The presence of the analysis of the section. Global analysis of the section: the correct choice of material and interpretation of the results. Gostra nirkov's insufficiency

It is important to reevaluate the significance of the global analysis of the section. Deciphering the meaning of the analysis of the cross section reveals dysfunctions of the liver, lymphatic, herbal and visual systems of the body. Deciphering the analysis of the section is composed of anonymous parameters, which can be subdivided into physical and chemical.

Deciphering the clinical analysis of the section for people and women to differ. The same is true for the analysis of the vision of female women. Also, at the station, the diet and the way of life of the patient are determined.

Deciphering the results of the wild analysis of the section for physical indicators

Before that, in order to decipher the deep analysis of the section, physical indications are given, such as quantity, color, thickness, smell, and so on. Laboratory assistants evaluate them for an eye, which means a deep analysis of the section. Deciphering the results of the general analysis of the section is based on only approximate data.

The first parameter is the designation of the section color. The normal color of the section is light, strawy-zhovty. Eating and taking certain preparations are poured into this show. Cutting light for the norm means hyperhydration - too much light in the body. Bigger zhovty, orange to tell about the sun. Red marks of a different level of wealth to tell about the presence of blood.

Another parameter is the smell of vision. A slight smell is seen as normal. The more intense, licorice smell is seen by the authorities as sick with diabetes. The hostile ammonia smell is indicative of the infectious processes that are observed in the system of seeing the patient. Fecal or putrid smell to talk about the manifestation of the processes of putrefaction, or intestinal-michural burrow.

The third parameter is an indicator of transparency. Normal cutting gap. It is cloudy to see the bloody bodies of others, including the fallow, as the analysis of the section is deciphered. Muddy color can mean the presence of an infectious disease.

Deciphering s g in the analysis of sections (width) to fall into the number of differences in the sights of speeches. The norm sg in the analysis section is 1.012 g per liter - 1.022 g per liter. The least schilnist to say about too much native land, and the greatest - about the great number of different speeches.

Deciphering the indications of the secret analysis of the section for the chemical and cytological warehouse

Interpretation of microscopy analysis of sections and data on chemical warehouse seen. Deciphering the chemical analysis of the section, in its own right, gives information about the processes that occur in the body. They gave the article about those, how to read the analysis of the section to learn without special coverage.

In a different way, deciphering the evidence of a secret analysis of a section is called a hardware analysis, also, deciphering a hardware analysis of a section is the same as it was previously called.

The acidity of normal vision is due to buti between 4 and 7. Decreased acidity should be noted about:

  • starvation;
  • large amount of meat in the diet;
  • diabetes;
  • znevodnennya.

Decryption of ph in the analysis of the section with the promotion of the indicator to talk about the ailments of the nirok. To such naslіdkіv to produce and cancer nirok or sich mіkhur.

The norm pro in the analysis section is not guilty of overestimating the indicator of 0.033 grams per liter. In case of deciphering the protein in the analysis of the cross-section of the norms, do not start to report about the illness.

Decryption of pro in the analysis of the section with a high volume of protein follows the following:

  • physical interests;
  • ryas sweat;
  • cold shower.

At the woman’s house, I eat whites from vaginal visions.

In the siege, there are some epithelial cells of many configurations. Normally, more than 10 pieces are taken. Clitini, from which the epithelium is formed, at the cut can be consumed from nirok, the cut michur or the cut, to speak about their wounds.

Deciphering the analysis of the section in the woman can reveal a flat epithelium, but also a sign of damage.

Glucose (zukor) in zrazku

In a normal state, glucose is not to blame, protein in the concentration of not more than 0.8 mmol per liter is acceptable and not to talk about respiration. The most wide-spread reason for the excess of normal blood in the blood is blood diabetes.

Also, deciphering the analysis of the Latin sechi with the great number of glucose can be related to:

  • pancreatitis;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • vagity;
  • poisoning with licorice.

To confirm whether a diagnosis is to be added to the analysis of the section, it is necessary to prescribe a deep blood test. What wine will you show? Report. As in the analysis of the section, the woman has elements, which are not guilty of buti, the doctor is supposed to pass the woman's obstezhennia. About ce rozpovidaєtsya at tsіy statti.

In a healthy organism, these components are not consumed by the cut. Bіlіrubіn enter zhovchі depot, prote with deykih damage yogo concentration in the blood grows. At the time of speech, nirks vibrate.

The urobilinogen transforms bilirubin, which is found in the intestinal lumen. The norm of ubg in the analysis of the section is yogo vіdsutnіst. When moving yoga in, the function of seeing also falls on the nirks.

Decryption of urobilinogen in the analysis of sections to confirm:

  • hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • colitis.

Hemoglobin in the analysis of healthy people is not available. In a normal cell, the proteins enter up to the erythrocyte depot. In case of an attack of a large amount of bloody bodies, a part of the protein is removed from the section. Most often, it is through malaria, opiates, myocardial infarction, or poisoning by fungi.

