Statute of the community association "Belarusian Federation of Vesluvannya" (). Statute of the community association "Belarusian Federation of Education" () Belarusian Federation of Academic Affairs






Minsk 2006


1.1 . Community association “Belarusian Federation of Sports” (given behind the text of the Statute - GO “BFG”) - a voluntary community organization, created on the basis of a free association of athletes, coaches, sports judges, fakhivtsiv from amateur rowing sports, rowing , as they are engaged in the development and popularization of the sport in the Republic of Belarus.

1.2 . GO "BFG" establishes its activities in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Community Associations", other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and the Statute.

1.3 . GO "BFG" spіvpratsyuє z authorities state power and management, community organizations, philanthropic partnerships, creative partnerships, businesses, mass information and other organizations on the basis of equal partnership.

1.4 . GO “BFG” can join international unions (associations) of community associations, promote contacts and connections with them, apparently up to dignified legislation, lay down important agreements and please.

1.5 . GO "BFG" has a legal specialty, may have an independent balance sheet, a signet, stamps and a form with its own names, rahunki in the regulations of banks. In the cases, transferred to the Statute and legal legislation, the organizational structures of the GO “BFG” can be granted rights legal entity. GO “BFG” can use your own symbols, as it is confirmed by the conference of GO “BFG” and registered in the established order.

1.6 . GO “BFG” has the status of a republican community association, maintaining its activities in the Republic of Belarus.

1.7. Outside that shortened name:

1.8 . Legal addresses of GO "BFG":

G . Minsk, vul. Surganova, 2, room 31.


2.1. The main goals of the activity of GO “BFG”:

Adopt the development of valorization in the Republic of Belarus;

Create friendly minds to develop the physical and creative abilities of athletes, coaches and other members of the GO “BFG”.

2.2 . The main tasks of the GO “BFG” are:

support for the active development of physical culture and sports in the republic;

Participation in the conducted rіznyh zmagan z sluvannya academic;

Spryannya advancing the level of sportsmanship among amateurs of academic performance;

Establishment of clubs and sections in accordance with the procedure established by law for the purpose of teaching academic education;

Organization of initial competitions, courses, methodical seminars for training and advanced qualifications of coaches, court personnel and other rowing specialists;

The defender is right sports reach its members;

Formation of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus from academic scrutiny;

Establishment and development of creative and business contacts with sports organizations of other countries, organization of training and training of members of the GO “BFG” to sports centers of these countries;

Participation in the planned projects of the decisions of the state authorities and the management of food and publicity in the republic.

2.3 . The subject of activity of the GO “BFG” is activity, direct organization, development and popularization of academic entertainment as a kind of sport in the Republic of Belarus;

2.4. The main methods of activity of GO “BFG” are:

Organization of the Championships of the Republic of Belarus and other sports events;

Promotion of sports, yoga role and significance for the development of specialty, molding healthy way life;

The current informational, advisory, and vidavnicho activity is up to the dignity of legislation for the vikonannia of statutory tasks;

Creation of their own drukovanih vidan, zdijsnennya scientific vidan, primary and sports literature and entertainment;

Propaganda of goals and the head of the NGO “BFG”.

GO “BFG” can, in accordance with the established procedure, carry out activities less than doti, the pieces of it are necessary for її statutory purposes, for the sake of which it has been created, in order to support these goals and to support the subject of activity of the GO “BFG”. Such diyalnіst zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of establishment of commercial organizations and (or) participation in them.


3.1. GO “BFG” has a fixed membership of physical associations.

3.2 . Members of the GO “BFG” can be citizens of the Republic of Belarus, other lands, individuals without a community, who have reached the 16th century, if they recognize the Statute of the GO “BFG”, as athletes, coaches, sports referees, fahivtsy from rowing sports, fans of rowing that take the fate of the virishenni zavdan, scho to stand in front of the GO "BFG", that pay membership fees.

3.3. Decisions on admission to membership of the GO “BFG” are accepted by the Boards of the district (Minsk), regional (Minsk city) federations upon a written application of the intercessor with subsequent confirmations at the meetings for the sake of the GO “BFG”. At the time of the day of the primary organization, it is necessary to have a prominent core organ that costs more.

