Egyptian mythology: divine cow. Sonechko

Instruction from the cult of bugs and foundation of the cult of cows. Goddess The sky Nut (see, Nut) took on the image of a cow, which lifted into the sky, sunk in the wake of the dream on earth with the people of the god Ra of the sun: "When the wind came up ... the cow Nut from Re, who sat on his back, rose and became the sky." This myth, vіdomy yak The Book of the Cow, records on the walls of the tombs of the pharaohs XVIII, XIX and XX dynasties, Previously, yoga was known on the walls of the tombs of Merezh I and Ramesses III . The instruction from the note was the image of a heavenly cow. The statement about the cow-sky speaks of prehistoric hours. Zgіdno with the most recent texts, it rose from the ocean, as if starting on the cob. The little ones imitate the Heavenly Cow, they live like embellishments with the line of stars, and the two legs are supported by eight deities. heh. Uzdovzh lines of the stars are depicted choven, for some plyve the god of the sun. “The revelation about those that Nut carried with her the ranks of the gods, if they kicked them, and that the stench became stars, was seen too early” ( Pyr.785).

The revelation about the primal ocean, which had a hand on the earth, and the heavenly ocean, like it was fermented, was even more ancient, but it was unimaginable if the announcement about a cow was raised from the ocean to the sky. Shards The sky was also manifested by a stream of water, The body of the cow was curved by lines that depicted water, and in this form the divine cow was called Mekhet-Urt or "Great Potik" and already in ІІІ thousand wonbula vіdoma so yak Metuer "great cow by the water"» . The announcement about the heavenly cow has completely lost the trace of її imeni - “ Gold", "Gold", which was called in the delti chagars. They said that on the day of its creation the sun was born by the “Great Stream” and was seen on every cow, spreading between its horns. “Navit if the primordial or the primordial people of the sun described as those that became from the black lotus flower in the heavenly or earthly ocean, they called him “child Metuer””.

W III the thousand-year-old Metuer looked like a god patroness of the beloved. Later, it was ottozhenny z Hathor (div. Hathor), the goddess z Denderi, "whose symbol on the back was the head of a cow's skull, which were nailed over the door of the temple of chi columns." Hathor very early pretended to be the goddess of the sky at the sight of a cow, as if she sounded like a bearer between the horns of the sun of the middle of the flowers and roses, “similar to the leaves of the Heavenly tree, as if sending the sun on the road to lies and howling in the evening.” It was also important that in the evening the sun come up to the cow's mouth and hovaetsya prolong the night in її tіlі, and the vranci will again be born from the womb. The goddess appeared alive in the mountains of Upper Egypt, de vain received the dead at the time of their consecration, appearing from the mountain in the form of a cow. The little ones depict the funeral process that came to the tomb, and the goddess, as if in the form of a cow, stunned by a bouncy sky, pink“Overgrowth of papyrus, which miraculously grew on tsikh barren skeletons. Hathor was depicted looking like a cow or a woman with cow's horns on her head, between a rotting disk of sleep. "I have a lot of other deities of a woman's status, who were associated with the sky, - especially Isis - pointed out in little ones to their heavenly nature to those who wore horns or to wind a cow's head."

The Goddess Isis, the mother of Horus and the squad of Osiris, was often depicted with cow's horns. The myth is told about those, like the stunned Horus with Seth for power in the form of hippos, Horus was angry at the matir, who called the harpoon in the sight of his brother Seth and shattered the head of Isid. Possibly, the same gods put a cow's head on him. With Іsіda Bulo pov'yazane especially sacrificial bik. Zavdyaki Herodotus mi may yogo describe: When sacrificing Isid, the stench peel off the carcass of a bik and say a prayer, and then wimming a whole shell, ale gut fat fill in the carcass. Potim cut the quilt, the upper part of the quilt, the shoulders and the neck. After all reminiscent of the reshta of the carcass of a bik with clean bread, honey, rodzinka, wine berries, incense, myrrh and other arable.. Reminding the carcass of all tsim, stink they scorch її, and when the victims are scorched, the participants go into mourning. Then, having pinned the cry, we will win a banquette from the parts that were deprived of [non-burned] victims."Clean" [allowing special prikmet] bikiv and calves of the Egyptians to be sacrificed everywhere. Navpaki, it is not allowed to sacrifice cows to them: the stench is consecrated to Jesus e. Adje Isida is depicted by a looking woman with cow's horns (similar to the image of Hellenes), and all Egyptians are like that most of all creatures of cows. On the vіdmіnu vіd bugаїв, dead cows do not irritate the earth, but "throw them by the river".

