An example of a formalized transfer of archival references. Description of the right to transfer documents to the archives of the organization. Letter of identification of numbers in the description of references

The procedure for the transfer of rights to the archive or the reduction of documents.

5.1. To the archives of the organization, the certificates of post-time, time-of-hours (over 10 years) collection are transferred for a special warehouse. Їx transmission is carried out only for descriptions (divided 4th Order).

5.2. Completion of the business management of post-mortem, time-of-hours (over 10 years) pick-up for a special warehouse, after the end of the calendar date, in which stink they were established, to complete the formalization in the first place after the completion of their business.

5.3. The transfer of certificates to the archive of the organization is carried out according to the schedule, we fold the archive, we will arrange for the structural subdivisions to be transferred to the archive, which is confirmed by the organization’s certificate.

5.4. During the period of preparation of references by the structural subdivision before transfer to the archive of the organization by the specialist of the archive, the correctness of their molding, execution and consistency of the number of references included to the description, the number of references, entered into the nomenclature of the reference organization are checked in advance. Usy vyyavlenі pіd hour of re-verification nedolіki at the molding and issued certificates of the pracіvnіnі prіlovodstva service of the structural pіdrozdіl goitre yazanі usunuti. When revealed, the validity of the certificate is added to the final.

5.5. With the help of a dermatologist, make sure to go through a special, official for archives (special spivrobitnik) at the presence of a practitioner of the business management service of the structural subdivision. If so, on both examples, I will describe the anti-skin care that is included before it, try to find out about the presence of the help. For example, the description of the skin alimentary should be indicated in numbers and in words, the number of actually accepted documents to the archive, the numbers of the references, the date of receipt and transfer of the records, as well as the signature of the voucher for the archives (record of the archive) of that individual, as it was transferred to the archive.

5.6. Use the terms of saving up to 10 years inclusively, they are saved by the business management service and after the completion of the terms of saving, transfers to the archive for storage in the established order.

5.7. At the time of the LIKVIDATSIA reorganized PIDRODILEL ORGANICAIA, the service of the service of the Dilovodia for 2 Mysyatzi for the moment of the LIKVIDATSIA, the form of the form of the Obvavni, drawing up,

At the worthlessness of documents is the most important element of the work of the archive. At the same time, it is impossible to reduce the documentation without carrying out an examination of the value of the documents. Under the rules of the work of archives, it is recommended not to conduct an examination of the value of documents in one practitioner alone in small organizations, the chips can lead to negative consequences: they can be lowered documents earlier, lower the term for them. Therefore, for the conduct of the examination, an expert commission can be created.

Whom to include before the commission for confirming the fact of the lowering of documents for an individual enterprise, which cannot hire workers? Div. check on our website

To carry out a complete assessment of documents that are seen to be reduced, it is necessary to include the following backs to the warehouse of the expert committee:

· Representative of the organization's kerіvnitstva;


· Chief accountant of the organization;

· Representative of the organization's personnel service;

· Representative of the legal service of the organization;

· Spіvrobіtnik service dokumentіynogo bezpechennya or the secretary of the organization.

The warehouse of the expert commission is confirmed by the order of the businessman. In the organization, a constantly working expert commission can be created, but it can also be created quickly. The expert commission (EC) establishes the fact of the completion of the term for the collection of documents, draws up an act of seeing before the reduction of the documents, and it is clear to the new (act) preparing the documents for the reduction

On the basis of the provisions of article 9 of the law “On archiving right Russian Federation documentation of a non-state organization is respected by private authority. However, in the event of the liquidation of the organization of obov'yazkovoy umovoy є zdavannya dokumentov to save up to the archive. This visit is carried out in the event of reorganization, if it is necessary to transfer the documentation to the offender (the term for the transfer of rights in both cases is two months).

It is also necessary to transmit on the vіdomche zberіgannya in due course approximately once every 3 years. For the presence of meaningful documentation, you may need timely collection of documents, but it is possible to transfer the possibility of organizing timely collection of documents.

The procedure for the formation of archival references

To ask for a remotely necessary document in the archive, please refer to it, but it has been formed according to the song parameters. For this reason, a special document was broken up, for whom the order of distribution of service documents behind the headings in a systematic order is indicated - the nomenclature of references. Її folded in the same way as the calendar fate, it will be introduced into the future already offensive fate.

