English translations and Russian analogues. English examples of practicality and their Russian counterparts. Sending and ordering in English with Russian equivalents

Let's noticeably the best working day in the office. For a long working hour, you can almost read a few comedy phrases. For example, the head manager can pіdbadjoriti his pіdleglih like this: “It's not without reason to cry over spilled milk. Today we can still reach great success! "That's right! Rome didn't wake up in one day," the assistant added. Milk? Rome? Zalizo? WTF?!

It's simple: practice English adjectives. Like a Russian language, an English language with cunning and eloquent winged virazes.

In order to understand them, sometimes we don’t know the prozory zmist, today’s orders, like 100% you will become a god in rose English. C "mon!

Why is it necessary to use the English language

The adjectives are traditional (historical) idioms that characterize a particular country.

Nosії movi often vikoristovuyut so vyslovlyuvannya in everyday roses, and sometimes navіt not svіdomlyuyuchi tsgogo. Orders can be told more about the culture of the country, the language is like you are learning, you can be a handyman. In such a way, they demonstrate in advance, like speeches and phenomena play a great role for those of other nations, and also help to understand what is respected in a good tone, and what we will defile.

More than that, when people sometimes talk about the world, de stinks often get used to the language. For example, the orders of the inhabitants of the farmer's towns speak of the strength of the gift, and in the fishing villages you will feel the words of the sea.

To that, in order to better understand the English language, below 45 English adjectives were added with a translation into the Russian language.

Foldability of translating English adjectives

The problem of translating the Anglo-Russian orders is for someone who is far from translating verbatim. It is mind-boggling for us that in the skin region they discover their own realities, as they sound vary from one nation to another.

For reasons, when teaching new English idioms, it is recommended to learn the etymology and history of the vinification, as well as the Russian equivalents.

Top 45 English Orders and Sentences

Original: Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.
Literally: Do not cross the place, the docks do not reach the new one.
Russian analogue: Don't say "gop" until you re-string.
Original: Don't make a mountain out of an anthill.
Do not rob the mountain of the ants.
Russian analogue: Don't kill an elephant.

Original: The cat is out of the bag. /Truth will out.
The whale showed up with a bear. / The truth (will be) viganyati.
Russian analogue: Everything taєmne zavzhdi becomes obvious.
Original: Put your best foot forward.
Literally: Install ahead I'll cut my leg.
Russian analogue: Try to get the best possible damage (appear in the best light).
Original: It's better to be safe than sorry.
Better protect buti, lower shkoduvati.
Russian analogue: God save the Berezhenogo.
Original: Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Do not taste more, you can chew it.
Russian analogue: Do not worry about shmatok, which is not prokovtnesh. / Do not take on something rich.
Original: Still water run deep.
Quiet water flows deeply.
Russian analogue: The quiet viri has the devil.
Original: Curiosity killed the cat.
Literally: Tsіkavіst attacked the cat.
Russian analogue: Tsikavіy Varvara at the bazaar nіs vіdіrvali.

Original: You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Literally: If you smell my back, then I will scratch yours.
Russian analogue: Hand miє hand. / Service for service. / You are me, I am you.
Original: Two wrongs don't make a right.
Literally: two pardons do not shy away (one) truth.
Russian analogue: You can't fix evil with evil. / Another pardon does not correct pershu.
Original: The pen is mightier than the sword.
Literally: A pen is stronger than a sword.
Russian analogue: The word is more terrible for a pistol.
Original: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Literally: Build if the wheel, as if to creak.
Russian analogue: Under a lying stone, water does not flow. / Pragnesh to live
Original: No man is an island.
Literally: A person is not an island.
Russian analogue: One at the field is not a warrior.
Original: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Literally: People, like lingering at the cursed booths, do not throw stones at them.
Russian analogue: Have a smіtinka at someone else's, but don't mark at your own deck. / Whose cow would torment?
Original: Birds of a feather flock together.
Literally: Birds of the same polot are picked at once.
Russian analogue: Fishing for fishermen from afar. / Your passing friend.
Original: There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Don't make a costless offense.
Russian analogue: Bezkoshtovny sir - only in misholovtsi.
Original: The early bird catches the worm.
Literally: An early bird to catch a chrobak.
Russian analogue: Who gets up early, God gives him. / Who is the first to move - that slipper.

