Smugi on the line of life. The line of life on the hands - how to decipher the signs of insecurity. What does the square mean on the line of life on the right and left hand

The little line on the hands of a skin person is unique. It’s not enough to go about the fingertips, which have long been recognized by the method of identifying special features, and also about swarms and signs on the palms. More ancient peoples showed great interest in these symbols, giving them a special zmist. Qi viserunki are at once familiar to the skin, as well as mysterious and cryptic. So the stink of low wondrous powers:

  • it is impossible to know people from two with the same hands;
  • presence in the hands of more people of the main lines: life, share, mind, share (their daytime is a great rarity);
  • the little ones can be changed by the stretch of life, to that the share of children in such a way is unbearable.

Ideally, the line of life on the hand is due to not very wide and not very deep, one color, long and absolutely and evenly without any sharp turns.

Line values

It’s rich who cares about children, that the line of life shows the trivality of life. With this, for people with a short line - it will be uneven, and vlasniks for a long time - check for a long and happy life. It’s less for childish witches and a broader pardon. As a rule, there is more to talk about the state of health and well-being, the remaining change and lack of support.

The line of life is one of the most important signs on the hand, it is necessary to interpret it as necessary, based on the totality of the impersonal factors. For a long time, even and deep smug to talk about the phenomenal physical and mentally healthy people, the building is against the odds. However, such people can be stricken with ailments or nasty things, and a short and thin line is not necessarily prophetic of a non-trival life.

The line of life in palmistry signifies the path of life and talk about those that are recognized by the All-world


The line of life is roaming around thumb, ohoplyuyuchi yogo like a ring. Exactly where you can look at the photo:

Vaughn otochuє hump of Venus, which shows for life the potential and innate vitality. Vіd її polozhenja that zvnіshnogo vzdrosі zadrosі stupіn rozkrittya tsоgo potentsial, and also the character of the person. So, as if the line is rotting over something close to the thumb - it’s not enough to talk about a weak will, innocence in oneself that schilnist to depression. And the axles farther away from the hillock of Venus - they are stronger, they are more powerful, they are the energy of the vlasnik.

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Often people ask - why marvel at the line of life, even if it is present on both hands. Obviously, professionals in the gallery of palmistry make a report forecast for two palms, but the greatest respect is given to the signs on the hand. To that, if you are right-handed - give more respect to the right, and if you are shulga - to the left.

Be-yakі vіdgaluzhennya, risochki, mottling and other changes in the line of life can in this world chi іnshіy vplinut on the life path of people

Ideal line

A good sign is the presence of a clear, equal, peaceful life in terms of the width and depth of life. The ideal option is a long and even line, as well as the presence of various defects (dots, cuts, bones, etc.). A good little one can be moved along the flow of the river, the less on the way of the winding woods and the crossing - the greater the strength.

It’s too thin and doesn’t seem to be readable - it’s not enough to talk about such a character, like anxiety and a lack of strife, an unstable state of physical and mental health.

You warto be afraid of people, as they take your energy, try not to be embarrassed by rubbish and not take the skin problem as if it is unresolved.

Subway line

On the palms of those lucky ones, you can draw a double line, which goes parallel to the inner side (closer to the thumb). The presence of such a “understudy” is a miraculous sign, like talking about the nature of spring and the visible vibrance of specialness. Such a sign can weaken the meaning of negative signs on the hands of a person.

A straight line of life means an intense emotional energy

The ruler of a similar symbol - the specialty is unique, the wine may have a high supply of energy and a strong will. Such a person can be quickly reborn in the face of the most severe ailments and become a survivor from the most important positions. Such people have an excellent career, the stench is often corrosive with great popularity among the opposite state. However, the Vlasniks of such a line should be afraid of zadrost and approaches from the side of the sick.

Other signs

  • razriv: how the line of the valley is torn on both valleys in the very same distance - tse advancement about the possibility of an unfortunate depression, unsafe ailment. The best result is obіtsyaє, if the upper part of the rice before the opening can be rolled up to the thumb. As soon as the resurrection is completed, it is gradually restored - after a certain hour, everything is settled and life is progressively reduced;
  • similar to the line of life, a filthy sign. Self-loathing bastard and ailments can follow a person's old fates (until the lansyug's litter ends);
  • speckles and crosses on the line of life mean a threat to health, or not a safe camp;
  • a cross for smuga is a sign of a significant decline in the material camp in old age;
  • trikutnik, roztasovaniya between the line of life and the line of share: symbolizing the future financial need and wealth. Possibility to win a great lottery win.
  • as if it were overwhelmed by the impersonality of the dirty women of "stress", straightened out by її bik: a trace of the uniqueness of the zayvogo anxiety and anxiety about the dribnitsy. Your life is so out of stress and emotional negativity.
  • like a line of life, that heart roams among itself: a person is graceful to an outrageously risky behavior. We should be careful, otherwise the share can be brought to fatal fortunes.
  • z'ednannya only from the line of reason: now, a sign of a person who is calm and unsung in his own strength.
  • ostrivets: negative sign. Vіn early about possible health problems. The islands in the form of circles mean problems in the sky. If the island is to judge from the square - the ailment will pass and not leave the trace.
  • The line of life splits into two parts: splitting into two parts of smug means more expensive or moving to a place of residence in a foreign country.

