What helps with the popelitsa. How will the popelis call: a look at the preparations and benefits for the city. Milo with soda

Spring gardeners with a flicker check for the appearance of the most important shkіdnik - popelitsі. Vaughn, without sting, that call of the young forests of fruit and berry crops and sheep crops, the trees and chagars suffer, loved by flowers.

The shorok of the dewdrop plant is brought to new methods of struggle, but the shards of the old do not work. Seeing the popelitsa, there is nowhere to go, they come again and again. Roll up your sleeves and take up the blame, infect for the help of new methods, otherwise the risk will be lost without a harvest. The gardener recognizes the whole school of the poor, obviously, wisely, how to competently fight with her and how to choose a strategy - everything is like a war!

For piercing a leaf of a popelitsy, a proboscis. Rough and thick leaves of the stench cannot bite through the stench. To that, the juices from young roslins, pagonivs, buds - the upper part of cultures will be allowed to drink. Spring young leaves of trees are always known by the great sky, shards of leaves are still soft and lower.

Popelitsy mayut non-grafting by bending, it is easy to crush them. The stench often recognizes attacks like hizhakіv-feathers, so і komakh. To that popelitsy twist the leaves into a tube - it’s not easy to reach them. Mayte tse on the verge of fighting with the shkіdnik. Methods of breeding popelits on trees of those other cultures of the same species.

In all the proponated variants of the fight, the figure is cute, bazhano gospodarske.

Do you need more? On the right, in the fact that adding miles of shavings will cover the gaps. Warehouse "sticks" to the leaf richly richer. That is why this ingredient is added to all kinds. More than that, the cute popelitsy can not endure, leafing becomes unsuitable for picking juice.

  • The ash rose is cute. Another even more popular method of fighting the pope. Ash village may be faceless brown authorities, The middle of which are i vіdlyakuvannya coma. For rozchin you need 300 g of sol and 50 g of mil. The ash is scattered with water, 10 l. The homeland needs to be boiled for 30 min. and cool. At a warm rose, it is cute. If you want to drink a lot of water, it is necessary to add water to 10 liters. Observe the culture following the given scheme. Ash in tandem with sweetness is widely used, effective and safe for cultures and people.
  • Burdock is cute. Burdock is yet another weed, which gardeners are trying to wake up to. Weeded a lot of burdock, do not let go of the greens. Vaughn is needed in the fight against the pope. 300 g of burdock leaves should be poured into 10 liters of warm water with a stretch of 2 deb. After that, add 40 g of miles shavings to the retail. Obpriskuvati before the leaves are opened, until the flowers bloom. Crimson fresh syrovina can be vicoristed and dry leaves of roslin. Retail will be less in proportions. Add dry syrovina twice less, lower fresh. Tobto all proportions to dilіt navpіl.

Like a colony of popelets too big, the damage of a great village garden, better for everything, can not be done with folk methods. Bring it to the "important artillery" - chemical preparations.

As a gardener, I didn’t want to win in the field of chemistry, and one can’t do without it. To fight against the popelycea, the entire arsenal of chemical preparations is used, which can lie up to the group:

  • Contact
  • Kishkov
  • System

Follow the respect for chemical preparations, as if to revenge the minimum number of chemical agents. Spivvіdnoshennya is respected by the careless - enough for the defense of the popelytsі, and not enough for the defeat of the shkodi and the people. Before them one can see:

  • "Fitoverm"
  • "Strela"
  • "Biotlin"
  • "Entobacterin"

These preparations are widely vicorized by gardeners, so that they do not plant native crops. Retailing of the zastosuvannyam preparations are prepared in accordance with the instructions on the packages.

The most popular ones you can find in any garden shop. However, it is necessary for them to be borderline protective. Vykoristovyte special for dressing clothes with chemicals and carefully finish the dosing indicated on the package. It is necessary to treat the plants with chemical preparations 30-40 days before harvesting. Try to work it out to the color phase.

  • Dalmatian chamomile is a natural insecticide.
  • Chasnik visajuyut at the uninterrupted proximity to fruit trees.
  • spread around the perimeter of all the plots, especially in the order of trees and chagars.

Z popelitsy fight and birds for help. Birds rush to the lot for an extra year and napkins, the stink of satisfaction to clean the garden from the mouth of the unclean. To the feathers of the helpers are brought: humpbacks, titmouses, kropiv'yan, linnets and a little chick.

Tse: golden-eyed, dzyurchalki (flies), axes (sprat species), earwigs, hut bugs and ground beetles. For the cultivation of these brown clods, it is enough to plant spices -, i. So love the stench, respect the tin and vvazhayut for the better mulch with wood measles. Plan planting crops in such a way that the horticultural growths, and at the same time comakhs-pomіchniks, grow near fruit trees and sheep crops.

Our ancestors fought for the popeland far before they appeared on the trees there. For this stench they sprinkled stovburi with vape and smoked the roslins with tyutyun dim. Provesnoy, if the snow is gone, the gardeners start a harvest of fruit trees for help tyutyun. For this, put a dry leaf of tyutyuna (shag) in a plaque in a tin can and pick it up. The jar is covered with a lid and covered with dimity under the trees. This is how the greenhouse turns itself.