Original: Beggars can't be choosers.
Literally: Bad people cannot be selectors.
Russian analogue: On bezrib'ya and cancer - riba. / Hunger is not a titka. / In need, every bread is savory.
Original: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Literally: Beauty (perebuvaє) - in the opinion of the one who marvels.
Russian analogue: For the taste of that color, comrades are not. / They don’t talk about relishes. / To paint the beauty of the skin in your own way.
Original: A penny saved is a penny earned.
Literally: Saving a penny - earning a penny.
Russian analogue: A copy of the ruble is safer.
Original: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Literally: Rozluka zmushyu heart become hot.
Russian analogue: Love at the rozlutsі mіtsnіє. / Far from the eyes - closer to the heart.
Original: A cat may look at a king.
Literally: Kishtsi can marvel at the king.
Russian analogue: Holy mountaineers don't piss.
Original: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Literally: A little knowledge is not safe.
Russian analogue: Napіvznannya girsche for non-government. / Under-education is worse than the unlearned.
Original: Like father,like son.
Yak dad, so son.
Russian analogue: An apple tree falls not far from an apple tree.
Original: All good things must come to an end.
All good speeches are due to end.
Russian analogue: Good offal. / Not all to Maslyan's cat, come and Great Pist.
Original: One drop of poison infections the whole tun of wine.
One drop of rubbish infects the whole barrel of wine.
Russian analogue: Spoon of dog in barrels of honey.
Original: Easy come, easy go.
Easy to come, easy to go.
Russian analogue: Easy to know - easy to use. / It came in one fell swoop - it went to dust.
Original: You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Literally: You can't mother your own cake and eat yoga.
Russian analogue: Love to ride, love to carry sleds.
Original: A great dowry is a bed full of brambles.
Literally: Bagatii posag - just a thorn outside.
Russian analogue: It’s better to be friends with God, to bark less richly.
Original: A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Literally: An accusatory is not needed for an unclean conscience.
Russian analogue: Chuє gut, chiє m'yaso z'їla. / I don’t let unclean sums sleep.
Original: A Jack of all trades is master of none.
Literally: Jack, who takes on a lot of crafts, is not good for the people.
Russian analogue: To take on everything, she does not give everything away. / Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Original: A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
Literally: Lies do not believe, learn if you speak the truth.
Russian analogue: Once zbrehav - now becoming a liar.
Original: A little body often harbors a great soul.
Literally: A small tily often has a great soul.
Russian analogue: Maliy spool, that is expensive.
Original: .
Literally: a stone that does not grow with moss.
Russian analogue: Whoever does not sit on the job, that good will not come. / Light walk - do not acquire good.
Original: You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.
You can't learn new tricks from old dogs.
Russian analogue: Young - be afraid, and old - do not change. / You can't get enough of an old dog.

Original: Who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl.
Literally: Whoever walks with wolves, learn how to win.
Russian analogue: You will lead the way, you will pick up from that.
Original: When the fox preaches, care of your geese.
Literally: If the fox talks about morality, take care of the geese.
Russian analogue: Shed crocodile tears. / Beware of the crocodile, if you shed tears.
Original: We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
Literally: We don’t know at all how valuable the water is, until it dries dry.
Russian analogue: What is possible, not saving, spending, weeping.
Original: That throw a stone in one "s own garden.
Literally: Throw a stone at your garden.
Russian analogue: Put a pig on your own.
Original: .
A leopard cannot change yoga with whips.
Russian analogue: Repair the humpbacked grave.

Original: A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush.
Literally: A bird in the hands to stand for two at the bush.
Russian analogue: Better than a titmouse in the hands, lower than a crane in the sky.
Original: .
Literally: Lansyug is so very mіtsna, like and її the weakest Lanka.
Russian analogue: De thin, tear there.
Original: He that mischief hatches mischief catches.
Whoever blames evil, I will take away evil.
Russian analogue: Mishkin's tears are falling.
Original: As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks.
Like a fool you think, so ring and call.
Russian analogue: The law is not written for fools.
Original: .
De brud, there are medni coins.
Russian analogue: Without practice, you can’t beat the fish and the bet. / Whoever does not risk, that one does not drink champagne.

And for dessert, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the additional English orders and the clear virazes, divided by subject:

    As much as possible, that insults and meanings served as a molding of that viraz, which victorious in English language mov is a stretch of a century.

    • A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

    Nicely lanka. In our days, we can feel the popularity of TV broadcasts in different life situations.

    Before the speech, there was a transmission from Great Britain, and later, and in rich other countries. Sens show infamous knowledge in different spheres: from science and philosophy to natural sciences. In fact, it’s a fact for everyone that if any lance is easily torn, as if one of the legs will be thinly equal with the others. The figurative meaning of the phrase began to win in the 18th century.

    • A leopard cannot change its spots.

    Who can think that the deacons of sermons should be set up to the level of sacred writings. So, it would have been possible to finish the trivial phrase A leopard cannot change its spots, virvana from the context, it really comes down to religion:

    "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?Then may ye also do good, accustomed to do evil."
    Can you change the color of your skins, and the leopard with its own? So it is impossible for you to do good, having learned evil.
    • Where there's muck there's brass.