On the image at the tomb Nespnefhora, the priesthood of the god Amun at Thebes, which is buried until the hour XXI dynasties, the priest of that yoga team put gifts on three altars, set in front of the cows, the heads of which are crowned with three different crowns. This image is proof that the Egyptians worshiped the cow as a sacred creature for all hours. Sin of Cheops Mіkerin, sumuyuchi for his early dead daughter, “Having punished to prepare an empty [statue] of a cow from a tree, gild and then put the dead daughter in it.” Tsya cow stood at the royal palace in Sausi. “During the day, all the arable people smoke there, and the whole lamp is lit. ... the cow may be completely covered with a purple robe, the cream of her head, as if gilded with a ball of gold. Between the horns there is an image of a sony disk made of gold. ... The skin of the river її to blame from peace, the very day, if the Egyptians beat themselves in their chests in honor of God, whom I do not want to name out of reverent fear. Let's say that before her death, the daughter asked the father to let her go to the sun again.”

A great stone altar with an inscription was revealed near Ierakonpolis, which will be seen until the hour of Sheshonk's reign. I , in which it was mentioned about the commemoration of the daily sacrifices at the mystic temple “All the crops were sent to the river in the middle part of 365 bugs, starting from the “general” [Nimrat] himself, who was credited with sacrificing 60 bugs, yogo in spiritual dignitaries (10 bugas each) and ending with officials of a different rank, local communities of the region and workers. In the rite "Vidkidannya vust and eyes""on the cob the priest stuck out his company and the eyes of the statue with the bent foot of the sacrificial beak, potim - with an adze, another adze, a sculptor's cut and a bear with a red mineral, from which a farba was seen. From the last set, the more bleeding leg of the beak played a daily chaklunsky role, fully understood in the light, wide-spread primary viruvan in the healing power of the blood. It remains to be added that the suzir'ya of the Great Vedmedicine was called "Bead of a cow" beforehand, but later it began to be combined with a beak and called "fear", "Bik's leg"", atіslo - a tool for vydkrivannya vust statues or mummies - just a little sketch like tse suzir'ya.

An ancient symbol of cosmic forces, yak created light, buli bik and a cow, the supreme divine couple. The stinks represented the active and passive aspects of the creative forces of the All-World. The cow was the personification of Mother Earth and symbolized the majestic cosmic bosom, in which everything was blamed.

Vaughn also manifested the moon that sky; її the horns were chanting, and the milk was associated with the Chumatsky Way. An image of a cow with a disc of the Sun between its horns, invoking ideas about a heavenly matir cow, like pissing about the Sun during the night. Great Mother and the moon goddesses were most often depicted with cow's horns.

In rich traditions, the cow emphasized kinship, prosperity, prosperity.

At Egypt this symbol is from the idea of ​​life warmth. The Goddess of the Sky and the Great Mother swayed the divine cow that gave birth to the sun. Hathor, the goddess of heaven, joy and love, the birthday of all who live on earth, in recent times looked like a cow, but in the past she was depicted as a woman with cow's horns. Isis, as the goddess of the sky, was depicted as a cow with cow's horns on her head. Nadali, after the solidification of the Heliopol pantheon, mother Isis, the goddess Nut, is known by the Volodarka of the sky. The legs of the heavenly cow Nut are on the side of the world, on the її tіlі roztashovanі zirka. The sleepy god Ra rises from the ocean on a heavenly cow, which is sometimes reminiscent of Nut, as the water rose and changed into the sky. The “Texts of the Pyramids” talk about Ra, about the “golden calf”, the people of the cow-sky, and about the dead pharaoh it is said that the cow is great with him, the people of yoga and pіdtremuє with their wings. The two-headed cow separates Upper and Lower Egypt.

