The activity of the party is turned on obov'yazkovo. Political parties. Understand, functions and see political parties. Functions of the political party

Understanding the political party

Political parties occupy a special place among the subjects of political activity, acting as mediators between the people and the state. The classically appointed party belongs to the French political scientist Roger Gerard Schwarzenberg (born 1943):

political party— ce without interruption, the organization, both on the national and on the social level, is aimed at the establishment and administration of power and the pragne of the broad mass promotion of the city.

Parties unite the most active representatives social groups, which may be similar ideologically and politically, look and practice before state power.

Signs of the partyє:

  • functioning on a long-term basis, organization, manifestation of formal norms and rules of internal party life, in the form of a statute;
  • presence of local authorities (primary organizations), as they support regular links between Ukraine and national architecture;
  • directness to win political power and control over it (groups, so as not to put such a mark, call groups a vice);
  • the presence of the people's support; goodwill of membership;
  • the manifestation of a global ideology, marks and strategies, expressions in the political program.

The suspіlstvі pії vykonuyut low specific internal and external functions.

Internal functions succumb to the recruitment of new members, to ensure the financing of the party, to improve the effective interdependence between kerіvnitstvom and mіstsevim vіddіlennyam just.

External functionsє primary for party activity:

  • expression, showing that defending the interests of great social groups; about the integration of people in the middle of social groups on the basis of common goals; mobilization of masses for the accomplishment of important social tasks;
  • the development of ideology, the formation of a public thought, the expansion of political culture;
  • creation of opportunities for political socialization of specialty;
  • training of personnel for political institutions; fate in the formation of political elite;
  • organization of selection campaigns and their fate;
  • the struggle for state power is the fate of the political administration.

A sprat of typologies of political parties was proposed:

  • on ideological orientation see liberal, conservative, communist and other parties;
  • on territorial sign - federal, regional toshcho;
  • on social base- workers, peasants, workers and entrepreneurs;
  • by date until social transformations - radical and dead, revolutionary and reformist, progressive and reactionary;
  • on take part in the government - rulers and opposition, legal and illegal, parliamentary and non-parliamentary.

The largest type of party classification organizational life, zgіdno z kakoyu see cadres and mass parties.

Personnel parties Oriented to the fate of professional politicians, parliamentarians and united by a group of leaders - the political committee. Such parties ring out innumerable and elite, win finance from private dzherel. Today's activities are activated at the time of the elections.

Mass parties numerically, financed from the member's outsiders. They are centralized organizations with statutory membership, reinvigorate organization and discipline, carry out extensive propaganda work in the field, shards of affiliation with an increase in the number of their members (and, also, the sum of memberships). If the cadre party is to mobilize the elites, then the masses are to mobilize the broad masses of the people.

To the group subjects of political activity, one can also add mass movements, hromada organizations, groups of people just a little.

The concept of a political party

political party- tse voluntary non-commercial public association of ideological and political principles, as a means of achieving political goals and victorious political goals.

political party- Tse political organization of the most active part; association (politically class-based), as if without intermediary demonstrating the interests of the class and succession, it is composed of the most active representatives of it, as if they are aware of the interests of those who are fighting for their interests and sovereignty (abolition of sovereign power).

In the Marxist tradition parties are seen as a form of organization of that chi іnshoy class or yogo prosharka, schoo plyuє yogo most active part, scho vobrabrazhaє yogo root political interests and reconsidering old-fashioned class goals. The parties, as political organizations, without intermediary take part in the suspense-political life, turn their position to the point of real power, create in the name of saving that change of power or change.

In the liberal-democratic tradition parties are interpreted as organizing political forces that unite the citizens of the same political traditions and services to win their participation in power by means of realizing the goals of their relatives. Incorporating the right of a person to political association with other people, the parties promote the general group interests and the number of different faiths of the population (social, national, religious, etc.). Through this institution, people raise their group powers to the state and immediately take away their savagery for encouragement from the quiet chi of other political powers.