For the formation of references, various signs, for example, nominal (punishment, protocols, are usually combined in a folder). It is also possible to zastosovuvatisya subject-nutrition (with urakhuvannya zmistu of the document - the court, the special officer on the right, then), correspondent (for the address) and others.

The maximum number of arches in one right is not due to the availability of over 250 arches. If the number of documents, which lie down to the right, is significantly larger, then a division into volumes is needed.

The term for the collection of documentation

Taxable documents

The category includes documents, which are used to raise funds, payment of taxes. Acts, checks, receipts, invoices, payments for the payment of taxes lie before them. Zgidno Tax Code(subclause 8, clause 1, article 23) stench pіdlyagayut zberіgannya protyag 4 rokіv. At the time of debiting the main debt for the term of trivality, the saving of documents is only due to the total recognition of the main debt for vitrates.

Accounting documentation

Rasht accounting documents in the archives carried out on a pedestal federal law"About Accounting Oblik" No. 402-ФЗ VID 06.12.2011 with arkhan legislation (the order of the Minkulturi Rosiya on 08/25/2010 N 558 "About the consentennya of the Perepovikh Archivniy, the Terms of the Sovereign, the Organizational Organization, the organized organs saving"). Trivality of saving bank and cash documents, all primary documentation, oblіkovoї politiki, dokumentіv _inventarizаtsії, accounting zvіtnostі dorіvnyuє 5 roіv. Rozrahunok the term starts from the cob of fate, which follows after the fate of the document. Ready accounting zvіtnіst can be saved gradually.

When the term for the collection of accounting documents is revealed, varto take to the respect the ymovіrnіst їhnoyї zatrebuvannosti at the time of viniknennia in the organization zbitka, which is written off for a stretch of 10 years. With this tax, the authorities can re-verify for the remaining three years, after which the term for the collection of documentation, which is recommended, grows up to 13 years.

HR documentation

The storage of personnel documents to the archive is subject to archival legislation. For the past 75 years, the collection of documents has been taken, at which the bills of the people of the community, social payments (attestation visnovki, special certificates, cards, labor contracts and others) have been fixed. For a period of 5 years, the tables of the appearance of the working hour, documentation about the winding up and in.

Stages of preparation of documents in front of buildings at the archive

1) Examination of practical and scientific value of documentation

This visit is carried out by a specially created committee, until representatives of the accounting, personnel service and archivist enter. The head of the committee members is to inspect the documents, at the hour of which it is necessary to separate the documentation for three categories:

  • For transfer to archive. To the archives, documents are filed from a special warehouse, post-time and time savings with the term for 10 years.
  • For saving from structural subdivisions of the company. Storage of documents in the archives of the organization, transferring the revealed documents with a timely term, saving less than 10 years.
  • For the underdog.

In the course of a leafy look around, there are signs of shortcomings, which are puffed up to usunennia. Then the protocols are drawn up, in which the inventories of savings and savings are confirmed. For the periodicity of the meeting of the committee, there are no specially discussed terms, the best option is randomly.

2) Registration of archival references.

Under the design of the right, the robots from their appearance, the numbering of the arches, as well as the folding of the original writing with the internal description of the documentation are shown. For registration of references to the timing of the collection of victories, a simplified scheme is used (verification of visibility, early systematization, transfer to archives). Numbering and filing is not needed. For the information of the late, timchasovy (over 10 years) collection and special warehouse of obov'yazkovo, it is necessary to go through the following procedures, such as filing, palette, numbering, registration of the details of the title page. For especially valuable certificates (among them - special, ship's ones), the warehouse of internal descriptions is transferred.

As the top sheet is to blame for the first document in the rotation. The leather arch is numbered in black graphite olive from 1 to 250 at the upper right part of the document on the front side. Arkush-verifiers have two-day sides and defects (tearing, sticking and other).

3) Work with a description of the documents of the permanent and long-term savings.