One of the main gods Sumerian-Akkadian of the pantheon Enlil, staggering like a divine beat, like a squad of Ninlil - like a divine cow. It was important that their union gave Mesopotamia a kindred soil. Near Ur stood a temple, awakening in honor of the divine cow; yoga was embellished with images of bugs and koriv. At the anthem in honor of Nanni, the god of Moon, de vins sleep like the lord of Ur, god, weeping through the sky at the cloak, having mercy on the herds of cows; here, maybe, stars. Inanna (Ishtar) - "Queen of heaven", the goddess of storms, hearts and love, also sometimes depicted in the form of a cow; won’t say to yourself: “I am a beautiful wild buffalo of my father Enlil.”

At Ancient India a cow is a sacred creature that symbolizes fertility, prosperity, earth, personification of both heaven and earth. In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the calm, evocative nature of a cow, imovirno, flooring, is constantly churning with manifestations of a pious life, that it has become the most shanovanoy and sacred creature.

The "holy cow" of India is a year-old woman, which gives birth and prosperity (Prіtkhіvі, Adіtі). Prithіvі - the earth is burnt and personified, the mother of all nature. It will sound glorified at the same time from the Dyaus-heaven. Prithiv is a woman's cob, mother, and Dyaus is a man's cob, father. Stink podruzhzhya, as if on the cob boulo angered together. The rose of the day, which is attributed to us before Indri (abo Varuni) is equal to the creation of the All-World. The milk of Prithiv is spilled at the sight of a fruit-bearing plank.

Cow Vak, abo Vach (like other-Ind. "Mova", "word"), the female aspect of Brahmi, in Hinduism it is known as "Cow, scho svovaє" or "Cow of prosperity". First of all - spіvaє - take your cob as an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating the sound of the world, the other - as a function to live the world with your milk, a dry saw of the Chumatsky Way. Vach is rіznomanіtna, on a thought E. P. Blavatsky, tse “naypotaєmnіsha z usіh Bramanіchnyh Goddesses; that, as they call it “Solodkozvonnyy Cow, which gives Їzhu that Water” - the Earth with the mustache and mystical forces. Vaughn is a volodarka and a picker of wealth; the one whom she loves, becomes stronger and wiser. She is quiet, whoever hears what she said. In the epic period, Vach becomes the goddess of wisdom and redness.

Surabkhi (type of ancient Indian “smell of licorice”) abo Kamadhenu (“bazhan cow”) - this is a divine cow that appeared from the ocean during yoga; she will live steadily in the paradise of Indri.

Miraculous land of Goloka (cow's world) - the paradise of Krishna, roztashovannyh on pivdennih shila Mount Meru. Krishna's chanuvials are transported to paradise at the sight of cows, creatures and birds, and the naivirnish are at the sight of shepherds and shepherds, like they come to the heavenly dance of Krishna and live, in the air of turbot, at the constant joy.

At Greeks at the sight of a cow, Hera and Io stand. The supreme Olympian goddess, the squad of Zeus, Hera roams like a cow in Argos, in Homer she is guessing with the epithet “hair-eyed”. Fearing the wrath of the jealous Geri, Zeus transformed his kohana Io into a white heifer. The next Io, tormented by the gadfly, let us send the Hero, for a long time mandrove, the first nabula looked like a big man.

At Scandinavian mythology, the enchanting cow Audumla vinikla z іneya, which rose up, reminiscent of the dayless day. Vaughn blew with her milk the messenger of Imir, from the body of which the world was created. She herself ate it, which licked the salt of the stone, open it with frost. From this stone the ancestor of the gods of the Storm was blamed.

At words'yan a cow is a separate goddess of the sky, an anniversary of the earth, as if she fills the fields with her milk; the milk of such a cow is a symbol of the blessed doschu.

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Cow Zemun (sacred Heavenly Cow), like the Goat Sedun, was created by Rod at dawn. Vaughn є matіr'yu Veles vіd Rod Cherry. That Veles is often portrayed as a bik or a man with a whip head and is called Veles-Korovich.