Obov'yazkovі political party elements:

  • whether the party is carrying a singing ideology, or, acknowledging, we are adhering to a specific orientation of the society and the people.
  • tse shodo trivale for an hour ob'ednannya, tobto. organization with a singing structure and territorial vimir (national, regional, local, and other international).
  • meta be-like a party - winning the power of the fate of its order with other parties.
  • The skin party should not secure the support of the people - from joining to the warehouse of its members to the formation of a wide number of alcoholics.
Signs of a political party:
  • presence of organizational structure;
  • program and statute;
  • payment of membership contributions;
  • party discipline;
  • organizational link between party members;
  • shaping the public thought;
  • the fate of the molding of parliamentary and uryadovyh statutes.

The role of the political party in life suspіlstva:

  • happy Lanka of the people's mast and power;
  • regulator of the social and political life of the household;
  • kerіvnik class struggle among the suspіlstvі.

Golovne zavdannya political party - zahoplennya that fate.

"Partiya" is more understandable. How to ask: "What is the batch of goods?", vіdpovіd will be one. And as we see it, we blame it on the other hand for understanding that fate. What is the batch of products, we do not consider these topics. You can understand us, you are bound by politics. Let's take a look at yoga report.

The concept of "party" in politics

Especially the place among the subjects of this kind of activity, as political, is occupied by parties. They act as mediators between the power and the huge people. Reply to the question of what a party is, which has become a classic appointment, proponing Roger Gerard Schwarzenberg (born 1943), a French political scientist. On the other hand, a political party is an uninterruptedly active organization, both on the local and on the national level. Won is aimed at the direction of the administration of the government, the pragne wide support of the masses with the help of the method.

Party signs

Let's continue our opinion on food, what is the party. Let's take a look at these signs. The party unites the most active representatives of other social groups, which may be similar to them in ideological and political terms, and to pragnate in such a way as to state power.

You can see the following signs of the party:

Long-term functioning, organization, manifestation of the rules of internal party life and formal norms, in accordance with the statute;

the appearance of the primary organizations (mistsevykh vіddіlen), yakі pіdtrimuyut z natіonalnym kerіvnіtstvom regular zv'yazki;

Direction to conquer power and order by it (groups of vice are called so, so that you can’t miss the mark);

Voluntary membership; the presence of encouragement to the people;

The presence of a global strategy, marks and ideologies, expressions in the national political program.

Party functions

The stench wins over a number of specific external and internal functions. This is also the next guess, depending on the supply, what is the party. We can see that, and other functions, we report on them.

Internally, there is a need for financial security, the recruitment of new members, the remuneration between medical departments and the core of effective cooperation.

Zovnishnі funktsії - primordial for the activity of the party. This is the defense, the expression of the interests of the great groups, the integration of people in them on the basis of common goals, as well as the mobilization of the masses in order to maintain important current social goals. Before them, one can also see the development of ideology, the expansion of political culture, the training of various personnel for political institutions to work, the fate of the mixed elite, as well as the opportunities for socialization of specialty in the sphere of politics. In addition, the most important functions are the fate of their organizations and the struggle for control, as well as for sovereign power.

See the parties

You can see a few typologies that political parties share.

So, they see it as a communist, conservative, liberal party behind an ideological orientation.

"What is the federal party?" - Ask you. Її see behind the offensive, territorial sign. According to the new party, there are regional, federal and other parties. Tobto tsya signs show, on a certain territory there is a stench.

Behind the social base - entrepreneurs, peasants, workers and others.

According to the date before the reformation of the Suspіlstva - reactionary and progressive, reformist and revolutionary, dead and radical.

For the participation of the government - parliamentary and non-parliamentary, legal and illegal, ruling and opposition.

However, the most important classification is the organizational life, for which one sees mass and cadre parties.

Personnel parties

"What is the Party of Personnel?" - Ask you. The fate of parliamentarians, professional politicians and the union of a political committee - a group of leaders - is oriented. The stinks ring out elitist and not numerous, financed from private dzherel. The activities of such parties are activated under the hour of elections.

Mass parties

Навпаки, масові партії є численними, фінансуються вони з централізованих організацій, які мають статутне членство, що відрізняються дисциплінованістю та організованістю, що проводять на місцях широку пропагандистську роботу, оскільки зацікавлені в тому, щоб чисельність їх зростала (і, відповідно, збільшувалися суми внесків) . Masovі party prgnut mobіlіzatsії people's masses, and kadrovі - elіt.

