Functional dyspepsia in children in the early age of pediatrics. Dyspepsia in children. Symptoms are that exuberance. Dyspeptic syndrome in children of the early age

The child has an unetched slough, which is accompanied by unacceptable symptoms. The fathers are ruined and do not know why the river. What is the first thing: the destruction of the robotic organs of the body is damaged by etching after improper eating? Tsі chinniki vzaєmopov'yazanі. A small problem in the robotic HKT can provoke the development of an illness called dyspepsia.

What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is the cause of etching, caused by inhalation in the activity of the SHKT, zocrema in the robotic slug.

Synonyms of illness - disorder of the slug, non-etching.

The most common manifestations of dyspepsia in children are:

  • discomfort, pain in the throat of a different stage;
  • more, more difficult over-pickled їzhi;
  • heaviness in the shell;
  • early descent.

Dr. Komarovsky about a stomachache in a child: video

See the ailment and cause the vindication

Dyspepsia is subdivided into:

  • functional;
  • alimentary;
  • toxic;
  • organic.

Indigestion of the building is blamed as a result of the violation of the rules of eating, and as a result of poisoning the body with toxins, you may need to drink at the hospital.

Simple (functional)

Simple, or functional, dyspepsia in children due to abnormal enzyme activity, internal secretion, impaired motor function and problems nervous system.

Expect functional dyspepsia:

  • virazkovopodіbna;
  • dyskinetic;
  • nonspecific.


The development of the alimentary form of illness provokes the destruction of food: systematic re-edannia, the introduction of filthy cooked or stale products.

Causes of development of dyspepsia in children:

  • rescheduling;
  • nedotrimannya rules for the introduction of complementary foods;
  • vіdsutnіst regime eating.

Fermentative, rotten and other forms of alimentary dyspepsia: table

View Characteristic Damage at the food court
fermentation It is characterized by lack of components in pancreatic juice, which take part in the digestion of carbohydrates. In the aftermath of this hedgehog, you don’t overdo it. Notes:
  • decreased motor activity of the small intestine;
  • killing bacteria;
  • development of wandering.
Nepomirne chi unbalanced living of such products, like:
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • cowbass;
  • confectionery virobi;
  • syri fruits and vegetables.
  • the establishment of rotten processes associated with the wrong disintegration of proteins;
  • teasing the intestinal walls with rot products;
  • decline in the secretory activity of the subslug.
  • vzhivannya meat in kіlkosti, scho exceeding the norm;
  • stale products.
  • change in the number of enzymes that break down fat;
  • reduced view of life.
Inclusion in the diet of products to avoid fat (mutton, pork).


Toxic dyspepsia is a complication of alimentary, which is to blame in children until the age of birth. It starts as a damage to the etching, after which the intoxication of the mucosal-intestinal tract occurs: shkidlivy speeches are consumed by the blood, which lead to destruction of the whole organism. With this, there is a negative impact on the nervous system, suffering from the exchange of speech.

In the role of provocative officials, they act like pardons for eating, and they are infected with microbes.


Organic dyspepsia is a second disorder of etching. Viklikana zahvoryuvannyam, scho maє іnfektsіynu nature or є the result of damage to any organ. Toxins (causative agents of the main pathology) affect the autonomic nervous system, and as a result, they cease to cope with the regulation of the activity of the herbal system. Results of this process:

  • accelerated peristalsis;
  • changed view of life;
  • decline in enzyme activity;
  • change the processes of soaking in the intestines.

Symptoms in children with chronic dyspepsia: table

View Symptoms
functional virazkovopodіbny
pain in the epidermis
  • almost rozpirannya at the slunk;
  • discomfort after coming;
  • zduttya.
mixed signs of virazkovopodіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbі and dіsіnetiсіh typіv
Alimentary fermentative
  • bloating;
  • heaviness and dull pain in the tube;
  • diarrhea.
  • windmill;
  • boredom;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort at the schlunk.
  • perepovnennya sluka;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bolovі vіdchuttya in the hose after you go;
  • windmill;
  • flatulence.
  • boredom;
  • often vomit;
  • watery style;
  • toxicosis;
  • znevodnennya;
  • temperature rise;
  • dullness, apathy.
  • vomiting;
  • carrying.


To make a diagnosis, there are not enough symptoms alone, the doctor is guilty of causing functional dyspepsia or an unetched signal about damage to the internal organs.

When making a diagnosis of "alimentary dyspepsia" in the absence of a doctor:

  • analyze symptoms;
  • prescribe fecal analysis;
  • to set the nutrition of the mother about їzhu, the mode of eating and the regularity of the style of the child.

Endoscopy and x-rays for evaluation will not be performed in small patients.

Diagnosis of toxic dyspepsia is carried out at the hospital, when the first alarming signals are detected, the doctor is called home and the child is hospitalized.

For the manifestation of simple dyspepsia, one-hour presence of upcoming moments is needed:

  • presence of pathological changes in organs;
  • having shown discord etching by stretching for less than three months;
  • the severity of the symptoms is due to the process of bowel movement (in this way, it is possible to include irritable bowel syndrome).

See the following:

Similar examinations can be carried out at the clinic. Їx zdіysnyuyut at the cob stage in order to recognize the correct therapy. However, as the progress of the likuvanni does not come, the sick can be put to the hospital for a dead diagnosis, such as:

  1. X-ray tube. Registry of organ resistance to normal growth.
  2. Electrogastrography. The smoothness of peristalsis is reduced.
  3. Last day shell juice, Vimiryuvannya yoga Ph. The acidity of the drain is indicated.

After conducting an analysis of the drug, we take data for making a differential diagnosis. If no pathological damage to the internal organs was found, then the etching system is healthy on the same structure, but the symptoms speak about the manifestation of respiration in the affected inter-organ interactions. It is called functional dyspepsia.

In case of revealed pathology of any organ, a diagnosis of primary illness and "organic dyspepsia" is made as a result.


The treatment of dyspepsia is related to the reasons for the diagnosis and symptoms. Causes are included for additional diet, and symptoms - for additional medication. Timely normalization of the work of the organs of the schluno-intestinal tract is necessary in connection with this, which, if any, damage to the system of etching can lead to serious complications.

Medications that are prescribed to a child in a fallow manner depending on symptoms: table

Symptom Indication before zastosuvannya Group Preparations Principle dії From which age it is allowed to zastosovuvat
diarrheaI will be prescribed for relief with the symptoms of a rare deformity, an irritable bowel.Adsorbent
  • Neosmectin.
  • Adsorption of bacteria;
  • upovіlnennya ignition processes;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • reduction of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria;
  • excretion of salts of fatty acids;
  • increase in the opirnosti of mucus dihydrochloric acid.
3 people
PechiaStop for discomfort in the shunt, normalization of the etching process.Antacidi
  • removing the teasing of the mucous membrane of the shell;
  • protection of the walls of the intestine from the ear.
From 1 month
wandering, boredom, vomit
They are prescribed for impaired peristalsis, increased or increased activity of the intestinal walls.Motility activatorsVirіvnyuvannya Іntensivnostі ruhіv intestinesZ 3 years
Anti-EvomitActivation of the shortness of the smooth measles of the small intestine3 people
Increased acidity of the hoseVykoristovuyutsya for usunennya causes of the liver in the epigastric division.Hydrochloric acid blockersOmeprazolePrevention of the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the shell3 5 years
Dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal colicIndications for congestion in functional dyspepsia for intestinal leaching.Prebiotics and Probiotics
  • improvement of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of the acidity of the drain;
  • recovery of mucus.
3 people
LinexEnrichment of the body with brown bifidobacteria
Easier etchingVipisuyutsya with low enzyme activity, with virazkovopodibny variant of functional dyspepsia.fermentiIntroducing enzymes into the body to facilitate the etching process
The presence of toxinsThey are prescribed for the detection of intestinal infections.AntisepticsReduced bacteria, yakі є zbudnik intestinal infectionsZ 2 years

Preparations that vicorate when unetched, in the photo

Almagel normalizes the etching process
Alfa Normiks is prescribed for detected intestinal infections Bifidumbacterin is prescribed for dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, constipation.
Mezim Forte is recommended for enzyme preparations Motilium - anti-diabetic drug, which is prescribed for people Smecta is a popular enterosorbent, which is widely used in pediatrics. Trimedat indications in cases of impaired peristalsis
Hilak Forte protects the child's organism with brown bifidobacteria


There is no single answer for the treatment of all kinds of dyspepsia. The list of recommendations for those harvested products is formed in the fall due to food poisoning, which became the cause of the disease. Products that called for the elimination of pathogenic microflora in the intestines are due to be excluded from the menu of the sick until full dressing.

