Subsidiary Code Article 47. The Arbitration Court of a far-flung district. Information about changes

Official text:

Article 47

1. In the case referred to in paragraph 7 of article 46 of the Code, the tax authority may collect a tax for the account of the lane, including for the account of the preparation of the cost of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income in between the payment of the amount a tribute, that s urahuvannyam sums, which are vikonano vydpovidno up to Article 46 of the Code.

Стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця провадиться за рішенням керівника (заступника керівника) податкового органу шляхом направлення на паперовому носії або в електронній формі протягом трьох днів з моменту винесення такого рішення відповідної ухвали судовому приставу-виконавцю виконання in order, forwarded federal law About vikonavche provadzhennya, with the improvement of features, transferring this article.

The decision on the contraction of a tax with the additional lane of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization of an individual income is accepted by the end of the year after the end of the term for the payment of the tax. The decision about the contraction of a tax for the tax payer's lane (tax agent) - the organization of an individual admission, accepted after the end of the designated line, is considered to be non-due and does not apply. In this case, the tax authority can be brought before the court with a statement about the collection of taxes from the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income, which lie down until the payment of the tax. The application can be filed before the court for two years from the day of completion of the line of vykonannya vimogi about the payment of the tax. Omissions for important reasons, the term of filing an application may be updated by the court.

2. Decree on the contraction of a tax for the rent of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income may be revenged:

1) a nickname, im'ya, according to the father's landowner, that name of the tax authority, having seen the appointed decree;

2) the date of acceptance and the number of the decision of the certifier (protector of the clerk) of the tax authority on the collection of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer or the tax agent;

3) найменування та адресу платника податків-організації або податкового агента - організації або прізвище, ім'я, по батькові, паспортні дані, адресу постійного місця проживання платника податків - індивідуального підприємця або податкового агента - індивідуального підприємця, на чиє майно звертається стягнення;

4) the operative part of the decision of the kerivnik (protector of the kerivnik) to the tax authority on the contraction of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization or individual income;

5) by spending chivalry. - Federal Law of 29.06.2012 N 97-FZ;

6) the date of seeing the appointment was praised.

3. The ruling on the contraction of a tribute is signed by a clerk (protector of a clerk) of the tax authority and is certified by the official seal of the tax authority.

4. Vykonavchі dії dіії dії vykonnі vchinenі i vymogy, scho scho stjatsya vuvali, vikonanі by the bailiff-vikonavtsy at two-month-old lines from the day of the due date before her appointment was praised.

5. Collecting a tax with the help of a payer of taxes (tax agent) lane - organizing an individual business to be carried out sequentially:

1) prepared koshtіv and koshtіv at the banks, on the yakі it was not brute forcefully tightened up to Article 46 of the Code;

2) lane, as I do not take part directly in the production of products (goods), the creation of valuable papers, currency values, non-commercial uses, passenger vehicles, objects in the design of service uses;

3) finished products (goods), as well as other material values, which do not take part and (or) are not recognized for direct participation in the production;

4) sirovini and materials, recognized for direct participation in the production, as well as versativ, obladnannya, budivel, sporud and other main zabiv;

5) lane, transferred by contract from the Volodin, from coristuvannya chi order to other persons without transferring to them the right of power to ce mine, so that for the security of vikonanny obov'yazku you should pay a tax, so agree on a rozirvani or recognition of the weekly in the prescribed manner;

6) another lane, with a vinnyatka recognized for a special special courtship by an individual entrepreneur or members of this family, which is recognized legally before legislation Russian Federation.

5.1. A contraction of a tax, which is a payment by a participant in an investment partnership agreement - a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade for a taxable partnership organization, which blames the participation of this comrade at the agreement on investment partnership), to go for the account of the sleeping lane of comrades.

For insufficiency and insufficiency of the sleeping lane of the comrades, it is necessary to go through the rack of the lane of the ker_vnik_v of the comrades. At the same time, we are drawn to the mayo steward of a comrade, who is responsible for the administration of a taxable form.

In times of deficiency and insufficiency, the lane of the keruyuchih comrades is contracted on the mine of the comrade in proportion to the proportion of their skin sleepy lane comrade, yak is marked on the date of vindication of the fence.

6. У разі стягнення податку за рахунок майна, що не є грошовими коштами, платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця обов'язок зі сплати податку вважається виконаним з моменту реалізації майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця that repayment of the collection of the tax agent) - the organization or individual admission for the amount of money received.

