Roslin tablets. Luxurious herbs photo with names from a to z. Sechoginny effect of tablets "Canephron N"

Tsіlyuschi power grew in the old days, so herbal pills for coughing are not new, better, the price is a new form of long ago and overturned zasobіv for exaltation.

Even when writing was born, it was thought about crooks of authority old roslins. Years of knowledge were supplemented by the knowledge of the leading herbalists.

Important! Due to the fact that the formulation of the pills and syrups is produced by thousands of people, we can not worry about the blame for some unknown side effects.

Most natural tablets based on herbs can not be counter-indicated, they are generally safe, they are suitable for everyone, regardless of age.

About the safety of the preparations, it is necessary to note those who have the most drugs without a prescription. Obviously, self-deprecation is threatening with negative traces. Keep in mind that you can harm yourself practically be a drug. Ale medicines, grown on a herbal basis, don’t carry any good luck.

Herbal pills for coughing are easier to zastosovuvaty zavdyaki soft relish, like and volodyat more important similar preparations. Through the lightness of the victorious, the availability and the low cost of the cost, they occupy a daily space in modern medicine.

How similar synthetic preparations and herbs are, with all equal data, it will be obvious: natural is significantly better for rich aspects. We especially note such a drug can be people with contraindications before the ingestion of synthetic drugs for those who suffer from sprat ailments and are afraid of side effects.

Peculiarities of vikoristannya herbs

Widely vikoristovuyutsya like tablets on a roslinnіy basis, and ointments, syrups, lozenges, vodvari toshcho. bud. All types of medications may have their own specific method and are effective in case of a sinus diagnosis.

Particularly popular tablets, stink may be low in comparison with synthetic drugs. In particular, you can name the following:

  • richly blame the nebazhanі pobіchnі dії;
  • do not call out;
  • vikoristovuyutsya independently in the age of the patient;
  • їhnya diya richly m'yaksha;
  • give a positive impact on the body with a blast.

All these scores are not transverse, and they are overturned by the bagataristic achievements, but here is the other side, as if laying a singing ticket. Nedolіki so іsnuyut, and itself:

  1. The stench is important to help with zanedbanih camps. Due to its lightness, the effect, which smells like a stench, is significantly weaker.
  2. So prepare and sound cost more expensively.

Vartіst likіv zavzhd to fallow in the fact that іnggredients vikoristovuvali under the hour of virobnitstva. No less important are those who are a picker who releases this product.

Far from taking such health pills to help people, sometimes you can blame the need for strong medicines. In such cases, preparations on a growing basis vicarious are added, the stench is easier to overcome the disease and reduce the negative influx of tablets.

Nasampred herbal tablets for coughing are recommended for children, who do not have an unacceptable relish, do not exclaim pain sensations and are easily wetted.

Pharmaceutical form of the drug

Important! The main meta of herbal tablets is the fight against dry cough, which is not harmful to the corrosive organism.

Since this symptom is very unacceptable and actively spreads disease-causing microbes, it is necessary to fight with it, and the pill itself can cope with it best.

The main function of tablets for coughing is to give an antiseptic remedy and relieve the symptom itself. And then, after receiving the likiv, the wild way is covered with a special warehouse, which is established at the hour of the opening of the ice plant. Himself attack the cough and become relatives.

Something else on the right with a wet cough. Vіn bring melancholy to the organism, and even phlegm from bronchial tubes. When fighting with cym cough, it is necessary to ease the removal of the native from the dyspial passages. For whom it is better to vicorate syrups for coughs and balms.

Zavdyaki authorities, scho penetrate, and easy incorporation into the body of quick syrups and at the same time effectively dissolve sputum. The majority of such drugs may also be anti-power. Obviously, after the scorching of the sputum, the sputum becomes richer.

In order to identify the reason for coughing, it is necessary to turn to fakhivtsya. Age wine is only a symptom, and the cause itself needs to be known. Possibly, it’s just a cold, but sometimes there are serious problems. As soon as the diagnosis is established, it is possible to choose the faces.

Nayvіdomіshi pіgulki vіd cough - herbs, called them Dr. MOM. Ale also uses water analogues - Gorpils and Zula ice groves. This is not the whole list of preparations, if they are used in lozenges, they will show a good result.

Likarskiy zasib Likar MOM

The main advantage of this preparation is a high level of productivity and ease of application. Virobnik presents a wide range of flavor additives in its products. The range allows you to choose the drug from the same variety of warehouse components. In the main preparation, there are unique growths, like vicarious, with a splendid method.

In general, one can name the basis for which the product vibrates:

  • licorice goal, abo licorice - 15 mg;
  • ginger root - 10 mg;
  • fruits of the tree Philanthus emblica - 10 g;
  • levomenthol - 7 p.

The extracts are the key ones, the stench can have the strongest effect. But there are also additional speeches for the necessary form, relish and strength of the pastilles efficiency:

  • sucrose;
  • dextrose rare;
  • glycerol;
  • citric acid; monohydrate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • flavor;
  • barvnik.

This preparation is more like a dewdrop. Repair protizapalnu, udharkovalnu, antispasmodic and pain-relieving diyu, dodatkovo drug may have antipyretic and antiseptic effect.