Features of the diet for alimentary dyspepsia: table

Eating regimen for alimentary and toxic dyspepsia is not suitable for newborns

Allowed products to be harvested in case of functional dyspepsia: table

Allowed products Harvested products Products in small quantities
  • chicken meat;
  • fish;
  • chicken egg (vіdvarene, scrambled eggs);
  • spicy soup;
  • fermented milk products;
  • wheat crackers;
  • vermicelli;
  • Roslinna hedgehog;
  • cereals;
  • juices, compotes.
  • pork, lamb, yalovichina;
  • smoked products;
  • soup puree with meat broth;
  • egg;
  • solid siri;
  • virobi from corn boroshn;
  • confectionery virobi;
  • legumes;
  • sorrel, tsibula, chasnik;
  • cows' wares;
  • caviar, preserves, sedentary in oil.
  • fatty dairy products when added to strains;
  • dumplings;
  • Boroshnyans;
  • honey, chocolate.

Style #4

When you see the doctor, you take away the memo under the name "Style No. 4".

  • vivsyanka, rice, buckwheat;
  • fruit and berry compote and jelly;
  • fat sire;
  • low-fat varieties of ribey for a cooked look;
  • cut from minced meat;
  • cooked meat (trigger, turkey);
  • wheat crackers;
  • cocoa, tea, quince, herbs, blueberries and currants;
  • egg (steam omelet);
  • vershkov oil in small quantities when added to the strain.

The diet is even stricter and it is allowed to use only the ingredients from the list, all other products are included, but it is unacceptable to use spices in the process of cooking.

People's interests

Z folk methods widely seen phytolikuvannya. Herbs slid podbirati for usunennya revealed pathologies of etching.

For the normalization of the herbal system, it is necessary to allow the robot to destroy several organs: the sluice, the muffin, the liver.

Pidshlunkov's slough is rottenly aware of herbalism, її the function is inspired by an additional diet. However, ensuring a sufficient influx of livestock allows you to reduce the profit, thereby helping to launch the mechanism of self-renewal. Deyakі herbs are positively injected into sprats of organs at once.

A mustache sprat of species of herbs can be planted in any vіtsі.

Herbs that can cause a zhovchoginny effect, that can reduce etching, are allowed for children from 12 years: rhizomes of flatbread, woody, animal, celandine. Dosing is determined individually after consultation with the doctor.

The jubilant power of herbs: table

The name of the herb power Recipe Dosing
Pepper mint
  • pain-smooth infusion on the hose;
  • protizapalny effect;
  • neutralization of bacteria.
  1. Take 1 teaspoon of herbs for 1 bottle of okrop.
  2. Apply 5 quills.
  3. Procidity.
Dosing at the reception after coming:
  • Novonarodzhenim - 1/8 bottle;
  • children of ages 1-2 - 1/7;
  • 3-4 rocks -1/5,
  • 5–6 years - 1/4;
  • 7–10 years - 1/2 bottle;
  • podlitkam - 1 bottle.
  • pripinennya brodinnya that gasification;
  • improvement of intestinal microflora;
  • relieving spasms of the smooth muscles of the schlub;
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • improvement in appetite;
  • zhovchoginny effect.
  1. 10 g of kulbabi flowers (1-2 tablespoons) pour 1 bottle of water.
  2. Boil 15 hvilin|minutes| on full fire.
  3. Apply 30 quills.
Children - 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

Forecast of exuberance and possibility of improvement

With timely manifestation of symptoms and the introduction of necessary visits, the prognosis is favorable. Not all medicines immediately give a bad effect, but it is due to the fact that stinks know the effect. Transferring a child to a diet allows you to eliminate the causes that cause the development of symptoms. Meta-likuvannya - the adoption of pathologies and the normalization of etching.

Interruption in the proper functioning of the hose without one-hour rejoicing can viklikati so sladnennya:

  • windmill;
  • nudota that vomit;
  • oven;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.


The prevention of diseases of the herbal system can be ensured by the fathers by establishing a regimen for eating children.

Principles of a preventive diet:

  1. The mustache of life speeches can but be in equal proportions. You can take care of it by adding vegetables, fruits, meat products, eggs, cereals to the diet.
  2. Chi is not evil with confectionery virobs.
  3. Vіddavati perevaga vіdvenіy їzhі smazhenої, tse additionally save in case of viniknennya adipose dyspepsia.
  4. Look out for gassed lemonades, fast food.
  5. Sledkuvati for obsyagom portions, the amount of meat in one meal - no more than 100 g.
  6. Vegetables are cooked in a boiled or stewed look. Do not eat a lot of cabbage, legumes, plant less vegetables when adding to the grass.
  7. Incorporate sticky herbs into the diet that are wrapped around: cereals, soups, purees. Tse pleasantly vplivaє robot intestines.
  8. Eat after the regime, in the evening, include easily acquired products, for example, sour milk.
  9. Don't eat before bed.

Rules for the prevention of eating for children up to 1 year of age:

  1. You can't argue with a child.
  2. Complementary foods should be introduced in small portions, relatively depending on the reaction of the body, the mood of the baby, the color and regularity of the discharge.
  3. It is important to start complementary foods from hypoallergenic and specially adapted for the acquisition of products, for example, cereals.
  4. At the first sign of damage to the etching, it is necessary to offer complementary foods and go to the pediatrician for joy.

Interview with Candidate of Medical Sciences Olena Adamenko: video

Obviously, dyspepsia in a child is an unacceptable phenomenon, but having learned about the disease and the methods of healing, the fathers can tell their story, how to prepare, produce, and inject people's health into the child's body. Far away, a diet can become the basis of a prophylactic diet.

One of these disorders is such a pathology as functional dyspepsia. What is it? Yaki її manifest? It is manifested by pains in the abdominal cavity, uncomfortable sensations of heaviness, overfilling of the sluice, as well as boredom.

There are a number of preparations that help to relieve swelling, almost discomfort, pain sensations and other disorders of the etching.

Causes of dyspepsia

At the same time, functional dyspepsia affects several intestinal organs, for example, pancreatitis or gastritis.

The most obvious symptom of dyspepsia is discomfort and tension in the abdomen, which can be accompanied by flatulence, rare malformations. Under this discomfort, a lack of enzymes is masked, as they are settled in the intestinal organs.

Causes of enzyme failure

One reason is the imbalance of the chewing function. As you can see, chewing is the first stage, it is over-etched already in the mouth due to the participation of herbal enzymes. Even if often, as if due to some fault of splitting, they did not catch or could not split for other physiological reasons, then the stench can provoke wandering, an overworld development of microorganisms in the large intestine, which causes flatulence and dyspepsia.

How to get behind the broken ones at the grass path

One of the drugs, effective in the case of transfer, is Micrasim. Whether you can guess the unacceptable sight at the shulnka after the holy days, they lay that sight, connected with the effects of stress, such as sleep, special dramas, sickness, and similar causes. And don’t show the reasons for the obstezhennya. In this case, the symptoms may indicate the development of dyspepsia. This functional discord is necessary to be treated. I need a serious pidhіd to the problem. Faces may have their own counter-indication, so it is impossible to accept them without the doctor's sake for the recommendations of the well-known ones alone.

Dyspepsia is one of the disorders of the mucosal-intestinal tract system, which includes a number of symptoms: discomfort, pain in the mucosal cavity, severe heaviness in the mucosa after hives, sometimes trembling, burning, possibly nausea and vomit.