Obviously, the skin wants a mother on its own palms positive signs and minimize the negative ones. The little one can be changed by the prolongation of life, to that your share is exclusively in your hands, in all senses. Just a little bit of a nasty and planned work on yourself to help you know the right sense of what you are experiencing, and better to know yourself.

What does the line of life on the hands of the palmist look at us in front, even if it is the main detail, as if they carried information about a specific person. All that mysteriously attracts people, and the clouded little ones on the valley, people chirp steadily.

Mіsce na rutsi linії zhittya

Since ancient times, and to this day, chiromancy read the share of the people, recorded on the її dolona under the people. The little one is unique in the skin of a person, and the knowledge of zastosovut in practice is no less than a magician, and fingerprints - fahivtsі, building designate the specialty of a person behind the fingertips of fingers.

First, read the book of your life, written by yourself, it is necessary to know the head row - the line of life. Surprised, you can mark the line that starts between two fingers, expressive and great, operating on the pommel of Venus, a kind of spreading at the base of the thumb. Pagorb of Venery stands for the potential of the people, the tasks are still under the people, and the line of life is shown, how much will be revealed.

fact. As if the line of life has been stoked close to the thumb, it shows on such strength as it promotes depression, innocence in one’s strengths and abilities about the weak will of the individual. Why the line lies far away in the view of Venus' hillock, there is a person of energy, inspire, strong in spirit.

The dominance of the lines on the valley:

  1. The little dolon of a unique skin specimen.
  2. With a stretch of life, the lines can change the little ones, fallow in the form of pods, which are found in life and in the middle of nowhere.
  3. The presence of the main lines is obov'yazkovaya.

What does the line of life mean: choose hands for transfer

It was clear that a person has 2 hands, and it’s possible to match them, you can remember that the lines of them are trifling. І of whom the guardian is crying out food: With what hand should I marvel at the share?

Without a doubt, marvelous roztashuvannya little one can be swiped on both hands, but the main data is taken by hand, like a guide to people. Tobto shulga marvel at the left hand, and right-handed on the right. It shows the share of the people, not the one given under the people, but the one that the people are changing in the process of life.

On your own hand, it’s outside the fermentation of in-line processes, even if the person herself is ready to add to the share, zdiyasnyuyuchi vchinki that shomit priymayuchi decision, like in the future they can become long-bearing.

The other hand shows the share, which was given to the people with the people. Women often try to transfer their share according to their hands, especially for a young woman, and for the sake of deacons. way predicting important trends in life.

Features of the ideal line of life

Trying to transfer your share, it is necessary to respectfully look at the line of life. Ideally, it will be a read, darkened deep, straight line. Often fahіvtsі vovnyuyut її z water stream, chimney less crossing a new way, tim will be calmer crossing.

Therefore, the appearance on the line of life of various defects is to talk about problems that can be blamed on different periods of life. Tse mozhe buti zіrka, specks, trikutnik, videlka that іn.

Porada. Wart to bring respect to the physical life line. With injuries, wounds, a wart, a mole that is richly different, like signal flares in order for a person to give respect to those who live in his life.


Some people may have a life line - they are considered a lucky sign, and it seems that a person has a great talent and great happiness. The presence of an understudy can induce a negative influx of signs, spread on the hands, and warn about problems, which can be blamed.

Such a person is happy with everything, out to rob the karkolomnu kar'єra, volodya with an exhausting energy and special privilege for a particular status.

Tsikavo. The women who make such a badge have a high popularity among the household, beauty and privatility. And the people are extravagant, strong, successful, privable, and also financially secure.

Signs on the line of life

It is necessary to pay respect to be-like signs, like roses on the line of life, even if it is necessary to know about it. Let's take a look at the symbols of the report.

