Alcohol trims water in the body. How to get rid of the congestion of the native in the body. Causes of a hustle before the month

It is rich who sticks with it, that the motherland begins to get stuck in the body. Tse lead to singing problems, then follow її pozbutisa. The shortest way- Consult with a doctor, so that you don’t harm yourself more. But it's so rare to come by. Therefore, we should explore the ways and methods, and know the best.

Signs are too high

As water began to get stuck in the body, it can be pumped up again. Vranci ring out to repair the appearance of those legs. Yakshcho until the evening, the swelling subsides, which means the native land in the body “walks”. Imovirno, a person drank too much water for nothing and nirk just can’t cope. Well, it’s better not to go out of trouble for a stretch of the day, it’s better for everything, the reason for their appearance is richly serious.

Reasons for the appearance of rіdini

In order to successfully fight against the water in the body, it is necessary to understand clearly, the stars will be taken away. Tse mozhe і problems zі zdorov'yam, і not eat properly.

  1. Nestacha rіdini. Everyone knows that a person can drink at least 2 liters of water for good. Ale, there are few people to work like that. Therefore, the organism begins to store up the motherland, being afraid that it will not be taken away.
  2. Sechogіnn_nі popі. This is another reason why the body is forced to take in water. We must face it, if a person drinks alcohol, for example, beer. Cava, black tea and various lemonades are also drunk with such drinks.
  3. Strength. The power of salt binds water in the body and settles. And in order to bring strength, you need a dodatkova homeland. To go out of the closed ring - after the salty їzhі people are richly p'є, but the countryside is practically not visible. Tse to produce before the appearance of sagging and zavoi vag.
  4. Vzhivannya rіdini against the night. Todi nirki cease to give their own happiness with water, and the lie of a person to drink, which is swollen in the face of a new one.
  5. Heart-sudinal disease. This also often leads to the fact that the body begins to accumulate water.
  6. Nirkov's ailments. If the robot is not working properly, you can easily bring it up to the point where the water becomes cloudy.

Why can't you work

Having succumbed to the problem of getting rid of the body in the body, many people begin to get used to emergency visits and drink water. Vіrnіshe, strongly obmezhuyut about'єm rіdini, scho vypivaetsya for the day. І tse persha pardon, as a mother of serious nasledki. It is not possible to make such a decision independently at any time. Tilki for the recommendation of the doctor. Otherwise, the robot will give the body a hit.

Another last resort, which is rich in victorious, with the use of sechoginal preparations. Moreover, it is necessary to go without the knowledge of doctors, which is also not safe. Such preparations lead to a complete deficiency of rіdini, shards lead like water. Therefore, you can take them only after consulting a doctor.

What do you need to work

We should continue to drink water. If it’s better, then the water will be pure, and not tea, kava chi juices. Approximate rate of rindine per day is 1.5 liters. It is necessary to live in until 7 pm, so that the brunki functioned normally. If you don’t know how to get in the wound, then the nirks can cope with the kіlkіstyu drive normally.

They gave the next step to reduce the salt intake. Ale, it is not recommended to include it in the diet. Stop eating different chips, peas, salted fish too thin. It is also necessary to use fatty meats, preserves and smoked meats. And then the body will stop taking off too much salt and taking on water.

In addition, there are a lot of different products and drinks, like spriyat vyvedennya zavoi water. Even more effective are such ways, like doing sports too. Golovne, know the best option for yourself and follow the result. Yakscho vіn є, tse means that the methods are chosen correctly.

Otzhe, scho need to get used to the hedgehog, to help your body get started:

  1. Kavun. This product can also be replaced with ogirki or diney. Vlashtovoyuchi promotional days once in a week, you can not only bring in water, but clean the nirks.
  2. Birch sik. This natural drink induces water and various toxins into the body.
  3. Green tea. Yogo is not only possible, but it is necessary to drink it at times of zatrimki rіdini in the body. On the vіdmіnu vіd black tea, greens miraculously tone up and remove toxins.
  4. Rice is a vivsyanka. It’s not surprising, ale tsi porridge miraculously bring water. In rice, for example, there is a lot of potassium, which you sprinkle with. This effect is often corrosed by professional athletes, who have their own dryness in front of the magicians.
  5. Fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to live in them with a fresh look, and then the salt balance in the body will be restored even more quickly.
  6. Zucchini and cabbage. The stench may have a marvelous power to bring in water, giving the sechogenous water and giving the body the necessary copper, salt and potassium.
  7. Carrot and beetroot juices. Tse miraculous way to introduce water from the body and improve your health.

How to get rid of the zayvoї rіdini in the body

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the congestion of the motherland in the body, you should go to the spa or the sauna. Obviously, there is no counter-indication for good health. All zayva water that sil viyde pіd hour tsієї procedures s then.

Vіdmіnno help and physically right. It is not necessary to engage in a serious kind of sport, or, more often, it is very rich, as there is no special job. Enough to work vrantsі charging or ride a bike. Tse dopomozhe to speed up metabolism and to see everything is uncommon.

It’s like to strongly swell my legs, the next day I’ll step on the right - lie on your back, lift your legs higher than the rіvle of the heart and lie down a sprat of hvilin. You can work like that, I call "berizka" or just put a pillow under your feet. Who cares. Zavdyaki tsomu swirled swidko zіyde. It is especially appropriate for the quiet, who can have a “sedentary” way of life, but for people near the city.

