The lowering of the vaga with the improvement of Vovkov's diet. Volkov's diet is ambiguous: features, contrasts and moments of Volkov's repeated diet

One of the rules of Volkov's diet is to not endure hunger at any hour. So-so, and after 18.00 tezh! Find out more about this technique, take the menu and spend up to 5 kilograms of non-essential fat in a day!

Diets for weight loss are wisely divided into 3 categories. The day can be based on a change in the mode of eating, defecation of the calorie content of the diet, or on the correction of the menu warehouse. To the rest of the category lie low-carbohydrate diets and methods of rationing eating. Volkov's diet is a symbiosis of the rules of rationed eating and feasting in the diet of carbohydrates. For the author's assertions, for the help of the method, you can lose weight by 5 kg per day, it's true, with the closeness of the vag to the normal pace, you can decrease.

The dietary program was developed by the Russian physician-therapist Anatoliy Volkov, recognized by the fahivtsy as being effective and safe, and in this hour it is widely celebrated in rich lands. In 2000, Volkov fell asleep at the clinic for treating obesity "Ekolabmedtest", among її clients - Russian and foreign political actors, representatives of show business and actors.


Volkov's diet delivers a sugar-cooked diet of foldable carbohydrates. Entering the body, speech is the main "paliva", with their deficiency in the body, fat reserves are consumed. If you include a daily diet in a new minimum of products, to avoid folding in carbohydrates, you will be able to finish your meal.

Another principle of diet is dotrimanya rules for rationed eating. It's a burden for thinning to be rooted in hardness, which the consumption of such products is badly pouring into the acquisition of living speeches. With the introduction of such products, the body will take away the optimal mind for the functioning of the mind and will independently relieve the zavoi vag.

Core information. The principle of rationed eating was first propagated by the American nutritionist Herbert Shelton. It is not recommended to eat yaki in one meal after dividing the products into six groups. Tse spryaє їх zatrimtsі in the slunkovo-intestinal tract, and, as a result, it improves the process of spalling fat. For example, meat, milk and vegetables are affected by different "technological regimes": the hour of overpickling, enzymes.

Zagalni vimogi

For the completion of Volkov's death, it is necessary to comply with the following rules:

  1. You can be, if you can't endure hunger.
  2. The optimal break between meals is 2.5-3 years, the very insoles themselves are re-adjusted to the SHKT.
  3. I need to re-chew, I will speed up the process of over-etching.
  4. The diet can be varied, but if you change the products that lie down to different groups, they are protected.
  5. You can cook in dietary ways: boiling, baking, grilling, steaming.
  6. Drinking water is not recommended.
  7. The additional norm of water is 2.5-3 liters, if you want to drink 0.5 liters on a empty heart, before eating, you decide to drink not earlier than in the next five years after the meal.

At the clinic of Dr. Volkov, diet for weight loss is developed for the skin client individually, based on the results of the blood reaction to that other food product. Before the blood sample, add yoga extract, and for changes in the density of the sedimentation of erythrocytes, speech is revealed, as a negative injection into the immune system and the body in the whole. Їx to be entered to the list of fences (chervony list). Other products are on the “green list”, they are allowed to live in, but not more.

Particular statements. The daily diet should be developed in such a way that the body gains more energy, less energy. For which you need to calculate how many calories you need to keep your body warm, and choose approximately 200-300 units. This will be a new norm, which allows you to smoothly change the vag.

Harvested products

As a diet for weight loss, you can grow independently, follow a list of all kinds of food products. Before entering:

  • Bouglioni. According to the assertion of the author of the methodology, it is necessary to pass into the broth the mustache of shkіdlі speech, which is hidden in the meat of the ribi. Vignatok to become chicken broth, which live in the period of rehabilitation after illness
  • Smoked meats, canned goods (including canned juices), but “dead” hedgehogs, cream of calories, which do not give anything to the body.
  • Milk. Volkov vvazha, scho it is more necessary for the nemovlyat. Enveloping in place of the slug, the milk is enriched with fermentation, and as a result, undesirable fermentation processes may begin in the slug.
  • Get gassed. The stench has been relieved of sourness, and to that, clay it up, having consumed it in a shell, and by the same token, the process of over-etching the hives will be improved.
  • Roslinna oliya vikoristovuvati tіlki for salads. During heat treatment, the color of the speech in unrefined oliahs crumbles, and refined ones are not left on the cob.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated for any diet for weight loss, the shards reduce its effectiveness.

