosya up to the required version of the plank.
  6. At this position, the next step is 20 seconds to dekilkoh khvilin. All lay in vіd vіshoі pіdgotovki.
  7. It is important to follow the body. Regardless of that, you are standing in such a plan, all the body is guilty of one straight line: it lives uplifted, the pelvis is not overwhelmed and not lifted up, the back is straight, the neck is relaxed.
  8. Don't forget to dihati. Dihannya can be equal and calm. Accept what you need to practice.

Qia to the right can also be a vikonana:

Technique right:

  1. Let's go to bed.
  2. Folding option - if one foot lies on the other, but if it’s new, such a way can be more foldable, then you can put a hand on it.
  3. Rise on the lekt or on the curly hand, helping yourself with the other hand.
  4. Explore in the air and see the body in the air. You are more than guilty of trimming the feet (or two) of the supporting arms: neither the body, nor the pelvis, nor the legs are guilty of sticking to the foot.
  5. It is also necessary to stitch, so that the body was one straight line.
  6. The supporting arm must be strictly under the shoulder.
  7. Zatrimuєmos at the desired position for the necessary hour - also for 20 seconds before a few whilins - and minyaemo bіk.

It is right to fix the bar with the minimum possible hour and increase the hour, adding 5-10 seconds. In this rank, if you work regularly, then in a month you can easily reach dekilkoh khvilin.

M'yazi belly chirp loudly to navantage, for that in training it is necessary to practice different options right, draw and replace them, then you can achieve greater efficiency.

Cardio is right, as it is necessary to work for weight loss

Cardio-training - the whole complex is right, or one is right, for which our body needs a lot of sour, the heart rhythm is often slower.

Cardio-motivation is good for training the heart-vascular system, as well as effectively helping to lose weight.

  • haircuts on jump ropes
  • їriding a bicycle or an exercise bike
  • big gatherings
  • different haircuts and right with haircuts (“zіrochka”, berpі, sitting down with vistribuvannyam toshcho)
  • skiing on licks
  • various active sports games

At home minds, you can also take actions from these types of activity and victorious for weight loss.

jump rope

Rope haircuts are one of the most accessible types of cardio and at the same time one of the most effective. For a year of intense training, you can burn from 600 to 1000 kcal. The amount of calories burned depends on your preparation, vag, and other factors.

Strip technique

You have the right not to become especially folded, you know the shards from her children, maybe, you must. Prote є svoї nuances, yakі mi would like to bіznachiti.

  1. The length of the rope can be handy for you, otherwise you won’t see far training. If you stand in the middle of the rope, let the handles reach you to your chest.
  2. We take a rope, put our hands through the stegon for about 20 cm and start wrapping.
  3. At the robot's fault, take the fate of the hands, and not only the hands, otherwise you will overstress them more quickly.
  4. Stribaemo on scarpets, not on heels.
  5. Vybirayte zruchne depreciating vzuttya or pokrittya, scho depreciation, and rather those, and those, oskolki tse allow you to save the health of your suglobiv.

If you shoot regularly - every other day, then 15-20 strands will be enough to keep you in good shape. In addition, you can experiment with different options for strips. It’s not only to allow urіznomanіtnіtnіtі training, аlе yоogo more intense. We encourage you to look at the video with a better right to jump rope.

Video: 10 right on the jump rope

Big on the mist budinka

Breaks are the best option for cardio-motivation, helping to get into the work all the troubles of the body, but for other reasons, running on the street is impossible. In this way, you can try big on the spot, which is easy to find in home minds.

Such training may be without a face:

  • do not forget the meaning of the season and the weather mind
  • there are no special needs to pick up and bathe clothes
  • less ability to deal with injury

In a word, you can do it all the time and if it's worth it. But, obviously, there is one more unacceptable vada - big on the city in some aspects is less effective, like equalizing yoga with big on the streets along the intersection of the city.

  • no movement horizontally
  • no support for weather minds
  • there are no natural changes to the landscape (pidjomіv, descents, stone surfaces, pіsku toshcho)

І for bagatioh tse occupied you will do it tedious. It is important to hit home 20–25 quills.

How to solve these two problems? How to work big in the field for more efficient and successful employment?

You can win music or a TV set for vodvolikannya, which allows you to practice urgency. You can not only marvel at the love of the series, but burn 200–300 kcal per episode.

To increase the training intensity, follow the curve different options big: at a moderate pace, at maximum speed, lift the knee high, pull one knee up to the breasts, etc. Constantly change the ambition not to allow the body to adapt and practice in the economy mode.

Workout on an exercise bike

An exercise bike is present at the skin gym, and yoga is often bathed to take at home. First, the wine is small-sized, you can choose a simulator for a small apartment; otherwise, there may be an affordable price.

For rich people who want to lose weight, they blame the diet: what is more efficient - a big exercise bike. It is worth to lay down in the absence of different parameters: pochatkova vaga, vіk, riven of physical training, riven of the training simulator or wash the big, іtensivnіst.

Ale, so chi іnakshe, є dumka, scho jogging richly overturn on fat burning їzdu cycling or exercise bike. If you run about 30 km / year on the simulators, you can spend about 800 kcal, which can be equivalent to a year of running.

The greatest role is played by intensity. If you want to achieve a greater result, draw a slower and faster pace at a speed of approximately 3 to 1 per hour. For example, 40 seconds demo in a comfortable mode, 30 seconds at the maximum possible speed.

The average occupation on an exercise bike can take 20 to 40 minutes.

If varto replace big with an exercise bike?

There are situations, if you don’t have to choose, and it’s better to switch to an exercise bike.

