Chi shkіdlive frosty for figure. Chi allow nutritionists їsti frosty with weight loss. Vegetable salad in front of the eskimo vryatuє figure

Marina Rosenstein

Doctor-nutritionist, international expert in the field of immunonutrition and food intolerance, member of the Association of Merited Doctors of Russia

Deyakі chi not today їdyat frosty and not think about how to sign up for health. To understand, let's talk about cold storage warehouses.

Replacement of ingredients

Today, vineyards have a large arsenal of grub components, which make it easy to get along without expensive and high-calorie syrovina.

In order to reduce the compatibility, and at the same time the caloric content of the product, it is enough to include fresh tops (the main ingredient of freezing, for example, "tops" or "plombiru") and replace them with yogurt, and natural milk fat - with high fat, which we can use as natural Oliya, and piece-by-piece margarine sticky to the sky.

In order to take the right consistency and sufficient thickness, to win the vicorist and emulsifiers. Or you can use natural agar-agar, natural starch, or maybe butyl lecithin, or take away from genetically modified soy.

duzhe licorice

Okrema Rozmov about tsukri and pidsolodjuvachi. Dietologists have long been delving into the idea that refining tsukor is not brown. As such, in nature, human beings were actually inaccessible, and our body does not stick to the steady state of refined succulents.

Ale savor tsukra, the richest energy dzherel, pleasurable flats (especially for children), which food companies vicorist practically creak for everyone. Moreover, the culprits are deaf to the point of thinking about the zhahliva growth of statistics on diabetes. Brought together by fermentation processes and systemic chronic inflammation. On the right, in that it is a hedgehog, to avenge tsukor, it is friendly to pathogenic yeasts, as it can introduce an imbalance in the microflora of the human body. As a result, we often get sick.

Ninі kіlkіst tsukra is surrounded by like diabetics. It’s a lot of people who victorious like pidsolodzhuvachiv substitutes for tsukru, but, unfortunately, the deacons from them are not just shy, but rather unsafe.

Unacceptable substitute for zukru aspartame, widely zastosovuetsya for the production of low-calorie dietary products, in some countries it is categorically ingested through methyl alcohol, which is settled in the process of splitting or simply by heating.

With especially tsukrystoї kukurudzi, otrimanoї way of genetic engineering, have learned to take cheap fructose syrup, zadyaks everywhere zastosuvannyu in the food industry of any allergic reaction to corn have become a common phenomenon.

Best tsukru - all natural, with low glycemic index(Phenicium, coconut, maple, mulberry). Of the most important - our Buryakov. Vіn, to the point, zvichnіshiy for the immune system, lower import outlines.

Uncleansed tsukor is more beautiful than cleansing, to that cleansing that vіdbіlyuvannya is reached by a chemical path. To that, if you choose frosty, do not lament - read carefully what you have prepared. Let's give priority to natural yakіsnim іngredients - much more important, lower calorie content.

Love ice cream

The amount of vershkovo-vanilny relish, the accepted consistency and, obviously, the fat content is not less than 12% - use a right ice cream. A classic ice cream is made with vicarious butter - one of the most important animal fats, which we need so much to inspire richness of important fabrics. Such, for example, like the tissue of the brain, the eyes of the eye, the supra-nipple folds, and that and the other, without a blemish, of the clinal membranes. Hormones were induced from the rich fats, rich vitamins cannot be acquired without fats. According to the accepted standards for fillings - from 12 to 20% fat.

The standard rate of fat reduction for a mature person is approximately 100 g per doba. To go out, if anyone wants to get a pivkіlo sealer for one sitting, nothing terrible will happen to him? It’s a pity, it’s not so, shards, in a first way, in such an obsyaz there is a lot of zucru, and in a different way, milk protein is one of the most widespread allergens. Safely surround yourself with one or two bottles of ice cream for the day.

Frosty under the fence

It’s a pity that people get sick in the face of freezing cold, tim, who has problems with shkt or zhovchny mikhur. On the right, in that a cold product can cause spasms of internal organs and vessels.

Don't forget about the growing army of sick people with diabetes. Doctors recommend to such patients to bathe in a special frosty bath, when preparing such a vicarious drink, safe substitutes for zukra were used. For example, stevia extract - natural roslin, which has a licorice relish, may have zero calories, and, to say the least, it’s not like a yeast wander.

At the end, I want to say once again that, buying cold, marveling at the warehouse of the product - you can only make preparations from natural ingredients and permitted additives. Do not spend like this a little bit of the world: 200 grams of frost for the day will bring satisfaction and do not mess up the figures for the mind, so you will not be cold for nothing.

And I also recommend getting a clumsy homemade accessory, mastering a simple recipe for preparing a freezer and treating your children and guests with a tasty and delicious product. And even better than you, no one knows why you prepared your ice cream - with that soul of love!

When quoting this material, we will obov'yazkovym.

The protyag of bagatioh rokіv frosty is one of the most beloved lassoshchiv of people of different age. Back in the old days, yoga was served on royal banquets and yoga was prepared in the bіdnyaks' houses. This year's dessert of performances for be-like relish and hamanets and building satisfaction to make the best purchase.