Like a dіlyanka linії zhittya nagatuє pleіnnya аbo lantsyuzhok, then tse advance about the period, if a person gets sick, yakі can try to do it for a long time, fallow like dovzhini tsієї dolyanki. As soon as they gave you a normal look, it means that the problems will end and your health will be in order.

fact. Zirka shows an unforgetable podium to the future.

If on both hands one hour there is a break in the lines, then this is a signal of a possible unfortunate depression or a serious illness.

The cross, or the point that appeared on the line of life, is ahead of the possibility of an unsafe approach to ailments.

A garno sign will be a trickster on the line of life, which is established between the line of life and the line of share. Why talk about financial prosperity and give a chance for a great win.

If the line of life is changed by the impersonal rice, then it is clear that if you stress, even the lines that change the line of life, do not bring anything good. Father, your life is a spovne dratіvlivih factors. Varto try not to react to other inaccuracies. And then life is threatening to turn into a mess.

How the line of life is interrupted, what does it mean heavy ailment, and if it is worth a square, then it’s a good sign, even if the square is a sign of the sign, which argues famously.

If the cross is roztashovuetsya on the end of the line, then it’s worth saying that in old age you have a shortage of finances on you, an important material camp.

Tsikavo. As if with fortune-telling and bachite, that all three minds and lives converge at one point, it is necessary to understand that a person is an adventurer for his nature and constantly risks. Tse threaten to cause a fatal result.

It seems that the line of the share of that mind is less than frightened, which means that the person is supposed to be passive and unsettled in himself.

Ostrіvtsі are also ahead of the problems on the side of health. If the islander is making the shape of a stake, then the next thing is to respect the zir, if the order of the islander is to make a square, it’s a sign that the problem will arise at some point.

If you are planning to get more expensive or change the place of living, then there will also be changes on the hands. The line of life splits in two.

For example, the life line is a wide fork, or a split, it’s not enough to talk about the comradeship of a person, it’s better to love dearly, її life without a permanent change of scenery becomes too boring and fresh for a new one.

The impersonal line that goes parallel to the line of life, it seems that a person is overly emotional, she has a constant gurgling z'yasuvannya stosunkiv, that love novels are constantly blamed. Until then, wine is vindictive and not built to vibachiti to the image.

As in the basis of the fork of a small world, it’s not enough to say that a person fantasizes richly, and future grandiose plans, but in the new one they don’t get excited and willpower, that dreams are only filled with dreams.

In the basis of the line of life, the roll of horizontal lines is laid out, then, the hand of an absolute pessimist, who does not trust anyone. People varto try to change the setting to life, otherwise they can blame health problems.

Razgaluzhenistvo on the lines of life signals that a person is too roaring and can become angry at the reach of one, rozporoshyuchi their respect of the different side. Such a person varto viroblyat in his own patience and inquisitiveness.

Palmistry-pochatkіvtsі dotrimyuyutsya thoughts that a short line of life to speak, that people have a small term of life. Ale, the right fahivets know, how to signify, how many fates of a person’s life, really. Without a doubt, qi indicators can change under the influx dovkilla abo vchinkіv people, but all the same, you can make an eye-catching picture.

If you are astonished to the line of life, then you can say with exact conviction that the line has been and clearly shown to speak about the long life.

It is necessary to apply a line vertically in the center of the eye-catching finger and put a fleck on the line of life. This point is located on the line of life, which symbolizes the 10th century of the child.

Let's draw a parallel between the shifting of the gaps, rotting between the middle and pointed fingers and the line of life. This sign means 20 years. Now vikonaєmo so dії:

  1. Let's see the life of the vіdrіzka, that viyshov.
  2. Now it’s hard to see how many such winds have appeared on the line of life. Like a leather vіdrіzok dovzhinoy 10 rokіv, it is possible to know exactly up to the rock about the trivality of life.

It became clear that it’s a line of life for a long time, but it doesn’t mean that even if you think the term will be long and bezkhmarny.

Sometimes, it’s so clear that the card is recognized, which means the line of life, and you can check on the way. Waving a wet hand to penetrate into the mysteries of the future will bewitch and call out awe. Even more generations are trying to find out the tools, building data people look beyond the edge and cheer for the future. I give life without special zusil, even if it is on the hand, the line of life can be recognized even more simply.

Kozhen bazhaє, sob the signs on the hands announced only the acceptance of the future, but as it seems, “Foreward - it means, obroєny”, if there is any sign on the shoulder, it may be more than in advance about the future, and in the name of the people, change the heart for better, or try to solve problems, what to threaten.