You can divide them also into "right" and "left". What is the "right" party? The stench is speaking out against fundamental reforms for saving the current regime. "Liv" - for the change of yoga, the reign of social equivalence, the implementation of large-scale reforms. Before them lie the social-democratic, anarchist, socialist and communist parties, as well as other political doctrines.

We looked theoretically, as you can see, but also what a party. "United Russia" lie down to "right" or "left"? Try the tips on the food chain on your own. What is a communist party, we all can approximately tell and without a name.

Group vice, hromadskі organіzatsії, masovі Rukh also belong to the group subjects of such activity as political.

For the rest of the decade, the titles of the universal party appeared (in other words - the party of all the electors). In a strict meaning, the words stink like this. At the discretion of the traditional parties, which are oriented at their activity on the electoral groups, the associations should try to get different groups of voters on their own bik. Characteristic of their rice is this: a special type plays the role of a kind of light-seeing symbol of the leader-intellectual, neobov'yazkove fixing at the common membership, and navіt vіdsutnіst bіkіh clearly delineated social interests. Head function- defending a dignified political course, and not aggregation and articulation of the interests of society. This is why the stench is greater from the power, lower from the people.

Party concepts

In support of the fact that such a political party is, it is necessary to identify the same party concepts. The party is a non-commercial dobrovilne social association of political principles and ideological mirkuvan, which pragne reaches the singing political goals and zastosovuє in case of this political cause.

Until the wrong way, the yak was appreciated, found by the Classic Chi on the half -ornnany, the virazhazha їh іnteresi, the people who were found, the usvidomlyuye dange, yaki struggle with the sovereigns of Chi resettails.

In traditional Marxism, the parties are seen as the naive form of class organization, which hoots at the most active part, which reflects political interests and revisited its activities of the long-term goals. How the party hangs up to power, take part in the politically suspenseful approaches, are created in the name of the saving of power, or change it.

In the INNSHIY TREED, LIBERAL-DEMOPORTICARY, WIS SUPPY YAK PEVNI PENITICHIL, Organized, ShO ONENNITE INDINED INDINED POLITICALE TO SERVICE OFSISHISSHYALYSHYANYA of the MEUMA, YAKITYASHITYA, PROVILISHITYADYARYADY. Voniya, incorporating the right of special political association with others, inspire deacons of general group interests and interests of different versions of the society (religious, national, social, etc.). Through this institution, people hang up to the power of their group strength and take it away from it at once for support for the accomplishment of certain political meals.

Elements, yakі є obov'yazkovymi for be-like a political party

In order to better understand what such a political party is, we see the elements that are obov'azkovymi for them. Be it a party - if you have a singing ideology, or if you want to hang out a singing orientation of the people and the world. Tse ob'ednannya, schodo trivale for hour іsnuvannya, tоbto organіzatsіya, maє pevny teritorialny vymir (mіstseve, regional, natsіonalne, kotriy іnоdіі іnternаtsіonalne) і structure. Meta be-like a party - the conquest of power by the fate of the others at once.

The skin of the party wants to secure its support of the population - from the inclusion to the lava of its members to the creation of a stake of sleeping people.

Signs of the role of the political party

Among the main signs can be seen: the presence of an organizational structure, the membership of non-members, the presence of a statute and programs, organizational links between party representatives, party discipline, participation in the formation of ranks and parliamentary regulations, the creation of a community thought.

The role of її in the life of society: the success of the lanka between the power and the people's masses, the champion of the suspіlnі class struggle, the regulator of the socio-political suspіlnogo zhittya.

The main task of the party is the fate of the government, the slaughter of it.

Functions of the political party

1. Theoretical:

I will analyze, and develop a theoretical assessment of the various prospects for a suspile development;

Showing the interests of various mixed groups;

Variation of tactics and strategies to fight for the renewal of society.

2. Ideological:

Vіdstoyuvannya that broadness in the masses of their moral values ​​and svetoglyadu;

Propaganda of one's policy and goals;

Luchennya population to lavas and on the b_k party.

3. Political:

Struggle for power;

Pick up on the selection plant candidates, cadres for hanging at the city center and central ceramics, order;

Carrying out various election campaigns.

