The IOC, explaining its decision not to ask Russian athletes for the Olympics with possible reversals in the future. "Swan, scho is dying" Soldatova is not ready yet. Bet on Averinikh Choma Oleksandr Soldova was not allowed to participate in the Olympiad

Fuck smart who

Burning hot.
New Bjorgen in the photo? Salbutamol (which is not, to say the least, a steroid) for asthma dopomіg їy pump up the m'yazi?
Why is Williams on the court and Sharapova on the beach? I'm already here photo of Masha for an hour backhanded, it was the head of the category "Find ten vіdmіnnosti".
Well, obviously, it’s a hit of the season - a propagandistic picture, what to drown for Russian sports, the author, who doesn’t know the name of the Russian gymnast, was pasted on the photo.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Simone Biles, katati, takes a drug to concentrate respect, so show on the photo її m'yazi, pumped up without help (brought, according to the cr. of the world) doping - tezh zaebaty hіd, lol.


Two Ukrainians detected :)

Norwegian lizhnitsa Marit Bjorgen is suspected of being doped. The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet published on its website that Bjorgen was found to have methylhexanamine - the same drug that German biathlete Evi Sachenbacher-Shtele was spying on.

Bjorgen became a turning point in the career of Bjorgen when he decided to withdraw from WADA and FIS, on the choice of a highly potent drug - symbicort (symbicort), to avenge salbutamol, to enter the WADA list. At the first race of the 2009/10 season, at the fall of the leaves at the stage of the World Cup in Beitostolen, Bjorgen brought pivhvilin to the supergirls for a 10-kilometer trial. The success of the flooring was dissonant with the result of the її earlier official runs near the birch tree of 2009, and finally finished the 20th of the 20th May for two and a half of the winds of Kovalchik, which did not happen to the soul. Ale Bjorgen continued to get in shape, and won three Olympic titles in Vancouver, allowing Kowalczyk to outperform himself in the 30-kilometer mass start.
No one in the country of the Norwegian national selection has ever managed to break through the results of bandaging without intermediary drugs, which allow expanding the distal pathways.

Fuck smart who

Once again - Bjorgen took off the advice of WADA to take salbutamol. Salbutamol is not a steroid, and the ointment does not seem to grow. In the first photo - nonsense about "steroids in asthma" and the elimination of m'yaziv, on yakі її "dopіng" without spitting.
Behind the tennis players and gymnasts, the flooring is hard, what can you say?
It's okay, I'm just posting, to enjoy the scale of feeds, comments are just a cherry on the cake.


How can a person break one law, how can I move, how can I break another law?
How can you cross the light on a red carpet without any problems?

There are no facts about the presence of state doping programs in the Russian Federation, but it didn’t make all the athletes ring. And here is a fact (salbutamol), a photo of CLEARLY invisible muscles and you still don't believe it? Oh well.

Fuck smart who

I practically start moving swidkіst ruhu on the highway, like Imovіrnіst, scho I will infect people? I don’t understand, honestly, what’s the point here. Salbutamol won't be allowed by WADA, I don't break the law.
Did they call all the athletes in a crowd? Request to come and get it.
Fucking so, it turns out that in sports of high reach there are more chances for women, the m'yazi of them develop more quickly, lower for other women. Axis tse vіdkrittya, clear proof of what a swindle.
I’m still crying, how to call a Russian woman, how to represent Simone Biles in the photo. Well, Tim, are you Russian, where is your national pride?


> Salbutamol won zhere with permission from WADA

Why is there such an ailment, why did the sport of high reach get lost? Dany let him down - banally naebalovo on kshtalt "maryvanna at the temperature is possible, I'll go home."

> De vsіh athletes call in a crowd?

Vymoga iznati іsnuvannya state system. Tobto. if from the view of all the ceramics, everything and everything is planned to kill those that are not possible. Tse chess game in yakіy you are encouraged to say hello, and then we’ll stupidly call the system, after all, ALL athletes are guilty. I no longer need to take evidence against the skin, call us.

> in women, the musculature of such develops more quickly

These photographs are simply illustrative of the proactiveness of the ringing.
true claims Bjorgen vyslovlyuyut A LOT OF BAGATO evropejskі athletes tezh just got to the Russians.

