Plid on the 19th obstetric pregnancy test. Nineteen days of pregnancy: hell, hormone! Vagity day. Active way of life

19th obstetric day of pregnancy(embryonic age is open on the 1-2 th of December) practically all future matus is called a calm hour. This is practically the middle of another trimester of the term vagity, which is called “golden” through those self-perceived vaginal women's garne, hormonal storms have sensed. At the same time, motherhood can already see the first mail and the thief of her pre-qualified baby.

At this hour, the woman, already on the floor, clearly understands her camp, that she begins to learn to talk with the fetus, to move with it.

During this period, the life is already rounded off, the progress becomes “kachina”, the breasts are significantly enlarged.

Too much vagity to talk about those who consider themselves happy. And it’s not only internal, but it’s called. Mayday mom start the garnish, as if it were shining in the middle, the skin becomes more smooth and even, and the hair is thick and shiny.

And then there are the ugly moments: at once you have to call to sleep in a different position, even if your tummy does not allow you to turn on your back. Sleep on the back is not safe, which can press down on an empty vein, which can cause blood circulation to collapse both in mothers and in babies. The best sleeping position is on the boots.

It is necessary for a person to drink richly - for that, a vagrant woman needs to drink up to two liters of fresh water for production.

In this term, melanin is actively vibrating, so the appearance of pigmented patches on the skin of a woman is even more common: you hear the darkening of the areola and nipples, depressions under the groin, vulva, umbilical line.

Up to this term, women can increase from three to six kilograms.

Too many people at once feel discomfort when standing, even if it means more pressure on the ridge, across the beginning to move forward. If it looks like it hurts, then it’s better for all doctors to recommend wearing a supporting bandage.

The widest view for 19 tyzhnі vagity:

  • Not strong bіl, scho pull in the lower abdomen
  • constipation
  • Flatulence
  • Zadishka
  • Nasal congestion
  • Drop the arterial pressure
  • Pechia
  • Rossiyanost
  • Damaged memory
  • Sudomi in the legs.

Warto remember that all the factors are not accepted by the clock. Days of them will pass after a few days, and days will appear only after a few years.

Fetal growth at 19 th gestational age

At the same time, your little one needs about 300 grams, and its growth is 130-150 mm. The embryo grows proportionally, and its organs continue their development and molding. With a normal overshoot of vaccinity, the little ones already trim the head straight and twist it. On the ultrasound photo, you can already clearly look at the signs, draw the veneer.

The most important thing on the 19th tyzhnі vagіtnostі - tse povnotsіnne shaping zahisny bar'єru - placenta. Now the third circle of blood circulation is being formed.

The spleen to the fetus is already beginning to completely overcome its functions.

Looking at the embryo like a little man with erysipelas wrinkled skin. Ale, the skins are no longer so thin, as before, and protected with syrupy oil. In the area of ​​cheeks, breasts and breasts, fat cells begin to be deposited under the skin, as a viconuvatime function of energy in the first days after the people.

At the same time, if the central nervous system is in the active phase of the development, then the little one begins to actively break: trembling with the hands and feet, moistening the fingers, future peaks. Please already respond to in the middle: for example, you can make loud sounds and shake.

The herbal system of children is being improved day by day. Meconium (primary feces) begins to accumulate in the intestines. It was understood that the embryo still does not have anything, but feces are accumulated from the dead cells of the epithelium, intestines, zhovchі, yakі are consumed at the SHKT at the same time from the rainy waters.

Malya is already actively pissing - the nirs of the fetus see the slash in the navcoloplide homeland, so that we can then be introduced through the mother's body.

The molding of light fruits is being completed.

At the same time, little ones for a normal increase in vaginess practically do not threaten anything. Ale all the same varto beware of stressful situations and injuries. Even though the rich organs of the child are already formed, the little one cannot survive in front of the canopies.

What a cicavo, mayzhe the whole hour the embryo is resting at the bed of sleep - until the 20th year. The little ones are activated, ring in the evening, sometimes the mail can be seen, as if the mother was nervous or the noise was loud.

Yaki factori pour on the development of the fetus

Perelіk boron is filled with the same, like in other terms of pregnancy: liquid alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics, harsh speeches, lykіv, stress and hvilyuvan.

Although the placenta is already practically 100% formed, it protects the plate from negative effusions, it is possible for the speech to penetrate through the zahisny bar'єr.

Yakі can viniknutnya folded on 19 tyzhnі vagіtnostі

Wikidni on this term is correct, but all the same, it’s still respectfully put up to your own station, so that you can turn off the mimulous reversal of vaginess.

Warto means that if the embryo is alive to its term, then it is alive, it does not care about the presence of any anomalies in the development. So, for example, on the 19th day Down's syndrome appears. However, such a baby has the right to life.

Continue eating for your diet. Lack of calcium in the mother's body can lead to hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A lack of vitamin D caused rickets in a baby.

Give respect to the nature of vaginal visions. With a normal excess of vaginess, the stench was barren, or there were trochs, without a strong smell and sverbly. Well, the color, the smell, the unacceptable sights are disturbing you - they lead you to turn to the doctor.

Changes in the body of a woman for 19 years of pregnancy

On the 19th tyzhnі vagity (obstetrical term trochs dries up in the embryonic age of the fetus), the embryo vibrates a large amount of somatotropin hormone. This hormone enhances the synthesis of RNA and DNA in fetal cells, it is a vital material for tissue membranes, stimulating the production of insulin.

What a cicavo, somatotropin is added to the callousness of a vaginal woman: mothers note the proportionate increase in fingers, nose and nose. The hormone also positively affects the restoration of healthy tissues, cartilage and nerve fibers. Therefore, a lot of chronic illnesses, caused by the region, can go into the stage of remission during the period of pregnancy.

At once, the tummy, which has grown in roses, begins to squeeze on all internal organs, on the navel and on the nerve ends.

Toxicosis in this term is already practical for everyone to pass. Seems to be confused, the postava is broken. Stretch marks can appear on the shkіrі, so varto can be repaired by means of changing these manifestations. Ale be careful. Too many components at once cosmetic products can cause a severe allergic reaction.

Analyzes and medical obstezhennia

On the nineteenth obstetric type vagity are assigned to analyzes and medical investigations, which allow to control the process of winemaking of a child. You can also have a blood test up to the level of hemoglobin (in case of suspected anemia), analysis of a section for protein.

Until the 20th week of pregnancy, genetic screening of the other trimester (trimester test) is carried out. Investigations for biochemical blood levels of CGL, AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and non-conjugated estriol.

The most comprehensive analysis of the evidence can give the most accurate result about the development of the fetus and the occurrence of anomalies.

Even though the risk of pathology is high, the doctor can recommend amniocentesis - parkan on the last of the rainy waters. However, this analysis should be of the nature of recommendations through a high risk, even if there is a puncture of the line for water intake, which can lead to negative consequences. But the best result is 99.9%.

Ultrasound at 19 th vagity

Ultrasound follow-up at a time, it can be recognized to assess the development of the fetus and become the internal organs of the mother.

With ultrasound fahivets assess:

  • The Komirtseva zone and the nasal brush are a sign of chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Vimiryuvannya heart rhythm.
  • Embryo activity.
  • Stan amniotic rіdini.
  • You can choose to become a child (like a baby turn to its right side).

Once in a while, the woman of the varto is afraid of injuries, so that through the damage put that coordination even a high risk of falling.

Let's talk about eating: don't overwhelm yourself with "sloppy" jzhey that fast food. Eating can be balanced and healthy: vegetables, fruits, low-fat meat, dairy products. Eat a little, but often. Include in the diet products, rich in fresh vegetables, to avoid anemia: green vegetables, green apples, porridge (Greek, wheat), dried apricots, figs, tomato sik, sir i sir.

