Lighten up the dark vision in the middle of the cycle. Why blame the brown visions of the months? The outward look is seen in the norm

Update: Spring 2019

It seems that there are some invisible sightings from the state bodies, it is a sign that the women followed the animal on their own respect, storm and find out about the reason for such a manifestation. And how did brown visions appear at the middle of the cycle? What happens in the body of a woman, if bloody visions of menstruation are blamed? Why is it not safe?

According to statistics, maybe 80% of women have such sightings as if they were, then in an insignificant number, 20% of the stench is clear and they are not due to sex. As a woman is vaginal, then in case of any bloody or brown visions, with a pain syndrome, that unhealthy one should immediately turn to the doctor, the shards may be a sign of a mimicry weekend. We look at the falls, if similar sights are seen in non-vagant women.

If bloody, brown vision in women can be a symptom of illness:

  • Usually there are bloody, brown visions in the middle of the cycle, between menstruation and when the woman does not take hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • As if at the same time, it is felt at the bottom of the abdomen, sverbіzh, liver and dryness in the lungs, increased body temperature, sickly state act
  • Like a woman who has long been in menopause, and there is not a small menstruation more than fate
  • I'm sure they show up regularly bloody vision after sex

If brown, bloody visions between menstrual periods are normal?

Brown, dark colors are seen in women give drops of blood. In absolutely healthy women, you can be wary of such situations:

  • Before the month for a few days or a year - a sign of menstruation that is coming.
  • After monthly kilka days - tse norm, shards of the uterus allow for undesirable drops of blood.
  • In the middle of the cycle in those who are taking antiseptic drugs
  • Boisterous sex - as if the woman did not have a full awakening and did not vibrate enough oil, the mucus membrane was shriveled and created microtrauma.

With the first sex, there are 2-3 offensive state contacts, if the girl is only repairing the state of life.

Blood vision in the middle of the cycle - causes:

Brown vision in the middle of the cycle can be through the ovulation period, if the chances of success are greater. Even if the stench is meager, then it is respected by the physiological norm, obviously, even if there is no sign of other illnesses in gynecological obstruction. Sound in such situations, the woman will not require jubilation and such a vision of safety for woman's health.
Gynecologists, whether bloody, brown vision in the middle of the cycle, are divided into two groups: intermenstrual bleeding.

Uterine bleeding

є a symptom of advancing illnesses and may be in a woman in any case:

  • Endometritis of the uterus
  • Erosion of the cervix
  • Fibroma
  • Swelling appendages
  • Internal adenomyosis
  • Sarcoma

If you are seriously ill, you will require indispensable assistance, medical assistance. If there are regular blood sightings after the statutory act, then the cause may be erosion or cancer of the cervix. If you see pain in the lower abdomen, then this is one of the symptoms of inflammation of the inner ball of the uterus.

Intermenstrual bloody vision in the middle of the cycle of vision for other reasons:

What a woman accepts hormonal contraception be sure to see (hormonal plaster, antiseptic tablets, hormonal cycle), then intermenstrual blood sightings are taken by normal stretching of 3 months. However, although hormones are not accepted, the causes of small bloody visions can be offensive:

  • Zastosuvannya medicinal products, what to add to the menstrual cycle, for example, taking supplements (on the cob or after the end of the reception), to the warehouse of which to enter
  • Selection of preparations, indications for emergency contraception(Ginepristone, Postinor and in.)
  • Presentation intrauterine spiral
  • Damage to the thyroid gland, low levels of hormones
  • Inflammation of pihvi with state infections, ZPSSh (illnesses that are transmitted by the state route)
  • Injuries of the arterial organs
  • Hormonal problems - hyperprolactinemia,
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Actual gynecological procedures
  • Deep emotional shock, severe shock, stress, climate change

In a sexually active woman, the appearance of bloody visions that they smear, can indicate ZPSSh. At tsomu stench suprovodzhuyutsya,.