Deciphering z in section analysis

Leukocytes are cytological elements of the immune system in the blood. An analysis of a section in people is guilty of showing no more than 3 pieces, a sweeping analysis of a section in women and children - no more than six. Before the promotion of the disease, they produce: pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis.

Deciphering z in the analysis section is impossible. That is why in the analysis there is no letter Z, in most cases it is incorrectly read, or it is written L, which means the number of leukocytes.

Decoding of erythrocytes in the analysis of the section

The deciphering of erythrocytes in the analysis of the section is not responsible for revealing more than three in the last sample. Decryption of bld in the global analysis of the section with the advancement of the situation to indicate the serious damage to the field or the system of vision.

Best price:

  • hostria glomerulonephritis;
  • cancer of nirka, prostate, sich michur, myocardial infarction of nirka.

The cylinders are called the adoption of the tubules of the nirk. In a normal state, hyalinov alone is allowed.

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv tsikh utvoren:

  • grainy;
  • epithelial;
  • wax-like erythrocytic.

Viyavlennya be-like їхної kolkostі tsikh utvoren at the sich to talk about pathology.

Salt at the eye

Salts in the analysis of healthy people are not guilty of buti. Deciphering the new analysis of the section with a high salt content to tell us about the wrong diet.

Excess minerals in the blood cause the formation of nirk stones. In the cross section, urate, calcium oxalate, and hypopuric acid crystals appear.

If one of these elements is revealed in the section, it is necessary to change the diet appropriately before consulting a trader.

The normal vision is not to blame for the revenge of the living bacteria and fungi. Mushrooms in the analysis section speak about the presence of fungal infection, bacteria - bacterial. At this time, it is necessary to go with doctors of a different profile.

Decryption of cre in the analysis of the section

Creatinine (CRE) is responsible for becoming 0.64-1.6 g / l in men, and for women, the norm is less - 0.48-1.44 g / l. Deciphering cre in the analysis of the section with a low volume in the section and a high volume in the blood is used for diseases of the endocrine system, dystrophy and vagity.

From the pointing more vidomosty of the skin, you can find out what the results of the analysis of the section mean.

The analysis of the section of women is by an invisible method of investigating the hour of vagity, that the same person has grown up, as if he is turning to a doctor for a preventive look around, or to confirm with skargs that the fakhivets of the obov'yazkovo is directed to the open section.

What is reviewed in the analysis of the section, and if they assign a debt?

A deep analysis of the section is the result, which can be assessed as a work of the nirok and organs of the sechovidile system, and of the whole organism. Based on the main parameters of the section, the doctor can let go, in which of the organs there is a vinification. Decryption of indications in the analysis depends on the following parameters:

  • schіlnіst (pet vaga);
  • transparency;
  • color;
  • smell.
  • glucose;
  • gum pigments;
  • ketone bodies;
  • forms of blood elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes);
  • hemoglobin;
  • protein;
  • epithelium and cylinders.

The main indications before the task of analyzing the section of a woman are:

  • skargi for bіl pіd hour of sechoviperation;
  • more frequent sechoviperation and an increase in additional diuresis (over 1.5 liters per extract);
  • bіl at the dilyantsі across;
  • sickness of the subslunkovo ​​slough;
  • vaginess;
  • arterial hypertension.

Also, a comprehensive analysis of the section is generally prescribed to patients who are undergoing a course of treatment, which helps to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and, for the need to adjust the prescribed dose of drugs.

For the help of a global analysis of the cut, it is possible to diagnose ailment of the cut michur, cuts, nirok, the presence of stones and piss in the organs of the cut, swelling to the cob of pronounced clinical symptoms.

How to prepare for analysis: the rules for collecting a section

In order for the indicators of the global analysis of the section to be reliable and as accurate as possible, the following should be correctly prepared before the selection of biological material:

  • before picking up the section in the container, the next thing was to open the toilet of the state bodies, having soaked them with a disposable towel;
  • women should close the fistula with a cotton swab before picking up the slaughter, so that the sight from the vagina is not consumed to the container - it can lead to incorrect results;
  • under the hour of blood analysis of the section it is not possible to lead to an incorrect interpretation of the analysis;
  • 1-2 days prior to picking up the section next to the room in the diet of zukor, in carbohydrates and gostrі stravi;
  • next delivery to the laboratory no later than 1-2 years after collection.

To improve the analysis of a section, it is best to choose a ranking portion, but in some situations, if you need to create a term analysis, you can choose a biological motherland at an hour to finish.

Indicators for the analysis of section in women: the norm

Indicators of global analysis of the section and yoga norms and reports are presented in the table.

