Tablets on herbs for the treatment of nirok. Luxurious herbs photo with names from a to z. Vykoristannya roslinnyh likarskih sobiv on creatures

Phytotherapy(or " herbal bath”) є vyvchennyam and vikoristannyam tsіlyushchih authorities roslyn. The scope of phytotherapy is expanded, including fungal and biological products, as well as minerals, shells and other parts of the body of creatures. Pharmacognosy is the cultivation of all medicinal properties, as if they were taken from natural sources.

Vykoristannya herbs for the treatment of ailments may be a universal product of the middle trade of unrecognized partnerships, and often available from the purchase of expensive modern pharmaceutical preparations. The All-World Organization for Health Protection (WHO) is aware that 80% of the population of some Asian and African countries use phytotherapy for some aspects of primary medical care. Studies carried out in the USA and Europe have shown that the use of medicinal herbs grows more slowly in clinical minds, but becomes more and more widened, shards Rest of the Rocks scientific proof of the effectiveness of phytotherapy with wide-width boots.

Video about medicinal herbs

History of herbal cooking

Vikoristannya grew up as a medical researcher in the field of writing human history. A lot of herbs and spices, which people vicorate like spices to їzhі, also can be painted medicinal parts. The variety of herbs and spices in the preparation developed frequently in response to the threat of food pathogens. Doslіdzhennya show that in a tropical climate, de zbudniks are the most widened, recipes can be even more spicy. In addition, sound vicorist spices with the most intense antimicrobial activity. In all cultures, vegetables are peppered less than meat, shards of stench are more resistant to drying. A lot of splendid weeds, like zapovnyayut zhitlovy settlements, so like kropiva, kulbaba and pishchanka, so likuvalny dominion.

A wealth of supporting archeological evidence indicates that people victorious medicinal plants in the Paleolithic, about 60,000 years ago. In addition, other primates, Crimean people, eat medicinal plants for the healing of ailments.

Ancient clock

For written records, weeding of herbs can be seen up to an hour more than 5000 years ago, for hours of the Sumerians, they created clay tablets with lists of hundreds of medicinal roses (for example, myrrh and opium). At 1500 r. BC, the ancient Egyptians wrote the "Ebers Papirus", which is to avenge information about 850 medicinal plants, including chasnik, yalivtsyu, hemp, ricin, scarlet and mandrake.


Benedictine monasteries were the main source of medical knowledge in Europe and England in the early Middle Ages. The majority of the monastic clergy susil were focused on translations and copies of ancient Greek-Roman and Arabic robots, and not on the creation of new information and practice. A wealth of Greek and Roman works in medicine, as well as in other subjects, were saved by hand-copying manuscripts at monasteries. In this way, the monasteries become mystic centers of medical knowledge, and their herbs are gardened and syrovin's pots for simple exaltation of the widest ailments. At the same time, traditional medicine in the houses and villages continues to develop without interruption, supporting the numerical mandriving and accepting the herbalists. Among them were "wise women" and "wise men", as they often victorious rose healers at once with spells, charms, witches and joys. So it was until the middle of the middle, if women and men, well known in the knowledge of herbs, became the object of "hysteria". One of the most famous women in herbal traditions is Hildegard Bingen. Chernitsa of the Benedictine monastery of the 12th century, she wrote the medical text " The reason is that turbo».

Medical navchalni mortgages, like "Bimaristan", began to appear from the 9th century in the Middle Islamic world of the Middle Persians and Arabs, as they were more prosperous, lower Middle Europe of that hour. The Arabs sang the Greco-Roman culture and enlightenment, translated tens of thousands of texts in Arabic language for further reading. As a trading culture, Arab mandrivers had little access to the growing material from distant places, such as China and India. Herbalists, medical texts and translations of the classics of old were filtered right away. Muslim botanists and doctors significantly expanded the early knowledge of the “Medicine speeches”. For example, Al-Dinavari described more than 637 likar roslins in the 9th century, Ibn al-Baitar described over 1400 roslins, food products that likіv, over 300 of them became the vodkritts of the 13th century. Also, in the 13th century, the Andalusian Arab botanist Abu al-Abbas al-Nabat, the teacher of Ibn al-Baitar, introduced an experimental scientific method based on the “Likarsky speeches”. Al-Nabati VVIV EMPIRICHICHIC, the description of the TODIFICAICAL LICKAY RHCHOVINA, vIdokremiv is non-perishable vid, and the actual vyprobuvanni is with reserve. Civation of medicinal speeches made it possible to create the science of pharmacology.

Baghdad was an important center of Arabic herbalism, yak and Al-Andalus between 800 and 1400. Abulkasis (936-1013) from Cordovi became the author Books of the simplest", an important dzherel for the outward European herbalism, then Ibn al-Baitar (1197-1248) from Malaga became the author of" Choose the simplest", the most common Arabic herb, in which there were close to 200 healing herbs, including tamarind, aconite that chilibuha is a pharmacy. " Canon of Medical Science" Avіtsenni (1025) overdosed 800 overdosed preparations, roslin and minerals. “Druga knigi” is dedicated to the discussion of healing herbs, including nutmeg, senna, sandalwood, rhubarb, myrrh, cinnamon and erysipelas. " Canon" succumbing to medical mortgages at rich European and Arab medical schools until the beginning of the 19th century. Other books of the pharmacopoeia include those written by Abu-Raykhan Biruni in the 11th century and Ibn Zukhr in the 12th century (commissioned in 1491). " Issaak's comments"Petra from Spain" Commentaries of St. Nicholas of Antedotori» John. Zokrema, " Canon" presenting clinical trials, randomized controlled trials and efficacy trials.

early new hour

The 15th, 16th and 17th centuries were hundreds of herbalists, many of them became more accessible to English and other languages, and not to Latin and Greek.

First " Herbalist Grete”, publications on English language 1526 p. buv anonymous. Two most popular herbalists in English language " Herbalist or Zagalna istorija roslyn" (1597) by John Gerard and " Enlargement of the area of ​​English doctors"(1653) Nicholas Culpeper. Gerard's text is more importantly a pirate translation of the book by the Belgian herbalist Duduens, and the illustrations resemble those of a German botanical robot. The original vision avenged a lot of pardons through the inadequacy of the pleasure of two parts. Sumіsh Kalpeperіvskoi traditional medicine with astrology, magic and folklore bula bismіyana doctors of the hour, and even books like Gerard and other herbalists, little phenomenal popularity. The epoch of victory and exchange, which, following Columbus's orders, brought new medicinal plants to Europe. Manuscript "Baduanus"- illustrations by a Mexican herbalist, writing in my Nahuatl and Latin in the 16th century.

In another thousand people, the ear of a general decline grew like a gerel of therapeutic methods of exaltation. This process was born from the Black Death, as the medical system did not appear in the mind of the mind. A hundred years later, Paracelsus introduced active chemical preparations (for example, mish'yaku, mudi sulphate, salt, mercury and sirka). They started victorious, ignorant of toxic effects through the terminology necessary to exalt syphilis.