A good help is a bath with silly that soda. It's easy to milk it - near the water next to sip 300 gr. salt and 200 gr. come on. Take such a bath for 20 hvilin. Good boulo b when you drink green tea. If so, it is necessary to wrap yourself up in a warm carpet and do not eat anything and do not drink a sprat of a year.

Diet, scho to bring home

Tsei way of eating for repayment of the day. Wine helps to bring home to your body and lose weight. Today next drink 6 bottles of kefir and get these products:

  • Mondays - 4-5 boiled or baked potatoes;
  • second - 100 gr. chicken breast;
  • Wednesday - 100 UAH. non-greasy sea ​​ribey(boiled or baked);
  • Thursday - 100 UAH. boiled meat;
  • friday - be like fruit, cream of bananas;
  • Saturday - be like sheep;
  • a week - get used to less kefir and mineral water without gas.

Nabryaki with vaginosti

Women, being women, often stick with such a phenomenon, like a swollen. On the right, in the fact that in this position, the body is already serious. The І Rіdina begins to be occupied for various reasons. There is nothing terrible in it, but the bumps often cause discomfort and are indicated for the development of a baby. Therefore, it is necessary:

  1. Normalize eating. To obmezhit vzhivannya salt, conservation and smoked meats, soaking up more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Live citrus. Surely, there are no allergies. A bottle of fresh juice, or a sprat of oranges, does not hurt either mother or child.
  3. Zastosovuvat sechoginnі zasobi. But let's talk not about medicinal preparations, but about natural products, building water. Vagіtnym zhіnkam can vzhivat green apples, carrots, midnight, zucchini thinly. It's not only korisno, but it's more helpful in the fight against snags.
  4. Drink herbal infusions. Ale, it’s necessary to work less for the joy of a doctor, because rich medicinal herbs have a contraindication for vagity.

People's interests

For self-admiration folk secrets you can do it, as there are no medical contraindications. Іsnuє impersonal receptіv, yakі priyat vyvedenniu zayvoї rіdini. The most effective of them are:

  1. Chamomile. There is a great number of wondrous authorities, more brown for the body. In addition, water should be brought out. 2-3 tbsp. l. pour 2 tbsp. take that pіvgodini to the water bath. Pochekati still okholone and take half of the bottle to the bottom.
  2. Nasty from avranu likarskogo. Tsya grass may have unique sechogen power. It is impossible to live in the great cultures, wipe off the shards of revenge. Ale in small doses of avran is more corisnic. To prepare licks, you need 1 tbsp. pour herbs 1 tbsp. dill and let the sprat of years brew. Drink nastіy slid after їdi 2-3 times a day.
  3. Kalinivka. It is possible to vicorate, as there are no problems from the shlunkovo-intestinal tract. Everything is prepared simply - 2 tbsp. l. yagid are rubbed, filled with a bottle of dill and infused, best in a thermos. Obov'yazkovo need to add honey. Take a sprat of tablespoons after you go.
  4. Cowberry. Consume berries and leaves. 2 tbsp. l. sumishi boil at the glass, drive and let it brew. Take 1 tbsp. after skin administration.
  5. Birch leaf. From them it is possible to build nastіy from sechoginmi authorities. For this, it is necessary to fill with dip (1 bottle) 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and leave on pіvgodini. Let's sweat it out and add soda to the tip of the knife. Survive 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

Zayva homeland in the body is a signal for something that cannot function correctly. One word, that the bruises appear as a result of the introduction of salty water, if not, it is a sign of serious illness. As if it’s necessary to rehabilitate more ways, it doesn’t help, it means that it’s necessary to turn to the doctor in terms. Engage in self-admiration, discovering new and new ways not to varto, it’s not safe for your health.

The main problem of skidding the zavoi vag water in the body. You keep up with the regimen of eating, take up physical rights, don’t get nervous through dribnitsa, but stand on the floor with kilograms, or grow fast. Shvidshe for everything, rich in the zayvіy homeland. It's not just nabryaki, but water, in a similar way, is distributed throughout the whole body. Staring at the looking glass, you do not remember the sign, but you will not leave you feeling discomfort when you are hurting. Clothes, for this reason, sitting on you freely, become tight, unhandled. Smut - a figure on Teresa's growth with a skin day. Pershochergove zavdannya - designate a factor that provokes troubles, as well as a sign of serious dysfunctions of the body.

Editorial site upivnennya zayvoї rіdini how to get around the problem.

Causes of water blockages in the body, how to fix them

Causes, for which there are contraindications, are mentally subsumed on chronic - they are manifested through illness, which are leaking, infections - and situational factors - the reaction of the patient to the condition that they are suffering from. When changing the situation at times, the body will independently relieve the bumps.

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Main factors:

Shkіdliva їzha - as if suddenly you miraculously recovered, taking in alcohol, filling it with fast food, salted, deep-fried chips, and in the morning they showed plus 2 kilograms on teresa - do not be turbulent, the body has not yet fit into the sufficiency of such a sufficiency;

Porada: get used to less salt, it provokes tricks. Dobova norm - 3 grams per day

Small-handed way of life - perhaps your work is tied to the regular seats at the laptop, otherwise you will change in one position for a long time, then you are guaranteed to get laid;

Women have PMS with swelling - during this period, their arms and legs swell, after menstruation everything returns to normal, the gynecologist will help to solve the problem;

Medicinal preparations - the deacons of them call out the water in the body, make sure to call for blood stasis to normalize the pressure, so bloatedness appears;

The period of menopause in women is a change in the hormonal background, leading to an increase in the mass of the body, a trim of the radiny;

If you are afraid to get sick often, then you can talk about the chronic form, whose symptom is to talk about the manifestation of such illnesses: heart failure - at the same time from a set of vag, backache, heart attack, myocarditis. Damage to the robotic endocrine system, supraspinal ridges, nirok.

