Hitler leaning up to the Rothschild dynasty? Baron Edmund Beniamin Rothschild tells the real story about the Sionist Adolf Hitler The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Adolf Hitler for a passport - a Jew!

This passport, stamped at the end of 1941, is known among the secret British documents during the Other World War. The passport was saved in the archives of the special intelligence service of the British intelligence service, as if it was a sign of espionage and sabotage operations in the European lands paid off by the Nazis. The passport was first taken on February 8, 2002 in London.

Reversal of A. Hitler's passport.
On the obkladinci of the passport there is a friend who knows that Hitler is a Jew. The passport has a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp, which allowed him to settle in Palestine.

Pokhodzhennya - jewish
At the testimony about the people of Alois Hitler (father Adolf), yogo mother Maria Shiklgruber made my father irreplaceable, for a long time ago he became an illegal people. Maria didn’t splurge on this topic in any way. It is a tribute that Aloys was born to Mary from the house of the Rothschilds.
“Hitler is Jewish by mother. Goering, Goebbels - Jews. ["War for the Laws of Vileness", I. "Orthodox Initiative", 1999, p. 116.]
Adolf Hitler himself did not have a binding document, which confirms this pure-blooded ariynist, even though he himself impinged on the praised law about this document.

In 2010, 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler were born. Tests have shown that Hitler's DNA contains the E1b1b1 haplogroup marker. Її Volodar є for the scientific classification of the noses of the Hamit-Semitic mov, and for the biblical - the Jews, Ham's patches, or rather, the nomads of the Berbers. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is designated by the Y-chromosome, so it shows the father's decline. The follow-up was carried out by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem, and the results were published in the Belgian magazine Knack (By Michael Sheridan). DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, August 24th 2010.).

Ashkenaz in Hebrew means "Nimechchina", the understanding of "Ashkenazi" is carried to all Hebrews - the end of Europe.

Sefarad means "Ispaniya" in Hebrew, "Sephardi" is understood to mean up to Hebrews - the departure from the Arab world.

The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Hitler was only quiet Jews, which the Jews themselves told him to be: vigilant and quiet, who was inspired to serve the All-Light Kahal.
At that hour, the yak Khaberi (Jewish aristocracy) calmly looked forward to America and Israel. At the concentration camps, the Jews were helped by the Jewish police, which were made up of young Khaberiv, and Jewish newspapers appeared, as if they were praising the Hitlerite regime.
PR-action "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler
Єrveї all over the world succumbed to the results of the Other Holy War. Our headstones, which we won against the whole world, became the Holocaust project, which, like the Jewish people, symbolizes that it will restore the expenditure of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people.
I, although it’s nonsense, Hitler’s merit in the molding of such a large-scale “Prapor” is endless.
For example, in Israel, the fascist power, the law is praised, which establishes a punishment for ... doubt the Holocaust.

On 22 March 1941, the fate of the Sephardi began to stifle the Ashkenazim in their upper leg - in the Soviet Socialist Republic. Head Mystery of the Past Other Holy War: Link - Jewish and Nazi Regime. Regardless of the records of Jewish historians, Numerical Centers, Museums, the Institute of the Holocaust (Yad Vashem) - this topic has not been objectively discussed.

The Sephardi Jews ruled the "Holocaust" to the Ashkenazi Jews for the help of the Sephardi Jews Hitler, Goering, Goebbels and the German people fooled by the Jews!


Hitler with a Jewish passport, onuk of Rothschild.
http://aftershock.su/?q=node/94738#comm ent-620283

Theater of Viysk Sephardi and Ashkenazi - the whole planet

As if at the Vidensky Stadtpark, two Volotsyugs wandered. After pumping the carriage, she passed by, asking the other one alone: ​​“What kind of type did you get there?”

- Look at the livery, - vіdpovіv іnshiy, - little Louis, Baron Rothschild, they vizili poіtryam pihati.

- Don't worry! - having respected the first Volotsyug with great respect. - Zovsіm shmarkach, but also Rothschild!

Who is the moment to say that you are checking for a small passenger? Who knows what lies ahead of the depression, the Anschluss, the Gestapo, that friend of the world's war is going to be? The 19th century ended, the 20th century stood on the edge.

Passed the rocks, Baron Luї podrostav. When youmu turned twenty-nine years old, Father Albert died. It was not long before the ear of the First First Light. The tradition of the Austrian boudinka said, and tse vіdznyali yogo in other boudinki of the Rothschilds, that all the power to pass to one person.

The brothers Eugene and Alphonse devoted themselves to the adoption of the boat, and the responsibility for all undertakings and banks of the Rothschilds in Central Europe fell on the shoulders of Baron Louis. Thus began one of the most poetic parts in the history of the Rothschild family. The Austrian family of the family suffered the most from the blows of the harsh XX century, and Baron Louis showed a kind of resilience and dignifiedly showed off his share of blows.

The character of this extraordinary person showed up early. And it happened in New York, in the Manhattan subterranean, which was only slightly visible. The Rothschild agents in New York took a part in the financing of the everyday life of the Moscow Swiss underground income lines, as the New York Interboro Rapid Transit company did. Young Louis was sent to the Successful States to master the traditions of American business, taking part in the project of subway life, being on the first line of the first line and the middle of the first passengers of the test flight, which appeared not far off. There was an accident of the energy supply and the warehouse was running out. Viyshlo z fret not less light, and th ventilation. If the sleeping and suffocating passengers were taken, they called, only one of them did not take off his jacket and raincoat and did not let go of the bed. Surely, tse bov Baron Luї. Ryatuvalniki rozpovidali, scho vіn buv absolutely spokoіyny and looking podtyagnutim that fresh, no sweat on his forehead, one word - baron!

Call out to you, who happened to zishtovhuvatisya with the baron's self-control, it was impossible to understand that he was delusional. Chi that baron buv is absolutely bezturbotny, chi is just a cold yak fish and concessions to human feelings. Alas, no matter what, the young head of the Vidensky Budinka pretended to be a worker of the highest qualification and a person of rare stamina. Tse buv spravzhnіy nobleman, nayvidatnіshiy іz sykh naschadkіv sіmeystva Rothschild. Never before, never since has it been like before. The share was arranged in such a way that Louis himself had not made friends for a long time, and his brothers, who were friendly, did not deprive him of the human status. Baron Louis became the remaining head of the Austrian house and the remaining romantic of the dynasty.

An unfortunate fall near Manhattan, which is wonderfully closed between the remaining Rothschilds and the first underground, we prophesy. The share prepared you for an impersonal test, and more than once you happen to stand against the vikliku of the present, and soon the baron will be so cold and calm, like in a suffocating subway car.

Nature generously endowed Baron Lui with everything necessary, so that he could play his role. Stringy, white-faced redness, instilling the image of an Anglo-Saxon aristocrat, regularly seeing the synagogue. We will not only forgive and be modest in a moment, but we will also be closed, with a different side, and we will be enlightened. The baron, suffering from a mild, chronic illness of the heart (what pure-blooded aristocrat can do without a savory wadi?), without regard for his face, vin buv ostentatiously energetic. The baron was miraculously trained to the viscons of his future shoes. Zhorstsky Gravets at the Polos I monsters, VIN BUV with one of the non -bastard, who was allowed to be the tops on the biloma galloply lіpizzansі, one of the seallors of that time, led by the sovereign school Verkhovy їzdi (they were pyd for the hour of the bon. also a miraculous fakhivtsem with anatomy, botany and graphic arts.

Well, of course, the baron was a Kohanian. Let's finish with a Kohanian, we will command and cohanim. At his majestic palace on Prinz-Eugene-Straße, and in his office, upholstered in dark-red seam, at Rengassi, the best women of the day came. For clarity, the cabinet has three doors, and one of them was secret. She was well disguised, that the ruler himself, his secretary, and those who happened to show off with her knew nothing about її іsnuvannya.

Not only beautiful ladies penetrated to the palace through the hidden doors. Often the couriers were pursuing novelties, moreover, they were not interested in novelties. The baron sailed his ship by the sea, as the Daedalus became turbulent and unsafe. Until 1914, the Bank of Vydnya was the leading financier of the majestic empire, leading the way with financial flows, and being the nerve center of the financial world of Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Europe. After the fate of 1918, Austria shrunk, now it occupied only a small part of its vast territory. The Austrian company of Rothschild was also imminent.

Bank S.M. Rothschild and Shene became the leading private bank of Austria, and in view of this policy, a significant world laid down the economic camp of this little fatherland. Showing loyalty, the bank bought state papers worth nearly a million Austrian crowns, regardless of those that inflation was rapidly devouring of investments. In the middle of the 1920s, Rothschild did not become, like his most serious rival Castillon, to raise the camp in order, speculating on the fall of the Austrian crown. Ale, regardless of Rothschild's support, the crown fell. The Castillons rose and threatened to throw the Rothschilds away from the shadows.

The Castillons continued their gratis on the fall of the franc. Their allies continued to throw off the French currency on the market. The exchange rate of the franc fell sharply, and the pound and dollar went uphill. What about Rothschild? Experts already prophesied the fall of the Austrian home. At the tightened seam cabinet in Rengassi it became very quiet. Rapt the rate of the franc, having begun to move quickly. The Castiglioni were out of business, and the financial world was dead, hostilities. Baron Louis, like a fiend, coldly chuckle, violating to Italy, sob the trochs of the polo.

What happened? The old, old history was repeated, like the Rothschilds already played 1925 rock. Different banks in England, France and Austria secretly spread their tentacles all over the world. On the island of the French house (director of the Bank of France, Baron Eduard Rothschild), they organized a secret international syndicate. Prior to that, there were J.P. Morgan near New York, and Baron Louis Rothschild, who was the head of the Creditanstalt bank near Vidnia. All over the world, the Rothschild syndicate began to lower the exchange rate of the pound and raise the exchange rate of the franc. As in the past, no one could withstand such a financial onslaught, which was so quickly and masterfully. Baron Louis turned from Italy, degraved by the polo. Vin smirked and laughed. I just laughed.

Ale's share was preparing you for a serious trial. While in the 20s the economic situation of Austria was collapsible and tempting, in the 30s the situation, rather unsteady, became tragic. In 1929, depression swelled. The young, yet unimaginable republic was ready for such a trial. Depression paralyzed the business life of Austria. Depression crippled the banking right. Depression climbed to the palace of Louis Rothschild.

In 1930, the Bank "Bodenkreditanstalt", having set up the country, started lending to the country's strong state, having changed at the baked camp. Louis, as if forever, without giving in to the panitsa, demonstrating the crying of calm: he poked the reindeer in one of his zapovedniki. Order buv mensh vitrimany. The Federal Chancellor came especially to Rothschild. As soon as the chancellor was guessing, he literally stumbled upon the baron to accept the goiter for the Bodenkreditanstalt bank, which he died. The baron waited a while, but respecting: “I will irritate those about what you ask, but you will loudly blow about it.”

Bank "Kreditanstalt", the largest national bank of Austria, having taken on itself the authority of the bank "Bodenkreditanstalt". (President of the bank "Kreditanstalt" buv Louis von Rothschild.) I nevdovzі all Austria had a chance to go crazy about the decision. In the wake of oversupply lending through the bank “Kreditanstalt”, there is also an embarrassment to impose payment. Now, the financial system of the Ukrainian country has already been hijacked, and the Austrian order had a chance, for the sake of correcting the situation, to win the foundation of the sovereign treasury. Budinok Rothschild also donated thirty million gold shillings to help the bank "Creditanstalt" stay afloat.

Tse bulo serious blow for the funds of the Austrian home, even though wine and having taєmno solidly help with the French Rothschilds. The baron had a chance to sell some of his castles and move from a stately mansion on Prince Eugene Street to a small booth, stashed nearby.

Louis is still the richest person in Austria. Yogo Vlasny Bank, S.M. Rothschild and Schene”, having lost, as before, above, beyond the Austrian scale, having become a right giant. The baron, as before, being one of the largest landlords in Central Europe, took control of his significant investments in textile, manufacturing and chemical industries.

At the pivnoch, the corrals of the stormtroopers beat the drums, and the wines calmly gave orders from their cabinet, upholstered with red stitching, from the ready-made pasture, without a turbofan, the dangling sword of the valley.

So the last great gentleman of Central Europe, Baron Louis von Rothschild, sank the sun. The period between 1931 and 1938 fatefully predicted the final act of the roaring production: the first blow was not within reach, but the terrible finale of the lure of the spectators. At the baron's booth, panuvav calm, butlers took care of it and enlivened amusing podії.

In 1936, Roci Edward VIII was appointed to the throne for the sake of Mrs. Simpson. The day before, as if to call this virishal cruc, the king spoke by international telephone with one of the most separated ladies. The British order prepared for Eduard a porch at the Zurich hotel, and Wallis Simpson - the king herself spoke with her - was categorically against such a choice. Gothel is a filthy defender with a greedy sensational press, Vaughn said, and the telephone line between London, depriving Edward, that Cannam, de Wallis herself lingered, was not guaranteed to be wiretapped.