The basis of whether it's a frost is to become milk, you can't talk about the melancholy of something. Berries, fruits, candied fruits, chocolate, peas, vanilla and caramel can serve as a filling - you can’t list everything. And also to this warehouse there are various emulsifiers and stabilizers - to improve the taste of that termin_v zberіgannya. And for those who love this product, it’s turbulent food, it’s frosty.

How to enter the freezer warehouse

Traditionally, whether it is frozen, it is stored in the tops of dairy products, so that it becomes 20-25% of the total consumption of the product. It is important to reevaluate their greediness: calcium, which enters before them, is corrosive to the body in any case. In addition, in the milk there are some vitamins of group B, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, which are so necessary for people.

For fatness, the least caloric frosting of milk, but at the same time, it rarely swells. Behind him go tops and then a fat ice cream. Remaining, splendidly, most delicious, but with a glance of stringiness, the figure is not the same short version so too often it’s better not to get used to yoga. From the point of the dawn of nutrition, chi will be frosty for the figure, be short-lived, skin virishu yogo for yourself.

Up to the freezer warehouse, growing fats, such as palm ole, can enter. At the link with the cym, you can immediately blame the food, it’s freezing cold. More fahіvtsіv vvazhayut, scho schobliї shkodi organism won't do anything, scarlet and crusty in any way, it's better to still bathe frostily on the basis of natural dairy products. Dobrosovіsnі vyrobnikov zavzhdy zavzhuyut tse at the warehouse.

To improve the savory flavors, the continuation of the term for saving the virobniki is to add emulsifiers and preservatives to the freezing warehouse. Today, a practical product is indispensable without them. There is no varto check a horror story on the topic " Terrible truth about the frost. Modern technologies are constantly transmitting the presence of chemical additives in products, the smut stench was yakіsnimi. From the point of view of dawn, it’s better not to throw yourself at the arc of a cheap product.

Another obov'yazkovy component of the freezer is tsukor. We don’t carry the same product to healthy people, but rather we don’t piss off those who suffer from diabetes. It’s impossible to get sick, obviously, but rather not to be evil. Before that, how to buy a freezer, start a varto respectfully store it in a warehouse, so that you don’t get a product of a summative quality.

Mozhliva Skoda freezer

A lot of lasuniv ask food, what can you get sick, living in the cold. Zrozumilo, if yoga is too rich, then you can. Ale, take a glass or two of frost, the cake will only be brown. Until then, there are a lot of otolaryngologists to give joy to the cold regularly, and by the same token, the immunity of the body to the possibility of hypothermia. Here is a smut - mothers of a little peace.

If it’s more serious to put food, why it’s hard, it’s cold, it’s really possible to know the active water stones. For example, even more calorie-free can add to blood cholesterol levels, so people with such problems are more likely to get used to a low-calorie product. Too often, doctors do not please їsti frosty: chilling the body, it can cause a ringing of the vessels, but it can lead to a headache. Ale 2-3 times for tyzhden shkodi not zavdad. That’s why it’s not good to believe horror stories on the topic “The truth about the frost is terrible.”

Today's freezer is presented on the market in such a variety that you can choose for yourself the required option in the warehouse of special difficulties. For example, a fat ice cream can be replaced with milk or ice cream. Not seeming already about frozen juices, which are already popular at the same time. І nutrition, chi frosty shkіdlive chi korisne, falls by itself.

About the freezer warehouse additionally described in the video:

Chim frosty

Let's embrace the chilling effect, frostily bring other mischief to our body. Let's look at the vitamins that are found in milk, you can know a lot of brown speeches even in cold weather. Peas, dried apricots, rodzinki, cocoa (in small quantities), without pepper, even brown.

Frosty cold weather can reduce the acidity of the mucus in case of gastritis. At the thought of the doctors, in case of ailments, the vein drain changes. It’s even better to take a portion of another product in the event of a fall in strength, to the one who is already alive. In this season, it’s even better to choose frost with peas and dried fruits.

Another plus is that it freezes serotonin in the body, which is also called the “hormone of happiness”, which also raises the mood when yoga is taken care of. It is not for nothing that dessert is loved by students and people whose work is tied up with stress.
gold middle

When you get used to frost, like any other product, you need to wait until the rules of the golden mean. Doctors are happy not to get used to this dessert often. It will be right to exercise respect when buying a product at the warehouse, so as to prevent the entry of shkidlivih into our body chemical spoluk. In case of fighting too much zucru and fat, it is better to replace the chocolate ice cream with a fruit and berry milk freezer. Axis i the whole truth about freezing.

Doctors also give the animal respect for the culture of living in the cold and do not do yoga on the streets. Aje at once with him in the body can drink and drank that whipped gas, which is so richly drunk. Until then, having had a frost in a cafe or at home, you can get more satisfaction from these lassoshchiv, lower roblyachs on the go.

Whether it’s cold or cold, the products are especially popular, even if the sun is hot, they don’t deprive them of the chance to wind up in the shadows. And for that, the best scam is the most popular hit product of lita - it is frosty, snarky and Skoda tsikh lasoshchiv tsіkavlyat skin yogo lover. It is even more important to know - chi safe salmon for health, and even yogo we often give to our children; To protect yourself from those others - read the report article about the craziness and power of the beloved dessert.

Freezer warehouse

The first step is to proceed to the wedding of shoddy and crusty frost, varto understand - why do you shy away. Those who have the will to buy it more frostily, and not prepare yoga at home on their own, then they say about the storehouse of sweets grown in factories.