Indicator of section analysis

The norm for women

Zhovtii raznogo vіdtinku - vіd light to rich straw


Prozora, without visible houses

Specific, not very sharp, not stinking

slightly acidic, 4.5-6.8

Shіlnіst (pet vaga)

1.011-1.020 g/l

Weekdays do not overwhelm 0.033 g/l

Ketone bodies

Do not appear




Doesn't show up


Doesn't show up


Doesn't show up



Do not appear


Do not appear


No more than 3 at the floor

Clitini epithelium

Up to 10 at polyzoru


Up to 3 at polyzoru

The result of the analysis should be ready for a few years after the task, in some laboratories, which may need a sprat of years. Let's take a closer look at the leather display.

Color section

The color of the section is not only found in robots, but also in the vastness of the rich homeland. The sight of a practically barless section at a large quantity (more than 2-3 liters per bounty) can be the first sign of the coming camps:

  • non-bloody diabetes;
  • Chronic nirkov deficiency.

Farbuvannya cut in black colors (from red to brown) with a sign:

  • puhlin in the organs of the sichoid system;
  • nirk's heart attack;
  • tuberculosis nirki;
  • sechokam'yanoy sickness;
  • glomerulonephritis (sech color "meat pomiїv").

Seeing a black color is typical for melanoma and melanosarcoma, while seeing a dark brown color (color of dark beer) is seen with acute hepatitis.

Visibility see that smell

At the norm, the section of a woman can be absolutely transparent. An insignificant calamity is possible, as the patient incorrectly took the analysis, and they drank the jar from the pixie. As if all the rules for the selection were done, but if everything is kalamutna, you can signal about the coming camp:

  • hostria and chronic cystitis;
  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • the appearance of protein in the section is characteristic of hypertension, hypertensive crisis, vagital nephropathy;
  • movements in leukocytes and epithelium in the section - the first sign of inflammation of the organs of the sectional system of the small pelvis in women;
  • superfluous in salt at the section.

Normally, the section may have a slightly specific smell. If you start to smell like acetone or soaking apples, then this is the first sign of blood diabetes or the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood. The smell of rot in the section is characteristic of the decay of the evil-smelling swell in the sectional mussel and the organs of the section.

Pitoma vaga ta pH

At the norm, the pH section of the woman does not exceed the indications of 49-69 weakly acid. An increase in the level of pH is characteristic of chronic nirk deficiency, znevodnennya, hyperkalemia. A decrease in the pH of the cross section in a woman is associated with circulatory diabetes, high temperatures, and hypokalemia.

The strength of the sech or pet vaga is determined by the number of different speeches - salts, creatinine, sechoic acid and sechovin. Vidpovidno up to the norm of pet vaga section in women does not exceed 1.020, the increase in these indications is typical for:

  • tricks;
  • nephrotic syndrome in women;
  • preeclampsia of the vagina;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • Vykoristannya of radiocontrast speeches with a diagnostic method.

Decrease in the pet's vag less than 1.012 is typical for:

  • non-bloody diabetes;
  • presence in the diet of a large amount of rіdini (more than 3 l);
  • gostre razhennya nirkovih tubules;
  • promotion of showings arterial vice after evil oncological processes in the body;
  • chronic nirkov deficiency;
  • taking sechoginic preparations.


At the norm, in a section of healthy women, proteins do not appear, otherwise they do not exceed 0.033 g / l. If the indicators of things are for the norm, then you should be aware of the following:

  • sickness of nirok with impaired visual function;
  • hostile cystitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • toxicosis of the vagina;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • nephropathy at the hour of pregnancy.


Normally, a section of a healthy woman does not have glucose. The presence of a tsukr in the analysis testifies to such an illness:

  • hostile pancreatitis;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • Іtsenko-Kushing's syndrome.

In some cases, the presence of tsukra in the section may be caused by malice, so it is recommended to repeat the analysis, or to conduct a glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of tsukrovy diabetes.

Ketone bodies

Normally, healthy people do not show ketone bodies. Їх accumulation in the blood and seen from the section є symptoms of such illnesses, like:

  • poisoning the body with alcohol;
  • bloody diabetes, pre-coma state;
  • hostile pancreatitis;
  • illness of the central nervous system;
  • tryvalі visnazhlivі diet with a small amount of protein in the diet;
  • expressions of toxicosis of the vagina due to frequent vomiting;
  • water to the body;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Epithelial cells

Normally, in the section of a healthy woman, there are 5 to 10 cells of the epithelium; in the field of light, there is no desquamation of the epithelial cells of the squamous epithelium; As in the analysis of the section, there is a large number of epithelial cells, which can be the first sign of igniting processes in nirkah, sectional mikhuri, and also beware of salts of important metals when the body is poisoned.


Normally, in the analysis of a section of a healthy woman, hemoglobin is daily. The manifestation of this component is associated with possible hemorrhages in nirks, infarctions of nirks, and is also suspected as a result of the removal of herbs, great opikivs, heavy bran sulfonamides and bran fungi.


In the organism of healthy people, bilirubin is found in the intestinal lumen in the stomach. If there is a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, then the function of inducing yoga from the body is often taken from the body of the organ of cross-sectional observation. The appearance of bilirubin in the section is typical for such camps:

  • hepatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • zhovchnokam'yana twig;
  • hemolytic disease.