Please come in and transfer the internal description of the documents, please, for which the index is fixed, please refer to the numbers and archiving documents, and the heading. Fill in the description can be done right on the cob. They gave us the line of the firmware, the palettes and the design of the lining, in which case the name of the organization was assigned, the letter was added, the number of the volume, the title, the date of the pledge, the date of closing, please. Ready to help to be brought in to the inventory, folded on the skin for the appearance of the right okremo (special warehouse, post- and time-of-hours savings) for at least three primaries. One copy of the description is transferred for collection to the structural subdivision for confirmation of the assignment to the archive.

4) Safety of their safety.

Until the moment of transfer to the archive, the preparation of certificates is collected by specialists of the business management service of the organization itself, as they bear responsibility for them. For their safety, the closeness of the closet is needed, which will flicker, as they do not allow the light and the saw to fall on the documentation. Raztashuvannya zdijsnyuєtsya on the basis of the nomenclature of rp, as roztashovuetsya on the inside of the shafi.

The opportunity of the timchas' victoria is being transferred, for which the need to let the head of the water department. A certified copy of the document is taken from the right, the reason for seeing the original is fixed.

5) Direct transfer of documentation to the archive

With the method of optimizing the process, the documents are transferred to the archive on the back of the schedule, compiled by the archival system, will be approved by the structural letter of the structural subdivision, which is to carry out the delivery of documents, will be confirmed by the organization's certificate.

Transfer of documentation warehouse descriptions. Before the obov'yazkіv spіvrobіtnik arіvіv vіd vіrka vіrіkі vіrkoї formirovanі sprіvvannya prіznіzії, pіdpovіdnosti іlkostі іlkoї і іn given opisі, nomenklаtіriі іr organіzatsії. In case of revealed shortcomings of their adoption, go through with the help of the spivrobitniks of the organization’s management service.

The spivrobitnik of the archive accepts the skin on the right, moreover, on two examples of the description, a sign is placed about the presence of the right. After the letters of reference, the description of the number of documents accepted to the archive for the fact of the certificate, the number of the day certificates, the date of acceptance and transfer, the signature of the archive and the organization.

The nuances of the procedure for reducing documents

Utilization of documentation for the hourly term of saving up to 10 years per wash and the end of the designated period. Substantiated for the investigation is the decision of the expert committee, as recorded in the protocol. The introduction of documents, which require disposal, is required in a special form - the Act on the review of documents before the reduction, which does not require saving. The new one has such graphs, like indexes, headings of references, terms of savings and extreme dates.

To the archives of the organization are transferred all the certificates of the late, timchasovogo (more than 10 years) collection and for a special warehouse. The transfer of certificates is carried out only for descriptions and, moreover, to the folded head of the archive of graphics, prepared by the structural engineers and the hardened organization papers. At the same time, from the right to the archive, the registration and control files of the business management service are transferred. The heading of the skin card file may include inclusions before the description.

Celebrate timchasovogo (up to 10 years) the collection of archives of the organization, call, not transmitted.

Praising the right, the archivist of the archive is relatively looking at the skin on the right with the description, reviewing the correctness of the molding and registration of the right. The head of the archive shall be signed at the receipt of references on all examples of river distributions, specifying the date of receipt and the number of accepted references. One copy of the river descriptions of the descriptions is turned over to the task, the others are left in the archives.

When building certificates in the state, the organization presents the savings to the state archive:

Putting on the name of the archive of the state archive from the designated names of the organization, the total number of references and the last dates of the documents;

Descriptions from three accomplices, confirmed by the EPC of the archival file;

Historical fine-tuning of the organization, as if rightly, the state is given the opportunity to save in the future;

Dovіdku about the lack of security of documents (be sure to do it right).

Let's do it encrypted. Encryption includes an insert on the obkladinci, check the numbers of the fund, the number of the inventory, the numbers and check.

Animals with descriptions and encrypted blueprints are linked in archived links. The storage of information is formalized by an act. Organization-delivery and state archives are signed on all examples of descriptions and act of delivery of documents.

Two examples of the description and one example of the act are kept from the state archives, the third one of the description and the other example of the act are turned over to the organizations and are saved gradually from the conduct of the service.

Archival collection of documents in electronic form

The peculiarity of electronic storage is related to the directing of documents to the electronic archive after the completion of work with them in business management. This allows you to secure the preservation of documents, their centralized storage, quick search and distribution of access to documents, both for the help of local security, and (for consumption) for remote access (by telephone and via the Internet).

The database of documents about documents is formed at the registration process.

