Chi can be squeezed through the light. Can you relieve arterial pressure through clothing? How to take care of the choice of a mechanical sphygmomanometer

Conducted programs Alla Volokhinaі Kostyantin Korolkov.

Guest at the studio - cardiologist Olena Mikhailivna Gavrilova.

Even wealthy people, especially summer people, need control over their arterial pressure. Vtіm, and in young people, the vice is also jumping. The experts reconsidered the butovі tonometry, and it turned out that in 70 vіdsotkі vіdkіv vіdіkіv vіbіvі became 5 mm hg, and in 30 vіdіzіvki - close to 10 mm. Before speech, most doctors do not corrode with electronic devices to overcome the vice, the stench gives priority to the greatest mechanical tonometers, simpler and superior. Why do doctors care to use tonometers more beautifully, if they want to work together with a stethoscope?

A. Gavrilova: From one side mechanical tonometry as accurate as possible. But only then, if the stench is infested by medical practitioners in the medical facility. Although the patient himself at home minds vimiruvatime sob with a mechanical tonometer, it doesn’t mean that the magnification is as accurate as possible. The new one may have more problems. The patient can be a little nasty, bachiti nasty, you can put a cuff over your clothes.

In order to vikoristovuvat attach a booth, on their minds, Would you still recommend tonometry?

A. Gavrilova: Here you need to wonder individually. If a person is alive, not alone, but in a pair, then to someone to soften the vice, then you can successfully fix a mechanical tonometer, vimiryuyuchi one to one. If a person of a frail age and live alone, then a mechanical tonometer will be important. Ideally, you should drink an automatic drink, or an automatic device.

Why do they stink? Drinking automatic device- so if the person herself inflates the cuff for an additional pear, and blows it again, then the attachment, and the vise will show a vice. So people don't need to listen to the tone, the stethoscope doesn't sing. And when victorious automatic apparatus as a person, just pull on the cuff, press the button and that's it. The device to rob everything itself.

And how do these modern devices pidburyuyut? If you are using an electronic thermometer, it seems that it is necessary to measure the temperature of the body, the arithmetic average will be the real temperature of the body. And yak іz vimіrom vice?

A. Gavrilova: The same is true for vimiryuvannya vice. That is why it is important to remember the failures, especially the failures of automatic devices. Tim is more like a stink zap'yastkovі. I especially do not recommend vicoristing to my patients. It is also necessary to take the third vice and take the middle vice.

Who needs to regularly whip behind his vise?

A. Gavrilova: Obov'yazkovo is necessary to relieve arterial pressure to people who already have a heart disease. Tse hypertensives, people with ischemic heart disease. Like stinks to take preparations, like to pour in a vice, then definitely. In fact, such patients should be asked to conduct such titles as "schodennik", in order to write down the numbers of the vice in the evening, to be able to see the patient on the background of taking medications.

If we talk about the abductions of home death, then here, rather, not those who can’t keep the tonometry, that’s why 5-10 mm is obviously significant in a long-term perspective, but it’s not so significant if the patient is under a vise. Tobto, like in a new grip 120 or 125, then tse, roughly seemingly, practically the same.

The figures for the vice will be significant, if there are about 138 and 144 mm. For that one, 140 to 90 is not a normal vice, but less than 140 to 90 is a normal vice. But if the patient takes the pressure three times with a break, do not sleep, so that the vessel wall catches up, the break can be like a minimum of hvilina, taking an average pressure, then you can still understand the truth.

How to vimiruvate the vice correctly? Adje, if you die yoga wrong, you will have a lot of curls of single mercury stovp.

A. Gavrilova: I think that the main problem should be solved when vimiryuvanni the vise of the booth. I, maybe, bring the posture home like that.

Vimiryuvannya vice rules:

1. The patient is guilty of resting at a calm place. Yakshcho you came running from the streets, climbed up the descents on the five above, it was not necessary to take the pressure off. Obviously, as if a person feels bad, so, without the need to check 10 quills, it is necessary to die in time, but to keep control after 10 quills to repair. How to bend the vice in the eye, then you need to understand that it’s not a vice of peace and that it’s normal, if you take away the numbers for your zvichayny displays.

