E isinbaeva biography. Biography of Deer Isinbaeva - Olympic champion. Photo by Deer Isinbaeva at Maxim magazine

The native place of Isinbayevoi is Volgograd, it was born on 3 worms, 1982. Її father - Tabasaranets, having moved to Volgograd from Dagestan. Vin was a plumber, mother worked in a boiler room. Sim'ya lived simply.

Olena has a sister, she is young on the river. The sisters were taken to the sports school, they were engaged in gymnastics. Olenі then vypovnilos 5 years, and Іні - 4. Sister Deer does not go in for sports at a time.

In 1989 Isinbaeva began to study at the Lyceum. In 1991 її becoming a coach Oleksandr Lisovyi, under his mentorship Olena took the title of Candidate Master of Sports.

Sports biography

After the sports school, Olena went to the Olympic reserve school, but she was cheered up, despite being unpromising. However, Lisovy Virishiv, that it is possible to miraculously shoot with a pole and turn around for help to Evgen Trofimov. Vіn training Isinbayev until 2005, as well as during the period 2010-2013.

Deer's first achievement was the victory at the All-World Youth Games in 1998, the athlete cut 4 meters. Olena became the champion of the world in 2000.

In 2001, Isinbaeva won in the European Championship, in 2002. on Che wona sent the 2nd month, in 2003. viborola gold. The athlete became the home of the whole country in 2004, having won gold at the Olympics and reaching a record of 4.91 m.

In 2005, Isinbaev’s roci began to train with Vitaliy Petrov, who was the mentor of the famous Sergiy Bubka. 2005 Olena cut off 5 meters. At the 2008 Olympics, she took off gold, cutting 5.05 meters.

In 2009, the black smuga has come. The sportswoman didn't take the appropriate visa for emergency situations. In 2010 she recognized the blows, she took a time-out.

Over the river, the won sheared at 4.81 m, it happened on the signs of the Russian Winter. In 2012 Olena set a new record - 5.01, at the London Olympics she landed 3 months (4.90 m). Then she made a break, and Isinbaeva showed up Donka Eva.

To the Remaining Strengths of the Іsіnbaєvoї buv championship of Russia, de won reached the best light result for the season - 4.90. In 2016 track and field athletes of the Russian Federation were taken away from participation in the Olympics through a doping scandal. The date of completion of the sports career of Isinbaeva was 19 September 2016.

Olena Gadzhiivna took up public work. Vaughn organized a fund to encourage children to get involved in sports. Shoroku near Volgograd to pass the Isinbayevskoy Cup of track and field athletics, de take the fate of the pilot.

Life Specialist

For the last hour, Isibayeva was chatting with a young man named Artem, a kind of DJ. Von got to know Donetsk in 2006.

Cholovik Oleni Gadzhiivni and Mikita Petinov, sportsman. In 2014, it became less visible to journalists, when Donka Eva was born to the champion.

Mikita tezh from Volgograd, from Isinbaeva vine has long been known. Mikita is 8 years young. For an hour, Olena lived in Monaco, continuing to communicate with Petinov. At Volgograd won turned 2011 p.

Many names of famous athletes and champions are inscribed in history with golden letters. And among them, without a trace, there were few departures from the various little tufts of Russia. For example, the famous gymnast Olena Isinbaeva, as a child, reported chimalo zusil and went through faceless training to reach the Olympic podium.

On this day, the successful sportswoman, as she demonstrated to the whole world her neimoverna zazyatistvo, not only to do her best in sports, but to win at once from a man to the miracle of the Trinity Donka. Shanuvalniki tsіlespryamovanoї zhіnki innocently stalking for life the stars of the world of sports.

And that year, they wrote stories about those, from which the biography of Olena Isinbaeva was started and developed, as well as the history of the success of a celebrity cіkavі facts about her (growth, vaga, century, nationality, place of the people, hobi).

Vishidna star

Bagatyokh shanuvalnikov glorious Russian athlete to tickle her parameters. For example, like the growth of an athlete? Depending on the food chain, you can bring absolutely exact data, and on your own - 174 cm. And it’s not important to recognize the age of beauty, specifying if it was born.

The future Olympic champion Olena Isinbaeva came into the world on the cob of summer 1982 ( exact date people - 06/03/1982). At the same time, in the same plumbing and working boiler house, a girl came to the world on behalf of Olen Isinbaev and a biography began.

The simple homeland of the robots lived modestly near the city of Volgograd. Father Malyuka, an emigrant from Dagestan, diligently engaged in the repair and installation of plumbing, even if it was necessary for him to take care of his needs. So-so, the Crimean Oleni, one more daughter, Inessa, grew up in her family.

The mother of the girls is a Russian woman. Batko, as we said earlier, is a Dagestani (Tabasaranets from the Khiv region). Later, for the national offense of the sisters Isinbaev, the Caucasian roots could be born and could be Muslims, Prote Olena Isinbaev adopted Christianity in her childhood.

Gadzhi Gafanovich, the head of the Isinbaev family, disappeared for days on a robot. The mother of the girls, Natalya Petrivna, as soon as she was engaged in basketball on the amateur level, worked on the cob in the boiler house, and when her daughters appeared, she sprung up, kept the houses in order, she was engaged in the care of children.

The fathers were more suvorim, especially mothers, as the discipline and sport wanted. Not having entered her hour before the Institute of Physical Culture, Natalya Petrivna nursed athletes from her daughters. And to that in Oleni Hajiyivni Isinbayeva, a sports career rose early.