To the traditional warehouse of industrial freezing enter:

Milk with a fat content of at least 10%. However, varto indicates that a lot of unscrupulous brewers replace natural milk with palm oil. Such a change is not visible for the conscientious, and the axis for the picker - may be impersonal advantages: it is cheap syrovina; allow the product to be more conserved; give you a special relish, which evokes a kind of “deposit” in the product. And it means that the buyers will show up again and buy dessert again.

However, palm oliya avenges fats, yak priyat increased cholesterol in the blood, which threaten distant development many unsafe diseases: atherosclerosis, obesity, thrombosis, disease of the cardiovascular system, etc. In addition, palm oliya is a carcinogen, which is practically not eliminated from the body.

Dry milk grills (9-12%). Before them one can see: lactose and proteins. Zukor (12-16%). Under understanding, as a rule, it is reasonable to eat glucose syrups and sucrose. Water (55-64%) - evaporates from the other components of the freezer. Emulsions and stabilizers (0.2-0.5%). to hell

See the frost: corny and shkіdlі vlastivostі

If it’s respectful to keep the stock of the industrial frost, then without special zusli you can make a fresh visnovka, which is not so rich in brown, as we would like to. However, this is not all, it’s a lot about the melancholy of that Skoda product, let’s say without a doubt the type of freezer.

Іsnuє sprat species of cold summer pastures:

Plombir is the fattest variety of frost. Some have up to 15% fat, some less protein, lower in other types of cold pastries. Vershkove freezes with 10% fat and 15% zucru. Milk is frozen with 4-6% fat and 16% zucru. Fruit and yagіdne zovsіm pozbavlene fat (0%), the density of new rich zukru is not less than 30%.

Vyhodyachi z sushogo vyscheperelіchennogo, you can pіdbiti pіdbags y viglyadі skoristі skoristі and shkodi summer product. In order to understand what the frost has more: the brown ones are shkidlivih authorities - it is possible to move smoothly to the offensive division of statistics.

Freezing crust for health

Those that licorice and sweets have an unforgettable relish, which are associated with rich people with childishness, are far from the only thing to do. In addition, you can for years enjoy various delicious savory desserts, you can still improve your health.

For example, it is frosty in the gammon spragu. Our body. In the middle, in freezing conditions, it is 160 to 325 kcal per 100 g of the product. All fall into the type of lasoshchiv and yogo warehouse, which creates a goods manufacturer. As a rule, the calorie content of the next frost is indicated on the packaging at the same time food price product. Helps to get rid of boredom and symptoms of PMS. If natural milk is added to the freezer, then you can harden it, that in the lasosh there is all that melancholy, as if to be avenged by that milk. I swear by the melancholy of the most basic cinnamon element of milk - calcium, which is responsible for the life of the bones and the skeleton. Also, calcium spray reduces the risk of developing colon cancer, helps to eliminate stones in nirks and regulate blood pressure. However, the most important are those that frostily spray the serotonin produced - the hormone of happiness. To the very same, after a small portion of the day is brought in, the mood improves and the person feels happy.

Shkіdlі vlastіvostі morozіvі for organіzmu

Crimea of ​​virtues, in the love of lassoshchiv children and grown-up ones are not enough. As a rule, stinks are associated with a cold warehouse, to which all chemical flavors, salt and other shkidli speech enter. This is why I explain richly why you are shkіdlі vlastivostі, yakі may be frosty.

A large amount of white zucru in a freezer warehouse is not safe for health, but shards of such malt can lead to low unsafe illnesses, such as: obesity; diabetes; promotion arterial vice; in children, the overworldly licorice product causes hyperactivity, anxiety, decreased concentration of respect, etc. Frost with thick fat only looks brown at first glance. Roslinnі zhiri manage virobniki cheaper, before the stink is less caloric, which helps to reduce the result. hot rіven product calorie content. For those who are quiet, who follow their own vaga - it is important. However, the great number of growing fats are shkidlivy.

In order to reduce their negative impact on the body, it is necessary to increase the correct technology of their production, and also to increase the number of goods manufacturers. Other vicorists for the selection of fat are chemical retailers.

Impeccable, prostezhit, as the fats came out, we can’t, just like that, pick it up frosty, in which the stench will be daily. However, we can bathe weasels, in some of them the light will be minimal, then the same shkoda in them will be viable.

Anonymous emulsifiers, flavorings, stabilizers piece by piece replace the natural taste and color dairy product. Such a change cannot be taken at the cost of health. Some types of vibrators include before the freezing warehouse not just shkіdlivі, but not safe for the organism of speech. A year of stink leads to the development of the most terrible and deadly diseases.

Below is a table, in which E-supplements are unsafe for health. If you want one of them to be present at the warehouse of laosshchiv - you will be advised to make a purchase. The same stands for the presence of these short speeches and other products.