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List of references


How to say the Federal Law on political parties, adopted by the Sovereign Duma in 2001 in rotation and order at a given hour, “ Russian Federation recognize political diversity, rich party spirit. Based on this constitutional principle, the power guarantees the equality of political parties before the law, regardless of the contributions of their ideological and program documents, goals and objectives. The State shall ensure the rights and legal interests of political parties.

Today's political life is like a specific galuz of a suspense butt - the activity of the citizens of the Russian Federation for help, which is the formation, functioning and transformation political system camaraderie. The won is rich-faceted and varied both for direct, characteristics, forms, and for structural components, subjects of political representations. The most important, invisible part of the political system, the political life of the democratic society, the political party, the political party.

My method control robotє the formation of political parties, or rather, the knowledge of the principles of party activity in Russia. For whom we are spiritually on the vіdomosti z scientific aids, zokrema

"Fundamentals of the Theory of Political Parties" edited by Zaslavsky, as well as on the "Federal Law on Political Parties" and other evidence about political activity.

The control work consists of the introduction, the main part, the revisions and the list of literature.

1. Functions and functions of political parties

One of the key problems in the formation of political parties is the maintenance of nutrition, which is worthy of their functional recognition, the purpose of which is direct activity. This problem is especially relevant during the early days of the formation of a wealthy party spirit in Russia, which is of interest to the remaining hour of greatness. The activity of political parties is not established until positions are won in the organs of state power. In the other case, the recognition could be successfully overcome by the time corporate groupings, the warehouse and political orientations of those could be constantly changed depending on the nuances in the political situation. In the socio-political sphere of the society, the demand is inevitably blamed, the majority of which can be accepted by such a specific institution, like a political party. The structure of the political process in the political party has a dual role: an essential element of the political system, which ensures the creation of the political elite, organizes the fate of the elections, and the institution of political representation of the interests of the singing part of the political party.

The formation of the policy as a party policy has led to the creation of such a state of suspense, in which galuzi are seen private life, hromadyanskogo suspіlstva and vlasne political representation, scho subordinating sobі power and legitimіtuє її. The parties serve to unite the representation of groups of interests that are formed on the level of the hromada community (numerical unions and associations, which do not count on the method of estimating the sovereign power). Tsey podіlshaetsya relevant to the current situation, having recognized some changes that are connected with him, which often between the hromadyansky suspіlstvo and parties are broken up.

The political science has developed a few approaches to the functional recognition of the parties in the system. Most of the contributors support the thesis about the multiplicity of functions of political parties, differing, prote at the appointed number of them in the classification schemes.

Knowing a lot of the point of dawn, which was found in the scientific literature about the functions of political parties, having seen their diversity, one can see the following functions:

§ electoral function - tobto. diyalnist, spramovavannya for the promotion of candidates to the elections planted to the organs of the vikonavchos and representative authorities at the sight of their hanging and support on the elections;

§ the function of political recruitment and socialization, for the help of which in the political process zdiisnyuєtsya zaluchennya, primary selection and further circulation of the politically active part of the population;

§ Innovative function - the political parties' development of alternative propositions for the possibility of resolving other problems, as well as methods for the implementation of proposed solutions;

§ accumulative function - assimilated, synthesis that further political expression of interests in social, ethnic, age categories of the population in the ideological doctrines and political programs developed by the party;

§ constitutive function - the provision of institutional guarantees of ideological and political diversity, as well as a peaceful resolution of social conflicts for additional activity and the formation of the political will of the citizens, participation in the formation and activity of the organs of sovereign power;

§ integrating function - manifests itself in the community of people on the basis of cohesiveness of goals and interests of a political nature, in viroblennі on this basis of a global group social interest, global system of looking, in a community of citizens single structure, after which the new collective subject of the public policy is blamed.