The terms of saving documents do not lie in the form of their basis - paper or electronic - they are, as already mentioned above, special documents - translations of documents from the designated terms of saving (typically that guide). In addition, the skin organization has a nomenclature of references. It will also be entered to the computer and in an independent table at the database of documents of the organization.

Savings terms, deposited in the nomenclature of references, allow, when choosing in the registration card of the document, the number of references, in order to place the document, automatically assign the same savings term and initiate the transfer and copying of the document to the archive.

After the completion of the important fate, sorting out on the right of all data bases about documents, establish what was formed by the fate of the registration process of documents. Data about the documents of the organization for the last few years will be collected for the compilation of the description of all documents grouped on the right. Use the middle to complete the documents and sort them out in order of need (more importantly in chronological order). For the reference of a post-line and double-line saving, such a list of documents, refer to the list of documents, look at the internal description and add it to the cob.

Archiving rules transfer storage description of rights postіynogo and long-term savings. The presence of an automated system makes it possible to store document descriptions, impossible earlier for traditional paper technology through their labor. Such descriptions are significantly easier and quicker to search for the necessary documents in the archives, to secure their appearance and security.

At the time of the transfer of documents in the state, the preservation of the archival authorities on the basis of documentary descriptions can easily be formed in the description of the inventory on the basis of a long-term and long-term collection.

In these articles, the process of transferring rights to the archive of undertaking is reportedly discussed. First of all, just two things: if you need to prepare documents, then for some time.

Which categories of documents are transferred to the archive

As a rule, in the archives of the company, a document is transferred from permanent savings, as well as from the term savings over 10 years. For the rest, then go ahead about the documents from a special warehouse.

Keep in mind the term of saving less than 10 years, the sounds are not transferred to the archive, but are left in the subdivisions, they were started, until the moment when the term of their saving ends, and there is a practical need for them in the fall. However, in some situations, such documents can be transferred to the archives for ceremonial solutions, for example, as there is no space for them to save. After the completion of the savings, it is possible, as the timing of the savings may be.

Check for the period of sending transfers to the archive

Before the rules, the documents must be filed in the archives no later than three years later, after the completion of their business. Tobto, the transfer to the archive can be framed by Navit through river. Prote such a rush is not always rational, the shards of prominent new documents can still become a godsend for in-line business development. Tom happened to work zayvі diї for the request of such documents from the archive.

Schedule for receiving and transferring

Chinni vomogi svіdchat, scho handed over to the archive vіdpovіdno to schedule. The schedule can be folded in a certain form, and in a new way, but I can understand, some kind of structural subdivision (or name a specific vikonavtsy) and in a similar term, the transfer of documentation to the archive is carried out.

It is not necessary to indicate a specific date for the receipt and transfer of documents, it is better to give a broader period of time, for example, a whole month. And you can see that it is installed for the reception and transmission of information in the archives, the date will be an emergency, and for the obviousness of the expansion of terms, you take away the sing hour space for carrying out maneuvers.

The schedule is to be formed by a clerk, responsible for the archives, and the weather is to be carried out by the clerks of the subdivisions, so that they can transfer their documents. After that schedule may be approved by the organization's certifier. It is also allowed that the schedule has been confirmed by the certifier of the business management service, which is ordered and archived.

The procedure for transferring rights to the archive

The result is right, how to choose for receiving-transmission, and then turn it on in the installed form of the sender (just let us induce three times later).

It seems simpler, at the nomenclature of the right, they may have appointed the right, which may be permanent and the terms of the savings (including the right from the special warehouse), after which, before the schedule, enter the information about the terms of the transfer of documentation to the archive, as well as the participants in the process. The schedule is folded behind the advancing fate.

In the process of preparation of information before archiving, there is a sense of asking the vikonavtsiv, chi є in the process of preparation of the right to the categories themselves. Shards of a stretch of rock could have been established, about the existence of business services (there is no such thing in the nomenclature). Please do the same, but are included to the description.

As soon as it is shown that it is the other day on the right, then the office of business management may ask for an opinion about the causes of such a situation.