Mati vіddala її at the section of sports gymnastics at 4 rocky. Tudy recorded and sister Deer. Prote sister Inna did not go in for sports professionally, she wanted to work at the fitness center as an instructor. And the axis of Olen Isinbaev in the basics of sports gymnastics at the sports school was taught by the family of friends of the Lisovs - Marina and Oleksandr.

Way to the Olympic podium

10 years of May, the legendary athlete Olena Isinbaeva performed gymnastics. In an hour, she changed her school, entered the lyceum of engineering and technical directing, and then got a degree at the special school of the Olympic reserve.

Due to the fact that Olena Gadzhiivna Isinbaeva is small in purpose and has a strong character, she could enter the Academy of Physical Education after a special education in a special school, and her mother could become a student. The profession of becoming a teacher of physical culture was mastered by the girl for 5 years, which confirmed the diploma, awarding Isinbaeva in 2005.

But the sports career of the girl at the singing stage was declared a fiasco. Її high rise became a barrier for the new realization of Isinbayev as a gymnast. On the eve of 2000, Olen Isinbaev, who at that time had already become a master of sports (for 15 years), was recognized as a non-professional. From that moment, there was no more left for the warehouse of the Olympic reserve.

Ale Isinbaeva, as if she wanted to dedicate her life to the world of sports, did not show her future without it. And here I became glad in good luck, as the first coach of Oleni Isanbayevoi, A.I., gave his time. Foxy. Vіn pobachiv, that the girl is already talanovite and gifted, and why I have seen it, that from here we see a miraculous strebunka with a perch.

Having recommended to the mother to write down 16-year-old Olena for the training of stribunivs, Oleksandr Lisovyi, at his side, having taken his podpіchnіy and zamovtse in front of his colleague Yevgen Vasilovich Trofimov, who became another coach of Oleni.

Yevgen Vasilovich already in the first occupations looked at the majestic natural potential of haircuts from a pole, which Olena Isinbaev was given from the nature. This was confirmed by far more than one її haircut in the future. Chimalu played the role of vidigrav and 10-year sports experience of the girl in gymnastics. Close to six months coach Trofimov needed to reveal the world a new champion. At the very same time, a new name in gold letters was recorded by track and field athletics in her history - Olena Isinbaeva.

Namely results and records of an athlete

The first girls in life were struck by the category “haircuts with a pole” in 1998. Todi, within the framework of the All-World Youth Sports Games, Olena Gadzhiivna demonstrated a unique result - exactly 4 meters of the crown.

No less enchanting and successful were for Deer that other magic:

  • 1999 rіk - Isinbaeva set a new record, raising a haircut to a height above the chotiri meters (4 m 10 cm), for which she got a good day in the city - she got a gold medal (her first).
  • 2000 rіk - black youth games, on some Іsіnbaєvyi again won the “gold”, having entered the middle juniors with a result of 4 m 20 cm.
  • 2001 was also recognized as “gold”, as an athlete won at sports events in Europe, in Berlin.

And the axis of her light record is promising, the athlete could only set it through a sprat of rocks, shearing at a height of 5 meters - in 2003, the rotation was 4.82 m.

However, not all performances were successful. For example, Olena Isinbaeva was a participant in the w Olympic Games Oh. Having acted no better, she could not break through at the final of the city. And stribayuchi at the championship near Munich, Olena got more than a silver medal, skipping ahead of her spivvіtchiznitsyu.

With skin rock, that talanovita stribunka was gaining form and gradually won the title of queen of this type of athletics. At the same time, the won won even a decent fee. Olena Isinbaeva at the olympiads demonstrated her new achievements in sports to the world, and spent a good hour at the peak of her popularity.

After 2 years from the moment of setting the first light record, the beauty was able to grow its black haircut at 5 meters. Having beaten her front record of 4.82 m, Olena Isinbaeva found out in an interview that the entire intermediate stage is within her reach and she plans to set as many as 36 records.

The same Russian supporter had an idea about changing the coach. So, since 2005, Vitaliy Opanasovich Petrov started to train Isinbayev, zavdyaki such a sport, like a haircut with a pole, if you know new star- Sergiy Bubka. A successful athlete up to that moment, as she became one of the most popular and most popular features in the world of sports, Olena Isinbaeva trained with Petrov especially diligently.

The result of this successful work was the victory of Issinbaeva at the Super Grand Prix series in Monaco, and then at the next large-scale sports event - the 2008 Olympics, showing a non-rolling result in haircuts with a pole - 5.05 m.

Completion of the car'eri

Since 2008, the star of world sports, as she lives in Monaco, Olena Isinbaeva took an active part in various tournaments, winning one after another. However, from 2009 the fate of the success of the sportswomen has gone into decline. On the back of the head near Berlin, and in the course of the year near Pivdenny Korea, the Reindeer did not get far to hem up the intended heights. Moreover, she could not win bronze. From that moment, Isinbaeva decided to take a break from her sports activities.

From 2010 to 2012, Isinbaeva lived not in Monaco, but near Volgograd (as you remember, this is the place of an athlete) and trained with her other coach - Trofimov. The results of її timchasovogo "repair" and take with the new coach did not appear hostile.

In 2013, the Russian Star of Athletics has once again announced its plans for a successful reunion. The reason for this was a change in a special life: Isinbaeva, who was trying to get a baby from the thrower, was written off by Mikita Petinov, wanted to have a child.

All the same, she didn’t leave the great sport, but continued to train. Now, before її plans included a trip to the Brazilian Rio for the Chergovy Olympiad, to bring your pershy. ale dvorazov champion I couldn’t manage my plans, the rocks of 2016 turned out to be new facts from the life of the world’s sports arena – just about її persons vibrated in the right. doping scandal».

