It is practical to work in the form of tests on those that such a suspension and suspension is a foldable system. Problematic power supply to the block "Suspіlstvo". Suspіlstvoznavstvo. ЄDI–2011 Vіrnі sudzhennya pro suspіlstvo ta yoga іnstituti

1. Suspіlstvo, in a broad sense, is called

1) all inhabitants of the state

2) a group of people who have united for collective activity

3)navkolishniy svit in general

4) all ways of interaction between people and the form of their association

2. Messed up, tied up with the increasing number of cars, with the butt of mutual communication

1) blessings of that nature

2) techniques and technologies

3) civilization and culture

4) ecology and morality

3. What are the truths of the judgment about the vision of the soul of nature?

A. Nature is one of the subsystems of the soul.

B. Suspіlstvo zmushene kompensuvat obmezhenіst prirodіnіh resurіvіv.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

4. What do you think about the suspense as a system?

A. All spheres of suspіlnogo zhittya skhilnі to zmin.

B. Suspіlstvo є static system.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

5. What are the ways of miring how the spheres of life are mutually connected?


B. Financing the patronage of the museum's activity as a butt linking the economic and spiritual spheres of society.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

6. Which of the examples illustrates the interplay of nature and suspense?

1) see people in the process of material manufacturing

2) pіdsіchno-vogneve arable farming of similar words

3) preaching activity of religious organizations

4) ethnographic research

7. Water-cremated in nature, but a part of the material world is closely connected with it, as it includes the ways of interaction between people and the form of their association, is called

1) people

2) culture

3) suspense

4) power

8. Sustainability dynamism as a system vibrates into

1) manifest connection with the natural medium

2) collection of institutions and subsystems

3) building up to progress

4) presence of suspіlnyh vіdnosin

9. What do you say about suspіlstvo?


B. Suspіlstvo u sensі - tse whole for a superfluous person world.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

10. Which of the examples illustrates the infusion of nature into the soul?

1) subdivision of feudal fragmentation

2) changing the date of the celebration of New Rock

3) the death of Pompeii through the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius

4) activity of the state in the collection of taxes

11. Until such a sphere of suspіlnogo life lies the activity of Internet sites many colleagues, know, classmates?

1) economical

2) social

3) political

4) spiritual

12. Which of the following characterizes the suspension as a dynamic system?

1) presence of suspіlnyh vіdnosin

2) pіdtrimka vyazku z nature

3) presence of social institutions

4) self-organization and self-development

13. Which of the examples illustrates the infusion of suspense into nature?

1) racial discrimination

2) international scientific research into distant galaxies

3) mass conduction of chips for young children

4) the development of laws about the protection of familiar species of creatures

14. Which of the examples illustrates the interplay of nature and suspense?

1) defeat by Yaroslav the Mudrym of the liver under Kiev

2) molding the caste system in Ancient India

3) life of irrigation disputes in Ancient China

4) Ivan IV saw the new Sudebnik in 1550

15. What do you say about suspіlstvo?

A. Social institutions lie before subsystems and elements of support.

B. Not all the elements of a suspenseful life are stable to change.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

16. What is the sphere of the supremacy of religion, science, enlightenment?

1) economical

2) social

3) political

4) spiritual

17. To know what is understandable, as it is important for the decision to understand the series presented below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

18. Write down the word missing from the diagram.

19. Set the position between the butts and subsystems (spheres) of the suspension: to the skin position, given in the first column, select the position from the other column.

A) organization of pre-Svyatkovo trade

B) holding a referendum on the approval of the President

C) Praise for the law on public organizations

D) writing suitable for a novel

D) the production of mass-market goods

E) scientific research


1) economical

2) political

3) spiritual

20. Find out from the listed list the provisions, which can be used to understand the concept of “suspіlstvo”. Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) the collection of all peoples that inhabit our planet

2) a group of people who have united for joint activity and cooperation

3) the results of the materially transforming activity of people

4) the singing stage of the historical act of people

5) all the material light of the whole

6) old stereotypes of human behavior

21. Write down the word missing from the table.

22. Write down the word missing from the table.

23. Write down the word missing from the scheme:

24. Write down the word missing from the scheme.

25. Write down the word missing from the scheme.

26. To know what is understandable, as it is important for deciding to understand the series presented below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

27. Choose an understanding, as it is important for others to understand the row below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

28. Find a term that is relevant for all other terms in the row below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

29. Below are low terms. Usi stinks, krim two, characterize the social dynamics. Find two terms that “fall off” from the chain of letters, and write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

30. Below are low terms. Usi stink, krim dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyazanі z ponyattyam "globalizatsіya". Find two terms that “fall off” from the chain of letters, and write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

31. Below is a list of terms. Usi stink, krim dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyazanі z ponyattyam "globalizatsіya". Find two terms that “fall out” from the common row.

32. Below is a list of terms. Ushі stink, krіm dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyattyam "progress". Find two terms that “fall out” from the common row

1) social reform; 2) modernization; 3) stagnation; 4) the growth of the trivality of life; 5) fall equal to the light; 6) growth equal to the well-being of the population.

33. Find out from the list below the suspіlnі yavishcha. Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) the dominion of the state

2) genetic weakness to the point of getting sick

3) show recession

4) national molding

5) sensitivity to light

6) development of the market

34. Find out from the list of drawings of the Suspension, as a dynamic system, and write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) water fortification in nature

2) interdependence of subsystems and community institutions

3) building up to self-organization and self-development

4) vision from the material world

5) permanent changes

6) possibility of degradation of other elements

35. Find out from the list the characteristics of the suspension as a dynamic system and write down the numbers that indicate the stink.

36. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the suspension and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Suspіlstvo є part of nature.

2) Nature is the one who determines the development of the suspіlstva.

3) The current supremacy of power in the camp of Budov.

4) The succession of all the peoples that inhabit our planet is suspility.

5) Suspіlstvo can be called a song stage of the historical act of people.

37. Choose the right thoughts about social institutions and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as historically formed, stable forms of organization of joint applied activity of people.

2) Oskіlki suspіlstvo є dynamic system, odnі social institutions can know, іnshі - z'yavlyatsya.

3) Social institutions are the main stages of the historical course of people.

4) Social institutions - chain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people, as if united for joint activity and cooperation.

38. Set the position between butts by showing the characteristics of global problems: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the position of the other column.

39. Choose the right metrics for the process of globalization and write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) The concept of "globalization" means the process of all-world economic, political and cultural integration and unification.

2) Globalization is accompanied by an increase in the level of life in all regions of the world, without intermediary learning to this process.

3) The most important conductors of globalization are transnational corporations.

4) The process of globalization is accompanied by the weakening of ethnic, religious and cultural losses in most regions of the world.

5) One of the manifestations of globalization is Westernization.

40. Read the guidance below the text, who missed a low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space.

“People live in ________ (A), that її vchinka zumovlenі becoming, development among the human team. It is impossible to live among people without joining the singing ________ (B) with the lonely. In the minds of today's Russia and new suspіlnyh vіdnosin, which develop in nіy, market ________(B) and competitive struggle, the role of the comprehended orientation of people in the navkolishnym middle is growing significantly. Without understanding what is going on right now, it is impossible to correctly orient yourself in life, enjoy normal mutual relations with other people and supportive _______ (D). I do not appreciate the help of social psychology. Social psychology shows ________ (D) psychological phenomena that are blamed for the social interaction of people. The role of ________(E), as far as social psychology is concerned, grew significantly at the same time.”

41. Choose from the list of words that should be inserted in the space of the gaps.

“Characteristics of the suspіlstva yak (1) transferring the development of this internal structure. Її the main elements of є (2) supple life and social institutions. Viriznyayut economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. All the stench peresbuvayut at a close mutual connection, the shards support the necessary (3) suspense. (4) important social tasks are vitiating in the skin of the spheres. The stench will ensure the viability and distribution of various species (5), as well as the management of sleeping (6) people.

1) integrity

2) system

3) suspense

4) social benefits

6) curiosity

7) culture

8) social institutions

9) activity

The image of the revolution

The biggest extension of the image of the revolution ... there are a few of the main warehouses: violence, novelty and the outrageousness of change. Tsі signs zastosovyvaetsya equal peace to the revolutionary process, to the yogo causes and consequences.

The revolution is characterized as the most intensive, violent and recognition of the process of the current social changes. She has a borderline expression of free will and deep feelings, showing non-abyakie organizational strengths and a high ideology of social protest.

It is accepted that fundamental social anomalies melt with the rethinking of revolutions, or screaming injustice, fight between the elites and the greatest social officials, rise to the class struggle, lure to the social revolution of the great organized groups.

The results of the revolution seem to be richly sided. First, tse rapist's change of the essential political regime... In a different way, the replacement of the ungrateful ruling elite by the ruling class by others.

Thirdly, far-reaching changes in the current institutional spheres, which are ahead of the economy and class resources, are changes directed towards the modernization of more aspects of social life, economic development and industry, and central participation in the field of expansion. Fourthly, a radical revival is imminent ... I respect, in a way, that the revolutions will not be less institutional and organizational transformation, but that they will bring changes to the morality of that vihovannia.

44. What are the signs of revolution? How can one save them before the reform? Illustrate your remaining vysnovok with a butt.

46. ​​What sense do the modern scientists put into the concept of "globalization"? Gaining knowledge of the sustainable knowledge of the course, put together two propositions: one proposition, which seeks to avenge information about the manifestation of globalization in the political sphere, and one proposition, which reveals the process of globalization in the economic sphere.

47. What sense do social scientists put in the understanding of "criteria of social progress"? Gaining knowledge of the success rate, put together two propositions to get information about the criteria for progress progress.

48. What is important is that a social institution is a form of organization of people that has historically evolved on the basis of a set of norms and statuses, as it regulates activity and satisfies fundamental human needs. What is the coverage of the social institute? Confirm your opinion with three arguments

49. For the help of three examples, illustrate the interrelationships of the global problems of the present.

50. To show on three butts the embossed link of the spirit of nature.

51. Name and illustrate with butts three positive consequences of the process of globalization.

52. In the course of the parliamentary debates, it was seen that there was a food for the expansion of approaches, directing to the fringing of monopoly in the economy, stimulating the competition of manufacturers. Nazvіt sphere suspіlstva, zv'yazok z ekonomіkoyu іlustruєtsya tsim butt. Include good examples that illustrate the link between the economy and the other two spheres of life

53. You have been instructed to prepare an open speech on the topic “Social institutions”. Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

54. You have been entrusted with the preparation of an open speech on the topic "Suspіlstvo as a system." Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

55. You are guilty of preparing an open speech on the topic "Global problems of modernity." Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

56. Choose one of the lower words, open it up, figuring out the problem posed by the author (the topic is locked); formulate your position to the position taken by the author; ground the target.

Social psychology: "A person is unacceptable posture of supplication" (L. Tolstoy)

Philosophy: "Revolution is a barbaric form of progress." (J. Jaures)

TEST #1. 9 CLASS. Blok Lyudina and Suspіlstvo. Systemic pidhіd to suspіlnyh yavisch.

1. Find out from the list below the suspension as a dynamic system and write down the numbers, according to which stinks are indicated.

1) water fortification in nature

2) the presence of smart subsystems to change

3) water-silicon elements

4) self-organization and self-development

5) the appearance of new elements and links

6) rich aspect and wholeness

ID: 2456

2. Set the difference between the spheres of life of suspension and guiding characteristics: to the skin position, given in the first column, to choose the appropriate position from the other column.

ID: 12221

3. Find out from the above list, apply the uninterrupted injection of the economy into the social sphere of life.

1) adoption of state lighting standards

2) salary delay in connection with the bankruptcy of the enterprise

3) enforcement of censorship on the state TV channel

4) sovereign guarantee of bank deposits

5) life as a plant for workers

6) creation of new working areas

4. Write down the word missing from the table.

Social institutions and their functions

Suggestion: power

5.Choose the correct mirkuvannya about social institutions and write down the numbers, according to which they are indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as a historically formed staunch form of organization of joint applied activity of people.

2) Oskіlki suspіlstvo є dynamic system, odnі social institutions can know, and іnshі — z'yavlyatsya.

3) Social institutions are the main stages of the historical course of people.

4) Social institutions - chain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people, as if united for joint activity and cooperation.

6. Set the position between the components of the suspension and butts: to the skin position, given in the first column, take the position from the other column.