Doctor MOM helps with ailments, like a dry cough, they can lead to pharyngitis, laryngitis, including “lecturer’s”, tracheitis, bronchitis. Often vikoristovuєtsya with other preparations for dressing.

Note! Instructions for administering herbal tablets for coughing Likar IOM recommend that grown-ups take the tablet properly in the mouth with empty skin for 2 years, not more often.

Take no more than 10 ice cubes per day. The course of likuvannya becomes 2-3 days.

Dose yaskraviy representative of herbal tablets and include anonymous extracts of various roses. The drug is based on the core of 5 main herbs:

  1. Gola licorice (liquorice) helps to help mitigate the dihal paths, and that throat helps sick people. Reduces the intensity and severity of coughing. Spriyaє razrezhennyu and vyvedennya sputum from bronchial tubes.
  2. Ginger medicinal may have antibacterial power and give the drug an antispasmodic effect. Zavdyaki tsomu zrostaє prosvit bronchial tubes. Actively pouring into the body, reducing pathogenic, disease-causing bacteria of staphylococcus and streptococcus.
  3. The emblem of the drug has an anti-spasmodic and antispasmodic effect on the body, which relieves cough and changes its frequency.
  4. Turmeric dovga serve as a supplementary drug for the strengthening of pills, the shards may have antiseptic and anti-seizure power.
  5. Menthol (pepper mint) is the main role of the growth in the power of the local anesthetic, through which the throat is significantly less turbulent.

Do not contraindicate in cases of pregnancy, driving a car does not affect contraception. It is accepted 2-3 times a day for an hour and a half, it is necessary to correctly check the payment. The course of likuvannya becomes 1-2 tizhnі.

Tsej zasіb vikoristovuєtsya for easing the speedy overcoming of the ailment of the wild ways, with whom to avenge the unique formula and є kremya zavdyaks to their dekіlkom authorities:

  1. Do not take revenge on the tsukra. It is not necessary for the patient to recover the norm of tsukra. This is especially true for people with diabetes.
  2. Zavdyaki vіdsutnostі tsukru reduced and calorie content. Compared with competitors by 40% lower and become 235 kcal per 100 gr.
  3. Totally non-shedding for teeth. Navpaki, ice-growers of the building to restore the acid-lunar balance in the company.
  4. The warehouse has natural citrus juices, sorbitol and vitamins. Zavdyaki vykoristannyu natural juices, pills can take a relish.

Vіdmіnno dopomogaє, to that scho іntensіvnіє іnіtіvіnі, force that razdratuvannya kasli. Know the soreness at the throat. The main series of tablets "Lemon Melisa", yak vikonan with eucalyptus extract, includes lemon balm that tsiliy bouquet of jubilant herbs.

Zastosovuєtsya kіlka razіv for a day, more shortly after that. There is no contraindication for the drug.

It is obvious that the herbal pills deserve respect, the shards have effectively shown themselves in the fight against cough, with which it is practically not possible to contra-indicate, and they can be congested in the same time with other faces.

Diseases of the organs of the sechostatic system cause discomfort and disrupt the life of a person. Tablets in the form of vicarious are used to relieve the symptoms of ailments and alleviate the causes of their vindication. Fallow in the nature of disease, groups of preparations are seen. For a complete dressing, you need a complex polishing. Before ingestion of the drug by the patient, it is possible to repeat the instructions for the new one.

Antispasmodics for nirok

All ailments are accompanied by ailments, which cause discomfort to patients. For znyattya spasm m'yazіv ta sudin nirok vikoristovuyutsya preparations and zі spasmolytic effect. In domestic minds, it is recommended to use vicorist on the basis of drotaverine. “No-shpa”, “Papaverin” and “Platifilin” are known to such people. The transferred faces are softly injected into the ointment to the organ and it causes spasm. Prote with a call for a strong painful spasm, the stench is effective. For some type of color combinations, such as "Spazmalgon", "Baralgin" and "Spazmonet". Before the treatment, you should consult with the doctor.

Analgesics for ailments nirok

Non-steroidal protizapalnі zasobi zdatnі not only rent a bіl, but also pour on the fuse of the process.

Tablets for drugs with analgesic action are divided into 2 groups: antipyretics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Faces of both groups are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Before antipyretics, one can see the simplest painkillers, head fluttering speech such as analgin or paracetamol. Before them one can see "Analgin", "Tempalgin", "Nurofen" and "Panadol". Cream of pain, stench infused and on the temperature of the body, step by step normalizing її. Another group of preparations is put in order to change the ignition process from the authorities. Before them lie "Citramon", "Aspirin" and "Diclofenac". To torment the patient with unbearable pain and the transferred faces do not help, the doctor can use analgesics of a narcotic nature: "Morphine", "Promedol".

Antiseptics and antibacterial preparations

As the cause of illness, nirok is an infection, the doctor prescribes antiseptics to the ailment. I'm crying out for the fight against sciatic micro-organisms, bacteria and fungi. For Swiss clothing, antiseptics should be combined with preparations of other groups. Potassium strength, "Piranoside", "Rifampicin" and "Levorin" are widely used for antiseptic drugs.

Incorrect use of antibacterial agents can only help the situation, if the illness goes into a chronic form.

