Demo versions of it from foreign language. Demo version of ege from foreign language Demo version of ege from English.

Hello friends! How to prepare for ЄDI s English language, You are guilty of the nobility, that it is necessary to get ready for the new one in advance, moreover, the sooner, the better. І navіt akscho you have a good riven volodinnya English mine you need everything good preparation, And for whom an hour is needed, if you want a river.

There is no change in the initial fate of the change to the ЄДІ from the English language.

A graduate student can score a maximum of 100 points in sleep. The minimum score for storage is 22 points.

In order to put together a single sovereign sleep well, you need:

  • get familiar with the format of experience;
  • mother good riven volodinnya my English;
  • lead by strategies of reading and listening. Maєtsya on uvazi vіdmіnne rozumіnnya main zmіstu.
  • get to know the criteria for evaluating a job.

Table for translating the balls of the YEDI from the English to the five-ball system

Structure of the EDIS English Movie 2018

The audio is trivaє 30 pieces and is composed of three parts. The first two parts are the first part of the other order, and the third part is the order No. 3-9 (from the list of 40 orders).

  • listen carefully! Adje often wins such cunning, if you say one thing on the back, and then correct it otherwise;
  • it is necessary to respectfully read the task;
  • Look over the end of what you wrote and try to find out if there are any possible pardons;
  • if you didn’t feel anything, don’t panic, you should be able to listen again;
  • if you don’t know what the evidence is for the power supply, give advice, if you like, but the head of the clue;
  • as if it seems too fast, do not get embarrassed, try to relax and then it will be easier for you to take in the information.

Task 1: Given 7 solids. Learning hearing Maximum number of points: 6 points.

Butt: task 1

task 1


Task 2: Given 7 solids. The schoolboy hears the dialogue and recognizes it, if it confirms the dialogue (True), if it confirms it (False), if it does not guess at the new one (Not Stated). Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Butt: task manager 2

task manager 2

zavdannya 2_mp3

Task 3: 7 meals are given, 3 options are given to the skin from them. Learn to listen to audio recordings and pick the right way to skin nutrition. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Butt: task 3

task 3

zavdannya 3_mp3


  • if you don’t know the topic about how to go in the text, don’t boast, even if you don’t need special knowledge in order to know the facts in the text;
  • as you have been given a task, in which you need to insert words or phrases, read the proposition before the passages and after, try to guess what you yourself missed;
  • do not get hung up on one food item, you can always turn to the next one, but for now take care of the others;
  • always need to read the entire text in order to understand what the sense is;
  • if you don't know the power supply, try to guess it;
  • getting ready to ЄDI, read more texts in different styles.

Reading trivaє 30 hvilin that is folded from 3 parts (9 days). On the skin part, we radimo stained no more than 10 quills, so that they fit into the vіdvedenі pіvgodini. Task 1: Given 7 short texts (3-6 dermal words) and 8 headings. It is necessary to read the texts and read them to the skin of them with a clear heading. With this, one heading will be occupied. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 10 minutes. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Butt: task 1

Task 2: Danish text, I have є 6 overflows. Below are 7 lines, 6 of which need to be inserted in the space of the overflow. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 10 minutes. Maximum number of points: 6 points.

Butt: task manager 2

Task 3: Denmark is a small text and 7 food to the new one. Before skin nourishment, there are 4 options, from which it is necessary to choose 1 correct one. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 10 minutes. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Butt: task 3


  • varto write about one and the same in other words;
  • don't go out like those;
  • do not use such vocabulary, like the bosses. Pick up the synonyms;
  • stitch by the hour;
  • do not write more, less necessary, even if you can testify about those who wrote richly zayvogo;
  • remember that it is necessary for you to see the hour, so that you can read again those that you have written and, as necessary, correct the pardons you have found.

For writing and rewriting 2 letters, the graduate is given 80 credits. Task 1: Danish text of a short sheet for a friend to ask someone. I will teach you how to read it and write a sheet of advice: to ask for a friend’s power supply and put it on your power supply. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 20 minutes. Volume: 100-140 sliv. Maximum number of points: 6 points.

A letter to a friend is written in an informal style. The structure of the robot is as follows:

1. Making a "cap"

At the top right corner, write the address: on the top row, indicate the place, below it - the country of residence. You don’t need to write the street and the number of the booth: you can roznyuvatisya, like a voice confidential information navіt akscho addresses vigadan.