The complex of goals of activity and functions that are implemented by political parties, in a narrower form, reflects the actual suspense of suspense, which in this world is mediated by law. Tse vyyavlyaєtsya at zakrіplenі in dignified legislation position, scho signify the main goals and zavdannya political parties, necessary for their implementation of the subjective rights and correspond with them obov'yazki. Tsі tsіlі - juridical expression of the most important for the legal function of political parties, and navіt zasіb vіdіlennya vіdіlіnіshіh ob'єktіv pravovіdnosin, kudi sprаvirovanії dіyalnіst pіyаktіv yak tіkіv prava. Zagalnі vimogi to the main goals of the political party to avenge the Russian Federal Law "On political parties". To the main goals of the political party lie:

§ shaping the public thought;

§ political enlightenment of the community;

§ expression of the thoughts of the hulks, whether they are nourishing a supple life, bringing these thoughts to a wide enormity and bodies of sovereign power;

§ nomination of candidates for election to legislative (representative) bodies of sovereign power and representative bodies of local self-representation, participation in elections to appointment of bodies to their jobs.

It is impossible to forget that the functions of the party may serve the interests of society, delegating to the party the right to speak in the name of the general population. As far as support is concerned, that the party is an important tool for the protection of the political rights of the citizens, it can and can effectively gain visions of credit.

2. The social basis of the activity of political parties

policy of party legal regulation

Together through its gait, the phenomenon of the party, party, the part -time mobilіzatsya is characterized by social superystoy: Party of representing a part of the suspension (wounded, Shvidsha for everything, an affordable of the navigation of the navigation of . Navit at our time the newly created party, start your activity from the introduction to the inclusion of the singing group of the conspiracy, to the knowledge of її іnterests. - tobto. on the situation, which is necessary to correct.

The basis of party transmission is like the manifestation of impersonal social authorities (how to set the basis of different classes, strata and so on), and the th permanent process of social differentiation. Social differentiation is promoted, if not, imovirno, and provoked, differentiation of parties. For this reason, it is most convenient to create real groups, represented by singing parties, in the form of fictitious groups, created under the same party. This is why it is explained that if the party is problematizing the current state of affairs about the suspense, to introduce into the sphere of politics I am “not yet aware” in the niy group and try to separate these interests from the interests of the entire suspense, not introduce this group as a universal - like another group, like panuє, dominuє). The logic result of the TSO, the General of the General Party, ї Pragennya submissions are represented by the Clase Gegemon (the “third class” is entered in the izindustrian shutters), the abstracts of the iz. especially important in the period of occupation and fluctuations in colonial fallows).

Розвиток партій завжди відбувається у просторі між двома полюсами - один з них представлений політичною організацією, яка прагне збігтися з усім суспільством, а другий - групою більш-менш різнорідних партій, які розкривають нові й нові соціальні відмінності, межі, перегородки, що сигналізують про відсутність exchange of integrity.

The party of goiters is a mother social basis, they are mutually influenced by it, we are forwarded, among the supporters, who hope the party will be elected, the educated community before the process of making a decision, recruiting new members of the party, activists and volunteers of the comrades. Depending on the fact that the connection with the social basis is the same, the party can implement additional social functions. Thus, the recruitment of new members as an element of the creation of a link with a social basis at once brings the party into the system of vertical and horizontal mobility of the joint, into the system of induction of institutions - for example, enlightenment. , yakі earlier nіyak were not fixed on the equal symbolic (to not require constant zastosuvannya of violence) power. The new logic of the foundation of the party conveys that the groups in the social expanse are no longer aware of the prospects of being recognized from the side of other groups, the social prospects are solidified as a symbolic power. But at the same time, from the logic of implementation, a trend to generalization has already been predicted. The party, which enters the expanse of fighting for power, speaks like the private interests of the group it represents, and for the one that has interests zbіgayutsya with the interest of the whole society (the sensi bourgeoisie itself was a single class, covering all the social space). Obviously, such a trend is growing opir, just as the process of introducing new groups of powers is developing, bringing new competing parties onto the stage. Dosvіd razvitku real politichnyh organizatsii allow zrobiti vysnovki about іsnuvannya principally different forms vyazku ієї chi іnshoy її s її її social basis. Submission of interests as a fundamental principle of the work of the party can be played out in different ways, implemented at different stages and different levels of the work of the parties. Basis and setting to the new in new and parties, which are formed, іnshі, nizh at the parties, which are changed under the rule. The middle of one and the other parties of the most important value can come different aspects vzaєmin with the basis - for example, a robot with a set of new members of the party, or an orientation towards an abstract selection, which sticks with the party and its representatives are less likely to have selected ballots. To finish the party often, as if spiraling on the cob on a vuzka around one-thinkers, under the hour of taking power, expanding its social basis, reorienting itself to other groups too. You can see a few aspects of the social basis of the parties, specific setting of interests. For example, such aspects of either the original as a basis can act:

§ іstorichny and social genesis of the party (or її pohodzhennya);

§ relevant and promising links with groups of interests and social developments;

§ zv'yazok z hulks, yakі do not go to the members of the party or party activists, but take part in the elections, giving voice to the party.

A similar scheme, which is often vindicated by sociologists-fakhivtsy from the party movement, allows different ways connections of the party with the suspension and appeals of the suspension to the party, moreover, chi ways can superchit one to one for an hour.

Significantly, democratic rule is based on traditional norms of political behavior. Tse means that skin political culture can be such a political system, as much as possible in accordance with the supple-acceptable principles of the participation of the masses under the governance of the state. If the principle of people's sovereignty is consequently instilled, then in the future we will become evidence of the development of various democratic systems that follow the basic principles of national political cultures.

3. Subject and form of legal regulation of party activities

Central directly to the development of the formation of political parties is to address the complex of problems that play this role in the system of state and community institutions. Within the framework of such an analysis, the key concepts are the status of the party, under which it is traditionally to be on the verge of a camp in the political system of the state. Etymologically, the term “status” means a camp, and a camp with an objectively given recognition, which allows you to see it as a kind of system, like a familiar suffix, a link, a link, and an equal organization. They distinguish the legal status, so that the place of the party is legally fixed in the system of sovereign and hromada organizations, as well as the settlement of the complex of legally significant mutual relations, that social status, which characterizes the steps of the party’s contribution to the support of that policy. On the basis of the legal status, enshrined in the legislation, the social status of the party is determined without delay during the political process. The legally formalized social status of the party signifies the normative fixing of the actual state of the system of social links. Разом з тим, якщо соціальний статус партій відрізняється залежно від їхнього політичного впливу, ресурсної та соціальної бази, то правовий статус ґрунтується на принципі юридичної рівності, хоча певна диференціація їх прав та обов'язків може мати місце у випадках, коли відмінності партій законодавством оцінюються як legally significant.

The legal status of the party is a complex choice of understanding, which reflects the legal nature, the place in the system of sovereign and public institutions, the rights and obligations, the possibility of acting as a subject of law, legally significant social links, and providing legal evidence. Differentiation of the legal status of a political party can change a different facet - depending on the angle of investigation.

Slid razraznyati structure and change the legal status of the political party. Yakshcho Zmіst Legal status of parties (a set of norms, the regulation of the landlord) of the Rukhlivi) building to the transformation, then the structure of legal status, holo, is the same static static, which is described from the system of systems. . Before the structure of the legal status of a political party, there are її legal construction, principles of organization and activity, rights and obligations, which signify її constitutional and legal and civil legal personality, juridical viability, as well as the legal status of the indirect (legal) type. Until the rest, zokrema, the power of interdependence of power and political parties, the principles of activity of political parties and legal guarantees of their subjective rights should lie. Together, the powers of the political parties are recognized by the all-season nature of the state as an organization that unites all the members of the union, the supremacy of the sovereign power and other political power. Such an asymmetry does not include the recognition of political parties as a union, self-organizing, autonomous types of power. "Social initiatives that go from below and to the beast, are guilty of zealousness on the grounds of law and legality, to back up and succumb."

The subvariant suspіlna nature of a political party (like a community association and a subject of public vladnyh vodnosin) may have its own normative vimir. From one side, belonging to the party to the community associations is expanding the principles of organization and activity, which are common to all kinds community associations. On the other hand, the fact that the main recognition of the party and the fate of the political life of society, zomovlyuє need for a greater substantive regulation of the order її creation, activity of the foundations of the internal structure. To the sphere of legal regulation of the activity of political parties, which is the same in the other world in the national legislation of different regions, one can note:

§ rights and obov'yazki political party;

§ functions of the party, the formation of methods and methods of political activity of the party;

§ organization device of the party;

§ the order of osvіti that prinennya dіyalnostі pії;

§ submit the procedure for the participation of the party in elections and in the activities of state bodies;

§ financial, state and political activities of the party;

§ vzaєmini party and state bodies, non-partisan public associations and other organizations;

§ international links of the party;

§ ideological and agitational activities of the party.