If a woman is not protected, then she sees that she is smeared, or maybe it’s a week. At such a time, the woman should ring out, dear strong pain lower abdomen. However, as the insignificant brown, bloody visions of the month-olds appeared, and then the lull came, then the vaginess came to the worst.

With supernaturally active, regular sex, microcracks can appear, and also after a strong physical pressure or stress, sometimes brown visions appear between months.

Bloody vision after sex

Bloody visions after sex are sometimes accompanied by pain. When it comes to this, it hurts not to talk about those who have everything in the woman. As soon as a skin condition after a state act, they appear brown or bloody visions, which can also be ill:

  • cervical cancer
  • Erosion of the cervix
  • Pukhlini pikhvi

If you have any mood, if you have any brown visions in the middle of the cycle or between monthly vartos, you should go for a consultation to a gynecologist to find out the reason for their appearance. If there are any signs of being ill, then it is impossible to call. Shards, unique to the visit to the doctor, the woman can help her camp, spend an hour, and you will be more ill. I self-exaltation in such moods is unacceptable.

Brown vision before the months after them - is pathology the norm?

Brown visions before menstruation are literally ahead of the day, so 1 day before the bleeding is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon. Shards of menstrual bleeding appear as a result of the death of the egg, it is guilty to come out of the uterine visions at once, and it is not guilty to be sharp. To that start of menstruation, the appearance of brown smears or red-brown visions is completely normal, but if it is more than 1 day, or it starts, it’s a reason for going to the doctor.

The main reasons for smearing visions before menstruation are:

  • Hormonal disruption, severe stress, climate change
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives or completing a course
  • Endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) or cervical
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium

Light brown sightings after the monthly ones are also considered a variant of the norm, because the stench is three times more than 3 days old. Tse natural process cleansing of the uterus in the menstrual blood However, if you see it for more than 3 days after the end of your period, you should go back to the gynecologist for obstezhennia, which can also indicate endometriosis, uterine myoma (div.) and іn.

Before the methods of diagnostics, whether they are known:

  • Anamnesis of the patient - the doctor conducts a report on the examination of the stagnation of illness, the transfer of illness, all the nutrition that is necessary for the life of the state and the menstrual cycle of the woman.
  • Inspection of the cervix, pikhvi for help dzerkal, biopsy
  • Follow-up smear from pikhvi
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • Analyzes for hormone levels, hot analysis blood
  • For indications - diagnostic imaging of an empty uterus with further histological findings of endometrial tissue.


Secretory motherland in healthy women can change their character. It may be due to physiological changes in the menstrual cycle or an unnatural amount of state hormones in the body. But sometimes, unnatural sightings of vaginal emptying point to the progress of unsafe pathology. Therefore, you remember that you had a brown vision in the middle of the cycle without pain and smell, you should go back to the appointment to see a doctor, who would assign their cause, explain what such a manifestation and roseness means, as you will recognize the natural nature of the secretory rind.

In this article, the most widespread reasons are chosen, which can provoke such a manifestation in a woman's body.

See brown visions

If you have shown in yourself unnatural visions of stately paths, then in the first line it is necessary to give respect to their colors, brightness and character:

  • Dark-brown homeland with pikhvi is most likely to indicate those who have a hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • Light brown visions are, as a rule, due to some kind of ailment of the reproductive organs. Such a color is indicative of those who bleed from the body, who have oxidized;
  • Red-brown secretory home to tell about the mechanical shrinkage of the mucous membranes. Tse mozhe statis in the aftermath of the intensive chi of the first statutory act. Quite often a similar phenomenon is seen in women after 45 years on the cob.

Report about the causes of non-natural visions of the rank of qualifications of a gynecologist.

Seen at the norm

Seeing a brown color in the middle of a cycle can be considered the norm in that mood, as if the stench has a miserable character, is not accompanied by ill feelings and does not have an unacceptable smell. As a rule, stench is guarded before the beginning of critical days, or right after their completion.

Such storms of intermenstrual vision indicate the physiological changes in the woman's body.