- Devide, - being afraid of listening, Wallis explained in an intrusive way, - why don't you go there, de vie pidhopil the undead of the past fate?

Mrs. Simpson is small on the edge of the Ensfeld castle, roaming on the outskirts of Vdnya and laying down to Eugene von Rothschild, brothers Louis and old friend of Edward and Mrs. Simpson. Here David instantly savored his own self, play golf on the maidanchiks, which the baron had, and speak in his beloved Austrian dialect. As if here youmu had a long way to run into mild illnesses, and now it was necessary to survive the most serious crisis.

“I am so excited,” said King Eduard.

The coming day, 11 breasts, Edward is not king. The forty-eighth year had not passed, as the gates of the Rothschilds' maєtku were married and let the black limousine through. Lyudina, who was sitting in the dark, was moved by the crown of the greatest empire for the most romantic reason. All five continents from tsikavistu followed the podia at Eugene Rothschild's booth. Ensfeld, becoming no less familiar, lower Mayerling. Tsya podium was immediately overgrown with bits and gum tiles. They said, for example, that he was a great king, who had pretended to be the Duke of Windsor, and had won riches at the castle, and had sent rakhunks to the lords of the hotel for his honor. Having spun rahunki like the ex-monarch, the accountants spun individuals, and the brothers-barons, Eugene and Louis, were overwhelmed by the price. The stench came out of the camps richly and unconventionally, as if to denounce the Rothschilds, having turned to the strong for the sake of the prohanny, turn the duke to honor Jensfeld's head. The Rada, obviously, did not advise, and now the mustaches were sent to pay for the unfortunately scratched head, Eduard.

Ale tse less sensitive. The duke is alive calmly and spontaneously, engraving at the golf course, and the whole situation will be around six thirty in the afternoon. At the same time, a special meeting room was called for the new one (Eugene had a similar connection to his telephone substation), all the lines were ringing, and Edward instantly spoke calmly from Wallis, as she was still stuck in Cannes.

Prote perebuvannya mayzha mythical guest in the maetka was marked in the manners of the greatest society of Central Europe. If the duke had come to see the Rothschilds and their guests at the hour of the devil's banquet, everyone was shocked. Kolishnіy king wearing a black crib with soft, and not hard, starched komir, as usual. This fact provoked, similar to the vibukh, at the gallery of the Kravets art. In addition, Eduard has made one more innovation. Behind the words of Baron Eugene, the very wine of the guilty sons, which smoothly turn into obid. Call the literal translation of the vigadan to him to sound like a “snіdanok-obіd”, so it’s a pіznіy and even a snidanok. The duke, having better started the day himself with such a meal, then later, when everyone was going to another meal, there was nothing left to eat. The initiative of the duke from the hoarding of the buv pdhopleny vtonchennoy Austrian nobility.

The rise of Austria was filled with imperial glare, and the rise of the representative of the Austrian Rothschilds was able to give a hotel in proportion to his name.

Bereznev go

Ensfeld holidays became a serious contribution to the right to the prestige of the Rothschild family, Louis himself, was given, becoming a separate feudal tradition. But it’s important to call the standard yoga behavior.

1937, not long after the arrival of the Duke of Jensfeld, the Baron was visiting his friend. Offended at the fire, if the window felt a pity nyavkannya. The Rothschilds made it to the window, went to the door, rounded the wall along the cornice, took the green mow and gathered back at the room. Everything became so fast that the yogos were not overtaken by the Zupiniti.

Similar deeds of Louis performed earlier. Vіn zavzhdi buv miraculously strong physically and virіznyavsya rіdkіsnim self-control. Yogo father Albert Rothschild was the first to climb the Matterhorn peak, and Louis himself climbed on the faceless mountain peaks and, as if no peak was at hand at the moment, victorious for his mountaineering exploits in Moscow life.

In 1937, youmu was already fifty five; cornice, yakim vіn ishov, buv on the level of the fifth on top, and, besides, it was already dark.

- Barone, tse - a robot for the fire team. Need to risk life? - sleeping yoga one of the guests.

- Zvichka, darling, - the baron was distinguished with a great cold smile.

Mustache understood what it meant. The German armies were in the middle of the cordon. Most of the quiet, who, having stumbled in the same position, like Luis, were respected for the good of vikhati. Yogo's brother Eugene got over to his Parisian booth. The eldest, Alphonse, signed behind the Swiss cordon. Ale Lui continued to stay at Vidnia.

From the cold dashing Luyshov nazustrіch dolі. It's not surprising, the business of life in the bank was active, no matter what. As before, yoga secretaries diligently practiced in a padded suture office in Rengasse. As early as Wednesday, the custodian of the Vydensky Museum of the History of Mysticism, having taken from the baron and conducted an artistic seminar for his family. As early as, on Fridays from the morning before the baron, the professor of the botanical garden came, arranging for new specimens of roslin. As early as a week ago, the director of the Anatomical Institute saw the baron and discussed with him various diagrams and books on biology.

As early as before, for the day, pan baron rolled the tops on the virnoy Lipizzaners. Life flowed its own devil, but the friends of the baron in the jockey club stole their heads. Louis Rothschild, the head of the Austrian house that is alive in the mind of a Jewish capitalist, calling out the Fuhrer's special hatred. Will the Baron be deprived of something? How about turning a target into a living thing?

This behavior was true for two reasons. I offenses were dynastic. One of them was hoisted as a suspense, Luy’s followers knew about it only, and the slaughterhouses became richer and richer. The other reason was obvious to everyone. As the head of the Austrian booth, Louis was constantly at the center of respect. Navitak on yoga vіd'їzd mіg enough to bring the financial machine of Austria into harmony, as it worked so intermittently. The head of the Budinka Rothschilds (we already stuck with similar vipadkas) - we are the principle, and then we are the people.

The baron was famous for his practice to perfection in everything, for him the principle turned into dogma. Vіn not becoming move closer to the cordon. In support of Hitler, the Chancellor of Austria flew to Berchtesgaden, and at the same time Lui vyihav z Vidnya, schob ride on liches in the Austrian Alps. Prote, if on the 1st of February 1938 before the New Year in Kitzbühel, having arrived the courier of the French house of the Rothschilds from the advance about the nebezpeka, Louis turned to the next walks and turned to the Sunday. Vіn not zbiravsya tіkat to Zurich.

At Thursday 10, the baron took off the Swiss by telegraph to stay ahead. The German corrals straightened the offensive wound through the cordon. The sovereign ship inevitably sank to the bottom, and every day it was impossible to turn up the camp. On Saturday, close to noon, Louis and Yogo valet Edward arrived at the airport Vіdnya, the stench was going to fly to Italy. The drive was the need to see the team of gravity at the polo, which was due to the baron. On the control, even for two croques of the litak, an SS officer, which he reconsidered, recognized the baron and confiscated his passport.

"Come," the valet said, "we went home and began to check."

Ochikuvannya was short-lived. Evenings in front of the palace of the Rothschilds, like in front of hundreds of other Jewish houses, two people appeared with a swastika on their armbands.

The butler could not allow such a violation of etiquette, like a buv arrest. The back of the vine may z'yasuvati, chi in the house, pan baron. For a sprat of hvilin, the butler turned and declared to the visitors that Pan Baron was daily. With such a trick, the warriors muttered indiscriminately and appeared at night.

But in a week, the stench turned anew, the second time the escort had six thugs in steel helmets and with pistols, to give a good sign to the steps of the greatest success. Pan Baron, asking the elder to go to the office and telling you that after the insult, the wine was ready to drink after him. Those who came, the signs, rejoiced and brought the verdict: let it be.

Baron in the midst of bliss and luxury. In polished escorts, like firing pistols, they stood near the table. The lackeys with a bow brought the stray to the hedgehog, and the room was filled with the aroma of sauces. The Baron finished his meal sloppily; after fruit, like a plant, rinsing your fingers at a special cup; winding hands with a damascus servette; with malt, having smoked an obov'yazkovu pіslyaobіdnyu cigarette; having accepted heart faces; having confirmed the menu of the coming day and only a second later, nodding to them, who has come, and pishov together with them.

In the middle of the night, it became clear that the wines would not turn back. Early-warning valet Edward packed the unique bedding of the master, his toilet set, respectfully choosing the bedding. outer garment, a bunch of books on the history of science and botany - an outstanding set, what kind of baron he took from himself, if he had a chance to accept the devil's request for the weekend. Everything was piled up at the valise of the pig's coat, with which Edward appeared at the police department. Yogo was chased away, and the wrath of madness bov piti pid the evil regit of the policemen.

The appearance of the valet played its role. The Nazi next letter of intrigue, and the first one will add Louis wine, dedicating it to satisfying your cicava cicavity, which can be easily explained.

- Father, vee - Rothschild. Well, how much money do you have?

Luї vіdpovіv, scho to take the whole staff of yogo accountants and provide them with the rest of the information about the light market of stocks and goods, then they need to take a few days to give an accurate report.

- Dobre Dobre. How many cost your palace?

Rothschild looked at the drunken gentleman and looked at the food:

– And what about the skyscrapers of the Vidensky Moscow Cathedral?

That was an accurate assessment.

- And you are a slut, - the roar of the investigator. I am like the world in mav ration.

Okhoronets sent the baron down, at the basement. Louis had a chance to pull bears with a squeak. Plich-o-plіch comunist leaders worked with him, they became his comrades in misfortune.

“We were in a bad way,” guessing Louis, “everyone was happy about it, that our basement was found a classed basement in the world.

There were also other unidentified subdivisions. The ruler of Rothschild in Switzerland began to take away the leaves of a wondrous zmist. Their authors were women - three most important trends in Central Europe, closely related to the Nazi police Vidnya. The women proclaimed to themselves like intermediaries for an hour of discussion and a couple of days. The Rothschilds have long been famous as master diplomats;

For example, the night in Berlin, Nareshti, gave respect to those birds that sit at their klitz. The baron was spared the death of the communists, and the death of the bears, and was placed in a special cell at the Vienna headquarters of the Gestapo, in order of the Austrian chancellor, who was transferred to prison. You can boldly say that Louis has taken off the promotion. During the idle time of the police in the pit of wines, having spent at the most secret torture chambers of the Reich, 24 youths were guarded, taken in chobots, and they were tied with shkiryany straps. The baron called them "my grenadiers" and did not let them down. For an hour, aggravated by guilt, he pretended to be a professor's bore, trying his uncouth wart geology and botany.

Unexpectedly, a new emisar appeared in Switzerland, the successor of the famous ladies. Yogo's name was Otto Weber, and he introduced himself as the partner of Gritzbach's partner, special guardian Hermann Goering. It became clear who is now making music. Step by step, the contours of the minds began to vimalovuvatisya please. Pan Baron can take away freedom, like Marshal Goering takes 200,000 dollars as compensation for his troubles, and the German Reich will become the head of the decision to set up the assets of the Austrian house. The largest number of cities in Czech Vitkovytsia, de-roztashovuvalis most in Central Europe, the expansion of the flood and vugillya.

The news was not welcome. For the baron, the highest wage for the entire light history. Negotiate side by side the Rothschilds were led to Zurich and Paris by Eugene and Alphonse, and they had a trump card in store. It seems that everything was miraculous: Vitkovits, who was to lie with the Austrian Rothschild, as if by an enchanting rank he pretended to be English power. For the pre-war 1938, it meant that wine was inaccessible to Goering's blues.

They themselves were employed in the office of Louis in 1936 and 1937. Everything was shattered to the point where it became late. About this transformation, all the activity of the baron was taken into account. Iomu was helped by a charm, a bank clerk, old Leonard Kising. Together, they managed to translate the title of the sovereign ensign of the Received Kingdom for about twenty-one million dollars. The financial operation, similar to the plot of a spy novel, was carried out in the best traditions of the Rothschild family.

How did Louis Rothschild get so far away? Vіn miraculously rozumіv, scho it is impossible to translate such majestic enterprises, like Vitkovits, from the power of one state in the power of others, the docks are not reached on the highest rank and file. To this Rothschild began from the fact that even in 1936 the rock was more carefully overturned by the Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia at the necessary transfer of Vitkovits. Even if it is possible to lose control under Austrian control, it is to put a threat to the security of Czechoslovakia itself, as if Viden fell under the power of Nimechi. At once, the Austrian Chancellor was told that the Czech ranks, driven by anti-Austrian and anti-Nimet sentiments, could vote for the nationalization of Vitkovytsia, as if they would be deprived of the power of Austria. In this manner, and Vision and Prague, for various reasons, came in handy for Rothschild's proposition.

