Who are the leaders in the Kazakh geese swan. "Geese-swans" leading heroes. Vіdminnіst narodї vіd literary kazka

Є - є th іnshі tales, in which one of the most childish heroes is geese-swans.

Є 2 main plots:

1. Fairy tale "Geese-swans"
The people that squad went to the fairs and left the little son in the house. The older sister, who was entrusted to follow her brother, “went on a spree, got drunk,” she threw one of them. Malyuk was taken away by swan geese. The girl started chasing them and vreshti-resht knew her brother in the hut of Babi Yaga.

In fact, the plot of the fairy tale - rite of passageinitiations(The rite, which marks the transition to a new rіven rozvitka, for example, the transfer of pіdlіtkіv from the class of grown-ups), the subject of the former brother is the former brother, but the role was transferred to the sister. Vidpovidno the images of swan geese themselves, better for everything, swear by the old mythological statements about birds-psychophores (tobto, like transferring souls to the sweating world).

Ale y y y kaztsі є svoї "versions" ...
Afanasiev's sister would not know her brother, Yakby did not help the wise zhzhachok.
The worker A. N. Tolstoy won’t know yoga herself.
At Afanasyev’s, she simply sneaks up to the hut and takes her brother away.
In the example of A. N. Tolstoy, you can’t go in at the hut, roam with Baba Yagoa, etc. ticking with brother.

2. Fairy tale "Іvashko i vіdma" (or "Lutonya", or "Tereshechka")
The tale was written in bagatoraraz and in a great number of variants, the main hero has different names (Ivashko, Lutonya, Tereshechka).

Axis for more advanced option:
The old one with the old one is not mother of children. Like an old Uzimka virushiv at the forest for firewood. Chopping firewood, the old one took a litter out of himself, a linden tsurbachok. In the house of the wines, having laid the casing under the rude (inode for the rude) and after a deaky hour the tree turned into a lad. (In some variants, the old one specially breaks behind the stump of wood, then in the corner I paint on a tree face, and the old one sings and puts it in a cradle.) Until the summer, the lad pidris and rushing to the lake woody riba. An old man for a new man. white (Siberian), from red (golden) oars, and the old woman gave him a white shirt with a red belt. During the day, the boy swims on the lake, and in the evening he swims to the shore, to see the old fish fish and change the shirt and the belt. Baba Yaga takes him to the shore and takes him from his hut. There she will hand over her bottom to lubricate the lad, and then you will go on to fool Yagishna, shove yourself into the pich, vibrate from the hut and climb the tree. Yaga accepts grizzly or rubati stovbur. At the last moment of the hero of the fairy tale, geese-swans roar. As we fly, we throw off the lad "for a feast" and we make wings from them (to turn into a bird), otherwise the rest of the bird will fall yogo. It didn’t seem to be there, the hero happily turns back to his home.

In the Lithuanian version of the fairy tale, like a witch flying from the swans at once, stealing yoga, mistaking it for a swan.
In the image of birds, they fill the whole world and enchanted brothers from fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen (Hans Christian) « » .

And what in the myths of American Indians, who linger in the jungles of the Amazon, the American witch is engaged in sexual harassment, and the tree, where the hero is fighting, is trying to overgrow for help with toothy genitals. On the thought of the dosledniks, the American myth has encoded deeds characteristic features, authorities in matriarchal vіdnosinam

It is clearly visible from the sky that the swan geese are "bad" і "good" .
"Bad" geese-swans steal a child and take її to Babi Yaga (kazka "Gus-swans"), and "good" - to help the boy to get in the direction of Yagi and turn around home (kazka "Ivashko ta vіdma").

Turns to the plot
In order to expand the plot of these fairy tales, it is necessary to turn to mythology.

Apollo during the season having risen in price for chariots harnessed with white swans. Happy autumn, seeing the blessed land of Hyperborea (above the pivnich), so that the curtains turn back at Delphi. Mayzhe among all peoples pivnichnoy pivkul "pivnich" is associated with death, so Hyperborea is understood not geographically, but mythologically.
* Come out, scho "filthy" geese-swans take Brother to Babi Yaga- to be condemned to death.

In addition, you can guess the myth about Zeus, who stood in front of Lloda in the form of a swan.

And now we’re going wild to the fairy tale about the “good” swan geese. The lad Yagishna is turned into a bird, the wind ticks and climbs a tree, and then, having turned into a bird, the tops on the new wind turn into our world.

Swans are an invisible part of shamanic rites, and it was important that the stench carry the soul of a shaman directly to the right.
Altaian shamans sang about the goose: "If you are tired, let you be a horse. If you are bored, then let you be your comrade, who vibrates whirlwinds on the Mountain of Sumer, which bathes in the Milky Lake."
Among the Turks and Ugrofins, the Chumatsky Way is called the Goose or Swan Road.
* Bachimo, that the "good" geese-swans turn Ivashka at the right direction, to get home.

swan geese
In mythological symbols, the image of geese-swans miraculously suits the role of a mediator, which sounds like mutually key basic symbols, be it mythology: top and bottom, summer and winter, like a legacy, between human beings and living.