If the address is skipped 1 row and write the date of writing the sheet at the very top right corner. Dali, like a zavzhd, evilly writing an unofficial letter: Dear Tom / Jim (I will be given in the order). Hello is not allowed here.

Then we put it to someone and continue to write the text of the sheet from a new row.

2. Sheet text

The leather paragraph is begun to be written from the red row. In the first paragraph, you need to tell a friend for taking away the sheet (Thanks a lot for your last letter) and ask again that you didn’t write earlier (Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long).

It is also possible to guess a fact from a taken sheet. The following is the main part of the sheet, which includes another and third paragraph. For another, you write comments on all food supplied to you, for the third - ask your friend food.

In the fourth paragraph, it is necessary to pick up a bag - to remind you that you will finish the sheet, and to ask to pick up the sound (Take care and keep in touch!).

3. End of the sheet

In the beginning, you need to write a final phrase-cliché, after which a coma should be put: All the best, Best wishes, and so on.

Manager 2: Given the firmness (sound the word)

The graduate student writes this, in a way that reflects on this topic, expresses his point of view, and also induces a different thought and explains why wine does not suit him.

It is written in a neutral style and consists of 5 paragraphs:

  1. Intro: we formulate the topic-problem and it’s obvious that there are two protracted points of the sky.
  2. Your thought: let's raise our point of view (one) from the source and suggest 2-3 arguments that confirm it.
  3. Protracted thoughts: write 1-2 protracted points of view and direct arguments to the meanness of their reasoning.
  4. Vyslovlyuєmo adversity: we explain why it’s not good with vain points of dawn, and we lead arguments to the defense of vlasnoy thoughts. In case of any stench, it is not guilty to repeat the arguments of point 2.
  5. Visnovok: robimo visnovok on this topic, it seems, whatever I look at, and the rest confirms my thought.

Vocabulary and grammar

  • If you need to insert a word, try to figure out which number and in which form it can be;
  • if you do not know the correct line, all the same, do not fill up the passages, joke with the method of looking at the opposite;
  • change the spelling.

Tsey razdіl ЄDI z englishskoї 2018 revisit the knowledge of grammatical constructions and vocabulary stock of the graduate student. On yoga vikonannya I will be given 40 quilin. Let's wonder what a schoolboy should do.

Task 1: Danish text, for whom 7 words are missing. Right-handed in the text, the words are pointed, so that it is necessary to rewrite grammatically (for example, put the word at the required hour) and insert the space in the pass. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 12 minutes. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Task 2: Danish text with 6 gaps. Right-handed words are pointed, as it is necessary to remake and lexically, and grammatically - make a single-rooted word, which follows the zmist to the text. Recommended hour of vykonannya: no more than 15 minutes. Maximum number of points: 6 points.

Task 3: Danish text of 7 gaps. You need to pick up one correct variant of the dermal one from some of the proponations. Recommended hour of vikonannya: no more than 12 minutes. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Sleepy prayer

Sleeping part of the sleep is the shortest, won't take more than 15 minutes. A graduate student needs to get a visconate 4 tasks, for yaks you can take a maximum of 20 points. Learn to set up tasks in front of the computer, then you will be recorded for an additional headset, and the screens will be displayed at the right time. In the auditorium, with whom, there is an organizer, who stalks the soul after a break.

Task 1: The text of a popular science character is displayed on the screen. For 1.5 minutes it is necessary to prepare and advance 1.5 times to read it in a different voice. Vikonanny hour: no more than 3 khvilin. Maximum number of points: 1 point.

Task 2: Promote an advertising slogan until you need to add 5 direct meals based on keywords. For the preparation, 1.5 minutes are added, then the skin nutrition needs to be formulated for 20 seconds. Hour of vikonanny: close to 3 whilin. Maximum number of points: 5 points.

Task 3: Show 3 photos. It is necessary to choose 1 and describe її for proponing right there with the manager of the plan. Wicked Hour: Close to 35 hwilin. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

Task 4: Given 2 pictures. It is necessary to compare them, describe similarities and powers, explain why the topic is close to graduation. Wicked Hour: Close to 35 hwilin. Maximum number of points: 7 points.

