Like childish fears and what to work with them. Like childish fears, and what to work with them Fear of white robes

Babies 3-4 years old are most shy to the point of fear. Every child has his own awareness of the inner life. You already know what navkolishniy svit hints of insecurity. Likewise, the vіtsі are formed in such a way, like love, nіzhnіst, svіchutya.

Fear is the reaction of a person to a deed, I will manifest (although I will experience it as a reality) insecurity. Tse almost authoritative skin people and generally normal. Fear is the warehouse of the self-saving instinct.

Feeling fear for a baby 3-4 years old, even more negative and traumatic. That's why the fathers and teachers need to instantly recognize and root out the senses.

The sounds come from fears

Іnuє unknown reasons for the blame of fears in children.

Great number of fences.

Freedom again.

Hyperopia, isolation from intercourse with other children, supra-world protection from insecurity.

The fears of the fathers can be passed on to the child, but it can be instilled unseen.

Self-sufficiency, lack of intercourse with fathers.

Threaten in this, authoritarian that slanderous vihovannya (“Sleep fast, otherwise you’ll take Baba Yaga at once!”, “Don’t tick, otherwise you’ll put your uncle at the bear and carry it with you!”, “Child, it’s rotten to eat, take the witch from the dark fox!”), the anger of grown-up children.

Welding fathers and negative attitudes are one to one.

Draw character: quarrelsomeness, quarrelsomeness, anxiety, pessimism, distrustfulness, innocence in oneself.

Child fantasy. In this way, most of the time, fear is blamed through a terrible fairy tale, tell a child about death, ailments, burns, heart attacks, and also a child can invent her own fear.

Pogani vzaєmini іz odnoletkami.

Matching children with others.

Viniknennya tієї chi іnshої fear of lying, nasampered, in view of the nature of the child. But most of all, we ourselves, especially children, are afraid of one unguarded word, zalyakuvannya, to inspire the most difficult at first glance. A child can strongly nalyakat supermundanely emotionally warned about the problem, or the reaction to her is mature.

See the fears

You can see two main children's fears of "nim" and "invisible".

"Nimi" - if the fathers remember the child's other fear, and the child's yogo is blocked. For example: fear of a booming sound, strangers too thin.

"Invisibles" - tse protilezhny "dumb" fear, tobto. the child knows fear, but the fathers do not mark. This kind of fear is the widest, for example, the fear of punishment, the sight of blood.

Deyakі zі fears accompany the singing age period. For children of 3-4 years of age, the following are typical: fears associated with fantasies, as well as fear of darkness, self-sufficiency, closed space in front of fairy-tale and mythical characters (Baba Yaga, Koshchiy, Barmaley, "babayka"). So often the fear of pain, doctors, death is heard.

Fear of a closed space without singing correction can outgrow a sickness - claustrophobia.

Diagnostics of insurance

Even if a child does not talk about fear, it still does not mean that it is not known to me. A childish fear can run and be asymptomatic, there will be more negative consequences of the psyche, tk. the children at times did not help її podolat. But all the same, as a rule, it’s easy to say that a child who is afraid of being afraid is already easy, apparently fathers. Behavior is wary, restless, the child is trying to hide those who are afraid.

To reveal the fear of children of 3-4 years old at home, you can speed up with the following methods:

1. "Fears in the houses." Tsya technique is suitable, like a child is filthy small, but we urge you not to love little ones. A grown-up little contour of two buds: black and red. Let's ask the child to turn fears into little buds, for the black one to live terrible fears, and for the red one not to be afraid. The grown-up man names fears and writes down his own, like a little baby, having settled at the black house. Tse means that you are afraid of them. After the vikonannya, the task of the child is to pronounce the lock on the black donkey, and the key is to be thrown out.

Are you afraid:

1. If you are left alone;

2. Attack;

3. Get sick, get infected;

4. Die;

5. The one that your fathers will die;

6. Yakihos children;

7. Yakihos people;

8. Mami chi tata;

9. The one that stinks will punish you;

10. Babi Yaga, Koshchiya Immortal, Barmaley, Serpent Gorinich, monster. (At schoolchildren, the fears of the invisible, the skeletons, the Black Hand, the Peak Dami are added to this list - the whole group of these fears is assigned as the fears of the kazkovy characters);

11. Before that, fall asleep;

12. Terrible dreams (such as themselves);

13. Temryavi;

14. Vovka, bear, dogs, spiders, snakes (fears of creatures);

15. Cars, trains, planes (fears of transport);

16. Storms, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes (fears of the elements);

17. If it is too high (fear of heights);

18. If it is too deep (fear of the deep);

19. Near a tight small room, accommodation, toilets, relocated bus, metro (fear of closed space);

22. Fire;

24. Great streets, square;

25. Likariv (dental cream);

26. Blood (if there is blood);

27. Injections;

28. Pain (when it hurts);

29. Unspeakable, sharp sounds, if you rapt in the fall, knock (you are afraid, you shake at it);

30. It’s not good to be afraid, it’s wrong (bad - in preschoolers);

31. Stop at the cages (school);

2. Painting. Ask to paint the baby those who are turbulent yoga.

3. Sticky. The sense of this method is the same, but only the painting is replaced by the films.

4. Rozmova. Rozmova can be calm, unaffected, and, like a baby not going to contact, it’s impossible to muffle at the same time.

