Words of kohaniy people on the vіdstanі. Vіrshy cholovіkovі on vіdstanі

I read your message with a smile, with a smile I sang after roses with you ... You make a ration, we are truly divine ... Why isn’t it fine? I would like to varto tsikh smiles ...

If you receive SMS, my phone doesn't just have a banal sound.

to shine in the light of happiness, rozumієsh?

I will not sleep this year, like you. we will just marvel at the different steles.

What did you say to bi, yakbi recognized that I live the rest of the day?

Let's take care of it tomorrow. On the sky

Stick a brand on me and give me a yoma. І shob without the function "turn the right hand"...

The soul is broken into pieces, if you are so far away from me ...

Hundreds of kilometers support us, and my thoughts don’t let them fly from a breeze to you from afar

About those, how much I love and how much I know, I don’t remember anyone for you.

Come on, I'm checking you!

Guess, don’t try to forget, even if you don’t need to be afraid of separation. And in the distance it is possible to love mіtsno, navіt mіtsnіshe, nіzh just chat!

I'm calling you just to tell you I love you! Razumієsh, scho in order to love neobov'yazkovo bachiti?

I hurt more until the court, more painful until the third day...

And I can. If I can manage, I’m sure that I can only manage so much. Only I..

Separation ... separation ... a stingy thing, especially if your love is not just a word, if you don’t know anything else, moreover, how to recognize a person’s family, with your skin cell, skin droplet of the soul ...

So I’m not in order with you, keep you in my heart ...

I'll check on you, eternity is not a term...

“Age is so important - know that the one on whom you are checking will obligatory turn around, irreverently wind on the laws of the world” ...

Once alone, what is left behind - why take one of the one, rise up and just let it in ...

And let us be other people that hour. Come on. I still remember your smell.

Kokhannya looks cool, let it go. And there is a little turmoil in the handset of the telephone... Take care of your heart, your image... Know that you are far away, but with me...

Raptom became so quiet in my world without you ...

It's just that at night I'll manage for our "time".

And all the same, I’ll check it ... Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow ... I’ll burst into tears, thinking about it ...

Are you going after him?

Leather day...

Well, you are not crying, are you?

Truth? It's wonderful, but I thought that I wouldn't laugh at all...

I want you.

And I want to just take care of you at once, just hug you, breathe in your smell, marvel at your eyes. I just be happy. Order.

Razluka for kokhannya is like wind for fire: to extinguish the weak out, but the great wind.

Rozluka - the whole rozbіg one to one ...

This day has died away. Our day, but you don’t ... and it’s bad, but I’m trying to make our kohanna stronger on the wind. I do love you. Zі saint. I check on you kokhany, single ... bazhany.

And the windows already smell of hangings. The sun more and more often smiles at us from the black sky. And as if you don’t want to cry anymore, there’s no sense of confusion, even before we check summer ... Winter is coming. Mi zustrіnemosya through rіk ...

Today, having dreamed of you, it’s not for nothing that I seem to dream of those that I don’t see the most.

We saw off come in the sun, made the days sound, for thousands of others I needed only you ... and do not give a calm dark night without sleep, I don’t wake up, you know I don’t wake up to you.

I'll sum up for your laughter...

- Strongly confused?

“Sixty chotiri cars passed through your street, nineteen of them were green…”

I check, fluttering days in the calendar, and I cherish my life for those that I love more, that my heart has been given to you! To hell! I check... I love... I guess...

Rozluka is less likely to strengthen the power of quiet, whom we love. (Romain Rolland)

At the separation of three quarters of grief, I take it together, and the one who goes, takes only one quarter. (Ibn-Hazma)

The memory of the one you love helps to relieve the suffering of separation. Stop "vibach" to drink your hot water, if you still feel love in someone else. (Joseph Addison)

At the skin rozlutsi, a new zustrich is riveted. (Leonid Solovyov)

It’s a pity, sometimes it’s more than a separation to take care of the native people.

It’s hard to save the kohannya in the countryside, and far from all couples go into it. Inodi simple words it is not enough, for lack of confidence, how much the maiden manages for her other half. At such a time, for help, garni verses about a man’s cohabitation in the countryside come to the rescue.