Then we had a legal and financial formalization of the transfer of authority, vikonan with a redkish maisternist. Experts have successfully vindicated the fact that the Rothschilds were not the only shareholders of Vitkovytsia, wanting to manage their shareholder capital. The great Austro-Jewish family of von Gutmann, who stood on the border of the ruins, was the rulers of the lesser part of the great Austro-Jewish family. To pay for the borg, Gutmanni was forced to sell his share of the shares. At the same time, it was necessary to re-examine the basic corporate structure of Vitkovytsya and create a new one, single structure. Under the pretext of the reorganization of the bagatomilyonne enterprise of the heba, it inadvertently changed the country-vlasnik.

All this “spread of hands” would have been absolutely indecent, the yakbees would not have accepted additional guards. Yakby Luya transferred the Aktsiionnier Kapital, Podlov Rothschildam, Bezpo -Serdanyo Anglіyskoikh Holdino Companion, then in the same time, the Varisniyt PIDISTIA was the PID of the Torgivasi. Luї having transferred this nezbezpeku already at the peaceful 30th roki, to that provіv richly infrequently please. A small amount of capital was transferred to Switzerland and Holland, as if they were small in times of war, or save neutrality, or become allies of Great Britain. І already on the last day of the last year, the remainder of the favor was held.

Vitkovits becoming a branch of the company "Alliance Insurance", one of the largest London companies, which are rebuying in the jurisdiction of Great Britain and under the rank of zahistoy yoga majesty. But the best of all is that most of the capital of this company belonged to the Rothschilds themselves, as they sold Vitkovits.

Napoleon and Bismarck unsuccessfully fought against the Family. Gering was not the greatest, but rather a serious opponent of the clan. However, I did not reach success. Reichsmarshal buv zmusheny vіdstupati. Ale Zupinila Yogo not Jewish cunning, but Yogo vlasny colleague-Aryan. On the stage viyshov Heinrich Himmler.

At the beginning of 1939, Otto Weber, who represented the interests of Goering, was arrested.

Obviously, the Nazis laid the foundation for an international conflict, which is the culprit on the ground for the Rothschild wealth. Berlin changed the team and started negotiations.

Now we have the food, po'yazanі z vikup, vyrishuvalis more for Himmler, and not Goering. The Rothschild family continued to attack their minds, regardless of the change of the enemy's command. The active Rothschilds in Austria, the family was ready to exchange for the security of Baron Louis. Control over Vitkovice is transferred to the Nimechchini only after the baron's rank, with which the Rothschilds take three million pounds as compensation from the Nimetchchini.

Berlin is overwhelmed. Berlin threatening. In fact, the German corrals had already occupied Vitkovits - Czechoslovakia was buried. But the German lawyers miraculously realized that the British ensign and international law still stood between them and the right of legal authority to the desires of Vitkovits.

The Nazi newspapers were not stingy with articles, they vilified the Rothschilds, they were called not only the scourge of mankind, but at the same time a new method of work with aggravation was introduced. As if a high-ranking visitor appeared at Lu's chamber. The doors were opened, and Heinrich Himmler was born. Vіn having given the pan baron a good wound; vin proponuvav pan baronov's way a cigarette; Vіn sleeping, chi nemaє pan baron yakihos pobazhan chi skarg; Let's go to the right place. I'm already alone big man having seen our great people, then why wouldn’t they be able to earn a living among them?

Prote addicted kurets pan baron never once got drunk on cigars. Vіn boov cold and style.

If Pan Himmler bowed down, the position of Rothschild was right on Vitkovits did not change one iota.

Let's sweat on the baron's crying chamber, spilling a golden board. A year later, the baron's "grenadiers" brought in a handful of important pompous anniversaries of the clocks of Louis XIV, and then the majestic vase of the clocks of Louis XV; in prison they covered it lightly with an orange oxamite blanket, and on top of it they spread pillows of various colors. I arrived, having appeared a radio receiver on the support, vkritiy chimos on the kshtalt of the seam of the back.

So Himmler tried to create a homely atmosphere at the Rothschild chamber. The first yoga initiative gave results. The Baron had already steadfastly endured the indulgence of Yogo's speeches, but now Yogo's window dressing had left.

- The camera was guessing the Krakiv brothel! - Zgaduv vіn through a lot of rockіv. І tse buv one of the poor vipadkіv, if the baron allowed himself to speak so sharply.

In addition to the wounded guard, they blamed all the “invisible beauty”. Vinyatok was smashed less for the radio, like a baron with a hand, leaving a noisy gang. As long as it is possible, the fiasco zmusilo esesіvtsіv vіdmovitysa in the distant attempts to help the baron. A few days have passed. Close to eleven in the evening, Louis Rothschild was voted out that you should think it was accepted and you can vihati.

- It’s too bad now, - the baron said, having grafted his prisoners on the outside, - none of my friends can be less wise, and the servants have been sleeping for a long time.

The baron said, what a lie. Formerly in the history of the Gestapo, there were some of the aggravated who took away their freedom, asking them to spend the night in a cell. The curiosity of the 'yaznitsa' vyrishilo consulted with Berlin at any time between the contacts. The baron will spend his night at the yard as a guest.

After a few days, I landed in Switzerland. And in two months, at the end of 1939, the Reich went to the city of Vitkovits for 2,900,000 pounds sterling.

Ale Mayzhe was immediately struck by the war, and this favor was by no means brought to an end. Formally, Vitkovytsya and today are the English authorities. After coming to the ruling communists, Vitkovits was nationalized. However, in 1953 London signed a trade agreement with Prague. One of the points guaranteeing the return of the confiscated power of British officials, the government and Vitkovytsya. Prague vikonalu please. Following this, a law was passed through parliament, which gave the opportunity to an English corporate agent (for example, the Alliance Insurance company) in the name of Vlasniks, yak not toil the British community (such as the majority of Austria, and the ninth citizen of the United States Rothschild.)

In the wake of these visits, the Rothschild family, as before, one of the richest in the world, took away the restitution payment from the distribution of one million pounds to the communist order of Czechoslovakia.

After the war, Louis is alive like a prince of the Cossacks, after having killed the dragon like wine. Vіn vlastuvavsya in America. The Vidensky baron, having become a rightful wealthy Yankee (when no longer allowing himself to ride in the underground), a bright bachelor on the cob, and then not young, but a happy man. In 1946, he became friends with Countess Hilde von Ausperg, one of the most privileged representatives of the Austrian aristocracy.

The girlfriend of a couple saw Austria at a hungry rock, unhappy after the collapse of Nazi Germany. The message about the turn of the baron mittevo spread through Vidnya. Navkolo hotelel, de vin zupinivsya, zіbravsya natovp people. The Vinces asked for bread - and Rothschild gave yoga to them. With a generous gesture, Louis transferred to the Austrian order all his power in the territory of Austria. Under the order of maw vikonati umova, put by Rothschild, as if it were at the created pension fund. Bulo saw a special law, for example, Louis Rothschild's activists were in the management of a sweaty, specially created sovereign pension fund. In this rank, the baron secured the skin of his many servants and servants with a steady income, as well as with the same pension benefits, guarantees and privileges, which the great servants of Austria are worthy of, as they went to the office.

Then the baron turned back to his great farm near Hidden Barnard, Vermont. The mountains of New England were inspired by the Yoma Alpi, and the sarcastic nature of the inhabitants of Vermont was entirely inspired by yoga. The baron was seen by professors of the arts and botanists from Dartmouth. His brother, Baron Eugene, arrived in Long Island from his mother's day, who lived to the 60s and became friends with the spectacle of the English stage Jean Stewart. Barones Hilda did not less than grow a miracle garden on the lands of the baron, and far away create for the new happy and warm home nest. The Baron did not think at all what to fall in love with calm family life. Ale vin її falling in love. The Rothschilds ruled the dances of just the sky, and the baron danced on the maidanchik in front of the barn with the same cold tinting, for which the parquet floors of the day were waltzed. Vіn pіshov іz zhіttja іn the eighth ten, so, like i chіch і to the great Volodar: іn swimming at the bottom of Montego under the miraculous blue Caribbean sky.

Dynasty rises under the towel

Another svіtova vіyna small strong influx on the Rothschilds and in England, and in France. If in 1940 the fate of the German tanks evaded to Paris, the French Rothschilds stumbled into the sky. The elders, Eduard, Robert and Moris (the sons of the founder of the French dynasty, James) were far away. These mandris, connected with impersonal anxiety, ended in the Happy States and England.

Vidomy passed Moris, showing himself a wonderful businessman. Bіgshi to England, take out a bag with a bag worth about a million dollars. Most of them have sold the wines, and then, by holding out for a few years, they have been constantly controlling their broker by phone, which has paid off the money for the sale. If Moris after the war turned to France, it turned out that his bag turned into a whole country, which is significant to follow the standards of the Rothschilds.

The elder members of the clan took the best side of the war, as if the war had the best side. The young, who helped the old ones to do good to them, fought її scary disguise, like, vtіm, and soldiers all over the world. Robert's blues, Eli ta Alain, were among the defenders of the Maginot line, and insults were consumed to the German full. Before them, they didn’t zastosovujut zhodnih spetsіalnyh zakhodіv vplivu, scho bulo pov'yazano, perhaps, with the result of Luї as a handcuff. In the autumn, when France fell, the son of Eduard, Guy, having drank the Dunker's pasta. Youmu drifted in, and in 1941 the fate of New York got away. If the battlefield forces in France began to form, Gі destroying to England. At the cost of crossing the Atlantic, this ship was torpedoed. Guy is hoarse. Youmu had a chance to try near the water for about three years, after which he took out a British torpedo bomber. Mrs. Vikonav de Gaulle's impersonal confidential handbooks (and from that hour he sang out the vowels of the general); He took part in the two-month defense of the line to the front after the day D and ended the war as an adjutant of the military governor of Paris.

Not less than yaskravimy, but characteristic for the Family of boulevards of the future of Rothschild.

- We vmієmo cheruvati camp right, - saying Baron Philip Mouton Rothschild. – With the help of our last life, we are surmounted by podias and victorious non-traditional pidkhid - burst! - Vichna head bіl for Viysk officials.

(Philip was the great-grandson of that very Nathaniel, who moved from England to France. In this rank, the ogo were the Englishmen as good as the genealogical tree, and the French for being bulky.)

Philip accurately described his way of life. In 1940, the fate of the wines was enjoyed after a serious injury, having taken it off, riding on the licks. The Germans went to Paris. Filipp utik near Morocco, ale of arrests by the Vishi order, like a call for the statement of the German commission for a truce. At the vyaznitsa, Filip prodovzhuvav camped on the right: he organized schools for the mov and gymnastic sections; Among the comrades, for the sake of commendation, to which you have been given orders, buv P'yer Mendès France. Filip was turned to France, and they were arrested because of the arrest, as well as in the ducks to Spain, with smugglers. At once, the stinks made forty-two years of the last crossing over the Pyrenees, at the hour of which Baron Rothschild urged his companions to make a low improvement in the technology of the smugglers' safe robots. Worthy of breaking through the difficulties of the transition, even in Spain, the wines have added to the tikati kіlkom aggravated; penetrated from Portugal, and sailed by steamboat to England. There he arrived before de Gaulle. In London, yoga was placed in the Officers' Club of Violet France, who was in booth 107 on Piccadilly, in the mansion of great-grandmother Hanni. Here youmu buv znayomiy kozhen kutochok - and vіn negainno rozpochav povnu reorganization of the placement of officers. In front of him, Philip didn’t bother to call the French administration, which, obviously, could not help shouting. At one o'clock in the afternoon, Philip, busying himself with a gloomy body robot.

The organization of Baron Philip turned the respect of the English, and in the first months after the invasion, yoga was appointed as the main responsibility for the work of the civilian population on the territory of the dovkol of Le Havre. Philip was awarded with the Viysk Cross and the Order of the Legion of Honor.

Among the English Rothschilds, two on the cob of war were at the prize. Tse Edmund (onuk of sentimental Leo) and Lord Victor (onuk of Natti). Kozhen _ from them having subsided a small part of the family swaville. Edmund, major of artillery troops, taking part in the Italian and African campaigns. At 60 years of wines, the Angliysky Bank has won. Yogo behavior in the army was characteristic of all the Rothschilds, as if they were in military service.

- Add one of our best officers, - having told one of his front-line friends. - If you haven’t learned so much, then go by steps. Who among our brother-soldiers did not drink at the bidu, let's say, a person's mother died and it was necessary to formalize the call in terms, they needed pennies in terms, but no one else was lurking behind official channels. Hi, everyone went to Eddi. Us, navit tі, who served in other subdivisions, miraculously knew that in the distance from the guts of the Rothschild checkbook you could hoard a telephone receiver. To win over an old comrade, in an instant, calmly telephone to Buckingham Palace.

“Eddi,” I said to you, “it’s not your fault to do this. Tsey lad is just zukhvaliy. It is necessary to write a papier at the yogi, and send it to higher authorities with your recommendation.

