Like acid in a shlonk in a human. Decreased acidity of the shell

Acidity(Lat. aciditas) - a characteristic of the activity of ions in water in terms and sizes.

In medicine, the acidity of biological fluids (blood, cross-section, skin juice and others) is diagnostic important parameter become a healthy patient. In gastroenterology, for the correct diagnosis of a whole series of ailments, for example, the stravokhod and the tube, at the same time, or the average value of acidity is not significant. Most importantly, it is important to understand the dynamics of changing acidity by stretching the doby (low acidity is often disturbed during the day) in some areas of the body. Sometimes it is important to know the change in acidity as a reaction to songs and stimulants.

Water pH indicator
In varieties of inorganic speech: salts, acids and meadows are subdivided into their ions. At the same time, they water H + є with acidic powers, and OH ions with puddle powers. In highly bred varieties of acid and puddles of power lie in the concentration of ions H + and OH - . In typical acid and puddle levels of power to lie in the activities of ions and H and a OH, so in the same concentration, but with a correction for the activity coefficient γ, which is determined experimentally. For water distributions, the difference is equal: a H × a OH \u003d K w, de K w is a constant, ionic water production (K w \u003d 10 − 14 at a water temperature of 22 ° C). From which point it is clear that the activity of H+ ions in water and the activity of OH ions are related to each other. Danish biochemist S.P.L. Sørensen in 1909 show the roci buv of proponing the waters pH, equal to the tenth logarithm of the activity of water ions, taken with a minus (Rapoport S.I. and in):

pH \u003d - lg (a H).

Due to the fact that in a neutral medium a H \u003d a OH і z viconannya equanimity for pure water at 22 ° C: a H × a OH \u003d K w \u003d 10 - 14 obsessed, that the acidity of pure water at 22 ° C (that is, neutral acidity) = 7 od. pH.

The differences and rіdini about their acidity are important:

  • neutral at pH = 7
  • acidic at pH< 7
  • puddles at pH > 7
Deyakі pardon
Even though some of the patients seem to have “zero acidity”, the price is no more, lower level, which means more for everything, that the wine has a neutral acidity value (pH = 7). In the human body, the value of the indicator of acidity cannot be less than 0.86 pH. It is also widely thought that acidity values ​​can only be in the range of 0 to 14 pH. The technique has a possible acidity indicator and is negative, i is more than 20.

If we talk about the acidity of any organ, it is important in case of understanding, as often in different parts of the organ, acidity can significantly be exaggerated. Acidity in place in the lumen of the organ and acidity on the surface of the mucous membrane of the organ is also often not the same. For the mucous membrane of the body of the slough, it is characteristic that the acidity lies on the surface of the mucus, the acidity of the lumen of the slough is 1.2–1.5 pH, but in the mucosa, the slug is neutral to the epithelium (7.0 pH).

pH value for active products and water
The tables below show the acidity values ​​of the widest products and pure water for different temperatures:
Product Acidity, od. pH
lemon juice 2,1
Wine 3,5
Tomato sik 4,1
orange juice 4,2
Chorna kava 5,0
Pure water for 100 °C 6,13
Pure water at 50 °C
Fresh milk 6,68
Pure water at 22°C 7,0
Pure water at 0° 7,48
Acidity and herbal enzymes
Even a lot of processes in organisms are impossible without the participation of special proteins - enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions in organisms, without being affected by any chemical transformations. The herbal process is not possible without the participation of various herbal enzymes, which decompose various organic molecules, even though they are only within a narrow range of acidity (its own enzyme for the skin). The most important proteolytic enzymes (which break down proteins) of shell juice: pepsin, gastrixin and chymosin (rennin) are produced in an inactive form - in the case of proenzymes, they are later activated by hydrochloric acid of shell juice. Pepsin is the most active in a strongly acidic medium, with a pH of 1 to 2, gastrixin has a maximum activity at pH 3.0-3.5, chymosin, which breaks down milk proteins to a non-decomposing casein protein, has a maximum activity at pH 3.0-3, 5 .

Proteolytic enzymes, which are seen in the submucosal cavity and "develop" in the twelve colonies: trypsin may have an optimum in the weakly lumen medium, at pH 7.8-8.0, close to the new one for functionality, chymotrypsin is the most active, up to 2 active in the middle one. The maximum activity of carboxypeptidases A and B is 7.5 pH. Close values ​​of the maximum and in other enzymes, which determine the function of etching in the slaboluzhny midgut.

Decreased or increased acidity according to the norm to the norm in the tube or duodenal intestine, in such a way, lead to a total decrease in the activity of quiet or enzymes, or induce them to be excluded from the etching process, and, as a result, to problems with etching.

Acidity of the empty company
The acidity of the line is deposited in the dryness of the line. Sound the acidity of the mixed line of a person is healthy 6.8-7.4 pH, but with a great dryness of the dream, it reaches 7.8 pH. The acidity of the slugs of the polluted vines is 5.81 pH, the acidity of the slugs is 6.39 pH.

In children, the average acidity of the mixed line is 7.32 pH, in adults it is 6.40 pH (Rimarchuk G.V. and in.).

The acidity of the dental taint will become hard tissue teeth. Being neutral in healthy teeth, it shifts to the sour side, fallow in the development of caries and age. In 12-linear children with the cob stage of caries (pre-caries), the acidity of the dental plaque is normal 6.96 ± 0.1 pH, in 12-13-linear children with moderate caries, the acidity of the dental plaque is 16, in 6.63 pH, in 6.74 -year-old signs in case of superficial and middle caries acidity of dental plaque is good, apparently, 6.43 ± 0.1 pH and 6.32 ± 0.1 pH (Krivonogova L.B.)

Acidity to the secretion of the pharynx and larynx
The acidity of the secretion of the pharynx and larynx in healthy and ill people for chronic laryngitis and pharyngolaryngeal reflux is determined (A.V. Lunev):

Groupi obstezhenih

Misce vimiryuvannya pH

one. pH

one. pH

Healthy individuals

Illness for chronic laryngitis without HERC

For the little one, a graph of acidity was given in a healthy human stravokhod, taken for help by internal duct pH-metry (Rapoport S.I.). On the graph, gastroesophageal reflux is well guarded - a sharp change in acidity up to 2-3 pH, in to this particular typeє physiological.

The acidity of the shell. Increased and decreased acidity

The maximum acidity, which is observed in the tube is 0.86 pH, which indicates acid production is 160 mmol/l. The minimum acidity of the tube is 8.3 pH, which reflects the acidity of the most abundant HCO 3 - ions. Normal acidity in the lumen of the body of the stomach drain is 1.5–2.0 pH. Acidity on the surface of the epithelial ball, turned into the lumen of the tube 1.5–2.0 pH. The acidity of the depth of the epithelial ball of the tube is close to 7.0 pH. Normal acidity in the antrum is 1.3–7.4 pH.

The reason for the ailments of the organs of the herbal tract is an imbalance in the processes of acid production and acid neutralization. Trival hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or lack of acid neutralization, and, as a result, increased acidity in the sac and/or the twelve colonies, thus calling it acid-stable disease. In this hour, they can be seen: peptic ulcer of the duodenum and twelfth intestine, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERC), erosive-viral lesions of the duct and twelfth intestine against the background of taking aspirin or non-steroidal antiseptic drugs (NP). increased acidity and others.

Decreased acidity poserіgaєtsya with anacid or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as with cancer of the duct. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called anacid or gastritis (gastroduodenitis) due to low acidity, so that the acidity at the tip of the tube becomes approximately 5 or more than one. pH. The cause of low acidity is often the atrophy of parietal cells in the mucosal tunic or damage to their functions.