Sex on the 19th day of pregnancy

You don’t use the intimate life of this term for the fence. Varto is less to beware of such a deep penetration and poses that call a vice on the life. Feeling the sex is not varto, even if you bring the woman the necessary positive emotions.

Sports and physical education

Physical activity is also protected. Ale needs to keep up the peace. Forget about professional sports for an hour of vacancy, just like that about extreme sports.

Yoga, fitness, dical gymnastics for women, swimming pool - the axis of the optimal way to preserve the physical form of future mothers.

Vitamins and drinks for 19 days of pregnancy

During this period, if the placenta practically improves its function, the transfer of medicinal preparations, which are allowed to stagnate with vagits, is signifi- cantly expanded.

On the 19th day, it is possible:

  • Vitamins (including in injections)
  • Antibiotics (penicillin series)
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal preparations
  • Treatments for medical zastosuvannya - creams, ointments, candles, nasal sprays
  • Make sure to improve the blood circulation (Actovegin, Curantil, Eufilin)
  • Antispasmodics
  • Antihistamines
  • Sedatives (valerian and dog nettle)
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Paracetamol)
  • Faces for ShKT

Vtіm, to be precise, that self-admiration in case of vaginess is unacceptable. When taking, at first glance, the most recent preparations for varto, consult the doctor in advance.

On the calendar, the 19th obstetric day of pregnancy, the 17th type of flooding, the 15th type of trim. Half of the term of winemaking is practically passed (full-term vagіtnіst vіd 38 to 40 tizhnіv).

  • How is the baby developing, and what does the woman look like on the 19th pregnancy?
  • What analyzes and investigations need to be carried out, why should a gynecologist be seen?
  • Proper eating, vitamins and rules of conduct for vaginal.
  • Problems and folding: how to reveal and what to work?

Plid. Rosvitok on the 19th edition

On the 19th obstetric tyzhnі vagіtnostі pіd dovzhina reach about 20 cm (from the ceiling to the piat), vаgi close to 250 g.

The development process and the maturation of internal systems and organs are being continued, the future baby is becoming more and more similar to great people. Many systems (shlunkovo-intestinal, cardiovascular, nervous) are already practicing, exercising their ability, in some cases the process of development (Legenev, Imunna) is being continued.

The nervous system is the basis of any organism, which, in the current term, viconizes impersonal functions, although the development has not yet been completed. In the brain, there is an active growth of measles, molding of zvivin. Starting this process in the future, I see mental activity, I can learn and perform complex romatic operations. Zvivini are settled as a result of angry faceless furrows, as if they were settled on the cortex of the brain with a stretch of a few front tizhnivs.

At the continuous stage of development in the brain, connections between neurons are vibrated, the possibility of conducting signals between various nerve endings is observed, the building of keruvati is trained different parts body. The process of myelinization of neurons is being continued, which ensures the improvement of the conduction of nerve endings. On the 19th day of pregnancy, fetal ruptures, which were previously chaotic, step by step become more orderly, controlled by commands from the center nervous system(brain).

The development of the main organs is being continued. Nearly 7 days to complete the molding of the 2nd analyzers. For the time being, the little one can’t bachiti and take it in the right way, but even more often, it’s not enough to raise it lower. The molding of the dawn and the sprynyattya of the navkolishny is a long process, which is a trivatime by stretching all the vagity and after the people.

Hearing is being improved, the future little one can already shake, as if the moon is in order with the mother, a loud sound or music will sound. As long as the sounds that reach the baby are muffled. When the people of the child happen to have an hour of ringing between themselves, the sound of other objects and natural sounds.

Continue to develop tactile ability of the fetus. Now you can see the dotik to the uterus, podkoryayuchis reflexes, vіdshtovhnutisa in her. The most powerful messages of the future mother, you can definitely see. Let's soon become bigger, stronger, and the woman will be able to clearly feel, like the future baby will change her mind.

The guise of the fetus has already been formed, all the main organs are rebuying in their own places. Dairy and root teeth continue to form, perebuvayuchi in clay slit one and one. To ensure that the future child has healthy and beautiful teeth, it is necessary to control the intake of a sufficient amount of calcium to the mother's body.

The process of replacement of cartilaginous tissue on the bone id by the top course. Small already may be close to 200 brushes, but before the people, their number will increase to 270. Nairozvinenishі in this terminі - m'yazi shiї. The stench allows the fetus to actively wrap its head, pidshukyuchi the most convenient camp.

Internal systems are actively mastering the main functions. Shlunkovo-intestinal tract of formations, it is possible to rebuild vipadkovo prokovtnu amniotic motherland (navkoplodni water) with the fetus. The stool vibrates sik, the intestines settle meconium (primary feces). Nirki actively filter the blood, continue to mature.

Written by the navcoloplіdnі vodi, but don’t worry about the future, that the future little one is going through the sharpened vlasnoї sich. The amniotic homeland is permanently replaced, cleansed and brought into the body of a future mother. So that the lower skin of the fruit did not come into contact with the rainy waters;

Primary oil is an important element that allows you to regulate the temperature of the body of the fetus, protect the skin from the spleen. She will help the future little one to appear in the world and gradually emerge. Once upon a time, the main part of the midwife’s work is done, and mothers will be left with less step by step surpluses on the top of their heads (kirochok).

The first oil on the body of a child trims thin hairs (lanugo). This light fluff is known only after the people, but in the current term it allows hair follicles to develop.

The skin of the fetus on the 19th grade is red and wrinkled, there are still rich folds on it. Shkіrny pokriv vzhe 4 spherical, under it ide actively molding brown fat. What kind of fat to allow the newborn child not to freeze, while there is plenty to sleep and little to eat.

The dyhal system of the fetus has an active development of the most important elements. The bronchi continue to swell, step by step flocking similar to trees with numerous needles. The legends begin to form. M'yazi, vidpovіdalnі for ruh sternum, actively train, trochs rise and fall.

In the future girls, in this term, the ovaries already have nearly 6 million eggs, but now the number will change to the population by ⅔.

On the 19th obstetric day of pregnancy, regardless of the working systems, you still cannot live without a mother's organism. The women of the next are respectfully placed before their own considerations, pragmatically provide the necessary elements for development.

Mati. Change at the station of the body on the 19th day

Most of the women on the 19th obstetric vagity are felt quite well, a remarkably calm period continues. Deyakі mami vіdchulі vіdchіnnya vіdchіnnya svіs probable malyuki poperednі tizhnya, аlѕіѕ іt іt's аt tse іn the next 7 days.

At the norm, the first thief woman can be seen before. Just like in the current term, the baby of the future mother did not think, there are no reasons for concern. Substituting for a consultation with a gynecologist, you may be, if you are new, unacceptable, change at the station.

Acceptable bonus for the term is a decrease in the sickness of the breasts. In some women, until the 19th of September, the breasts increased by 2 expansions, and colostrum began to be seen from the nipples. This is a normal manifestation, it does not require likuvannya. As you can see, there is a lot of dressing, you can use special pads for breasts, like they are put into a bra.

The appearance of colostrum is the reason for strengthening the hygiene of the breasts. It is recommended to bathe your children for a day with warm water.

Nastrіy can zіpsuvat deyakі unacceptable symptoms, about yakі it is necessary to tell the gynecologist:

  • sverbizh in the lower abdomen. They seem to be localized less in the lower abdomen - only showing low elasticity of the skin. The main risk is the appearance of stretch marks. To get rid of bazhano vikoristovuvat special creams (recommended by a gynecologist) or olive oil.

As soon as the vermin spreads on the arms, legs and other parts of the body, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. In some cases, there are defects in the robotic liver.