Advantages and short diets

The advantages of Volkov's diet are standard for any system healthy eating with an emphasis on low calories. This is a real way to reduce your blood pressure, without affecting the health risk, and not suffering from any discomfort, almost like hunger.

From the point of view of silence, which is worse, the main disadvantage of the technique is the solid variability of control analyzes at the clinic "Ekolabmedtest" (and they need to be done often, skin 3-5 months). On the thought of nutritionists, Volkov's lack of diet can be taken into account:

  • Schodenne vzhivannya 3 liters of water. This is already a great norm, it is unlikely that it is true by the mirkuvannyami coristi.
  • Fence for milk. Such an obmezhennya can be negatively identified on the robotic nirok, liver and heart-vascular system.
  • Vignatok from the diet of broths. M'yasnі and ribnі vіdvary activate the work of the etching system, easily conquer, avenge rich brown speeches. "Taboo" on the broth in the whole building will destroy the work of the ShKT.

Zrazkove menu

Diet ration can be folded independently, following the rules of methodology. Proposed below the menu for today may be a recommendation and may be considered as one of the options.

1 Vivsyanka with dried fruitsLow fat sir, citrusBoiled fish, a couple of fresh ogirkivKefirVarene m'yaso, coleslaw
2 Pshonyana porridge with rodzinkamiFruit salad, yogurt dressingCooked chicken breast with a side dish of brown rice, ogirokSandwich of their whole grain bread with cheese, kefirRiba with vegetables, baked in foil
3 Muesli with honey and appleKefirMacaroni with durum wheat, salad with tomatoesliver appleVіdvarene m'yaso, ogіrok
4 Barley porridge with olive oilA couple of potatoes in their uniforms, leaf lettuceVegetable stew with vealapple chi pearSteamed ribn cutlets, ogirok
5 Barley porridge with dried fruitsliver appleVeal and eggplant, grilledSirna casserole with fruitsBoiled fish, vegetable salad
6 Muesli with bananaWhole grain bread with jamSir with berriesCitrusM'yaso baked with tomato
7 Omelet with cheese and greensLow-fat syrah with apple slicesParovі greechaniki, cabbage saladFruit freshRagout with rabbit and vegetables

Leave from diet

An hour before the regime of eating after Volkov is not obmezheniya, yoga can be done all life, shards of the diet will be more balanced. Ale, if I need a vag, it’s already reached, it’s necessary to go on a diet properly, otherwise you can turn around with kilograms spent. Dr. Volkov recommends two or three stretches:

  • Vykoristovuvati yaknoymenshe strav, yakі protyazh dієti were fenced.
  • New steps to add to the diet step by step.
  • Slidkuvati, shob energy value daily diet is taken from 2000 kcal.


The method for losing weight, recommended by Dr. Volkov, is not recommended breastfeeding, for a child or a frail one, as well as for the presence of onset pathologies:

  • gostrі zahvoryuvannya ShKT, liver, nirok, sertsevo-sudinnoї or endocrine system;
  • oncology;
  • the period of rehabilitation after the surgical intervention;
  • serious hormonal disorders.

Respect! In order to really evaluate the state of your body and to get rid of the unacceptable nasledkіv zastosuvannya dієti, before the cob it is strongly recommended to take a consultation of a qualified fahіvtsya.

The diet was broken down by the physician-therapist Volkov. Tsya technique is based on an effective and effective reduction in weight. Especially diets are those who can lose weight on it, without experiencing severe discomfort, without stress for the body. In order to achieve a good result, it is not necessary to starve yourself, otherwise.

What are the benefits of Volkov's diet?

It was established by the doctor that the skin of a person reacts differently to the songs, so that the reaction to the body is constantly changing. Fahіvets vyznachiv, scho fold dietary menu next, depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular person. Therefore, it is important to start a blood test, and only with the result, you can make a list, where the allowed products will be included, with the improvement of such traces.

A lot of people, who have tried this technique on their own, are convinced that in order to reach the diet, it is not possible to go through the road to follow. It's just necessary to follow the rules of the methodology and go all the way for this day (up to 5 kilograms).