More given is a graph of acidity (dobova pH-gram) of the body of a healthy person’s duct (dashed line) and that of an ailing person on a twelve-fingered intestine (buccal line). The moments are marked with arrows with the inscription "Yzha". The graph shows the acid-neutralization of the gut, as well as the increased acidity of the sac in the case of the duodenal ulcer (Yakovenko O.V.).
Acidity in the intestines
Normal acidity in cibulini duodenum is 5.6–7.9 pH. Acidity in the esophagus and the air intestines is neutral or slightly lukewarm and is in the range of 7 to 8 pH. Acidity of small intestine juice 72-75 pH. With increased secretion, the pH is 8.6. Acidity of the secretion of duodenal ulcers - vіd pH vіd 7 to 8 pH.
Wymiru point Dot number per baby acidity,
one. pH
Proximal sigmoid colon 7 7.9±0.1
Middle part of the sigmoid colon 6 7.9±0.1
Distal sigmoid colon 5 8.7±0.1
Overdamnpopular rectum
4 8.7±0.1
Upper ampulla of the rectum 3 8.5±0.1
Middle ampullar rectum 2 7.7±0.1
Lower ampullar rectum 1 7.3±0.1
Acidity of feces
The acidity of the feces of a healthy person, who eats mixed hedgehog, is determined by the life of the microflora of the intestines and is healthy at 6.8–7.6 pH. Normal value is the acidity of feces in the range of 6.0 to 8.0 pH. The acidity of meconium (primary feces of newborns) is about 6 pH. Vidhilennya vіd norma with acidity feces:
  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) used in fermentative dyspepsia
  • acidic (pH vіd 5.5 to 6.7)
  • puddle (pH vіd 8.0 to 8.5) can be through rotten whites, not overetched in the duct and small intestine and ignition exudate due to activation of rotten microflora and elimination of ammonia and other puddle components in the intestines
  • rіzkolluzhna (рН more than 8.5) buvaє with rotten dyspepsia (colitis)
Blood acidity
The acidity of the plasma of the arterial blood of a person is no more than 7.37 to 7.43 pH, becoming an average of 7.4 pH. The acid-puddling fluid in the blood of a person is one of the most stable parameters that enhances the acidic puddle components in the sebaceous fluid at the narrowest borders. Navit small zsuv vіd zaznachenih between can lead to severe pathology. When destroyed in the acid side, the camp is blamed, the titles are acidosis, in the puddle - alkalosis. The change in blood acidity is higher than 7.8 pH or lower than 6.8 pH is essential for life.

The acidity of venous blood is 7.32–7.42 pH. The acidity of erythrocytes becomes 728-729 pH.

Acidity of the section
In a healthy person with a normal nutritional regimen, that balanced eating acidity of the section is in the range of 5.0 to 6.0 pH, and it can also be cumulative in 4.5 to 8.0 pH. The acidity of the cross-section of the newly born in the veins up to a month is normal - in the range of 5.0 to 7.0 pH.

The acidity of the sech is moving, as if in the diet of people, they carry meat, rich in proteins. The greater acidity of the section is important for a physical work. Milky-roslinna diet to produce to the point where the cutting becomes weak. The increase in the acidity of the section is indicated by the increase in the acidity of the drain. Decreased acidity of shlunkovogo juice, adding the acidity of the cross section. Changes in the acidity of the section are most likely to change. The acidity of the cross section changes in case of diseases of the body, so the acidity of the cross section is an important diagnostic factor.

Acidity of pikhvi
The normal acidity of the woman’s pihvi is kolivaetsya at 3.8 to 4.4 pH and in the middle it becomes 4.0-4.2 pH. Acidity of pikhvi in ​​case of various illnesses:
  • cytolytic vaginosis: acidity less than 4.0 pH
  • normal microflora: acidity vіd 4.0 to 4.5 pH
  • candidiasis vaginitis: acidity vіd 4.0 to 4.5 pH.
  • trichomonas colpitis: acidity vіd 5.0 to 6.0 pH
  • bacterial vaginosis: acidity more than 4.5 pH
  • atrophic vaginitis: acidity more than 6.0 pH
  • aerobic vaginitis: acidity over 6.5 pH
Lactobacteria (lactobacilli) and, lesser world, other representatives of the normal microflora, are responsible for the support of the acidic medium and the suppression of the growth of mentally pathogenic microorganism. In the treatment of various gynecological diseases, the first plan is to restore the population of lactobacilli and normal acidity.
Publications for health care professionals dealing with acidity problems in the female organs.
  • Murtazina Z.A., Yashchuk G.A., Galimov R.R., Dautova L.A., Tsvetkova A.V. Office diagnostics of bacterial vaginosis by the method of apparatus topographic pH-metry. Russian bulletin of an obstetrician-gynecologist. 2017; 17(4):54-58.

  • Yashchuk O.G., Galimov R.R., Murtazina Z.O. A method for express diagnostics of damage to the biocoenosis of psoriasis by the method of hardware topographic pH-metry. Patent RU 2651037 C1.

  • Gasanova M.K. Modern approach to diagnosis and evaluation of serometers in postmenopausal women. Abstract dis. Candidate of Medical Sciences, 14.00.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology. RMAPO, Moscow, 2008.
acidity of sperm
The normal level of acidity of sperm is found at the boundaries between 7.2 and 8.0 pH. Vidhilennya vіd tsikh znachen itself is not accepted as a pathology. At the same hour, at the same time, with other vigilances, you can tell about the presence of illness. The increase in the pH level of the sperm is observed during the infectious process. Severely puddle reaction of sperm (acidity approximately 9.0-10.0 pH) indicates the pathology of the anterior slough. In case of obstruction of the ducts of both of these bulbs, an acidic reaction of sperm is observed (acidity 6.0-6.8 pH). The accumulation of such sperm is reduced. In the acidic medium, spermatozoa lose friability and bend. As the acidity of our mother tongue becomes less than 6.0 pH, the spermatozoa again lose friability and die.
Acidity of shkiri
The top of the shkiri is covered with water-lipid. acid mantle or Mantle of Marchionina, which is made up of the sum of fat fat and sweat, in yaku dodani organic acids- Dairy, citric and others, digested as a result of biochemical processes that flow into the epidermis. The acidic water-lipid mantle of the skins is the first barrier to protection against micro-organisms. Most of the people have the acidity of the mantle more than 3.5–6.7 pH. The bactericidal power of the shkir, which is supposed to resist microbial invasion, is conditioned by the acid reaction of keratin, its own chemical warehouse fat and sweat, manifested on the surface of the protective water-lipid mantle with a high concentration of water ions. Low molecular weight fatty acids, which go up to the її warehouse, into the first line of glycophospholipids and free fatty acids, may have a bacteriostatic effect, selective for pathogenic microorganisms. The surface of the roof is inhabited by normal symbiotic microflora, which is built up to the base of the sour medium: Staphylococcus epidermidis , Staphylococcus aureus , Propionibacterium acnes and others. The agents of these bacteria themselves generate lactic and other acids, making their contribution to the molding of the acid mantle.

The upper ball of the epidermis (keratin layers) has an acidity due to the pH value of 5.0 to 6.0. For some kind of sickness, the value of acidity changes. For example, with fungal infections, the pH rises to 6, with eczema, up to 6.5, and with viscid vugs, up to 7.

Acidity of other biological habitats of humans
The acidity of the hearts of the middle of the human body normally rises from the acidity of the blood and is in the range of 7.35 to 7.45 pH. The acidity of other biological sources of human beings is normally shown in the tables:

In the photo on the right: buffer sizes pH=1.2 and pH=9.18 for calibration

Roztashovuyutsya mainly in the area of ​​the bottom and body of the drain. The concentration of hydrochloric acid secreted by the obladal cells is the same and up to 160 mmol/l, but the acidity of the schulnkovy juice is seen to vary depending on the change in the number of functional obkladalnye clitin and neutralization of hydrochloric acid by the slunk juice components.

The presence of other acids in the shell of a healthy person is insignificant. Sometimes in the tube - lactic acid, which is the result of the vitality of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacteria, enterococci, lactococci lactis and in), which can be less in the minds of the presence of hydrochloric acid. The presence of lactic acid in the duct speaks of an absolutely decreased acidity of the duct, or else the presence of secretion of hydrochloric acid. Lactic acid is most commonly seen in the ductal cavity in ductal cancer.

