The real attacks of the devil's universe on people. The most real and most common type of exorcism. th: Lauri's exorcism

Skin people have their own phobias: some are afraid to step into the elevator, and some are afraid of the devil that the devil will fill the body and soul. Fear of demons is irrational, yoga coils require shukati in practice to drive demons and religious non-government. Wanting stories about real-life experiences of obsession. One of them is an engagement with Mother Teresa.


The first wave of demonic possession in the Sumerians of Mesopotamia was documented 4,000 years ago. Ale, how many wines are real? In those distant hours, be a sight and a camp, for which there was no explanation, was attributed to the devilish steps.

Lyudina knew the rite of vygnanny potoybіchnyh forces, navіt yakshcho fell ill in the tooth, and she did not know her own place in the pain. Doctors read spells against evil spirits, performed other rituals.

Later, religious traditions and “symptoms of possession” were formed. Christianity has:

  1. Vidkrita aggression is the curse that is voiced to the faces of saints and objects of worship.
  2. Sudomi, attack, hallucinations, which are accompanied by marvels in behavior. For example, for an hour sprinkled with holy water, reading prayers.
  3. Removing the sight of a third individual. It is important that one who is possessed speaks in the name of a demon, who has enchanted his soul.
  4. Nezvichayní zdіbnosti: levitation, knowledge of foreign language, which raptly manifested itself, in the name of transferring the future of the future.
  5. Vіdsutnіst soromu, svіttya that pity to otochuyuchih, including near kolo.
  6. Postiyni thoughts about a good-natured exit from life.

In all types of obsession, in the history, obviously, there were only one or a few "symptoms", rehabilitated more.

The 16-year student Clara Tsele violated the Christian mission until the Pivdenno-African province of 1906. After a few days, the companions returned their respect to the diva of її behavior. On the back of Clara's heart, in her own building, she was free to speak with foreign languages, which she did not know before.

Then the girl herself revealed that she was reading the thoughts of a person, that there was an order, to succumb to the future. Chernitsy more than once told that Klara Herman wanders around at night and spreads in the wind, winding herself on a sprat of meters from the earth. At the polly, you can see unreasonable sounds that inspire fear in the presence.

Believing the women told the visnovka that the student-missionary was obsessed, they called two priests to perform the rite of exorcism. If you uttered the Holy Letter, from Tsili began to speak unreasonable speeches. On the back, she tried to strangle one clergyman, and then zdіynyalas in line - after her, they were watching for over 150 pairs of zdivovanie eyes.

Vygnannya evil spirits, scho zavodili Tsіlі, there were two dobi. After the end of the "jubilation" of the daily divats, the girl was no longer commemorated.

Roland Doe

The real story of the 14-year-old Robbie Mannheim, possessed by demons, formed the basis of the Hollywood movie "The Devil Who Cries". Vaughn became like the 40s and rose from the dowels for seances.

Aunt Robbie, who lived in the Batkiv's booth, urged the boy to get out of the mystical doshka. Later, if the woman died, Robbie would contact her for help. From that ill-fated seance in Mannheim's booth, terrible podії began. At night, the household chuli marvelous crumbs, crackling, periodically hitting the budok, like an hour for an earth coward.

It became motorized for the inhabitants, if Robbie spoke in an unreasonable language, and words appeared on his body, nailed with claws on the ropes. In all seriousness, the fathers asked for a priest. That diagnosing the child's obsession.

Robbie was promoted to the church liquor for the expulsion of evil spirits. The ritual was carried out 30 times - for the sake of the patient in the court chambers of the chuli, as a sum you saw a wild beast. Qi sounds seen Mannheim. The liquor was vryatuly, the aloe-stable smell of the sirka was still long-awaited in the liquor corridors and guessed about the pods that they were smelling.

Annelize Michel

In 2005, the drama Six Demons of Emily Rose was released. Not everyone knows that the film is based on the real tragedy of Anneliese Michel. Chi Bula won obsessed? People who know її ії її іstorієyu, sperchayutsya z drive ailments of the girl and at once, if after її death more than 40 years have passed.

In 16 years, doctors diagnosed Anneliese with epilepsy and placed her in a psychiatric clinic for treatment. The therapy didn't help - the girl's behavior became aggressive. Michelle was put with hatred before all the objects of religious worship, she drank the waters, chula voices, and in a single period of enlightenment she asked to ask the priest.

Psychiatrists did not feel the її prohannya, to that the father and mother of the patient, the ministers of the church, secretly saw the sickness. The stench tried to help Annelize and beat the demon 70 times. Zusilla buli marnimi. For the river, the girl died.

The examination established the cause of death - the release of the body from hunger. The fathers of the patients and the priests rang at the hated vbivstv.

In 1912, the American brother Hann Eklund turned 14 years old, and in the past she saw the old lady in the church, religion, and whatever subjects, directly chi indirectly related to them.

Hanna was born and wielded by a devout Catholic family - naturally, the sharp changes in her behavior alerted the fathers. The girl went through the rite of purification - the problem began for 16 years, and in 1928 the rotation was given signs of new strength.

Eklund asked for help from the church - she said that the demons had pierced her body. The woman was sent to the monastery under the constant sight of the blueberries - the camp of Annie sharply died. Vaughn did not eat the consecrated hive, but hungrily ate the hut without blessing. Having swayed her cassock, she vomited.

At the monastery walls, Hanna Eklund spent 23 days - її trichі zvіlnyali vіd bіsіv, docks, nareshti, did not sound healthy.

Vipadok Arne Johnson, remembered by people as the first trial in American history, in which a man sat on the lava of the court, possessed by the devil. Admittedly, the lawyers of the accused were on the same line of defense.

Arne Johnson got a call from a roboticist. Zakhist stverdzhuvav, scho pіdniy dіyav without namiru - at the moment he changed the malice of guilt under the power of the bіsіvshchina. For the fussing of lawyers, the court finished demonologists. You confirmed that Johnson had an evil spirit from childhood.

The court sentenced Johnson to 20 years of imprisonment. From the position of the law, the possession of the devil does not svilnya in vіd vіdpovіdalnostі for vchinene and not є pom'yakshuvalnoy furnishing.

Michael Taylor

The story of Michael Taylor is similar to the descriptions of more vipadoks - the hero rang at the whacking of the dog's squad. Ale Taylor did not recognize the term in the colony - the court found Yogo not to be judged.

In 1974, the guardianship became a rotation, if the squad publicly called Taylor in the army. At the religious Michael, having vibrated with an obscene husky, it poured out in an uninterrupted stream. At that moment, the quiet and kindness of Taylor changed - he became aggressive, completely otochyuchy, closed, his behavior more and more often predicted the behavior of the divine.

The priests quickly knew the explanation of the change - the approach of the dark forces. It was necessary to get the procedure of vygnannya bіsіv. One of the holy fathers confirmed that Michael's body had 40 pieces.

Turning back home after the "cleansing", Taylor zhorstochno raspravlis with the retinue and the dog, and he himself violating the streets of the place near the muddy blood smell. So the police tried yoga, but the man didn’t remember anything and didn’t understand anything.


Tsej vpadok tsіkaviy tim, scho obsessed with the patient having recognized the titles of a psychiatrist, Professor Richard Gallagher. Vіn posterigav Julia in 2008 roci, documenting in detail those that happened to her, to exclude the manifestation of mental disorder or shakhraystva from the side of the patient.