  1. Under the fence, the water is gassed and filled. Also, Dr. Volkov strongly recommends the use of milk, shards of a dietitian dairy product badly overexposed by the body. When milk is reduced, a person can get sick due to changes in figure (lose a kilo) and health problems.
  2. After waking up, sip a bottle of warm water, after awakening, so that the slug is washed. You can sit down for a rank meal already in the afternoon. Drink less than 2 liters of clean water without gas today. So the doctor Volkov boldly recommends, or if you want to work at home, exercise and often walk around. Tse additionally change the figure. Zagalom it is important to lead an active way of life.
  3. It is recommended to include before the diet rich brown products. Budvavat menu following the improvement of beef meat, seafood, low-fat varieties of ribi, sour-milk products. Also important is the presence of fruits, greens, eggs, cereals, whole grain bread. Vegetables should be chosen so as not to avenge starch. Salads are allowed to fill with olive oil, but not more than 1 tsp. for 1 portion.
  4. If the turbulence is stronger, then only in such a state of affairs, but it doesn’t seem that it’s tedious, but the one who made it more tasty.
  5. Best of all, between meals, you will finish equal to the hour. Tobto їsti is necessary in 2-3 years. Whole enough is sufficient, so that the organism has grasped to rebuild the front of the hedgehog.
  6. Store the diet following the improvement of protein products. It is best to introduce a minimum of carbohydrate products into the menu. It is best to eat low-calorie herbs, so as not to avenge shkidlivy fats.
  7. Obov'yazkovo relatively rezhovuvat їzhu, nі on scho do not mind, for example, a TV set, reading a book or searching for information on the Internet.
  8. It is allowed to eat food at the orphan's place, to bake, cook, stew, cook on the grill or steam. Carefully grease the ingredients, rather put them on a dry frying pan.
  9. Best not to save water, tea chi kava pіd hіїzhі. Bazhano robiti tse for pіvgodini before the meal.
  10. It is permissible to save fruit, but oskolki ce can become the reason for the galvanization of the process of losing weight and bring on adding more kilos.
  11. You cannot eat broths and different herbs on their basis. The diet is not responsible for the presence of alcohol. Rarely can you afford a cellar of dry red wine.
  12. The menu of obov'yazkovo can be different, so that it doesn't come up on another or third day. Ale, take it to respect - obov'yazkova umova. For example, it is better to eat porridge with meat, and riba with vegetables. All of a sudden - wrong.
  13. Better than timchasovo methods are used for smoked meats, salted meats, boron, canned products. Also, under the fence, high-calorie malt, fast food, beverages and products that avenge rich zukra.
  14. After a skin meal, take care of your health. If you feel the discomfort of other unacceptable processes, it is necessary to understand that such a product is not suitable for the body, then, next, it should be taken into account.

It is important to take into consideration the fact that the doctor Volkov is determined to start a method only after the complete obstezhennya and the recognition of the individual characteristics of the body. Just in such a state of mind, it’s not better to lose weight, but don’t get healthy. So the nutritionist recommends in the future to eat food, so as not to change the blood formula. In another turn, the body can get stuck with problems: wandering will begin, the process of decay will be blamed.

With good self-confidence, you can continue to lose weight using this method, you can’t reach the desired result. If so, you can add extra calories and indulge yourself with rarely loved products that are not recommended by the method.

Diet Volkova: food for 7 days

A healthy diet of food has been requested, insurance for 7 days. For an hour you can get a great amount of kilograms.