The appearance of a dark brown secretion on the 14th-15th day of the menstrual cycle (which is 28 days) means that the pleasant day of conceiving a child has arrived - ovulation. At this moment, the egg is not filled with follicles (the shell, in which it was known) and is ready to be streaked with spermatozoa. This natural process is accompanied by a bursting of the follicular capsule (this appearance can be accompanied by a small bloody bleed), which is accompanied by the appearance of brown visions. However, following this, the homeland, as you can see, was not accompanied by a stinking smell and had a small, non-intense character. In another turn, it’s better to turn back to the liquor.


Sometimes the storms of vision, which are afraid in a few days after ovulation, mean about those who have become ovarian ovaries, and the woman will become a mother indefinitely. It is even simpler to explain this phenomenon: at the moment of attachment of the egg to the endometrium (the mucus ball of the uterus, which serves to fix the fertilized egg), there is a slight sagging of the other capillaries, due to which the blood is expelled from the body, blocking the secretory root. For the same reason, the woman notices a small number of sights of unnatural color.

Women notice that they often pull on the lower abdomen for an hour when a fruiting egg is attached to the suffocating ball of the uterus.

Sleepy period, breastfeeding

The appearance of brown visions can also be guarded by the hour. Tse zimovleno tim, scho after the people of the child female organism and the hormonal background is aware of serious changes. Start those who explain the presence of brown secretion. Such a physiological phenomenon is not guilty of being accompanied by clear visions, pain and discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen. For the presence of such symptoms, it is negligible to see a proper diagnosis.

Contraceptive stagnation

The choice of hormonal contraceptives (intrauterine spiral or tablets) can also serve to reveal the secret of unnatural color. Get contraceptives to develop the body of a woman, changing the amount of hormonal elements in a new one. Tse and spray the appearance of brown visions. Normal such a phenomenon is considered in case of non-intensive visions, if they are not accompanied by unacceptable symptoms and last no more than 2-3 months.


Sometimes the appearance of the secretion of a brown color can be indicative of the progression in the body of unsafe diseases, which can lead to a decline in reproductive function, or other, no less unacceptable, consequences. Іsnuє symptomatology, yak, z'yavlyayuchis, dopomogaє zhіntsі to suspect the presence of unacceptable pathologies in the body:

  • , yakі are afraid of the day;
  • The appearance of strong pain sensations in the lower part of the abdomen and across;
  • Mucus has brown streaks;
  • Mucus substance may have an unacceptable odor;
  • Parts and too late.

As a result, you have shown the above-described symptoms in yourself, you need to go to the doctor, which you need to carry out the necessary diagnostic obstezhennia, to reveal the cause of the pathology and to recognize the most appropriate way of healing.

Disruption of the hormonal system

The presence of brown visions in the middle of the cycle, yak may have a miserable character, often indicating a malfunction in the functioning of the thyroid gland or in the robotic supraspinal folds. To accept such a state can be intense pressure, poor climatic mind, part of the psycho-emotional disorder and problems in the robotic herbal tract.

As a result of hormonal imbalance, which caused an unacceptable vision of illness, there can be serious changes in the body, which can significantly worsen the life expectancy of illness. Therefore, when such a symptom appears, it is recommended to immediately visit a gynecological office.


Endometriosis is not a safe disease, as it is associated with pathological growths of the mucus ball behind the interuterine body. As a result of the progression of such an ailment, curves or brown visions may appear, which are explained by the shrinkage of small capillaries of the endometrium. Often a brown or reddish secret can be blamed after sexual intercourse.

Podіbne ill even more unsafe. It will require a negainny vtruchannya dosvіdchenih fahivtsіv and dotsіlnogo likuvannya.


Uterine myopia is a benign neoplasm that is localized in an empty reproductive organ. The main symptoms that indicate the presence of benign swelling are brown vision and discomfort in the lower abdomen. The secretion is mostly rare and may have a clear character, but in case of which it can be meager. With the appearance of such symptoms, it is more likely not to call a qualified doctor.