For a correct assessment of the organs of the duct-intestinal tract, the value of acidity is due to be measured at the same time in the various passages of the duct or in the various ducts of the stravokhod, the duct and the twelve-fingered intestine. For correct diagnosis of illness, it is important to provide information about the schedule of changes in acidity per hour (pH-grams) and the dynamics of changes in acidity after taking stimulants or drugs.

Products and neutralization of acid in the shell
One of the main functions of the mucosal-intestinal tract is the secretory function, which ensures the production of herbal juices by the mucus cells, which avenges the enzymes and factors, which absorbs their activation. For a normal run-through of the processes of slug etching, it is necessary to rhythmically see hydrochloric acid at the lumen of the slug. The constant secretion of hydrochloric acid protects the mind for proteolytic disease, which is caused by head (otherwise called zymogenic) clitins of the mucosal membrane of the mucosa of the mucosa, pepsin, denaturing the proteins, and preventing the bactericidal effect.

The mucous membrane of the slough is divided into two main zones: a zone that produces hydrochloric acid, and a zone that is seen to be used for neutralization of hydrochloric acid bicarbonate.

The acid-producing zone is located on the level of the anatomical body and the cardiac duct. In this zone, there is a large number of parietal cells (in humans - from 960 to 1,260 million cells, in women - from 690 to 910 million), which influence the production of hydrochloric acid.

The mucus membrane of the slough avenges a large number of endocrine cells, which produce a low level of hormones. 35% of the endocrine clitins of the duct of a healthy person are composed of enterochromaffin-like (ECL-) cells, which secrete histamine, 26% - G-cellins, which secrete gastrin. On the third place for the number - D-cells, which secrete somatostatin. Gastrin, histamine and acetylcholine stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, somatostatin and prostaglandins - galmuyut.

Appendiceous cells of the mucosal membrane of the slough see stale mucus with a puddle reaction. The mucus takes away from the lack of torsion the entire array of shlunk clitins, which stick to the aggressive shulnkovy vmistom. In case of damaged production of suffocative mucus, її ruining or else insufficient quantity of aggressive sloughing, the middle of the stomach is harmfully embedding on the mucus membrane of the sloughing, causing inflammation - gastritis, or leading to the vinification of the folds in the sloughing of the double fingers.

In this rank, slut fold the system To avenge as a factor of aggression, so to factor zahistu Destruction of їхної vzaєmodії і leading to different pathological states, yakі can be called ailments of the slug. The best method that correlates between these factors is rich-channel internal sluice pH-metry (Stupin V.A.).

The value of the acidity of the shell
The maximum acidity, which is observed in the tube is 0.86 pH, which indicates acid production is 160 mmol/l. The minimum acidity of the tube is 8.3 pH, which reflects the acidity of the most abundant HCO 3 - ions. Normal acidity in the lumen of the body of the stomach drain is 1.5–2.0 pH. Acidity on the surface of the epithelial ball, turned into the lumen of the tube 1.5–2.0 pH. The acidity of the depth of the epithelial ball of the tube is close to 7.0 pH. Normal acidity in the antrum is 1.3–7.4 pH.

As a final note: a pH value of 7 indicates a neutral acidity value. At a pH below 7, the medium is acidic, at a pH of more than 7 - a puddle.

More given is a graph of acidity (dobova pH-gram) of the body of a healthy person’s duct (dashed line) and that of an ailing person on a twelve-fingered intestine (buccal line). Moments are marked with arrows with the inscription "Yzha". The graph shows the acid-neutralizing action of the intestine, as well as the increased acidity of the sac in the case of the dilation of the duodenum (Yakovenko O.V.).

In newborns, the acidity in the sluice before the first year of life is between 4.0 and 6.5 pH, which is to say about the presence of free hydrochloric acid, as it is more than for the first year. After the first year of life, the acidity value of the newly born baby is in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 pH (Rimarchuk G.V. and in.).

Acidity at various points of the hose
On the small picture below are the points of the gastroduodenal zone, in which acidity measurements are carried out during gastroduodenoscopic follow-up - endoscopic pH-metry. Shards of gastroscope insertion by a procedure that stimulates acid formation, then the pH values ​​that are measured during endoscopic pH-metry are important by stimulation.

1 - "lake", 2 - sklepinna schlub, 3 - posterior wall of the middle third of the body of the schule, 4 - anterior wall of the middle third of the body of the schlub, 5 - less curvature of the middle third of the antrum, 6 - great curvature of the middle third of the antrum, 7 - anterior wall of the cibulini of the duodenum

Analysis of the value of acidity in patients with the number of structural changes in the mucous membrane of the slough is presented in the table below (Sotnikov V.M. and in.):

point number per baby Point localization Mezhі koliva acidity, od. pH Average valueacidity, od. pH
1 "Lake" 0,9 – 2,2 1.47±0.1
2 Zvedennya sluice 0,9 – 4,6 1.96±0.38
3 Body of the hose, back wall 1,0 – 1,8 1.2±0.1
4 Body of the hose, front wall 0,9 – 1,4 1.1±0.1
5 Antral ridge, small curvature 1,6 – 7,2 4.6±0.4
6 Antralny vіddіl, great curvature 1,3 – 7,4 4.6±0.4
7 Cibulina duodenum, anterior wall
5,6 – 7,9 6.5±0.25
Methods for determining the acidity of the tube
1. The acidity of the slug is determined by the stage of filling the section, for which ion exchange resins of the type "Acidotest", "Gastrotest" and others are used. The accuracy of the method is rather small, and in the remaining hour it may not stop.

2. Fractional probing of the tube. Instead, the slug is examined with a gum tube, and then the acidity of the slug juice is controlled in the laboratory. In the process of dismantling in place of the duct, removing from different zones of the duct, shifting. From the other side, the normal operation of the hose is disrupted in the process of dismantling, and the method is given, approximate results.

3. The most informative and physiological method is the measurement of acidity without a middle in the intestinal tract - internal drainage pH-metry. It allows, for the help of special accessories - acidogastrometers, equipped with pH probes with one or more pH sensors, to control acidity at once in different zones of the mucosal-intestinal tract for a three-hour period. Depending on the type of diagnostic task, they distinguish between: express pH-metry, short-hour pH-metry, additional pH-metry and endoscopic pH-metry.

Estimation of acid-forming and acid-neutralizing tube for equal acidity
For evaluation, I will begin the process of acidification in the tube with a short-hour pH-metry. The tables below indicate the relevant criteria:

I will rate neutralizing function of the hose carry out, calculating the difference between the values ​​of the minimum acidity (which corresponds to the maximum pH value) in the antrum and the maximum acidity (which corresponds to the minimum pH) at the type of schlub:

Increased acidity of the drain. Symptoms
The reason for the ailments of the organs of the herbal tract is an imbalance in the processes of acid production and acid neutralization. Trival hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or lack of acid neutralization, and, as a result, increased acidity in the sac and/or the twelve intestines, thus calling acid-stained disease. In this hour, they can be seen: peptic ulcer of the duodenum and twelfth intestine, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERC), erosive-viral lesions of the duct and twelfth intestine against the background of taking aspirin or non-steroidal antiseptic drugs (NP). increased acidity and others.

In a wild mood, it can be said that for successful therapy of more acid-bearing diseases, it is important that at a pH of more than 4.0, the drain will last no less than 16 years for extraction. More detailed investigations have established that the skin from acid-bearing ailments has its own critical level of acidity, as it can be cut off for at least 16 years for extraction (Isakov V.A.):

acid deposits Acidity rhubarb, necessary for juicing,
pH, not less
Shlunkovo-intestinal bleeding 6
Quad-or-dose therapy due to antibiotic overdose 5
Erozivna GERK 4
Drainage of the mucous membrane of the slough, caused by the intake of non-steroidal antiseptic drugs 4
Functional dyspepsia 3
Supportive therapy for HERC 3

In case of treatment due to increased acidity, antacid antisecretory preparations should be used. With this, antacids are not to blame as preparations for "basic therapy", only as symptomatic or as preparations "for help". The most effective drugs that allow the most three times to neutralize the production of hydrochloric acid in the tube - proton pump inhibitors. However, in some patients, zocrema, for genetic reasons, specific preparations do not give a significant acid-blocking effect and, in order to achieve a therapeutic result, a special selection of antisecretory effects is necessary, which is dependent on additional pH monitoring (Belmer S.V.).