Diet Day Snidanok Snack Obid Noon Supper
first day 150 g porridge with additional dried fruits 150 g of syrnoy casserole with orange slices 150 g vegetable salad from cabbage and ozhirka, seasoned with 1 tsp. dewy olії; 100 g baked fish fillet 200 ml low-fat kefir 80 g boiled chicken breast; 170 g coleslaw dressed with lemon juice
Another day 150 g wheaten porridge with 15 g moles 200 g fruit salad with apples and peaches, seasoned with natural yoghurt 150 g rice porridge (brown cereal); 80 g of boiled turkey fillet; 1 tomato 1 whole-grain bread from a stalk of non-salted hard syrup; 100 ml low-fat kefir 100 g of baked fish fillet with cibulei, tomatoes and eggplant
third day 150 g of porridge with grated apple and adding 1 tsp. natural honey 200 ml low-fat kefir 50 g of hard pasta; 150 g salad with tomato, cucumber and greens, seasoned with 1 tsp. dewy olive 1 baked apple 150 g boiled chicken fillet; 1 fresh stump
fourth day 150 g millet porridge from 1 tsp natural honey 2 boiled potatoes, sizzling greens 100 g baked ribi; 150 g vegetable stew (cabbage, eggplant, cibulya, tomato) 1 small apple 100 g chicken cutlets, steamed; 150 g salad with tomato, cucumber and greens. Seasoned 1 tsp. dewy olive
Fifth day 150 g barley porridge with dried fruits 1 green apple 100 g of boiled turkey fillet; 150 g baked eggplant 150 g sirnoi casserole with apples 100 g baked fish fillet; 100 g grilled eggplant
Sixth day 150 g porridge with bananas 1 whole grain bread with a thin ball of fruit jam 200 g syrah with grated apple, half-fruit and currant 1 orange / 2 tangerines 150 g baked rabbit fillet; 1 fresh tomato
somy day 100 g omelet from greens and tomatoes, cooked with cheese 150 g syrah with apple and orange slices 100 g of buckwheat porridge; 200 g cabbage-tomato salad 200 ml orange juice 150 g stew with eggplant, cibuli, tomato; 50 g baked meat yalovichini

Advantages and short diets

The main advantage of Volkov's methodology is efficiency, as well as the presence of a severe hunger for the reason that you can put together a diet based on your favorite products. Before that, the technique can be at least fenced on deaki products. Under the hour of the diet, you don’t notice weakness, flickering, mood swings. Krim tsgogo, pokraschuetsya self-feeling and you can take the deep effect of healing the body. What better way to put together a menu on the basis of recommended products.

Also, the diet may be small nedolіki:

  1. In order to improve the methods, the first step is to perform a blood test, but not without a blood test. That work is needed more than once, but approximately 4-5 months.
  2. A lot of fahіvtsіv at the galuzі eating is not understood, why Volkov is saving milk. Even so, the milky drink is rich on the faceless brown speeches, as it is necessary for the body to do its normal work. Milk is beneficially poured into the work of nirok, the hearts of that liver, saturate the body with calcium, which is necessary for the brushes to be mimic.
  3. Not good fakhіvtsі z tim, scho Volkov vvazhє broth - filthy eating. More dietologists have changed, which rarely helps the mucosal-intestinal tract to normalize, and with the help of the doctor, no problems are excluded.
  4. Having been honored to try the values ​​of the methodology, the next step is to get ready to adjust your menu and change the mode of eating.

Such a technique can be used more and more, it is necessary for the mind of self-confidence.


This technique is categorically not suitable for pregnant women and women who have menopause. It is also fenced to treat children, people of a frail age, as well as those who have a broken hormonal system, oncological illness, and also illness, when they are sick.

Do not go on a diet in times, as if it were promptly introduced, in which a transplantation of any organ was expected. Bazhano, before starting a diet, consult with your therapist, who could give the go-ahead to do the procedure.

Volkov's diet is a unique technique, based on numerical strengths and recommendations, so before you start, before you start, it's important to call all the "for" and "against". All the same, children have nedolki, which can become the cause of such a system of eating.

It was developed by the Moscow doctor-dietologist Volkovim, the system of dietary eating, to bring excellent results both in nutrition and weight loss, and for the health of the body. Why is the methodology given and why can you spend 5 kg per day, let's figure it out.

The system was developed by Volkovim - the whole complex, the basis of which is the reduction of protein content and the minimization of the reduction of products, yak vengeance of carbohydrates. Diet helps cleanse and improve the body. For a strict mind, it’s not a diet for losing weight, although in that plan the result is different.

The peculiarities of eating are related to the fact that it is necessary to individually choose those products for you, like “love” your body. For whom, it is necessary to carry out folding (and expensive) blood tests for food intolerance. The shelter "signals" about those products that your body needs, and those that bring more harm.

Diet rules

  • Cook right. Run a heat treatment to a minimum. Before the speech, Anatoly Viktorovich, the most important one, I respect the one that was extinguished for a long time.
  • Retail food. You can’t get used to protein and carbohydrates at the same time.
  • Guess you're really hungry. Having tasted the bazhannya, drink water (bottle) and as if through the first year, the bazhannya didn’t go anywhere - an hour sitting at the table.
  • Set intervals here. It is necessary with sufficient breaks, so that the body can easily digest the hedgehog earlier. Tse become 2-3 years old.
  • We do not introduce daily zhorst timchasovye borders. If you want to have a bite to eat about the first year of the night - zhte, ale, so that you can overcome hunger, and not be tormented by nightmares.
  • Riznomanіtne eating. You yourself know that your list of greens is not so small, put together a full menu.
  • Water. It is necessary to drink at least 3 liters per day.
  • It’s okay, I need to seriously chew. Drink for an hour even if it’s not necessary, but you still want to, if you can, the water is pure and tea (greens).
  • active image life+ colder douche at any time.