This distribution did not take place in ЄDI 2010, but all the same, the varto of the nobility was enough to get to the bottom of it.

  • if it’s unclear to you, ask the examiner if it’s unclear;
  • wink the most words, show your vocabulary stock;
  • you are responsible to understand that it is necessary for you to express your special thought, and not to discuss the topic with professionalism;
  • it is possible, if you forget a word, it is not necessary to be destroyed in such a time, you can replace it with another word .;
  • it is your responsibility to ensure that you have divided not the appointments in order for you to demonstrate that you can correctly proposition. You need to develop communicative skills.

Demo version of EDI 2018 with English movie

EDIS English Movie: Grammar

Average indoor lighting

English language

Demo version of YEDI-2019 with English movie

We suggest to your respect the selection of the demo version of ЄDI-2019 from the English movie.
This material should be used to explain and report the algorithm of the solution, as well as recommendations on how to get help and assistance, if you may need a half hour of preparation before ЄДІ.

The official demo version of YDI-2019 with the English movie can be downloaded on the FIPI website:

English language (letter part) (download PDF, 7.6 Mb)

English language (audio) (download PDF, 24.7 Mb)

What's new in 2019 roci?

  • There are no changes in the structure and the size of the KIM.
  • At the head of the 40th section of the “List” section, the formulation and evaluation criteria became clear. Now the graduate will need to choose one of the two topics for writing the burnt-out text-mirkuvannya and express his point of view.

Follow the airs of our webinars and YouTube channel: already this spring we will tell you more about the preparation for the EDI.

The initial help of appointments for the preparation of graduates from the middle school and applicants to the single sovereign education in English language. Vono revenge 10 training options examining robots, folded at the top of the vіdpovіdnostі to vmog ЄDI. The leather option includes the introduction of different types and equal folding according to all sections of the English language exchange rate, which allows in the shortest terms to equip you with the necessary for successful completion of the sub-bag assessment by both students and students. For example, the book is given texts for audition, the keys to all practical tasks and possible options for input on task 39 (sheet of a special character), criteria and schemes for evaluating the review of the task of splitting the “Sheet” of that part.

EDI 2018 demo version with English movie and int. according to FIPD, approvals

Explanation to the demonstration version of the control materials of the United State Institute of Science 2018 from the ENGLISH MOVIE

When aware of the demonstration variant of the control materials ЄDI 2018 after the mother is on the verge, that the task, switched on until the new one, does not reflect the good nutrition of the morning, as if it is reversed for additional options for KIM in 2018.

The latest change in nutrition, which can be controlled at the Unified State Examination of 2018, was made by the codifiers of the elements and could be equal to the preparation of graduates in lighting organizations for the Unified State Examination of 2018. from English movie.

Changes in YEDI 2018 rock from foreign languages:

Change of structure and change is not possible. Clarified criteria for evaluating vikonannya zavdan 39 and 40.

The work consists of several divisions: listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, sheet.

Rozdіl 1 ("Audiyuvannya") avenge the 9th day. Recommendations for the hour of vykonanny zavdan rasdіlu 1 to become 30 hvilin.

Section 2 ("Reading") avenge the 9th day. Recommendations hour vykonanny zavdan rasdіlu 2 become 30 hvilin.

Section 3 (“Grammar and vocabulary”) revenge 20 zavdan. Recommendations for the hour of vikonanny zavdan rozdіlu 3 to become 40 hvilin.

Rozdil 4 ("Sheet") is made up of 2 days. Recommended hour for the head of the division of the work - 80 hvilin.

Appointment demo version I believe in giving the opportunity to any participant of the EDI to make a wide slander about the structure of the possible KIM, the number of tasks, about their form and balance. Introduced criteria for evaluating the appointment of a leader with an open fire, included in this option, to provide evidence of assistance until the correctness of the record of a fired fire.
Tsі vіdomostі to allow graduates to choose the strategy of preparation to ЄDI.

Examination work in English language consists of several sections (audience, reading, grammar and vocabulary, sheet), which include 40 days.

3 years (180 minutes) are added to the examination work.

Deadline until 3-9, 12-18 and 32-38 are recorded in the same digit, so that the correct number is confirmed. Write down the number on the form No. 1.