Daily phytotherapy

Vykoristannya herbs for the treatment of ailments and mayzhe by the universal care of the middle class of unrecognized comrades.

Rich likіv, yakі in denmark available to likarіv, mayut dovga іstorіyu vykoristannya like roslinnі likarski zasobi, among them opium, aspirin, foxglove and quinine. The All-World Organization for Health Protection (WHO) respects that 80 hundred people of the population of some Asian and African lands are seeking phytotherapy for some aspects of primary medical assistance. Pharmaceuticals are too expensive for most of the world's population, half of them live less than 2 dollars a day. For breeding, medicinal herbs can be grown from nature or taken in nature for a small fee or without cost.

Vykoristannya that search for likіv and grub additives, otrimanih іz roslin, hastened in the rest of the rocks. Pharmacologists, microbiologists, botanists and chemists of natural products search the Earth in search of phytochemicals, so that they can be victorious for the treatment of various illnesses. In fact, for the tribute of the All-World Organization for the Protection of Health, about 25% of the modern preparations, which are victorious in the Happy States, were obtained from Roslin.

In this hour of the middle of 120 active cases, otmanih vіd vyschih roslina and widely vykoristovuvannyh in modern medicine 80 vіdsotkіv show a positive correlation between modern therapeutic zastosuvannyam and traditional vikoristannya roslin, zakikh stench otrimani. More than two thirds of the species of the dewy world - 35,000 are accepted, which represent medicinal value, growth in the lands, which are developing. Acquiring 7000 medical certificates from the modern pharmacopoeia, roslin was won. In rich medicinal and aromatic roslins (MAP), significant changes were established in the characteristics of roslins in bonding with various soils, selective reinforcement and distant release in zhu sing elements. Great respect is due to buti savage on the choice of soil and the strategy of private farming, to take high quality and beautiful expensive products, safety and high grub value.

Biological change of mind

All growths vibrate chemically, as part of their normal metabolic activity. The stinks are classified as (1) primary metabolites, such as zucrite and fat, which are found in all roslins and (2) secondary metabolites, as in a smaller number of roslins, which are attributed to specific functions. For example, some secondary metabolites are toxins that are vicarious for the purpose of consumption, and other pheromones are vicarious for coma for drinking. The very same secondary metabolites and pigments can have a therapeutic effect in human organisms and can also be used for the production of drugs. As butts, serve as inulin from the root of georgina, quinine from the cinchona tree, morphine and codeine from poppy and digoxin from foxglove.

Roslins synthesize the great diversity of biochemical speeches, and more - similar decals bio chemical spoluk:

  • alkaloidsє a class of chemical spoluks that avenge nitrogen oxides. Alkaloids are viroblyayutsya by a great variety of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, roslins and creatures, part of a group of natural products (also called secondary metabolites). A lot of alkaloids can be taken from crude extracts in a way of acid-puddle extraction. Rich in alkaloids and toxic to other organisms. The stench often produces pharmacological effects and vicorites like drugs like recreational drugs or in entheogenic rituals. For example, a local anesthetic and a stimulant cocaine; psychedelic psilocin; stimulant caffeine, nicotine, analgesic morphine, antibacterial berberine; protipukhlinna spoluk vinkristin; the antihypertensive agent reserpine; cholinemic galatamine; spasm agent atropine; vasodilating vincamine; antiarrhythmic side of quinidine; protiastmatic therapeutic ephedrine and antimalarial zasib quinine. Wanting to add alkaloids to the diversity of metabolic systems in the organisms of humans and other creatures, the stench may call out a hot relish.
  • Polyphenols(also in the form of phenolic resins) - with half-baks, to avenge phenol rings. Anthocyanins, like giving grapes a purple color, isoflavones, phytoestrogen from soy and tannins, like giving astringency to tea - all these are phenols.
  • Glycosides They are molecules, in such cases of binding with a non-carbohydrate part, as a rule, they are small organic molecules. Glycosides play many important roles in living organisms. Rich roslin preserves chemical speech like inactive glycosides. The stench can be activated by the path of enzymatic hydrolysis - the blood bonds are broken, after which the chemical speech becomes accessible to the victor. A lot of such glycosides grow like lye. In creatures and humans, alcohols often bind to circuru molecules in order to get them out of the body. As an example, cyanoglycosides can be used in cherry tassels, as they see toxins only if they bite herbs.
  • be patient It is a great and varied class of organic fields that vibrate with different growths, especially coniferous trees, which often have a strong smell and, possibly, their zahisnoy function. The stench is the main components of resin and turpentine, taken from resin. The name "terpenes" is similar to the word "turpentine". Patience is the main part of life in the skin of the living being. Steroids, for example, are similar to tripene squalene. If patience is chemically modified, for example, during oxidation or change of the carbonaceous skeleton, from the side, what to come out, call terpenoids. Patience and terpenoids are the main components essential oils rich vidіv roslyn аnd kvіtіv. Essential oils are widely used as natural savory additives for the production of food products, as aroma in perfumery, as well as stench in traditional and alternative medicine, for example, in aromatherapy. Synthetic variations and similar natural terpenes and terpenoids also significantly expand the diversity of aromas that are vicarious in perfumery and food additives. Vitamin A is the butt of patience. The aroma of trojandite and lavender is enriched with monoterpenes. Carotenoids vibrate red, yellow and orange colors in watermelon, corn and tomatoes.

Association of Past Roslyn Molecules from the University of Washington, Science Center Donald Danfors Roslyn, the National Genome Resource Center and the University of Illinois, Chicago have begun a study sponsoring the National Institutes of Health more than thirty species of medical Roslyn for 2009. At the cob stage, the work on the development of the reference sequence of the skin transcript led to the development of the transcriptomic database of these medical medicinal plants.

Clinical testing

A lot of herbs gave positive results in laboratory tests, in creatures or in other clinical trials, in that hour, in some studies, herbal trials gave negative results.

2002 The US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Institutes of Health began funding clinical trials for the effectiveness of herbal medicine. In 2010, with a total of 1000 roslins, 356 of them were rated as “pharmacologically active adjuncts for therapeutic congestion”, and 12% of roslins, which, in the foreign market, “do not think of the absolute significance of their powers.”

Herbalists criticize those who have a lot of scientific knowledge and lack of vicarious knowledge of history, as they have developed a coronary record and a study of medicinal benefits in the past. The stench insists that traditional knowledge can be a guideline when choosing factors, such as the optimal dose, type, hour of choice in the birth of that population group.

Wickedness breadth

The results of the follow-up, published in January 2004 National Center Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States has been stoked about who wins Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) what is itself vicoristan and why it is not vicoristan. The rest of the year was surrounded by mature years of 18 years and older years of 2002, as they linger in the Happy States. Based on the results of this study, the use of herbs and natural products, cream of vitamins and minerals, was the most frequently used CAM therapy (18.9%), all additional help in the form of prayer was turned off.