“Well, what do your authorities work with my paper?” - drinking wine.

At that moment, if Eddie robs himself of the civil sphere, he simply does not understand, that one could be the greater instance of another.

- On the command level, the stinks showed themselves miraculously, - saying another report of the military life of members of the Family. - Ale, leaning lower for this rіven, the stench can create inaccuracies. You see, the people stink like field marshals, and it’s important for them to be simple majors. Mi nikuli used to buy inaccuracies, yakbi Rothschilds were assigned to the high military rank automatically.

Once, a whole tribe of field marshals stumbled into a stubbornness, that they would not compromise their powers. Podії roared at the miraculous palace of Robert on avenue Marin, 23, near Paris. In our days there, yogo senior son Alen is lingering. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih palatsіv, scho belong to the Family beyond Se-noy, tsomu to stand far away all the war is practically unshakable. Goering once again allowed his youngsters to feel free in the mansions of the Rothschilds, and Robert's palaces made the headquarters of the commander of the military-survival forces in France. It's wonderful, but after all the restless guests, the palace was filled with mayzha in that camp, in which the stench of Yogo was known. Goering himself, who in no way thought himself satisfied to appropriate the valuables that belonged to the Rothschilds, often saw booth 23 on Marinya Avenue, but did not close anything there. The palace was not damaged even for an hour of skirmishes, as if they were accompanied by permission.

Unacceptability began later. A young English lieutenant colonel was settled near the palace, and he brought a laboratory with him, as if he was not safe for Goering. English, having begun, spend time with high-quality vibukhovy speeches, and all the same order with priceless paintings and rare furniture. Baron Robert turned back. Yogo bezporadnі sluzhbovtsі z trembling poserіgal spalakhi and heard buzzing equipment. The lieutenant colonel's viselity was very important. Tse buv is not some sort of ledar, but one of the most qualified experimenters in the British Empire. For his method of firing bombs, he won one of the most honorable cities in Britain, the George medal, the American Bronze Star and the American Order of Merit. Ale sluzhbovtsiv Baron Robert lakala not so much as the fact that this Lieutenant Colonel was none other than Lord Victor Rothschild.

Officials, as if they were engaged in the deployment of allies from Paris, they said that it would be wrong to rule the colonel from the booth of his cousin. Ale stinks could not rebuff, with some kind of work that they would take up the job, and they didn’t shy away from it, with such a member of the Family they would follow their goals. Needed a joint USSill of the British High Command and added memos, mystics and archives of the American army, to move the practical lord to a larger permanent residence.

Palace at the present

The transfer of Lord Rothschild to Mary Avenue was the final act of p'yesy, which played out in the artistic world at the hour of war. After the fall of France, the Rothschilds, like the wealthy Jews, were flustered, leaving all their lane. The most important family stools that flowed in were great art collections, the quality of which was estimated at millions of dollars. How can you protect them from Nazi robbers?

The Rothschilds slandered about the defense of their belongings back to the Other World War with their typical perspicacity. Back in 1873, after the fall of the Parisian commune, Baron Alfons virishiv, that this great art collection would require special burials. For a skin object, painting, sculptures of Kravets art were prepared upholstered in matter, light portable containers. A new container was immediately prepared for a new skin bath, because of the hour of the First World War and the turmoil provoked by the Popular Front in the 1930s, the collections of private museums in the Rothschilds simply unfailingly appeared before the hour of the crisis.

Ale tse buv less than an ear, schos for a few trial tests for mіtsnіst. If the German tanks had gone to Paris in the late 1940s, the greedy enemy would systematically hoist the finest canvases and sculptures that lay with the Rothschilds.

Some Nazis went into fooling. A lot of paintings were transported to the embassies of Spain, Argentina and other countries, they were carefully protected during the occupation. A dekilka of the most important canvases stood all through the war in a secret room in the palace on Marinya Avenue. The servants, though they knew about the tse taєmne shovische, did not squander the desired word, and the nіmtsі did not take away the desired information. Goering often went through the book closet, which vindicated її types of portraits, for which agents stalked all over France, and did not suspect that omrіyanі pictures were literally known at hand.

But the greater treasures of the Rothschilds did not go away. Mustaches of caution appeared marnimi. For example, a large collection of valuable robots was handed over to the Louvre Museum and in such a rank took away the defense of the national power of France. March reception. The objects of art, which belonged to the Family, were well-groomed, and the Fuhrer was so fond of art, that he issued a special decree, which should lie before the nationalization of objects of art, as previously belonged to the Rothschilds. In one of the documents, later buried by the allies, Keitel, the commander-in-chief of the Nazi Nazi Germany, instructed the Nazi military detachment in the territory of occupied France in such a way:

“As an addendum to the Fuhrer’s order about rozshuk ... on the redeemed territories of valuables, in order to become of interest to the Germans (and the protection of valuable valuables for the assistance of the Gestapo), it was written:

Please let us know about the transfer of private power to the French state, or similar acts, laid down after the 1st of September 1939, are recognized as such that they do not comply with the legislation of that week (...for example, mine, which is located at the Rothschilds' palace). The transfer of the right to authority, is based on vague acts on vaguely designated values, which are subject to a court order, confiscation and transportation to Nimechchini, are considered worthless.

Reichsleiter Rosenberg, having taken the look of the Fuhrer, who especially cherubov confiscations, clear and read the instructions. Rozenberg buv goiter and otrimuvav the right to choose, transport to Nimechchini and protect cultural values. The decision about the future was taken by Hitler himself.

Hitler's head marauder Alfred Rosenberg miraculously coped with his bindings. Baron Eduard shove most of his collection at the film factory in Haras-de-Motry in Normandy. Baron Robert ruled skhovanka in the castle of Laverzin bil Chantilly, near Marmandy, on the front line of France. Rozenberg revealing offenses of skhovanka, like and impersonal others. Unexpectedly, the number of springs, filled with priceless objects of art from the collections of the Rothschilds, collapsed to Nimechchini.

After the French castles, the old castles and the Rothschilds' houses, behind the vinyatka palace on Marinya Avenue, appeared as a whole splendidly inspired by the following works of art. The process of renewing the collections was born negainally after the Nazis were driven out and continued by the longevity of the future. Tse bula hoarse detective story.

The new Sherlock Holmes became James J. Rormer, then an officer of the sciences of the 7th US Army, who eventually became the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art near New York. Having arrived to Paris immediately after the sound and having savoured impersonal people in a negligent way, they could know about the spirituality of the creations of the mysticism that arose. From natovpu nіbito devotions, skins from some kind of stverdzhuvs, that you yourself can find the key to the solution and only you know the deeds of the priceless Goya, Rorimer choosing the girl on the name of Rose Walland. Rosa was a historian of sciences and, in her capacity, helped the Nazis classify their booty. Ale-Vona was also a participant in the French Support, and so she collected all the available information about the movement of objects of art. She herself told Rorimer that all information about mystetsky values ​​and, more than anything, some of these values ​​are found in Neuschwastein Castle, near Fussen, in Bavaria.

If after nine months Bavaria fell, Rorimer, not crying out a whimper, went in a jeep straight to the castle. Neishvastein was inspired by Ludwig of Bavaria (God) in the pseudo-Gothic style. Similar to the evil phantom of the towering wines on the top of the rock, creating a majestic backdrop for the continuation of history. Having overturned two inner courtyards, tied up with tangled passages, and climbed with twine descents, they were ideally suited for the attack of masked fighters. Nareshti wines reached the required room. The very center is here, all the information about the stolen belongings of Hitler's belongings was debulo collected.

Methodical nіmtsі worked at povnіy vіdpovіdnosti up to their excellent reputation. The room was filled with neatly arranged drawers with file cabinets and registry folders. The Nazis seized and confiscated the skin catalogs from 203 requisitioned private collections. Rorimer, one of the greatest experts in the art gallery, needed a whole day to estimate the value of knowledge approximately. We have revealed 8,000 negatives and nearly 22,000 individual index cards on confiscated art objects. The name of Rothschild was guessed more often, less sometimes. Approximately 4,000 creations lay with him.

In the same room, it was broken up and more importantly. Rorimer delivered from the coal oven burnt the remnants of the Nazi uniform, revealing half of the zipped document with Hitler's signature and a squirt of stamps. Qi charred stamps and appeared as a key, allowing the discovery of the secret of the largest organized robbery. On the Rorimer stamps, having revealed the ciphers, which are indicated on the plate of the stamping of all other secret treasures. A small room in the Alpine castle took the key to the indistinguishable and priceless belongings. So that no one dared to penetrate into the treasury for yoga, Rorimer sealed the doors with the signet of the Rothschilds. Wrote on it saying: “Semper Fidelis”, which in Latin means “GET RESPONSIBLE”.

Then we began to systematically seal the lock. In the kitchen, for food, Rorimer showed Rubens' painting "Three Graces" with Maurice Rothschild's collections and some other masterpieces. But not all the belongings of the Family were buried so resolutely. In one of the bays of the castle, rows of viviennes from Rothschild's houses and stone screens stood in rows, which were unique pieces of tapestry art. The rest of the hall was filled up to the wall with Rothschild furniture, which lay until the epochs of Louis XV and Louis XVI, stacked on special shelves. Right there in the castle were taken the screens with jewelry embellishments of the Renaissance epoch from the collections of Rothschilds and collections of snuff boxes of the XVIII century, as if to belong to Maurice Rothschild.

Other belongings were attached to monasteries, castles and mines. Tapestries, kilims and textiles, most of which belonged to the Rothschilds, were exposed to the Carthusian monastery. Tsі nіtsіnіshі zrazki were called simply on the pіdlozі Buxheim chapel. At the salt mine of Alt-Auze, in Austria, a great number of sculptures, paintings and a few libraries were revealed, as if they were taking care of the order of the Fuhrer. Part of these belongings also belonged to the Rothschilds.

Zrozumіlo, deyakі caches were moved without a middle before the collapse of the Nazi Nіmechchini. The jokes of the low creations turned into trivals, it’s important that you come in at an unsafe hour. Ale, vzagali kazhuchi, more collections of the Family were revealed to be finished off quickly, and from the yawns of Germany, the creators of the great masters flocked to France. In Paris, a special center was organized with its own coordinating committee, the Rothschild servicemen identified the turned robots. The butlers of the Rothschilds were busy trying to figure out what kind of house was taken to a particular robot: who was Watteau lying to Baron Louis, and Picasso to Baron Eli, who was the same to Tiepolo, Baron Philip and Baron Allon?

On this aesthetic note, the fate of the Rothschilds in the Other World War ended.

Adolf Hitler for a passport - a Jew!

This passport, stamped at the end of 1941, is known among the secret British documents during the Other World War. The passport was saved in the archives of the special intelligence service of the British intelligence service, as if it was a sign of espionage and sabotage operations in the European lands paid off by the Nazis. The passport was first taken on February 8, 2002 in London.

Reversal of A. Hitler's passport.
On the obkladinci of the passport there is a friend who knows that Hitler is a Jew. The passport has a photograph of Hitler, as well as his signature and a visa stamp, which allowed him to settle in Palestine.

Pokhodzhennya - jewish

At the testimony about the people of Alois Hitler (father Adolf), yogo mother Maria Shiklgruber made my father irreplaceable, for a long time ago he became an illegal people. Maria didn’t splurge on this topic in any way. It is a tribute that Aloys was born to Mary from the house of the Rothschilds.
“Hitler is Jewish by mother. Goering, Goebbels - Jews. ["War for the Laws of Vileness", I. "Orthodox Initiative", 1999, p. 116.]
Adolf Hitler himself did not have a binding document, which confirms this pure-blooded ariynist, even though he himself impinged on the praised law about this document.
In 2010, 39 relatives of Adolf Hitler were born. Tests have shown that Hitler's DNA contains the E1b1b1 haplogroup marker. Її Volodar є for the scientific classification of the noses of the Hamit-Semitic mov, and for the biblical - the Jews, Ham's patches, or rather, the nomads of the Berbers. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is designated by the Y-chromosome, so it shows the father's decline. The follow-up was carried out by journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeerem, and the results were published in the Belgian magazine Knack (By Michael Sheridan). DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, August 24th 2010.).

Stars - Zionists

On Rothschild’s letter about the return of values ​​stolen from him by the Nazis, Hitler punished him to turn the gold, and the replacement of the taken kilims, like Eve Brown, was worthy of, new kilims were bought with the pennies of the Reich.
After which Rothschild moved to Switzerland. Bury Rothschild Hitler by punishing Himmler.
Hitler took the gold of the Nazi party from Swiss bankers, but there are no middle Jews.
"Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" in Nimechi in the period from 1934 to 1945 were played in schools.

Vira - a zealous Christian
Adolf Hitler is a devout Christian.