With contractions, venous insufficiency often develops. Likuvannya chronic skupchennya lead in tili direct on the manifestation of the first cause and recognition of the likuvannya fakhivtsy. It is not recommended to take care of them on your own.

Znevodnennya- One more factor of zatrimki rіdini in organіzmі. For example, you drink less than the prescribed dose, or you don’t drink it, then the brain takes impulses from other systems about water deficiency, start to reduce, take water, like that.

Poradada No. 1- Admire your eating habits. Mustard drinks, chips, salty products hinder the appearance of radiny, and help - dinya, orange, bananas, which have a lot of potassium. Reach the minimum norm of 2 liters per day. Follow the caffeine intake, enrich the menu with parsley, selera - stench to regulate the water balance.

Rada No. 2- More fluff. Go to work, take walks, especially with a passive way of life. How often do you sit, for example, in the bus, your legs are numb, give the priority to walking. Change the camp more often, fix it at the computer - get up, take a walk.

Rada No. 3- massage for help. Knowing stress, therefore, relaxing, giving strength. Find a good massage therapist. Through a splint of sessions, you feel relief. Do not blink to go to the doctor or go - go, to relieve possible problems with the heart, nirks, hormones.

Rada No. 4- heat bath from sіllyu. To create such relaxation in the minds of the home. Take water from the bath close to 38 degrees, add strength and 200 grams of soda. Lie down for 15 hvilin, drink a cup of green tea - that's one mind. After all, sit by the warmth near the spring.

Porada No. 5- highlight the color of the product near the menu. Ginger - lowers your vagus, fights against hepatic spasms, suppresses the disease. Asparagus - the head of the її perevaga - tse kіtkovina, yak vyvodit toxins, slags from the intestines. Dried fruits, fresh vegetables, parsley are all natural defenses for immunity.

Rada No. 6- Organic diuretics. Tse products, yakі mayut sechogіnnu vlastіvіst. In the wind, give the honor to the kavun, it’s miraculous to see the whole zayva of the homeland, it is made up of brown microelements. Parsley, green tea, grape. Turn yourself over to the presence of slander - press your finger on the body of the body that is being tested. As soon as the onslaught is flooded with whips, the skin of the troch falls, then your body traps water.

Remember what healthy people do not have water in the body navit with a great amount of drinking water. Nabryaki - the legacy of the destruction of the robot as a system of life. The sooner you figure out the reasons, the sooner you get rid of these problems.

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Zatrimka rіdini in the body is an unacceptable phenomenon, known to most people, especially women. Vaughn to bring to nabryakiv, through yaks suffering not only a swell look, but also more attention on the internal organs. Difficulties in seeing the body out of the body is a symptom of some kind of heart disease and ailment. But most of all, you get through the wrong way of life and to the fact that someone doesn’t know how to produce water in the body. As if the outfits have become permanent companions of life, in the first season it is necessary to assemble the menu, shortening it or turning it on again in the new food itself. Often enough is enough to save the bears for the eyes of the money and the bet for the gain of the kilos.

Why blame the zatrimka of the radiny in the body

The main reason for water blockage in the tissues and tissues of a person is the disruption of the electrolyte balance. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium) play an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. The stench vіdpovіdat for the exchange of speeches and poured into the blood warehouse. Above the world, or lack of survival, I want to bring one of these mineral speeches to an imbalance.

Sodium and potassium regulate the water-salt exchange: they trap water with sodium, and potassium - remove water. Too much sodium in the body becomes the cause of the accumulation of excess sodium. Insufficient potassium intake is also provocative.

The additional dose of sodium for maintaining the electrolyte balance is 1.5-3 g. arterial vice, ill nirok.

The main source of sodium intake in the body is the products of eating, as a way to avenge strength. Overworld implantation of salty skin is the main cause of wound swelling, but not the only one.

Another reason, through which the water intake is induced, is the high level of insulin in the blood, which stimulates aldosterone, a hormone that reduces sodium in tissues. That’s why the tricks are also provoked by the products of the drug with a high glycemic index.

In this way, the two main groups of food products, like buildings, take up water in the body. We report on the skin.

Food products with a large amount of sodium

All the products that avenge the great amount of sodium in their warehouse are the same products that trap the motherland in the body. The widest term for sodium is kitchen salt (sodium chloride). May the whole zha of the creature and the growing adventure take revenge on the pure-looking sodium chloride:

milk; seafood; meat; eggs; selera; legumes; cereals.

The amount of salt they have is small, and that yogo is the necessary minimum to improve the electrolyte balance. Ale, when picking up rich products, add sodium to them piece by piece. In most cases, the virobniki can help to improve the taste and preserve the freshness of the product, so add the substitute for salt with an additive form of sodium:

sodium nitrite for color saturation and as a preservative; monosodium glutamate for stronger taste; sodium saccharin - substitute for zucru; sodium benzoate preserves freshness of the product (preservative); sodium bicarbonate (bread soda).

Qi forms of sodium in large quantities are found in all processed products. The quantity of sodium salts in them is visible in the table.