Line of life on the hands, may be especially important in palmistry, this line of the hand, as it grows and retracts the hump of the thumb, the titles of chirologists, the pommel of Venus, line of life, Vkazuє on stupіn rozkrittya resource line.

Singingly top for the significance of that popular line in the hands, as in Persh, we turn the respect of the people, the shards are one of the important signs of the trivality of life. Even with other lines on the valley, everything is simple and understood, then line of life I mean special respect for an hour I look around that interpretation by the "readers". And to that, the clouding of the line of life on our website with palmistry is accompanied by roses and explanations and report pictures.

Zvіdsi pochinaetsya naivazhcha part of science, more line of life And in a wise way with Venus' humpback, we will take away information about the health of the people, those loved ones close to us, here we can make death close, sickly life, zhalyugidne іsnuvannya. A good line of life on the hand is to be blamed for being whole and unearthly, clearly pronounced and completely otchuvat the hump.

Give respect to your hand, look at the line of life on your hands, sing-songly, you have a lot of food: de line of life, marvel at such a hand!!!))) - Line of life on your left hand marvel? or the Line of Life on right hand wonder? Definitely, you can only be like this, marvel at the need to offend your hands, and even as you squawk you in front, then you should bring respect to the right hand for the “right-handed”. We are glad to give you respect not only for the line of Life, but also for all the signs of a birthmark on the hands and all the powers of the line of life, which in the main may not be of great importance.

Those who recognize the weak side of themselves, take away the ability to correct their physical shortcomings and get ahead of the threats to health, which are put on, and obviously change their head to the best. But in order to change in life, it is necessary to know what you are checking, what you can threaten your future, so for the sake of you in detail you will learn the line of life on your hands, for that there is nothing important for good health, on a yak in palmistry life.

Ideally, the line of life on the rut, is due to buti not too wide and not very deep, one color, long and absolutely and evenly without any sharp turns around, like a stream of white light, the hill of Venus, її you can add to the river bed life of energy, and less on the way out mother pereshkod and rozriviv, then you will feel healthy її vlasnik. In such a rank, the old look of the life line, will show us the physical state and the balance of life forces, and also the trivality of life is possible.

Exploring the line of life Abo is an abundance on the heels of his hands, in that very MISTSIA a fatal sign, I mean death - so the elderly XIROMANTI was brought, Ale was interpreted by the Susliyi Trochi, I, with great can, is more important than lies in the vital. In the wake of palmistry called to help people and not to harm, it is necessary to work on the visnovki global analysis of all lines, and to inspire bachachis marked by a fatal other of imminence, you can not lead the veil of heavy speeches, as if you do not change to inspire the will and reason with the zadnanimi zusillami. So, as it is impossible to choke the spirit on the body, then you don’t drive in confusion and turmoil, then you obviously pass your life.

The line of life is short

Short life line In Rutsy, inaccurately Zhytty, Yakshcho on one Rutsya Lіnіya Maya Rozriv and on the іnshiy yd tsil і і і ilshkojeen, then the mate of Mati is not prolonged by the brushwood, I yakscho pislya liniyu, to the lifeshin, to the rudder, and the sheds of the colish , then the amount of ailment we give our legacy, we show ourselves periodically, some of these phenomena are counted along the line of life.

Line of life rozіrvana navpіl, as depicted on the butt of the picture, - if the present part shilyaetsya to the hump of the thumb - tse inevitable and charіvna death. The worst sign is tse sign of death on the hands, especially as there are no suitable signs of neutralization, and the wines are duplicated in both hands. Zustrichayutsya often expand the lines life may have small injuries, which indicate the possibility of bodily injuries, and the greater the width of the width of the line of death, the tragic podia, її scale. And after that, it should be noted that as a change in the life of a closed additional line, marveling already at the combination of these lines, they can be interpreted as a cardinal change in the life of a relocation, for example, in another way.

If the line looks like a lansyug, then life will be painful, post-yni ailments will follow the person's style, skilki trivatime lansyug.

Subway line Zhitty (linіya sister), such a thing to make a linіyu Mars, the Propheti - whimsical organism, a reserve of life -lifelong, ShO come to the pre -rations, Tobto zero, Zhittyvy, Dovgolitty, Rozkysh. , sub -linіya Zhitty - there to bring the time from the VIISKOVIKY Kar'Ari Yakshcho to see the Chervony Koloror, vnaslіdok of the lifting of the lives of such lieniy will be Vipleskuvati to the people of the opposite, it is important not spitting. .

If the line of life is blind and wide is the vileness of health, and so itself to talk about zadrіsnu nature and evil instincts, it opens up and shows negative vibes, or protilezhnі these vilenesses, like a long-term color of the line.

