Beautiful quotes are the words of great people. What is the right word

Miraculous quotes and aphorisms of great people, shidna wisdom and Chinese adjectives, words about the sense of life - reasonable and sensible life from the splendid quotes, which will help us to think about the sense of power.

Now, if we have learned how to fly, like birds, to swim under the water, like ribs, we do not learn more than one thing: learn to live on earth, like people. - Bernard Show.

Pragni not until you achieve success, but until your life is a little sense. Albert Einstein

Three speeches never turn back - an hour, a word, a possibility. Tom: don't waste your time, choose your words, don't waste your energy. - Confucius.

It is not death that needs to be feared, but an empty life. Bertolt Brecht

If you didn’t read the words of the wise, if you didn’t say the words, what kind of sense do you have in them, why don’t you stop them in action? - Buddha.

To love means to bachiti a person such as God intended. - F.M. Dostoyevsky.

You don’t get better, while you are healthy, you will get better if you fall ill. - Horace.

It is better to save the movchannya doti, the docks sleep, lower speak until that hour, ask the docks to shut up. - Hidden wisdom.

The time has come to stop the checks of non-giving gifts for life, and to work life yourself. - L. N. Tolstoy.

Nothing ruins a person so much as idleness thrived. - Aristotle.

One of the laws of life is to say that only one door is mended, others open. But the whole trouble lies in the fact that we marvel at the closed door and do not care about the open door. - Andre Zhid.

Do not tell anyone, if you are evil; do not say anything, if you are happy; do not lie, if you are smart. - Hidden wisdom.

The birds rise higher when they fly against the wind. — Winston Churchill.

Kokhannya is the strongest of all passions, moreover, it instantly enchants the head, the heart and the body. - Voltaire.

You can flow into the surroundings and people, but you can’t run into the sight of your thoughts and feelings. - Erikh Maria Remarque.

Like a good living day good sleep So live your life with dignity and give a peaceful death. - Leonardo Da Vinci.

Righteous wisdom is far from foolishness. A wise man often hesitates and changes his mind. A foolish stubborn one and stand on his own, knowing everything, except for his ignorance.

Nothing fools us like our thought. - Leonardo Da Vinci.

Significant problems that stand in front of us cannot be blamed on the very same idea on which we were created. - A. Einstein.

A wise person thinks nothing more than himself, a worthless person - everything else. - Chinese slut.

Happy not to the one who can get everything the best, but to the one who gets everything the best from what he can. - Confucius.

The road under the name “sweat” leads to the edge, under the name “nowhere”.

There, when patience ends, vitrivality begins. - Confucius.

Do not judge from the first glance either about a dog or about a person. To that, a simple mongrel... may mother have a good soul, and a person of accepting rank... may appear as a rich svolota... - Volodymyr Visotsky.

Right beauty is alive in the heart, seen in the eyes and manifested in the veins. - Osho.

Life is even simpler, the whole person has brought complexity to it. - Confucius.

The share has no vices; a person creates more, anіzh zustrichaє their share. - L. N. Tolstoy.

The greatest sin to the neighbor is not hatred, but baiting; the axis is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. - Bernard Show.

It's easier to light a candle, lower cursing on what light to stand dark. - Confucius.

The best way to misinterpret a person is to trust him. - Ernest Hemingway.

Wisdom - tse vminnya vysluhovuvat opposing thought, and chi do not bring your rightness to chervonim guise, belittling the speaker.

Failure - it's just the possibility of starting again, but even wiser. - Henry Ford.

An hour is a chain. Life is water. Words - tse wind ... Preserve with these components ... Sob not viyshov nonsense ...

The first person, yak threw a husky to replace a stone, was the creator of civilization. - Sigmund Freud.

A person is valuable, if її words run with її deeds. - Oscar Wilde.

The child is always ready to give three lessons to the grown-up: she is cheerful without any reason, she is always busy and at any cost domagatisya bazhany. - Mark Twain.

Having succumbed to someone else's sin, you have corrected your own. - Chinese slut.

Whoever beat our lives, that greater reach. A pood of salt, scho z'їv, more tsіnuє honey. Whoever weeps, laughs broadly. Whoever died, he knows that he is alive ... - Omar Khayyam.

Who does not understand your words, does not understand your language. - E. Hubbart.

Wealth - you don’t walk in the same fur coat, you drive in the same car ... Wealth - the fathers are alive, the children are healthy, the best friends and mitzne on the shoulder of the kokhan people!

The best hour to plant a tree was twenty years ago. Step on shortest hour- today.

Life vir, adzhe vchit better for all sorts of books. - Goethe.

Overcome anger for help with peace, overcome evil for help with goodness ... Overcome vigilance for help with generosity, overcome nonsense for help with truth. - Buddha.