In women, the norm of leukocytes in the analysis section does not exceed 3 in polyzora. The rise of these indications is called leukocyturia, which is typical for the ignition processes in the sich mihuri, nirkah, sichovodah.


A section of a healthy woman has normal erythrocytes per day. The appearance of the formed element in the analysis may have a physiological and pathological character. Physiological appearance of erythrocytes in the community leads to the use of effective medicinal preparations, increased physical strength, and a trivial stay at home.

Pathological reasons for the appearance of erythrocytes in the analysis of the section:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • injuries of the transverse region;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • bloody at the nirka;
  • the presence of stones in sich mіkhurі or sichovodakh, yakі injure mucous membranes.


In the process of sechovipkannya sech women are covered with microbes, which is a normal phenomenon. Due to the presence of infectious-flammable infections of the sectarian paths, a large number of microbes, which are seen from the section, grow sharply. The expressed bacteriuria is characteristic for:

  • gostry cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • urethritis.


In the analysis of a section of healthy women, no fungi can be found. The manifestation of yeast-like fungi in the analysis, due to the fall of the syringic species from the pixie into the container from the section during the selection of the analysis.

Slime and salt in the section

Normally, the mucus in the analysis of the section is not guilty of buti. Її manifestation in the analysis to indicate the presence of a pronounced or attached ignition process in the organs of sciatica - urethra, sich michuri, sciatica. Mucus can also be consumed with pikhvi pіd hour of picking up the cut in a jar.

The presence of salts in the analysis of the section (oxalates, phosphates, urates) indicates a violation of the diet of eating, overeating meat in the diet, carbohydrates. The presence of salts in a section of a woman is more characteristic of anemia, impaired speech exchange, and avitaminosis.

The analysis of the section may be healthy for a person who wants to be 1 time for a pivroku, it’s impossible to remember the daily scars. Doslіdzhennya parametrіv sechі v zhіnki аlєє vаsіnіє vyavіtnі nayvіnі poroshenna prihovіnі zahvoryuvannya, аnd аlѕо recognize аde adequately likuvannya for consumption.

The role of protein in the human body. How important is it for unidentified people to decipher so that they understand like a pro trace. What does it mean, and what is the norm for a global analysis of the section. What threatens people with the presence of protein in urine.

All laboratory investigations may be encrypted for unknown people terminology. Everything that is called ordinary people bіlkom, likar was named pro. As a rule, this indicator in analyzes in a healthy person is daily, or there may be a trace value, as to speak about the presence of a protein. Literally, in the period of word formation Pro trace - follow the protein.

A deep analysis of the section is carried out for diagnosing the body. I doslіdzhennu pіdlyagaє great kіlkіst value. Їx is available on the form for over 10, and the skin is confirmed for a single pathology.

Doslіdzhuyuchi urine, zvertayut respect whites, shards of wine є zherel bagatioh ill. Proteinuria - this is the name of the protein in the section. By examining protein molecules, one can infer that the whole organism is made up of the same materials.

The protein is found in a scrape - in the m'yazakh, brushes, hairs. I myself take part in the rich processes that occur in the body. The blood, circulating through the body, succumbs to nirks, de-establishes its filtration.

And go out in such a way that physiologically all non-necessary speeches, passing through nirks, like through a filter, are taken out of the cut, and are required to be wetted back at the blood. І tsey process trivaє incessantly, until the nirkovі tіltsya cіlіsnі. As soon as the ruination begins, or the burning of nirk fabrics, you can follow in the section, otherwise called pro trace.

More often than not, protein is consumed in battle, but it does not mean a pathology. As a rule, doctors hesitate to fold analyzes more than once. Tse allows you to see the patient's organism in more detail.

Even more often, a protein can be detected as a patient not having checked the proper hygiene, or by victorizing a non-sterile container for analysis.

Deciphering the analysis: norm value

Knowing the terminology of doctors, you can easily decipher your analysis. First of all, at the first stage, do not make yourself a diagnosis, so that confirmation requires additional follow-up. Let us put the value in the analysis and marvel at what is respected by the norm:

  • Erythrocytes (BLd): due to but or daily. As it was revealed, the person is breaking the term on the completion. Permissible value of BLd is no more than 1-2 for the field of vision.
  • Bіlіrubin (Bil): in a healthy person, veins are not to blame for manifestations. If there are pathological changes in the liver, it may be revealed.
  • Ketoni (KET): normal within a day, as well as being manifested, or may be caused by diabetes mellitus.
  • Bіlok (PRO): normal indications- Tse vіdsutnіst. It may be revealed by pathological changes in nirk, ignition processes (cystitis, prostatitis).
  • Bacteriuria (NIT): daily, or may be indicated in small quantities. Healthy people can sterilize the cut. But if the process of sechovipakannya takes place, microbes are consumed before it, then the population is not guilty of overtaking 10,000 per milliliter of urine.
  • Glucose (GLU): also not responsible for the norm. If the bula was revealed, it means that it is possible to become ill with diabetes.
  • Urine acidity (pH): the norm for the human body is 5.0 - 6.0. Above qi the meaning can be evidence of thyroid gland deficiency, nirkov deficiency.
  • Strength (S.G): the norm for the body is 1030, more means bloody diabetes, less norm means nirk deficiency.
  • Leukocytes (LEU): ill, tied with nirks and a sieve sphere, show the movement of LEU in urine.
  • Urobilinogen (UBG): cutting healthy people can avenge speech. Indicators above the norm additionally mean that you are ill with a zhovtyanitsa, toxic and igniting processes in the liver, intestines.

Crimson value in the analysis shows the color, smell, vaga urine, and also may be normal. A healthy person is unlikely to come to the polyclinic for obstezhennya, to those who carry out these analyses, already may be inflamed in the body.

General analysis of the section (OAM), also of clinical titles, is one of the most important laboratory studies, as it is carried out in diagnostic purposes. Vin is prescribed for various diseases and includes the indication of up to 20 indications, the skin of which helps in making the correct diagnosis. If you have appointed a sweeping analysis of the section, you will be familiar with the rules for interpreting the results.

What is the reason for the indiscriminate analysis of the section?

Urine (lat. urina), or cutting, is a type of biological motherland, which is seen by nirkami. At the same time, a lot of products of the exchange of speeches are produced from the body, and for these characteristics one can judge both about the blood warehouse, and about the camp of the cross-breeding paths and nirok.

The section includes speech, such as sechovina, secic acid, ketone bodies, amino acids, creatinine, glucose, protein, chloride, sulphate and phosphate. The analysis of the chemical and microbiological warehouse of the section plays an important role in the diagnosis: whether it is the diagnosis of the norm and indicates the wrong exchange of speech in the patient's body.

When is a sweeping analysis of the Sich assigned? This follow-up is necessary in case of any ailments of the sechostatic and endocrine systems, in case of respiratory depression in the heart-vascular and immune systems, as well as in cases of suspected diabetes. Also, a severe analysis of the section is assigned to those who are ill, as they have suffered a streptococcal infection. In addition, wines are carried out with a prophylactic method and to guard against the dynamics of illness.

How to put together an incendiary analysis of the section?

In order for the results of the analysis to reflect the correct clinical picture, the preparation before the procedure and the selection of urine are carried out according to the minimum rules.

Basics of how to prepare for the infamous analysis of the section:

  • it is necessary to come to the pharmacy or take a special sterile container from the doctor for picking up blood;
  • selection should be carried out from the wound: for analysis, it is recommended to take the vicorist itself for the ranking motherland, which has accumulated over the night, with which the middle portion of the stream is important for collection in the container;
  • in the evening ahead of time, you should look at the reception of any likiv, if you can get into the warehouse section (more often, consult with the doctor), as well as alcohol and farbuyuchih produktіv (beetroot, carrot, rhubarb, bay leaf and іn.);
  • rank slaughter is taken in vain, before it is not possible to eat or drink anything;
  • before choosing an analysis, it is impossible to overcool and overheat.

Collection rules:

  • bagana pick 100-150 ml (or 2/3 of a special container);
  • before choosing, it is necessary to carry out a relay toilet of state organs: in certain cases, women are recommended to use a tampon;
  • the selected home should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible (with a delay no more than 2 years);
  • as the homeland needs to be saved, the container can be placed in the dark and cold, but not too cold;
  • transport the container bagana for positive temperatures in the range of 5-20 degrees.

What does the deep analysis of the section show: deciphering the results

Deciphering the results of the general analysis of the section will help to analyze it in otrimanih pokazniki before visiting the doctor. Prote at any time cannot be engaged in self-diagnosis and self-diagnosis on the basis of taking data: for a correct analysis of the results and diagnosis, it is necessary to go back to fahivtsya.

Organoleptic indications

About `em . The open discussion of the source for analysis does not allow the work of any kind of whiskers about the disruption of diuresis. Vіn is necessary only for the appointment of the pet vagary of the section (visibility).

Diuresis - a volume of slaughter, which is settled for a singing interval of an hour (good or bad diuresis). Dobovy diuresis sound to become 1.5-2 liters (70-80% in the case of boiled water). An increase in post-diuresis is called polyuria, a change to 500 ml is called oliguria.

Color sich, yak and transparency, are marked by a laboratory assistant for an eye. At the norm, the color can change from straw to rich yellow. Vіn signifies the presence in the section of barvniks - urobilin, urozein, uroerythrin. Whether or not other signs can signal about other pathologies in the body, for example:

  • dark brown - zhovtyanitsa, hepatitis;
  • red chi erysipelas color to talk about the presence of blood in the analysis;
  • dark red - hemoglobinuria, hemolytic crisis, porphyrin ailment;
  • black - alkaptonuria;
  • a grayish-white color to talk about the presence of pus;
  • greens and blue colors are explained by the processes of rot in the intestines.