For the choice of technique, it is necessary to protect the age of the baby and individual characteristics.

How to overcome fears

May all the childish fears of the timchasov and are being corrected. But, regardless of the price, the fathers of guilt are seriously placed before the fears of children, at the same time they do not ignore them, otherwise the child's psyche suffers greatly.

Ways to overcome fear.

Often, in order to overcome fear, fathers need to spend more than an hour with a child, for example, play at once.

Rozmov with the little one, the more you talk about fear, the more you stop being afraid.

Make up a fairy tale about fear, which is a trouble for a little one, and for example, overcome yoga.

Paint fear. There are two paths here: paint and burn and explain to someone that you can’t do more than that, otherwise you can paint it funny, fear will no longer be so terrible. Ale given the technique is unacceptable, as the cause of fear is podia, which has become known recently (for example, a dog bite).

Spillkuvannya іz odnoletkami on the theme of infamous fear.

As a child is afraid of darkness, close the door, turn on the night light. The child of the “Khovanka” is the most helpful in relieving the fear of the darkness and the closed space. With the appearance of a sign of fear, put a grati, as if a child wants to grati, it’s impossible to zmushuvati.

Correction in visual lyalcotherapy by the method of A.I. Zakharov.

The child is encouraged to choose toys and materials that are prepared in advance. The stench may be similar to those that a child is afraid of. They gave it a necessary to play the plot, in which they overcome their fear. Rozіgruvannya fear helps to re-energize, take it її, transfer it to a lyalka.

The same technique does not help, if you try them once, you need to carry them out regularly.

The fathers are guilty of remembrance, that it is rich in why everything is lying around you, I remember to calm down at once, adequately react to fear, what a wine, say warm word. In quiet moods, as if in domestic minds, fear did not go away, it is necessary to turn to a child psychologist.


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Hello, dear readers and guests of my blog!
Let me tell you about the child's fears... I'll tell you that this article is based on the book of Eugene Czech Men is scary. Tell me a story. I recommend this book to all fathers, saints, colleagues. The book is written easily, read її tsіkavo. The book has the foundations of the theory and BAGATO PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS, presented methods of diagnostics, which can be carried out by fathers, options for cases and recommendations for how they should be folded. Tsya book is a know-it-all!
Otzhe, vicis have their own fears. Most of the children 3-4 years old. Why should the older children be afraid?

Fears, like those of the singing of the centuries, coincide with that. that the child has reached the devil's meeting of the rose. It is a pity that such fears cannot be lost. Moreover, fathers, they try to protect the little one from the realities of this world, to give him a guardian's service. The stench of the risk of virosity is absolutely not attached to the foundation in the life of a person, as a result of a great number of problems. Aje fear, accompanying everything new, we don’t know to what, stimulates us to activate us, and strengthens the new knowledge of the rank. The skin of the feet, the development of the hips, signifies fear, which needs to be repaired. Whom sense fears are necessary for our children.
In children of 3-4 years, the mental processes of a child may have a mimic character. Tobto the little one can't for the time being vlasniy bazhannyam concentrate your respect, spying on one object. Be-yaké a new enemy switches yoga to a new object. Mova baby is resting at the establishment. Myslennya have tsimu vіtsi more specifically. A child can talk about the speeches of that apparition, as if they were talking to him without a middle sharpness.
In addition, this century falls so called the crisis of three fates, which is to say about the blame for the self-confidence of that will of the little one. Respect that the experience of crises wears down the strength of the body and often leads to expiation of fears.
Dark fear. The first axis of such a situation, the development of the little ones sticks with marvelous, still incomprehensible speeches. For example, dark. What kind of thing is this, for which you can’t do anything more? Where did the room go, and what about the smut, mom? Їх htos z'їv? Grown up, well, sing, no big deal. Yeah, nothing terrible ... Until then, if you don’t do anything, you need guarantees that there’s no way the villain is hiding there. Nayimovіrnіshe, the same way and є.
It is also important to note the choice of words. It’s like they’ve grown up: it’s nothing terrible - the child can smell the word “scary”, which means that I should be afraid, but my mother needs me to help me, which means she herself doesn’t know what to work.
There are so many situations. For example, mother says to a child when you are going to the garden: don’t fight anything, as if you’ll figure it out, if you cry, if you don’t want to sleep, etc. What do you feel a child, how can you take a child's garden? ... Next think about it (especially if a child only adapts to a garden).