The implementation of status indications and functional recognition of parties is ensured by looking at the complex of subjective rights and obov'yazkiv. By their very nature, the rights of political parties are closely related to the rights of people and citizens, enshrined in the constitution, shards are based on a complex of political rights of specialty (to unite, express one’s thoughts, freedom of speech) and call for security of realities. At one time it is necessary to differentiate the political rights of the people, including the right to association, that complex of subjective rights of political parties as collective subjects.

4. Financial and government activity of political parties

Promoting active work and party functionaries and apparatus, agitation and propaganda, recruiting new members and promoting competitiveness in the political market is unacceptable without a clearly organized management of party finances. What would not be the ideology of the organization, її privablіvіst for mas tim vishcha, scho more іdeologiya fіnansuєtsі. Already for the elitist parliamentary party, finance plays an important role, especially if it develops in the course of the representative body of the state's interests as a segment of the great lords. The effectiveness of the lobbying activity of the party is also tied to financial capabilities. Wart up the respect, so that you don’t get involved in the total obligation of financing the parties for the money of the sovereign koshtiv. Navit in the krains, de maє mіsce the dictates of only one party and there is no political competition, and, apparently, there is no transfer of the same finances, the Crimean self-power, such a practice is still not advertised. If the legislator is not violating the test of budget money for party consumption, then it will show up with a rapt, strike a blow at the political image of the party, and those who allow it in a similar way, you can knock out the administrative chi political career. Необхідність державного регулювання фінансово-господарської діяльності політичних партій фахівці зазвичай пов'язують із трьома суттєвими обставинами: різким ускладненням виборчих технологій, що тягне за собою значне збільшення витрат на проведення виборчої кампанії, зростанням політичної активності бізнесу і фактами корумпованості політичної еліти, що мають місце, podrivaє doviru vybortsiv.

The sense of sovereign financing of the party favors that which promotes the stability of the essential party system (and, as a result, the political stability of the state), assigning penny bonuses and subsidies to organizations, which have succeeded in the aftermath of parliamentary elections. In Russia, the bones of the political party are formed as follows:

§ entry and membership fees (as their payment is transferred by the statute of the political party);

§ fees that are given to political parties from the federal budget;

§ donation of physical legal issues;

§ nadkhodzhennya vіd zakhodіv, scho conducted by the political party, її regional branches and other structural subdivisions, as well as income from pridprієmnitskoi іyalnostі;

§ nadkhodzhennya vіd tsivіlno-legal interests;

§ інші are not fenced by the law of jurisdiction.

The political party is self-sufficient among the lords’ lords’ clerks for the security of their activities, including the catering for the payment of prats, subprincipal activities, and the removal of that cost of money and other lanes. The results of the Mr. Dylenosti are half the parties, the ї regions of the same structurals of the Pirzdiliv Mayut Boti Vydoskoye Filinski Political Party (accounting) of the stars of the illegitors of the regional natives.

Political party, її regional registrations and other registrations of structural subdivisions zdіyshnyuyut taxable form and accounting zvіtnіst in order and line, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for legal osіb. The stench of the quarter is served at the Central Commission of the Russian Federation and at the election of the commission of the subject of the Russian Federation on the need for that stained glass of money of the political party. The Party of Zobs is also scrupulously submitting to the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation a financial statement about the need for window-dressing of koshtiv in the stellar circle. The re-examination of financial (accounting) records of political parties, regional authorities and other registrations of structural subsidies is carried out by the federal agency of the Ministry of Education and Science, which encourages the loss of functions of control and supervision by tax authorities. The information about the financial background of the political party, as well as information about this review, is posted by the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation on a special website in the information and telecommunications media of the global coronation.