The high calorie content is frosty, but not safe for the figure. If you don’t suffer from obesity, then wait for it, because if you take a licorice antidepressant frequently, you may have problems with your health. Varto also means a singing freezer for woman's health. The presence of some shkidlivyh speeches in a new man, especially the presence of tall fats in great numbers, is unsafe for women. We especially need to fight against the need to be put before freezing with various savory additives (lemon, midnight, kіvі and others). As a rule, instead of natural fruit additives in the freezer, put zvichaynya yagidnі or fruit essences, also worth the fruit and berry frosting. Rarely in our shops or supermarkets you can freeze fruit ice cream on sticks with natural juice. Yogo is often cooked in natural water with added flavorings and barvniks. Buvay so that it frostily calls out the head bіl. Such a phenomenon is typical for 1/3 of the population of the entire planet and it appears that when the cold product cools down, the temperature of the body drops sharply, the vessels sound and blood starts to go to the brain.

Varto also signifies that it is frosty and rotten to be conquered by the body, so it is important to finish it with a "important" one. It’s too much to overdo it at the slunk, if it’s good to “warm up”. For the most part, the visnovok comes out - often it’s not varto, 2-3 times for a week - the norm is acceptable, Skoda is minimal for the body.

To whom frost is contraindicated

Vrakhovuyuchi nayavnіst shkіdlivyh rhechovnі v storіkі produktії іt mozhlіvіst podіyannіa them istotnoї shkodi organіzmu, vіdіlіt nіvnі group of people, іkіm frosty categorical hedgerows vіdvatі, аbo їsti yogo іїїї іїї іїї іїї ії іїї іїї іїї іїї ії ії thе rіghtіnі porіnії.

Contraindication before frost:

diabetes (it is not recommended to live in the presence of frost, in the warehouse of some rich white sugar and sucrose); skhilnist to povnoti; parts of respiratory disease. It is especially impossible for these people, who recently got sick with a sore throat; lactose intolerance; skhilnist until the stone is set at chewing michuri ta nirkah; virazkova ailment; chronic gastritis; increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Try to live in a frosty vіdrazu. Do not buy yoga from great packages, rather, buy it on sticks, cups or rіzhka. The product loses its own credibility and strength, if it is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, especially, as it does not finish all the hard-working minds. Do not slander with dessert under the name "frost", and even the mischievousness of that Skoda yogo cіkavitimute you in the rest of the black, even if all inappropriate thoughts obscure the joy of licorice whiting.

Be healthy!

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Irina18.07.2016 Morozivo. What brown weasels?

Dovgoochіkuvane summer zavzhd to bring іt іѕ аn speck, and in such weather, the product that sells the most, becomes frosty, and today, dear readers, the topic of my article is dedicated to frost, like a lot of someone else to love from us. We'll talk with you about the greed that Skoda is freezing, to whom and how much yoga can you live without being healthy.

If I'm talking about freezing, I often guess my grandmother. I remember how she told us: "Frost is required to start, and especially the infusion, often їsti, to hart the throat." She gave us pennies, and my sister, happy, ticked off to bathe frostily. How tasty it was! And it’s true, they didn’t get sick and rarely suffered from pain in the throat. Truth is, before the frost, there was still a great change of joy for the improvement of health.

If you guess the story, then the first riddles about freezing were found in ancient Chinese chronicles, in ancient China, fruits frozen with ice and juices got used like zasib in specks. Guilty buli to go through a hundred years, the first frost was brought to Europe, and they began to live like a lasosh. In the 17th century, it began to gain popularity in France, and the first café was opened there for the sale of ice cream.

From that hour, the recipes for the preparation of freezing were constantly updated, new varieties were introduced, and in the 19th century, the Successful States began mass production. At the same time, we may be able to try the impersonal varieties for savory flavors and see the frost with their own warehouse, in ribs, in cups, in briquettes, in cylinders, on sticks.

And remember the hour (like you are my peers for a century, then, singly, remember), if we traveled to Moscow and in the GUM, TSUM and great stores were sold forever cold. Many years have passed, but the relish of that frost in a waffle cup remembers dosi. And then, in the buffet, buy yourself a glass of Fanti and a shortbread, otherwise it was already given, well, it’s so-so unimaginable! I keep thinking about how the frostiness of our childhood was the same, that we were not sung, singsongly, all at once, but the very frostiness of our childishness was remembered especially for me.

See that freezer warehouse. calories

Greater views of freezing may be high in calories, as to lie in one warehouse. The main components of the freezer are milk, tops, zukor, various fruit and berry juices, chocolate, peas, kava and other natural products. In addition, in order to add more fat content in deyak varieties, freezing is added Vershkov oil.

However, nowadays the production of these cold lasses cannot be dispensed with and without various additives, barniki, adding to the taste, preservatives and stabilizing agents are added to the new one, which allows you to give the frost the same taste and color, as well as the greater term of yogic preservation.

Plodovo - yagidne frosty

In the rest of the hour, through low calorie, the great popularity of the variety of fruits and yagidny frost has appeared, on the shelves you can see the great variety of yoga varieties. The basis for such a freezer is fruits or yagidni juices or puree, zukrovy syrup and, of course, all additives. From the usіh vidіv moroziva plodno - yagidne less calorie, that scho do not avenge any fats.

Dairy freezer

If my childhood had a lot of frosty vibes, it didn’t seem to be frosty, and it was milky frosty, maybe, one, albeit savory, summer salmon. Dairy freezer is prepared on the basis cow's milk, instead of tsukru in such a frost, it’s not high, so it’s worth it for a low-calorie, light dessert.