2. It is necessary to have a rest at a relaxed state. It is not necessary to overcome the vice while standing, in a non-handling position, or, for example, sitting on the edge of the chair, or placing one foot on the other. Buti is not guilty of this. M'yazi mayut buti relax. Optimally, as if there would be a table for the table. There is a tonometer on the table, the hand is relaxed on the table, the legs are just instructed to stand, the stench is not crossed and not laid one on one, the chair is not tidied up, the back spirals onto the back of the chair. This is the best posture for the correct vimir arterial pressure.

3. Item for people who shoot off. With a stretch of five years after smoking a cigarette, they have a troch of testaments.

4. In addition, it is impossible to pacify the vice with a full sich mikhur. The latest sich mіkhur is one of the most difficult factors that should be poured into the vise. If a person has not fulfilled her needs, she will have the same pressure.

Put a cuff on your arm?

A. Gavrilova: If patients come before me, I will try to sound the vise on two hands. Dimensional size on two hands 10 millimeters is allowed, it's normal. And far away the vice is constantly vimiryuєtsya on your hand, on which show-offs were greater. If the difference between the vise on both hands is more than 10 mm, it is better to vise the vise on both hands and fix the vise.

For some people, the norm of 140 to 90 may be peaked if you need to take pills.

A. Gavrilova: If we are talking about the norm, then it’s better to be smarter. They took a great group of people, they misrepresented them all, averaged them and took them away. The norm for a vice in a grown-up one is a smaller vice for 140 to 90. But it’s also understandable, like a normal movement of a vice. Yakshcho 135 at 83 tse normal vice, ale vin normal movement.

І є understanding of individual norms. For example, for example, a person has a vice of 110 to 60, then 140 to 90 for a new significant hypertensive crisis. So, for whom the norm can be lower.

Can you win the vise through clothes? Why can the cuff be pulled lower than the elbow?

A. Gavrilova: It is not possible in both positions: neither for a shirt, nor lower for a elbow. Є standard rules. The cuff is to blame, but it is put on approximately two fingers beyond the ulnar fossa, and the tube, through which the cuff is inflated, is guilty, but is wound to the ulnar fossa.

How to choose a cuff?

A. Gavrilova: It is required to close the arm above the elbow, in the middle of the shoulder, and if the leg is to become over 32 cm, then the patient will need a large cuff. Ring in pharmacies, tonometry is sold with middle cuffs.

Chi vpivaet red wine on a vice? And if so, then why should you zastosovuvat for koriguvannya?

A. Gavrilova: Chervone wine is that, in principle, whether any alcohol can be poured into a vice. Feeding is less in quantity and in quality.

If you drink a cell of pure wine, then globally the price of tisk is not in the line, but the tisk of a troch, just a couple of millimeters of mercury stovp, can decrease. Tobto wine lowers the vise. So it’s like a vice and mіtsnі alcoholic drinks, for example, cognac. If yoga is lived in a small dose, the vessel expands, the pressure may also decrease a little. And if you drink a lot of rich alcohol, then it’s time to bring up the arterial pressure.

Bagato tse skils?

A. Gavrilova: For a skin person, “rich” is its own kіlkіst. A glass of cognac (50 g) for an important person can be drunk in the sun without any traces, but for a trendy woman, it’s even richer.

Listen to the full program in the audio file.

Haircuts equal to the arterial pressure can be instilled in people who do not suffer from illness on the ship. You can vimiryuvaty a vice on your own with a special tool - a tonometer.

The results of vimiriv can show different values navіt yakshcho vymіri will be zroblenі in the arc of a short period. To that, in order to take reliable data, it is necessary to follow the existing rules, the stench will help to minimize the loss of results as much as possible.

The global rules of the world

Qi rules are independent of the type of tonometer vikoristovuєtsya. When vimіrі vise with an electronic attachment, it is necessary to be respectful, the shards of wine are sensitive, lower mechanical.

The position of a person, like a vise, can be handy: sitting or lying down. In the sitting position, the hand is placed on the table at the relaxed position.