On the day of Veles, it was accepted not to eat dairy products for the wedding of Veles-Korovich and mother Korovi Zemun. At the beginning of the hour, the Holy Cow lived on the island of Berezan, and later moved to the Upper World of Gods. For different tributes, the Chumatsky Way or our galaxy was created from the milk of Zemun or the milk of Kozi Sedun. For others, one can judge that this process was created by both goddesses. In the garden of Iriya (Slovak Paradise) a milky river flows in the name of Zemun.

Qiu Goddess is embroidered like a Veles Day, so it’s April 10, if the Cow Zemun herself is embroidered. It is important that the deity helps mandrivers and helps us get lost.

The "Veles Book" says: "Mi - words, Dazhdbog's brushes, who gave birth to us through the Zemun cow, and to that mi - kravents: Scythians, antis, Russ, Borusins ​​and Surozhts". Cow Zemun (sacred Heavenly Cow), yak and Goat Sedun, was created by Rod at dawn. Vaughn є matіr'yu Veles vіd Rod Cherry. That Veles is often portrayed as a bik or a man with a whip head and is called Veles-Korovich. (for a different version, Veles appeared at the world earlier than Cherry, and appeared to the descendants of the All-Vishish. Cherries then came to people, and flowed in like Sin of Svarog and the Mother of the Sva. for the whole living world (for people), enchanting tribes and creatures), and having entered into the blue of the Heavenly Cow and the Family. On the day of Veles, it was accepted not to eat dairy products for the wedding of Veles-Korovich and mother Korovi Zemun. At the beginning of the hour, the Holy Cow lived on the island of Berezan, and later moved to the Upper World of Gods. For different tributes, the Chumatsky Way or our galaxy was created from the milk of Zemun or the milk of Kozi Sedun. For others, one can judge that this process was created by both goddesses. In the garden of Iriya (Slovak Paradise) a milky river flows in the name of Zemun.

Cows of the creator are in rich religions. Parallels of the Heavenly Cow Zemun can be found in the Egyptian vіruvannyah (cow-sky), in the Indian, de to tsikh pіr cow є sacred creature, among the Laks and Lezgina the cow is the patron saint of the family. Qiu Goddess vshanovuyut yak at Veles Day 11 of the fierce, so it is 10 kvіtnya, if the Cow Zemun herself is shoved. It is important that the deity helps mandrivers and helps us get lost. In India, the calm, vrіvnovazheny character of the cow, ymovіrno, nastіlki all the time zbіgavsya with statements about the pious life, that it has become the most shanovanoy and sacred creature.

The Hindu deity is called Govinda. Tse іm'ya vіdpovіdaє directly to our Veles... Govinda = Veles. In old Russian, the word Goiti meant "to live", "to go". Zvіdsi GOVІnda - the Aryan god, the same Veles, the stars seem to be familiar with the word GOVYADINA. Why is there a cow? It also appears as a "why". Chi is not simple, but heavenly. (more figuratively for everything, like a leader. Suzir'ya Taurus??). It is readable: On the cob Veles was born by the Heavenly Cow Zemun in the presence of the god Rod, which was the path of the White Mountain of Sonyachnaya Sur'ya, Ra-richka.

The Sanskrit word is homa-dhenu, which means “sacrificial cow”. Cows in іnduїstіv vvazhayutsya sacred creatures and beat them, madly, fenced. At the Bombay airport there is a tape recorder with a recording of a tiger in order to disperse the cows from the golden smuga - the Indian does not respect the sacred creature.

In the ancient Egyptians, the symbol of the cow is from the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife warmth. Vaughn was the personification of Mother Earth. In Egypt, Hathor is the goddess of heaven, joy and kohannya, the anniversary of all who are on earth, in the last period, a cow looked small.

