What work from the Thursday night of the past fate. Fourth strength. How to cook Thursday strength

Previously, they didn’t salt all the zhu, but only especially. The one that was offered to the ancient gods was victorious in ritual meals. I force qiu was not just zastosovuly, її prepared in a singing rank, to open up її magical power. Axis scho in the "Book of the Secret Tree of Life" about such salt it is said:
“Take the need for strength, the most, that kind, sob on the light with a slab of fire, sweat at the wooden hub. Robity, if a month old. Treat all days in a booth, closer to the middle. And then let's check on the Pure Day and let the priests see it. After the rite of Strength at your houses turn. Become that strength Usikh Soleil Strength, in the face of any evil there is a zakhist.
Like in a hut of ailments - give you Salt and drink water.
Yakshcho in the hut bida - at the skin kut nasipati.
As a friend of welding - put a small bag of Salt under the pillow.
If something goes and does not turn around - throw a harvest of Salt at the fire.
So that children grow up healthy, kind, beautiful and reasonable - throw a small pinch at the water for bathing.
If the hut has a lot of wealth, sip on a wooden strongman, put it in the middle of the table. As unkind among the demigods, I eat my tribute, I will smear that Salt.
And as an enemy, then after the yogo exit, all follow the yogo Salt.
Sob the way at the booth buv - pіd skin softly, pіd the very head, throw a pinch.

How to prepare the Fourth Strength today

We should remember that the Fourth Strength can only be prepared on the river in one day - at the Holy Four of the Pure Thursday, that is the fourth, which falls on the Holy Day, which before the Holy Great Day.

For її preparation you need a pack of great stone kitchen salt, the largest pomelo and 12 tablespoons of wheat boar. So you will see a chavun pan with a thick bottom, a wooden spoon and a clean linen bag.

Strength and flour | boroshno | next sip into a frying pan and put it on the fire. If you tell me, obov'yazkovo say out loud (trichy):

"Clean Thursday, look at worms and look at every reptile, save and have mercy for a long time."

Let's sweat it out for you, fry it all at once from a borosh, until the borosh is not darker. At any time, it is necessary to make a boar from the sill with a wooden spoon, obov'yazkovo for the year's arrow.
I’m ready to put it on the stove until nightfall, and then just sip it in a bag, which I should tie up.
Why is the frying pan chavun? To the one that energy does not flow through the chavun, the power of the new one is like that. So, since there is no chavun pan in your house, take some metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Do not take only aluminum dishes. The aluminum conductor is good, which means that everything is easy to wind through it. The power of the Fourth Salt in such a vessel is not hindered, in the flow.
Instead of a linen teddy bear, you can take any kind of kitchen towel, only new, unoriginal. And the spoon is made of wood... otherwise, make a little chick in the young yalinka, clean the bark and use a stick to clean the stash.

How to rob it so that Chetvernova's Strength has been strengthened by Strength

The most important thing for any Subject is to build the Force so that there, Rich, that very Power in the collection has been revealed:
Not the skin of a tree becomes a tree, and not the skin of a slug can be brought to the ocean. You need strength, as if you are alive in them, they were called, they burst out in full, and at the same time become the same, which the stench can be buti. So it sounds like speeches, the power in them is great, but still do half of it. It is necessary to help your strength to turn around, to show yourself better. And then it’s zvichayna, it was supposed to be, richly, you can be certain. І to dermal s Speech is needed in case of special features of speech.
Shchob Chetvernova Strongly “powered” at the booth, її needed to open up the power, and then, just wind it up into the booth, just save it, you’ll already be the singing rank of “practice”, help people, like living in that booth. Ale behave with the Fourth Salt, like with other Power Items, follow the honor.
After that, Yak Sil was prepared, literally, an offensive wound, it is necessary to get up at dawn, at that hour, if the sun has yet to go down, drink until entrance doors with a little bag of Quarter Salt (I guess, the little bag itself is guilty of being linen, and it’s the best way to tie it up), step over the threshold, and then, stepping over the new one with your right foot, start the next round of the life. Robity is necessary against the year's arrow. Ale in front of him, as if to cross the threshold, it is necessary to remember such words, you can whisper:

"All Salts of Strength, on Good Thursday,
We are all dear,
How did you come to the house,
So gіrke famously went.
Zahist and help,
Budinok vіd dashingly save."

And if the whole apartment is occupied, I’ll repeat it again: you need to come into the skin, at which door, I’ll stand again in front of the threshold, I’ll face you until I leave, and say:

"All evil go,
And good luck come.
I lock the word on the lock,
I'll print the salt."

Save Chetvertu Sil's clothes in the kitchen closer to the stove. Ale, so that a third-party eye could not see, and a stranger about the price in some way did not reveal anything. The strength of this is a panacea of ​​its own kind, it helps with rich ailments, both physical and mental, “rejoicing” and protecting the family, bringing prosperity to them.

Axis of speech, with which the Fourth Power is better not to eat:
smіttya, smіttya, drank, brudna water;
іrzhavі tsvjahi or be-yakі іnshі objects іz zaliza, zvorushenі іrzhey;
kharchovy vіdhodi, zіpsovana їzha.

But if you grow up, then everything is more likely to be rehabilitated, it’s unlikely that you’ll be in a booth with good masters, as if they’re talking about your life. Also, if you follow the order, then the positive injection of Salt of All Salts will not be obscured by anything.