Obviously, Isinbaeva had not been involved in anything like that before, but still the committee for the admission of athletes to Igor advised me on the right to travel to Rio. So, on a summary note, Isinbayev's career with the great sport ended. Olena Gadzhiivna confirmed her decision to leave the sports arena in 2016.

On this day, Olena, as a girl, was recognized as the best athlete of the decade of that planet for the version of BACC Laureus (in 2007 and 2009 pp.), May have had a few achievements, among them:

  • Prestigious city - Order "For Merit to the Batkivshchyna" 4th degree.
  • Order of the Poshan, awards to the Deer in 2006 for the great contribution to the development of domestic sports.
  • Nagorod "Sribna doe", yak was taken off by Isinbaeva at the breast of 2013.
  • Pod ten medals for the first place at the light zmagannyah of the most equal equal.

Make love that diyalnist at tsomu

Olena Isinbaeva is a purposeful woman, a woman who is special in her life, no less than the best of sports. But in this plan, the athlete is more than a streman, which is confirmed by the number of piquant photos of that plate from ZMI.

The special life of Oleni Isinbaeva was first crowded after the siege near Donetsk. There, under the hour of gathering, she got to know a lad, who was far from the world of sports. Yogo's name was Artem, and he appeared to be a great DJ. Behind him, Isinbaeva chattered unhappily.

Irrespective of those that the athlete played a different role in her special life, the great kohanna still caught up. Tse happened in 2010, if Olena Isinbaeva and Mikita Petinov were first shot. Three years later, by stretching out some kind of splintering, they basically led up to the listing of those dzvinkiv, the stench vierish life at once.

Cholovik Oleni Isinbaevoi, Mikita Petinov, as if she were herself, po'yazany zі svіtom sport. Vіn vystupaє on zmagannyah for Russia from methane write off. Regardless of those who are Olena Isinbaeva and її a person of a different age (she is older for a person by 8 years), the bet has beautiful stature.

The stench mayut donka, Yaku Olena Isinbaeva gave birth, without being friends. The girl, named Yeva, came into the world on the cob of summer 2014. The new mother gave all her time to the little ones and at the same time she was preparing for her friendship with Mikita Petinov, the father of the little girl. Vesilla Oleni Isinbayevoi wandered far beyond the borders of Russia, near the sleepy Monaco, the winter of 2014. At the ceremony, of course, there was Donka Oleni Isinbaeva, who at that time was close to the fire.

This year, the couple is rebuying under the sawy respect of the shanuvalniks and the paparazzi, even if on some signs at Merezhya Isinbaev was taken "from the stomach." Olena herself confirmed the information that it has expanded, about the future expansion, just like the summer of 2017.

Nina is famous Russian woman who successfully takes part in several roles: she is engaged in organizing catering in the field of sports, she embraced the mayor of the Olympic village, the vikhova donka, she plays various TV shows, and she is very fond of her fund. For those who don’t know, in 2013, the Reindeer of Isinbaeva Foundation was founded, which is engaged in beneficial activities on the territory of Russia, helping rich children from disadvantaged families and children to reach sports. Author: Olena Suvorova

Biography of celebrities - Olena Isinbaeva

Zirka of Russian sports, record holder, female became the Olympic gold medalist of the 3 stribkiv at the height of the pole of the middle women.


The fathers of the Deer got to know each other and became friends near Volgograd. And on the third black day of 1982, in a young family, a little girl Olenka was born, as if she didn’t care about anything else, and didn’t think to build anything, such heights the child could reach. Father Deer is Gadzhi Gadzhiyovich, born in Dagestan, and mother Natalia Petrivna is Russian. The daughters of these simple workers were savagely beaten, Lena had a sister. The future champion started at the sports school, from the early years she went in for gymnastics, but after her high age, the fifteenth athlete moved to athletics.

Child photo of Isinbaeva

In 1997, Olena received her diploma as an engineer-technologist. Olena won her first victory near Moscow, at the All-World Youth Games. The life of the sportswoman immediately changed, and the compatriots of the same age began to commemorate. Until the end of victory, Olenka was a great girl from a simple homeland and raptom - such an anger to glory. In 2000, the star of Russian sports will finish the school of the Olympic reserve, and in 2005 I will also receive a diploma in physical education, having graduated from the Volgograd state academy of physical culture.

Olena with fathers and sister - Inesoy

Cob sports track

Even after the first victory, Olena gave herself a word that only we could remake. Vaughn rushed to set new records with her sports enthusiasm, and in total there were 28, and even in 2004, in 2004, in 22 years, she won gold at the Olympiad in Athens. After the bright victory of Isinbaev їde in Monaco. In 2011 Olena returned to Volgograd again. Vaughn was more worried about her homeland, but in 2013 the roci moved again to Monaco. Trinum Peremogoye in Pekіnі on Olimpіadі in 2008 Rotsi to rob the Olena Shchelsh Vіdomoy, all the Gazeti that journalists are drugged to the deposits of the heaves of the reaches, about the noise of the lawyer journals, the wing is active in the worship of the worships. Olena became the best sportswoman of world popularity in 2007-2009 for the tribute to the All-World Academy of Sports Glory. And in 2009 Olena knew bad luck through bad luck and in 2011, turning to Russia, he began to train again with his coach Yevgen Trofimov, since the beginning of 2005.

