Wimogi to help organize e-learning

(QMS, - ed.) The organization can assign the necessary competence to the staff, ensure its training, give the employees an extra level of awareness about the importance of work and quality, support the documentation of initial programs in the work station, give respect to the assessments, and stay productive. What does it mean? Nasampered, trained at the link from the SUYA, not only ordinary spivrobitniks, but the managers of the Middle Lanka, all the kerivniki, passed. Zmіst material, scho vyvchaєtsya, bude, naturally, raznim. Trainings with the most important specialists are responsible for directing them to their own role within the framework of ISO 9001 and understanding the benefits, like laying the groundwork for the goal. The stench is guilty of clearly demonstrating the mutual interdependence of the processes at the SUY. The middle core warehouse is responsible for the details of the understanding of the provisions of the standard, the understanding of the value of the process approach, learn to monitor the work in the sphere of quality for business. Prior to the training of the graduates, the applied skills of the work, as well as the ISO 9001 standard, as well as the understanding of the clients, are included. The degree of preparation of spіvrobіtnikіv can be reverified at the hour of internal audits.

The training of spіvrobіtnikov pіd hоvеnnja at the companії control system саlіstyu may bе due tо low testing technologies. A part of the main core warehouse of the enterprise is formed by the requests of the faculty of consulting structures, after which those who, having completed their training, transfer knowledge to those who do not take part in the activities. Trainings are carried out in the company itself, so without a driver in the work. Other training can be found on the territory of a consulting organization and found in recreational areas outside the city. One more option: rozpodіl svіvrobіtnikovіv, vіdpravnіh navchannya, dvі grupi. Some of them take knowledge from the wind in the field of virobnitstva, on neutral territory, the other part also learns, but does not overwhelm the working place. Then the representatives of the company, who took away different information, exchanged knowledge and theory in the course of the functioning of the quality control system.

There can be two main problems that can be blamed on training staff. Sometimes it is easy to ensure the safety of the trainings with the great stoners, as if they are trying for a bad hour. The consultant, who is to conduct employment, does not have much more pressure on the spitting managers, as only he turns to the head of the clerk. Ale, don’t forget to give your fruits ... Navchannya vimagaє novgo chi wanting to use private winding in virobnitstva. Spіvrobіtnikіv, yakі duzhe vplyvayut on the process of recruitment of comradіv chi services, zavzhd reluctantly let in. Whose root is one more possible problems. Sometimes you learn how to manage that part of the staff, but the importance of that in the organization is not critical. It is not necessary to bring it to the point that the main advantage of the operations of the SMF lies not on those who are trained.

If you knew a pardon, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter.

- Forming knowledge;

- Uzagalnennya knowledge;

- Consolidated knowledge;

- Thorough knowledge;

- Control of appropriation;

- Molding down;

- Information of statements.

The classification of the software of the initial recognition for the form of organization is divided into:

– lectures;

- practical activities;

- Self-preparation;

- Halls, sleep;

- work on the project;

- Scientific research work.

Classification of software for initial recognition for methodical recognition is divided into:

1. The primary programs cover the primary and secondary activities of learning and, as a rule, often perform the functions of a teacher.

The initial program is based on the material implementation of the algorithm of interaction between the teacher and the teacher, like a simple structure. It starts from the introductory part, as a teacher, without interruption, it goes to school, showing the purpose of the program. In addition, at the introductory part, there may be a statement of the task, so that the study is started, as well as a short instruction on how to follow the program.

The initial program takes up the functions of the teacher:

Serve as a repository of information;

Organize the initial process;

Controlling the stage of assimilation of the material;

adjusting the rate of development of the subject;

Give the necessary roses and clarifications;

Forgive pardons, etc. .

2. Informational-advancing programs are recognized for viewing and searching for necessary information.

For example, a student needs an hour of preparation to take up, or at work, you can use a personal computer, connect via modem and telephone line to other computers. For each person, you can take away the necessary information, allowing access to a computerized catalog of books and periodicals. With the help of a computer, you can learn to access to any organized collection of information, to rich data banks.

3. Simulation programs are recognized for "simulation" of objects and phenomena. These programs are especially dotsilno zastosovuvati, if the presence of the zdіysniti is impossible or even more important. With the choice of such programs, abstract concepts become more concrete and easier to accept such that they learn. In addition, learners take away more knowledge with active acquisition of material, and simply memorize passively take away information.

4. Initial-game programs are recognized for the introduction of initial situations.

Behind the recognition of the game element is a special motivation for the initial activity. Podії, scho vydbuvayutsya in grі, due to the mother zvyazok z vykonuvannymi tasks. Successful vikonannya may be supported by the result of the grі, shcho viklіkaє aktivіzatsiyu navchalnoї dіyalnostі, pozitivі emotsії, bazhannja reach novіh uspіhіv.