Indeed, today's parties are an indispensable element of the political system of supremacy. They act as the noses of political courses, to compete one with one, to serve as a guardian of interests, needs and purposes of singing social groups, being a happy lanko between prosperity and power. These are the main interests of the transformed impersonal private interests of the hulks, social versts, zatsіkavlenih groups in their single joint political interest. Through the party and the selection system, the formalization of the community of citizens in political life is introduced. The parties take an active part in the functioning mechanism of political power, or they try to indirectly invest in the new one. An important figure in the activity of political parties and their ideological impact on the population, their role is significant in the formation of political information and culture.

Political parties need a post-updating. The stench may be suitable for young people and representatives of new professions, improve the staff, as a good reason and represent the power and needs of people, as well as independently assess the changes in politics and take appropriate decisions. There are only active parties that oppose and protect the supporters of the opportunists, allow them to expand their social base.

The activity of political parties is a good indicator of the process of the formation of the community society, the democratization of the political system, and the development of self-regulation. First of all, to the result of the work of the robot, to the same, to the rise of the community and the community.

List of references

1. Akopov G.L., Kislitsin S.A. "Political science" Heading guide, 2009

2. Benediktov K. "Union of Right Forces" short history parties, Type: Europe, 2009

3. Gorelov A.A. "Political science in nutrition and behavior" Primer, 2009

4. Zelenkov M.Yu. « Politology » Assistant, Type: Dashkov ta Ko, 2012

5. Kralechkin D.Yu., Ashkerov A.Yu. and in pid ed. Zaslavsky S.Є. "Fundamentals of the theory of political parties" M, 2007

6. Lebedeva M.M. "Svіtova politika" Pіdruchnik, М, 2007

Placed on


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solution, obov'yazkovyh for all the inhabitants

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Vidpovidno to the provisions of Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On political parties" the activity of political parties is based on principles: goodwill; equality; self-rowing; legitimacy; publicity.

The principles of the activity of the political party, its goals and objectives, as well as the methods of their implementation are laid down by the program of the political party. The activities of political parties can be disrupted by the right-wingers and the freedom of the people and the bulk, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Political parties are voiced, information about their installation and program documents is publicly available.

Political parties are obliged to work for people and women, citizens of the Russian Federation of various nationalities, as members of a political party, equal opportunities for representation in key bodies

Political parties, on the lists of candidates from the deputies and on other elections, plant them in the organs of state power and the organs of local self-regulation.

Political parties are free to designate their own internal structure, goals, forms and methods of activity, marginalization, established by law. So, zgіdno zі art. 9 ФЗ «Про політичні партії» забороняється створення та діяльність політичних партій, цілі чи дії яких спрямовані на насильницьку зміну основ конституційного ладу та порушення цілісності Російської Федерації, підрив безпеки держави, створення збройних формувань, розпалювання соціальної, расової, національної та релігійної ворожнечі. The activity of political parties can also disrupt the rights and freedoms of the people, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. In addition, the political party is not guilty of intervening at the head of the process lighting installations. It is not allowed to create such activities of political parties and their structural subdivisions in the organs of state power and mass self-regulation, in the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, in law enforcement and other state bodies, state organizations. Vinyatok to become legislators (representative) bodies of state power and representative bodies of the local self-regulation.

This is how the creation and activity of the Russian political parties (their structural subdivisions) of foreign powers are being defended.

With the method of ensuring democratic ambushes at the organization and activity of political parties, art. 21 ФЗ «Про політичні партії» передбачено вимоги до їх статутів, дотримання яких дозволяє забезпечити виборність та змінність керівних органів політичної партії, а також демократичну процедуру прийняття рішень, у тому числі при висуванні кандидатів у ході проведення виборів до органів державної влади та органів місцевого самоврядування . . Vіdpovіdno to st. 23 of the Federal Law "On political parties" membership in a political party is voluntary and individual. Members of the political party can be citizens of the Russian Federation, have reached 18 years of age. Foreign communities, individuals without community, cannot be members of a political party, and they cannot bring individuals who have been recognized by the court as non-educational. The exchange of the right to join a political party can be established for the singing categories of citizens by federal laws. A citizen of the Russian Federation may be a member of more than one political party. A member of a political party can be transferred to more than one regional branch of a political party - for a place of good living.

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