    The very same viraz at that, which seems to be the case at the same time, appeared in the 20th century, and vineyard in Yorkshire, England. Word " brass if they victorious as a name for the middle and bronze coins, and later for all forms of pennies in Great Britain in the 16th century. The English satirist, Joseph Hall, wrote in 1597: "Shame, what you want to buy and sell for a peasant's leather coin."

    Just a slang word. The order is rarely victorious for an hour, wanting the author to live comfortably, if you want to create the image of a character from Yorkshire.

    • A rolling stone gathers no moss.

    Like in all cases, tse literal meaning, like conveying a sense, but a metaphor. "Fireplace, sho kotit" comes to the people, as if it is not good to create a problem, or to finish the work, that is respected as undesirable and unproductive.


    Sending that orders - miraculous decision to embellish the language of language with such comedy phrases. Learn English language merrily and do not fight new languages, but we will help you.

    Great is that friendly sіm'ya EnglishDom

Learn from books, especially from publicists and artistic literature. Nosії can beat them, without mentioning it themselves. Tim and handy "formulas" (formulaic language), which are handy blanks, for the help of which you can easily make a thought.

Read also:

Difficulty translating orders and prislіv'їv

Speaking about the meaning of adverbs, orders, idioms, riddles, puns and other works of traditional folk art, as if to understand verbatim, sound the term “equivalent”, and not “translation”.

Actual orders can be translated literally, and their translation will be the exact equivalent of the original: Better late than never - Better pizno lower than never. Ale tse dosit rіdkіsny vipadok. Most often, it’s better not to translate verbatim, but to choose the equivalent from the Russian language. For example:

  • English: Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • Doslivny Russian translation: Rome of inducements is not one day.

In films, literature, if the hero of the victorist is like an order, they often shift it in such a way that the context is taken into account. Sometimes it is better to translate verbatim, below, take the equivalent from Russian folklore. For example, the English order "Curiosity killed a cat" - "Curiosity killed a cat". The equivalent can be vvazhat "Tsikavіy Barbara in the market nis vіdіrvali", to that scho, zahal, such himself.

And just like in a movie about a British spygun, one agent of MI-6 guesses otherwise that "curiosity killed a cat", a remark about Varvara would be inaccurate, here it would be better to translate it verbatim or replace it with a similar viraz, which conveys a sense.

Below are 53 popular orders and suffixes in English. The first 10 are shifted literally without any tricks. Until reshti 40, a literal translation and equivalence has been introduced.

Orders that are suffixed in English mine, as if they are translated verbatim

1. Don't judge a book by its cover.

  • Don't judge a book by its lining; not all those gold scho shine.

2. Strike while the iron is hot.

  • Kui zalizo still hot.

3.Better late than never.

  • It’s better than nothing.

4. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

  • Don't bite your hand, whatever suits you.

5. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  • Don't put all your eggs in one cat; without putting everything on one card.

6. My hands are tied.

  • My hands are tied.

7. It's the tip of the iceberg.

  • Tse is the tip of the iceberg.

8.Easy come, easy go.

  • Easy came, easy went; as it came, so it went; God gave, God took.

9. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

  • Zaboroneny plіd zavzhdi licorice.

10. You can make a mistletoe without breaking a few eggs.

  • You cannot break an egg without breaking an egg.

Sending and ordering in English with Russian equivalents

11. Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

  • Literally: grass plant greenery from the other side of the fence.
  • Equivalent: good there, why don't we.

12. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  • Literally: if you are at Rome, rob everything, like the Romans shy.
  • Equivalent: do not go to someone else's monastery with your own statute.

13. Don't make a mountain out of an anthill.

  • Literally: do not rob the mountain of the ants.
  • Equivalent: don't kill an elephant.

14. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  • Literally: an apple for a day, and the drug is not needed.
  • Equivalent: cibula with seven ailments.

15. Rome wasn't built in a day.

  • Literally: Rome was not awakened in one day.
  • Equivalent: Moscow has been around for a while.

16. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

  • Literally: you fill it up lightly, you sleep on the new one.
  • Equivalent: whoever brewed porridge, to that and loosen it.

17. Don't count your chickens in front of them.

  • Literally: don't fuss about cursing until the stink is gone.
  • Equivalent: they curl up in the autumn.

18. Money doesn't grow on trees.

  • Literally: pennies do not grow on trees.
  • Equivalent: pennies do not grow on trees; pennies don't lie on the streets

In Russian, one can always say “… do not wallow along the road (vulitsa)”, like about pennies.

19. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  • Literally: even rich cooks psuet broth (soup).
  • Equivalent: seven nannies have a child without an eye.

There is a situation to avoid, if there are already a lot of people working on one thing, respecting one for one.

20. Bagato hands make light work.

  • Literally: a lot of hands to shake the robot with a light one.
  • Equivalent: take it together - it won't be hard; if the hands are rich, the robot is intertwined.