  • confusion, drowsiness, weakness, low hemoglobin level. An increase in blood pressure in the mother's body can cause the indicated symptoms. If the hemoglobin level does not fall below 108 g/l, then the vagity varto is more likely to change the physical urge. With a decrease in the hemoglobin level in the blood below 108 g/l, the necessary control from the side of the gynecologist, possibly additional follow-up, taking saline drugs, being recognized as a doctor;
  • arterial pressure drop Increasing the amount of blood in to the woman's organism you can squeeze in and show signs of arterial pressure. The appearance of such a symptom leads to a visit to the gynecologist for a consultation. It is especially important to take care of the doctor for women with indications of arterial pressure, which should change 140/90;
  • strengthening pigmentation. Until the 19th day of pregnancy, the skin of the female woman becomes more sensitive. "Mask of vaginess" (darkening on the forehead, cheeks, around the mouth, on the back, shoulders) can greatly affect the mood. To reduce the manifestation of pigmentation, varto cover up the appearance, perebuvayuchi under direct sleepy prominnyam, vikoristovuvat permits gynecologist sunscreen cream;
  • sudomi. With an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the body, a woman can appear at her feet by the court. Most of the time this symptom resolves at night. For revealing the reasons that appear, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary;
  • tricks. The most widespread pathological symptom in women. Increasing the amount of circulating blood zmushyu Sich system pratsyuvati on full strength. If nirki can not cope with their own bindings, it is possible to tuck the mother in the body. This is not a safe situation, as it can become a source of toxicosis. As a woman, she remembered the swollen face, legs, hands, fingers, and it was necessary to tell the gynecologist on the nearest tooth.
  • constipation, baking, heaviness in the slug. Problems with the intestinal tract in large cases of depression in the uterine growths, which put pressure on the intestines. With the appearance of any inadmissible symptom, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, and before taking it, consult a gynecologist healthy hedgehog, Є 5-6 times a day, in smaller portions.

Unacceptable attention, or the appearance of new symptoms, is a reason for discussion with the attending physician of pregnancy. The details, which seem to be insignificant, can help you to notice the necessary changes at the same time, to recognize the additions, or to the analysis.

Seeing an obstetrician-gynecologist

On the 19th obstetric day of pregnancy, women may have an appointment with a gynecologist. In advance of the appointment, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the cross-section and blood (directly, they were seen in the past turnout).

Physician-gynecologist at the time of the examination:

  • arterial vice;
  • body temperature;
  • vaga;
  • stomach stake.

Dodatkovo will be carried out looking at the armchair, listening to the heartbeat of the fetus through a stethoscope, investigating about changes in the woman's eyes.

Under the hour, I will receive a bazhano rozpo_sti likarevі about all the new symptoms and symptoms that shout praise. Do not forget about the important additional list of food, warehouses behind.

At the next hour, the doctor can take the date of the 2nd screening (ultrasound and subsequent test (for indications), as well as referral to the analysis of the blood section (as required).

Ultrasound and analysis

On the 19th obstetric day of pregnancy, 2 planned ultrasound scans may have been performed to detect possible pathologies in the fetus. It is also possible to otrimannya directed to the dacha "trial test" (blood test) for the manifestation of the ability to show genetic differences. With positive dynamics, current medical indications, good results of a repeated test, broken earlier, the doctor may only show ultrasound.

The 2nd planned ultrasound allows the doctor to see the fetus and uterus, look at the indications with the norms for the term. Under the hour of the procedure, the doctor must do:

  • the main parameters of the fetus: head length (OH), dorsum of the crotch (DBK) and humeral brush (DPC), width of the head from hem to hem (BDP).
  • the standard of the internal organs of the fetus, the maturity level and the definition of the term of vaginess;
  • camp of the skeleton of a possible child; validity of term parameter;
  • rotting of the fetus in the mother, placenta attached to the umbilical cord, rotting of the placenta;
  • volume of cold waters.

On the basis of these data, there can be zrobleny vysnovki about the timely development of all the main organs and systems of the future child, the pleasant flow of vaginess. At times of guilt, if there are any significant points, the doctor can ask the woman to go through additional examinations.

In the current term, an uzist can become a possible baby. Imovirnist pardon is minimal.

A random test for 19 years of pregnancy (like appointments by a doctor) is to work with the method of revealing morbidity and congenital illness. In the blood of a vaginal woman, rhubarb subsides:

  • free estriol;
  • alpha-fetoprotein.

Neglecting the result is not a 100% guarantee that there will be more genetic development, but it may show possible risks. With the appearance of an unfavorable result, the doctor may recognize an additional follow-up (cordocentesis, amniocentesis, too). Pogodzhuvatisya for the next day - the decision of the woman. Whether an invasive procedure may be small, but more complicated.

The mother is alive

At the 19th pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase in size and rise uphill. On the current term, the bottom of the uterus is located 1-2 cm below the navel.

It’s already impossible to live under the spacious clothes, and step forward well. If the woman lies on her back, it is good to see the growth of the fetus in the mother.

What type of woman should wear a coat, or special clothes for women, so that the pressure on the life can be relieved. Vzuttya is recommended to vibirati less at low speed. High wedge heels or podbori can not only call out additional painful sensations in the legs, but also crawl onto a healthy ridge, on which there is already an additional attraction.

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

On the 19th tyzhnі vagіtnostі bolyuchi may appear in different parts of the body. Women need to be guided by the possible causes of their appearance, so that they can immediately get used to the necessary steps to reduce the intensity of pain, make changes before the daily routine, and consult a gynecologist.

Pain in the stomach

In this term, vagity, pain in the stomach can be caused by various reasons. Fallow in the nature of the next work and in the decision.

  • disposable abdominal pain, which is accompanied by tension all over the surface of the abdomen. This is how the tone of the uterus is most often manifested. Most often this symptom appears after physical stress. In such a situation, it is necessary to lie down and relax. As soon as I stumbled and do not repeat myself anymore, it is necessary to try to get away from the situations that caused the symptom;
  • part of the pain in the abdomen, which is supported by the tension of the entire surface of the abdomen. Partial or post-uterine tone - the reason for the term consultation with a gynecologist;
  • strong, growing pain in the abdomen: transient, which intensifies during the onslaught, is accompanied by bloody or brown visions, the temperature rise is higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius In times of blame for the symptoms, the next term is to seek medical help.
  • bіl at the right chin to the left side, in case of the wrong position they are sitting, in sharp rusі they are standing. Most of the time, pain is seen from one side, viklikan with a sharp rush and the wrong position of the body viklikan with an over-the-top tightness of the stomach. With a slight decrease in the intensity of pain, after the adoption of an equal position of the liquor, the symptom does not change. It is recommended to wear a sublingual bandage.

Bill at the back

For the 19th day of pregnancy, the appearance of unacceptable sensations, pain in the back is characteristic. Most of the hostiles seem to show up closer until evening in the region across. The appearance of this symptom is due to a shift in the center of gravity through an increase in the vagi and abdomen, which is caused. Change the intensity of manifestations in addition to wearing an additional bandage.

As if there was a shooter at the back, a right-handed or a left-handed person, accompanied by a tense abdomen - a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Pain in the legs

Pain in the legs can be caused by various reasons. Particular attention is paid to those who do not pass after a nightly sleep order. The search for the causes of pain is the responsibility of the physician-gynecologist, relying on the analysis of the vaginal woman.


The appearance of a headache on the 19th day of pregnancy - led to turn to the doctor. Until I receive an hour, I will attack the pain, it is necessary to subdue arterial vice.


At the norm, the vision of this term is light, without a strong smell. The number of sights can be increased. Bring back to the doctor - be it a change of color, consistency and smell.

As soon as the woman is aware that the sights have become watery, but the color does not change the smell, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Bleeding and menstruation

At the norm of bleeding and menstruation on the 19th obstetric tyzhnі vagity is not to blame buti. With the appearance of any kind of vision of a red and brown color, it is necessary to terminately turn for medical help.