Antibacterial protection in case of ailments nirok can be filled with a synthetic warehouse. The skin preparation may have its own peculiarities influx on the body and the exchange of water at any time. That is why self-exaltation is unacceptable. Correct and correct therapy of the building is only a sign of a doctor. The average trivality of the course becomes 12-14 days. The appearance of symptoms can be on the 5th-6th day of stagnation. However, before the end of the course, it can lead to the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Most commonly prescribed are Amoxicillin, Nalidix and Cefaclor.

Sechogіnі liki for likuvannya nirok

One of the last ailments is the disruption of their functioning. As a result, there is an accumulation of zavoi rіdini and shkіdlivih salts in tissues and organs. For normalization of the function, diuretic preparations should be used. Doctors see sprats of groups of sechogins:

  • Thiazides are characterized by swidkistyu diї. The result comes after 1-2 years after receiving it and continues until the age of 14. Perevagou їх є practically zero vihіd brown speeches at once from the section. The popularity of this group in case of ailments of nirok is explained by the simplicity of stosuvannya, there are a number of contraindications. Before thiazides, "Hypotiazid" and "Hydrochlorothiazide" are mentioned.
  • Loops of vikoristovuyutsya in the minds of the hospital, if the body of the sick needs to be swept away zayva homeland. The result comes after 15-20 quills. The stagnation of looped snitch in the minds of the home can provoke a breakdown in the balance of speeches. Name the drugs: “Etacrynic acid”, “Furosemide” and “Bufenox”.
  • Potassium-bearing water is drunk at the cob stage. The result of their coming from the world is the accumulation of fluffy speech in the body. The first effect is visible in 1-2 days after taking the cob. Perevaga - protection in the body equal to potassium and magnesium. The name of the group’s workers: “Aldactone”, “Veroshpiron” and “Spironolactone”.
  • Osmotics are used in times of severe ailment. After normalization, I will accept them. The most popular zasib is Manitol.

Preparations that fix stones

Most doctors prescribe phytopreparations at the warehouse of complex therapy.

Preparations for nirok in case of sechokam'yanіy ailments to beat the functions of crushing and expulsion of stones and pisku from organs. With this method, you can drink the faces of the synthetic adventure of the growing number of people. Often, doctors combine these groups for achieving a Swedish effect. The list of preparations to complete is great, so for the correct selection, it is necessary to turn to the doctor. The best synthetic faces: Panangin, Blemaren and Alopurinol. A good trend is to wait until the stone is out, as it is to use the German drug "Rovatinex". A good effect is achieved in the form of such benefits, such as Urolesan, Bank and Canephron.

Medicinal preparations for niroka on herbs

Faces for likuvannya nirok on herbs are widely vikoristovuyutsya in medicine. The priority is the presence of side reactions to the body. Preparations on herbs are allowed for children and women. One contraindication is individual intolerance to the ingredients in the warehouse. For the swedish dressing of the face, the doctor is guilty of picking up the doctor, depending on the results of the analysis and overcoming the illness. Lіkarski zasobi, scho to build a growing warehouse:

  • Nephroleptin is a biologically active additive. Dopomogaє improve nirkovі functions. May be a complex of diy, but if so, may be a contraindication.
  • - droplets from a set of healing herbs, as they supply the body with vitamins and microelements. Vykoristovuyutsya for cleansing nirok, likuvannya and prevention of hepatic ailments.
  • "Kanefron N" - German tablets for the treatment of nirok and sich paths. Zavdyaki warehouse is allowed to stop zastosuvannya. May 2 forms of release: droplets and tablets.
  • Cyston is practically prescribed for all nirk diseases. Revenge herbal components.

How effective is Chinese medicine?

Chinese medicine was inspired by the theory that the skin organ of a person is given energy when people are born. Moreover, there can be left over from the imminent looking as long as possible. For this purpose, to energize the organ of the world. How only the stained glass is given with the people's energy, the ailments are repaired. The Chinese respect nirks as one of the main organs. Like staining all your energy, you human being. To support the body, follow the special complex of rights:

Shchdenni have the right to positively pour like on nirks, and zmіtsnyuyut the body with a fire.
  • Stand straight, feet on the line of shoulders, feet parallel, one alone. The back should be trimmed straight. For an hour inhale, gently raise your hands with your palms to the level of your shoulders. With sight, smoothly heal the right-handed body, with which the hands are responsible for taking the cob position. Get down doti, docks of the right hand do not hit the pidlogs. Look at the day left hand. Relax. In the air, turn around in the right position. Vikonati those same in the next bek.
  • Stand straight, stretch your legs as much as possible. Fully inhale that breath. Take it to 10. At the next hour, put your hands on the nirks (on the back below the ribs) and push along the skin on the skin nirk. When you do this, yaknaiglybshe bend your back back.
  • Pochatkov's position is similar to the other right. Vіdminnіst polyagaє in that the onslaught is replaced by light slapping. It is recommended to wet your hands with cold water. By taking the necessary blood circulation replenishment

Candles for ailing nirok

The ingestion of antibacterial preparations in the form of candles is often vicorous in the case of intensified ignition processes.