Tyutyunovy dim sum is not a single entry, which is carried out near the garden before planting. The greenhouses of the state are also carefully prepared. The land and inventory are uninfected. And in the autumn, all the growth of the clothes climbs and spit, as if it was hostile to the pope. Tobto need to protect all possible places for saving the eggs of the pope.

Otherwise, popelets will attack crops again. On the stovburi of the hanging trees, sprinkle any material that breathes, leaks with a chemical preparation from the ants. It is not possible to let the friends of the popelets into the trees. In the process of growing cultures, you will reach the leaf turgor. Reach for the help of phosphorus-potassium support, one's own, doshuvannya. The leaves of the popelitsya cannot bite through. Fluff up the soil at the same time, see the bark, which you can see, from the trees. Hanging white walls of the stovburi - the simplest way to lower the clutches of the popelitsy eggs.

More information can be found in the video:

Rooms are a matter of pride, be it a gentleman. The stinks bring a calm at the budinok, give the inter'єru completeness and add the farb. It’s not surprising that such a sight, like a pope in the room dews, confuse you, be it a master.

Popelitsya is a greedy unacceptable coma, as if building a zіpsuvati no less than a glorious-looking growth, and bring it to death. The expanding popelitsy is expanding at a fast pace, so it is important to tell them to fight against these shkidniks in their own time.

Most of these shkidniks are selected from 2-3 mm diameters, although they are sharpened up to 7 mm. The popels are divided according to the color: the popelits are white, yellow, erysipelas, green and black colors.

The skin colony has wingless and winged individuals. Crilates are given for the width, and without frills they are safe for reproduction.

It seems that for the obviousness of a sufficient life, on the squares there are only a flock of flocks, without care for the stream of reproduction. One female is allowed to give three generations of offspring for a stretch of a month, up to 100 thousand individuals.

The popelis are provided with a special proboscis, which allows them to pierce the weeds and extract the mustache from them. In the process of distilling the juices of the popelitsy, one sees licorice, or honeydew, - salmon, like other clods, especially murahs.

Not alone, if the ants create their "corrals" for eating, steal them, transfer them to new growths and take them away from their dwelling for the winter if necessary.

The popelitsy grow on young stems and on the lower side of the leaves. Injured leaves twist and deform, the buds of fragile roslins fall off without opening.

Bring copper dew to the development of soot fungus. Tsya ailment upovіlnyuє process dyhannya kvіtіv that can lead to death.

As a rule, popelitsya settle on roslins in large colonies, which can be done on roslins with an unobstructed glance. In order to minimize the risk of getting into the apartment with these shkidniks, it is necessary to know the ways of their penetration into the apartment.

How to recognize the pope on the room squares?

You can see the popelia on roslins behind the following signs:

  • on the stalks and leaves of flowers, a sticky ball has settled down, which is overgrown with popery;
  • buds and stalks are made “hairy” - to tell about the presence of a whole colony of popelits;
  • on the roslins there are dark patches - traces of a sooty fungus;
  • when the buds are damaged, the flowers, which have opened up, look painfully and poignantly;
  • fresh pagons zhovtіyut, twist and v'yanut.

Іsnuyut raznі methods, kak popelitsі popelitsі on kolorah. Without a doubt, chemical preparations can become in a simple way in the fight against the unfortunate lumps.

  1. The great popularity of nasty tyutyun or shag is rooted. 40 g of tyutyun must be mixed in 1 liter of water and used for production. After that, sprinkle the sickness of the rose with a tincture taken off.
  2. Also, against the popelitsy, it helps to infuse on tomatoes, and, more precisely, tomato leaves. 400 g of tomato leaves need to be trimmed, mixed in 1 liter of water and boiled for a long time. Before zastosuvannya add 4 g per skin litre. Withdrawal of infusions on tomatoes can be victorious both for the jubilation of the awards, and also for preventive purposes.
  3. A lot of gardeners vikoristovuyut peroxide water for the sight of the roslin. Building peroxide fights against nebulous clods, and also sprays the growth of roslin. Vicorist peroxide for consumption in retail (25 g 3% reserve per 0.5 l of water).
  4. You can treat ailments of growing on the basis of red pepper. For tsієї meti 50-70 g of piping pepper, it is necessary to pour 500 ml of water and boil on low heat for 1 year. Get enough of Nastya pepper for 1 doba, then we’ll pass it. Take away the nasty pepper to beat the proportion of 10 g per 1 liter of water. Before infusion of red pepper tincture, it is recommended to add 5 g of mil, like a brew on tomatoes.
  5. The second folk zasіb is the real cibuli. 6 g of lushpinnya or 15 g of trimmed pulp are poured into 1 liter of water and infused for about 6 years, after which it is filtered. Nastya helps to quickly run into the hated popelice.