Lіkarski zasobi dewy hodzhennya even wider in Europe. In Nіmechchinі herbal faces are released by pharmacists. Pharmaceutical prescriptions are sold together with essential oils, herb extracts and herbal teas. The medical specialties of the dewy journey are looked upon as if they were a likuvannya, like a trace of the victory of the medical faces, virobleny at the industrial scale.

In India, the medical establishments of the floorings are popular, which the order of India, having created an okremium, has improved - the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Youth, Siddha and Homeopathy under the Ministry of Health and Wellness. So, in 2000, a team of India created the National Council of Medicinal Plants with a method of fighting against the herbal medical system.

Затятий суспільний інтерес до траволікування у Великій Британії був нещодавно підтверджений популярністю цієї теми у засобах масової інформації, наприклад, у найкращий ефірний час на телебаченні йде серіал ВПС «Вирости свої власні ліки», який показує, як виростити та підготувати рослинні лікарські засоби в домашніх умовах .

Roslinni preparations

There are a lot of forms, in which it is possible to plant herbs, the most wide-ranging of them is homeland, yaku p'є ailments, vodvar or (possibly diluting) a growing extract. The use of whole herbs is also practiced either with fresh or dried vigladi or with fresh juice.

Dekilka methods in standardization can determine the amount of vicarious grass. One of them is the spіvvіdnoshnja syrovini that retailer. However chemical warehouse different sights of one and the same type of growth can be changed. Because of the reason for the vibrators, it is necessary to use thin ball chromatography to assess the quality of the product before victorization. The second method is based on the standardization of the chemical speech signal.

Roslinna tincture, or “herbal tea”, is the result of mixing the extract of herbs and water, which can be prepared in a variety of ways. Infusions of hot water extracts of herbs, such as chamomile or mint, look like a path of soaking. Vіdvari trivalih vіdvarenih ekstraktіv zazviroblyayutsya z more solid speeches, such as root or bark. Soaking of the old roslin extract with a high amount of mucus, such as shavlia, thyme, etc., is carried out. In order to increase the soaking, the growths will trim and add cold water to the water. Let's sweat them for a stretch of 7-12 years (fallow from herbs). More than 10 years of soaking.

Inhalation, like in aromatherapy, you can vicorate for a gleeful change of mood, for fighting sinus infections, coughing, or for clearing the skin on the deepest level (here you may be on the removal of steam, and not directly inhaling).


A number of herbs, as it is important, can cause negative consequences. In addition, falsifications, inappropriate formulations or the essence of common sense and medicinal relationships lead to side reactions, which can sometimes be unsafe for life or deadly. Correct clinical trials are necessary for the determination of the safety and effectiveness of skin growth, the first lower stink can be recommended for medical treatment. If you want to save a lot of money, it’s important that medicinal herbs are safe, because the stinks are “natural”, herbs and synthetic preparations can interact, causing toxicity in a particular patient. Russian medicinal products can also be unsafely fermented, and also herbal licks without proven effectiveness can be unseen to win to replace licks, as they have confirmed their effectiveness.

Standardization of purity and dosing is not obligatory in the Common States, but it may be possible to change the specifications in accordance with biochemical changes in different types roslin. Roslini mayut chemical mechanisms of protection against hizhakiv, as if they could mother an unfriendly lethal influx on people. Apply highly toxic herbs include hemlock and nightshade. These herbs are not sold for the public, to which the risks are well known, often through longevity and barista history in Europe, due to "chaklunstvo", "enchantments" and intrigues. Also, although not often, there were registered unfriendly traits from broad grasses. In some cases, there are serious unfavorable results when applied to herbs. The great use of potassium spivvіdnositsya with the intake of internal licorice, and, later, professional herbalists uniquely vikoristovuvat licorice in vipadkah, where possible rizik. Black cohosh used for liver failure. Less than a few studies have published herbs that are safe for pregnant women, and one study showed that more complementary and alternative medicine resulted in a 30% decrease in the current vagity and the coefficient of consumption of the population. Appeal the likuvannya with herbal-ovirnistya causal-naslidkovikh Zv'yazkiv with unknown ups to include the Akonit, often with the legislates of the grass, Ayurvedichni Zasobi, Rakіnik, Chilly Sumyshi, Glum, Gri-Kuis, Misty Mistema 'yata swamp. Apply herbs with a high level of ymovіrnostі risk of long-term side effects include ginseng, which is unpopular among herbalists, which is under the threat of the emergence of herb hydrasstis, rose thistle, senna, yak sing not to please and rarely vicorist herbalists, bark and aloe vіkara sagrada, saw palmetto, valerian, coffee, yak, spear, kat, betel, ephedra and guarana.

There is also concern about the connection with the numerical tiredness of the interactions of herbs and preparations. При консультації з лікарем слід уточнити використання рослинних лікарських засобів, оскільки деякі рослинні лікарські засоби можуть потенційно викликати несприятливі лікарські взаємодії при використанні в поєднанні з різними препаратами, що виписуються за рецептом і без рецепта, тому хворий повинен повідомити травник про їх споживання.

For example, a troublesome low blood pressure may be the result of a combination of a heavy drug treatment that reduces blood pressure at the same time as taking a prescription drug, which may have the same effect. Deyakі herbs can help with anticoagulants. Deyakі herbs, as well as fruits, zavazhayut cytochrome P450, an enzyme that plays a vital role in the metabolism of liquor.

Practicing fahivtsі

Herbalist - tse:

  1. A person whose life is dedicated to economic and medical purposes has won the roslyn.
  2. Fahivets at the gallery harvested and collected medicinal roses.
  3. Traditional Chinese herbalist: one who is trained as a specialist in dosing herbal recipes; medicine of traditional Chinese herbs. Krіm tsyogo, a traditional Ayurvedic herbalist: one who learns to be a fahivist in the gallery of herbalists in the Ayurvedic tradition.
  4. Lyudina, as she learns to be a fakhivtsy at the gallery of the therapeutic victoria of the medicinal plants.

Herbalists are guilty of mastering impersonal professional skills, including the cultivation of herbs, or the practice of cultivation of roslin, the selection of natural dovil for judicious or other purposes, diagnostics, dosing of the mind and preparation of herbal remedies. Education of herbalists varies significantly in different regions of the world. Herbalists and practitioners of traditional medicine of the indigenous peoples rely heavily on professional education and recognition of their communities to replace formal school education.

In some countries, there are formalized education and minimum standards of education, although it can be wider not in all countries among countries. For example, in Australia, during the hour of self-regulation, the status of the profession (as of April 2008) called for the fact that different lighting standards were established in various associations and, as a result, different recognition. initial mortgage chi course navchannya. The National Herbal Association of Australia has been recognized as the highest professional standards association in Australia. In the Received Kingdom, the training of medical herbalists will be carried out by universities that are financed by the state. For example, none of the bachelor of sciences of phytotherapy is taught at such universities as the University of Common London, the University of Middlesex, the University of Central Lancashire, the University of Westminster, the University of Lincoln and the University named after Napier in Edinburgh.