3.4 . Members of the GO “BFG” can be citizens, who have not reached the age of sixteen, for the obviousness of their legal representatives.

3.5. A member of the NGO “BFG” has the right to:

We will collect that buti until we get to the selective body of the GO “BFG” after reaching full access;

take part in all visits, which are carried out by GO “BFG”;

Submit propositions to all bodies of the GO “BFG” with food related to statutory activity;

Take the fate of the robots of any organizations of the GO “BFG” with the right to the best voice;

Ask for help from the GO “BFG” to defend your rights and legitimate interests;

Get out of the members of the GO “BFG” for the vlasnym towers.

3.6. Member of the GO "BFG" goiter:

Dotremuvatsya vimog Statute;

Vikonuvat decisions of elected bodies;

Pay membership fees.

3.7 . Membership in the GO “BFG” is attached to the following:

Vykhod from GO "BFG" for vlasniy bazhannyam;

Blame from the GO “BFG” for grossly violating the Statute and systematically treating the participation in the work of the GO “BFG”.

The culprit of that formalized withdrawal from the members of the GO “BFG” is issued by this body, which has the right to accept members of the GO “BFG”. Decisions about exclusion may be oskarzhenya at the monthly lines to the main body of the GO “BFG”. The tribute of the scarga is the consummation of the vaunted decision.


4.1 . The basis of the GO “BFG” is to be formed by the district (mіskі) and oblast (Mіnskа mіska) federation, created according to the territorial principle.

4.2. District (Miska) and Oblast (Minsk Miska) Federations are created for the presence in the district (city) 10 (ten) and more members of the GO “BFG”.

Regional (Minsk city) federations are created for the presence of two and more district (Minsk) federations.

District (Miska) and Oblast (Minsk Miska) Federations shall exercise their activity in accordance with this Statute.

For the sake of the NGO “BFG”, the regional (Minsk city) federations can be granted the right of a legal entity.

4.3. The supreme body of the district (mіsk) and provincial (Minskoi mіskoї) federations є Zbori, yakі slikayutsya once in two years. Choose them to be eligible, as in the past, more than half of the members of the entire organizational structure took the part. Choose the form and method of work, the form of voting when a decision is made. Decisions are accepted by a simple majority of the voices of the present members.

Zvіtno-vyborna Gathering of federations is held once every two years. Pozachergove Gatherings of regional (Minskoy) and regional (Minskoy Miskoy) federations can be called for decisions by elected bodies of these federations, or maybe even 2/3 of their members.

4.4. Choices of district (mіsk), regional (Minsk mіsk) federations:

determines the main directives of the activities of the federation;

Obiraє Rulership, Head of the Ruler that yoga intercessor;

Selecting an auditor (revision committee);

Hearing and approving the sound of the Board of Auditors (Audit Commission);

Looking at other nutritional activities of the federation.

4.5. The main body of the district (Minsk), regional (Minsk Mist) federations is the Board, meetings of which are held in the world of consumption, but not more than once every three months.

Meetings are respected by the legislators for the participation of at least half of the members of the Board. Decisions are accepted by a simple majority of the votes of the present members of the Board.

4.6. Board of district (Minsk), regional (Minsk Mist) federations:

Viznaє ways and methods for the implementation of the solution of the Conquests;

Expanding plans for robots;

Virishu organizatsiyni, cadres, financial and іnshі nutrition is viable up to the statute and within its competence.

4.7 . Head (of the same Head of the Board) of the district (Minsk), regional (Minsk Mist) federations:

Representing the interests of the district (Minsk), regional (Minsk Mist) federation in the organs of state power and administration, community associations;

Ordered by the mine federation no more than those established by the Boards;

rozpodіlyaє obov'yazki between members of the Board;

Zdіysnyuє іnshі ії, nebhіdnі іnіnії іn order to achieve the statutory aims іt vykonannya zavdan, hіѕ іnіyаtkі, scho lie іn the competence of Elections аt Ravlinnya.

4.8 . Auditor of the district (Minsk), audit committee of the regional (Minsk city) federations:

The existing internal control over the legal provisions of the Statute and legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

Zdiisnyuє vnutrishnyu reverification of the financial-government activity of the federation;

Revіryaє svoєchasnіst that obґruntovanіst vіdpovіdey on zvernennya that leaves.