Everyday problems are not terrible, like at home they check on you loving people. - Shahrukh Khan.

The wider you open your arms, the easier it is for you to drink. - Friedrich Nietzsche.

The tragedy of life lies in the fact that we are rather old, but we become wiser later. - Benjamin Franklin.

If you want success, but prepare yourself to the point of astonishment, then you yourself take away those to which you prepare. - Florence Sheen.

Life is a miraculous opportunity, a varta of that, for the sake of success, endure and fail. - R. Aldington.

Behave like this, you are already happy, and you will truly become happy. - Dale Carnegie.

A wise man to marry not for him, which is acceptable, but for him, which allows for inappropriateness. - Aristotle.

Choose day, but not more accessible, you take away long-term happiness, and not timely satisfaction.

Between rozum and rozum is the same difference, like between a book of culinary recipes and a pie. - L. Berne.

Sometimes the storms are ugly for the people: the trochs will shake your soul, but they will bring all the rubbish. - Yersin Tezjan.

Difficulty are like dogs: stinks bite less quietly, who does not sound before them ... - Antisthenes.

The world has less than one person, the building will pull you to the bottom, or climb the mountain - you yourself.

Like a tale, so life is valued not for dovzhina, but for money. - Seneca.

If for a long time you begin to wonder at nature, the truth begins to wonder at you. - Nietzsche.

Vipadkіv not іsnuє - everything in this world is either tested, or punished, or the city, or moving. - Voltaire.

Don't get mad at idiots. Stink so and get rid of idiots, and you will lose self-control. - Mary Higgins Clark.

There are no suitable keys for happiness. The doors are closed. - Mother Teresa.

Don't reconcile someone else's lot - You're not out of the world. The sight of God on the skin is given to your way, healthy, to bring faith.

It’s not safe to tell the woman, as I will make you understand. Tse ring out to end the fun. - Oscar Wilde.

Most people are happy on the floor, on the floor they were happy. - A. Lincoln.

Schob diti meti, you need to go first for everything. - Honore de Balzac.

You vibrated from the brood in princes, but shvidko the prince flocked ... Do not forget, so you don’t fool around ..., not eternal princes - eternal brud. - Omar Khayyam.

We are trying to change the light, we will sweat for ourselves. I just realized that neither the first nor the other is impossible, we begin to live.

Ancient Jewish wisdom to say: “As a result of having spent stolen pennies, say:“ What a penny, Lord!

The one who has the blessings of wide friends, is right on his own. - F. Bacon.

The problem of our life lies in the fact that people who are driven are overly modest, and idiots overly self-confident.

Wise words of great people about life - Life - why photography ... Go out more often if you laugh ...

As you go through hell, go without stumbling. — Winston Churchill.

As if in your soul, even one plume was lost, and birds sit on it while sleeping. — Hidden wisdom.

Hatred is the platform of the boyaguz for testing fear with him. - Bernard Show.

How to navit kokhannya carry separation, selfishness, turmoil - all one thing is out of the same price, as we pay for it. - Paulo Coelho.

Never be wise in your eyes - Solomon.

Try to take away those that you love, otherwise you will happen to love those that you take away. - Bernard Show.

Everyone has bad thoughts, only the wise do not speak them. - W. Bush.

Get faster than the vultures, eat less to the foresters. Ti devour the dead, and qi - the living. - Antisthenes.

The one who has earlier grown his pardon, that sooner learned. Tse garna perevaga in front of the reshta. — Winston Churchill.

Kokhannya tse zmagannya for those who bring one to one more joy. - Stendhal.

The one who ticks falls. The one who rises, do not fall. - Pliny the Elder.

If a problem can be solved for extra pennies, it's not a problem. Tse just vitrati. - G. Ford.

If you cannot change your way of life, then nothing and nothing can help you. - Hypocrates.

Those that cannot be corrected, do not mourn. - Benjamin Franklin.

Instead of the one who scurries on the thorns of the Trojan, I am silent about the one who is in the middle of the thorn in the growth of the Trojan. - Joseph Joubert.

If you were fooled in the kohanni, then the fool is you. - V. Levi.

We do not tolerate people from these waters that we have. - Oscar Wilde.

Headache in a person is not a mind, but those who care for him: character, heart, kindness. - F.M. Dostoyevsky.

A pessimist is difficult for skin ability, and an optimist is difficult for skin difficulty. — Winston Churchill.

Life has nothing complicated. These are folding. Life is a simple thing, and in some ways it's simpler, it's more correct. - Oscar Wilde.

Do not fight the enemies, as they attack you, fight the friends, as they flatter you. - Dale Carnegie.

Life is stupid. Meta people - give їy sensu. - Osho.