Medicinal preparations for the organs of the sechostatic system in looking like candles are often used for men and women. The zasib "Palin" is widely vindicated. Vin may have antibacterial action. Visible result it comes in 1-2 years after I receive it. Prophylactic for the purpose of expanding to patients who are weak to relapse. In case of vaginal infections in women, "Palin" is prescribed in the complex with other diseases. "Phytoswitches No. 5" are vicorous in case of ailments of nirok in gostrіy and chronic forms. Before the storage of the drug, natural components are included, so that they can be used to cleanse the organs of the sebaceous system. The stench also helps to restore the functions of the nirok after suffering illnesses. Recommended dosing: 1-2 candles per doba. Trivality to the exchange rate is 10 days. After that, spend 10 days in recovery and repeat with the drug. The number of courses determines the license. Antispasmodics to reduce bіl vіd attack nirkov rings.

Kolika not є okrem zahvoryuvannyam. Most of all, it becomes a legacy of the sechokam'yanoy ailment. The main symptom of colic is bіl, which is persistently rapt and allows the person to collapse. Vagіtnі zhіnki at tsmu vіdchuvayut podvishchennya tone of the uterus, and people with a low pain threshold - boredom. Medical treatment includes the use of antispasmodics. The main ones, which are also allowed in cases of pregnancy, are “Baralgin”, “No-shpa” and “Papaverine”. Shorter version reduce the ring for the capacity of the faces - a grill filled with warm water. If it hurts nirks, then garna diya matime warm shower, building calm and relaxation.

Korisno nobility

Faces on a natural basis

Agrі - vikoristovuєtsya for exaltation and prevention of GRVI, є for children and grown-ups. Homeopathic, but also without chemicals.
Aqua Maris - on the basis of a sterile variety with sea sill, it is vicorated with undead in children up to the 1st month. Dobre vikoristovuvaty as a preventive measure in case of GRVI - destroying viruses from the mucous membrane.
AquaLor is also based on sea water. Three non-transverse pluses - great variability of the drug for the completion of different tasks.
Arnigel is a homeopathic gel from the downtrodden myst and sincs, based on the Arnika hirska plant. Arnika - roslina No. 1 in the form of blows. What is beautiful - it is possible for children after the 1st fate. I’ll add to myself that it’s been turned over more than once to go again on the next or third day.

Bronchikum - based on the extract of thyme, coughs quickly, relieves spasm in the bronchi. Children - from 6 months, but give the need carefully - there is alcohol in the warehouse.
Bronchipret is an herbal supplement, allowed to children from 3 months.
Valerian - well, everything is clear here, folk and inexpensive calm.
Venitan is a gel based on a herb extract, which is why it can not fight effectively.
Venza is a complex homeopathic medicine that is recommended for varicose veins, venous blood circulation disorders.
Galstena is also a homeopathic remedy, which is used as an auxiliary therapy for chronic diseases of the liver, mush.
Gedeliks - vodkharkuvalny zasib on the basis of ivy extract. Virobnik says that the drug is especially important for chickens. As if it wasn’t there, yogo can be victorious for children to rock.
Gelarium Hypericum - calming on the basis of St. John's wort, it is possible for children from 12 years old.
Gerbion - plantain syrup with a natural warehouse, more effective for dry cough.
Girel is a rich-component homeopathic remedy for cold symptoms. In case of severe ailments, combine with Yengistol and Traumeel.
Gentos - homeopathic pills, the most effective in complex treatment of prostate and sich mikhura.
Homeostres - pills for reducing nervousness, normalizing sleep. Components are natural, adding not only to the emotional, but also to the physical level - not only drativity, but also confusion, spasms in the drain and pain in the tongue, caused by stress. It is important that you do not call drowsiness that call
Dantinorm Baby is a special droplet for taking in the middle, which is known for various symptoms of teething in children - it is clear in case of pain and inflammation, it also affects the temperature, increases tearfulness, normalizes the style. Practically the only "natural" medical solution to the problem of teething.
Deprim is a sedative on the extract of St. John's wort, the maximum effect is reached during the course of treatment.
Dr. Mom is a cough syrup and an ointment with natural ingredients, more often it is used for the delight of children, but it can also be grown up. Especially the ointment, it has a hot warming effect. Due to the presence of essential oils, it is not recommended for people with allergic reactions
Imunal - based on the juice of echinacea, an immunostimulating drug for rejuvenating the body. Kindly accept the courses for the duration of the season. Not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases.
Influcid - homeopathic tablets for the treatment of GRVI, can be given to children from 3 years of age. Good vikoristovuvaty, if the child is overgrown with growth - they need to give a bag, but no more than 12 for the good.
Irikar - ointment, effective irritant dermatitis, helps with eczema and after biting comas. It is possible for children in age 1 with diathesis.
Traumeel is a homeopathic ointment for clogged areas and can be taken up after consultation with a doctor. Enough wide room.
Kanefron - effective zasib on herbs with cystitis, which is often vicorated for treating pyelonephritis in women.
Klimadinon is a drug for changing vegetative and vascular disorders in the menopausal period. As a rule, the effect comes after 2 days on the cob.
Climaxan is a homeopathic remedy that copes well with unacceptable manifestations of menopause, for women's symptoms - without side effects. No call.
Negrustin is a phytopreparation based on St. John's wort extract for the treatment of "non-synthetic" antidepressants. Take yoga more quickly for a long time without interruption.
Nervochel is a homeopathic sedative drug, except for indications before congestion - neurosis-like reactions in the menopausal period.
Knotta is also a homeopathic remedy that makes you anxious. I can say for myself that it is more successful to fight even without sleep. Headache - take the course - from 1 to 4 months.
Oscillococcinum is the most popular anti-cold disease in Europe. It is important that you take it on the cob ill, then you should not be allowed to get sick. In a worse mood, just get sick in a milder form.
Persen is a phytopreparation from a sedative drug, another one is natural calming. It's funny, it doesn't call for drowsiness.
Plantex is a phytopreparation for reducing etching, with fennel extract. Particularly important for those who don't, it helps gas and ring. Do not help, as the cause of gazikiv so much in your child is lactase deficiency or dysbacteriosis.
Prospan is a thick syrup for coughing, to keep quiet at the warehouse for sugar and alcohol. It is allowed for children of the 1st year of life, as well as those born for the recognition of a doctor.
Remens is a homeopathic preparation, which is prescribed both for women of a mature age to relieve symptoms of menopause, and for young girls to regulate the menstrual cycle. Take a good time and do not forget about the consultation with the doctor.
Senade is a penetrating drug based on senna, take it with care in cases of liver disease.
Sinupret is a phytopreparation that looks like a dragee that zastosovuetsya in case of acute illnesses of the wild roads, it is possible for children forever from 6 years. Effective in combination with antibacterial drugs.
Sinuforte - building sinusitis. In case of zastosuvanni, it is possible that you won’t accept it, but it’s still part of the likuval process.
Stodal is a complex cough syrup. Some of the yoga components add dry cough, otherwise - on vology. Pediatricians especially recommend for the treatment of a thorny cough, to which the use of chemical preparations for coughing is overwhelmed by the hour of zastosuvannya.
Tantum-verde, spray - antiseptic zasіb to the warehouse of which to enter, and growing, and chemical components. Effective in cases of congestion of the oral cavity and ENT organs. Children younger than 3 years old are not recommended.
Tonsilgon - droplets on a growing base with vicarious alcohol, may be antiseptic and anti-seizure. Be careful of zastosuvannyam in allergic patients and in children before the rock.
Tonsipret - homeopathic, on extracts of three roslin, zastosovuetsya in mature people with inflamed throats.
The sleep formula (for children) is natural, with herbal extracts and vitamins. Supplement popularly calm in syrup for children with problematic sleep.
Cycaderma is an ointment with growth components. For the declaration of the vineyard, only fresh roslins succumb. Die more sharply, especially in different dry butt opikiv and with coma bites, sadna; pick up the fire.
Cynabsin is a homeopathic remedy that zastosovuєtsya with sinusitis. Permissions for children in 3 years, the best for children at the warehouse of complex therapy.
Edas is an effective alternative to vessel-sounding preparations in case of undeath, but it also reduces the effect of sounding to other drops.