ID: 12121

7. Name three signs of a social institution and explain the skin of them in a specific application.

The correct type may have the following signs:

The presence of the role system - the main roles are assigned (for example, they have the roles of a person and a team, fathers and children, older and younger members of a family, too);

presence of the totality of institutions (for example, the institute of education includes a number of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, universities, the ministry of education);

The presence of regulatory rules (for example, the power may have adopted the basic law of the country - the Constitution, but it is possible to accept other normative acts that regulate the activities of the bodies of power that іn.);

The presence of important functions (for example, the function of science is the accumulation and systematization of objective knowledge about action).

8. At the knowledge of the soul, at the sight of the knowledge of nature

1) there are no hypotheses

2) the role of valuable attitudes of the knower is significant

3) the modeling method is not victorious

4) truth may be visible character

5) object and subject know

6) clearly show objective laws

9. Read the guidance below the text, who missed the low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space.

“The concept of “suspіlstvo” is richer in meaning. Often, social _______ (A) is understood under the suspіlstvo, united by the main _______ (B) її members, for example, the nobility sspіlstvo, or the splnіst _______ (C). Sociologists call the society dynamic _______ (G), supporting the links between the various components of the social life and their changes in the course of the historical development. Tsі zmіni can change the mother's step-by-step character, or they can grumble in the course of _______ (D) or start the reforms. Reform, ring out, change like one bik of life for saving the foundations of the essential _______ (E). Virishyuyuchi really іsnuyuchi suspіlstvі protirіchchya, reform pave the way for the new.

The words near the list are given to the native leader. A skin word can be used only once.

Choose sequentially one word after the other, thoughts zapovnyuyuchi skin transfer. Give respect to those who are higher on the list, you will need to complete the transfers.

List of terms:

1) system

2) structure

4) revolution

5) interest

6) progress

7) social status

10. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the suspension and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Suspіlstvo є part of nature.

2) Nature is the one who determines the development of the suspіlstva.

3) The current supremacy of power in the camp of Budov.

4) The succession of all the peoples that inhabit our planet is suspility.

5) Suspіlstvo can be called a song stage of the historical act of people.

11. To establish a position between the spheres of life of prosperity and social institutions: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the position from the other column.

ID: 21122

12. Choose the right thoughts about spiritual culture and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Spiritual culture is one of the spheres of activity in society.

2) Spiritual culture includes learning activities and results.

3) The objects of spiritual culture are ideology, morality, artistic creativity.

4) Spiritual culture - the price of a piece of the middle.

5) Spiritual culture includes material and spiritual values ​​created by people.

13.Choose the correct judgment about the welfare of that social institution and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) For the highest significance, the supremacy is the most important material world.

2) In a wide meaning, under the wisdom, all the people, the marriage of all the peoples of that country, are understood.

3) The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their water-reinforcement in nature.

4) Social institutions have been linked to the objective need to regulate various suspensory blues.

5) Education as a social institution along with other social institutions reveals the organizational structure and social norms.

ID: 245.

14. What sense do social scientists put into the understanding of the “social institution”? Gaining knowledge of the social sciences course, put together two propositions: one proposition, which will cover information about social institutions in the economic sphere, and one proposition, which will reveal the function of social institutions.

Correct opinion may revenge foot elements:

1) sense of understanding, for example: Social institution is a form of organization of social activity, which has historically evolved, aimed at satisfying the basic needs of society.

2) one proposition with information about social institutions in the economic sphere, for example: To social institutions in the economic sphere, one should bring the market, business, and the banking sector.

3) one proposition, which is based on the knowledge of the course of the function of social institutions, for example: Social institutions are in order, coordinate the individual dії of people, give them an organized and permissive character.

15. You have been entrusted with the preparation of an open speech on the topic "Peculiarities of social awareness." Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

One of the options for opening these topics:

1) Social awareness - awareness of the welfare of that people.

2) The specifics of social awareness:

a) zbіg cognizant subject and cognizant object;

b) a close link with the practical interests of individuals;

c) a critical look at the status and value of knowing about him;

d) the foldability of the object of social knowledge, due to which the social laws may have an immovable character;

e) the obmezhenistvo sphere zastosuvannya eksperiment.

3) Main methods of social awareness:

a) historical (view of social objects in the development);

b) porіvnyalny (perspective of social objects in porіvnіnі, zіstavnі z podіbnimi);

c) system-analytical (perspective of social objects in wholeness and mutuality one by one).

4) Functions of social awareness:

a) revealing the causes and consequences of social processes;

b) comprehension of the basic characteristics of social objects;

c) to win the results of the social management;

d) appeasing social interests, optimizing social processes.

5) Social awareness necessary mind a thorough development of the suspіlstva.

TEST #2. 9 CLASS. Blok Lyudina and Suspіlstvo. Tipi at the suspіlny rosvitkovі.

1. Below are the low terms. Usi stink, krim two, characterize the dynamic nature of the suspenst.

1) development, 2) static, 3) regression, 4) decline, 5) progress, 6) system.

Know two terms that “fall out” from the chain row, then write down the numbers in the table, under which stinks are indicated.

2. Find out what is important for deciding to understand the row below, and write down the number for which it is indicated.

reform; 2) revolution; 3) social dynamics; 4) evolution; 5) suspension regression.

3. Choose the correct judgment about the suspension and write down the numbers, according to which the stench is indicated.

1) One of the criteria for the suspіlnogo progress po'yazaniya s achievable equal to the material and technical development of suspіlstva.

2) Suspіlstvo vykonuє function vіdvorennia that socialіzії people.

3) Invisible rice, the development of any kind of suspility and degradation to social structures and vіdnosinam, which have already been vigilant.

4) A revolution is called a step-by-step transformation, so be it on the side of life.

5) Suspіlstvo є collapsible static system.

4. How do these social facts illustrate the super equivalence of social progress? Write down all the numbers, according to which stinks are indicated.

1) the adoption of new materials in the wake of the development of nanotechnologies

2) increase in the productivity of work after the rationalization of the organizational structure of production

3) mental stagnation of the masses of people with access to the Internet after the appearance of an online city social measures

4) possibility of swedish replication of information following the development of computer technologies

5) vindication of inputs that are not organically recycled in the process of high-tech manufacturing

6) the emergence of "mist-mayor" as a result of population migration from the great metropolis

5. Near the countryZ overwhelm extensive technology and manual work. Yakі іnshі signs to say that the country Zdevelops like a traditional suspense? Write downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

The main social centers are the tribe and the great homeland

There is an increase in the number of the Russian population

Ordinary information is conveyed by letter

Infrastructure is intensively developing

Scientific knowledge is widely expanded

Panuє natural state

6. Set the difference between the recognized signs and types of partnerships: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the second position from the other column.

ID: 32132

7. Near the countryZm_ske population growth shvidshe for silske. Yakі іnshі signs to say that the countryZdevelops as an industrial enterprise? Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) The state guaranteed the freedom of the citizens to the special officer and created their minds for self-realization of the specialty.

2) The formation of a standing structure is being observed.

3) Religious organizations play a key role in a sustainable life.

4) Transferring natural exchange (barter).

5) Vidbulasya mechanization of virobnitstva.

6) Virobnitstvo concentrates on great enterprises, in industrial areas.

ID: 156.

8. Set the difference between the distinguished signs and types of partnerships: up to the skin position, given in the first column, take the second position from the other column.

ID: 22121

9. Find rice, the power of the post-industrial industry, from the listed list. Write downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

Development of the sphere of services

Increasing number of robotic class

Visibility of social stratification

Wiki of information technologies

New intellectual capabilities

10. Set the difference between the recognized signs and types of partnerships: to the skin position, given in the first column, to select the second position from the other column.

ID: 32311

11. Select the correct answers to the global problems of today's people and write downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

The global problems are called the totality of problems, the manifestation of which is the future of humankind.

Global problems can be independently resolved in the lands of the world

The problem of "Pivnich-Pivden" manifests itself in the development of the economic development of the country's world

One of the negative results of the economic activity of people was the use of natural resources

All global problems are the last of economic globalization

12. Set the position between the processes of globalization and її nasledkami: to the skin position, given in the first column, choose the position from the other column.

ID: 21121

13.The terms are lowered below. Usi stink, krim dvoh, to be put to the point of understanding "suspіlny regression".

1) ruh; 2) change; 3) technical revolution; 4) improvement; 5) snowfall; 6) degradation.

14. Find out the understanding, as it is necessary for the decision to understand the row below, and see the figure, for which it is designated.

1) integration; 2) growth; 3) differentiation; 4) social dynamics; 5) innovation; 6) degradation; 7) evolution.

15. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the suspension and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Suspіlstvo - a whole system of mutual relations between people, which is self-organizing.

2) The structures of the economy are seen to have economic, political, social and spiritual subsystems.

3) Social institutions organize the satisfaction of the singing needs of our welfare that people.

4) The dynamism of social institutions is manifested in their water-reinforcement in the natural environment.

5) Social regression is directly called the development of the lowest and simplest forms of the public organization to the highest and folding.

TEST #3. 9 CLASS. Blok Lyudina and Suspіlstvo. Suspіlstvo that nature. Biosocial essence of a person. Myslennya that diyalnist.

1. Find out from the list below the list of suspected phenomena and write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

1) the dominion of the state

2) the genetic strength of a person to the point of falling ill

3) mental peculiarities

4) national molding

5) creation of new scientific directions

6) the building of a person to a sensitive acceptance of the world

ID: 145.

2. Set the difference between the features of behavioral activity, powerful people, that behavioral activity, powerful creatures: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the position of another position.

ID: 21112

3. Ivan vykonuvav zavdannya on the topic: "People as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution." Vіn vypisuvav іz the assistant of rice, the authorities of the people. How do they inspire the specifics of the social nature of the human being, to the mind of the creature? Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) variety of objects given by nature

2) building to the end

3) turbota about offspring

4) sticking to the minds of dovkill

5) exercise to understand the current world

6) intercourse for the help of articulate movement

4. Set the difference between the butts and the sides of the life of a person: to the skin element given in the first column, take the other element of the other.

ID: 12122

5. Below is a list of evil, powerful people. Usi stinks, two crimson, toil the social nature.

1) initiative; 2) temperament; 3) tolerance; 4) durability; 5) deposits; 6) practicality.

Know two terms that “fall off” from the chain row, then write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

6. Write down the word missing from the table.

Vidpovid: diyalnist.

7. Read the guidance below the text, who missed the low line. Select from the list of words that have been requested, as it is necessary to insert a passage in the space

“A person who actively masters and transforms nature in a purposeful way, life for herself, є ______ (A). All people with their socially formed and individually expressed _____(B): intellectual, emotional-volitional, moral and other. Їx molding is due to tim, scho _____ (B) in the joint activity with other people knows that change the light of itself. The process of the first recognition of the first hour was acquired and the establishment of social awareness at once by the process of _____ (G). The peculiarity is distinguished as a special form of foundation and the development of social links, leading to the world and from the world, to itself and from itself. Won is characterized by _____ (D), tobto. step out of the waters of the borders, develop, expand the scope of your activities, open up to all the inflows of a supple life, to every good fortune. Tse people, as if they make their ____ (E) in life, as they show the independence of their thoughts, they carry viability for their choice.

The words (words) in the list are given in the nazivny vіdminku. A skin word (word receiving) can be used only once.

Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, thinking over the skin bypassing. To give respect, that the words (words) in the list are larger, lower you need to fill in the passages.

List of terms:

1. individual

2. Yakist

3. need

4. wiggle

5. position

6. socialization

7. specialty

8. activity

9. individuality

ID: 721685

8. Kirilov 17 years. Find out from the list of drawings that characterize yoga as a specialty. Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) Kiril has bright hair and black eyes.

2) Zrostannia Kiril - 180 cm.

3) Kirilo helps the fathers look after the sick grandmother.

4) Kirilo is engaged in athletics.

5) Kirilo - kind i strange people.

6) Kirilo learns well at school.

ID: 3456

9. Claudia prepares to rise in price to Spain. She learns Spanish language, reads books about the history and culture of Spain, communicates with the experts of Spanish art on Internet forums. Vaughn was already planning her route at a higher price, and she gave a ticket. Find out from the list provided, apply the means that Claudius wins for reaching the mark, she writes down the numbers, according to which stinks are indicated.

1) vyvchennya spanish movie

2) purchase of a tourist ticket

3) communication on the Internet

4) reading books about Spain

5) experts in Spanish art

6) more expensive for Spain

ID: 1234

10. Write down the word missing from the table.

Characteristics of the bones of a person

Advice: Zdibnosti

11. Below is a list of terms. Ushі stink, krіm dvoh, to be put to the point of understanding "biological needs of the people."