Pratsyyuchi with a computer for the first time and the game programs sing the songs of the vikhovnі and osvіtnі zavdannya, prihovani under the form of a hoarsely game infusion.

5. Demonstration programs are recognized for the preliminary submission of the initial material of a description character.

The teacher can successfully win the computer as a guide when explaining new material. Great opportunities in the intensification of the initial process may be those demonstration programs, in which dialogue or interactive graphics are featured.

6. Controlling programs are recognized for reverification of the quality of knowledge. Such programs allow the teacher to carry out current and sub-bag control of knowledge and knowledge, stuffed with learning from the process of learning.

Apparently, the control of the knowledge of the scientists is one of the most important and at the same time, according to the nature of the organization and the equal theoretical consistency, one of the weakest lanes of the initial process. The head shortfall of the basic forms and methods of control is due to the fact that in most cases it does not provide the necessary stability and invariance of the assessment of the accuracy of the acquired initial information, as well as the necessary adequacy of the assessment to the day of the day. Improved control over the course of learning can concentrate on the problem of improving the reliability of the assessment of knowledge, reduction and skill that are being formed. This problem can be considered in two aspects: first, as an increase in the level of pedagogical assessment of the practical level of knowledge of students; in another way, as the creation of such methodical methods of control, they would ensure the independence of assessments in the form of negative factors and subjective attitudes of the teacher.

7. Simulators are designed for molding and fixing at the same time, as well as for self-preparation of students.

The programs are handed over to the students, that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the scientists. Software security generates primary tasks, the level of folding of which is determined by the teacher. If you have given the correct decision, you are told about it, otherwise you are presented with the correct advice, or you hope to be able to ask for help.

For the purposes of a laboratory workshop, it is best to go to the beginning of the program. Pratsyyuchi vіch-na-vіch іz navchalnoy program, learn at your own pace opanovuє knowledge, he chooses an individual route for the development of primary material within the framework of a given topic. The radical distinction between the classical form and the independent form of work is that the program is an interactive “zlipk” of the intellect and the knowledge of the author.

1.4 Wimogy prior to initial recognition software

1.4.1 Wimogy to initial programs

Іsnuyut zagalnі vimogi to the level of any software product:


2. lightness and simplicity of vikoristannya;

3. flexibility (ability to change, add, expand);

4. ability to interoperability (ability to integrate with other additions);

5. health.

"The process of developing a software product due to the fault of the flooring is simple, it is possible for it to be developed automatically, but it is not simpler."

The main indicator of the high quality of the training program is the effectiveness of training.

When you see any food, we may be put in front of you, but the main goals are set. The efficiency of the program is entirely dependent on this, as far as possible, it will ensure the nearest future. When creating the initial system, it is necessary to attach importance to efficiency, tobto. zvnіshnіm efektam navchalnoї system, and effektivnosti vykoristannya.

1.4.2 Psychological and pedagogical support to the initial programs

The wide possibilities of the computer are due to analysis from a glance of psychology and didactics and vice versa, if necessary from a pedagogical point of view. Therefore, whether the initial program can be supported by psychological and pedagogical supporters.

The initial program is responsible for:

Let's make a difference in the initial activity with the improvement of the main ambushes of pedagogical psychology and didactics;

To the main minds, the choice of options for organizing electronic training can be listed as follows:

1) Functionality. Indicates the presence of the system to a set of functions of a different level, such as forums, chats, analysis of the activity of students, curation by courses, and others;

2) Reliability. This parameter characterizes the ease of administration and ease of updating content based on basic templates. Efficiency of management and zahist in the form of ovnіshnіh vplivіv suttvo vplyvayut on the setting of coristuvachіv to the system and efficiency її vikoristannya;

3) Stability. means the level of stability of the robotic system according to the transition to different modes of robotics and the degree of activity of the coristuvach;

4) Variety. It is formed from the varsity of the system itself, as well as from the cost of її promotion, the development of courses and support, the availability or the availability of an exchange for a number of licenses for hearing students (students);

5) Presentation of the means of developing the content. The editor of the initial content makes it easier to expand the cursives, and allows the integration of a single source of material of different recognition;

6) Support SCORM. The SCORM standard is an international basis for the exchange of electronic exchange rates and the availability of the system of yogo support reduces mobility and does not allow the creation of portable exchange rates;

7) The system of reverification of knowledge. Allows online assessment of knowledge of students. Sound such a system including tests, tasks and control of the activity of students on the forums;

8) Excellence of victoria. When choosing a new system, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the selection. Tse important parameter, shards of potential scientists will never win the technology, as it is cumbersome or creates difficulties in navigation. The technology of learning can be intuitively sensible. At the beginning of the course, you can just know the menu of help, easily go from one section to the next and talk to the instructor;

9) Modularity. At modern systems The EO course can be used to select micromodules or blocks of basic material, so you can use it in other courses.