Career in the cinema that reach

The first film report of the Deer is a commercial for the deodorant of the world-famous manufacturer, the removal of wine from 2010 roci. And in 2012, the star of light sports is known in the first documentary film directed by Oleg Papa "The Girl with the Pole". The picture tells about the difficult creative path of an athlete from the name of a fashion model, beauty from the light of the name, about the її wins and blows, injuries, exuberant work and new evils in light sports.

Oleni does not end up on television, in 2015 she became an advertising special television channel "Match TB", so she herself took part in the filming of the program "Vechirniy Urgant".

In 2016, a few commercials were filmed for my participation. But the main achievement of the athlete Isinbaeva is great in sports. In 2013, Olen's roci bula was recognized for planting the measure of the Olympiysky village near Sochi. Since 2015, Isinbaeva has been working as an instructor from CSKA track and field athletics. Since in 2016 Olena's roci was not admitted (and not alone) to participate in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, she will end her career with the great sport.

Life Specialist

Regardless of the excitement of training and magic, Olena gets to know her future man Mikita Petinov, born in 1990, a young athlete, a member of the chosen Russia. We got to know the stench on the Internet, and Olena lost her head in love to the young tall and amiable Mikiti. On the 28th of March 2014 Olena became a happy mother, she gave birth to a little baby Eva. І 12 breasts of which year the young fathers make friends. Olena takes a break from sports for the next day after the slopes.

Cholovik Deer - athlete Mikita Petinov

Despite not being famous, Olena was deprived of a good and strong people. Vaughn did not stop talking about her fathers, she took care of them new apartment. She created a charitable fund, which caters for the development of child sports. For rahunok tsikh koshtіv planned gym at the child's house її near the city of Volgograd. Olena did not forget her coach Trofimov, as a sign of gratitude, she gave him a chic apartment near the fashionable district of Volgograd.

An important person in life Deer - її trainer - Evgen Trofimov

2016 fate in the biography of Oleni Isinbaeva changed: she voiced about the completion of the sports career. Regardless of the price, she continued her active activity: at the same time, Olena did not only come in to the world, but also performed as a sports functionary and philanthropist. And from being a professional coach, you still can’t hurry up, wanting to give advice to the growing generation.

At the future stribunka with a pole, he also opened a school for sportsmen-pochatkivtsiv, but at the right hour. In the meantime, Isinbaeva enjoys special lives, for whom for the rest of her life there were important pods: the joy of that people of the donka. A person hopes for the maximum support and pragne in helping us to help.

Rocky grown up and the ear of a sports car

Olena was born in 1982 near the Volgograd region. Inessa's sister, Inessa, also grew up with her, as if she had become a fitness trainer. Batko is a tabasaran for nationality, a practicing plumber, and my mother, who is a Russian root, worked as a worker in a boiler room. The fathers began to develop children, and from early years they enrolled them in the section of sports gymnastics. Prote, having become the eldest, the future athlete crossed at the haircut with a pole, the shards for gymnastics were above that high.

On the photo of Olena Isinbaev. Dzherelo znіmku website www.volganet.ru

Working with coach Yevgen Trofimov, she achieved significant results. In 1998, the girl played the All-World Youth Games, and through the river she set a special record (4 m 10 cm), having won the championship of the world of the middle youth. Isinbaeva was trained at the engineering and technical lyceum, and then she was insured to the school of the Olympic reserve. Vaughn continued her education by joining the Volgograd Academy of Physical Culture and Sports.

The fate of the magic and the numerical victory

For the period from 2000 to 2003, the sportswoman won a silver medal, a gold medal and a bronze medal in the middle juniors, having taken a height of 4 m 82 cm. In 2006, she changed her coach and began to work with a new mentor, becoming Vitaly Petrov. It didn’t take long for her to move to Monaco, and in 2008 she reached a new result - the badges of 5 m 04 cm, and at the Olympic Games near Beijing she set a light record, having strebbed to a height of 5 m 05 cm.

In 2009, at the championship of the world in Berlin, Olena was able to take part in the final, but she didn’t win in the final. At Zurich, she set a light record - 5 m 06 cm, but in the spring of 2010, the rock won at Dosi. The sportswoman made a break at the career, and the future participation in the stunners was already small change in character. The two-time Olympic champion planned to take part in the 2016 Olympics, but through a doping scandal, the Russian team from athletics was defeated.

Features of life: zamіzhzhya that people donka

Isinbaeva has always attracted fans, not only her own. sports achievements, ale and special lives, as if they were reluctantly grabbing from the eyes of the eyes. A beautiful string, which has a height of 174 cm and a carriage of 55 kg, has not been deprived of the respect of people. In 2008, it became known that її kohanim є DJ Artem, to whom she addressed the words of the kokhannya on the live air. That girl shone with happiness, having won a gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games. Young people got to know fate in Donetsk in 2006; For an hour of their hundreds of years they died, and they did not create their own, and for a couple of years they parted.

Having crossed her 30-year boundary, Olena did not prihovuva, scho to win zamіzh that people of children. In 2014, everyone was discussing the possible motherhood of an athlete, trying to explain who is the father of the future child. Її kohanim appeared two-meter red - Mikita Petіnov. The 23-rd metal worker of the write-off is a fellow countryman of Isinbaeva, and then she began to communicate on the Internet, and at that time she trained at Monaco. If the girl turned back home, Mikita began to look out. The fathers of the sportswoman were happy to choose a donka, so in 2014 the roci gave birth to a daughter, Eva. Vaughn didn’t want to be a man present on the curtains, also a future father standing outside the door. After the people, the little one helped the Deer and gave her a good time.