By the work of the revision committee of the regional (Minsk city) federation the head, which is collected from the warehouse by the members of the committee.

Revising and auditing by auditors, as well as meetings of the auditing commission, are carried out as required, and not more than once per river.

Vymogi auditor, members of the audit committee, pov'yazanі zі statutory diyalnistyu, є obov'yazkovym for all members of district (mіs'k), provincial (Minskoї mіs'koї) federations.

4.9 . The decision of the Board of district (mіsk), regional (Minsk mіsskoi) federations can be oskarzhenі to Elections of a different organizational structure, and in case of evildoers, the way is sent to the Radi, Audit Commission and Conference of GO “BFG”.


5.1 . The supreme body of the GO “BFG” is a conference, which is held once a day. Pozachergova conference calls for decisions for the sake of GO “BFG”, for the initiatives of the audit committee for the benefit of 2/3 of the territorial organizations.

The standards of representation at the conference are determined by the Rada of the BFG. Skin Territorial (Minsk region) organization has the right to apply to the conference no more than 5 delegates. The conference may have the right to take decisions, as in the case of robots, 2/3 of the delegates will take part. Decisions are accepted by a simple majority of the voices of the present delegates. The form of voting is determined by the conference.

5.2 . Conference:

Designate the main directives of the activity and the chergovі zavdannya of the GO “BFG”, confirm the program;

Confirm the name of the statute of the GO “BFG”, make up to a new change and addition;

Viznaє kіlkіsny warehouse that rob Rada with a line on chotiri rocks, audible and affirming її zvіt;

Obiraє Head, first intercessor Head, intercessor Head, General Secretary, treasurer by the term chotiri roki;

Designates the number of warehouses and collects the audit commission in a line for one r_k, shor_chno zasluhovuє that zatverdzhuє її zvіt;

Accept decisions on how to reorganize and liquidate GO “BFG”;

Accepts other decisions, obov'yazkovy all organs of the prosecutor's office and members of the civil society "BFG".

Changes to the Statute of the GO “BFG” are respected by the adopters, as less than 2/3 of the attending delegates of the conference voted for them.

5.3. The main body of the GO “BFG” is Rada, as it is used by the term chotiri rocky.

Rada of GO "BFG":

Controlling compliance with the Statute of the Civil Defense “BFG”, the Rules and the Regulations on Entitlement;

Keeping the activities of the GO “BFG” in the period between conferences and organizing the meeting;

Rozroblyaє that podaє on the confirmation of the conference the program of activity of GO "BFG";

Exploring the designs of koshtorisiv and plans of the main entrances;

Forms courts and other commissions, establishes clubs, sections for the main directives of the activity of GO “BFG”;

Ensure rational selection of costs and lane of GO “BFG”;

Adopt a decision on the creation and liquidation of legal issues, confirming their statutes and kerivniki;

Vzhivaє zakhodіv schodo svorennya that development of the material and technical base of GO "BFG" for the provision of statutory activities;

Obiraє Vikonkom zі svogo warehouse and deleguє yomu part of their new things;

Rob the secretary for the sake of GO “BFG”;

Forms the structure of the regular apparatus, solidifies the cost of income and vitrate of the GO “BFG”;

Considering the admission to membership and exclusion from membership of the GO “BFG”;

It determines the opening and membership fees;

Confirm the marks to each other, stamps, letterhead and symbols;

Awarded the title of “Honorary member of the BFG”;

Looking at other sources of statutory activity of the GO “BFG” at the boundaries of its competence;

Meetings for the sake of the GO "BFG" are held in the world of necessity, but not more than three times on the river, that is eligible, as there are at least 2/3 of її members present at them. Decisions are accepted by a simple majority of votes of members of the Radi.

5.4. The head of the GO “BFG” (at the same time behind the planting of Radi's head) has all the rights that the reinstatement of a legal entity.