Koshti, made with your own hands, made with safe ingredients. Ale їх dії do not zavzhd enough, sob

popelitsya- one of the safest skippers in the city and in the garden. In the fight against the popelyce, the city dwellers and gardeners report chimalo zusil, even though the popelitsy is built in the shortest terms, the leader of a serious shoddy to the roslins themselves and the future birth.

Komakhs, with an irrepressible appetite, settle on whatever kind of roslins and trees, multiply quickly, and pay off the beds in the city.

Let's take a look in detail: how to fight popelitsy with folk zasobami, like a popelitsya will wake up again in the garden of that city.

Іsnuє impersonal sightings of the popelitsa.

Zelena popelitsya settles on fruit trees, chagars, trojans, chrysanthemums.

Chorna population settle on legumes; bavovnyan on ogirkah and chestnut crops; helichrysova mischief with tufted varieties of trees, red stables.

Komakhi krykhitnogo razmіru - 0.3 - 0.8 mm, the main shkіdnik city and garden. Popelitsy colonies to settle on leaves, stems and roots of roslin, may have great fertility. The main zbroya is a prickly proboscis, like a popelitsa pierces the surface of a leaf, viscous sik.

Popelitsya eating roslin juice vismoktuyuchi clitinny sik. Particularly affected are the young growing plants, as they see the shkidnik, the leaves twist, deform and die.

The growth of the pagons is attached, the tops are twisted. The licorice is seen, which is overflowing with the popelets, wandering over the surface of the leaf, thereby destroying the normal life of the roslins.

Qi licorice seen to serve bait for ants To that one, you can always succumb to the order of the roslins, on which the popelitsy settled.

With its own shed, the popelets infect the plants with viruses, bring to great ears in the gardens. The best shkodi popelitsy is the head of young tree gardeners.

For one summer season, the whole building date will give up to 50 generations of offspring, which would be a wrongful shoddy, be like a dacha dilyantsi.

The best, sticky stitch in the flies. Wrap the trunk of an apple tree or another tree until the moment when the ants carry the bird to the tree. And on the whole river you can forget about these shkіdnikіv.

In order to correctly go to fight with the pope, it is necessary to understand, de i why popelitsya.

Popelitsya zavdaє shkodi young leaves, buds, tops of roslins, eating their juice, aging leafing with coma "too tough". The most recent areas of damage are the youngest parts of the growths, the underside of the leaf. stand in front of us main task- zahist of a young leaf that pagoniv.

Ants are the most likely to endure popelitsyu. For eating murakham, you need licorice seen, which are then saturated with roslin juice after eating. Likewise, the ants protect these shkіdnikіv in the usіkh vorogіv. Therefore, we need to separate them one from one.

Who will help in the fight against the pope?

The popelitsy has a lot of natural foes - birds and coma, deyakі grows on such popelitsy do not settle. To that varto to know that to get the natural enemies of the popelitsy.

Video - How to fight the popelets

Bashtanna popelitsya attack the beds with cinders. If the weather is warm, then the popelitsya will come. When the shkidnik is revealed on the studded sheet from the bottom side, it is necessary to start fighting against the shkidnik. Popelitsya begin to move from the pagons to the leaves, far away, to the flowers and veils of the shkodi roslins.

Bushes, poshkodzhenі popelytsya, grow up at the rosette, bloom badly and bear fruit. So the popelitsya endure unsafe illnesses. Ants sprout the width of the popelits, carrying new ogirkovy bushes, and in winter they burrow into ants.

Try to fight on the cob of the deadly vigilance of the popelitsy on the butts, so that the shkіdnik does not catch on to the greater number of the colony.

Yakshcho vie suddenly don’t pay a rent, sorry, folk methods they can’t help you, but it’s unacceptable to carry out the processing with chemical methods for the hour of fruiting.

At the hour of flowers, do not spend a slurry, so that you can make shkodi komakhs, who will sip the stubs. For a positive effect, 3-4 applications are needed with a break of 5-7 days.

The simplest way to reduce the population- table ocet. Prepare rozchin: 1 l. drive add|add| 1 st. l. 9% otstu, spread through a rasplyuvach to priskovat poshkodzhenі roslini. Obpriskuvannya spend at the evening hour.

Good help rossipannya dry mustard powder at the places of residence there are murakhs, the stench will come up. For the preparation of bushes of ogirkiv, prepare roses: 10 g of mustard powder per 1 liter of water, a couple of drops of rare milk, mix and sprinkle with roslin.

Vicorist chasnikovy nastiy- 500 g of the watchmaker clean and trim, mix in 3 liters of water, add a bottle of cleanliness. Store warehouses at the bank, securely close and close for 5 days. Procіditi rozchiny, add sprats of rare honey and sprinkle bushes of ogіrkіv.

Digtyarne cute zastosovuyut at the fight with the popelets on the butts. Grate 100 g of mil on a grater, pour 10 liters of water, make a full dressing and rub the roslin.