Just a little at a time makes Isinbaev happy. In the future, the girl will become so tall and physically dressed, like a father. Athletes already think at once, how good is Eva, but better for everything, they will start doing sports gymnastics, and then we will fall into great tennis. Olena is afraid that the girl will be constantly beaten by her, the athlete does not want that, so she went out with her feet. A lot of stribunin with a pole and її cholov_k do not turn off, that they will become fathers more than once. Її sister was married to the circus artist Mikhail Golev. Their family already has two children, whom Inesa gave birth to at the canopy booth of Volgograd.

Дворазова олімпійська чемпіонка, бронзовий призер Олімпійських ігор, триразова чемпіонка світу на відкритому повітрі, чотириразова чемпіонка світу у приміщенні, чемпіонка Європи на відкритому повітрі та у приміщенні, володарка 30 світових рекордів у стрибках із шостою серед жінок, комітету, кавалер ордена «За заслуги перед Batkivshchyna" IV stage, candidate of pedagogical sciences, honorary citizen of the city of Donetsk and Derbent

Іsіnbaєva stretching rich rokіv - the reception of Russian and light athletics. If Isinbaev speaks - tse ochіkuvannya is holy, the record, which is bright, unimaginable. “Isinbaeva is ingenious in any situation, to inspire a particularly stingy for an outsider’s look. Alemy's glance is not a third party. And on the right, there are not only in її miraculous records, not beaten by anyone, but in її unique specialty, in your Harmony, yak – the sister of Fear and Zhakhu, ”wrote the poet Yunna Moritz about Olena.

It was born on 3 worms, 1982 near Volgograd. Batko - Isinbaev Gadzhi Gasanovich (born in 1957). Mother - Isinbaeva Natalia Petrivna (born in 1961). Cholovik - Petinov Mikita Olegovich (born in 1990) - Member of the select team of Russia for track and field athletics in methane. Daughter - Eva (2014 people).

Father Deer are representatives of the robotic professions. Batko comes from the village of Chuvek, near Derbent (Dagestan) - a plumber. Mati is a Spadkova Cossack who was born on a farm in the Koraitsky Uryupinsky district. Vaughn spent 25 years at the thermal chains, after retirement - a housewife.

The family of Isinbaevs always loved sports, mothers in their youth were engaged in licking and basketball, father - wrestling and boxing. Lena inadvertently wanted to do artistic gymnastics. Їy befitting this graceful, garniy sport. And she dreamed about the great tennis. But the share was arranged differently. If Lєnі became 5 years old, and її young sister Іnі (1983 people) - 4, the fathers brought their daughters to the section of sports gymnastics, to coaches Oleksandr Ivanovich and Marini Mikhailovna Lisova. They didn’t want to take Olena on the back of the head into the group, because she was the winner for all the girls growing up, and the coaches said that she had no prospects in this kind of sport. Todi fathers asked to be allowed to train just for the wild physical development.

On the third day, the sports career of Oleni and Inni Isinbaevikh began. The sisters didn’t think about the achievements of the year, but step by step they began to increase the results, and the stench began to be put before the sport, not like a hoarding, but like a serious occupation. In 7–11 years, the sisters of Isinbaevy won all the children of the zmagannya, in the championship and match sports in their age group. The sign of their sports success was the inclusion of the selected team of the region.

At the sports gymnastics Oleni, the bars and the free right were especially suitable. The Grace had no peers! Vaughn wanted to eat to the chosen Russia, to speak at the great international events.

1997 year was given the title of master of sports. Inna also took care of the maister's engagement in sports (later she completed her sports career, worked as a fitness coach). Olena went in for sports from the beginning of the engineering and technical lyceum No. 5, and after completing the 8th grade, she moved to the Volgograd School of the Olympic Reserve, de the initial process of promotion to sports. However, after the 9th grade, її was awarded from the school "for the first day of results in sports gymnastics." Olena moved to an excellent school, but it was very important to train and perform at different tournaments. Gradually, the results in gymnastics fell, until then she continued to grow, and she was guilty of fear of the failure of certain elements, which, in the words of the athlete herself, was a signal to complete the sports career.

15 years vvazhaetsya pіznіm vikom for the cob to take a new sport in a professional sports career. Olena did not demonstrate her life posture by sports. Ale Olena, as a child she knew the word "required", she did not answer. In the fall of 1997, the rock was asked to try its hand at athletics. Bagatorichny occupations in gymnastics gave her good physical training and the strength of her hands, so she fell on the haircuts from the pole. For the recommendation of O.I. She ate the fox Deer to Evgen Vasilovich Trofimov. Until that moment, she didn’t know anything about the foundation of the stribkiv from the pole of the middle woman (that and the cholovikiv tezh). The first thing that struck you, if she stooped in the arena, was the height of the risers and the bar installed on them.

To the request of a new mentor: “Lyonochko, do you know Bubka?” - Isinbaeva wondered: "And who is this?" Thus, a new stage of її sports biography was born.

Olena fell in love with a new sport, training, new team. E.V. Trofimov, having hit the cob on a double term, to change his mind, that a new vikhovanka is promising, even before the Deer, only the boys were training at the new one. Isinbaeva with honor vitrimal re-verification, and її took to the group. Yevgen Vasilyovich guessed: “Literally at the first training session, I sighed, what a talent, and, most of all, I felt myself completely unclaimed in sports, and after skin training, I looked like this: well, yak, I’m going to do it? The axis is so fast with us. Then I’m bachiv, that she can shoot 5 meters.