1) creation of the family, 2) self-realization, 3) eating, 4) eating, 5) ruh, 6) splintering, 7) recovery.

Know two terms that “fall off” from the chain row, then write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

12. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the person that її consume and write downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

The skin of a person is biologically and socially-psychologically individual

Individual - a single representative of humanity

Before natural (biological) needs, people traditionally bring the needs of the known world

The individual needs of people can be superfluous to the common needs

The social nature of a person is manifested in the anatomical and physical figures, the life of various organ systems, instincts and reflexes

13. Set the difference between the butts and the sides of the life of a person: to the skin element given in the first column, take the other element of the other.

ID: 32123

14. Select the middle of the proposed list of social facts, which should be avenged by showing basic social (existential) special needs and write down the numbers, according to which stinks are indicated.

1) For the labor collective, where the graduate of the economic university came, it was not easy for her, richly fed, they were familiar with the university knowledge, but after learning, older colleagues with their joys helped her to enter the course

2) For a young man, it’s super important that you talk to each other, friends and girlfriends, you can talk with them, sometimes those that you can’t talk about with fathers or teachers

3) A young person has achieved success in the tourism business, having created a great company that specializes in extreme tourism, but now the glory of a philanthropist, patron of young gifts is more praised; recently he was founded a scholarship for young scientists

4) The last Saturday of the month the professor dedicates to going to the conservatory to chamber music concerts.

5) The skin of a person will require support for the thermal balance of the body, so we need mittens, warm boots and jackets.

6) In this skin person, you know the zahist in the form of inaccuracies and negativity of the great world, which you feel, it is unviable to say “my dem, my fort”.

15. Choose the correct microscopy and write down the activityfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

The activity is connected with the satisfaction of the needs of the people, social group, suspіlstvа zagal.

Creativity diyalnist is taman and people, and creatures.

As a result labor activity material and spiritual values ​​are created

One and the same kind of activity can be called out by different motives of people.

The structure of the responsibility of transferring the presence of the mark and the benefits of reaching.

ID: 1345

16. Set the position between the types of activity and their butts: to the skin position, given in the first column, take the position from the other column.


A) high-volcanologists made a map of possible eruptions of volcanoes near the offensive

B) the order praising the demand for new tariffs

C) on the cob of rock, in the course of which new sovereign standards were introduced in the gallery of education

D) small business enterprises supply components for a great automobile plant

E) the economy was allowed, as the financial markets develop after the light crisis

E) a great company has started the development of a new gas field on the Arctic shelf

1) material and virobnicha

2) social transformation

3) predictive

17. Read the guidance below the text, who missed a low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space.

“At practice, vchenni, ___________ (A) forms and manifests all sides of the psyche.

Particularly post nutritious, as form and zakriplyuyutsya schodo st_yk_ psih_chn_ vlastivostі. Psychic authority ___________ (B) - її zdіbnostі and characterological rice - are formed in the course of life. Birth ___________ (B) to the body is less than ___________ (D) - even richer, like a mind, but does not signify the mental power of a person. Behind the bags of quiet inclinations themselves, people can develop different powers - ___________ (D) and draw the character in a fallow way in life and ___________ (E) as they appear, and they are formed. The robots, learned and practical, develop and develop the habits of people; in life's dreams and in the chinks, character is formed and zagartovuetsya.

The words near the list are given to the native leader. A skin word (word receiving) can be used only once.

Choose sequentially one word after the other, thoughts zapovnyuyuchi skin transfer. To give respect to those who have more words on the list, you need less to complete the transfers.

1) singularity

2) ability

3) specialty

5) suspense

6) makings

7) controversy

8) activity

Response: 1938756

18. Choose the right judgment about freedom and write it downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

1) The freedom of a person is manifested in the presence of a person in the presence of a person for a quick change.

2) The freedom of a person to lie at the basis of behavior, directed solely to the removal of satisfaction

3) The freedom of a person includes the freedom to change and live, the freedom to think and conscience, the freedom of speech and speech, the freedom to be independent, to private life

4) Freedom is the right to separate oneself through love and love to others

5) Freedom - the value of the power of the will to accept, whether it be a decision, that bear the full responsibility for the legacy accepted decision

19. Choose the correct mirkuvannya shkodo spіvvіdnoshnja freedom, nebhіdnostі and vіdpovіdalnosti in іyalnostі people and write down the numbers, pіd yak stinks are indicated.

1) The diversity of choice is between the freedom of activity of a person.

2) One of the manifestations of the need for human activity is the objective law of the development of nature.

3) Vidpovidalnost of a person moves beyond the minds of an obedient choice of strategic behavior in singing situations.

4) Freedom is not surrounded by an insane blessing for people and that prosperity.

5) The readiness of a person to evaluate his own actions by looking at his heritage for the otochyuyuchih є one of the manifestations of a little evidence.

20. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the person write downfigures, under which stinks are indicated.

1) Before spiritual (ideal) needs, people traditionally bring the need for food, eating, maintaining normal heat exchange.

2) Before the natural (biological) needs of the people, they bring the needs of the familiar world, the attainment of harmony and beauty; religious faith, artistic creativity too.

3) Diyalnist - this is a specific way of establishing a person.

4) Consume - tse experience of a person, consume from him, which is necessary for the improvement of life and the development of specialness.

5) Only people are capable of transforming into a superfluous action, creating the necessary benefits and values.

Average indoor lighting

Line of the UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Suspіlstvoznavstvo (10-11)


ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstvа: razbiraєmo zavdannya s teacher

My students, graduates of the year 2017, as they successfully completed the ЄДІ іz sspіlstvoznavstva, stverzhuyut, that the recommendation about reading the entire text of the work before the cob of the cob of the day before the beginning of the day gives a garniable effect when the work is done. When reading the work, the emotional stress is felt, the brain activity is directed to the analysis of the materials and the graduate student is turned on to productive learning activity, which leads to high scores for the performance of the work.

As materials for the work and vikoristovuєmo variant ЄDI іz sospіlstvoznavstvo 2017 rock ( pre-stroke period), published by FIPD in spring 2017.

part 1

Manager No. 1

Write down the word missing from the table.

Variability Factors and Factor Income

At the end of the hour, the head of the office No. 1 must respectfully marvel at the name of the table. In our view, the table is called “Factors of Variation and Factor Income”. One of the factors of variation is indicated: income (priority) and one of the factors of income is indicated: income. Knowledge of the main factors of variation: land, labor, capital (physical and penny), capital gains of information are inconsistently related to the knowledge of factor income as income, as well as the knowledge of factor income as income, as well as the knowledge of factor income. Pratsya - news, land - rent, capital - vіdsotok, pіdpriyomnitskiy possiblity, information - surplus. The table shows the factorial income - rent, therefore, in the first column, we can boldly include such a factor as Earth. Correct vіdpovіd - land. When preparing, I will learn importantly to know the exact characteristics of all officials in the forefront.

Manager No. 2

In the row below, to know the understanding, as if it were necessary for the solution of the ideas to understand. Write down the price word (verb).

Power shape, form of government, unitary state, federation, republic.

Testimony: _____________________.

In manager No. 2, it is necessary to clearly indicate the generic understanding (for the nurse it sounds like a common understanding). Our version of representation: the form of power, yak attachment political organization of the suspense (it is important to remember that this is the same set of characteristics that we can use to organize the state); form of government, which is assigned to the warehouse of other organs state power the order of their molding, as well as the way they interact with the population of the state; a unitary power, which can be seen up to one of the forms of a state-territorial structure, as well as a federation; republic is one of the forms of government. I strongly recommend to my students, at the blacks, immediately, how to start before the end of the day, tied with the topic “Politics”, to paint a scheme:

It is important that a typical pardon, which graduates allow during the trial EDI, is due to understand. And if the scheme is in front of your eyes, you will have mercy more folded.

Vidpovidno, vyhodjachi zі schemes become understandable, scho generic (the most understandable for all others here will be - the form of the state, so that its various characteristics, presented in the variants of vіdpovіdey. that republic, as one of the forms of government.

The correct answer is: the form of the state.

Manager No. 3

Below is a list of parameters. Usi stink, krіm two, put up to the elite culture.

  1. foldability of vicorous forms;
  2. Pragnennya authors to inculcate good ideas;
  3. rozvazhny character;
  4. commercial directness is clearly expressed;
  5. spiritual aristocracy;
  6. help of special training for education.

Find out two characteristics that “fall out” from the chain row, then write down the numbers in the table, under which stinks are indicated.

When Vikonannі zavdannya No. 3, we respect the understanding, about the yak to go. At to this particular type- Tse "elitist culture" and ask us about the characteristics of this concept. Elite culture in the theme "Spiritual sphere of life of the soul". Generic concepts є "Culture". At the times of food, you are staying at the area of ​​various cultures (material, spiritual; folk, mass, elite). At the head of the representation of the figure of the elite culture: the folding of vicorist forms, the exaltation of the authors of the inspiration of the best ideas, the spiritual aristocracy, the help of the special training of the rose. Well, really, are we all ready for the adoption of Schnittke's musical works, the analysis of Kafka's highly intellectual literary works? What can you say about Rodin's sculptures? It was clear that the culture was opened on the vuzka of the colonies, prepared for the adoption of folded creations. Elite culture does not shuffle commercial vigodi, for authors it is important to express themselves and search for new forms in art.

Two characteristics that our posture has lost our respect for: a respectful character and commercial directness is clearly expressed as the most important characteristics of mass culture. To that in which case we recognize them as true. That's why in the zavdann we are asked to take away the characteristics.

Manager No. 4

Choose the answers to the question about the welfare and social institutions and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Suspіlstvo is a dynamic system that is constantly developing.
  2. Gromadsky progress is characterized by degradation, turning to structures that are already alive and well.
  3. In a wide sense, under the suspіlstvo, it is possible to understand the Kremlin in the nature, and to bind a part of the world with it, which includes the ways of interaction and the formation of people's unity.
  4. Social institutions win the function of socialization of people.
  5. Suspіlstvo is a closed system that does not interact with the outer environment.

Testimony: _____________________.

At the head of the No. 4, it is my fault to make a judgment about the support of that community institution. Here one cannot do without knowledge to understand: "suspility" for a wide and narrow sense; suspіlstva as a system; “social institution”, as a historically formed form of organization of social applied activities of people, and knowledge of the types of social institutions for the main spheres of life of the household.

The first judgment characterizes the court as a dynamic system, which develops - the judgment is true, the shards are an axiom in the course of the court of science.

Another judgment is wrong, the shards of progress, which are one of the direct ones in the development of the susceptibility, are characterized by the development of the suspensity from the lower to the higher. And in the judgment, it is indicated: degradation, turning to the already vigilant structures and other signs, which are the same characteristics of another directly supple development - regression.

The third judgment may be more likely to confirm the understanding of the “suspension” of the sensi, which is also correct. There is no such thing as "what is formed of individuals, how to create freedom and freedom."

The fourth judgment is virne. As a result of socialization, a person will gain the reputation of the previous generations. We know that social institutions establish deeds of people's behavior. It is best to confirm such a social institution, like a family, that belongs to the social subsystem of welfare.

P'yate judgment is not true. Suspіlstvo is a dynamic, open system that develops itself. Before the suspension, it is practically impossible to stop the understanding of the “closed system”, as it does not interact with the outer environment. There is no need for special proof here. To get rid of the understanding of the suspіlstva of the sensei “separated from nature, but still a part of the material world is tied up from it.”

In this rank, judgments will be correct: 1, 3, 4.

Thematic planning from social science

Manager No. 5

Set the difference between the characteristics and types (forms) of activity: up to the skin element given in the first step, take the second element of the other step.

Zavdannya No. 5 lie down to those "Diyalnist". You can see (forms of activity): gra, vchennya, pratsyu, splkuvannya. It is enough to know the signs of skin appearance (forms of activity) for the vikonannya of this head. The situation is obvious - the characteristic of the gr (A 4), straightening the reach of a practical result - to the point of practice (a person creates things that satisfy the needs) (B 2). Aiming at the acquisition of new knowledge that time - until the beginning (U 3). І zhoden іz vidіv (forms) іyalnostі not do without splіlkuvannya. There are two characteristics for this: the process of establishing and developing contacts between people and the focus on the exchange of information reflect the essence of communication (R 1, D 1). It is only necessary to remember that among the splintering people they exchange both information and emotions, plunging into each other.

