Queen, farewell: Isinbaeva completed her career, but she lost it from sports. Yak Olena Isinbaeva said goodbye to sports Dvorazova Olympic champion finished her career in her style Chi Isinbaeva finished her sports career

RIO DE JANEIRO, 19 September - R-Sport, Olena Sobol. Dvorazova Olympic champion Olena Isinbaeva completed her sports career in haircuts from a pole, she talked about it at a special press conference in the Olympic Rio de Janeiro.

The athlete did not perform at Rio de Janeiro, the oscalls of Sportivny arbitration court(CAS) 21 years of judging by the appeal of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and 68 Russian track and field athletes, who lost the ARAF and, obviously, athletes from Russia. The games were missed by all Russian track and field athletes, Crimea around Darga Klishinoy, as she took off a special strebunka to her dovzhina, as she sent nine misses. Calls to the Supreme Court of Switzerland on the decision of CAS, filings by Isinbaeva, were dismissed.

Isinbaeva of this day flew to Rio de Janeiro. At four, won became one of the four new members of the IOC Athletes' Commission. Voting was carried out among athletes, as they compete, the bags were naked in the Olympic village of Rio de Janeiro. The Russian woman took 1365 votes, the term for the mandate of Isinbaeva becomes the supreme fate.

Isinbaeva vibachila

Following the charm, honed by journalists, Isinbaeva made a big statement: there’s no way to get through the fact that you weren’t allowed to participate in Olympic Games. At the press conference, she confessed what she said in her heart, in her emotions, and already changed her mind.

"Life is so foldable, and mi yogo sound like a boomerang. Rebooting here, I changed my point of view. I'm not judging and not a god, and as a president and members for the sake of the IAAF, they respect that they honestly charged a hundred and fifty less of those other athletes, let's not I will be on my own conscience. God is my judge," Isinbaeva said.

Vaughn guessed that the Russian athletes were put in the “behind the line of the program of mind”, if the admission criteria were impossible to vikonate, she respected that the game was “not fair”. Ale repeated: no evil is held against anyone, and we want to get angry at that so as not to allow a repetition of such a situation.

"Today, I can say that I forgive (Sebastian) who are members of the IAAF for this injustice. If they stink, what they did fairly and honestly, don't be on your conscience. Don't judge, you won't be judged," she said.

The sportswoman once again, as she herself respected, "from the first words" gave information to journalists from the last world about those that she experienced for the rest of the month. Ale saved the headline statement for the press conference.

Help Isinbayev

Irrespective of those that Rio had the best chances for admission, the athlete was seriously preparing to start and remake at the Games. At the championship of Russia in Cheboksary, like a proishov like a worm, Isinbaeva from the third test took a height of 4.90 m, which was the unofficial best result of the season in the world on the open air. That same time, at the airport, she declared that for her at these Games there would not be an Olympic champion in haircuts from a perch - whoever did not win, without her the medal could not be just like gold. І at the press conference, she didn’t talk about her words.

"I believe in what I said and I will explain why. At the Russian Championships I sheared 4.90 m, on that day I had the best result in the world. I believed in reasonableness, I believed that we should be allowed ... My coach and I reached the space altitude in Rio - 5.10 m. fight without me, do you think it will be fair?" - asked Isinbaeva.

Vaughn voiced that she did not apply the value of the medal, even if the athletes were not guilty of her inadmissibility. However, the medalists themselves are unlikely to commend the Olympic city with the gold of the greatest test. “I didn’t use a medal, like a girl wins this year, don’t stink, you don’t have me in the sector. But without fighting with Isinbaeva, you can’t have a full Olympic gold medal. one - win over Isinbayev," the Olympic champion announced.

Prote finale at women's haircuts from the pole Isinbaev did not come to marvel at the Olympic stadium. And not to the one that will hurt more. Vaughn voiced that she should be angry at pidtrimtsi Russian athletes this evening.

Not long enough

The moment came unexpectedly: Isinbaeva announced what to put a spot on in sports.