The change of the grubs, the exclusion of products, which are responsible for the bad body, - the way to dressing without licks.

Volkov's technique includes fasting, taking medications and dietary supplements, and calorie intake. The most effective faces - savory is that right hedgehog!

Advantages and shortcomings of Volkov's diet

As if it were another system of eating, Volkov's technique may be, as if they were their own pribіchniks, and opponents. Crazy perevagami її є:

  • Individual approach to the skin client;
  • to actively cleanse the body and release the swarms;
  • efficiency;
  • feel like hunger;
  • freedom of choice and diversity of the menu.

Opponents of the methodology call її super smart. So Volkov categorically conserves the broth and milk, and a lot of nutritionists influence their living during the diet. Pouring before going to bed (before speech, it is possible to work and lie), also calls out a lot of criticism, even if problems can be blamed for the sins. Well, honestly, drinking 3 liters of water a day is even more problematic for the rich.

The main nedolіkom tsієї dієti є її vartist. With a significant vase, you will need to periodically (through the skin 4-5 months) blood test. And the variety of yoga (less than the first one) is around $300. It’s not a fact (yakscho you didn’t turn back directly to the clinic), why do you need to work for a living. And you also need to know a nutritionist, who will take care of you.

What is possible, and what is not possible to live under the hour of diet

Obviously, not everyone can see Volkov’s clinic (Moscow metro station, Architector Vlasov st. 6), but don’t fall into the water. You can make a list of products and independently, varto respectfully listen to your body:

  • exclude from the diet those that you simply do not like;
  • Unacceptable products, for which you have an allergy.

Tse will be your red list, add greenery to those you love. Accuracy can not be given, but in rich places at the same time fakhivtsi, as if they work for this system and that laboratory, where it is possible to perform analysis.

The food program is developed individually and is adjusted according to the results of the analyses. Ale є perelіk comrades, vzhivat yakі zaboroneno all. Before entering:

  • stew products. In the process of such heat treatment, the structure of the product is destroyed;
  • be-yaki preserves, including juices;
  • don't smear anything on growing olive: unrefined - burn, and refining burnt mary for the body product;
  • turn on the stew of broth - stinks take all carcinogens and shkidlivy speech from yourself;
  • milk;
  • smoked products;
  • gassing water.
  • green tea;
  • non-licorice compote;
  • eggs and cheese;
  • cooked, lean meat;
  • ribi, steamed.

The methodology is based on Shelton's system of divided eating. After it, all products are divided into 6 groups:

  • dairy products;
  • m'yaso ta riba;
  • legumes and all vegetables;
  • all kinds of fruits and peas;
  • kavun;
  • dinya.

If we are talking about the choice of products, we are on the verge, that all stinks can be natural and environmentally friendly.

The calmness of Volkov's system lies in the fact that an individual appointment of a medical consultant will help in the development of the menu for the day, and in the world of the need for yogo correction.

Menu for the day

The diet of the diet should be more conscious in nature, even paradoxical depressions occurred, if the patient lost weight, living with that fatty pork.

A quick menu looks like this:


1 meal: be it porridge, sumish muesli (without zucru) and 100 g of dried fruits.

2 snidanok: sirna zapіkanka, sir it is necessary to take fat, put an orange instead of tsukr.

On obid: steamed fish or baked with cabbage salad and ogirka.

At noon, drink a bottle of kefir.

Supper: meat (vіdvarene), greens, cabbage.


Snidanok: porridge (wheat can be) with rodzinki.

2nd meal: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.

Obid: brown rice, chicken fillet, ogirok.

Snack: bread (whole grain), a piece of hard syrah, kefir.

For the evening: fish, baked with vegetables.


1 reception їzhi: vіvsyanka z apple and honey.

2 reception: kefir.

Obid: macaroni (hard varieties), salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv.

4 reception: baked apple.

Supper: cooking meat with a fresh ogirkom.


Snidanok: porridge (muesli) with honey.