Vershkove freezer

As you can see from the name, Vershkove is frostily prepared on the basis of Vershkiv, it’s for a lot of fat, which takes place in the new, so it’s also different. The most high-calorie freezer is the ice cream, perhaps the most delicious of all types of frost. In the ice-cream maker itself, add tops of butter, which gives the product a special softness and unique relish.

Pіdbivaєmo pіdbags: scho more fat is freezing, then more yogo calorie.

Frosty. Measles for health

Otzhe, let's talk about those who are frosty. As it turns out, what is frozen prepared from natural products, it may have all the power of these products. So, milk and dairy products enter the freezer warehouse, at the same time with the freezer we take away the brewed proteins, which are easily acquired, into carbohydrates, fats, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and impersonal minerals. In addition, dairy products are rich in vitamins A, E, C, groups B, PP and the most important amino acids for the body, of which there are more than twenty in milk.

Milk, which means frosty, prepared on the basis of natural cow's milk, is the price of energy, the health of our teeth and brushes, our health nervous system. Korisnі speech, scho mіstyasya in dairy products, improve exchange processes in our body, improve immunity.

You can feel a lot of different information about milk at once. As your opponent, you can, as an alternative to freezing, give you fruit ice. And we turn with you to those extreme frost, we continue Rozmov about the frostiness of frost for health.

calcium It is one of the main components of freezing, the mineral promotes healthy not only bones and teeth, and serves as a prevention of osteoporosis, its role is also important for the whole organism. Calcium takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, in short-term medullary tissue, playing the most important role in hematopoiesis and functioning of the cardiovascular system. This mineral takes part in the exchange and metabolic processes of the body, absorbs the acquired vitamin B12.

Calcium, combined with potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, is beneficially injected into the vessels, heart matter and the nervous system.

Vitamins A and E rightfully vvazhayutsya tight antioxidants, as they do not allow free radicals to ruin our body, improve the exchange processes in the body, keep the skin youthful and improve immunity. Moreover, vitamin A is more important for dawn.

Group B vitamins rich chocolate is not frosty, vitamins are important for the nervous system, stench increases the body's resistance to stressful situations, improves the energy balance, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the herbal system.

Serotonin It is customary to call it the hormone of joy, and amino acids, which enter the warehouse of frost, increase the level of this hormone in the blood, which increases mood, improves appetite, sleep, we are more alert, and a surge of strength.

For those who want to lose weight freezing can also be browned, regardless of the high calorie content. A lot of people are afraid to be frosty, vvazhuchi, what fat, what to avenge in the new, to put on a set of vaga. However, it has been brought to light that the dead bodies have a frosty brown let's understand people, shards high in calcium, which is practically more easily acquired by the body, helping to further decompose fats. Moreover, frosty gives a touch of sourness and a little appetite, so you can say it is bitterness, and you can always choose frosty with low fat content.

Chi can you freeze your throat with a frost?

Frosty hard throat, tse bringing a fact, which cannot be forgotten by doctors, but here you need protection and peace. Do not cook cold in the cold on a cold day. And I'm glad that our grandmother is small, if it made us happy to win for such a throat. Obviously, it is necessary to work, if you have no pharyngitis or other sore throats. In this mood, the throat needs to be twisted, and then it’s already cold.

It is also often coldly prescribed to children after the removal of the tonsils. Ale, with whom, be afraid less in order to change the bleeding.

For those with diabetes At this hour, special dietary frosting is produced on the basis of substitutes for zucru and soy milk, which allows such people not to indulge themselves with satisfaction in the bake with a portion of frost.

Measles for the intestines is evident in the varieties of frost, which have recently appeared, as they are made on the basis of yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria. Thus, it freezes the intestinal microflora, improves its motility and positively affects the immune system.

To whom is it frosty

At sensible borders, it is possible to eat frosty for everyone, no one can hurt a portion of these savory lassoshchi, it’s unhurried on a spicy day. Trochy lower, let's talk about the rate of freezing for a day

If someone is already turbulent calories, then it is better to use a filling, in 100 grams of which there are 340 kcal. You can recommend to buy a less calorie vershkov or a milky frosty, and more fruity - a yagіdne.

How cold is it?

Surely, it’s good for someone to wait for me, which is the most frosty and frosty, cooked in home minds, we know that they put it there, we work all with love, we put in our heat energy, that way you want to eat frosty with crust for your health 'I, duzhe raju gotuvati yogo sama at home. I will ask you to read the article on the bliz How to cook frosty in your home minds.

The recipe for such a freezer is even simpler.

Detail berries and fruits from the blender. Spread everything in small spaces. Build wooden or plastic sticks in them. Freeze in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

And if you don’t have the ability to cook ice-cream at home, always pay respect to the simple sign of DERZHSTA. Frost with a sign, you can see the difference.

Chim frosty. Cіkavі facts in nutrition and vіdpovіdyah

And right now, I will tell you a little short opinions of doctors and nutritionists about freezing.

What is beautiful and what can be done to frosty women?

Yes, you can. Dodatkove dzherelo calcium, protein, that important moment of taking away satisfaction, the hormone of joy vibrates. Alone, I can recommend women to women, so that they don’t get sick of the troch and get frosty. And, obviously, they have a contraindication. Let's talk about them a troch below.

Does frost weaken the immune system?

No, don't relax. In the freezer, there is speech, like mi їmo in the splendid life. And it’s freezing cold, we are talking about cold weather.