State regulation

The All-World Health Organization (WHO), specialized in the establishment of the Organization of the United Nations (UN), as it is connected with the international community health care, 1988 was published Methods for controlling the viscosity of medicinal dewy syrovina with the help of the WHO member-states in the established quality standards and specifications for the dewy syrovin, in the general context of safety and control of the quality of the medicinal values ​​of the dewy trip.

In the European Union (EU), herbal faces are now regulated according to the European Directive on traditional medical care for growing plants.

In the United States, most of the growing drug use is regulated as food supplements by the Food and Drug Administration. Manufacturers of products that qualify for the category category do not need to improve the safety and efficiency of their products, even if the FDA can take the product off the market, if they prove it is not safe.

The National Association of Food Products, the largest trade association in the Galuzia, since 2002, has launched a program to develop the products of the factory minds of member companies, which grants the right to demonstrate GMP (properly manufacturing practices) to each other praise their products.

Deyakі herbs, like cannabіs and coca are fenced by law in most countries. Since 2004, the sales date of ephedra as a food additive has been blocked by the US Food and Drug Administration, as well as part of the Schedule III regulation in the Kingdom Received.

Traditional system of herbal juicing

Native American medicine victorious for about 2,500 about 20,000 species of roslin, which are common to Pivnichnoy America. With great precision, roslins, like stinks, were vicorated for medicine from families of roslins;

The deyakі sledniki navchenі zahіdnoї na traditsіynoї chinese medikoї namagalis rasіbrati ancient medіchі texts іn the world of modern science. One idea is to balance yin-yang by taking a variety of herbs that provide both pro-oxidant and antioxidant power. It is confirmed by how many times the ORAC rating of fresh herbs іn thаn january.

In India, in Ayurvedic medicine, it is necessary to add folding formulas with 30 or more ingredients, including a significant number of ingredients, as they recognized “alchemical preparations”, selections, to balance “cotton wool”, “pkafa”.

Ladakh, Spiti-Lahul and Tibet have expanded the Tibetan medical system, which is also called the Amich medical system. Over 337 species of medicinal roslin were documented by S.P. Callo and vikoristovuyutsya amichі - practitioners of the medical system.

The state of Tamilnadu, India Tamil have their own medical systems, among the people they call the Siddha medical system. The system of Siddha is laid out like a Tamil mine. There are approximately 300,000 words to avenge, which slander various aspects of medicine, such as anatomy, sex (“kokokam” is an important sexual treatise), herbal, mineral, and metal compositions for curing bugs, diseases, and actual hydration. Ayurveda is written in Sanskrit, and as a rule, Sanskrit is not written as a language, and, therefore, medicine is mainly taken from Sidha and other mystical traditions.

Herbal philosophies and spiritual practices

Yak Eyzenburg wrote in his book “Zustrich iz Tsi”: “Chinese and foreign medical models, like two systems in view, in which identical phenomena are seen. I don’t see a safe view of health and ailment. The skin from them is not perfect and will require clarification. Zokrema, a model of traditional Chinese medicine, can achieve change through unique patient care, clinical and non-special health care between patients and doctors at the Western School of Medicine.

Chotiri come to the vikoristannya roslyn as faces include:

  1. Magical / shamanic - maybe all the early suspіlstva recognized similar victories. A practicing person, looking as if he was endowed with special rights, or with reinvention, that they allow him to vicorate his herb with a rank, we great people, and the grass, as they said, poured the soul of a person into the spirit of chi.
  2. Energetic - tsey pіdhіd includes the main systems of traditional chinese medicine, ayurveda and unanі. The herbs are looked at as such that they can draw from the point of view of their energies and pour into the energy of the body. A practitioner can have a serious preparation, and ideally be sensitive to energy, but it doesn’t mean that you have supernatural vibes.
  3. Functional dynamic - this pіdkhіd vikoristovvsya in early clinical physiologists, whose doctrine is the basis of modern practice in Great Britain. Herbs may be functional, like obov'yazkovo po'yazan with physical functions, although there is no obvious improvement to the concept of energy.
  4. Modern chemical-practical – victorious by phytotherapeutists – an attempt to explain different herbs from the point of view of their chemical components. It goes without saying that the single combination of secondary metabolites in the plant is recognized for the transfer of activity, the whole concept, the name of synergy.

Herbalists call vicorist extracts from parts of roslin, such as roots or leaves, but not only the speeches of the roslin. Pharmaceutical medicine vіddaє perevag okremim іngredієntam on іy pіdstavі, scho can be more easily dosed. It is also possible to patent the okremih spoluk that, from the same, otrimannya income. Herbalists often recognize the understanding of a single active ingredient, stverzhuyuchi, scho different phytochemical speeches present in rich herbs, it is necessary to interact to promote the therapeutic effect of herbs and the development of their toxicity. In addition, the stench is stubborn that one ingredient can have a lot of effects. Herbalists will tell you that herbal synergy can be duplicated from synthetic chemical speeches. It’s important that phytochemical interactions and microcomponents can change the reaction to drugs in such a way that in this hour it cannot be done with a combination of many transferring active ingredients. Pharmaceutical researchers recognize the concept of drug synergy, but also indicate what clinical trials can be used to determine the effectiveness of a particular herb preparation for understanding that the chemical warehouse of the herb is beneficial.

In a few ways, synergy and rich functionality were supported by science. Lack of food, the stench can be aggravated widely. Herbalists argue that the trends of mutual modality can be specified on the basis of their interpretation of evolutionary history, and not necessarily accepted by the pharmaceutical industry. Roslins are succumbing to a similar pressure of vidbor, like people, and the stench is to blame for developing resilience to threats, such as vimprominyuvannya, actively form sourness and microbial attack, to survive. In such a rank, by stretching millions of years, it was broken up and selected the optimal chemical protection. Illness of people with rich factors and people can rejoice, zastosovuchi chemichny zakhist, like a dream in herbs. Bacteria, inflammation, eating and ROS (active forms of sour) can play a role in arterial disease. Herbalists insist that one roslin can kill a sprig of these factors at once. Also, such a factor, as an active form of acidity, may underlie more than one factor. In a nutshell, herbalists value their obov'yazkom vyvchati merezh vіdnosin, and not shukati є single cause and liky in the form of one factor.

When choosing herbs, herbalists can win the form of information, which can be obtained from pharmacists. So, like herbs can grow at night, like vegetables, tea or spices and stench can have a great support base, large-scale epidemiological studies have become possible. Ethnobotanical investigation by another source of information. For example, if the indigenous peoples of geographically separated regions vicorist herbs with the same method, what is taken as proof that they confirm their effectiveness. Herbalists insist that historical medical records and herbs are resources that do not vindicate. They stand up for winning convergent information with a method for evaluating the medical value of growing trees. The situation can be used as an example, if the laboratory activity is summed up with the traditional victories.