The main symptoms of increased acidity, in fact, are the symptoms of other transferred acid-bearing diseases. For ailment of the stravokhod - ce pechіya, for the lining of the mucus and the twelfth intestine, zocrema, pain, to wear, as a rule, attack-like, more or less - nyuchiy character, sound the middle trivality or trival areas, with localization in the epigastric region, pylorus duodenum to whom, if you want to go bіl, sound to pass, and between the priyomami - zbіshuєtsya. In case of insufficiency of the gatekeeper, the acid drains from the tube into the cibulin of the duodenal intestine, and, for obviousness, the destruction of the mucous membrane in the cibulin, it bleeds from the right hypochondrium. However, only on the basis of the patient's observation about the presence of increased acidity is not possible;

Div is the same: "Diet with gastritis with increased and decreased acidity."

Decreased acidity of the drain. Symptoms
Decreased acidity is associated with anacid or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as with cancer of the duct. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called anacid or gastritis (gastroduodenitis) due to low acidity, so that the acidity at the tip of the tube becomes approximately 5 or more than one. pH. The cause of low acidity is often the atrophy of parietal cells in the mucosal tunic or damage to their functions.

For the presence of any gastroenterological symptoms, decreased acidity is a serious problem. The acid at the hose ensures a bactericidal effect. With a lack of acid, the disease is weaker and the intestines at the same time can ingest micro-organisms without interruption, which destroy their microflora. In people who suffer from anacid gastritis, there is often a disorder of the mucosa, if the mucosa is inflamed. Against this background, various pathologies, diseases of infection often develop, including,

Correct eating that healthy image life helps to save the ideal functioning of the body of old fates. Change the acidity level can:

  • The presence of shkidlivyh beginners: drinking alcoholic drinks, tyutyunopalinnya.
  • Unhealthy eating, living in gostrikh, fat, salted, smoked and lubricated herbs.
  • Moral change, stress.
  • Regular lack of sleep.
  • Acceptance of certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins.

Increased acidity to cause thinning of the mucous membranes, which leads to gastritis and virazu, to the point of intoxication. The decrease in the indicator is seen as an overetched zhzhі, the microflora is destroyed, the brown tongues are soaked.

If you suffer from immunity through lack of disinfection, the body begins to expand shkidlivih bacteria, for example, Helicobacter pylori. The rest of the building viklikati erozіyu, gastritis, virazkovu ailment.

Methods for determining the acidity of the hose

Indicate whether or not the difference is in the norm for the greater or lesser side, for sure, it can be switched off qualifications of a specialist.

As soon as clinical manifestations appeared, you can try to determine the acidity of the drain by folk methods independently without considering a medical pledge:

  1. Indicators - special tests that allow you to indulge in normal indications the larger side is smaller. At home, you can soak up litmus smudges. The presence of a chemical process and a change in color are indicative of pathology:
    1. as the pH is increased, the color changes to red;
    2. with a decrease in acidity, the color of the tube becomes blue.

The acidity of the shell can be independently revealed by the skin. Golovna umova - to turn over to be on a hungry boat, just after waking up.

There are a lot of indicators, which help to improve the power supply: how to recognize the improvement of acidity.

  1. Soda. Bring 1 spoonful of soda to the water with a volume of pivlitra. Khvoriy drank half of the portion. Vidrizhka, yasne vіdrizhka to talk about zbіlshennya display.
  1. Apple juice. After the vials of juice in the pan, instead of acid, they increase, they blame the painful sensations, the stove, the air - it means the equal amount of the increase. At times, there are no signs of a decrease in symptoms.
  1. It seems to be a bug, including sour, which means there is not enough acid.
  2. Cereal porridge vershkov oil. To make porridge, you can take Pshonian for the experiment, adding oil to it, then a stove will appear in a sickly dog ​​when acidity rises.
  1. Ocet. You can come to the store with an apple otset, an obov'yazkova umova - wine can be natural, not refined. In case of guilty symptoms of the stove, drink a sprat of oval otstu, placed in front of warm water. As acidity is increased, people feel relieved.

There are a lot of ways to override the acidity of the sluice in the home minds. Ale, you can accurately determine the norm, maybe even less likar.

Many people ask questions about how to determine the acidity of the stool, if there are symptoms of impaired functioning and disorder of the HCT. The very pokaznik is a guideline for recognizing jubilation.

Shlunkovy sik to avenge hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the body to overdo it and protect it from shkidlivih microorganism. To increase the balance of the disease, or to change the indications, to cause an ignition process in the duct and intestines, which threatens with gastritis, virazkoy, lowered immunity and other problems. You can find rіven both at home and in the laboratory way.

Normal acidity level

When the indicator is damaged, the patient's practicality changes in a blatant self-perception. In medicine, it is accepted to see 2 types of acidity:

  1. Incentives. Vіn indicates the amount of acid, which is seen in the process of robotic dilution and when low preparations are implanted.
  2. Basal. Shows the acidity rate that vibrates when the person is hungry, so the hose is inactive in the hourly range.

Neutral value (pH = 7.0) may be pure water. Cyomu plasma pH = 7.35-7.5. What is more than a water show in shell juice lower the acidity of the patient's drain.

When pH decreases, it is important to take an analysis on the spot. With this, the norm of acidity on the mucous membranes and in the enlightenment of the body does not reach 2 units.

  • In a healthy person, the pH of the juice varies from 1 to 2.
  • If water rhubarb exceeds 4.0, it should indicate a decrease in acidity.
  • In the antral vіddіlі, the norm of the indicator becomes 1.5-7.5. Boundaries - 0.9 and 8.5.


To understand, how to recognize the acidity of the shell independently, look at the process of over-etching.

Main function in over-pickled foodstuffs, there is a slurry sap, which is formed more importantly from hydrochloric acid. An important role is given to enzymes, hormones and speeches, as they help to decompose hedgehog.

Sіk - tse besbarvna consistency with a house of mucus, sometimes with a mother-of-pearl look.

The main component is hydrochloric acid, which has important functions:

  1. Obroblyaє squirrels and splitting ask.
  2. Activate pepsinogen.
  3. I create a sour middle, the work of enzymes without this middle is simply impossible.
  4. Valid for pancreatic secretion.
  5. Helps with antibacterial diuretic juice.

The level of concentration of hydrochloric acid in the tube of a person and indicates the acidity in the tube. Establish norms of indications, differences in resilience, which exclaim discomfort in a person.

Signs of that exaltation of increased acidity of the shell

The determination of the acidity of shlunkovogo juice can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. With help probing.
  2. Zastosovuyuchi acidotest.
  3. Having given blood tests.
  4. Vicorist litmus paper.
  5. Preserving the reaction of the body after the introduction of certain products.


For instrumental obstezhennya, put in a thin probe. The first is needed to assess the activity of secretion and to determine the level of acidity of the organs of etching. Vіn is more informative, at the same time the result does not call sumnіvіv.

A larger tool gives a statement about the amount of over-etching that can be found. For the supper, the patient is guilty of eating rice and buckwheat with additional birthmarks. Through the individual characteristics of the organism of a sick person, one can give a pardon indication.

After the discharge of the sich mikhura, the patient can accept special faces. The collection is carried out in a year after the introduction of the drug, then the ailments drink the dragee. The re-building of the section is scheduled for another 1.5 years.

The following material is compared with the color of the section with a colorimetric scale. The Danish method allows you to detect acidity without gastroscopy, but it can be a great symptom of sickness, which is rarely seen in modern medicine.