Can you frostily cause a headache?

Yes, you can. The sounding of blood-bearing vessels during implantation of freezing can cause head bіl in people who are so smart. A healthy person will not become a trained vessel.

Frost with yogurt for ice cream?

Ni. Milk and yogurt are dairy products with approximately the same amount of livestock. I korisn_ bacteria, yakі є in yoghurt, in freezer freeze.

How much for a day can I get a frost?

For a healthy person, you can eat 100-150 g of frost for a day. It is important to be less surprised at the contraindications.

Can you give ice cream to children and from a different age?

Doctors recommend giving children ice cream for 3 years. But you need to know that the skin of a child is individual. As there is no contraindication, you can give frost to children earlier. It is important to read the freezer warehouse on the label. Look at the term of freezing attachment. I cannot give children frost at the stage of sore throats.

And best of all, practice yoga yourself. The axis of one of the recipes for such a freezer is low-fat syrup for children.

Freezing time

Like a bachite, there are pluses in the freezer, prote and minuses, and I will tell you to familiarize yourself with them. Samy istotny short freezing is the fact that vicory growers do not start vicarious natural products when preparing freezing, like, in fact, those other products of eating.

Palm tree at the freezer warehouse, As in the warehouse of other products, the building is the source of raw materials, so it is accumulated at 50% of the total fatty acids and the melting temperature is higher, which exceeds the temperature human body. As a result, fats are not absorbed by the body, but settle on the walls of the vessels, increasing cholesterol and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Various synthetic additives under such incomprehensible names, like emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings, sweetening relish, they also reduce the rating of daily frost. It’s bigger, it’s even more superficially visible, that you’re craving for these additives, and how stinks can get into your health, especially when you have children, whose body reacts especially sensitively to everything that’s bad, that you consume in the tube. I also need to be more respectful to the frost for people with slunk-intestinal ailments.

In addition, they are also virobniks, as they do not represent the truthful information on the packaging. We read that at the warehouse of the freezer there is natural milk of about a dozen, but in fact, when re-checking, no one knows dairy products in the fire. That is why it is important to buy frosty brand names, as a way to build a reputation. And even better, as I already wrote, prepare a freezer at home.

Chi shkіdlive frosty for our teeth?

You can also often feel the thought that the frost will break your teeth. But I think that wine is not frosty here, but problems with teeth. Some have underfilled teeth, some have poor or chipped enamel. So, for such people, obviously, it is necessary to follow an empty company, and not ring in the cold. І after freezing it is not possible to allow a sharp change in temperature. Already raptom є lovers drink hot tea after freezing? Then, obviously, it is possible that there will be problems with the teeth, there may be cracks in the enamel, and the teeth of the lamatim.

Let's wonder what the doctors and nutritionists say about the greed and the frost.

Frosty. Contraindication

To whom is frostbite contraindicated? It is directly contraindicated before freezing, we are faced with intolerance to milk zucru. Fortunately, it is not so common among young people. And the axis for the people of the frail age of dairy and vershkov needs to be frosty and careful, the shards are not enough in the body for the lactase enzyme, which breaks down the milk zucor, can lead to intestinal disorder. Such people are better off with a dietary freezer based on yogurt or fruit and berry.

People with high cholesterol, close people and those who have a risk of atherosclerosis, so the varto itself is recommended in fatty varieties of frost, giving priority to dairy or fruit varieties.

Vtіm, like a lasuvati frosty little zrіdka, іstotnoї shkodi won't hurt anyone.

For our wisdom with a wonderful summer mood, savory frost and simple joys of life!

And our souls will listen to you today Schubert. Impromptu G flat major No.3 I love this Impromptu. Itself if Grala yoga. Even if the rajah knows the hour, sit down and enjoy all the goodness in silence.

wonder so

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How to cook frosty in home minds. Recipe
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How to properly freeze berries for the winter
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Beauty is Healthy Healthy Harchuvannya

Most of our spivtchizniks love frost. The deyakі іnozemtsі, having been in Russia, with a fever rozpovidat at home, scho rosіyany їdyat frosty winter, in a thirty-degree frost, moreover, on the streets.

It can be said that in tsomu є deyakі perebіlshennya, prote zagal mustache is true. In Russia, children and grown-ups bathe frostyly with the drive: cool, calm your nerves, “charge” your mind, just make you hungry, cool yourself on a spicy day, and so on. Set to frost at a time, especially for fahіvtsіv іz kharchuvannya. Who cares that yoga can be done every day, and who doesn’t recommend more than two times a day.

It's frosty for health, it's cool, it's impossible to say unequivocally. It’s better for everything, we’ll be stronger in the house, as if it’s practical to eat whatever food is eaten - everyone needs the world. And the frost can also be like a bright brown, so it’s shkidlivim.

What kind of product is frosting? Frost can be soft, or we can make it cold - it's a way of brewing. M'yake does not get cold in the cold at -5 ° C, it is not possible to save it for a long time, and it is even lower for relish. Cold frozen in combines down to -25°C, and can be saved from such a fresh looking river. It's even stronger than that.

It is also frozen for the equal fat content: milk, vershkov, ice cream and fruit and berry.

Freezer warehouse

The fruit and berry freezer has no fat, and instead of zucru - close to 30%. We prepare such frosty from natural fruit juices and puree.