With the ease of the task, which is given, it is important not to rush, to conduct an internal dialogue with yourself. Reply to food: why the rebuke is correct, knowing to understand.

Manager No. 6

Students zdіysnili dolzhennya motives for the primary activity of schoolchildren of the younger classes. To find out from the list given below the methods they have established that are consistent with the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. a description of the phenomena that are guarded
  2. drawing up and rounding up hypotheses
  3. explanation of the main interrelationships
  4. bezpersednє okrezhenny okremyh facts and phenomena
  5. fixation zagalnen at the sight of laws
  6. otrimannya kіlkіsnih data about the object that is being studied

Testimony: _____________________.

The manager No. 6 asks about the empirical level of scientific knowledge of that yoga method. Considering the thoughts we turn to the generic understanding - "science", we guess the structure of scientific knowledge, which includes equalities: empirical and theoretical and comparable methods, which are based on skin equalities. Remember that empirical methods lie ahead: watchfulness, description, vimir, classification, systematization, etc. With this help, you can reveal the specific power of the objects that are being used, on the basis of a theoretical level, directed to the manifestation of outrageous tendencies, laws, etc.

This is how we revealed the virnі vіdpovіdі: 1, 4, 6

Manager No. 7

Choose the right thoughts about economic systems and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Private authority is the basis of the command (planned) economy.
  2. In times of traditional economy, the main food of the economy is violated by the central state bodies.
  3. The main subjects of market revenues are economically independent participants of the state's life.
  4. The incentive for the activity of undertakings for the minds of the market system is income.
  5. Up sign market economy vodnosit vіlne tsіnotvorennya.

Testimony: _____________________.

Task No. 7 teaches us the knowledge of showing economic systems as a method of organizing the state life of the household. Knowledge of traditional, command (planned) command and administrative, market and changed economic systems is the basic knowledge of a graduate student, a kind of pragne to take a high score in the world.

Oh, let's try. Private power is the basis of the market model of the economic system. We seem to judge that the command economy. It is not so, moreover, that sovereign power dominates in the command economy, as well as the main food of the economy is violated by the central authorities. Otzhe, friend of judgment, it’s not true. The third judgment is more correct, the shards of the market economy have the right to freely and independently manage their clerks of virobnitstva.

A quarter and a fifth of the judgment of tezh virnі, oskіlki for the minds of the market economy freedom of the government activity of okremih subjects is straightened out by taking a profit for the minds of competition and the market mechanisms determine the price.

Correct statements: 3, 4, 5.

Manager No. 8

Set the validity between butts and types of taxes and collections to the Russian Federation (validity to Submissive Code RF): to the skin position, given in the first column, take the second position of the other column.

Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.

Task No. 8 is related to the financial literacy of the graduate, to the best knowledge of the types of taxes and fees to. The manager has been assigned equal taxes, which are collected: federal, regional and municipal. For vikonannya tsgogo zavdannya, it is important to clearly distinguish between tributes for equals:

In this way, our manager again has a stagnant empirical method of ranking: A 3, B 3, 1, D 3, D 2.

Authors: Vorontsov A.V., Korolova G.E., Naumov S.A.
At the assistant, the most important topics of the supremacy of the course are displayed: economics, politics and law. Apparently, up to the present scientific phenomena, the authors reveal the peculiarities of the market mechanism and the role of the state in the economy, the foundations of political science, the functioning of the state and the development of democracy, the principles of law, the foundations of the constitutional mode of the Russian Federation, the ruler and freedom of the people and the hulk.

Manager No. 9

Firm Y – sewing atelier spring cloth. Find in the hovered list the stocks of the changeable vitrates of the firm Y in the short-line period and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Repay the repayment of vіdsotkіv for the previously taken loan
  2. vitrati on the dressing room of fabrics, threads, accessories
  3. spend on the payment of wages to practitioners
  4. studio rental fee
  5. payment for spare electricity
  6. insurance contributions

Testimony: _____________________.

Vikonannya zavdannya No. 9 requires the knowledge of those "Firma" and її key to understand: vytorg, vytrati and surplus. It is necessary for the manager to clearly indicate the changes in the company's windshields in a short-line period, to see the latest windshields.

It is necessary to remember that the change of duty is changed when the obligatory duty is changed.

The credit histories of the company will always be put up to the minimum increase, so the first option is not correct. And the axis of the dressing of fabrics, threads, accessories is brought to the window materials, and also to the change of clothes, as well as to pay the workers’ wages, to the salary, and to the company’s permanent clothes. Rent, insurance payments - the cost of the inevitable cost of any company. A axis payment well electricity (deposit in the form of work and enterprises) - will be a vitratoy.

Correct statements: 2, 3, 5 .

Suspіlstvoznavstvo. Grade 11 Basic rіven. Podruchnik
Authors: Nikitin A.F., Gribanova G.I., Martyanov D.S.
A guide to enter at the beginning-methodological complex of sspіlstvoznavstva for class 11 (basic rіven). Vіdpovіdaє FSES middle (new) global education, including up to the Federal list. The assistant sees the most important nutrition of the economy and rights. The methodical apparatus of the assistant includes the headings "I think, we believe, we work with the whiskers", "We reconsider our knowledge", "I do it, we design it, we discuss it, we talk about it."

Change of propositions of styles on the market was introduced to the little one: line of propositions S moved to a new camp S 1 . (P- price; Q- kіlkіst.)

How many of these factors can predict such a change? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. increase in the number of materials for upholstery of style
  2. the increase in payment for the work of employees at the enterprises, as the wages
  3. change of varnosti of materials for a framework of stiltsiv
  4. changes in taxes, as they are drawn from furniture manufacturers
  5. increase in tariffs for electricity for furniture manufacturers

Testimony: _____________________.

Task No. 10 requires you to read the food carefully. It is necessary to discuss what to inquire about: about changing the value of the drink and the value of the proposition? In this way, the proposition of style has changed for the new market. Behind the change of the crooked proposition, we can say that the proposition has changed. Vikonuyuchi zavdannya, next memory, scho on the change of propositions, the variability of the factors of variation, technology, the tax policy of the state, the sovereign support, the sizing of prices, the competition are thin.

Therefore, the first variant vіdpovіdі – zbіlshennya vartostі materiaіlіv on upholstery stіlcіv priyatime lowering the propositionsії of this product on the market. Vidpovid virna. Zrostannya pay pracі robіtnikіv pіdvishuє vartіst of such a factor virobnictva yak pracyu, and th nizhuvatime one hour the proposition of this product on the market. Vidpovid virna. The third variant can be brought to the promotion of propozitsії, the reduction of the vartostі sirovini led to the promotion of the propositions of the goods above the market (at the time of the reduction of the vartostі of the material for the frame). Suggestion is wrong. Changing taxes also raises the proposition. Suggestion is wrong. And the axis of the increase in tariffs for electricity for the production of furniture is to move the change in the cost and reduce the proposition. Otzhe, more expensive vitratnih materіalіv, tariffіv for electricity, pay pracі pracіvnikіv zmusyat fіrma or change obsyagi vrobnitstva or pіdvishchiti vartіst goods, which will lead to a reduction in propositions on the market.

Correct statements: 1, 2, 5 .

Manager No. 11

Choose the correct labeling according to social stratification and social mobility and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Horizontal mobility transfers the transition from the social group, which is transferred to the next level of the social hierarchy.
  2. One of the criteria for the differentiation of social groups is income.
  3. Features of the quality of a person as a criterion for social stratification of modern society.
  4. Sociologists distinguish between individual and collective mobility.
  5. One of the criteria for social stratification of the suspіlstva is obsjag vlady.

Testimony: _____________________.

According to task No. 11, it seems that from the knowledge of understanding “social stratification” and “social mobility”, criteria in social stratification, types of social mobility.

Horizontal mobility transfers from one social group to another, which is on the same platform of social gatherings. Therefore, the first judgment is not true. Differentiation (subdivision) of social groups in a society is determined by different criteria, one is income. And also obsyag vlady, enlightenment, the prestige of the profession. To another and p'yate the judgment is correct, to the third. Features of the quality of a person are the criteria for social stratification. It's a quarter of a judgment vіrne, oskolki sociologists rightly distinguish between individual and collective mobility. For example, in the wake of the revolution of 1917, the fate of the adopted camps of social groups.

Correct statements: 2, 4, 5.

In the course of sociological tests of the full-fledged meshkans of the Z and Y lands, they were given a question: “Which of the direct youth policies of the state do you respect the most important?”

The results of the experiment (in % of the number of respondents) are shown on the diagrams.

Find in the hovered list of visnovki, which can be worked out on the basis of diagrams, and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Chastka is quiet, who denounces the importance of ensuring access to the decision in the economy, suspense life, politics, in the country Z is less, lower in the country Y.
  2. Rivnі chastki nіh kraїnі vvazhayut for nebhіdne carried out vyhovnoї work.
  3. In the country of Z, the idea about the importance of ensuring access to the adoption of decisions in the economy, public life, politics is less popular, the lower thought about the importance of carrying out a spiritual work.
  4. In the country of Y equals, the most frequent experiences are considered to be the most important directly the creation of the minds of self-expression, the self-realization of young people and the spiritual work carried out with her.
  5. The part is quiet, who cares about the most important social support, near the edge of Z is larger, lower at the edge of Y.

Testimony: _____________________.

Vikonuyuchi zavdannya number 12, next respectfully read the minds of sociological education. In this direction, the most important youth policies of the two countries were directly discussed. The diagram has the data of these countries. First, read the filing of the mirkuvannya, follow it respectfully to the diagram itself. In the skin of the country, the leading position has taken a “social support”. Far away in the country Z, in another area, the position of “carrying out a spiritual work” was opined, and the minimum position was occupied by the court “securing access until a decision is made ...”. In the land of Y, however, the minimum positions were taken by the court “secure access until the decision is made ...” and “the creation of the minds of self-expression”. Since we independently tried to analyze the statistical materials, we try to analyze the judgement.

The first judgment is correct, the shards, these diagrams show the position. Another thought is not true, that in the land of Z it is more quiet, who respects the “carrying out of the spiritual work” is important in the region with the land of Y.

The third court judgement, and mi tse poached for an hour of wet analysis with diagrams.

The quarter of the judgment is also true, we also appointed an hourly analysis of the diagrams and marked the positions as minimally the same.

P'yate judgment is not so, you can clearly see on the diagram. Pokazniki to talk about zvorotny result.

Correct statements: 1, 3, 4.

Manager No. 13

Choose the correct answer about the state and its functions and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. Environmental protection forces, established by the state, become the basis of the ecological safety of the country.
  2. The main sign of a power, whether of some type, is the realization of a new principle of sub-rule.
  3. The state has the monopoly right to legally zastosovuvaty primus by the forces of the authorities of the protection of order and security.
  4. Before the zvnіshnіh funktsіy of the state, the appointment of a hard-hitting straight line economic policy powers vіdpovіdno up to the attained level of economic development.
  5. The state creates the normative organizational basis for the effective and yakіsnoї activity of state bodies.

Testimony: _____________________.

Vikonuyuchi zavdannya number 13, it is important to guess the meaning of "power", її main signs, zvnіshnі and vnutrіshnі functionsії. The first judgment directs us to such signs of power, as it turns out the right for lawmaking. Therefore, the judgment of "environmental vimogi, which is established by the power ( lawmaking), form the basis of the ecological safety of the country” є vіrnim. Another judgment is not correct, to that the principle of sub-rule of power is realized in a democratic state, and also, this sign is not the main one for any type of power.

The third judgment “the state has a monopoly right to legally zastosovuvat primus by the forces of the organs of protection, order and security” in fact, corrects us to the most important signs of power - the monopoly legal right to primus. The fourth thought of the pardon, shards reflecting the most important internal function of the state, “the designation of the direct economic policy of the state”. P'yate sudzhennya took in itself two signs of a power: law-making, a system of organs, and mechanisms for the creation of public power (to talk about the organs of sovereign power). It reads: “I create the state normativeі organizational basis for effective and efficient activity sovereign bodies.

Correct statements: 1, 3, 5 .

Manager No. 14

Establish a distinction between the powers and subjects of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation, until the knowledge of these nutritional values ​​can be seen: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the other position from the other side.

Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.