  1. Zanadto great vaga busy. Suglobi at supraworld vase suffer for the sake of great walking. Start losing weight on a diet, and then turn on the active training mode. An exercise bike will be the most optimal solution for any occasion.
  2. Problems іz suglobami. With some damage to the functioning of the loam in the case of shock stress, the situation may worsen, even as the exercise bike gives more light to the loam. Ale, in any case, will need a consultation of a fahivtsya.


Berp is right to actively compete in CrossFit. Yogo can be brought to foldable or richly globovy, oskіlki pіd іt's hour yogo vykonannya pratsyuє great kіlkіst group m'yazіv.

Burpee can be beaten by kilkom in ways. Tse lay in your training. If you're a novice, you can skip the sprat ruhіv and rightfully ask.

Technique right

Let's look at the classic variant of berpi with usma elements.

  1. Let's get straight.
  2. The back is straight, alive, lifted.
  3. Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart.
  4. Robimo squatting and pushing the logs with the palms.
  5. We transfer the vaga to the hands. Stand between the palms of approximately the width of your shoulders.
  6. Robimo kicked back with his feet and stood at the classic plank on curly arms.
  7. Vikonuemo vіdzhimannya.
  8. The strobkom lifts the legs back to the breasts, and it is transferable to the arm from the hands on them.
  9. We get up and finish it right with a streak committee in the field.

R_novidi right

You can rightfully beat this order 5 to 15 times, or for the next hour, for example, the maximum amount in 30 seconds. 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Obviously, for a novice, it’s right, no matter how effective it was, representing a low folding, so you can replace this dekilkom with simple options.

Burpee without care

All the main phases are taken to the right, but we move to the plank, skipping and pulling the legs up to ourselves with a streak.

It really looks like this:

Burpee without a haircut

Krim vіdzhimannya, we also miss the final haircut. Tobto from the position of napіvprisidu we just get up straight and repeat right again.

Without vidskoku

І the third option, the easiest, if we skip the vіdzhimannya, haircut and kick with legs back, but simply rearrange the legs back and go to the plank.

Forces are physically right

The strength training on the top of the cardio is something else. The stench is more suitable for greater strength, less vibrancy. Strength training helps to lose weight, and even more in the world build up a m'yazov mass and build muscles.

As we said before, the most effective way to become a change in strength and cardio training.

The best strength training is to win in the gym under the supervision of a coach, the shards of wine can improve the technique, suggest, how to beat the right and prostite better, so that you do not take away injuries. Tim is more, but for power training you need additional equipment.

As if you were right, they tried to work in the minds of their families, and then got a barbell.

It’s not good for these purposes to pidide a barbell with a curved neck.

It is compact and allows you to practice on a rich group of m'yaziv.

Or you can get a lighter neck. Vin important close to 7-9 kg. For lifting, the Olympic bar should weigh 20 kg. However, in order to practice with a great vag, you need to put on your shoulders (throw 50-80 kg on your shoulders, not on the skin), but it takes a lot of money.

Let's go straight to the power rights, which is the best way to help fight fat in the abdominal area.

Obviously, respect for the following and respect for the classic basic rights:

  • sitting
  • vipadi
  • I become cravings

Sitting with a vag

Tsya has the right to vikoristovuєtsya for the growth of m'yazіv and the change in fat prosharku of the press and nіg. However, important training should only be started after you master the technique of squatting without a brace.

Technique right:

  1. Let's get straight.
  2. Feet approximately shoulder-width apart, scarpets can be smashed to death.
  3. The back is trimmed straight, the shoulder blades are drawn.
  4. Look straight ahead.
  5. In the breath, we begin to sit, bending the knees and pulling the pelvis back.
  6. From the side we turn at the side of the position.

If you squat slightly, then the front side of the quilt will fit into the work more, if you squat low, then you will prefer to sit on the seats and the back of the quilt.

Pres that back pratsyyut at any option. The stench helps to improve the balance and the correct position of the body. It is especially important to sit down from the supplementary vaga.

  1. Start the best either with an empty bar in Smith's simulators (like you are doing the posture at home), or with dumbbells.
  2. The desire to increase step by step, adding a little bit or every other time, the troch of the vaga.
  3. Put the barbell on top of the trapezium-like material on the back and shoulders, it is not necessary to put it on the neck, as it can lead to injury.
  4. Smith's simulator - garniy way for a novice, learn to sit down, but great is the adventurousness of m'yazi pres otrimayut at "free teresas."
  5. Sit down for a small number of times - 6–8, 4–5 approaches.
  6. Do not turn sideways to the mirror, you are leading the pursuit of the necessary m'yaziv.


Mabut, vipadi for the waist trohi effektivnіshі, lower squat, oskolki in tsіy right fold more balance.

There are a large number of varieties of vipadives. They can also be beaten without tightness, with dumbbells and kettlebells, with a barbell in Smith's machine. To experiment, varto try all the options. Ale for the press and waist will be the most colorful options with free vags, vipadi-“spring”, cross, Bulgarian ones. They have the best way to reduce jealousy, and therefore the m'yazi of the press actively promote the stabilization of the camp.

Vipadi - "spring"

On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih vіdіv vіpadіv, it іѕ nоbіbly tо thrоugh tо thе one foot, уоu variant уоu stay іn thе vipadu position аnd pracіuєte у nоmu.

Do not start robiti vipadi with tsієї right, especially with vago - you can easily spend jealousy

Technique right:

  1. We take tightness.
  2. Let's get up straight. Feet at once chi trohi apart.
  3. Shkarpetki marvel ahead.
  4. Look ahead.
  5. The back is straight.
  6. Robimo inhale and step back and now. Krok robimo at the protilezhny bek, so that with the left foot it is right-handed backwards, with the right hand backwards it is left-handed.
  7. It is also important to follow the knees. Knee of the leg, which should stand in front, do not go beyond the toe. The knee of the hind leg does not suffice.
  8. How far in the back we put our foot, we fold to the right.