The indication of the syndrome of dyspepsia is a common name, which is stagnant in the early stages of diagnosis, or as a result, it is impossible to report on the progress of the disease.

In the course of a further clarification, the diagnosis can be qualified as organic dyspepsia with a specific pathology of the mucosal-intestinal tract, as gastritis, virazka, as well as functional dyspepsia for depression, if the detailed gastroenterological obstetrics is not far away give a reason given pathology. In the її basis to lie peristaltic discord of the whole duct-intestinal tract: like a slough, so the twelve-fingered intestine.

What is functional dyspepsia syndrome

Tse complex of symptoms, as if by protyag pіvroku poserіgalalis close to three months, and the exact diagnosis of organic disease cannot be established. Such a complex of symptoms can be observed in small children with a single age, as well as in adults. Vіn can turn on such damage, I will become like discomfort, a little bit of heaviness, like maybe but not related to the processes of life, but to physical inconveniences, bloating, wheezing, tedium, to the point of being fat and skinny. Pain in the abdomen may have a character that repeats itself, and does not appear after going to the toilet, in no way associated with possible damage to the side of the mind and frequency of defecation. For whom the accompanying pathology may be.

Vіkovі and statevі features of pathology

Century qualification of illness - from 17 to 35 years old, women may be more schile before the problem, lower men.

Illness options

  • Virazkovopodіbny. Bіl, scho vinikaє more often at night, ring out subsides after receiving benefits for lowering schlunic acidity chi products. More often blamed on young vice, appear promptly, or maybe three times a year to a few days and a month.
  • Nonspecific option. There will be different symptoms of functional dyspepsia and the leading manifestation is important.

Causes of blame for functional dyspepsia

It was not possible to determine the exact cause of dyspepsia today. Obviously, the pathology can be caused by psychogenic factors, motor dysfunctions of the herbal tract as a whole, increased hydrochloric acid production. In case of these disorders, the onset of manifestations can be prevented: reflux, decreased reaction of the duct wall to stretching, increased transport of the duct, as well as Helicobacter infection.

The main cause of symptoms of dyspepsia is impaired motor function of the tract, duct and twelve-fingered intestine. For example, with the normal functioning of the duct, the proximal duct can then relax and become more relaxed in the joint. Systemic disruption is suspected, if the rhythm is too fast, the valve moves up and down. All organs of etching suffer more or less in the world, regardless of those that point more to a specific area.

In people who suffer from functional dyspepsia, there is damage to the work of the twelve-fingered intestine through a trip to acidity and a disturbed reaction of the body to lipids.

It affects the development of cholecystokinin, which is responsible for the regulation of the tone and peristalsis of the duct, the functioning of the chewing mucus and the subduct, as well as for the regulation of the appetite, the increase. If you don’t go into exuberance, such a camp will be long.

Scheme of treatment for the restoration of functional dyspepsia

The scheme of dosing is simple. The first step is to carry out obstezhennia to exclude such pathologies as virazka, gastritis toshcho.

The advancing crock is jubilation under the sight of a doctor, and under the care of a child for the period of jubilation.

Peculiarities of overcoming illness in children

The frequency of functional dyspepsia in young patients is due to the imperfection of the herbal system. Zbіy in її robotі can be due to insignificant reasons: small stress or nerve overvoltage, admission of sickness in eating. Symptoms in early childhood are manifested not only in the disorder of the mucosa, but also in the intestines, zhovchevidnyh tracts, and vascular organs.

Due to the lack of formation of enzyme systems, various failures in the functioning of the duct and intestines prevent children from milking often. Young schoolchildren often suffer from periodic pain and spasms in the epigastric space. Most often, in case of detailed obstezhennі zhodnoї patologii not vyznayetsya. Impaired etching in most cases is associated with impaired secretory function of the duct. Such injuries are accompanied by intestinal colic, wheezing and pain. In older children, due to the disruption of the rukhovoi intestinal function, it causes a noticeable refolding, a breast in the stomach, a lack of appetite and an unacceptable in the dilyance of the tube.

Methods of therapy for functional dyspepsia

In modern medicine, the diagnosis and treatment of functional dyspepsia syndrome is usually carried out in two stages. At the first stage, fahivets, based on the results of clinical data and coprology, blood analysis, feces and ultrasonography, even with a high level of accuracy, you can transfer the functional type of disease and prescribe therapy for the term 2 to 4 days. After the completion of the term, the stages of success of the exuberance are indicated: as an effect in the daytime, it is necessary to further gastroenterological obstezhennia ob'yazkovo in the minds of a specialized medical mortgage.

Therapeutic features of functional dyspepsia, similar to vinicla in adults

Therapy is based on data on the pathogenesis of intestinal functions. The main directives in therapy are:

  • Usunennya reasons that the vinification called out that development of pathology
  • Correction of the psychoneurological status of the patient
  • Therapy of concomitant pathologies, which help overcome the functional dyspepsia
  • Correction of intestinal motor dysfunction
  • Normalization of the vegetative system, mentally connected with the psycho-emotional state
  • Diet
  • Prescription of drugs from the group of prokinetics and antisecretory, antacids and neurotropic drugs, pancreatic enzymes.

The bacterium Helicobacter in ailments for the diagnosis of dyspepsia often tends to appear frequently and reveals the inflamed cavity, the increase in the efficiency of the organs of the liver and secretory functions. All the same, the presence of bacteria does not yet mean that the signs of its presence speak of functional dyspepsia. Absolutely, the bacterium Helicobacter is not the cause of HCT deficiency. Ale vona posylyuє її perebіg і, naturally, require obov'yazkovy lukuvannya. Dyspepsia, due to the presence of this bacteria, is not due to damage in general. In the treatment of this disease, the preparations of bismuth showed themselves well, as a rule, to suppress microbes, envelop that sign of inflammation. In addition, the stench triggers the process of regeneration and mucus infection due to ear-juicing factors.

Officials, what to add to vivid therapy

With a dysnetic-looking dyspepsia, the disorder is blamed on the disruption of the protrusion of the duct. Therefore, to solve the problem, preparations are needed to stimulate motor function. For example, prokinetics stimulate the contraction of the walls of the herbal tract and the protrusion of the hedgehog, and antispasmodics cause spasm, which also transverses the protrusion of the hedgehog through the intestines.

Faces for the improvement of motor skills are taken for five years to їzhі and start the motor function up to the consumption of їzhi to the stravokhod. Одним з важливих моментів у лікуванні хворих, що мають функціональну диспепсію, виступає виправлення наслідків порушень моторики, таких як збоїв у перетравленні продуктів харчування та дисбактеріозу, панкреатичної недостатності через коливання рівня рН та порушення ареалу для нормального впливу ферментів, що працюють у просвіті дванадцятипалої кишки.

As an underlying pancreatic insufficiency, it is necessary to recognize pancreatic enzymes in patients who suffer from functional dyspepsia. These enzymatic drug preparations help to normalize the impaired function of etching and destroy the vicious cola pathogenesis of these dysfunctions and bring the motility of the intestinal tract back to normal.

In case of a virazkovy form of dyspeptic pathology, preparations are prescribed to treat the reduced acidity of the mucus juice - antacids, antisecretory drugs. Antacids reduce the acidity of overt mucus secretion. Antisecretory agents are added to the amount of shlunkovogo juice that vibrates. Antacids are safe when administered and are widely used for the treatment of functional dyspepsia.

In the role of self-supporting therapeutic approach, in case of damaged preparations and ineffectiveness, the stench lingers at the warehouse of complex therapy. Recent studies on the regulation of acidity and the problems of functional dyspepsia have shown a low effectiveness of antacids. With the continued use of this drug and placebo in polypsenni, the merit of others will be greater.

The most popular among the recognition of fahivtsy and self-sustaining ailments are Almagel, Rutacid, Phosphalugel, which reduce the aggression of acid, which is avenged by shell juice. It helps to remove the inability to see in the area of ​​the duct and intestines, including the severity of the liver. Preparations of the antisecretory group are not very popular among the curiosities of pathology.