7. Посадові особи податкових органів (митних органів) не мають права купувати майно платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця, що реалізується в порядку виконання рішення про стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця .

8. Regulations, transferring this article, also apply for different penalties for untimely payment of taxes, as well as fines for violations, transferring the Code.

9. The provisions of this statute are also enforced at the time of contracting the fee for the account of the payer to the tax - organizing or individual admission.

10. Regulations, transferred to this article, should also be enforced in case of taxation by the law enforcement bodies of the regulation, established by the current legislation of the Mitny Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on the right.

11. The provisions of the statute are to be stagnated in case of contracted tax on the income of organizations by consolidating the group of payers in taxes, on the basis of penalties and fines for the account of the participants of the tax group with the improvement of such features:

1) tax collection for the account of the participant of the consolidated group of payers, and taxes for the payment of income for the preparation of expenses and expenses at the banks of the eligible participant of this group, for example, there was no aggravated payment of income up to article 46 of this Code;

2) при недостатності (відсутності) у відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів та коштів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться в інших учасників цієї групи за рахунок готівкових коштів та коштів у банках , on the yakі it was not brute forcefully tightened up to Article 46 of the Code;

3) при недостатності (відсутності) в учасників консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів та коштів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна відповідального учасника цієї групи у послідовності, встановленій підпунктами 2 - 6 point 5 tsієї statti;

4) при недостатності майна відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків для виконання обов'язку зі сплати податку на прибуток організацій по консолідованій групі платників податків, відповідних пені та штрафів стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна інших учасників цієї групи в послідовності, встановленої підпун6 статті.

1. In the case referred to in paragraph 7 of article 46 of the Code, the tax authority may collect a tax for the account of the lane, including for the account of the preparation of the cost of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income in between the payment of the amount a tribute, that s urahuvannyam sums, which are vikonano vydpovidno up to Article 46 of the Code.

Стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця провадиться за рішенням керівника (заступника керівника) податкового органу шляхом направлення на паперовому носії або в електронній формі протягом трьох днів з моменту винесення такого рішення відповідної ухвали судовому приставу-виконавцю виконання at the order transferred by the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provodzhennya", with the improvement of the features transferred to this article.

The decision on the contraction of a tax with the additional lane of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization of an individual income is accepted by the end of the year after the end of the term for the payment of the tax. The decision about the contraction of a tax for the tax payer's lane (tax agent) - the organization of an individual admission, accepted after the end of the designated line, is considered to be non-due and does not apply. In this case, the tax authority can be brought before the court with a statement about the collection of taxes from the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income, which lie down until the payment of the tax. The application can be filed before the court for two years from the day of completion of the line of vykonannya vimogi about the payment of the tax. Omissions for important reasons, the term of filing an application may be updated by the court.

2. Decree on the contraction of a tax for the rent of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income may be revenged:

1) a nickname, im'ya, according to the father's landowner, that name of the tax authority, having seen the appointed decree;

2) the date of acceptance and the number of the decision of the certifier (protector of the clerk) of the tax authority on the collection of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer or the tax agent;

3) найменування та адресу платника податків-організації або податкового агента - організації або прізвище, ім'я, по батькові, паспортні дані, адресу постійного місця проживання платника податків - індивідуального підприємця або податкового агента - індивідуального підприємця, на чиє майно звертається стягнення;

4) the operative part of the decision of the kerivnik (protector of the kerivnik) to the tax authority on the contraction of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization or individual income;

5) by spending chivalry. - Federal Law of 29.06.2012 N 97-FZ;

6) the date of seeing the appointment was praised.

3. The ruling on the contraction of a tribute is signed by a clerk (protector of a clerk) of the tax authority and is certified by the official seal of the tax authority.

4. Vykonavchі dії dіії dії vykonnі vchinenі i vymogy, scho scho stjatsya vuvali, vikonanі by the bailiff-vikonavtsy at two-month-old lines from the day of the due date before her appointment was praised.