A cow stretching for a thousand years occupied the central place of the pastoral peoples of the world. And at once, at the dawn of a new thousand, among the rich African tribes, the cow is the head symbol of wealth and ability. Nearby Greek and Greek mythologies tell stories about a god who hid in a cow. With the cult of a cow among a number of tribes of tribes, the mythological and ritual role of milk is associated as a sacramentally pure drink. Representing like Moon (a lot of moon goddesses make cow's horns), so are the deities of the earth, the cow is a creature and heavenly, and chthonic. On the face of the duality of the meaning of the image of the bik, the cow (as the great horned thinness was tamed) is endowed with a positive symbolism. Main meanings: Great Mother, Goddess of Moon; Month, month light; the “living aspect” of the deities, the productive power of the earth (motherly forces of the earth to live); plurality, children, maternal instinct. Rich in ancient and archaic religions, a cow is a symbol of family, prosperity, prosperity. The image of milk wealth, characteristic of the Western European mythological tradition, is reflected in the numerical metaphors of the Vedic poet in etymology: in.-irl. duan - "song, verse"< тот же корень, что и duha, ---; в «Ригведе», гомеровском эпосе и латинском языке слово «вымя» означает в то же время «изобилие, плодородие»: - др.-инд. вед. udhar, - лат. uber. коровы и быки правят миром

"Crimea of ​​the king, there is nothing important for the cow" - an African order. The symbolic archetype of the cow-anniversary, the cow-ancestor, may be deeply rooted. One of the main gods of the Sumerian-Akkadian pantheon, Enlil, sauntered like a divine beak, and his squad, Ninlil, was like a divine cow. It was important that their union gave Mesopotamia a kindred soil. In Scandinavian mythology, an enchanting cow won over the first person with her milk. The Russian folk kazts "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka" help orphans "mother cow". In the fairy tale “Burenushka”, which is similar to the fairy tale, it also tells about a charming cow, for example, I give a maiden-sirits їzhu, a drink and a harn of cloth. The Kazakh "Storm-bogatyr Ivan the Cow's son" has a wise, strong and good for the blue of the queen and the black-haired girl, who were born at the same time with him.

“Krykhitka Khavroshechka” is a marvelous book of wisdom of the Russian people behind the silver. As if it were another fairy tale for our people, “Krykhitka Khavroshechka” presents the vіdomosti about the life and the vіruvannya of ancient people. And in order to find out if you want to know about secrets, you just need to thoughtfully read the fairy tale “Krykhitka Khavroshechka”. Andje, Russian folk tales were created for us and for you. The ancient people were shaking their ancestors and arguing about naschadkiv. That is why they left us their creations, in which they tried to explain in the most accessible way all the beauties of life on Earth.

About the fairy tale "Tiny Khavroshechka" "Tiny Khavroshechka" in the best way show recent statements about the vіruvannya words'yan.

First, the kaztsa "Krykhitka Khavroshechka" shows a metamorphosis: the cow transforms into an apple tree and continues to help the girls. Yakshto pov'yazati all tse povіr'yam people of that hour, skin sіm'ya maє my totem creature, and in other words, the pershoprodok. The cow is the very great ancestor who came to help the girls in the earthly world. The axis of why the cow seems like a girl, because she didn’t їla її, even if she won’t for her - a totem creature. For the help of the cow Krykhitka Khavroshechka copes with the most important tasks of the machuha. Shifting from the creatures on the enchanting tree, the cow will help the girl to help and help the girl to know the right betrothed. The fairy tale "Krykhitka Khavroshechka" will end with the creation of a new prosperous family.

In a different way, behind the manifestations of an old person, wisdom can only be obtained from ancestors. Ale stink perebuvayut and in a different world. What's the axis folk tales so rich transitions at the symbolic "inshiy svit" (lis, galyavin that іn.). Apply what you know in fairy tales: Ivan Tsarevich and Sirius Vovk, Red Hat, Kazka 12 months, Tsarivna Zhaba and rich other fairy tales.

Thirdly, for a long time people believed in the elements. The axis of why in the old fairy tales the forces of nature help people. It could be Month, Sun, Frost, Water, and other characters (div. "Flying Ship", "Tale about dead queen and about this bogatiriv”, “The Tale of Morozko”, “The Tale of the Konik-Humpbacked Cossack”).

Fourthly, people respected that they represent the world of nature - these are people who are changed, it is so easy for him to know Tiny Khavroshechka spilnu mova with a cow and an apple tree. And if Tiny Khavroshechka climbed into a cow in one wind and climbed in another, gained strength from the first ancestor and became unstoppable - another one of the words of the words.