The strength of Usikh Salts can be pronounced to the Brownie. And work is not only possible, but it is necessary, you will be vindicated. For such an offering, add a little salt in a wooden or ceramic bowl, or in a splendid saucer and put it in a quiet little hutch, best of all, in the words:

"What good people
That Domovoy - for the good,
Accept, friend Domoviy, Sil Chetverova,
For the sake of that for health.

After a few days, if you see that your Domoviy gift has been accepted and properly assessed, Silly next. Ale not varto at tsomu її u smіtєprovіd wikidati, or in the shell under the jet of the water. Sili cannot be disrespectfully behaved with objects, but more so on Thursday Salt. Її slid at the end, or from the balcony at the light back to the right, so that the wind blows all over the place, and say the following words:

"I came to the world of good,
So in the world of kindness and pishla,
Behind the wind, grow up,
Have good luck with the earth.

What the Fourth Strength can be replaced

There are such situations that there is no Fourth Salt in the house, it ended up without the ability to prepare. In such vipadkas, it is necessary to work the axis - take the strongest, natural, without additives, and give the Force for every hour for an additional special lure. І vikoristovuvat її just like the Power of Thursday is possible, but remember when you follow, that the Power of such salt is trimmed for a short time, no more than a month. And if it is your fault to carry out the ritual of victorious Strong Salt, then prepare the strength in advance, so that the Force does not overtake it.

Ritual of making Strong Salt

The ritual should be carried out on the growing month, best before the next month. It is necessary for this 1 bottle of kitchen salt. To complete the ritual, stand before the window and take a flask of sill in your left hand, then right hand reach out from the jar of a glass of salt, and keep it in the hands, say:

"From the sky and from the earth
Take the strength to yourself
Become, Strength, strong,
For whatever it is, you need to do it.

Then let's put the prayer back at the flask until the salt is settled. Ale robiti tse need to be distinguished by rank. With a spelled-out sill, “salt” the beast, describing with a hand the stake behind the year’s arrow. Then we will need to deprive ourselves of the strength for the weekend for production, and then we will sip in a cloth bag. Such a Strong Strength can be victorious in all spirits and rituals of the Thursday’s office, but in case of this, obviously, it is impossible to forget about those that the strength in such a salt is significantly weaker, and such strength cannot be victorious in a booth like the Head Object of Strength.

Information about Quarter of salt will not be new, as it is not known about the methods of its preparation.

Quadruple strength, spoken by prayer

At four, having turned the hour between the descent and sunset, take the kitchen force (more importantly, the broomstick), and sip into a new one, once I have not vikoristan the wooden one, but the glass bowl, in which the consecration takes place. Spread your hands over the silly budinochka and say a prayer:
“God, Our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Jeremiah in Jerekhon, and so, for additional salt, that he made healthy shoal water! You yourself bless tsyu strength and grow її offerings of joy. Bo ti - our God and Tobі we send glory, Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, nіnі і vavzhdi and for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen."
After that, put some strength at the bowl for three days, so that sleepy night and moonlight fell on it, giving our charmed strength with its subtle energies. At the next hour, the strength is ready before the zastosuvannya.

Fourth strength, consecrated with gold silver

The next thing to explain is that the term “sanctification” in magic means a rich, object, preparations for the victorious singing rite and may have additional characteristics similar to the first one. So, it was consecrated to the mighty greater potency of cleansing power, lower was spoken for additional prayer.
To make such salt, you need special kitchen strength, and also adorn gold and silver. You can also have a bracelet, a lancet, a ring - ale without a stone, made of cast metal. The ideal embellishments for the rite are a massive gold hoop and a lithium silver bracelet-wrists, or other lancets made of gold and srіbla - thin silver and gold lancets are too light and do not lose strong energy. The rite is carried out for three days after the vranci.

The first day: fry strong in a frying pan over a hot fire for 30 chills, then, without letting it get cold, transfer it to a glass jar, save it in a glass jar, put an embellishment of pure gold and close it with a lid. Fill the jar at the dark place for extraction.

Another day: take away the gold rich, fry it strong on hot fire for 20 minutes and sip back at the jar. Put a silver embellishment in it and close it with a lid on the boot.

The third day: clean up the silver, fry it together on the fire for 10 hvilin, then put the frying pan on the table in front of you and, until it reaches the strength, spread your hands over the sill, so that it’s warm, like it’s like walking around. It’s enough that it’s relaxed wildly, trim your hands over the silly close to 10 quills, charging you with powerful energy. Let's resip into a jar and close it tightly with a lid: the strength is ready.

Ways to prepare the Fourth Salt for illumination at the temple:

At the Great Quarter Kvass thick (after the fermentation of the wort) is mixed from the great stone sill. Instead of kvass thick, you can vicorize life or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt, 5 kg of bread), soak bread with sill, place in oven or oven, heat up to 250 gr. With i prepare doti, the docks of bread are not black. Otrimanu sumish podrіbniti and pass it through a sieve. The strength that was lost in the sieve dangles from the jar and vicorist replaces the splendid salt.

Green upper leaves, taken from a cabbage head, chopped and crushed from a stone sill. Let's burn it in the oven.

Spicy herbs (material, mint) are mixed with stone sill and life or Borodino bread (leavened thick) and burned in ovens or ovens. In Kostroma dosi prepare tsyu savory that tsіluschu force and call it Kostroma black sila.

On Pure Thursday, take a little bit of salt with you to the church, for which service is required.