Livoruch Oleksandra Soldatova.

Chotirirazova champion of the world of artistic gymnastics Oleksandra Soldatova, in an interview with OKR-TV, spoke about her successes, summing up and new goals in sports and life.


If I was small, I practically never cried. If the coach shouted at me, I always thought: "If you don't check, I won't pay." In a word, flint. For some reason I cry more often, but for a better view of happiness. I can just marvel at the medal, and in my head I immediately merge my thoughts - everything that I went through, all the moments, if I wanted to throw everything away. With too much emotion, I start crying.


To be honest, I rottenly remember the first sight of the zustrichi. I didn’t like the Olympiads, world championships, Kabaeva, Kaneva ... I didn’t know anything and nobody. I just practiced, it was right for me. They told me that I worked hard. Persha always came, but the rest left. If I had slapped Hanna Vyacheslavivna in the first place, I didn't know who it was. Years later, I began to ascertain who, in fact, is a good coach and people and checks for my arrival. For me, zavzhdi bulo is sacred.

The president of the federation and the head coach of the zbіrnoї kraini from artistic gymnastics called the "SE" in our golden team for the river to Igor.

Representatives of artistic gymnastics consistently supply the treasurer of Russia's choice of medals with the best samples of the most important medals. It goes without saying that the tradition to continue at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro is guaranteed by the maximalism and power of the president of the federation and the head coach of the chosen country from artistic gymnastics Irina Vener-Usmanova. Nevipadkovo merits of the famous mentor were also recognized by the International Olympic Committee: at the Lipnya, IOC President Thomas Bach presented the Silver Order.

Before the Olympiad, there was no shortage of rіk, and the main candidates for the selection - accepted in the individual rich fight - were nominated a long time ago. If nothing extraordinary happens, Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva can still pack bags for a trip to Rio?

In our life, we can’t speak about things with singing, anything can happen. People are less than the guides of God's thoughts, everything else goes wrong in a different world ... But still blame it for the temples - so, you named the girl deserved the right to take part in the Olympiad. My work, the results of that behavior.

- What is it possible, in an hour, to get to Igor, a new contender for a place in the Olympic team?

We have already formed a number of candidates for a place near the warehouse for a long time. Tse Oleksandra Soldatova, yak won the World Cup against Portugal, having turned over yak Kudryavtseva, and Mamun. Won vvazhaetsya the third number of the choice and saves the chance to get to Rio de Janeiro. Ksenia Polyakova and Arina Averina also look great. Do not varto throw off rakhunkiv and Maria Titova, as she performed well at the Universiade. Zagalom we have a long lava and a great river, so we can choose the best.

Mamun and Kudryavtseva competed at the same time at the championship of the world near Kiev, through the river after the London Igors. If you win, what are the same people on whom you can bet in the new Olympic cycle?

On the right, not in the fact that I praised the solution, but in the fact that the stench showed. For three minutes, our sport has had a lot of great achievements - championships and World Cups, Grand Prix. The first time the girls showed even higher results, they won richly. The stench went well through the air and showed their strength. Everything was broken up according to the sporting principle, we have no privileges for every sense of the day.

You seemed to explain to me that on your account of your loves, the "brudniy whip" - line, pride is greater for all the world, unmistakably heard and felt. Can't Margaret and Yanou have the smallest "tail"?

Mustache people and all can be "brudniy khvist". Some have more wine, some have less. Surely, among these girls, there are some underdogs. Ale, the headiest - the stench will think about it and work on it. Do not look at the respect that progresses. Zreshtoyu, lay everything in the sight of the people themselves. In addition, naskolki vin can choose to go to the point hard.

- How can you say that the very "brudny whip" ruined the talent of Daria Kondakova?

Dasha is small and has a foldable character. Vaughn was constantly imagining herself side by side, but only to herself. Zreshtoyu, tse played a vital role. Kondakova entered the sport, not reaching her head goal - not becoming the absolute champion of the world.

Yana Kudryavtseva not only grew up in her sports homeland, her father is an Olympic champion. Why does it seem to be on її Yakos?