21. Honesty is the best policy.

  • Literally: honesty is the best strategy (politics).
  • Equivalent: honesty is the best strategy; taєmne becomes obvious; you didn’t sew into the bear.

22 Practice makes perfect.

  • Literally: practice leads to perfection.
  • Equivalent: practice to perfection; repetition of mother training; set the navik master.

23. Where there's a will, there's a way.

  • Literally: there, de є will, є i sposіb.
  • Equivalent: whoever wants, that reach; it would be a bug, but a way to know.

24.Look before you leap.

  • Literally: wonder, persh nizh stribati.
  • Equivalent: do not know the ford, do not lie near the water.

It's funny, what is the order, what is the super-speech: He who hesitates is lost. - Who cares, that program.

25. Beggars cant en choosers.

  • Literally: bіdnyakam do not get robbed.
  • Equivalent: no day to choose; we don’t live to fat buti.

26. The early bird catches the worm.

  • Literally: an early bird to catch a worm.
  • Equivalent: who gets up early, God gives him; who gets up early, that luck checks.

27. The cat is out of the bag.

  • Literally: the gut came out of the bag.
  • Equivalent: taєmne became clear; open cards.

28. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

  • Literally: the one who laughs at the rest, laughs at the found one.
  • Equivalent: kindly laugh at the one who laughs at the rest.

29. It's better to be safe than sorry.

  • Literally: better take care, lower potim shkoduvat.
  • Equivalent: sіm razіv vіdmіryay – one wind.

30. Old habits die hard.

  • Literally: old stars die by force.
  • Equivalent: zvichka - a friend of nature; old zvichok important pozbutisya.

31. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • Literally: do not taste more, you can chew less.
  • Equivalent: do not take more, you can take less; do not taste more, you can shove it.

32. Actions speak louder than words.

  • Literally: make sure to speak louder for words.
  • Equivalent: do not judge by words, but by the right.

33. It takes two to tango.

  • Literally: tango dance double.
  • Equivalent: the welder has a guilty resentment.

Start talking like that about people to weld. It is impossible to start welding one by one, just as it is impossible to dance tango one by one.

34. It's no use crying over spilled milk.

  • Literally: marno weep over bottled milk.
  • Equivalent: what is broken, those are broken.

35. Lost time is never found again.

  • Literally: an hour of intercourse does not change again.
  • Equivalent: you can't turn back the hour you've spent.

36. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

  • Literally: on the stone, what is the cat, not the growth of moss.
  • Equivalent: who does not sit on the mission for that good without profit.

The Russian language has a similar order "under a lying stone, the water does not flow", but it cannot be called an equivalent, to which the sense is already irritated. The point is that people need to work hard to reach something, and the sense of the English order is different: a person, like a constant change of employment, a place (fireplace, what to roll) does not gain good (moss).

3 7 . First things first.

  • Literally: golovnі rechі - nasampered.
  • Equivalent: about everything in order; a note about the smut; nasampered - letaki.

3 8 . Still waters run deep.

  • Literally: Quietly lead to a deep crossing.
  • Equivalent: the quiet viri has the devil; someone else's soul - darkness.

Offending equivalences do not accurately convey the essence of the order. Toiling at the court, that if a person speaks little, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have deep thoughts.

39. If it is not broken, don't fix it.

  • Literally: if it’s not broken, don’t repair it.
  • Equivalent: practice - do not chip; do not chip, for evil; best - the enemy of the good.

40 . Curiosity killed the cat.

  • Literally: the cicada killed the gut.
  • Equivalent: tsikavіy Varvara at the bazaar nіs vіdіrvali; tsіkavіst not to bring to good.

41. Learn to walk before you run.

  • Literally: learn to walk, persh nizh bigati.
  • Equivalent: not all at once; to all his devil.

42. Do a little well and you do much.

  • Literally: make good and good, and make rich.
  • Equivalent: more is less, more is more.

43. Out of sight, out of mind.

  • Literally: posture by the field of dawn, posture by thoughts.
  • Equivalent: get out of the eyes - get out of the heart.

44. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

  • Literally: if you smell my back, I will scratch yours.
  • Equivalent: do good, and it will turn before you.

45. Ignorance is Bliss.

  • Literally: ignorance is blessed.
  • Equivalent: happy with the unknown; The less you know, the better you sleep.

46. ​​Every cloud has a silver lining.

  • Literally: skin gloom can srebnu lining.
  • Equivalent: no harm without good.

47 . close but no cigar.

  • Literally: close, but not a cigar.
  • Equivalent: mayzhe, ale povz; little does not care.

Cigars were traditional prizes for games at fairs. “Close but no cigar” means that you played well, but didn’t win.

48. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

  • Literally: you can't get enough of a pie that f'sti yogo overnight.
  • Equivalent: cannot sit on two pillars.

49. Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.

  • Literally: do not cross the place, do not move to the next.
  • Equivalent: his mustache; solve the problems of the world's need.

50. Lend your money and lose your friend.

  • Literally: get a penny and spend a friend.
  • Equivalent: u borg give - make friendship.

51. Picture is worth athandswords.

  • Literally: a picture of thousands of words.
  • Equivalent: more than one time to bang, less than a hundred times to feel.

52. Birds of a feather flock together.

  • Literally: the birds of one zabarvlennya trim at once.
  • Equivalent: fisherman fishing from afar; suit to suit pick up; his own passing brother.

53. No man is an island.

  • Literally: a person is not an island.
  • Equivalent: one at the field of non-warriors.

The equivalent is not known exact. Toil on the ground, that a person cannot be alone, out for his nature - a part of the greater. Viraz speaks in the epigraph to Hemingway's novel "For whom to call the call" (a sermon from the sermon of the English poet that priest of the 17th century, John Donne):

“There are no people, like a bula would be like an Island, by itself, a skin person is a part of the Mainland, a part of the Land; And as I am proud of the coast Utyos in the sea, Europe becomes less, and so it is, like a snake, the edge of the misa or the castle of your friend; skin death I apply people to me, for I am the only one with us Humanity, but don’t feed him, for whom to ring the call: call for You.- there є teachers are wearing (and not wearing) mov 👅 on all the ways of life and on whether it’s swarming 😄 I’m happy with this site, because I myself have gone through 80 lessons with teachers, who I know there - and I’ll try it for you!

Hello everyone! Psychic is the oldest genre of folklore creativity. The stench is among the skin people, inspire the most recent - Romans, Greeks, Egyptians. The stench is laid down by the wisdom of the ancestors, practical philosophy, rules of life and morality, historical memory. Russian idioms and yogo English equivalents make it clear that the words of the Yang and English peoples are evident in different spheres of life.


By virtue of their emotionality and figurativeness, suffixes are often found in various types of roses and texts on English language. At the same time, when translating, which are used in the authentic text, English idioms in the Russian language are often blamed for difficulties, because they don’t bring us wisdom, and the bilingual dictionaries don’t often give misunderstandings. How can I overcome the difficulty of translating?

For example, prislіv'ya " a fool and his money are soon parted ” did not understand the Russians. Navit recognizing її translation fool and yogo pennies are often divided її znachenya, і vіpadki vzhivannya become a riddle for us. And won means something like this. a bad person, like stained pennies thoughtlessly chi over it quickly. Then everyone goes to their place. But it’s better to know the equivalents for those and other languages, for the meanings of which you won’t have doubts.

The oskelki of our native language are Russian, it’s easier for us to zastosuvat those words, as we know children. Prote, yak z'yasuvali, the literal translation somehow creates a form, and th zmist of what has been said. To that, if you want to figuratively express your thought in English, then I recommend that you vicorist the equivalents of Russian adjectives in English mine, as you can know from my article.

I compared the great number of Russian and English adjectives with the meanings and vocabulary. In this order, I saw two groups:

Equivalent in vikoristan, lexical warehouse and meaning- all the syllables, which do not lose their meaning in the exact translation, are victorious in both movs in the same flutter:

It's easier to say what you want
Be easier said than done

One head is good and two is better
Two heads are better than one

Better pizno nizh nikoli
Wetteg late than never

Kindly laugh at the one who laughs at the rest
Not who laughs last laughs longest

The spirit is strong, but the body is weak
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Kui zalizo still hot
Strike while the iron is hot

However, the majority of English folk idioms are radically challenged by the lexical warehouse.

Equivalent to less than value and zastosuvannyam- tse adjectives with a zovsіm іnshim translation, which is natural for a national lexical warehouse, prote blatant meaning phrases are similar to change and situation, in some situations they get used to. This group and become more interesting for us:

What do you reap
A bad beginning makes a bad ending
(The filthy cob leads to the filthy tip)

Thin light for good welding
A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit
(The filthy compromise is shorter, the lower is a good pose)

Who gets up early God gives him
To do good and happy rich, like a person is healthy, healthy and wide
(Waking up early and lying down early - you will be healthy, rich and wise)

Whoever does not plan his own victory, plans someone else
Failing to plan is planning to fail
(Don't plan means plan to program)

Build on God, don't mess with yourself
good fences make good neighbors
(Behind a good parkan - good judges)

Read more Russian analogues in English

Abbreviations of English sentences

Even more often dovgі prislіv'ya in movlennі quickly. This figure is called the method of ablution. For example, we don’t promote viraz until the last moment, if we want to say that we happen to be robbed, to take away the bazhan: “Without practice ...” or “Fuck a lying stone ...”, but then and so it became clear that the speaker wants to say, and other things are necessary phrase.