The psychiatrist has given up respect for the building of Julie and speaks with old-fashioned language - forgotten and not victorious in pobuti. The girl told the doctor about people from the professorial stake, who had not known him before. Julia spoke about the past, those whom she could not know.

The professor wrote that before the sessions, the clairvoyant patient fell into a trance, and her voice changed to unrecognizable.

Mother Teresa - I found a home among pious people - and she was recognized as possessed. In 87 years, shortly before death, she drank to the medicine because of heart failure. At the ward, her health deteriorated sharply - the woman suffered from sleeplessness, she was drained of strength.

The archbishop, who saw Teresa, saw that the dark forces were quickened to weakness and penetrated into the body of that soul. Virishili conduct a purification ceremony. The exorcist read prayers over Teresa, but she did not fall asleep. More for everything, the monotonous reading sang the summer woman.

It is fair to remember that this is a mild ritual of fighting against evil spirits - without vomit, bites, throwing and other manifestations of aggression.

Є drink

Suspіlstva daedalі has more rhetoric about obsession. 70% of the symptoms are a clue, or the symptoms of a specific illness, which, through ignorance, are mistaken for devilish steps.

Ale will drink in the service of exorcists grown. In America, a progressive country, the number of such fakers increased by 4 times in 10 years. The world has an official international association, which unites fakhivtsiv from demons from the earth.

The Catholic Church has more than 10 professional representatives, although it hasn't been very good recently. The ministers of the church retell the stories of "ailments" to the laity - believe them smoothly, as if they were wrong.

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Bisom Possession otherwise the physical body of a person is buried by evil spirits wonderful people such a situation is perceived as a plot from the film zhahiv, or simply an evil fairy tale, although all worldly religions cannot list the real possibility of obsession with bisami. In the Christian Bible, the fall of the devil is guessed over 30 times, including a few of the fall, if Jesus Christ has run out of the martyrs.

Below are 10 stingy and a lot of real temperaments of demonic possession, for most of these stories there were no photos on the Internet, and we awarded photos from films and other gerels to illustrate scary stories.

Clara Herman Tsili

In 1906, roci Clara Herman Tsele was a Christian student of the Missus of St. Michael near the province of KwaZulu Natal near Pivdenny Africa. For unknown reasons, the demon itself moved into a young, sixteenth-year-old student. Clara Tsele began to understand and could speak fluently in many languages, she became a clairvoyant and read the thoughts of people who knew her instructions.

Chernitsy, as if watching over Clara, more than once stverzhuval, that she levitated, rising from the lie in turn on the height of a few meters, saw the greedy creature sounds, like a human voice is simply not a creation. Zreshtoy Bulo viklikana two priests to conduct the rite of exorcism. Tsili tried to suffocate one of them with the help of the holy epitrachilium, and over 170 people became witnesses of the levitation of the obsessed student, if the priests read the Holy Letter. The rite was carried out with a stretch of two deb, after which the evil spirits deprived Clary's tormented body.

Annelize Michel

Anneliese Michel's obsession with bisoms screeches like a super-fluff, and this tragic story formed the basis of a dramatic 2005 rock film: "Six Demons of Emily Rose." Annelize Michel at the age of 16 was admitted to a psychiatric clinic with diagnoses: epilepsy and mental disorder. But in 1973, Michelle's mannerisms and behavior became more and more suggestive of a right obsession with beads. Out of hatred, Vaughn threw away all religious artifacts, drank her sword and the voice of invisible spirits. Medicine could not help the poor girl in any way, as in a single period of clarification of information, it was good for doctors to bring her priest with tears in her eyes, because you know that she is possessed by demons.

Wanting to її prokhannya bіdkhileno, two priests of the priests began to taєmno vіdvіduvati її she conduct the rite of exorcism. Navіt dіvchinki's fathers, like її zaprotori її to psikhlikarnі, stopped thinking that the cause of Michel's suffering is epilepsy and psychic disorder. Alas, it’s a pity that the tests of the vignati of the devil were unsuccessful, over 70 exorcism rites did not give positive results, and through the river Annelix Michel died of starvation. Її fathers and priests were ringing at the hated vbivstvі.

Deyakі try vignati bіsіv from the body of the girl were saved in the audio files:

Roland Doe

The history of the 14-fold American Roland Doe, sing-song, by himself vіdomim vipadkom obsession with bisami, it became the basis of the famous novel, as well as the Hollywood fad "The Whipping Devil". Actually, Roland Dow is not the correct name of the boy, but a pseudonym, laying on the new Catholic Church, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the litter. Reference to the name of the child - Robbie Mannheim.

For example, in the 1940s, Aunt Doe propagandized the boy to take care of the dow for spiritual seances (the same newfangled hoarding), and many occultists respect that after the death of his aunt, the boy tried to contact her for help for the demon in the door our world. At that moment, the booth began to sound unreasonable and motor speeches. Budynok periodically tremtiv like an hour to an earth coward, unreasonably crackling and crumbs of invisible sounds, to death lapped close lads. Roland Dow himself unspeakably began to speak with invisible words and clergymen, on the tіlі pіdlіtka, like nіzvіdki, they were scribbles and words, nіbi vyrіzanі on yogi tіlі invisible pazuras.

Zreshtoy, yogo sіm'ya to death lyakana manifestation of evil forces in the booth, called the Catholic priest, who announced in a row that the lad possessed by beses would require the rite of exorcism. The ritual of vikonaniya more than 30 times, and if the rest of the rite is successfully held, the whole liquorary is de-lying the boy, the chula of the veil is a sad wind, and in the corridors it is installed a long-awaited moony smell of sirka.


In 2008, Associate Dr. Richard E. Gallagher, Senior Psychiatrist and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the New York Medical College, documented cycavulus and a unique episode of the patient with the nickname "Julia", like being possessed by demons. It’s a rare turn of events, if that psychiatrist knows the possibility of possession with bisami, that great healers vvazhaetsya either shahraystvo, but a manifestation of mental discord.

Likar Gallagher, having especially noticed that Julia was levitating in front of her, looming over her lizhkom, spoke in rich language, deacons from those who were ancient and had been forgotten long ago. She told about the past that future known psychiatrist, which she simply could not know.

Axis of heroic heroes from the notes of a psychiatrist: “Periodically, in our presence, Julia falls into a trance state, and is accompanied by unimaginable manifestations. Z її company with an obscene stream of hoarse likes and threats, gluzuvannya and phrases in kshtalt: “Give її calm, idiot!”, “Ours is out.” With this tone of voice, it is remembered that it is in the right voice of Julie.

Arne Johnson

Vіdomy yak "Right about driving in a demon", Arne Johnson's case was the first trial in the history of the United States, under the hour of which the defender tried to bring innocence through his demon possession.

1981 Arne Johnson killed his robot dealer Alan Boro in Connecticut. Johnson's lawyers argued that this evil spirit was not an evil spirit, but a demon, which led the body of Arne from childhood. The demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren (before talking about them, that motherland of Perron, the filming of the Hollywood film zhahiv 2013 to the rock “The Oath”) appeared for consultation at the singing stakes, they confirmed that Johnson really carried an evil spirit with his body.

Ale vreshti-resht judging virishiv, that possession by the devil is not true for driving in the first step and sue Arne Johnson up to 20 years of free will.

David Berkovits, vodomiy yak "Sin Sema"

1976 terrorized the fate of New Yorkers, known as "Sin Sema", or "Vbivtsya with 44 caliber". Ponad rіk spіvrobіtniki polіtsії and detectives could not spіymat malice. Six people were beaten down and seven seriously injured in "Krivava leto Sema", the first cops came to a distance to catch the maniac.

