Demonstration variants of ODE from history (grade 9). Demonstration options for fire physics Reserve days for the main period

Change in KIM ODE 2018 rock of physics is equal to 2017 rock

In 2018, the rotation changed the elements of change, which are being revised, on the topic “Mechanical phenomena” for tasks 2-4 in the first part of the work.

The ODE of physics includes an experimental design, as it depends on the real setting.

The transfer of supplementary materials and the possession of such materials is allowed at the ODE of physics, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia. Vikoristovuetsya non-programming calculator (for skin studies) that experimental possession.

The sleep is held at the physics classrooms. For consumption, you can win other classrooms, yakі vіdpovіdat to the help of safe practice for an hour vikonannya eksperimentalnyh zavdan ekzanatsiynoї work. At sleep there is a specialist in physics who conducts before the sleep a briefing on safety techniques and follow the rules of safe practice for an hour of work in laboratory facilities.

Sets of laboratory equipment and laboratory robots are formed in advance, before the test. For the preparation of the laboratory equipment to the points carried out one or two days before the test, the numbers and sets of the control are given, as they will be selected for the test. The change of sets for setting up experimental equipment was stored with the improvement of standard sets for frontal robots in physics, and with the improvement of sets of "GIAlaboratory".

For the presence in the PPE, whether there are any accessories and materials, the possession can be replaced by similar ones with other characteristics. In order to ensure the objective evaluation of the laboratory work by the participants of the ODE, in different cases, the possession of the same with other characteristics, it is necessary to bring to the attention of the experts in the subject committee, so that the re-examination of the performance of the task, the description of the characteristics of the possession, is really gained.

Cerivnik PPE / upovnovazhenim representative of the DEC in the form of an act on the change of possession, the act is transferred at once from the EM to the RCOI.

The directors of the fired opinion are assessed by two experts for the correctness and completeness of the opinion.

FІПІ (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Studies) is a sovereign scientific institution, how to carry out activities for such directives:

  • scientific research and safety of pіdbags testing ODET and EDІ;
  • development and approbation of KIM for various subjects;
  • rozrobka system otsіnyuvannya pіdsamkovih atestatsіy for uchnіv 9 and 11 classes;
  • technical support and management of information resources of Rosobrnaglyad;
  • rozrobka that broadening of the initial-methodical references and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

The official information portal of the FIPD ( gives you the opportunity to take the most relevant information from the food of the ODE building and the June 2018. On the website of the institute posted:

  1. Documents that form the regulatory and legal basis for the graduate assessment of graduates.
  2. Specifications and codifiers for all subjects.
  3. Demo versions of the beginning of different years, the development of the FIPD, which will help prepare students to try out the students of the 9th and 11th grades.
  4. Training selections for self-training.
  5. Analytical and methodical materials.

Innovation ODE 2018 for 9th grade

Pratsyyuchi over the promotions of the eve of the consecration of graduates incandescent schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FIPD to introduce low sums of changes, like to get stuck in the 9th grade students, like to create an ODE in 2017-2018 for the primary rotation.

Obov'yaskovі objects

In the past years, in 2018, ninth-grade students can demonstrate knowledge of 5 subjects, two of them (Russian language and mathematics) will definitely be language-oriented, and three more students can learn independently, focusing on such a list:

  • suspіlstvoznavstvo;
  • history;
  • physics;
  • informatics;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French and Spanish.

Discussion about the number of footwear subjects ODE not completed yet. It is quite possible that, without the right to choose, one can take not 2 but 4 subjects, and only one ninth-grader can turn themselves, going straight, taken for a lower education.

History and foreign language claim the role of obov'yazkovyh, the thought of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Unified KIM system

By stretching the bagatioh rokіv zavdannya for the ODE were broken up by the teachers initial mortgages that s urahuvannyam equal training and profile of the initial mortgage. Since 2018, for all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, a single task will be approved, over the development of which the fakhivtsy of the FIPD have been working on for a long time.