Name of food products Content of sodium salts, mg/100 g
Kovbasnі virobi:

smoked cowbass

boiled cowbass, sausages

Siri hard varieties 900-1300
Hamburgers, sandwiches (fast food) 1000-1200
sauerkraut 800
Canned ribs 400-600
Canned meat (carcass) 500-700
Bakery products:

from a living bog

from wheat

seaweed 550
Pickled olives 1500
Canned vegetables (peas, kvassola, corn) 400-700
Mayonnaise 2000-3000
Ketchup 1500-1800
Soy sauce 5000
Chipsy 1000-1700
Rusks, snacks 800-1200

Food products, listed in the tables, are leaders in salt, so if you are weak to the point of sagging, they are ahead of you next to your diet.

The package of salty snacks is small, or even a sprat of cowbass will provide a dose of sodium, so that it exceeds the additional norm by a factor of 1. Constantly supplementing various sauces to bring them to a healthy level with a small amount of salt also leads to an overdose of this microelement, which provokes an electrical imbalance and a zatrim of the radina in the body.

Products with a high glycemic index

Another group of products, which provokes a zatrimka, is the food with a high glycemic index (GI). Її vzhivannya viklikaє sharp vikid іnsulіnu, kakii vede in itself viroblennia hormone aldesterone. Vіn zatrimuє sodium in the cells of the body and vibrating the bugs.

Below is a list of high GI products:

all malts: chocolate, bakery, zukerki, halva, wafers, cupcakes; healthy drinks; dried fruits; bakery products; potatoes; corn plastics.

Qi products that trap water in the body, also next to the surroundings, so zaiva vaga. With the introduction of dairy products with high fat content in the body, aldesterone also begins to vibrate, so it can be brought to the transfer of products, which provokes a water storm.

Drink to keep water in the body

When living in such a drunkenness, the homeland will be occluded, but not led away, then, if you are shy, to the point of swelling, you will be surrounded by them. For example, beer and licorice gassed can make you high glycemic index and kava in small doses sechoginny effect Then, when yoga is evil, or because of the great kіlkіst zukra, kava traps water in the body.

Vzhivannya alcohol zavzhdy vyklykaє nabryaki. Alcoholic drinks are strong diuretics, stench induces the motherland of the body, but with it, it disrupts the balance of all systems of the body, including the water-salt balance. For the elimination of toxins in the liver, water is needed, for this the whole country, which boils after alcoholic heaving, accumulates in the interstitial space, which becomes the cause of the blame for the intoxication.

How to fight from the zatrimkoy native land in the body

The shortest way to get out of the way is to blame it through the introduction of products and drinks, to call out the trap of the home - I will surround them with my diet.

But through the different environments, do not start to learn the principles of proper eating, so that the products can be on the menu of any kind of person. What is the work to minimize the risk of accumulating infusions after the introduction of products, what should be the accumulation of water in the tissues of the body?

For whom should follow how many rules and recommendations.

Drink more pure non-carbonated water (minimum 1.5-2 liters per doba). At first glance, it seems illogical: if water accumulates, then you need to be quick. But the organism reacts to the fringing of the countryside with a larger zatrimkoy, accumulating її “in reserve”. With a sufficient vzhivannі rіdini (krim kavit and licorice gassed drinks), the need for accumulated water loss. Take up physical rights and walk in the fresh air. It does help to speed up the exchange of speeches, improve the work of the nirok and more quickly bring in the water. Like a rich source in the body, it is successful to introduce it too much to help the spa, or a warm bath with sea sill and soda. Make sure to add more salt when cooking. Salt, which is included in the diet of a modern person, is sufficient for the normal functioning of all organs (take without the use of various sauces, smoked meats and snacks). Vzhivat products that are rich in high potassium and cellular tissue - the stench of spriyat swidky zayvoї rіdini: green tea and hibiscus; dried apricots and rodzinki; berries, especially crane, blackberry, chornoplidna gorobina; wheat whiskers; peas; bananas; avocado; jacket potatoes; kavuni ta dini; herbal teas from chamomile flowers, calendula, lingonberry leaves, blackberry, melisa; zucchini; stubs. Vykoristovuvaty with fresh vegetables (carrot, cabbage, beetroot) as a sechoginny zasib. It is self-recognized to recognize yourself and drink pharmacies and sechoginnі preparations and fenced - the stench is called out and removed from the body at once with sodium salts, as well as potassium salts, magnesium and calcium. Periodically, the power of rozvantazhuvalny days. Perishkodzhayut stagnation of rіdini in kіtiny regular rozvantazhennia on kefir, apples or milkweed (2 l of milk is brewed with 2 tablespoons of green tea). Sob to eat nabryaki, viklikanі products of eating with great salt in it, for a few days you need to eat rice or porridge on water (unsalted, obviously). Tse perevіreny zasіb, yakim koristuyutsya athletes for drying m'yazіv before zmagannyami.

As if turning off the menu of products, which provokes a lull in the heat, that additional recommendation for the prevention of congestion, the stench all the same blame and worry about it - they bring you back to the doctor for a general obstezhennia to the body. It is possible that the cause of the swelling is a serious illness, which will require the involvement of a doctor and the recognition of medical treatment.

Correct eating that active image Life is the greatest benefit of prevention of nabryakiv, caused by the accumulation of blood in the body. The inclusion of pure water, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood, steamed or boiled, excluded from the diet of fast food, malt and sauces of industrial production - constipation of healthy appearance, health problems

Zatrimka rіdini in the body is a serious problem, after all, the human body works with great ambitions. The reasons that lead to the vindication of water zatrim: genetic pathologies, somatic disease, disruption of the water regime, irrational eating from great salt.

Water balance value

One of the important warehouses, yakі zabezpechuyut sufficient obsjag rіdini in organіzmі, є dotrimannya balance vitrachannya vody, її nadkhodzhennya (proper dietary regimen).