Qia is rightly similar to a vipadi-"spring", but there are a few folds.

Technique right

It is necessary to choose the height, on which we put our foot. You can also use a step platform, lava, a sofa or else. What will be the support, it will be more folding to the right. First you can take a small height.

Likewise, robimo vipadi from dumbbells, it is necessary to take them by the hand. As if you were victorious in Smith, you need to put your foot on the support, and then take the projectile. If you work with a barbell, then ask someone to insure you.

  1. We put one foot on the back support, so it’s at the nose, so it’s standing in front, when bending, it’s close to 90 degrees at the knee, or a little more. Ale, it’s not guilty to go by the sock.
  2. The back is trimmed straight. It's important not to lean too far forward.
  3. We bend a leg to stand in front, in a knee. back leg not guilty of hanging around with the knee of the foot, the foot did not stand on the height of the support.
  4. From the sight you see it at the sight of the situation, you repeat it.
  5. Let's remember your leg.

Significantly, what is rightly foldable, and on the back, it’s better to work out without a vag and add step by step.

You can try other vidi vipadiv, to find out how it is better for you to practice.

The number of repetitions - 8 to 12 per skin leg, 3-4 working approaches.

Deadlift with barbell

Another powerhouse right with a high KKD, as if to help you lose weight, is a deadlift with tightness at the sight of the bar.

I can become cravings by kіlkom different ways, which pours into the light of the various m'yaziv nig, prote press and back work for the whole hour.

Look at the classic version.

Technique right:

  1. We approached the bar so that the scarpets sagged under it.
  2. Choose the width of the setting nіg according to your height and comfort, put your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
  3. Shkarpetki marvel straight.
  4. With an even back, we hunch over the barbell, bending our legs in knees.
  5. You can take the barbell with a wide grip, which helps especially on larger teresas.
  6. Vistachio on the middle width of the boom, wind it through the podlogs with the view. Fully straighten the back and bend the knee.
  7. Robimo inhaling and gradually descending down, the trochs pushing the pelvis back and bending, as if necessary, knees, and pushing the barbell under the logs.
  8. With vidihom I am straightened up again.

Repeat 8-12 times, 4 times. For the cob of varto, grind 1-2 rozminochni with a small wag. Also for warming up pidide hyperextension - 15 repetitions, 2-3 approaches. If you are engaged at home, then try the right official, postures of yoga. It also effectively prepares the necessary m'yazi to advance.

Different types of deadlift

Є k_lka vid_v deadlift:

For the pumping of m'yazіv press that thinning in the dilyantsі belly, for the sake of bringing respect to the traction on one leg. Tse chergov has the right to balance, for which the press is good to operate.

Technique right deadlift on one leg:

  1. You can rightly win both with a barbell and with dumbbells.
  2. Stand straight, legs practically at once.
  3. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are drawn.
  4. In the breath, we begin to heal down, lifting one leg uphill. The body and the leg are to be blamed for one straight line - you sway the body, the plates lift the leg.
  5. I will support the leg of the troch zginaemo in the knee, to save a straight back.
  6. From the sight of rising up the mountain, but rather do not put your foot on the ground, try it in the air, do not allow the whole hour to keep the press at the pressure.

Wipe right 10-12 times per skin leg, 4 working approaches.

In order to achieve good results in losing weight, especially if you are talking about the problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, you need to stock up on patience. The best thing is that a person eats properly and regularly works out, worse, but he lives properly. It’s amazing that visceral fat is accumulating there (it’s easier to know more and envelops internal organs), but it’s not easy to get yoga. Tim is not less, but it’s not impossible, if you want to spend a little more than an hour, then zusil.

Slimming of the sides and abdomen - it’s worth doing that small procedure. Genetically in women, the mother has an under-torque reserve in the sphere of the waist on herself extreme vapadok for the security of his life and the life of his offspring. In our hour, we don’t need much comfort, we save up a reserve.

Features of weight loss in the abdomen and sides

Different "hungry" children can help with rationing of 2-3 kilograms from the waist, ale їhnya diya is short-stroke, and the spent kilograms turn out to be too much. An impersonal balance and a few diets and eating systems, directed to the slender sides or the abdomen, also do not have an enchanting diet and work most effectively only in the case of competently chosen physical rights.

The golden rule of being thinner, for wasting the power resources of the body, “we spend more, live less” here it’s even better. Analyze your normal daily regimen, roughly estimate the number of calories you spend every day and take the calories off. How much rotten activity is enough, why are there no important fat evenings, how often do you eat? Perhaps you yourself will indulge your “sins”, independently lose weight and lose weight in your own way, or simply trust our system of eating and training in the form of the best fitness trainers.

General recommendations for slimming the abdomen and sides transfer water to fat products for the waist, reducing the total calorie content and eating fractions. It is necessary to eat often, in small portions, not feeling hungry. Periodicity is to blame for becoming 2.5 years. Also, for slimming the sides of the abdomen, include food additives, which include unnatural products, such as mayonnaise, cowbass, margarine and others. Vіdmovtesya vіd alcohol, rice, pasta, confectionery products.

For a thin belly, take a look at the boroshnya for the next hour, replace the famous bread with bread and whiskers. More quantity of fresh greens, fruits (krim bananas) and fresh vegetables. Fruits, potatoes and porridge should be eaten in the first half of the day. For the evening, choose protein products (low-fat meat, cheese, fish) with green vegetable salads dressed with lemon juice.

To normalize the work of the intestinal tract, increase the menu of sour-milk products in the menu. For an effective process of spalling fat, increase the diet with protein.

Let's take a look at a specific example, how the living system looks like for slimming the sides of that stomach.