Rozdіl 4 (“Sheet”) is composed of 2 days (39 and 40) and є small writing work (writing a special sheet and writing with the elements of mirkuvannya). In the form of notification No. 2, indicate the number of the order and write down the confirmation before the new one.

Thank you for success!

control materials
for the 2018 rocі
a single state experience

1. Appointment of examination work

Control materials allow to establish the level of mastering by the graduates of the Federal component of the state lighting standard of the main and middle (new) foreign education.

The results of a single state experience from foreign language are recognized publicly lighting installations, in the Yaki realized slander of the middle (all) slander, the results of the sovereign (PIDSUMKOVO), and the evidence of the sorestine profession of the vichensky profession of vision - there are a results of entering the visits of the vision.

2. Documents that signify the examination work

1. The federal component of state standards in the main global and middle (new) global education, basic and profile level (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089).

2. Zrazkovi programs from foreign language// New state standards from foreign language. 2-11 class / Education in documents and comments. M: AST: Astrel, 2004.

3. Programs for lighting installations. English language for 10-11 classes of schools from the graves of foreign languages. M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2003.

4. Programs for indoor lighting installations. German language for incandescent schools with the destruction of vivechennyam German movie. M.: Prosvitnitstvo: BEREZEN, 2004.

5. Programs for lighting installations. French language for 1-11 classes shkіl іz vzglyblenym vvchennyam іnozemnyh mov. M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2001.

6. Programs for lighting installations. Spanish language for 5-11 classes shkіl іz vzglyblenym vvchennyam іnozemnyh mov. M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2005.

In case of KIM expansion, the following are also covered:

7. Global European Competences of Volodymyr in Foreign Languages: Vyvchennya, Vikladannya, Evaluation. MDLU, 2003.

3. Come to the selection of a replacement, structure analysis of KIM EDI

By the method of a single sovereign experience from foreign language, the recognition of the equal and excellent communicative competence of the one who is being examined. The main respect for one's own is attached to the current competence, tobto. communicative minds at different types learning activities: listening, reading, writing, and developing learning competences, etc. to my knowledge and beginners. Socio-cultural knowledge and knowledge are distorted in the middle at the “Audio” section, “Reading” and one of the objects in the section “List”; compensatory ones are reversed in the middle at the “List” branch.

Later, KIM EDI z foreign language revenge distributed “Audiyuvannya”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary” and “Leaf”. With all the help of mothers at the university, who want to distribute “Audiovannia”, “Reading” and “Sheet” may be like an object of control in the same types of modern activities, and in the meantime they will be provided with the necessary equal development of their own competence examinations. Successful vikonannya task for the control of receptive visual activity is ensured by the knowledge of lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic constructions that navichami їх recognition / recognition. The manager of the division of the “List” focuses on experience, okrim tsikh knowledge, the ability to operate with lexical units and grammatical structures in a communicative-meaningful context. Spelling skills are subject to control in tasks B4-B16 of the “Grammar and Vocabulary” division, as well as tasks C1, C2 of the “Sheet” division.

4. Structure of KIM EDI

The examination paper was divided into “Audio”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary” and “Sheet”.

For the differentiation of examinations for equals of foreign languages ​​in the borders, formulated by the Federal Component of the State Standard of Global Education from foreign languages, all the divisions included the order of the basic equals of the main equals of the higher equals.

The riven of folding of the head is determined by the riven of the folding of the moving material that is changed, as well as the type of head.
The work with foreign language included 28 days with the choice of airworthiness from three or more proponated, 16 days of the open type with a short term, including the order for the installation of airworthiness, and 2 orders of the open type with a rosehorn.

The basic, moving and high equal order of the ЄDI spіvvіdnosya z equal volodіnnya іnozemnym mov, assigned to the documents for the sake of Europe 1, in such a rank:

  • Base price - А2+ 2
  • Rivne promotion - B1
  • High rіven - В2

1 Global European Competences from my Volodinnya: Vivchennya, vykladannya, assessment. MDLU, 2003.

2 Oskіlki the entire possible spectrum of the world's foreign language ideas in the document for the sake of Europe is only six equals, obviously, that in the middle of the skin one can see the songs of the other. The designation of the base level ЄDI yak A2+ means that in the description of the level A2 for the preparation of the task of the base level, retailers are guided by descriptors that are closer to the level B1, and not to the level A1.