10) Secure access. Learn not to blame the mother to switch to access to the main program, related to their growth in the hour and space, as well as to possible factors that intersect the possibilities of learning (improvement of the functions of the body, weakening of the mind). Likewise, the choice of technologies of "tomorrow", which are supported by a number of software security, essentially reduces the number of potential coristuvachiv.

11) 100% multimedia. Possibility of using content not only for text, hypertext and graphic files, but also for audio, video, gif and flash-animations, 3D-graphics of various file formats.

12) Scale and expansion. Possibility of expanding as a number of auditory learners from the LMS, so adding the program and courses of teaching and learning.

13) Prospects for the development of the platform. LMS can be a medium that is being developed, new ones are coming out, improved versions of the system with support of new technologies, standards and features.

14) Cross-platform LMS. Ideally, the system of remote learning is not guilty of being tied to any operating system of the medium, both on the server and on equal client machines. Koristuvachі vyvinnі vikoristovuvat standard zasobi without zavantazhennya addatkovyh modules, programs just.

15) Yakіst tekhnіchnoї podtrimki. Possibility of promotion of practicality, stability of the SDO, pardons and frivolities, both from the best fakhivtsiv in the company of the retailer of the SDO, and by the specialists of the power service of the support organization.

Must be completed with qualified staff of middle medical practitioners, physicians-pediatrists.

2.10. Help to organize medical care for students

2.10.1. Must be completed with qualified staff of middle medical practitioners, physicians-pediatrists.

2.10.2. Learners at the lighting installations are responsible for carrying out medical examinations, apparently up to ceremonial vimog, as they appear federal authorities vykonavchoi rule at the gallery, protect your health and sanctify it.

2.10.3. In all types of heating and lighting installations, a complex health improvement of children is organized, as if they could be rehabilitated in the health camp, from the included to the first structure of psychological and pedagogical correction.

2.10.4. Mustache practitioners establish to pass obov'yazkovі prophylactic look at the established order.

2.10.5. Administration and medical practitioners of zagalnoosvіtnіnі installations with the destruction of the destruction of other subjects, gymnasiums and faces when children enter them from chronic illnesses due to roses, explain to the fathers that in such mortgages it is a healthy factor for the health.

2.11. Vimogi to the sanitary rank and zmistu

2.11.1. In the period of epidemiological well-being in the establishments, it is necessary to carry out a careful cleaning of the water with vicarious soda, sweet or synthetic. miyuchih benefits. Picking up classes and other initial and additional applications is carried out after the completion of lessons at the graduation of windows or transoms. Yakshcho setting pratsyuє at two changes, tidying up is carried out two. Miyut pіdlogi, wipe mіstsya skupchennya saw (pіdvіkonnya, radiatori іn.).

Once a month, carry out a general cleaning of the application of not only flammable, but also disinfectant products, permitted by the established procedure (for example, 0.5 - 1% of chlorine vaping, chloramine or calcium hypochlorite, 0.2% of sulfochloranthin, 3% ampholanu, 1% (according to DV) distribution of polysept, 1% (according to DV) distribution of peramin, 3% (according to DV) distribution of water peroxide with miyuchim zabom). Vіkna zvnі and zsredinі and vіkonnі open miyut 2 times on the river (spring and autumn).

The place of the infamous koristuvannya (toilets, buffet, the farthest medical office) should always be cleaned from the most disinfectant facilities. Sanitary-technological possession of a schoden znezarazhennya regardless of the epidemiological situation. Sitting on toilet bowls, handles evil flasks and the door handles tingle with warm water from the sweet. Clean sinks, toilet bowls with water or with brushes, which can be cleaned and disinfected, allowed in the established order (for example, Blisk-2, Sanita, Bilka, PCHD, Desef, Desus, Sanitary and other), it is possible to wipe it with ganch , soaked in one of the disinfectants (Appendix 7).

2.11.2. Distant cleaning should be carried out after skin care with children (snіdanok, obіd, midday). If you take a skin ointment, you should be able to miyut with hot water with a cute soda. Mittya dishes are placed mechanically and manually. With the manual method of washing the dishes, a triple bath takes place. Zvіlneniy vіd zalishkіv їzhі utensils mієtsya schіtkoy vіdі vodі, scho maє 50 deg. Three additional benefits (1 bath). After that, the dishes are immersed in one of the disinfectant varieties (0.2% of the varieties of chloramine, sodium hypochlorite or calcium) - 2 baths, rinsed with hot running water at a temperature of 65 degrees. W (3 baths) and dry in special wardrobes or hoods. After a mechanical cleaning, the squeaky utensils should be washed out of the permitted miynih zabiv (1 bath), rinsed with hot running water (2 baths) and dried on special grats. Tables are attached after mechanical cleaning and mitt from zastosuvannya miyuchih zabіv (1 bath) rinse with hot running water (2 baths) and disinfect by physical method in sterilizers with a stretch of 2 - 3 min. Clean tables and accessories are stored in metal cassettes in a vertical position with handles burn out.