Recently, there have been protests for the pathology of omeprazole, which has shown its high effect in dyspepsia. Great results of the treatment were shown in the therapy of the viraz type. Treatment with one drug Omeprazole gave an effect and blocked the development of symptoms of the disease, similar to the eradication therapy of Helicobacter bacteria. In Russia, omeprazole has already had a rich clinical record, which often wins in the treatment of functional dyspepsia.

An excess of acid in the warehouse of the shell juice can be closely tied due to a small amount of vibration necessary for the enzyme of the shell juice. As a consequence of the supra-world acidification of the twelve-fingered intestine, active enzymes in the submucosa can lose their activity.

Since such a pathology is diagnosed, facsimiles are considered to recommend enzyme replacement therapy based on additional drugs to pancreatin. And the preparations of the vismuth are characterized by a complex infusion, when the walls of the duct are creased with a sour swell, the vibration of the sour elements moves, the resistance of the mucosa of the mucus membrane of the duct to an acidic medium. Medications of this group, as they know the symptoms, and add the cause of their blame. Deyakі dosі often as an antacid take sodium bicarbonate, or grub soda, like svidko diє, ale and svidko neutralize. Such self-admiration may be the mother of the unacceptable legacy.

Causes of disruption of the function of the bowel and duct.

  • Perebuvannya in post-study stress leads to a weakening of the herbal system, as well as the ability to vibrate herbal juices, for example, hydrochloric acid. Without it, secretin speech cannot be established and, as a result, the production of pancreatic juice decreases.
  • Winnie a snack on the run. The problem is that carbohydrates are not overexposed by a sufficient amount of food during the daily life of rezhovuvannya. Enzymes, like in the sleigh, zdatnі split starch rich in the world. Sufficient hour for zhuvannya will be safe, mayzhe povene zasvoєnnya in carbohydrates by stretching from the fourth to the fifth year of the day after.
  • Frequently re-adjust to reduce the speed of the inspection of the hose
  • Wow, what happened thermal processing using up its enzymatic activity
  • Fatty products block the reaction of acid, lead to an increase in the process of evacuation of the esophageal duct, moreover, since fatty oatmeal causes discomfort, heaviness in the area of ​​the duct. The greater the calorie content, the more empty the stool.

Therapy for helping diet

The change of eating is one of the main principles of the treatment of this functional impairment of etching in children and grown-ups. You can see the following principles of dietary therapy:

  1. The diet is mainly determined by the individual tolerance of other food products. It has been brought to a rich conclusion that ailments with this disorder are important to poison the fat hedgehog.
  2. The mode of living is necessary to adjust. So, it is necessary up to 5-6 times a day. Do not allow great interruptions, to that, during a three-dimensional meal pause, the slug secret begins to be actively seen, the slug begins to be m'yazovy short. All the same signs of dyspepsia
  3. The size of the portion may be significant. Changing the amount of food for the zhu, resolutely rezhovuyuchi zhu, we correct that portion of the zhzh into the shell itself, like the wine of the building to digest. A good detail is that wetting with a sleigh spray to the swedish over-etching and including the injury to the walls of the stravokhod.
  4. Good hedgehog. great value I can take the temperature even. For example, too hot, like a cold hedgehog, hostri, salty and smoked herbs to tease the walls of the shell and provoke attacks of dyspepsia. It is allowed to vzhivannya suharіv, obov'yazkovo from white bread, vegetable soups, boiled or steamed meat (including cutlets), ribeye, cereals, pasta, eggs uncooked, syrah, syrah, yogurt, sour milk, kefir, jelly, boiled vegetables, liver apples and bananas.
  5. Include a trace of animal fat, smoked meats, meat broth, rich borscht, black bread, fresh dry yeast, soda, radish, kava and spices.

Irrespective of the zhorstkіst obmezhenie, yet the range of the menu is wide, so that you can eat a variety of meals, but at the same time do not suffer from manifestations of dyspepsia.

In ailments, the quality of life is reduced, and it is evident that such illnesses are like inflammation of the intestines, bronchial asthma. Under the hour of rejoicing, it is recommended to drink alcohol, which works on the mucous membrane of the shell. Factors, like injecting the development of pathology, may be rich. Therefore, during the period of rejoicing, it is recommended to unify emotional stress, sharp changes in the stars of eating. Positively, you can see the results of doing yoga, fitness, swimming, light walking and walking on the street.

Therapy of dyspepsia in children

The exultation of this illness in children for a century calls out songs of difficulty. It is even more difficult to assign a specific type of damage behind the words of a child. Through the lack of formation of the organs of the prosecutor's office and the systems of the child, whether it is manifesting dyspepsia in the new, they can grow on the robotic nervous system.

Dysfunction of the herbal tract can be accompanied by a headache and a little bit of breasts at the breasts, worsening heartbeats. Psycho-emotional discord can be accompanied by problems due to sipans, wild drama, changes in mood. The preparations must be strictly dosed for the eyelids, it is important in these forms, as they are easily mixed with a great hedgehog, it is especially important for small children. Before the scheme of lunacy, calmness is often included.

Properly chosen therapy will allow you to forget for a long time about this functional disorder and other symptoms. Obov'yazkove passage of a new course and suvore dotrimannya recommendations fakhіvtsіv. The whole process of treating functional dyspepsia is straight forward natural processes at the grass path.

Enzyme medicines help break down the skin, do not cause any undesirable side effects, do not wash the water after a century. Choose follow yourself contemporary forms enzyme preparations, such as Mikrazim from microgranules to pancreatin. Vіn vіdppuskaєtsya in pharmacies without a prescription, not maє vіkovy obmezheniya, allowed vіkovіt vіgіtnym zhіnіkі. Obmezhennyam їх vzhivannі є gostra form of pancreatitis and _individual intolerance.

09.06.2019 / vіd Tags: , [email protected] 2019-06-09 01:07:22 2019-06-13 01:08:10

The child's unfinished slough can be caused by a widened phenomenon, causing damage to the intestines. And yet, the symptoms of non-etching of the drain are repeated again and again, this is a direct signal about the need to live in, directing them to normalize and restore the herbal process.

Having shown a sign of discord, the slug may have its own clinical sign - dyspepsia. In case of dyspepsia in newborns and children of the late age, they can be different, mothers are more likely to show that technique of grace.

With dyspepsia, there is no strong discomfort in the abdominal area and the herbal system. Hostile disorder of etching may be recurrent in nature.

Approximately 20% of cases of dyspepsia occur in children 7-12 years of age. It is noteworthy that the girl is more graceful to the category of children.

Determine the first cause of the development of damage to the etching in children for a century, which is always possible. Approximately 40% of all depressions in dyspepsia do not happen or children of an older age will know independently from the hour. Ale still rely on vipadok not varto. The fathers need to root on the roots of such an ailment, taking care of that sight.

Change the discord in children

If you take it to the point of respect, cause the development, then the ailment is divided into the following:

  • Fermentation. In case of fermentative dyspepsia in children, the main reason is in the child's intoxication with alcohol, based on such a process as a wandering, as well as in carbohydrate products. At the largest concentration, unsafe for the baby, carbohydrates are found in potatoes and boron crops.
  • Rotten. This form is brimming with excesses in the diet of a child of protein, which provokes the development of rotten dyspepsia. The products simply do not get completely over-etched, after which the process of decay begins in the middle of the body.
  • Zhirov. Syndrome of dyspepsia in children of the fatty type of intoxications of refractory and fats, which are important to overdo it.

Also, there is a clear classification, which sees three types of ailments:

  • Є hostile disorders of etching in children of the early age. Children are most likely to become ill, as if they breastfeeding. Various diseases are characterized by diseases of the organs of the herbal system.
  • Toxic dyspepsia in children. In case of toxic type of illness, the symptoms are slurred by impaired speech exchange. The toxic form is not safe, the shards of the building are quickly spreading throughout the body and destroying other organs.
  • parenteral dyspepsia. It is a disruption of the robotic herbal system, which accompanies various infectious diseases. In most cases, sickness manifests itself only if the baby suffers through otitis media, pneumonia, bark or influenza.
  • Physiological dyspepsia. Signs of physiological dyspepsia may be suspected in children of all ages. It is accompanied by discomfort in the abdomen and lining, but in case of this, one does not worry about everyday illnesses. It is not uncommon for a physiological disease to develop through stress, improper eating, increased acidity of the shell juice, or the use of products, which does not lead to the appearance of a baby.