Ash nastіy zastosuyut at the fight against the pope. Prepare rozchin: ask ash for 2 bottles, pour 10 liters of water and pour 1 doba. In an okremіy єmnosti, spread 4 parts of the bar of the master's mil, for good it's good to spread by the water. Before baking, mix the ingredients, process and sprinkle the beds with stumps.

Give the best results in the fight against popelica on cabbage leaves infusions with chasnik, tsibuli, sols. Prepare infusions with a pungent smell that will blow away the pope.

At 10 liters of water, add 100 g of grated cibula, 50 g of teaspoon, and 150 g of wood ash. Bring the sum to the boiling point and leave it for the booze to insist. Protsіditi, add | add | 1 st. l. a rare sweet and nibble on a cabbage leaf.

Good help rozchin ash and tyutyun. Infuse a bottle of ash and a bottle of trimmed tyutyun in 10 liters of hot water with a stretch. Protsіditi and obpriskati roslini.

Shkіdnik zdatny zavdat shkodi like roses of pepper, so and mature roslins. Popelitsya settles on the lower side of the leaf, ovaries of peppers. To fight with popelycea, infusions of herbs are prepared on peppers, safe for growing people.

Chasnikovy Nasty

Add 100 g to a teapot, pour 1 liter of water and pour 1 doba. It is processed in 9 liters of water. We carry out the tasting of bushes of pepper, we take infusion.

Dopomogaє powdering roslin with a tyutyunov saw or ashes. Before powdering, brush bushes with warm water for better adhesion.

Nastiy iz tsibuli

Add 30 g of cibula to lushpinnyam, pour 1 liter of water, pour for 5 years. We add sprats of rare sweetness, we process and obpress the growth.

Video - THE BEST LOVE for the popelitsy! THERE WILL BE NO LONGER!

When struck, the popelitsya of the blackcurrant stalk curl up, and in the leaves of the white and blemish, orange-red zduttya appear. A flock appeared from the fledgling eggs, which overwintered in currant troughs. It is necessary to initiate an active struggle against the pope.

Obrobku currant bushes mend more curtains, turning the growths with hot water until the nirok swells. Tim yourself, you will find shkіdlivih clods and ailments that hibernate at nirkah.

In case of minor injuries, remove the damaged parts of the growths, burn them. zastosovyte people's well-being at different popelets.

Wooden ash. Ask for 300 g of ash, pour 1 liter of dill, drain until it is finished. Protsiditi razchiny, add 40 g mil, bring the amount of rozchin to 1 liter and sprinkle the roslin. After 7 days, repeat the application.

Soda ash. Prepare roses: 1 tbsp. l. Sodi razchiniti in 1 liter of water, add | add | little bits of a rare sweet and sprinkle bushes.

Іsnuyu roslyn, the smell of yaky cannot be endured nasturtium, chernobrivtsi, gyrchitsya, peppermint, coriander.

So is the growth, the smell of some kind of windy murah: polyne, peppermint, tansy, vuzkolist lavender.

Hang out like this grow a row of currants, you often defend the view of the popelits and the mours of your garden.

Help the popelitsa of miles of roses, as it is necessary to wash the leaves, or to brush the night sky at sunset for 7-10 days.

The recipe is different. From the tomato badill, the chastnikovy nastiy do good help in the fight against the squeamish shkidnik.

Video - Aphids on trojans - how to get lost

Millions and ash-miles of obpriskuvannya

A clumsy method of fighting the popelyce - miles and miles of rushing through the roslins.

Recipes for Recipes:
- for 10 liters of water, add 300 g of the Lord's milk grated;
- in 10 liters of water, dilute 100 g of dogty mil;
- boil 300 g of ash in 10 liters of water with a stretch of 30 quills, add 40 g of mil to the baking, or wash the growths only with ash rosemary.

The most extensive method of fighting, the stench is effective in fighting the pope.

Tyutyun: pick up 200 g of dry leaves, pour 5 liters of water and pour 1 doba. Brew up to 10 liters and boil for 1.5-2 years on a small fire.

Tomato badilla: pour 10 liters of hot water 5 kg of green leaves and pasinkiv, boil 30 hvilin. Protsiditi before obraskuvannyam and dilute 1 liter of water in 3 liters of water, adding 30 g of mil (from rosemary to 10 liters of water).

Gostry capsicum: Boil 100 g of fresh pepper in 1 liter of water for 60 chills. Napolyagat 2 dobi, grind the pepper, then proceed with the rozchin. Before baking, add 40 g of mil (10 l of rosemary).

Purity: add fresh stems and flowers 400 g (or 100 g dry) pour 1 liter of water. Napolyagaemo 24 years, after which boil 30 hvilin. Protsіditi and obpriskati roslini.

It is also good to help with Pauline, rhubarb, tansy.

Vykoristovuvaty such a method is necessary carefully and before zasosuvannya it is necessary to re-verify zasib on a small area, then on all the distance.

Yagіdni chagarniki work up to the color that after picking the yagid.

fruit tree sprout at the period of budding, after flowering and later 14-40 days before harvesting.

Vegetable crops harvest 30 days before fruit picking.