  • Natchestere drink a glass of water at room temperature without gas.
  • After 15 quills 100 g porridge, 100 g fruit puree green tea without zucru.
  • After 2.5 years of eggs, 2 eggs in a dry frying pan vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.
  • After 2.5 years, 70 g of buckwheat porridge with vegetable salad (carrots and beetroots).
  • After 2.5 years 150 g of turkey fillet, chicken and veal with salad.
  • After 2.5 years, 3 eggs boiled squirrels with vegetable salad.
  • After 2.5 years 180 g of low-fat syrah, tea without zucru.
  • It is also necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water without gas per day.
  • You can't eat tsukor, smeared. Until 15.00 you can pick up a grapefruit for the day.

Slimming of the sides and the abdomen is impossible without fitness. The main rule of such rights is the systematic vikonannya. You need to train at least 5 times a day, otherwise the result will not be visible. Choose the most suitable one for you and go ahead string waist.

  • For a slim belly, it’s good to go right on the press. The cross leg is guilty of being pressed to the foot, the knees are bent, the feet are on the foot, the hands are closed behind the head. For the operation of the upper stomach ulcers, the toelub is lifted, for the lower part of the abdomen it is necessary to lift the legs, straight, not bent at the knees. For white m'yazіv press, choose the top of the tuluba with twists. Raise the toelub, try to push the right elbow to the left knee and to the left, the left to the right. The number of repetitions may be comfortable for you, with a skin day more by 3-4 days.
  • Hoop - arch effective zasib at the molded waist. Lose weight with a hoop to help not only trim the dirt from the tension, but also massage all the tissues in the problem area, ensure the maximum rush of blood to them, vesti zayva homeland give the body supplies for weight loss. 15-20 mins per day and the result is not bogged down.
  • Plank. Vіdmіnna has the right to all groups of black, dorsal and other m'yazіv nіg. The greatest beauty of yoga is that it takes only 1-2 hvilini to do yoga. Leather woman, even though she was busy, she knew the hour for herself. For vikonannya, lie down on a bed, on a living, take a leant position, draw in a living, back is straight. In such a position, the maximum strain on the stomach, it is necessary to protrimatisya not less than whilini. Even better, start in 30 seconds, increasing the hour by 10 seconds.
  • For the victory of the offensive, lie down on the bed, cross your legs in your feet, raise them to your knees. Close your hands in a lock behind your head and lift your head and upper back (to the shoulder blades) following the principle of twisting. Work out 30 repetitions.
  • Bike. Bicycle walks in the fresh air, obviously, positively appear on the figures, but at the same time it’s not about them. Right vykonuєtsya lying on the back. Cross your arms over your head, lift your legs perpendicularly to the body and kick your feet, and pedal the bike. I'm going forward, then back. Raise the top of the coat, pushing the knees with your elbows and step by step bring your legs closer to the foot, in this way you will increase the pressure on the stomach.

Take care of your living system with clumsy rights and in a couple of years your life and sides will look different: fat will appear, springiness of the skin and m'yaziv will appear.

Video-activity for the string of the waist in the form of Oleni Silky

About a thin and calm waist, women dream of any age. For її access richly hto sit on a zhorstki diet and conduct viznazhlivі training at the gym. But still, come in to help, don’t worry. The only way to achieve a perfectly proportioned figure is to take a smart and special job. Right for the sides and waist will help you to transform again.

Right for the sides and waist are the most effective for cardio purposes.

Unique typical pardons

Іsnuє impersonal training, scho obіtsyat turning silhouette. But not all of them can be done effectively, and deyakі zovsіm not go to the weight of the figure. What can be shkіdlі so right? Tidy up life and sides will not help such popular methods.

    1. Nahili to the side with dumbbells. With regular vykonannі stench spriyat accelerating growth of slanting m'yazіv presa, scho can increase the waist even wider. Qia is rightly necessary for people, as they need to comprehensively pump the stomach muck. Ale, it’s absolutely marne for girls, like they work over a narrow waist.
    2. Hoop twist. The effectiveness of which I will build is doubtful, but I can medically confirm it. Gynecologists recommend using hula hoop training. Permanently hit the hoop on the anterior wall of the abdomen is not physiological. For the words of doctors, such blows can provoke the lowering of internal organs and other inaccuracies.
    3. Vikonu turn with a wagon on your shoulders. How do you think, what is going behind your ridge, how do you take a bodybar on your shoulders or a bar like a barbell and begin to twist the right-handed body? Between the ridges, the discs under the influx of tightness squeeze, and the distance between the ridges becomes smaller. If you turn the right-handed body when you turn it, the ridges can injure the intervertebral discs and start one of the other. Wiping right for the sides and waist, remember about your backbone - you have one wine and for all your life.
    4. Emphasis on strength is right for a new cardio. Sides and zayvі centimeters at the waist are fat prosharok. You can tidy up її only for additional cardio training.
    5. Overworld zahoplennya cardio that lack of power rights. With aerobic pressure, the fat is spalled not locally, but throughout the body. The result is the effect of training too much “smearing”, and sometimes it doesn’t compress in the singing zones. Right for the press and the sides to bend the obov'yazkovo, if you want to know the front silhouette.

Like a cardio warm-up, you can beat everything for good, right up to the big gatherings.

How to train for the best result? Fakhіvtsі recommend adding 3-4 days to work per day. After a non-trivial warm-up, it is necessary to win a series of special rights for the press and sides. After a small change, the next step should be short, but intense.

Call neobov'yazkovo to engage in simulators. You can choose between big, streaks through a rope, dances and aerobics. Itself such a pіdhіd to allow the growth of the m'yazovі fibers of the waist with elastic ones and at the same time give more clear outlines.