Stormy visions between months are a sign of pathology, which is called “erosis”. There is a wound in the mucous membrane in the uterine cervix, which could be the result of hormonal changes, viral and infectious diseases, mechanical damage (intensive state act, inaccurate obstezhennia, piece-by-piece interruption of vaginess). The blood secret is revealed through the bleeding of erosion, as if there could be a significant expansion, or it recognized a mechanical infusion. Also, pathology can be accompanied by pain sensations for an hour of sex. If you have shown similar symptoms in yourself, go to the nearest medical mortgage.


Infections that are transmitted by the state pathway (IPSS) can also cause a change in the nature of the secretory rind. Vaughn becomes more brightly colored, swells with a brown color and a stinking smell.

If it is safely placed before the progression of such pathogenic agents, and sometimes you do not see a medical fahіvtsya, then mothers can become seriously ill, as if they ignore the childbearing function of a woman and cause unsafe consequences.


Wickedness in the uterine emptiness - to endure an unsafe pathology that leads to irrevocable consequences, and sometimes - to death. It is even more important to show the progress and jubilation at the same time. However, it is a pity that such an oncological disease proceeds practically asymptomatically and often appears less on gynecological obstruction, as it is so rare for a woman to pass. The only symptom that appears at an early stage of uterine cancer is brown vision between menses. Often, women, having commemorated such a sight, do not attach the necessary respect to him, thinking that there are natural changes in the body. Such a baiduzhe setting up to your health often ends badly. That is why, when you see an unnatural color and consistency, you should go to the gynecologist.

Fluffy ovaries

Newly created in the head of the uterine appendages - the ovaries also often become a provocateur of the appearance of bloody or brown visions that they smear. Often stinks are accompanied by an unacceptable and tedious smell. Such a pathology can lead to igniting processes in one or two ovaries, which significantly worsens their normal practice. It is important to immediately pay attention to the onset of onset of symptoms, as if blamed, the cream is dark or light brown secretory rind:

  • I was angry at the bottom of my stomach, but right-handed (deeply in the place of localization of the new creation);
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle (smaller or less monthly, or,);
  • Zahalna mlyavіst that vtomu organism, constant drowsiness ailments;
  • Problems from sechivnik.

For the obviousness of the above described symptoms, you can’t help but see a qualified doctor.


In order to prevent the development of unacceptable diseases and the appearance of unnatural secretory rіdina, medical fahіvtsі recommend to take up the upcoming preventive rules:

  • Another little girl on the river, see a gynecological room for obstezhennia;
  • Do not choose hormonal contraceptives on your own - leave it to a qualified doctor;
  • Do not lead a hopeless state of life;
  • For unplanned sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner - beat condoms;
  • Go to the hospital for the first manifestation of unacceptable symptoms;
  • Vіdmovtesya vіd kuіnnya i vzhivannya alkoholomіsnih napoїv;
  • Go in for sports;
  • Control your psycho-emotional state.

Dotrimuyuchis vyscheopisaniyah rules, you can reduce the appearance of unnatural secrets and the development of unsafe illnesses.

Pomіrnі postіyni vіdіlennya іz pіhvi priyatіnі pіhvі stіnіh shlyahіv, zahihayuchi vіd іnfektsіy. During the menstrual cycle, the stench can be distinguished by color and consistency, but by the smell or without it, and also accompanied by uncomfortable sensations - pain that pulls in the lower abdomen, stinging and liver of the outer organs. In this way, for the symptoms of a woman, you can find out about the state of health.

Normal vision on the average day (without menstruation) is calamous, rare or slit, white, cream or brown in color. With other ailing symptoms, yellow and green may be evidence of the presence of infection in the piss or tubes. In this case, it is necessary to see a gynecologist and analyze a pap smear.

Appointment of norms in healthy women

Although there are no disturbing painful symptoms, then a small number (for the most part, approximately like one teaspoon for doba) is not guilty of lakati.

Fresh vision does not cause any third-party smell, during the day on laying mucus oxidizes and may have a slightly acidic smell and yellowish odors, which in itself will not be a symptom of ailment.