See functional dyspepsia

Zustrіti razladi etching and eating in infants is not uncommon. As if it were more ill, functional dyspepsia in children (FD) causes negative consequences and a threat to the health of the baby.

As a result, recurrences of functional dyspepsia in children of the early age are repeated again and again, in the course of the post-mortem until the development of ill-health CT - gastritis, virazka and in. Plus, under the threat, the immune system will appear, reinforcing that vimagatime rich strength, patience that hour.

In order to determine, as an example of FD, it is necessary to determine a specific type of illness, with which your little one is stuck. They have a skin sign and a method of identification:

  • Virazkovopodіbna. Such PD is accompanied by pain sensations in the area of ​​the lining of the foot after implantation. The most severe symptoms appear in times of transition after the implantation of some of the faces. Zokrema, there are some preparations for acid-influenced diseases of the etching system.
  • Diskinetic. The main sign is the price of a shvidka. Z'їvshi zovsіm not richly їzhі, the little one is wise, scho vin naїvsya. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya after the first spoons of hedgehogs. At the same time, the sourness and taste of sour are noticeable. Of course, the symptoms are often supplemented by vomitous positives and tediousness.
  • Nonspecific. It is important to diagnose, shards are typical for her developing symptoms of two different types of functional dyspepsia.

Cause ruined etching in children

In case of functional dyspepsia in children, treatment is prescribed on the basis of what provoked the onset of symptoms of illness. The most common reason lies in the wrong eating. Ale tse understanding can mothers in the wake of the impersonal moments of life.

Therefore, you are aware of the main factors that provoke the development of functional dyspepsia in children:

  • a sharp transition to another meal;
  • shvidka change of breast milk for piece sumish;
  • change in the child's way of life;
  • vіdsutnіst regular and systematic priyomіv їzhi;
  • parts of transferring money, evening or offence;
  • evil from fast foods;
  • regular transfers;
  • the amount of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet is large;
  • parts of a snack;
  • inclusion to the daily diet of a large amount of dry food;
  • stressful situations and strong emotional shocks.


Functional disorders of the organs of etching in children cause changes in the ICT. When it comes to this:

  • disruption of the rukhova function of the valve;
  • watch out for the breakdown of herbal processes;
  • organs, which lie before the etching system, weaken;
  • zha practically not overetched looking from the 12-colon intestine moves into the slug;
  • the hose is not actively working, over-picking the hedgehog.

Functional dyspepsia, which is often aggravated, in children of an early age is rich in what for its symptoms is similar to other diseases of HCT. Therefore, self-diagnosis of FD is even more difficult.

Іsnuє kіlka symptoіv, іkі є є characteristic at razі FD. Tobto at їhnmu manifestation sled to suspect another ailment. These symptoms include:

  • carry parts;
  • development of anorexia (outland cattle);
  • sore at night, like a dream to sleep;
  • sleeplessness, confused by pains;
  • sickly in the swamps;
  • irradiation of ailing sights;
  • signs of fever;
  • change the behavior of the little one at the hour of the attack, the wine can be behaved outside the box or inadequately.

Having stumbled with vischevkazanimi uncharacteristic signs, you can develop an unusual visnovka, which may be more ill, but not functional dyspepsia. Otherwise, FD is accompanied by other illnesses, being among themselves and showing signs of illness marks. If you feel like it, you need to turn to fakhivtsya, to recognize the exuberance and give recommendations.

Gostra dyspepsia

Okremo next look at the host dyspepsia. It is not so rare that I would like to have dyspepsia to pass from the host leak. It’s crazy to see the unsatisfactory eating at the warehouse and obsyagom with the help of the little one. The organism simply does not have the physiological capabilities, so that the herbal system could turn into adventures.

For acute dyspepsia, the following signs are characteristic:

  • windmill;
  • upovіlneniy process rostannya;
  • frequent diarrhea, tobto carrying;
  • deformity of heterogeneous consistency;
  • sometimes they make houses of mucus in feces.

For the treatment of dyspepsia in children of a severe nature, it is necessary to increase the appetite for food. Just skip one hour for no more than 2 years per day, changing them to life-giving homeland.

Features of jubilation

For the treatment of the disorder of etching in children, different methods can be used. But at any time you can’t bathe faces, or cook them on the basis of folk recipes, without first consulting with fahivtsy.

Pershochergove zavdannya - see the doctor. We carried out the obstezhennya and diagnostics with the method of confirmation of the disease and the identification of the nature of the yogo break. Having taken into account the necessary information, the specialist can recognize the optimal solution.

The basis of jubilation is two points:

  • Change the diet of eating children. Oskіlki the problem can be without intermediary introduction to the system of etching, and the next step is to start from the correction of the diet. Mindfulness damaged by inactive and wrong way of life. Chim less kid collapse, less wine you want to eat. Through it, the whole body is in charge. It is the best way to rejoice the disease with the path of breaking up the eaten food for sprats of small portions during the day. Go about the so-called rozdilne eating. It is also obov'yazkovo to turn off the products of allergy, which can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions after treatment. The ideal layout is to take away from the diet of the child lubricated and greasy zhu, soda, smoked products and malt. But it’s often difficult to grow, so just try to bring the indicated products to a minimum. Not infrequently, a simple change of eating allows the baby to relieve all the symptoms of functional dyspepsia.
  • Medical care. Schob add eat properly doctors assign singing faces. Tse allows you to speed up the process of dressing. See the preparations to lay down without any intermediary, since the child is stuck with some type of dyspepsia. In case of virazkovy form, it is necessary to prescribe inhibitors or histamine blockers. In times of blissfulness of a dyslexic mind, vicorist diseases have prokinetics. If you are stuck with non-specific dyspepsia, then you will not need medicines. Medical treatment the given form of disorder is not etched.

People's concerns against FD

Shards can be found about a childish weak organism, a lot of doctors succumb to the most safe, natural and effective benefits. Up to these you can see folk recipes. But at any given time, traditional medicine is not guilty of stagnating without prior consultation with a doctor.

Є kіlka ways folk rejoicing take care of the child with symptoms of dyspepsia:

  • Ozhina. You need approximately 10 UAH. the roots of bushes and berries are poured into 500 ml of water and put on fire. Boil the root until it is cold, until you run out of 2/3 of the water in the container. Protsіdіt and add to the sum of red high-grade wine in proportions of 1 to 1. Once every 4 years, it is necessary to give 2 large spoons to the child.
  • Fennel. Vіn is a pharmacy krip. Koshtuє kopіyki, but help miraculously. Pour 10 fruits with 500 ml of okrop, put on fire and cook about 10-15 quills. Let the sums cool down, after what to pass. It is important that 200 ml of vodvar was lost. Yoga needs to be drunk throughout the day in small portions.
  • Polin. Wanting to get out of the girka, but the melancholy is marvelous. Take a large spoonful of polyna, pouring її 200-250 ml of dill. For pіvgodini protsіdіt. Ask the doctor for the usual doses of obov'yazkovo, scallops for an individual skin condition require a single portion of the vіdvar.

Dyspepsia cannot be called a terrible disease. Especially, if you suddenly go to the doctor, you will find a complex treatment of the problem. Take care of the children properly eating, active image life and bring the number of stressful situations to a minimum. Tse guaranty to you the best protection against the unetched sluice.

Dyspepsia in children - non-etching of the stool, functional disorder of etching on aphids, chronic enzyme deficiency or improper eating.

Swelling, impaired deformity, pain in the abdominal cavity, colic, increased gas production - these symptoms point to functional dyspepsia in children of the early age. The organism is not particularly strong until the slack is not etched.