Head of GO "BFG":

Representing the NGO “BFG” in state government bodies, in other national and international sports organizations;

Head at the conferences of the NGO “BFG”, meetings for the sake of Vikonkom, other gatherings, how to conduct the NGO “BFG”;

Organize a victorious decision praised by the conference;

Opens and closes rahunki in jars;

Zdіysnyuє priyom that zvіlnennya staff pracіvnikіv;

rozpodіlyaє obov'yazki mizh intercessors;

Organize the work of Radi.

The head is covered by the term chotiri roki. At the time of the hour's presence Golovi yogo replaces the first intercessor, and if you do not have such ability, then the intercessor of Golovi or General Secretary.

5.5 . First intercessor Golovi GO "BFG":

Organize the work of GO “BFG”;

Control over all resolutions of the Conference, for the sake of the Vikonkom GO “BFG”;

On behalf of Golovi, he represents the NGO "BFG" in all instances, both national and international;

Supervises the work of the vice director;

5.6 . head protector:

Be responsible for the work between the GO “BFG” and territorial (region and Minsk city) federations, sports organizations;

Pratsyuє at the warehouse of timchasovyh commissions, working groups, created at different needs;
- Weaving the bindings, as they are delegated to you by the Head.

5.7. General Secretary:

Recognition for the preparation of conferences and other visits of the GO “BFG”;

Leading the appearance of the members of the GO “BFG”;

In a row I represent the GO “BFG” in the bodies of state power and administration, in other national and international sports organizations.

5.8 . Skarbnik:

Nese vydpovidalnist for victoria financial costs GO "BFG";

Bring the message for informing the Vikonkom and for the sake of the GO “BFG” about the financial camp.

5.9 . Secretary Radi vodpovida for the preparation of the meeting Radi.

5.10 . In order to improve the nutrition of the organizational and vikonavchogo character, the financial and government activity of the Rada is taken from its warehouse by Vikonkom, and its warehouse is being installed by the Rada. Head, intercessors Golovi, General Secretary, Treasurer and Secretary Radhi enter the Wiconcombe warehouse.

5.11 . The vikoncomom is the vikonavchiy director, the functions of which vikonom are the general secretary. The Vikonkom organizes the resolution of the conference and for the sake of incorporating into the life plans (sports programs) to achieve the goals and goals of the NGO “BFG”.

Vikonkom є vikonavchim body of the GO "BFG" and in charge of the daily management of the GO "BFG". Vyokonku is living in a dimensional fifth of the commands, coach, weightlifting, yaki pіd hour of Championate, perchi of the Country of Sports Vikannia Vikannnya, the rules of the races, the viconuvati of the tsyvnovye, the noble The resolutions of Vikonkom are praised by the simple majority of voices present at its meetings. Vikonkom GO “BFG” to hold its meeting at least once every three months.

5.12 . Vikonavchiy director:

Vіdpovіdaє for the work of the GO "BFG", founded on the goals and objectives approved by the Rada of the GO "BFG";

Pratsyuє on the basis of submissions to you of new importance and koshtorisiv, approved by the Vikonkom and Rada;

Zvіtny and Zvіtuє Radi through the Head;

Vіdbiraє ta appoint the staff of the GO “BFG” vydpovіdno to renovate the staff layout, approved by the Head;

Carry vodpovidalnist for effective mutual relations with the Head, intercessors of the Head, Treasurer, heads of commissions and territorial federations;

Preparing a short work plan, as well as a work plan for the Olympic cycle / 4 years /, which is being solidified by the Rada.

5.13 . The control and audit body of the GO “BFG” is the Audit Commission, the meeting of which is held in the world of consumption, and not more than once per river. The head of the Revision Committee is collected by members of the Committee of the Commission from its warehouse.

Audit commission:

Control over the members of the GO "BFG" of the provisions of the Statute;

Zdіysnyuє control over vykonannym rіshen For the sake of that conference;

Auditing the financial and government activities, the state and appearance of the material values ​​of the GO "BFG";

Pereviryaє svoєchasnіst and obґruntuvanіst vіdpovіdey on the application, leaves and skarga, scho to reach the GO "BFG".

Members of the audit committee can take part in the robotic elective bodies of the GO “BFG” with the right to vote.

Members of the audit committee are also obov'yazkovymi for all members of the GO "BFG". The revision committee is used as a term for the river and the conference.

Members of the audit committee cannot be contacted to other bodies of the GO “BFG”, enter the warehouse for the sake of being legal officers.