In the English language, there is also no viraz, as if wine was too old. Behind the help, the figures of the zamovchuvannya rush like this:

  • And rolling stone...
  • Well, here's a silver lining…
  • Well, a bird in the hand, you know…
  • when the cat's away…
  • Birds of a feather…

Before the speech, visliv “Movchannya gold” is also a shortened form. In the new version of the English my phrase looks like this: “ Speech is silver; silence is golden ».

However, this option is worse only in that case, if offended by the spirits of good will, I will know the folklore of the people, with which they will stink. In order to understand the abbreviations of the variant, it is necessary to know the whole language. To that, zastosovuyuchi skorochennya, perekonaytes, scho svіvrozmovnik you correctly zrozumіv, and not thinking out your own be-scho.

Thanks for the respect. I miss the cool mood of that distant day! Boo!

1. A blind leader of the blind. The blind man has a blind guide. Russian analogue: Do not read the oblique curve. Sensei: if you yourself don’t know what you don’t know, you don’t know anything else.

2. The scalded cat fears cold water. Scalded intestines are afraid of cold water. Russian analogue: Lyakan is afraid of the bush. Sensei: in order to be sure that people are shkodi, they should beware of the dzherel shkodi.

3. A burnt child dreads the fire. I’ll burn the child, I’m baked, I’m afraid. Russian analogue: Obpikshis on milk, dutimesh on water. Sensei: don't repeat too many pardons.

4. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Whales with mittens don't piss off mice. Russian analogue: Without practice, you can’t win and fish at a rate. If you don't get your hands wet, don't move. Sens: if you are a white hand, you can’t do it well.

5. A clean hand wants no washing. Mitya's clean hand is not required. Russian analogue: Truth, no mercy. Sens: honest people are really zayve.

6. The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet (paws). The gut wanted to eat the fish, but it didn't want to get its paws wet. Russian analogue: If you want to eat a fish, it doesn't want to lie near the water. Sens: so they say about a person, if you want to get more money, but if you don’t want to mother hardships, you need to learn.

7. A drop in the bucket. Dripping at the wind. Russian analogue: Drop in the sea. Sens: if you say so about the yakus on the right, then it means that there are only an ear (less part).

8. A fly in the ointment. Fly at the balm. Russian analogue: Spoon of dog in barrels of honey. Sens: everything can't be good.

9. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is a right friend. Russian analogue: Friends know each other. Sense: friend, the one who does not throw in the bіdі.

10. A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Medova mova, and the heart is from Zhovchi. Russian analogue: My honey, and my ice. Sensei: so to speak about liars.

11. A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. Lіniva v_vtsya and vlasna wool vazka. Russian analogue: A lazy horse and a whip at the tractor. Sens: If you want to do something, then back off.

word spoken is past recalling. You can't believe what was said. Russian analogue: The word is not a gorobets, to fly is not evil. Sens: persh nizh say - think.

12. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. One ranking year costs two evenings. Russian analogue: Early evening wise. Sens: Lies (following the repair) everything comes out more quickly.

13. Before one can say Jack Robinson. First, you can say "Jack Robinson". Russian analogue: Do not catch and blink with your eye. Sens: very fast.

14. Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us. Rather, a small fire, which will burn us, a great anij, which will burn us. Russian analogue: Good offal. Sens: all you can do in the world.

15. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. Shmatok can fall, you carry yoga docks in the bowl to the mouth. Russian analogue: Do not say "gop" until you re-string. Sens: Don't hurry.

16. Cross the stream where it is shallowest. Cross the river to the best place. Russian analogue: Do not know the ford, do not lie near the water. Sens: don't hurt the one who doesn't sing.

17. Dogs that put up many hares kill none. Dogs, yakі lakayut rich hares, do not piss off the one. Russian analogue: You marry two hares, you don’t get married. Sens: don't take the sprat right away.

18. If you trim a dog, you don't bark yourself. Russian analogue: For those dogs, they bark. Sensei: don't practice for your underdog.

19. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Don't put all your eggs in one cat. Russian equivalent: Don't bet everything on one card.

20. cat shuts its eyes when it steals the cream. The gut will flatten the eyes, if you steal the tops. Russian analogue: Know the gut, whose m'yaso z'їla. Sens: to people with authority to flatten their eyes on their sins.

21. Drive the nail that will go. Kill the flowers that get in. Russian analogue: Stіni cholom will not break through. Sens: Rob those that are possible; do not pretend to be robiti impossibly.

22. Every dog ​​has his day. The dermal dog has its own sacred boo. Russian analogue: It will be holy on our street. Sens: if you have mercy.

23. Every Jack has his Jill. Skin Jack Sugen Yogo Jill. Russian analogue: Be-yaka named for your betrothed to be born. Sense: you won’t flow out of the share.