Before that, how to start right for the press and the sides, you need to kindly warm up the stomach muck and prepare them for advancement. Reportedly, I will not dwell on rozmintsі, zrobivshi main emphasis without middle ground on the rights for slanting abdominal pains. I will say only that the warm-up can include a small cardio part, the sprat is right for stretching the oblique muscles and preparing the ridge.


Five to ten minutes of cardio: big, haircuts, or.

Preparation of m'yazіv before the advancement

  1. Nahili to the side with twisted arms - the bichna surface of the body stretches, the ridge breaks. Try to heal as low as possible, but smoothly, without rivkiv.
  2. Turn the body to the right and to the left - trim the pelvis evenly and open only the upper part of the body.
  3. Krugovі ruhi pelvis and body.

Zrobit in front stretching of slanting m'yazіv, like rozpochati vykonuvat right. Take away the life and sides - the task is not easy, but if you go to her, you are aware!

Biggest effective right for the sides and waist - different variations of twisting.

1. Folding the body in the recumbent position + twisting on the bed

Weekend position. Lie down on the kilimok, hands behind your head, kill your fingers, do not lock your fingers in the lock. Legs are bent, stop standing on the floor, across the squeezing. Mіzh pіdborіddyam that breasts stand approximately from a fist - take it with a stretch of the mustache vikonannya right.

Vikonanna right. Do not blow across the airways and do not sing the tongues, lift the body uphill. Add twisting to the body - the right elbow is pulled to the left knee. Get down on the foot smoothly, do not fall on your back, stitch across. Repeat on the next book.

2. Folding the body in the recumbent position + twisting in the same direction

Weekend position. The same ones that are right in front. We lie down on a kilimka, our legs are bent, our hands are behind our heads.

Vikonanna right. Now add twisting to the hull not to the protractile knee, but to stretch with the elbow to the same five. Tobto we rule with the lіktem to stretch to the right p'yati and navpaki.

Twisting - the most effective right for the press and sides.

3. Twisting in a sitting position

Weekend position. Sit on the kilimok, bend your legs, stop standing on the floor, the body is tilted back 45 degrees. Across at the same time, it is rounded, and the kuprik is twisted forward, the pressure is strained, the arms are bent at the elbows.

Vikonanna right. Intensely wrap the body and elbows from side to side. Tsya has the right to vitrivality.

Weekend position. Lie down on the bed, your hands are spread out, the hands are straightened on the bed. The shoulders should be pressed down with a stretch, and try not to push them. Raise your legs vertically uphill and bend in the knees under the hood 90 degrees. Mіzh kolіnami can buti vydstan fist. You can squeeze a small ball with your knees.

Vikonanna right. Bend your legs in the knees, lower them sideways to the very bottom, but do not push the bottoms. The pelvis is sprung with each other, and the axis of the shoulders may be pressed down. Turn the legs at the outward position and lower them into the next beak.

Lowering your legs to the kill, try not to tear your shoulders in front of the logs.

5. Twisting, lying on the side

Weekend position. Lie down on the bed, the legs of the troch zignіt at the knees and put one on one. Put the lower hand on the pіdlogue chi lives. Take your upper hand behind your head.

Vikonanna right. Lift and twist your body so that the upper part of your body is in this position, you don’t have to do a great crunch. For the reason that your pelvis is lying on your boots - when lifting the body, spit mud.

You lift the body straight. The effect of twisting reaches beyond the rahunok of the position nіg.

6. Oblique mist

Weekend position. Lie on your back, your body is straight, your legs are pulled up and one above the other. Put your lower hand on your elbow and lean on it. You have a hollow hull in the bіchnіy flat. Pull up the upper hand and put the beast on the quilt.

Vikonanna right. Lift your pelvis out of the way until your body is in a level position. The vaga is divided between the hand that stands on the elbow, and the edge of the foot. Move your head in front of your shoulder - you can become one line with the body. Tsya is right to win timchasovo. Stay in the new for as long as you can.

Raise and lower the pelvis behind the rahunok of the slanting belly.

7. Plank

Weekend position. Take emphasis lying on the elbows. The body is straight, hands stand in front of the shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart rest their fingers on the floor. Follow, so as not to blame the bend in the cross. If you want something more foldable, lift one leg and let it move forward.

Vikonanna right. Trim at the exit position as long as possible.

8. Chauvin

Tsey ruh positions from Pilates. Slightly changed "Chovna" helps to improve the relief of the abdomen and back.

Weekend position. Lie down on a bed. Put your hands behind your head, not zchepivshi lock.

Vikonanna right. At the same time, the body and straight legs, bending slightly, navpil, swayed in the air. Trim yourself at this position as long as possible. Do not overstress your neck and breathe evenly. After a small change, repeat once more.

Stay in this position for as long as possible.

9. Twisting on the fitball at the protilegny bik

It’s even better to win the right for the sides and the waist on the fitball. The spring ball znіmaє zayve navantazhennya s across, dodatkovo navantazhuє m'yazi-stabilizatori that allows you to effectively navitat nіdribnіshi m'yazi for additional twisting.

Weekend position. Lie across on the fitball. The right hand should be bent at the lict, that place it behind the head, and the lion should be drawn right in front of you.

Vikonanna right. Lift the body and stretch with your left hand to the right knee. Repeat for another book.

10. Asana "Staff" (dandasana)

Yoga helps to tone the mind of the press. Cream of the abdomen, asana "Staff" zmіtsnuє pelvic loam that inner surface is stegon.

Weekend position. Sit down and try to relax. Stretch straight legs in front of you. Point your fingers forward and place your palms on the back of the trochi behind the stegon.