Olenya had a sly Vikonian discipline, everything that the coach said, she neatly entered into the student’s box, she was a diligent student, she quickly mastered the new right with a pole, she mastered the technique of cutting and cutting. Before that, gymnastics gave him a wonderful basic training. Having started from the two-meter badge at the first training sessions, Olena quickly improved her results. Todi O.V. Trofimov recommending his participation in the Olympic reserve school, de buve a tough competitive selection. There were only winners of the championship and the first of Russia. The results of the Reindeer at the competition were blatantly brilliant and in 1998 she re-entered the school of the Olympic reserve as a strebuncha with a pole, which gives great hopes.

In September 1998, Olena went to the first championship of Russia, middle girls age up to 15 years and viborola, 2nd place with a result of 3.50 m, setting her own special record. In the grass, she won the summer championship of Russia in the same group of centuries, and in the red won to the national team of Russia and first loudly declared herself, having won at the haircuts from the pole at the 1st All-World Youth Games in Moscow, she won with a result of 4.0 doors at the great sport.

1998 the fate of Olena Isinbayevy was awarded the dedication of the master to the sport of the international class. From that hour, a bright kar'eri appeared.

In the spring of 1999, Olena Isinbaeva won the championship of the world of middle girls in Poland with a score of 4.05 m.

In 2000, the discipline "Stribka with a pole in the middle of women" was included before the Olympic program, and it opened up new horizons for the future victories of athletes from the pole. In addition, Olena became the "winter" champion of Russia of the middle grown, setting a new "winter" record of Russia (4.45 m), at the winter championship of Europe in Belgium she landed 8 months.

For 18 years, Vletka has become a participant in the Olympic Games near Sydney, but not to pass the qualification. After Sidney Olena Isinbaeva won the middle junior championship in Chile with a score of 4.20 m.

In 2001, she won the 7th season at the winter world championship in Lisbon of the middle grown (4.35 m), won the junior championship of Europe near Grosseto (4.40 m). Of the offensive rock, Olena Isinbaeva became the silver medalist of the European championship near Munich (4.55 m).

2003, the athletes won a medal at the winter world championship in Birmingham (4.65 m), won at the European youth championship in Bidgoszcz (4.72 m), 3rd place at the senior world championship in Paris (4.65 m).

Olenya Isinbaeva became a light record for rich amateurs of athletics, which she set in 2003 at the tournament of the Grand Prix series in the English city of Gateshead. Її watered through the bar, installed at a height of 4.82 m-code, was regarded as sensational. Those who will break a lot of records, without doubting anything, but, for the scores of fakhivtsiv, are small, or the Russian woman Svitlana Feofanova, the “winter” record holder of the world, or the “summer” record holder of the American Stacey Drazhila, the duel is still strong 2 rocks. At the training sessions, Olena repeatedly reconciled her height more than once. Before the start of the Great Britain on the international scales, there was once a chance to take it once, but not far off. I axis nareshti її mrіya zbulas. In the summer of 2003, the fate of Olena Isinbaeva began to set the tone for haircuts from the pole among the strongest streamers on the planet.

2004 becoming truly golden for Deer Isinbaeva. In the winter season, it set three light records in haircuts from a pole in closed areas: two - in Donetsk (4.81 and 4.83 m), she won with a light record (4.86 m) at the light athletics championship in Budapest . In the spring, the bula was awarded the school national sports award "Glory" in the nomination "For Rock". Having set 3 more light records one by one (4.87; 4.89; 4.90 m), Olena Isinbaeva won her brand - Olympic - "gold" in Athens, setting a new light record (4.91 m) . .

The enchanting vistup of Іsіnbaєvoї in Athens, without perebіlshennya, podkoriv veil of the world, for not transferring the fight in the sector for stribkіv іz zherdinoyu іz zavmirannym heart stole those who were far from sports before. So in the eyes of 50,000 killers, as if they were present at the Athenian stadium, those millions of TV viewers saw the people of the Deer as a black Olympic legend.

After the Olympiad on the waves near Brussels, Olena set another one - the 8th behind the rock of that fate - a world record (4.92 m) and was recognized as the best athlete in the world of Europe. 2004 year was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

At the fall of the leaves 2004 the fate of the zustrіchі from the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin, at the Kremlin, where the ceremony of champions and prize-winners of the Athens Olympiad took place, Oleny Isinbaev was given the honor of speaking at the opening speech of the president. The success of the Deer in Athens with the majestic joy of being adopted in the fatherland, the father - in Dagestan, was awarded the title of an honorable hulk of the city of Derbent.

In 2005, the tournament of the series "Super Grand Prix of Athletics-2005" was held in Lausanne. Є. Isinbaeva was one of the rest, the height of the pershost was trimmed at 4.6 m, taken by the American Stacy Drazhila. Oleni has a height of 4.7 m, and a height of 4.93 m.

On June 22, 2005, in London, at the “Grand Prix” spurs, the right triumph of the Deer was celebrated: she reached a cosmic height of 5 meters, becoming the first athlete in history, which she continued to grow. For a few minutes before the capture of the line, she also set a light record - she lifted the height of 4.96 m.

“It’s better, it’s more important for me,” Olena said. - I dreamed about it and wanted to become the first woman, so that I could take a height of 5 meters.

After the triumph, in one of the interviews, Isinbaeva said that 5 meters for her is the norm and the optimal training limit. And that she set records with a plan. Steps of raising new heights to bring more glory and give the opportunity to popularize your sport among the whole world.

In 2005, Olena Isinbaeva graduated from the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, having received a diploma of a graduate student of physical culture.

After 8 years of sleepy work with a special mentor and coach E.V. Trofimov after the brilliant performances at the 2004 Olympic Games after the possible special 18 world records Olena Isinbaeva for living and training in Monaco.