For the benefit of a person, 30-50 ml of rindine per skin kilogram of body mass is required. The number of rіdini can change a little in the fallow time depending on the temperature dovkilla, pori rock, I'll be healthy. The more water you see later, the more you need to drink, to improve the balance in the body.

The water balance is deposited not only in the seedy water, but also in the sight, which is created by the system of vision, sweat pools. This balance can be disrupted with the introduction of products, the development of a delay in the removal of tissue from the tissues of the body, which leads to the appearance of swelling, functional damage to the robotic organs, and as a result, to the development of ailments.

Products zatrimyu rіdina

Prevention of water from clitin, products from high salt, creatine, kava, drug preparations, milk, syrah, toxic speech, alcohol.

Zatrymuє water organisms sodium chloride, which is a post-worker of ions, necessary for normal life. A small amount of salt is shkidlivy for the body, but also unsafe її too much. A lot of foodstuffs in eating are to be smothered, to bring on the stench of salted meats for relish (% of the total consumption).

Boroshna and grains (2-14%): plastic corn; life bread; wheat; plastіvtsі vіvsyanі. M'yaso ta riba (2.5-2.7%): riba; veal; pork; yalovichina. Dairy products (1-6%): cheese (26-27%); cow'yache milk; cottage cheese. Vegetables (1-9%): beetroot; potatoes; red cabbage; green peas; tomatoes. Greens (1-3%): selera; spinach. Pecheritsa, mushrooms (2.5-15%). eggs (3-4%). Peas (0.6%). Fruits, berries (0.6%): bananas; oranges, almonds; Finniki. Salting, marinated, canned vegetables, fruits (1400-2400).

Too much salt:

in products that can be used barvniki, preservatives: sausages, crackers, cowbass, smoked meats, chips, mayonnaise, fast foods; in licorice teas and kavi (too much insulin zatrimuє water);


One of the most delicious and vitamin products is sauerkraut. Ale for deyakyh zahvoryuvan cabbage is impossible to live. It is contraindicated in the case of a raised vice, sickness of the nirok. Sauerkraut can cause a rash or a hypertensive crisis, the reason is a large amount of salt, maybe 800 mg per hundred grams.

Additional norm of salt

The extra dose of kitchen salt, as doctors say, is about two and a half grams. Tse that amount of salt, as it is hidden in the products of eating (prihovana) and strength, as to add to the hedgehog, which is prepared. The greater amount of salt actively occupies water, causes such pathologies, such as hypertension, ischemic illness, and circulatory diabetes.

For such ailments, it is recommended to change salt intake until the second time for doba. The additional norm of salt can be taken from food products, especially as it is written on their packaging: 401, 301, 500, 211, 331, 524, 485, 339, tobto kitchen strength.

Creatine and vision

Creatine is an organic substance, as it is often synthesized in the body. Creatine is found in fish and meat. Creatine vikoristovuєtsya as a notably non-shedding sports supplement, which promotes vibrancy, sprays the growth of m'yazovoi masi. Ale, too much additive, over 25 g per doba, є unbazhanim. Creatine causes a delay in the vision of the body.

Although the sound of swelling is not visible, but creatine can take up to two liters of water, but it is not possible to use vicarious diuretics (sechoginnі preparations). Changing the diet is also contraindicated, shards of creatine exude water to the body through the treatment of water with mud. Now you need to drink up to three liters of water to restore the water balance.

Infusion of kawi on water balance

Fіzіologichna diya kavi to lie in the rich factorіv. Drink more than 3 cups of kawi, sechoginal effect of safety; even less - kava drains water in the body. So drink and drink licorice - if there is too much water in the caviar, the sechogens of power will drink. For some reason, for some women women are not recommended to drink kava - because of the appearance of swelling, increased arterial pressure.

Dairy products

The investigations carried out by medical experts showed why milk, frost, cheese, yoghurts call out the lukewarmness in the body. Causes: when implanted, the appearance of insulin in the body is sharply increased, insulin increases the production of the hormone of supra-nural deposits (aldosterone), which inhibits the excretion of sodium salts. It is important to get accustomed to dairy products in the wake of physical training, so that there is more practicality.

Toxin ta zatrimka vodi

Alcohol, other toxins and preparations cause water blockage, shards of water disperse and remove dust, reducing negative effects on the body.

Products for vision

Actively bring home from the body of the product, point it lower.

Fruits (kavun, polunitsya, blackberry, viburnum). In case of nirkovo-kam'yanіy ailments, it is necessary to take care of the fruits in the hedgehog, so as not to aggravate the disease. Tomatoes, asparagus, cabbage, lettuce leaves. Do not only assist in the elimination of water, but rather to remove the elimination of toxins, speed up metabolism. Buckwheat, greens, Bulgarian pepper, zucchini, garmelon, beetroot.

Vitamins and Vivendennia Rіdini

Hypovitaminosis, deficiency of the necessary microelements can lead to a cessation of water excretion. That’s why it’s bad, so that the eater would have such products:

chervone yalovich meat, bananas, salmon, salmon, to avenge vitamins B6; fruits, low-fat milk and lactic acid products with vitamins of groups B, D; citrus fruits, greens, spinach, to protect microelements magnesium, potassium.

Pure water

Himself in the best possible way, What helps to get rid of excess rindine, toxins, є pure water. Chi is not juice, fresh, fruit compote, tea, which is to revenge fruits, honey, zucor, yakі є povnotsіnnoj їzhey, but the water itself is pure for the organism. You can drink bottled non-carbonated water, ecologically clean water from mineral flasks.