For an attack on the Radyansky Union, having taken off the support that praised the Vatican.
"Fascist ideology was taken from ready-made Zionism." ["War for the Laws of Vileness", I. "Orthodox Initiative", 1999, p. 116.]

The purge of the Jewish nation is entrusted to Hitler

Hitler was only quiet Jews, which the Jews themselves told him to be: vigilant and quiet, who was inspired to serve the All-Light Kahal.
At that hour, the yak Khaberi (Jewish aristocracy) calmly looked forward to America and Israel. At the concentration camps, the Jews were helped by the Jewish police, which were made up of young Khaberiv, and Jewish newspapers appeared, as if they were praising the Hitlerite regime.
PR-action "Holocaust" - entrusted to Hitler
Єrveї all over the world succumbed to the results of the Other Holy War. Our headstones, which we won against the whole world, became the Holocaust project, which, like the Jewish people, symbolizes that it will restore the expenditure of 6 million Jewish lives by the Jewish people.
I, although it’s nonsense, Hitler’s merit in the molding of such a large-scale “Prapor” is endless.
For example, in Israel, the fascist power, the law is praised, which establishes a punishment for ... doubt the Holocaust.
Work from resettlement of Jews to other lands - entrusted to Hitler
The story told by Roman Yablonk about his grandmother Ilza Stein:
“Captain of the Luftwaffe Willy Schultz, who worked with robots from harvesting wood near Minsk, placing an 18-year-old Jewish woman Ilsa Stein on the brigade’s side from harvesting firewood.
The captain's special note contains the following entries: "Secretly hearing on the Moscow radio"; “At Sichni 1943. having told three Jews about the preparations for the pogrom and by themselves vryatuvav their lives. March 28, 1942 Schultz, who knew that there was a pogrom in the ghetto, having caught a brigade of firewood harvesters for the sake of Ilse Stein until the end of the action.
The rest of the note is on the right of Schultz: “Suspicion of a connection with a Jewish woman I. Stein. Resolution I: “Translate to the next part. From promotions.
Ilsa Stein lives in the SRSR-Russia, in Rostov-on-Don.
Ilsa Stein's daughter Larisa said about the promotion of her mother to the captain, who vryatuvav їy life: "Ilza hated yoga."

Zdorov'ya - garne

Vєdєnєєv V.V.
“If in 1914 the fate of Adolf Hitler, having revealed the bazhannya virushit as a volunteer to the front at the warehouse of the Bavarian regiment, the young volunteer did not have any sickness. Documents of that period confirm that Hitler appeared to be a good and kind soldier, who had been in rich battles, having healed the wounded that deserved the blood of the city.
In 1918, the father of Adolf Hitler after the defeat of Nemechchini in the First World War was an important illness for epidemic encephalitis.
In 1923, after the establishment of the "Beer Putsch" in Munich, the German psychiatrists did not reveal any mental illnesses in the future Fuhrer.
In 1933, after the arrival of the National Socialists before the rule of Hitler, becoming the Chancellor of Niemachchin, the prominent German psychiatrist Karl Wilmans diagnosed Hitler for a short time, but to finish off an important psychogenic blind.

Jewish soldiers of Hitler 150 thousand soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegmarine could be repatriated to Israel due to the Law on Turning


We traveled through Nimechchyna by bicycle, sometimes we traveled 100 kilometers per day. For months I spent on cheap sandwiches with jam and peanut butter, spending the night at the sleeping bear of the provincial railway stations. Let's go to Sweden, Canada, Turkey and Israel. For six years there have been trips and jokes in the company of a video camera and a portable computer.
In the light of 2002, having succumbed to the fruit of asceticism: the 30-year-old Brian Mark Rigg, having published his pidbag practice - "Jewish soldiers of Hitler: the history of Nazi racial laws is not told and the people of the Jewish campaign in the German army."
Brian is an Evangelical Christian (like President Bush), a native of the Texas "Biblical Belt", a volunteer soldier of the Israel Defense Forces and an officer of the US Marine Corps, raptly zatsіkavivsya his minulim. Why did one of his ancestors serve in the Wehrmacht, and the other perished in Auschwitz?
Postdu at Rigg Bulo, I didn’t go to the UNIVITITITI, Grant VID Cambridge, 400 izu'yu wt Veterans Veterans, 500 Goddin Video, 3 Tysyachi, 30 Tysyachki Soldier -ryav ry ombreiv - quiet, є Vikhrekiy, pier Pidrakhunks and visnovki Rigga sound sensational: the German army fought on the fronts of the Other world up to 150 thousand soldiers, like little Jewish fathers and grandmothers.
The term "mishling" was used by the Reich to refer to people who were born in the name of mixed slyubiv Aryans with non-Aryans. The racial laws of 1935 divided the "Mishling" of the first stage (one of the fathers - Jews) and the other stage (grandmother or child - Jews). Irrespective of the legal "corruption" of people with Jewish genes, and ignorant of the boring propaganda, tens of thousands of "mishling" lived quietly under the Nazis. The stench was called in the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe and the Kriegsmarines in the most obvious order, standing not only as soldiers, but also as part of the generals on equal terms commanding regiments, divisions and armies.
Hundreds of "mishling" were awarded for good work with Zalizny crosses. Twenty soldiers and officers of the Jewish campaign were honored with the largest military honor of the Third Reich - the Litsar Cross. Veterans of the Wehrmacht complained to Riggu that the authorities were reluctant to represent them to orders and were drawn to their positions at the rank, remembering their Jewish ancestors (an analogous "zatyskach" radian army).


Zhitlovsky histories, which have been revealed, could have been created with fantastic, but stink real and confirmed documents. So, the 82-year-old resident of the Pivnochi of the FRN, a believer in the Jews, having served in the war as a Wehrmacht captain, taemnoyuchsya Jewish rituals in the Polish minds.
For a long time, the Nazi press posted on its lining a photograph of a black-eyed blond in a cassock. Under the sign was: "The ideal German soldier." Werner Goldberg (with tatom-Jewish) with the Aryan ideal of fighting the Wehrmacht.
Wehrmacht Major Robert Borchardt took off the Litsarsky cross for the tank breakthrough of the Russian front at the sickle of 1941. Let's keep Robert in directions to Rommel's African Corps. Under El-Alamein, Borchardt drank at full to the English. In 1944, the rozі vіyskopoloneny was allowed to come to England to resurrect with the Jewish father. In 1946, Robert, turning to Nimechchini, declared to his Jewish tatov: "Who is guilty of protecting our country." In 1983, shortly before his death, Borchardt told the German schoolchildren: "There are a lot of Jews and drunkards, they fought for Nimechchina before the Other World, they respected that they were guilty of honestly defending their fatherland, serving in the army."
Colonel Walter Hollander, the mother of such a boulder as a Jew, having taken away the special letter of Hitler, in such a Fuhrer, having recognized the Aryanism of the Halachic Jew. Such stories about the "German shelter" were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of the Jewish campaign.
Hollander at the rocks of the war with boules of fences With the crosses of both steps and the golden sign - the Golden German Cross. Hollander, having conquered the Litsarsky Cross at the Linden River in 1943, if his anti-tank brigade in one battle lost 21 Radyansky tanks on the Kursk River. Walter was given a permit; to the Reich vin went through Warsaw. You yourself are shocked by the sight of the Jewish ghetto, which is running low. To the front Hollander turned spiritually evil; the personnel officers entered on the right of the special officer on the right - "to be independent and of low quality", hacking his promotion to the rank of general. At Zhovtnі 1944, Walter was taken in full and spent 12 years near Stalin's camps. Vin died in 1972 at the FRN.
Povna taєmnitsa іstory poryatunku Lubavitsky Rebbe Yosef Itzhak Shnejerson from Warsaw in the autumn of 1939. Chabadniks in the United States turned back to Secretary Cordell Hell for help. The State Department followed Admiral Kanaris, the head of the Viysk intelligence (Abwehr) about Schneierson's free passage through the Reich to neutral Holland. The Abwehr and the Rebbe were taken aback: the German explorers did their best to win America out of the war, and the Rebbe won a unique chance for survival.
Only recently it became known that the operation for the removal of the Lubavitcher Rebbe from the paid off Poland was carried out by Lieutenant Colonel of the Abwehr Dr. Ernst Bloch - a son of a Jew. Bloch, having protected the rabbi from the attacks of the German soldiers, they escorted him. This officer himself was "covered" by a document: "I, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of the German Nation, confirm that Ernst Bloch is of special German blood." Truth be told, in the fierce 1945, this papyr did not get Bloch's right at the insertion. It means that his namesake, Jewish Dr. Eduard Bloch, in 1940, having taken special notice of the Fuhrer, let him fly to the United States: that was a letter from Linz, a kind of likuva of Hitler’s mother and Adolf himself in childish rock.
Kim were "mishling" to the Wehrmacht - victims of anti-Semitic reconnaissance by the followers of the Kativ? Life often put them in absurd situations. One soldier from the Zalizny cross on his chest came from the front to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp to see his Jewish father there. The SS officer was shocked by the guest: "Yakbi is not a city on your uniform, you would have stumbled down there, your father."
Another story was told by a 76-year-old resident of the FRN, a 100-year-old Jew: 1940 came to the fate of 1940 to flow from occupied France for detailed documents. Under the new German names, yoga was called upon by the Waffen-SS - more battle units. “As I served in the German army, and my mother perished in Auschwitz, then who am I a victim of one of the following?

LIST of 77s

At the beginning of 1944, a personnel officer instructed the Wehrmacht to prepare a secret list of 77 high-ranking officers and generals, "those with the Jewish race, or those who were friends with Jews." Usy 77 small special mention of Hitler about the "German shelter". The list includes 23 colonels, 5 major generals, 8 lieutenant generals and two more generals of the army. Brian Rigg says today. To this list, you can add 60 names of top officers and generals to the Wehrmacht, aviation and fleet, including two field marshals.
In 1940, all officers, yakі mali two Jewish teachers or grandmother, were punished to deprive military service. Those who were "smeared" by Jews only on the side of one of the didusivs could be left behind in the army in ordinary settlements. The reality was different - the punishments were not beaten. This was repeated to no avail in 1942, 1943 and 1944. Partially, there were depressions, if the German soldiers, cherished by the laws of the "front-line brotherhood", adopted "their Jews", not seeing them to the party and punitive bodies. For a long time, such scenes from the fate of 1941 could be seen: a German company, as if they were bringing their Jews, taking in a full of Red Army soldiers, like, at their own quarters, they see their Jews and commissars fighting.
The German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, an officer of the Luftwaffe and a Jew, said: “Only in my air unit there were 15-20 such lads themselves, like me. The Germans of the XX century.”
Rigg himself documented 1200 applications of the "mishling" service of the Wehrmacht - soldiers and officers with the closest Jewish ancestors. Thousands of war veterans lost 2,300 Jewish relatives - nephews, aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers and fathers.
One of the most important figures of the Nazi regime could add to the "list of 77". Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuhrer's lover and the head of the RSHA, who controls the Gestapo, the criminal police, intelligence, counterintelligence, fought all his (for happiness, inconvenience) life with sensitivity about the Jewish journey. Reinhard was born in Leipzig (1904), he was the director of the conservatory. Family history to tell that yogo grandmother became friends with the Jewish Nevdovzі after the national father of the future chief of the RSHA.
In childhood, older lads often beat Reinhard, calling him a Jew (before the speech, and Eichmann was teased at school by "little Jew"), a 16-year-old young man joins the chauvinist organization "Freikorps", so that they develop a little about Jews. In the 1920s, Heydrich was to serve as a cadet on the ship "Berlin", de captain of the future Admiral Kanaris. Reinhard gets to know his retinue Yerika, who plays Haydn's and Mozart's home violin concertos with her. And in 1931, Heydrich was exiled from the army for violating the code of officer honor (calming the ship's commander's young daughter).
Heydrich is angry with Nazi gatherings. The youngest SS Obergruppenführer (rank, equal to the general of the army) intrigues against his great benefactor Canaris, trying to reproach his own Abwehr. The conclusion of Canaris is simple: the admiral, for example, in 1941, keeps a photocopy of documents about Heydrich's Jewish journey with his safe.
The chief of the RSHA himself to hold a Wannsee conference near Sichni 1942 to discuss the "residual version of the Jewish diet." In Heydrich's admonition it is clearly stated that the onuks of the Jews look like the Germans do not take reprisals. Once, turning back in the night before the house vshchent p'yanim, Heydrich turns on the light in the room. Reinhard rapt to shoot his image in a mirror and shoot in a new gun, whistling himself: "Geeky Jew!"
Field Marshal of Aviation Erhard Milch can be called the classic butt of a "hoisted Jew" in the elite of the Third Reich. Yogo father buv Jewish pharmacist. Through the Jewish campaign, Erhard was not accepted in the Kaiser’s military schools, but the First World War, which began, gave him access to aviation, Milch, having spent the famous Richtgoffen’s division, got to know the young planes Gerhager at the headquarters, and was appointed himself. In 1920, Juncker's rozіnker gave protection to Mіlch, pushing a huge front-line soldier at his concern. In 1929, Milch became the general director of Lufthansa, the national air carrier. The wind is already blowing with the Nazis, and Erhard without any money puts on the Lufthanzy airfoils for the leaders of the NSDAP.
Tsya servant is not forgotten. Having come to power, the Nazis declare that Milha's mother did not lead a state of life with her Jewish man, and the right father of Erhard is Baron von Beer. Goering laughed for a long time at this drive: "So, we killed Milch with a bastard, but an aristocratic bastard!" Another aphorism of Goering with the drive of Milch: "At my headquarters, I myself virishuvatem, who is a Jew in me, and who is not!" Field Marshal Milch actually looked at the Luftwaffe ahead of the day before the war, replacing Goering. Same Mіlh keruvav the creations of the new jet Me-262 and missiles "V". After the war, Milch nine years passed by the military, and then until the 80th century, he worked as a consultant for the Fiat and Tissen concerns.