In order to find out about acidity from blood analysis, a test for biochemistry, the amount of pepsinogen, sulfuric gastrin, antibodies to Helicobacter pylori, and the presence of excess sechovin nitrogen are carried out.

This method helps to improve the severity of the decrease in acidity in the patient's sac. To speed up the litmus smug, put it on the tongue, start a chemical reaction. Otrymany colors are mixed from a bright obvious palette.

Decreased acidity appears with a bright blue color. About those who showed signs of progress, to celebrate the red marks. The follow-up should be carried out now, at least 5 days later. Test-slugs for which you can get in a pharmacy store.

In order to determine the acidity of the internal medium, it is sufficient to postulate for characteristic marks. With an increase in the allowable norm, the patient should be disturbed:

  • Pechіya, yaku provokuє practically kozhen priyom їzhi.
  • Presence of taste of metal in the empty mouth.
  • I’ll check it, especially in the first whilini after hedgehog.
  • Severe pain in the gap of the drain.
  • Bloating, heaviness and feeling that they press in the abdomen.
  • Porushennya viporozhnen, overimportant constipation.

If the jubilation is not carried out at the same time, then step by step there is a secondary sign that indicates distant development pathological process:

  • Vision of appetite.
  • Permanent discomfort was the same for the expansion valve.
  • Nudity puke.
  • Mova obkladaetsya Zhovtim or Seruvatim Nalyot.
  • The death of the patient's infamous state: weakness, apathy.

Changes at the bіk zbіlshennya pokaznik vіdbuvayutsya at:

  • Nedotrimannya proper eating, the regime will receive їzhi.
  • The presence of shkidlivyh zvichok: chicken, alcohol addiction.
  • Acceptance of deaky likіv trivaly hour. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and hormonal drugs are considered before unsafe preparations.
  • Parts of stress.

Actual symptoms, however, indicate a low level of acidity:

  • Vidrizhka with a pungent smell that guesses rotten eggs.
  • The presence of nudity, the appearance of appetite.
  • Bloated belly with post-yyny mutterings in the middle.
  • Discomfort afterward, heaviness, pain, flatulence.
  • Damaged defecation.

Until the second sign of ailment, if the etching breaks down with a decrease in acidity, you can see:

  • The dryness of the furrows, the appearance of the bumps.
  • Vaga lowering.
  • Brittleness of nails, hair.
  • Appearance of anemia, avitaminosis.
  • Decreased immune forces of the body.
  • Increased stubbornness.
  • Severe decrease in hemoglobin.

Having signified, like the middle of a slug, it is necessary to reveal the reason for the blame for the aggravation, the shards of the wrongly exuberant building help the camp of the ailing. The main cause, which indicates a decrease in acidity, is the presence of pathology of internal organs.

For example, such a camp is used in case of gastritis, virulence, cancer of the mucosa, gastroduodenitis, swelling of the colonies of the colonies of the colon. With this, the work is broken, as if it were taken for the same time as the sight of hydrochloric acid.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori may be detected by laboratory methods in the clinic, as well as to cause a decrease in the indicator. Often the cause of ailments is the damage to the robotic thyroid gland, which leads to the destruction of the exchange of speech.

There are life situations, if you do not always know how to conduct laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of the shunt. For some people, panic is blamed at the word probing that medical follow-up. How to indicate the acidity of the slug in domestic minds, to understand what is being promoted, or reduced, to be included in this article.

Hydrochloric acid, which is seen in the clitinous structure of the walls of the drain, takes part in the primary splitting of the proteins and ensures the safe disinfection of the hives. Excessive vision of acid, or shlunkovogo juice, lead to teasing that viraz the walls of the organ of the herbal system. Use three phases of vision chemical spoluk from client:

  • The primary (cephalic) phase begins its work, as only a person smells that relish. Through the nerve endings that innervate the duct, the cerebellum transmits a secretory signal to the herbal system.
  • The onset phase begins after the hit of the grub mass into the empty slug. The hormone gastrin, which is visible from the walls of the duct, begins to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • The intestinal secretory phase starts the process of eating up to the 12th palate.

The concentration of hydrochloric acid, which is seen by the tube, is always the same and old 160 mmol / l, proteo, acidity, which varies in pH units, varying depending on the functional state of the parietal, to cletin, which secrete hydrochloric acid.

Diagnostic tests for diagnosing the acidity of the duct are prescribed for the diagnosis of the main diseases of the duct system:

  • Barrett's Stravokhod;
  • virazka schlub and twelve-fingered intestines;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • thermal and chemical treatment of the organs of the ShKT;
  • duodenitis;
  • dyspepsia of the duct;
  • chronic gastritis.

In order to understand the acidity of the hose is increased or reduced, there are special diagnostic tests:

  • Fractional probing, if the biochemical tube is smeared with a humic tube, after which the biomaterial breaks down to the laboratory. A short time of such a procedure is the replacement of various empty drains.
  • Gastroscopy is a method of stuffing shell walls with a special barn, which allows you to determine the acidity and change the color of the speech to be introduced.

Such methods for determining the acidity of the slug cannot be called reliably informative, but stinks of stench may give approximate results. Informatively, the acidity of the hose at the same time in different zones can be measured by an electrometric method of diagnostics with the aid of an acidogastrometer.

The optimal indicator of acidity (pH) in the tube after laboratory tests may occur:

  • The minimum norm of acidity may exceed 8.5 pH units.
  • The indicator of the norm of the heart can be in the range of 1.5-2 pH units.
  • The maximum allowable acidity value is 0.86 pH units.

With an increase in optimal indications of acidity, there is a puddle in the middle, and with a decrease in acidity.

Before that, as an indication of the acidity of the tube on your own, listen to your body.

Signals, like giving a head brain, can be evidence of different functional disorders of the herbal system. Signs of low acidity of the stool, as a rule, manifest in the breath to the point of being completely sour.

People more and more often see the predominance of canned food products, wholemeal bread, fresh food additives, spices and so on.

Normal acidity is safe for infection even in the shell, so that a constant process of disinfection occurs, and at times a decrease occurs in the inflammation of the mucous herbal ball. The most pronounced onset of symptoms with a decrease in the acidity of the drain:

  • A breath of rotten eggs and an unacceptable rotten smell from the mouth.
  • Through wandering in the intestines, gas is accumulated, and ailments are stinging on the wind, that constant grumbling in the stomach, which provokes flatulence in a person.
  • The lack of bactericidal and antiseptic protection becomes the cause of damage to the intestinal microflora, and as a result, constipation and diarrhea are blamed.
  • Patients complain about pain in the right subcostal area and liver, which is often blamed.

Incomplete splitting of organic microelements, including protein, creates an increase in the concentration of decay products, which ensures toxicity to the body, which helps with insufficient immune defense.

The resistance of the organism is reduced, which becomes the basis for the development of clinical pathologies of the intestinal tract.

It is not enough to damage the herbal process until the health of a person deteriorates, if there is a deficiency in the assimilation of mineral speech and vitamin components, but it also manifests itself in the outer manifestations.

So, the most common signs are:

  • dryness of the skies;
  • fragility of nails;
  • dry hair;
  • vugrі on tili and so far.

The most striking and characteristic symptom in case of decreased acidity is the presence of excess uncorroded stool in feces.

Decreased and/or zero acidity of the duct may indicate the development or manifestation of various clinical pathologies, for example, gastroduodenitis, antacid gastritis or duct cancer.

In times of suspected signs and symptoms, it is necessary to seek help from a gastroenterologist, which, with diagnostic accuracy, establish the acidity of the saccharum, and that is to indicate how to treat herbal discord.

Normalization of the acidity of the tube is supplemented by replacement therapy and dietary eating. Reinforce healthy microflora in the tube to help Pepsidil® - a drug that is widely used in the treatment of ailments of the herbal system. The active component of the pharmacological mechanism is pepsin, which accelerates the normalization of the absorption of proteins in the body.