A special character of brown vision in women is swelled in deyaky depressions (in norm):

Brown vision of the prolongation of the menstrual cycle

Smear brown visions before menstruation sometimes appear or appear a day or two before menstrual blood (mucus from a small house of blood that has oxidized).

If the stench lasts more than two days until the bloody on the cob, it can be a sign of an illness of the state system and a sufficient basis for a look at a gynecologist and peace in vaginal sex. Hormonal disorders, infection, blood poisoning and endometriosis can be accompanied by brown visions at the same time with premenstrual pains and crippling (more than weekly) clear menses.

Clear brown vision in the middle of the cycle, to try more doby, talk about lack of progesterone or dysfunction of the ovaries. In order not to miss the development of safety, in which case it is necessary to go through a likuvannya with a doctor.

The months will end, and the blood will begin to grow brighter - the sights will shine, flocking from red brown, to light cream and white. If there is no unacceptable smell, then this is the norm.

A sharp sour or putrid smell can be caused by bacteria: chlamydia, gardnerella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus.

Some brown spots are smeared 4-5 days after menstruation.

For the presence of sexual contacts, you should pass a test for vaginess. It may also be a sign of post-uterine vaginess, as if you do not interrupt your menstruation, but get bigger, give a small amount of blood that burns. A home test for vagity will turn out to be so negative, so the only correct decision will be to see a gynecologist.

Pathological secretion of the uterus and pikhvi can mitigate non-menstrual blood: in the form of possible microcracks (after sex), with vaginess (they can guard against a possible vision), as if showing erosion, bleeding, cervix. Such a situation will require a term gynecological obstezhennia.

As brown visions after the monthly ones, there may be even a dark color and make it thicker, it may be a sign of the pathology of the uterus, it may be possible to reveal only a doctor for additional ultrasound.

Brown vision after sexual contact

After intensive sex, the integrity of the mucous membrane of the pimple can be disrupted. As a rule, timchasova pomirnіst allows more wounds to heal, or microcracks, more severely - to achieve special hygiene, so that the infection does not penetrate through the mucosal membrane of the ear. Vikoristannya oiled that protection for an hour of sex to help avoid such inaccuracies.

Brown visions after sex are not guilty but rich, and the stench can be no more than two deb.

After unprotected sex, women see women like that.

Stage of maturation, breastfeeding, menopause

While the months are still resting, brown visions in a small amount can appear in the middle of the cycle (with a non-stable cycle), stretching for two days until the first day of menstruation.

Whoever shows up is respected by the norm and for the presence of sickly symptoms and an unacceptable smell, they do not require likuvannya.

The period of lactation in the skin woman is individual. For a short period of time, the breasts can become brown on the 14th-16th day of the cycle. Tse depends on the influx of hormones, yak is given for lighting breast milk, i є variant of the norm.

Two years before the present menopause, brown visions in the middle of the cycle are the norm, as they become the next year. In whom it is important not to miss the symptoms important illnesses what does the care of a gynecologist.

Vision from pikhvi after "Postinora"

After having sex without contraceptives, women should take drugs such as "Postinor" to prevent their vacancies. Qi cats immediately cry out for menstruation, which makes it difficult to conceive.

This method is always effective, but at the same time it is unsafe for women's health. Krim hormonal shock, nebazhany navantazhennya zanayut vnutrіshnіh stateevyh organіv - uterus and pіhvi. Reception "Postinor" can be easily removed and pass under the medical eye.

A few days of brown visions after "Postinor" became the norm and became like the completion of piece-by-piece calls for months, until the state bodies were completely cleared. Possible respite in this situation - a full day of bloody menstruation, trival (more than 14 days) brown vision, clots of pain - this is a serious reason to turn back to the doctor. Sound the reception "Postinor" for a new cycle. Once upon a time, I see that they are smeared, try for more than a month - it is impossible to independently diagnose the cause, it is not varto to panic.