Birds (top), ale pov'yazanі z water (bottom); to bring spring, but to make white plumage.
Among the Ainivs (the people who sack on the island of Hokkaido), the swan was called the "spirit of the snow."
Behind the words of the Kirghiz lebіd bring snow and cold.
In England, when it is snowy, they said that geese are being plucked in the sky.

Russian people's prikmeta:
The swan will fly to the snow, the guska will fly to the board.

As soon as the swan geese turn into snow, then hanging, navpak, snow turn into geese, swans.
At the Ketivs (the non-numbered indigenous people of Siberia) Mati-Tomem springs to come to the shore of the Yenisei and fight with their sleeves over the river, fluff sags from the sleeves and transforms into geese, swans, jock, like flying pivnich.

It should be noted that geese and swans are far from being synonymous in all species. often stench is compared one to one yaklower- top, alien- his own.

Silkupi (people who live on pivnoch Western Siberia) they respected that at that hour, like geese and other migratory birds, the Heavenly Old One is sent to her, swans cannot be driven in. Behind the manifestations of the cats and the silkups, the swans spoke to the people's language.

Among the wealthy peoples of the Trans-Urals, geese and swans were totemic creatures.
The Ainivs used to tell stories about people walking in the sight of a swan.
Among the Mongols, it was important that the first people were crushed from swan paws.

Baba Yaga
Until the already rehabilitated female characters, tied up with geese-swans, are left to give Russian Babu Yaga. The birds guarded the hut just like the geese guarded the temple of Juno the Capitol (those geese, like they were vryatuly Rome).

In modern everyday language, the word "Yaga" sounds like a husky. For a long time, there was a lot of trouble. Baba Yaga belonged to the category of Great Mothers, the rulers of the underground world, tied not only to death, but also to the productive forces of nature.

In some fairy tales of the "Gus-swan" type, a sister has a stolen brother, who is gracious with golden apples, like in European mythology it is a sign of eternal youth, with a statuary power to prodovzhennya family.

Russian Yaga - master of the apple orchard, with apples, otherwise, I will lure the boy out to him, and in some versions of the fairy tale, he himself climbs into the garden before her.

Shards in the myth of the creature-attribute of such a character are not clearly distinguished by the character himself, the master of the lower world sometimes appears at the looking giant bird (* I'm sure that Baba Yaga herself pretended to be swan geese in the same story and stole her brother).

In Russia, geese-swans, as it were, have been associated with statements about the sweating world to sing folk songs, as if they were sounding to the historical genre. "Songs about the Tatar population". Old woman Poloniv її Tatar Zmushuє"three do robiti: persha on the right- spin the tow, friend on the right- swans (inodі- swan geese) guard, and the third on the right- rock the baby."

Vglib history
On the cob of the first thousand years BC a new symbolism appears in Middle Europe. On the entire territory from the Chorny to the Baltic seas, archaeologists show images of chariots, harnesses geese or swans. The waterfowl served as a sleepy symbol that calls the heavenly and earthly spheres, a symbol of kinship.

Archaeological material and at the last hour to add riches on the "swan" theme and allow you to prostezhit її significance among that number and on the territories inhabited by similar words or by their successors. Bіlya village Pozharska balka, near Poltavi, excavated a ritual rich maidanchik, dating from the VI century. to the sound That is, on a ball of ash, about 15 2-meter (!) images of swans were revealed.

Axis to you and geese-swans, axis to you and Russian folk kazochka =)
Whether it’s a fairy tale, it’s not “rozvezhachki” for children, but a folklore myth of a singing people, through which one understands about good and evil, about religion and about society ...

Geese-swans, as I think, a priori, cannot be "filthy" or "good", the one that stench carries with them a divine fate. The swan geese are that twinkle of Zeus, who fights for the fault (for those who didn’t hear the father and didn’t scour the brother), and that order, which the Gods bestow on mortals (I’ve prayed , if you sit on a tree that greets Yagishna, and the Gods sensed prayers and sent their angels).

Basically, when I wrote the post, I was writing publicist Valeriya Ronkina. even the raj should know her more respectfully, to the fact that I saw the line of swan geese from the stats, that I had to cackle, but it was too much lost "behind the scenes". So keep it up ;)

swan geese

Illustration by Franz Teichel
Genre Russian folk tale
Mova original Russian
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Mark. The apple tree shows children like swan geese. Radyanska brand, artist Y. Komarov


The people and the team went to work (option: to the fairs) and they left the little son in the house. The elder sister, who was entrusted to follow her brother (“don’t go out of the yard, be a wise woman - we’ll buy you a hustinka”), went on a spree and got drunk and left one alone. Malyuk was taken away by swan geese.

The girl set off in pursuit of them and knew her brother in the hut of Babi Yaga.