Table of brown words that are found in salt:

Reading about Thursday’s salt itself on the Internet, but rich food is filled with not virishenimi and nagolovnishі: how can you cook such a salt yourself, but after the right old recipe? The recipe, which is not found anywhere on the Internet, is important that the recipes were used and did not reach us, our time is now. And those who є - do not understand, and a lot of differences can be revealed in rіznih dzherelakh, that magic trick - create magic tricks and clearly look through) Can you see your thought?

Oleksandr Tsvetkov


Fourth strength - tse kam'yana strength, prepared for a special folk recipe at a clean Thursday before Great Day. That is why this force is called Thursday, because they prepare it only once on the river, and this single day is a clean Thursday (Great Thursday) of a precarious day ahead of the bright holy Great Day. Thursday's strength is the most commonly called black strength, "Thursday's strength." It is black to the fact that the specifics of the process of preparing salt to rob it of a dark color, to that it is strong to bake at the stove, or they are pricked on the fire, on the vugill, which looks like it will be black.

After a similar thermal fireworks, the strength saves in itself only the power of authority - it becomes clean or purified. And the salt crystals themselves absorb in themselves the light positive energy from the prayers said at the salt preparation process, charging, reminding, transforming into a miraculous and corny product.

And those who used the recipes, then we don’t call it that way, because they didn’t use the stench, and they don’t. It’s good not for everyone, but for quiet people, to give such speeches special importance and value. So it’s just like knowing the recipes of chenci, people’s healers, healers, psychics and magicians to know the old recipe for cooking. And more wonderful people they simply forgot them, didn’t save them, didn’t pass them on to the falls. More through those who have changed their own lives and brought other shows in their own guise - comfortable fittings, technіlіy pobutové priladdya, which will make us feel all the time.

That’s why it’s our hour, instead of that, to cook Thursday’s strength at the Russian stove (or the stove is another design, ale - at the stove), or on the vugill in the form of birch firewood (vilkhovih), on the splendid bagatte, and in the chavun cauldron or in the chavun frying pan cook on a gas stove, in a micro-furnace, or on an electric stove, either in simple saucepans or modern nano pans - plaques. Before that, they often prepare powder from dry white kitchen salt, which is sold in stores in special packs (you can buy stone kharchova sil of a great pomelo - there’s also a sale), they also prepare it on these days - not pure Thursday, but a great day. In such a rank, not thursday's strength, but simply salted powder of black color, which in essence is a caricature of Thursday's strength, and do not avenge the brown authorities.

Thursday's strength itself is a national product, its root sings of the distant past. But if you take for example the hours of 18-19 and the ear of the 20th century, you can describe such a picture.

In Russia, at that hour, Thursday's strength was victorious everywhere and traditionally - such a strength was at the skin booth. They prepared Thursday's strength from the great stone salt of the great pomelo the masters of the house themselves once on the river - at the clean four, before the holy Great Day. Stilki of salt were prepared, so that it would hit the whole river until the upcoming clean Thursday. And they prepared the preparations themselves either at night after the first night on Wednesday - nothing, to move on to Thursday, or they prepared early on the 5th-6th-7th year of Pure Thursday. They cooked strength at the Russian stove on birch (wilkhovi) glades, at the chavunny cauldron chi chavunnіy frying pan, or be it in another thick-walled chavunnіy form - utensils for cooking їzhі. Before that, how to put a chavun with a sill in pich or on a vugill, the kam'yan sіl was crushed into the middle grains with a wooden mortar - a fork or a chavun, in a wide and deep wooden bowl or a barrel, and most of the to whom we sweat and put in pich, to whom they cooked, zakayuchi strength.

The very process of preparing the salt was overwhelmed by prayers (lifetime prayers, dekilkoma) from the beginning of the preparation to the final completion (in this rite, the crystals of salt were charged with light, straining positive energy), crimson and brown physical authorities.

And yet the recipes for Thursday salt were different, so, the recipes were bulo kilka, and not one, even though all the stinks were grounded on a single principle - preparing salt in the same chavun stuffing and on living fire, reading prayers to yourself (prayers can be read in your own words, and not obov'yazkovo zavchenimi z prayer book), vranci at pure four. And the variety of recipes itself was inspired by it, which endowed it with the function of singing recognition:

1 - strength for exaltation and prevention, including for domestic creatures;

2 - strength for the amulet and talisman for the house, for the sake of the people in general;

3 - strength for a well-groomed life in a hedgehog, including for thinness;

4 - strength, which unites and avenges all the redeemed values.

Why is there such a small difference in colors, and not one - a dark workman. The color is instantly dark green, dark brown, dark from a yellow color or a gray-white color, dark from a bluish color. Fallow in place of various additive components to the salt itself when prepared by the method of roasting chi on the fire.