Recipes for growing infusions against popelits

Chasnikovy nastiy: add 200 g to the watchmaker, add 1 liter of water, pour 4-5 decibels in a closed container. Before the application of vicorist, 25 ml of infusion for 10 liters of water.

Cybulevy nastiy: 35 g of trimmed cibula pour 1 liter of water, pour 5 years. Before baking, add 4 g of the master's mil, strain, bring the volume up to 1 liter and sprinkle the roslin.


1. 100 g of dry herbs and blooms pour 1 liter of water, soak for 12 years. Before obraskuvanni dilute nastіy 1:3 s | iz | water and add | add | 4 g mil per 1 liter bottle.

2. Take 250 g of flowers of Dalmatian chamomile, grind into powder, pour 1 liter of water, sprinkle the growth after preparing the rose.

Nasty z kulbab

1. Kvіtuchі kulbabi 200 g of root and 400 g of leaves pour 10 liters of water, pour 4 years.

2. Dry root of the leaf 30 g, pour 10 liters of water, pour 3 years.

Nasty from I swear: Take 400 g of Kinsky sorrel, add 10 liters of hot water, pour 3 years.

Pine nastiy: Pour 1 kg of pine needles into 4 liters of water, leave for 7 deb, stirring daily. Before baking, dilute the infusions in proportion 1:1.

Citrus: Take 100 g of a pick from any citrus fruit, pour 1 liter of water and pour 3 dobi.

Nasty from peppers: need hot pepper pods 1 kg fresh fruit or 300 g dry, pour in 10 liters of water with a stretch. Before baking, dilute the infusions in proportion 1:10 with water.

Nasty from Chornobrivtsiv: add pivvіdra roslin with vouchers, pour water over the fire, pour two sticks. Before rinsing, add 40 g of mil (per 10 liters of rose), drizzle with roslin.

Potato infusion: Take healthy, non-shkodzhene badilla potatoes 1 kg, trim and saturate in 10 liters of water for 3 years, process and grow roslin.


Some handymen, zvichaynisinki, are excellent helpers in the fight against the popelets and other schoolchildren in the city and garden. Axis deyakі zasobi, about yakі mi recognized zavdyaks of kmіtlivostі city dwellers and gardeners.

Coca Cola (American)

We buy a Coca-Cola flask, we put pressure on the flask and we spray the infected growths. Popelitsya znikne, ants also come from the village. Orthophosphoric acid is detrimental for coma, which is to be avoided in coli.

Burner (typically 40 degrees)

We buy a dance of the found gorilka, we put pressure on the pill and we remake the defeat of the pope of the village. For the guidance of the wealthy city dwellers, zasib dіє bezvіdmovno!

Obrobka tops with ethereal olias

Dilute in 60 ml of charcoal tops, 10-15 drops essential oils tea tree, lavender and cedar. We breed sumish with 2 liters of water. We carry out the application 3 times in 1 day, we will get a miraculous result.

Ammonia mittevo drives in the popelets and її eggs, do not harm the roslins and the people. The smell of ammonia calls for the paralysis of the popelitsy, and by the same token they drive in the shkidnik. Ammonia can be vikoristovuvat whether or not rock. For 10 liters of water add | add | 2 tbsp. l. liquid ammonia 10%, 2 tbsp. l. a rare sweetheart.

Good peremіshuєmo rozchin that for the help of the spray gun to make the growth. For a year, you remember that the popelitsya has grown. Effective zasib to fight popelitsy.

Video - OUR ALCOHOL in the form of popelitsy on troyands, fruit trees, chagars!

Komakhi and birds help in the fight against the popelets

In the fight against the pope, the coma will help, as if they are eating the pope: sonechka, golden-eyed, nazniki, earwigs, ground beetles, hut bugs. For the cultivation of brown clods, visage parsley, carrots, krip, fragrant herbs.

A lot of wild birds look like a fowl, they feed on her birds. So see the birds yak gorobtsі, tits, kropiv'yani, linnets want to eat the pope.

How do you find ways to fight against the popelets of the majestic population, you can stagnate on your summer cottages, vikoristovuyuchi assimilations from inducing folk zasobіv.

Experiment on small plots, adjust the proportions so as not to harm the roslins, and you will find a found method for dealing with the dribbling shkidnik.

Share your original, new ways to fight the pope and readers of our blog will be happy for you.

Popelitsya is a good scourge for city dwellers and gardeners. The bulk of these microscopic shkіdniks often finds itself familiar, and what works with them is often filled with a riddle. It's a pity, it won't grow in the closed heating greenhouse, so in to the critical soil. The stench of growing trees viscous their juices, the ale and cream of this stench become a peddler of all the great ogirkiv, those other important vegetable crops. As soon as the popelitsy in the city will forever praise the wealthy summer residents, there are a lot of cats, like folk and new ones, we will talk about them today in our article.