Dr. Jonathan Steinberg, a facilitator of the Rigg project at the University of Cambridge, praised his teachings for their humility and effortless accomplishment: "Brian's wigs defame the reality of the Nazi power with its folding."
The young American, in my opinion, does not only rob the general picture of the Third Reich and the Holocaust, but irritates the Israelis in a new way to look at the zvichni denomination of Jewishness. Previously, it was important that in the Other World War all Jews fought on the battlefield of the anti-Hitler coalition. The Jewish soldiers of the Finnish, Romanian and Ugrian armies looked like vinyaty from the rule.
Now Brian Rigg puts us before new facts, bringing Israel to an incomprehensible phenomenon. Think about it: 150 thousand soldiers and officers of the Hitler's army could be repatriated from the Israeli Law on Turning. Ninish looking at the law, zipsovaniya pizny insert about okreme the right of a Jew to Aliyah, allowing thousands of veterans of the Wehrmacht to come to Israel!
Levi Israeli politicians are trying to defend the amendment about onukіv tim, while moving, onuki jews were also re-examined by the Third Reich. Read Brian Rigg, man! The suffering of these onukivs often manifested itself at the outskirts of the chergovy Zalіzny Khrest.
The proportion of children and young German Jews once again shows us the tragedy of assimilation. The advent of the Father in the religion of the ancestors was like a boomerang for the entire Jewish people and for the German people to fight for the ideals of Nazism in the Wehrmacht lavas. It's a pity that the galutna vіd vlasnogo "I" characterizes not only the Nіmechchina of the past century, but also Israel today.

PS: There is also a video about this trip, Bush's delusion and controversy with Rothschild here:

One more cicava video

Official history is just a cover for prikhovuvannya the truth of what was true. If the cursing has been lifted - again and again, we bachimo that the official version is not only not true, but often 100% wrong.

Take the Rothschilds. Tsej rodovіd buv vіdomiy krіm іnshih іnі, like Bauery is one of the most nasty glory of the genealogists of the black occultism of the Middle Nіmechchini. Vaughn became like a Rothschild (of a red-shield or a mouth-shield on my German) at the 18th century, if Mayer Amschel Rothschild fell asleep in the financial dynasty near Frankfurt, pracyuyuchi in alliance with the Illuminati-House of Hess and others. The stinks took their name from the red shield, or the hexagrams-stars of David on the pediment of their lives near Frankfurt. "David's Star" or "Solomon's Druk" is an old esoteric symbol, which became associated with the Jewish people only after the Rothschilds adopted it themselves. There is absolutely no way to connect with David abo Solomon, as it confirms the Jewish historical dzherel. The Rothschilds are one of the most important genera of the Illuminati on the planet, and stinks are reptiles-shifters. Guy de Rothschild of the French House is very happy with the birth of the dynasty. Vin is one of the most grotesque representatives of the trauma-based control of evidence, and indeed the most special one, apparently to richly quiet, who happened to endure ruthless suffering in yoga tortur. Guy de Rothschild personally vindicated the death of millions of children and grown-ups either directly or through someone else who is in control. Vіn keruє satanіstskim rituals, as tse robbed the bloodlines of zavzhd, and only one "god" is seen, z kіlkіstyu human sacrifice vіn buv pov'azaniya. Like those that I say at once, it’s a lie - Guy de Rothschild - then sue me before the court, and don’t let yourself speak evidence for yourself. You are a multimillionaire, and you control and judge that media. I’m nothing with your partner. So there you have to deal with me. So let's, Mr. Rothschild, take care of you. Blame it or declare it to the public court and don’t let you and me succumb to the court of witnesses. It's holy to kill me.

I can already cry a little quiet, who was judging me as an "anti-Semite", because Rothschild declares himself as a Jew. Organizations at the “League of Antiquity” and “B’nai B’rith” kshtalt report that they have won a susilla with the rank of less than such a rank for vikrittya Rothschild, and speak publicly to the fence. It's funny how insulting organizations were created and continue to be financed by the Rothschilds. "Bnai Brit" is appropriately called: "Blue Alliance", and the bula was founded by the Rothschilds in 1843 as a rozvіduvalny, as well as for the znyattya, the ringing and abbreviation of the legislature's previous brandings as "anti-Semites". Many of the speakers loudly praised slavery under the hour of the American. Hromadyan war, and today they are trying to sue some black leaders as “anti-Semites” and “racists”. Schorok "Liga Antiklovet" awarded his "Smoloskip Svoboda" (the classic symbol of the Illuminati) to a person, yak, on the її reconnaissance, served him the most. Once the stench was awarded to її Morris Dalіts, a close friend of Meyer Lansky's other criminal syndicate, who terrorized America. Vіdminniy vybir.


I realized, I think, that the fire of a skin convict, condemned as an “anti-Semite”, today is its basis for the filthy re-investigation of the Jewish people by the Nazis Adolf Hitler. Rozkriti chi put pіd sumnіv dіyalnіst rothschildіv more yakogo jewry chi organization can be called "Nazism". How marvelous that I gave the documents to “…I Truth May Be For You Vilnim” and “The Majestic Secret”, along with other innumerable and wealthy contributors and scientists, which confirm those that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis created that fund. Rothschilds. These stinks brought Hitler to power through secret partnerships in the Nimechchina, such as the “Tuliy Suspіlstvo” and the “Bryl Suspіlstvo”, as if they were created by them for the help of their German fencing; tse buli Rothschilds - who financed Hitler through the "Bank of England" and other British and American banks to the "Kuhn, Leib" bank, which also financed the Russian revolution. The very heart of Hitler's machine was a chemical giant. G. Farben. The American philia was controlled by the Rothschilds through their lackeys in Wartburg. Paul Wartburg, who manipulated until the establishment of the private "central bank" of America - the Federal Reserve in 1913 - changed from the Radio Directors of the American IJ. In fact, Hitler's IJ Farben, which was a cherub in a slave labor camp in Auschwitz, was, in fact, a booster of Standard Oil, which the Rockefellers officially belonged to, and in truth, the entire Rockefeller empire was financed to its foundation. Rothschilds, among them. To marvel at "... I Truth To kill you Vilnim" and "The Biggest Secret" about the report on the history and other aspects of it. The Rothschilds also led the German agencies to news of both world wars, and in this manner controlled the flow of “information” to the Germans and the world. In the meantime, if the Allied troops reached Nimechchin, the stench blew, that the backwaters of the IJ Farben - the very heart of Hitler's military machine - were not hit by massive bombardments, like the backwaters of Ford - another Hitler's drinker. Usі backwaters on the susіdstvu was bombed by bombing raids.

In this rank, by force behind the back of Adolf Hitler, as a representative of the Illuminati buv Dim Rothschild, is the Jewish clan, which declares about the encouragement of that Zakhist of the Jewish faith to the people. Truly, the stench of victorious and arbitrarily value the Jewish people for their own greedy purposes. The Rothschilds, like I started the Illuminati, behave with the masses of the Jewish people very unimportantly. The stench is like the earth's population - just thinness, like a vikoristan for passing the plan of light control and panting to the birthplace, which are mutually crossed, leaking reptilian genetic code, known to the successors like Іluminaty. I truly - Illuminati are so smitten in the ancestral line through this reptilian genetic code, that it would be impossible to reveal such a thing, that someone like Hitler came to power in these lives important for the illuminating environment, yakby wine himself did not lie down to the reptilian ancestry. Ale, check, even Hitler cannot be the same ancestor, like, say, Rothschild. To that, as we know everything - the Rothschilds are defenders of the Jewish people, like Hitler, who is equal to communists and gypsies, those and others who resisted Yoma, who want to blame them. The Rothschilds are the Jews, the stench would not have been blamed like that.

Ah, isn't it true?

Hitler, as if otrimuvav pіdtrimku Rothschilds and, as peredbachaetsya at the book of psychoanalyst Walter Langer "Hitler's mind" - wine and he himself instantly become Rothschild.

It’s like miraculously succumbing to the devils of the Rothschilds and other Illuminati-ancestral-slavs in the Nimechchina, as they brought Hitler to the rule, as the dictator of the nation. Vіn buv is also supported by the British royal family - Boudinck of Windsor (and in fact - the German Budink of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and before them was the British royal "hero of the war" Lord Montbatten - Rothschild and satanist. Fundamental links between the British royal blood and the Nazis will still happen to be revealed - and it will happen. Since the book was already being sent to printers, I talked with a pastor, who would put Hitler directly with the English royal family. Your royal relatives in Nimechchyna, about you, would never have thought that the stench could pick up the lads "from the streets" on Hitler's streak - they were the middle of the most greedy addicts. Ale, obviously, they knew who was so true. Langer writes:

“Father Adolf Alois Hitler was the illegal son of Mary Hanna Schicklgruber. Those who were the father of Alois Hitler (Schiklgruber) buv Johann Georg Heidler were in front of him. There are people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Heidler was the father of Alois ... (Austrian document, I understand) preparations that confirm that Maria Anna Shiklgruber lived near Vidnia at the time of conception. At this hour, she was a servant in the baron's booth of Rothschild. As if only in sim'ї її vagіtnіst was revealed - she was sent back home. where Alois was born.

This information of Langer resembles a Gestapo officer of a high level - Hansyurgen Köhler, and was published in 1940 under the title "All the Gestapo". Koehler writes about the investigation of the past Hitler, conducted by the Austrian chancellor Dollfuss at the Hitler family archive. Köhler saved copies of documents that were given to you by Heidrik, a great man in the Nazi secret service. The folder, having said vin, “shouted such a commotion among the world, like no other” (“In the middle of the Gestapo”, p. 143). Vin also said that:

“... Another pack of papers from the Blakitny papacy was collected by Dollfuss. A low figure, ale of great heart, the chancellor of Austria, nobility, that for the help of such a personal folder of wines, Hitler could be twisted ... This task was not important; as the ruler of Austria, it was easy to instantly reveal the special data and data of Adolf Hitler, who was born on the Austrian land. For the help of the original testimonies about the people, registration cards with the police, protocols for what is left in the papacy - the Austrian chancellor was able to put together the different pieces of the puzzle, creating a greater or lesser logical coherence.

Little girl servant. (Hitler's grandmother). arrived before Sunday and became a domestic servant, working for the rich in rich families. Alya was not spared: calm, she won’t blame the child. Vona turned back home to her village for self-study. Ale de Well served tsya little servant at Vіdnі? Z'yasuvati tse was a great problem. From the early hours of the Vidnia, the practice of primus registration in the police was established. The servants of that hired hand were subjected to heavy fines for being ignorant up to the binding. Chancellor Dollfuss was far from knowing the registration card. The little innocent diva was a servant in the Rothschild mansion. and nevіdomy dіd Hitler mav bi knowledge at tsomu great booth. Dollfuss's folder ran out of paper for this one."

Chi did not bula po'yazana Hitler's rіshuchіst zahopit Austria z bazhannym iznischit follow yogo spadshchina? The correspondent of my website, who has intensively researched the food chain, writes:

“I guess that Hitler knew about his roots long before his chancellorship. Yak and yogo father until the new, if you did it badly, Hitler turned to Vidnya. Hitler's father, having flooded his village in early age shukati good luck at Vіdnі. Having become an orphan after the death of his mother at the breast in 1907, he was born at Viden Nevdovz after the funeral. There you will “fall out” from the field for ten months! What was trapilos with him for ten months at Vira's is completely a mystery, through the curtain of history that light does not break through. At once, if it is installed, that Hitler was a Rothschild - we already become aware that the faults of those cousins, that sisters, were also recognized one by one, and that the potential of future family susillas zrіs.