Smell in a sweeping analysis, the sect does not have a virish meaning, shards of rich food products, which should be avenged essential oils or just products that smell strongly can give off a specific smell. Proteoactive odors can be indicative of pathological pathologies:

  • the smell of ammonia to talk about cystitis;
  • fecal smell - intestinal stick;
  • rotten smell - gangrenous processes in sieve paths;
  • the smell of acetone - ketonuria (the presence of ketone bodies in the section);
  • the smell of rotting ribeye is trimethylaminuria (accumulation of trimethylamine in the body).

In the norm, the smell of the cross is soft, sometimes specific. As soon as you know it in a dry state, the smell becomes sharp through the process of oxidation.

Pinistist . At the norm, when the sect is established, stumps are practically not settled in it, but as it is settled, it is clear and unsteady. With the stability of the pine or її farbuvanni, you can talk about the zhovtyanitsa or the presence of the white in the section.

transparency sections of healthy people are approaching to the absolute. Turbidity may be due to the presence of erythrocytes, bacteria, mucus, fats, salts, pus and other speeches. The presence of any kind of speech is revealed behind the help of special techniques (heating, adding various acids to each other). If erythrocytes, bacteria, proteins or epithelium were detected in the section, it is worth talking about the section of the ailment, pyelonephritis, prostatitis and other illnesses. Leukocytes tell about cystitis. Falling into a siege of salts to talk about the presence of urates, phosphates, oxalates.

Physico-chemical indicators

Gustina . Pitoma gustina sich is a show-off, which is to fall in vіd vіku. The norm for adults and children in the age of 12 years is 1.010-1.022 g / l, for children of 4-12 years - 1.012-1.020, for children in the age of 2-3 years - 1.010-1.017, newborns - 1.008-1.018. The number of sections to be deposited depends on the number of different salts, whites, tsukrivs and other rivers. For some pathologies, this indicator is promoted through the presence of bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes. The progress of the pokaznik can be said about bloody diabetes, infectious processes in the vegetative paths. Vagіtnih svіdchit about toxicosis. Also, freedom can be promoted through insufficient support of the native land, or through expense. Decreased indication of nirkov deficiency, non-cancerous diabetes. You can also blame for the rosy pitta, or take the sechoginic licks.

Acidity Normally, it is in the range of 4-7 pH. A decrease in symptoms can be said about the presence of bugs ill: chronic nirk deficiency, increased potassium levels in the blood, parathyroid hormones, ureaplasmosis, cancer of niroka or sich mihur, etc. Increased acidity it is also blamed for starvation and starvation, with the use of certain drugs, at high temperatures and for roasting meat. pH higher than the norm can be an indicator of blood diabetes, a decrease in potassium and a disturbance in the acid-base balance of the blood.

Biochemical characteristics

Bіlok . Yogo concentration at the norm may be overestimated 0.033 g/l. The manifestation of the raised in place can be said sechostate system, allergic reactions, leukemia, epilepsy, heart failure.

The movement of proteins in the section is found in physically weakly born children of 7-16 years of age and women.

Zukor (glucose) in cross section for norms - trochs are more than 0.8 mmol / l. The development of tsukor can be caused by diabetes, supramental depression of licorice, rupture in robotics, acute pancreatitis, Cushing's syndrome, elevation of adrenaline through the defeat of epidermal ulcers. Also, moving to the church at the Sich can be blamed for the hour of vacancy.

Bіlіrubіn - a precious pigment, which in the norm is guilty of but daily in the Sich. It should be noted that there is a sharp increase in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, through which it is possible to take the blood to the robot from iogo vidennia (in the norm, bilirubin is more likely to be excreted through the intestines). The rise of this pigment in the section to talk about cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, liver failure, gallstone disease. It can also be the cause of massive erythrocyte collapse in the blood due to hemolytic disease, sickle cell anemia, malaria, and toxic hemolysis.

Ketone bodies (acetone) in the norm, they are not guilty of being listed in the indiscriminate analysis of the section. Їhnє vyyavlennya to report about the destruction of the exchange processes in the aftermath of such illnesses, such as diabetes mellitus, hostile pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis, Itsenka-Cushing's disease. Also, the release of ketone bodies is observed in the first hour of fasting, in the aftermath of alcohol intoxication, in the case of superimposed stagnation of protein and fat, in the aftermath of toxicosis in the vagina, as well as after injuries that hit the central nervous system.

Microscopic examination

Siege (organic, inorganic) . In the wild analysis of the section under the siege, cells, cylinders, crystals of salts rise up, which are precipitated after a short-hour centrifugation. Report about the different speeches, which can be revealed in the siege, we will talk below.

Blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes) . Erythrocytes - red blood cells - can be present in the flock in small numbers (for women - 0-3 in the field of vision, alone - for people). Moves instead of erythrocytes to talk about serious illness, like this:

  • mochekam'yana ailment;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hostria glomerulonephritis;
  • cancer of nirka, sich michur, prostate.

Leukocytes in the siege, revealed in the general analysis of the section, can be later afflicted with sieve paths (pyelonephritis, cystitis, sechokam'yana ailment, prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). In the norm, leukocytes in the cross section in women and children become 0-6 in polyzora, in people - 0-3.

As for the results of the general analysis of the section, you have an increase in the number of leukocytes, you should sign up for an appointment with a urologist, which, obviously, recognize additional charges - repeated OAM or at the same time with the analysis of the section for Nechiporenko, three-glass breakdown, ultrasound nirok. In most cases, all battles develop after repeated and additional investigations.

Hyaline cylinders - Tse tsilindrichnі utvorennya, at the warehouse of some of them, the cells of nirk tubules and whites are transported. Norma їх may be in the sect. Їx manifestation (more than 20 in 1 ml) to talk about hypertonic disease, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Cylindrical resolutions can also be blamed for the use of sechoginal preparations.

Granular cylinders . In my warehouse, erythrocytes and cells of nirk tubules are transported. The presence of granular cylinders near the crossroads should be a reminder of viral infections, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Possibly lead poisoning.

Visk cylinders , or wax-like cylinders, are settled as a result of a tribal perebuvannya at the lumen of the nirk canal of the hyaline abo granular cylinder. You need to talk about such pathologies, like chronic nirk deficiency, amyloidosis of nirok (incubation in the tissue of nirok of non-destructive protein - amyloid), nephrotic syndrome.

bacteria . The presence of any bacteria in the wild analysis of the section to talk about the ignition process in the section of the living system. Tobto normal bacteria are guilty but daily. Їx manifestations to report about such infectious diseases, like urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis and others. So that the results are reliable, you need a lot of hygiene intimate zones before the selection of the sich.

mushrooms in the sect, which is not normally responsible, it is the last of the infectious fungal infections of the sich paths of those state organs. In addition, their manifestations can be said about immunodeficiency and about the trial of antibiotic overdose.

salt . The presence of the Sich is the norm, and the presence in the siege can speak of the possibility of setting up nirkov stones. Changes in sechoic acid (urate) may be the result of gout, nephritis, chronic nirk deficiency. Urati is most often є nasledkom pevnoї dієti and znevodnennya organism. In new people, the presence of urates is normal. Oxalati can be cured through blood diabetes and pyelonephritis, hippuric acid crystals - through intestinal dysbacteriosis and liver failure, phosphaty - through a high amount of calcium in the section. However, keep in mind that the manifestation of still smaller salts is often associated with the promotion of still smaller products, and also, their concentration can be easily reduced by changing the diet of eating.

A table of the main indications of the general analysis of the section with normal values ​​is given, looking like this:

Also, for additional indirect analysis of the cut, it is possible to reveal various ailments of nirok and sich mikhura, problems with the frontal vein, swelling and pyelonephritis, as well as a number of low pathological stages at the cob stages, if clinical manifestations are so. Therefore, OAM should be carried out not only with the appearance of ailing symptoms, but also for the prevention of that early manifestation of a disease of the systemic system, in order to save them from a distant development.

An important diagnostic value of obstezhennі people can be a thorough analysis of the OAM section. With this help, it is possible to vivichit the station of the sciatic system, heart, herbal tract in cases of suspected serious pathology, for prevention and control of healing.

A deep analysis of the section shows the richness of the organization and the results of the investigation.

Show to OAM building

The physical power and chemical characteristics of the biological source are even more informative, which allows the examination of the cross section for the diagnosis of diseases not only of the system of vision, but also of the whole organism.

Analysis of obov'yazkovim in such pathologies, like:

  • zhovtyanitsa - zhovchnokam'yana twig, cholangitis;
  • pancreatitis in acute rupture;
  • diabetes 1 and 2 type;
  • inflammation in the organs of the sechostatic system;
  • illness nirok be of any etiology (pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, stone, glomerulonephritis), severely impaired functions of the organ;
  • the new evil and good-natured march.

Hot analysis of the section is obov'azkovim in case of any kind of inflammation in the organs of the sectional system.

OAM acts as an invisible part of the cultivation of the work of the heart, vessel, herbal system. For the help of laboratory research, it is possible to control the therapy that is being carried out, and correct the results after taking the results.

Preparing for analysis

Before the fence of the biological spring, it is necessary to prepare.

  1. For at least 2 days, do not get used to alcohol, I eat fat products, get drunk on congestion (carrot, beetroot), turn off the intake of diuretics.
  2. Do not get used to stretching for 8-12 years before picking up urine.
  3. Before the sechoviparous run, take a stately organ with a nice shower.
  4. Be sure to prepare a container for the slaughter - a clean, dry container (a sterile container is actually a small jar).