  • The temperature in the room can be comfortable.
  • The cuff of the tonometer can be fixed on the shoulders on one line from the heart.
  • Under the hour of the procedure, do not varto rozmovlyat, squeeze the palm of your fist and put it under the palm of your hand.
  • If monitoring of the level of AT is carried out systematically (for example, in case of illness), it is necessary to carry out yoga one hour at a time. The best way to go.
  • The cuff is to blame for curving at least 80% of the shoulder stake. In case of death, a person who suffers from obesity, it is necessary to wear a cuff with a lowered, inspected camera. In addition, put її slid on the goal of the skin, and not the sleeve of the robe.
  • Inflate repeatedly on the cuff as needed, and deflate properly.
  • For the first year before the procedure, the next step is to reduce the number of chickens, the introduction of products, the need for caffeine, as well as the physical changes.

The main pardons for the hour of the vimiru

  • The hand is ripped out not on a equal footing. Attachment can show the promise of the value, as if the hand would be lower for the rіven of the heart. Obviously, if the hand is more equal than the heart, the results will be underestimated.
  • People are dumb on what to hide their backs. The fixture will show the vice more than the real one.
  • A tightly tightened cuff is also the result of a win on the larger side. Vaughn may be dressed smartly, but not tight.
  • Great pohibka among the vimirs can also be given by a cuff, dressed over a robe. The sleeves need to be lifted, but not to wander.
  • When you are calm, the pressure gauge needle does not reset to 0. Before you start, you need to calibrate the tool.
  • Insufficient inflation of the cuff, check. In this case, the fit will show an underestimation of the vice of systole.
  • Inflate again into the cuff in a stepwise manner. If it is necessary to fully inflate the diastolic vice on the indications, it will be visible. And when it’s necessary, the systolic is underestimated and it depends on the diastolic.
  • Pohibki at the results of zavzhd give Rozmov chi ruh pіd hour of the procedure.
  • Vimiryuvannya, yakі be carried out once after taking up sports chi physical advancement, to show the achievement of the value.
  • The resulting results can be taken away, as if to freeze the pressure of the kіlka once in a short time. Under the hour of death, the blood stagnates, it is necessary to watch the interval for an hour no less than thin for a second death. Then the results will be correct.

Different indications for AT vimirah on different hands

The results of vimiryuvan on the right and left hands can be shaken up. This is explained by the anatomical features of the work of the heart: in the vessels, which go up to the right and left hands, the pressure of the blood is different. Qia retail can reach 30 mm Hg. Art.

In this way, having taken off the normal indications on the left hand, you can miss the hypertension, as if the bula would be remembered when vimiryuvanni vice on the right hand.

Irrespective of the price, practically all doctors carry out vimiryuvannya on the left hand. The stench explains it with the help of the patient.

In the instructions for fittings for AT wiping, it is also often indicated left hand I recommend how to freeze.

To get rid of the real equal to the vise, it is correct to carry out vimir on both hands. The best showing will be reliable. We gave the world a vice on your hand, the tree was a vise for the vise.

In some cases, the difference in the pressure in the arteries on different hands may be insignificant, but it will not be known. In this direction, in order to signify, on such a hand, there is a vice, it is recommended to follow the offensive rule: in the right-handed vice, to die on the left hand, in the shulg - on the right hand.

Officials, what to add to the results of vimiryuvan

  • Caffeine and nicotine. Products that you can store in your warehouse of coffee (kava, tea, chocolate and gas-filled drinks), builders raise the level of AT by 5-15 mm Hg. Art. In a person who did not call for coffee and other products, the stench can cause a sharp AT streak.

This is the shortest effect of moving the vise of the chicken. As soon as the cigarette is smoked, the systolic and diastolic pressure increases by 10-30 mm Hg. Art. At the norm, stinks come approximately in pіvgodini.