5.14 . Decisions of collegiate bodies are formalized by protocols.


6.1 . GO “BFG” can be a mother in power, whether it be mine, necessary for the material security of the activity, given by this statute, for the blame of objects, as a result of legislation, they can change more from the power of power.

Vlasnik of the lane of the GO “BFG”, including the lane that is on the balance sheet of the regional (Minsk) and regional (Minsk city) federations, as well as the lane of legal principles, the founder of such speakers of the GO “BFG”, and the GO “BFG”.

Organizational structures (districts (miska) and oblasts (Minsk city) federations) of the BFG civil society may have the right to order the main of the BFG civil society at the borders appointed by the Rada of the BFG civil society.

Organizational structures of the GO "BFG", endowed with the rights of a legal entity, maintain a fine balance and current (rozakhunkovy) bank account, and can also mother other accounts at banks, non-bank credit and financial organizations.

6.2 . GO “BFG” develops its state-financial activity on the basis of self-sufficiency and state-owned financial support.

6.3. Koshti GO “BFG” is formed from:

Introductory and membership fees;

Volunteer donations, free (sponsored) help;

Celebration of sports visits, lectures, exhibitions and other visits;

income from the pіdpriєmnitskoї ї diyalnostі, scho zdіysnyuєtsya at the order established by legislation;

Other dzherel, yakі not fenced by legislation.

6.4 . Koshti and mine to serve for the financial and material security of the statutory activity of the GO “BFG”:

on the financing of the GO “BFG” and її district (Minsk) and regional (Minsk city) federations;

for financial assistance and the interest of the most active members of the GO “BFG”;

to pay for rented premises, transport, too;

For sports equipment, lane, application and other power;

on stationery and in-line windows;

Come in again, permitted by the lawful legislation.

6.5 . District (Miska) and Oblast (Minsk Miska) federations independently manage 50 hundreds of overheads for member non-memberships and 90 hundreds of overheads for other overheads;

6.6 . Koshti and main GO “BFG” cannot be re-divided between the members of that victorate only for vikonannya statutory purposes that task; it is allowed to choose the sums of GO "BFG" for a good cause.

6.7. GO “BFG” does not stand for goiter and borg of its members, just as it does not stand for goiter and borg for goiter.


7.1. The activity of GO "BFG" can be pinned by a path of reorganization and liquidation.

7.2. The reorganization of the GO "BFG" is to be decided by the decisions of the Conference.

7.3. The liquidation of the NGO "BFG" is based on the decisions of the Conference, which means that 2/3 of the present delegates voted for the new one, or for the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus at the points, which were passed by legislation.

7.4. At the time of the adoption of a decision on the application of activity to the Conference, or by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, a liquidation commission is appointed and the regulations of the work are appointed.

7.5. Mine, which was lost after the satisfaction of the creditors, is directed to the goal, transferred to the Statute, as it is evident that before the legislative acts do not send money to the state’s income.

7.6 . Documents of the GO “BFG” in the prescribed manner, prima facie up to the dignified legislation, are handed over to the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus.

7.7 . About your registration, liquidation and reorganization of the GO “BFG” in the newspaper “Respubl i ka.

Vesluvannya in Belarus has become one of the most important sports. Starting from the other half of the 20th century, Belarusians were the leaders of the rowing teams in the selected Soviet Socialist Republics, rightfully winning gold medals at the Olympics. The geography of the Belarusian rowing schools was the widest: our sportsmen at the Games represented Minsk, Brest, Gomel, Slonim, Rogachov... The most successful were the representatives of rowing on kayaks and canoe. Already after the coming of Belarus sovereignty, the name of the representative of the academic community – Katerina Khodotovich-Karsten, sounded loudly.

At the warehouse of the selected Radyansk Union Belarusian oarsmen won 11 gold Olympic medals!

Fans of the football players

In the new sports history of Belarus, the sport takes a special place: the athletes choose the hedges from all the magic, in which they take part! If you talk about the Olympics, then the oarsmen brought medals from the Ukrainian Olympic mountains.

per savage number Olympic cities, occupied by the Belarusians on the most prestigious monuments of the world, paddlers are only given up by representatives of athletics. At five Olympiads (Atlanta-96, Sydney-2000, Athens-2004, Beijing-2008, London-2012) they won 14 medals, 4 of them - gold.