The Rothschilds and the Illuminati indignantly vibrate their rich poses in a friendly bed at their secret programs of reproduction, and these children sway under different names and other fathers. Philip Eugene de Rothschild, who declares to himself as one of such lucky ones, to speak of those that the Rothschild family turned hundreds of thousands of their unofficial children for placement in the land under different names. I know that it looks like a fantastic figure, but a greater part of them are turning for help to banks of sperm Iluminate that piece of cake. Like and Bill Clinton, which can be sing-songly є Rockefeller - tsі "forgive the children from the great past" become superbly successful in their respective areas. Hitler tezh mav bi robit his unofficial children to support the ancestor, and, singly, this is how people live today. What kind of Rothschild was the father of Hitler? Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837 in that period, if Solomon Mayier was one with the Rothschilds, who lived at the Vidensky mansion. Navit yogo squad did not live there then, for their hats were not far away, and the won was lost at Frankfurt. His son Anselm Solomon spent most of his independent life in Paris and Frankfurt, far away from his father. In such a rank, Solomon Mayer Rothschild, who lived alone at the Vidensky mansion, de pracized Hitler's grandmother as a servant - the first and most important candidate. I Hermann von Goldschmidt, son of the senior clerk Solomon Mayer, wrote a book, published in 1917 and spoke about Solomon:

“... until 1840, the fate of the wines, having developed in itself a kind of non-automatic enthusiasm for young girls”, and “At a new one, I was afraid that I had a dissolute addiction to a couple of young girls, and I should come in handy with them for the police.”

Hitler's grandmother was a young girl, as if she worked with him in one day, and, singsongly, was the object of Solomon's banquet. And right there, she became vacant. Її onuk becoming the chancellor of Nіmechchini, funded by the Rothschilds, and rozpochav friend Svіtov vіyna, as a bula is so important for the Rothschild-Illuminati program. Illuminati are obsessed with placing their bloodlines in power in all "sides" of the conflict, and the Rothschilds are their most important lineage. І tse everything can be big? This collection of evidence shows us clearly: Hitler was Rothschild!


Another Svіtova Vіyna bula neimovіrno productive for the plan Illuminati schodo svіtovogo panuvannya. Vaughn brought to vibukhova whil at the creation of light centralized institutions for the United Nations and European Union of Trade Unions, and at the same time - the Union, that richness of other financial forces, business. Exactly s tim, what the stench did. Vaughn also called the lands to the unbearable burden of the Borg for loans given to all parties. Rothschilds and Illuminati. The Rothschilds have long dreamed of creating a special freedom for themselves that Illuminati in Palestine, and their plan was to manipulate the Jewish people for settlement on the lands of their “fatherland”. Charles Taze Russell, who belongs to the reptilian ancestor Russell Iluminati, who was a human being, like the “Storozhovoy Bashti Association” fell asleep, more like Svidka Egovi. Vіn buv satanistom, pedophile (after the words of yoga team) and hired - Іluminatі. This new religion (the cult of information control) was sponsored by the Rothschilds and their friend, as well as the founders of Mormonism - also funded by the Rothschilds for the help of Kühn, Leib and the company. Russell and the founders of Mormonism were all freemasons and the ancestor of the Merovingians. In 1880 Charles Taze Russell, friend of the Rothschilds, prophesied that the Jews would turn to their native land . This was the only prediction that was made if we ever saw Russell. Vin wrote to the Rothschilds the words of recognition for їhnі zusillya about the establishment of the Jewish fatherland in Palestine. Then, in 1917, the famous Balfour Declaration came, if the British Minister of Foreign Affairs Balfour declared in his name to his order that the stench supported the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine. Now, having felt that whistle - the Balfors declaration - you seem to think that it was a declaration of a huge thought. Zovsіm negarazd. The Balfour Declaration of Lord Balfour. Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. Doslidniki seem that the list is actually written by Lord Rothschild himself and his serviceman, banker Alfred Milner. Like you like that. One of the most important secret partnerships in the 20th century is called "Round Steel". They are roztashovan in Britain with their philanthropies in the whole world. Tse buv "Round Steel", which was a residual organization of the Bilderberg-Group (Bil), the Rada of Foreign Countries (CFR), the Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. How charitable that Lord Balfour was a member of the internal stake of the Round Table, Alfred Milner was the official leader after the death of Cecil Rhodes, and that Round Steel was financed. Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. The very first three are related to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Two fates later, in 1919, the Versailles Peace Conference was held in front of Paris, de elita of the Round Table from Britain and the USA, people on the occasion of Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch were recognized to represent their lands at the zustrіchs, they made a mockery of at the result of war, they are created. The stink virishi imposed unbearable reparations to Nimechchina, preventing in such a way the collapse of the war Weimar Republic of the middle economic collapse. Tse created the environment that brought "Rothschild" Hitler to power. At the same time, near Paris, the Round Table Illuminati visited the Majestic Hotel for the process of creating Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-TC. The stench sang in the same way at Versailles, that now stench is used to support the creation of the Jewish fatherland in Palestine. As I show in my books, the skin of them was either the ancestor of the Rothschilds, or the control of the whole family. American President Woodrow Wilson was "recommended" at Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch (offended by Rothschild and the leaders of the "Round Table" in the USA); the British Prime Minister Lloyd George, who was “recommended” by Alfred Milner, the founder of the Rothschild and the leader of the Round Table, and the gray Philip Sasson, the direct bait of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; the French leader George Clemenceau gave "recommendations" to his Minister of Internal Affairs, George Mandel, to his rightful name, Jerobe Rothschild. Who, in your opinion, having taken a decision there? Ale bulo th prodovzhennya. The American delegation also included Dallasi's brothers: John Foster Dallas, who would become the US Secretary of State, and Allen Dallas, who would become the champion of the new CIA following the Other Holy War. The Dallas brothers lay down to the bloodline, and later became Hitler's addicts. The stinks were servants of the Rothschilds at the "Kuhn-Leib and Company", and they were also connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Allen Dallas was at the warehouse of the Warren Commission, who was engaged in the "investigation" of the carding. The American delegation at Versailles was represented by the Rothschild-controlled Paul Warburg under the Kühn-Leib company. that American subsidiary of I.G. Farben, also the German delegation included his brother Max Warburg, who would become Hitler's banker! They were taken from France for an hour of a “peaceful” conference. Baron Edmond de Rothschild - the leading force of his hour, who "presuva" for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. Marvel at the details of "... I Truth To kill you Vilnim." The Rothschilds have always been the right force behind the Zionist movement. "Sion" - tse Sun, stars and resemble the name of an elite secret society in the Merovingian ancestry "Sionsky Priory". Vsuperech rozuminnyu rich people, Zionism is not the Jewish people. Many Jews are not Zionists, but many non-Jews are them. Zionism is a political movement, not a race. Say that Zionism and the Jewish people are the same as saying that the Democratic Party is the American people. Jews who resist Zionism are not easy to resist. Now, having manipulated their order of puppets to support their plan for a special fiefdom on the Middle Skhod, the Rothschilds began the process of settling the Jewish people in Palestine. As always, the stinks behaved with their contempt. I got to know Baron Edmund - “father of Israel”, who died in 1934 as a man and a man, as he received the Versailles “peaceful” delegation. Edmund looked like a French booth, like Guy Rothschild and Baron Philip de Rothschild. Edmund actually began the settlement of Jews in Palestine in the 1880s (if Charles Taze Russell had done his job). Thanks to the financial support of the Russian Jews for the organization of the settlement near Palestine, but there was not a little bit of anything that contributed to their freedom for the people, it served to push through their plan of the Rothschild-Iluminaty. Edmond financed the creation of farms and factories, and carried out the entire operation with "fire and sword." The Jewish farmers were told that they should groan, and they were given a reason to understand who was responsible for everything, as if the stench had bothered to retell the orders. In 1901, the Jews were ashamed of Rothschild about a similar dictatorship over their settlements, abo "Ishuv". The stinks slept yoga:

“... if you want to vryatuvat Іshuv, first for everything, take your hands away from them, and … once and for all, allow the mother colonists the opportunity to rule by themselves, those who help to correct.”

Baron Rothschild vіdpovіv:

I created Yishuv, I am alone. That is why a human being is not a colonist, and a suitable organization does not have the right to interfere with my plan.

In one speech, you can refer to the Rothschilds to the Jewish people, and that vzagali - to the entire people. The Rothschilds are not Jews, they stink as a ancestor with a reptilian genetic code, who are after the Jewish people and victorious like a screen and secure the reach of meti. Apparently, before Simon Sham's book "Two Rothschilds and Land for Israel", the Rothschilds gave 80% of the land to Israel. Edmond Rothschild was closely related to Theodore Herzl, who was the founder of Zionism - the political revolution created for the formation of the Jewish Fatherland in Palestine. Rothschild was strong behind Chaim Weissman, the other leader of Zionism. As Rothschild Vaysman said:

“Without me, Zionism would never reach success, but without Zionism, my work would die.”

Now, the zristanni of the Fіnannuvannya of the Rothschilds of the Palestine, the same agents in the units, the yaki is the OFITRITRY PIDSHINI Plan for Rothschild, the Vibachte - єvreisi Khatkivshchini, the strokes demanded the rituals, the Yakiya was a dumping of the vegetable, This catalyst was a greedy cause for Jews in Germany and in the Ukraine, sacked by Rothschild funding by the Nazis and their special Rothschild in the name of Adolf Hitler. Whilst fighting to the Nazi concentration camps gave life to an important and vreshti-resht virishal force until the Rothschild programs were implemented. The chains organized Jewish terrorist operations similar to the "Stern Gang" and "Irgun", which created chaos and attacks to bring to the foundation of the state of Rothschild (Israel) in 1948. These terrorist groups, who ruled over the Jewish people with the same enthusiasm, were astounded by the same people who later on choked the new Israel ... people on kshtalt Menahem Begin, David Ben-Gurion, Itzhak Rabin and Itzhak Shamir. They were controlled by Rothschild and the Zionist gangs that brought in the international mediator Comte Bernadotte on 17 April 1948, perhaps because they were going to introduce a new Resolution to regulate the UN. And the Rothschilds were not satisfied with the subpoena of the innocent Jewish people to the Nazis, the stench of them stole their values ​​after the end of the war, just like they stole Russian values ​​during the hour of the revolution, financed by them. At the beginning of 1998, at the beginning of my tour of Pivdenny Africa, I studied with Vinny Man-deal, as I came to my talks in Johannesburg, and later I maw a special spokesman with P.V. The request was necessary for me, but it was impossible for me, if I took my lecture all for a few miles from Budinka for people of a frail age. We talked for the second time about the manipulation of Pivdennoy Africa, and for the past few years we have spit out the names of Henry Kisinger, Lord Carrington and Rothschilds. "I have been wonderfully pleased with the English Rothschilds in Cape Town, since I was still president," - having said wine and having begun to tell me the story, she described the Rothschilds simply miraculously. Having said that, they asked for the stink with him, that yoga minister of foreign affairs, a representative of the Iluminati Piko Bot. On this day, having said wine, the Rothschilds told you that on the robes of a Swiss bank there were great wealth, like once the German Jews had owed, and they were ready to invest in Pivdenna Africa, as if we were talking about interest rates. The same wealth that was stolen from the German Jews, that they suffered under the Nazis, that became the banner of publicity and the great scandal in Rest of the Rocks. The Rothschilds squandered statutes on them for hours of war! Bota having told me that I should have taken pennies, but having robbed Pik Bota of Zustrich with the Rothschilds, and I don’t blame the one who didn’t seem to please the stench.

Get drunk. Ale light - not those that we think about the new one. Until today, the Rothschilds continue to control the state of Israel, as if the symbol of their homeland is on their ensign. Tse stink victorious tsyu kraina and її people - Arabіv єvreїv - to support the conflict. This includes the civil war in the borders of the cordons and in the pristine Arab lands, as they allowed the Illuminati-Rothschilds to control their so-called “Crisis Arc” at the Middle Convergence for the help of “divide, panuvati and conquer”. Tse allowed them to take control of the naphtha-like shoe edges with an ear of corn, if the naphtha turned out to be really brown.

Be kind, people of Israel that world, take a look at it. You are being pitted against the non-Jewish people and out of the blue. You and all, who are adopted by their children and freedom from the world - are guilty of uniting and concentrating on strength, like manipulating our races. Fear is one to one and “divide and rule” have always been the main main tools of dictators. I tell the Arab peoples: never, never, never the Rothschilds and the Illuminati control only one side of the conflict. It’s better not to stink - it will not be the end result of the game, but not the best way to play the game. Also, we know who controls the Jewish leadership in Israel - the Rothschilds. Who has such control over Yasser Arafat? These people, I admit, control Menachem Begin Israel and President Anwar Sadat in Egypt during the hour of “peaceful ground” for the help of the administration of Jimmy Carter, like control of the Rockefellers. What is broken - those are broken, and the people of Israel and Palestine may work together at the harmony and at the mutual potion. Do not follow another path, the crime of great deaths, suffering and conflict - exactly what the Rothschilds and the Illuminati want. For Israel, the stench prepared their stingy plans, in which the sides suffer, as their plan is for the mosque of the Temple of Gori. People to Israel and the world! It doesn't matter what race you are, the color of your religious perekonan. The freedom of all of us is interrupted by a threat, and as long as we are separated by racial and religious walls, freedom is doomed.