The recipes themselves were most importantly victorious, as it seems, at the eye, in the process of preparation. Tobto, for example, one of the recipes is -

Kam'yana Kharchova sil great pomelo

At a chavun pan, either a cauldron, or at a wooden bowl, barilts, with a wooden mortar of stone, I’ll use a great broomstick, for example, having spread one liter ladle (or a jar) of stone salt in chavuntsy, and cry black abo to the beast living bread (often not slicing) pieces of bread, but shaking the pieces with your hands) curling the entire surface of the salt (approximately - a bowl of salt, a bowl of bread crumbs); often they added herbs themselves like that - mint, the motherboard that іn, tezh on the eye, brightly painted on the beast so that the herbs covered the entire surface (approximately there would be a bottle) then soaked everything with kvass, tezh on the eye, but so, so that the masa did not become rare , but she was left with a thick, stirring up all the summish with a wooden spoon for the year's arrow, reading prayers to herself. Otriman gushchavin in a cauldron or frying pans were put in the pіch zapіkatisya doti, until the cake is taken away, what is boiled, do not burn through and do not eat new dim. To come out the cake, which burnt to blackness. Whipping the cake out of the oven or cleaning it up in the fire, they gave it an hour until it was finally reached, and then breaking the cake into pieces, crushed it and ground it into powder, stuffing the ganchirkovy bear into the back of the preparations, tying it up. Sound already ready, and then they brought it to the church at once from the paska and vysvitlyuvat with stuffed eggs. And on the Holy Great Day they put a silt near a special silane in the center of the table at once from the Great Day - a pasture of that egg. Svyatkov's meal at the table was held in such a manner that even the eggs were salted on the same Thursday sill, and the other great salt was not on the table (or in the booth), they drank kvass adding to the new tezh qiu strength (otherwise they drank pure dzherelna, well, clarified water ) with added salt).

Baking cake at the stove with stone sill

At the preparation of salt, it was not only wheat bread itself that was beaten (more often boiled by the rulers themselves - homemade), but they were raked from the hog - a substitute for bread crumbs - m'yakushi, they made it up, so they boiled yogo until I became a dry cracker-cake, which burned out, and then they ground it into powder. At such a place, they could add various spices of herbs, additionally dry crichta-powder of ground bread (suharіv), adding, mixing it with well-drained or jasmine water, with milk or kvass.

Ale needed to vrahuvati deakі vіdminnosti, and itself: what a boon todі, at that hour kvass, and what a win є at once, what to sell at stores; yak bula that flour, and yak won at once for sale, including the very bread. The difference is great.

If you want to prepare Thursday's strength, try it out in the description. At a time, I will translate one recipe for preparing Thursday's salt, more compact looking, so to speak, in a modern way. Well, I will describe some recommendations for choosing kitchen tools for cooking.

The fourth strength for such a recipe can be vikoristovuvaty and in їzhu, and zastosovuvaty in likuvannya or prophylaxis of the body, and yak zasib, sho zastosovuєtsya in cosmetology for skin and hair, the whole body (masks, ointments, compresses, opoliskuvachі, baths), yakoristavovat for budinka and sim'ї, viysk and mandrivniki.

The hour of preparation is mid-afternoon (12th year) or early-on-early Thursday of the next day, before the holy Great Day.

(To believing people, as if they see the church, you can then bring and see Thursday's strength at once with paska and stuffed eggs, and obov'yazkovo on Great Day put up the strength at the center of the table at once with paska and stuffed eggs)

Thursday salt recipe:

1 - s rozrahunka liter jar- Kam'yana sil great pomelo;

2 - fresh m'yakush of wheat, black bread in small pieces - a liter jar

3 - kvass (bazhano homemade) - stiles to soak the bread, not turning into liquid (as there is no kvass, then you can replace it - with jerelle water or pure well, thawed)

4 - herbs - finely trimmed mint or motherboard, bay leaf, kulbaba, іn. spicy (otherwise, at the same time - one bottle, such a strong reception for relish and fragrant).

Combine all the components at once in a deep bowl or in a saucepan, a bowl (not in aluminium), mix with a wooden spoon, respecting the year’s arrow, add kvass, having soaked it well, and then put all the mass into gauze, make it proud zayva homeland, spread the gauze and put the whole mass either on the sheet, or on the steel, on small board, having formed a thin cake or a shortbread, then put it on the deco (or rather, work on the deck), place the oven in the back of the oven at 250 degrees (better in the oven) , smoke at the oven - into the chimney, not in the oven), then take it out of the oven, let the cake cool down, break the cake into little pieces, and then grind it, or with a tong at the hub, grind it into powder. Under the hour of preparation, read prayers to yourself. Take all the strength in a dry jar, a wooden strongman or in a mother's bag. It is recommended to take care of the icons (although it’s better to bring strength to the church and to hang out, at once from the paska and eggs).

The last recipe for zastosuvannya borow:

Remember that the hour of preparing a clean Thursday before the Great Day.

Take a chavun frying pan, put in it 1 kg of great pomelo stone salt, add one large flask of borosna. Kindly mix your sum for the year's arrow with a wooden spoon or a spatula (as there are no wooden spoons, you can її rob from a tree-tree - for example, a birch stick). We put the frying pan on the fire and fry the dots all the way, the docks won't turn black. Let's clean up the fire later and let it cool down again (as if they cooked on Wednesday until 12 at night, then don't stop and reach until early or at night after 12). We gave everything like that, as in the first recipe, we grind it into a pie powder or a black color cake (burnt) and put it in a jar or a little bear. At the process of preparing salt on the cob and until the end, we read prayers to ourselves (abo mantri, prayers in your own words, ale shiro).

You can work a charm: - Take a spoonful of salt into a cloth bag with a lace and tighten it to the beast, sew a loop, stretching a lancet in it or a lace from a clasp, so that it went around the looking pendant, and wear it on your chest.

Do not stagnate in the prepared salt, micro-salt, electric stove. The most beautiful Russian pich or pich іnshої konstruktsії, but on firewood and living fire. If there is no possibility, then you can put a gas stove in the apartment - cooking in the oven or in a chavun pan on the top panel of the burners. So pіdіyde zvichayne bagattya chi brazier in nature chi dacha.