Vershi about kokhannya on the vіdstanі, but how can you beat them?

Kokhannya on the vіdstanі can be due to various reasons, and sometimes it seems to bring more experience, less satisfaction. However, they only scatter through the borders, which they share, stupidly, even if love does not know the cordons.

Navit after the most welding, having corrected the verse about the kohannya on the vіdstanі to the person, you can run into a problem. In some situations, such verses will be the most ancillary?

  • Like a man and a woman, it is rare to wobble, but they want to hang out their kohannya.
  • Like a man to serve in the army far from home, and the girl wants to bring him to the depths of her pretentiousness.
  • Yakshcho the girl is far away from the kokhan, or if you want to make amends, or you should get out after welding.
  • As if the maiden succumbed to the listings, and now I want to tell people about their feelings.

For real reasons, you should correct the verse about the kokhannya on the vіdstanі to the person, you can be rich, but the motive for such a filling is always the same - the kokhannya is unbearable. Yakshcho by robotic cohanim is often brought to life with a wind, vіrshі pіdkreslyat zvorushlivіstі and nіzhnіst pochutіv.

Like a man to serve in the army, a poetic tvir like a kohanoi maiden give you the strength to win your shoes honestly and reasonably. So the heads can become in good time and in that slump, as if the girls were tied up in the leafing, and for the help of poetry, the girl wants to tell about her emotions.

Have some kind of temper, next pick up the most destructive and create the lowest. The stench is better for be-yakі dzvinki i sms roskazhat about the lower pochutya, not allowing you to zruynuvat right kokhannya.

The most romantic verses on our site.

Shards, almost like a skin bet, are unique and unrepeatable, on our site you can find anonymous stories about kokhannya in the countryside. The skin is such a tver - it's zvorushliva and lower rozpovid about the senses. To choose the verse, it was simpler, we told a joke about the creation of a manual system.

Now, in order to pick up the ideal verse, it’s not necessary to read a few dozen works, even if our system will take away the best poetry, according to the topics. Zvorushlivyy and lower vіrsh, scho poobnіstyu vіdobrazhaє like a girl, already check її on our site!

We are torn apart again.
I don't get your respect!
It’s so necessary for me at once,
Rozluka - so unfair!

I'm alone at the cold bed,
I can't do it without you!
So important without your lips
Leave me alone in the world of love!

Far see my dreams,
Toody, de contagion!
I want to check out yaknaishvidshe,
Zustrіti you kohaniya bіlya doors!

Kokhany, why is it okay
All those who do not look at warty,
Not those thoughts, pochuttіv mine?
Love is given to us for two,

And you are so far away!
I'll splatter my eyes, I'll beat us
Double, as before. Tієї zh mitі
From the mouth, a cry is ready to rise,

I truly love you!
"Oh, turn around!" - I bless.

The day drags on so long and gloomy,
If you don’t have a command, my kohaniy,
I'll spend my nights at my ace,
If I don't know your hands.

Turn around faster, hurry up,
Let me renew the days and nights at once.
Oh, how I still accept our life,
If I can bachiti your eyes.

Want to be far away and not yangol,
All the same, God did not deprive you.
Beautiful body, wonderful soul,
You, my love, generously bestowed.

Unique you and miracles,
In the eyes, like the abyss, I am in your colors.
For those who have no more of these in the world,
I adore and love you.

For a long time we did not care about you,
Meni is very important at the hour.
Life has a head for me,
My man is nimble!

You are far away at once, but the separation will end,
Nareshti me obіymemo one of one!
Yaskravi farbi turn around the world,
Our ruins in kisses zillyutsya!

I am rethinking my thoughts in the future.
Yak at Rome - the road leads to you.
You say - Sonechko, vibach,
Ale, get some more!

Chi that vzimku, chi hanging,
I baked for paradise...
Ale ti saying - Do not argue with me!
I know better, love!

I can't hug you
I hate everyone for the price!
Well, what else can I say
My kohannya from the Internet?

What should I work, tell me, how should I be,
I can't strangle my feelings in my mind.
So trapilosya - spared you to love,
Happily look in the eyes of your beautiful.

I know you from my kohanna.
I can't see the day and night without you.
Happy Vee for all my share,
I love you more, more, more.