Dashamool vati, Dashamool in tablets.

Dasamula is the legendary highly effective Ayurvedic warehouse of ten roots of roslin. At the link with a high efficiency, this warehouse is rich in Ayurvedic colors (both for the outside and for the inside).

Dasamula is the classic warehouse of Ayurveda with ten roots. Skin growth may have its own specific powers, which effectively help to fight against impersonal problems: severe ailments, liver ailments and nirok, rheumatism and other illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, colds, fever. Dasamula vikoristovuetsya, as zasib, which cleanses and rejuvenates the body. Particularly beneficial influxes on the legenia of the bronchi, liver, supra-nirks and nirks. sechostate system strengthen immunity. Dasamula normalizes all three doshas of a person (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

Specially selected in the formulation of 10 roots of roslin combined into one Ayurvedic preparation is not vipadkovo. The skin root is directed to the normalization of the function of the singful endocrine organ. Supplemented ten roots, rich in rich mix of sitosterols and glucosides in them, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system. At the link with the cym Dasamula warehouse is effective for the treatment of all hormonal disorders.

As a result of numerical investigations, it was established that Dasamula's warehouse stimulates the growth of hypophysis somatotropin, which after a few months will help the thymus to work, and after 3-5 years it will restore its function (in atrophy). It is important that the synthesis of the somatotropic hormone of the hypophysis can have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Dasamula- miraculous zasіb for deep cleansing of the body and removal of new slags and toxins. Cleansing cream to Dasamula's body with a deep-seated and tonic way. The centrality of the power of the classical warehouse vikoristovuyutsya shdo Ayurvedic steam procedures. Steam herbal spa with warehouse Dasamula spіlno with powder massage (Udvartana) - effective treatment for shvidkogo slimming that relief from cellulite. And the herbal steam baths from Dasamula after oiling with medicinal oils during the Abhyanga procedure are the best zasib for relieving ailments of the cysts and snowdrifts.

Dashamula is indicated for ailments of nirok, liver, subcutaneous follicles, the cardiovascular system, for allergies of various walks, a great positive influx may dichal system. The beneficial infusion of Dashamuli is used in the herbal system, especially in the normalization of the robotic intestine. Nezaminny zasіb for the removal of toxins after taking antibiotics in case of various intoxications.