I will spend part of my sports career near Monaco, de їy it was more comfortable to get ready to zmagan.

Vitaliy Opanasovich Petrov became a coach (merited coach of the SRSR), for the period of 1982-1990, he was a special coach of the Radyansk tribune Sergiy Bubka.

Under an hour of sleep training, Bubka himself consulted Isinbaev. Two prominent athletes took part in the tournament "Zirki Poles" near Donetsk. On this tournament of light athletics, Isinbaeva inevitably came in 2004 and set 5 light records for closed venues (2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009).

In Birch 2006, Olena Isinbaeva won "gold" at the World Championships in track and field athletics in closed venues, which took place near Moscow. The Olympic champion of Athens from the first attempt took a height of 4.80 m, which ensured her victory at home.

2007 rock Isinbaeva played all the magic, in which she took part. Vaughn became the winner of the "Person of Rock" award, founded by the International Federation of Sports Film and Television (FICTS). The city of Russia at the urochist ceremony near Milan was handed over by FICTS President Professor Franco Ascani.

In July 2008, at the stage of the Super Grand Prix series near Monaco, the athlete set a light record - 5.04 m. At that time, she lived and trained near Monaco.

Serpen 2008 was marked by the triumphal victory of the Deer at the Olympic Games near Beijing. Moreover, I won the victory with a new light record - 5.05 m.

On February 5, 2009, at the XX International Tournament "Zepter - Stars of the Pole" in Donetsk, she set 2 world records in indoor venues, she shaved her hips at 4.97 m and then at 5.0 m. there is only one queen - Olena Isinbaeva. In the protocols of the most prestigious places on the first row - only one nickname, in the list of records - all the same. It's obscene to talk about other winners of the champion's title.

It's a pity, without any problems, she won at the finals of the championship of light and athletics 2009 in Berlin, at the finals, she didn't manage to reach the desired height. Olena herself commented on her shock at the supernatural in power And yet, constantly changing and setting record after record, maybe she has used the necessary concentration.

And yet, she won, concentrated on the 28th of September 2009 at the 5th stage of the track and field athletics "Golden League", which took place near Zurich, reduced her light record by 1 centimeter, taking a height of 5.06 m ("Golden League" held by the International Athletics Association (IAAF).

Upgrading 9 years, Isinbaeva won one title after another, raising the record bar by 24 centimeters (!). At the end of 2010, after a recent performance at the World Championships in track and field athletics at the closed premises near Dosya, Olena announced her participation in the event of some magic.

At that time, she lived with the sport of life. Over 20 years - post-training, picking up, relocating, exercising. And the more she got out at her car, the more there was more viability, the betterment of the painkillers, the respect of the press. And so, from rock to rock, a psychological volume accumulated, and as a result, the moment came, if, for the sake of words, I wanted to live in peace. It is necessary to change at your share, to turn the necessary concentration, to relieve the nervous tension of the possible fates.

View community activity she was not considered by the year 2010 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was chosen as the Ambassador of the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore.

“Tse duzhe tsіkava misiya. I'm looking forward to the Igri, to give a positive impact on the juveniles. Yunatsky Igri є miraculously spontaneously sponkati juveniles to work marvelous speeches for additional sports, ”Isinbaeva commented on her speech.

In the next year of 2010, she successfully completed her dissertation on the topic "Conceptual model of the evolution of modern Olympic Games" and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

For a long time after the cordon, far away from relatives and friends, during the day these special psychological tricks at trainings, as if the first coach did it, another training technique, just blame the coach for the unusual trip back - all you have to do is concentrate on improving , to Volgograd, to his first coach-mentor Trofimov.

“First, praise this decision, I talked to Vitaliy Petrov, with whom I trained Rest of the Rocks, - Zgaduє Olena Isinbaev. - We had a good conversation, understood one another and parted for mutual benefit. I thank Vitaliy Opanasovich for everything that he has made for me, for his turbo, patience and professionalism. On March 6, 2011, I met my first mentor, Yevgen Trofimov, and she said that I want to turn around. We have already talked in detail about it for a long time and we decided to continue our work. I am happy that Yevgen Vasilovich had time to work with me again.

After taking a river pause, the first tournament was the tournament "Russian Winter 2011". The height of 4.81 m taken by her became the best result of the season in the whole world.

A strebunka with a pole is famous for coming to the river, because it didn’t rahuvat two unimaginable lime starts, it didn’t train. Before the championship of the world, which took place near Pivdenny Korea, near Tegu, Isinbaeva was not ready. Vin did not bring medals and great results. Having tried the test at a height of 4.65 m, the Dvoraz Olympic champion did not take 4.75 m for the first time, she got nervous and even more girls beat the bar at 4.80 m without options.

Axis yak komentuvav tsey moment O.V. Trofimov: “It was necessary to go at any time, but the great waste of great practice is small: the river didn’t streak, I missed the start. Vaughn came and said that she felt like a novice and could not understand anything. To that, the whole program was taken calmly, without panic. We said to you: “Lino, this is the first moment, children can understand that at this moment we can forget about everything and start everything from the beginning. Shock therapy was for her, so that she didn’t live by guessing about her regalia, wins, and I think that this moment is right. We realized that it was possible to go through the whole path from the cob to the end, to suddenly go near the water, but it seemed that you couldn’t kill it. Ale, as a reminder of the rest of the practice, you can.

Dali Yevgen Vasilyovich continued: “In the spring of my life, I started one haircut, and behind the cordon I taught a different one: a man, a force, which one should not go. The coach, who worked with her, leaned on his own. Viyshlo, if you get a haircut, try to guess that haircut, and sit on the old one. Vaughn had lost the lightness of a haircut, the stench had become important, overpowering, and she felt uncomfortable. If she turned around, my first tasks would be to destroy the stereotype and turn her back to the old haircut.