The line of postiyno r_zhucha of the absence of small capillary (hairy) lines - about the line of stress means other ailments and accompaniment of emotional support, as if to accompany the sack of the hand.

If life line start from the hump of Jupiter, otherwise, as if you were throwing a gill there, it’s worth talking about those that all life’s energy is spent on reviving arrogance, ambition, pride, but at the same time, may you succeed, bring honors, success people, yakі seek goals. .

Like a line on the hand, let the wind grow up to the rosette (transverse lines on the hand) often called flowers, or bracelets on the hand - it means that at the singing hour the material cost will be spent, pennies or the transition to the line.

Small lines, like bi blue in the line of life uphill, mean signs of joy, which can be connected with the purchase of a life, a car, a child’s people, that’s a good thing, but here you don’t need to stray from the lines of zusil, like more for your own, straight ahead, you will speak like a sphere to lay a foundation.

At times, the lines, the head, the life, and the lines of the heart, approximately the same are presented on the butt of the picture, so if the stench comes out of one point, it’s bad luck, if the mind and heart are controlled by life instincts, that’s a person, what’s going to close ochima uzdovzh prirvi, nazustrich usim nebezpekam-tse even a filthy sign on the hands, which indicates a pardon, tse may zavzhd unfortunate vipadok, raptova-shvidka death.

Yakshcho Zhinіya Golovi is aware of the Great Vidstani vіd Lіnіїhitty, (and more than 3 mm) is a show -off of the Dynnes Metheliva, I Chim Bilsha Mzh Linii, Tim Impulsivnisha Lyubin, the Voon of the Build rozumom, and for a pardon will be granted.

Zovsim іnshe the meaning of the life line like at the exit point zadnana only from the line of the head, the stench comes out from one month, and the head suprovodzhuє її gluing one hour, - such a sign to tell us about the protection of the people, that you constantly think about the safety, such a person lives a hundred think twice At the same time, this sign can be a sign of innocence in oneself.

You can also on the line- vіn means the loss of an eye, two stakes, the loss of both eyes, but it is necessary to look and confirm and confirm on other lines, splintering one sign by itself only show us the great imovirnіst podії, as it can be, such a rule of hanging be-yah.

Deep point on the line of life

Threatened with death, a cross on the line, like a wine is known from the side of the thumb and with its own necks, it means deadly old age, which is in the very end of the line of the cross - ahead of the old age.

A little tricutnik, who is on the line of life and marvels at the thumb, prophesying on the possibility of winning, you can look at yourself like the possibility of ending the fall, so you love to turn your hand to the presence of the line of intuition, like a dream of a dream. Ale varto don’t stray the tricot sign with the tricot, it’s okay to stand in the line, otherwise it’s a kind of rotting right on the line, passing the flow of energy, the stench shows on the bottom of the pov’yazane with the fire, the difference is only in the fact that if the trikutnik is worth standing around life, people we do not take an uninterrupted part in the fire, and do not suffer physically.

The square, which is located on the line, is especially placed in the line opening, be respected by the sign of the zakhist, which neutralizes possible traces, at whom butt, problems are healthy, and it means that a person is not surprised at the important things, seeing and turning to the great rhythm of life, and also talking about the zakhist burn.

Zovsіm іnshe znachennya є tsey sign, yakscho znahoditsâ bіla іnії z vіnії z vіshnої s vіdnіshnої s pіrbіshnої na Venus, such a spіvvіdnoshennia іnіy to say that the freedom of the person will be surrounded. First of all, we fall down on the thought for the "kindness" of our souls, so those who can be in the yard, - but not quickly hurry up with visnovki, fringing at freedom can turn around like serving in the army, so I'll be trained in some kind of closed mortgage, options you can be rich.

Zustrichayutsya on the line of the island

Be aware of the possibility of illness, - the church of life energy, split the channel into two weak streams, and obviously expend strength.

Such a development is suitable to talk about become filthy I’m healthy people, and who will live on the island, they will suffer more suffering.

Cross, which is known on the line, and with its own needles less often than the line of life, talk about the weak camp of the body, possibly tormented by ailments, about old age, and threatening death.

If you know how to know the life line, then to talk about being in old age, so people suffer at the sunset of their fates, and mainly through their kindness, and often become fooled. Later, having shown such a sign on your hands, varto zaslitsya and work for protection, be it a solution to that diї.

Follow the memory, that all vishіdnі linії, - that go uphill to the fingers, make a harn sign, it's an hour to find strength, and go in a viable way, toil a return of significance, a decline in strength.