A wonderfully powerful person - she will get embarrassed if she spends wealth, and baiduzha until the days of her life irrevocably pass - ABU-l-Faraj Al-Isfahani.

What is the difference, who is strong, who is smart, who is beautiful, who is rich? Adzhe, zreshtoyu, may mean less those who are happy people. - Osho.

If people are ready, that everything is going to the contrary, in our life it is possible to see a miracle. - The Dalai Lama.

When staring at a good person, think about those who stare at her. Zustrichayuchis і from a low people, be astonished to yourself and judge for yourself. - Confucius.

Rozpach - tse postovh until the creation of a new one. If you don’t have periods of expansion, you don’t develop. - Jim Carrey.

As long as we can see life, it's over. - Seneca.

The concept of "vislovlyuvannya" is the first. Under the influence of logic, one can understand an opposing proposition, about how one can say that it is true and chibna. Whether it is true or true, or hibno, and at the same time it is true and hibny.

Apply vislovluvan: є guy number, 1 є simple number. The true meaning of the first two words is "truth", the true meaning of the remaining two

That call of speech is nourished not by words. Appointment є vislovlyuvannya. For example, the designation "the whole number is called a boy, because it is divided by 2" is not a common one. However, the proposition “if a whole number is divided by 2, then it’s not a guy” is apocryphal, it’s still true. At the logic, the vislovlyuvans appear in the form of a zmistovy vyslovlyuvannya, surrounded by a look of yoga from those positions, which is either true or hibno.

Nadalі rozumіtimemo pіd znachennyam vyslovlyuvannya yoga istinne znachennya ("truth" or "nonsense"). Vislovlyuvannya is signified by great Latin letters, like meanings, i.e. "truth" and "nonsense" - apparently by letters I and L.

Logic vyslovluvan vivchaє vyazki, yakі povnіstyu vznachayutsya tim, as one vyslovlyuvannya buduyutsya from іnshih, elementary titles. Elementary vyslovlyuvannya when looking at it like a whole, like not laid out on parts, the internal structure of such us is not tsikavitime.

Logical operations on vislovlyuvannya.

From elementary ways with additional logical operations it is possible to acquire new, folding ways. The true meaning of a folding winding is to lie in the true meaning of a winding, which is to become a folding winding. Tsya staleness is established in the lower indications and displayed in the true tables. In the left columns of these tables, all the powerful roses were subdivided into the true meanings for the fluctuations, which without intermediary fold the analysis of the foldings of the flutters. At the right side, they write the true meaning of the folded fold in line up to the fold at the skin row.

Let A and B - dovilnі vyslovlyuvannya, schodo such mi is not allowed, scho vіdomі їkhnі istnіnі znachenya. For a list of words, A is called a new way, it’s true, and even less so, if A is bad. The list A is indicated through i, it reads "not A" or "it is not true that A". The listing operation is now recognized by the true table

butt. Vislav “it’s not true that 5 is a guy’s number”, that there is a meaning of I, є a list of pardons “5 is a guy’s number”.

For an additional operation of conjuncture from two vislovluvans, one folded vislovlyuvannya, which is designated A D V, comes out. Vislovluvannya A and B are called the first and other members of the conjunction A D B. The entry "A D B" is read as "L i B". True table for conjunction may look

butt. Vislovlyuvannya “7 is a prime number and 6 is an unpaired number” is a hibne, like a conjunction of two vyslovlyuvans, one of them is a hibne.

The disjunction of the two words A and B is called the word, which is signified, it is true in that and only in that case, if you want one of the words A and B is true.

Vіdpovіdno up to tsgogo vyslovlyuvannya A V B hibno in that and only that vpadku, if і A і B offend pardon. Vislovlyuvannya A and B are called the first and other members of the disjunction A V B. The entry A V is read as “A or B”. Conjunction "abo" in to this particular type carry inseparable meanings, oscillaries of A V is true and with the truth of both members. The disjunction may be the following true table:

butt. Vislov "3 Vislovlyuvannya, which is signified, hibne in that and only in that vein, if A is true, but B is hibno, it is called implication with the help of A and visnovka B. Vislovlyuvannya A-+ B reads like "yakshcho A, then 5" A pull ”, or “from A squeals”. The true table for the implication is:

Significantly, there can be daily causal-and-inheritance links between the powers and the whiskers, but it cannot be implicated in the truth or the implications. For example, vislav “as 5 is a prime number, then the bisector of an equal-sided tricot is a median” will be true, even though a great sensible friend does not sing first. True, it will also be the expression “like 2 + 2 \u003d 5, then 6 + 3 \u003d 9”, shards of truly yoga. Given this designation, as if the visnovok is true, the implication will be true regardless of the true value of the parcel. In times, if there is a pardon, the implication will be true regardless of the true meaning of the arrangement. Qi furnish a short formula as follows: “the truth screams out for what it’s worth it”, “everything that is worth crying out for is worthy”.