Coach of Isinbaeva rozpoviv, who didn’t let him improve his light record at OIFollowing the words of Trofimov, Isinbaeva did not realize herself more in sports: there is little more than a light record with the last result of 5.15 - 5.20 meters.

“I chose you here to tell you about those that I will complete my sports career,” the athlete said with a little puff. But it’s not a sport, I wouldn’t have been in life like an athlete, like a shovny person in the whole world, I won’t be afraid of your word ... I thought that I would be so summarily today and thought about those, like a stream of tears. Suffocated!.. And at once I say goodbye to the sector, to my poles, to the hymn to my honor, even if the athlete is trochic and softly emotional in life, I will take it.

I immediately added that it’s unlikely to turn around before the upcoming Igor-2020, like passing Tokyo. “It’s hard to say, I’m a person who doesn’t show up, and today I asked you to tell me about the completion of the career. Ale, it’s too early to talk about Tokyo. Today I wanted to play a yakbi, I’m unlikely to be able to perform there,” said Vaughn.

Isinbaev - at the President's

Crimea works in the IOC and defends the interests of athletes in the most important region of Isinbaev, perhaps, checks no less than a robot in the fatherland. The athlete knew what she really thought about those who would win the All-Russian Federation of Athletics.

The Minister of Sports of the Samara Region, Dmitri Shlyakhtin, unanimously ordered the planting of the president of the ARAF. Yoga renewal will last until autumn, if there are new choices.

"So, really, the proposition (of the VFLA) is really over, it's just a miracle, it's a bit serious. could turn ARAF to IAAF members.

“Ale first, wait a minute, it’s necessary to make everything dim and call, to equalize your ability and ability,” the athlete voiced.

She didn’t go out of her way to get out of the crisis, which was formed, she didn’t go out of her way, having closed the price of the presentation of her advance program, as if she were still hanging out at the landing. “I won’t deny that we have a problem with doping, but it’s the same equal as in any other country in the world. ", and I'm a direct proof of that. I'm not the only one. The choice of doping is the choice of a specific skin athlete, the ability to carry the skin by itself, the collective responsibility can not be. And if I become the president of the VFLA, I will try to prevent it, "- Isinbaeva sang.

Vaughn announced that she could turn the status of the ARAF in the international athletics homeland. "We had wonderful girls from Mr. Coe. I supported yoga at the IAAF presidential election. I believed you, because I was young, energetic, and I was the Olympic champion of Moscow-1980. I showed that I was an athlete who really wants to compete, I won't allow anyone" . take your dream away Ale, the situation has changed due to unreasonable reasons. People simply don’t speak and are unique, whether it’s zustrіch Ale, I’m in awe that our zustrich will be and I’ll put food - chi may the president before me , - Isinbaeva shared.

The President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Oleksandr Zhukov, saying that he supported Isinbayev, that he would be lucky enough to be elected president of the ARAF. "Її kar'єra bula car'єroyu prominent athlete, the legend of the sport literally. Dzhe shkoda, їy not far away to take part in the OІ-2016 in Brazil. Ale vie bachili, athletes of the whole world voted for her, tse, perhaps, more expensively for the Olympic medal Just like the International Association of Athletics Federations did not allow it to happen, just like the athletes themselves voted for those who represented their interests, more like radium, that she became my colleague in the International Olympic Committee.

Speaking about the athlete and the champion of the world at big bars with bars, Sergiy Shubenkov, who also did not participate in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro through the adoption of the federation. “I have a lot of respect for Olena. I respect that if Olena becomes the head of the VFLA, then the federation only plays in this way,” Shubenkov told the R-Sport agency. win us out of the crisis with this world, as we need.

Olena Isinbaeva hosts the show. Vaughn lied about the completion of her career for the first hour of the Olympiad, but they didn’t let her in, having flown to Rio de Janeiro and took the hall for 700 months. Correspondent of "Sports Day after Day" becoming a witness of the match.