One of the consequences of taking this drug is stress on the state system, which, however, does not break the cycle, but restarts yoga. When replacing "Postinor" with another similar abortifacient drug, the consequences for the state system will be the same.

Changes in the nature of the state secretion can mean a violation of both a physiological and pathological process in an organism. Keeping a brown vision without a smell of pain, not varto admitting innocence signs to instill through the presence of additional symptoms. About those on which such a vision can be shown, the article is given.

Significant characteristic of the symptom

A brown color can be easily understood by the mucus: this is how dark yellow, black, storm, dark red are characterized. Mucous secretion, which is produced by the cavities of the female organs of the cervical region, is the basis of the rіdini. It’s similar to the barvlennya їy nada shelter, which burned and oxidized, which squandered to the warehouse of sing reasons. Such a secretion may not smell of anything and cause discomfort like a sick person.

Often this symptom is a normal sign song period the menstrual cycle of the physiological state of the female organism.

Watching the comments on gynecological forums, you can add a whisker, which is a rich representative of the beautiful state of pardon, that the presence of an unacceptable smell and pain include illness. The threat of brown visions of pikhvi is attached to the polygai.

Why might such a secretion appear? To її the main reasons include:

  1. The flow of the menstrual cycle. Brown vision after menstruation without smell, most often after the completion of menstruation..
  2. I have ovulated.
  3. Climax.
  4. Stopping hormonal preparations.
  5. Insertion of the intrauterine spiral.
  6. Postoperative period.
  7. Allergic reaction.
  8. Mechanical microtraumas of the walls of pikhvi during sex.
  9. Vikoristannya fruiting egg in the uterus.
  10. Wikiday threat.
  11. Erosion of the cervix.
  12. Endometriosis.
  13. Hyperplasia of the endometrium.
  14. Polypi.
  15. Newly established.

Visibly safe causes of brown vision without smell and pain

Before menstruation

Designation of light dark brown vision odorless and pain is possible and a day or two before menstruation. The stench is manifested through hormonal changes, or because the uterus is preparing itself for the delivery of swollen endometrium. If the whole manifestation appeared earlier, lower two days later, then everyone is talking about the presence of state system damage.

From the cob of menopause to menopause, brown mucus is the most common sign of the completion of the reproductive period. The stench blames them for up to a month.

After menstruation


The presence of generous dark brown visions after monthly odorless (after a day after them) is often a sign of polyps. If similar signs are detected, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gynecologist. Polyps of the cervix and body of the uterus - growths on the tissues of that organ. Cream of smearing intermenstrual visions, stench of the building critical days. Yakshcho polyp maє great rosemir otherwise, it’s a sprat, you can see more of that rotten mucus.


Both good and evil newborns often give rise to the appearance of a dark color mucus, independent of the phase of the menstrual cycle. Women who died in the climacteric period are the most sick before their adoption. That is why, when the described signs are revealed, after 45 fates they turn to the doctor, so as not to miss the illness, or to take proper care.

Appearing from the state paths of a transparent, odorless water cream is a physiological process, which is practically observed in a healthy skin representative of a beautiful state. Fallow in the period of life, a woman seen can slightly change her color. However, in most of the cases, the change to brown is a problem to talk about the culprit pathology, with some obov'yazkovo need for medical treatment.

For doba in healthy representatives of the beautiful state of the state ways, the norm is seen close to 1 teaspoon of mucus rindine. Fresh vision of the sky, prolonging the day, resting on the whites, the stench can swell a yellowish color and a faint sourish smell.

Some varieties may show brown water-cream with pikhvi. Which symptom is to be feared:

  • At 14-15 dobu menstrual cycle, at the period of ovulation. The process of release of the ovum during which there is an insignificant amount of brown mucus with thin blood streaks.
  • A few days before that stretch 1-3 days after menstruation. Insignificant brown specks, which are guarded by white or pads in the Danish period, are blood that has oxidized.
  • In the first 1-2 months I will take combined oral contraceptives. The appearance of a characteristic brown smear is normal on the cob when taking the preparations and is indicative of the rest and adaptation of the body to a change in the hormonal background. However, brown vision that a woman is turbulent for more than 2-3 months, is a drive for an appointment to an endocrinologist and a diagnosis of KOKiv.
  • After zastosuvannya with the method of emergency postcoital contraception to the drug Postinor and yoga analogues.
  • After a gentle period, the period is bad. This clinical manifestation is evidence of the normal process of burning the internal membranes of the organs of the body.