The rise of schilicity to dyspepsia in newborns and children is formed before birth:

  • There is not enough amount of shlunk juice that vibrates;
  • Reduced concentration of acids necessary for the splitting of zhі, which should be near the tubes;
  • The immaturity of the intestinal microflora, which helps to win the life of speech.

In order to help small children with dyspepsia, it is necessary to know about the sickness, causes, methods of prevention and treatment.

Simple dyspepsia in newborns can be caused by factors:

  • Destruction of the year-old regime. Too often applied to the breasts until the baby takes a greater amount of milk, lower the building's poisoning of the yogo slug. As a result, the excess is traded by the body, the wind or a rare stilts is observed.
  • Switch to a different milk sum. The organism does not react strangely to an insignificant change in the formula of the breast milk substitute. In order to get rid of dyspepsia, the little one should be born with sums of one forager.
  • Destruction of a child of a good mother. Smoked meats, pickles, mushrooms, spices, medicinal preparations cause a reaction in a baby that looks like dyspeptic syndrome.
  • Warehouse Complementary foods were ordered very early and were given to the little one in large portions. Even worse, as soon as two new products were proponated at once - the cause of dyspepsia blamed would be put more smoothly.


Alimentary dyspepsia is not blamed for the result of taking an inappropriate dietary supplement. Crim kіlkіsnoї and yakіsnoї vіdpovіdnosti norms zhivanih produktіv і strav, nebhіdno, shchob їх warehouse buv zbalancii. There are too many mortal speeches and the building’s alimentary and non-etched sluice.


With an excess of carbohydrates that come from the hedgehog, in the small intestine, the reproduction of microorganisms, which are viable for wandering, is observed. The main symptom of fermentative dyspepsia in speechlessness is a rare deformity with a characteristic odor.


Putrid dyspepsia in children of the early age is a consequence of the supra-world implantation of the protein hive. As in the intestines for the complete assimilation of insufficient enzymes, the rot is not poisoned. There is diarrhea, feces have a putrid smell.


Adipose dyspepsia in a child is due to the intake of fat in the diet. The child's organism rejects enzymes for splitting folding fatty molecules. Tse lead to unetched hose. Carrying from pinoy often stings in a child with fatty dyspepsia, but not a general sign.


Intoxication begins with vomiting. The baby on the back becomes restless and awake, sweaty and lethargic.

On the first day, the vomit traples two or three times, ring out after you go. Let's start a child and start to force you to wind it up like a boat. Sometimes the vomit wobbles when the tube is empty. In the room, there may be mucus, fragments of zhovchі, with a tight form - blood. The stile is rare, pinisty, in the coming days it becomes rare from a green light.

In case of toxic form of dyspepsia, the child consumes native and mineral salts. The skin and mucus membranes become dry, inelastic, pale. Figures of disguise become hospitable, tim'yachko zapadє. Through the influx of toxins, the smoke becomes hazy, the pressure drops, the temperature of the body can rise to or lose the constant. Dikhaє child often, superficially. Pulse is frequent.

With the first symptoms of toxic dyspepsia in newborns, it is necessary to call a doctor. If the diagnosis of non-etched tubing is confirmed, the child will need hospitalization.

Lіkuvannya pogaє pripinenny years on the extraction. You can give a little more water to tea. They gave step by step, suvoro dozovanya until the restoration of the func- tion of the valve. Dodatkovo for the treatment are prescribed enzymes, vitamins, the introduction of life-giving products internally.


Parenteral dyspepsia in a child is seen as a concomitant manifestation in infectious diseases.

A child's organism, weakening or other ailments, becomes a hostile target for pathogenic microbes. The process is accompanied by a weakening of the activity of herbal diseases, damage to the activity of the herbal tract and the death of the intestinal microflora.

Most of the development of the main ailment and symptoms of non-etching in children occurs in parallel. Possible acute intoxication with characteristic signs in the appearance of vomiting, stinging, carrying. For the treatment of symptoms, treatment of the main illness is carried out. To support the body, a diet is prescribed to spare. In times of acute toxicosis, children are treated with sorbents and probiotics.

Looking after a child

A close look after a child is a pledge of successful exultation of dyspepsia in children. In order to reduce the risk of vindication, it is necessary:

  • If a child has a one-time viniclo vomit or a carry-over, evaluate your diet and z'yasuvati, which product can provoke an appearance. As soon as complementary foods were introduced, the guilt of the self-feeling baby became guilty of the moment.
  • guilty to be administered carefully, usually in small doses. Chi do not pronounce a new product until the little one calls to the front. If it is not recognized as a person, it is not recommended to introduce complementary foods under the hour of the course.
  • Chi do not deprive the situation of self-fueling. The first symptoms of dyspepsia appeared - it is also necessary to look at the specialist, moreover, as the passage and vomiting are repeated.
  • Restore the balance of salts and radii, which is used during vomiting, carry. Always give a sprat of sachets to the regidron with your hand. If you don’t know yoga, you can add a little salt to the water.
  • Save the boots and the muddled whiteness until the arrival of the doctor. Deformation in diapers will help to recognize, as if the damage itself became in the body and signify the type of dyspepsia.
  • The baby needs to be treated with skin changes in blistering and apply a baby cream between the sides. Parts of the deformity in dyspepsia tease the skin of a child and add to its suffering.

When bloody blotches and mucus are detected in the feces, it is necessary to examine them, as they do not show signs of dysentery in the intestines, especially unsafe for small children.

People's interests

For relief, I will become a child with dyspepsia, effective recipes for folk remedies:

  • Rice brew: cook a teaspoon of rice in 3-4 flasks of water on a weak fire, the rice will not be boiled again. Take away the paste through one ball of gauze and give in portions no more than 1-2 tablespoons of skin for 2.5 years.
  • When the measles of the oak is broken, the steel is well fixed. Take 1 teaspoon of carefully seasoned oak bark, pour 250 ml of water and cook about 15 quills on low heat. Take it off the stove, cool it down quickly, add | add | sprinkle before the weekend and give 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.
  • When I see a pomegranate skin, I can go. To prepare 1 teaspoon of powder from dried pomegranate pick, pour 0.5 l of sprinkling and heat in a water bath for about 15 strands. After a stretch of 1.5-2 years of treatment, after 2 balls of gauze, you can give a child. Dosage for a baby vіkom to roku - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.


Functional dyspepsia in children can be saved until the age of birth by adding a few simple rules:

  • Ensure correct, balanced, good food;
  • Turn on the overheated baby, dress up for the weather;
  • Admission, de sleep and gray, often air;
  • In the wake of a trivial perebuvannya on the sun, it is necessary to remember the hour of the day in the darkness and only a little sweat to the child;
  • Do not surround children near the homeland, giving the priority to the brown waters: pure water, natural fruit drinks and waters with reduced zucru.

A child squirms on a white belly, heaviness in a slug, tediousness, in some rare cases of deformity, that yogo torments gas. What cause these symptoms - show intestinal infection, prevent chronic disease of the organs of the intestinal tract? The baby may have functional dyspepsia - a disorder of etching.

What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia in children is the result of a disorder, as it manifests itself as a whole complex of symptoms and causes damage to the organs of the mucosal-intestinal tract. These problems in the robotic herbal system can be caused by maladies in eating or diseases of the organs of the intestinal tract. The syndrome of dyspepsia in modern gastroenterology is understood in advance, as if it were victorious at the early stages of diagnosis. Away, the obstezhennia of the ailing help the doctors to decipher the term and make the final diagnosis.

In young children, dyspepsia is most often due to the immaturity of the organs of poisoning and through improper eating.

Classification of dyspeptic disorders: functional and organic types

Depending on the reasons that caused damage to the etching, two main groups are distinguished:

  • functional;
  • organic.

The organic form develops on aphids of other ailments of the organs of the herbal system, for example, with dyskinesia of the rheumatoid paths, pancreatitis, inflamed chewing michur liver. The symptoms of such dyspepsia are strong and do not pass for a long time.
Functional disorder of etching - such a diagnosis is made for children after birth, until the age of 12 months, the understanding of alimentary dyspepsia becomes clear. As a matter of fact, such a disorder associated with improper eating, enzymatic deficiency and other ailments, calls for the disruption of the normal process of digestion.