Mіzh us a kilometer chimalo,
I can't call you.
That sumny hour has come for us.
Why don't I fly, like a bird?

The axis would wave with a wide krill,
I would have flown to you, my kohaniy.
I don’t beat the beat so far away,
My unity and is saved in the heart.

How good, if you are in order,
Fill me with a love charge!
Light is about to be good,
And ours are stronger than the skin day!

Tіlki in the old rozlutsі,
We see the anguish of the heart.
Ale Kokhannya is not weak,
Get out of us zavzhd ryatu!

In the distance I marvel and I dare
I'm kidding you all with a look!
You are far away
Troubles in my heart deeply.

I put on a strong buti,
You love more!
I'm all in front of you
Dream about your turn!

How to ask you to describe
What can I say about you?
The body is beautiful and pure in soul.
Mitzny, supremacy and dear.

Entrust from thee a little laughter.
Zumіv ti know what is so successful.
You are my Apollo, you are my God and ryativnik,
I don’t want to, I don’t want to, I’m a good friend.

"I can manage without your eyes"

I sum up without your eyes,
There are so many such kohans.
I will manage without your hands,
I don’t feel the knocking of my heart.

Ale let you zavzhd take
My love is in the image.
Fill my heart empty,
I can't live without you!

"I can't hug you"

I can't hug you
I can't squeeze.
I can't kiss
Hello, I want to check out

That moment when I wake up
Turn to me, love.
І zustrіch zrobit kokhannya
So unique.

I love you and don't want to waste
You pull me with a magnet.
I don't know this anymore
Ale, you gave your smile to everyone.

And I want to, schob bov ti only my,
I don't know what I have to do.
Oh, let's have fun all the share of one,
And I forgive you for everything.

"It's hard without loving eyes"

Say what for a kohannya
Don't get lost
All the stronger it will burn
On the mode of clearing,

Ale is very important
Without the love of the eyes of the garni,
Know: if you are far away
I can't be happy!

"Love of the girl"

Sumu htos in winter,
Sumuє htos i on the grass.
But I don’t need anything, -
I will manage for you alone.

Aje ti is my kohana,
More dear to me than your eyes.
I sum up with a skin day,
І takі dovgі all tsі nights!

"Beloved woman"

Kohana, you are far away
I know you can't reach.
Ale, I feel easy on my soul -
Come, I won't look around.

I will renew at the same time I and you,
I will become better in life again!
Rіdna, vіlennya mrії,
I want to get to you one pragnet!

"Mrіyu slut with you"

It is not easy to love in the countryside.
I will guess your dear image,
I sleep days, and our nights -
Mriya will get in touch with you.

I know, try to force
All the mud, dear, of our zustrіches.
I believe - kohannya is not okholone.
I cherish your image, Kohana!

"Hello my friend!"

Hello my friend!
Well, how do you do it?
Shche proyshov
A day without you

Hurry up order
Be with you
In the arms of licorice,
My dear!

"I can't live without you"

Seeing God alone,
What I can't do without you.
I guess, love, believe,
Please, come before me faster!

"I'll be back soon"

We are with you under the deep sky,
Under some mist.
Who is not living as one bread,
To get away with your hands

Until the bagan win,
Unapproachable to kohanny.
Nezabar I will come,
I will sing for you!

"I check with impatience"

I don't know how you spend your days
And what kind of people do you want?
I don't want to see you in the distance,
Ale, furnish, unfortunately, we are zmushuyut.

I check with impatience,
I have little to my knowledge.
By you, kohana, only a little, but I live,
And without you, I just see.

“Kilometers between us”

Mіzh us kilometers,
Mіzh us ochіkuvannya
Nudga, sum, mrії, bazhannya,
Advice and advice…

Days pass in black and white,
Yak on the old filmmaker,
And all thoughts are less about:
How many more checks for me? Skіlki?

"To the Beloved Person"

I love your smile
It's so important to live without her.
І on the heart is already cunning,
I can't forget you.

I can, my man,
You are the only one, the middle one.
Hiba is not the reason
Schob buv ti only mіy?