Call the process of preparation of documents before archiving the structural updates of the enterprise at once for control over the correctness of their execution. It costs not only to consult, as they prepare before being transferred to the archives, but it is also quiet, as if you are still in the flow of business. As a result, a large number of references have accumulated, they are reconsidered arbitrarily, in order to take the evidence from the vibrator out of the fact that the businessmanship of that person is competently developed. If necessary, the fakhivets archive can advise colleagues of its recommendations on how to adopt pardons and improve the design.

After that, as the documents are already in the building in the archives, they will create a scientific and technical processing, as well as including their firmware in a hard lining. Call in parallel to carry out reformulation, after which you can do it again and again up to the normative vimog. Tse to fight with the times, as in the current business management, pardons were allowed, according to the rules.

Normative measures are available for review, prote fakhivtsі different pіdrozdіlіv podpriєmstva zavchichay pripuskayutsya rich pardons when issuing certificates. That obrobnik has to go through everything to remake. In such situations, it is easier for any spy to work out everything anew, to the normative standards, and to correct it correctly.

At zv'yazku z tsim at the process of preparation of information before archiving to the most important managers of spivrobitnikov vіddіlіv є reverification of the entire fermentation. There are no necessities for reworking the lining, especially since it was correctly drawn up at the time of opening. Enough to reconsider, so that the lining of the right misplaced all the necessary information, at times it will be necessary to add її. It is necessary for it to be hidden from the process of processing and firmware, as well as for the helpers, how to carry out this operation, it was easier to sort through all the documents.

After the inclusion of all references from the permanent and long-term savings to the depository description, the documents must be transferred to the archive before they are accepted. You can find out about the basic information in the next publication, and there you will also find an example and the order of completing this description. If it has been transcribed to the archive, please refer to the term saving up to 10 years, their transfer can be saved without compiling descriptions. Appearance to this particular type You can follow the nomenclature of references.

In order to organize the preservation of the great obligation of documents, archives are created in the organizations - an independent structural support, which ensures the preservation of documents in trivalent terms of the collection.

In order to organize the preservation of the great obligation of documents, archives are created in the organizations - an independent structural support, which ensures the preservation of documents in trivial terms of the collection.

If so, check that the term can be saved over 10 years, they are transferred to the archive not earlier, lower through river, and not later than three years after their completion. Documents of the time period of saving (up to 10 years) are not transferred to the archive and are saved from structural subdivisions, from which stench was created.

Before transferring the documents to the archives, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the value of the documents.

Examination of the value of documents

Examination of the value of documents (ECD)– document collection on the basis of criteria of their value for the definition of terms for the collection of documents*.

For the organization and holding of the EDC, a constantly working expert commission (EC) is established. The great organizations, the EC Crimea, have central expert commissions (CEC). The stench is giving methodical support to the EC in robots.

The main functions of the EK є:

  • organization of a screening selection of rights for saving that income;
  • a review of the weather projects of the nomenclature of the organization’s information, description of the information of the timely and timely (over 10 years) savings, including for a special warehouse, assets for seeing to the reduction of rights that do not take savings;
  • preparation of proposals about changing the terms of the collection of documents that are not transferred by reprints, and about changing the terms of the selection of other categories of documents inserted by reprints;
  • participation in the preparation and review of projects of normative and methodical documents with the supply of documents in the organization;
  • methodically working with robots in the field of documentary security and archival fund organization.

Tsі komіsії can spіvpratsyuvati z ekspert-reversing commissions (EPK) archiving establish, until the document will be transferred to the organization. Such a spіvpratsya є obov'yazkovoy, as an organization є zherelom komplektuvannya Archivny fund of the Russian Federation. The warehouse of the EC includes 35 of the most qualified practitioners in the organization and shoe language - a person who is responsible for the archives.

The head of the EC is one of the intercessors of the core organizations.

For a short period of time, the UDC at the structural subdivisions should be carried out:

  • collection of information about late and time (over 10 years) savings for transfer to the archive;
  • according to the time terms of savings (up to 10 years) that allow for savings from structural subdivisions;
  • seen to the point of being right for front rocks, the term for saving some of the past.

1C:Documentoobіgu has implemented the function of selection of rights for transfer to archive and for viewing of rights to reduction.

The terms of the collection of rights are assigned to the transfer of documents from the designated terms of their collection and the nomenclature of the organization's certificates.