VIDROSTKI, SOD LIDED INID LINIA, IS NEWS IN THE SAME ABOSHICH, I have to get in the residents of the lives, you can get into a ritual one, you can get a sorcerer. , at the skin in a different way, marveling at the life priorities, and such signs of joy appear.

Ale, then, respect and do not forget that the lines of joy (pours) are themselves small, on the vіdmіnu vіd іnіy zusil, like commemoratively turn them over at the dovzhina.

So called in palmistry line zusil, if a person has set herself as a metaphor, by choosing us with strength, by strength of spirit, realizing it, then I transform it into life, such a name speaks for itself.

If the line of life split into two, so you change your direction, or you throw a pushing needle on the hillock M_syatsya, - it means that you were far away from home, so the lines on the ruts are called the line of relocation, - it can be more expensive, more expensive, more expensive moving across the cordon, - tse immigration line but only in that mood, as if for their own strength they do not compromise the very line of life.

As it was already conceived more, lines that go uphill, whole lines are superfluous, at the hour of the rise of strength, high practicality, the hour if it is necessary to build the main stream of life, for that there is too much energy, which needs to be victorious.

It’s simpler, it seems, “Kuy zalizo still hot”, while you are young and full of strength, that is not far off, the hour will come and the strength to begin to show off, everything is at the right time, the lives of the natives begin to boil, and it is necessary to get into the main work at such moments of life.

The palmist will always know on the valley the sphere of self-realization of specialness, and those where it will be straightened out, as shown on the butt, the straightening of the line points to the hill of Apollo, - it means that all ambitions are straightened out to be real, if people rule themselves by specialness in the arts, and the light of the one who has the right to exercise, hangs from the overriding phalanx of the finger. If you still don’t know about the phalanges of the fingers and the meaning of the fingers, then you can learn about the division fingers of the hand.

A short line of life in palmistry

It means, as it was said, not a long life, - but before you die, do not varto, to develop such a line in yourself on your hands.

For fatality, there are other signs that confirm the substantiation. Even though there are no such signs, it means that not everything has been spent, that the lines of power grow, and you can get the shortest possible time to grow and move, or you can often replace or viconuate the function of the line of Saturn (share), as I will destroy she is guilty buti close. Together with the line of the share of the varto, give respect to the finger of the share itself, the form of which may be no less important, the line of the share itself.

But if there are no signs of ceremonial, but there are reasons, the camp becomes richly fatter. The line, for example, may be completed at the sight of the shield, the line is outside the spraying of life energy, - imminent death, and regardless of what line of won, on the line of the head of the heart - tse end.

With a short line of life that stares on the line of reason, as shown in the butt, life is cut short not behind the camp of health, but over the head.

The line of life on the hand of "shift"

Having developed the line of life on the hands, do not wait for the future, I will become healthy if I become crippled. Variations of clearings on the line can be masa, the stench is seen in the fallow land as a combination of lines on the hands, which supplement the opening. For example, a serious reconsideration of a person's change of light-gazer, change of character and the sign of behavior, it can turn to small shifts in the lines of death, in such a way of my palmistry, to show itself and achieve a deep transformation of specialness.

Fallow in the characteristic zdіbnosti іndivіda, so itself can mean a waste of the internal status, or believe in yourself, the accident of all hopes, and sometimes the carelessness of life. The palmist should always know the reason for the fall, so that you can look at the same line of sight between your friends, then you can find evidence on the lines of pretense, that you can show a strong link to the ruination of the slub.

Cause the tear shifted lines of life on the hands, there may be some radical changes in the career of a person, or in one of the main occupations, something that has been improved on the basis of the furnishing, so that the total change is directly robotic, or else a transformation that takes place for the special dramatic, it can be connected with the great a second penny.

To finish often, as practice shows, a small line of life, suggesting a move, a change of place of residence, so that you may be on the runway, not a change of an apartment, but a minimum change of a place, so you can mean an emigrant but in a hole in a hole, ale in a hole I understand that I’m going to have a percussion of my hand, with a knuckle on the hump of the Month. If you look at the structure of the rozrivu, as if the zsuv line appears at the big toe, as if changing the territory of the Venus hillock, such a line may be negatively significant.