Vikonanna right. Lightly press on your fingers and stretch down the hill, stretching the ridge. Do not wind the quilts into the pidlogs. Breathe calmly and rest at the position of 8 dyhal cycles. Repeat two more.

Qia right vplivaє on m'yazi corps zagal.

P_slyatrenuvalna stretching

Finish right for stretching.

  1. Sit on a platform and cross your legs. Stretch your arms uphill, and then wiggle a series of springy lashes to the right and to the left.
  2. Like you have a fitball, just lie on the new one across and stretch your arms and legs. Stretch in different sides, stretching all the m'yazi of the press and back.

Make sure to exercise regularly. As you don’t have much time for full-time employment, it’s right to earn money for rent. Tidy up your life and sides - tse zavdannya, with such ease you can easily get behind the help of our program!

Tidy up the living quarters and sides (have the right to help the most effective ones) if necessary, if there are surpluses in these areas. For training, an important part of the body.

Here, two types of fat can be molded: fat, ripped under the skin, and the one that envelops the organs of the empty stomach - visceral. Therefore, the complex needs to be picked up so that it pours into the deep and important training of the press.

In order to achieve a greater effect, the crime of victorious physical activity, it is necessary to achieve the rules, including the vikonanny technique:

Sob to eat alive and flanks, right (nayefektivnіshі) it is necessary to have a proper meal.

The duration of the day should be lived: 1/3 of the amount of protein products of calorie (all types of dietary meat) and dewy food, 2/3 of the amount of carbohydrates in cereals, grain bread, vegetables, trocha of dewy fat, drink 2 l for a day pure unboiled water, the number of drinks can be less than 5.

It is important to remember! Before the cob of the training process, obov'yazkovo should prepare the m'yazi. Tse spryaє otrimannu shortest results, not poshkozhuyuchi m'yazovі fabrics and loam. The rozminalny process is not guilty of more than 7 whilins.

Effectively correct all stomach ulcers

For relief from the zayvogo in the region, coaches rave about the right to goloshuvat on the right, directing to the right to opratsyuvannya all m'yazіv. It is necessary to train the upper, lower and side parts of the press.

Set for training the upper press

"Plank". Best of all, shards in yoga vikonnі vіdbuvaetsya training of the most m'yazyv press.

The plank will help clean up that side. The right to most effective obov'yazkovo include this technique.

Vision technique. It is necessary to take the position of the body, as in case of vіdzhimanni vіd pіdlogi. Rise on your toes, with which your hands are to blame but be bent under the hood 90 degrees.

Fix the body for the first time for 20-30 seconds. In morning postures, the life should be drawn in, the side muscles are not guilty of protruding uphill, and the back is rounded. Look at the straight lines at the sublog.

While raising the bar, it is necessary to secure the following:

  • you can’t lift your shoulders;
  • put your hands strictly under the shoulders, not wider and narrower;
  • trim the installed cut at 90 degrees;
  • the whole body trimmed evenly, like a line.

"Bike". To start off, it is necessary to take a vіdpovіdne position - lying down, the back is to lie down to cover for a lay, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs in the knees, making the kut, which reaches 45 degrees.

Vision technique. At a distance of 50 cm from the state cover, raise your legs, bending forward in your knees, and start pedaling. Wrap up nashvidko, scrolling less than 15 times in 1 pidkhid. You need to grow 3 or 4 go.

Get respect! The most efficient right, with the method of tidying up the life and sides, spitting out the underarm fat pad, which positively affects the heart system, the etching system, back pain, the process of training all groups of m'yazyv.

Set for training the lower press

Clean up the life and sides (the right most effective ones for the lower press are indicated in the tables) you can use the help of tips, you can get it right, like a kollin, “knives”, “twist-vert”.

right, what to clean up life and sides (most effective)
Preparation process Vikonanny rules Number of vikonans
Pidyom KolinLie down on a bed

Straighten your back and press down to the fold

Put your hands behind your head

Legs are twisted

Neshvidka lifts the knee with one, then with the other leg to the chest, with which the bottom of the toenail is blown to an insignificant position in the state10-15 times,
4 come
"Knives"Position is too muchLegs, ruffled right on the stand 20 cm from the bottom of the legs, and spread, twine, and then cross between ourselves, to cut the knives10-15 times,
4 come
"Cool - twist"Lying on the bed

Hands behind the head in the region

Raise the upper part of the toelub, with the right elbow, it is necessary to torn up to the staggered burn of the left knee and, on the other hand, drawing the legs and arms10-15 times,
4 come

Set for training oblique abdominal ulcers

Tsya group m'yazіv vіdpovіdaє for the turn of the coat that yoga zginannya. Kosi m'yazi varto train okremo, to that, with other types of pressure, the stench does not know pumping.

Kosi m'yazi varto train okremo, to that, with other types of pressure, the stench does not know pumping.

In order to reach the set landmark, it is important to exercise training in the sight of the advancing rights.

name Preparation process Vikonanny rules Number of Wikonans
Nahili in standing positionLegs apart

Fix a dumbbell in one hand, and put the rest on the roof, with which the elbow can marvel at the top

Trim your back in direct position

Draw in your stomach mucus and tighten it

Get sick with a heavy kill, without bending your back, slacken your sickness to a dumbbell and that’s how it is20 heals for 3 or 4 walks
Nakhili recumbentMіzh zіgnutyh kolіn squeeze the fitball

Put your hands behind your head

Smoothly, without squawking, lift the upper part of the body, pushing the shoulder blades through the ridges by 30 cm.up to 10 times, 2-3 times

Be respectful! When vikonannі nahilіv ide navantazhennya on the ridge in the area across, it is important for him to vikonuvat correctly. In times of problems with the back, the right ones are categorically defended.