Crazy, Yana is the goddamn daughter of her dad. Whom the food has a direct zv'azok. In sports families, the robots are more stubborn, and the more selected are on the higher grounds, the lower are the children. The stench is more likely to take coaching instructions in stressful situations and react to them more quickly.

On the other hand, for all their titles, the glory of Mamun and Kudryavtseva is objectively not up to the popularity of Kabaeva. Why is Alina so small that she doesn’t hang out with these girls?

Alina was the founder of the new directly in artistic gymnastics. Vaughn was amazing at the implementation of the programs I set up, and she celebrated a revolution in our sport. Earlier, he was unrevealing, like Popelyushka, and with the arrival of Kabaeva, he became yaskravim and barvistim. We made our own contribution to the popularization of yoga and changes to the regulations, which we managed to carry out through the technical committee of the International Gymnastics Federation. The rozshit swimsuits, beddings appeared.

Ale, obviously, the marvelous charm of Kabaeva was the head of the head, here it is full of unfinished - the heart of the child-Sun. Like only a little she went out on a kilim, a happy grin appeared on her disguise. It was not a piece mask, it was light in the middle. People looked like they were looking, so were judges. I gave Alina such a generous love.

For a long time you were told that Evgeniya Kanaeva as a whole could compete in Rio de Janeiro and compete for a gold medal. Why didn’t I stick it out for whom?

You, singly, chuli about the proposition of someone from the deputies to fence Olympic Games more than two times sleep? Axis Zhenya and podkorilas, there’s a law-hearing person ... Tse, obviously, it’s hot, it was important to come up with more madness ( laugh). At the same time, looking at human activity, young people cannot clear the way piece by piece, the stench can break through on its own. What is up to Kaneva - tse nutrition of health and physical strength, and the essence of motivation. Vaughn knew to herself from her mother: she went abroad, became a mother, she gave birth to a beautiful son. I simultaneously begin to train, took garnu girl she works with her.

As for the individual rich fight at the Olympics, in principle, calm, then the Russian gymnasts performed at the group singing the food song. 6th place, occupied by our team in one of the right at the European Games near Baku, can you hit it with an alarming twinkle?

So, little twinkle, and more anxious. It is necessary to feel it and live it in the future. Yaki? Pratsyuvatime even more.

The Olympic Games will take place near distant Brazil. Why is it so rich in acclimatization, scorching climate, why are you particularly disturbed?

High temperature doesn’t hurt us: a girl trains at our base in Croatia for 30 C. I don’t like Mamun from Kudryavtseva to endure heat. If the whole collection is a day away from the sea, the stench vvazhayut for better destruction to the Baltic. That one in the sun stink can be more than early in the spring or late in the autumn.

Heavy acclimatization is less than turbulent. We may have tested the technique: call the choice of vizhdzhaє at the place of the zmagan three times before the ear of the zmagan. Tse allows you to painlessly transfer adaptation. How will I lie down for the first time in the budget. If you don’t rapt a penny, you’ll have to go as far as the economy option. At this time, we will fly to Brazil for five or six days before the Olympic tournament.

- Do you have financial problems?

No, there are no particular problems. It is necessary to support the Olympic Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Sports, as they will ensure the full training of selected artistic gymnastics, and provide the necessary nutrition. In addition, sponsors help our federation. We can make the athletes feel comfortable for training, pay extra.

Tell me more about the Croatian base, you guessed it. Is it true, what is there to build your own homestead statehood, so that fresh vegetables and fruits were served directly on the tables of athletes?

Hі, the products will be supplied to us by the land farmers - those who are still helping after the entry of Croatia to the EC. And schodo bazi ... This is a big hotel for 50 months with a terrace. Mi її bought, restored and turned into a boarding house. The sea is a stone's throw away, its own beach, which you can cross by the pine forests. Zagalom, as if it were heaven on earth, that is the same place.

"Swan, scho is dying" Soldatova is not ready yet. Bet on Averinich

At the stage of the World Cup near Kazan, the Russian team won all the gold medals, and the Averini sisters scored a second double. Why our team of artistic gymnastics is going to win the world championship to Italy, which will go to Pesaro in two days, correspondents Evgeny Evnevich was applauded by the head coach of the national team of Russia Irina Viner-Usmanova.

- Are you satisfied with the performance of the girls at the World Cup stage?