Vykoristannya roslinnyh likarskih sobiv on creatures

Alumni from the University of Wesley, Ohio showed that some birds choose nesting material for their nests, rich in antimicrobial speech, which protects their children from bacteria.

Ailing creatures, as a rule, eat fodder plants, rich in secondary metabolites, such as tannins and alkaloids. So, as these phytochemical speeches are often anti-Russian, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-helminthic, the stench may be vagomi and vicorists for self-exaltation of creatures in the wild.

The deyakі critters have been working on an etching system specially adapted to fight against the growing toxins. For example, a koala can live on leaves and pagons of eucalyptus, roslin, yak, which is unsafe for most creatures. Roslin, as a neshkidliva for a particular creature, cannot be safe for vikoristannya in zhu people. It is prudent to admit that these people are traditionally chosen by the healers of the indigenous tribes, and then we pass on this information for the safety of that warning.

Vimirannya species of medicinal plants and herbs

The scores for over 50% of prescription drugs are similar to those of chemical speeches, which were previously found in roslins, in 2008 it was promoted in additional VIL, you can die, first of all, if you know them. The stench appointed 400 lіkarskih roslin, yakі perebuvayut under the threat of exclusion from the overworld collection and deforestation, which will threaten the introduction of new likіv vіd ailments. The stench includes yew (bark, which is used to extract drugs against cancer, paclitaxel); thinness (a cactus from Namibії, which is a potential dzherelom likіv for vrati vaga), half a magnolia (victorious in Chinese medicine for 5000 years to fight cancer, bewilderment and sickness of the heart) and autumn crocuses (victorious with gout). Dopovіdі yedetsya, scho "five billion people, like before, relies on traditional Russian medicine as the main form of health care."

Dashamool vati, Dashamool in tablets.

Dasamula is the legendary highly effective Ayurvedic warehouse of ten roots of roslin. At the link with a high efficiency, this warehouse is rich in Ayurvedic colors (both for the outside and for the inside).

Dasamula is the classic warehouse of Ayurveda with ten roots. Skin growth may have its own specific powers, which effectively help to fight against impersonal problems: severe ailments, liver ailments and nirok, rheumatism and other illnesses of the musculoskeletal system, colds, fever. Dasamula vikoristovuetsya, as zasib, which cleanses and rejuvenates the body. It is especially beneficial for the bronchi, the liver, the epidermis and nirks, the sechostatic system, and strengthens the immune system. Dasamula normalizes all three doshas of a person (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

Specially selected in the formulation of 10 roots of roslin combined into one Ayurvedic preparation is not vipadkovo. The skin root is directed to the normalization of the function of the singful endocrine organ. Supplemented ten roots, rich in rich mix of sitosterols and glucosides in them, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system. At the link with the cym Dasamula warehouse is effective for the treatment of all hormonal disorders.

As a result of numerical investigations, it was established that Dasamula's warehouse stimulates the growth of hypophysis somatotropin, which after a few months will help the thymus to work, and after 3-5 years it will restore its function (in atrophy). It is important that the synthesis of the somatotropic hormone of the hypophysis can have a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Dasamula- miraculous zasіb for deep cleansing of the body and removal of new slags and toxins. Cleansing cream to Dasamula's body with a deep-seated and tonic way. The centrality of the power of the classical warehouse vikoristovuyutsya shdo Ayurvedic steam procedures. Steam herbal spa with warehouse Dasamula spіlno with powder massage (Udvartana) - effective zasib for shvidkogo slimming that relief from cellulite. And the herbal steam baths from Dasamula after oiling with medicinal oils during the Abhyanga procedure are the best zasib for relieving ailments of the cysts and snowdrifts.

Dashamula is indicated for ailments of nirok, liver, subcutaneous follicles, the cardiovascular system, for allergies of various walks, a great positive influx may dichal system. The beneficial infusion of Dashamuli is used in the herbal system, especially in the normalization of the robotic intestine. Nezaminny zasіb for the removal of toxins after taking antibiotics in case of various intoxications.

Dasamula, yak and Triphala, balances all three Doshas and can win as well, which cleanses and rejuvenates. It is especially beneficial for the liver and nirk, cleansing and toning the system of blood purification. You can win as a rehabilitation zasib after the slopes. Helps to remove the consequences of alcoholism.

Qi 10 roots, rich in sitosterols and glycosides, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system, regulating the function of the most important hormonal organs: thyroid, subdilute and thymic folds, supraspinal folds, static system. That Dasamula is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of hormonal illnesses.

To normalize the function of the hormonal organs, Dasamula is good to eat with Ashwagandha (1 tsp powder of two a day before it, bagan at once with warm water or herbal tea).

Contraindication for zastosuvannya There is no Dashamuli. Prote, for the correct achievement of the likuval effect, it is recommended to quickly consult a vaidya, fahivtsya from Ayurvedic medicine.

Characteristics of the main herbs to enter the Dasamuli warehouse:

  • Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
  • Zavdyaki together with specific glycoside marmelosin, may have antiarrhythmic and tonic effect. The richness of the roslini azulenі vumovlyuє protizapalnuyu and antipyretic diyu.
  • Agnimantha (Premna integrefolia)

Stimulates the work of the sluice and the slugs. Specific alkaloid gum can tone up the effect. The presence of salicylates in this plant allows you to stop yoga in the treatment of rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, in the new speeches were found that suggest the reproduction of gonococci.

  • Shionaki (Oroxilum indicum)
  • Rich in glycoside oroxilone, which hopes for pain relief, sweating and antispasmodic action. Roslin vikoristovuetsya for the treatment of gastroenterocolitis, rheumatism and colds.
  • Kasmar'ya (Gmelina arborea)
  • May I relax, sechoginna, lactogenous diyu. Victory for the exaltation of gonorrhea and chronic cystitis. Usuvaє іntoksikatsіyu stings of snakes and scorpions.
  • Patala (Stereospermum suaveoleus)
  • Usuvaє intoxication, zmenshuє nabryaki that cough.
  • Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

May show a fever-reducing and sweating diarrhoea. Roslin is rich in alkaloid gum, which results in a tonic effect.

  • Prishniparna (Uraria picta)

Zavdyaki rich in place of terpenoid tannins, bleeding and contraction of the endothelial vessel. It is also indicated for the expiratory and antipyretic effects.

  • Vrihati (solanum indicum)

May be mucolytic, expiratory, anti-allergic. Particularly effective for treating bronchial asthma. Usuvaє manifestations of flatulence and intestinal kolki. The same anti-swelling effect was revealed. Avoid alkaloid solanidine, mucopolysaccharides and pectin.

  • Kantakari (Solanum jaquini)

Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids and statin hormones, rich in carpesterol. Glucoalkaloids solancarpine and solacarpidin cause persistent cough, vasomotor rhinitis, croupyva. In tsієї roslini, the same calming and sechoginal effect was revealed.