According to statistics, brown is periodic, which is water-creaming, blames 80% of women in different periods of life, with whom it does not cause discomfort and induces to pass without a trace when it is present.

Brown vision, odorless and accompanying discomfort manifestations are not to blame for turbulence in a woman and a drive for an unscheduled visit to the doctor. However, with regular exposure to white, brown, dark visions that are smeared, that are accompanied by pain, temperature, an unacceptable smell and other pathological symptoms, it is important to go outside the obstezhennia and at the same time spread the bliss.

The most widespread pathological causes

One of the most common skargs, with which patients go to the gynecologist, є bloody or brown visions are blamed.

It is best to direct them to such processes as:

  • injuries to the internal membranes of the organs of the body, taken away from the process of intimacy;
  • improperly performed gynecological manipulations;
  • zastosuvannya mechanical contraception, non-aggressive "aggressive" spermicide;
  • disruption of hormonal status;
  • parts of stressful situations;
  • venereal infections;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • brushes of the ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • salivary hyperplasia;
  • cancer of the uterus, ovaries.

Blood shards of dark and light brown mucus from the pixie can be a symptom of unsafe pre-cancerous and oncological illnesses, in case of constant vision, it is important to go to the doctor with a method of obstezhennia, establishing the cause of the recognition of the necessary exaltation.

Important! Even more often browner, which is even more water-creamed, the first sign of matting vaginess. As for aphids, the lulls of monthly yoga increase, blame pain in the lower part of the abdomen, weakness, fall. arterial vice- it is necessary to call a brigade of help for assistance for help in order to improve nutrition about possible damage to tubal vagity and hospitalization of a woman.

Seen after sex

Under an hour of intense sexual contact, micro-shocking of the mucous membranes of the skin can be caused, which is accompanied by the sight of drops of blood, which, upon contact, repeatedly swell a terrible dark brown infection. When it is necessary:

  • Follow the rules of special hygiene, use good intimate gels, don’t be cute and don’t go into douching, in order to get rid of the infection of the mucus membranes.
  • Vykoristovuvaty pridbany in pharmacies or specialized store lubricant, but protect the process of intimacy.

In normal brown vision, after sex, do not sound clear and continue no more than two deb. It took a long time to report about serious injuries of the state paths or the development of an infectious pathology.

Important! Brown vision with specks of bright-red blood, which are seen by a woman after a sick sexual contact, testifies to the possibility of erosion of the uterine cervix.

infectious causes

Light brown visions often act as one of the signs of venereal disease. In case of viral and bacterial ignition processes in the state organs, which are water-reinforced, stick to the whiteness of the pads, there may be some color. However, for the presence of blood blotches, which have been in contact with each other for a long time, they turn into a light brown color.

The stench stings when:

  • Gostro prot_kaє, pіd іn аn hour ії іntensive sverbіzh brіѕ tо samoshkodzhenі pіd іt's hour of combing. From microtraumas and cracks, which vinicles on the inflamed mucus membranes are seen as drops of blood, as if migrating with the characteristic for candidiasis, the blue water cream, give it an erysipelas or a brown color.
  • - infectious ailments, which are transmitted by the path, which cause dryness, liver and discomfort in the intimate area, the appearance of bright yellow, brown-orange or bloody visions. Crimson, pathology is accompanied by dull pains in the lower abdomen, unacceptable smells during sechovipkanni, unacceptable rotten smell from the organs.
  • , which manifests itself in pain, stinging, disruption of the sebum, visions of a white-yellow color, as if with a trivial overrun of ailment, a brown blotch appears.