24. Every miller draws water to his own mill. A skin miroshnik brings water to his own mlin. Russian analogue: Leather pulls its own hole. Sens: kozhen dbaє to himself.

25. All guts are gray in the dark (in the night) Russian analogue: At night, all horses are crows. Sense: Nothing erases all visible marks. In temryava, all forms and colors become similar.

26. Evil communications corrupt good manners. Poor sharpened psuy garni manners. Russian analogue: Z kim hlib-sil vodish, similar to that. Sens: you will lead, you will pick up on that.

27. Chi does not work best who knows his trade. The best practitioner is the one who knows his right. Russian analogue: On the right, the master is afraid. Sensei: it is good to work for the one who knows everything.

28. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. Licorice honey Russian analogue: To open an eye, that tooth is numb. Sense: you understand that you can’t, but you want to.

29. Make haste slowly. Hurry up properly. Russian analogue: Quieter їdesh, farther you will be. Sensei: don't hurry, you'll catch it, but hurry up and go the wrong way, as you want.

30. Love in a cottage. A hut in a hut. Russian analogue: For heaven's sake and in kuren. Sens: s kokhanim skrіz good.

31. Love cannot be forced. The power of love does not hurt you. Russian analogue: You won't be forcibly nice. Sens: you won't punish your heart.

32. Live and learn. Live and learn. Russian analogue: Live for a hundred years. Sens: always find those that you don’t know or don’t mix, while you live, you’ll gradually learn.

33. Like a whale on hot bricks. Nemov's gut on hot celin. Russian analogue: Sit, like on the pins. Sens: so they say about the arc of a strivozhen people, but at the same time save silence and concentrate your respect.

34. Curiosity killed a cat. Tsіkavіst killed the gut. Russian analogue: You know rich - you will soon grow old. Sense: tsіkavіst did not bring to good.

35. It never rains but it pours. Bіdi collapse not with wood, but with evil. Russian analogue: Bida came - set the gate. Sens: never come alone.

36. It is easy to swim if other hoids up your chin (head). It is easy to weave, as if to support you. Russian analogue: I call a mosquito, if for help. Sense: see on someone else's back.

37. Just think about those who are acceptable, what is your life. If you want, the bula on the right is broken for good, work it yourself. Russian analogue: One's own eye is a diamond. Sense: what you need to do yourself and grow.

38. Measure thrice and cut once. Look three times, wind once. Russian analogue: Sim once vіdmіryay, once vidrizh. Sens: don't hurry, back to back.

39. Murder will out. Beating will break out. Russian analogue: You don’t take an awl into a bear. Sensei: everything becomes obvious.

40. Neck or nothing. Either I will achieve it, or I will burn myself. Russian analogue: Abo pan, or gone. Sens: or you will reach success, or not.

41. Never write what you dare not sign. Do not write anything that you do not dare to sign. Russian analogue: What is written with a pen, that you do not virubaesh with a juice. Sens: think back, and then work.

42. Don't linger without її weeds. There is no garden without weeds. Russian analogue: І on sontsі є plyami. Sens: everything has its shortcomings.

43. Out of sight, out of mind. Get out of sight, get out of memory. Russian analogue: Get out of the eyes - get out of the heart. Sens: call.

44. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Whales with mittens don't piss off mice. Russian analogue: Without getting your hands wet, don't fight. Sens: if you are a white hand, you can’t do it well.

45. It's a bold mouse that nestles in the cat's ear. Smila that bear, yak crouched at the intestines at the bush. Russian analogue: Do not put your finger in your mouth. Sensei: so witness who is unrealistically risky.

46. ​​Leopard can't change yoga spots. The leopard is impromptu to change its flames. Russian analogue: Yak vovka is not good, but everything is marveling at the forest. Sense: no one can change his nature, but you can try to grow.

47. Put/set cat amongst the pigeons. Place the gut among the pigeons. Russian analogue: Goof off. Sensei: you can tell me what will be unbearable in this situation.

48. Wait for the cat to jump. Pochekay, while the gut is not stribne. Russian analogue: Tremai nіs for the wind. Sensei: Rest until everything is clear.

49. A shy cat makes a proud mouse. The timid gut has mischa praise. Russian analogue: In the unsmiling gut, the bear is playing. Sensei: if you don’t have your own accolades, then you won’t reach much.

50. A beggar can never be bankrupt. The bankrupt is by no means bankrupt. Russian analogue: Do not cut your hair naked. Sensei: What you don't, you won't waste.

After that, the orders of the flooring had gone up to our life, which practically “became different” from the newcomer. And now we are embedding in the language of phrases, rarely pondering over their formulas. To that scho prislіv'ya - the "formula" of the thought is already ready, with a deep zmіstom and an elaborate form. Such English adjectives and orders. For a rich history, the stench reached the ideal accuracy of the skin thought. Especially how to protect your own look at the world. So now we have є englіyskі slіv'ya for whatever situation that sphere of life: be it friendship, family, work and other important things.