About Lihodiev.In the same time, impersonal information about all evil spirits falls upon the little one. Tse mi іz kazkami know. So the world is no longer beautiful and marvelous, but the same as Bab Yog, Kashcheev, Barmaleev, Lisovikiv, Zmiev-Gorynichiv. Such characters are not only scary with powerful forces, but they cannot be manifested in the whole world of the child's psyche. And all the unfortunate things in the first line call out fear, the shards can be unsafe.
Before the appearances of a similar row lie those other types of fears of 3-4 fates - water, fire, fire. Physicians with their injections bring specific pain, even though fears are entirely clear and understandable. Obviously, the little one can’t appreciate the fury from the injection that protects his body from the shkodi.
Fear of nightmares. The fear of nightmares is often blamed for approximately a quarter of a century. One more thing for the psyche to develop. -Child sack sleep and you can take care of them after waking up. Obviously, not all stinks are welcome. And it’s a terrible dream to talk about anxiety, like a child is experiencing.
An example from the practice of Evgeniy Czech.
Egor 4 rocks, the axis is already a few months old, nightmares are turbulent. “The majestic black monster is attacking me, they want to punish me. It’s already opening up a majestic pasture, and then I’m throwing myself. I'm even scared!" This is how Egor describes his fear.
We started z'yasovuvati, as if looking miraculously. Behind the description of the boy, it was miraculously thrown off at the dog. The onset of nourishment was due to the fact that Egor had contact with a dog in the recent past. Mom guessed that their friends were right to think of a great black dog - lіg. “Ale vin zovsim not unsafe, for now, even love children,” my mother hastened to calm down. The creature - on the right is good. If it’s two, or even three times more for you, your teeth are sharp and deafeningly barking - do you want to hang out with him in one room? It turned out that on the next weekend it was planned to go to the guest's place to see their acquaintances. The problem of nightmares was even more simple. Well, Egor recognized that the stench did not come from the guest to these people, terrible dreams appeared without a trace.

Child psychologist Olena Makarenko reveals what children are most afraid of for the rest of their lives. It's wonderful, but fears can also be transformed, they seem to step in, and they seem to disturb our little ones. It appears, for this reason, an explanation.

From the look of psychology, fear is an emotional process. In the theory of differential emotions by K. Izard, the fear of entering into basic emotions is an innate emotional process from a genetically predetermined physiological component. Causes of fear vvazhayut realna chi vyavnu nebezpeku. Fear mobilizes the body for the implementation of a unique behavior, "vt_kannya".

It's hard to know a person who never felt fear in life. Fear, anxiety, restlessness are normal emotional manifestations of our mental life.

The skin of a person feels fear from the people themselves, the stench is maddened by age-old features. More fears may have a timchas character. Most often, children fears of absence, it is more important to put them correctly, to understand the reason for their appearance and to “contain” them at all times.

If the stench is saved for a 3rd hour, even more sore and unbearable, then you can be a sign:


weak nervous system ditini,

wrong and incorrect behavior of the fathers,

that the fathers do not know the mental and age-old features of the development of the child,

not experienced the fears of the fathers themselves,

conflicts with Sims.

Belshisti is a pity, to the vinica of the male vini Batkiv, I Kozhen with the Batkiv do not allow you to be able to have a fever of the rifle of fear, the vickests of the sizes, the intake of the Vastyoma Tsomoi, the ghostye, the gong .

The motives of behavior change in children from time to time, they are set to a new world, grown up, of the same age. And in addition, naskilki fathers can catch the change, the positive emotional contact that is the basis of the mental health of the child.

At the skin age stage, children are stuck with singing fears. Let's look at the child's fears from 1 to 3 years.

Conducting a sociological survey of 200 mothers, children of all ages 1 to 3, they were given a list of 29 types of fear.

The most common among children of the 2nd birth of life is the fear of unsound sounds.

On the other side there is a fear of selfishness, then fears of pain will come, pricking and tying up the fear of medical practitioners. In 2 fates, fears of pain and injections hang on the first plan (skin is another lad or girl), then fears of selfishness follow. At the same time, the fear of unsound sounds changes (the skin of the third lad and girl) changes with the 1st rock. I point to a change in insanely reflex, instinctively delusional fears, and an increase in fears, which may be the main rank of the mentally reflex nature of the hike (bіl, pricks, medical practitioners).

Until the 2nd birthday, fears of hoarseness, which is connected with the most part of their stingy dreams, are increasing, especially among the boys.

Taken data show the increased sensitivity of children from the th century to the raptoids painful infusions, self-sufficiency and vidsutnosti pіdtrimki grown up. Obviously, everything that is related to family conflicts, medical manipulations, going to the hospital or going to a kindergarten, can be a source of emotional stress, worrying that fear.