Insanely, such successes to cast Belarusian oarsmen as heroes in the eyes of ubolivalniks give them special respect for this kind of sport. Actively support yoga that power: for a sprat the rest of the years two of the most modern ridges of the base - near Brest and Zaslavl, were born near the country, as they can receive the greatest brilliance, including world championships.

Katerina Velika

Leonid Geyshtor from Gomel and Sergiy Makarenko from Brest became the first rowers-champions of the OI from Belarus. At the Olympiad-1960 near Rome (Italy), they won "gold" at a distance of 1000 m on a double canoe. With whom, the victory over the finishing other Italians was majestic - 3.73 seconds!

One of the leading heroes of the Olympiad-1980 in Moscow was Volodymyr Parfenovich, who climbed on the highest scree p'edestal. On yoga rahunku - a victory in a single canoe at a distance of 500 m and two gold medals, a victory in a canoe-double at a distance of 500 and 1000 meters.

The head star of the Belarusian academic world is, without a word, Katerina Khodotovich-Karsten. Abo, as її still called lovers of fun, Katerina Velika. The famous sportswoman, who was born in the village of Osechtno, Krupsky district, Minsk region, took part in six Olympiads, beginning with Igor-92 near Barcelona. I won medals in five of them, becoming a noble with whom. Olympic champion(victories in Atlanta-1996 and Sydney-2000 alone). Six-time champion of the world. She was awarded the Order of Vitchizni of three levels and the Order of Poshan.

Katerina Karsten had no mercy at the Olympiad in London: the Belarusian woman sent 5 months, for 20 years, without going to the Olympic podium. As if z'yasuvalosya pіznіshe, Katerina Velika acted at the head start chotirirіchchya zі zlamanim rubom.

Stars of the first magnitude are brothers Oleksandr and Andriy Bogdanovichi, who compete in canoe-twos, - Olympic champions in Beijing-2008 and silver medalists of the Olympiad-2012 in London. Not less than kayakers Oleksiy Petrushenko and Vadim Makhnev, for their rahunka - 4 Olympic medals at three Olympiads and titles of champions of the world.

Belarus to host two world championships

Belarus has two base ridges international competition. The current and richly functional sports and entertainment complex is the Brest regional center of the Olympic reserve for rowing, operating in 2007, and the Republican center for the Olympic training in rowing sports near Zaslavl.

The presence of a miraculous technical base at once due to the success of Belarusian paddlers in the international arena allowed Belarus to lay claim to the holding of the biggest equal. So, our country has already hosted the European Championship for Academic Sports (Brest, 2009), the World Championship for Academic Sports (U23, Brest, 2010), the European Championship for Academic Sports among juniors (Zaslavl, 2013).

In 2014 in Zaslavl there will be a world championship in kayaking and canoeing among students, and in 2016, in the same place, there will be a world championship in kayaking and canoeing among young people and juniors.

10.10.2017 - 10:40

News of Belarus. An ambiguous performance of the Belarusian team at the World Championships for academic entertainment was mentioned at the program “Tyzhden sportu” on STV.

First of all, only 3 people went to the planetary regatta. In another way, the results of the stink showed far from the building. All in all, it became a drive to visit Budinka and talk to the coaches and try to find out what went wrong and how to get lost.

In 2017, the World Academic Championship was held in the USA. Three crews won more than three other teams for the results of the World Cup stages. And it was necessary to have such a status, like in this region, for some tens of kilometers in the rowing canal, viruvav hurricane "Irma". But if there was preparation for the regatta (and not just one month), no one thought about the hurricane. The paddlers were prepared for the regular regime, and 2 days before the start, they arrived to Sarasota.

We need proof of transportation in other climatic zones, because Olympic Games we have the same pass. To be with Japan. That's why I think it's handy - not handy - nobody asks us about the price.

Arrive to the city, it didn’t take long at all. If there are problems with the purchase of tickets for the required date, it will come in handy with a flight to the USA. The axis here is just like a hurricane.