Letter piece. 180 hvilin (3 years) are added to the її vikonannya.

Distributed "Audiyuvannya". Hour of vikonanny - 30 hvilin

Task 1. In the audio recording, sound 6 words. It is necessary to establish the consistency between the vislovlyuvannya ( letters A-F) that firmness that reflects their main idea (numbers 1-7). One of the proponated firms is a pledge. The record sounds two: at the beginning, 20 seconds are given to get to know the statements; after the first and the other listening, 15 seconds are given for fainting. Your code is the sequence of seven digits. For skin correct score (one score) you get one point, the maximum number of points is 6.

Task 2. It is necessary to listen to a small dialogue and read 7 thoughts of a good dialogue (A-G). Having listened to the task, it was necessary to raise the whiskers, like the judgment is correct (1 - true), like it is wrong (2 - false), and what language was in the air (3 - not stated), then. on the basis of the text it is impossible to give either a positive or a negative opinion. Your code is a sequence of six digits. For a correct skin examination (one judgement), 1 point is given, for a total task - 7.

Task 3-9. Here it is necessary to listen to the text (as a rule, an interview) and answer for 7 questions about the text, choosing the correct answer from the suggested three options. For skin correctness, 1 point is awarded, for the task - 7.

Together: 9 days, 20 balls per share.

Distributed "Reading" at EDI. Hour of vikonanny - 30 hvilin

Manager 10. At the head, there are 7 small texts (as a rule, united by themes) and 8 headings. It is necessary to set the viability of the mizh texts A-G and headings 1-8. One headline zayvy! Your code is the sequence of seven digits. For skin correct examination (one examination) 1 point is given, for the whole task - 7

Manager 11. You need to read the vowel text, in which parts of the speech are omitted (a total of 6 passages A-G), and then fill in the passages with fragments following the text (1-7), one of which is zayvy. Necessarily before the skin pass, a fragment should be checked for a clear and grammatical structure. Your code is a sequence of six digits. For the correct skin examination (correctly picked up part) 1 point is given, for the whole task - 6

Head office 12-18. You need to read the text with a total of 1-1.5 sides (as a rule, a non-public text or artistic creativity). After the text, you are given 7 questions, on the skin of which, some options are suggested. It is necessary to choose only one answer. For skin correctness, 1 point is awarded, for the task - 7.

Together: 9 days, 20 balls per share.

Head office 19-25. Tasks for grammar (phrases). You need to read 1-2 small texts with passages. Right-handed in the overflow of the indicated words in the pochatkovy form, it is necessary to transform it so that the stench grammatically read the text. Respect: the FORM of the word changes (number, hour, vіdminok, outpost toshcho), and not part of the movie! For example, go-went, man-men, one-first etc. For skin correct examination, 1 point is given, for the task - 7.

Zavdannya 26-31. Zavdannya shdo word-creator. Similar to the previous task, it is necessary to read 1-2 small texts and rewrite the words that were uttered so that they grammatically and lexically corrected the text. The main thing in front of the front task is to establish a NEW word, a new part of the language: for example, it was a word, an example (different-different). For skin correct examination, 1 point is given, for the task - 6.

Manager 32-38. Lexico-grammatical success. It is necessary to read a small text, for which words are missing. In the case of a dermal izvdan 32-38, it is necessary to choose, as if from 4 words, the words were missed.
For skin correct examination, 1 point is given, for the task - 7.

Together: 20 zavdan, 20 balls.

Distributed "List" at EDDI. Hour of vikonanny - 80 hvilin

Manager 39. Sheet. At the head of 39, it is necessary to write a special list of others, supplementing the rules of the sheet. Obsyag - 100-140 slіv. An hour of vikonannya is 20 hvilin. The maximum score is 6.

Manager 40. Yese. At the head of the 40th, write an open tver-mirkuvannya on a proponed topic. As a matter of fact, you need to comment on the given order of confirmation in accordance with the plan. It has a clear structure: introductory, expressing your thoughts with 2-3 arguments, an opposite thought with 1-2 arguments, an expression of a villain with an opposite thought (1-2 counterarguments) and a visnovok. Obsyag - 200-250 slіv. An hour of vikonanny is 60 hvilin. The maximum score is 14.