- Paid for tsey ledge road price. The majestic practice of the dodatkovo bula was aggravated by the change of the rules of judiciary, which was followed by the Olympiad. Narazi judges do not make cards, so that the gymnasts will follow them for an hour, and, unfortunately, not a lot of judges at the moment can good practice for the new rules. In the individual program of Averinikh, just like in the chosen Russia for group rights, all the elements go one by one, without pauses. What can be easily reached for the first hour of preparing the program, and then it’s easy to take it for the price of the assessment.

Zagalom, as it seems, do not judge the victors. But if you tell the truth, then even more rich robots will happen in those twelve days that they missed the championship of the world. I've had a lot of moments, like I needed to do more, dorobiti, I had to do it on the same level, on which Russia can speak.

- As instructed by Arina Averina, she knew in an interview that she had come to Kazan not in the best shape due to her physical condition. What if you won't be able to start again to the championship of the world?

- I think that Arina was already aware, because she performed successfully here. So, in front of them, we took care of them, and I didn’t want to bet on the whole Cup in order to save my health for the championship of the world. Aleone said that it felt good to do, and she was ready to speak. As a result, she took two gold medals in individual events, plus she became a different one in the fight against riches. The result is kinder, but, as I already said, pardons over those who need to be practised.

- Why check on Oleksandr Soldatov at the warehouse of the selected Russia at the championship of the world and in the nearest future?

- For the time being, not varto. Vaughn also took away the trauma, if it is still being remembered, not physically, but morally. Might finish the folding compositions, “The Living Swan”, a kind of sixteen fates after Barsukova, no one was timid, but “Spartak”, and the number of speeches indicates not only physical, but also moral readiness. As long as someone is not far away to reach, so far - Averina.

- How can you say that the spring championship of Europe was the first in the eyes of the leadership of the Averins in the chosen Russia?

- We have a zmagannya є primordial, we vіdstezhuєmo perform constantly, and the European Championship and Svіtovі іgry, all tsі starts at Vikonan Averіnyh were primordial.

- What did you change at the warehouse of the team of group rights?

Yes, turned around. Olympic champion Rio Nastya Tatarova, she also had an injury, we budded, everyone cheered, and her axis here was the first start. Vaughn showed herself well.

- Do you plan to perform here after the championship of the world?

– Nayimovіrnіshe, let's go to Japan for the AEON Cup. Reshta, as it seems: "Nothing at Krimu, everything is in dima." Let's not think about it.

A photo: RIA News/Volodymyr Pisnya

Sochi had a contest, showing all their programs for two days. The sportswoman of the last beginning of the season: in spring, with a leg injury, she competed at the World Championships in Stuttgart, the next day she underwent surgery. Anniversary took place during the summer, through which Kudryavtseva, later in the world, the gymnasts began training before the season. The first start for her was the stage of the World Cup in the Italian Pesaro, she won against the rich fight, then she competed in Sochi.

In an interview with the correspondent of the agency "R-Sport" Olena Sobol, the coach of the athlete spoke about those who, like the stench, survived the folding period with Kudryavtseva, how the task was to stand for them for the Olympic season, as well as about those that Yana, in any case, reached success in sports.

- Oleno Lvivno, why did they say that Yana was competing in the competition at the championship of Russia?

We talked to Irina Oleksandrivna (head coach) and decided not to perform in any of the sports in one day. We planned, but we doubted, but we decided to be happy. Irina Oleksandrivna was already satisfied with the training before the start, we were fed into her: "Is it better?" Vaughn asked about our party, and at the same time we decided to think that it would be better to work two on Saturday and two a week - we chose this option.

- Why did you waste money?

Underdosed, obviously. At one moment, the vtrata became vipadkovy, having clasped the hoop behind her back - but not to the right, it simply means that the fault of under-exposure. We have clubs and a ball to go faster, but a hoop with a string still can’t go.

"Yana rarely doubts herself"

- How is Yani from self-confidence, not a turbulent leg?

It's better for self-confidence. Before the championship of Russia, I trained like that! I've been good enough. Vaughn hadn’t succumbed to Irina Oleksandrivna for a long time, because the stench of the team was in Israel, and we were left behind in Moscow. And Yana seemed to train so hard that I didn’t know what to learn, just garno! True, on Saturday, after such a thing, she had a few ailments of m'yazi, well, even so, dribnitsy.