Other materials of the category:

Nourishment for the Secret Oracle: how can you bewitch a person, how can you work unsafely?

The people have a rich tradition and zaboboniv, tied with various church saints. At Pure Fourth, you can grow strength, as you can beat the whole river for relief from other problems, get good luck and fool around. It is important to cook correctly and nadali vikoristovuvat.

What is strong?

Inclusion of the main life attributes: salt and living fire - tse. Since ancient times, people are harvesting from Pure Thursday, and it is important that she has great strength, as if it were a creation to work miracles. Bagatioh to sing, for which Thursday's strength is needed, so often folk medicine for the relief of various ailments. Maє vin zahisnі power. Harvest the strength of the sacred, and її the strength to save the whole river.

Four strength - the melancholy of that Skoda

The experiments carried out by the scientists showed that on the physical plane it is possible to avenge not so many important metals and chlorine, but less important kitchen. They could not explain this change. After the ritual is carried out, the force changes its energy potential, which grows naturally. Є singing retelling of the one with which the Korisna of Thursday's strength:

  1. It helps to cleanse the body from various ailments and the soul from the attachment of that cessation. When salt is added to the water, it is possible to carry out the prevention of ailments.
  2. Women won victorious її for the improvement of their rank and I will become shkіri. For whom it is necessary to simply immerse yourself in salty rosemary.
  3. It is important that Thursday's strength is an arduous amulet, which protects people from various enemies and various incompatibilities. Vikoristovuvat її possible and for the defense of your life.
  4. For a long time, people performed rituals aimed at reducing the birth rate.

The whole thing is just a small resemblance of the brown authorities, which may be Thursday's strength. What is the cost possible shkodi, then it’s important that it’s just not worth it, the shards are prepared from an important church sacredly, like I can clean energy. Krіm tsgogo, it is important to vikoristovuvaty strength in the dead kіlkostyakh, and it is still not safe for health.

How to cook?

I use impersonal rites, directed to the creation of magic salt, and the widest and most offensive option:

  1. At the big chavun frying pan, take a pack of kitchen salt and add 12 tablespoons of wheat boar. Put її on a small fire and trichі say zmovu.
  2. Continue frying the strength until it turns black. At the same time, it’s important to mix the hour for the year’s arrow with a wooden spoon.
  3. You can achieve Thursday's strength at the spirits, or on the stove, you are guilty of being left until the night.

Another important moment, for some kind of varto to turn respect - from whom you can save Thursday's strength, then after drinking it is necessary to sip into a bear, which is necessary to grow from natural materials. Tie up the bindings. It is important that she was in a secret place, that no one else knew her reason. Chetvernova's strength cannot be saved in the world, de є іrzhavі objects, smіttya, grubs and broods.

Four strength - zastosuvannya

Vikoristovuvati prepared strength is possible for the solution of various problems and the improvement of one's life. The fourth power of magic helps in such situations:

  1. As if trapilos famously in a booth, then it is necessary to sip yoga in the skin of your life.
  2. In situations, if a person has been cooked from a squad, then a little bear from a spoken Thursday sill I put under a pillow.
  3. So that the children are healthy, throw a trifle of salt at the bath for an hour of bathing.
  4. For getting into the house of prosperity, it is recommended to sip її in a strong tree from a tree, put її on an ordinary table and victorious for recognition.
  5. To help Thursday's strength in the situation, as if home thinness fell ill, so add a pinch to the water, or give the creature salty bread.
  6. Under the hour of the Great Day, it is obov'yazkovo to salt the consecrated eggs.
  7. As soon as a man came to the house with filthy namirs, then the next thing was to add Thursday's strength to you.
  8. At Siberia, її were mixed with ashes and added to the grain before it, like yoga. It is possible to vicorate salty roses, which is recommended to water the beds before hanging vegetables.
  9. In order to protect the mandrivnik of a soldier in ancient times, they sewed it into an amulet, they wore a cross on their chests.

Quadruple strength against ailment

Prepared according to all the rules of strength victorious for the rejoicing of different illnesses from long ago. Є k_lka ways, how її zastosovuvat for recovery.

  1. Four strengths from herbs help in the treatment of problems with a slug. You can add various aromatic herbs, for example, mint, thyme and others. In order to improve my health, it is necessary to take a meal of salt from the tip of a knife and rozmoktuvat my mine. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations for two months.
  2. Hanging on the floor can be sunk in, taking a juicy bath, for which you need to take 1 teaspoon of Thursday salt per liter of water. Take off the salty roses in the bath and take it її. To promote progress, you need to complete three procedures.
  3. To improve a healthy ailing person, take a great prostration white color, put a pinch of Thursday salt on it, and then wet it. Cover the sick man with prostration for one hour.

Quadruple strength for zahistu booth

It is simple, but a strong magic ritual, which helps to carry out a cleansing house against possible negativity and put it on a new zakhist. How to squawk, which helps Thursday’s strength, then it’s important to know what to defend against evildoers, prokloniv and other cataclysms.