Together: 2 tasks, 20 balls.

EDI 2018. English language. Head of the Oral Part

Distributed "Talking"

Sleep is part of the day. Hour of delivery - 15-20 hvilin (when you pick up your cards in the corridor, you can try more richly). The written part is not a binding part, but without it (only for the written part) you can take a maximum of 80 points for the whole sleep.

Manager 2. You have an advertisement in front of you. You need to put 5 points of any vote (for 5 points on the plan). An hour for preparation is 1.5 minutes, 20 seconds are given for voicing skin nutrition. The maximum score is 5 (one point per skin nutrition).

Manager 3. Here are 3 photos - nothing from your photo album. You are guilty to choose one (only one!) of them and describe it to a friend in a reasonable manner to the prescribed plan. Respect! In 2018, the wording of the task was changed: the word "imagine" was removed and the word "present" was replaced by "describe". In this way, your opinion can be as close as possible to reality and spared "fantastic elements". An hour for preparation - 1.5 hvilini, vikonannya - 2 hvilini. The maximum score is 7.

Head office 4. There are 2 photos in front of you. You need to match these photographs, relying on the plan, which is given to you by the manager. An hour for preparation - 1.5 hvilini, vikonannya - 2 hvilini. The maximum score is 7. Together: 4 tasks, 20 points.

Imagine everything is described in the table:

Structure of the EDIS English Movie 2018

Letter part (180 min.) Usna part (15-20 min.)
Rozdil manager Hour (hv.) Ball Rozdil manager Hour Ball
1. Audio bath 1 7 5. Talking 1 1.5 (training) +2 (training) 1
2 6
3-9 7
2. Reading 10 10 7 2 1,5 + 1,5 5
11 10 6
12-18 15 7
3. Grammar and vocabulary 19-25 10 7 3 1,5 +2 7
26-31 10 6
32-38 15 7
4. Sheet 39 20 6 4 1,5 +2 7
40 60 14
Usy for the letter part 80 Usogo for sleeping part 20
Usogo balls for іspit 100

In this rank, the first and the first ball of the bag is taken. 1 correct vikonane task = 1 point. Tse means that you need to concentrate as much as possible and try to get everything done better!

"Hodograph" broadly bazhaє you good luck in your sleep!

Establish documents that regulate the structure and scope of KIM - codifiers and specifications. The latest change in nutrition, which can be controlled at the Unified State Examination of 2018, was made by the codifiers of the elements and could be equal to the preparation of graduates in lighting organizations for the Unified State Examination of 2018. from English movie.

Demo version of YEDI 2018 with English movie

Option zavdannya + vіdpovіdі letter part option+answer
Usna part - demo version Option + criteria
Codifier take advantage
Specification take advantage
Audio bath audio

Change at KIM 201 8 Rocks from the English Movie are matched with 2017 by rock every day. Clarified the criteria for evaluating the appointment of the 39th and 40th division of the “Sheet” in the letter part of the experi- ence.

Minimum score EDI 2017 with English Movie - 22

The maximum first score for a job is 100.

Letter part of KIM EDI from English movie

The work consists of several divisions: “Audio”, “Reading”, “Grammar and vocabulary”, “Sheet”.

Rozdіl 1 (“Audiyuvannya”) revenge 9th day. Recommendations for the hour of vykonanny zavdan rasdіlu 1 to become 30 hvilin.

Rozdіl 3 ("Grammar and vocabulary") to revenge 20 avdan. Recommendations for the hour of vikonanny zavdan rozdіlu 3 to become 40 hvilin.

Section 4 (“Sheet”) is made up of 2 days. Recommended hour for the head of the division of the work - 80 hvilin.

Usna part of KIM EDI from English movie includes 4 tasks.

Task 1 - reading aloud a small text of a popular science character. An hour for preparation - 1.5 hours.

The manager 3 is asked to choose one of three photographs and describe it on the basis of the plan. An hour for preparation - 1.5 hours.

Task 4 was given a task to align two photographs on the basis of the proposed plan. An hour for preparation - 1.5 hours. The final hour of examination of one examinee (including an hour for preparation) - 15 minutes. The skin of the advance of the task is seen after the completion of the previous task. The whole hour of the video is being audio- and video-recorded.

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