The solution may be three main goals:

  1. Set single criteria for evaluating knowledge from singing subjects.
  2. Give real training to graduates of the 9th grade.
  3. To create a single lighting trajectory for the initial mortgages in various regions of the country.

Vagomіst assessment on ODE

In 2017-2018, the first grade ninth-graders of the varto will be seriously placed before training, even if the result of the test is now in vlivatime for the final ball of the certificate. This fact is especially important for those who want to change their school life for education in one of the prestigious colleges or lyceums in Russia.

Adding the minimum threshold of at least 4 obov'yazkovyh 5 subjects, which are given - obov'yazkovy mind for the completion of the certificate!

But learn, if you didn’t know how to build an ODE the first time, take another (and get a third) chance. If you want, you can reprint less than 2 out of 5 items.

Usna part of the Russian movie

Graduates of 2018 may greet the Russian language. This decision was made after the fact that the results of the re-examination showed that a lot of regional schools did not give the students a sufficient level of Russian Volodin, that necessary mental to enter to any VNZ country.

To marvel at the innovation in the video of Anni Mozharova:

You can find more relevant information about those innovations that are checked for academics, that they will graduate from the 9th grade in 2017-2018, as well as that they plan to introduce FIPD into the ODE for other subjects, you will find on the sides of our information portal.

ODE layout 2018 roku

Prestrokovy period




foreign movies


Russian language




Reserve days of the pre-schedule period




foreign movies

Russian language





Main period

foreign movies

foreign movies

Russian language










Reserve days for the main period

Russian language






foreign movies



All subjects

All subjects

First Veresneve rebuilding

Russian language








foreign movies

Remaining reissue (by decision DEC)

Russian language








foreign movies

All subjects

Published on the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Studies (FIPD) demonstration versions of ODE from history (grade 9) for 2009 - 2020.

Demo options ODE from history three types of orders to avenge them: order, de need to choose one of the orders, order, de need to give a short statement, that order, de need to give an open statement. Before the task of the first and other types, the correct assessments were given, and until the task of the third type, the correct assessment criteria were given.

At one modelКІМ, vіdpovіdna


    new task introduced


    the block was seen,


Demonstration variants of ODE from history

Vіdmitimo, scho demonstration variants of ODE from history presented in pdf format, and for their review it is necessary that your computer be installed, for example, the Adobe Reader software package, which can be easily expanded.

Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2009
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2010
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2011
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2012
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2013
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2014
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2015
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2016
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2017
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2018
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2019 r_k (model 1)
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2019 r_k (model 2)
Demonstration version of ODE from history for 2020

Scale pererakhunku primary ball

  • for vikonannya examination work 2020 roku at the sign behind the five-point scale;
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2019 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale;
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2018 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale;
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2017 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale;
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2016 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale.
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2015 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale.
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2014 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale.
  • scale pererakhunku primary ball for vikonannya examination work 2013 rock at the sign behind the five-point scale.

Change in demo options from history

2015 demo version of ODE from history bula variant structure changed:

    Option becoming rebuvat from two parts.

    Numbering zavdan became frankly by all means without literal meaning A, U, Z.

    It was changed the form for recording the vіdpovіdі at the zavdannya іz the choice vіdpovіdі: vіdpіd it became necessary to record number with the correct number(and do not circle around).

    The periodization of divisions of robots was brought up to the historical and cultural standard (the third division starts from 1914, and not from 1917, as it was earlier).

    The criteria for evaluating tasks 35 were supplemented.

At demo versions of ODE 2016 to the rock of history matched with demo versions of 2015 there are no replacements: the order of passage of the number of tasks of part 1 has been changed.

At demo versions of ODE 2017 - 2018 years of history matched with the demo version of 2016 there was no change.

In 2019, the transition to the link with the transition of part of the schools to the linear system of education of history in 2019 submitted two models of demo version: demonstration option No. 1, the task of which is to slander the course of history from the most recent hours to the present hour, that demonstrative option No. 2, the task of which is to slander the course of history from the most recent hours to 1914.