5. Collecting a tax with the help of a payer of taxes (tax agent) lane - organizing an individual business to be carried out sequentially:

1) ready-made coins, penny coins and expensive metals in cans, on which there was no strict contraction in accordance with Article 46 of the Code;

2) lane, as I do not take part directly in the production of products (goods), the creation of valuable papers, currency values, non-commercial uses, passenger vehicles, objects in the design of service uses;

3) finished products (goods), as well as other material values, which do not take part and (or) are not recognized for direct participation in the production;

4) sirovini and materials, recognized for direct participation in the production, as well as versativ, obladnannya, budivel, sporud and other main zabiv;

5) lane, transferred by contract from the Volodin, from coristuvannya chi order to other persons without transferring to them the right of power to ce mine, so that for the security of vikonanny obov'yazku you should pay a tax, so agree on a rozirvani or recognition of the weekly in the prescribed manner;

6) another lane, the crime is recognized for the universal special coristuvannya by an individual entrepreneur and members of this family, which is recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1. A contraction of a tax, which is a payment by a participant in an investment partnership agreement - a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade for a taxable partnership organization, which blames the participation of this comrade at the agreement on investment partnership), to go for the account of the sleeping lane of comrades.

For insufficiency and insufficiency of the sleeping lane of the comrades, it is necessary to go through the rack of the lane of the ker_vnik_v of the comrades. At the same time, we are drawn to the mayo steward of a comrade, who is responsible for the administration of a taxable form.

In times of insufficiency, the lane of the keruyuchih comrades is contracted on the mine comradeship in proportion to the part of the skin of them in the common lane of the comrades, which is indicated on the date of the vindication of the comradeship.

6. At the time of the taxation of the tribute for the rahunok of the lane, if not with penny coins (expensive metals, for the contraction of the tax, the tax is charged according to article 46 of the Code), the payer of taxes (the tax agent) - the organization vykonim from the moment of contracting the tax on the implementation of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt and the repayment of the collection of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt for the money received.

7. Посадові особи податкових органів (митних органів) не мають права купувати майно платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця, що реалізується в порядку виконання рішення про стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця .

8. Regulations, transferring the article, to be also charged with different penalties for untimely payment of taxes, insurance premiums, as well as fines for violations, transferring the Code.

9. The provisions of the Articles of State are also statutorily enforced at the time of contracting the fee (insurance payments) for the account of the payer's payer's fee (the payer of insurance payments) - organization or individual income.

10. Regulations, transferred to this article, should also be enforced in case of taxation by the law enforcement bodies of the regulation, established by the current legislation of the Mitny Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on the right.

11. The provisions of the statute are to be stagnated in case of contracted tax on the income of organizations by consolidating the group of payers in taxes, on the basis of penalties and fines for the account of the participants of the tax group with the improvement of such features:

1) collecting a tax for the account of a participant in a consolidated group of payers, in taxes for us to pay for the account of manufacturing costs, pennies and expensive metals at the banks of a major participant of the group, for which there was no statutory income;

2) при недостатності (відсутності) у відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів, грошових коштів та дорогоцінних металів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться в інших учасників цієї групи за рахунок грошових коштів , koshtіv and expensive metals in jars, on yakі it was not brute forcefully tightened up to Article 46 of the Code;

3) при недостатності (відсутності) в учасників консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів, грошових коштів та дорогоцінних металів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна відповідального учасника цієї групи послідовності, inserted by subparagraphs 2 - 6 of paragraph 5 of the article;

4) при недостатності майна відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків для виконання обов'язку зі сплати податку на прибуток організацій по консолідованій групі платників податків, відповідних пені та штрафів стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна інших учасників цієї групи в послідовності, встановленої підпун6 статті.

При недостатності або відсутності коштів (дорогоцінних металів) на рахунках платника податків (платника зборів, платника страхових внесків) – організації, індивідуального підприємця або податкового агента – організації, індивідуального підприємця, особових рахунках організації, або його електронних коштів або відсутності інформації про рахунки та ( abo) about corporate requisites electronic security payment of the rest, the tax authority accepts a decision on the collection of a tax, collection, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, fees for the tax payer’s tax payer, tax payer, tax agent, bank) from Article 47 of the Code. The decision about the contraction for the rahunok of the lane is formed in one example for the form, approved by the order of the FNP of Russia, dated 13.02.2017 No. ММВ-7-8 / [email protected], that is taken from the taxable body. A copy of the decision on contracting for the account of the lane is brought to the payer of taxes (payer of fees, payer of insurance premiums) or the tax agent.

Decisions on the taxation of the payment of the lane, which are accepted by the tax authorities in case of non-conforming fees for the payment of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, extra charges (they are also fees for payment of taxes), taxes paid to the payer for the results of tax reconciliations and non-existent payments to the tax authority for the debiting and resending of the sums of obov'yazykovyh payments to the budgetary system of the Russian Federation and the retransfer of electronic money, or it is applicable up to paragraph 23 of article 176.1, paragraph 19 of article 203.1 or paragraph 13 of article 204 of the Code, are formed okremo.