Injection of food products on acidity

It is possible to self-determine this ostentation, guarding the reaction of your body to the action:

  • Lemon. Whose fruit people with low acidity can live like a great apple. For those who have a show that is higher than the norm, the lemon is more sour, it is uncomfortable for them to think at one thought about the new one, or look at the new one.
  • Apple juice. Yoga is necessary to carry out in the future, watching for the reaction of the body. The greater discomfort in the abdominal cavity indicates increased acidity. If the patient constantly wants to eat sour, it is better to say that the indicator is lower than the norm.
  • Pshono. With the help of cereals, porridge is prepared and you get used to adding oli. As if in a certain hour the ovens appear, it is a clear sign of the advancement of the showman.
  • Soda. Dilute half a teaspoon in 150 ml of water and drink on an empty tube. Like a wake-up call, it’s not enough to talk about low acidity.

Such methods of identification help patients to recognize the presence of the problem. And in order to carry out a correct examination, it is necessary to confirm the results of testing for the minds of the medical mortgage.


Increased and decreased acidity of the drain is manifested by characteristic signs. Tse i є signal to the body the development of a disease. Significance of acidity of the tube is independently repaired from the development of clinical manifestations.

Lower pH

A decrease in pH is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Vidrizhka with an unacceptable, putrid smell.
  2. Zduttya.
  3. Severe pain, abdominal discomfort.
  4. Carry what is constipated.

To lie down to the second sign:

  1. The skin becomes dry.
  2. Brittleness of nails.
  3. Razdratuvannya that hanging on the skins.
  4. Couperose.
  5. Apathy.
  6. Vaga lowering.
  7. Decreased hemoglobin in plasma.

pH shift

The advancement of norms is a problem, as it leads to serious complications. Through an increase in hydrochloric acid, the intestinal walls are constantly fighting, which is manifested by such symptoms:

  1. Bake after hedgehog.
  2. Prismak zaliza.
  3. Vidrizhka after їzhi.
  4. Bolovі vіdchuttya at the dilyantsі shlunka.
  5. Zduttya.
  6. Problems with defecation.
  7. Bolovі vіdchuttya after zastosuvannya pharmacological preparations.

Increased acidity of the drain is manifested by secondary signs:

  1. Lost appetite.
  2. Baiduzhist to life.
  3. Discomfort.
  4. Nudota is bullshit.
  5. The act of defecation difficulties.

Even if the sick person is not turbulent, more clinically manifest, then the symptoms are on the basis of the normal level. For the appearance of any symptoms, it is necessary to turn to fahіvtsya for the diagnosis of pathology, clarification of nutrition, as well as to normalize the acidity of the sac.

Symptoms of increased acidity

A provocative factor in herbal discord, as a rule, is shkidli for a sluice with increased acidity of the product:

  • different food additives and spices;
  • citrus juices.

How to indicate the increased acidity of the hose? Nasampered, it is necessary to drink a flask of mineral puddle water with a weak smell of soda. If the self-perception improved, and the main symptomatic sign appeared, then you can boldly talk about a clinical problem in the etching system. It is not uncommon for patients to complain of boredom and vomit at one thought about eating food, which exclaims discomfort in the slug.

Trust the solution of your problems to the following professionals. Having determined the cause-and-effect relationship, the gastroenterologist should recognize the necessary complex of therapeutic procedures, which will significantly improve the situation. On the side of the ailing, it’s less than clumsy to take the doctor’s dietary recommendations and take them immediately medical care.

pH shift


In the event of a change to the fahіvtsya of wines, it is necessary to recognize pharmacological problems, which help to restore the balance. Before them one can see:

  1. Ranitidine.
  1. Omeprazole.
  1. Nizatidine.
  1. Activated vugillya and others.

All preparations are considered to be effective, varietal tainted by the most pharmacological method and the company of the drugmaker.

When the level of acidity rises, it is necessary to remove it from broths, gostrikh herbs, blue vegetables, gassing, malt. You can eat potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. And brown porridge with cereals, mineral water, sour.

Diet at low pH transfers the inclusion of fatty, salted, smoked, gostroy їzhi.

To normalize the acidity of the intestinal tract, the sick person will have to take the following recommendations:

  1. Move in the face of a greased їzhi. Cook your own food and eat for a couple of hours at the boiled one.
  1. All the time, frilly detail, relatively rezhovuvat.
  2. It may be warm. Implantation of hot or cold water is not allowed.
  3. Vykoristovuvat the menu of fresh food and eating.
  4. Include marinade, spices.
  5. It is not recommended to lie down for a while, if you happen to take a walk, hvilin 40.

How can you reduce acidity

In order for hydrochloric acid to vibrate at the correct quantity, it is necessary to normalize eating and start taking preparations to reduce the indicator. The diet includes fatty, oily, salty, sour and spicy. Soda, kava, mint tea, citrus fruits, chocolate, confectionery and healthy drinks.

Vzhivannya їzhi due to guilt are carried out at least 6 times a day, sometimes. Evening snacks are hard on the body. When preparing їzhi, we rely on the steam, we cook and stew products. The temperature can still be optimally warm. On the back of the patient, it is recommended to re-grind thoroughly, and re-chew it in good time.

Meat in the diet is more important to introduce low-fat varieties, rabbit, cock, turkey. Porridge is better cooked on milk, with which rice, buckwheat, vine, semolina are suitable. From sour milk you can syr, kefir, ale cі products of wine buti with low fat content. The bread comes up fine. Look at the loaf better. Eggs need to be cooked uncooked.

W folk methods The most effective is the fresh syro potato. Yogo needs to be taken in 50-100 ml for 20-30 quills before the trip. In order for the patient to become more beautiful, the course of healing can take at least one month.

Medical treatment turn on reception:

  • Antacids, to that stench is created by the mind for the neutralization of hydrochloric acid. The most popular are Maalox, Geviscon and Almagel.
  • Antisecretory drugs, such as Gastrozol, Omeprazole, Omez.
  • Proton pump inhibitors (Tse Nolpaza, Pantoprazole).

With virazkovy ailments, De-Nol, Bismofalk.

People's interests

  1. Herbs. Give a positive effect of tincture, vodvari, drops, for example, cakes and Pauline.
  2. It is necessary for a grain on a hungry slug to get a little bit of honey.
  3. The stove is treated with soda, dissolved in warm water.
  4. The egg shell is trimmed, ground into powder, taken internally, in a course of a few days. After the therapy comes relief, the attacks get used up.
  5. Potato helps not only restore the balance of acidity, but also change the ignition reactions on the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract. For cooking, you need to take 6 pieces of medium-sized potatoes, grate on a grater and sik. Take half of the juice on a hungry slug, that's it. Why is it recommended to lie down for 20-40 minutes. The course of therapy becomes 7-8 days.
  6. Carrot juice helps fight acidity, preparing similarly to a potato recipe.
  7. The last crop of abo lion helps to restore the functioning of the intestinal tract. Їх accept a few times a day, obov'yazkovo course.

The specialist recognizes the therapy regimen for complete treatment. To give recommendations: the acidity of the schlub, as it is indicative of at home minds for the detection of pathology at the cob stage of development.

Methods for increasing acidity

If the analysis shows a decrease in the indicator, it is necessary to take an enzyme preparation and HCl. Natural shlunkovy sik of a creature's adventure drink pіd hour zhі 1 tbsp. spoons 3 here a day. In order to start the process of seeing the living, the doctors prescribe the tincture of Polina at 20 drops per five years to the day.

Yak fermenti take Oraz, Festal, Creon, Pangrol, Mezim. It is recommended to drink vitamin complexes, for example Calcemin, to restore the balance of brown speech.

The menu should include fermented milk products, ginger root and ozhu, to avenge vitamin C. To replenish zinc, you should add fresh melon, legumes, potatoes, siri, bread, cereals.

Riven acidity can be determined independently or in a polyclinic by going to a gastroenterologist. It’s even more important to work at the same time, to the fact that for the body, however, it’s shkidly like an advancement, so it’s a lower indicator. When the figure is higher than the norm, there is a mucosal injury, which can lead to a virazka.