At the time of selection of documents, special respect was given to the right to a permanent and timely (over 10 years) savings. It’s necessary to look at such a blue one sheet by sheet. Tse allow pardons to be shown, allowed for molding ref.

The results of the EDC in the organization are:

  • an inventory of the rights of the permanent savings;
  • description of timely (over 10 years) savings;
  • inventory of documents in a special warehouse;
  • Acts about seeing to the point of reduction of rights, yakі do not incur savings.

Documents in electronic form are included before independent descriptions.

The descriptions of that act are reviewed at the meetings of the EC organization at once, and are confirmed by the organization's certifier after the confirmation of the EPC archival establishment (for consumption). If any organization may have the right to underestimate the right to include up to these assets.

Before the act is included on the right, the lines of saving any of them will end before the 1st day of the year, at which the act is formed. For example, finish with the trinity term saving in 2015. can be included before the act, which will be stored no earlier than September 1, 2019. "1C: Documentation" allows you to automatically load the act from the right, the term for choosing any past. In this case, it is not possible to introduce into the act unfinished references and references, the term for saving those has not yet ended (Fig. 1).

The act of seeing for the reduction of rights is automatically generated from those for the reduction of rights according to the form established by the Rules for the collection.

Check that the money is being transferred to recycling (utilization). The transfer of certificates is drawn up on a building bill of lading, in which the date of transfer, the number of certificates that are given, and the amount of paper waste paper are indicated.

Electronic help to infiltrate the enemy in the wild ambushes. When tsimu be carried out physical reduction of noses, on which stench is recorded or the reduction is carried out by software and technical methods.

Registration of certificates

Celebrate the late, timchasovogo (over 10 years) saving that for a special warehouse, it is necessary to send it to the archive for their further saving that victorious. Preparation before the transfer of such certificates to the archives is carried out by the DOP service or the secretaries of structural subdivisions. The preparation is right for that, to correctly issue them.

For issuance of certificates of bedtime, timchasovy (over 10 years) taking the following operations for a special warehouse:

  • pіdshivka or palіturka do it;
  • numbering arkushiv correct;
  • folded leaf-zavіruvacha;
  • folding, at the necessary points, internal description of documents;
  • Please refer to the design of the lining (specify the name of the organization, refer to the registration index, refer to the last dates, refer to the title).

You can not issue a time fee (up to 10 nights inclusive). Dosit correctly їх to form for manual request of documents at the time of consumption. Documents can be left with shvidkozshivachi.

Documents are attached to the front or are intertwined on the right. In front of you, you should remove all metal creaks, hairpins, violins and other items from documents so that, with a little more stench, rusting, they didn’t deprive them of the traces and didn’t damage the papyrus.

For extra bonding of all documents, the stench is intertwined with a hard lining with cardboard for 4 punctures. With every care, the text of the document, dates, and resolutions on them were read freely.

To ensure the safety of documents and fixed in the order of their rozashuvannya, all sheets (the crimson of the sheet-zaviryuvacha and the internal description) are numbered in Arabic numerals in order in the upper right fold of the sheet, let's just olive or numerator. Virgin ink and colored olives are covered, shards, with a trivial amount of stench, can spread and zip papers. The pages of the internal description of the documents in the reference are numbered okremo. If on the right it is folded into a number of volumes or parts, then the leaves are numbered according to the skin or according to the skin part of the okremo.

Even though a small number of pardons were allowed in the numbering of arches, then in the same way it is possible to use letter numbers in arches (with letters - for example, 2a, 2b, 2c). If you pardoned too much, then the old numbers will be crossed, and a new sheet number will be assigned. For example, a new witness sheet is compiled, at its old witness sheet it is confirmed, but it is taken from the certificate.

In arkusha - witnesses on the right are indicated by numbers and in words the number of arkushiv on the right. Sheet - zasvіdchuvach pіdshivaєtsya at the right or glued for the upper part of the sheet on the inner lining of the lining on the right. The form of the sheet - zasvіdchuvacha with reference to the Rules for saving **.

The internal description of the documents is stored on an okremy archway after the inserted form; Before the internal description, a sub-bag entry is added, for which the numbers, in words, the number of documents included before it, and the number of archival notes of the internal description are indicated in numbers.

It is bound on the right, or it is attached without a form of the internal description of the documents, the folds behind the inserted form of the description are glued to the inside of the front lining on the right.