Doctors and nutritionists seem to think that if you freeze water, you can take away structured water, which is friendly to the human body. The greatest diuretic effect, which cleanses the toxins, can be eliminated, like drinking warm water.

Prevention of accumulation of rіdini

Drink at least two liters of water a day. Change the amount of salt and zucru, otherwise turn off their health. Zukor can be replaced with fruits, natural honey. Dotrimuvatisya rational and proper eating, which includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, lactic acid products. and outdoor walks speed up metabolism, lead to active diuresis. Do not live without the recognition of a doctor of sechoginal preparations, so as not to call the drug to the body.

Doing the right nutritional regimen, reducing the diet of products, yakі utrimuyut water - zahist organism rich ailments.

Beauty is Healthy Healthy

With the problem of nabryakiv and zayvoi rіdini in the body, we know more people. Often, pіdіyshovshi lies to the mirror, we note that the appearance of the nіbi is swollen or swelled. On the arms and legs, the tucks are also marked badly, the one behind other signs: strongly emboss shoes, and summer storm vr_zayutsya at shkir; vzimku well, it’s important to fasten the “bliskavka” on the boots.

Like "heaviness at the feet" is felt, but old-fashioned look the marks are unmemorable, you can put your finger near the area of ​​​​homilka: if you lose the trace - the mark is.

Do the sounds get tricky?

It is not easy to determine the reason for the swelling of the tissue and the fault in the wrong - a competent medical diagnosis is required.

For example, the body consumes more rіdini, less visible; the balance of electrolytes or the exchange of speech is broken; є Illness of SHKT, hearts, livers, and nirok.

The Motherland can get stuck through a lack of movement, incorrect posture, smoky weather, a robot in one position - sitting or standing, implanting certain faces - including contraceptives, wearing a tight (non-handled) robe and vomit. In women, it is also possible to have PMS with constrictions, and it is not possible to have a healthy one, although it is impossible to take it with the norm.

If water is trapped in tissues, the body will have to work for the minds of serious adversity. It’s better to spend months and inspire fates: a lot of people with us just call to their ailments, and respect that you can’t do anything about them.

Sometimes, having shown in themselves schilnіnіst to nabryakіv, people pragmatically surround the homeland, but there is no problem. The streaks are overcast, they don’t seem to improve themselves.

The body needs to excrete toxins - for which water is needed. Even though it is not enough, the organism checks, the docks do not get enough, and the nirks cease to work to full strength. Ale, having dealt with such problems, people do not calm down, and go to sechoginnyh pіguly: the homeland, accumulated “by force”, forcibly removed, and the process starts anew.

What to work, to get away the locks of the homeland and the vindication of the tangles? Take away from the diet products that will trim the homeland, or speed up their recovery to a reasonable minimum. Even if the pressures are strong, for a certain hour of war it is necessary to use such products regularly, give the body an hour to change and bring in water without tension. It’s true, it’s rich, it’s impossible to get along without these products, and the stench asks: what about it?

Products that hinder the homeland

Nasampered, “shvidka zha” and ready products from the store: brought home - і їzh. At the first place, be it smoked meat and preserves - meat and fish, salted fish “before beer”, like beer itself. Whether any alcohol is a warning: the body actively fights against starvation, helps to restore the acid-lubric balance and eventually return to normal. Chips, croutons and other snacks, rich sill, also irritate the body and tame the homeland.

Photo: products that trim the homeland

Vzagalі sіl mіstsya in rich products, and in chimalih kіlkosty, and we also add її in stravi, yakі z tsikh produktіv folded: for example, salt salad with cowbass, sir and mayonnaise. Whether it be lubricated, you can also trim the water, like potatoes, meat or rum'yanі mlintsi. And watering potatoes and pasta with ketchup, we seriously make it difficult for the robot to nirok, like that and it’s not licorice like that.

Fatty home-made sauces, pickles and marinades, canned compotes, high-fat dairy products, eggs, white wine (especially from white boar), store-bought malts - in the form of tea and soda to chocolate zucerok and syrups, brewed drinks, vitrimanium sir, margarine and spread, juices from tsukrom, licorice tea and kava - tse is far from complete list products that save the accumulated money.

Let's talk about deyaki products and reports. From the drive, kawi can be blamed for summation: it seems that the most popular drink may have a sechoginal effect. It’s worth doing so, like drinking kava without zucru, and in order to make a great quantity - no less than 3 cups. Ale mi sing liquorice kava, that comes from the livers, and the homeland is occupied, and not seen.

We all know about the melancholy of milk, sulfur and yoghurt, but with the introduction of high-fat "milk" the body starts to vibrate more insulin, the presence of which helps the work of supra-nipple ulcers: the stench vibrates a hormone that absorbs sodium salts.

Photo: products that trim the homeland

In order to be healthy, people need only 2.5 g of salt for production, and less than 1/3 tsp, I also eat, as if being objective, you can not add salt in the fire. Why? And to those who are attached to the prihovannoy look strong in natural, natural products, and not only in store-bought, ready-to-eat drinks.

So, in a portion of the great beetroot, peas or red cabbage, up to 9% of the additional norm of salt can be removed; in pasta and cereals - up to 14%, in greens and mushrooms - from 3 to 15% thinly. Tse daєtsya dribnitsa, ale mi salty zhu when cooking, and then add “something salty” to “brighten up” the menu.

Sauerkraut is a rich vitamin product, ale and її should be used wisely: salt in it is even richer - up to 800 mg per 100 g.