On the 19th day of pregnancy, women can eat as much as possible and be correct. In this term, it is practical for all future mothers to notice a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, so it is necessary to give respect to products that avenge a lot of salt (buckwheat, apple, offal, kvassola, cashew, rodzinki).

It is impossible to forget about the sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D (syrup, syrah, almonds, bananas, broccoli, sesame, chickweed, unpolished rice, chicken eggs, spinach, pea hair, chicken eggs, sea fish, red caviar).

Plid, scho develops, vmagaє in the form of the mother's organism is rich in rich brown speeches. In order to get rid of the unimportant traces, it is necessary to replenish the body's reserves at the same time. Among the most necessary vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to add:

  • zinc. Rich in carrots, beetroot, cabbage, chicken meat;
  • to selenium: seaweed, offal, Vivsyanka, buckwheat;
  • fluorine: rice, apple, yalovich meat, chicken eggs;
  • phosphorus: fish, dairy products;
  • iodine: prunes, seaweed, crane, midnight (seasonal);
  • vitamin A: carrot, garbuz, liver, dried apricots;
  • vitamins of group B: meat of red varieties, hairy peas, bananas, oats;
  • Vitamin C: herb, red licorice pepper, black currant, parsley;
  • Vitamin E: spinach, chicken eggs, almonds, broccoli, dormouse;
  • Vitamin K: asparagus, sturgeon, green cibula, prunes, broccoli.

Stravi for the vaginal woman should be prepared for a couple or in the oven, with minimal seasonings. The strength is recommended to be reduced to the minimum amount, but the scale can be changed.

The dietary regimen on the 19th day of the next day was finished, as there is no direct statement from the gynecologist about lowering the spondylitis. The additional volume of water that is recommended is about 2.5 liters.


Taking vitamins obov'yazkovo may be of benefit from a gynecologist. Self-recognized that zastosuvannya of supplements to їzhі can harm a healthy mother and child.


Until the 19th day of pregnancy, a woman can normally gain 3.5 to 5.5 kg. Some vipadkas can have a little more. On the next 7 days, it is permissible to see 500 rubles.

Can and can't

Until the 19th of August, the woman begins to remember that she wants to collapse less, and lie down and sleep more and more. Decreased physical activity quickly lead to a set zavoi vaga. To lose weight on the 19th tyzhnі vagіtnostі, sіd zmushuvat yourself walk in the street at least 30 hvilin per day, vikonuvati raznі have the right to engage in permitted sports (swimming, pilates, water aerobics).

On this term, a lot of women begin to repair difficult times. Lives, scho zbіlshivsya, unacceptable vіdchuttya and other factors can make you fall asleep and frighten roam the sprat once in a while. To improve the quality of night sleep, it is recommended:

  • ventilate the room well before going to bed;
  • win a special pillow for women or put small pillows on your back and leg;
  • reduce the amount of salt you eat, do not drink too much water before going to bed.

On the 19th obstetric tyzhnі vagіtnostі zhіntsi it is recommended to take care of simple rules, which allow you to hide a lot of unacceptable traces:

  • turn off alcohol, narcotic speech and chicken (actively and passively);
  • unique contact with heavy chemical slabs. Maximally change the quantity of vicarious cosmetics. If it is necessary to ferment the hair, vikoristovuvat the farba without ammonia;
  • follow your diet, uniquely shkidlivoi їzhi (smoked, dried, lubricated, heavily salted or seasoned);
  • zealously follow the vlasnoy hygiene and the purity of the superfluous otochennya;
  • unikati contact with ailments, minimizing the time of mass crowding of people, especially during epidemics;
  • uniqueness of self-identification and self-appointment of any medical preparations;
  • win over folk methods of exuberance and change of unacceptable opinions only after consultation with a gynecologist;
  • accurately win the confession of the doctor;
  • unikati stress, important physical practice, revision.


On the 19th obstetrical pregnancy period, sex was not blocked, so there is no direct advice from the gynecologist. Golovnya, about what the memory of the future fathers may remember, - the woman’s care and fetus. Do not varto vikoristovuvat posti, in such a vise on life, the future mother must take an unnatural position of the body. With a strange and respectful attitude to a woman, sex is not beyond permission, but it is corny.

The 19th obstetric day of pregnancy is maybe half of the term, but still you can’t live like mothers. In case of underestimated care, obvious genetic features of the woman's body, injuries and other non-transferable situations, and peculiarities of excess of pregnancy, some problems can be blamed. A correct response to symptoms and symptoms allows you to get rid of many unacceptable nasledkiv.

Appearance of essential pains

In lonely depressions on the 19th tyzhnі vagity, a woman may show a strong pain, which shoots, in the lower abdomen. For the future mother, we need to lie down and lie down. As if they didn’t change, they become stronger, it’s necessary to turn to the doctor. This is how the weekend can manifest itself, which is repaired. With the concomitantly manifested aggravation and pink jubilation, it is possible to prevent the death of the fetus.

Signs of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia, or toxicosis, is a pathological reaction of the body to vaginess. On the surface, early toxicosis is manifested by obvious damage to the robotic internal systems of the woman's body. Most often, preeclampsia is manifested by the remaining days of vagility, but it can also appear on the 19th day of pregnancy.

Nebezpeka vіdsutnostі control over the camp of a woman with obvious signs of preeclampsia already high. Piznіy toxicosis can cause up to important lessons: Injury to the death of a woman and a child In order to escape, it is necessary to see a gynecologist in due time, to inform about all the unacceptable symptoms, to give all the signs of analysis.

On the 19th obstetric period, the woman is to be alerted:

  • drop arterial pressure;
  • the appearance of pain at the back, which are localized from the sides;
  • folds of appearance, hands, nig, bіl at the wrist (tunnel syndrome);
  • strongly damaged dawn;
  • head bіl, scho suprovodzhuyutsya heaviness in the potilice.

About the appearance of any of the signs of symptoms, it is necessary to tell the gynecologist.

placenta previa

On a planned ultrasound scan on the 19th day of pregnancy, women can tell about placenta previa. Possibly chastkove or outside of the overlap of the uterine cervix. This is a potentially unsafe camp, which can threaten with bleeding that in front of the canopies.

On this term of vaginess, as shown by placenta previa, additional control is required from the side of the gynecologist. To milk often, at the same time from the growth of the uterus, the placenta "migrates" and the complication of vaginess does not set in.

With an unfavorable prognosis of the meta-gynecologist, the woman should think to save the pregnancy to the maximum possible term, in due course praise the decision about cesarean rosetin or options for birth.

Removal of the placenta

On a planned ultrasound scan, it is possible to reveal the placenta. Removal of the edge or parts of the placenta from the uterus threatening the reversal of vagity and bleeding. In order to reduce the possibility of the appearance of negative consequences, the necessary monitoring by the side of the gynecologist, the recognition of a viable treatment.

Modern medicine, for its own manifestation of complexity, allows you to create the optimal mind for winemaking of the fetus, normalization of yoga eating. Vagіtnіy zhіntsі varto relativly vykonuvaty gynecologist's recognition, go through screening at the appointed term, zdavati analysis and rozpovidat about the appearance of unacceptable symptoms.


The vacancy rate on the 19th day is very rare. Severe stress, implantation of speech and medications, trauma can provoke intrauterine fetal death. This is a potentially unsafe camp for a healthy woman, which will require an emergency call for medical assistance.

With the appearance severe pain in the abdomen, which grows at an onslaught, rising temperature higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius, seeing a red or brown color, with blood clots, it is necessary to go to the gynecologist.

The 19th day of pregnancy is the beginning of a new stage in the life of a woman. Growing alive begins to fall asleep, and the unacceptable sight in the stomach and legs shows up after a trip like a trivalo chi strain. Ale is all dribnitsa, in pairs with thieves a baby in the stomach. A lot of mothers already have a good mind, if their little ones do not sleep, the thieves will still check.