2.11.3. Under the hour of quarantine, the blackness of the processes of processing dishes is changing. On the spot, after zvіlnennya vіd zalishkіv їzhі, utensils are zanuryuyut in one of the disinfectant varieties, assigned to Dodatku 7, or boiled at 2% soda 15 min. Then wash the dishes, rinse with hot water and dry them. When choosing a dishwasher, the processing of dishes is carried out according to the regime, we indicate in the documentation for the machine.

2.11.4. Washcloths, brushes for washing dishes, ganchir'ya for wiping tables after the victoria, boil with a stretch of 15 strands of water with additional soda, or soak with a disinfectant grade (0.5% grade of chloramine 50 strands), then rinse, save and dry at special marked containers.

2.11.5. Leftovers їzhi znezarazhuyut boils for a stretch of 15 min. or sip with chlorine vapne, or be it from the offensive: vapny bililny thermostіykoy 200 g / kg or NGK, or DOSHA 100 g / kg.

2.11.6. At the place of the kharchoblok (kitchen, komori, etc.), the rules for the conservation of products and food outlets are carried out to combat flies, targans and grizzlies.

2.11.7. At the medical office, where the crime is not infected, it is necessary to disinfect the medical instruments of the bagatorase crusting by the method of zanurennya in one of the options assigned to Addendum No. 7, or to coristuate by physical methods of infection (boiling, dry burning). Subjects to watch for ailments are disinfected by wiping or zanurennya rozchin disinfectant (Appendix 7).

2.11.8. In vipads, if sterility is needed, it is necessary to zastosovuvaty one-time koristuvannya.

2.11.9. In the period of quarantine, the infected person is given the necessary admissions, the children were in the class from the imposed quarantine. When carrying out disinfection, special attention is given to the examination of objects, as they play a vital role in the transmission of infections. In case of crippling infections - frequent airing of the class (on skin changes), removal of the saw in the application, uncontaminated dishes; in case of intestinal infections - contaminated dishes, table tops, sanitary-technical equipment, a mitt of hands with a nice touch of skin ventilation to the toilet and before meals.

2.12. Wimogi before organizing a meal

2.12.1. Vymogi to the mode of eating uchniv. For schoolchildren, a one-time hot meal (snіdanok) was organized. For bazhannyam batkіv їm can be given and offended. When the groups of the day are over, they will take care of the meal for the hot meals of the court (snіdanok and obіd), and with a tribal rebuvannі in the setting that noon.

2.12.2. The organization and diet of the eating of the students are subject to the obligatory weather with the authorities of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

2.12.3. During the organization of eating, the following are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological authorities, which are presented to the organization of the community eating, preparation of that oberezdatnosti in them of food syrovin and food products, to the minds, the terms of the conservation of products, which are fast-paced, to the organization of rational eating, as they are trained in the lighting installations.

2.12.4. About vipadki appearing in the establishment of grubs and hostile intestinal infections among academics and the staff in the prescribed manner are informed by the territorial center of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

2.12.5. At the eating uchnіv at the zagalnosvіtnіkh installations, the vicorist is harrowed:

  • flask, barrel, unpasteurized milk without thermal processing (boiling);
  • sour cream and sour cream in a natural look without thermal processing (whicory sour cream is served with casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes;
  • milk and sour milk "samokvas" in natural appearance, as well as for making syrah;
  • green peas without thermal processing;
  • macaroni s minced meat(in the navy style), mlints with meat, wells, okroshka, pate, mincemeat from the settlement, marshmallows (meat and ribn);
  • drink, morsi without thermal processing, kvass;
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta with chopped egg, fried egg;
  • pastry and cream cake;
  • deep-fried patties, donuts;
  • nevіdomogo warehouse powders like fluff dough.

2.12.6. Vimogi schodo dotrimannya ruled special hygiene for the spivrobitniks of the kharchoblok. Healthy individuals are allowed to work on the kharchoblok, as they have passed a medical examination in accordance with official instructions and instructions, and also listened to a course of hygienic training for the building of the hall. Control over the dotrimannyam terms of passage of the medical examiner is entrusted to the medical practitioner. A special medical book is issued for the skin practitioner, until the results of medical treatment are entered, information about the transfer of infectious diseases, about the delivery of the sanitary minimum. The staff of the kharchoblok goiter must comply with the following rules of special hygiene:

  • come to work in clean clothes and inside;
  • deprive outer garment, head ubir, special speech in vbiralny;
  • cut your nails short;
  • in front of the cob, robotically, reluctantly wash your hands with sweetness, put on clean sanitary robes at a specially brought in place, after entering the toilet, reluctantly wash your hands with a sweet, disinfectant bag;
  • when there is a sign of a catarrhal disease or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, porosis, opium, alert the administration and go back to the medical mortgage for likuvannya;
  • tell about all types of illnesses for intestinal infections in your doctor's office.