A lot of facts, but no facts

34th river Isinbaeva roused her speech in such a way that it was the beginning of the state story - from the beginning, the culmination and the final streak. Vaughn traditionally strayed with statements that they had chosen the opposite for the light, the robers were absolutely shy, without evil intentions. For the next athlete, for such a “gone b”, but for Isinbayev, everything is said goodbye - perhaps, for his own sake.

For example, speaking about the doping allegations of Richard McLaren, she said steppingly: “I read the doping, there are really a lot of facts, but I would like more evidence, even if there are no facts, but just an excuse.”

About the completion of the career, it was also comedy, even at the hour of the press conference, Olena caught a statement that she was an athlete. "Our sports will soon end, you can no longer respect me as an athlete," she said. Five minutes before that, answering the question of a Japanese journalist about participation in the Olympics-2020 near Tokyo, Isinbaeva said: “At the moment, I do not take part in the upcoming Games, but who knows what tomorrow even if it’s only allowed, but God can.”

Ale mi trochs ran forward. Let's go in order.

Change "I do not forgive" to "I forgive"

- I called to change at the Olympiad for someone with a different status, lower at the same time. Today I passed the finale at the women's haircuts from the perch, and for me there, for me and yours, sorry, don’t talk, - began Isinbaeva.

Here it is necessary to respect that Olena, at the hour of the press conference, spoke to the journalists in such a way that all the fans stink and are constantly cheering for her. Russians and foreigners were about 50 to 50. Vaughn asked her colleagues who were chosen: “You see, are you ready to give me your hearts?” Vidpoviddu was booming.

- I want to bring clarity. I was allowed to the Olympic Games not to the fact that I got used to doping. All my 20-year career is absolutely clean. Pan_vіz IAAF just blamed deyak_ claims to Russia, so they didn't let anyone in. Life is so foldable and round, I'm going to do yoga with a boomerang. Arriving in Rio, I said that I would not beat anyone for those who pushed me away from Igor. Ale Isinbaeva - not judging, not God, that is how the president of the IAAF and all members of this organization respect that honestly a hundred less clean athletes have been blamed, let it be on your own conscience. God is my judge. Today I am changing my “I do not forgive” to “I forgive”.

On the way to the presidency of the IOC

- Let's move on. I want to tell who is today. Today, I am no less than a Dvoraz Olympic champion, a 28-time record holder in the world (here Olena began to redeem her regalia, let’s say “Sport Day after Day”), and now a member of the IOC Athletes’ Commission. All my life is like in your arms, I grew up together with you, so it’s easy to discredit me. I think that those present at the gym have no reasonable sums for the fact that I am a pure athlete and have always brought it to my head, trying to be at the top of my glory - I’m going to win at the Olympic Games. All this led to the fact that she became a member of the IOC Athletes' Commission. For Russia, this is a great victory; Politicians didn’t rob me, sportsmen thrashed me, the stink voiced the world of what Isinbaeva means to them. I will defend the rights of athletes throughout the world. Before I speak, I'll go to the warehouse of the IAAF Athletes' Commission. Do you know how many people have adopted me with new ways to the MOCU? One! I thought, we are all a team, but no, it appears that it is not so.

The next thing was too rich, the other one. There was hostility that in the future Olen would like to become president of the IAAF, and possibly the IOC. Really, it is impossible to turn off such a development of podia, the shards of Isinbaeva may have all the goodness, so that they continued to collect on the be-yaki plant.

Meta number one in haircuts from a pole - help Isinbaev

- Why will you watch the finale at the haircuts from the pole?

- No, I called to support Russian athletes, but I don’t have a pole, so I will marvel at volleyball, where ours will play against Brazilians.

- You, like before, you know that a girl, like she won in the poles, cannot be called a full-fledged Olympic champion, don’t you take the fate of the magicians?