2 reception zhі: a couple of potatoes (vіdvarenih) іz greens.

For lunch: steamed fish with vegetable stew.

Midday: Sir apple of medium rosemary.

Supper: steamed cutlets with green salad and fresh vegetables.


For snacks: porridge (for variety, you can take barley) with additional dried fruits.

2 snidanok: kefir chi apple.

Obid: baking eggplant from cooked meat.

Snack: a casserole with syrup and fruit.

Supper: fish with vegetables.


Snidanok: banana and muesli.

2 reception zhі: bread with jam.

3 reception zhі: grind to homogeneous mass s yagіd i fruktіv sir.

4 reception: citrus fruits (trochs).

5 reception: the meat is baked and cooked with fresh tomatoes.


Snidanok: 2 lubricated or boiled eggs with additional syrup and greens.

2 snacks: 100 g of syrup with orange slices.

Obid: Greek porridgefresh salad.

Snack: a bottle of fresh juice (rather than orange).

Supper: stew m'yaso-ovocheve.

Even if the hour of your diet does not bother you, everything is in power - you can take care of everything you want to live.

Take Chekhov’s words for reference: “Having stood up at the table hungry, you didn’t get enough;

How to get out of a diet correctly

  • add new products step by step in small quantities;
  • do not beat those that (as shown by the analyses) change your blood formula;
  • live for more than 2 yew. kcal;
  • go in for sports;
  • podbayte about the camp shkіri, even if it is thinner, you can sag;
  • continue to take a contrast shower.

Weakness is carried out for 2-3 stretches.


If you want a diet and positively affects the body, it is a category of people, such a system of eating is contraindicated:

  • mothers (div.) and mother-year-olds (div.);
  • pіdlіtki i lіtnі bulkers;
  • patients with hostile and chronic forms of ill-health;
  • after transplantation;
  • at the postoperative period;
  • oncological ailments;
  • women in the period of menopause and the first hour of the menstrual cycle.

Navit opponents of this technique know that it is effective and safe. You can learn more about the methodology by marveling at the video: Dr. Volkov's method is the logic of health. The doctor wisely explains how the technique is practiced.

Lose weight safely, without torturing yourself for the sake of hunger, it’s better for you, that, if you finish this system of eating, you’ll not only throw off the pounds, but you’ll feel richer better.

Volkov's diet is a system of rationed eating. We don't have any strong recommendations regarding the choice of products, the diet is formed individually.

According to the words of the author, nutritionist O. V. Volkov, for re-etching different types You will need a special fermentation hour. Therefore, it is not possible to change it in one product, as they are already worried about the specified parameters.

Volkov's diet rules:

  • proteins and carbohydrate products do not get used together;
  • take only a little while when I feel almost hungry;
  • you can choose the mode of eating, whether it be, or else you must go through food for at least 2 years;
  • 3 liters of water are needed for production, and the first liter is up to the snidanku;
  • at the same time, you can take in more than water or green tea. The other days are allowed for 30 minutes before or after the next year;
  • live in less environmentally friendly products:
  • give products only to the minimum thermal processing cook as fast as possible;
  • prepare stravi in ​​dietary ways - cooking, steaming, roasting in the oven and grill;
  • the diet can be buti yakomoga raznomanіtnishim;
  • it is necessary to respect the reaction of the body to food, depending on the products, since the survival of such products is self-consciously decreasing;
  • regularly take a biochemical blood test to control the body's reaction to these other products;
  • need for good physical training, before going to bed - dousing with cold water.

The benefits of Volkov's diet

The speed of the diet on Volkov’s diet is individual, it’s better to lie in the diet and the cob vag - the greater the wine, the more graceful.

Volkov's diet can be brought to the systems of rationed eating, which can have a massive health effect.

Nedolyki and contraindications for Volkov's diet

More doctors need to live 3 liters of water above the world and more shkidlivim for health, lower to bring measles.

Cold dousing may have a tonic (pidbadjorlivy) effect, which is why the duration of the procedure before going to bed calls for doubt.

Before that, how to start a diet, the next step is to know a specialist in eating, known from the Volkov system, that laboratory, which can regularly take a blood test.

To create an individual diet, one should be guided by the results of a biochemical blood test, which is regularly made, adjusting the menu in accordance with indications. Obviously, the goal is to carry out the diet under the control of fakhivtsya, which is not done manually and, moreover, it is costly.