David Berkovits appeared to him, who was already familiar with all the attacks, protely stverdzhuvav zlochinets, schobiv not out of the will of the will, but at the order of Satan himself. Berkowitz said that he had moved into a Susidian dog, and she herself was afraid of committing her own wickedness. Maniyak sued up to six daughters' convictions, and in the mid-1990s, he changed his marriage, becoming a true member of a satanic cult, and having beaten his guilt as part of a demonic ritual rite.

Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor and that yoga team, Kristina, lived in a small place called Osset near Great Britain. The couple became more religious and came to the Christian church under Mary Robinson's ceramics. At one of the Christian gatherings in 1974, Christina Taylor publicly called her man Robinson to a love tie. Marie Robinson began to warmly recount the very possibility of stoking from Michael. However, Michael Taylor's reaction to the statement of his squad was simply greedy! From the third company of the wandering sweat poured such profanity and laika, that the certificates ticked in, a bit like nothing.

On the third day, Taylor's behavior changed dramatically, and it became more like an obsession with a bead. After many months of Goddess, Michael Taylor was officially recognized by the clergy as being possessed by the devil. The priests performed a ritual of exorcism on him, after three years over 24 years, after which one of the holy fathers stverdzhuvav, 40 bisiv were driven from Michael's body.

However, perhaps, one of the demons ended up in the body of a great Christian. Just like Taylor turned back after the rite of passage home, driving his squad into that dog. In the past, the police knew him to be wandering through the night streets of the town, all of Michael's clothes were streaked with blood, but he himself did not understand anything. At the trial, Michael Taylor was right through non-judgment.

George Lukinich

In 1778, a roci, an English beauty, George Lukinih, established that he was possessed by beads. Lyudina often sang songs not in her own voice, she simply could not know such words in old times, barked like a dog and read church texts backwards. Nareshti judges nalyakany such a wonderful behavior George asked for help from the clergy. The protege of the church did not recognize the Lukins as obsessed and the bidolashny had a chance to spend more than 20 months in the clinic for the mentally ill.

In 1778, the priests nevertheless decided to perform an exorcism rite on the poor kravets. Seven clergymen were taken from the temple for the ceremony. After the ritual was completed, George Lukinih yelled: “Blessed Jesus!”, then glorified God, read a prayer and sang to the priests for the order against the demons. From that hour, having become a life like a great person, they didn’t turbulent any more than that.

Anna Eklund

At that hour, as it was on the 14th anniversary of the birth of the people, the girl on the name of Hanna Eklund from the town of Erling, Iowa, began to show the first signs demon possession. The fathers beat the maiden like a devout catholic, the protege didn’t get the bisam to move into his body. Anna couldn't stand religious artifacts, she became more promiscuous and spoke out loud about such speeches, it was obscene to think about how to think, she could not go to church.