Dating the hour according to the line of life on the hands

Date line of life on the hands, it goes without interruption along the line of life on the valley. Recognizing the date or hour tієї chi іnshої podії in life you can pass an online test or an independent offensive rank. Zvernemosya for example in the picture, marvel at the line of life it is necessary on the right hand - for the little one it is presented marked for dates or between the lines. Setting the hour along the line in palmistry can be found different ways, and mainly fall in the shape of the bud, then in the fallow in the width and depth. On the image, the line of life is marked out with the method of vulgar recognition, and it shows the real average life of a person at a given hour. It was understood that the parameters of the mark on the date will be different for the skin hand, and the very signs of vitality and vitality of the hand, and other signs of that line - the palmist will be awarded to us. Ale for the sacred development is significant, which is approximately 1-1.5 mm of the trivality of the line of life, or else, it is like a lived life. For the cob of the hour, as you can stare at the image, the center of the eye-catching finger is taken as a basis, and the axis line (red) is lowered, which is on the line of the line of life, May 10 years. For the bilsh of exactly the installation of an hour in LINI, the TRASTITITY ROZBITIT TOMORICHICIA on Menshi Rosemi, the FICCHICALAY OF THE FIVILY OF LIDISHIA, SUCH INTROLSED to ROKITS.

Palmistry allows you to recognize future threats for human life The most likely the main fuckers of the virazhinni on Rutsya, the scho of the otimati can be translated to the naimni to send the negatives, the yaki is smearingly matima, the nature of the label of the head of the robot of the ribs of the rinovanovania of the same law. Such a rank of transfer recognizes our borders life, but the will of the skin for a second is interrupted by a direct assistance with the hand, you can destroy the foot, in the aftermath of the constant work of our work, and improve your foundation.

A lot of people have been changed, but in palmistry the main line on the ruts is the line of life. On the right, in that there are no head and other row symbols in any kind of witch. Obviously, the current look of the line can be richly told about the person, but it’s not forgotten that the line of life is not in itself - the crim ne є th іnshі linії, the signs of that little one, like the traces of looking in totality.

How do you look

The line of life takes your cob of troch lower as the base of the oscillating finger, gives it a pivkol, and ends under the base of the thumb. If it’s read and pronounced, then it characterizes your Volodar as a strong person and inspired in himself. Ledve remembered the line of life zustrichaetsya in more fearful people.

Even though the line of life is strongly bent, and guessing at the shape of the mind, then on the sack of the sack, there is an incomprehensibility from the side of close people that bulkiness. Possibly, this way of life does not fit into the globally accepted framework, chi blames your behavior for throwing a cry of greatness. Tse not to talk about the immoral way of life, but to keep up the posture of one's rightness.

It is impossible to transfer the trivality of a person's life to the line. The most unfriendly symbolism can be interpreted only as an advance, but more so, since it has long been brought to the attention of the fact that for rich people, the lines on the shoulders change with the prolongation of life.

Explore that vіdgaluzhennya

Like a line of life for your own old-fashioned look guessing dotted line Tse to talk about those who have a lot of people is not easy. The Vlasnik has such a line of problems in the form of incompetence in one's own strength and in the form of chaotic yoga. It is also worth talking about the problems of health, de not included surgical intervention.

Like the line of life is shared on sprat vіdgaluzhen closer to the hillock of Venus (bіlya zap'yastya), not to talk about those people who will be successful and safe. It is possible to have a high settlement, or to inspire all-world popularity. The ruler of such a line can only trust the closest people, the shards may be rich in zazdrіsnikіv.

Rozriv on the line of life ahead of the trouble, and navit about the possibility of death. As soon as the line is opened, it becomes clear and equal - the person successfully podpishno way of life if not, then the trauma (moral and physical) has been experienced, to deprive the bet on the entire yogo share.

Vіdgaluzhennya, which is going uphill, is a symbol of health and vitality.

Signs and symbols

Ostrivets on the line of life to talk about ailments or about tragic fates. Give respect to the clarity of the line of the next symbol.

split on the line of life to talk about psychological trauma. It’s better for everything, to go about the special life of a person, and to be astonished to the line of the school.

The line of life, what do you guess lancer, characterizes a person as a friend and trustworthy. For the obviousness of unfriendly signs on this line, її vlasnik is not allowed to turn around with unfamiliar people.

Symbol of fortune zirku, vіschuє fatal podії, yakі vіdbudutsya without the will of the people. As if the star is changing on the cob of the line of life, it’s not enough to talk about the need to establish one’s right to happiness. Well, it’s like she’s been ripped apart - for a person, she’s seriously ripped off.

Crossє a symbol of fatal failure. As if in a new way, a needle is straightened down - serious health problems are checked for a person.

dark dots order s line of life to talk about shkіdlivі zvichki, yakі can be detrimentally marked on the camp of health. Tse mozhe but as a banal pereidannya, so it is alcoholic or narcotic addiction.