Yuri Rodionov:
The stench once said that there would be no chance to endure the World Championship, because there were a lot of teams at the training camps there, before the hurricane hit the ear.

From 14 to 16, two more have been added to Europe: Frankfurt, Zurich and so on. Thankfully, deputy 2 days, as planned for preparation and acclimatization, we have only 9 days left.

What result should be assessed for athletes after such benefits? Tse nutrition, often rhetorical, we put the mentor of the team.

Yuri Rodionov:
We could not realize our potential. Whose plan has objective reasons. At pardons, maybe, they will learn. I think pardons are not in the preparation plan, but pardons in terms of arrival, privilege and acclimatization.

This World Championship, and at the same time all the stages of the World Cup 2017 - the first, so let's say, "trial" start of the new Olympic cycle, the crown of which will be the Games in Tokyo. The warehouse of our team today is the re-checking of robots, vikonan vchora. In the chosen ones - like juveniles, so did the oarmen, for example, the single skater Stanislav Shcherbachenya. Today is 32 and for the individual the golden age.

Sergiy Khromkov, director of the Belarusian Federation of Vespers:
Vіk rozkvіtu yakraz that period, if the implementation is already biologically, and conceptually may already come.

The situation is somewhat similar with our women's team. On the lists we know Katerina Karsten, she is getting ready for her 7th Olympiad.

Sergiy Khromkov:
As a matter of responsibility, it would be even more important to take care of what we can do with it, but in the part of the creative - productive and aimed at overcoming the work of the crew, we will help. Vaughn zdatna tse robiti. Є pіdbіr pіd її status ta rіven maisternosti.

Having guessed the “Queen of the Welcoming” Katerina Karsten, it would have been simply impermissible not to talk to her mentor - himself, who brought you to Olympus - Anatoly Kvyatkovsky. Tim is more, who at the same time practices at the SDUSHOR in water sports with the new generations of sportsmen-academists. The meter seems to be, that then 20-30 years ago it was easier to make it easier, lower at the same time.

Anatoly Kvyatkovsky,Merit Coach BRMS:
Those children went, they struggled. At once and vmovlyaesh - do not want to.

There is no special recipe for success in the field of coaching, but Anatoly Ivanovich gave some joy to newcomers.

Anatoly Kvyatkovsky:
Vovka's legs are fit. Walk, walk, shukati and shukati ... You can only know an athlete in any way. How to sit on a bench, we don’t know at all. Want to know. I think we know, it's still an hour.

Summing up our visit to the paddlers, it is significant that the robot is still planned, calm, and the weather is bad, right up to the hurricane, they don’t lie. If I compete for the Olympics, then for the tradition I will go to the light regatta in 2019.

Yuriy Rodionov: I’m sure that two more licenses are available for selection, for qualification

News of Belarus. At the championship of Belarus with academic training on simulators "Concept", which will take place near Minsk on the 23rd of the day, on the 23rd of the day, the athletes named the strongest at a distance of 2000 meters, they showed up at the "STV-Sport" program.

In women, 32 athletes applied for medals. The victory was achieved by the participant of the world championship 2019 rock Tetyana Klimovich, her colleague Kristina Staroselets finished another. It is due to get ready for the Olympic qualification tournament, which will be in Switzerland at the beginning of 2020.

Tetyana Klimovich, champion of Belarus in academic competition on the simulators "Concept":
Irrespective of those that are shocked, the stench shows our functional readiness for this stage. It is even more important for the coach to promptly encourage the training process.

I'm already satisfied. I have a torik for an hour and a half o'clock. My partner and I broke up in hundreds of seconds. Whose fate is a trifle more impressive.

Yury Rodionov, head coach of the national team of Belarus for academic education:
We wonder at the same time the functional camp of athletes. Significantly residual warehouses, yak_ will be prepared.

We believe that there are two more licenses for additional qualifications. I think that the main thing is that the two boys are the same. Who will be? Whoever wins the match, that one will go. I think that I have the power to win additional licenses.

Among the people, the victory was given to the three-time champion of the world of the middle youth Denis Migal.

As part of the championship, the juniors and juniors closed the season. The children played five sets for the city. In the relay race, the Minskers celebrated the victory, obviously the capital's school dominated in the individual program.

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