- So, I believe in tse. Why should I want to be a girl with a different number after myself? On the 25th of March 2016 at Cheboksary at the championship of Russia I cut 4 meters 90 centimeters - at that time it was the best result of the season in the world. I wanted you to understand all the seriousness of such a result - it was my first start after the three-point break. You show the first start after I gave birth to a child, and such a result! I aimed at the Olympics at 5.10. I didn’t beat the donka, I helped a man! Do you care, honestly, if the girls come to the sector without me? Mind you, I didn’t apply the merits of the girls, don’t stink, I don’t have me in the sector, but I’m still gloomy globally ... Without fighting for Isinbaeva’s price, you can’t win a gold medal. Ask for sweat at the mixed zone, as it worked out for them. Meta number one in haircuts from a pole - overcome Isinbaev.

I say goodbye to the anthem of Russia on my honor

Perhaps, the Russian woman’s sports and political career is not only from the commission of the IOC, but also from the president of the VFLA. Accepting such an ability, Olena does not exclude.

- As soon as I come to Russia, I will learn about the core of the organization. I really needed the proposition to make the federation better. It is necessary to call everything, to dim and rage. I respect that I can take care of the interests of our athletes and turn them into light athletics.

Oskіlki cannot be an official and an athlete at once, Isinbaeva went to the top - she voiced about the completion of the career.

- I say goodbye to painkillers, poles, magicians ... Previously, I practiced on myself, now I bring misfortune to the soul. Nezabara I will hold a mass visit for ten thousand women, who at once will run, wash, swim with me. That's great!

Nareshti, if the hour has come to end the year's press conference, Isinbaeva said this:

- I say goodbye to track and field athletics and the anthem of Russia in my honor. I realized for myself, I couldn’t think of a better career and a dream. Thank you!

Rio de Janeiro

The two-time Olympic champion of the streaks from the pole voted about the completion of her professional sports career.

- It is important to say about the Olympiad-2020. Today, I would not talk about those who share their fate there. Chotiri rocky more will pass to the tsієї Olympiada. And even today in the sector there are a lot of young girls. Sob buti will be charged to the commission of the IOC, the athlete can complete his sports career. Ale, we allow it, but God can. I will not take part in the Games near Tokyo today, - said Isinbaeva. - 19 sickle final at women's haircuts from a pole. It's a pity, don't beat me at the sector, I can't fight for the gold medal. They didn’t let me in not through doping history, my whole career is clean, all my tastes are negative. Pan_v s ІАAF were fed to our federation. I became a victim of obstukov. I was given, the rules for all athletes may be the same. Ale scho mi bachimo? All members of the IAAF hung the main criterion - to live and train beyond the borders of Russia. And no one can live in my own country. Nayzhahlivishe - they guessed two months before the trial. It was impossible to listen to someone, we did not know what it was necessary to leave Russia. Arriving at the Olympiad, I said at the airport: I won’t work for anyone for those who dishonored me from Igor. Ale, perebovayuchi here, I changed my point of view. I'm not judging that is not God. If all members of the IAAF are aware that they have done it honestly, let it be on your own conscience. God is my judge. We were put in a prograsne camp in advance. I’m afraid of Skoda, that it’s unfair to carry on a crumb. The criteria may be the same for all countries. But then I change my word “I won’t fail” to “I’ll fail”. I leave it to the will of God.
- Introduced the initiative to disqualify an athlete who was found guilty of doping. It would be efficient. Lyudina, like zastosovuє doping, may be reasonable: the whole yoga sports career is at stake, - continued Isinbaeva. - Yakby asked me to vote for this, I voted for it. Ahead of the day, all athletes from the whole world, participants in the Olympiad, gave their voices, showed their support, turning me to the IOC commission. Tse majestic victory. I can’t estimate how great the victory was - even though I was robbed not by officials, but by athletes, with whom they performed at once. Dakoy їm for dovira. Athletes showed the whole world what Isinbaeva means to them. It cannot be allowed that decent people suffer for the pardon of other people. I am for cer ratuvatima, so that the situation does not repeat itself. Show moment. The day before I was taken to the commission of the IOC, but I'm going to change to the commission of the IAAF. Let's cover the heads of the IAAF committee, I didn't greet anyone with insults. Meni cover: we are one team.