The most effective right with shells, so that you can clean up that side

Otrimaty dodatkove navantazhennya and the strength and effectiveness of training will help dodatkovі projectiles. Coaches recommend adding to your program with a belly twist and sides right on the bench and with dumbbells.

Right with the style or on the lava

"Roman Stiles". In front of the vicons, it is necessary to make a stylets for yourself, to make a slit. After that, sitting down, locking your legs behind the help of the installed rollers, then take a lying position on your back and put your hands up to the ceiling of your head.

Vidihayuchi, almost twisting the body to a low position, moving to the upper position, zupinity for a few seconds. Breathing in, turn around at the cob camp. You can rightly win with a mullet, with a barbell in your hands.

"Home style". Sit on the edge of the style, straighten the shoulder swamp and pull the shoulder blades, look straight ahead. Dolonami vkhopitisya over the edge of the style. Vikonuvati smoothly stretching 5-6 seconds for 1 pіdhіd.

Technique: povily vyginayuchi stegna, directing the body to burn, so that bula imitatsiya mistka. Just like a head poked at the back of the style, the trochs trembled, and then finish the vikonnanny, turning to the cob position.

Set for the stomach and sides with dumbbells

For vikonannya the right to need dumbbells with a weight of 2 kg. Since there is no such projectile, then at home you can work for the help of 2 plastic dances filled with water.

Take a position like this: take dumbbells, walk, spreading your legs not wide, stretch your back in a straight position, straighten your shoulders.

With one hand, stretch to the pidlog, having taken the same position of the toulub for about 3 seconds, immediately stitch behind the post, then turn to the post position. Similarly, work with the other hand.

Tsya has the right to wince with widely spaced and trochs of splayed legs. Bring your hand up and stretch, so that you feel like you are straining. Similarly, strike with the other hand. Work on the skin arm at least 15 times for 3-4 approaches.

Another one is no less effective in the right with this type of projectile: with a hand trimmed on a support, ruffled at the waist, put the rest on the shoulder, trimming a dumbbell. It is right to follow the leg from the winder of the leg in the foot of the logs under the hood of 45 degrees. On the skin side, wrap 20 wounds in 3 passes.

Right for wasp waist

To the right with a hoop. Get a projectile that is bigger and bigger (2 kg and more). With yoga twisting, life is to blame for stresses. Trivality vikonannya is recommended from the 1st year and more with a small change that does not exceed the 3rd century.

Forcing the offensive look right, it is necessary to take a standing position, having spread the troch legs, squeezing the legs to the waist. It is important to emphasize the position of the body straight, pressing the feet to the state cover. Technique: zdіysnyuvati glybokі nahili from the side on the bіk on cherzі.

Haircuts. Take the following position: close your legs at once, put your arms straight, put your hands on your belt. The essence is right to start up to the point where you can work light haircuts, then left-handed, then right-handed, at once directing your hands uphill. You can step by step.

Haircuts can be smoothed out: spread your feet wide, close your hands in a lock and trim right in front of you on equal breasts. Slid the hairline from one side to the other, turning the lower part of the body, but do not change the position of the hands.

How to improve the effectiveness of the right for the abdomen and sides

If we follow the reason below, then the effect of the damage will be significantly stronger:

You can clean up your life and sides, so that you can win over the most effective right, eat brown products, conduct regular training, with the improvement of the rules of safety technology: do not overwhelm the body, increase the effort step by step.

Take care of those, how to tidy up the sides, she lives:

The most effective right to spare the belly and sides:

Fat deposits near the abdomen, as we call them sides, turbulent bagats, especially girls. The stench terribly psuyut figure that look unfriendly. Unfortunately, a lot of factors of our life are brought to їхної osviti. Zokrema, tse sedentary robot, that wrong eating, that day at the same time for full training, signs are given. Tue, don't wait for a full hour of stained glass. Establish effective right for the sides, so you can win gym, and in domestic minds, attaching to them less than a year. Golovna - do not hesitate to do it regularly.

As you have done, tidy up the sides with the right and get ready to start training, forward the following recommendations:

  • Try to the future unique stress and hvilyuvan, so that in such situations the body actively metabolizes the hormone cortisol, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
  • Soak up do not drink alcohol, especially beer. It is not necessary to take revenge on phytoestrogen, which will saturate the so-called “beer belly”.
  • Eating may be correct and balanced. Don't necessarily go on hard diets, but a healthy menu can be your friend.
  • Drink plenty of water. It helps to improve the exchange of speech, and also cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, which also helps to reduce weight loss.

Water required to drink at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Warm-up before workout

The first step is to begin to work effectively for the sides, to do a little warm-up, as a help to increase the m'yazi and to prepare them for the advancement. Enough vikonati simple ruhi from the list below:

  • Krugovі Rukhi is shouldered with her hands.
  • Circular swings with legs bent in knees.
  • Walking on scarves;
  • Turn the coat ubik;
  • Krugovі ruhi body;
  • Non-delicate squatting with a pidom on the scarpets.

Effectively right, to clean up the sides

Right for slimming the sides of the home minds to help improve the problem area and shape the silhouette. Do not hesitate to beat them regularly, and remember the results without delay. Let's look at how effective they are against the sides.

1. Plank

The plank is a miracle right for the press and the sides, it helps to effectively improve the body’s arm, also the arms, back, seats, legs. The right is not directed at pumping up the m'yazіv, prote miraculously helps to pull up the sides and the whole body. Explore different variations of the plank: basic, on the elbows, on the side, with a raised leg and so on. Cherguyuchi different options, you can zmіschuvat emphasis navantazhennya and robit training raznomanіtnіshimi.