Spivrobitnikam at kharchoblokakh are not allowed to:

  • when making preparations, culinary and confectionery items, wear jewelry items, cover nails with varnish, fix sledges with hairpins;
  • take a bite, shoot at the work station.

With the reception of this chicken, it is allowed at a specially introduced occupant or place.

Today, before the cob, change the medical practitioner to conduct a look at all practitioners to look at the surface of the body for the presence of rotten diseases. Individuals with pustular diseases of the shkir, pores, ops, gardens, as well as with catarrhs ​​of the upper dychal paths, are not allowed to work, but are shifted to another work. The results of looking around are recorded in the journals of the inserted form. In the case of cutaneous ulcerative colitis, you may need a set of medications for first aid.


Healthy plays the primary role of the life of a skin person. Whether it’s hard work to lie down in self-consciousness, and if you find problems, blame the need for medical assistance, which includes a look around, obstezhennya that exuberance. Today, the medical system is revitalized in the same way that it was earlier. All the more popular are medical centers, private clinics and offices. For reasons of reason in front of a person, a flock of vibir, where to drink and de-emphasize the best medical help.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRACTICES FOR A LOCKWORKER FOR SERVICE AND REPAIRS OF OWNERSHIP 1. Importantly, for the protection of work 1.1. Individuals not younger than 18 years of age are allowed to attend the vikonnanny with a slyusar for servicing and repairing the possession (hereinafter referred to as the slyusar), as they have passed a medical examination and are recognized by the appendages to the vikonnanny of these robots that have passed professional training that may have been a special occasion, that the first briefing on the protection of work and fire safety, probation, re-verification took place ...

Rules of conduct for the young medical staff The main training for the young medical staff is that the watcher is smart, commemorate the change in the camp of the self-consciously ill and reap the right rank for the change. The culture of watchful behavior and medical staff is divided into two types: to work, to work, to look after, and to help sick and old people. It is not enough just to remember the necessary manipulations.

Already more fate 1C: Quest Soft successfully takes the leadership position in the automation of medical mortgages. Zgidno with the rating of the Center for Competence for Medicine, the company borrows first place not only for Nizhny Novgorod region, Hello to all Russia! Moreover, having praised the decision about the modernization of the system of prescription of medicinal leaves, representatives of the 422nd military hospital turned back to us and, obviously, did not mess up! The facsimiles of the company 1C: Kviten Soft were appointed ...

Respective to the recommendations submitted by the National Program for Optimization of the Promotion of Children in the First Year of Life Russian Federation: “The introduction of complementary foods to children is carried out at the age of 4-6 months. nervous system, Tobto to priynyatta ...

How do you tell the portal "New Region" [message-1], a new scandal is spalling in the sphere of enlightenment of Yekaterinburg. Students of one of the municipal schools were given questionnaires - a pledge to report on the nuances private life podopіchnyh those їх batkіv. At the “Act of Consolidation” form, they ask about good rhubarb, the number of people registered on living quarters is thin. The fathers were already alarmed: who needs confidential information, where the stink goes and from such a diva їх ...


Give such acts at the school. Tse just papirets, tsegla in bureaucratic hmarochos. You don’t read anything, the system, yak zapovnennya gloomy papers, at the same time, the principle can’t correct them.

Tear and rip, what's the problem? At schools, it’s possible to give out regularly, the work in them is like that. But in the same federal law it is not spelled out that the fathers are guilty of helping the school's helpers and completing the questionnaires and other crap.

With the consent of the regulatory legal act, it was clarified how can I organize eating for children at the nursery, how can I have a daily regimen, how can I be presented before the sanitary morning for the admission of the group.

In the field of labor law, legislation provides the following guarantees for the disabled: short-lived working days for workers with disabilities of the I chi II group - three more than 35 years per day (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (further - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)); · Deyakі obezhennya on work beyond the borders of normal minds pracі (Art. Art. 94, 96, 99 and 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); · the right to a paid admission permit for at least 30 calendar days and a permit without ...

When passing the medical examination at the sanitary book, the gynecologist, as if only glanced, not looking at the results of a smear in a second, term, ruled for a biopsy with a diagnosis of cancer.


I have 6 years for that, they also revealed it. zrobili prikannya under anesthesia, then opratsyuvannya. put "0" stage, but cancerous cells boules. I went back to oncology once for 3 months, then once for a pivroku, at once for a rіk. I'm in minuliy rіk If you passed the commission before adoption, you came to your doctor, I say - know your appearance, 5 years have already passed. but she said that she doesn’t know the shape anymore, but I’ll write in the end of the dress. obviously it would not have passed at the option. to that we went for malice-bought in the registry a little-she put a sign that I don’t change on the appearance. at once, dyakuvati God for such as I am a way of vodkrit, as if dressed, then from the 1st and 2nd stage it is possible to adopt.
I would have put a friend in your place at once, that you don’t change in appearance. and it is obvious to be reconsidered. At the same time, there is a lot of oncology in young girls with erosions that go over to cancer. But the operation does help, and I’ll change the doctor at the doctor’s office, having said, now you can just forget about those who won’t wake up again. Good luck to you and I'm healthy.