For the correct vikonannya zavdannya No. 14, it is necessary to know well the foundations of the constitutional mode of the Russian Federation and the functionality of the good power of the Russian Federation. For the cob, it is necessary to respectfully marvel at the fact that the subjects of the sovereign power of the Russian Federation are indicated by the head. In times stinks, they are named without middle ground, but they are equal: less the federal center and the collective federal center and the subjects of the Russian Federation. To help me come to know the principles of the federal structure of the Russian Federation. Remember that in the minds of the federation the principle of the integrity of the state, the unity of the sovereign power and the separation of the re-demarcation is being realized, they ask us about it. Previously, we were busy re-deploying the demarcations, fixing the task of paying taxes. It is necessary to remember that the vinyatkovy competence of federal bodies is in the possession of: the provision of food for international vessels, defense and security, judiciary, federal power that in.

The first competence is the nourishment of the volodin, the coronation of the order of the land, nadry, water and others natural resources rest at the bedside A 2. Tobto. tse nutrition, yakim, center and sub'єkti podіlyayat mіzh themselves vіdpovіdalіnі vyvіshenny problems. So, it will be right to bring it to the position “Zodiysnennya zahodiv shdo fight against disasters” IN 2. Federal funds for regional development implement the fundamentals of federal policy and federal programs, B 1. Positions D and D lie within the exclusive competence of the federal authorities, R 1, D 1.

Manager No. 15

In a democratic state Z under the hour of the reform of the electoral system of elections to the parliament, the transition from the proportional electoral system to the majority system was postponed.

What was lost in the course of the chosen reforms? Write a note figures.

  1. such a good fate of the people in the elections
  2. granting the right to vote to the people of 18 years regardless of nationality, status, professional qualifications, equal education, income
  3. secret voting procedure
  4. voting in single-member districts
  5. the number of deputy mandates won by the party, depending on the number of votes of the candidates
  6. the possibility of nominating independent, non-partisan candidates

Testimony: _____________________.

Nutrition No. 15 pov'yazane with a selective process. Irrespective of those who explain the reform to us on the cob, at the hour of the transition from the proportional electoral system to the majority system. The essence of nutrition is not so much about types of selective systems, their reforms, but about viborah zagalom(Theme "Political fate"). It is necessary to guess the main ambush of elections in a democratic state: the uninterrupted fate of the people, savage, equal, direct choice of right, taєmne voting, voluntary fate.

Vidpovidno, first judgement, virne. Another idea is to bring us up to the principle of equality with the choice of the right, that is true. The third judgment is true, the representations are also one of the principles - the same vote.

A quarter of the judgment to go beyond the food: what is overprotected lost its invariable pіd hієї vyborchoї reform? Voting in single-member constituencies directs us to the organization of the election process for the majoritarian system, on the basis of proportionality, where the state acts as a single electoral district. Otzhe, tse judgment vіdbivaє change the selection process. Vіdpovіd is not true to our vіpadku. The number of deputy mandates taken away by the party, depending on the number of votes of the electorate, is so self-relevant to the proportional electoral system, which is not true for our nutrition. The second option is also the choice of the majoritarian electoral model.

The correct answer is: 1, 2, 3 .

Manager №16

What is the overridden to lie down to the political rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. holding gatherings and rallies
  2. resignation to the state authorities
  3. payment of legally imposed taxes and fees
  4. zahist vіdchizni
  5. participation in the control of the right of the state through its representatives

Testimony: _____________________.

Nutrition No. 16 re-turns us to the foundations of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation. The rights of that freedom of the people are that of a hulk. It is important to know the Chotiri group of rights and freedoms: special (civil), political, social and economic, cultural. Our leader is asked about political rights, so that they will secure the fate of the people in the current political power. Therefore, holding meetings and rallies is true, we are leading to state bodies - we are right, the fate of the right-wing power through its representatives is true. The payment of taxes and fees, the protection of the Motherland is set up to the constitutional obov'yazkіv hromadayn, like and before the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the turbot about saving historical and cultural decline, the turbot about children and non-practical fathers.

Correct statements: 1, 2, 5 .

Manager №17

Choose the correct statement about family law in the Russian Federation and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  1. The family has the right to regulate the main and special non-main relations between members of the family.
  2. Shlyub pripinyaetsya after being stunned by the registry office of one of our friends we will die.
  3. Shlyub polagaє in the bodies of the registry of civil status (registry office).
  4. The lawful regime of lane friends is established only by a simple contract.
  5. The fathers of the goiter slap the mornings on their inferior children.

Testimony: _____________________.

Analyzing the materials of task No. 17, we see the main understanding of the norm that lies before the family law. First of all, we will be judged, the shards will force us to Article 2 of the Family Code. The key institution of family law is coats, settlements in the bodies of the Civil Registry Office (judgment 3), which gives rise to mutual rights and obligations of friendship. Another judge, the three of us are deceived, it seems that we have a connection with the death of one friend, the other friend needs to come to the registry office to withdraw evidence about yogo death, and as a legacy, pinning a laid whore. Our leader formulated: the school is attached after being stunned by the registry office of one of our friends we will die. Suggestion is wrong. The fourth and fifth options will lead us to the rights of Mayne and obov'yazkiv friends. The fifth option is correct, the oskіlki formulary are rebuying into the stick of constitutional obov'yazkіv and norms of family law: the fathers can give money to their children of incompetent children. And the axis of the fourth option is to pardon through its own formula: the legal regime of lane friends is restored only sweet treaty. It's not like that, shards not only by a private contract, and by the norms of family law, tobto. The legal regime of the lane of friendship is regulated by family law and is established by a private agreement.

Correct statements: 1, 3, 5 .

Manager №18

Set the difference between the butts and the legal distance to: up to the skin position, given at the first column, take the correct position from the other column.

Write down in the table the selected numbers under the double letters.

Order No. 18 is due to legal approval. Under the hour of vikonannya, it is important to guess the legal viability: criminal, administrative, civil and legal, and disciplinary. Dogana є disciplinary contractions - A 2. Properedzhennya to be brought to the sight of administrative punishment - B 3. Violence due to special conditions (for example, absenteeism, one-time gross damage to labor shoes, non-one-time non-stop work shoes by a doctor) - IN 2. Respect - disciplinary contraction, R 2. Liberation of the will - criminal liability for swindling a mischief - D 1.

Manager No. 19

Joint Stock Company "Solodka Charivnist" produces confectionery products. Find out from the above list of risks of recognition of joint-stock partnerships from other organizational and legal forms of business. Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

  • rose the statutory capital of the company on equal parts, the skin of which is framed with valuable paper
  • obov'yazkove laying down the employment contract with practitioners
  • obov'yazok pratsіvniki v dotremuvatisya labor discipline
  • distributed a surcharge between the practitioners in accordance with their labor participation
  • carrying the risk of sbitkiv at the borders of the vartosti of valuable papers, which the participant should lie down
  • payment to vlasniks of dividends for pіdbags roku

Testimony: _____________________.

Schob vikonati zavdannya No. 19, it is necessary to separate the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. In our mind, we see the leaders of joint-stock partnerships. Zgaduєmo, that joint-stock partnerships, like partnerships with a fringed vіdpovidalnistyu, lie down to the state partnerships. Tse commercial organizations, tobto. a method of їhnyoї diyalnostі є otrimannya surplus. The statutory capital is subdivided into a sprat of shares. Participants can be hulks, legal entities and public law education. Therefore, option 1 - "spread the statutory capital of the company on equal parts, the skin of which is decorated with a valuable paper" will be correct. Vіdomo, scho shareholders do not blame for the goiter of AT, but recognize the risk of zbitkіv schodo activities of the partnership in the range of vartostі їkh aktsіy. For this, option 5 - “bringing a risk of hits at the borders of vartosts to the participants of valuable papers” (action - a valuable papyr) will be correct, as well as 6 - “payment of dividends to the vlasniks for pidbags of the year”. 2nd and 3rd judgments - “obov'yazkove ukladannya labor contract with practitioners”, “obov'yazkovy pratsіvnikіv dotrimuvatisya labor discipline” vodnosya to the most important areas of labor law. And the axis “distributed the profit between the practitioners in the same way to their labor participation” is a characteristic of such an organizational and legal form of entrepreneurship, like a “virbnichiy cooperative” (artil).

Correct statements: 1, 5, 6 .

Manager No. 20

Read the guidance below the text, for which a low line is missing. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space.

“A person who actively masters and transforms nature in a purposeful way, life and self, є _________ (A). All people with their socially formed and individually expressed qualities: _________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral and others. Їx molding is connected with tim, scho іndivіd u spilnoї koїtsya with іnshimi people _________ (B) know and change the world for yourself. The process of the first recognition of the first hour was acquired and the confirmation of the social awareness at once by the process of _________ (D).

The peculiarity is distinguished as a special form of foundation and development of social connections, bringing people to the world and from the world, to itself and from itself. Vaughn is characterized by _________ (D) develop, expand the scope of its activities and open to all the inflows of life, to every good fortune. Tse people, as they take their position in life, as they show the independence of thought, carry _________ (E) for their choice.

The words near the list are given to the native leader. The skin word can be vikoristane only one razіv.

Choose sequentially one word after the other, thoughts zapovnyuyuchi skin transfer. Catch your respect, what is more on the list, below you need to complete the transfers.

List of terms:

  1. activity
  2. intellectual
  3. obov'yazok
  4. everyday
  5. range
  6. socialization
  7. speciality
  8. exercise
  9. splintering

The tables below have letters that indicate the missing words. Write in the table under the skin letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Reading task No. 20, I recommend that you try to read the text and independently submit the words, in your opinion, according to your choice. So reach the meaning of the understanding of the text. And when you read it again, pick up the words from the ones that are already on the list. You are in a situation of success, if you choose the words to fall out of the proponation from the translation. Otzhe, we try to read, inserting words, close for a change, far away, we choose from the obvious ones from the head.

“A person who actively masters and transforms nature in a purposeful way, life for herself, specialty (A)(Speciality is a set of socially significant qualities and qualities of a person. Speciality is being deformed - in the soul. To rob speciality - I am transforming the world for myself). All people with their socially shaped and individually expressed features: intellectual (B), emotional-volitional, moral and others. (in times of peresahuvannya socially significant aspects). Їx molding is connected with tim, scho іndivіd u spilnіy z іnshiy people activity (B) know and change the world for oneself (one of the functions of activity is the activity of a person, the entrance is like a person changes the world for himself and changes himself; the process of interdependence of a person with a necessary world). The process of the first recognition of the first hour is acquired and the implementation of social awareness is done overnight by the process socialization (G).

The peculiarity is distinguished as a special form of foundation and development of social connections, bringing people to the world and from the world, to itself and from itself. Vaughn is characterized exercise (D) to develop, to expand the sphere of one's activity and to open it to all the inflows of a suspenseful life, whether it be good luck (newly rose to be clarified through the process of socialization, which is a trivaє stretch of a person's life). Tse people, how to take their position in life, how to show the independence of thought, carry range (E) for your choice (freedom and viability in the lives of people).

part 2

Read the text ta vikonate task 21–24.

The widespread zero is uninvited - the place of the camp, the viconuvan of the Vimagot Vicoristan, Kovalifіkatsya, is the profession of the veniva, ogi ogi -ogs il permissions, yaku mti mati, viconyuchi thaho (il it) claim.

Cyclical worklessness is connected with colivannyam drinking on the working force. Recession is a cyclical decrease in business activity, as a result of which people spend working hours in the period until they drink again and there is no increase in business activity. Seasonal worklessness is blamed on the work force through seasonal colivannya. Vaughn hangs around quietly, who is occupied by the fishery, the life of that strong state. Quiet, who changes the work, and quiet, who does not immediately engage in communication with the transition from one month to another, are called functional (frictional) jobless. Functional (frictional) unemployment is important even if inevitable, but still a pleasant legacy of a healthy economy. It is possible to admit that in case of new employment, the laborers for hiring go from month to month.

Structural unemployment recognizes the difficulties in otrimanny work through lack of height or lack of qualifications, discrimination for signs of status, ethnicity, age or disability. Navit at the period of high level of employment among the structural unemployed are saved disproportionately by the high level of unemployment.

Bezrobittya is not just a day of work ... If you want to be unemployed, you can be creative, mobilizing the will to try, more quiet, who has gone through the whole thing, it seems that they have experienced a breakdown, powerlessness and ruination, especially if they were without a work more, lower life. For most people, work for hiring is the main, and often the only way to ensure the material needs of hedgehogs, odians, and heads over their heads. The following shows: those who do not love their work, still vvazhayut for the best save and navit that, if it is possible to live on other income. If you want to wash your hands, they can evoke unsavory feelings, and cause daily work to some problems: increased stress, family conflicts, addiction to alcohol and drugs.