At the same time, the debtor has the right to restructure the collection of fees from taxes, fees, insurance premiums and surcharges and fines, the payment of lines, the linework, the agreement on the investment tax credit, the sums of these were drawn up by the court bailiff-vicon, the tax authority made an early decision on the decision about the contraction for the tax of the second lane of the payer of taxes and in response to the praise of the senior structural subdivision of the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia.

Vidpovly, to paragraph 11 of Statt 47 Code of the Club for the erthum of the Organiza Za KDN, Vidpovіdny Peni Tu for the Rakhuka Main Group, Nasamps for Rakhuka Main Vidpovidal Participation, and for the lack of participant (vidsutnosti) in other participants in the group.

For any decision about the contraction of the rahunki, the borzhnik's lane is accepted in accordance with article 47 of the Code of the okremo dermal participant of the KDN.

Tax Code of the Russian Federation Article 47

(Div. text at the front edition)

1. In the case referred to in paragraph 7 of article 46 of the Code, the tax authority may collect a tax for the account of the lane, including for the account of the preparation of the cost of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income in between the payment of the amount a tribute, that s urahuvannyam sums, which are vikonano vydpovidno up to Article 46 of the Code.

Стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця провадиться за рішенням керівника (заступника керівника) податкового органу шляхом направлення на паперовому носії або в електронній формі протягом трьох днів з моменту винесення такого рішення відповідної ухвали судовому приставу-виконавцю виконання at the order transferred by the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provodzhennya", with the improvement of the features transferred to this article.

(Div. text at the front edition)

The decision on the contraction of a tax with the additional lane of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization of an individual income is accepted by the end of the year after the end of the term for the payment of the tax. The decision about the contraction of a tax for the tax payer's lane (tax agent) - the organization of an individual admission, accepted after the end of the designated line, is considered to be non-due and does not apply. In this case, the tax authority can be brought before the court with a statement about the collection of taxes from the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income, which lie down until the payment of the tax. The application can be filed before the court for two years from the day of completion of the line of vykonannya vimogi about the payment of the tax. Omissions for important reasons, the term of filing an application may be updated by the court.

(Div. text at the front edition)

2. Decree on the contraction of a tax for the rent of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization of an individual enterprise may be revenged:

1) a nickname, im'ya, according to the father's landowner, that name of the tax authority, having seen the appointed decree;

2) the date of acceptance and the number of the decision of the certifier (protector of the clerk) of the tax authority on the collection of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer or the tax agent;

(Div. text at the front edition)

3) найменування та адресу платника податків-організації або податкового агента - організації або прізвище, ім'я, по батькові, паспортні дані, адресу постійного місця проживання платника податків - індивідуального підприємця або податкового агента - індивідуального підприємця, на чиє майно звертається стягнення;

4) the operative part of the decision of the kerivnik (protector of the kerivnik) to the tax authority on the contraction of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization or individual income;

(Div. text at the front edition)

(Div. text at the front edition)

6) the date of seeing the appointment was praised.

3. The ruling on the contraction of a tribute is signed by a clerk (protector of a clerk) of the tax authority and is certified by the official seal of the tax authority.

(Div. text at the front edition)

4. Vykonavchі dії dіії dії vykonnі vchinenі i vymogy, scho scho stjatsya vuvali, vikonanі by the bailiff-vikonavtsy at two-month-old lines from the day of the due date before her appointment was praised.

5. Collecting a tax with the help of a payer of taxes (tax agent) lane - organizing an individual business to be carried out sequentially:

1) ready-made coins, penny coins and expensive metals in cans, on which there was no strict contraction in accordance with Article 46 of the Code;

(Div. text at the front edition)

2) lane, as I do not take part directly in the production of products (goods), the creation of valuable papers, currency values, non-commercial uses, passenger vehicles, objects in the design of service uses;

3) finished products (goods), as well as other material values, which do not take part and (or) are not recognized for direct participation in the production;

4) sirovini and materials, recognized for direct participation in the production, as well as versativ, obladnannya, budivel, sporud and other main zabiv;

5) lane, transferred by contract from the Volodin, from coristuvannya chi order to other persons without transferring to them the right of power to ce mine, so that for the security of vikonanny obov'yazku you should pay a tax, so agree on a rozirvani or recognition of the weekly in the prescribed manner;

6) another lane, the crime is recognized for the universal special coristuvannya by an individual entrepreneur and members of this family, which is recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.1. A contraction of a tax, which is a payment by a participant in an investment partnership agreement - a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade for a taxable partnership organization, which blames the participation of this comrade at the agreement on investment partnership), to go for the account of the sleeping lane of comrades.