In a way, ancient people knew the power of words. That is why in the kazci "Krykhitka Khavroshechka" it is only by the power of words "Sleep, sleep, otherwise!" (quote, fairy tale “Krykhitka Khavroshechka”) the orphan attaches Odnooka, Dvooka and Triglazka (for 2 points). All the more so, the deuce was allowed to interpret the fairy tale "Krykhitka Khavroshechka". We invite you to read in a calm atmosphere the TV of the Russian people's thought. Who knows, maybe you yourself, the enigmatic fairy tale "Krykhitka Khavroshechka" reveals its own secrets.

  • Heavenly cow in India
  • Heavenly cow in India
  • Heavenly cow in Egypt
  • Veles sin cow Zemun
  • Cartoon "Tiny-Havroshechka"

Sonechko is an arthropod coma, which can be seen up to the corral of the zhorstkokrill, the family of the sonechka (Coccinellidae).

Did the name of the sun appear?

The sonechko took away the name of science to its unusually bright zabarvlenny - the Latin word "coccineus" suggests the concept of "chervoniy". And the common people's privilege, with which they blessed the sun in the rich lands of the world, to talk about the honor and sympathy of people to the point of coma. For example, in Germany and Switzerland, it is known as “the bug of the Divine Mary” (Marienkaefer), in Slovenia and the Czech Republic, the sun is called “Sonechko” (Slunecko), and a lot of Latin Americans know it as “the cow of St. Anthony” (Vaquita de San Antonio).

Pokhodzhennya Russian name Sonechka is not exactly visible. Some of the older ones are shirked to the version that it is connected with the zdatnistyu comakhs in times of need they see "milk" - a special otruynu homeland (hemolymph), like a vіdlyakuє hizhakіv. And "god" means lagidna, innocent. Inshі vvazhayut, scho prizvisko "sonechka" tsі komakhi otrimali through those who live in poverty and save the birth.

However, deyaki sonechka їdyat only roslinna їzhu. My diet includes mycelium mushrooms, sawdust roslin, their leaves, flowers and fruit.

How do dormouse reproduce? Stages of development of sonia

The statutory maturity of the individual dormouse reaches a period between 3 and 6 months of life. The period of reproduction of sonia starts in the middle of spring. Having gained strength after leaving the winter hibernation or after the flight, the stench proceeds to mating. The male knows the person for the specific smell that she sees in the period. The female Sonechko lays eggs on the roslins near the colony of popelits, in order to secure the offspring with a reserve of hedgehogs. Sonia's eggs, attached to the lower side of the leaves, form an oval shape with slightly ringing tips. The surface can have a wrinkled texture and it is turned into yellow, orange or white color. Number of eggs at the treasure chest 400 pcs. Unfortunately, after the happy season, the females die.

Sonechka's eggs

After 1-2 tyzhnі z vіdkladenikh yaєts z'yavlyayutsya lineally larvae of sonia oval or flat form. The top of their body can be covered with thin bristles or hairs, and the little ones on the body of the dentures are yellow, orange and white.

In the first days of their life, the larvae eat the shell of the egg, from which they have hatched, as well as the unlaid eggs or the eggs from the dead embryo. Having gained strength, the larvae of the sonechok proceed to the bottom of the popelits colonies.

Sonyechka larva

The larval stage develops the coma after about 4-7 days, after which the larvae appear.

Lyalechka is attached to the leaves of the growth with remnants of the exoskeleton of the larva. During this period, all parts of the body characteristic of coma are laid. After 7-10 days from the cocoon, a person has matured, which is fully formed.

Lyalechka Sonechka

Korist and Skoda Sonechok

The indifference of hutted sonechok and their larvae has long been bringing mischief to gardens, cities and crops cultural roslins in rich countries of the world. If the larva of the sonia is able to live close to 50 individuals of the popelitsya a day, then the sonia has grown up and can take up to 100 individuals of the popelitsya for production. In order to clean the agricultural fields of the earth from the shkidniks, the populations of the cows should be specially bred on special enterprises and, with the help of aviation, to be sprayed over the fields and plantations infected with the shkidniks.