After these losses, a small bazhannya in a week will make a hoop again, but before a week it will be gone. We had such a buzz at the demonstration run in Rizi, the first day she screamed to break the hoop again, and on the next she said: "No, maybe, the coming time." But at the same time, її you don’t need to flinch, don’t ask, she will infect if she wants to.

Vaughn after Italy, I’m giving up, suffocated, more, obviously, it’s small like your inner sumniv. Wanting to be a girl with a more firm character, she didn’t show, but, I guess, in the middle of her here a little three marks were lamalo - so chi. And, obviously, since Italy has grown like wings.

- Didn't Navit show you her feelings for which plan?

No, I didn't show. Tse prikhovovala vіd usіh. If you want, maybe, I'll embellish. Vzagali, she rarely doubts herself, she rarely boasts in a right way. Navit if you boast, you will get more, that which is different is soromno, that everyone praises and worries a little, but you won’t. Sometimes they directly say "I'm so nervous, so nervous," but you can see in your eyes that you don't worry about it, but from just a frantic mood ...

- Tse born in her hardness of character?

Vaughn is so dumb. Smiliva zavzhdi, in all right, not less so in sports. To say "pіdpriєmliva" would not be correct, it's more spritna taka. She, you know, as it seems, doesn’t have a veil, she’s always found herself in such a situation ... She’s always been in it.

- It looks like it helps a lot in sports.

Їй - arc. I think that this is the head of the head, the reshta was already on the right track. For the sake of rice to character, yak, melodious, less innate, maybe, with a songful peace, more from the house. Aleone z tsim already came to gymnastics, they didn’t shake me, I can say for sure. To the one who seems to all alone in the hall, but to shake the weight alone and go to the kilim at the drank of the stoic camp, and those who have happened here a hundred times, do not rob. And the other one will go to the Maidanchik and youma will get high.

Yana mustache everything, if you go out to speak. Look at the object, look at what you see, look at it, you can look at it, as if marveling at it, you can feel what you want to see. And as if she were missing a subject, as if it was a shortfall of the whole body, or specifically, as one important element, which is effectively necessary. Obviously, you can’t work on the character, all the same you need a technique.

- Is the subject already subtly discerning?

Too thin. You see the relationship between the body and the subject, the subject itself. Tse vrodzhene. In life, perhaps, as a cohesiveness, but in gymnastics, coordination is innate.

- Can you say that there could not be another share in it, let's say, how to become an athlete with such tribute?

Meni daetsya so. Navit and in another kind of sport, singly, it would be more promising, well, maybe not in power sports. I think that she would have been a better ballerina, because the coordination is good. Good, she came to us at gymnastics.

- Won and for the constitution is rather thin.

Well, everything is thin to the singing eyelid, and then why don't the stench become thin. I think that won't be blamed.

- It turns out that Yani has no problems with her car.

Yes, well, singing. Even more severely the need is put up to the vaga especially at once, so that the injury is a legacy of growing older. So the doctors explained: she has such a drift, until the singing moment the wine can cope, and then the drift is deformed and given a beat.

"I have no doubt that we did everything right"

- What fate do you need for your thoughts: calm, why are we stressed?

Well, no, I can’t calm down, it’s clear. It’s really important what to eat here. And yet, to organize the championship of the world of faiths, I am convinced that we did not have another choice.

I don’t doubt that we did it right, and Yana doesn’t doubt about it either. Yakby we knew that we had a fracture, we would not speak out 100%. However, the diagnosis was made incorrectly - but not through the incompetence of doctors, the stench was professionally practiced, but through the specifics of injuries. It was impossible to make an immediate diagnosis. In her nationality, she had a cyst of irregular shape, it was important to have a fracture.

The doctor, who robbed the operation, having said that the yakbi did not come forward, the brush could have grown on its own, it would have taken 6-8 days. Ale buv risk of the fact that as little as possible began to venture, such a turning point could happen. Here is attached an important link, which we are proud of today, weaving the various elements. Without surgery, we could not afford a guarantee that it will not happen again.