Dasamula, yak and Triphala, balances all three Doshas and can win as well, which cleanses and rejuvenates. It is especially beneficial for the liver and nirk, cleansing and toning the system of blood purification. You can win as a rehabilitation zasib after the slopes. Helps to remove the consequences of alcoholism.

Qi 10 roots, rich in sitosterols and glycosides, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system, regulating the function of the most important hormonal organs: thyroid, subdilute and thymic folds, supraspinal folds, static system. That Dasamula is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of hormonal illnesses.

To normalize the function of the hormonal organs, Dasamula is good to eat with Ashwagandha (1 tsp powder of two a day before it, bagan at once with warm water or herbal tea).

Contraindication for zastosuvannya There is no Dashamuli. Prote, for the correct achievement of the likuval effect, it is recommended to quickly consult a vaidya, fahivtsya from Ayurvedic medicine.

Characteristics of the main herbs to enter the Dasamuli warehouse:

  • Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
  • Zavdyaki together with specific glycoside marmelosin, may have antiarrhythmic and tonic effect. The richness of the roslini azulenі vumovlyuє protizapalnuyu and antipyretic diyu.
  • Agnimantha (Premna integrefolia)

Stimulates the work of the sluice and the slugs. Specific alkaloid gum can tone up the effect. The presence of salicylates in this plant allows you to stop yoga in the treatment of rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, in the new speeches were found that suggest the reproduction of gonococci.

  • Shionaki (Oroxilum indicum)
  • Rich in glycoside oroxilone, which hopes for pain relief, sweating and antispasmodic action. Roslin vikoristovuetsya for the treatment of gastroenterocolitis, rheumatism and colds.
  • Kasmar'ya (Gmelina arborea)
  • May I relax, sechoginna, lactogenous diyu. Victory for the exaltation of gonorrhea and chronic cystitis. Usuvaє іntoksikatsіyu stings of snakes and scorpions.
  • Patala (Stereospermum suaveoleus)
  • Usuvaє intoxication, zmenshuє nabryaki that cough.
  • Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

May show a fever-reducing and sweating diarrhoea. Roslin is rich in alkaloid gum, which results in a tonic effect.

  • Prishniparna (Uraria picta)

Zavdyaki rich in place of terpenoid tannins, bleeding and contraction of the endothelial vessel. It is also indicated for the expiratory and antipyretic effects.

  • Vrihati (solanum indicum)

May be mucolytic, expiratory, anti-allergic. Particularly effective for treating bronchial asthma. Usuvaє manifestations of flatulence and intestinal kolki. The same anti-swelling effect was revealed. Avoid alkaloid solanidine, mucopolysaccharides and pectin.

  • Kantakari (Solanum jaquini)

Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids and statin hormones, rich in carpesterol. Glucoalkaloids solancarpine and solacarpidin cause persistent cough, vasomotor rhinitis, croupyva. In tsієї roslini, the same calming and sechoginal effect was revealed.

  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)

Є most famous dewy from the group of roots dashamula. Even richer in salts of silicic acid, the presence of such transitions of stones at nirkah. In gokshura, speeches were found that put a vibratory anti-seizure and bacteriostatic effect on the sechostate sphere. Normalizes the synthesis of low viscosity. Strengthen the potency. Pereskodzhaє development of chronic prostatitis and adenoma of the anterior slough.


For a callous zastosuvannya:

Zmishati 20 gr. Dashamuli with 3 liters of water. Boil up to 2 liters. Otrimany vіdvar add water near the water for an hour to take a bath, or vikoristovuvat for watering the body.

For vikoristannya in the steam room, phyto-barrels: 5 g (5 tablets) Place Dasamula in a special room in the steam room, like grinding the tablets.

For internal infusion: 2 tablets before meals for 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day. For a stronger effect, 5 UAH is possible. (10 tab.) Potovkti, pour 1 liter of water and evaporate on a steam bath by 1/3. Take 200 ml per day (the norm for the whole day) before eating. In the acute phase of illness, increase the rate of implantation to 400 ml. difference.

Illness nirok occupy one of the most important places in the middle of all pathologies that are diagnosed. A number of people become ill significantly over time and are often aggravated by chronic ailments, such as an adenoma of the anterior follicle, damage to the grass tract, bloody diabetes. Competently pіdіbrаnі liki vіd nіrok zdatnі, at least, zapobіg pobіg pobіg progres vvorobі і pіdtremati їх normal function And, as a maximum, with proper diagnostics, access to a full examination.

Pathology nirok

Three reasons for blaming all illnesses can mentally be subdivided into:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Non-infectious.

Infectious infections of nirok can be inherited from the later penetration of infection and are feared, as a rule, in case of advanced illnesses:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • michurov-sechovidny reflux.

Also, the penetration of infection can be due to the additional migration of pathogenic microorganisms in the bloodstream from any inflammation in the body. So, for the first vipadik, it’s more important for the wake-up callers є:

  • intestinal stick;
  • enterococci;
  • Klebsiella.

Long-term ignition processes lead to tissue atrophy.

The development of inflammation after a secondary infection, for example, after suffering pneumonia, is characterized by the prevalence of offensive pathogenic microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria

When choosing a risk for the treatment of inflammation, the next step is to protect the patient from infection and the type of alarm.