It was the year of 1949 in Georgetown, the 13-year-old boy "zigrav" at a seance. At that time, the crying of perfumes was more than fashionable occupations for middle-aged children. Nezabar "soul" vyyshli on zvyazok - lad feeling wondrous knocks, rags ... In a word, the gra went to glory! However, at night, when the child was put to sleep, there were icons hanging near the yogo kіmnati, having sunk in the crack, then we felt creaks, zіtkhannya, important crumbs. So there were a few days and nights. The fathers lied that the spirit of a recently deceased kinsman, which was like a bondage to a child for life. However, the “spirit” appeared too marvelously for an uncle who loves: the child begins to lose clothes, and then quickly appears in the most difficult places. The armchair, in which the boy was sitting, turned over with a rapt. At the school, the friends of classmates lit in the field! Nareshti fathers were asked to take the boy from the school and hire him private teachers. Ale nasampered - show the doctors. The doctors listened to the father's report of the young patient, analyzed the tests and found the child to be absolutely healthy. However, if the lad's voice changed raptly - from a child's voice to a low, rude, hoarse one - the fathers did not storm out of heat. The "diagnosis" of the boy was made by the priests: possession by the devil. Ritual of exorcism (vignannya devil) trivav 10 days. For the whole hour at the sessions, the child demonstrated unmatched strength, easily darting around the priest's assistants, as if to trim him. Shaking his head in a marvelous snake-like way, spitting as if in the eyes of an otochuyuchy. As if for an hour of the rite, youmu farted away from the hands of the servants. Vіn rushed to the priest, sniffing the ritual book and… zruynuv її! Itself zruynuvav, but not rozirvav: in the eyes of zdivovannyh eyewitnesses, the book turned into a haze of confetti! Ten days later, the child forgot about those who, while vibrating, broke the hands of two of the priest’s commemorators, about those who threw a knife at their native mother… She became a zealous Catholic and lived a righteous life. The Roman Catholic Church is aware that bisi, having settled in a person, can manifest itself in two ways: either by rattling, an unacceptable smell, or by a rumple of objects - it “intrudes” into our butt, or by the behavior of a person that has changed, like “raptom starts to vigukuvat obscenity, silence be in convulsions. Such a state is called obsession. In 1850, a woman appeared in France, beating like a dream, lunar unreasonable knocks, trills, a piss came from her company, unhappily convulsed and vibrated obscenities. And when she came to a smaller calm camp, she began to speak Latin in raptom. .. In the same place, near France, for fifteen years later, two brothers lived, as if they suffered from obsession. Crim of the traditional "set" of divacia - convulsions, vigukuvannya blasphemy and something else, the stench could still transfer the future and humiliate the objects of literature every once in a while. In 1928, in the state of Iowa (USA), the story of a woman became even more popular, as she suffered from obsession for 14 years. The ailment її lied in the fact that she was watching the physical relationship to the church and the objects of religious worship. Zhіntsi was already over 30 years old, if she got into the rite of driving out evil spirits. At the first ritual words, as if invisibly, the power virval її from the hands of the servants of the church, carried through the winds and numbs stuck to the wall high above the door of the temple. Trimatis on the wall was not for nothing, but obsessed with great difficulties, it went far away from the wall and turned to the hands of the servants. So it went on for 23 days. All the whole hour, at the wake of the church, there were knocks, creaks, wild curls that the inhabitants of the Parathians were choking. Let's sweat the unclean spirit, having covered the body of the woman and the walls of the temple, and after a deaky hour, turning around and trying to do your black work anew. The other rite of exorcism of the proshovs is much easier and the demon has now closed his "object" for good. In 1991, the Canadian newspaper "Sun" described the rite of chasing the spirit of a 15-year-old Indian girl. Vignati from the bіdolashny devil, having taken a young and not even more informed priest Guntano Vіgliotta. Yogo was warned about those who carry out the rite of exorcism alone unsafely. However, Vigliotta did not listen to the point. A session at the booth of an obsessed three in two years. Raptom of the mother of the maiden, that she was following him, that she was wandering from another stone, she felt wondrous cries. Let's all sound good. A few hours later, the mother went to the baptism, where the ceremony was carried out, and she made a stingy picture: the body of the priest was literally torn to pieces, and the girl, as if possessed, was trying to carry on. Coming to you, she guessed a voice that sounded in her brain at the hour of the rite: “My name is the Devourer! Kill the priest! At the same time in 1991, one of the television channels in the United States broadcast a report about the loss of the bis from the 16-point American Jeanie. That day, about 40% of the viewers of the country were watching TV. Bishop Keith Silamons allowed such a display and supplanted it with the words: “The devil is true. Vіn silny and protyazh usіh to actively destroy the planet. Peter Johnson, 50-year-old sovereign serviceman, was a smart hulk. Vin lives in a quiet life near Pivdenno-Skhidniy England. Vіn richly pratsyuvav, loving to do gardening and loving his squad Joan. Life did not have anything extraordinary. Ale then came Askinra - a "demon" that entered into his soul and took control over Peter's life. "Nibi in the middle of my body lived a stranger," - even Peter. "The water has penetrated my body, my brain." The presence of Askinra Peter was already awake at the hour of sleep. In the nightmare that youmu dreamed about, the dark, fenced in daylight entered Peter's body and took control over him. The old man, ignoring the nightmares that are repeated, ale, zreshtoy, the stench began to pour into yoga everyday life . Gostrі golovnі bolі robbed yoga unbearable life. Uncontrollable confusion and attacks of narcolepsy overwhelmed Yogo without respite. What was enough, to slander the people, and all the same, the new hallucinations came. “I thought, I volition”, like Peter. Approximately at this hour, the yogo squad began to rush to change yoga behavior. Almost those emotions of Peter changed like spring weather - in the form of sloppy wickedness to the point of deep roaring. Similar bulo and yogo physical camp attacked vomit, then raptova diarrhea, then stribs of temperature. The driftwood ached in the form of unbearable pain. Peter was hospitalized more than once, but, as it seemed, he didn’t suffer in spite of his own ailments. Zreshtoy, it was passed on under the eye of Dr. Alan Sanderson, a leading consultant psychiatrist, obsessed with esotericism. Dr. Sanderson was familiar with similar vipadkas - Peter's soul was knocked out by an evil spirit. Vіn boov obsessions. “Be more natural and sound, lower mustache sounded good,” said Sanderson, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. “Yakscho you vikoristovuvali dosk for vikliku spirits or asked the spirits to go to the whole world of life, one of them can injure your soul.” Too many people respect exorcism as a relic of the Middle Ages, which cannot be extended until the 21st century. “Demonic possession cannot be serious! Tse plіd reveal idiotіv and kazkarіv!” - richly someone can sign under these words. But, no wonder, exorcism is gaining more and more confidence in the side of medicine and is becoming part of the religious mainstream. Not long ago, the Vatican University announced that in their walls they now conduct special courses on the practical aspects of warding off evil spirits. British "Channel Four" took the right rite of exorcism. Over a hundred American medical schools failed the spiritual medicine course. More and more often, psychiatrists send their patients to private exorcisms. “I have no doubt that the world of spirits is real,” says Dr. Sanderson. “I respect that impersonal visions of spiritual essences that have been built to penetrate to us. Most often, the souls of dead people chirp - the stench is not wasted on "heaven" and whispers to the world in the world of the living." For most people, exorcism will always be associated with a famous Hollywood movie. And the story of the duel of Father Damien Karras with the devil is based on real events that happened in 1949 in St. Louis, Missouri. True, the real rite of exorcism was performed on a 14-year-old boy, and not on a girl, but no less terrible. The story began with the fact that the 14-year-old Richard called the spirits with his little one. Unexpectedly after that yogo, the titon died because of the mysterious surroundings. For a couple of days, wondrous signs began to rise up and around the lad himself. The tables of those stilts independently moved around the room, photographs fell on the walls, on the hillside of the booth one could almost feel the crocs. Still more wondrous speeches were going on with Richard himself: writing appeared on his chest, no swearing on his body, on his arms and legs appeared incomprehensible signs. On vikonannya exorcism buv vyklikaniya Catholic priest. On the back of his head, the holy father William Bowden tried to win the demon over for the help of a number of simple prayers, but he did not have a clear mind, which he turned from a serious opponent. Shchoraz, if Richard had done magic, having said a prayer, called out to Satan, a terrible force was hooting power over his body, not allowing him to remember the desired word. Near the hour of exorcism, Richard was filled with stingy strength - three grown-up men helped to take the lad off the priests. Day after day the priest fought against the demon of the midst of Richard, which constantly teased Bowden and spit on his assistants. Once the boy grabbed the hand of Father Bowden and said: "I myself am a devil." After 28 days of struggle, Father Bowden tried again to win the devil from Richard. But once again everything was different. If Richard prayed to recite the Lord's Prayer, it was as if strength pierced his body and helped him bring the prayer to the end. Richard was called. Later, the lad said that Archangel Mikhailo himself had intervened to help him pray. So the vision itself appeared to you, in which the saint fought from Satan at the exit from the oven, which was burning. The obsession of Peter Johnson was no less wondrous. The presence of Askinra was only revealed once more when Dr. Sanderson had hypnotized the old one. Under hypnosis, Askinra took away control over Peter's body for the same hour and won his voice to speak. The demon declared that he came from the "dark half-moon" and that the main method was "to subdue the pain." Askinra vysloviv і svіy namіr - "I'm happy, only if I know YOGO". Dr. Sanderson has proven that the demon can be released. The same "exorcisms", Sanderson did not take the words "vygannya" and "exorcism". Vіn having started to negotiate with the spirits, perekonati deprive them of illegally stuffed body with a peaceful way. It is less traumatic for all the infected parties, and also gives the spirit a chance to find peace that calm. Sanderson was far away from killing Askinra and killing Peter's body. As if a demon had left his body, he began to describe a typical before-death vision - a white path that shines, the month of "gir and light." After that Askinra could no longer be poured into St. Petersburg in an everyday rank. Before him, as if to deprive our reality, the demon said: “Vibach, I don’t want to. Come and visit me at my new place…” The small Bavarian town of Klingeberg has become a place of mass religious worship. Thousands of people pray to see the remembrance of Anneliese Michel, who tragically died at the 23rd century. This mysterious story is repeated in the script of the film "Six Demons of Emily Rose" real court over the priest, who was summoned