Another stage in the design of the design is the design of the lining. The taxation for post-mortem, time-of-hours (over 10 years) collection and for a special warehouse is stored and processed according to the established form. Here the following is assigned:

  • naming the organization and її without intermediary subordering;
  • naming the structural subdivision;
  • check the index;
  • volume number (part);
  • right heading (tomy, parts);
  • please check the last dates (volumes, parts);
  • number of arches at the right (volumes, parts);
  • check the term of saving;
  • check the archive cipher;

If the name of the organization was changed by the end of time, then the names of the obkladins were offensive, moreover, the bows were taken for too many names, and the new ones were written under it.

“1C: Documentation” has a different form of lining on the right, the inner description of that sheet is created automatically on the presentation of information, brought up to the card on the right (Fig. 2).

Folding and registration of descriptions of documents

At the end of the business, the post-mortem, time-of-hours (over 10 years) collection and behind the special warehouse after the EDC is completed, archives are compiled.

Descriptions are folded around:

  • for the help of a post-yyny sberigannya;
  • celebrate timchasovogo (over 10 years) savings;
  • handle from a special warehouse;
  • check if there are documents that are only characteristic of the organization (ships, follow-up, scientific calls to those thinly. p.).

Preparation of electronic certificates of transmission to the archives of the organization of transmission of the compilation of the description of electronic references.

Inventories of structural documents are compiled after the established form by three clerks and are submitted to the archives of the organization through the river after completion of the documents at the business office.

The headings of references are transferred to the inventory from the approved nomenclature of references. In the description of the skin certificate, an independent serial number is assigned, with which the gross numbering for the sprat of birth is taken.

On the basis of the descriptions of the certificates of structural documents, a river distribution of the description of the organization’s certificates is compiled, the preparation of which is entrusted to the archives of the organization. The river has divided the star description of the information about the post-mortem savings, which is compiled by some accomplices for the established form. The river gave a star description of the timing of the time (over 10 years) saving each other from two accomplices. The descriptions are praised on the back of the EC organizations, and they are confirmed by the її kerіvnik.

For example, the description is to be robbed of a subbag entry, in which numbers and letters indicate the number of references, the first and remaining number of references from the description of references, and to indicate the presence of letter and omission numbers in the numbering of references to the inventory.

Зведений опис вважається закінченим, якщо кількість заголовків справ кількох або одного річного розділу досягла 1000. В організаціях з невеликим обсягом справ постійного зберігання, що щороку утворюються (до 200 справ), опис вважається закінченим, якщо до нього включені річні розділи зведених описів справ постійного зберігання for 5 years. .

The finished skin description is given a number. Call out the description of the help of the permanent savings May No. 1, check the term of the savings of 10 years and more - No. 2, check the special warehouse - No. 3 with the addition of the letter index "l / s".

Inventories of references are automatically compiled from references, which are accepted for transfer to the archive, according to the form established by the Rules (Fig. 3).

The terms for the collection of electronic and paper documents are identical.

Systematization at the right hand side of documents, like the original on a paper nose, is appropriately up to the nomenclature on the right side of the organization with a way to put down the first sign in the document’s outline card.

Systematization at the right of the printed electronic documents (which may be the original on a paper nose) is not carried out.

Internal documents are saved from the structuring folder system of the "Internal Documents" folder in "1C: Documentation 8", so as to serve for organizing documents and providing access to them. The folder structure is inspired by the types of documents (“Instruction”, “Order”, etc.).

The procedure for transferring documents to the archive of the organization

Celebrate that timely savings for over 10 years and that documents from a special warehouse are transferred to the archives of the organization no earlier than later through the river and not later than three years after the completion of business.

Electronic documents can be saved from 1C:Documentoobigu permanently. The need to view electronic documents from "1C: Documentation" is determined by the hour of the scrutiny of the value of documents.

on topics and articles: і .

* GOST R 7.0.8-2013. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Dilovodstvo is archived on the right. Terms of appointment (approved by order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st).

** Forms of all documents, placed in this division, are established in the "Rules for organizing the collection, compilation, appearance and selection of documents in the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in the bodies state power, organizations of self-regulation and organization», , approved by the order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526 (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 7, 2015 No. 38830)

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