  • brother- In some versions, wear the name Ivashechka, but don’t call yourself on the name.
  • sister- good girl, do not be afraid of Baby Yaga and її geese; in some versions it is called Olenka or Masha, but more often - also nameless.
  • Stove, river and apple tree- miracle helpers, but only on the return path (the girl vikonuє їhnі vimogi), help to get together with the swan geese.
  • bear- є less with the work of A. M. Tolstoy (helping the girls to flow into Yaga).
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Geese-Swans- Helpers of Baba Yaga.

Plot details in different versions

  • At the retelling of Oleksandr Afanasiev, the sister would not have known her brother, the wise zhzhachok did not help her. In the interpretation of Oleksiy Tolstoy, it is impossible to know yoga itself.
  • In Oleksandr Afanasiev’s story, the main heroine simply sneaks up to the hut and takes away her brother, just like in the example of Oleksiy Tolstoy he goes to the hut, roams with Baba Yagoa, etc. The heroine, having shrunk by the moment, if she doesn’t succumb, ticks with the boy.

In the folk variant, Yaga simply steals a brother without special goals (it is not said anywhere, now; and after that, three in full). In the version of A. Tolstoy won - the evil witch, the devourer of children. Porivn. similar fairy tales - "Hansel and Gretel", "Prince Danilo-Spoke", "Іvasik-Telesik" too.


  • Gubanova G.M. Golden book of fairy tales. - Tula: Dzhereltse, 2001. - 241 p. - ISBN 5-89624-013-9.
  • Geese-swans. - Donetsk: Prof-press, 1999. -

Head heroes of the fairy tale "Geese-swans":

  • brother- In some versions, wear the name Ivashushka, but don’t call yourself on the name.
  • sister- good girl, do not be afraid of Baby Yaga and її geese; in some versions it is called Olenka or Masha, but more often it is nameless.
  • Stove, river and apple tree- miracle helpers, but only on the return path (the girl vikonuє їhnі vimogi), help to get together with the swan geese.
  • bear- є less with the work of A. M. Tolstoy (helping the girls to flow into Yaga).
  • Baba Yaga.
  • Geese-Swans- Helpers of Baba Yaga.

In Kazakhs, the theme of strangeness and podiaki is roaring. If the maiden gave a whim to the witches, she did not take any help. And if, on the way back, my sister ate some of the proponings of her part, I’ll help her out of harm’s way. Vmіy buti chuynym and vdyachnym and good to turn a hundredfold before you.

In the Kazakh Geese-Swans, the positive hero is a sister, who hid her brother, and the negative one is Baba Yaga, who conceived the idea of ​​a girl.

The plot of the fairy tale of inducements according to the classical canons. He has the beginnings of watching the words “Once upon a time there were ..”, and exposition, if the fathers entrust the girls to follow the brother. The moment when the brother is seen by birds is the beginning of the plot, and the appearance of the stolen boy Babi Yaga is the climax. Vtecha vіd Babi-Yaga that turn to the native house є rozv'azkoyu plot.

"Geese-swans" came in today's suspіlstvo from long ago. There is no such thing as a singing author, so the tale is truly respected by the people. She tells about a simple peasant family, like, like and everything, she worked on her land, that worked tirelessly. Donka was the eldest in her family, and her son was young, so the little sister kept an eye on her brother.

The main essence of the fairy tale

Everyone remembers that through her lack of knowledge and lack of balance, the girl lost her brother, who was taken by the swan geese. She went out like a fox for a lad, she just didn’t know how far away to know those who were joking around. Through the carelessness of sacrificing her principles, the girl blew a fox for a long time and could not get the necessary information. Only then, if the road led її to Babi Yaga, the sister knew her brother, she only did not understand that she had checks on her. At that moment, if the girl did good to the servant of the bear, she slandered її, she could recognize the truth and run away at once with her brother. On the way, those characters themselves were entangled, as if they were taking away the spirit. The very same girl did her best to save her brother.

Few people could know the whole essence of the fairy tale. І river, і apple tree, і coarse - whole real people, yak everyday life. The stench is ready to help and forge kindness to the point of restlessness. Do not varto act in the face of what is given to unacceptable, super friendly principles. It seems like: “The fairy tale is nonsense, that one is in no way.” It is necessary to remember those who tell all the tales about life, it is less for the tales of the form of those who need to convey the thought to the growing generation.


Kazakhs have heroes, the character of which can be looked over singing diyam. Mother and father are a lot of serious people who love their children and talk about them. Stink today to go to work and give wisdom to your children.

Donka, at the time of the cob of a fairy tale, that non-serious girl was already unselected. Vaughn forgets about her brother, go for a walk and I don’t think about the legacy. Only then, if the girl finds out about her brother's identity, her character changes, albeit again. On the way to Babi Yaga, she believes and wants to put up with him, that all the principles will be destroyed. Just a little way back, it’s clear that for the sake of loved ones, it’s necessary to sacrifice one’s own.

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