For insufficiency and insufficiency of the sleeping lane of the comrades, it is necessary to go through the rack of the lane of the ker_vnik_v of the comrades. At the same time, we are drawn to the mayo steward of a comrade, who is responsible for the administration of a taxable form.

In times of insufficiency, the lane of the keruyuchih comrades is contracted on the mine comradeship in proportion to the part of the skin of them in the common lane of the comrades, which is indicated on the date of the vindication of the comradeship.

6. At the time of the taxation of the tribute for the rahunok of the lane, if not with penny coins (expensive metals, for the contraction of the tax, the tax is charged according to article 46 of the Code), the payer of taxes (the tax agent) - the organization vykonim from the moment of contracting the tax on the implementation of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt and the repayment of the collection of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt for the money received.

(Div. text at the front edition)

7. Посадові особи податкових органів (митних органів) не мають права купувати майно платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця, що реалізується в порядку виконання рішення про стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця .

8. Regulations, transferring the article, to be also charged with different penalties for untimely payment of taxes, insurance premiums, as well as fines for violations, transferring the Code.

(Div. text at the front edition)

9. The provisions of the Articles of State are also statutorily enforced at the time of contracting the fee (insurance payments) for the account of the payer's payer's fee (the payer of insurance payments) - organization or individual income.

(Div. text at the front edition)

10. Regulations, transferred to this article, should also be enforced in case of taxation by the law enforcement bodies of the regulation, established by the current legislation of the Mitny Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on the right.

(Div. text at the front edition)

11. The provisions of the statute are to be stagnated in case of contracted tax on the income of organizations by consolidating the group of payers in taxes, on the basis of penalties and fines for the account of the participants of the tax group with the improvement of such features:

1) collecting a tax for the account of a participant in a consolidated group of payers, in taxes we are going to pay for the account of cooking costs, pennies and expensive metals at the banks of an

Article 47

1. In the case referred to in paragraph 7 of article 46 of the Code, the tax authority may collect a tax for the account of the lane, including for the account of the preparation of the cost of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income in between the payment of the amount a tribute, that s urahuvannyam sums, which are vikonano vydpovidno up to Article 46 of the Code.

Стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця провадиться за рішенням керівника (заступника керівника) податкового органу шляхом направлення на паперовому носії або в електронній формі протягом трьох днів з моменту винесення такого рішення відповідної ухвали судовому приставу-виконавцю виконання at the order transferred by the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provodzhennya", with the improvement of the features transferred to this article.

The decision on the contraction of a tax with the additional lane of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization of an individual income is accepted by the end of the year after the end of the term for the payment of the tax. The decision about the contraction of a tax for the tax payer's lane (tax agent) - the organization of an individual admission, accepted after the end of the designated line, is considered to be non-due and does not apply. In this case, the tax authority can be brought before the court with a statement about the collection of taxes from the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income, which lie down until the payment of the tax. The application can be filed before the court for two years from the day of completion of the line of vykonannya vimogi about the payment of the tax. Omissions for important reasons, the term of filing an application may be updated by the court.

2. Decree on the contraction of a tax for the rent of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual income may be revenged:

1) a nickname, im'ya, according to the father's landowner, that name of the tax authority, having seen the appointed decree;

2) the date of acceptance and the number of the decision of the certifier (protector of the clerk) of the tax authority on the collection of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer or the tax agent;

3) найменування та адресу платника податків-організації або податкового агента - організації або прізвище, ім'я, по батькові, паспортні дані, адресу постійного місця проживання платника податків - індивідуального підприємця або податкового агента - індивідуального підприємця, на чиє майно звертається стягнення;

4) the operative part of the decision of the kerivnik (protector of the kerivnik) to the tax authority on the contraction of the tax for the account of the payer of the tax payer (tributary agent) - the organization or individual income;

6) the date of seeing the appointment was praised.

3. The ruling on the contraction of a tribute is signed by a clerk (protector of a clerk) of the tax authority and is certified by the official seal of the tax authority.

4. Vykonavchі dії dіії dії vykonnі vchinenі i vymogy, scho scho stjatsya vuvali, vikonanі by the bailiff-vikonavtsy at two-month-old lines from the day of the due date before her appointment was praised.