The baby, which is known in the wombs, is getting bigger and bigger, this system and the organs are developing and getting better. Vin already feels and feels those that are with his mother, his brain begins to coordinate the body's movements. So that the important processes proceeded correctly, having taken care of everything necessary and feeling good for yourself, the vagіtnіy varto to reach the recognition of the doctor and to reach the simple rules of behavior. Half of the path of the mayzhe has been passed;

The 19th day of pregnancy is to endure a calm period, which is characterized by the most stable self-confidence of the future mother, by the presence of fetal thieves while still showing a small stomach obese, as well as by a stable high hormonal decay.

There are such features of this period:

  • Increased volume of circulating blood
  • Active growth of the uterus
  • Intensive molding of the brain and nervous system of the fetus
  • Development of the dichal system of the fetus
  • The fruit reaches a body length of 15-25 cm and a vag of 200-300 grams.

From a glance of self-confidence, the 19th day of pregnancy is considered to be the most pleasant period. All the sicknesses of the first trimester are safely forgotten, and in return they come as a surge of strength and energy. Zhіntsi wants to lead an active way of life, it's bigger, that the tummy is still notably small and, therefore, it does not go beyond the primary ruhama. To this term, the organism of the future mothers will adapt to the new state and at once there will be a psychological change: more women in this period begin to look after the future baby. Vidchutni vorushinnya that poshtovhi in the stomach are constantly guessing about the future increase and zmushuyut more and more often wondering about the possible canopy. Maybe blame a little fear of the curtains.

Regardless of those who make the fetal vaga no more than 1/10 of the vagi during the birth, the uterus, which grows in obligatory, more and more stretches the stem of the wall, at the connection with which the woman feels pain, to pull, in the navel and across, it is important not to confuse with the threat of wikiday. I want a weekend on such a term - a phenomenon to dosit rіdkіsne, all the same, it’s always a good idea to tell about whether or not, to induce insignificant pains of your doctor in a woman’s consultation.

Lovers of sleeping on their stomachs can see the difficulties in getting sick. On the term of 19 days, sleeping on your stomach is no longer possible, it is unhandy. However, sleeping lying on your back is also not recommended, as the oscillating pressure of the uterus, which has increased, on the great judge, the bleeding of the placenta and the fetus. Sleep on boats - price nova korisna zvichka, yak bagatom bring viroblyat again.

The presence, as well as the steps, I will show quiet chi іnshih vіdchuttіv rich in what to lie in fact, like the woman's vagіtnіst. For example, stealing the fetus from the mother, as if guilty of another and the upcoming children, can often be reconciled earlier (on the 16th day of the week), lower at the future mother, as if checking for her first name. At first, the vagіtnіst vіdchutnіst vіdchutіnіst vіrukhіv іє vyrazhenoyu yakrazenoyu until 19th tizhnya, аlе in okremi vipadki tse mоzhe vіdbutіsі і pіznіshe.

Changes in the organism of the future mother and fetus

Naypomіtnіshimi on tsmu termіnі є change figure ta sane looking possible mami. A small cherevtse is already clearly visible, as well as gaining weight in the range of 5 kg. In the Persian black, the increase is manifested by the increase in breasts and breasts, however, in general, all forms of the woman become more rich.

Ale є y іnshі not so commemorate, but even more important change.

  • Increased shyness. The shkir of the whole body of the future mami becomes graceful to the point of teasing. Zvichna cosmetics and creams can cause a sharp allergic reaction. With this camp, the shkiri (hair and nails) sound better. In this period, it is unbearable to look at, to that which, on the shkir, are pigmented patches, which then are taken away by rocks. However, even though on the hips in the stomach on the 19th tyzhnі vagіtnostі sverbіzh vіdchuvaetsya, then, more for everything, not an allergy. On the right, in what the skin is, what it is stretching, just drill the back, and then the stretch marks appear on it. If you want to get used to a good cream, which will help to loosen up the skin and help prevent the appearance of such an unacceptable cosmetic defect.
  • The appearance of colostrum. The hormonal background reaches such a level, if the milk follicles already begin to function step by step. From the nipples, colostrum is seen, but the amount of yogo is insignificant, only a sprat of streaks. There is no trace of this drive, just give more respect to hygienic procedures, wipe the nipples if necessary with a clean servlet.
  • The appearance of blue visions from pikhvi. At the end of 19 years, due to the high hormonal background, the mucosa of the mucosa is most intensively developed. Turbulence from this drive is not varto, as the sights are not accompanied by the sverbіnym and chervonіnnyam zvnіshnіshnіh state bodies. For the obviousness of the signs of the symptoms, follow the term to tell the gynecologist about them.
  • Increased bleeding is clear. In connection with the hormonal perebudovoy organism, it is clear that the vagina becomes more sensitive; Zubi tezh often repair psuvatisya and ruynuvatisya. To this, special respect should be given to the health of the mouth emptying and see a dentist.
  • Increased drinkability. It is also associated with a change in the hormonal background and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Most often pray and change your whiteness.
  • Appearance of primordial mastila on the surface of the body of a future baby. In such a rite, the preparation for the nation begins - it made it easier to put the child through the ancestral paths and to protect the bottom of the shkir.
  • Molding of subcutaneous fat cells. In the first 4 months of pregnancy between the skin and the m'yazes, the fetus did not have any prostration, and now it will step by step repair growths, so that at the time of birth, the child's body has accumulated a sufficient supply of energy.
  • The appearance of the main reflexes in the fetus. 19th week - the period of active development of measles of the brain and nervous system. The act of pissing and forging, deaking grimaces, the reaction of a loud sound (shudder) and silence (calm) begin to appear. The eyes of the child are still closed, and yet they can already separate the light.
  • Maturation of the intestines. The first feces (meconium) begin to vibrate, the shards of the child gradually forge the amniotic motherland. The intestines are reworked already with the participation of the liver, shards at the warehouse of meconium appear zhovch.
  • Functionality brunok. The wrapping of the cold waters stimulates more intensive maturation of the vision system. Nirki reshape the homeland, which enters the body, and lead the slash.
  • Dozrivannya legen. The elements of the distal passages continue to form, the bronchioles develop, the bronchial tree grows.
  • The completion of the process of molding the buds of the teeth of the child.

Properly eating the future mami

Until the 19th day of pregnancy, most women will end up with all the illnesses, succumb to poisoning, the appetite will improve, the tedium and vomit will start. It’s time to turn your respect back to your diet, and even more so soon it’s going to develop more and more intensively. Now it is no longer possible to rely on those who "take their own child."

Wretched that unbalanced eating is unacceptable in this term.

Tim is bigger, that the appetite of the future mothers at that hour is significantly growing, that he is threatening with a set of gaining kilograms. Children do not need such a kіlkіst їzhі, like a mother is ready to eat, and an increase in appetite speaks less about the growing need in singing speeches, necessary to induce the body of a baby

The doctor at the woman's consultation suggests which diet is more suitable for you, recognize the necessary vitamins and microelements. Have more vipadkiv for the sake of schodo proper eating lie at the next:

  • Vіdmovtesya in lubricated, fatty and smoked їzhi. The liver of the future mothers and so carried the promotion of the venture, and the robot’s call for overworking the fats can use the resources. Before that, fatty herbs quickly produce to an epic set of body mass.
  • Licorice and salt need to be quick. Salting with malt and saltiness can bring up to supraworld vase and I'm in a rut. In the period of pregnancy, nirks also work out of advancement, and in the world of increased fetal vag, the cost of advancement increases. On the 19th day, the desire for nirks is even more obvious, and it’s not a big deal.
  • Zha maє buti is natural. Follow the introduction of Swedish products, as well as ready-made products from shops, restaurants and cafes. Be it a hedgehog of a sumnivny warehouse, you can harm a healthy future mother and that little baby. It is important to cook independently from the products of the highest quality. Meat, vegetables and cereals can be thermally processed - cooked or steamed. Most often, beat the oven - the hedgehog is baked, cooked with a minimum amount of fat, savory and brown.
  • Syrian vegetables and fruits are also next to the neighborhood. You don’t need to take them out of the diet as a whole, but remember that it’s supernatural to bring them to flatulence. You can eat the liver of an apple and a pear.
  • Biggest brown products on the 19th day of pregnancy: cooked yalovichina, rabbit meat, eggs, leafy greens, cabbage, carrots, dried fruits, buckwheat and porridge, sir, syr and fermented milk products. The most demanded mineral resources in this period are calcium and rich, so dried apricots, persimmon, blackberry, tomato can also be present in the diet.
  • Slid to eat dribno - in small portions that often
  • On the 19th of September, in the diet of a vagit woman, it is already possible to overcome the white hedgehog. Since the fetus organism enters the phase of active growth, it needs a large amount of protein to stimulate the body.
  • In connection with the development of the fetal nervous system, as well as those of the organ, there is a slight increase in the need for vitamin A on the 19th day. Foods rich in vitamin A or iodine (beta-carotene): carrots, cabbage, liver, egg, fish, dairy products.