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The official history is less than a veil, called upon to capture the truth about those who were true. And when the curtain is lifted, I will renew and renew my mind, that everything, which is published in the official version, is a guess, and sometimes it is nonsense. Take, for example, the Rothschilds, the dynasty, seen earlier under the clan name Bauer. One of the main topics that are associated with him, the name of the link is Rothschild and Hitler.

About clan Bauer

The Bowers were collectively known in the middle novice of Germany as the most famous occultists. Rothschilds of the stench became in the XVIII century - the dynasty of financiers having fallen asleep at Frankfurt Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who spivpratsyuvav іz the Hesse family, reckoned to the taєmny partnership of masons. That's how it appeared on the coat of arms of the Rothschilds red shield (German rotes Schild).

It is important that the name of Rothschild was tied with a red shield and that hexagram - the Zirka of David. Qi symbols embellished the houses of the Rothschilds near Frankfurt.

Zirka David chi Druk Solomon is an ancient esoteric symbol, which became associated with the Jewish people only after the Rothschilds gave their dynasty. This symbol is not similar to the biblical David and Solomon, but it is absolutely accurate to remember the legacy of Jewish history.

Gі de Rothschild, which lies up to the French neck, cholyuvav tsyu dynasty until 2007. Vin is the most grotesque sight of a person from a scorched yaw, take on a quiet thought, who seriously suffered from his ailing fantasies. I would not want to use the word "evil", but even as evil is a life-changing bik, Guy de Rothschild, to my right mind. Vin speaking against life. Vіn carry a personal responsibility for the death of millions of children and grown-ups, provoked by him and yogo by his fellows.

Organizations similar to the Anti-Defamation League and Bney Bryth, were created and continued to be financed by the Rothschilds themselves. Less zbig, chi not so? Bnei Brit means “Blue to the Union”, this organization was created by the Rothschilds back in 1843 for the purpose of developing the activity and striving for honesty. Bnei Brit rejoices at his cleverness to rivet and ruin his career quietly, who tries to tell the truth.

Many of their representatives, having denounced slavery during the hour of the Gromadyan war in America, the stink and this year are slandering the deeds of black-haired leaders in anti-Semitism and inspiring racism. Schorok Anti-Defamation League is handing over its "Smoloskyp of Freedom" (a classic symbol of the Masons) to those who, in the opinion of the organizers, will best serve their sleeping right. Once upon a time, I received honors Morris Dalitz, a friend of the vaguely known Meyer Lansky, the head of a wicked syndicate, terrorizing America for a long time.

Patrons of Hitler

It dawned on me that anger, like a fire of hatred against the skin, who falsely ringing in anti-Semitism, guessing about the re-investigation of the Jewish people by the Nazis and by Adolf Hitler himself. Kozhen, who denounced the Rothschilds' activity as a Jewish organization, is a "Nazi" and "anti-Semite". Such a blasphemous yarlik was hung on the riches of the judges with a single method - to discredit and make it possible to make public statements. Everything goes through the negligence of the radicals, at least a little bit of understanding and trying to get to the bottom of the situation.

According to some theories, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were brought to power and financial support by the Rothschilds. About tse svіdchat rich vchenih and doslіdnikіv.

The stench itself was organized through the German taemn comrades of Masons brought to the power of Hitler. Tse in the fascist German partnership of Thule and Vril, organized by Freemasons through their secret agents; the Rothschild itself financed Hitler through the Bank of Great Britain; The coins were also found from other English and American banks, for example, from a bank of Kuhn & Loeb, which would enable Rothschild and finance, apparently, a revolution in Russia.

The heart of the Hitler's military machine buv chemical giant I.G. Farben, who is a small American philanthropist, was treated as a lackey by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs.

Paul Warburg, for the help of cunning manipulations, which established the central bank of America, which was in private hands, was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve, having distinguished the American name I.G. Really, Hitler's I.G. Farben, who had the Auschwitz concentration tabernacle, was one of the subsidiaries of the Standard Oil Corporation, which officially belonged to the Rockefellers, the Rockefeller empire's protege of vinyl and was also the root of the Rothschilds.

During the hours of both wars of the world, the Rothschilds also led the agencies of the news of the Nimich region and also controlled the flows of “information” that reached the Nimich region and other lands. Before the speech, if the allied troops reached Nimechchin, it appeared that the factories of I.G. Farben, the middle and flagship of the Hitlerite Vyisk industry, were not blasted under the hour of mass bombing raids. Ford's undertakings did not suffer - another giant, completely clayed by Masons and Hitler. But despite the fact that all the factories that were planted nearby were practically bombed out.

Henceforth, the power that stood behind Adolf Hitler and acted in the name of the Masons, was drawn into the Rothschild dynasty, the “Jewish” homeland, as it always declared about the support of that Zakhist of the Jewish faith and the Jewish people. Really, the stench of victorious and filthy znuschayutsya z evreїv in vlasnyh tsіlyakh. The Rothschilds, like other Freemasons, are seen as the Jews with the door of znevago.

Blood ultrasound

The Jews, as other peoples of the world, are simply thinness, as they are guilty of practicing for the sake of the fact that the strongest of the world could and far away pursue their policy of global control. The stench is ready to entwine the whole world with their cobwebs, to place their representatives with the seal of their secret clan - the Masonic clan.

It’s true, Masons are obsessed with blood disputes, the bonds of a single motherland, which would be simply impossible, if only one came to power, Hitler’s krim, which is the same as one of the rosewood of the dynastic tree. Kozhzhe, hto a zim, it is possible to know that it is easy to know that, the yak alone closed Vlad practically in the All -time spheres - їkhni representers from the Korolivsky, aristocratic dynasties, and the fiber, in the sidelines of the slander of the fits of the fits of the fits. And so it goes on literally stretching for hundreds of years.

This dynasty became the birthplace for all forty-two Presidents of the Successful States, beginning with George Washington, who conquered this settlement in 1789. Vykhodets іz neї becoming vomozhtsem і on the elections of 2000 to roku. Tse George Bush.

The leaders of the hour of the Other World War, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, were also representatives of this clan, of the Crimea, were Masons and the word has been seen. With the help of greedy manipulations, the stench occupied their plantations, and the war, from which they took the fate of their lands, was financed by the Rothschilds and other clans of Masons.

How can you believe that this Suspіlstvo, like financially came to the rule of Adolf Hitler, like it created a military machine, would allow it, the leader of the supra-divine vaga, representing our own dynasty of Volodar?

Hitler from Rothschild?

How could you be, if Hitler was a representative of the same family clan as, say, Rothschild? Well, it seems that Rothschild zarakhovu himself to zahisnikіv i patronіv єvreyїv, same as Hitler zhorstoko zhorschuvav їх, like a beggar of the communists, a gypsy and all those who mocked the yoma. Aja Rothschild lie down to the Jewish people, the stench was never repaired like that.

According to the thought of the famous psychoanalyst Walter Langer, who contributed to his book "Hitler's Soul", he did not take more help from the hands of the Rothschilds. Hitler was himself one of the Rothschilds.

This fact clearly confirms the nature of the Rothschilds and other clans of Masons, as they made Hitler the leader of the nation and a crooked dictator. Yogo was also encouraged by the British royal homeland of Windsori (actually the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty), which included the “war hero” Lord Mountbatten, a member of the Rothschild homeland.

It's unlikely that today's day in Nimechchyna would have been a good idea for a simple lad from the streets. And yet, all the same, she was a supporter, and a nayzahoplenisha. Zrozumilo, the stench knew, Kim bov Hitler. Kozhen, who knows the history of free mulars and knows how much they stink obsessed with the idea of ​​sleepiness, anthrohi does not doubt that Hitler was one of them.

Langer writes: “Father Adolf, Alois Hitler, was honored by the son of Mary Annie Schicklgruber. Zagalnovіdoma such a thought: the father of Alois Hitler (Schiklgruber) buv Johann Georg Hidler. However, a number of people blamed sumniv in the fatherhood of Johann Georg. I use one Austrian document, which testifies about those that Maria Hanna Schicklgruber at the time of conception lived near Vidnia. Todi її hired a servant in the budinok of Baron Rothschild. Ale, just like a noble homeland, it was recognized that the servant of the mother was born, the maiden was negajno sent home, there, where Alois was born.

Langer obtained a good deal of information from one of the most important officials of the Gestapo, Hans-Jurgen Köhler, who published them under the title "Gestapo: A Look in the Middle" back in 1940. Written about the recent biographical data of Hitler, selected by the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss, who had long ago collected archival materials about Hitler.

Köhler mav for a year spent copies of the documents chosen by Dollfuss. The Austrian Chancellor was slapped by Heydrich, a secretary of the Nazi secret service. The folder, handed over to you, "called out such a sum'yattya in the soul, which has not yet been tasted."

Another fragment from the book: “Another envelope from the black folder contains documents selected by Dollfuss himself. The Austrian chancellor had a lot of time to learn about Hitler from these documents. This task was not collapsible: it was easy to find out all the personal data about the family of the people, people living in Austria... From different certificates, registration cards, protocols, as they were sent to the pope, the chancellor of Austria zoomed in big picture, big-small picture. Yuna Bіdolashna dіvchina (Hitler's grandmother) arrived before Sunday and entered into service in the rich family. Ale, unfortunately, she was calm and excited. The people were ruled to the native village... But in whom did this maiden serve near Vidnia? It was not easy to find out about tse.

Zagalni ancestors

Already a long time ago, Vidnia had been ordered to register with the police. І sluzhovets, і robotodavets mali dorimuvatisya tsgogo rules, іnakshe they imposed even a solid fine. Chancellor Dollfuss was at a loss to produce such a registration card. Yuna the servant worked in ... the Rothschild mansion. Right there, at this great booth, perhaps, next to shukati and Hitler's unknown grandfather. Where did Dollfuss' folder end up?

Chi pov'yazaniy namіr Hitler invariably zahopit Vіden z yogo bazhannyam znishchit svіdchennya about your trip?

Need Hitler to travel until Sunday?

The correspondent, who, having learned the chain of food deeply, writes: “It looks like those that Hitler knew well about his homeland ties long before he became chancellor. So it is, like a father, virushiv until Sunday, if you have done it, you have become happy. Hitler's father, having left his native settlement in his youth, went to try happiness until Sunday. If Hitler was orphaned, after the death of his mother in the infant in 1907, he also died until Sunday, practically after the funeral.

Ale, mabut, vіn vіpav z vіpav z fields vladі tіlih ten months. What happened at this interval of time, the history of the castle. You can admit that at the same time your own belonging to the Rothschild dynasty was established, that you yourself know your own faults in your own life, having sounded the necessary ties, building up the power potential for the future viability of your right to succeed.

The Rothschilds, like the right Masons, mourn the faceless children, the narodzheny pose in the framework of their secret breeding programs; tsі children wriggle at the foster families and mum different names.

Similar to Bill Clinton, somehow, imovirno, belong to the Rockefeller family, and “just children of great families” become superbly successful in their respective spheres of activity. And in Hitler himself, there were poignant children, who continued his life, perhaps, deacons from his years of depression alive.

Which of the Rothschilds was the father of Hitler?

Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837, in that period, if Solomon Mayer was the only one with the Rothschilds, who lived at the Vidensky mansion. The squad didn’t want to be left behind with him: their hat, cracking at the seams, gave him the privilege of living near Frankfurt. Їhnіy son, Anselm Solomon is alive and working near Paris, practically not overwhelmed by yoga, having seen matir near Frankfurt, but he was farther away from Vidnya, de sagging father.

It seems that Solomon Mayer, who is alive on his own at the great mansion, served as Hitler's grandmother, the first and most obvious candidate.

In 1917, Roci Hermann von Goldschmidt, son of the senior clerk Solomon Mayer, wrote a book, in which case the patron of Yogo Batka is guessing: come in handy, the police punished the Movchas.”

How could Hitler's grandmother, a young servant, who lived right there, under one day of liberation, become the subject of Solomon's addiction?

Tsya servant took care of herself, if she worked in the mansion. And її he became the chancellor of Nіmechchini, who was given the financial support of the Rothschilds, who, having unleashed the other world's war, is necessary for the Rothschilds themselves, and the Masons. We know that the Masons are obsessed with a controversial unity, the stench called to bring their people to power and put them on the side of the conflict. The first key figure in this dynasty is the Rothschilds. Chi not nadto rich zbіgіv?

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