The back must be straight, do not slouch and do not bend across. All body can become a straight line. It is necessary to marvel at the sublog. Guilty hands are bent at the elbows, take the hands from the fist and make a tricot with your hands, so that the elbows are tucked perpendicularly to the line of the shoulders - to help ensure stability. Trim your legs straight, do not bend them at the knees, stay on the scarves. Draw in alive, breathe evenly. At the process of vikonanny, it is necessary to trim the tension - do not allow the back to bend and the sagging of the abdomen. The plank is brought to the category of static rights, that is why it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on yoga victoria.

D For the cob, it is sufficient to vitrimat in planci for 30 seconds. Then step by step increase the hour to a few whilins. Be mindful of tension. As you can see that the plank is easy for you, try more options.

2. Curling

Twisting - right for slimming the sides, straightening on the abdomen. When їх vikonannі zastosovuetsya straight and slanted m'yazi presa, m'yazi bark.

For basic twisting, it is necessary to lie on your back, bend your legs in knees, put your hands behind your head or on your chest. Plays the role of the position of the back. Rise up, round the trochs її, so that you work on the press itself, and not across.

It’s important to you that it’s important for you to win the right hand, you can keep your hands in front of you, which will help you improve your jealousy.

For the cob is enough to win three steps five times, incrementally advancing the vanity.

3. Bicycle

Right on the sides for women, turn on the bicycle, which we know is more childish. Vіn good help to opratsyuvat koі m'yazi belly, fighting it with hated fatty deposits.

For yoga vikonanny it is necessary to lie on your back, tidy up your shoulders for a sweatshirt, spread your slaughter widely. The legs need to be trimmed on the vase, the knees are bent under a straight kut and ruffled clearly over the pelvis. The shoulders of the troch are lifted over the underbelly and pulled up - this is your position. Breathe in, turn the body to the left hand and pull the left knee and the right elbow one to one. At once, pull your right leg in front of you. Let's turn around at the exit position. Scroll similarly twisting in the next bik - there will be one repetition.

4. Mlyn

We know more about children right mlyn for the sides - a good way to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen.

Posture position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Hands and legs should be straight. Now heal the body forward and swing one back, and then the other. Zrobіt kіlka podhodіv 20 times.

At the process of vikonannya, control the breath.

5. Pidyomi nig

So it’s right to pick up the sides, probing the spit of the stomach, as well as the m’yazi stegon, which is injected.

It is necessary to lie on your back, crouching on your lower elbow, and clean up your other hand for a sweatshirt. Inhale, lift the upper leg higher than the lower one by 30-40 cm, see, smoothly lift the leg that is below, to the upper one and fix in this position for a couple of seconds. Breathe in, turn your hurt legs in sight. Try not to sway your body backwards and forwards. Just as it is important for you to trim your jealousy, put your upper hand on the ground, increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport. Trim your back with a stretch of the mustache to the right, straighten your shoulders, and pull your neck.

Zrobіt two approach 15-20 times for the skin side.

6. Bodyflex

In nutrition about those, how to suck fat from the sides, bodyflex can become an indispensable helper. It is necessary to sit on the bed, bend a knee under yourself, trimming your back straight. Breathe in, breathe in left hand; Let's turn around in sight at the outward position. At the process of vikonannya, you have the right to be guilty, like stretching your sides.

Repeat those yourself with your other hand. Sip the sprat once, changing hands. The advantage of the body flex is that it helps to not only clean up the sides, but also to improve the flexibility of the back of that ridge.

7. Nahili

Nahili - vіdminnі right, to tidy up the sides. If you want to lose weight yourself, beat them without a veil, because for this obviousness you will have more money to gain m'yazovoi masi. There is a large number of sights of naughty. You can draw a line: kill, forward, back. It is highly recommended to work with a child 20-30 repetitions.

Vihіdne polіvіnja vіdіv vprav vprav. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your waist, trim your back straight and look forward. At the process of vikonannya, don’t wind up your foot, don’t slouch. Cheer up at a clear square. Yakshcho rob you sickly forward and backward, don't turbulence and don't get sick of the kill. As if you are hurting the kill, do not roll forward or back.

8. Hoop

The twist of the hoop is a miracle helper for those who don’t know what right to clean up their sides. Seeing the hoops or hula-hupiv this year's masa - you can choose whether it's a fallow in the form of a baggy adventure. Particularly colored hoops with massage inserts, as an effective way to improve blood circulation for the massage effect.

Twisted hoop may be contraindicated. Before them lie problems with internal organs, vaginess, critical days. Also, do not varto engage in afterlife - check the sprat for a year.

Pristosuvannya for vykonannya in the right v_d sides

Improve the efficiency of training to help different simulators and sports equipment. At home minds, you can win simple shells:

  • Dumbbells help to improve tension, relieve stomach ache. In domestic minds, you can replace them with water-filled dances. Ale, do not overdo it with the vags - for a slimmer stench, make the boots small.
  • Haircuts with a skipping rope Efficiently probing all the groups of m'yazіv and burning a lot of calories, which positively contributes to the process of fighting with the sides.
  • You can vicorist fitball, which allows you to improve the m'yazi of the abdomen, back, legs, and also lose weight and improve the position.
  • Effective have the right to win and on the great style. Sit on the new one and bend it up in the knees to the stomach - repeat this effectively no less than fifteen times.
  • Turn the tube on a special disk e - another great way to get out of the stomach and sides.
  • At the gym, it is especially effective for the treatment of stomach ulcers Roman style.

If you want to clean up your sides, right for the girls, represented more, help you with whom. All stinks are simple and accessible, and everything you need is not enough time, diligence and regularity. Obviously, remember that physical activity simply needs to be supplemented with proper and balanced meals. It is important to look at the shkidlivy zvichok, look at your way of life and try not to get nervous - all the more you need to know the string of a beautiful figure, zokrema, hem the hated sides.

How to lose weight in the sides: short video

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