The explanation of the reasons for the appearance of these shkіdnikіv at the dacha will help to escape the city dweller of their appearance in the future, as well as develop a strategy to fight against already known colonies. It’s a pity that the popelytsya are now faceless, the wild rice is small, the body is clear, the body is ellipsoidne, so the stench may be the vіdmіnny zir.

Methods to fight popelets in the city:

The relief of such a shkіdnik is being carried out different ways, є і people's sparing welfare, and є і chemіchnі, ї zastosovuyut if already critical mass of popelitsі has accumulated in the city, and just like that, it's not possible to get rid of them anymore.

Chemical methods:

Insecticides - roaming no less than the shkіdnik himself, and їхні eggs, really, the stench may bleed into the roslina. There are more such preparations on the market. Axis of retellings of the most popular and found:

  1. "Inta-vir" - pills and powders, cream of the popelitsy stinks of leaflets, cherry fly, thrips, codling. Zasіb nebhіdno razchinyati v vodі, proportії vznіnіnі na pakovіtsі.
  2. "Actor" - to harvest strongly deviy zasib, at the same time it is safe for growing, vikoristovuetsya for the harvesting of leaves of fruit trees.
  3. "Koragen" - dіє "koragen" three years, even after 24 years of wine you start your own mission. Perevagou є yogo is neutral for zapilyuvachіv and worms.
  4. "Prestige" is one of the most popular preparations, with both fungicidal and insecticidal power.
  5. "Detіs profі" - tsey zasіb good to go to fight z. Yogo is bred in proportions of pivgram to ten liters of water. It's almost a month away.

Goosebumps carriers of the popelitsa

It is best to plant insecticides until the moment when the nirki blooms, itself on the cob of spring.

Biological evidence:

  1. "Aktofit" - as a result of yoga, the child eats food, and death comes through the sprat of dib.
  2. "Jaguar" - roaming the population on cereal crops.
  3. "Fitoverm" - you can plant it both in the city, and in the closed ground, you can pick up the growths and in the room minds.
  4. "Fufanon" - organophosphorus zasib.
  5. "Entobacterin" - the maximum effect starts at a temperature of +30C, on the eighth day after processing.

It is necessary to carry out the cultivation of roslin with such fungicides in the early evening or in the evening, the weather may be windless or not gloomy. With chemical methods, the recovery should be carried out at least two days before the harvest, for biological methods - one day. Some people may be immune to singing, so it is recommended to change yoga every hour.

Video on the topic:

How to fight with the popelets in the city and in the garden with folk fences:

Sonechko virny helper gardener

If the number of clods on the farm is not critical, then you can zastosuvat tincture of tyutyun, chamomile, potatoes, chasnik, kіnsk sorrel, tomato brew, wilkha syroj, tansy and rich others. Choose such herbs the best during the flowering period, but find folk zasobє tincture on ash. Recipe:

  • Village ash (300 g), ask and boil it for 20 strands.
  • It’s necessary to add ten liters of water here.
  • On the day before the harvest, it is necessary to add 50 grams of the master's mil to the rose.

Another recipe based on hot pepper:

  • One kilo of dry pepper, filled with ten liters of water, and poured 48 years.
  • If you want to cook vodvar, then get the proportions themselves quiet, and boil the homeland at once with pepper close to the beer, and then pour two dobi. Investigate the city regularly until the coma is reappeared. Reach the interval between procedures in one day.

Fight with ants in the field.

Often the ants themselves are blamed for the fact that you have a pope in your country, and if you have a colony, you fix two important problems, as in the future you can threaten your birth. In order for the ants to deprive them of their places, pour the ants with a great amount of okrop, you can replace it with gas, or with badilla tincture.


There are few such baits. To protect the young trees from the murah, as if to carry the pope on their own, protect them with special sticky belts. The stench is maddened by them and they can't get closer to the tree.


You can prepare special baits to catch the ants. After the introduction of such baits, murakha guinea through the years of healing.

  • Okrip - 2 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon zucru. One-third teaspoon of the storm, after that, as a motherland, add one teaspoon of honey there. Change the bait every 7 days.
  • 40% tsukru + 10% honey + 5% storm + 45% water. Pour the motherland into test tubes and arrange it according to the distance, where the coma is most likely to migrate.
  • Minced meat - 2 tablespoons, half a teaspoon of ground storm. We lay out the ants.

So, you can vicorist for fighting and chemistry. The most common vicorist preparations are: "Muracid", "Murav'yn", "Murav'єd" and "Thunder-2". Ale їh zastosovuyut already as an extreme world, as if the solution of methods failed.

Fight against popelyce without chemicals

It’s a pity that such a kind of struggle is less common in a small hole in your garden. And if not, then you cannot give you an intelligible result. In some cases, it is enough to have a black leaf, but in some cases you can grow a colony of cherry blossoms. It is possible to vikoristovuvaty hard strumine water straightening on leaves infected with coma. Sob to grow up with a plum and cherry look, enough to kindle a pus-filled clump in the garden, as if we smoked all the trees for a long time, leafing tyutyun to the beast on a clump of nasip.