to the death of a young girl. From the very people in life Annelies bov fear. Її sim'ya was religious: the father wanted to become a priest, but the share was arranged differently, but the three titts were blueberries. Sim'ї Michelle, like and be-yakiy іnshy, had her own secret. In 1948, mother Annelise gave birth to a daughter, Martha, with whom she was not friendly. Tse vazhalosya shabby nastіlki, scho navіt the day of the wedding was named did not take the black veil. After 4 years, Annelies was born. The mother actively wanted to serve God in the girls, as if they were trying to compensate for the sin of the people. At the Eight Rocks, Martha died after the fall of the plump nirok. Controversial and good Annelies more hospitably recognized the need for peace of mind. More and more often, the girl rushed to herself, watching the sins, trying to get rid of them. If the children of the 60s tried to expand the boundaries of freedom, Annelise slept on a stone bed, trying to hide the sins of drug addicts, who slept on a bed in the wake of the station. At 16 fates, violent attacks appeared - Annelise was in convulsions, like an epileptic, and the faces prescribed by the doctors were not small enough to dim. The loss of information and depression became constant companions of the girl. The fathers said that the demons were all on the right, they attacked Annelies during the hour of prayers. Over the course of a day, the reconciliation was gaining strength. The doctors made a diagnosis of zanedbanoy epilepsy, and the girl herself snarled at the devilish hallucinations, which begin with prayer. In 1973, a depression began in Anneliese, and at the hour she was seriously plotting about self-destruction. Voice, scho chulisya maidens, witnessed about the ineffectiveness of її dіy. Then Annelies turned to the priest of the priesthood to conduct the rite of banishment of the bisiv, but to that dvіchі vіdmoviv їy. The reason was those who became maidens not like those, if demons inhabit. Tobto, there were no supernatural zdіbnosti, barking, roses with unknown language. The state of health was improved with a skin day, ale, unimpressed on the face, today Annelies made 600 bows, standing on the knees. As a result, it led to serious injuries of the ligaments of the knee joints. Then another diva began. Vaughn climbed under the steel and for a few days barked, forks of stars, їla pavukіv, fluffy vugillya and wind the head of a dead bird. Through the spring of rokiv Anneliz, already brought to the vіdchayu, began the blessing of the priest to conduct a ritual, but to that postiyno vіdmovlyavsya. As soon as she began to attack the fathers, despise the image of Christ and see the rose, the priests came to her home. Having opened the sessions, they gave the go-ahead for them, Annelise was again taken care of taking medications. Later, the doctors made a diagnosis - schizophrenia, so they can be likuvanny. For a little bit, on the girl for a moment, the film "Kicking the Devil" directed by William Fradkin. Ale, regardless of what caused the illness, faith in those who hallucinations really did not get any better. The rite was performed by Father Arnold Renz and Pstor Ernst Alt. For a stretch of nine months, the priests spent 1-2 sessions per week. Behind these words, the priests named a sprinkling of demons, including Judas Iscariot, Lucifer, Kaina and Adolf Hitler, and they called the stench of German with an Austrian intonation. Forty-two years were recorded for spitting, but, for the assertion of experts, it was neimoriously easy to listen to. Non-human rick sings with likes and demons' dialogues about zhakhi baked. Anneliese herself was so rushing about during the hour of sessions that she had a chance to tie, and sometimes to tie with her lancets to the stiletto. In the spring of 1976, pneumonia began in the girl, as a result of the exhaustion of the body. 1 lime, and not having come to you, Annelies died. The fathers commemorated the girl in order from Martha for the zvintar, they made room for illegal people and self-destructors. After death, Annelise did not spare her sinfulness, with which she struggled all her life. It is impossible to bring the veracity of one of the versions, even the jubilation did not give proper results, and the girl took faces for 6 years. It’s quite possible, she just got excited about the effectiveness of the jubilation. Irrespective of those that the maiden's fathers were stubborn, that in the last of the satanic forces, justice was all the same. On hearings, 42-year-old recordings of curling and dialogues were analyzed, like lunali from the rocks of Annelies. Ale virok buv dosit m'yakim. Batkiv, as well as two priests, were found guilty and sentenced to 6 months mentally. After the death of Annelies, the religious god-villa did not end. In 1998, a nun from Skhidnoy Nymechchini brought them to Michel, who was a small bachelor. Vykhodyachi s її slіv, the body of the maiden did not spread in the grave, but also, perebuvaє under the dominion of dark forces. Anna and Josef were able to exhume, and in the presence of the measure and majestic Yurby they opened the string. Mer, looking at the string first, ahead of the fathers, looking at the remains of the girl, to save the image of the donka. All the same, the stinks still looked in and calmed down only once, if they patted the scrawny-looking skeleton. Mother Annelies lives in the same house, and until today she has not come to you after them. Josef died, and three other daughters left. Hanni Michel this year, over 80 years, and she herself carried the burden of these goodies. From the windows of the bedroom you can see the tsvintar and the daughter’s grave with a wooden cross. One of the well-documented experiences of obsession in the 20th century. The peculiarity of Hanni Ekland's attitude is that the victim was obsessed with both devilish and demonic essences. Ekland was born in the Midwest around 1882. Vaughn was beaten by a pious and devout Catholic. First, the symptoms of obsession - to the point of cult, the lack of respect for the church and the permanent sexual attitude - appeared in her at fourteen fates. Remaining obsessed Ekland became in 1908 roci. Її torment is described in the book of the Reverend Karl Vogl “Be gone, Satan!”, seen in German and translated by the English Reverend Celestina Kersner. The book reveals that Annie's obsession called out to her, Mina, as she was respected by the witch. Vaughn enchanted the herbs, like Ekland got used to the hedgehog. Father Teofiliy Rizenger, a native of Bavaria, a Capuchin monk from the brotherhood of St. Antonia in Marathon, Wisconsin, successfully recognized Annie on 18 March 1912. However, Ekland again fell victim to the devil after that, as if he had cursed the father, praying that the bis had taken possession of his daughter. In 1928, when Hannah was 46 years old, Father Theophilia again tried to perform the rite of exorcism. In search of a misfortune, de b Eckland did not know, Father Theophilus turned to his friend, Father F. Joseph Steiger, parafial priest in Irling County, Iowa. From the great unfortunates, Old Steiger waited, so that an exorcism would be held nearby. to the woman of the monastery Franciscan sisters. Ekland arrived before Irling on the 17th of September 1928. Immediately, unacceptability began. Seeing that, having sprinkled the evening with holy water, the obsessed woman began to hysteria, murmuring like a gut and being encouraged to eat, until they brought the unsanctified hedgehog. After all the bees who had moved into it, they forgot, if anyone from the blueberries tried to bless the hedgehog or the drink and began to swear. The ancient ritual began early in the coming day. Batko Theophilus, having asked for a few strong blueberries, so that the stench would tame Ekland on a mattress, laid on a cold bed. They tied the obsessed man so that she didn’t see her clothes. If an exorcism arose, Ekland pressed her lips together and became restless. Tsei camp was accompanied by an invisible levitation. The woman swung up from the bed and hung on the wall above the door, moving the gut. With the present varto, the great hands were pulled down. Ignorance of those that all the whole hour Anna was inconspicuous and did not shake her mouth, she drove, wriggled, and also saw the creaturely sounds of an unearthly wandering. The Wiguks turned on the respect of the townspeople, as if they were taken to the monastery, zruynuvshiy tsim nadiya father Theophilus to save the exorcism at the taєmnitsі. The exorcism was carried out for twenty-three days, three sessions: from 18 to 26 September, from 13 to 20 September and from 15 to 23 September. Consolidating the hour of Ekland's physical intercourse between deaths. Vaughn didn’t eat anything, she just drank a little bit of milk and water. The prote її vomited with a scrawny bunch of exits, which smelled badly, which make a tyutyunov leaf. Moreover, she spat. The guise of Ganni was namingly pretending and pretending. The head was inflated and moved, the eyes were out of orbit, the lips were swollen, as if to remind, to the comrade's arms. Lives spuchuvavsya so that the ice is not bursting, then drawn in, flocking so firm and important, that the trough easily caved in under the Ekland vaga. In addition to physical changes, Ganna understood the language, which she did not know before, studied the path to the sacred words and objects of worship, and also revealed the ability to clairvoyance, revealing the secrets of childish sins participants in exorcism. Chernitsy and old Steiger were so nalyakanі and skhvilovanі, scho could not stay in the Ekland kіmnati protyazhnogo ritual, and pratsyuval pomіnno. Father Steiger, a draconian devil for those who waited for the exorcism at his parish, especially snarling and, perhaps, having suffered in a car accident, being transferred and singing the world by a devilish devil. Only father Theophilus, crying out in his strength, having lost his firmness. Ekland bula is possessed by hordes of small demons and take revenge, as they are described as "mosquitoes". But the main martyrs were bis Beelzebub, Yuda Iskariot and the spirits of Annie's father - Jacob and Yogo Kohanka, as well as aunts Ekland - Mini. Beelzebub revealed his presence first. Vіn entered into a sarcastic conversation with the father Theophilus about theology and confirmed that when Anna was fourteen, she was possessed by damned Jacob. Batko Theophilus, having tried to get in touch with Jacob, but to you he had a spirit, which he calls himself Yuda Iskariot. Vin knew that I could bring Hanna to self-destruction, so that my soul was consumed to hell. Zreshtoy speaking and Jacob. Vіn rozpovіv, cursing her daughter for those who did not give in to yogo sexual harassment and calling the devil, so that he would calm Anni's sensibility in all possible ways. Jacob, having found Ekland, Mina, from the Kohanka, if there are more friends, and repeatedly tried to calm down his daughter. Chi lost Annie's unoccupied unemployed to inspire at forty-six fates chi dad zmusiv її to incest, it's impossible. By stretching out this heavy test, Ekland was pious. In front of his triumph, Father Theophilus, having continued the spells of the demons, loosing Hanna from them. For example, in 1928, the fate of the stench began to rise and they chased away, and did not shout at the sound of yogi. Father Theophilus was thirsty, so that the stench turned to hell, and at the sign that the stench was coming, the skin could name its name. The daemons were fine. On December 23, 1928, close to the ninth evening, Hanna raptly hoarsely and strength to lie down. It seemed that she would climb up to the stele. Batko Steiger, having called the blueberries, so that the stench put the woman on a bed, if Father Theophilus blessed її and voted: “Come out, you’ve been baking! Get out, Satan, lion of the kingdom of Judea! Hanna called back on the bed. Then, having sunk in a shrill cry: “Beelzebub, Yuda, Jacob, Mina”, after some bulo: “Hell, hell, hell!” Eckland flattened her eyes and laughed. From її eyes flowed tears of joy. Vaughn yelped, “Oh my God! Glory to Jesus Christ! The demons were deprived of their own smorid. If they made a vіkno, there was a smell.