  • Medicines. 2 years before that, like a vice, turn off the reception of faces, like pour into the work of the heart-vascular system. Eye drops and nasal drops and sprays are also seen before non-negotiable preparations. The stench of Timchasovo pushes the rіven vise.
  • Arrhythmia. With this pathology, the principle of the appointment of a vice lies in the fact that a person is suffering from some form of arrhythmia. Electronic tonometry can give an accurate result in the fall, so that the pulse signal can be improved. But for some forms of arrhythmias, the veins are irritable and the results can be wrong. If you have any vipadku, it would be correct for the vikonati to die the sprat of times and take the arithmetic mean.
  • Station. Uncomfortable or incorrect position of the body under the hour of the procedure may lead to a greater change in the results. It is necessary to lean on the back of the chair, to change hands at the relaxed position, not spiraling on anything. The hand, on which to conduct a freeze, is guilty of lying, but not hanging.

Likewise, one cannot cross one's legs and sit cross-legged. It is possible to compress the great arteries, which will lead to incorrect results in the world.

  • Cold welcome. Vimiryuvati press is required for temperatures around 20 degrees. At lower temperatures, the results of wiping will be dependent.
  • Perepovnenie intestines and sechovy mikhur, intestinal spasm. Usі tsі factori priyat podvischennyu vice. Miriti tysk is better for a sprat of khvilin after the harvesting of sich mikhur.

Otzhe, it is correct to vimiryuvaty arterial pressure on both hands (and not on the left one, as it should be shy), protecting the most significant.

The difference in the meaning of yoga equal on the right and left hands is not a pathology, it is a physiological norm. As well as the indication, taken from both hands, however, it is enough for the future to take it from one hand.

Before the procedure, make sure that all factors are protected, which greatly contribute to the results of vimiruvannya. For example, using a spray on the undead before the cob of the procedure will increase the indication in the results. And when you die yourself, read the rules, so that you can change the death of the victims.

Doctor-cardiologist of the cardiological department Bukina G.V.

Vimiryuvannya arterial pressure - obov'yazkovy procedure for all people, regardless of vіd vіku, stati and other signs. To make a healthy person may, at any hour, reconsider his vice not only at the walls of the medical mortgage on the commission, but also at home. It is necessary, in order to know your normal vice, the shards of the wines of the troch are seen in all people. You are guilty of remembrance, which is the norm for you, to become calm with good self-esteem, and which - promotion, for example, when hvilyuvanni, after physical rights. Write down the indications and always update them, so that you are always ready. Dekou was less fortunate, and the stench of zmusheni was constantly controlling his blood pressure. Robiti tse obov'yazkovo is necessary correctly. Find out about the details of this article.

If you can mіryati arterial pressure

Sob you have worked your right hand, not weaker to different factors, it is necessary to choose the right hour and place of the war. Reach out a little lower, so that the vikonati will win correctly:

  • First of all, you need to remember that you need to remember before the vise. Just sit on the table and sit like this for 5-10 minutes, calm down. It is important not to think about the filth and not to boast. It has long been known that if a person is whining, the twitch rises, and the pulse quickens. In such a manner, to instill bad news, or the experience of the building will be squeezed into your vise, just like a too early raising of mood.
  • Can't smoke a year before death.
  • Krim vіdpochinku, it is necessary to utrimatisya in the vіd vіvannya tea, kawi, gassed drinks in the least pіvgodini to death. The caffeine is strongly poured into your vise, and the wine is misted like in tea, so in caviar, in rich gassed drinks on the “Koli” kshtalt.
  • Do not eat chocolate and sweet licorice desserts, drink it for the first time until the vise is overcome. Rivne tsukru in the blood of the building change the signs of the pulse and vice.
  • Another important moment - you are not guilty of wanting to go to the toilet for an hour of death. Look at the back of the pick.

After following these simple rules, you will be ready to follow your exact indications of the pulse and arterial pressure.

How it is necessary to pacify the arterial pressure

As if you were strong enough for steel and took the tonometer to your hands, you are under the control of the new rules, for which you need to work.

  • For example, you can’t cross your legs for an hour in the vise, and also throw one leg on another.
  • It is harrowed with the other hand, touch the hand, de vimiryuvannya vise. Better relax your hand and lower it on your foot, don’t squeeze it, don’t collapse.
  • Don't swear. Navіt yakscho ve zhvavo rozmovlyaєєєєєєєє z people, yak help you to die a vice, rather pripinit rozmovu for a few seconds, while walking zimіri.
  • Note that the cuffs of the tonometer should be 2 or 3 centimeters wider than the elbow, without sticking up to the elbow.