One more moment - drive through excess creatine. Tsya should be in the body mainly with meat and fish, and is often synthesized by nirks, liver and pidshlunkovoy slough. Creatine is a source of energy for food (which is why athletes take yoga as an additive), but if you use it daily, it is scantly small - less than 2 g per doba. And m'yasnі ta ribnі stravi їmo chi not today, i more than once; excess creatine works on the accumulation of water - up to 2 liters, so it’s like a blur “not visible to the eye”. In order to restore the balance of the diet, it is not necessary to take sechoginn, or to reduce the diet; Navpaki, drink up to 3 liters of pure water for doba, for aphids without salt, until you “get over” the bumps.

Prihovana sil can "know" and more brown products wanting to look at first glance, it seems to be wondrous. Від 2 to 8% salt can be mixed with corn and wheaten plastic, chicory, green sour kvass, wheat bread, potatoes, selera (root), spinach, bananas, rodzinki, oranges, finches, herbs, peas, tomatoes and іn.

What can you get away with?

І scho now robiti? Include a product from the diet less than the one in the new one? Call me.

Be aware of the products that we need normal life, not possible at any time. And the axis is to change the amount of salt varto, as if to change eating for better: stop eating fast food, I’m ready to eat, cowbass, mayonnaise and ketchup, and start enjoying freshly prepared cabbage, with environmentally friendly and natural products.

Zukor spryaє utrimannya rіdini, like strength, and we can do without it for sure, replacing it with honey, dried fruits, and thin jams. - At sensible kіlkostyakh.

Walks and walks are physically right, inspire at the sight of a rank charge, even speed up the exchange processes, improve the work of the nirok and avoid the troubles.

Take sechoginnі likki without a doctor is not a trace, but drink pure water, up to 2 liters per extract, it is necessary for obov'yazkovo: if the balance of vitrati vody is maintained in the body, do not blame the blemishes. In the meantime, if the sun and the hot wind “take away” more water from us, following the dietary regimen is especially important.

products that trim the native land, like products trim the native land

Water blockage in the body - the problem is expanded. Often, those who have been hit by this intolerance, give up that their body has “swallowed” fat. But really, the reason is the fact that the body does not bring home that has accumulated. In these states, mi rosepovimo, yakі products zatrimuyut water in the body.

Zatrimka ridini in the body - causes

Water accumulates in the tissues of the body. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya, if the balance of forces is broken, scho viznayut Rukh Rіdini on the body.

As it is important for the body to see water, it becomes swollen. At the same time, we inject:

  • diet with high sodium content;
  • filthy krovobig, causes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • in the life of life.

Ridini's huts are easy to see. What rank?

1. Improvement of the vaga.

2. Appearance of blisters, especially on the legs and brushes.

3. Complete a simple test. Press on the skin with your finger. Literally a few seconds. Every now and then it's too late white next and fossae mean you have a patch of radii in your body.

In order to reduce symptoms, reduce dietary intake with low salt intake and improve spondylitis and products with a diuretic (sechoginal) effect.

What products trap water in the body

If there are health problems, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt that has been saved, and turn off the products, to stimulate the drought.

Alcohol drinks

Here it is, their living is calling for a stronger bazhannya in the toilet. Ale, regardless of the price, our tili accumulates zayvi tsukor. yelling for a trap at the bottom of the boat and at the feet.

Kelih of wine for a day does not become a problem. Ale, large doses of high-calorie drinks, such as beer and cocktails are more likely to turn on.

Kovbasnі virobi

We are so fond of smoked meats in revenge for the great quantity of sodium. And they stink too fat. All this causes a trap in the body. The sorting out of the diet of cows' viruses negatively influences and blood-bearing judges.

Shvidky snacks

Look for croutons, chips and other similar products, like removing excess salt and spices that enhance the taste. In addition, such a thing is causing a strong fallow. As a rule, it’s important to go for one serving – we get the whole pack, don’t we?

Obrobleny tsukor

It is rich from what we can avenge the majestic kіlkіst tsukru and pіdsolodzhuvachіv. Zukor is too much like that, as if he were calling out scribbles. As you are turbulent zatrimka rіdini in organіzmі, varto surround spozhivannja tsukrі and know yoma natural alternative, for example, stevia or honey.

Overworld accumulation of rіdini lead to the development of pathological processes in the body. I have impersonal reasons why I will provoke the blaming of whom. The materials of the article have a different water balance, products that retain water in the body and about those, which are rich in carbohydrates.

Destruction of the optimal water balance is a serious problem for the health of the people. The organism begins to work at the regime of advancement of innovation. If you don’t get used to everyday visits, then people start to get sick.

After reading the article, you know:

Water balance value

For people to maintain the optimal volume of energy, it is necessary to follow the correct nutritional regimen. Tse understanding shows the ideal balance between vitratoy and the necessary water to the body. For doba, a person can live close to 50 ml of water per kilogram of body mass. It is also necessary to take care of the weather and wash that camp of health. The water balance is to deposit a small amount of saved water, and to navit її vedennya. I will leave the existing sechovidilna system and the sweat gully. Why is water in the body consumed, nourishes you? Dejaka zha can cause damage to the water balance, which leads to the accumulation of radiance and the development of low pathological processes.

Products zatrimyu rіdina

With a high dose of sodium chloride, creatine and caffeine to bring up the accumulation of radiine. Superbly accepted thought products, which zatrimuyut water in the body, can be not only salty and licorice. Lovers of licorice tea and kawi varto should pay attention to the promotion of insulin, the shards of which hormone will spriya zatrimtsі rіdini. Bring alcohol to drink until you get stuck.