  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)

Є most famous dewy from the group of roots dashamula. Even richer in salts of silicic acid, the presence of such transitions of stones at nirkah. In gokshura, speeches were found that put a vibratory anti-seizure and bacteriostatic effect on the sechostate sphere. Normalizes the synthesis of low viscosity. Strengthen the potency. Pereskodzhaє development of chronic prostatitis and adenoma of the anterior slough.


For a callous zastosuvannya:

Zmishati 20 gr. Dashamuli with 3 liters of water. Boil up to 2 liters. Otrimany vіdvar add water near the water for an hour to take a bath, or vikoristovuvat for watering the body.

For vikoristannya in the steam room, phyto-barrels: 5 g (5 tablets) Place Dasamula in a special room in the steam room, like grinding the tablets.

For internal infusion: 2 tablets before meals for 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day. For a stronger effect, 5 UAH is possible. (10 tab.) Potovkti, pour 1 liter of water and evaporate on a steam bath by 1/3. Take 200 ml per day (the norm for the whole day) before eating. In the acute phase of illness, increase the rate of implantation to 400 ml. difference.

Jubilation with herbs is the oldest way to fight against all kinds of ailments. For thousands of years of his foundation, people have been known to have gained power in hundreds of medicinal dews, building to help others who are ill. For a long time in history, impersonal effective recipes have been created, a lot of s folk medicine and in our days.

At this site, there are anonymous species of juicy herbs, including polovi vidi, with some photographs, called skin growth report description x brown authorities that way of stosuvannya.

Despite the great pace, the development of traditional medicine and all the novelties, which propagate the pharmaceutical industry, the victoria of the medicinal plants, for the exaltation of various ailments, like before, it remains relevant and does not lose its popularity. The stench can zastosovuvatisya both for prevention, and for the treatment of various chronic diseases and sickness in any kind of medicine.

Medicinal herbs, like vicarious in folk medicine, can be fresh or dried, stagnate like a call, and internally. Medicinal herbs are obviously safe for healthy people, lower pharmaceutical preparations. The stench may be less contraindicated, and side effects on the body.

For jubilation vicorist:

  • tinctures;
  • v_dvari;
  • extracts;
  • infusion;
  • pick teas.

Irrespective of simplicity and unpretentiousness, non-traditional splendour, knowledge and caution prevail. Adzhe for a positive result, medicinal syrovina, may be correctly chosen. And tinctures are prepared from them, vodvari or extracts are prepared only for exact recipes. Do not forget about dosing. It is especially important to hang out silently, as it is necessary to live.

Bazhano, before preparing liqueurs from herbs, visit our website, in which listings of liqueurs of herbs, photos with names, find out about indications and contraindications of other medicinal plants, how to prepare them. It is necessary not to forget to look respectfully at the very syrovina for the faces. It’s not the fault of the blooms, the brud and other defects.

Korisno nobility

Faces on a natural basis

Agrі - vikoristovuєtsya for exaltation and prevention of GRVI, є for children and grown-ups. Homeopathic, but also without chemicals.
Aqua Maris - on the basis of a sterile variety with sea sill, it is vicorated with undead in children up to the 1st month. Dobre vikoristovuvaty as a preventive measure in case of GRVI - destroying viruses from the mucous membrane.
AquaLor is also based on sea water. Three non-transverse pluses - great variability of the drug for the completion of different tasks.
Arnigel is a homeopathic gel from the downtrodden myst and sincs, based on the Arnika hirska plant. Arnika - roslina No. 1 in the form of blows. What is beautiful - it is possible for children after the 1st fate. I’ll add to myself that it’s been turned over more than once to go again on the next or third day.

Bronchikum - based on the extract of thyme, coughs quickly, relieves spasm in the bronchi. Children - from 6 months, but give the need carefully - there is alcohol in the warehouse.
Bronchipret is an herbal supplement, allowed to children from 3 months.
Valerian - well, everything is clear here, folk and inexpensive calm.
Venitan is a gel based on a herb extract, which is why it can not fight effectively.
Venza is a complex homeopathic medicine that is recommended for varicose veins, venous blood circulation disorders.
Galstena is also a homeopathic remedy, which is used as an auxiliary therapy for chronic diseases of the liver, mush.
Gedeliks - vodkharkuvalny zasib on the basis of ivy extract. Virobnik says that the drug is especially important for chickens. As if it wasn’t there, yogo can be victorious for children to rock.
Gelarium Hypericum - calming on the basis of St. John's wort, it is possible for children from 12 years old.
Gerbion - plantain syrup with a natural warehouse, more effective for dry cough.
Girel is a rich-component homeopathic remedy for cold symptoms. In case of severe ailments, combine with Yengistol and Traumeel.
Gentos - homeopathic pills, the most effective in complex treatment of prostate and sich mikhura.
Homeostres - pills for reducing nervousness, normalizing sleep. Components are natural, adding not only to the emotional, but also to the physical level - not only drativity, but also confusion, spasms in the drain and pain in the tongue, caused by stress. It is important that you do not call drowsiness that call
Dantinorm Baby is a special droplet for taking in the middle, which is known for various symptoms of teething in children - it is clear in case of pain and inflammation, it also affects the temperature, increases tearfulness, normalizes the style. Practically the only "natural" medical solution to the problem of teething.
Deprim is a sedative on the extract of St. John's wort, the maximum effect is reached during the course of treatment.
Dr. Mom is a cough syrup and an ointment with natural ingredients, more often it is used for the delight of children, but it can also be grown up. Especially the ointment, it has a hot warming effect. Due to the presence of essential oils, it is not recommended for people with allergic reactions
Imunal - based on the juice of echinacea, an immunostimulating drug for rejuvenating the body. Kindly accept the courses for the duration of the season. Not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases.
Influcid - homeopathic tablets for the treatment of GRVI, can be given to children from 3 years of age. Good vikoristovuvaty, if the child is overgrown with growth - they need to give a bag, but no more than 12 for the good.
Irikar - ointment, effective irritant dermatitis, helps with eczema and after biting comas. It is possible for children in age 1 with diathesis.
Traumeel is a homeopathic ointment for clogged areas and can be taken up after consultation with a doctor. Enough wide room.
Kanefron is an effective herbal remedy for cystitis, which is often used to treat pyelonephritis in vagits.
Klimadinon is a drug for changing vegetative and vascular disorders in the menopausal period. As a rule, the effect comes after 2 days on the cob.
Climaxan is a homeopathic remedy, which copes well with unacceptable manifestations of menopause, for women's symptoms - without side effects. No call.
Negrustin is a phytopreparation based on St. John's wort extract for the treatment of "non-synthetic" antidepressants. Take yoga more quickly for a long time without interruption.
Nervochel is a homeopathic sedative drug, except for indications before congestion - neurosis-like reactions in the menopausal period.
Knotta is also a homeopathic remedy that makes you anxious. I can say for myself that it is more successful to fight even without sleep. Headache - take the course - from 1 to 4 months.
Oscillococcinum is the most popular anti-cold disease in Europe. It is important that you take it on the cob ill, then you should not be allowed to get sick. In a worse mood, just get sick in a milder form.
Persen is a phytopreparation from a sedative drug, another one is natural calming. It's funny, it doesn't call for drowsiness.
Plantex is a phytopreparation for reducing etching, with fennel extract. Particularly important for those who don't, it helps gas and ring. Do not help, as the cause of gazikiv so much in your child is lactase deficiency or dysbacteriosis.
Prospan is a thick syrup for coughing, to keep quiet at the warehouse for sugar and alcohol. It is allowed for children of the 1st year of life, as well as those born for the recognition of a doctor.
Remens is a homeopathic preparation, which is prescribed both for women of a mature age to relieve symptoms of menopause, and for young girls to regulate the menstrual cycle. Take a good time and do not forget about the consultation with the doctor.
Senade is a penetrating drug based on senna, take it with care in cases of liver disease.
Sinupret is a phytopreparation that looks like a dragee that zastosovuetsya in case of acute illnesses of the wild roads, it is possible for children forever from 6 years. Effective in combination with antibacterial drugs.
Sinuforte - building sinusitis. In case of zastosuvanni, it is possible that you won’t accept it, but it’s still part of the likuval process.
Stodal is a complex cough syrup. Some of the yoga components add dry cough, otherwise - on vology. Pediatricians especially recommend for the treatment of a thorny cough, to which the use of chemical preparations for coughing is overwhelmed by the hour of zastosuvannya.
Tantum-verde, spray - antiseptic zasіb to the warehouse of which to enter, and growing, and chemical components. Effective in cases of congestion of the oral cavity and ENT organs. Children younger than 3 years old are not recommended.
Tonsilgon - droplets on a growing base with vicarious alcohol, may be antiseptic and anti-seizure. Be careful of zastosuvannyam in allergic patients and in children before the rock.
Tonsipret - homeopathic, on extracts of three roslin, zastosovuetsya in mature people with inflamed throats.
The sleep formula (for children) is natural, with herbal extracts and vitamins. Supplement popularly calm in syrup for children with problematic sleep.
Cycaderma is an ointment with growth components. For the declaration of the vineyard, only fresh roslins succumb. Die more sharply, especially in different dry butt opikiv and with coma bites, sadna; pick up the fire.
Cynabsin is a homeopathic remedy that zastosovuєtsya with sinusitis. Permissions for children in 3 years, the best for children at the warehouse of complex therapy.
Edas is an effective alternative to vessel-sounding preparations in case of undeath, but it also reduces the effect of sounding to other drops.