(K.H. Briar)

Getting to the beginning of the text 21-24, it is important to read the text and see the main meanings of the text fragments. Proofread the text with a pen for maximum acceptance. I do not recommend to my students to read at once and chaotically, with a fluent reading, vishukuvati vіdpovіdі. As a rule, such a practice leads to pardons and lowering of the scores on sleep.

Head office No. 21

How is the text meant to inject a recession into a cyclical unemployment? What are the hallucinations of the economy, in the author’s opinion, do you get seasonal unemployment? (Indicate the mustaches, the guesswork of the text.) How does the author explain the inevitability of the functional (frictional) worklessness?

Note: “The recession is a cyclical decrease in business activity, as a result of which people spend their working hours in that period, until they drink again and there is no increase in business activity.” Tobto. drink robotic forces or kolivaetsya.

Head office No. 22

Zavdannya No. 22 is the most beautiful way to beat the particles.

“Vidpovіd:“ The same bust is a dashing camp, the vicunum of the Vimagni Vikoristanni Kvalifіkatsiy, the profession of іndivida, oga iokuvati, is permitted by the salary. ... "

To allow, why the deacons of the practitioners will be good for the camp of non-primary employment (to hang two allowances). At the end of the day, I recommend that the students of the skin are allowed to write down from a new row.

In our mind, we can model it, using the text. We do not suggest applications, to that which is not indicated in the order.

Note: practitioners are ready for a new job, so that people feel important, important, necessary. To instill new employment gives people a sense of stability, increases social tension, and gives them the opportunity to take a part in life.

Pratsіvniki pogodzhuyutsya on nesovnu zaynyatіst, that scho in the minds of the crisis navit such a robot can be the only source of income in their families, defending the social shocks, allowing you to save a way of life.

Head office No. 23

The author states that “to build a disproportionately high level of unemployment in the midst of structural unemployed among the period of high level of employment”. Vikoristovuyuchi supplstvoznavchi knowledge, explain the reason for such a lack of work among the categories of citizens. Let's name two ways to prevent discrimination by the author of the category of citizens, transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author gives us the reasons for the high unemployment among the structural jobless: lack of height or qualification that has become insufficient, discrimination for signs of status, ethnicity, age or disability. Ale zavdannya will require victoria and suspіlstvoznavchih knowledge. Guess what, from the course of modern science, we are aware that the structural lack of work is due to the impossibility of practicing people of the same professions and the inability to drink that proposition on the market of practice.

Note: A high level of structural unemployment is created in the period of high level of employment by the country of coverage, sound, with changes in manufacturing technologies, scientific and technical progress. Tobto. people of singing professions cease to be demanded by the market for practice (the workers don’t need butts, it’s more than an explanation of the problem).

Name two ways to prevent discrimination by the author of the categories of citizens assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation. We should be asked to comply with the norms of the Labor Law of the Russian Federation;

Vidpovid: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to revenge the fence of discrimination:

  1. the citizens of the Russian Federation may be able to work equally well in the field of work for improving the productivity of work, qualifications and work experience for specialty, as well as for training and additional professional education;
  2. fencing off the fence for labor rights, or excluding the fallow land from status, race, color shkiri, nationality, mov, pohodzhennya, mine, family, social and settlement camp, century, place of residence, setting to religion, perekonan, dependency and irrelevance to community associations otherwise, be some kind of social groups, and also in other environments that are not connected with the practical features of a practitioner.

The guarantee of non-admission of discrimination of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation transfers the right of an individual, as if he respects himself discriminated against in the sphere of practice, to bring before the court a statement about the restoration of violations of rights, extortion of material losses and compensation for moral damage.

Head office No. 24

Why, in the author’s opinion, without a job, I’m crying out, I’ll break up, the ruined people? Vikoristovuyuchi suspіlstvoznavchi knowledge of the fact of suspіlnogo zhittya, vyslovіt two excuses about those in which the mobilizing influx of the unemployed camp on the people is manifested.

Vikoristovuyuchi suspіlstvoznavchi knowledge of the fact of suspіlnogo zhiznі, vyslovіt two excuses about those in which the mobilizing infusion of the unemployed camp on the people is manifested (in this case, we are guilty of bringing butts, to which the pitannі sounds “fact of suspіlnogo zhittya”).

  1. Jobless camp gives an incentive for retraining, as the profession is little demanded by the labor market. Break at employment for retraining and promotion of education. Hromadyanin N after putting on the oblіk to the Employment Center bv directions to professional training for the profession of an electric gas cooker.
  2. Jobless camp gives the possibility of organizing self-employment. Lacing, pitsli Zvilnnnya of the main Miss Roboti during the stuck in the Moscow Moscow, the Gromyanin n Pereyuhav to the Moscow Region, submitting the document to the center of the Lawyan population of the Moskvi, de-Tydoma, the premium of the School of the Plane,

Head office No. 25

What kind of sense do the scientists put into the understanding of "mystery"? Gaining knowledge of the spiritual knowledge of the course, put together two propositions: one proposition, which avenges information about the vision of science, that one proposition, which reveals the essence of the spiritual function of science.

Task No. 25 can be successfully vikonated only for knowing the basics to understand the course. Art is a form of culture, as it brings out the extra realism in artistic images. Artistic image can be expressed in different types art: music, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature. Create the arts and infuse the molding of the special people.

Manager No. 26

Name and illustrate with butts whether there are three main obov'yazki robots, enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In manager No. 26, it is necessary to name and illustrate the butts of whether there are three main obligations of a robot supplier, enshrined in the Labor Code:

  1. Take care of safety and wash your work properly up to the norms of protecting work. At the undertaking of N with the method of replenishment of the minds of the practitioners, the first lesson was held in order to prevent injuries,
  2. At the same time, you must pay the full salary. For zatrimannya and pay the salaries of the entrepreneurship of Y, it was drawn up to the vіdpovіdalnostі from the viglyadі primus to pay the workers in addition to the salary of vіdsotkіv.
  3. Zdіysnyuvati obov'yazkove social insurance pracіvnikіv. Prior to the employment contract, signed by the citizen N with the company, before the distribution of the bonds of labor, a clause was included on the bonds of the social insurance of the citizen N.

Manager No. 27

Power Z has registered a new political party. Won maє central authorities and regional departments. The party will vote with its basic principles of traditionalism, stability, harmony, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, supremacy over the interests of the individual. The political party won the necessary number of votes during the elections, and took away seats from the parliament. Decide on the type of political party, stalely in the form of її ideological affiliation. Point out a fact, such as allowing such a whisker to grow. Name two other types of parties that are seen according to this criterion, and briefly describe one of them.

  • the party is registered;
  • central administrative bodies and regional authorities (sign indicating a mass party);
  • basic principles: traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, the nation, supremacy over the interests of the individual (a sign that indicates ideological affiliation is conservative);
  • went to the parliament after the election (taking the fate of the government - a sign that I indicate the ruling party);

Now food: Choose the type of political party, fallow in the form of її ideological affiliation.

Vidpovid: conservative party.

Point out a fact, such as allowing such a whisker to grow.

Note: Oscilki are based on the principles of tradition and stability of development (traditionalism, stability, order, and also the priority of the interests of the state, nation, supremacy over the interests of the individual).

Name two other types of parties that are seen according to this criterion, and briefly describe one of them.

Note: For ideological directives, one can see liberal and socialist parties. Signs of the liberal party: non-compliance with the natural rights of the people, their priority over the interests of the state and the state, political pluralism, free market economy.

Head office No. 28

You have been entrusted with the task of preparing an open speech on the topic “Types of families”. Lay down the plan, depending on how you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

In order to write a plan, whether it be from a substantive knowledge of the topics, it is necessary to clearly present the structure of the topic. Vlasne, given to the zavdannya, the rozuminnya of the teachings of the structure is being revised. Therefore, as a matter of fact, the material has been mastered by those who understand the structure of the deposit and the written plan. In this case, the theme of the plan "Types of families."

  1. The concept of sim'ї as founded on the basis of the heart of the original sporidnennosti small group.
  2. Sim's functions
  3. Tipi family for character mutually between members:
    1. Traditional (patriarchal family), її signs:
      A) living quarters for a number of generations;
      B) the supremacy of man;
      C) economic stagnation of the members of the family as a person;
      D) zhorsky rozpodіl obov'yazkіv
    2. Partnership (democratic) family:
      a) nuclearity;
      B) acceptance of the decision by the members of the family;
      C) economic self-sufficiency of a woman;
      D) fair rose of household shoes
  4. Tipi sіmey schodo vyhovannya dіtei:
    1. authoritarian;
    2. Democratic;
    3. Liberal (permissive)
    4. Current trends in the development of sim

Zavdannya 29

Choose aloneіz proponovannyh lower vyslovlyuvan, open yogo zmіst in the form of a mini-creation, acknowledging for the need different aspects the problem posed by the author (linked by topics).

When declaring your thoughts to the drive, the problem is destroyed (assigned by those), when arguing your points, score knowledge, otrimani shdo course suspіlstvoznavstva understood, as well as facti suspіlnogo zhittya ta vlasny zhittєviy dosvid.

(In the capacity of factual argumentation, bring at least two examples from different gerels.)

29.1. Philosophy. “Private the ribs, squint and vovkiv swear in order to live according to the law and drink that proposition; the law of human life is justice. (D. Ryoskin)

29.2. economy. “Look at the difference in business, but business as a system is filled with one and the same regardless of the scale of that structure, goods, technologies and markets.” (P. Drucker)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology "We need schools, not just to teach, which is super important, more important, but also schools, like to develop specialness." (V.V. Putin)

29.4. Politology "The Supreme Power of the Varta Shanuvannya is less than a Rest, Shards are the Security of Human Rights". (A. Kyustin)

29.5. Jurisprudence. “The defender of the right is obligatory before the suspіlstvo. Whoever defends his right, that one defends the right to take away. (R. Iering)

manager 29. 3. “We need schools, not just to start, which is super important, but more importantly, but schools, like to swing the specialty.” (V.V. Putin)

Right before the hour of writing, we must first clearly represent the sphere of supremacy, to which the theme of lying is chosen. It is important to read the words proponated by those, analyze your “baggage of knowledge”, understand that you have more theoretical knowledge about them, for which you can bring the best possible examples, which will reveal the best of those.

In this way, we chose the topic of the division of sociology, social psychology. It is understandable that the problem of the modern school, the system of education, will be destroyed at once. Vechne nutrition: the task of illuminating the education and training, what is more important? Porushuєtsya and nourishment of socialization - "schools, yakі vihovuyut sobistіst". I respect that we cannot be understood by those spiritual spheres of the soul, to that we are writing this from a different perspective. Oh, let's try to write.

How can a school improve socially - give students a higher level of enlightenment? Why do not win the mission of less importance - the win of specialness?

As seen from the course of social science, enlightenment is a way of becoming a special way for people to gain knowledge, to reduce that skill, to develop creative skills through a system of social institutions, the most important of which is the school.

If we are talking about the school, how about the establishment, what we give education, we understand, what about the social institute, what can be the lowest elements: the education standards and programs, the principles of functioning, what to include the measure lighting installations that governing body.

Для підвищення якості освіти держава вживає цілого ряду заходів: подовжуються терміни навчання, підвищуються вимоги до рівня кваліфікації педагогів, використовується варіативність освітніх програм, вибудовуються індивідуальні освітні траєкторії учнів, школи оснащуються сучасним обладнанням, впроваджуються нові форми підсумкової атестації.

At the bottom of my bag, like school graduates demonstrate high balls on EDI, to give the opportunity to borrow budgetary space from the capital's major cities. Following the results of international studies presented by the Higher School of Economics, 49 countries, Russian schoolchildren, took part in cob classes occupy leading positions in the world of reading, mathematics and natural science. And also grade 8 in mathematics. In the opinion of the contributors, such a result reached the beginning of the introduction of new lighting standards, the system of the unified sovereign attestation.

Is there more than enough enlightened results for the welfare of that people? The author of the quotation clearly points out the most important warehouse lighting process: the development of a person's special features.

Looking at the functions of enlightenment: economic, social and cultural, it becomes clear that in the cultural function itself, there is a problem.