At demo version of ODE 2020 to the fate of history equal to the demo options of 2019 one modelКІМ, vіdpovіdna linear system history on the basis of the historical and cultural standard, in

    activities saved(Zavdannya 2-5, 7, 11, 12, 20, 21).

    new task introduced to work with a historical card,

    increased number of tasks based on visual records of historical information,

    the block was seen, distort knowledge of the history of culture,

    extended Spectrum of analytical tasks.

control vimiruvalnyh materials for carrying out
in 2017

1. Appointment of KIM for ODE- Evaluate the level of global lighting training in physics for graduates of the IX class of global lighting organizations with the method of state-sponsored attestation of graduates. The results of the test can be tested when taking students from a specialized class of a secondary school.

ODE is carried out on a regular basis until federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation".

2. Documents to be issued by KIM

The serpentine robot is injected to the basics of the federal component of the sovereign standard of the main monastery of the same (the order of the MINOSITI ROSICH VID 03.03.2004 No. 1089 “On the solidennia of the federal standard of the sovereign of the softened, basically, the main is the sorester (in the sorester)

3. Come to the selection of a change, a breakdown of the KIM structure

Vikoristani PID Hour Constantyannya Variantiv Kim Pіdddi to Vid Borostor Elementiv Zmіst, Khimoga Functional Swims of the Test, Oskilki at the skin of Variandi, the development of the main school, With the most important light-gazing point of the dawn, or the need for a successful continuation of the illumination of the replacement elements, they are perverted in the same variant of KІM by the heads of a different level of folding.

Структура варіанта КІМ забезпечує перевірку всіх передбачених Федеральним компонентом державного освітнього стандарту видів діяльності (з урахуванням тих обмежень, які накладають умови масової письмової перевірки знань та вмінь учнів): засвоєння понятійного апарату курсу фізики основної школи, оволодіння методологічними знаннями та експериментальними вміннями, використання навчальних завдань texts of physical change, stosuvannya knowledge in the case of rosrakhunkovyh tasks and explanations of physical phenomena and processes in situations of a practice-oriented nature.

The models of the day, which are scored in the examination robot, are covered for the testing of the blank technology (similar to the EDI) and the possibility of automated rechecking of the part of 1 robot. The objectivity of re-verification of a task with a fired-up opinion is ensured by the same criteria for evaluating the participation of a large number of independent experts, as if evaluating one work.

ODE s physics є іspitom on vybіr uchnіv і vykonu є dvі osnovnі ї ї ї: pіdsamkovu atestatsіyu vypusknіkіv osnovnї ї skolі ї svobrennya zvіdnya dіfferenіatsії uchnіv pіd hіv vіd hіv vіd profіnіh klasіv srednёї ї school. For whom, KIM includes the task of three equal folds. Виконання завдань базового рівня складності дозволяє оцінити рівень освоєння найбільш значущих змістовних елементів стандарту з фізики основної школи та оволодіння найбільш важливими видами діяльності, а виконання завдань підвищеного та високого рівнів складності – ступінь підготовленості учня до продовження освіти на наступному ступені навчання з урахуванням подальшого рівня вивчення предмета (Basic or profile).

4. Connection of the examination model ODE with KIM EDI

Examination ODE model This KІM ЄDI z physics will be based on a single concept of assessing the initial achievements of students in the subject of "Physics". The only ones who need to take care of us in front of the re-verification of all moldings at the boundaries of the object of visual activity. For whom there are similar structures of work, and to create a single bank of models for the task. The decline in the molding of various kinds of activity was improved in the smelter of the day, as well as in the system of estimating the day with the burnt out.

It is possible to indicate two values ​​of the identity of the examination model ODE in KIM ED. So, the technological features of the EDI conduction cannot be ensured by the complete control of the formation of the experimental techniques, and this type of activity is altered in the middle with the help of specially developed tasks for the improvement of photographs. Conducting the ODE does not avenge such borders, so an experimental task was introduced into the robot, as if it were based on a real setting. In addition, in the examination model of the ODE, there are more widely represented the block of re-verification of the robots with different information of the physical examination.