If the rіven is low, you will be afraid of a weakened immune system, an increase in the risk of infection. Krіm tsgogo, the process of overdosing is broken, the body does not take the necessary vitamins. Samy shortest way signification of acidity - sounding.


To prevent the pathology of the mucosal-intestinal tract, it is necessary for the sick person to follow a number of rules and recommendations of the doctor:

  1. Eat right, the menu can be balanced, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Get some products with cellular tissue instead.
  3. It is necessary to eat in small portions;
  4. Look at the shkіdlivih zvichok.
  5. Go through a medical checkup for preventive purposes.
  6. Unique psycho-emotional shocks.
  7. Carry out your own medical therapy for any pathologies.

As if blaming a sick person for food, you need to turn to doctors to clarify a possible way of living that food.

In domestic minds, it is possible to indicate instead of acidity in the tube only with a recommended method. All information is no more intellectual and bears witness to the significance of recovery. Reliable results can only be taken in a medical setting under the control of a physician. For the purpose of the scheme of therapy, correction of health, I have to seek help from a specialist.

Do you often ask if you are sick, why is your acidity increased? This is the second problem of the herbal tract leading to an aggravation. To get rid of problems, eat properly and carry out curative prophylaxis.

Accumulation of acid in shell juice in humans is called shell acidity. To determine the level of acidity, the need to increase the MCT, the dynamics of changes in the pH scale at different periods during the introduction of medications. To change the amount of acid, improper eating, snacking “on the go”, addictive diets, poisoning with alcohol drinks, smoking, becoming stressful, taking medicinal preparations - everything is harmful to the body of a person and, especially, to the process of poisoning, but melt. pathology of the herbal tract

The acid balance of the drain for the skin person is individual, even though it may fluctuate at the established boundaries of the norm.


The minimum acidity rate is 8.3 units. pH, normal in the body of the drain (empty) - at the margins of 1.5-2.0 units, in the antrum the norm is 1.3-7.4 units, and in the epithelial tissue - 7.0, the maximum indicator is 0 .86. For an acidic medium, the neutral coefficient is 7.0 (at normal). With an increase in the indicator, the middle is a puddle, with a decrease - sour.


Main functions:

  • easier layout of whites;
  • adjusting the acidic medium for enzymes in the shell juice;
  • secure antibacterial power.

The way of life, in the presence of small sounds, negatively affects the vibration and neutralization of hydrochloric acid, which leads to acid-bearing pathologies.

Virobnitstvo and neutralization of hydrochloric acid

Perebuvayuschie at the top and middle parts of the duct, parietal or surrounding cells vibrate hydrochloric acid. The strength can become 160 mmol / l. The amount of clitin and the quality of the synthesis of other storage slug juice should be added to the pistil acidity and symptoms. Qi indicators indicate the amount of acid.

Antrum is the lower end of the duct, which is responsible for the production of mucus. Vaughn acts like a zahisnym ball, which protects the walls from roses with acid. In addition, bicarbonates are vibrated there, which neutralize the acid, the antrum - the last one left at the stage of being swallowed into the intestines, de sour the middle can be but daily.

Yaka bova?

To make a diagnosis, it is important to analyze the zones of the schism:

  • "Lake" - pH range 0.9-2.2 (average value 1.46-1.48);
  • sklepinnya - 0.9-4.6 pH (1.58-2.34);
  • back wall body - 1.0-1.8 (1.1-1.3);
  • anterior wall of the body - 0.9-1.4 (1.0-1.2);
  • antrum curvature - 1.3-7.4 (4.2-5.0).


Vikoristovuyut 2 options: aspiration or internal sluice pH-metry. Vnutrishnyoshlunkova pH-metry - schob z'yasuvati, as a func- tional tube, or normally the middle, carry out the obstezhennia of the mucosa, as a curve of the tube for the help of an acidogastrometer (special probe). For the results of the visnovka, slacken the visnovka. Aspiration method - for follow-up, take instead of SHKT. However, this method gives an inaccurate result.

Estimation of acidification

To determine the level of synthesizing acid and vicarious, short-hour pH-metry is used. Win 2 shows:

  • basal acidity - indicating the amount of acid in the stomach;
  • stimulated acidity - calculated after the vibration of the shlunk juice.

Assessment of acid neutralization

p align="justify"> An important indicator of the diagnosis of the amount of acid in humans is the level of neutralization. The difference between the minimum and maximum amount of acid indicates the degree of acid neutralization.

Signs of impaired acidity of the sac in humans

High acidity - too much hydrochloric acid. Vaughn negatively strikes the shell, ruining the shell of the walls. With high acidity, a person can fall ill with gastritis, very often. Symptoms:

  • painfully visibly between food;
  • oven;
  • windmill;
  • constipation;
  • buvaє mova іz sіrim nalyotom.

Low level of acidity - the work of the clitin slug is incorrect, which contributes to the development of infectious processes. Symptoms:

  • smell from the mouth;
  • stupid bіl poslya їdi;
  • disorder and constipation;
  • strong spasms;
  • problem skin;
  • bloating;
  • vtrata vaga;
  • weakness of the body.

Jubilation with rising acidity

With hyperacidity of the mucosal-intestinal tract, there is an increase in risk and the possibility of contagion with viraz and gastritis. High acidity helps to reduce diet. Kindly live in your diet with linseed, sour, and white plastics. Korisno drink a pool of mineral water. Obov'yazkovo їsti riba, dietary meat, cereals, eggs, dairy products, sour fruits. Forget about the vzhivannya alcohol, gostroi lubricated їzhi. Vіdmіnniy zasobom є kavun. Vin reduces indications and cleanses the body.

When people get sick, it is necessary to make a diet and for a stretch of seven days to live in light dietary soups, viscous porridge, dried bread, a small amount of meat and potatoes, licorice compote and tea.

To take away the acidity for a short hour, you can drink some milk. Ale, in this way, it is not possible to koristuvatisya often, shards can be folded. You see relief when the oven attacks, as if by stretching the doby you will stop getting used to a firm hedge. You can take it off by applying a hot compress to your stomach. The effect will be strengthened, like adding 10 drops of olive lavender or chamomile to a small plate. With mild symptoms, it is allowed to have a light massage of the abdomen with the help of the most lucid oils.

Add to your diet ogirki, beetroot and seler. The stench visibly neutralizes the unacceptable sight and reduces the etching.

Problems from the herbal process kindly rejoice at the help of herbs. If you attack the stove alone, then brew them and drink like warm tea. If attack may have a systematic character, then the herbs should be taken from those who look the strongest zasobіv - infusions.

Chamomile can be relaxing and anti-depressant, helping to normalize the STD. If the symptomatology is connected with the supra-worldly fattening or stress, then in such a state chamomile gives a miraculous result.

Lemon mint helps to overcome the problem, especially as it is associated with nervous tension. Meadowsweet v'yazolista helps to relieve inflammation of the tubes, helping to reduce acidity. Ale sled zvernuti respect, scho as a high sensitivity to the components, but also in the case of її zastosuvannya.

V'yaz іrzhaviy is also miraculously dіє on razdratovaniya shlunok, pom'yakshuє that znіmaє nіmaє vodchuttya uncomfortable through the oven. Zasіb slid take at sight tablets or 1 tsp. dilute the powder in warm water in front of the hedgehog.

Diet with reduced acidity:

  • the drink is the same wine, but only warm;
  • їzhte often, trochs, do not allow trivial intervals in the hour between meals;
  • reduce to a minimum the introduction of hot and fatty meats, turn on cowbass and smoked meats;
  • turn off milk, whiteberry, apricots, grapes, prunes - these are the products, like calling for wandering;
  • korisim to the work of the slug will be the introduction of sour fruit, vegetable juices;
  • make yourself drunk every day drinking mineral water;
  • in your heart, drink medicinal herbs, such as herbs, chamomile, licorice.