Due to the presence of brown vision due to an unacceptable smell and stinging skins, the gynecologist obov'yazkovo takes a smear from the woman for the flora, and also prescribes serological and PCR analyses. The stench helps to reveal infectious pathologies at early stages and to indicate an effective therapy (antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic drugs).

Important! In the event of the presence of ZPSSh, a woman, it is necessary to resolutely obstezhit її state partner i, in the case of a new tiєїzh іnfektsії, a new course of treatment should be given to both patients.

Chronic pathologies

In the minds of constant stress, nasty ecology, with damaged eating habits, shkidlih zvichka, as well as in cases of severe depression in women, there may be a cause of interruptions in the hormonal background, which, due to daily correction, may lead to the vindication of unsafe pathologies.

In patients of reproductive age, the following illnesses are most often diagnosed:

  • - chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. Causes of illness are intrauterine insertion, postponed abortions, abortions. This ailment shows itself nagging, dragging with pains in the lower part of the abdomen and back, brown visions before the first day of menstruation, disrupted the cycle.
  • endometriosis- pathological state, which is characterized by the growth of nodules in the endometrium beyond the boundaries of the uterine emptiness, at the myometrium, cervical canal, on the ovaries, the ovaries, the sciatica. To the main clinical manifestations of pathology, one can see pain during menstruation in the abdomen, across, cringes.
  • Hyperplasia- supra-mundane growth and narrowing of the inner lining of the uterus, which is of a benign nature and manifests itself in the appearance of a brown, smearing, which is observed, intermenstrual bleeding and clearing, lasting monthly.

At the early stages, these pathologies may not manifest themselves, and sometimes the stench can lead to anemia, woman's loss, worsening hormonal imbalance and bezplyddya. It is also important to see the gynecologist on a regular basis with the method of prophylactic examination and, for suspicion of pathology, undergo a comprehensive obstezhennya. Treatment of these ailments is carried out for the help of hormonal preparations and, for the need, surgical intervention.

Important! In case of hyperplasia of the uterine endometrium, it is necessary to undergo ultrasonography of the pelvic organs and hysteroscopy with biopsy. Tse allow us to establish the nature of the fabrics that have grown transcendentally, and recognize the correctness of the likuvannya. It is impossible to ignore illness, shards in such depressions can lead to cancer.

Be unsafe

Significant part of the middle of all gynecological diseases is occupied by swelling of the ovaries, uterus and cervix. The stench can be as good-natured, fully growing and such that it does not harm other tissues, so it can be evil, weak to aggressive growth and metastasis.

The head of the cancer is not safe in the fact that during the last few hours it passes with few symptoms and practically does not turbulent the patient. It is not necessary to bring sickness to a bad diagnosis, which worsens the forecasts.

The presence of malignant swelling of the organs of the reproductive system can be suspected by such signs:

  • Brown smudgey white, which can be blamed after sex, before and after menstruation.
  • Ryasnі brown, bloody vision, scho vodokremlyuєtsya on kshtalt "meat commemorations".
  • Constant pain, to pull, in the lower abdomen, in the crotch, across.
  • Impaired function of the pelvic organs (discomfort during sechoviprosy, act of defecation).
  • Waste of body mass is not motivated. Damage to the appetite is especially often seen in the form of meat. Weakness, reduced tolerance to physical vanity.

Crimson cancer of the ovaries and uterus can cause oncopathology of the outer organs. The stinks show themselves the presence of virazkovyh defects and erosions, which do not burn for a long time, the appearance of bright-red, dark brown specks on the gaskets or the lower whiteness, the sweating of the shkir, the dryness and the stinger. In case of puffiness of the reproductive organs, no matter how localized the patient is, specific treatment is shown by an oncologist.

Important! With the appearance of any, inconspicuous brown visions that continue for more than 3 days, the next thing to do is turn to the gynecologist. Early manifestation of ailment and concurrent therapy is the guarantee of good results in juicy women and women .

On this video about a brown vision, a doctor-venereologist is shown.

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