  1. To improve the immune system of Roslyn. For whom you can irrigate the culture with a sprinkler. Spend your own refreshment, but don’t overdo it, the illness comes to them like in the absence of lively speeches, and if it’s too much. More summer residents with experience recommend pіd roslini sipati ash from rough.
  2. Vovchki pagoniv, which they chew, should be cut at the hour, in such months the larvae and eggs often spend the winter. Do not forget the beauty of the autumn tree.
  3. Coriander, basil, mustard have a strong smell, which is a good smell, planting such herbs under trees is already effective. And the axis of the lavender was planted by the Trojans. To plant nasturtium near the stormy number of cherries, while growing up the door of the popelitsa from cherries to yourself.

Lucky for a lot of natural foes of the popelitsy.

The worst enemy of the popelitsy is the sun.

Landing method:

  • Planting cereals, such as oats, or barley, wheat.
  • The pope settles on it, the sonechka reacts on it, as if they are angry at this small village.
  • At the singing moment, the grass is mowed down and burned, and the hungry cows are moving to the roslin on your yard and the shkіdnik is blissfully depleted, and in a few days your garden and the city will be full of health and plunder.

Also, horns of comahi are: axes, humpbacks, titmouse, ground beetles.

Methods of combating the popelyzes їх efficiency and energy consumption table:


The fight against the popelyce is carried out in different ways to lie down near the first line at the level of the forest plantation, but still, give priority to environmental methods. Chemicals are less likely to stop in times of severe infection, if all other tests have not yielded results. Act wisely and remember that chemistry can not only damage your enemies, but grow up, be careful and always carry out prevention, you will not know the same methods of fighting.

Popelitsya sip in the budinok for an hour of airing, or with new roslins bought on the market. Shkіdnik's eggs can be harvested from ґruntі, which vikoristovuyut for transplantation room tickets. The appearance of that multiplication of coma spriyat alive on pіdvіkonnyah.

Signs and threats

Leaves of the growing, okupovannoy by the popelets, are deformed on the back, and then we fall in the yane. Shkіdniki vysmoktuyut iz kіmnatnyh votok sіk, svoryuyut friendly mind for the reproduction of the fungus. The female has grown up to 25 eggs for doba, so the clods quickly expand on other rooms.

The population is grouped in the lower part of the growth. As if on the inner side of the leaf, a colony of small bugs and eggs will appear, it’s time to start fighting with the shkidniks. Use special chemical preparations that reduce lumps in 1-2 sawings, but you can also use old-fashioned and safe methods.

cob stage
Likewise, respectfully follow the tickets, you can help if the first skipper shows up. Sufficiently crush the female, find the eggs, as if she had caught the vіdklasti, and resolutely look around the line of the roslin.

Sometimes it is necessary to prune the seedlings, in order to protect the reproduction of the pope. But this procedure does not harm the colors, even if the stench is freshly inspired. Even though an hour has been spent, it’s too rich, it’s necessary to go into radical methods.

Like a chicken in a booth, you can ask for help from a new one:

  • The tickets are covered with a cellophane bag without holes.
  • Run inside the trocha dima.
  • Wrap up a package tightly and leave it for a year, or rather - for the whole night.
  • Vranci be deprived of the sight of leaves with eggs, and remember the growth in the soul, to take away the remains of dead coma.

Intoxicating aroma
You can prepare the first option with shag, or buy a pack of cigarettes and tyutyun from them in the nearest store. You need 40 g of a dry ingredient, which is soaked in a liter of okrop, it is no less than doby. We will process the tickets by rozchin. Bazhano vikoristovuvati a spray bottle, so that the motherland drank that root on the lower leaves.

Another recipe is made up from a specially prepared watchmaker in a quantity of 30 g of that liter of water. Soak the spice on the doba, pour the proces of the nastiy from the spray bottle. Zamіst chastnik vikoristovuyut i tsibulina: on liter jar drive 1 medium and 2 small ones. Close with a kapron cap, vitrimati is close to 8 years old. The Cibulian method saves not only the pope, but also the spider mite.

heavy artillery
Chistotil nishchuє i warts, i skіdnikіv. At a liter jar, put fresh syrovina (300 g) or dry (to finish 100-150 g). Fill to the top with water, trim by the refrigerator doba. Obpriskuvat kviti, urazhenі popelitsy chi thrips.

At the booth there was a sprat of good peppercorns lying around? Vіdmіnno, even for їх help you can shvidko that effectively znishchiti coma. Just cut the product into pieces, fill it with water and on a full fire. Boil 50-60 quills, really doba, and pour into a bowl for obraskuvannya. In order not to scorch the wounds, it is recommended to dilute the concentrations of infusions with water: add 10-15 ml per liter. You can enhance the effect with the help of the Lord's sweet: rub a small shmatochok and spread the shavings in the peppery area.

Elementary solution for popelitsy
Sometimes, remember to remember the room, hit by the pope, at the soul.