"cancer is not evil"

Cancer is ZAVZHDI evil. Puhlina can be kind, and cancer is less evil. Do not supply with good-quality puffs for the appearance of oncology. From the evil right to inspire not in what to put on the face, but in the fact that your life is in trouble. How to take a child? If you die, what will you do with the little one?

I’m more turbulent than my child and all children nursery# 1041, which is located at the address: Moscow, YuZAT, vul. Ivan Babushkin, bud. 13, to 2, allow the possibility of breathing fresh air in the occupants. If the fathers ask: "Why don't you manage the windows?" There they show that it is fenced. Vіdkrivati ​​vіkna is possible only once, if there are no children in the group. It would have been better, people's pidkhid, to warm up the children in the warmth ... Really, it's zhorstok in terms of growing up to the children. Call the children...


Is your child stinging for the group's spec?
Mine didn't swear. More precisely, they said, as if they were wearing clothes that were not practical, but we had a knitted sarafan for example, I don’t know why (something else with synthetics, or acrylic), then I stopped dressing yoga. Zvichayno, a sarafan used to be bought by a mother-in-law :)) I didn’t feel hot in the wounds, but I easily dress up - only a thin viscose or a bavovnyana blouse, not a little like acrylic. That one of the fathers didn’t shove anything and didn’t drenched in sweat. The axis of the person was hot for me, and it sparkled ... until the new one had 20 kg.

Maybe you just need to turn on the respect of the guardian on the relay until the airing regime, it will be up to the norm - and what will be enough for a fresh winding? You may see your child already hartted, but not all children are like that.

Good, we don’t have such insanity. Previously, it was impossible to split after sannorms (I remember well if the elder went by the garden) now you can, but don’t set the opposite. And yet you won’t be a vіkna, you will be a soul-destroyer. Although I want to feel stressed sometimes, the children are in shorts alone, but in a group they are stretched. It would be better if they ventilated the docks

Girl, maybe, who knows? Medical book for animators. Problems in a child nursery. Children's kindergartens and preschool education. I didn’t say more than that I can be fully competent, and I need to get the motivation for the skin myself ... as much as I want. 03/16/2012 03:21:23 PM, *SloNik*.


and they told us about the license ... I'm in such a very out. Because "offices" with docks often have no animators, and normal animators can not mother all the transferred things (for sure, the light often has such people, they can be turbulent, but they can not catch ...)
zasіdka zahalom (also graduation, but at the school)

certificates and medical books / medical certificates are normal. give a scenario - marennya. the next step of the zavіduvachki - they went into the scenario, but let's not pay them ...

The most important problems of modern hygiene are the development of hygiene rules and regulations for the adoption of negative infusions of themselves various aspects dovkilla. In the midst of various undertakings of a butt service, the servants of which a person can be greedy, an important camp is occupied by a carpenter. The key goals of the hygiene of Perucarian services are the prevention of the prevention of contagious illnesses. Hygiene of Perucarian servants is directed at lowering the chances of infection.


At the district polyclinic, I make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist - I write directly for analysis, and then I’ll renew until the next day for the appointment of a therapist. At the CEC, you need to pay extra for everything with a guarantee sheet from work.

without cost sing-song
a person working at the budget, going to draw up to his own polyclinic, paying, I don’t remember the bills at once

For a long time I've been talking about the topic of organic and eco-products. The axis knew the article about tse. Tetyana Borovik, a ceremonial specialist in the eating of healthy and sick children of the National Center for Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, doctor of medical sciences, professor. - Yak Vee is put up to the fact that in Rest of the Rocks poserіgaetsya remember the growth of the interest of spozhivatsіv to organic products? Tse just fashion, timchas's appearance? Abo is a regular turn ...

At the thought of ecologists, the development of civilization, and at the same time from it, technological progress is the leader of shkodia and the planet, and we - the people. In case of more than enough progress, we can invest in a comfortable and safe mind. Be aware of accessories that ionize and enliven each time. Change plus to minus In the rest of the rocks, the purifiers-ionizers again significantly increased to our life. Everything started from Chizhevsky's chandeliers, then we began to equip the saws, hair dryers and laptops with ionizers. Not...

In order to live as an adoptive officer, Article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes that individuals can be adopted as adoptive officers, as they may have a permanent place of residence, which confirms the presence of a permanent registration, as well as technical living, etc.