Illness of a non-infectious nature includes:

  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • newborn at nirkah;
  • nephrosclerosis nirok.

Structural changes in tissues, caused by other diseases, often become the cause of the entrapment of pathogenic microorganisms in the skin and lead to the development of an infectious process. So it’s supposed to be a complicated infection of the nirok, and for no apparent reason, which called out the obstruction of pathogens in tissues, it’s even more important to reach the exultation.

Utvennya kaminnya sprays the development of the ignition process

The main directives to the injection of drug therapy

The choice of drugs for the treatment of drugs is based on the choice of optimal preparations, building complex injections, directing on:

  • identifying the causes of illness (revealing inflammation, spreading calculi);
  • maximum relief of symptoms;
  • normalization of nirk function.

As a rule, in order to achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to take 2-4 types of tablets per day. Therefore, whether pathology is accompanied by a simple set of symptoms of a different degree of intensity, like a legacy, a development of complications. So, for example, the release of stones in 80% of depressions is accompanied by an igniting process, which is important to add antibiotics and antibacterial drugs, in connection with the disruption of normal diuresis.

In this case, preparations for the treatment of nirok due to ease the removal of calculi and ensure a normal section, which will bring the most visible infection of the infectious microflora from the nirkov tissues. For the sake of this, I use the method of zastosovuyt preparations, recognized for the improvement of work and work, tobto sechoginn.

It is not possible to accept sechoginnі zasobi for presence in the nirks of a stone with a size greater than 0.5 cm at the link with a risk of blockage of the sichovivіdnyh passages.

Preparations for treatment of ignition diseases

The fuses in nirkah are less in thirds in depression and self-inflicted illnesses. The most important is the development of inflammation in the aftermath of any concomitant illnesses:

  • adnexitis;
  • parametritis;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • hyperplasia of the anterior fold;
  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • Complimentary post-diagnostic procedures (cystoscopy).

Chim more vik ailing, tim more ymovіrnіst complicated bypassing the ignition process

Vimogi up to antibacterial drugs in a variety of drugs are at the reach of maximum efficiency when administered at a minimum amount of the drug. A similar effect can be reached by the individual, as a result of such power:

  • antimicrobial activity when sick;
  • shifting the development of resistance to antibiotics in the main pathogens;
  • zdatny create a high concentration of active speech in the section and blood syrovattsi.

Antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone group:

  • ciprofloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Maxifloxacin/

Antibiotic of the sulfanilamide group:

  • Co-trimoxazole (biseptol);
  • Sulfadimesin;
  • Lidaprim.


  • Furadonin;
  • Furazidin;
  • Furamag.


  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin.

In the rest of the hour, in practice, it is rare to stop the preparations of the groups of aminopenicillins, nitrofuran and tetracyclines in connection with the development of the resistance of infectious microorganisms to the infusion of these preparations.

Keep in mind that the systematic use of one of those antibiotics in the treatment of inflammatory diseases can lead to resistance to the new main illness.

The right choice of antibiotic is a guarantee of successful treatment

Preparations for cutting stone

Preparations for nirok in case of litholithiasis (urinary ailment) docilly stop, as a result of the diagnosis of urate stone. Apparently, two types of stones are established at nirkah:

  • urate;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • zmіshanі.

For the purpose, up to a group lie stones, which have settled in nirks, stop low diagnostic procedures:

  • x-ray;
  • analysis of the section for the presence of secic acid

Like a stone is good to visualize when ultrasonic follow-up, Alezovsim is not visible on the X-ray image, and if you want to exceed the norm by a little bit, you can see the detected stones up to the urate group.

Uratne kaminnya may be small, so there is a difference

The preparations, which are used for stoking the stone, can be brought to the group of citrates and lead to a significant decrease in the acidity of the cross section. To improve the acid-puddle balance on the advanced level, for a trivial hour, spray the step-by-step separation of stones that have settled. Trivality zastosuvannya citrates lie down in the form of a stone and kolivaetsya in 3 to 7 months.

Oxalate stones are shaped by a signifi- cantly smaller world. The stagnation of citrates in this case is only as much as possible with the method of prevention of the development of sechokam'yanoy ailments and the fear of a distant growth of stones, which have already been formed.

In connection with a large number of side effects due to citrate insufficiency for additional diagnostic procedures, it is necessary to assess the intensity of the lithiasis and to stop the preparations, including in case of obvious progress in healing.

Drinking citrates for the treatment of litholithiasis should be drunk with clear drink (not less than 2 liters per day) and dietary therapy.

Preparations of citrate groups can be named as follows:

  • Thiopronin;
  • Penicylamine;
  • Biliurin;

The drug Blemaren is released from apparently effervescent birds.

Spasmolytic benefits

Antispasmodic tablets for treatment are considered to be myotropic or neurotropic preparations, which apply a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the sciatica, while stimulating their function.

Antispasmodic treatment with preparations of the first cherga in the treatment of sechokam'yanoy ailment and nir's kolka. Їх zastosuvannya spryaє:

  • improvement of blood circulation for the rhinokrosis of the expansion of the vessels, which is also relevant for nephrosclerosis of the vessels;
  • usunennya swollen fabrics;
  • expansion of the lumen of sieve passages, which helps to reduce the risk of obstruction of sieve paths.