  • Put on gummi mittens, wear a soft washcloth or ganchirka.
  • Buy a piece of the Lord's sweet, repair it by the water.
  • Let's soak it in a leafy way, as if it's necessary - buds, carefully rub them with a washcloth.
  • Rinse under clean water, trying not to harm the growth.
  • Dry your credits in the sun, the procedure can be repeated a few times, until you get a popelice.

Oranges against popelitsі
To fight against bugs, you can pick up picks of any kind of citrus. For example, lemon and orange. Dry ingredient in a quantity of 100 g, soak in 1 liter of water, keep warm in a warm place (you can charge it with a battery) 3 dobi. Protsiditi, generously sprinkle the roslin.

Effective sumish
You need a cibulin, a forger and a badilla of tomatoes. Components are thoroughly mixed, steamed with sprinkles. Take the vodka not more often than 1 time for 7 days, so that the tincture comes out concentrated. The procedure should be repeated three days later, the whole popelitsya has come to light.

Yalinova dopomoga
There is a zastosuvannya for an old yalinka or a pine tree that was lying around on a balcony. Soak 50 g of heads, you can at once from the needles, in 2 liters of rodin. Zasіb is guilty of napolyagat not less than tyzhnya, after it is processed and diluted with water. Proportion 1 to 7. Carry out a skin test for 3-4 days.

Kulbabi and Chornobrivtsi
Popelitsya can't stand the aroma of old roslins. Tsyu weakness can vikoristovuvatime fight with impudent shkidniks.

The first option: in a liter of hot water, steam 40 g of leaves and that root kulbab. Check for 2 years, proceed. Nastiy rozporoshiti on all the rooms, repeat for the doba.

A friend's proposition: put a charge from the roslin-infected mountaineers with black-browns, or prepare sumish leaves from dried buds for tasting. Zhmenyu sirovini pour trom with flasks of water, check for 2 days. Add shavings from the master's mil, pour over a dance with a spray gun.

Ash and roast
At the stove it is necessary to burn the firewood from any kind of wood. Chi do not zmіshuvati z vugіll. Grab the ashes and spread them by the water. You need 2 spoons prepared for 1 country, plus a spoonful of the Lord's mil. Relatively rozmіshat, shchob components rozchinilis. Spray with a penzlik, so that particles of ash can get stuck in a spray bottle.

You need 10 g of powder from fresh white mustard. For such a quantity of dry ingredient, take a liter of water. Rozchin is guilty of costing 2 dobi, after which they are procedural. In order not to harm the roslini, it is recommended to dilute the tincture with water. In neglected valleys, concentrations of zasib can be stagnant.

Likarski roslini vіd popelitsі
You can save the popelytsya with sprinkling (100 g per 1 liter), wood (80 g, brewed in okrop), kvіti dope (spread with the Lord's sweet, and only then dilute with water). Effective hot water: place 50 grams of roslin in a liter jar, close it with a lid. Tincture in front of vikoristannyam with 3 spoons of mile shavings.

Badilla and rib'yacha luska
Yakshcho spared the distance of leaves and tomato stalk, their next detail, and boiled 300 g of sprouting in a liter of water. Before vikoristannya zmishat with the lord's love and generously kiss not only the wounds, but also the health of the victims. Nasty from tomatoes is safe for domestic creatures and their vlasniks.

Does a person love fishing? You can quickly become addicted, so that you can prepare a fireball against the pope. Clean the fish, pick up the luska, and slightly dry it. Zmishati the workpiece with a trimmed tsibuley, fill it with water, insist 5 years. Per liter of rindine 7 g of the fish component and 15 g of the vegetable.

Unacceptable state
Do not like bugs and the scent of geraniums. As soon as you settle a number of infected quarters of that susіd, the popelitsya will soon leave their “booths”. Replace geranium with pelargonium.

Often tinctures from the hour of those other natural components appear powerless, otherwise the popelytsya is known for sprats of tizhniv, and then turns again. In such situations, you can not do without insecticides.

  1. Carefully follow the instructions, and follow the prescribed dosage. Insecticides for indoor plants are not letki, but when working with them, it is necessary to wear mittens and a gauze bandage or a mask.
  2. It is necessary to bring in children, to close your creatures in other places.
  3. Look at the wounds and healthy growths, even if you can miss the sprat of the popelitsy eggs, and you will turn around again.
  4. If the stocks do not know after the 2nd choice of the drug, then buy another variety. Popelitsya quickly calls to insecticides, and becomes insensitive.
  5. Before the processing of the chemical process, the coats can be rubbed with a ganchirka soaked in a mile of water.

Prevention is the best way to fight

Dry green bugs to finish off tenaciously, it’s better to get ahead of them in the booth, to get rid of an unacceptable state.

If you follow ailments and weakened kvіta, regularly look at the leaves of that bud, you can protect the pope at the cob stage, until it catches the payback of that z'їsti all the growth in the booth. At times, the first sign of infection with shkіdniks appeared folk recipes Ale not varto vіdmovlyatsya vіd ї z ї ї ї ї ї ї ії ії ї ї ї ії іn іt's infusion turned out to be powerless.


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