  1. Spend a little time at the house of the general cleaning, set fire to the stove and light it on a small fire near the frying pan for Thursday's strength. As long as it heats up, then we take in ourselves the essential negative from the extra space.
  2. Light a black-colored candle and walk with it through all the apartments. It is important to stubble for a few seconds at the skin fold. At the same time, the varto is detected, like a half-light of the candles, it cleans up the negative.
  3. After that, put a candle on Thursday, and then it will burn again. Whenever a crack appears, then the negative of the vastness of the space collapses.
  4. Take a candle of a red color and a frying pan from a sill and a half-baked one, and go to the street. Bury a frying pan near a deserted place, and then light a candle and go home. At the beginning of the next hour, show that the shell of the shell is being created like a dovkola budinka. With a candle it is necessary to go through all the rooms, as if it were timid with black. At the end of the ritual, the obov'yazkovo ventilate the place.

The fourth power for weight loss

Women from old hours victorious for strength, spoken in, in order to throw off zaiva vaga. On the right, in the fact that її vvazhayut natural sorbent, which helps to clean the body from shkidlih speeches. Z її help you can get into constipation. In order to feel the melancholy on oneself, it is necessary to simply add it to the hedgehog. Z'yasovuchi, navіscho vikoristovuyut thursday strength, varto respect, that it helps to forget cellulite, it is necessary to put it in the baths.

Quadruple strength against alcoholism

Among the people widened є, pozbutisya kakoї even more smoothly. On this day, there is a large number of rituals in the house, directing to fight with this problem that is running. Helps in the form of drinking Thursday strength, which makes an alcoholic sleepy for an hour, if he sleeps. It is important that she rubbed it on her head, breasts and legs. When you tell me to call. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

Quadruple sіl vіd psuvannya

The majestic energy of salt helps to bring about a significant addiction, and for the ritual to be carried out, the help of other people is not needed.

  1. In 1 liter of key water, or vikoristovyte home from the tap, or dial it as needed after the first night.
  2. They vary Thursday's strength in a quantity of 1 teaspoon.
  3. Preparations for the rozchins should be drunk with a stretch of the year, otherwise you will spend magic power.
  4. As soon as the introduction of the salt rose, vomit appeared, or, later, the body of the soil was cleansed from the negative. The rite needs to be repeated every day, the docks of all non-acceptable successions will not appear.

Fourth strength for pennies

You can victoriously improve your strength to improve your material position and earn prosperity in life. Let’s talk about those that Thursday’s strength for wealth is not a viruchalochka stick and only accepts the creation of important situations, but the person is guilty herself to win over them. After that, as at the Pure Quarter, the strength will be prepared, it is necessary to sip penny bills with it, moving at that special zmov.

Four strength for kokhanny

The majestic energy, which is endowed with Thursday's strength, can be conquered by self-made people in order to change the camp in a special life and strengthen your friend's soul mate. How to sing, to work from Thursday's sill, to get a kohannya, then win a simple ritual.

  1. Take paper and write love human name, and the next thing to describe old look possible example, describing the skin detail. It is necessary to show the character, so that you can be powerful in a kohan man.
  2. After that, put papyr near the envelope, put a little of the prepared salt and put it under the pillow.
  3. Next day, the envelope should be transferred to the box from the bottom white. If everything was broken up correctly, then it will not be a problem for a good man to be killed.

Quadruple strength against the enemy

Properly prepared and spoken, the mighty majestic and її can beat hard amulet, which can help in different and unsafe situations. Dopomogaє vіn bezpechitisya against attacks and the steps of the enemy, as if they could be the cause of the original shkodi. It is important to know that you need to work from the Thursday sill, so such a talisman should be slid into a little bag of a small size and carry it with you.

Quadruple strength - Orthodoxy

Bagatioh tsіkavit that fact, chi maє tsіlyuscha sіl zv'yazok іz church. In order to expand on these topics, it is necessary to turn to the clergy, as if they were asserting that the magical power of salt and pagan saplings were revealed about the magical power, which were vinicked in ancient times. It is necessary to sanctify the rite at the church, but it is not true and such rituals should not be performed at the temples.

Fourth strength in Orthodoxy does not have the same meaning. All right in that majestic kіlkіst ancient prikmets, zvichaїv that rituals people poov'azuvali z church saints, but when tsomu vіri vіri in the Lord, the stench does not stink. Assuming that it is worth it that the church talks about Thursday salt, then there is nothing wrong with the right traditions of Orthodoxy.

In the rites of Orthodox culture in Russian cuisine, such a product, yak black (Thursday, Thursday) strength, is celebrated. For її preparation it is important to have a lot of moments. One of the minds is the date of preparation: її roar on Pure Thursday before the Great Day. To do this, you can only work once on the river, at night on the first day of Holy Tyzhnya.

Historical views

They call the black sylla through those who, after the fireworks, change their color. Same thermal treatment allowing the salt to cleanse itself is one of the strongest options for energy cleansing. To strengthen the magical powers of the product, special “weekly” firewood is placed in the wood. To pick them up, you need to deposit one birch log for weeks at a time of fasting.

The healing power of Thursday's salt also shines through them, which they hang together from the pasca. This recipe is not brought to history Christian religion Vіn vikoristovuvavsya exclusively in the villages of Russian villagers, yakі passed yoga vіd generation to generation.

Thursday Salt

The authorities of the power of black salt turned the respect of the scientists, and they recognized the stench. chemical warehouse. It turned out that, instead of important metals, they have little, practically ten times less, lower than a great product. In addition, ready-made Thursday salt practically does not contain chlorine, which is warm, and calls out right after the introduction of salty straws and provokes nabryaki. Tobto is prepared a black force to avenge richly less shkіdlivih speeches, like a filthy injection into the human body.