Crimean lessons, badge, іspіtіv, іsnuє аnd hаѕ аbаgаtѕe аt а pії shkіlne zhіttja: а class year, school festivals, hikes, svіlnі trips with classmates Russia and other countries.

In everything, students learn to interact with other people, showing their vibrancy and talents. Himself in this atmosphere and realized social function illumine. Through the socialization of specialness, the acquisition of social norms, statuses and roles.

Like a butt, you can bring children of love to the film "Divnik z 5 b", which clearly demonstrates, like a school team, the class form Borya's specialty. How to get into the vіdpovіdalnostі, if yoga is assigned to a leader up to 1 class.

Father, V.V. Putin, in his own words, has spoken out loudly on the importance of raising awareness of the support and school of the inseparability of the two most important processes, which are related to the socialization of specialness - to enlighten that development.

618. To know the understanding, as it is necessary for all others to understand the row presented below, that write down the figure, under which it is indicated.

1) gra;2) splintering;3) activity;4) pratsia;5) knowledge.

619. Below is a list of rights and obov'yazkiv. Usi stink, krіm two, to be put less up to the rights of a practitioner.

1)dbaily put up to lane robots,2)collect wages at once and in full obsyazі,3)pratsyuvati in the minds,to give help to safety and hygiene,4)to sum up your labor functions,5)mothers are completely reliable information about the mind of the worker,6)put in an employment contract.

620 figures, under which stinks are indicated.
621. To establish the difference between forms and stages (skhіdtsy) of recognition: to the skin position, given in the first column, to choose the other position of the other column.
623 What are the signs of the sphere (region), to which lie next to (rules) in the sphere (region) of law? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 623. Senior schoolchildren carried out an examination of the students of their school about those that can be called good justice. The results of the experiment (in % of the number of experiments) are presented in the tables.

Find in the hovered list of visnovki, which can be generated on the basis of the table, and write it down figures , under which stinks are indicated.

624. Read the guidance below the text, the skin position of which is signified by the singing letter. (A) A progressive national policy can be introduced, which leads to a change in social authorities among the lives of different ethnic groups. (B) National policy - a system of sovereign approaches, directing to the appearance and realization of the interests of other ethnic groups, support in general of that power. (B) National policy, without any doubt, plays a leading role, which determines the nature of the development of the whole society. (D) The nutrition of the national policy is seen in the Russian ZMI. (E) In a number of published publications in ZMI, an increase in tension was observed in interstitial ventricles. Vznachte, yakі the position of the text mayut
1) actual character
2) the nature of the judgments

625 figure , under which it is designated.

1) look;2) ideals;3) notification;4) skygazer;5) installation price.

626. Below is a list of parameters. Usi stinks, krim dvoh, to be set to the characteristics of the art.

1) imagery; 2) awakening fantasy and reveal;3) reliability and reverification of the results;4) purposefulness of the objective truth;5) emotion of acceptance; 6) accuracy.

628. Set the difference between butts and types of needs of a person: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the correct position from the other column. 629. At the edge of the Z city, the population grows more quickly for agriculture. What are the other signs to say that the country of Z is developing as an industrial sector? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 630. In the course of the sociological examination of the 30th and 55th citizens of the country, they asked: “Which organization do you practice (budgetary / state-owned or private / non-state)?”. The results of the experiment (in % of the number of respondents) are shown on the diagrams. Find in the hovered list of visnovki, which can be worked out on the basis of diagrams, and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 631. Read the guidance below the text, the skin position of which is signified by the singing letter. (A) Today's Russian companies are engaged in charitable activities. (B) Charity - diyalnist, for the help of such private resources, they are voluntarily distributed free of charge by their masters with a method of welcoming the needy people, the solution of suspense problems, as well as the improvement of the minds of the suspenseful life. (B) Fund of the Public Thought to test how the Russians are promoted to corporate goodness. (d) 87% of Russians have a positive view of corporate goodness. (E) You can admit that this is explained by the old historical traditions of Russian beneficence. Vznachte, yakі the position of the text mayut
1) actual character
2) the nature of the judgments
3) the nature of the theoretical rigidities

632. In the series drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it were necessary for deciding to understand their ideas. Write down the price word .

Judgment,sprinyattya,apparently,visnovok, knowledge.

633. From the series drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it were necessary for everyone to understand other ideas. Write down the price word .

Sociology,history,maths,the science,political science.

634. From the row drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary to understand them for deciding to understand them. Write down the price word (verb) .

Perekonannya,speciality,character,interests,spiritual needs.

635. To know the understanding of the lower series, as it is familiar to understand for all other ideas. Write down the price word .

Pratsya, vchennya, splintering, gra, activity.

to understand all other ideas. Write down the price word formation .

science experiment,watchfulness,scientific knowledge,data analysis,the establishment of regularities.

637. From the series drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it were necessary for everyone to understand other ideas. Write down the price word (verb) .

Pіznannya,experiment,Folk wisdom,healthy eyes, mythology.

638. From the row drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary to understand them for deciding to understand them. Write down the price word (verb) .


639. In the series drawn below, to know what is understandable, as if it is necessary to understand for the decision of representations to understand. Write down the price word (verb) .

Life Dosvid,scientific achievements,knowledge of the world,watchfulness,healthy eyes.

640. From the row drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary to understand them for deciding to understand them. Write down the price word .

Nationality,nation,ethnos, tribe,рід.

641. In the series drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary for deciding to understand their ideas. Write down the price word (verb) .

Ideals,speciality,willpower,interests,social needs.

643. From the row drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary for deciding to understand their ideas. Write down the price word (verb) .

family,school,political party,labor collective,socialization agent.

644. In the country of Z, there is a widespread use of computer technology in various spheres of life. What are the other signs of listing that the country Z is developing as a post-industrial economy? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.
645. Read the guidance below the text, who missed the low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space. “Communication is mutual __________ (A), a businesslike friendly connection between people. More precisely the connection can be identified as the establishment of that development of contacts between people. Compliance includes the exchange of information, ideas, assessments, feelings and specific __________(B). In the process of such an exchange, the subjective world of one person is revealed differently. Interaction transferring between __________ (B) between the participants. People, like taking a part from the conspiracy, give a mutual injection on us, thoughts, almost one of one, the line __________ (D). Sounds splkuvannya included in the practical interaction of people: tsspіlny __________ (D), vchennya, collective gra. You can show off a wild person, your character in splkuvanni.
646 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 647. Show that you help the teacher to classify the cards in front of the hall on the topic “A person as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution”. Select all cards with signs that reflect the characteristics of the biological warehouse people. Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 648. To establish the difference between the characteristics by the methods of scientific knowledge: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the other position of the other column. 649. To establish the distinction between signs and types of truth: to the skin element given to the first stovptsi, to take the visceral element from the other stovptsya. 650. To establish the difference between forms and stages (steps) of recognition: to the skin element given to the first one, to take the other element of the other one. 651. Read the guidance below the text, in which a low slіv (word-finding) is missing. Choose from the list of words (words), which should be inserted in the space of gaps. “The motive is all those who succumb to __________ (A), for the sake of the satisfaction of which they are being forced out. Tsya form linking living organisms with the earthly light is necessary for the __________ (B), social group, suspense zagalom. __________ (B) educated by the biological nature of a person. Tse consume people in everything that is necessary for their foundation, the development of that awakening. Consume, connect with the belonging of a person to a suspіlstva, participate in a person's labor activity, __________ (D) hang out with other people, call __________ (D). Consume from the known human world the light of your own place in a new, known sense of your foundation, bring it up to __________ (E)". 652. Choose the right thoughts about the art and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 653. In the country Z panuє natural statehood. What are the other signs of transferring to say that the country Z is developing as a traditional society? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 654 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 655. Information technology is the most important official in the development of country Z. What other signs of listing indicate that country Z is developing as a post-industrial society? Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 656 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 657. Choose the right judgment about social institutions and write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 658. Read the guidance below the text, who missed the low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space. “Suspіlstvo like a system invigorates this mutual interrelationship and mutual understanding of both __________(A) and subsystem. So, just like in nature, all smells are part of a single complex - such that, having bumped into one of the components, you can put a threat to yourself __________ (B). The system of social links is collapsible and __________(B) permeates all spheres of prosperity and burns down to the bottom. Praise be-like a political solution, we can prostrate yoga __________ (D) in all areas. Thus, the conduct of the __________ (D) economy, the supply of market funds brought the old one-party political system to evil, changing the entire system of legislation. Іstotnі zmіni vіdbulisya y in the sphere of spiritual culture. The main types of social links are causal-inheritance and __________ (E)”. 659 figures, under which stinks are indicated.

660. Write down the word missing from the table.


661. Read the guidance below the text, in which a low slіv (word-finding) is missing. Choose from the list of words (words), which should be inserted in the space of gaps. “Science as a kind of __________ (A) includes in its own particular __________ (B) how to increase the essential and the acquisition of new knowledge. The result is __________ (B) scientific knowledge, which at once establishes the scientific picture of the world. Іsnuє two models of knowledge development. Apparently until __________ (D) science is a special kind of social memory of people. Zgidno __________ (D) science periodically experiences a pre-revolutionary change in its pan-events. The term "science" is also a sign of the totality of __________ (E), it creates different objects of reality.
662 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 663. Set the difference between signs and types (types) of culture: up to the skin element given in the first column, choose the difference element of another column.

664. A translation of terms is added below. Usi stink, krim dvoh, you can win to characterize the concept of "suspіlny regression".

1) roc;2) change;3) transition from less thorough to more thorough;4) success of development;5) zanepad;6) degradation.

667. State that you help the teacher to make a presentation before the lesson of social science on the topic “A person as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution”. One of the slides is called "Signs that reflect the specifics of the social nature of a person." Why did you include the second slide? Write down figures, for which signs are assigned 668. Read the guidance below the text, who missed the low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space. “A person who actively masters and transforms nature in a purposeful way, succumbing to himself, є __________ (A). All people with their socially formed and individually expressed qualities: __________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral and others. Їx molding is connected with tim, scho іndivіd u svіlnoї koїtsya іnshimi people __________ (V) know and change the world for yourself. The process of the first recognition of the first hour was acquired and the establishment of social awareness at once by the process of __________ (D). The peculiarity is distinguished as a special form of foundation and development of social connections, bringing people to the world and from the world, to itself and from itself. Vaughn is characterized by __________ (D) developing, expanding the scope of its activity and opening up to all the inflows of life, to every good fortune. Tse people, as they take their position in life, as they show the independence of thought, carry __________ (E) for their choice. 669. Students zdіysnili dolzhennya motives for the primary activity of schoolchildren of the younger classes. To find out from the list given below the methods they have established that are consistent with the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated. 670. Set the difference between the characteristics and types (forms) of activity: to the skin element given in the first article, to take the element of another article.
1) pratsia
2) gra
3) splintering
4) vchennya
671. Choose the right judgment about the welfare and social institutions and write figures, under which stinks are indicated.

672. Below is a list of parameters. Usi stink, krіm two, put up to the elite culture.

1) foldability of vicorous forms; 2)Pragnennya authors to inculcate good ideas;3)rozvazhny character;4)commercial directness is clearly expressed;5)spiritual aristocracy; 6)help of special training for education.

673. Read the guidance below the text, which has missed a low word (word receiving). Choose from the list of words (words), which should be inserted in the space of gaps. “Increased knowledge of a person about others, with the head jerel її setting himself like __________ (A). The child begins to cry out at his own witness to himself in the __________ (B) early. However, it is necessary to have a little fate of life, so that the child has settled down more __________ (B) to himself, as if transferring not only __________ (D) knowledge about himself, but the development of partial forms of self-esteem, which is blamed earlier, lower understanding of the powerful "I", that use __________ (D) to themselves in different situations, like different speeches. It is less in the process of їх zagalnennya that __________ (E) is formed in the sense of the term.
674. The studies of the region Z have confirmed the results of research in the sphere of motivation of the primary activity of schoolchildren of the younger classes. To find out from the above list zastosovanі vchenimi methods, yakі vіdpovіdat theoretical level of scientific knowledge. Write down figures, under which stinks are indicated.

675. From the row drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary to understand them for deciding to understand them. Write down the price word .


677 figures, under which stinks are indicated.
1) Before natural (biological) needs, people traditionally add the needs of a prodovzhennі genus, zhі, povіtry for dihannya, vіdpochinku.
2) People and other living beings have a common ability to change the activity.
3) One of the peculiarities of a person is, for the help of simple healers, to create folding work.
4) Possibility to stick to the change natural minds- rice vіdmіnnosti people vіd іnshih living іstot.
5) Before social needs, people bring consumption into community activity, public awareness, communication with other people.