Classification of functional dyspepsia in staleness for reasons:

  • Simple (alimentary) - vinikaє through kidnappings at the eatery:
    • fermentation - in the diet of the ailing, they are loaded with carbohydrates;
    • rotten - excess in eating protein products;
    • fat (mile abo steatorrhea) - rich fat їzhi;
  • Enzymatic:
    • gastrogenous (shlunkova) - lack of schlunk enzymes;
    • pancreatogenic (pancreatic) - lack of fermentation in the podshlunkovoj fossa;
    • hepatogenic (pechіnkova) - damage to the vision of the stomach;
    • enterogenic (intestinal) - lack of intestinal herbal juices;
  • Dyspepsia, due to vinicla due to the destruction of the vital ducts in the intestines with malabsorption (popular pathology);
  • Toxic - can develop through an unviolated simple form of discord;
  • Dyspepsia on aphids intestinal infections - salmonellosis, shigellosis and in;
  • Parenteral (intoxication) - the first cause is other illnesses (for example, influenza, inflammation of the leg, otitis media) or more severely irritated by bruising rhechovina.

Depending on the symptoms, 4 types of overflow of alimentary dyspepsia are seen:

  • virazkovopodіbny;
  • reflux-like;
  • discinetic;
  • nonspecific.

Video - What is dyspepsia

Cause that factor development

In newborns, the physiological dyspeptic syndrome develops for 3-5 years of life and adaptation to the old age. The past camp and yoga are brought to the “cordial camps” of the new people.

Disorder of etching in malyuki until the fate of the most cases of injunctions from wrong eating:

  • disruption to the godivl regime;
  • rescheduling;
  • odnomanіtne and meager eating;
  • a sharp transition on a piece of chi goduvannya vague sumish;
  • it’s wrong to eat mami, what’s good;
  • early introduction of complementary foods (earlier 3-4 months).

In small children, the organ system of the herbal system is attached to the acceptance of a singing warehouse and obsyagu, so be it as if it were a mistake to cause trouble in the robotic SKT.
Overheating of a small child can also lead to a breakdown of the pickling, the shards of an increase in the electric charge in the course of time lead to a decrease in the acidity of the shell juice.
However, alimentary dyspepsia is not to be blamed, it can cause a toxic excess, if it is wetted, the bacterial metabolism of the bacterial metabolism, which causes severe intoxication and disruption of the functions of all systems of the body. A toxic form of disorder of etching can develop and intestinal infection.
The parenteral form blames the sudden influx of viruses and microbes, as if calling another sick child.
In children of an older age, in young adults, alimentary dyspepsia is blamed on the wrong mode of eating, frequent eating of fast food, salted meats, fatty herbs, smoked meats, licorice snacks, even “dry food”. Functional dyspeptic disorders can be caused by stress, great emotional, primary ambitions.

Dyspepsia may occur in any child, but the most disorderly children, as they were born earlier line, with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, hypotrophy, anemia, hypotaminosis, rickets, sickness to allergies, diathesis.

Symptoms of dyspepsia may include worm infestation - enterobiasis, ascariasis, giardiasis.

Symptoms of discord in a child

In children of the first fate of life, simple dyspepsia is caused acutely or with previous symptoms: restlessness, causeless crying, chest pain, or decreased appetite, wheezing. After a certain hour, the stiles often up to 5-8 times for harvest, they become rare, stinky, heterogeneous, with different houses and inclusions.
The nature of the emptying to fall due to the reasons that caused the discord:

  • In the fermentation form, the stool is watery, piny, with a green color, sour smell. Small to torment the increase in gas production, colic, grumbling, grumbling in the stomach of a new one.
  • When peregodovuvanni protein hedgehog (rotten dyspepsia) deformed puffy appearance, sloppy, dark, may have a gray color, with breasts, an unacceptable pungent smell, just like gas that you see. For this form of illness, carry the trivaly.
  • For steatorrhea (fatty dyspepsia) deformity with a greasy glare, light, may be uninfectious.

Whenever you look like a discord, the child is bloated, often gasses come out, you see richly, you can vomit. Intestinal colic manifest themselves with pain in front of the bowel movements - not crying, squealing. Through the vіdmova vіd їzhі the little ones are eating at the vase. Severe alimentary dyspepsia may last for 2 to 7 days. At this hour, a child may develop stomatitis, thrush, and often get worse.
If the child is weakened or the functionally impaired etching does not take away the proper treatment, toxic dyspepsia develops. Їy pritamannі such symptoms:

  • high temperature;
  • stronger vomiting;
  • stile is rare, up to 15-20 times for harvesting.

To cause a sudden decrease in the vag, a trap of the great neck, a decrease in the turgor (springiness) of the skin curve, a breakdown of the reflexes, a drying up of the mucous membranes. Є rizik viniknennya by the court, spend the witness. Tsei camp is threatening with the development of the Komi, the child can die.

In older children, damage to the etching occurs with painful sensations, which occur periodically in the epigastrium, often later. The child complains of boredom, a decrease in appetite, a little bit of a relapsing slut, a stove, an oatmeal, carrying constipation. Qi symptoms are caused by aphids overwhelm or stress and can be accompanied by headaches, confusion, drunkenness.

Depending on the clinical picture, functional impairment can occur in 4 options:

  1. Virazkovopodіbniy - manifested by pain in the region of the duct, yakі smelt after taking hedgehogs or antispasmodics and antacid drugs;
  2. Distinctive - characterized by unacceptable symptoms in the epigastrium, which become stronger after taking it, slightly re-dated, increased gas formation, intolerance to certain products;
  3. Reflux-like - expressions of tedium, vomiting, wheezing, wheezing, baking, flatulence;
  4. Nonspecific - may manifest itself with symptoms characteristic of any other variants of the clinical picture.


The diagnosis is made by a pediatrician and a child gastroenterologist. At the same time, the drug helps to differentiate organic and functional dyspepsia.

For whom to be carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the organs of the empty cervix;
  • roentgenographic obstezhennya sluka;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (after 7 years);
  • diagnostics of H. pylori, most importantly non-invasively - by conducting a dichal test;
  • electrogastrography of the motor function of the schule.

Обстеження, що проводяться, дозволяють диференціювати просту диспепсію і гострі кишкові інфекції, дисбактеріоз, невідкладні хірургічні стани - гострий живіт (апендицит, гострий пієлонефрит, пілороспазм, гепатит), а також хронічні захворювання ШКТ - гастродуоденіт, холецист, холецист, холецист.

The coprogram allows you to designate the frequency of the organs of etching and the form of discord:

  • with fermentative dyspepsia, feces may have low acidity and a high level of iodophilic flora;
  • with a rotten form - a puddle reaction in feces, movement instead of detritus;
  • with steatorrhea - a high content of fatty acids and richly neutral fat.

The doctor is to make a residual diagnosis on the basis of looking at the child, testing the fathers (as a disorder of poisoning has begun long ago, there were morbidity in eating, which outweigh the symptoms), data on instrumental and laboratory obstezhennia, which include organic lesions SHKT.
For older children, a consultation with a child neuropathologist and a psychologist is indicated, the signs of etching in them are often blamed for problems in the robotic nervous system.

Lіkuvannya dyspepsia

At the same time, the signs of damage to the etching cannot be taken up by self-treatment, the shards of symptoms may be the cause of infectious and surgical illnesses. It is necessary to turn to the pediatrician.

The basis of the jubilation of alimentary discord is to become a dietary meal.
Drug therapy is directed to the development of pain syndrome and normalization of motor activity of the CT.

Faces for the treatment of dyspeptic discord

Mild forms of illness rejoice at home, children with a toxic form of dyspepsia are hospitalized.