  • For some part of the hardness, that you can put the pressure on through clothes - it’s not true. Clothes, yoga znakhodzhennya under the cuff, as well as crushing with sleeves - all this threatens the veracity of your ostentation.
  • Finger tonometry is less effective, more often than not using an electronic attachment with cuffs for front or shoulder folds.

Ideally, your camp may look like this: you are relaxed, relaxed, you are not disturbed by anything. Legs stand on the floor straight, relaxed, the hand is bent at the elbow and lie on the table, do not squeeze clothes. The other hand is also relaxed and on your feet. You do not speak with the helper and you do not respect it.

Write down your showings and save money from the tribute under your hand. There you can become in good fortune and play an important role in the future.

Rich among us, we know that we vimiryuvaty the pressure of the government regularly. Aje, don’t start your progress, and the decrease is observed physically.

Everything is necessary

Headache, weakness, confusion, that noise in the air as a whole can accompany changes, or they can be daily. Most of all, for the critical figures, people feel the squeeze quite decently. Therefore, the purchase of a tonometer is, on the right, necessary for skin symptoms. It is especially necessary for people of a frail age and not healthy, as well as for women with a large body. With rich camps behind a vice, it is necessary to keep fast, spending the wintering of a sprat once a day. Wanting doctors to recommend regular control of arterial pressure to us, who are close to 40 years old. Zavdyaki tsіy clumsy diї richly easier to support your healthy heart-vascular system and protect yourself from such unsafe illnesses, like a heart attack and a stroke.

Important skin 10 mm

Don’t think too hard that it’s not safer than majestic haircuts. Studies have shown that the increase in this parameter is less than 20/10 mm Hg. Art. zbіshuє risik development of heart-sudine ailments by 30%, and the risk of death due to the presence of such ailments in this type of ailment is increased. In people with uncontrolled high pressure, 7 times more often develop cerebral circulatory disorders (stroke), 4 times more often - ischemic heart disease, 2 times more often - damage to the vessels of the nig.

To that, regularly control and reliably know the riven of your bloody vice - it’s not a sign of a hypochondriac, but a sign of a person, as a matter of fact, it should be put before your health. Ale є one "ale": bring melancholy to bring only the right deaths.

If the indications are used to chronically show a smaller number of vices, lower є, then it’s not only not possible to help people save a heart-sudinal catastrophe, but not to allow them to turn around for medical help, and, obviously, ill progression. Well, as a tonometer, on the other hand, regularly showing signs, then the great risk of hurting yourself, accepting inappropriate faces to reduce the pressure, which is also unsafe.

Why is it wrong?

Most of the pardons are blamed on the wrong fit.

If you are talking about mechanical tonometry, then the pardons at the indications are explained by the fact that there is a special training in coristuvachiv, in connection with which the stench is incorrectly treated. Also, the reason may be in the physical features of a person, as to rob the world (for example, the manifestation of problems from sight and hearing). Until the results are obtained, making the wrong choice of cuff is not a good fit for the arm. For the correct choice, it is important to enter the most important details: for example, the indications can be swayed, as if it were necessary to pump into the cuff properly, or it should be fast, otherwise the cuff was pulled too tight or on the arm over the robe. In addition, the indication of a mechanical tonometer - an accessory that is sensitive to noise in the patient, may lie due to the accuracy of rotting the head of the phonendoscope along the artery. Zagalom correctly koristuvatisya tsim prilad - whole science. Therefore, more people are bought for home vikoristannya by automatic devices. Ale and stink, so don’t forget to give truthful results. Well, I’m not talking about the fact that “mechanics” is superior to “automatics”. Like a prilad yakіsny, vіn practice good and in that, and in a different way. Aje richly more important than not design features I’ll attach, as if it’s more correct to use it.

Before speech

Zap'yastkovі avtomatichnі tonometri, kakі chomus richly khto vvazhє less nadіynymi i nepridelnymi for people older than 45 years, really nitrohi do not give way to the sizable tonometers with a cuff on the shoulder (just like when you're zap'yast roztashovuvati on equal hearts).