What fate could have happened at the most inopportune moment. We also have a small chance to complete the operation and turn the season on the cob. Without surgical insertion, there was a risk that the brush could be angry, be it a mit. After the operation, the doctor gave guarantees that there will be no more problems in any area. Therefore, from other options, we chose a folding operation. All the same, we did not want to go to the bay today with a thought about what might happen again.

- Yak Yana outlived it?

Mabut, because she didn’t know. Zvichayno, do not convey someone else's bill, but even more severe pain it didn’t bulo, it didn’t bulo divinely, that it was necessary to inject it. Yakіs ruhi was more painful than robiti, yakіs - nі. Ale, she had already outlived her husband, she simply, like on me, took everything that was in her. Before the championship, the world had a little more training, and without them, she would try to perform, coring with it, which was directed before. Well, it was necessary to accumulate everything, take it in your own. Їy need to watch carefully.

You can mirkuvati for a long time, the correct decision was to speak out. Stuttgart simply hastened the moment, giving the doctors the opportunity to make a fracture and praise the right solution for the best.

"It's time to go near the form until the CH"

What is the plan for getting out of the situation? How do you plan to start at once, to lead you to the optimal camp?

Start the whole grass, like everything. Tashkent will be the first for everyone. We seem to have already gone into the deep channel, not worrying about the loss of the subject, obviously. For adventures, emotionally, we can already come to the hall, we should be on the Maidanchik and on equal pratsyuvati. Mitroshki complexed, sometimes they were afraid that they would overtrain ... At the same time, we could already, at the championship of Russia at the training from Sashka Soldatova and Rita Mamun, at once they felt themselves freely. Let's get busy. To that, Tashkent, then we’ll definitely go to Sofia, and then Irina Oleksandrivna said what I think. Another start in Spain, I think.

- What do you think the European championship needs to go?

It’s necessary, better, eat there. There are three of us, two of us will perform in Europe, while we have three chances for today's day. For whom it is appropriate to speak at the grass. And in a different way, if you spend a lot of money, then you need to speak out, for great happiness. Act, zvichayno, required, and act, try to do the right thing.

- What time is it to get to Europe by 100% in your own form?

Meni daetsya so. Yana is picking up the form quickly, after Italy has already changed for this day. It is not necessary to marvel at those who have fallen. Tse is not a big problem for Yani, I'm not boasting here. The axis, if it couldn’t strebnut, couldn’t collapse freely, that’s the problem, but let it in or not let it in - no. I’m not really, honestly, boasting, because it’s right for Yan to solve the problem. Another gymnast can start to panic, change the elements, to move forward. Yana, as if she missed something, she twisted everything at her head, and corrected it.

"We don't say anything about Rio, not one by one, not one by one"

- Tell me honestly, do you think about Rio de Janeiro? Are you freaking out?

So loud. What are we, fools, what, robiti looking, what yoga is dumb! Outrageously, I think, outrageously, praise, outrageously, I want to drink. I want to drink like that, so that we realized that we were inspired, that we knew that everything was coming into us, that everything had grown up - a program with music, with a whistle. Zvichayno, I think that mrієmo. We don’t talk about tse, zvichano, vzagali, not one to one, not kim-nebud, we’re trying to get excited about this topic, don’t talk about kim.

- Well, it turns out that Yana really deserved this trip.

Well, honestly it seems, it’s like that, because three fates fight like that… But don’t take anyone to the Olympiad for merit, it’s a sport. It’s miraculously sensible, and Yana is also miraculously sensible, if you don’t retire: having proprated up to 55 years, you were honorably escorted. Spend on the Olympics for the rewards? What's next? You want to go to the Olympiad, to speak there, so, obviously, you want to spend not for the merits, but for the result. About tse mi mrієmo navіt more, the very cost of us clay. For merit - tse not tsikavo.

- I would like to believe that with such a mood, everything is viide.

I also believe it, because I think so. I marvel at her, I see. We have an important boo minuliy rіk, yogo navit zgaduvati scary.

- Yani didn’t blame the bazhannya to throw everything away?

The axis of this bazhanya was not in any way in it. You won’t say such a thing in any future, you won’t see it. "Do not check! - it seems, - I'm forever!" As I say to each other, they always say: "Do not check."

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