Square or tricoutnik on the line of life symbolizes the amulet. If there are islands in the middle of the square, it’s not enough to talk about those people who suffer a serious illness or a wonderful unique death.

The ancient science of palmistry is rooted in great popularity from ancient times. With the same lines, ruffled on the palms, people learned how to predict the share, and to take into account the particular character of a particular person. I especially played the role of palmistry in all hours of life. If you look at it respectfully, you can remember that the skin person is especially special. Where do you know and what does the line of life on the hands mean?

It is impossible not to remember the line of life on the hands, the shards of it hobble the whole hump of the valley under the thumb. This line can be dotted, which is to rip apart the plots, to cut out, and to engrave these features, to help decipher the share of their hairdresser, and th yogo character.

Shukati line of life is necessary on the palm of the dominating hand. For example, if a person is right-handed, then fortune-telling is better for a right-handed person and navpaki.

The line of life can reveal such secrets of the share:

  • I will approach the trivality of life;
  • yoga of health at different stages of the share;
  • feasibility of realizing one's potential;
  • presence or presence of relatives and friends;
  • the most important kind of activity.

The line of life can change a little at different stages of life. Palmistry cares that the songs of the feet at the share of the people look like a little one of the palms. The line of life is precise, the interpretation of the share is less approximate. The features of this line can be taken as hints that help to overcome inaccuracies, become better or realize your potential.

To marvel at yakіy rutsі - decoding

Ideally, the line of life can be clear, peacefully wide and uninterrupted. The less defects on it, such as dots, dotted lines, peretina, the more calm and happy life of a person.

Dovzhina tsієї linії also talk a lot about what. If it’s insignificant, then check for people short life and navpak. Changing the lines of life is about different difficulties, like different fatal depressions, like lying in the vchinkiv and healthy specialties: fatal ailments, disabilities, sradi.

When analyzing the line on the bottom, which you see for life, take an important look, as if it were starting itself. The line begins with all people between the same thumb and the thumb, de tumbles over the line of reason. A lot of people are respected, that this sign in palmistry is regarded as an expression of the wine's wisdom, but it's not so.

Peretin lines of life to the mind and life to tell about those that people are generous and generous, ale tsі її yakosti expand only to close people. With the decision of such individuals to behave in a different way.

Like a line of reason and life to go together, establishing a life line, and then roam, then it’s a sign of a generous person, like a sound to everyone. If the offensive lines do not stick together, then the specialness is even more hisististic, it’s not enough to talk about material goods.

Є y іnshі special features of the line of life, yakі not varto deprive the pose of respect. What does the line of life mean:

The line of life of rich people guesses lances, which are made up of a great number of interweaving. Such a message about those that a person has an easy character, that allows you to easily be seen with otochyuchiyami. Such people are recognized as having good knowledge and good fortune.

End of line - meaning

When guessing the share for a small hand, it is important to add the end of the line of life, you can read the share of a person to your features. Like a rush of directing to the mountain of Mіsyatsya, life will end in the wake of an unfortunate fall, beats of elemental hardship.

Seeing that I’m going straight to the hillock of Venus, passing on the ailment of the companion of life.

About advancement by kar'ernymi gatherings, successful learning and hoarseness at a higher price to tell about the desolation that goes to Jupiter. Ale vezinnya in the life of a human mother has a short-line character.

Gilka line of life, which goes to the middle finger (Saturn) ahead of problems on the job, stress family life that conflict with children. Well, if you see the line of life going to the ring finger, which is associated with the Sun, then you check for a person a constant spring and vіdminnі opportunities, which allow you to realize the potential.

Seeing that I’m going to the line of Mercury, looking far away I’ll love and make friendship. If the line of life expands to the line of Mars, then there is a large number of hoary expensive ones.

As the lines of life are zasіchki, as if to change the line, it is possible to discriminate as a test of stressful situations, accompanied by a loss of health, rozryv vіdnosin, zrada thinly.

The peculiarity of the line of life is important for the presence of the tricutnik, who marvels at the pommel of Venus, the shards of the wine win the great sum.

Like a line of life, it’s raptly changing the trajectory, but it’s not interrupted, it’s better for people, it’s better for everyone to move and live far from home. Tsya pod_ya can be tied from a ship with a foreigner, a robot in another state.

If the line on a specific one's division is moving ubik, it is possible to distinguish it as a crisis of specialty, which gives postal grandiose changes to the share of people. Tse mozhe buti zovsіm new svіtoglyad, znachі znajomstvа i іnshі vznachnі podії.

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