Reader supply

July 18, 2013 Good afternoon. Children 5 years. Two days later, fears appeared - you don’t want to be left alone, afraid to sleep alone, afraid to go to the toilet alone. Tsі fears even torment him: at night you get up five times, it's scary, to ask you to sit out of it. What work? On zapitanya, scho fear vіdpovidaє, scho poachiv scary cartoon. We already painted, and spat terribly miraculously, and dressed the cross, roamed, explained. Food is in what you can think of, but how to behave, while being afraid of guilt. Take yoga to your liking? Come on, want to hang out, why do you get on your own? Dyakuyu.

"Fear-affective (emotionally aggravated) manifested in the presence of a concrete threat to life."

(A.I. Zakharov)

Seriously, does it sound like a motor? And what a terrible devil, how do you paint Yogo? Let's unravel...

“Why is the child afraid?”

Let's take a look at what "fears" are.

Fear is a basic emotion, natural, based on the instinct of self-preservation.

Fears are situational (in an unpredictable, shocking, unsafe situation) and special (intelligible by character, special features, for example, distrust). Fears also buvayut different intensity and trivality.

There is one more important term for this key - “anxiety”.

Anxiety is emotionally aggravated by a future threat.

There is more to say about anxiety, but fear is not localized, that it has not taken shape.

If a person spends the whole hour at the station of anxiety, then the authorities become powerless: aimless activity is promoted (we can take it for ourselves), inconsistency in the veins, intolerance to eyeballs, otherwise, on the contrary, trampling on one mist, correctness, inertness, don’t be shy, let’s get on with it” - I’ll become such a motto.

Children, like all other people, who are afraid of authority. Moreover, there are eternal fears, tobto. These are the fears that all people experience during the singing age-old stage, which is associated with different stages of the formation of a person's specialty.

Today we will analyze the fears of the century:

Fears of children of the first fate of life

Movements of restlessness are not blamed, most often, through dissatisfaction with the life of important physiological needs (sleep, hedgehog, activity, warmth, bowel movements).

In the first pіvіchchі zhіttya head umovoy vіdsutnostі zanepokoєnna є zvichnіst, friendliness і steelіst dovkіllya, tobto. physical contact with mother, self-satisfaction with needs, clear regimen.

In another pіvіchchi life, there is more restlessness at the hour of the mother's exit, and there is a fear of unknown, alien, unimaginable osіb. Tse tim, that the child has emotional contact with the mother, and z'yavlyaєs zdatnіst vіdіznyati її vіd іnshih, vіbirkovіst vіdnosin is formed.

Fears of children 1-3 years old

Early Vic characterized by the development of self-reliance of a child, even if she starts to walk, independently weaves the necessary light, starts to speak and masters the skills of arrogance.

Changes in anxiety for the presence of the mother, and practically knows the fear of strangers. The child has grown up and already knows that mom can only lie down, and she won’t go anywhere, to learn how to talk about it.

The child develops sensitivity to the emotional situation in the family, the restlessness of the grown-ups is easily transmitted to you, and it often manifests itself in looking hysterical, screaming, and moving pretentiousness to mothers.

Up to two years, special attention is required. In the plan of splicing, the child is mainly focused on mature ones, one-year-olds still have little to call. For a child, stability, rituals are important in every way, so pedantry is powerful, as it plays the role of a factor that stabilizes.

The little one is more or less oriented to the emotions of the fathers, and if the stinks are constantly squatting over the world, they protect everyone in the world (“do not fall”, “do not fall”, “fallen”, etc.), then the child begins to be afraid, flock "mother's tail".

As a result, the period of "deployment" may be delayed by mothers. And even more often, they try to help them, that the fathers are fixing the rubbish of the child, namagatisya її vіdshtovkhnuti (“Why have you been following me all the time?”, “Go play yourself!”).

As a result of such behavior of the father, the fear of spending the mother will be even stronger. But this topic will require more detailed articles, so it is not possible for me to report here.

This is how the fears of fairy tale characters, especially the negative ones, appear. This is due to the fact that in this city there is a sharp increase in the number of fences (a child starts to walk, rich, actively weaves the light of a dovkol for himself, often not in ways that are acceptable for fathers), this is due to the negative reactions of grown-ups, naturally, not particularly appropriate.

The experience of a child, related to this situation, spills into fears, nightmares, in which a negative character plays the main role, which is especially for a child, for example, "Suvor mother, like a punishment." Such a character can be Baba Yaga chi Syria Vovk, Fox.

To help the child survive this period, an adequate assessment of the fathers of the activity of the child can be adequate. Even more important in the country is a priceless pidkhid, tobto. solemnly shout at the madness of the love of the fathers, independently in the eyes of the children; do not talk about the specialty of the child as a whole, but about specific inserts.

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