"To the beloved lads"

It's hard to love in the middle,
Ale is ready to move everything
Survive be-like viprobuvannya,
Abi happy to know again

If you are instructed, then the light changes,
Don't forget about me, kohani!
Let us all trapleyaetsche the best!
Let us check on you, the road is safe!

"You saw me so far..."

You saw me so far...
Ale vіd dolі not vkti
Living with a thought is not easy,
I can't get over you.

I was tired of crying in the wake of separation.
I want to treat you badly
I guess the caressing hands,
Forgive me for the pain...

"I'll take care of you, my kohannya!"

I will sum up for you, my kohannya,
I'm taking your photo again and again.
Yak Skoda, why can’t you take a photo,
I'm just lost without you!

Vershi about love to the person on the vіdstanі

You believe me, I didn’t forget you,
You forever live in my soul,
I love you as I loved you.
Hi! Not so ... More stronger!
I check on you and I believe - you will turn around,
I check you and I check less than one.
I check on you from the other roads ...
I know you will come and laugh
Rozviyavshi turmoil and a veil of worries!

I will manage if we are separated
For one less whilinka,
We laugh at the hearing aid -
We translate the destruction of the zhartom.
Ale in the soul, everything is restless,
Marry a promenist look,
I want to try my best to be good,
Nothing, you believe me, you don’t need ...
Not primha, I sing, not zabaganka
Be with you, marvel, be merciful.
- I'll manage, - I whisper to you softly,
- I don't want to be separated for a bloody hell of a time!

Without you, a second is eternity,
What can I say about the days!
I burn like a candle
I've been checking on you all hour.
Shorazu in NATO is faceless
I'm kidding your silhouette.
Turn around! Lower, dear,
There is no life for me without you!

Vershi about love to the person on the vіdstanі sumuyu

You saw me so far...
Ale vіd dolі not vkti
Living with a thought is not easy,
I can't get over you.
I was tired of crying in the wake of separation.
I want to treat you badly
I guess the caressing hands,
Forgive me for the pain...

Let the raptovo night go,
And the days became gloomy ...
For you, I will manage,
Thoughts spin only one:
I reveal zustrich with you,
I smiles, and tremtinya in the hands ...
Tse will be a charming evening!
Ale, there is nothing left in the dreams ...
I’m thinking again about the bag:
About my separation from you ...
I take care of my heart a little,
I guess, my kohannya...

Skilki forces me to get
I love you.
The image is distant, dear
Never forget me.
Ten with a strong glance
Marvel at the sea of ​​fire,
I don't need anything
Cream of your love!

Vershi about love to the person on the vіdstanі short

It's hard to love in the middle,
Ale is ready to move everything
Survive be-like viprobuvannya,
Abi happy to know again
If you are instructed, then the light changes,
Don't forget about me, kohani!
Let us all trapleyaetsche the best!
Let us check on you, the road is safe!

Say, take the stars, be patient,
When you don't feel like me?
Without warm lips dochi
Not dear me more white light,
Without lower hands I die
Without affection - I want to scream,
I repeat incessantly:
Please, come cheer me up!

I'll work out in you, kohaniy.
Dedali is more important than separation
Separations are intolerable.
Less than short pranks
Allow us a share.
І vіd zustrіchі to farewell
I'll grow up in you, kohany,
Let's sweat at the corners
Know yours.

Garni vіrshi about kokhannya to the person on the vіdstanі

I can't hug you
I can't squeeze.
I can't kiss
Hello, I want to check out
That moment when I wake up
Turn to me, love.
І zustrіch zrobit kokhannya
So unique.

I was so tired of zustrich checks,
About Zustrich only and dreams,
Dear, I want to pamper you,
Destroy me, bachiti hands!
I live in ochіkuvanni,
I can't do this anymore!
I love you, I live by you, I dream,
I'm sure much for you sum!
I want to marvel at Kohani's eyes,
Trim by the hands of mіtsno, zavzhd!
I check more and more zustrіchі z impatience,
I’m impatient for you, I’m checking for you!

It's important to get sick without you
It's important to skip without you
It’s more painful, dear, so nudguvati!
I don't want to part with you
Not for a day, not for a year, not for a minute...
I no longer have patience,
Day without you is so faceless ...
Like I'm checking your turn!

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