Ignorant of those who have revealed practically all the secrets human body and navіt swung at the floor to the cosmos, secular religions continue to assert the foundation of gods and spirits. Zokrema, the obsession with the demons of the dosi is vvazhaetsya as a whole real problem, as if it were a pity of the skin of a God-fearing person.

In the Christian Bible, the fall of the devil is guessed over 30 times, including a few of the fall, if Jesus Christ has run out of the martyrs.

Axis sprat real stories, as if they were confirmed not only by priests, but by healers,

Anna-Elizabeth Mikhel (Anneliza Mikhel)

The girl suffered from the attack of epilepsy and became sick with a skin day. At the psychiatric clinic, Anneliza was secretly seen by two priests, as if they were going to perform an exorcism rite. 70 rituals

I slept badly until death. Priests and fathers were given a call from the hatred, and from the history of Annelisi they filmed the film "6 Demons of Emily Rose".

Roland Dow/Robbie Mannheim

The history of this boy was terrible, that the Catholic Church has classified his name: in the archives of Robbie Mannheim, passing as Roland Dow.

Vіn becoming obsessed after a spiritual seance, if Vіn tried to get in touch with her dead aunt, as if she herself was a spiritualist. Unexpectedly after that, in my family's house, unreasonable appearances began to appear and beware of wondrous noises.

The Sim-Lutheran mentor recognized that Roland was obsessed, and sent two priests, Father Raymond Bishop and Father William Bowder, to conduct the rite of passage at the Georgetown University likarni. The rite was performed 30 times for a few days. It is believed that at this hour Roland was even more aggressive, speaking in Latin in a demonic voice, and the words “evil” and “inferno” were not the same. After these rituals, everything returned to normal and Roland continued to live a normal life. Somebody competed with the drive of the one who was rightly possessed, that everyone was a guess, and the lad just had mental problems. If no one calls the shards of these podіy yogo correct names, then the truth is not known anymore.

Anna Eklund

At that hour, as it was on the 14th anniversary of the birth of the people, the girl on the name of Hanna Eklund from the town of Erling, Iowa, began to show the first signs demon possession. The fathers beat the maiden like a devout catholic, the protege didn’t get the bisam to move into his body. Anna couldn't stand religious artifacts, she became more promiscuous and spoke out loud about such speeches, it was obscene to think about how to think, she could not go to church.

In 1912, Anna was subjected to an exorcism ceremony, which ended with a lot of success, and in 1928 she again had a chance to turn for help to the church, the girl kept repeating that the demons again zahopil її body. Anna was sent to the monastery, where a guarded sprat of blueberries were led behind her. Stan Eklund, becoming strimko pirshuvatisya. The descriptions are such a fluke: if the blueberries blessed the hedgehog in front of him, how to go to the room before her, Anna thought, hissed at the blacks and threw the plates with the hedgehog for a pidlog. First of all, the unblessed dog was devoured like a hungry shepherd.

The certificates confirmed that the girl could speak in many foreign language, which she did not know until the moment of possession, threw a cry of gravity, levitating the room. It vomited on the priests, as if they were trying to get close to her, Hanni's eyes hovered out of orbit, the body of the sufferer became swollen and important, which under the obsessed woman sagged metal.

The priests performed three rites of exorcism over Anna Eklund, and twenty-three days after the ear of the first rite, її nareshti they voted with the sound of a beans!

Arne Johnson

Vіdomy yak "Right about driving in a demon", Arne Johnson's case was the first trial in the history of the United States, under the hour of which the defender tried to bring innocence through his demon possession.

1981 Arne Johnson killed his robot dealer Alan Boro in Connecticut. Johnson's lawyers argued that this evil spirit was not an evil spirit, but a demon, which led the body of Arne from childhood. The demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren (before talking about them, that motherland of Perron, the filming of the Hollywood film zhahiv 2013 to the rock “The Oath”) appeared for consultation at the singing stakes, they confirmed that Johnson really carried an evil spirit with his body.

Ale vreshti-resht judging virishiv, that possession by the devil is not true for driving in the first step and sue Arne Johnson up to 20 years of free will.


In 2008, Associate Dr. Richard E. Gallagher, Senior Psychiatrist and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the New York Medical College, documented cycavulus and the patient's unique depression with the nickname "Julia", as if he were demon-possessed. It’s a rіdkіsny vpadok, if the psychiatrist knows the possibility of obsession with bisami, that shakhraiism is respected by the greatest doctors, or it is a manifestation of mental discord.

Likar Gallagher, having especially noticed that Julia was levitating in front of her, looming over her lizhkom, spoke in rich language, deacons from those who were ancient and had been forgotten long ago. She told about the past that future known psychiatrist, which she simply could not know.

Axis of heroic heroes from the notes of a psychiatrist: “Periodically, in our presence, Julia falls into a trance state, and is accompanied by unimaginable manifestations. Z її company with an obscene stream of hoarse likes and threats, gluzuvannya and phrases in kshtalt: “Give її calm, idiot!”, “Ours is out.” With this tone of voice, it is remembered that it is in the right voice of Julie.

Clara Herman Tsili

In 1906, roci Clara Herman Tsele was a Christian student of the Missus of St. Michael near the province of KwaZulu Natal near Pivdenny Africa. For unknown reasons, the demon itself moved into a young, sixteenth-year-old student. Clara Tsele began to understand and could speak fluently in many languages, she became a clairvoyant and read the thoughts of people who knew her instructions.