Earlier, Isinbaev was appointed to the commission of athletes of the International Olympic Committee.

- Dyakuyu, scho came p_drimati! - Svіy vistup Isinbaeva started from the prepared movie. - Today I am in Rio in my other role, below that, before which I called.

This year's finale at women's haircuts from the perch, but don't beat me at the sector. Ale no big deal...

They didn’t let me in not through doping history, all my wins are clean, all tests are negative. They didn’t let me in, because the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations. - Gazeta.Ru) was fed to our federation, I became a victim of these conditions. Arriving here and giving an interview, I said that I would not work with anyone and would not forget.

I have changed my point of view and I want to say that I am not a judge and not a god, that is why the president and members of the IAAF respect that they stink honestly, don’t be on your own conscience. God bless him judge.

We live together in the same world, go in for sports. It seemed to me that the rules could be the same for everyone. What do we do today? The President of the IAAF and the organization hung with certain unspecified criteria.

Ale, you can’t be like that, no one can fence life and practice at your own country! And more importantly, what was destroyed two months before the Olympiad.

We did not know that we could see our own lands and train beyond our borders.

We were tested by foreign organizations for the first time. I passed all these doping controls - none of them showed up. It’s too bad, that today’s world is being dishonestly, as such criteria are being created, then the stench can be buti for any other country.

But I’ll repeat myself, I change my words “I won’t fail” to the word “I will fail”. God is my judge.

Who is today? No less than a Dvorazian Olympic champion, a 28-time record holder of the world and a lot more ... But now I am a member of the IOC commission, a “champion for peace”, a member of the world’s association for sports. I will protect the rights of clean athletes around the world, so that this situation will not be repeated any more.

It cannot be allowed that for the pardon of other people, as they appeared to be less orderly, others suffered.

I want to commend the IOC to President Thomas Bach for his objectivity in this direction. It was all right, but I’m mad that the choice of Russia was allowed to compete at the Olympiad in Rio.

I want to call out the athletes, so that the stench would not allow themselves to be victorious with a political method.

- Chi do not start your new settlement pratsyuvati s charitable fund near Volgograd?

- I have more work, but it’s over there to boil, we’ll see this Maidanchikiv with the fund, as if it’s going to be all over Russia. Vlashtovuyemo near Volgograd "Barvisty Zabіg", for which we all ask.

My Nova robot more than helping the fund.

— Dopovіdі [Richard] McLaren's head ring was in the hands of doping by the political authorities of the country (Russia. — "Gazeta.Ru").

- Support for doping on a high level - food is not up to me, I'm sitting here in the status of an athlete, so what. We have been called for admission, there are no facts and evidence, but for some reason it was enough to put a food on the non-admission of the chosen one to the Olympiad in order to enter the Paralympiad at once.

I respect that the addendum is incomplete and the decision’s guilt, based on it, is unfair.

- How do you yourself know that you were victorious for political purposes in Russia?

- I do not allow anyone to impose another thought on me. If I care that if I screwed up something wrong, I will hang my thought.

If I doubt something, I won’t deceive anyone.

Olympic prize-winners are a butt for riches, they listen to their thoughts. I call out to be good people.

— Who are you ready to test by the IAAF? [IAAF President] Sebastian Coe?

— So, I'm going to Coe, a member of the IAAF Viscount Committee through this injustice. Ale, as it seems, do not judge, you will not be judged. Another revealing moment about the IAAF: I was taken to the IOC Athletes' Commission, and I'm going to the IAAF Athletes' Commission.

Nobody, let's close the heads of the commissaries Rose, not having welcomed me. Tse cover, aje mi sim'ya.

- Was it about those that you can choose the All-Russian Federation of Athletics (ARAF)?