Illness of organs sechostate system often destroy the primary way of life of a person, especially if you are talking about the defeat of the nirok. In the body, nirks play the most important life function. The stench cleanses the body of toxins and slags, pumps blood, regulates the acid-lubric balance, is responsible for the reabsorption of water, glucose and amino acids. Far from all the functions that nirks can cope with, but if for some reason the stench disrupts your work, there is a risk of development, it’s not easy to get into them.

If there are similar pathologies in the anamnesis of a person, there will always be traces of nirok in yoga apothecaries. The appointment of such drugs is always the responsibility of the doctor, urologist and nephrologist, and only after the results of follow-up, in order to allow the correct diagnosis to be made, to choose the most optimal treatment scheme.

In case of ailments, the drugs require a complex treatment, which is often prescribed by a doctor for a few groups of medicinal preparations, the skin is singly influenced by the cause of the disease and its symptoms.

First, look at the preparations for the treatment of nirok, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the illnesses, their etiology, and characteristic symptoms.

At the basis of the etiology of illnesses that affect nirk tissues, there are a large number of reasons and favorable factors. Most of the stench is associated with the way of life of a person, depression and internal concomitant illnesses.

All pathologies can be affected by hostile or chronic cases, infectious or non-infectious diseases, attack one or the other organs, develop as self-inflicted illness or appear on aphids of other pathologies.

In practice, doctors often get sick like this, like, more likely. If it is not safe for a person to get sick from the list of illnesses and to instill a life of a person, then with their development, a person will require a trivial outpatient or inpatient treatment.

Trivali in-line ignition processes in the world lead to tissue atrophy

Be it an illness that opposes the nirkovian tissue, causes its own clinic and is accompanied by a different intensity in the gap across, a disorder of the sechopathology, an increase in body temperature and other symptoms that require a negligible treatment. Depending on the diagnosis made, the doctor chooses medical preparations, gives basic recommendations on how to improve that way of life.

The principle of diversification of preparations for the treatment of drugs

Ailments nirok require a comprehensive and individual approach to healing. Invisible part of jubilant therapy is respected medicinal treatment, which includes a number of drugs with a different mechanism of action. The principle of dividing such liqivs is based on the adopted causes, relief of symptoms, restoration of the work of the organ. As a rule, therapy for ailments is combined with taking medications for symptomatic and systemic diseases.

Be-yakі liki for nirok is guilty of recognition of the doctor, coming from the global clinic, diagnosis, stage of illness, peculiarities of the human body.

It is important to understand that the medical doctor may have his own contraindications, side effects, so you can become ill only for the doctor’s confession.

In the process of taking any drug, it is necessary to adjust the dose, the frequency and frequency of taking it.

Most of the illnesses that affect nirks are accompanied by a pain syndrome of varying intensity, which is manifested as a result of spasm of smooth muscles. Zastosuvannya antispasmodics to help change, relieve spasms, ease damage to the cut. Such preparations in the form of drugs are subdivided into myotropic and neurotropic.

Neurotropic effects may cause spasms of the mucosal tissues, suppress nerve impulses, and thereby cause pain syndrome. The following preparations are available in the form of tablets or ampoules for intravenous administration:

  1. Platifilin.
  2. Scopalamin.

Myotropic faces for the treatment of nirok are poured directly on the fibers themselves, they relieve spasms, but I don’t move for 3-4 years after taking it. To the likіv tsієї groups are brought:

  1. No-shpa.
  2. Papaverine.
  3. Eufilin.
  4. Dibazol.

Like the first time, such koshti are released in different forms. For the use of a strong pain syndrome, it is recommended to use ampoules for injections, which will appear richer, lower after taking the pills.

Analgesics and antiseptics

For usunennya severe pain, as more often present with, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory diseases (NPZZ) or painkillers, as they know the pain, inflame, fix the antipyretic disease. This group of likіv maє zdatnіst prignіchuvati synthesis of mediators of inflammation - prostaglandin, by the same time to usuvat such symptoms yak bіl, demonstrating intoxication of the organism and others.

To such faces one can see:

  1. Indomethacin.
  2. Nimid.
  3. Nimesil.
  4. Ibuprofen.
  5. Diclofenac sodium.
  6. meloxicam.
  7. Ketoprofen.

The faces of the tsієї groups are less likely to stagnate in the hostile period of ailment. The stench is not good for those chi іn more ill nir, but by taking them change the bіl, for some hour improve the burning camp of the ailing. Analgesics, like the NPZZ, are blocked by taking a long time, stink shards are negatively injected into the liver, nirok, and slug. For the same reason, such pills for nirok can be taken only for extreme necessity for the treatment of pain syndrome.