Chernitsy, as if watching over Clara, more than once stverzhuval, that she levitated, rising from the lie in turn on the height of a few meters, saw the greedy creature sounds, like a human voice is simply not a creation. Zreshtoy Bulo viklikana two priests to conduct the rite of exorcism. Tsili tried to suffocate one of them with the help of the holy epitrachilium, and over 170 people became witnesses of the levitation of the obsessed student, if the priests read the Holy Letter. The rite was carried out with a stretch of two deb, after which the evil spirits deprived Clary's tormented body.

The real histories of exorcism are the ones that tickled people in all periods of the history of the world. More similar facts related to the Catholic Church. Vtіm, similarly applied a little to build a place in ancient Mesopotamia.

From the development of the civilization of history about the ignorance of the bіsіv did not go anywhere. New facts are revealed, as well as the films behind their motives (find out the famous painting “The Devil Who Screams”). The creators of novels-jahivs do not appear, who tell to freeze the soul of the history of demons, who have moved into the people. Zvajayuchi on those who are so popular, you can stverzhuvat with confidence: enigmatic stories of exorcism attract the audience like a magnet.

Top 10 Most Amazing Real Stories of Exorcism

Fear of demons has risen and before the prospect of among their victims, characteristic of us, before deeply religious people. Although, as modern psychologists believe, "obsession with besoms", as it is described in the literature in a rich way, is nothing more than having manifested mental illness. І її it is necessary to extort for additional help, which is in the arsenal of psychiatrists.

On the other hand, regardless of those that the Middle Ages lost in the distant past, the clergy and parishioners of the XXI century practice the rite. Once in a while, wine is seen very rarely, ale - from the suvorim traditions of the harsh, terrible and sometimes unsafe ritual for life. Stories from the top 10 most amazing stories confirm exorcism.

Clara Herman Seli

The 16-row vikhovanka of a Christian monastery from Pivdennoy Africa was suspected of having links with Satan in 1906. The holy priests of Antrohi did not doubt that the demons had moved into the girl. I had reasons for those. Voice attributing to їy vіdraz a splinter of obvious manifestations of sounds evil spirit. First of all, Sele's gift was unbearably foreign languages. She began to understand words and phrases, learning French and Polish, although she hadn’t learned anything before. In a different way, Klara Herman began to levitate - to add gravity and parity in the open space at a height of 1.5 meters. At the same time, the woman periodically hung at the window, seeing terrible sounds.
The 16th river of a Christian monastery from Pivdenny Africa was suspected of having links with Satan in 1906

A priest was requested for the rite of wickedness of the devil. However, it was not so easy to heal Satan: the girl tried to strangle the holy father, if she began to read a prayer. The process of exorcism, having taken maybe two days, was crowned with success: the signs of obsession were gone and no longer guessed to themselves.

Michael Taylor

Another story related to exorcism, dated 1974. Misce її dії - England, and the main diy's person is an average resident of the UK at that hour, a good family man and father of five children named Michael Taylor. Knowing that judges respected the Taylor family with a classic harmonious harmony, in which they made friends, and turbot about children.

Prote znenatska everything changed. Michael zahopivsya religion, becoming a zavsidnik ceremonies, as if ruled by the organization "Community of followers of Christianity", which appeared in the neighborhood. At the top of the sect stood a young girl - even more effective 21st March Mary Robinson.
Michael zahopivsya religion, becoming a zavsidnik ceremonies, as if ruled by the organization "Community of followers of Christianity", which appeared in the neighborhood.

The charismatic preacher quickly took Taylor under complete control. Vchorashnіy sіm'yanin becoming spend more than an hour at services, lower at home. Together with the other members of the wine organization, taking part in the ceremonies, at the hour of those present, they together fell into a trance and began to speak earlier with unknown words.

Christine Taylor, Michael's squad, could not calmly watch for him, what was going on. Zhіnka turned for help to christian church, asking the abbots to turn the man at the bosom of the sim and vygnati z new devil. Ritual trivav tsilu dobu. After whom the holy fathers, they looked terribly tormented and lied, they went. With this stench, Taylor's squads were reminded, but with satanic manifestations of insanity, anger and craving for driving Michael was successfully over.

However, in practice, it turned out differently: for a little while, Michael, who performed in the exorcism ceremony, attacked the squad uncontrollably. Having beaten Vin zhorstoko, and then victoriously driving in a woman, wiping the back of her eyes, and then the tongue of an unhappy woman. Dali cholovik having recovered with his dog. The policemen, yak, arrived on a plate, showed a yogo white booth - naked and covered in blood. Reshtu zhizn Taylor provіv at the courts, where she looked on the right, as well as at psychiatric clinics (mainly in the Broadmoor likarni), where there were directions to likuvannya.

Emma Schmidt (Anna Eklund)

The Americans Emme Schmidt (here is Hanna Eklund) carried out the procedure of chasing demons in two. On the back of 1910. Її zarobiv father Risinger, a year of exorcism exorcism by one of the leading fahіvtsіv. In 1928, Rizinger had a chance to beat the devil out of the girl again. At the same time, the first rite appeared to be easy to do, then the other vyklikav difficult: having taken more hours and including a couple of ceremonies. Usyi was 23. The stench passed by sickle, faith and chest. Vignannia was accompanied by constant vomiting in the girl. Її eyes were flattened and flattened flawlessly. In an hour, she began to pidlіtati to the stele and urged to cling to him with her hands. In addition, she periodically fell into a trance. At the deiaka’s moment, її went into only a few blueberries, as if they were already nalyakan. The final ceremony dragged on for three days, and ended the day when Emma began to praise Jesus and to say a word of kindness to him.
Americans Emme Schmidt (won - Hanna Eklund) carried out the procedure for banishing demons by two

If the priest squealed at the demons, the squirrels of them were bulo, you uttered briefly: "Bagato." And so they added, that with their gang, no one else, like Beelzebub.


Not less foldable vipadok vygnannya dark forces that moved into the people, officially registered in 2008 roci. A patient of the American doctor Richard E. Gallagher wanted to keep it incognito. At the medical college of New York, they came in handy to help the unfortunate, they registered only one name: Julia.
"Julia" (together with Satan instilled in her) repaired the operation during the exorcism as best she could

Before that, for a long time, the girl was included in satanic groups. Having deprived them of them, she turned to the doctor for the prohannym, and її in the form of obsession, as well as in the form of offensive manifestations, which її dissociative became:

  • change your voice sharply (for an hour you become even sharper and rude, like a man’s);
  • extreme intolerance towards sacred and religious images (at the address of some of the girls’ mouths, the curses and threats were hooted at the address);
  • benefits from the room;
  • vminnya speak in unknown foreign language.

On the back, the doctor took the "demonic" information as a drawing. However, after that, yak "Julia" - yak confirming his history - unknowingly saw Gallagher information about the team of yoga psychiatrists, vin zrozumiv, that everything is serious. Adzhe rozpovіd dіvchini included closed data of a special nature, yakі no one could know.

Demon banishment was unforgivable. “Julia” (at once from Satan, who moved into her) repaired the operation as best she could: shed weeds in the room, threatened blueberries and medical practitioners.

Arne Cheyenne Johnson

This history made a halas in the 1980s. The newspapers flashed with headlines: “The driving was done for the order of the demons”, “The devil slayed me instead” ...