Silver products

For normal life of a person, the body needs sodium chloride. Strength is not less than water, but a supporter of the life of the necessary ions. Too little or not enough speech, however, shkidlivy for a person. Most of the food products in your warehouse should be filled with sodium chloride, so that at first glance the stench is not salty.

The most salt is found in ready-to-eat food, as a way to avenge preservatives, barvniks and other food additives. Taka yak: cowbasnі virobi, chips, mayonnaise, ketchup, marinade, pickles, crackers, smoked meats and other swedish dishes.


It is impossible to see the cold season of rock without sauerkraut. Tsya grass is not only savory, but even more corny. However, in case of hypertensive ailments and pathologies, it is categorically fenced in to live in the grass. Sauerkraut avenges a large amount of salt, as it can provoke the appearance of an upset or a hypertensive crisis.

Additional norm of salt

For an average statistically mature dobov, the norm is approximately 15 grams. Get respect! Dobovu will need to include sodium chloride, which can be found in food products. Vcheni pіdrakhuvali, scho in the product for schennogo vzhivannya enter close to 10 grams of speech. From the vishchevykladenoї іnformatsії viplivaє vysnovok, scho for a normal life of safety for production, no more than 5 grams of salt is needed.

Sodium chloride is necessary for the treatment of acid-puddle water in the body. People who live in strength in the supra-worldly cultures can lead to serious harm to their health. Too much speech is used to stimulate an active blockage of the water, which will lead to chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, sectoral and endocrine systems. If a person has been diagnosed with more illness, then it is necessary to reduce salt reduction to 1.5 grams. The deyakі patients with hypertensive ailment, yakі turned on the strength of their diet to stabilize indications of arterial pressure. The additional norm of sodium chloride can be taken from the finished industrial production. Toil on the same food additives: E339, E301, E211, E401, E500.

Creatine and vision

Pribіchniki sports life for the expansion of growth of m'yazovoї tissue and the promotion of vitality vicarious creatine. If you need to take a dose (not more than 25 g / dobu), then this speech is safe for health. Building creatine is often synthesized in human organisms. Kharchov's additive in small quantities is found in meat products. When superimposed, creatine traps water. The volume of excess water can reach 2 liters. The problems that were caused by the over-the-counter administration of creatine cannot be tidied up for additional diuretics and reduced food intake. It’s not only not to give a bagan effect, but even more than a day of water, shards all the water goes to the big m'yazovoi masi. In order to restore the water-electrolyte balance of a person, it is necessary to drink 3 liters of water per day.

Infusion of kawi on water balance

To make it easy to drink water for food, which zatrimuє kava water in the body, the shards of physiological water to drink to lie down in rich factors. Kava zatrimuє water in the body, so if you drink less than three cups a day, then you won't bring up the swell. Above the world, I will drink licorice and have a sechoginal effect. For the following reasons, female women are categorically fenced to live in kava.

Dairy products

As a result of numerical investigations, it was revealed that milk, syrup and other sour-milk products trim the motherland. The obvious reason for this appearance is the sight of insulin. An increase in the concentration of the hormone of the submucosal layer promotes the production of aldosterone. Tsya speech zatrimuє sodium chloride. For swedish renewal after the supra-mundane physical developments and the training of doctors, dietitians recommend to live dairy products.

Toxin ta zatrimka vodi

Alcohol, medicines and other toxic substances lead to the elimination of the body from the body. All the listings of speech are taken by the body, as if it were wiped off and that it is slandered by them. Zahisny mechanizm of directing to the distribution and lowering the negative impact on the people.

Products for vision

Shvidko that carelessly pozbutis zayvoї rіdini in home minds is possible for help eating. Vyvedenniu vodi spryya vzhivannya produktіv kharchuvannya z vysokommіstom tsіtkovinі vіtaminіv group B:

  1. Fruits: kavun, dinya, viburnum, avocado, banana, blackberry, polunitsya.
  2. Vegetables: cabbage, asparagus, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, garmelon, beetroot, licorice pepper.
  3. Cereals: buckwheat and wheat whiskey.
  4. Vіdvari, prepared with chamomile, centaury, chicory, melisi and calendula.
  5. Hibiscus chi green tea

Vitamins and vision of the native

It is not rational to eat food to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Hypovitaminosis with zatrimtsі rіdini in the body. It is possible to use such foodstuffs in eating to help compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals:

  • veal, red fish and bananas rich in vitamin B 6;
  • vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products to place high amounts of vitamins of group B and D;
  • oranges, lemons, tangerines, parsley, crisps and spinach can be high in Mg and K.

Pure water

Dotrimannya proper nutritional regimen will help you to get rid of excess water. It is better to win pure non-carbonated water, lower juices, teas and compotes in which there is a large amount of zucru. To cleanse the body of toxins, nutritionists recommend that you drink warm water.

Prevention of accumulation of rіdini

Regularly engaging in sports and eating properly is the best way to prevent the accumulation of home. The skin of a person is responsible for maintaining a nutritional regimen and living at least 1.5-2 liters of water for production. Eating may be correct and rational. Next to the uniqueness of zhі z high instead of zucru and salt. Instead of malting can be grown in small quantities of dried fruits. However, the correction of eating and the active image did not help to solve the problem with constrictions, it is necessary to turn to the doctor for help. It is independently categorically fenced to take sechoginnі preparations and herbs. Lack of control can lead to a rise in water and other complications.

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