The stagnation of neurotropic effects may be on the development of spasm of the smooth lingual tissue and the development of pain syndrome, based on the strangulated nerve impulse, which stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscles. List of pills that can cause a neurotropic effect:

  • Platifilin;
  • Scopalamin.

Myotropic zabeb nadaet rozlablyuyuyuyu diyu directly on m'yazovі fibers, priyayuchi znyatyu spasm. Diya myotropnyh zabіv zazvichay do not perevishchuє 2-3 years, so zastosovuvat їх next not less than 2 times a day. The following spasmolytic myotropic effects were widely used during the treatment of nirok:

  • Papaverine;
  • Eufilin.
  • Dibazol.

No-shpa is the most commonly used drug for treatment of sechokamyanoi ailments

In case of acute sechokam'yanoy ailments dotsilnym є zastosuvannya myotropic spasmolytic diseases internally in the presence of urticaria 2 times a day.

Sechoginnі zasobi

Zastosuvannya sechogіnnih zabіv directing on the restoration of normal nirkovї funktsії, zastoschennya vysvedennya pathogenic microflora in case of flaming ailments and calculi in the presence of sechokamyanіy ailments.

There are impersonal diuretics that are differentiated by the mechanism of diuretics. The largest of them are:

  • Furosemide;
  • Torasemide;
  • Dover.

However, in connection with the risk of a development of side effects and an increase in the urge to nirki, as at the time of admission, there are already a lot of negative factors (igniting processes, cuts in sickness), as a result, it is recommended to stop. Herbs, buildings give a mild sechoginal effect, which does not have a negative impact on the nirk:

  • martyr (wild bear);
  • birch trees;
  • corn rolls.

Herbal selection, which is to take revenge at your warehouse, transferred more herbs in any combinations, we give not only sechoginna, but also antiseptic dії. If there is a drug that reduces diuresis, it is necessary to zastosovuvat courses for two days, so that when taking sechogins, the blood salt balance is disrupted.

Nirk tea is recommended as a soft sechoginny zasib


Analgesics, which zastosovyvaetsya in the treatment of drugs, can be classified as alkanoic acids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPZZ), and may have such a effect:

  • ignore pain syndrome;
  • pereskodzhayut rozvitku zapalennya.

The largest victorious oil refinery:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ibuprofen.

Irrespective of the underlying cause, which is caused by NVPS, side effects on the liver, nirk and intestines can prevent the blockage of these drugs for three hours. Therefore, it is important to take into account the stosuvanny as an analgesic drug for the combined drug baralgin, which can be stored in the warehouse of the anesthetic (Metamizol) and the vasodilatory disease (Fenilpiverin, Pitophenone).

Zasobi on herbs

Yak independent and additional zasib at medicinal treatment Infection with nirok is recommended to use drugs based on growing components. It is also effective to use phytopreparations for the prevention of nirok. As of today, there are no drugs based on herbs:

  • Kanefron N;
  • Nephroleptin;
  • Fitolizin;
  • cystone;
  • Urolesan;
  • Gentos.

Kanefron N

The drug can be antispasmodic, antispasmodic and litholytic. Trivale zastosuvannya Canephron sprinkles a variety of stones, enhances the function of seeing nirok, avoiding the development of burning. Before this warehouse, herbs are rich on ethereal olії:

  • rosemary;
  • centaury;
  • lovage.

The drug is available in two types:

  • tablets for adults and children of the age of 7 years;
  • drops for children up to 6 years old.

Trivality zastosuvannya become less than 2 months.

Kanefron at a glance, take 10 drops 2-3 times a day


Place at the warehouse over 10 names of herbs and the product of life bdzhil - mummy. May have an antibacterial and immunostimulatory effect, pereskodzhaє utavlennu kamenіv. Zastosovuetsya as a supportive therapy in case of treatment with antibiotics, as well as a method of prevention. The recommended dosage is 2 tablets 2 times a day.


The drug is taken at your own warehouse in the folk medicine sobi:

  • propolis;
  • licorice root;
  • vedmezhi vushka;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • grass of the bird's knotweed.

Maє sechoginnu, protizapalnu and zagalnozmіtsnuvalnu diї. At the link with the activity of the components that enter the yogo warehouse, with the care of the next stop for children and pregnant women. Trivality zastosuvannya become 3-4 days.


According to similar to all other listed drugs, with less difference, which are released from the form of the mouth, which are formed from the extracts of offensive herbs:

  • horsetail;
  • lushpinnya tsibuli
  • fenugreek;
  • parsley root;
  • piriya root;
  • bird's mountain grass;
  • love root.

In addition, Fіtolіzin enter the warehouse essential oils and pine oil, which may have litholytic activity.

Before grafting Fitolizin, a teaspoon of pasture should be stirred at the glass of the water

As a rule, to achieve positive results, take phytopreparations for at least 2 months in courses. One course is not guilty of revisiting 4 grades. Phytopreparations are not approved for diagnosis important illnesses nirok as monotherapy.

Skin disease develops individually and universal tablets are not known. The optimal choice of preparations and treatment scheme is possible after clarification of the clinical picture of the disease and low diagnostic procedures. Constantly beware of the excess of likuvannya to allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy that is being carried out, and make the necessary adjustments.

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