Logical vislovlyuvannya - if it is an opportune proposition, one can unambiguously say in the case of such a proposition, it’s true, or it’s wrong.

The skin logical link is seen as an operation on logical connections and may have its own name:

NOT Operation that is expressed by a word "nі", called forbidden and is signified by rice above the vislovlyuvannyam (a sign). Vislіv is true, if A is hibny, і is hibny, if A is true. butt. " Mіsyats - satellite of the Earth(BUT); Moon is not a satellite of the Earth" ().

І "і", called conjunction(Lat. Conjunctio - z'ednannya) or logical multiplications and is indicated by a dot " . " (can also be designated by signs or & ). Vislovlyuvannya A. Bіѕ true tіlki tіlki tіlki і, іf insulting vislovlyuvannya BUTі At true. For example, vislovlyuvannya "10 is divided by 2 and 5 is greater than 3" true, but vislovlyuvannya "10 divided by 2 and 5 not greater than 3", "10 not divided by 2 and 5 greater than 3", "10 not divided by 2 and 5 not greater than 3"- hibni.

ABO An operation that manifests itself as a sound "abo"(in a non-key sense word), called disjunction(lat. disjunctio - subdil) or logical additions and are signified by a sign v(a plus). Vislovlyuvannya A v B hibno todі і tіlki tіlky і, іf insulting vyslovlyuvannya A і B hibnі. For example, vislovlyuvannya "10 is not divisible by 2 or 5 is not greater than 3" hibno, but vislovlyuvannya "10 divided by 2 or 5 greater than 3", "10 divided by 2 or 5 not greater than 3", "10 not divided by 2 or 5 greater than 3"- True.

WHAT TO An operation that manifests itself in buzzes "like... then", "iz... next", "... pulling...", called implication(Lat. implico- closely related) and is signified by the sign. Vislovlyuvannya hibne todі і less todі, if BUT true, but At pardon.

RIVNOstrongly An operation that manifests itself in buzzes just like that", "necessary and sufficient", "... equally...", is called equivalency abo subway implication and is signified by the sign abo ~. Wislovlennya is true the same and less the same, if the meaning BUTі At run away. For example, vislovlyuvannya "24 is divided by 6 more or less than once, if 24 is divided by 3", "23 is divided by 6 more and more than once, if 23 is divided by 3" true, but vislovlyuvannya "24 is divided by 6 more or less than once, if 24 is divided by 5", "21 is divided by 6 more and more than once, if 21 is divided by 3" hibni.

Vislovlyuvannya BUTі AT, approve warehouse vyslovlyuvannya, can but zovsіm not po'yazanі for zmіstom, for example: "three more than two" (BUT), "penguins live in Antarctica" (At). Zarechennyami tsikh vyslovlyuvannya є vyslovlyuvannya "three no more than two" (), "penguins don't live in Antarctica"(). Utvorenі z vyslovluvan BUTі At warehousing A B and truthful, but vislovlyuvannya Aі B- hibni.

In this order, the operations are listed, the disjunctions and the conjunctions are sufficient to describe and refine the logical expression.

The order of vikonannya logical operations is given by round arms. Ale, the change in the number of arches was done in vvazhat, so that the operation is reversed ("ні"), then the conjunction ("i"), after the conjunction - disjunction ("chi") and at the end of the line - implication.

Visnovok is a form of thought.

Visnovok- this is a form of thought, for the help of which, from one or a few thoughts (possessions), a new judgment (visnovok) can be taken away. By asking for a visa for the rules of formal logic, there can be no more than just judgment. In another direction you can come before pardon visnovka.

Logical multiplication (conjunction) - about the union of two (abo kіlkoh) hang out for the help of the union “i”. Truly, only then, and only slightly, if truly everything is simple, how to enter.

Logical folding (disjunction) - Consolidated hanging for the help of the spelling "abo". Truly, if you truly want to use one of the simplest ways to enter before the new.

Logical cross-reference (inversion) - the arrival of a part of "not". To rob the right vislovlyuvannya hibnim i, navpaki, hibne - true.

Logical IMPLICATION (following). Wislovlyuvannya є hibnim once and only once more, if the mind (before vyslovlyuvannya) is true, and the consequence (other than vislovlyuvannya) is hibne.

Logical Equivalence(equivalence) Wislovlyuvannya є іstvennym і і less than іѕ, іf insulting vyhіdnі vyslovlyuvannya one o'clock іstinnі аbo one o'clock pardon.

Logical operations may take precedence: dії at the arches, inversion, conjunction, disjunction, implication, equivalence.

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