The results did not shock the checks: on February 23, 2012, at the Grand Prix of Stockholm, Isinbaeva set the season from the intermediate black, on the 30th after the light record for winning in closed areas. The hairdresser pulled up a badge of 5 m 1 cm, which is 1 cm higher than the wet reach.

On April 6, 2012, at the Olympic Games in London, she won a bronze medal, taking a height of 4.70 m.

On September 13, 2013, at the World Championships in track and field athletics in Moscow, he won a gold medal in haircuts from a pole, having cut by 4.89 m.

On the eve of 2013, Isinbaeva commemorated the work on the plantation of the mayor of the Coastal Olympic Village in Sochi. On the eve of the Olympic winter mountains, she showed herself to be the chief ceremonial worker and the organizer. In an interview with one of the Russian agencies, she said that she was also ready to "protect the interests of athletes, as needed."

Before the World Championship 2013, Olena Isinbaeva repeatedly stated that the next time she was going to take a break for an hour or to finish her sports career. The drive was the bajannya Deer to create sim'yu. In Cherry 2014, her daughter Eva was born.

In 2015, Olena Isinbaeva signed a five-year contract with the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation. Tsіkavo, that the order to lay down the contract with the athlete was signed especially by the Minister of Defense Sergiy Shoigu. The famous stribunka got a landing of an instructor from the track and field athletics of the Central sports club Army. “I am very glad to turn to the glory of CSKA, whose possibilities are boundless, so far our goals and ambitions are running out. CSKA is the only great homeland and an example of what a sportsman can practice,” Isinbaeva says.

Dvorazova Olimpіsyka Champion (2004, 2008), bronzova prize -winner of Olimpіskiysky (2012), trirazova championka SVITU at VIDKREMENT (2005, 2007, 2013) I Chotirirazova SVITU in the admiration (2002, 2002 TOMI (2006) TAK (2005). , winner of the World Cup (2006) Volodarka 30 world records in haircuts from the middle of the middle of women, merited master of sports of Russia.

She was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Batkivshchyna" IV degree, Poshani, the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Batkivshchyna" II degree.

Olena Isinbaeva was recognized as the best athlete of the decade by News magazine (2010). Vaughn is the best athlete of the world according to the Track & Field News magazine (2004, 2005), the best athlete of the world according to the IAAF version (2004, 2005, 2008), the best athlete of Europe (2005, 2008).

For the sub-bags of 2013, she was recognized as the “absolutely strongest” athlete of 2013 rock in the country, she became the laureate of the silver doe award, a rock athlete in Europe (2013) for the results of voting by the International Federation of Sports Journalists in Monaco City merit in sports” (2013).

Among її numerical hromadskih nagorod є especially the prize of the prince of Asturias (Іspanіya). This award was given to the Deer as a human being, “whose life is not only a butt for others, but it has reached new heights in the exercise to turn over to itself, whose susilla has made its contribution to the development and promotion of sports.” Olena Isinbaeva Bula was named the best sportswoman of all times of the people in this discipline. At the ceremony, Olena could not shed tears.

Sport is the main interest of life Deer. The plans of a prominent tribune had a fate at the Olympics near Rio de Janeiro. Розгорнутий у спортивному світі допінговий скандал важко позначився на долі російських легкоатлетів: майже всі виступаючі легкоатлети, в тому числі і Олена Ісінбаєва, були усунені від участі в Олімпіаді в Ріо-де-Жанейро через дискваліфікацію Всеросійської Федерації легкої атлетики в Міжнародній асоціації федерацій (IAAF) . Only one Russian athlete, Dar Klishiny, was allowed to take part in the Olympiad. Inshim 67, yakі applied for the fate of the sportsmen, yakі not accountable for the stagnation of meldonium, was encouraged. Moreover, the non-authoritative mental admission of Russian athletes to participate was given to living and training by stretching the remaining three years beyond the cordon.

On her side on Instagram, the inconsistent athlete wrote: “20 credits to that I took away the negative opinion of the IAAF secretary. It's a pity they didn't give me any vines. I was not allowed to go to OI at Rio. The diva was gone. Not the share of me to perform at Rio! “They stole us without proof, impudently, rudely, and did not give us a chance to tell the truth. We didn’t hurt ourselves, we practiced with care and practically went straight to the finish line, and they chose the world in us, ”the famous sportswoman said with a loud voice in her voice at the Kremlin. Vaughn called out to these athletes, who were admitted to the Olympiad, not to allow themselves to be stamped and show the best results: “Do it so that the whole world shudders!”.

On April 21, 2016, Dvoraz's Olympic champion, world record holder Olena Isinbaeva was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), having taken 45 out of 70 votes with two votes, becoming one of the new members of the IOC. Voting was carried out among 11 thousand athletes who compete at the Olympiad near Rio de Janeiro. Isinbaeva received 1365 votes. The term for the mandate of the commission becomes 8 years. Olena denounced to the maximum victoriousness of her new ability for zahist Russian athletes like injustice.

Olena is an active and blessed child. In 2013, roci won created " Charity Fund Deer Isinbaevoi", the main method of such a creation of minds for playing sports that active image life for children-orphans, children, yak_ squandered the life of the situation, low-income families and mass sports in a spree. “It is even more important to give children a chance for self-realization, even if the skin child is talanovitis, our leader is to develop their talent,” Y.G. Isinbaev.

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