However, the roslinoids see korivok, which live mainly in the subtropical and tropical regions of Pivdennoy and Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, the buildings of the great school of rural settlements. On the territory of Russia, there are also sprats of sonia, which grow potatoes, tomatoes, cistern, and also beetroots.

  • From long ago, people adored the sun and worshiped it. Ancient words respected її the messenger of the Goddess Sontsya. With the help of the stench, the future weather passed. The beetle, which looked at the valleys, announced a good clear day, and the lump, which could be left on the hands, conveyed indignation.
  • In some light cultures, the heads of shkodi are hindered, and more often they drive in these coma, so as not to cause inaccuracy.
  • For a long time in the western lands, people believed that the sun is a symbol of good luck. The image of a red beetle on clothing and various embellishments was considered a talisman.
  • To this day, impersonal marks have been preserved, tied with a cloak. The stinks always move more than good podії. Sonechko, who sat on his hand, dressed, haired, cannot be banished, so as not to spoil fortune. She flew into the house of the sun to bring peace, harmony, tranquility to him, and for the childless families, the appearance of an unbarred child. Porahuvavshie kolkіst plyam on nadkryla sonechka, you can recognize, skіlki bude advancing rock in the distant months.
  • For vchenih dosі zalishaєtsya riddle shorіchny polit sonechok for winter. The bugs always turn around up to once when they choose a place. It is not possible to explain this phenomenon with the memory of a coma, the shards through the short trivality of their life in the old month of winter turn a new generation.
  • The larva of the sonechka was hungry, choked with a joke of a hedgehog, it is possible to hem up the “magnificence” for the clods of a vіdstan – 12 meters.
  • The larvae of these cute bugs can be cannibals, feeding on their relatives, as if they had not yet hatched from eggs.

What's up, on different language the sonechko is called in a different way, but zavzhd yogo im'ya so chi іnakshe pov'yazane with God. Among the Latins, won - "marite" - is named after the ancient deity Mara, who knows the earthly elements; among the Nimtsiv - "Marienkaefer" - the bug of the Divine Mary; the French seem to be - poulette a Dieu, which literally translates like the chicken of God; and in the English lands - Ladybug (bug of the Mother of God), Ladybird (bird of the Mother of God) or Lady-beetle (bjola of the Mother of God).

Why "God"?

As it seems, retell what has gone down to our days, the sun lives in heaven, and not on Earth. As soon as she gets down, she doesn’t have to go down in order to convey the message. As a rule, good news, for example, about the people of the child, about the boards for a good birth, about good luck in pink right. As if someone was waking up on a dress, yogo obov'yazkovo was transplanted onto right hand and while the comacha rose, they told about all the blessings, conspiring to pass the creation on to Heaven. It’s not possible to imitate it more than to drive in a little sun in some time, first, you can call it, but in a different way, live without a hitch.

In one word of the Janskian legend, the god Perun transformed his unwieldy squad into a dream. Being angry on her, throwing wine on the back of a coma of sparkles and exactly 7 times drinking wine, leaving scorched marks on the back. Ale mabut vіn already loving the sanatorium, if you do it vikonu, bringing her a meal of naschadkіv.

For more explanation, cry from the peaceful old-fashioned komakhi, її trustfulness of a hundred people and a lot of day-to-day aggression.

Wanting to really make a hut, that’s what it is! The comaha has grown up to about 3000 popelits, and the larva of the sunflower in an hour of its growth has grown to about 1000 small green shkidniks. Help environmental protection against the popelitsi! It is not for nothing that I use farms to breed sonechok. For example, from France you can buy navit from retailers with delivery by mail. Red cows, plantings in the fields and in the gardens - the guarantees of the defense of the roslin in the stubborn popelis and could also become the reason for the equalization of the coma with God's grace.

And what about "cows"?

It is impossible not to recognize the likeness of a coma with a cow. Її yakrave zabarvlennya, red in the black dot, guessing zabarvlennya long ago widened in Russia plemischih korіv. Ale krіm tsgogo, komakha can also give milk, the truth is yellow color, gіrke that bruise. Navit a tarantula, see your all-rounder, bypass the sun.

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