Way of life of the future mother

Stable self-confidence and the most importantly calm psycho-emotional state of the future mother on the 19th day allow her to achieve an active way of life. For the time being, he does not care about collapsing with a noble rank, the strength of that energy is rich, that you can not separate yourself from your bazhanny. This period is pleasant, as it is for a worker at home, and for an active worker, it is more expensive. Ale, do not allow a change, as they can overtake you without remembering. How do you do it, so do the roses of the garni in the world. The axis of the sprat is glad, vikonuyuchi yaki, and in no way do you see yourself broken:

  • Today, see yourself enough time for a repair, a poor reception, hygienic procedures, a reception and a loved one to take.
  • If you practice on a seated robot, then most often change the position of your body, get up, walk, so as not to allow stagnation of blood in the vessels of the cervix and pelvic empties. Those same suffice and passive recovery - as if you were sitting or lying down.
  • Don't see the great gathering of people. Significance among the NATO is negatively signified as in the physical, and on the emotional state of the future mother. Until then, you can be traumatically safe - the woman can vipadkovo shtovhnut or knock. Don't be greedy by public transport at peak times.
  • If you can travel by road, then choose the most convenient and most comfortable mode of transport. Under the hour of follow-up, the woman may be able to be similar and grow up.
  • It’s better to wear it on the pidbors, it’s better to wear it like before, only such a jacket was worn earlier. Tse help to reduce the pressure on your feet for an hour of walking.
  • If you are sitting, put your hands on something, lean on your back. Tse rozvantazhit m'yazi transverse vіddіlu.
  • Master the mental techniques - by yourself you will increase the intake of sour in the body of the fetus and in your own body, which will help you feel better. You can learn about this at special courses for future mothers.
  • If possible, transfer part of your shoes to loved ones. Do not ask for help around the house, and if you don’t reprimand, then don’t hesitate to ask. On the robot, you should speed up your right to easy work, or to change the triviality of the working day.
  • Carefully follow up on all doctor's appointments and regularly perform all necessary analyses. Tse allow you to immediately reveal the problems of your health and get used to visiting at any time.

The other trimester can be called a calm period, if all the risks that threaten the pregnancy are changing, and the future mother's camp is getting better. Vagіtnіst 18-19 tizhnіv - tse hour, for a long time, some kind of future mother will have to go through another screening and determine the development of the fetus in the abdomen.

On this term itself, the signs of vaginess are especially obvious: the floorings live on, so you can’t catch it.

Maybe, we most importantly use this term to see the first thieves in the fetus in the stomach. And yet, at 18-19 tyzhnіv, the stench has not yet appeared, do not beat on the flashes. At to this particular type everything is individual: we will appoint a woman who steals the fetus, as she has already narodzhuva.

In case of child thieves, it is important to determine their frequency and character. The average baby shows activity up to eight times a year.

However, the activity to do it is great and blames more often for the majority of times - it is a sign of non-stagnant sourness.
To that, the little one begins to crumble more actively, so that the heart beats stronger, which means that there will be a rush of blood sour. Tell your trusted gynecologist about the activity of the child, who can determine the reasons for such behavior of the baby. It is important to remember that hypoxia is under the hour of vagity, if the child does not take a sufficient amount of acidity, it is very short for its development. Especially in times of hypoxia, the brain suffers.

Oskіlki rozmіr uteri become bagatorazovo larger, live on 19 tyzhnі vagіtnosti now not prihovati. At once, for its shape, that uterus is more similar in size to a small dinya. In the norm, it does not reach the level of the navel by more than 2.5 cm.

It is important to note that the rate of increase in the woman's vagina on the fifth month should be close to 300 grams. So up to 19 days of pregnancy, a mother can gain as a whole up to six kilograms. Zavdyaks to the fact that the wombs grow larger, sleeping on your stomach is already important.

Development of the fetus with vacancy on the 18-19th

By carrying out a screening, the doctor will help you to control your little one exactly and set them to the norm.

Fifth month is the whole term, if the little ones develop rapidly: the tips are already molded at once from the fingers, on the pads of which there are signs of a seemingly characteristic that unique vizierunka.

It is even more important that, in this term, the fetal organism can already vibrate immunoglobulin and interferon, as well as fight against infections, but the immune system is even more infuriating.

In the course of the screening, the doctor should be determined, the signs should be important for the baby and for the first time. At the age of 19, the child's weight should be 250 grams, and the size of the baby should not be less than 15 cm. It's true, as long as everything looks rudimentary. The eyes of the little one are still closed, but the light is already different, like sounds.

The mother still has plenty of room for this relocation, and this can be done for an hour of screening, like wines are thrown over, looking through the walls.

On the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetal brain also develops vigorously, like those other organs: the legenia system is established, sebaceous deposits are actively working. The stinks see special oil. What is speech needed for? Oskіlki іmmunіtet malyukі sche rozvinіnі nasty, oil with bactericidal dominance, accumulating in the folds of the skin, creating a wicked bar'єr іz zvnіshnіshnіm sredovischem. Speech covers the entire body of the fetus, and it suffocates in the influx of navcolous waters and pathogenic microorganisms.

Cream oiled the body of the fetus, covering the fluff of what looked like a small hair, as it is called lanugo.

Obov'azkove screening of the other trimester

What do blood tests and ultrasound scans do, how do I go to another screening? The doctor conducts a re-examination of the organs of a woman and a child, deeming all possible risks for the development of the rest, to marvel at the open space, at what a child.

To put it more precisely, the doctor for the hour of the screening determined the mother’s and child’s camp for such criteria:

  • The thickness of the uterus, її maturity, roztashuvannya;
  • Rosemary of the cervix;
  • The quantity and consistency of the navcoloplide native;
  • Rosemary baby;
  • Development of yoga organs and brain.

Another screening is assigned by the term at the time of 18-22 September. Alece it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan. Repeated analysis for blood at the hour of vaccinity should be checked earlier - at 16-18 th.

The Іsnuє sevna norm of rozmіrіv, on how ієkі ієntuєtsya likar pіd іn the hour of the screening by ultrasound.

Particular respect is attached to such ostentatious people like BPR, that it is a biparietal expansion and LZR, that it is a frontal-polytic expansion, it is important to know that it is important to set the norm. On the 18th grade of the BDP, the norm may be 37 to 47 mm, and LZR - 49-59 mm. Yakshcho vagіtnіst 19 tizhnіv, BPR size can be 41-49 mm, LZR - 53-63 mm.

If the increase in BPR and LZR is more than the norm, but at the same time there are more signs and symptoms, then, perhaps, it is a sign of the development of a great fruit.

Even though there was more than BPD and LZR, the doctor for an hour of screening determined hydrocephalus.
The main reason for її development is in intrauterine infection.