At the same time, the ash, as it appears in the process of preparation, enriches the product with the absence of brown microelements, and itself with calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, mead, iodine and others. Itself to that black force to recommend to live in people, yakі mayut problems with nirkami and heart. It is also recommended for those who have been diagnosed with hypertension, osteochondrosis, obesity and problems due to poisoning. In addition, this salt has coal, which is a spray for the release of toxins and slags from the body. Varto signify that Thursday's strength is not only corny, but it is supra-aromatically fragrant and tastes good.

Zastosuvannya like faces

On the eve of the great holy hour, it is customary to cook and consecrate boiled eggs. It is necessary for them to be salted with black sill. From the mystical side її to please zastosovuvat, as if blaming ailments, or if you see an addiction. In addition, knowing people are happy to rub it on ailments. Somehow it seems that it will be enough to just eat zhu, I will salt it. Four strengths of zastosuvannya in folk medicine may be greater.

Іsnuyut also special ways of stosuvannya tsikh natural likіv. For example, a man, yak maє problems with a slunk, it is guilty of a day after a snіdanku sipat strength from a knife point on the tongue and rozmoktuvati її. The result of the reduction will begin to appear more quickly, but for a new dressing it is necessary to carry out this procedure for two months.

Zastosuvannya for thinness and I give birth

Quadruple strength was victorious and in case of illness of thinness. The villagers threw a piece of grass near the water and greeted the creatures with salted bread. And sob the cow did not fall ill, at the first cow, in a series of їy in the bosom, they put a little bear with tsієyu sіllu as a guardian against various ailments.

Chorna sil vikoristovuvalsya for polypshennia I give birth. They added grain to the ashes before sowing, it was important that the stalks would germinate more quickly and be great and healthy. Sob the vegetables grew well, they were watered with rose water and salt.

Zastosuvannya yak amulet

For the old hours it was important that Thursday's strength was a strong amulet for the mandriving and the soldiers. To that її they sewed up an amulet and robbed the third pendant. Richly mandrіvnyh cholovіkіv wore її on shiї entrusted with a cross.


Cunning ingredients for the preparation of this unique and rich-grained strain are not needed. Rich someone to chirp, like preparing Thursday's strength. The most ancient ways of preparing include great strength and thickness of kvass or soaking of m'yakush of life's bread. Strength and bread should be put in equal proportions. Having mixed everything up, they put it into the bast shoes, or they gorged into the ganchirka and put it in front of the heated oven. The deyakі vikoristovuvali for її preparing vugіllya, zasipavsya povnіstyu grass, yogo was taken for about 3-4 years, and then caught. After that, as the sumish was boiled, they put it in a mortar and tovkli, detailing it to the maximum. They gave the product to be carried to the church for consecration. It was important that only a few of these forces were gaining healing and magical powers. Earlier, they prepared a lot of Thursday salt, so that it would be enough for the upcoming Great Day. Save її Bulo behind the icons.

Recipe with thickening with kvass or with zhitnіm bread

It is necessary to take thick kvass on Pure Thursday or life bread at once from a stone silly. Bread is sown on small pieces that get wet near the water. Then we all need to change, sizable proportions add up a kilogram of salt and five kilograms of bread. Also, spicy herbs are added for bread. As much strength is needed for jubilation, then the stench is picked up fallowly from their healing pits. Well, it’s planned to vicorate just in juzhu, choose spices in the fallow in the first place.

So fight Thursday's strength. How did you prepare? It’s also just necessary to turn the oven up to the maximum (minimum 250 degrees) and, turning the power on the deco, put it right in the middle. Vipkati її is necessary, docks won't be black. Poke out dbatime, you need to read prayers. At the result, a great black cake comes out, which sounds like a burning pie. It is necessary to beat yoga on dribni shmatki and tovkti in a wooden hub. It is also necessary to read prayers.

Recipe with wheat beetroot

Get ready for the smut on Pure Thursday. A chavunna frying pan is needed, a kilogram of stone salt hangs on it. Let's add a bottle of borosna. Sumіsh needs to be respected for the year's arrow, with which it is important to beat the wooden spoon. Sumish needs to be fried, until the power is completely blackened.

Recipes, in principle, are similar one to one. Let's sweat it out on the stove until the night comes. Only a few can be transferred to a tissue bag or a jar. Under the hour of the process, it is necessary to read prayers.

Recipe from cabbage leaves

At Clean Quarter, cabbages are used to make the upper green leaves and chop them into pieces. Then the next cabbage was smashed out of the stone sill. Potim sumish put on a sheet and bake at the rose to the maximum, to blackness, reading prayers. So fight Thursday's strength. How did you prepare? After cooling, the vipіchka is sharpened and tossed at the wooden step, and so are the prayers.

Strength for the future and magical power only after consecration. It is necessary for him to take Thursday's strength and virushiti to the service. It is necessary to stay in the church for the first time of the service and until the end, without leaving the shrine.