678. Below is a list of methods of knowledge. Usi stinks, krim two, to be put up to the theoretical level of scientific knowledge.

1)summary of results;2)description of the object to be seen;3)hypotheses;4)experiment;5)prompt system of arguments;6)concept development.

679. In the series drawn below, to know what is understood, as if it is necessary to understand for the decision of representations to understand. Write down the price word .

Svitoglyad, ideals,look, estimates, installations.

681. To establish the distinction between signs and types of truth: to the skin element in the first column, take the essential element from the other column. 682. Set the position between butts and types of needs: to the skin position, given in the first column, choose the position from the other column. 683 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 684 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 685 figures, under which stinks are indicated. 686. To establish the difference between manifestations and tendencies of the development of modern illumination: to the skin element given in the first column, to take the indicator from the other column.

688. A translation of terms is added below. Usi stink, krim dvoh, to be put to the point of understanding "suspіlny regression".

1) the cost of building up to the viconnance of some important functions;2) change;3) transition from less thorough to more thorough

1. Suspіlstvo, in a broad sense, is called

1) all inhabitants of the state

2) a group of people who have united for collective activity

3) the most important light in the whole

4) all ways of interaction between people and the form of their association

2. Messed up, tied up with the increasing number of cars, with the butt of mutual communication

1) blessings of that nature

2) techniques and technologies

3) civilization and culture

4) ecology and morality

3. What are the truths of the judgment about the vision of the soul of nature?

A. Nature is one of the subsystems of the soul.

B. Suspіlstvo zmushene kompensuvat obmezhenіst prirodіnіh resurіvіv.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

4. What do you think about the suspense as a system?

A. All spheres of suspіlnogo zhittya skhilnі to zmin.

B. Suspіlstvo є static system.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

5. What are the ways of miring how the spheres of life are mutually connected?


B. Financing the patronage of the museum's activity as a butt linking the economic and spiritual spheres of society.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

6. Which of the examples illustrates the interplay of nature and suspense?

1) see people in the process of material manufacturing

2) pіdsіchno-vogneve arable farming of similar words

3) preaching activity of religious organizations

4) ethnographic research

7. Water-cremated in nature, but a part of the material world is closely connected with it, as it includes the ways of interaction between people and the form of their association, is called

1) people

2) culture

3) suspense

4) power

8. Sustainability dynamism as a system vibrates into

1) manifest connection with the natural medium

2) collection of institutions and subsystems

3) building up to progress

4) presence of suspіlnyh vіdnosin

9. What do you say about suspіlstvo?


B. Suspіlstvo u sensі - tse whole navkolishnіy lyudinі svіt.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

10. Which of the examples illustrates the infusion of nature into the soul?

1) subdivision of feudal fragmentation

2) changing the date of the celebration of New Rock

3) the death of Pompeii through the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius

4) activity of the state in the collection of taxes

11. To what sphere of suspіlnogo zhittya lies the activity of Internet sites, by the method of such є searches and splintering of many colleagues, acquaintances, classmates?

1) economical

2) social

3) political

4) spiritual

12. Which of the following characterizes the suspension as a dynamic system?

1) presence of suspіlnyh vіdnosin

2) pіdtrimka vyazku z nature

3) presence of social institutions

4) self-organization and self-development

13. Which of the examples illustrates the infusion of suspense into nature?

1) racial discrimination

2) international scientific research into distant galaxies

3) mass conduction of chips for young children

4) the development of laws about the protection of familiar species of creatures

14. Which of the examples illustrates the interplay of nature and suspense?

1) defeat by Yaroslav the Mudrym of the liver under Kiev

2) molding the caste system in Ancient India

3) life of irrigation disputes in Ancient China

4) Ivan IV saw the new Sudebnik in 1550

15. What do you say about suspіlstvo?

A. Social institutions lie before subsystems and elements of support.

B. Not all the elements of a suspenseful life are stable to change.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong

16. What is the sphere of the supremacy of religion, science, enlightenment?

1) economical

2) social

3) political

4) spiritual

17. To know what is understandable, as it is important for the decision to understand the series presented below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

18. Write down the word missing from the diagram.

19. Set the position between the butts and subsystems (spheres) of the suspension: to the skin position, given in the first column, select the position from the other column.

A) organization of pre-Svyatkovo trade

B) holding a referendum on the approval of the President

C) Praise for the law on public organizations

D) writing suitable for a novel

D) the production of mass-market goods

E) scientific research


1) economical

2) political

3) spiritual

20. Find out from the listed list the provisions, which can be used to understand the concept of “suspіlstvo”. Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) the collection of all peoples that inhabit our planet

2) a group of people who have united for joint activity and cooperation

3) the results of the materially transforming activity of people

4) the singing stage of the historical act of people

5) all the material light of the whole

6) old stereotypes of human behavior

21. Write down the word missing from the table.

22. Write down the word missing from the table.

23. Write down the word missing from the scheme:

24. Write down the word missing from the scheme.

25. Write down the word missing from the scheme.

26. To know what is understandable, as it is important for deciding to understand the series presented below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

27. Choose an understanding, as it is important for others to understand the row below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

28. Find a term that is relevant for all other terms in the row below. Write down the whole word (phrasal).

29. Below are low terms. Usi stinks, krim two, characterize the social dynamics. Find two terms that “fall off” from the chain of letters, and write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

30. Below are low terms. Usi stink, krim dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyazanі z ponyattyam "globalizatsіya". Find two terms that “fall off” from the chain of letters, and write down the numbers that indicate the stench.

31. Below is a list of terms. Usi stink, krim dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyazanі z ponyattyam "globalizatsіya". Find two terms that “fall out” from the common row.

32. Below is a list of terms. Ushі stink, krіm dvoh, pov'yazanі z ponyattyam "progress". Find two terms that “fall out” from the common row

1) social reform; 2) modernization; 3) stagnation; 4) the growth of the trivality of life; 5) fall equal to the light; 6) growth equal to the well-being of the population.

33. Find out from the list below the suspіlnі yavishcha. Write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) the dominion of the state

2) genetic weakness to the point of getting sick

3) show recession

4) national molding

5) sensitivity to light

6) development of the market

34. Find out from the list of drawings of the Suspension, as a dynamic system, and write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) water fortification in nature

2) interdependence of subsystems and community institutions

3) building up to self-organization and self-development

4) vision from the material world

5) permanent changes

6) possibility of degradation of other elements

35. Find out from the list the characteristics of the suspension as a dynamic system and write down the numbers that indicate the stink.

36. Choose the correct mirkuvannya about the suspension and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Suspіlstvo є part of nature.

2) Nature is the one who determines the development of the suspіlstva.

3) The current supremacy of power in the camp of Budov.

4) The succession of all the peoples that inhabit our planet is suspility.

5) Suspіlstvo can be called a song stage of the historical act of people.

37. Choose the right thoughts about social institutions and write down the numbers, according to which stench is indicated.

1) Social institutions are considered by science as historically formed, stable forms of organization of joint applied activity of people.

2) Oskіlki suspіlstvo є dynamic system, odnі social institutions can know, іnshі - z'yavlyatsya.

3) Social institutions are the main stages of the historical course of people.

4) Social institutions - chain stereotypes of human behavior.

5) Social institutions are created by people, as if united for joint activity and cooperation.

38. Set the position between butts by showing the characteristics of global problems: to the skin position, given in the first column, to take the position of the other column.

39. Choose the right metrics for the process of globalization and write down the numbers, under which the stench is indicated.

1) The concept of "globalization" means the process of all-world economic, political and cultural integration and unification.

2) Globalization is accompanied by an increase in the level of life in all regions of the world, without intermediary learning to this process.

3) The most important conductors of globalization are transnational corporations.

4) The process of globalization is accompanied by the weakening of ethnic, religious and cultural losses in most regions of the world.

5) One of the manifestations of globalization is Westernization.

40. Read the guidance below the text, who missed a low line. Choose from the proponed list of words, so that it is necessary to insert a passage in the space.

“People live in ________ (A), that її vchinka zumovlenі becoming, development among the human team. It is impossible to live among people without joining the singing ________ (B) with the lonely. In the minds of today's Russia and new suspіlnyh vіdnosin, which develop in nіy, market ________(B) and competitive struggle, the role of the comprehended orientation of people in the navkolishnym middle is growing significantly. Without understanding what is going on right now, it is impossible to correctly orient yourself in life, enjoy normal mutual relations with other people and supportive _______ (D). I do not appreciate the help of social psychology. Social psychology shows ________ (D) psychological phenomena that are blamed for the social interaction of people. The role of ________(E), as far as social psychology is concerned, grew significantly at the same time.”

41. Choose from the list of words that should be inserted in the space of the gaps.

“Characteristics of the suspіlstva yak (1) transferring the development of this internal structure. Її the main elements of є (2) supple life and social institutions. Viriznyayut economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. All the stench peresbuvayut at a close mutual connection, the shards support the necessary (3) suspense. (4) important social tasks are vitiating in the skin of the spheres. The stench will ensure the viability and distribution of various species (5), as well as the management of sleeping (6) people.

1) integrity

2) system

3) suspense

4) social benefits

6) curiosity

7) culture

8) social institutions

9) activity

The image of the revolution

The biggest extension of the image of the revolution ... there are a few of the main warehouses: violence, novelty and the outrageousness of change. Tsі signs zastosovyvaetsya equal peace to the revolutionary process, to the yogo causes and consequences.

The revolution is characterized as the most intensive, violent and recognition of the process of the current social changes. She has a borderline expression of free will and deep feelings, showing non-abyakie organizational strengths and a high ideology of social protest.

It is accepted that fundamental social anomalies melt with the rethinking of revolutions, or screaming injustice, fight between the elites and the greatest social officials, rise to the class struggle, lure to the social revolution of the great organized groups.

The results of the revolution seem to be richly sided. In the first place, the price of a violent change of the existing political regime ... In another way, the replacement of the unworthy ruling elite by the ruling class by others.

Thirdly, far-reaching changes in the current institutional spheres, which are ahead of the economy and class resources, are changes directed towards the modernization of more aspects of social life, economic development and industry, and central participation in the field of expansion. Fourthly, a radical revival is imminent ... I respect, in a way, that the revolutions will not be less institutional and organizational transformation, but that they will bring changes to the morality of that vihovannia.

44. What are the signs of revolution? How can one save them before the reform? Illustrate your remaining vysnovok with a butt.

46. ​​What sense do the modern scientists put into the concept of "globalization"? Gaining knowledge of the sustainable knowledge of the course, put together two propositions: one proposition, which seeks to avenge information about the manifestation of globalization in the political sphere, and one proposition, which reveals the process of globalization in the economic sphere.

47. What sense do social scientists put in the understanding of "criteria of social progress"? Gaining knowledge of the success rate, put together two propositions to get information about the criteria for progress progress.

48. What is important is that a social institution is a form of organization of people that has historically evolved on the basis of a set of norms and statuses, as it regulates activity and satisfies fundamental human needs. What is the coverage of the social institute? Confirm your opinion with three arguments

49. For the help of three examples, illustrate the interrelationships of the global problems of the present.

50. To show on three butts the embossed link of the spirit of nature.

51. Name and illustrate with butts three positive consequences of the process of globalization.

52. In the course of the parliamentary debates, it was seen that there was a food for the expansion of approaches, directing to the fringing of monopoly in the economy, stimulating the competition of manufacturers. Nazvіt sphere suspіlstva, zv'yazok z ekonomіkoyu іlustruєtsya tsim butt. Include good examples that illustrate the link between the economy and the other two spheres of life

53. You have been instructed to prepare an open speech on the topic “Social institutions”. Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

54. You have been entrusted with the preparation of an open speech on the topic "Suspіlstvo as a system." Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

55. You are guilty of preparing an open speech on the topic "Global problems of modernity." Lay down the plan, vidpovidno until you see the topic. The plan is guilty of revenge at least three points, with two or more details at the subpoints.

56. Choose one of the lower words, open it up, figuring out the problem posed by the author (the topic is locked); formulate your position to the position taken by the author; ground the target.

Social psychology: "A person is unacceptable posture of supplication" (L. Tolstoy)

Philosophy: "Revolution is a barbaric form of progress." (J. Jaures)

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