As well as the expansion of BPR and LZR, the hour of vagity is 18-19 tyzhnіv less than the norm, as well as a small increase in the body of the baby, then it is a sign of a stuttering of the development. As a rule, according to the norm and hour of the screening, less BPD and LZR are found, the drug is diagnosed as microcephaly.

One more ostentatious, rozmіri of what is important, the crown of the bones of the steg's cyst and the gomіlka. In 18 children, the norm is 23-31 mm for a quilting brush, 20-28 mm for a gomelka. In 19 children, the norm is 26-34 mm and 23-31 mm.

Also, after an ultrasound scan of another screening, with the vaccinity of the drug, it shows different chromosomal anomalies, although the blood test is more pronounced.

If it’s worth the world’s space, then it’s the very first hour of the first screening, as the other part of the vagity of the wines is to blame.
With this standard of space, the term 10 to 14 tyzhniv vagity is to become up to three millimeters. Even though the com- munity is larger, it is often not possible to talk about the development of a child with Down syndrome.
When looking at the organs at the hour of the ultrasound scan, another screening drug shows the number of strokes that are caused by the heart of the fetus.
The norm on the 18th day is 110-150, on the 19th day - no more than 140 and no less than 160 strokes per piece.

Blood test for another screening

Great respect is attached to blood analysis, as it is not less informative, lower ultrasound screening.

The reader marvels at the number of different speeches in the blood of a future mother. It is even more important to reconsider the hemoglobin rіvіn, the shards of yogo not enough lead to fetal hypoxia and anemia after the birth.
Also, during another blood screening, chromosomal abnormalities are indicated for the level of CGL, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. Razbizhnosti z normal displays point to the development of trisomies, to which Down's syndrome can lie.

Nebezpeki ta risiki

As if by stretching this term, vagity is felt more at the back, doctors vvazhat tse normal.
The reason is that the center of gravity is now shifting to life, zocrema, the uterus, so the pressure on the ridge is growing larger. However, across the pain can be crippled and aggravated by ailments, or the appearance of problems from them. It is important for him to tell about all the pain to his doctor.

Slight pain in the abdomen is also normal and can be tied to stretching of the tendon of the abdomen and the growth of the uterus. However, even with such a state of bleeding, or an uncharacteristic sight, it is necessary to go to the hospital.

Earlier it was said about those that hydrocephalus and microcephaly are signs of intrauterine infection.
Ale and іnshі ailments zhіnki vyznachayut away from the life of a child. Therefore, the body should be perverted to the penetration of various infections and to protect yoga. It is necessary to indicate that if the infection reaches the fetus through the placental space, then I threaten the development of various calculi.

Navit neserioznі zahvoryuvannya pіd vаgіtnosti can be aggravated. Cardio-vascular ailments, pathology of nirok can lead to toxicosis, otherwise called preeclampsia. It develops itself in another trimester, and it manifests itself under the pressure, with strong bends. Preeclampsia is not very safe for the life of a woman, and sometimes shards are brought to death. For the little one, it’s not a safe team, who calls out a sour famine. Vin can also cause the death of a child in the womb. Under the hour of another screening, the drug may indicate an infection.

How do viruses penetrate from the mother to the fetus? Є kіlka shlyakhіv їhnyoї іnvasії.

  • The virus penetrates to the fetus through the blood;
  • The virus consumes the placenta and penetrates through it into the blood of the child;
  • Zbudnik penetrates into the chorion and gives rise to inflammation of the navcoloplidous motherland or the fetal part of the placenta;
  • Infection with pikhvi is consumed by fallopian tubes at the black space, and then to the fetus through the fruit mіkhur.

Cow rubella injection

As in the first month of pregnancy, the woman fell ill with rubella, and as a whole, the fetus could suffer from congenital cataracts, deafness, microcephaly, and the heart. Therefore, in the rich countries, as if the mother's future mother in the first months were ill with rubella, the vaginess was glad to be interrupted.

Influx of cytomegalovirus infection

This infection can lead not only to birth defects, but also to the death of the fetus under the hour of pregnancy. Particularly unsafe infection in the first trimester, even if the immunity of the fetus is not yet known. Cytomegalovirus infection gives rise to microcephaly, hyperbiliary rubinemia, thrombocytopenia and others.

Influenza and GRVI

These viruses are passed on to children through the placenta. In the early terms of vaccinity, it is often possible to produce a development of the hare lip type before birth and birth. Therefore, with the first symptoms of a cold, it is necessary to turn to the doctor in a term.


For the very same woman, under the hour of vacancy, it is not a pleasure to live in one expanse at once from the intestines.
For most grown-up people, toxoplasma is not terrible, but it is not enough for pregnant women. Toxoplasma penetrate to the fetus, colonizing cells of the nervous system. The consequences are deplorable: intrauterine death of a child or death during the first months of life, damage to the central nervous system, organs, almost to the point of blindness, anencephaly.

Ale, having poured into a child, repair not only viruses and the simplest, but also a non-infectious illness of the mother.

For example, ailments of the heart and a vessel for an hour strongly vibrate on vaginess. Children are often born with prematurity and may change the sides of the central nervous system, and at the same time: children pizno fix their heads, sit and walk, talk.

Dbaty about your camp stretching the term of pregnancy is needed less than 24 years for doba, then it’s good. Often, women stick out of dead vaginess, as if on the back of the head they are not accompanied by everyday signs. І navіt navpak: all concomitant vagity signs appear. It is important to know that the woman is pregnant, that she has died, you can only sign a doctor.

Decree permit

Zvichayno, pregnancy 18-19 tyzhniv - too early early term to get ready for maternity leave, but it’s necessary to think about it at the same time. Varto signify that most women do not know their rights at the hour of the day of pregnancy.

What is a decree? Tse two admissions in one, yak become over 1.5 years. The first admission is taken if the vacancy is already 30 days old. Such a decree is given in terms of 140 days, another - in terms of less than 1.5 years, if the child has already been born. With the help of a permit for a decree, we see pennies for help. Vinyatki hustle for the unemployed, for they do not perebuvayut on the stock exchange.

Legislation stipulates that a decree release of goiter is to be given to all officially trained women and persons, as if they were recognized as unemployed. They give a maternity leave to those who undergo training at Vichy.

The minimum term of the maternity leave is 140 days: half of the days fall for one hour before the lows, reshta - after them. After important benefits from the law, a woman can wait 156 days. And 194 days of maternity leave are given to women, who gave birth to more than one child at once.

It is necessary to issue a certificate for maternity leave, as you can pay, starting from 30 days of vacancy. If the woman is guilty of twinning, the term of registration is shortened by two tyzhn.

By stretching the maternity leave, you pay a penny for help. Vono vyrakhovuetsya vykhodyachi from the sum of the average income of two previous years. The amount of help is not the fault of a lesser person for 7,500 rubles.

If a woman works officially at a number of missions, then a skin worker may issue a maternity leave.

It is necessary for us to take a medical sheet and put yoga on the robot.

After the nation, the baby needs to be issued a permit on sight. Before the speech, take away yoga, the right of that іnshі members of this family.

The first thing you need to get permission for a decree is to declare on behalf of the director, in which case a woman can show help about help. This document for admission is written in terms of up to three years after the first half.

What is necessary to give in order to take the permit for the decree:

  • Dovіdka about setting on oblіk;
  • Application;
  • The passport;
  • Dovіdka, scho pіdtverdzhuє surplus for the rest of the working day;
  • Banking details. To save a penny for help on a new woman;
  • Medical sheet with consultations.

Documents after the plea for maternity leave:

  • Certificate about the people of the child;
  • Application;
  • The passport;
  • Number rahunku at the bank.