5. Characteristics of the structure of KIM

The leather version of the KIM is folded in two parts and on the 26th day, which are shaped and folded equally (Table 1).

Part 1 to avenge 22 zavdannya, from which 13 zavdan a short line in sight of the same digits, vosim zavdan, before which it is necessary to give a short statement in sight of the number or a set of digits, that one zavdannya with a roaring wave. Orders 1, 6, 9, 15 and 19 with a short requisition, orders for the establishment of the correct positions, given in two multiples, or a request for a choice of two correct hardness from a proponated change (multiple choice).

Part 2 to avenge chotiri zavdannya (23-26), for those it is necessary to bring an open fire. Day 23 practical robot for victoria as vikoristovuetsya laboratory obladnannya.

Before the beginning of a new beginning rock on the official website of the FIPD, the publication of a demo version of the ODE 2019 in physics (DIA grade 9).

Preparation for ODE 2019 in physics for graduates of the 9th grade is fully developed for familiarization with demonstration options. So very open bank the head of the FIPD to try to find out the real options that should be included before the tests for consumption.

ODE in physics demo version 2019 (grade 9)

Demo version of ODE 2019 from physics option + vіdpovіdі
Codifier take advantage
Specification take advantage

Results іstu ode from physics at the 9th grade can become a student at the admission of students from a specialized class of a secondary school. A reference point in the selection to the profile classes can be a show, the lower boundary of which is 30 balls.

Change at the KIM ODE 2019 rock is equal to 2018 rock this day.

Instructions for vikonannya roboti

The examination work is composed of two parts, which include 26 days.

Part 1 to avenge 21 orders with a short break and one order with a fired fire, part 2 to avenge 4 orders with a fire fire. 3 years (180 minutes) are added to the examination papers in physics.

Deadline until tomorrow 2–5, 8, 11–14, 17, 18, 20 and 21 are recorded in the same digit, as if the correct number is confirmed. Write down the number next to the quotation field near the text of the work, and then transfer it to the form of quotation No. 1. Due dates before the date 1, 6, 9, 15, 19 are written down at the sight of the sequence of digits in the field of quotation near the text of the work. Dates until due date 7, 10 and 16 are recorded as the number of fixed appointments for the last one.

Please write down the confirmation in the text confirmation field, and then transfer it to the notification form No. 1. You don’t need to enter one of the confirmations in the confirmation form. Until 22-26 the next day to give the fireworks. Orders are checked on the form of opinions No. 2. Orders 23 are experimental and for this reason it is necessary to speed up laboratory possessions.

All letterheads will be filled with black ink. Allowed to use gel or capillary pens. Under the hour of calculation, it is allowed to use a non-programming calculator.

Under the hour of vikonannya, you can shrivele with a black one. Entries in black, as well as the texts of control materials, are not insured for the hour of evaluation of the work. Bali, otrimani you for vikonnі zavdannya, pіdsumovuyutsya.

Help vikonat yakomoga more zavdan and score the most number of points. After the completion of the work and rewrite, that the statement on the skin of the order on the forms of statements No. 1 and No. 2 is recorded under the correct number.

Call of the examination model ODE 2019 from physics from KIM EDI

Examination model ODE and KIM ЄDI z physics will be based on a single concept of assessment of initial achievements of students in the subject "Physics". The only ones who need to take care of us in front of the re-verification of all moldings at the boundaries of the object of visual activity. For whom there are similar structures of work, and to create a single bank of models for the task.

The decline in the molding of various kinds of activity was improved in the smelter of the day, as well as in the system of estimating the day with the burnt out. It is possible to indicate two values ​​of the identity of the examination model ODE in KIM ED.

So, the technological features of the EDI conduction cannot be ensured by the complete control of the formation of the experimental techniques, and this type of activity is altered in the middle with the help of specially developed tasks for the improvement of photographs.

Conducting the ODE does not avenge such borders, so an experimental task was introduced into the robot, as if it were based on a real setting. In addition, in the examination model of the ODE, there are more widely represented the block of re-verification of the robots with different information of the physical examination.

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