Milk freezer has less zucru - up to 16%, ale - fat. It is true, even less, lower in other types of frost - to the top and filling - a total of 6%. Vershkove freezer can contain up to 10% fat and up to 15% zucru, and ice cream - up to 15% fat - the highest grade of frost.

Natural animal fats are a miracle product that gives us strength and energy. Prote in this hour, even a lot of virobniks began to beat not only natural milk fat, but also a sum of growing fats. The stench explains to us that it is so frosty that it becomes less caloric and, before that, more affordable at a price. Everything is so, but the life value of such a frost is doubtful, especially on the aphids of victoria of various napovnyuvachiv and emulsifiers.

Frost from natural products to avenge rich brown speeches, less than a hundred: more than 20 amino acids, 25 fatty acids, 20 vitamins, 30 mineral salts and important enzymes necessary for normal speech metabolism. It seems to itself that a portion of frost can not only calm you down, but also charge your mind.

Frost brown, as if made from natural milk. The same way it is more lively and caloric, it gives energy and it’s true that there is hunger - a richer, lower Snickers bar.

It seems that deyak otolaryngologists regularly irrigate for the development of their own local immunity, to accustom the throat to low temperatures. Zrozumіlo, take care of it more quickly step by step, and it’s freezing for the offal - it’s necessary for you.

To whom it is corny, and to whom it is frosty

Prote fakhіvtsі the Institute of Eating is important, which is far from being frosty for everyone. Nasampered, through this high calorie content (in 100g the product can contain up to 500 kcal) and instead of in a new zucru, freezing is not recommended for people who suffer from zayva vaga, and also we are ill with blood diabetes.

Tim, who can increase rіven cholesterol, was cold, cooked on animal fats. Most nutritionists do not recommend often to plant flavored varieties of frost: midnight, lemon and other, so that piece additives and fruit essences are included in their warehouse. Best win over fruit and berry varieties of frost.

Dairy frosting is less fat, less visible, and less calories. However, easy-to-conquer zukors can be found in great quantities in cold weather, and in the building, to raise the level of glucose in the blood.

Often, freezing cold can be the cause of a headache. Tse zdaetsya neimovirnym, but, for the sake of medical statistics, close to a third of people in the world, like suffering from headaches, feel yourself through addiction to frost. It’s freezing, especially when you hurry, too quickly lowering your body temperature, sounding judges, and less blood comes to the brain, which becomes the cause of a headache.

People who suffer from ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and caries, are more likely to survive the cold, or only care for them. Navit healthy people do not follow a frosty day, but only two, maximum three per day.

If there are children, then we should not be allowed to replace them with a freezer. However, here the thoughts of fahіvtsіv podіlyayutsya: one to give joy to give children frosty like a dessert, once after the main їzhі, explaining to them that it’s impossible to kill your appetite like that; otherwise, do not recommend this work, to that it is frosty after it is easy to pickle.

You can know the golden mean, and give children frosty, for example, like midday, with sour fox berries - the stench helps the body to conquer fat and zukor more easily.

Dekilka sl_v about the culture of freezing. Most people called out to eat cold on the go, having bought yoga on the street. In this order, at the same time, out of the freezing cold, we drank the streets, the rubbish and the swirl of cars - even though it was freezing, it took all the mittevo. If you bought a freezer on the street, then you would like to go to the park or a summer cafe, and best of all, a freezer at home.

Vzagali, as if to reach the world, so it can be frosty for everyone. More fakhivtsiv vvazhayut that 100g of frost for a day will not hurt anyone. To the point, in our country, freezing occurs 4-10 times less than in the countries of Europe and the USA.

And now naytsіkavіshe: how can you prepare a freezer at home. For example, for the preparation of a vershokovy freezer, you need to beat vershoks and a zhovtka. For bazhannya you can add alcohol, vanilin or honey - like natural flavorings.

How to freeze frost: preparing a freezer

Frost is better to cook in a freezer - manual or electric. The manual freezer has two reservoirs: you need to fill the inner one and put it in ice filling and the other reservoir. If it gets frosty, wrap the handle of the freezer with at least 20-30 quills, it’s not to blame.

To scorch with a manual frost to finish it tiredly, especially as you should treat your guests with a freezer. In this season, it’s better to bring electric frost, in which it’s easy to cook food and savory toppings.

The recipes for preparing a freezer today are impersonal, and the rules for preparing a good freezer are rather inconsistent, but it will require a lot of patience. Usі іngredієnti mаut but obov'yazkovo fresh, іnakshe gusto bude not nadto accept.

Tops with fat not less than 30% must be fresh and chilled. Zhovtki with zucr need to be beaten in a hot water bath, the docks do not see a thick sap, and then cool in cold water with ice.

Squirrels are necessary to beat the dots, the docks of the stench cannot begin to shine, like a snow. For tsgogo їх, as well as dishes, cool before churning, and zbivayuchi, add | add | a trifle of salt. Once cooked, the masa should be put in the freezer, otherwise it will fall off more quickly and spend your relish and tenderness.

Such a freezer can be stored in the freezer as a sprat of tizhniv - in plastic containers, but better than yogo on the first day after cooking - the same thing is more delicious.