Stopped medicines:

  • Enzymes zastosovuyut to normalize the process of over-etching:
    • Pantsitrate;
    • Prolipase;
    • Pancreatin powder.
  • Prokinetics normalize the transient function of the stravokhod and the duct, squeezing the wind, nausea, vomit and other unacceptable symptoms:
    • Cisapride;
    • Cerucal (do not prescribe to children up to 2 years of age);
  • To fight with flatulence (advancement of gas formations), prescribe:
    • Infacol;
    • drops Disflatil;
  • Sorbents are necessary for the clear elimination of toxins from the body:
    • Polyphepan;
    • Filtrum;
  • Antispasmodics are prescribed for severe pain syndrome:
    • No-shpa;
    • Papaverine;
  • Dobré recommending itself in a successful discord etching of the complex growing drug Iberogast;
  • After suffering from dyspepsia in a child, the following are prescribed:
    • lactobacterin;
    • Enterogermina.

Gallery - Preparations for healing ailments

Krapli Iberogast - a growing drug for the treatment of functional disorders of the CT Syrup Bobotik zastosovuetsya to relieve symptoms of flatulence Creon in capsules is used to reduce etching Motilium - prokinetic for nausea, vomiting positives, pain in the slut Smecta - sorbent for purification of the body from toxins Espumizan for children to fight against stomach bloat
Enterosgel zastosovuyut for bowel cleansing of toxins Riabal syrup is a selective antispasmodic for pain relief Linex is a combination drug that fights 3 types of lactic acid bacteria and is used to restore intestinal microflora Bifidumbacterin in powder for the restoration of normal intestinal microflora after dyspepsia

In case of pain in the abdomen, zdutti, you can use a gas tube, a dry warm compress on the stomach, massage.

Toxic dyspepsia is rejoiced at the hospital. For rehabilitation, infuse small children with infusion therapy - saline and plasma amino acids: Ringer, physical, 5% glucose, hemodez. Stop antibacterial drugs and symptomatic diseases - antipyretic, cardiovascular, anti-sudine. In severe depressions, corticosteroids are really instilled.

Watching for an ailing child can be relatable. It is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature in the accommodation, conduct hygienic visits, achieve a calm psychological environment. Behind the camp of the little one, it is necessary to respectfully guard, guard all the changes of your self-confidence, look at the feces and the vomitous masses.


Once again, tell me the products that provoked the discord. They don’t have to replace 1-2 years with a water-tea break, take the food that they’ve lost, quickly feel in bondage: for one meal, the baby is guilty of taking no more than 70 ml mother's milk or adapted sour milk sum.
Under an hour of water-tea pause, the child is guilty of otrimuvati razchiny - Regidron, 5% glucose variant or special children's tea and brewery - carrot-rice brewery, Semolin (ChiPP brewery). You can cook rice broth and carrot soup on your own. Like a child’s vomit, motherland give 1-2 tsp. through small intervals (10-15 minutes). The total amount of rozchinіv may become 150 ml per 1 kg of child's vag. Up to 5-6 days on the cob of ailment, it is necessary to bring it to the colossus. Lure not to give a stretch of two tizhnivs, then step by step start to introduce only those, like a child endured well to ailment.

For children of the older age, diet No 1 (sparing eating for pain in the stool) or No 4 (eating for diarrhea) is shown on the cob. In addition, as symptoms of dyspepsia appear, the child should be transferred to a full-time diet No 5 with a dash of fatty, oily, smoked meats, gostrih herbs.
Diet No. 4 is aimed at reducing the chemical and mechanical teasing of the intestines and changing the fermentation process. All the stravi are prepared for a couple, or they cook, give the child in a shabby look. Dietary eating is to compensate for the sufficient amount of protein and the reduced amount of fat and carbohydrates. Include products, homemade broths - milk, legumes, licorice, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, as well as enhance the secretion of herbal juices - gostry snacks, spices, sauces, smoked meats.
Reception їzhi is guilty of buti shotgun - often giblets (5-6 times a day).

People's interests

For the treatment of symptoms of dyspepsia, rice broth does a good job. Rice mucus can envelop the diaper, protect the mucous membrane of the intestines and spray the most obvious inspiration.
Pour a flask of cleaned rice cereal with 5 flasks of water, cook on low heat until fully boiled. Ready-made vіdvar protsіditi, vipoyuvati warm looking: for babies before the rock - 1 tsp each, for children of the older age - 2 tbsp. skin spoons 2:00.

Brown carrot soup for dyspeptic disorder. Carrot pectin acts as a sorbent - adsorbs toxins, gases and products of the unfinished splitting of living cavities. Boil a bunch of peeled carrots in a liter of water for 2 years with the addition of 3 g of salt. Wipe the boiled carrot through a sieve, top up the mashed potatoes with boiled water up to one liter. Give children 1 teaspoon each.

With a good helper - nastіy z nasinnya krop. 3 art. spoons of syrovin pour 0.5 liters of okrop, pour, widzhati, protsiditi. Give a small child 1 teaspoonful, for older children - 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before eating.

Effectively relieves inflammation and spasms of chamomile infusions. Pour 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers in a bottle of okrop, leave for 3 years, strain, stuff the child in a tablespoon in a warm looking.

You can sprout nastіy from chamomile and mint. Mint effectively treats the symptoms of dyspepsia, acting like a prokinetic. Take a teaspoonful of chamomile leaves and mint herbs, pour a glass of okrop, insist, wedge, procide, give small ones in front of the hedgehog.
M'yatny nastiy is prepared without additives. A tablespoon of mint syrovini is brewed with a bottle of dill, infused with a stretch of 30 khvilin. Drink like tea while looking warm until the morning.

Choose from daisies, motherboards and wood to recommend to children of the older age. Sirovina is taken from equal parts, brewed with hot water for 2 teaspoons, put in a water bath for 10 strands, processed, brought to the cob volume (250 ml). Give children 2 tbsp. spoons after 60 hvilin pіslya їdi or for pіvgodini to їdi.

Children after 7 years can be given credit for carrying out of the pomegranate skin.
A teaspoon of dried pomegranate picks brew a flask with a sprinkle, stretch out the year. Give children three meals a day for a dessert spoon.


Rice vіdvar can envelop the diaper, restore the intestinal mucosa. Nastya from chamomile relieves inflammation and spasms Carrot water as a sorbent for dyspepsia Nasty mind to fight against the symptoms of dyspepsia Vіdvar nasіnnya cropu helps with flatulence
Vidvar іz pomegranate chips help when carrying

It is important to remember that dyspeptic discord in children is less than domestic, folk secrets it is not possible, a pediatrician's consultation is required.

Forecast of likuvannya

Alimentary dyspepsia most often ends with new clothes in 3-7 days and everyday conditions, but the last one is not burdensome. In debilitated children from the risk group, a simple discord can turn into a toxic form, in case of a prognosis of dyspepsia, it can lie due to the timing and quality of the drug.
The result of an organic and parenteral form of direct application to the main illnesses, as a result, caused the disorder of the poisoning.
At the same time, a medical aid was given to rob the prognosis, whether it be a form of dyspepsia or not.

As a result of a functional disorder in a small child, there may be a loss in the vase and a decrease in appetite. If you do not exult in severe dyspepsia, then a strong carry-over and vomitting lead to the day of the sun, which is indicated on the work of all internal organs and can lead to irreparable consequences. Chronic dyspepsia, which vinified through post-mortem sickness in eating, leading to the development of diseases of the organs of the intestinal tract.

Prevention of dyspepsia in children

  • It is possible to prevent the disorder of poisoning in children by adjusting the regimen and the volume of eating, eating at the mother's diet during breastfeeding, self-introduced complementary foods and adapting sumish, like a child on a piece of food. The little one cannot be resented, overheated, it is necessary to change with him more often in the fresh air.
  • For children of an older age, it is important to increase the dietary intake, turn off fast food, gassed drinks and other high-fat products. It is necessary to regulate the mode of stress and tension, to reduce stress and psychoemotional overstress to a minimum.

Video - Dr. Komarovsky about abdominal pain in a child

Sob didn’t have a chance to likuvat the little one, the fathers need to be put to the organization of the process of child eating. It would be easier to get ahead of the disease, lower the burden of yoga. Be respectful of the health of your little one, and even then you won’t be able to seek help from pediatricians.

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