In English, send a note about English! And then, in a flash, it’s not surprising, as if such an important sphere of life is so important. And so in skin language, in skin culture, the following generations of accumulations are worthless. Therefore, you can always know the equivalent of adjectives on different language. In tsіy statti mi obov'yazkovo it is not enough to look at best slugs about friendship, about family, about life, that is negotiable;

English translation with Russian translation

If so, then I’ll see and learn more about the known plots. More precisely, it is not so: perhaps from a joke of well-known plots and ideas from the middle of English idioms. For whom we were joking with such an English language, as if there were direct Russian analogues. Axis of which one has gone:

English suffix

Russian translation

Russian analogue of the letter

A cat in gloves catches no mice

Whale with mittens don't piss off mice

Without practice, you can’t win and fish at a rate.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Lansyug is so very mіtsny yak and yogo is the weakest lanka

De thin - there and tear.

A change is as good as a rest

The change is so very kind, like a repair.

The shortest repair- Change the mind of the activity.

A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend of evildoers is a right friend.

Friends know each other in bidi.

A good beginning makes a good ending

Garniy cob secures garniy kіnets

Likha bіda cob

A journey of athousand miles begins with a single step

More expensive for a thousand miles starts from one krok.

The road is healthy for the one who goes

A leopard cannot change its spots

The leopard is impossible to change with its own.

Fix the humpbacked grave.

A black male cannot be seen white.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

Knowing little is not safe

Drinking more for ignorance.

A little of what you fancy does you good

Trohi weasel go to the fury

Everything can be done more carefully.

A new broom sweeps clean

New vinik is clean.

New metla in a new way.

It’s funny to think, how similar thoughts are instilled in different language in those realities, as if they were enlightened to that other people. For example, de Russian wisdom suggests a "black dog", there the English analogue of the saying is to talk about a leopard, such a Russian explanation simply could not.

English suffixes and their meanings

The meaning of adverbs in the English language is no less in the transmission of folk wisdom, in the development of cultural achievements and in other abstract formulas, which are so often used by handicraftsmen. In fact, you can know richly for real life, stosuvannya sluzhiv'yam English language. Go about expanding the vocabulary.

Vikoristannya prislіv'їv english - tse sign of the guilty lexicon and dosit my free will. Tse means that you can not only express your thoughts, but play creatively. Can you name a spiel of knowledge of the following orders:

  • the development of a rozmovnoї movi for an addition to quiet acceptance and training, they wrote about yakі mi in.
  • more in-depth understanding of the plots of English books and audiobooks (with our recommendations).
  • vіlne spriynyattya without.
I am also unambiguously “for” the introduction of the phrases, especially about friendship, about this and other basic concepts.

Original English appendices

Irrespective of a similar zmist bagatioh prislіv'їv, є absolutely original expression, there is no analogue in any other language. Tse tim more tsikavo that help vyvchenni foreign movie that culture as a whole. We knew the following English suffix:

  • If you can't be good - be careful (Be careful, because you can’t be kind). Obviously, the language here is about those who usually behave in the wrong way when necessary, and accept not to hurt themselves, not to feel. This adjective has no Russian analogue, but then it has an analogue in Latin: "Si non caste, tamen caute" (if not sensible, then if you want to be careful).
  • A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men (One volunteer of twenty volunteers). Tse prislіv'ya tezh may have a direct analogue in Russian culture, but we can understand it this way: more buoyancy and enthusiasm for the building reach more, lower vykonannya zavdannya without interest in that bajannya.
  • Suffering for friend double friendship (Watching for a friend wins friendship). Respect that it’s not about those who will viruchit a comrade or be deprived of friends without regard for everyday problems. And about those who speak, speak to a friend and learn to experience this grief as their own.
  • Don't keep a dog and bark yourself (Don't get a dog, you bark yourself). Obviously, when it comes to talking about the importance of delegating again, it seems simpler that it is not necessary to wear other people's shoes (for example, one's own).
  • Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (Inheritance is the greatest forest). Here, add nothing, the flooring is respected by the best and promoter.
  • It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness (It’s better to light a candle, lower cursing the temryava). So it’s better to work if you want to correct the situation, sit lower with your hands clasped and swear.
  • Money talks (The pennies speak for themselves). Tobto pennies mustache. The order is more welcome, lower prislіv'ya. І, vsuperech widening of thought, її translation of the Russian - cezovsіm not an analogue, but a better position.
Friends are made in wine and proven in tears

friendship is born in guilt, but it is changed in tears. You can guess a bunch of Russian idioms, replacing them with one laconic expression. If you know other types of English phrases - we will be glad to help you in the comments!

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