Everything was trapilos in the American state of Connecticut. A young man on the name of Arne Johnson with a kіlkom, with knife blows, drove a housekeeper into a house in the Brookfield area, having rented an apartment from a certain wine.
Newspapers also flashed with headlines: “Vbivstvo was knocked down by the order of demons”, “The devil slayed me less”

Vbivtsі was less than 19 years old. It seems that for a few months before the death of the wines, taking part in the ceremony of exorcism for the 11-fold child and navit proponuvav his body to the demons - in exchange for those who stink the lad.

Johnson's lawyer zbuduvav zahist vіd zvinuvachennya on this fact. Moreover, you should try to organize an official request for exorcisms from Europe in order to carry out the procedure for exorcising the devil for your client. In addition, the lawyer asked to get to the right comments of the holy fathers about the nature of exorcism. On the other hand, after a 15-year-old discussion by those in the court, all the argumentation of the defender was recognized as impossible. And Arne Johnson was blamed for driving in the first step (tobto, scho susuetsya especially serious).

Ronald Henkeler

The story of Ronald Henkeler (also known as Roland Dow) is already a textbook example for luminous exorcism. Moments of this life formed the basis of the famous film "Chasing the Devil", filmed in 1973.

The terrible fate of 1949 for the fate of Henkeler-Dow was seen in the vicinity of Prince George's in the American state of Maryland. And to be more specific, then - at the booth with serial number 3807, which is located on Fortieth Avenue.

Demonic manifestations for Ronald began to commemorate the death of the yogo aunt Tilli, who was a full member of the family.

It started from the fact that all the icons in the booth (including the image of Christ and the Virgin Mary) were taken to the sign of the sign. At the wake, there were periodically a little deaf blows that lulled from the depths of the walls. Then marvelous and unreasonable speeches began to be heard at the boy's room.
The terrible fate of 1949 for the fate of Henkeler-Dow was seen in the vicinity of Prince Georges, the American state of Maryland

The rite of exorcism was performed by the priests for a few days. The devil was driven from 28 fierce to 3 birch. Moreover, on the body of the lad periodically the undercoats appeared by themselves, as the result made two words - Christ and Hell. In addition, the certificates of the ceremony revealed that in the course of chasing demons around the room, the objects that were found here collapsed by themselves.

Some ceremonies, meanwhile, showed up a little. On the 16th, the exorcism was continued for the first time since the fate of Father Bowdern.

All this family of Henkeyeriv went through the rite of baptism by a priest of the Catholic Church. A month later, on the 18th of April, Ronald began a rapt attack, flew to the ground, and if he moved, voiced to the household: “That's it! Win pishov.

Salvador Dali

Not all the artists of the famous artist Salvador Dalí are aware of the fact that the artist of 1947 also had to go through the procedure of vygnannya Satani. Meister, having respected himself obsessed, asked his good friend Gabriel Maria Berardi to perform the rite of exorcism.
About the religious rite, conducting for Salvador Dali, it became known even after the death of the priest Berardi

It seems that it didn’t take long after I explored Dali with artists, they practiced in the genre of surrealism. The drive for him was ideological superchicks, and also suspect that the maister appeared, that a number of robots wrote him “under dictation” of dark forces, that they moved into the new one.

There are no documentary confirmations of the history. About the religious rite, conducting for Salvador Dali, it became known after the death of the priest Berardi, if among the special speeches they knew the sculpture of Jesus Christ by the work of the artist.

Gottliebine Ditus

That was the name of a young Parathian woman - a girl from a deeply religious German homeland, who in 1843 turned back to her pastor with a hell of a job from obsession. Gottliebin Dittus spoke about the characteristic set of signs of demonic manifestations:

  • walks around the room;
  • blasphemy (which included figurative speeches at the address like the Church was inflamed, and without intercourse about the pastor);
  • the appearance of calls sweaty light, as well as with dark forces, yak_ podomlyali about unburned angels and exit of demons from Hell.

The girl was often restless. At the marenny, she turned to God with blessings to help her manifest obsession.
Priest Johann Kristoff Blumhart waited a while to help the unfortunate one and try to heal the pain. Vіn provіv procedural exorcism, which was followed by a deuce of polypshennya for Ditus.
At Marenni Gottliebіn Ditus turned to God with blessings to help її manifesting obsession

In the meantime, with the protyazh of the advancing fate, the seizures in her were repeated from time to time. And the pastor again spent his days with the wicked lady from the maiden and prayers for її permission. Surely, after one of the sessions, which turned out to be especially trivial, Gottliebin declared that the exorcism helped turn the world of normal people. Raptov attack at once with ships and other manifestations of gloomy forces, they came from the life of a paraffian woman.

George Lookins

It seems that the possessed with such a name is alive like the 18th century of England. The first demonic manifestations at Lukins appeared in 1770, if on the occasion of the holidays the saint was viyshov on the street and began to sing songs on the earlier unknown yoma of ancient latin. Vipadkovi passers were already nalyakani - not only in an unknown mine, but in an obviously satanic manner of vikonan.

Dali George continued the news normal life as a whole splendid English. After 18 years, when youmu turned 44, the wondrous ones, which were similar to demonic manifestations, turned again. George Lukins turned for help to the clergy.

The priests came in handy to take the fate of yoga dolі. Moreover, the rite of exorcism was conducted by seven clergymen, and even it appeared that these demons had moved into the body of the unfortunate.
The first demonic manifestations at Lukins appeared in 1770, if on the occasion of the holidays the saint was viyshov on the street and began to sing songs on the earlier unknown yoma of ancient latin.

Friday the 13th was scheduled for the opening of the ceremony. The ceremony was organized at the Moscow church. The Crimea of ​​the Holy Fathers before her was hired and a number of church servants.

The daemons were very hearty in repairing the opir of the exorcists. While the priests read prayers and sang holy songs, George fiercely wiggled with unknown words and declared to show everyone real strength, like demons can manifest in the world of people.

Everything ended well. Wustami Lukins, the followers of Satan told about their decision to turn to Hell. In addition, the demons have sworn more than ever not to move into a bіdolakh and not to lead a normal life.

Elizabeth Knapp

16-river Elizabeth was a servant of the priest in the colony, roztashovanіy near Massachusetts. The first signs of obsession won showed in 1655. Demons forcefully calmed down її, obіtsyayuchi richness and lightness of life. Step by step, the girl became negative due to her birth to Christianity, and at the same time - signs of a biological presence: seizures; scargs for those who її htos to strangle; the tower rushes to the fire. The first signs of obsession Elizabeth Knapp showed behind her in 1655. Demons forcefully calmed її, obіtsyayuchi rich and easy life

The apotheosis was judges that appeared at the servants, and regularly tried to represent the clergy.

Under the hour of the exorcism procedure, Elizabeth was hoarse with proclones, shocked with inhuman blasphemy, which had been taken earlier. His body rang like a serpent, and his guise periodically made grimaces. It all ended with an unspeakable utterance: the curse that Knapp's wust sounded ... broke off at the syllable. The maiden froze with a wide-open mouth and tongue, which lied about her name. The room was suddenly echoed by the radio cries of the exorcists. The demons were driven away. More dark forces did not bother the servants. However, the psychological trauma of what she had endured showed deep on the floor, so Elizabeth could not forget about those that had become of her.

You can admit that the stories of the devil and the devil, which chill the soul, will appear in the future. The development of technologies, obviously, is the number of such ceremonies to a minimum. Ale is unlikely to turn them off again. Epochs are passing by, rulers are changing, lands are dawning, and mysterious undergrowth is with people that fly around and with holy pictures, that walls fall, boules, and are unlikely to be forgotten.

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