5. Collecting a tax with the help of a payer of taxes (tax agent) lane - organizing an individual business to be carried out sequentially:

1) ready-made coins, penny coins and expensive metals in cans, on which there was no strict contraction in accordance with Article 46 of the Code;

2) lane, as I do not take part directly in the production of products (goods), the creation of valuable papers, currency values, non-commercial uses, passenger vehicles, objects in the design of service uses;

3) finished products (goods), as well as other material values, which do not take part and (or) are not recognized for direct participation in the production;

4) sirovini and materials, recognized for direct participation in the production, as well as versativ, obladnannya, budivel, sporud and other main zabiv;

5) lane, transferred by contract from the Volodin, from coristuvannya chi order to other persons without transferring to them the right of power to ce mine, so that for the security of vikonanny obov'yazku you should pay a tax, so agree on a rozirvani or recognition of the weekly in the prescribed manner;

6) another lane, the crime is recognized for the universal special coristuvannya by an individual entrepreneur and members of this family, which is recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information about changes:

Federal law vіd 28 leaf fall 2011 p. N 336-ФЗ article 47 of the Code was supplemented by paragraph 5.1, which increases the rank of official publication

5.1. A contraction of a tax, which is a payment by a participant in an investment partnership agreement - a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade, a comrade for a taxable partnership organization, which blames the participation of this comrade at the agreement on investment partnership), to go for the account of the sleeping lane of comrades.

For insufficiency and insufficiency of the sleeping lane of the comrades, it is necessary to go through the rack of the lane of the ker_vnik_v of the comrades. At the same time, we are drawn to the mayo steward of a comrade, who is responsible for the administration of a taxable form.

In times of insufficiency, the lane of the keruyuchih comrades is contracted on the mine comradeship in proportion to the part of the skin of them in the common lane of the comrades, which is indicated on the date of the vindication of the comradeship.

6. At the time of the taxation of the tribute for the rahunok of the lane, if not with penny coins (expensive metals, for the contraction of the tax, the tax is charged according to article 46 of the Code), the payer of taxes (the tax agent) - the organization vykonim from the moment of contracting the tax on the implementation of the lane of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt and the repayment of the collection of the payer of taxes (tax agent) - the organization or individual receipt for the money received.

7. Посадові особи податкових органів (митних органів) не мають права купувати майно платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця, що реалізується в порядку виконання рішення про стягнення податку за рахунок майна платника податків (податкового агента) - організації або індивідуального підприємця .

8. Regulations, transferring the article, to be also charged with different penalties for untimely payment of taxes, insurance premiums, as well as fines for violations, transferring the Code.

9. The provisions of the Articles of State are also statutorily enforced at the time of contracting the fee (insurance payments) for the account of the payer's payer's fee (the payer of insurance payments) - organization or individual income.

10. Regulations, transferred to this article, should also be enforced in case of taxation by the law enforcement bodies of the regulation, established by the current legislation of the Mitny Union and the legislation of the Russian Federation on the right.

Information about changes:

Federal law vіd 16 leaf fall 2011 r. N 321-ФЗ article 47 of the Code was supplemented by paragraph 11, which is gaining official status from 1 September 2012, and not earlier than after the end of one month from the day of the official publication of the said Federal Law

11. The provisions of the statute are to be stagnated in case of contracted tax on the income of organizations by consolidating the group of payers in taxes, on the basis of penalties and fines for the account of the participants of the tax group with the improvement of such features:

1) collecting a tax for the account of a participant in a consolidated group of payers, in taxes for us to pay for the account of manufacturing costs, pennies and expensive metals at the banks of a major participant of the group, for which there was no statutory income;

2) при недостатності (відсутності) у відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів, грошових коштів та дорогоцінних металів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться в інших учасників цієї групи за рахунок грошових коштів , koshtіv and expensive metals in jars, on yakі it was not brute forcefully tightened up to Article 46 of the Code;

3) при недостатності (відсутності) в учасників консолідованої групи платників податків готівкових коштів, грошових коштів та дорогоцінних металів у банках, на які не було звернено стягнення відповідно до статті 46 цього Кодексу, стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна відповідального учасника цієї групи послідовності, inserted by subparagraphs 2 - 6 of paragraph 5 of the article;

4) при недостатності майна відповідального учасника консолідованої групи платників податків для виконання обов'язку зі сплати податку на прибуток організацій по консолідованій групі платників податків, відповідних пені та штрафів стягнення податку провадиться за рахунок іншого майна інших учасників цієї групи в послідовності, встановленої підпун6 статті.

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