Which products are allowed?

The basis of the diet of diet is protein products, cream of fences, vegetables and fruits, a small amount of olive oil.

What are the products of the fence?

  • canned food
  • Stewed meat and fish.
  • M'yasny that ribny broth.
  • That lubricated hedgehog is smoked.
  • Milk.
  • Fast food.
  • Soda drinks, alcohol.

Volkov's diet menu

An example of the menu of one day of Volkov's diet:

Porada 1. Before starting a diet, the next step is to know a specialist in eating, known from the Volkov system, that laboratory, which can regularly take blood tests.

Porada 2. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use sauna and laznu.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

It was developed by the Moscow doctor-dietologist Volkovim, the system of dietary eating, to bring excellent results both in nutrition and weight loss, and for the health of the body. Why is the methodology given and why can you spend 5 kg per day, let's figure it out.

The system was developed by Volkovim - the whole complex, the basis of which is the reduction of protein content and the minimization of the reduction of products, yak vengeance of carbohydrates. Diet helps cleanse and improve the body. For a strict mind, it’s not a diet for losing weight, although in that plan the result is different.

The peculiarities of eating are related to the fact that it is necessary to individually choose those products for you, like “love” your body. For whom, it is necessary to carry out folding (and expensive) blood tests for food intolerance. The shelter "signals" about those products that your body needs, and those that bring more harm.

Diet rules

  • Cook right. Run a heat treatment to a minimum. Before the speech, Anatoly Viktorovich, the most important one, I respect the one that was extinguished for a long time.
  • Retail food. You can’t get used to protein and carbohydrates at the same time.
  • Guess you're really hungry. Having tasted the bazhannya, drink water (bottle) and as if through the first year, the bazhannya didn’t go anywhere - an hour sitting at the table.
  • Set intervals here. It is necessary with sufficient breaks, so that the body can easily digest the hedgehog earlier. Tse become 2-3 years old.
  • We do not introduce daily zhorst timchasovye borders. If you want to have a bite to eat about the first year of the night - zhte, ale, so that you can overcome hunger, and not be tormented by nightmares.
  • Riznomanіtne eating. You yourself know that your list of greens is not so small, put together a full menu.
  • Water. It is necessary to drink at least 3 liters per day.
  • It’s okay, I need to seriously chew. Drink for an hour even if it’s not necessary, but you still want to, if you can, the water is pure and tea (greens).
  • Active way of life+ colder douche at any time.

The change of the grubs, the exclusion of products, which are responsible for the bad body, - the way to dressing without licks.

Volkov's technique includes fasting, taking medications and dietary supplements, and calorie intake. The most effective faces - savory is that right hedgehog!

Advantages and shortcomings of Volkov's diet

As if it were another system of eating, Volkov's technique may be, as if they were their own pribіchniks, and opponents. Crazy perevagami її є:

  • Individual approach to the skin client;
  • to actively cleanse the body and release the swarms;
  • efficiency;
  • feel like hunger;
  • freedom of choice and diversity of the menu.

Opponents of the methodology call її super smart. So Volkov categorically conserves the broth and milk, and a lot of nutritionists influence their living during the diet. Pouring before going to bed (before speech, it is possible to work and lie), also calls out a lot of criticism, even if problems can be blamed for the sins. Well, honestly, drinking 3 liters of water a day is even more problematic for the rich.

The main nedolіkom tsієї dієti є її vartist. With a significant vase, you will need to periodically (through the skin 4-5 months) blood test. And the variety of yoga (less than the first one) is around $300. It’s not a fact (yakscho you didn’t turn back directly to the clinic), why do you need to work for a living. And you also need to know a nutritionist, who will take care of you.

What is possible, and what is not possible to live under the hour of diet

Obviously, not everyone can see Volkov’s clinic (Moscow metro station, Architector Vlasov st. 6), but don’t fall into the water. You can make a list of products and independently, varto respectfully listen to your body:

  • exclude from the diet those that you simply do not like;
  • Unacceptable products, for which you have an allergy.

Tse will be your red list, add greenery to those you love. Accuracy can not be given, but in rich places at the same time fakhivtsi, as if they work for this system and that laboratory, where it is possible to perform analysis.