What to bring to pardon results?


with death

Їхній vpliv on the ostentatious vise

How to spend vimiryuvannya correctly

The wrong position of the hand is equal to the heart

As the hand is lower for the rіven of the heart, there will be ceremonies, as if more - it is underestimated

The middle of the shoulder with a superimposed cuff can be worn on equal hearts

Incorrect choice of cuff size and її wrong shoulder stitching

Confirmed wedding

The width of the collared cuff can be close to 40% of the shoulder count and not less than 80% of the length. The lower edge of the cuff is 2-3 cm higher than the elbow

Daily back support

Confessions of showcases

Vimiryuvati vice next sitting, spiraling on the back of the style, or lying down

Rozmova abo sharp hand

Confirmed wedding

Take care of my mother and calm

Receive chi kawi tea, and bring chicken. Vymiryuvannya on a new slug

Certificate of confirmation

Do not follow until the vimir actively crumble, burn, drink kava. It is better to carry out the reconciliation in 1-2 years after you go.

emotional stress,
zokrema syndrome white robe

Certificate of confirmation

Vimiryuvati vice sled at a calm camp

Overlapping of the intestines or sich michur

Certificate of confirmation

Spochatku - to the toilet, sweat - vimira

Vykoristannya ship-sounding drops for the eyes or nose less than 1.5-2 years

Certificate of confirmation

Do not carry out a vimiryuvannya for 2 years after the stasis of liquids

Other vimir without tim-hour interval

Confirmed wedding

Repeatedly you can win the vice no earlier than for the whilina. The vice on the right and left hands can be lifted by 10-20 singles - it's normal

Tse tysk, with a blood embossing on the wall of the arterial sudina. It is composed of 2 digits: upper (systolic) - the pressure on the wall of the judge at that moment, if the heart is contracting, and lower (diastolic), if the aortic valve closes and relaxes, recedes. The systolic vice is distinguished by the cardiac vicidum, and the diastolic pressure is due to the fact that the spasms are more or less expanded, because of their tone. Normal vvazhetsya AT up to 140/90 mm Hg. Everything else is arterial hypertension, the most common complications such as stroke or heart attack.

You have overcome the vice, and you have shown yourself moving forward. At once you begin to drink piguki, call the children and call out "I'll help Shvidka."

In fact, it can be normal, it’s just that when you died, pardons began.

First rule. Sit down, lean on the back of the chair, relax, put your hand, bent at the elbow, on the armrest or on the chair, so that it is on the right side of the heart, and put the cuff on 2-3 cm above the knee. The pressure that hvilyuvannya pushes AT by 10 mm Hg. At any other time, it is not possible to win the AT while standing, or keep your hand on the vase.

In a different way, it is not recommended to vimiryuvat AT through clothes, especially tovst. The cuff presses on the hip of the clothes and then judges, then, AT moves. Through this, the maximum increase can be up to 40 mm Hg. Chim comrade clothes, tim vishchy AT.

Third pardon shodo AT- Wrong posture. You were strong, they crossed your legs, it was safe for you, but the judges of the lower limbs were crushed, the stench sounded, the arterial pressure was moving up by 8-10 mm Hg.

If you have started all the above pardons, then in total you should give an addition to your true grip of 50-60 mm Hg. You care that you have a high vice, you get nervous, you don’t need faces, you don’t need them at the moment, but the stench is really normal.

How to properly vimiryuvaty arterial pressure?

Don't forget scho tysk is necessary to win the move, not moving, resting in a calm state, so as when expanding, m'yazi is strained, their tone and arterial pressure are moving up by 15 mm Hg.

It is impossible to vimiryuvaty the vice with a full cut of mihuri, to that with a streaming cut, AT is lifted. After going to the toilet - minus 15 mm Hg. It is also necessary to remember about those who, peresbuvayachi have a cold host, we dodaemo to normal numbers AT + 20 mm Hg.

Before that, how do you choose to overcome AT, so that the numbers of yoga are objective, just go to the toilet, sit in a warm place, relax, lower your legs, roll up your sleeve and then your AT will not be higher than 140/90 mm Hg.

Z turbotoyu about your health,

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