Vimogi to the life of the usinovlyuvachiv
The statue of the 127th Code of the Russian Federation is uplifting, the bots of individuals, yaki, hoby, the post -nine of the living, pir -confiru, niabustee of post -a -sisters, and the same lives, the rules of the rules of the rules of the rules, in the norms, in the norms, in the uses, in the lines of the ruling, in the yard, in the yard, in the yard, in the lines What is more important - think twice in separate paragraphs. I, in this rank, blame two okremі vimogi: first - the future adoptive officer is not guilty of being special without a singing place of living (homeless), the other - guilt is guilty of showing proof that you can live on your own and give the child, that you can adopt, the ability to live normal minds. Vidpovidno, living accommodation, as it is suitable for life, that development of a child, not obligatory guilt is known for the place of post-registration of an adoptive officer.

A future adoptive student can live with a resident of his relatives, another resident, taken from a commercial chi social hire chi occupied, to lay you on the right of power. It is important to confirm that the wines are actively sacking in your own place and that you can spend a good hour with them. For whom it is necessary to give proof that they confirm their residence in their city. Tse mozhe buti bezstrokovy or statutes on the term (for the 1st year) agreement of an orendi, please with relatives about the right to corystute to living quarters.

Making friends, she can live as a life alone, without registering with someone else, she doesn’t sign, please. When adopted by girlfriends, as if post-registered in a different life, the stench is guilty of going to the authorities of the guardianship and pikluvannya of that friend, in the life of such a stench live together with a child.

Where the sanitary norms and rules, yak vimagaє law, deshcho folding. In 2005, roci, deputy of the former Zhitlovy code of the RRFSR, having gained the rank of the new Zhitlovy code of the Russian Federation.

The new code does not avenge the slanderous concept of the “norm of living space” and replaces it with paragraph 1 of Art. 50 less than the "norm of living space" and less for renting social. The established value of the standard of duty in paragraph 2 of the article was introduced before the authorities of the medical self-regulation.

Article 40 of the Living Code of the RRFSR, as it established zagalnі vimogi until a comfortable dwelling, and article 41, that the population of one stone was harrowed by persons of different status for a century, from nine years, Crimea, friends, not to die. Now, this kind of norms and maxims are being established by regional legislation.

In this rank, for usinovlyuvachiv, federal laws have not yet been established to allow the death of that life, and the organs of goiter protection are covered by the norms of local legislation. Due to the validity of such norms, the court, with the approval of the recommendations of the opiate authorities, may independently decide on the food allowance to become a resident of the applicants for sanitary and technical assistance for adoption.
Individuals cannot be adopted, as they live in timchasovyh budіlyah, including in garden plots, in hermitages and occupants, who are not suitable for permanent living.

Although the norms of the area were not established during the adoption, in practice, for the assessment of the life of the usinovlyuvachiv, the majority of fahivtsiv continue to spire to the social norm, which was earlier than the day, in 12 square meters of the total area per person.
federal law dated December 28, 2004, dated December 28, 2004, No. 185-FZ “On the introduction of amendments to the Family Code of the Russian Federation” now allows the court to blame positively the decision on the adoption of a living in a different insufficiency of living arrangements, as it confirms the interests of the child, to approve, and to establish merit.

Otzhe, everything is stale in the form of the organs of the mystic self-regulation and the results of the life of the minds of the life of the guardian.

there are no norms for footage. smut, so that you could provide a child with a place to sleep, Igor, to take.




Normatives and deciphering could be presented to the adopters and often to guardians, foster families, foster families.

Part 2

(Until articles 127, 146, 153 of the Family Code)

On the cob of 2005, the first part of the year recognized the initial changes in the connection with the recruitment of ranks by the Federal Law of December 28, 2004 No. 185 and the new Zhitlovy Code of the Russian Federation on the 1st of September 2005.

Vymogi to usinovlyuvachіv on zhitlovo-pobutovyh minds establish paragraph 1, article 127 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, where Federal Law No. 183 was amended. As earlier, paragraph 8 of article 127 of the RF IC, having blocked the paragraph for adoption to these persons, who do not have a permanent place of residence, and immediately with the cim of a living accommodation, which is established by the sanitary and technical allowances, now our paragraph sounds like this: be full-fledged individuals of both articles, for a vinnyatka: ...

Persons, yakі do not think of a fasting place of residence,

Persons who live in residential areas do not comply with sanitary and technical rules and standards ... "

March 1, 2005 to the date of replacement of the Zhitlovy Code of the RRFSR Federal Law No. 189-FZ introduced a new Zhitlovy Code of the Russian Federation (ZhK RF). The whole codex is visibly revisited from the front. In a new day, the stats are similar to the stats: 40 LCD of the RRFSR, as it established the sepulchral lands in order to improve the dwelling, and the stats 41, as the population of one stone of different ranks older than nine years, the Crimea was friends. At the link with the chimmogi, who earlier zastosovuvalis, the contagion is no longer dyut.

The new code does not take revenge on the slanderous concept of the “norm of living space” and replaces it with paragraph 1 of Article 50, rather than “the norm of living space” and less at the time of renting a social. The established value of the standard of duty in paragraph 2 of the article was introduced before the authorities of the medical self-regulation.