With a strong attack of pain, if oral administration of drugs does not bring relief, the doctor can recognize novocain blockade, as it may be in the minds of the hospital.

Antimicrobial antibiotic therapy

More diseases of nirok and sich mihur develop and the anatomy of the primary and secondary penetration. In such cases, the drug is prescribed for a pronounced antimicrobial disease. Therapy is most often based on taking a wide range of drugs, as a rule, to suppress the aggressiveness of pathogenic microorganisms. Prescribe antibacterial drugs and the drug is guilty after the results of the analysis for susceptibility to infection. The course of likuvannya becomes from 5 to 10 days.

  1. Penicillin.
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Cephalexin.
  4. Gentamicin.
  5. Amikacin.
  6. macrofoam
  7. Ofloxacin.

Even though taking antibiotics does not give positive results, a sick person may be diagnosed with plasmaphoresis, which is due to the purification of blood from toxins from the intake of drugs from the group of cytostatics or glucocorticosteroids. The selection of an antibacterial agent is the responsibility of the doctor. With the wrong selection of liqiv or yogo trival priyomi, the profit for the liver, nirki is increased.

The correct choice of antibiotic is a constipation of successful healing of ailments


Uroseptics occupy a large group of medicinal preparations for the treatment of ailments and vegetative paths, as they may be antiseptic and antimicrobial. Vicorist is such a preparation for infectious diseases of the sichoid system.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are often used before uroseptics, and in the rest of the day, new generation drugs are increasingly prescribed.

  • Furadonin.
  • Monurals.
  • Fitolizin.
  • Cefaclor.
  • Vancomycin.
  • Palin.

Warehouses of such liqiv may have components of dewy or synthetic imitation. The stench may be well tolerated, but it may be recognized as an individual skin doctor for a sick person. A splendid course can be taken from 7 to 14 days.


When sechokam'yanіy ailments, as soon as I break the work of nirok, doctors prescribe what to lie down to a group of citrates. The use of such liquors allows to reduce the acidity of the cross section, to improve the acid-lubric balance. Therapy can take from 3 to 7 months. The intake of citrates should be combined with dietary therapy, sufficient for the treatment of the mother.

Before preparations of this group, add:

  • Thiopronin;
  • Penicylamine;
  • Blamarniy.
  • Biliurin;

Assigned to niroks from the group of citrates only after the results of the investigation, the determination of the number and size of stones in nirks and sechovodakh.

Blemaren is released from seemingly effervescent tablets

Russian uroantiseptics

Particularly popular in the treatment of diseases of nirok are corystaceous preparations based on plant components. Thus, it can be shown to be sechoginnu, antiseptic, antiseptic, antioxidant. They are available in the form of tablets or drops for internal congestion, they may be well tolerated, they are prescribed for tribal treatment, which helps to normalize the functioning of the organ.

Roslinn uroantiseptics improve the work of the nirok and sechostate system, reduce pain, inflammation, improve the development of complications, reduce relapses in chronic ailments. Vikoristannya pіgulok vіd brunok on herbs allows you to minimize the risk of development of side reactions to the body.

Before them, bring:

  • Cyston.
  • Fitolizin.
  • Urolesan.
  • Nephroleptin.

Most of such drugs lie down to combined preparations, so that you can keep a sprig of medicinal herbs in your warehouse. Contraindications to zastosuvannya are individual intolerance to storage. Likuvannya nirok іz zastosuvannymi preparatіv v raslinny podzhennja іdeally combined with іnshimi likami, but all the same, take such zasobi as necessary for the recognition of the doctor.


Sechoginnі preparations in case of ailments of nirok allow to restore and improve the work of the organ, to ensure the best possible removal of bacterial flora from the sichovovividnyh passages, to reduce the induction of stones in case of cuts and ailments.

It is necessary to finish a great assortment of similar licks, but in practice it is most common to win:

  • Furosemide.
  • Lasix.
  • Torasemid.
  • Dover.

In some cases, tablets for the treatment of nirok with a sechoginal effect are replaced by the intake of herbal diuretics, such as herbs: martyr (wedmezhі vushka), birch nirka, corn nipple and others with a similar effect.

List of popular preparations for the treatment of nirok

Vykoristovuvaty medicinal preparations for nirok is possible only after prior consultation with a doctor in the field of urology and nephrology. In fact, fahivtsi most often prescribe such pills to their patients.

  • Nephroleptin. The drug is based on growing components, which can be added to food additives. May have a sechoginic, antiseptic, antiseptic, antioxidant effect. Most of the faces are used for the replenishment of robots, they can be combined with other tasks. Contraindications before yoga are the period of pregnancy, children up to 6 years of age, and also increased sensitivity to storage. Doses of drugs are prescribed by the doctor.
  • . Expansion is also a popular preparation for growing. It is released in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. The practice of victoria in the treatment of ailment of the sciatic system allows you to lighten the fire, destroy small stones, painlessly name them. The drug practically does not have a contraindication, it can have a garniy diuretic and antiseptic effect. Therapy with the received drug can last for 10 days up to 1 month.
  • cystone. Tablets for taking internally, which allow the removal of stones and zaiva homeland s nirok. At the warehouse, there are over 10 jubilant herbs, like to give pevna diya on the work of the sechostate system. Cyston is not a contraindication, it can stagnate for a few months. Systematic zastosuvannya tablets allow you to apply antibacterial and immunostimulatory action. The drug can be used in the period of remission of illness or for the prevention of nirok. Yogo pryom to paint the robot's organ, to reduce the risk of strength gains.
  • Monural. Pharmaceutical preparation in the form of granules for implantation. Repair antimicrobial, antibacterial diabetic, often zastosovuetsya in the treatment of pyelonephritis. You can win for children for the first time in 5 years. The drug shows a high activity of a variety of pathogenic bacteria. The course of likuvannya is short and may take more than 1 - 2 days.
  • Palin. The drug is a therapeutic painkiller, which may have antimicrobial, antibacterial power. Faces can give a lot of contra-indications, which is often given to Monural.
  • Fitolizin. Effektivnі liki for nirok on herbs, yakі vikoristovuyutsya in the treatment of pyelonephritis. Released from the suspension form in the tube, guessing toothpaste. May have a characteristic herbal smell. If you take it, you may sechoginnu, protizapalnu diyu, maє harn tolerability.

Far from all drugs, like victorious in the treatment of pathologies that affect nirk tissues, but in any case, zastosuvannya be-yakikh likiv without prior consultation with the doctor, is highly not recommended.

Only a doctor after the conclusion of the final diagnosis can choose the most adequate scheme of treatment, give correct recommendations.

It is necessary in the complex with the pretrial regime, correct and healthy rank life. Only a complex pidkhid to provide the ailing with a high and trivial therapeutic effect.

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