An example of the results of a wild analysis of the section

Depending on the patient’s age, a deep analysis of the section includes a set of general language indications, which are indicated on the form in Latin:

  • color - color;
  • view (clearance) - clariti;
  • acid puddle rhubarb – pH;
  • schіlnіst sich, pit vaga - SG;
  • protein - PRO;
  • leukocytes - LEU, WBC;
  • glucose - GLU;
  • ketone bodies, acetone - KET;
  • urobilinogen - UBG;
  • erythrocytes - BLD;
  • bilirubin - BIL;
  • bacteria - NIT;
  • ascorbic acid - ASC;
  • epithelium;
  • cylinders - granular, waxy, hyaline.

Under the hour of the end of the section, a complex characteristic of the warehouse of urine, її siege, is estimated about the biological environment.

Table "OAM - indicators of the norm"

Characteristics of indicationsNorm value
For peopleWomenWith vagity
Organoleptic parameters
Color, smellYellow, light yellow without a strong smell
ViewProzory, without calamity, that house
Physical and chemical parameters
SG, g/l rediniID 1010 to 10271010–1030
pH5.0-7.0 - slightly acidic or neutral urine
Biochemical parameters
PRO, g/lNone, valid up to 0.034
GLU, mmol/lEvery day, admissible presence up to 0.08Every day, admissible presence up to 0.09
KET, mmol/lUp to 0.52
Microscopic parameters
BLD, number of pieces per fieldUp to 1-2Until 6


WBC, number of pieces per floorUntil 3Up to 5
UBG, µmol/lNo more than 17
ASC, mgup to 30

In a healthy person, there are daily epithelial cells and cylinders in the section. It is allowed to have a few pieces at the field of view for understanding, that other indications are normal and, when repeated, the presence of third-party bodies does not appear.

Children of the reference value are adjusted as adults. The value of the strength of the acidic medium. From the beginning of the century, the indicators are stabilizing.

Table "Norms of OAM in children"

PokaznikiVik child
NovonarodzhenіVіd 1 to 3 yearsFrom 4 to 9 nightsFrom 10 to 15 nights
Color, smellStraw-zhovty, a sharp, unacceptable smell in the daytime
Gustina1005–1018 1008–1016 1011–1021 1013–1024
Acidityvіd 4.5 to 8.1
Erythrocytes, pcs. in the fielddaily0–2 1–3
Leukocytes, pcs. in the field



Daily or until 2

Epithelium, pcs. in the field1–3

Changing the color, the smell and the width of the section is a signal about serious damage to the robotic internal organs. Appearing in the section of indications, yakі in the norm during the day, as well as in the presence of pathologies.

Causes of death in OAM

Small changes in reference values ​​may be due to stress tolerance, physical change, dietary intake of carbohydrates, or drug use. Significance of inhalation in normal conditions - evidence of negative damage in the sciatic system, heart, liver, stool, intestines and organs.

Rest at the showroomsPossibly ill Appearance of ketone bodiesBlood diabetes, stroke, heart attack, intoxication, dysentery, eclampsia in women Found BLD trace intactMalicious lesions in nirks, oncological wounds in nirks, tuberculosis in nirks, crayfish swellings in sich water, sich mikhuri The presence of the proteinGlomerulonephritis hostria or chronic, nephritis of a recessive etiology, sechokam'yana ailment The presence of leukocytesCystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, ignition processes in the herbal and dichal systems Change in mind, color and smellUrethritis, circulatory diabetes, swelling processes, pyelonephritis Presence of glucoseBlood diabetes, swelling in the brain, sepsis, morphine, phosphorus, chloroform poisoning, nircodiabetes, acute inflammation of the pharynx Acid reactionNephritis in acute leaks, gout, tuberculosis of the nirk, severe impairment of heart function, circulatory diabetes, hypokalemia puddle reactionStrongly inflamed in the sechostatic system, hyperkalemia, chronically impaired functions of the nerves Rich cylinders, bacteria and epitheliumInfections of the pelvic organs, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephropathy with vaginess, toxicosis, Relevance to urobilinogenSee ignition processes in nirkah Appearance of a white rubyProblems with the flow of livestock into the intestines, liver ailments - cirrhosis, deficiency, hepatitis

Evaluation of the results of clinical follow-up can only be given after a comprehensive study and assessment of all parameters in the analysis. It is impossible to independently read that understanding of the meaning of the indications - the interpretation is done by the fahivets. For clarification of the diagnosis, additional obstezhennia is assigned - an analysis of the cut, blood, ultrasound, tomography.

Daily obstezhennia - prophylactic measures with a method of pathology - do not pass without completion of the section. OAM allows you to control the patient's status for an hour medicinal treatment to show breath in the robotic liver, chewing michur, zhovchovivіdnyh duct, heart, herb tract, sichovidіlnoї system Reliability of results to lay down in preparation for analysis and collection of sich.

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