In such a rank, the slug is a folding system, to avenge it like a factor of aggression, so it is a factor of defense. Destruction of їхної interdependence and leading to different pathological states, yakі can be called ailments of the slug. By the best method, which determines the blue between the factors, it is rich-channel ().

The value of the acidity of the shell

The maximum theoretically possible for the shell is 0.86 pH, which results in acid production of 160 mmol/l. The minimum theoretically possible acidity in the well is 8.3 pH, which reflects the acidity of the largest range of HCO3- ions. Normal acidity at the opening of the body of the drain is 1.5-2.0 pH. Acidity on the surface of the epithelial ball, turned into the lumen of the tube 1.5-2.0 pH. The acidity of the depth of the epithelial ball of the tube is close to 7.0 pH. The normal acidity of the antrum is 1.3-7.4 pH.

To finalize the value of pH = 7, it must be neutral. At a pH below 7, the medium is acidic, at a pH of more than 7 - a puddle.

More given is a graph of acidity () of the body of a healthy person (dotted line) and a sick person (sucrose line). Moments are marked with arrows with the inscription "Yzha". The graph shows the acid-neutralization of the intestines, as well as the increased acidity of the schlub when the duodenum is enlarged ().

In newborns, the acidity of the sluice until the first year is 4.0 to 6.5 pH, which is to say about the day, as it appears less during the first year. After the first year of life, the acidity value of the newly born baby is in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 pH (Rimarchuk G.V. and in.).

Acidity at various points of the hose

In the small picture below, the points of the gastroduodenal zone are shown, in which acidity measurements are carried out during gastroduodenoscopic follow-up. Shards of gastroscope insertion by a procedure that stimulates acid formation, then the pH values ​​that are measured during endoscopic pH-metry are important by stimulation.

1 - "lake", 2 - sklepinnya schlub, 3 - posterior wall of the middle third of the body of the schlub, 4 - anterior wall of the middle third of the body of the schlub, 5 - small curvature of the middle third of the antrum, 6 - great curvature of the middle third of the antrum, 7 - anterior wall of the cibulini of the duodenum

Rozkid kolivani the value of acidity in patients from the daily structural changes in the mucous membrane of the slough are presented in the tables below ():

point number per baby Point localization Mezhі koliva acidity, od. pH Average valueacidity, od. pH
1 "Lake" 0,9 - 2,2 1.47±0.1
2 Zvedennya sluice 0,9 - 4,6 1.96±0.38
3 Body of the hose, back wall 1,0 - 1,8 1.2±0.1
4 Body of the hose, front wall 0,9 - 1,4 1.1±0.1
5 Antral ridge, small curvature 1,6 - 7,2 4.6±0.4
6 Antralny vіddіl, great curvature 1,3 - 7,4 4.6±0.4
7 Cibulina duodenum, anterior wall 5,6 - 7,9 6.5±0.25
Methods for determining the acidity of the tube

1. The acidity of the slug is determined by the stage of filling the section, for which ion exchange resins of the type "Acidotest", "Gastrotest" and others are used. The accuracy of the method is rather small, and in the remaining hour it may not stop.

2. Fractional probing of the tube. Instead, the slug is examined with a gum tube, and then the acidity of the slug juice is controlled in the laboratory. In the process of dismantling in place of the duct, removing from different zones of the duct, shifting. From the other side, the normal operation of the hose is disrupted in the process of dismantling, and the method is given, approximate results.

3. The most informative and physiological method - vimiryuvannya acidity without intermediary in the intestinal tract -. Allows, for the help of special devices, equipped with one or more pH sensors, to control acidity at once in different areas of the intestinal tract for a three-hour period. Depending on the type of diagnostic task, they distinguish between: , i .

Estimation of acid-forming and acid-neutralizing tube for equal acidity

For evaluation, I will begin the process of acidification at the valve of vicorism. The tables below indicate the relevant criteria:

I will rate neutralizing function of the hose carry out, calculating the difference between the values ​​of the minimum acidity (which corresponds to the maximum pH value) in the antrum and the maximum acidity (which corresponds to the minimum pH) at the type of schlub:

Increased acidity of the drain. Symptoms

The reason for the ailments of the organs of the herbal tract is an imbalance in the processes of acid production and acid neutralization. Trival hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid or lack of acid neutralization, and, as a result, increased acidity in the sac and/or the twelve colonies, thus calling it acid-stable disease. In this hour, they can be seen: peptic, erosive-virazkovy lesion of the duodenal duct and duodenal intestine against the background of taking aspirin or (NPZP), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastritis and increased acidity and others.

In a wild mood, it can be said that for successful therapy of more acid-bearing diseases, it is important that at a pH of more than 4.0, the drain will last no less than 16 years for extraction. More detailed investigations have established that the skin from acid-bearing ailments has its own critical level of acidity, as it can be cut off by a stretch of at least 16 years in the extraction ():

acid deposits Acidity rhubarb, necessary for juicing,
pH, not less
Shlunkovo-intestinal bleeding 6
Quad-or-dose therapy due to antibiotic overdose 5
Erozivna GERK 4
Drainage of the mucous membrane of the slough, caused by the intake of non-steroidal antiseptic drugs 4
Functional dyspepsia 3
Supportive therapy for HERC 3

In case of treatment due to increased acidity, either antisecretory preparations should be used. With this, antacids are not to blame as preparations for "basic therapy", only as symptomatic or as preparations "for help". The most effective lacquers that allow the most three times to neutralize the production of hydrochloric acid in the tube. However, in some patients, zocrema, for genetic reasons, specific preparations do not give an overriding acid-blocking effect and to achieve a therapeutic result, the necessary special selection of antisecretory benefits, which should be taken for help ().

The main symptoms of increased acidity, in fact, are the symptoms of other transferred acid-bearing diseases. For contagion of the stravokhod - tse, for the stool and twelfth intestine, zocrema, pain, which, as a rule, have an attack-like, rіzhuchy character, sound like an average trivality or trivality, with localization in the epigastric, pyloroduodenal and pulmonary areas, or bіl sound to pass, and mіzh priyomami - zbіshuєtsya. In case of insufficiency of the gatekeeper, the acid drains from the tube into the cibulin of the duodenal intestine, and, for obviousness, the destruction of the mucous membrane in the cibulin, it bleeds from the right hypochondrium. However, only on the basis of the patient's observation of the presence of increased acidity is not possible, for the establishment of a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to confirm the tongue.

Decreased acidity of the drain. Symptoms

Decreased acidity is associated with anacid or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as with cancer of the duct. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called anacid or gastritis (gastroduodenitis) due to low acidity, so that the acidity at the tip of the tube becomes approximately 5 or more than one. pH. The cause of low acidity is often the atrophy of parietal cells in the mucosal tunic or damage to their functions.

For the presence of any gastroenterological symptoms, decreased acidity is a serious problem. The acid at the hose ensures a bactericidal effect. With a lack of acid, the disease is weaker and the intestines at the same time can ingest micro-organisms without interruption, which destroy their microflora. In people who suffer from anacid gastritis, there is often a disorder of the mucosa, if the mucosa is inflamed. Against this background, various pathologies, diseases of infection often develop, including, ()

With a decrease in acidity, other proteolytic enzymes are not activated, being depleted of . As a result, there is no over-etching of proteins in the slug, and fermentation processes begin, which manifest as flatulence, flatulence, pain, which calls out to the supra-world gas in the intestines. Proteins will get into a complete obsyazy, depriving themselves of the decay products at the sleeve, putting a toxic influx on the body. Accumulation of these together with other metabolic pathways reduces the risk of the immune system and the causative effect of oncological diseases.

Decreased acidity negatively affects the motility of the mucosa and intestines, which can manifest itself in constipation, which is not normalized by the regimen of eating and, often, putrid smell from the mouth.

Thus, the symptoms of gastritis or gastroduodenitis with low acidity can be flatulence, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, constipation, putrid smell. However, it is only possible to accurately establish the type of acidity with the help of internal sluice pH-metry ().

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