The food program is developed individually and is adjusted according to the results of the analyses. Ale є perelіk comrades, vzhivat yakі zaboroneno all. Before entering:

  • stew products. In the process of such heat treatment, the structure of the product is destroyed;
  • be-yaki preserves, including juices;
  • don’t smear anything on the olive: unrefined - burn, and refined in the fire is a product for the body;
  • turn on the stew of broth - stinks take all carcinogens and shkidlivy speech from yourself;
  • milk;
  • smoked products;
  • gassing water.
  • green tea;
  • non-licorice compote;
  • eggs and cheese;
  • cooked, lean meat;
  • ribi, steamed.

The methodology is based on Shelton's system of divided eating. After it, all products are divided into 6 groups:

  • dairy products;
  • m'yaso ta riba;
  • legumes and all vegetables;
  • all kinds of fruits and peas;
  • kavun;
  • dinya.

If we are talking about the choice of products, we are on the verge, that all stinks can be natural and environmentally friendly.

The calmness of Volkov's system lies in the fact that an individual appointment of a medical consultant will help in the development of the menu for the day, and in the world of the need for yogo correction.

Menu for the day

The diet of the diet should be more conscious in nature, even paradoxical depressions occurred, if the patient lost weight, living with that fatty pork.

A quick menu looks like this:


1 meal: be it porridge, sumish muesli (without zucru) and 100 g of dried fruits.

2 snidanok: sirna zapіkanka, sir it is necessary to take fat, put an orange instead of tsukr.

On obid: steamed fish or baked with cabbage salad and ogirka.

At noon, drink a bottle of kefir.

Supper: meat (vіdvarene), greens, cabbage.


Snidanok: porridge (wheat can be) with rodzinki.

2nd meal: fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.

Obid: brown rice, chicken fillet, ogirok.

Snack: bread (whole grain), a piece of hard syrah, kefir.

For the evening: fish, baked with vegetables.


1 reception їzhi: vіvsyanka z apple and honey.

2 reception: kefir.

Obid: macaroni (hard varieties), salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv.

4 reception: baked apple.

Supper: cooking meat with a fresh ogirkom.


Snidanok: porridge (muesli) with honey.

2 reception zhі: a couple of potatoes (vіdvarenih) іz greens.

For lunch: steamed fish with vegetable stew.

Midday: Sir apple of medium rosemary.

Supper: steamed cutlets with green salad and fresh vegetables.


For snacks: porridge (for variety, you can take barley) with additional dried fruits.

2 snidanok: kefir chi apple.

Obid: baking eggplant from cooked meat.

Snack: a casserole with syrup and fruit.

Supper: fish with vegetables.


Snidanok: banana and muesli.

2 reception zhі: bread with jam.

3 reception zhі: grind to homogeneous masi with berries and fruits sir.

4 reception: citrus fruits (trochs).

5 reception: the meat is baked and cooked with fresh tomatoes.


Snidanok: 2 lubricated or boiled eggs with additional syrup and greens.

2 snacks: 100 g of syrup with orange slices.

Obid: Greek porridge with fresh salad.

Snack: a bottle of fresh juice (rather than orange).

Supper: stew m'yaso-ovocheve.

Even if the hour of your diet does not bother you, everything is in power - you can take care of everything you want to live.

Take Chekhov’s words for reference: “Having stood up at the table hungry, you didn’t get enough;

How to get out of a diet correctly

  • add new products step by step in small quantities;
  • do not beat those that (as shown by the analyses) change your blood formula;
  • live for more than 2 yew. kcal;
  • go in for sports;
  • podbayte about the camp shkіri, even if it is thinner, you can sag;
  • continue to take a contrast shower.

Weakness is carried out for 2-3 stretches.


If you want a diet and positively affects the body, it is a category of people, such a system of eating is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy (div. diet for pregnancy) and mother-year-olds (div. diet for mother-year-old);
  • pіdlitki (div. diet for pіdlіtkіv) and summer bulkers;
  • patients with hostile and chronic forms of ill-health;
  • after transplantation;
  • at the postoperative period;
  • oncological ailments;
  • women in the period of menopause and the first hour of the menstrual cycle.

Navit opponents of this technique know that it is effective and safe. You can learn more about the methodology by marveling at the video: Dr. Volkov's method is the logic of health. The doctor wisely explains how the technique is practiced.

Lose weight safely, without torturing yourself for the sake of hunger, it’s better for you, that, if you finish this system of eating, you’ll not only throw off the pounds, but you’ll feel richer better.

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