At the moment, the appointment of permits by decree guarantees the release of such payments:

  • Dopomoga at zvyazku z vagіtnіstyu and canopies. Minimum amount of yoga - not less than 7,500 rubles;
  • Dopomoga dodatkova, like a woman became in shape up to 12 years. Yogo sum is fixed - 613 rubles;
  • In case of national children, 16,350 rubles are paid one hour;
  • Dopomoga z to look up to the vikonannya child 1.5 years old, as weeping schomіsyatsya. You have 40% of the salary for two previous dates. The minimum assistance is 3,065 rubles for the first child, 6,131 rubles for another and third child.

In this rank, the decree does not only secure singing period vodpochinku for renewal, and pay a penny. What is the cost maternal capital, then under the hour the decree of yoga can be taken away. Yogo rozmir at once become close to 453 yew. ruble

The 19th day of pregnancy is the period of completion of the formation of the life of the important organs of the baby, and the nervous system. Wine will require micronutrients and vitamins, so that all organs develop in full. Take away the child from the mother's body, it is important for that, so that she eats properly.

The most important vitamins:

Vitamin A (retinol). Ensures complete blood circulation in the placenta, important for shaping the organ of the cavity in the fetus. Zapobіgaє lowering the dawn, problems with the shkіroy of the future mothers. Nestacha is manifested by the dryness of the skin, the appearance of a veil in front of the eyes, the disintegration of objects. Take off the liver of sea ribeye, eggs, inches of butter, sir, carrot, dried fruit. Required quantity for extraction - 2500 MO.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin, aneurin). Take part in the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Important for the proper functioning of the heart and nervous system of the fetus. A woman’s shortness is manifested by weakness, drativity, abdominal distension, and deformity. Lead up to zatrimka fetal development. It is important to take a walk at the roslinn їzhі - bread, kvassola, spinach. The least quantity is in milk and liver. Vagitniy needs 1 mg of thiamin for doba.

Notes about gently sloping booths
in the city:

Moscow St. Petersburg Krasnodar Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk Rostov-on-Don Chelyabinsk Almaty Kazan Nizhny Novgorod Kiev Samara Ufa Voronezh Omsk Krasnoyarsk Volgograd Perm Saratov Minsk Tyumen Barnaul Astana Sochi Orenburg Tolyatti Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsk Tom Tver Bryansk Chovnizhevsk Kemerovo

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Without it, the exchange process in the body cannot be dispensed with. The fetus is important for the adoption of erythrocytes, antibodies. The misfortune can be attributed to the appearance of cracks on the lips, swollen tongue, dermatitis on the face, and worsening of the dawn. Riboflavin can be used against the liver, eggs, liver, cheese, milk, buckwheat groats. Vaginal need to take 2 mg per doba.

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, vitamin PP). Necessary for the correct exchange of speech, the conversion of enzymes. Take care of good blood supply to the placenta. You can eat wholemeal bread, beetroot, buckwheat groats, yalovichini, mango. The misfortune is caused by bloating, diarrhea, brittle hair and nails. On the 19th pregnancy week, 25 mg per doba is required.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). The necessary development of oxidative processes, the saturation of the body with sourness. Prevention of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Oberzhuyut from caviar, drіzhdzhіv, eggs, milk, greenery. Nestacha manifests itself as dry skin, brittle hair and nails, ass, speedy heartbeat. Women need 5 mg per doba.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Stimulates fetal hematopoiesis. The woman has a change in drativity, improves mood, reduces the severity of toxicosis. Nestacha lead to depression, m'yazovyh court, anemia. The required additional quantity is 2.5 mg. Oberzhuyut z mountains, potatoes, citrus fruits, carrots.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Without it, it is impossible to establish nucleic acids, amino acids. On the 19th day of pregnancy, the correct functioning of the fetal nervous system is ensured. The mother is necessary for the dry regeneration of cells. Nedolіk is blamed for stupefaction, dramatization, impaired hoarseness, rotten appetite. Vaginal intake is 400 mcg per doba. Oberzhuyut from visivkovy bread, drіzhdzhіv, liver, eggs.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). In the fetus, I take part in the study of erythrocytes, DNA. In women, they regulate the work of the nervous system, normalize arterial pressure, reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia. The required additional quantity is 4 mcg. They are obtained from by-products, egg whites, sea ribs, dairy products. Deficiency manifests itself in the names of the fingers and toes, their tingling, the liver of the tongue.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Take part in the process of renewal of clitin, ensuring that the intake of folic acid is fully soaked. Strengthens the immune system, avoids colds. Zmіtsnyuє judiciary, nizhuyuchi rizik vіdsharuvannya placenta and front curtains. Nestacha manifests itself as dry skin, brittle hair and nails, increased bleeding. Dobova norm - 75 mg. Vagitna possesses ascorbic acid from vegetables, fruits, potatoes.

Vitamin D (calciferol). An important component of the bone tissue. To ensure the full absorption of calcium and phosphorus, to serve as a preventive measure for rickets in children. You can take it from sea ribs, liver, eggs, dairy products. 400 MO are required for the doba of the vagina. Deficiency in vagits develops rarely, manifests itself as a raised laxity of the brushes.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Protects cells from ushkodzhennya with free radicals, improves immunity. Useful for making collagen and elastin, to break the skin of the spring. Improving blood circulation in the placenta. For mining, 10 MO is required. Nestacha among women trapleyaetsya rarely, it manifests itself as m'yazovy weakness, I will become shkiri. Obtained from by-products, sea ribi.

Vitamin H (biotin). Regulates the work of the nervous system, the intestinal tract. Prevents the overworld accumulation of glucose, reducing the risk of developing circulatory diabetes in the fetus. Nestacha manifests itself as a supernaturally greasy or dry skin, thinning, falling hairy. Vaginal intake is 50 mcg per doba. You can get liver, kvass, gorikhiv.
Vitamin K (phylloquinone). Be aware of the need for normal blood glottis. Oberzhuyut from tomatoes, carrots, greens, yagid. Required additional quantity - 65 mcg.

The most important micronutrients:

Zalizo- Enter to the hemoglobin warehouse. Prevents the development of anemia in the mother of the fetus. Reduce the risk of front curtains. Requirement for doba - 3 mg. The future of mothers is taken from meat, offal, apples, buckwheat.

Iodine. An important element for the full functioning of the thyroid gland of the mother and fetus. Lack of iodine is not safe for us in front of a child - wickedness, zatrimka development, innate cretinism. A woman may develop a goiter. Requirement for doba - 300 mcg. Revenge in sea ​​ribi, laminaria.

calcium. The main component of the bone tissue. It is necessary for both mothers and children. Oberzhuyut from dairy products, green vegetables, gorіhіv, yagіd. Nestacha manifests itself as a lack of nails, hair. Dobova quantity - 1000 mg.

Potassium. Keep the body sour, protect the fetus from intrauterine hypoxia. Regulates the work of the heart activity. Zapobіgaє uttvennu nabryakіv. Vagitna takes potassium from tomatoes, bananas, dried apricots, greens. Dobova quantity - 5000 mg. Deficiency occurs rarely, manifests itself in accelerated heartbeats, in the event of interruptions in the robotic heart.

Cobalt. Prevention of development of anemia, neurological disorders. Easier spelling, increased mood. Nedolіk vyznaєtsya z allergic shkіrnih visipіv, depresії. Vagitna extracts cobalt from marine ribeye.

Silicon. Ensure the correct development of healthy tissue of the fetus - cartilage, tendon, skin. The required additional quantity is 20 mg. Nedolіk is manifested by the lameness of nails, hair loss, dryness of the skin. Oberzhuyut from Greek groats, vegetables, greens.

Magnesium. The element regulates the work of the heart-vascular system, enters the warehouse of certain hormones. Mother's day will take yoga from seaweed, greens, syrup, peas, bread. Nedolіk is manifested by increased dramatization, anxious thoughts, ruined syllables. Required quantity - 300 mg per doba.

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