Іsnuє impersonal ways of how to win Thursday's strength, and different povіr'ya, po'yazanі z tsim. Among them varto see:

  1. Saving black salt in a house on the coast against villains, intrusion, strife, evil and other negative energy.
  2. You can put strength at the fabric and vicorist її like an amulet, like a talisman.
  3. Having accumulated strength in the hoods of the apartment, you can succumb to evil and erase the negative from the energy field.
  4. In order to make a stounki with cohanim, it is necessary to put a small bag from a silly under a pillow.
  5. If the host has an unkind enemy, it is necessary to treat him with a dish from tsієyu sіllu. Vaughn will not allow youmu to harm the rulers of the apartment. And after yogo’s exit, the varto should be followed by unkindness with pinches of black salt, so that you can bring it into the house.
  6. To turn back to the motherland garni vodnosiny, next put a pinch of salt on the skin of the skin member of the sim'ї.
  7. In case of illness, you can add a pinch of black salt in a glass and drink it: it will help to strengthen the immune system and help you to get sick more easily.
  8. You can win the її every hour of bathing, dodayuchi at the bath. It’s good to continue your youth and give your body beauty and health.
  9. If you collect black strength from wooden dishes and put them in the center of the table, it is important that you add wealth to the booth.

Purification of the booth against the negative

There is one way to clear the houses from the negative, vicarious Thursday strength. For whom you need two candles, black and red, that one is strong. Before carrying out the ritual of purification, it is necessary to perform a general cleaning of the host, de vin pass. Ignite the gas, stoking a small flame and burn black power on the frying pan. While it is heating up, we will absorb all the negative energy from the apartment. Before the speech, it’s not possible to independently create ingredients for the ritual, and the food “take salt” is more relevant, varto vrakhovuvat, what you can buy only on Pure Thursday of the church. Adzhe її energeticheshnі vlastivostі without intermediary to lie in the correctness of preparation and consecration.

Then it was necessary to light a black candle and pass it around the perimeter of the whole apartment like a house. With this varto, it is respectfully put up to the kutіv that mіsts, where there is a great collection of different speeches. Whenever it is necessary to show thoughts, as all the negativity burns in the half-light of candles. You can read the chi mantri prayers at the process. After you pass the whole area of ​​​​the place where you are being cleansed, it is necessary to put a candle in the air and let it burn to the end. As if Thursday's strength (staying like obov'yazkovo) is more trembling, it is a clear sign of the usunennia of negative energy.

As soon as you come, you will take a red candle, a frying pan and go above it. It is necessary to go to the ground and bury instead of frying pans near it. After that, light a red candle and go with it to the booth. This croc symbolizes the new arrival of pure energy. When it is necessary to show thoughts, how energy is spent in the application. With a candle, it is also necessary to walk along the perimeter of the entire apartment. After all, it is necessary to open all windows and air the room.

In principle, all the information, as I explain, how to build Thursday's strength and victorious її for various purposes. Tsey zasіb dіyshov to us from long ago and perevіreny our ancestors. Also, the devil’s victorious black salt has no doubts about it. Vaughn helped our ancestors to improve their lives, to help us and at once solve a lot of problems for us and get healthy and beautiful.


1. Be sure to buy 3 packs of great (stone) salt. You can dry without

Yoda, but the effect will be greater.

2. Zazdalegіd buy rye in grains. It's important to know life, you can buy

Vivs grains. In the extreme depression, the wreathed plastics are going. For the preparation of salt, grind one stone.

3. Be sure to buy 3 church candles.

Bless, Lord, and help me, Thy sinful servant (your own name), do it right, as I repent to Your glory, Lord!

7. Turn on the stove, light the church candle and put it in the candlestick on

Our Father, what is in heaven! do not let thy name be hallowed; hai come thy kingdom; let Thy will be done on earth, as in heaven; give us our daily bread today; and probach us our borg, as if we were forgiven to our borg; and do not bring us in at peace, but let us see the evil one. For Yours is the Kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

9. On a clean sheet of visipati all the strength, grains of life, mix and

Paint a cross on the salt.

To the Creator and Creators of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation: Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with high blessings on the river (power) qiu, for let it be built by the power of the heavenly intercession, what you want to live in, I will save you to bodily salvation. and help, about Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

11. Place power in the oven (medium temperature). Behind the rules

Guilty roasted in the oven for 8 years. Ale, in the minds of the minds of the minds, it is easy to work. This is the minimum hour of the hour - the whole hour is the burning of three small church candles.

Speeches". If it is holy water, then sprinkle it like a cross with holy water. If it’s strong okholone - sip it in a linen bear (you can put it in an old vipran pillowcase). The power to save one's power by stretching fate.

On Thursday, there are great eggs. Qiu strength can be added to zvichaynі silnichki, є in the period of illness and ailment, and also give tongs to domestic creatures.


Shards of strength have been smashed less than this year, then you can clean your apartment more than offensive rock. But you can in the Orthodox monastic shop for a long time buy a tortish strength and carry out the purification of your life.


Fourth strength.

Pack of splendid salt.

Fourth candle.

Zvichayna church candle.


Dodatkovo: incense with vugillam, holy water, penzlik (abo sprinkled).

1. At Mondays and Tuesdays of the pristine season (in 2013, it was 30 or 31 April), you should shake the Thursday salt with a pack of great salt and rozsipati along the corners of the apartment, following the year's arrow. At the center of the apartment and under the skin lightly, paint a cross sill. For example, it’s good to pass the entrance threshold to the booth.

2. Have a clean quarter early in the morning, or ahead of the day on Wednesday evening, take all the strength, take it in a bag and take it to the street near the smittya or a vampire tree (yalina, wasps, poplars). It's not scary to lose one's strength here.

3. Dodatkovo you can go through the apartment (for the year's arrow) with incense, which is to burn (for which put a bunch of church vugill in a spoon, put a piece of incense on the vugill and burn it with sirenki). Then we will walk along the booth from a lit church candle and, for example, sprinkle it with cross-like holy water.

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