- The proposition is so necessary, in my opinion, it is miraculous, but serious. Discuss my perspective.

If I can, I could turn our federation into an international one, and athletes into a big one. Ale needs to call everyone.

- You said that the one who will win at the Olympics with haircuts from a pole will be different.

- At Cheboksary (at the championship of Russia. - "Gazeta.Ru"), I cut 4.90 meters on my first shots.

This is the best result of the season for the world. After three fates interrupt, after the birth of a daughter. Me and Evgen Vasilovich [Trofimov] have reached the cosmic altitude - 5.10, I can tell you now.

Today, if in the sector it will be fair without me? Without the fight for Isinbaeva, you will not be a full gold medal. I am instilling a helper, but to win for her will be a siege.

— Will you perform at Tokyo 2020?

- I asked you to confirm, to voice about the completion of the car'er. Until then, there is a point at the commission of IOC athletes, in which way to go: to be a member of the IOC, it is necessary to complete your career.

- Will the medals of track and field athletes be incomplete without the participation of Russians?

- So, in these disciplines, where the Russians could beat the competition, the medals would not be worth more. But it's not the fault of the athletes themselves. Ale tse forever be deprived of food - what stench could win, yakbi bula Rosiya?

— What do you do with the commission of athletes of the IOC?

“I will steal clean athletes.

Vibir - vzhivat chi ni doping - special vibir dermal. І vіdpovіdalіst for tse tezh may be personal.

If I am the president of the ARAF, I will maintain this position.

- Why did Putin invite you to the commission of the IOC?

- I'll fill it with mystery ...

- Chi spoke wi z Kou? The status of an IOC member, which Coe does not have, gives priority to whom?

— I did yoga at the IAAF presidential elections, mi mali garni vodnosiny. Vin is young, energetic, having become the Olympic champion in Moscow.

But the situation has changed dramatically for unreasonable reasons. Vіn does not rozmovlyaє that unikaє zustrіchі.

One food, as I want to put you, chi maє vin before me claims. Even if the wine will be based on the hanging criteria, our rozmov will not koshtuvatim anything, to that it was impossible for the vikonate.

- You said that you are sitting here like a decent athlete, then they voted about the completion of the career, then you just doubt that you will be at the Olympics in Tokyo ... What is the solution?

— Today in Rio de Janeiro, 19 September 2016, I will finish my professional career.

I thought I would be so confused that I don't shed tears. Ale, the other day, the appeal to the commission of athletes of the IOC made me choke. And I'm glad that I realized for myself, I'll finish the titles of those medals, I won the trust of volleyball players in the whole world.

- At the same time, it’s ideal to use it in sports with the first stoppage of doping. What is your setting up to what?

- I would tse pіdtremala. I think it would be efficient to fight doping. We know that the whole yoga career is at stake.

- How do you figure out that path, which you went through as a girl, how to go in for sports, until today?

- Yakby is not a sport, I would not have known as a specialty, I would not have let the world know about myself, the world would not have known about me.

I have been earning your confidence for myself for decades, I am going with a great wealth of baggage and I feel the need to practice for the benefit of sport.

After this press conference, I don't have any problems with what to do. Previously, I shave for myself, but today I shave for people, for suspense. I'm going today.

- Why do you marvel at the haircuts from the perch today?

— I can't do it physically. Today there will be finals for wrestling, pivfinals for volleyball.

I have the will to fight for our people here, at Rio. The sector for strips from our poles will not be.

- How do you evaluate the vistup of the chosen Russia here?

- I appreciate how I find it. Ours are just fighters, the stench is to bring up the scoff.

In handball, the girl showed such a class! The Norwegians were already respected by the finalists, but there was a fair fight, I took off the majestic satisfaction.

Those who are highly known to me at the command hall are beyond reach. We leaned against the folding stand, but our athletes brought us: if you don’t drive us in, you will fight the strongest. I believe everything, I wish the finalists good luck and I believe that they will overcome their skin problems.

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