Before serving, it is necessary to take out the freezer from the freezer and put it on the bottom of the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Freeze frosty, scho pіdtale, I can’t renew at the same time.

Contact winter chill you can often spy on a person, a yak, having spit on intelligence, get salty with frost. In summer, I don’t bake another leather trim in my hands, but fruit ice. Ale scho robiti, yakshcho vy on a strict diet and vzagali virishi dedicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle? Movchki zazdrit? Is it hard to sue? Not varto.

Truth and lies about a diet on a freezer

Physicians-dietologists podbal about those people who are addicted to paradigms healthy eating they did not suffer in the face of the daily life of their whole life. Іsnuє diet, yak not only do not hedge the cold, but root on yogo living. It is important to remember that the cold stimulates the spalling of fats, splendid weight loss. On the right, we don’t call it like this: the balance of fats and their vitrati lie down not in the cold, but in the quality and quantity of eating in the spivvіdnoshnі z vitratoyu energy in general.

In such a rank, like eating only one frost, you, without a doubt, will lose weight. However, there will be no such thing as eating, and your body will not hesitate to tell you about it.

However, if you are looking for a healthy full meal, then a portion of ice cream is served hourly, “Lasunka” or “Fruit and Berry” will not make your figure healthy. I don’t have any reason to encourage myself to fall in love with solo.

Yake frosty is the best for figure

Frosty is subdivided into the following varieties:

  • Fruity - sorbet and fruit ice are seen until the new. Oskіlki the basis of yogo is made up of fruit puree and sіk, then there is no fat at all.
  • Dairy - revenge 2.8-3.5% fat, so for the figure it also does not carry any particular threat.
  • Sour-milk - fight on a yoghurt base and avenge sour-milk bacteria, not fat.
  • Vershkov - lower and savory frosty, ale the most powerful enemy of figure, shards to avenge 8-10% fat.
  • Plombir is the most favorite bagatma frosty, but the most caloric one is 12-15% fat.

The Icecro company invites you to take a look at the freezer at the new light. In our catalog you will find frosty, fresh, bright, original flavors and a minimum of calories. We have a freezer specially for those who want to lose weight, as well as for

Vibachte, you have taken my place.

- Your place? І chi can you bring it?
- I can. I poured frost on the new one.

The history of frost is already present for more than one thousand years. Frost was licked in Ancient Rome, and in Ancient Greece, and in Ancient China. Five thousand years ago, the Chinese prepared a prototype of the daily frost: small pieces of oranges, lemons, fruit juices mixed with ice and snow and were served to the table.

In Ancient Rome, for the preparation of fruit frosting, snow was delivered from distant alpine ice-growers, and the harvest of snow was taken by local ice-crops.

Frost treated Oleksandr the Great on his journey to Persia and India. During the Trival, the oblogs of the towns were given a great amount of snow from the gir, whose berries and water were frozen. Without breaking the snow, they ruled the special relay races of the slaves. Before the speech, the very same soldiers saw to add wine, honey and milk to the water with fruits.

This year is frosty - one of the most beloved lasses and children, and grown-ups. Influence, znemagyuchi vіd sinter, frosty helps us to cool down and cool down. How to choose "correctly" frosty, to have a good time without shoddy for a figure that is healthy? We wonder how skilki fat and zucru.

Shards to the freezer store include milk and tops, some have calcium, phosphorus, amino acids, lactose, mineral speech and vitamins A, B, B1, B2, C, Є. Duzhe high i energy value what dessert, the axis of which is especially fussy not for the sake of time, who is chasing after the figure. Prote zovsіm sobіdmovlyat in satisfaction is not necessary: ​​frosty raises mood, gives a chance to taste the relish of childishness.

It is also important that it is frosty:

Zmіtsnyuє kіstkovu fabric.

Reduces the blood pressure.

Ease PMS symptoms.

Reduces the risk of bowel cancer.

Boosts immunity.

Reduce the risk of the appearance of a nirk stone.

Promoting brain activity.

Exciting dysbacteriosis.

Also, what sort of frost should I win?

Naineshkіdlivіshe for figure - fruit and berry frosty (sorbet). It is made from fruit puree, juice and does not lose fat. Sherbet has 25% zucru, 120 kcal.

Dairy freezer mix 3-8% fat, 16% zucru, 150 kcal.

Yoghurt freezer for fatness you can compare with dairy. The product itself is an ideal way for ingesting live yoghurt cultures to the body. In frozen products, such as frost, yoghurt bacteria are rebuyed at the “suspended anabiosis” station. Shards of bacteria are inactive and hibernate, stinks are much more likely to save their life activity. Tse allows you to increase the high level of their concentration in products, the efficiency in the treatment of such growth in sprat times.

At Vershkov freezer 8-10% fat, 15% zucru, 200 kcal.

Bazhayuchim lose weight varto unikati ice cream- The most high-calorie type of frost: 15% fat, 20% zucru, 300 kcal.

Frozen is contraindicated in diabetics through the movement of zucru. It is not necessary to get used to this dessert tim, who is often ill with angina, tonsillitis or suffers from Viraz's ailment.

It is frosty, in which the milk fat is replaced by a sum of fats, less calories, and a little bit of additives, which reduce the cost of life.

Unique frosty yaskravih kvіtіv - such a rich piece barniki.

Take care of your tooth enamel: don't eat cold with hot kava.

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