In such a rank, for the convicts, there were no federal exchanges for the rozmіrom and the quality of life, and the organs of the guardianship of the guilty were cherished by the norms of the local legislation. Regions have the right to establish their own norms. Due to the presence of such norms, the court, with the approval of the recommendations of the opiate authorities, may independently decide on the adequacy of the applicant’s life as a sanitary and technical officer for adoption.

What does it mean that now the future adopter is enough for his mother to have a permanent registration, whether there is a place for living, as he complies with sanitary standards. Such a system legalizes the practice of investigative bodies and the selection of positive visas for the adopted persons, if there is not enough for the adoption of living space for the place of permanent registration, but it is also possible to rent a living with relatives.

In vipadkah, if in sіm'ї for regional norms, the living space is insufficient or є vіdhilennya vіd sanitary vomog, Federal Law No. 185 vіd 24.12.2004 p. having given the right to the court, depending on the interests of the child, living in the family, sue for adoption.

Keep in mind that in the okremi vipadkah you may need the possibility of seeing a child in the okremoy room independently in the presence of the necessary footage. Thus, we can blame the hour of adoption, the establishment of guardianship, or the creation of a foster family:

Child with a disability,

VIL of an infected child.

Rozrahunok footage, which falls on the soul, zdіysnyuєtsya rozpodіl nelezhny sіm'ї usinovlyuvachіvі yardage for the number of people registered in this area, including the future child.

The re-verification of the living-butt minds is carried out behind the formal signs and the actual camp.

For clarification of the formal data of the adopters, give:

Vityag from Budinkov's book

A copy of the financial and personal certificate, evidence of other documents confirming the right of power to live, in which the main parameters of the apartment / house are indicated,

The number of people registered in this living area and who is the head of the household as a part of the dwelling or as a tenant.

In fact, part of the re-examination of the life-and-butt minds of the candidates is under an hour of obstezhennia of the life-and-butt minds of the candidates by the investigative body. Donkeys are willing to take a child in the family, not goiter, to give the annual additional adjustments, the crime of designating more, obstezhennya є the main element of the re-verification. Adequate may reveal the actual camp of the dwelling, the number of people who live in the new, the material camp of the family, the sanitary camp, the presence of a place for the placement of a child - a place to occupy, sleep, Igor, assess the readiness of the future fathers to create a normal life . Fahіvtsі organіv opіki, chi social teacher of the school, community inspector - qі individuals can carry out obstezhennia for the instructions of the PLO - may look back at the life, and evaluate the appurtenance of the child's life. У разі виникнення спірних ситуацій чи виявлених серйозних невідповідностей санітарним нормам чи незадовільного технічного стану ООП мають право залучити для проведення додаткової експертизи стану житлового приміщення спеціальні служби: Санепіднагляд (СЕС), Бюро технічної експертизи (БТІ), Держтехнагляд, Держтехнагляд, Держтехнагляд, Держтехнагляд, Держтехнагляд , Vimagati presentation of dovіdok іz tsikh organіzаtsіy at usinovlyuvachіv stinks may be right.

І now the axis will be threatened from DD to come, because svidshe for all issuing patronage.

TCs are ordered to work with robots regardless of the form of moisture.
And shodo books є roses' explanation:

"HR officer. Labor law for a personnel officer", 2007, N 3

Nutrition: Who (the practitioner of the firm) can pay for the removal of a special medical book by a specialist? Agee st. 212 of the Labor Code does not implicitly name what, outside the execution of a document, can a robot supplier pay for? Why does it seem like the doctor’s certificate of responsibility for those who, having issued a special medical book for my special medical book for the money of good money, but the doctor turned out to be unconscionable and, having dismissed the special medical book, filed an application for a medical book, or don’t start the robot?

Vidpovid: Vidpovid tse pitanya avenge over st. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and Art. 213 TK. Part 6 of the Statute of the Articles to abide by such a norm: medically look around (obstezhennya) and psychiatric look around zdiyasnyuyutsya for the rahunok of the robots.
A special medical book to tell about the applicability of a practitioner outside the camp of a healthy person to a singing robot. For otrimannya vіdpovіdnyh poznachk pratsіvnik skladє analіzi, pass obstezhennya thinly. - In a word, to pass a medical examination. І vsі tsі come in finance pracedavets. In addition, practitioners often shy themselves in the same way as they described it. Prote zhodno ї vіdpovіdalnostі pracіvnik for takі "navmisnі" dії not carry. In a first way, the law is unequivocally a goiter for robots to pay for all honey-watchers (obstezhennya), but in a different way, the opening of an employment contract should be vlasniy bazhannyam- the good will of the practitioner, which is impossible to change. Therefore, it is not possible for a practitioner to work hard, spending money on the withdrawal of a special medical book. So the labor legislation itself does not transfer the possibility of constriction from the worker of sbitkiv, zapodiyanih irregularities in the labor contract.

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